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You‘ve dropped an “s” in the word “necessary”是什么意思


英语dropped by roughly 5%怎么翻译?

dropped by roughly 5%翻译之后他的意思是:下降了约5%

初中英语 36. Lingling ,you dropped our poster on the floor . Please ____ and put it on the bask .

b 捡起AND前后两组应该结构一致

Such a fright _______ that he dropped his bag and ran away. A.did the man get B.the man got.

A 试题分析:句意:这个人受到如此的惊吓以至于他扔掉包就跑了。“Such( +形容词)+名词+that 从句”或者“so +形容词/ 副词 +that从句”位于句首时句子用部分倒装语序,故选A。

The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag,这句话中的got是什么用法

Fuck you!

It was where that bird dropped the acorn. 请问你这里的where改用here或there后有什么区别?

It was where that bird dropped the acorn.是省略的强调句型原句 where that bird dropped the acorn,there was something that was only an inch or two tall.变成对地点状语强调的强调句型即It was where that bird dropped the acorn that there was something that was only an inch or two tall.如果换成here或there 则是 完整的强调句型句子。不过须加that=that bird dropped the acorn here。对 here强调即It was here that that bird dropped the acorn

Hi Boy happened to pass byso I dropped in这个是什么意思

你的句子应该是这样的对嘛?HiBoyhappenedtopassbysoIdroppedin 看似像是一句歌词,是吧大意应该是 路过的那个男孩,我不禁地爱上他(或者是我去拜访他)但是我刚刚在网上搜索看了下,你的句子可能错了Ihappenedtopassby,soIdroppedin对否?这句的意思是 我刚好路过过来看看 望楼主采纳

The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it accidentally.


用 abrupt 的正确形式填空。 (1) The temperature dropped ______. ...

(1) abruptly  (2) abrupt

dropped later

B drop out 意为“辍学”,根据语意选B。

dropped 和 left 的用法有什么区别?


she dropped some lemon juice into her tea.为什么不用drop,而用dropped


dropped ceiling 是什么意思

dropped ceiling吊天花板; 空间较狭小的吊顶例句筛选1.Water dropped from the ceiling.水从天花板上滴下。2.DOGGETT looking up under the dropped ceiling in GIBSON PRAISE"sroom. His flashlight finds an unconscious SKINNER, his eyes badlywounded.到跟抬头看着吉普森普雷兹屋里掉下的天花板。他的手电筒找到了昏迷的斯金纳,他的眼睛伤得很厉害。

英语A dropped cigarette怎么翻译?





dropped [英]drɒpt [美]drɒpt v. 落下( drop的过去式和过去分词 );降低;减少 [例句]Indonesia "s rate has also dropped.印度尼西亚的伐林现象也已减少。

dropped out翻译

drop out:辍学



dropped in是什么意思


drop / dropped是什么意思

名词 n. 1.(一)滴[C]The rain was leaking in large drops through the roof. 雨正大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来。 2.点滴,微量[C]3.水果糖;糖球[C]4.落下;下降;(水)落差[S]The drop in prices was quite unexpected. 价格的下跌是完全没有料到的。 5.【美】投信口;丢放东西之处[C]6.空投;空投物品;空投的人[C]They are requesting air drops of foodstuffs to the flooded areas. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。 7.滴剂[P]及物动词 vt. 1.使滴下She dropped some lemon juice into her tea. 她在茶里滴了几滴柠檬汁。 2.丢下,扔下;降低I dropped the letter into the mail-box. 我将信投入信箱。 3.【口】下(车);卸(货)[O]Please drop me at the school gate. 请让我在校门口下车。 4.丢弃;中断;停止If a fire alarm is given, drop whatever you are doing, and leave the building at once. 如遇火警,立即停止手头的一切工作,马上离开建筑物。 5.将...除名[(+from)]He"s been dropped from the boxing team. 他已被拳击队除名。 6.无意中说出He dropped me a hint over dinner. 我们一起吃饭时他给了我一点暗示。 7.【口】输(钱)8.遗漏;省略He dropped a whole line in typing. 他打字时漏了整整一行。 9.(动物)产(仔)10.【俚】吞服(迷幻药、毒品)She dropped acid in high school. 她高中时代服迷幻药。 不及物动词 vi. 1.滴下;落下;掉下A flower pot dropped from his balcony. 一个花盆从他家阳台落下。 2.(价格、温度等)下降;(声音、风等)变弱The temperature has dropped drastically. 气温已大大下降。 3.(顺便)访问[Q]I"d like to drop in and see you sometime next week. 我想在下周什么时候顺便来看看你。 4.落后[Q]5.停止,终止6.(因疲劳、受伤等)倒下He dropped with overwork. 他因过度工作累倒了。 7.(动物)出生dropped 就是drop的过去时希望对你有帮助~

英文dropped怎麼念? 最後面是t的音还是d的音??



具体如下:dropped sb a word〔remarks〕 给某人捎个话。dropped shells into a town 向城内射炮弹。dropped the baby 使小孩跌下。dropped the bad habit 改掉坏毛病。dropped the ball through the basket 投篮命中。dropped the discussion 放弃讨论。dropped the letter into the pillar box 把信投入信箱。dropped the matter 不再谈这事。dropped the project 放弃这工程。dropped the supplies from the plane 从飞机上投下供给品。dropped the teapot 掉了茶壶。dropped water into a glass 滴水于杯中。dropped astern 落在(他船)后面。dropped downstream 顺流而下。dropped accidentally 意外落下。dropped alarmingly 令人惊恐地落〔降下〕。dropped badly 大大地落下。dropped carelessly 粗心地掉下。dropped gently 轻轻地落下,缓缓地落下。dropped heavily 重重地掉下。

drop / dropped是什么意思

drop (雨)滴,滴落,掉下(原形) dropped掉下(过去式、过去分词)


dropped 音标:英[drɒpt] 美[drɒpt] v. 降低; 落下( drop的过去式和过去分词 ); 减少; [例句]Sales have dropped off.销售量下降了。


dropped 是动词drop的过去式,和过去分词形式. 它的动词意思是:下降,减少;掉下,滴下;放弃 它的形容词意思是:【英式橄榄球】抛踢球得分的. 例句:I dropped one course in this term. 本学期我放弃了一门课. The price of the product has dropped. 该产品降价了. 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!




dropt和dropped区别有:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同dropt:英 [drɒpt]  美 [drɒpt]。   dropped:英 [drɒpt]   美 [drɒpt]。    2、意思不同dropt:放下;掉下;放下;放掉。dropped:降下(减少;划线;停止;除去)。3、用法不同dropt的意思是放下。Will you dropt your work or study just for a journey?你会为了一次向往的旅行放下手边的工作,学习吗?dropped的意思是降下。She"s dropped most of her old friends.她已与多数老朋友停止了来往。

dropped 发音是不是最后面的 发音是t 不是d



一、“dropped”意思是:1、vi.落下;掉下;降落;累倒;累垮;变弱;减少;垂下;垂视;向下倾斜2、vt.使降落;使落下;使变弱;使减少;垂下;垂视;不予考虑;不再与?来往;同?断绝联系3、adj. 抛踢球得分的二、读音:英 [drɒpt]三、用法“dropped”经常作为drop的过去式和过去分词使用。例句:His blood pressure had dropped severely.译文:他的血压严重地迅速下降。扩展资料“dropped”的原型:drop读音:英 [drɒp]  美 [drɑp]意思是:1、v. 推动;帮助;宣扬;下降;终止2、n. 滴;落下;空投;微量;滴剂相关短语:1、drop off 减弱 ; 下降 ; 睡着 ; 入睡2、drop down 落下 ; 卧倒 ; 顺着向下移动 ; 倒下例句:There was a sheer drop just outside my window.译文:我的窗外就是一个绝对垂直的落差。

Dropped d tuning,吉他降d音,到底应该怎么调?


idropped it什么意思?

I dropped it我把它弄丢了


dropped 英[drɒpt] 美[drɒpt] p后面的d读作t


[drɒpt]dropped英 [drɒpt]  美 adj. 抛踢球得分的v. 下降,减少;掉下,滴下(drop的过去式和过去分词形式) 前段(Anterior)时代游一天都(Every day)上不去,说是保卫,自后能上去了,但连续不太巩固了···常常掉线(Dropped),欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。我们应该为别人的成就而生欢喜心要不然(Or else)即是无法上岸···



dropped shoulder是什么意思

dropped shoulder [词典] 溜肩式样; [例句]A murmur ran through the crowd as Adrian Pucey dropped the Quaffle, too busy looking over his shoulder at the flash of gold that had passed his left ear.一道金光从亚德里恩。佩西的左耳边擦过,但由于他正在忙着传可尔夫球没有注意到,人群即时骚动了起来,发出嗡嗡声。

he dropped his book什么意思?

翻译:他丢掉(扔掉)了他的书。droppedadj. 抛踢球得分的v. 下降,减少;掉下,滴下(drop 的过去式和过去分词形式)根据句子结构,这里显然是作为动词,这个单词的含义是某个东西下坠,下落的意思,结合句子含义,所以翻译为,他丢掉(扔掉)了他的书。还有其他问题,可以咨询我们彼岸哦!


dropped造句:1. Federer dropped to his knees, arms aloft.费德勒跪倒在地,高举双臂。2. Italy dropped three points to Switzerland.意大利队输给瑞士队3分。3. `Prices have dropped," he lamented.他哀叹道:“价格跌下来了。”4. The wind had dropped considerably.风力已大大减弱了。5. He dropped his eyes.他垂下眼睛。She"s dropped most of her old friends.她已与多数老朋友停止了来往。Nixon ordered that my office be dropped from the distribution.尼克松命令停止向我的办公室发放该报告。a shape that is spherical and small。a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid)--Kipling。a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity。a steep high face of rock。a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property)。


drop 英[drɒp]美[drɑp]vt.& vi. (使)落下;投下;(使)降低;减少vt. 放弃;停止;(故意)降下;垂下(眼睛)n. 滴;空投;降落;少量[例句]Unhappy people will simply drop out.不开心的会员就会直接放弃了。