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Spin [Live From Long Beach] 歌词

歌曲名:Spin [Live From Long Beach]歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Louder Now: ParttwoSpinLinkin ParkSplitting The DNA-BootlegI want to pick up the pieces, so thatThere"s less complication, so thatThere"s less conversation, andLess aggravationI want to go out alone, man, so thatThere"s less confrontation, and man,There"s less association, andLess company, yeahI was so frustrated, man, thatI was all confused, man, and thatI was disillusioned, andsick of your friendsRun, don"t walk my wayDon"t look my wayCause I don"t care, oh, noSo why are you still hereWhy don"t you disappearAnd spin out of my life, ohWhy do we have limitation, and manWhy do we have limitation, so thatWe don"t get very far, and so thatWe don"t climb very highI can"t handle the indecision, andI can"t watch no more television, andI won"t miss you when you"re goneCause I know my life will go onRun, don"t walk my wayDon"t look my wayCause I don"t care, oh, noSo why are you still hereWhy don"t you disappearAnd spin out of my life, oh

如何从long beach airport 到long beach port

所有装船资料必须按照44E和44F这两个条款的要求去做,就是说你的BL还有一些其它的文件,如装船通知书(就是shipping advice,如果有这个),还包括INVOICE和PACKING LIST,如果有WEIGHT LIST,所有这些,你看一下46B上面所有要求提供的单证就可以了, 通常44E和44F是 44E:LOADING PORT\/DEPART AIRPORT(你的LC上会批示具体的港口,把这LOADING PORT\/DEPART AIRPORT+港口名称显示在你的单证上就可以了) 44F:DISCHARGE PORT\/DEST AIRPORT(你的LC上也会批示具体的港口) 就是起运装运港口的目的港这些资料显示在你所有的单证上面就可以了

海外提单port of discharge (long beach ),final destina



come along to the beach来到海滩上come along英 [ku028cm u0259u02c8lu0254u014b] 美 [ku028cm u0259u02c8lu0254u014b] 词典到来; 快点; 一起向前走; 进步网络出现; 进展; 陪伴双语例句 There"s a big press launch today and you"re most welcome to come along. 今天有一个大型的媒体推介会,非常希望您能光临。



外贸合同上写的是Long Beach, 为什么报关的时候货代要求我们写Los Angeles? 这两个港口是挨着的么?

对于所有船公司来说Long Beach都是美西基本港,而Los Angeles就不一定了,虽说Los Angeles是美西经济重镇也是良港,但作为外贸运输口岸Long Beach要更胜一些,而且这两地距离非常近,所以船公司有时候会等同这两个口岸,或者只选Long Beach,而且一般外贸中都会把这两地视为同一交货地。结论:一般情况这两个港口是通用的,但是建议提前通知客户,因为Los Angeles也可以直挂的。

long beach ca是哪个国家

长滩 加州 美国

Long Beach是LA的港口吗?


我想去美国加州留学,不知加州州立长滩州大(Cal State Long Beach), 富乐敦州大哪所好?


Long Beach Garden Hotel And Spa是什么等级的酒店

峰值高16层的摩天大楼在格兰形式在岸边的Wongamart海滩的四星级豪华酒店,长海滩花园酒店及水疗中心是压倒性的视线。该酒店符合个人需求的各种基础设施,以及离谱的游泳池,瀑布和自己的和蔼可亲的海滩。 其中16层高的主翼在泰国,巴厘岛和殖民地风格的客房和套房,同时酒店还提供另一翼,巴厘岛和殖民地风格的酒店,同时还提供了另一个机翼,长滩此外,拥有客房和套房精品风格的基础上 长滩花园酒店坐落于这种独特的结构距离约2小时从廊曼(Don Muang)国际机场(曼谷),不到一个小时,从素万那普国际机场(新),距离曼谷市约11/2小时。酒店坐落在北芭堤雅市,距离酒店仅有5分钟的路程从中心城市。 位于自然的热带天堂,如芭堤雅市,长海滩花园酒店周围环绕着各种旅游景点,如珊瑚岛(Coral Island)真理寺,蝴蝶园,百万年石公园&鳄鱼农场,迷你暹罗,东芭热带花园,大象村,星骰子迪斯科舞厅和歌舞表演。 这是网址http://www.longbeachgardenhotel.com/location.html ,上文介绍显示,该酒店是四星级

California state university long beach怎么样 介绍下

Mission California State University Long Beach is a diverse, student-centered, globally-engaged public university committed to providing highly-valued undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities through superior teaching, research, creative activity and service for the people of California and the world. Vision California State University Long Beach envisions changing lives by expanding educational opportunities, championing creativity, and preparing leaders for a changing world.ValuesEducational Opportunity Excellence Diversity Integrity Service Academic PurposeOur academic purpose is to graduate students with highly-valued degrees.Envisioned FutureCSULB is committed to being an outstanding teaching-intensive, research-driven university that emphasizes student engagement, scholarly and creative achievement, civic participation, and global perspectives.Teaching-Intensive, Research-Driven University CSULB students have many opportunities in their studies to gain a love of ideas; an appreciation of artistic expression, science, and technology; and an understanding of varied cultures. CSULB faculty members fully integrate the results of their research and creative activities into their teaching, invigorating and enhancing student learning. Students receive the advising and mentoring they need to realize their dreams because of the student-centered philosophy of CSULB"s faculty and staff. CSULB faculty members are widely recognized for their outstanding teaching, research, and creative activities. The University has the highest average graduation rate and the lowest average time to graduation among the public master"s-degree-granting universities in the West. The University continues to enhance the highly collegial climate that enables broad and deep collaboration in research, creative activities, and teaching. CSULB graduates have the necessary skills for successful careers in various fields and disciplines. CSULB is recognized for the rich diversity of its student body and the accomplishments of its students will demonstrate that it is both possible and essential to offer broad access to high quality education. Student Engagement CSULB is widely recognized for its high quality of services, activities and programs for students. CSULB has strong partnerships with faculty, staff, student and community groups so that we may serve as primary advocates to meet the needs of our diverse student population. CSULB embraces a culture of evidence that strives for continued quality improvement in our programs and services. CSULB invests in our human and technological resources so that we may optimally respond in a dynamic environment. CSULB makes a positive contribution to the greater society by developing responsible citizens, with highly valued degrees, for the 21st century. CSULB students graduate as skilled problem-solvers and practitioners of their disciplines through participation in research projects, creative endeavors, community service learning, and internships. "Beach pride" is pervasive not just among current faculty, staff, and students, but among graduates and friends of the campus, and most alumni will retain significant ties to campus programs, return to campus often, and support the campus financially. Other universities look to CSULB as the source of best practices in student engagement, instructional innovations, academic technologies, student services, and institutional effectiveness. Each CSULB student has the opportunity to enhance his or her educational experience through co-curricular activities that include student-to-student relationship-building in clubs, cultural activities sponsored by departments and colleges, and international programs and events. CSULB faculty receive adequate and appropriate recognition and reward for engaging in pedagogical practices such as community service learning that prepare students for responsible civic participation. CSULB is recognized as an "engaged campus," where students, faculty, and staff are actively involved in campus life and activities. Scholarly and Creative Achievement The expertise and research interests of CSULB faculty are recognized and valued nationally and internationally for their advancement of knowledge. CSULB faculty members receive both internal and external support for their research and creative activities. CSULB faculty researchers make significant contributions to resolving community and regional problems and planning for future needs of our region and the nation. Research/technology parks in the Greater Long Beach area include a high proportion of small companies spun off from campus-originated faculty-staff-student research projects. Community Engagement CSULB faculty, staff, and students are intensely involved in community service and partnerships with community agencies and non-profits, schools, and local government agencies. One of the fastest growing areas of campus activity is the business and technology "incubator" program, whereby faculty-staff-student research teams work together to bring ideas developed through external funding into the marketplace. All students have the opportunity and necessary financial support to earn credit toward degree through internships with area companies and community organizations. Global Perspectives The variety and scope of the University"s international curricular offerings are continuously broadened and deepened. Through a wide variety of curricular and extracurricular stratagems, all CSULB students are significantly exposed to a global perspective and many will develop multi-lingual abilities. Faculty and staff are significantly supported in internationally-related teaching and research. The international strengths of the University are promoted and communicated, both internally and externally. Services and SupportCSULB applies the highest standards in fiduciary and administrative responsibility through personal accountability, fairness and high ethical standards. CSULB is an employer of choice in public higher education. The CSULB physical environment is safe, accessible, functional, and inviting. 学校官方网站:http://www.csulb.edu/

long beach和los angeles是一个港口吗 我们客户要订los Angeles 但是

不是一个港口。Long Beach是美国的长滩港,位置:33 45N 118 13W。而Los Angeles是美国的洛杉矶港。位置:33 43N 118 17W。两个港口相距不远,功能也差不多。

一块金牌 上面有1949 long beach是什么意思?


Long Beach是什么意思?

美国港口1. Long Beach, California, United States 2. Long Beach, Washington, United States 3. Long Beach, Mississippi, United States 4. Long Beach, New York, United States Long Beach在美国有4个。


LA是洛杉矶CA是加州都是long beach (long beach只有一个,在洛杉矶)看上去应该是一个

Long Beach是在美国的什么地方?离LA近还是离NY近?

美国长滩市美国加利福尼亚州南部大城市、主要港口。临太平洋岸,在洛杉矶南40公里,是洛杉矶卫星城市群中最大的一个。人口492,642(2008)。1888年设市。1921年在附近锡格纳尔丘陵发现石油后,石油采掘和加工业很盛,还有飞机制造、化学、造船、鱼罐头等。人工港设备现代化,洛杉矶—长滩海军基地所在地。风景美丽,气候宜人,为著名海滨疗养地。当然是离LA近。NY的那个叫长岛(Long Island)

long beach ca是哪里

Long Beach,CA 美国洛杉矶的一个港口——长滩港CA是美国加利福尼亚california 的缩写。 洛杉矶县为美国加利福尼亚州南部的一个县长滩港(Long Beach)和洛杉矶港都是位于洛杉矶市的大港口,其中长滩港是全美第二大港。如果加上洛杉矶港,将是全世界第三繁忙港口,仅次于香港和新加坡港。

洛杉矶的Long Beach(长滩)到底有多长?


洛杉矶的Long Beach(长滩)到底有多长?

长滩(Long Beach)是洛杉矶南部的一个港口城市,长滩港(Port of Long Beach)也是世界上第三繁忙的港口。城市的名字来源于9公里长的海岸线,以疗养胜地而闻名。来到长滩最不能错过的就是南加州规模最大的长滩水族馆(Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific),相当于三个足球场的大小。馆内分三个区域:分别是以南太平洋为主的热带太平洋区域(Tropical Pacific),以洛杉矶为中心的南加利福尼亚和下加利福尼亚区(Southern California &Baja)以及从日本北部到北极的北太平洋区域(Northern Pacific)。每一个区域都展现了丰富的自然环境和种类繁多的海洋生物。长滩(Long Beach)地区综合了海滩城市、大学城和商业中心。该区有一个会议中心和世界贸易中心。繁忙的码头和附近的洛杉矶港(Los Angeles Harbor)不仅迎接了无数的巡游客,也为游览广受欢迎的卡塔利娜岛(Catalina Island)提供了方便。当地景点有:玛丽皇后号(Queen Mary)、太平洋水族馆(Aquarium of the Pacific)、博物馆以及水滨商店和餐厅。交通:从洛杉矶市区搭乘地铁蓝线即可到达

long beach是哪个国家的港口


longbeach 是哪个国家的城市

长滩市位于美国洛杉叽市南约30公里。人 口 460,000人、面 积124.54km2。自然风景旖旎, 有非常有名的长滩港, 港口集装箱进出口数量居美国之首。建市初期的中心产业是渔业,现在, 不仅石油精炼、飞机、造船、汽车等重工业发达, 石膏、肥皂、石油、罐头等轻工业也齐头并进。

long beach是什么意思


our teachers teach us very paiently的状语是什么?

very 是程度副词,修饰动词或形容词,patiently 本来就是副词,怎么能放在一起


facilitates reachback support to the MHS:有助于向军事卫勤系统提供网络化的后方支援. reachback是美军的一个术语,指通过网络从后方获取信息支援.

he teaches us cook chinese food这句话对不对?

不对固定用法 teach sb to do sth教某人做某事即 He teaches us to cook Chinese food.

he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose.

你对句式理解有误,teacher不是宾语,如下:He(主) thought(谓) [his teacher(主) ignored(谓) him(宾) on purpose.(宾语从句)]

each pc packed with a printed polybag 50 MY with an anserted carton paper 1 label to be attached to


4pcs inner polybag of each style

包装方法:12件一包,12件入一箱.单件一包.每箱上都要标注订单号,款号,洗水方法,并且编上箱号. 挂牌:INDIGO REIN

Please quote each unit in a polybag with one color 是报每只装单色印刷塑料袋的价格嘛??

是的。Please quote each unit in a polybag with one color请报每只装单色塑料袋的价格

she ts a teacher 怎么读,她是一位老师用英语怎么读,汉字告诉我,非常感谢









teacher /"tiːtʃə/he /hiː/两个单词发音完全不一样,但两个单词中都有/iː/的发音,这点是相同的。





Her和teacher 发音一样吗




teacher her water finger e的发音有什么区别?

首先,不是e 的发音,而是er 的发音,因为er 是字母组合。它们的发音不同:her “她,她的”里的发长元音其余单词teacher 老师,water 水/浇水,finger 手指,里的er 发短元音l

nurse teacher bird三个发音哪个不同?

第二个teacher 不同。你是问这三个单词中的元音字母组合ur,ea,ir 的发音不同吧。ur和ir读〔ɜː〕,而ea读〔i:〕.所以发音不同的是teacher中的 ea




change 和 share 中的 ch- 和 sh- 分别也和普通话的 ch- 和 sh- 类似,但也不完全相等.英语中以上三个组合发音时舌头和上颚的接触点要靠前一些.国际音标的写法分别是 dr- ... shirt明显不同,不过没有ch啊,其sh的发音为/ʃ/,其它三个单词的ch发音为/tʃ/。再看看别人怎么说的。


tomorrow 英[təˈmɒrəʊ] 美[təˈmɑ:roʊ] adv. 在明天,在明日; n. 明天; 最近,不远的将来; teacher 英[ˈti:tʃə(r)] 美[ˈtitʃɚ] n. 教师,教员,老师,先生; [航] 教练机; worker 英[ˈwɜ:kə(r)] 美[ˈwɜ:rkə(r)] n. 劳动者; 工人,员工; [虫] 工蜂,工蚁; 全部释义>>

teacher peach这两个发音一样吗?



英文原文:teacher和mirror音标一样吗?英式音标:yinbiao5.com[u02c8tiu02d0tu0283u0259] [u02c8mu026aru0259] ? 美式音标:[u02c8titu0283u025a] [u02c8mu026aru025a] ?


英文原文:teacher英式音标:[u02c8tiu02d0tu0283u0259] 美式音标:[u02c8titu0283u025a]

请问teacher"s desk怎样读??

"ti:tu0283u0259 s desk


英文原文: teacher 英式音标: [u02c8tiu02d0tu0283u0259] 美式音标: [u02c8titu0283u025a]


"bird"的音标是 /bɜːrd/。"first"的音标是 /fɜːrst/。"teacher"的音标是 /ˈtiːtʃər/。请注意,音标使用的是国际音标符号,用于表示单词中各个音素的发音。每个音标代表一个特定的音素或音节。


teacher 中的er字母发饿。单词音标英式:[u02c8tiu02d0tu0283u0259]美式:[u02c8titu0283u025a]中文翻译n.教师单词例句用作名词 (n.)I asked the teacher for her advice. 我征求这位老师的意见。My foreign teacher came from Australia. 我的外籍教师来自澳大利亚。The maths teacher was furious and gave me 50 lines. 数学老师气坏了,罚我抄书50行。My mother is a teacher. 我母亲是一位教师。语法用法n.(名词)teacher的意思是“教师,教员”,指传授知识和教诲人们知书明理的人,不限于课堂或学校里的授课教师。是可数名词。汉语中常可把姓氏直接加在“老师”之前,表示称谓,如高老师、李老师等,英语中却不能说:teacher Gao, teacher Li,而要说Mr. Gao,Miss Li或Mrs. Li。扩展学习xueci.cn提供翻译teachersn.教师(总称)名词teacher的复数形式.<a href="http://www.xueci.cn/3-15079" title="teachers" 是什么意思"="" style="text-size-adjust: none; color: rgb(0, 70, 187); text-decoration-line: none;">teachers"教师teacheryadj.教师似的teacher-librariann.图书管理员兼教师




teacher, work, third这三个词的音标是:teacher: /ˈtiːtʃər/ work: /wɜːrk/ third: /θɜːrd/

teacher怎么读音发音 音标



teacher, driver与mother,这三个单词中er发音相同

train的tr和teacher的ch 读音一样吗

不一样,train /trān/teacher /u02c8tēCHu0259r/


这是字母组合发音啊 ,属于不规律的那种。在英语中很常见 ,打个比方 林和临发音一样和构造不一样啊

certain term teacher哪个读音是不同的?

certain: [ˈsɜːtn] term: [tɜːm]teacher:[ˈtiːtʃə(r)]certain和term的er发/ɜː/,teacher的er发/ə/所以teacher的读音不同。

her的英式音标和tiger teacher哪个发音不同?







bear的音标:英 [beu0259(r)] 美 [ber]teacherI 的音标是["ti:t[a];three 的音标是[0ri:]bean的音标是[bi:n]所以teacher跟bean音标相同,bear不同

teacher 的正确发音是什么?不要告诉我音标,用汉语或拼音最好

ti che er




英文原文:lake,old,teacher,driver英式音标:[leu026ak] , [u0259u028ald] , [u02c8tiu02d0tu0283u0259] , [u02c8drau026avu0259] 美式音标:[lek] , [old] , [u02c8titu0283u0259] , [u02c8drau026avu0259]




teachers ["titu0283u0259:s]





every day,everyday,each day有何区别?

every day,everyday,each day的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.every day意思:每日2.everyday意思:每天的;每日发生的;日常的3.each day意思:每一天二、用法不同1.every day用法:every的基本意思是指组成整体的每个个体,但不把它看作具体的某一个,而是将其看作是全体成分的典型和代表。every与抽象名词连用,表示希望、机会、理由等“一切可能的”。2.everyday用法:everyday一般日常用词,指日常发生的、无须特别关心的。3.each day用法:each强调的是“个别”,谓语动词与相关的物主代词通常总用单数形式,但如果each强调的是“集体”或先行词是复数或先行词的主语是由两个或两个以上的单数名词或两个复数名词组成时,谓语动词和相关的物主代词则用复数。三、侧重点不同1.every day侧重点:every day则从一个整体的概念出发,意思是每天,在句中作时间状语。2.everyday侧重点:everyday 则是形容词,意思是每天的,日常的,用作定语。3.each day侧重点:each day 强调”每一天“,从一个一个出发。

every day和each day的区别

everyday 每天each day 每一天

every day和each day的区别

  every和each用法上的区别1.each可作代词和形容词,而every只能用作形容词,如可以说each of these dictionaries或each one of these dictionaries,但不能说every of these dictionaries,该用every one of these dictionaries.2.each可指两个或两个以上中间的每一个,而every只可指三个或三个以上中间的每一个,不能指两个中每一个.如:可以说each of my eyes,不可说every one of my eye但可说every one of my toes(脚趾) .3.each通常用来指若干固定数目中的每一个,而every往往指“任何一个”如:Each girl sitting over there is my student.“坐在那里的每一女孩子”指若干固定数目中的每一个,故用each.Every man must do his best.“人人都尽最大的努力”泛指任何一个人,因而用every.4.every和not连用,即“every…not”或“not…every”构成部分否定,表示“并非每一个”的意思,each则无此结构.5.every+ 基数词+ 复数名词=every+ 序数词+ 单数名词,作“每(多少)”解,但each不能用于这一结构中.如:every three days 每三天或每隔两天,相当于 every third day.6.every two days,every second day都作“每隔一天”解,但在实际应用中人们都用every other day来表示这一意思,every two days也有人讲,而every second day则少用的.7.也可以说every few days,相当于汉语的“隔些日子”.8.each 可以与other构成固定的搭配,即each other意思为“彼此、相互、互相”的意思,而every则不能.*everyday 形容词:每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的 everyday是形容词,后面可以直接跟名词,而every day是短语,一般作副词讲,放在句首或句末,用来修饰整个句子,every-day就有点画蛇添足了,不用这样来合成,不需要中间那个-,它的意思同everyday 例:a suit for everyday wear.适合平日里穿的衣服 *every day 通常做“每天”解作状语时,省掉介词(in),表示频率.I go to school every day.我每天上学 He exercises every day.他每天锻炼

美少女战士中seach for your love的日文歌词和罗马音

流れ星へスリーライツ日文罗马音Search forYour LOVE Search for Your LOVE)(Search forYour LOVE Search for Your LOVE)きみはいつもかがやいていたKimi wa itsumo kagayaiteta笑颜(えがお)ひとつちいさな星(ほし)Egao hitotsu chiisa na hoshi大切(たいせつ)にしてたよ (永远(えいえん)の Starlight)Taisetsu ni shiteta yo (eien no Starlight)あの日(ひ)ぼくは守(まも)れなくてAno hi boku wa mamorenakuteくやしなみだこらえただけKuyashi namida koraeta dake痛(いた)みが残(のこ)るよ (忘(わす)れない Sweet heart)Itami ga nokoru yo (wasurenaiSweet heart)Search for Your LOVE 宇宙(うちゅう)の水晶(すいしょう)Search for your love, sora no suishouSearch for Your LOVE なかないでくれSearch for your love, nakanaide kureSearch for Your LOVE ほんとうはだきしめたいのさSearch for your love, hontou wa Dakishimetaino sa君(きみ)の香(かお)りずっと (さがしてる)Kimi no kaori zutto (sagashiteru)ぼくの声(こえ)よとどけ (あいしてる)Boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru)いまどこにいるの (Moonlight Princess)Ima doko ni iru no (Moonlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセスBoku no PURINSESUこたえて (Answer for me)Kotaete answer for meいますぐ (Answer for me)Ima sugu answer for meこたえて (Answer for me)Kotaete answer for meやさしく (Answer for me) Yasashiku answer for meとおい夜空(よぞら)かけぬけてくTooi yozora kakenuketeku流(なが)れ星(ぼし)に愿(ねが)うよいまNagareboshi ni negau yo imaあいたいとささやく (つたえてよ Starlight)Aitai to sasayaku (tsutaete yoStarlight)时(とき)がすぎておとなになるToki ga sugite otona ni naruぼくはやっと気(き)づいたのさBoku wa yatto kizuita no saたりないかけらに (そばにいて Sweet heart)Tarinai kakera ni (soba ni iteSweet heart)Search for Your LOVE 银(ぎん)の海原(うなばら)Search for your love, gin no unabaraSearch for Your LOVE 船(ふね)はただようSearch for your love, fune wa tadayouSearch for Your LOVE くるおしさに流(なが)されてゆくSearch for your love, kuruoshisani Nagasarete yuku君(きみ)の香(かお)りずっと (さがしてる)Kimi no kaori zutto (sagashiteru)ぼくの声(こえ)よとどけ (あいしてる)Boku no koe yo todoke (aishiteru)いまどこにいるの (Moonlight Princess)ima doko ni iru no (Moonlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセスBoku no purinsesuこたえて (Answer for me)Kotaete answer for meいますぐ (Answer for me)Ima sugu answer for meこたえて (Answer for me)Kotaete answer for meやさしく (Answer for me)Yasashiku answer for me

Sreach for you love的日语歌词(全平假名)

(Search for your love)(Search for your love)きみはいつも 辉(かがや)いていた笑颜(えがお)ひとつ ちいさな星(ほし)大切(たいせつ)にしてたよ(永远(えいえん)の Starlight)あの日(ひ)ぼくは 守(まも)れなくて悔(くや)し涙(なみだ) 堪(こら)えただけ痛(いた)みが残(もこ)るよ(忘(わす)れない Sweet heart)Search for your love 宇宙(うちゅう)の水晶(すいしょう)Search for your love 泣(な)かないでくれSearch for your love 本当(ほんとう)は抱(だ)きしめたいのさきみの香(かお)りずっと(さがしてる)ぼくの声(こえ)よ届(とど)け(あいしてる)いまどこにいるの(Moonlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセス答(こた)えて(Answer for me)今(いま)すぐ(Answer for me)答(こた)えて(Answer for me)优(やさ)しく(Answer for me)(Search for your love)(Search for your love)(Search for your love)(Search for your love)远(とお)い夜空(よぞら) 駆(か)け抜(ぬ)けてく流(なが)れ星(ぼし)に 愿(ねが)うよいま会(あ)いたいとささやく(伝(つた)えてよ Starlight)时(とき)がすぎて 大人(おとな)になるぼくはやっと 気(き)づいたのさ足(た)りないかけらに(そばにいて Sweet heart)Search for your love 银(ぎん)の海原(うなばら)Search for your love 船(ふね)は漂(ただよ)うSearch for your love 狂(くる)おしさに流(なが)されてゆくきみの香(かお)りずっと(さがしてる)ぼくの声(こえ)よ届(とど)け(あいしてる)いまどこにいるの(Moonlight Princess)ぼくのプリンセス答(こた)えて(Answer for me)今(いま)すぐ(Answer for me)答(こた)えて(Answer for me)优(やさ)しく(Answer for me)

PTA(Parent-Teacher Association)是什么意思?



1. teach: 教授、传授知识、技能或信息给他人。常用结构为"teach + 宾语 + 宾补",宾语为被教授的人或被传授的知识/技能/信息,宾补为被传授的内容。例句:He taught his students English grammar.他教他的学生们英语语法。2. fail: 未能取得成功、未能以合格的成绩通过考试或完成任务。常用结构为"fail + in + 宾语",宾语为未能取得成功的事情或未能通过的考试/任务。例句:She failed in the driving test. 她在驾照考试中没有通过。3. pass: 通过、及格、顺利完成考试或任务。常用结构为"pass + 宾语",宾语为通过的考试/任务。例句:He passed the final exam with flying colors.他以优异的成绩通过了期末考试。4. learn: 学习、获取新的知识或技能。常用结构包括"learn + 宾语"和"learn + to + 动词原形",宾语为所学的内容,也可用于指从经历或经验中获得教训。例句:I want to learn Chinese.我想学习汉语。5. take: 参加、进行、接受某项活动、考试或课程,表示完成某项任务。常用结构为"take + 宾语",宾语为参加的活动/考试/课程。例句:She will take the violin lesson next week.下周她将参加小提琴课。6. study: 学习、努力修习某门学科。常用结构包括"study + 宾语"、"study + for + 宾语"和"study + 动词 -ing",宾语为所学的学科/知识,也可以指花时间研究或仔细思考某个问题。例句:He is studying mathematics at university.他在大学学习数学。

Do you want to learn Chinese? And I want to learn English very much. Can we learn from each other ?


rohs ,reach ,lfgb分别指什么认证 ?

ROHS是电子电器的测试,LFGB是食品级的测试,三个项目完全不同的REACH测验是属于环保测验中的一种,契合“条约”第五十七条规定的一项或多项规范的物质欧盟REACH规矩可被认定为“高度重视的物质”(SVHC),并被列入“授权候选名单”(也称“候选名单”),抵达SVHC列表".分金属部分和非金属部分,金属部分做REACH 71项,非金属部分做REACH 209项二、“抵达SVHC清单”所列物质如下:1.契合致癌、诱变或重复毒性(CMR)第1或2类分类规范的物质;2.持久性、生物累积性和毒性物质;或极具持久性和生物累积性(VpvB)物质;3.有证据标明存在类似关切的物质,如内分泌搅扰物.三、REACH测试目的是什么:1.进行有害化学品信息的提交2.评估及管理化学品的有害性3.注册所有用途下的该种化工品4.对健康危害较少的物质5.对环境危害较少的物质6.支持欧盟权利机构对化学品使用风险及危害更快的采取7.提高欧盟化学品企业的竞争能力将是经济发展的一剂良药8.发展有害物质评估的方法9.确保物质在欧盟内部市场的自由流通

the teacher asked him to take a break from runni

take a break from running 是说从奔跑(或者繁忙)中摆脱出来休息一下,而take a break after running的意思是奔跑后(或者忙碌后)休息一下,所以意思是不同的,所以依据语境会有不同的选择from,从...中after,...之后

the teacher asked him to take a break from runni


帮我讲一下这句话的英语语法。一定会采纳,谢谢! 4. As for the teachers, t

As for the teachers是介词短语作状语, there is nothing more joyful than witnessing the progress made by the students是一个含有形容词比较级的复合句,nothing是主句的主语,is是谓语,连词than后的witnessing the progress made by the students是从句的主语,从句的谓语is被省略了。欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳。
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