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state和props的改变都会导致组件被渲染, 但是是否真的要渲染是取决于你的shouldComponentUpdate这个函数的,你可以通过实现这个函数来控制是否要渲染

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTYyMDUxMjQ=.html 这个视频第一首歌是什么?

Domino - Doctor Last night I ran into Dave in my dreams Singing zumba-ba zumba yeah I knew he was looking for someone to see Singing zumba-ba zumba yeah I will search him everywhere Everywhere everywhere Stanley in this jungle land In jungle land is Stan the man Tired of walking all alone All alone all alone So come with me and sing my song Doc-doc-doctor Livingstone Doctor of the jungle Who are you looking for now Who are you looking for Doctor I wish I could see you Who are you looking for now Who are you looking for I am the jungle doctor far away from Bantu land Stan keep on looking for me I am a secret man Ride in a boat on Tanganyika Sea Here we go in Africa Bump bumping to the be-be-beat Hey doc it seems like I"ve met you before Singing zumba-ba zumba yeah An illusion I try to remember you more Singing zumba-ba zumba yeah I will search him everywhere... Doctor of the jungle... I am the jungle doctor... http://d1.fm.qq.com/2007/06/8/237312838/20070618070639.mp3

法餐烹饪小知识 —— 法式蘑菇泥Mushroom Duxelle

每日分享法餐烹饪小知识,欢迎大家关注。 今天来给大家介绍一种在法餐和其他西餐中经常会被用到的材料——法式蘑菇泥Mushroom Duxelle。Mushroom Duxelle的做法并不复杂,但是却能够将蘑菇的味道完全发挥出来,在与其他材料一起烹饪的时候既能相互衬托,又不会互相影响。Mushroom Duxelle也是名菜“惠灵顿牛排”的关键材料,下面就让我们一起来学习一下如何制作法式蘑菇泥Mushroom Duxelle吧!(图片来自French cooking Academy) 材料:150克蘑菇切碎(或者用搅拌机搅成泥)、10克黄油、10克红葱头切碎、25毫升白葡萄酒、1汤匙欧芹叶切碎、盐、柠檬汁 1、平底锅开小火,黄油下锅融化。 2、加入切碎的红葱头翻炒几分钟。 3、倒入白葡萄酒,开大火,让白葡萄酒蒸发。 4、待白葡萄酒蒸发至几乎变干,锅底的洋葱挂锅即可。 5、加入蘑菇泥,盐、胡椒调味,开小火,待蘑菇水分完全蒸发,大概需10分钟左右。 6、待蘑菇泥烘干后,加入新鲜的欧芹叶搅拌,这样法式蘑菇泥Mushroom Duxelle就完成啦。 Mushroom Duxelle直接吃味道就非常好吃,如果将海鲜、肉类与之混合再进行烘烤,不同味道之间的交相呼应会不断刺激你的味蕾,犹如舌尖上的交响乐。学会了制作Mushroom Duxelle,你就离米其林大厨不远了哦! 如果你喜欢我的文章,请记得点赞哦!

EMC存储设备用光纤连接在H3C 75交换机上的光线模块,端口不亮。两端都有光,端口已经full dux和1000M




求DUX JONES的Pourin it On中文翻译

我梦想的钱,唤醒和追逐现金,由3:45我做24-SEV,我对你说,成千上万的,我们可以把它添加到藏匿,该死的-忘了与老板的早餐见面,我就要保持pourin"它,我就要保持pourin"它,是的健康是不是我关心的,我就要保持purrin"它errn ...... OK,我必须说,我觉得抱歉这样说,是所有周围的世界,仍然是相同的狗屎。如果我告诉你,有人告诉我,“琼斯你可能是有史以来?最佳说唱歌手” ,我回答说,我已经是了。已经多年,其中他妈的你一直在?被藏起来了?让我猜猜同一地点拉登?无论是或状态的笔。穿过了然后消失,三人同居家庭跟踪拍就是现在,我还是808 我喝了这首rap仿佛裂缝的参与,以同样的激情当我打篮球,但随着这个冠军是铂,和我下认识的球迷通过声音扫描。想我不能去没有更多的,我感觉真正的向下,向下是的,你可以我梦想的钱,唤醒和追逐现金,由3:45我做24-SEV,我对你说,成千上万的,我们可以把它添加到藏匿,该死的-忘了满足老板的早餐,我就要保持pourin"吧对,我就要保持pourin"它,是的健康是不是我关心的,我就要保持purrin"它errn ...... 我没有转介到了现在,这样我就可以赚钱了世界各地。我可以赚钱世界各地,我可以赚钱了世界各地。我必须说我感到很遗憾的说这个,是所有周围的世界,仍然是相同的狗屎。如果我告诉你,有人告诉我,“琼斯有一些仇敌不想看到你还活着?“ 看看"全身像,“什么是新的我的兄弟?” 并回答说,你想到什么时,我的链状耶把它们放在蜡和我最糟糕的噩梦。我把我所有的烦恼在陆地上,当我脱下的巢穴。是啊,亚勒只是看着我吧,怎么样bean的日子,他们的检查一直在寻找犯规?疼痛跑马圈地,每天即使我保持着微笑,不能真正使节拍,更别说听到他们一斤。为了我的士兵在引擎盖没有打破,哇,这是一些真正的狗屎就在那里,不知道我是否能带来真正的回顺,我发誓,是的,你可以我梦想的钱,唤醒和追逐现金,由3:45我做24-SEV,而我对你说“成千上万的,我们可以把它添加到藏匿,该死的-忘了满足老板的早餐,我就要保持pourin"它,我就要保持pourin"它,是的健康是不是我关心的,我MMA保持purrin"它errn ...... 我做了这么远,没有转诊,这样我就可以赚钱了世界各地。我可以赚钱了世界各地,我可以赚钱了世界各地。



求Dux Jones的pourin it on的歌词

dux jones - pourin it onI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...OK- I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones you could be the best rapper that ever lived?"and I responded by saying that I"m already is.Have been for years, where the fuck have you been?Been hiding? Let me guess the same place as Bin Laden?Either that or state pen.Cross over then fade away,menage a trois tracks the clap is now, I"m still 808I drink this rap shit as if crack"s involved,with the same passion when I play basketball.But with this the championship is platinum,and my down fans acknowledge by sound scan.Think I can"t go no more,I"m feeling real down, downYes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones there"s some haters don"t want to see you alive?"Look at "em like, "Whats new my nigga?" and replied,what did you expect when my chain like yeahput them on wax and I"m their worst nightmare.I leave all my troubles on land when I take off in the lair.Yeah, yall just looking at me now,what about the bean days when them checks was looking foul?pain staking every day even though I kept a smile,can"t really make beats, let alone hear them pound.To my soldiers in the hood without breaking down,wow, that"s some real shit right there,don"t know if I can bring the real back along, I swear,yes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.

求dux jones - pourin it on的英文歌词

dux jones - pourin it onI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...OK- I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones you could be the best rapper that ever lived?"and I responded by saying that I"m already is.Have been for years, where the fuck have you been?Been hiding? Let me guess the same place as Bin Laden?Either that or state pen.Cross over then fade away,menage a trois tracks the clap is now, I"m still 808I drink this rap shit as if crack"s involved,with the same passion when I play basketball.But with this the championship is platinum,and my down fans acknowledge by sound scan.Think I can"t go no more,I"m feeling real down, downYes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones there"s some haters don"t want to see you alive?"Look at "em like, "Whats new my nigga?" and replied,what did you expect when my chain like yeahput them on wax and I"m their worst nightmare.I leave all my troubles on land when I take off in the lair.Yeah, yall just looking at me now,what about the bean days when them checks was looking foul?pain staking every day even though I kept a smile,can"t really make beats, let alone hear them pound.To my soldiers in the hood without breaking down,wow, that"s some real shit right there,don"t know if I can bring the real back along, I swear,yes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.

在微分方程中,为什么u=y/x 则dux=du+dx 为什么是这样啊,

这是一阶齐次微分方程 (x^2+y^2)dx-xydy=0 dy/dx=(x 2;+y 2;)/(xy) dy/dx=((x/y) 2;+1)/(x/y) 令u=y/x 则dy=du*x+dx*u

在微分方程中,为什么u=y/x 则dux=du+dx 为什么是这样啊,

这是一阶齐次微分方程 (x^2+y^2)dx-xydy=0 dy/dx=(x 2;+y 2;)/(xy) dy/dx=((x/y) 2;+1)/(x/y) 令u=y/x 则dy=du*x+dx*u



dux=udx+ xdu具体怎么得到的?








在微分方程中,为什么u=y/x 则dux=du+dx 为什么是这样啊,

这是一阶齐次微分方程 (x^2+y^2)dx-xydy=0 dy/dx=(x 2;+y 2;)/(xy) dy/dx=((x/y) 2;+1)/(x/y) 令u=y/x 则dy=du*x+dx*u

背面有双头鹰有BURG.CO.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX请问是哪国钱

背面有双头鹰有BURG.CO.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX貌似奥匈帝国的钱,英文是否遗漏.背面为双头鹰图案,周围英文字母为:BURG.CO.TYR.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX.

乌贼Architeuthis dux的体型,为何会如此之大?


乌贼Architeuthis dux体型为什么会这么巨大?

乌贼Architeuthis dux体型巨大由两个原因导致的,其一就是进化,这个就没什么好说的了,或许曾也有体型小的,在无数年的弱肉强食中剩下的都是体型大的,慢慢的就进化到现在的体型了,达尔文的进化论实际上就解释了哦。


d(ux)/dx = (du/dx)x + udx/dx = x(du/dx) + u



wordpress dux主题 在哪里设置这四个链接 “显示文字”

使用firbug查看一下是哪个css属性导致不居中的。。 应该是你这个页面中的载入的css文件中包含的css样式规则导致出现这个问题。。 仔细排查一下





dux mea lux意大利语翻译









使用reducer的时候,有一些异步改变state的逻辑不能像redux-thunk那样传(dispatch,getState)=>{},dispatch看不懂,想着把useReducer再封一层thunk的hooks 找到redux-thunk的包,看源码 是让他可以传入一个(dispatch,getState)=>{}这样的function,给这个function dispatch和getState的能力,这两个也是个function,那只要我们再hooks实现:

为什么要用 redux-persist

redux-persist是一个持久化存储state的插件,那么为什么要用它呢?持久化对于前端开发有什么好处?2个问题可以一起回答: redux的store状态树保存的state并不是持久保存的,state只是一个内存机制,而我们知道,本地数据库或者像localstorage之类的缓存系统才有可能长时间保存数据,而redux-persist可以让你的数据从state分离出来,保存到浏览器缓存中,以便实现数据的持久化缓存。 既然如此,那么我们手动保存到浏览器缓存就行了,不是吗?首先可以肯定的是,手动保存是可以的,也就是一个简单的setSessionStorage就能搞定,那么redux-persist做了什么呢?它并没有将所有state都保存到了缓存,而是保留了redux的store,在store里面保存了一个个的key,这些key对应了缓存里面的一个个持久化数据。 不是所有数据都需要持久化存储,因为很多数据都要保持跟后端的同步更新,那么当你遇到需要持久化保存的数据的时候,就可以使用这个插件来完成你的任务了。

采用reactjs 开发时,redux 和 react-route 是怎么配合使用的

  在Redux 应用中使用路由功能,可以搭配使用 React Router 来实现。 Redux 和 React Router 将分别成为数据和 URL 的事实来源(the source of truth)。 在大多数情况下, 最好将他们分开,除非需要时光旅行和回放 action 来触发 URL 改变。1、需要从 React Router 中导入 <Router /> 和 <Route />。代码如下:import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from "react-router";在 React 应用中,通常需要会用 <Router /> 包裹 <Route />。 如此,当 URL 变化的时候,<Router /> 将会匹配到指定的路由,然后渲染路由绑定的组件。 <Route /> 用来显式地把路由映射到应用的组件结构上。 用 path 指定 URL,用 component 指定路由命中 URL 后需要渲染的那个组件。const Root = () => ( <Router> <Route path="/" component={App} /> </Router> );另外,在 Redux 应用中,仍将使用 <Provider />。 <Provider /> 是由 React Redux 提供的高阶组件,用来让开发者将 Redux 绑定到 React 。然后,开发者从 React Redux 导入 <Provider />:import { Provider } from "react-redux";开发者将用 <Provider /> 包裹 <Router />,以便于路由处理器可以访问 store。const Root = ({ store }) => ( <Provider store={store}> <Router> <Route path="/" component={App} /> </Router> </Provider>);2、渲染组件现在,如果 URL 匹配到 "/",将会渲染 <App /> 组件。此外,开发者将在 "/" 后面增加参数 (:filter), 当尝试从 URL 中读取参数 (:filter),需要以下代码:<Route path="/(:filter)" component={App} />也可以将 "#" 从 URL 中移除(例如:http://localhost:3000/#/?_k=4sbb0i)。 开发者需要从 React Router 导入 browserHistory 来实现:import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from "react-router";然后将它传给 <Router /> 来移除 URL 中的 "#":<Router history={browserHistory}> <Route path="/(:filter)" component={App} /></Router>只要开发者不需要兼容古老的浏览器,比如IE9,你都可以使用 browserHistory。components/Root.jsimport React, { PropTypes } from "react";import { Provider } from "react-redux";import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from "react-router";import App from "./App";const Root = ({ store }) => ( <Provider store={store}> <Router history={browserHistory}> <Route path="/(:filter)" component={App} /> </Router> </Provider>);Root.propTypes = { store: PropTypes.object.isRequired,};export default Root;