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fallen trees是什么用法

fallen trees 倒下的树fallen英 ["fu0254u02d0l(u0259)n]美 ["fu0254lu0259n]v. 落下;跌倒(fall的过去分词)adj. 堕落的;落下来的;陷落的[网络短语]Fallen 落入凡间,夺命感应,堕落天使Fallen angel 堕天使,堕落天使,后街男孩Fallen Angles 堕落天使,蜕化天使

Being given more attentions,the trees could have

书上是对的。虽然两者都有被动的意思,都可以作状语,但是being given 表示正在被给(进行)。而过去分词given 表示给过(完成)。

mmf threesome什么意思





01 嫲嫲曲:Vincent Chow 词:林夕 编:Ted Lo她 老来难免 遗忘甚麼是甜 当炒菜落得太多盐 看著这天她 怕人嫌弃 沉默或撒娇 只惊再不重要 无人要 无人去引她一笑嫲嫲糊涂如娃娃 麻烦时谁来亲她 谁留神谁在慢慢变化 当天将爸爸当宝贝 来到了现在尽量像宝宝关爱她儿时人人如娃娃 顽皮仍人人宠他 谁怜谁何妨掉换一下 老花的双眼像小孩 望大人讲 病了别要怕她 有时投诉 为何没法听真 儿孙都细声在谈笑 未知道 连邻舍也都听到嫲嫲糊涂如娃娃 麻烦时谁来亲她 谁留神谁在慢慢变化 当天将爸爸当宝贝 来到了现在尽量像宝宝关爱她儿时人人如娃娃 顽皮仍人人宠他 谁怜谁何妨掉换一下 老花的双眼多眨几下 像提醒 谁来给她保驾谁全力凑大 大路上又怕走歪 现在没力气可走过马路 问哪位可带带 轮到她要关怀 嫲嫲乖孩儿能成为爸妈 从前由谁扶一把 谁能逃年月在演化 过去既制造过宠儿 捱到了现在但愿让她得到纵宠一下从前由谁来当家 现在是谁扶稳她 如孩童无助别惊讶 看她此际亦看到你的将来 留心点好吗她苍老了 她可爱似 娃娃02 富豪雪糕曲:颉臣 词:林若宁 编:刘志远记得记得 骑木马跌低痛哭 爸爸送了杯雪糕 期待我兴奋跳舞还未真正领略生命何价富裕程度 很深奥 但我终於知道建筑更高 云上舞每朵雪糕 难避免蒸发下去变造气压流入这美丽都马路窄 背影远 才骤觉快乐价格甚高童稚里我的一哭一笑划满了雪糕车 行尽了史诗式的兴替达到哪里止步慈父总有天渐老 难敌天荒地老 人大了 方知多麼富有并非最好溶在我手中一哭一笑万贯也买不到 在旧时只售六毫 廉价地以追忆回报用微笑哀悼 在盛世十里的商铺活著要卖去青春去达到气温太高 溶掉了我的雪糕 车身再破损也好 年月会刻上岁数怀旧的播放著音乐 流过岁月长路 我听到 愉快偏捉不到满不满足 成熟了再不会哭 肥皂泡一旦弄破跌入世态谁又可以捕捉配合到 社会转 难道我这样已最幸福童稚里我的一哭一笑划满了雪糕车 行尽了史诗式的兴替达到哪里止步慈父总有天渐老 难敌天荒地老 人大了 方知多麼富有并非最好溶在我手中一哭一笑万贯也买不到 在旧时只售六毫 廉价地以追忆回报用微笑哀悼 在盛世十里的商铺活著要卖去青春那净土只好去适应未来残酷的变数 我看著镜内怜悯 那天可爱细路童稚里我的一哭一笑划满了雪糕车 行尽了史诗式的兴替达到哪里止步慈父总有天渐老 难敌天荒地老 人大了 方知多麼富有并非最好溶在我手中一哭一笑万贯也买不到 在旧时只售六毫 廉价地以追忆回报未能够追讨 在盛世十里的商铺但愿我地老心不老脸上再划上车胎印亦让这旧雪糕杯 当做宝03 树懒曲:Vincent Chow 词:林夕 编:Gary Tong情愿懒散 可惜清福需要壮胆 让光阴都清闲 便怕孤单 天生不配懒不想都会想得很远 彷佛要十岁为八十岁打算 想一秒也都充满意义要尽快运转 让每日变精选情愿懒散 可惜清福需要壮胆 落得一身清闲 未免凄惨 留在深山不须生产不怕账单 但怕回头未惯 活在摇篮好风景怕走失一眼 勤力惯了难让时光枉费 即使旅游散心 全程无空档 没问题 连观花赏雨也尽力而为情愿懒散 可惜一早不到我拣 勤劳成为习惯 必须斗忙赢到称赞情愿做树懒 攀高攀低可以当玩 急於安享这悠闲 缓慢过活也极快活是奇谈时间时间时间 生有限生有限 想去回顾慢镜动作亦要快板就算能放低生计 都已像工蚁 没有生产似没颜面去 傲立人间从未懒散 即使得到资格去玩 亦要勤劳地去叹情愿做树懒 只可惜在丛林内亦要探究四周先算玩 大概懒得不够懒只知加数没法再去减 有谁会斗胆 贪玩爱懒04 树海之下曲:Vincent Chow 词:林若宁 编:刘志远这勤劳** 将工作填尽了空旷 对影旁徨 怕蟑螂 要对蜡烛去发慌这豪情烈女 自十岁的初春爱人二百趟 吻都吻乾 恋爱家曾令某某动脉划上刀光谁 同样各有私心去爱别人 再寻求树荫 心有不甘 说到尾连累对方烧光树林爱爱爱爱不爱 他跟他也只不过擦身偶遇人群 情人流过了气体不留尘 靠怨念你怎去扶贫永永远远相爱 童年时期待这幸福护荫 多一串眼泪到头来绿化森林 能美化你每段爱的教训这对年迈配偶 历尽各种争执已平伏鲁莽 有天笑丧 小半生能为世界道尽地老天荒人 遗憾太少称不上爱别人 也难成烙印 他爱她 放弃你难道要登一篇讣闻爱爱爱爱不爱 他跟他也只不过擦身偶遇人群 情人流过了气体不留尘 靠怨念你怎去扶贫永永远远相爱 童年时期待这幸福护荫 多一串眼泪到头来绿化森林 能美化你每段记忆那质感大地上各自落土生根 栖息这里 悼念过去 世界真太细 行星之中 有散必有聚爱爱爱爱不爱 他跟她分开了 也不要做仇人 红尘还有爱纵使轻如尘 你怨地怨天不要怨不相衬看有对老夫妇随年龄迟暮也十分合衬 祝福你以后也做回大爱的人 从痛爱去发掘你的满足感 悬崖能够生根05 早餐A曲:陈孟奇 词:林若宁 编:Ted Lo睡床伴被铺 地球伴舞衣起舞 早报提及天色转好 事业无用斗高 日常被至亲拥抱 不懊恼热茶伴吐司 麦皮伴咖啡周到 可以存在已经最好 可以饱暖便庆祝 为呜谢老天祷告 不控诉於公司失势 爱情不济 明晨一切交替 祈求什麼东西 过分力竭声嘶珍羞都矜贵 豆芽经济 亦能给你安慰 红日中领洗 吃过了热粟米 才能有力气支撑到底每日名贵 不必献世 未曾学结他 未曾学插花 总有喜好明日记得要做 一觉醒了便剃须 为时代剃光苦恼 洗个澡於公司失势 爱情不济 明晨一切交替 祈求什麼东西 过分力竭声嘶珍羞都矜贵 豆芽经济 亦能给你安慰 红日中领洗 吃过了热粟米 才能有力气支撑到底看大时势 明日某月 明日某年 明日有因有果 明日揭幕 明日闭幕 明日揭晓结果想的花店 想的兴建 想的专线 想的玩厌 这样多於公司失势 爱情不济 明晨一切交替 祈求什麼东西 过分力竭声嘶珍羞都矜贵 豆芽经济 亦能给你安慰 红日中领洗 吃过了热粟米 才能有力气支撑到底伟人真细 巨人真细 淡然春节秋祭 何来什麼天梯 要是没有高低鲍蔘都矜贵 木薯经济 亦能医妥伤势 明日生戏轨 何妨目崩一切 吃下了各式问题 珍惜各位06 最后的早餐曲:欧建星 词:林夕 编:Gary Tong与你擦身后 未曾掠过晴 从没有共尝早点 深交得真太浅临别了有如最后见一面 面才像太甜 甜蜜过便能温饱 当做最终喜宴*模范伴侣最大快乐志在派出请柬 拣好对象未来没法拣了再拣新衫若幸福不过为了 分享一宿三餐 无谓还去羡慕 一起吃半生早餐 *#天光到照尽了白发永恒那麼简单 缠绵的渣滓一经消化也总会腐烂浪漫都吞了下去 使体温不减 遗憾再大也无非不配做模范 #你我退一步 便如幻似雾 难望透别人怎好 此刻因此最好谁又怕爱情快逝过朝露 晨曦吻艳这间小铺 甜蜜诉愿尝不到 快乐仍能被买下便尝饱将哭泣的雪糕 Repeat * #平凡伴侣过尽最甜最辣最苦一关 关灯以后饭甜梦醉不会看到孤单若幸福都变习惯 等於一宿三餐 谁共谁更浪漫 只差那百子千餐安慰在我共你定会收到对方请柬 悠长给多少烛光普照也总会腐烂梦做得早了慢了 都不增不减 遗憾却为了难一起 细味平淡07 寂寞喽罗曲:Vincent Chow 词:林夕 编:Gary Tong一听你讲一肚苦水讲到力歇声嘶 听得我都不禁提起今天的心很翳明知这种种的懊恼 要想到最坏讲到痛快真可讲足一世一听我讲 知道应抛低仍未放得低 不比你高 使你从中得到一点安慰 难得不必表演智慧 宁愿烦闷烦到底*说到最尾你我全是寂寞的小喽罗 无非不甘心叹息欠附和 怕小缺憾小到无人清楚你说快救救我 难道是为了看破 其实答案 谁没有听过 其实有甚麼经过从无人经过 *一听你讲近来做事做人没有心机 因此我讲定然甚麼东西都不想理无须分析当中奥秘 你不过志在找个听众好歹可消消气一讲再讲 就如静夜突然遇上知己 郁得太久 不免乘机释出一口乌气 谁想听懂得的哲理 宁愿和别人对比Repeat *谁难受过都渡过 但是仍爱煽风泼火说到最尾你我全是幸运的小喽罗 无非担心当智者要自助 怕苦怕闷不怕吟沉啰嗦你说快救救我 难道是为了看破 其实答案 谁没有想过 从尧舜夏商周已由前人讲破#你说没作恶为何往往要受到折磨 我说未试过害人但某某想伤害我你会埋怨 忙著搏杀已忘了肚饿 我也埋怨我为何你爱过的多过我 # Repeat # #08 二十四城记曲:杨淽 词:林若宁 编:Ted Lo她 辗转几多张床 错将温柔释放 无尽过客 买她的笑容 惹起有些眼光被 灿烂时代埋葬 埋藏纯真与期望 年迈少女 青春翅膀 没法飞沉下去 浮游在大染缸* 有谁会怜悯她一次 珍惜她成熟得幼稚 却插上罪人旗帜 谱成人世间趣事群众群众还向她非议 沾污她这一个孩子 当初她信奉有个天使 生存有善意 *她 只许满足虚荣 满足一时高兴 怀内每个 喊不出姓名 怕将背影看清闹事内无尽余兴 年华燃烧似亡命 沉梦少女 穿梭废城 大眼睛仍望这霓虹上没有星Repeat *全个城市谁爱她一次 关心她残酷的往事 哪里有大人留意 只谈游戏式政治群众还要埋怨她不智 当光阴都枯竭为止 青春的羽翼扑过一次 岂能有下次追风筝故事太多相似 小城说大志09 冇曲:Bobo Chan 词:林若宁 编:C Y Kong入实验室开个掣 李伯伯找你弟弟 一只龟贵不过鸡 话题越说越冇题自问十分低智慧 我每次考试落第 於试卷里昼乌龟 怕学贯中西* 无聊无烦恼 无聊无烦恼 烦事最好不要碰我个脑 烦人麻烦到 祈求长生不老 要追索哲理容易老无聊无投诉 无聊无投诉 大闹政党的老伯太躁 冇求无回报 何来尘该清数 算不到劫数和命数 心中有数 *大象极输给蚂蚁 汉武帝总要让位 听老子说东说西 做人学说是冇为大是大非都太细 那够印花更实惠 不背起沉重楷梯 跌亦跌得底Repeat *一匹布 (说到只一匹布) 冇头没有脑 冇仇没有刀 (又会变得深奥)冇糖没有醋 冇云没有雨 为何又要将摩星岭看得太高 冇为没有错 冇求得风骚无聊无烦恼 无聊无烦恼 烦事最好不要碰我个脑 烦人麻烦到 祈求长生不老 要追索哲理容易老无聊无投诉 无聊无投诉 大闹政党的老伯太躁 冇求无回报 何来尘该清数 算不到劫数和命数无聊无烦恼 无聊无烦恼 烦事最好不要碰我个脑 烦人麻烦到 祈求长生不老 要追索哲理容易老无聊无投诉 无聊无投诉 大闹政党的老伯太躁 冇求无回报 何来尘该清数 记忆化作肥皂泡 都不会老10 有为青年曲:Gary Tong 词:林夕 曲:Gary Tong活著为进步 勤力做报告 他立誓为这如笨世间指点程途日日食有害 未怕肥胖者 不知道 他发起打倒雪糕 泡泡* 他思想够深 自觉天降大任 他真的有心 为那一些难东西 争取满分 学贯中西 应该讲东讲西学问未学用太不逮 想有一番作为 坐上几多 几多楼几高位 自问自视亦有关系 有主意 注定做权贵 *活著或有用 留下大贡献 他平凡亦有疑惑 也要听他发言 字字是哲学 任美丑 像天地旨意 他敬业 不尽策鞭Repeat *为满足他的理想 做到天天都向上 鼻气比呼吸更响 然后久不久领奖学会很多很多的好东西 未活学活用太失为 想去 当康有为长驻几多 几多楼的高位 为做大事没有所谓 危立前要跪学会很多很多的好东西 但是并未学会开胃 准则有吧 有祖宗需要有为长驻几多 几多楼的高位 为做大事没所谓 未在乎有无为学贯中西 应该讲东讲西 学问未学用太不济 准则 有山有水中需要有为坐上几多 几多楼的高位 自问自视亦有关系 未在乎有无为

have a threesome是什么意思

  have a threesome的中文翻译  have a threesome  有三  双语例句  1  You have to sleep now? Does that mean having a threesome?  你们现在要睡觉?意思就是你们要三个一起睡了?  2  And, in case you were wondering, my man says that he will still love me even if we don " t have a threesome.  还有,为了免得你误会,我的伴侣说明他会一直爱我即使我们不去做什么三人行。  3  But you must go threesome day to have a look for yourself.  不过你哪一天一定要去中国亲眼看看。


《threesome》是由Tom MacRae执导的作品,Amy Huberman参加演出。爱丽丝和男友米奇还有基友里奇一起生活。三人都站在30岁的边缘,难舍难分的友谊让他们构建了一个外人无法理解的等边三角形。然而生日狂欢让他们发生了计划外的3P行为并且一次中招。


在欧美,来一次【threesome】对于酩酊大醉的邻居、感到无聊的同校男女生、亦或是PTA(Parent-Teachers Association 家长教师联谊会)成员,都是一个很好的消磨时间的方式。这里的【threesome】即指一男两女或者一女两男之间的混乱不清的纠缠在一起。比如两两Kiss,或者一起XXOO什么的。(色情片里较多,现实中寥寥但也存在)因为这样的【threesome】似乎有些不能被接受(大概比Gay还要出格),于是对大多数人来说,【threesome】只一个不可能实现的YY出来的东东;然而还是会有人禁不住诱惑去尝试追求这种刺激。不过这些少数有胆量并成功的幸运儿一般都将这个列在一套计划之内,【threesome】算是众多plan中的一项。例如GG(Gossip Girl 绯闻女友)第三季的第九集里,Dan & Vanessa & Olivia 就列了一套15项活动的计划,其中第11项就是【have a threesome】。从里面的文字看来,似乎那张计划单上的资料在教唆同校男女生趁着College的时光尝试一次。而D V O以为O就要离开了,于是在伤感、酒精、玩儿疯癫的状态下,三个人算是经历了一次。想一探究竟可以去看GG~~~还有少数人会教唆引诱别人一起玩儿【threesome】,再就是作为一个生日愿望的乞求。平时是没人可以接受的。因为这牵扯到男女、男男、女女……反正蛮乱的。而且,have a threesome也可能同时带来身体以及精神上的伤害,疯狂过后你是否有足够的思想准备和心理承受能力来面对这一切?总之threesome是比较有风险的,一般人最好不要效仿和尝试。


英音:['θri:su0259m]美音:['θrisu0259m]其它写法“threesome” 又作 “3 some”;相对应的是“lonesome”(寂寞的;孤单的)——引申:(lonesome发音为:英音:['lu0259unsu0259m]美音:['lonsu0259m])——PS: (最近网络上的“3P”也是指的“3 some”。对于国人来说,还是3P熟悉些~呵呵~ 不过国人很多也无法接受3P。)



threesome是什么意思 threesome的意思

1、threesome表达的中文意思是三人一组,三倍的。 2、短语: another threesome 另一个刚出头;另一个三人组;另一个浓雾散去 the threesome lowercase pigs 三只小猪 threesome triangle trinity 三人一组

threesome是什么意思? 什么时候用?

三人一组 A threesome is a group of three people.

bring me to my knees--Kelly mark歌词

Welcome to the jungle we"ve got fun and games 欢迎来到丛林,这儿有刺激的游戏We got everything you want honey, we know the names 亲爱的,这里有你想要的一切,那些我们熟知的名字We are the people that can find whatever you may need 这里我们可以到需要的一切If you got the money, honey ,we got your disease 这里可以得到需要的一切,只要你得到钱,亲爱的,同时你也得到你的痛苦In the jungle, Welcome to the jungle 在丛林里,欢迎来到丛林watch it bring you to your knees, knees 我看着它使你堕落I wanna watch you bleed 我看着它使你滴血Welcome to the jungle we take it day by day 欢迎来到丛林,我们在这里度过一天又一天If you want it you"re gonna bleed but it"s the price to pay 如果你想要(你所需要的东西)你就必需流血,这是必需付出的代价And you"re a very sexy girl that"s very hard to please 如果你是一个非常性感漂亮的女孩,难以取悦知足You can taste the bright lights but you won"t get there for free 你可以得到耀眼的灯光,但是这不是免费的In the jungle welcome to the jungle 在丛林里,欢迎来到丛林Feel my, my, my serpentine 体验像我一样得蛇一般蜿蜒摇摆的身体OOh, I wanna hear you scream 噢,我要听你到你的尖叫Welcome to the jungle it gets worse here every day 欢迎来到丛林,这个一天天变糟的地方Ya learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play 你也可以学着像动物一样生活,就像丛林里的我们一样If you hunger for what you see you"ll take it eventually 如果你看到什么欲望得到的东西,最终你会得到You can have everything you want but you better not take it from me 你可以得到所有想要的一切,但是最好别想从我这里拿走什么In the jungle, Welcome to the jungle 在丛林里,欢迎来到丛林watch it bring you to your knees, knees 我看着它使你堕落I wanna watch you bleed 我看着它使你滴血And when you"re high you never ever wanna come down 当你在high的时候,绝对不会停下来,so sown, so down, so down....YEAH 停下来,停下来,停下来yeah.You know where you are? 你知道你在哪儿吗?you"re in the jungle"re gonna DIE 你在这个丛林里 baby……你正在死去In the jungle welcome to the jungle 在丛林里,欢迎来到丛林watch it bring you to your knees, knees 我看着它使你堕落In the jungle welcome to the jungle 在丛林里,欢迎来到丛林feel my, my, my serpentine 体验像我一样蛇一般蜿蜒摇摆的身体In the jungle welcome to the jungle 在丛林里,欢迎来到丛林watch it bring you to your knees, knees 我看着它使你堕落In the jungle welcome to the jungle 在丛林里,欢迎来到丛林watch it bring you to you 我看着它将你its gonna bring you down..HA!! 它将你打倒HA!!


geese,读音:英 [gi:s],美 [ɡis]。释义:n.鹅(goose复数)。短语:All your swans are geese你的美好希望。set the fox to keep the geese引狼入室。turn geese into swans估计过高。Wild Geese野鹅。geese的例句1、How many geese can you see?你能看见多少只鹅?2、These are ducks and geese.这些是鸭和鹅。3、All your swans are geese.你的天鹅都是鹅。4、There are several geese in the park.公园里有几只鹅。5、We have a lot of geese.我们有很多鹅。6、Some wild geese have just flown over.一些野鹅刚刚飞过。

英语翻译 All her geese are swans

她所有的鹅都是天鹅 geese是goose的 复数 意思是鹅


《Be What U Wanna Be》?这首歌就叫《Peerless》




HashSet 是哈希表实现的,无序的结合,表现为检索(contains)的时间复杂度是 o(0)TreeSet 是红黑树实现的,排序的集合【public class TreeSet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements SortedSet<E>, Cloneable, class HashSet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements Set<E>, Cloneable,】其中SortedSet中组合了一个:Comparator<? super E> comparator();因此 TreeSet与HashSet最大区别在于排序.........、Treeset中的数据是自动排好序的,不允许放入null值2、HashSet中的数据是无序的,可以放入null,但只能放入一个null,两者中的值都不能重复,就如数据库中唯一约束3、HashSet要求放入的对象必须实现HashCode()方法,放入的对象,是以hashcode码作为标识的,而具有相同内容的String对象,hashcode是一样,所以放入的内容不能重复。但是同一个类的对象可以放入不同的实例

Bee Gees的《Emotion》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotion歌手:Bee Gees专辑:Their Greatest Hits: The Record Cd2EmotionIt"s over and donebut the heartache lives on insideand who is the one your clinging toinstead of me toniteand where are you nownow that i need youTears on my pillowwherever you gocry me a river that leads to your oceansyou"ll never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heart it"s just emotionsTaking me overtied up in sorrowslost in my souland if you don"t come backcome home to me darlin"you know there"ll be no body left in this world to hold me tightno body left in this world to kiss goodnight

Bee Gees的《Emotion》 歌词

歌曲名:《Emotion》歌手:Bee Gees专辑:《The Ultimate Bee Gees》发行时间:2009-10-30 流派:流行 发行公司:华纳音乐歌词:It"s over and donebut the heartache lives on insideand who is the one your clinging toinstead of me toniteand where are you nownow that i need youTears on my pillowwherever you gocry me a river that leads to your oceansyou"ll never see me fall apartIn the words of a broken heart it"s just emotionsTaking me overtied up in sorrowslost in my souland if you don"t come backcome home to me darlin"you know there"ll be no body left in this world to hold me tightno body left in this world to kiss goodnight试听:

中国一首电音有歌词 有中文有英文 歌词有一句freestyle 还有喜欢你喜欢你

全部都是你 - Dragon Pig 最近很火的一首歌,也是国语歌曲中难得的电音作为中国流行嘻哈音乐极具特色的唱作人,Dragon Pig是国内十分罕见的“黑嗓”,拥有着扎实的学院派音乐功底,同时融合了极具魅力的R&B、HIP HOP元素,形成了自己不可复制的个性音乐风格,是目前国内不可或缺的流行嘻哈歌手。  《全部都是你》是嘻哈唱作人DP力邀同门师兄弟嘻哈才子 Cloud Wang和天才音乐制作人CNBALLER制作的嘻哈单曲《全部都是你》,这一首国际级水准的电音嘻哈融入了极具魅力的HIP HOP元素相结合,打造时尚个性的音乐风格,极具特点。全部都是你 (feat. CNBALLER & CLOUD WANG)  制作: CNBALLER, Cloud Wang  作曲: CNBALLER, Dragon Pig, Cloud Wang  作词: CNBALLER, Dragon Pig, Cloud Wang  混音: BraveX  INTRO  我的眼里 都 是 你  甜甜蜜蜜 U KNOW WHAT I MEAN  对你说我 喜 欢 你  我们一起牵手去旅行  Verse1: CNBALLER  (Yeah Yeah HEY let"s get it)  好想对你说我喜欢你baby  It"s gonna be like ride or die baby  喜欢你的Bodyline 你的性格 你的Eyes  有你的城市都很美妙Baby  如果你也觉得心灵相惜  那就请你给我个肯定的回应  Hold up Hold up 对感情从不Freestyle  U make me go crazy I need u right now  Pre hook:  I"m fallin I"m fallin I"m fallin  Baby 就让我来对你说明  I promise I promise I promise  我忘不了你 我忘不了你  Hook:  我的眼里都是你  甜甜蜜蜜 You Know What I Mean  对你说我喜欢你  我们一起牵手去旅行  Baby 我的眼里都是心 里都是全部都是你  Baby 我的眼里都是心 里都是全部都是你  Verse2: CLOUD  Woo Yah  You know it"s all about u babe (ahh)  Let me take you on this ride babe (what)  KNOW I"ve been around the world  and i done seen a lot of girls  BUT you"ll always be my NO.1 babe  and I know I know I know I know  I want your good love babe  and U know u know u know u know  You wanna be on top of me  Pre hook:  I"m fallin I"m fallin I"m fallin  Baby 就让我来对你说明  I promise I promise I promise  我忘不了你 我忘不了你  我的眼里都是你  甜甜蜜蜜 You Know What I Mean  对你说我喜欢你  我们一起牵手去旅行  Baby 我的眼里都是心 里都是全部都是你  Baby 我的眼里都是心 里都是全部都是你  我的眼里都是你  甜甜蜜蜜 You Know What I Mean  对你说我喜欢你  我们一起牵手去旅行  Baby 我的眼里都是心里都是全部都是你  Baby 我的眼里都是心里都是全部都是你  I"m fallin I"m fallin I"m fallin  I promise I promise I promise试听网页:该资源来自网易云音乐)




SANEESI 是品牌名称QUARTZ 是石英表圣依时/SANEESI 女款石英手表 时尚镶钻 批发价 19元每只


英语谚语:No bees, no honey; no work, no money 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: No bees no honey; no work no money 中文意思: 没有蜜蜂就没有蜜,没有劳动就没有钱。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Joy shared with others are more enjoyed 与人同乐,其乐无穷。 Judge not according to the appearance 不要以貌取人。 Judge not of men and things at first sight 审人论事宜谨慎,一见之下莫断定。 Justice has long arms 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Keep good men pany and you shall be of the number 近朱者赤。 Keeping is harder than winning 创业不易,守业更难。 Keep some till more e 更多的到手以前,要保持手里的一点。 Keep thing seven years and you will find a use for it 备而不用。 Keep your breath to cool your porridge 少管闲事。 Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards 婚前张开眼,婚后半闭月。 英语谚语: No bees no honey; no work no money 中文意思: 没有蜜蜂就没有蜜,没有劳动就没有钱。

One day Mr Brown sees................求全文!!!!!!!

One day Mr Brown sees a young woman in the street with some children. He is very surprised (惊讶)because all the children are wearing the same clothes, white caps, blue coats and yellow trousers. “Are all the children yours?” he asks the woman. “Yes, they are.” she answers. “Do you always dress them in the same clothes?” asks Mr Brown. “Yes,” answers the mother, “When we have four children, we dress them in the same clothes, because we don"t want to lose any of them. It"s easy to see our clildren among (在….当中) other children because they are all wearing the same clothes. And now we have ten, we dress them like this because we don"t want to take other clildren home by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them because their clothes are different.

trees are useful in our life .a tree keeps you w

We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They 1 us many things, such as wood, oxygen, rubber, medicines and many other things. They can 2 tell us a lot about our climate. The following are the reasons. If you 3 a tree, you can see that it has many rings (年轮). Most trees grow one new ring 4 year. Because ofthis reason, we know 5 a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred 6 .When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually 7 . When it iswet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick, this meansthat the 8 changed suddenly. If we look at the rings of this tree, we can 9 about the climate for a hundredyears. We can see 10 our climate is changing today.( ) 1. A. tell ( ) 2. A. not ( ) 3. A. cut down ( ) 4. A. many ( ) 5. A. how big ( ) 6. A. trees ( ) 7. A. big ( ) 8. A. climate ( ) 9. A. study ( ) 10. A. how B. ask B. too B. climb up B. every B. how long B. leaves B. thin B. trees B. get B. why C. give C. to C. walk past C. some C. how old C. people C. things C. sky C. learn C. when D. get D. also D. look at D. only D. how much D. rings D. small D. animal D. teach D. while1-5: CDABC 6-10: DBACA


表示泛指的时候用FEES In any country, patentee must annually pay fees. 任何国家的专利权人每年都必须付费。School fees are high in that country. 那个国家的学费很高。特指的时候用FEE.A license fee; tuition fees. 执照费;学费Inspection and certificate fee 检验签证费体会一下,希望对你有帮助~~~~

the river,____are covered with trees,is very long.

这是一个非限制性定语从句,the banks of which 的意思是河的两岸,which是关系代词,指代前面的先行词the river。

Cartonnage的《Trees》 歌词

歌曲名:Trees歌手:Cartonnage专辑:Curiously ConnectedScapegoat - TreesWell so long"s been the day since I braced a treeSince I, tried to conquer something bigger than meFor I thoughtThat I could never go backYet here I stand in the midst of themLearning what it means to be a child againAnd I knowIt"s not too late to go backAnd won"t that be the day?When we molecularly meltdown the walls we once held raisedAnd suddenly, suddenly we"re climbing treesLimber are our members like the children that we use to beWhen you say playWhen you say playWell my joints don"t hurt when they normally wouldAnd my knees are doing things that I never thought that they couldThey"re going back in timeEmpowered by the memories, of me as a youngin running through the treesAnd i know, it"s not too late to go backCause I"m back nowAnd wont that be the day?When we atomically breakdown the walls we once held raisedAnd suddenly, suddenly we"re climbing treesLimber are our members like the children that we use to beWhen you say playWhen you say playIt"s time for us to play, ohIt"s time for us to playWell times are dire and I think it"s time we found a wayTo bring our inner children back from where they"ve gone astrayFor life is short and sure to expireIt"s time we spread love instead of spreading the fireYea times are dire, I"ll say it againTo truly change the world, we need to change the way we"re livingFor life is short and I think it"s time we found a wayTo kick our shoes off and playAnd wont that be the day?When we molecularly meltdown the walls we once held raised(Walls we once held raised)And suddenly, suddenly we"re climbing treesLimber are our members like the children that we use to beWhen you say playWhen you say playWell I"ll be everything that you want me to be(Well I"m a child in your eyes)And I"ll give my life to humanity(I am always in your eyes)So make me only in to what you want me to beAnd I will spread the truth from the top of the tallest treeWhen you say playWhen you say playWhen you say play

wild geese和swan的区别?

wild goose (复数geese)是野鹅,野生的鹅swan是天鹅。物种不同。

Bee Gees的《I Will》 歌词

歌曲名:I Will歌手:Bee Gees专辑:Still WatersI willis this your voice i heardspeakin" my namei hang on every wordeach letter that i writeevery day, every nightbut i just can"t live and learntalking to myself and believin"i could live without youlivin" on the lies and believin" thatlove would staylisten to me please and i beggin" onmy knees before youbut you don"t show the way no you don"t show the wayhe may charge your world and somedayhe may break your heartand your deserve no betterif you love him i will step asidei offer this to youso leave this to youso leave me as i love you stilland if he don;t keep you warmyou know i willso this is who you areand the rest of my lifei dedicate to youand i know that love can"t waitthere"s a moon and a sunand a dream that sees me througha little bit of change anda little bit of my desirei was shakin" all over andi didn"t know what to sayi"m the man in the middle andthe middle man cathes firehe become your hero somehowi become your your clownand you deserve no better but my loveis here and all i foundand if he don"t take you heartit ain"t wiseit ain"t smartyou say there"s no doubt about itif you decideyou got somebody elsewhen i want you to myselfi can"t stopi can"t looki can"t say no more about itbut my love will go onjust as long as the river flows




seesaw[5si:sC:]n跷跷板 seesawvi前后摇动;上下晃动 交替;起伏 玩跷跷板seesaw[5si:sC:]n.跷跷板上下(或前后)移动, 动摇交替占优势的竞争play at seesaw玩跷跷板the seesaw between the attackers and the defenders攻守双方的拉锯战seesaw[5si:sC:]adj., ad忽上忽下的[地]; 忽前忽后的[地], 摇摆不定的[地]I don"t remember ever being seesaw after I made my mind up.我不记得下决心后曾动摇过。Then the lead went seesaw between the two runners.接着两名赛跑运动员就拉锯似地交替领先。seesaw[5si:sC:]vt.使作跷跷板式运动seesaw sb. skywards把某人抛得很高seesaw[5si:sC:]vi.玩跷跷板, 动摇, 上下动, 前后动交替, (温度等)升降, 涨落The boat seesawed in the heavy sea.小舟在波涛汹涌的海中颠簸不已。The score had been seesawing from the very start.从一开始比分就成拉锯局面。seesaw[ 5si:sC: ]n.秋千参考资料:

144hz gtg 4ms和1ms freesync的显示器买哪个好

144hz gtg 4ms好。显示器外观很漂亮,按键设置挺简洁的,一个开关带摇杆控制,免去诸多键的复杂操作。响应速度确实不如IPS,游戏里面看不出来,视频的话眼睛敏感的可以看出画面有撕裂感


  FreeSWITCH 支持多种通讯技术标准,包括 SIP, H.323, IAX2 以及 GoogleTalk ,可以方便的与其他开源的PBX系统进行对接,例如 sipX, OpenPBX, Bayonne, YATE 或者 Asterisk.[1]  FreeSWITCH 支持许多高级的 SIP 特性,例如 presence/BLF/SLA 、TCP TLS 和 sRTP,它还可以用来作为类似于 SBC (Session Border Controller) 的透明代理。[1]  FreeSWITCH的是一个跨平台的开源电话交换平台,具有很强的伸缩性。旨在为音频、视频、文字或任何其他形式的媒体,提供路由和互连通信协议。它创建于2006年,填补了许多商业解决方案的的空白。FreeSWITCH的也提供了一个稳定的电话平台,许多广泛使用的免费电话就是在使用它开发的。


freeswitch自1.8.7版本后sofia 协议栈好像是支持了wss协议。但是一般在网络拓扑中,Opensips会作为前置的SBC来控制外部协议与SIP会话。而且opensips也天然支持tls,所以部署上可以让opensips承担起SIP over LTS的功能。 TLS默认端口5443 在opensips中修改一下控制脚本 TLS需要指定证书,opensips的证书存放位置在 ${opensips_install_location}/etc/opensips/certs Freeswitch是支持 SRTP,ZRTP,WebRTC 等多种媒体加密手段的。一般和cloud call center对接,如果需要涉及媒体加密,会使用SRTP。如果使用到webrtc终端,如浏览器终端,大多为webrtc。 在外呼时,通过指定 rtp_secure_media_inbound/rtp_secure_media_outbound 来指定 注意: rtp_secure_media 1.8.7版本过弃 如 true为permission, 后面的为加密算法。其中可选值为 发送的INVITE 收到200OK 这里协商的是INVITE里candidate 5

path line with trees

A 考查非谓语动词,此题中The path与lead to之间是主动关系,故用现在分词leading to作定语,在这里相当于定语从句which leads,所以选A。

we see big trees by the path 什么意思?


帮忙翻译98 Degrees 的Stay The Night 这首歌!谢谢

In the still of my heart 在我内心深出 There"s a fire that burns my sole"s desire 有一簇火焰焦灼着我灵魂的渴望 Touching me,like the sun 触碰我,犹如太阳一般 here and now I give my love so faithfully 此时此刻我深信不疑地付出我的爱 that I will always be the one 我将永远如此 I wanna stay with you tonight 我想与你共度今晚 I don"t wanna leave, 不想离开 cause I feel the time is right 因为我感觉到了时机的正确 Don"t wanna go before I say, 不想在开口之前离去 what I have to say 我想说 don"t ask me to walk away 别让我走 I wanna stay tonight,wanna stay the night 今晚我愿留下,愿长留整夜 Holding you close to me 让你靠近我 The first time that your body moved with mine 你的身体第一次随我移动 let them go,ease your fears 抛弃你所有的恐惧 caressing as i am whispering in your ears 在你眼里我仿佛无心呓语 that i will always be the one 我会永远如此 I wanna stay with you tonight 今夜我愿与你共度 I don"t wanna leave, 不想离开 cause I feel the time is right 因为我感觉到时机的正确 Don"t wanna go before I say, 不想在开口之前离去 what I have to say 我想说 don"t ask me to walk away 别让我走 I wanna stay tonight,wanna stay the night 今晚我愿留下,愿长留整夜

Now the moon is above the trees.中的above可以用over代替吗


Now the moon is above the trees.中的above可以用over代替吗

可以用 over,但是意思略有不同。above 是静态介词,强调一动不动地处于正上方的位置。over 是动态介词,不仅指出现在上方,而且还带有在上方移动的意思。因此,前者是客观地对静止状态的描述,后者是带有主观情感的动态描述。不过,不管用哪一个,都可以加时间状语 now。


应该是zinc这个字,意思是锌。锌(中文读音:xīn),它的名称“zinc”来源于拉丁文Zincum,意思是“白色薄层”或“白色沉积物”。化学符号是Zn,它的原子序数是30,相对原子质量为65。锌是一种银白色略带淡蓝色金属,密度为7.14克/立方厘米,熔点为419.5℃。在室温下,性较脆;100~150℃时,变软;超过200℃后,又变脆。锌的化学性质活泼,在常温下的空气中,表面生成一层薄而致密的碱式碳酸锌膜,可阻止进一步氧化。当温度达到225℃后,锌剧烈氧化。锌在空气中很难燃烧,在氧气中发出强烈白光。焰色反应:发出蓝绿色火焰,因为锌表面有一层氧化锌,燃烧时冒出白烟,白色烟雾的主要成分是氧化锌,不仅阻隔锌燃烧,会折射焰色形成惨白光芒,所以实验室燃烧锌块没有蓝绿色火焰。锌易溶于酸,也易从溶液中置换金、银、铜等。锌的氧化膜熔点高,但金属锌熔点却很低,所以在酒精灯上加热锌片,锌片熔化变软,却不落下,正是因为氧化膜的作用。锌是一种常用有色金属,是古代铜、锡、铅、金、银、汞、锌等7种有色金属中提炼最晚的一种,是第四常见的金属,仅次于铁、铝及铜。锌能与多种有色金属制成合金,其中最主要的是锌与铜、锡、铅等组成的黄铜等,还可与铝、镁、铜等组成压铸合金。锌主要用于钢铁、冶金、机械、电气、化工、轻工、军事和医药等领域。锌的化学性质与铝相似,所以,通常可以由铝的性质,推断锌的化学性质(两性)。实验室常常用锌粒和稀硫酸反应,制取氢气。元音字母i在重读闭音节中发短元音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,舌位中高,不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床半合,唇形扁平,出现在字首、字中、字尾的位置。如:lick 舔six 六bib 围嘴儿pig 猪pin 别针kiss 亲吻ink 墨水,墨汁hill 丘陵,山丘希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


The lonliness of nights alone   the search for strength to carry on   my every hope had seemed to die   my eyes had no more tears to cry   then like the sun shining from up above   you surrounded me with your endless love   and all things I couldn"t see are now so clear to me   You are my everything   Nothing your love won"t bring   My life is yours alone   The only love I"ve ever known   Your spirit pulls me through   When nothing else will do   Every night I pray   On bended knee   That you will always be   My everything   Now all my hopes and all my dreams   are suddenly reality   you"ve opened up my heart to feel   a kind of love that"s truly real   a guiding light that"ll never fade   there"s not a thing in life that I would ever trade   for the love you give and wont let go   I hope you"ll always know   You are my everything   Nothing your love won"t bring   My life is yours alone   The only love I"ve ever known   Your spirit pulls me through   When nothing else will do   Every night I pray   On bended knee   That you will always be   My everything   You"re the breath of life in me   the only one that sets me free   and you have made my soul complete   for all time (for all time)   You are my everything   (you are my everything)   Nothing your love won"t bring   (nothing your love won"t bring)   My life is yours alone (alone)   The only love I"ve ever known (oh no, no)   Your spirit pulls me through   (your spirit pulls me through)   When nothing else will do   (when nothing else will do)   Every night I pray (oh, I pray)   On bended knee (on my knee)   That you will always be   be my everything   [chorus repeats]   Every night I pray   down on bended knee   that you will always be   my everything   oh my everything 检举 回答人的补充 2009-06-21 00:58  孤单让夜变的漫长   我尽力寻找你   我曾经的愿望是去死   我流干了眼泪   然后就象太阳蒸发了   你是我的一切   不会带给你什么   我不想让你孤单   我曾经知道真爱   你使我着迷   我不知改怎么办   每晚我都祈祷着   在弯曲的膝盖上   那样你永远是我的一切   现在我所有的愿望和梦想都突然实现   你打开了我对爱的领域   真爱是真实的   这光芒永远存在   没什么可以代替它   我想爱并且永远   我希望你一直知道   你是我的一切   不会带给你什么   我不想让你孤单   我曾经知道真爱   你使我着迷   我不知改怎么办   每晚我都祈祷着   在弯曲的膝盖上   那样你永远是我的一切   你扰乱了我的一切   给了我自由   你给了我完全的自由   在所有的时刻   你是我的一切   不会带给你什么   我不想让你孤单   我曾经知道真爱   你使我着迷   我不知改怎么办   每晚我都祈祷着   在弯曲的膝盖上   那样你永远是我的一切   你是我的一切   不会带给你什么   我不想让你孤单   我曾经知道真爱   你使我着迷   我不知改怎么办   每晚我都祈祷着   在弯曲的膝盖上   那样你永远是我的一切   每晚我祈祷着,你再一次在我面前   那样你永远是   我的一切 一切..

谁知道98 degrees的《my everything》中文歌词

My Everything super junior 李东海 ( 原唱:98 degrees) The lonliness of nights alone The search for strength to carry on My ever hope has seemed to die My eyes had no more tears to cry Then like the sun shined from up above You surrounded me with your endless love And all the tings I couldn"t see Are now so clear to me You are my everything Nothing your heart won"t bring My life is yours alone The only love I"ve ever known Your spirit pulls me through When nothing else will do Every night I pray On bended knee That you will always be My everything You"re the breath of life in me The only one that sets me free, And you have made my soul complete For all time (for all time) You are my everything (You are my everything) Nothing your love won"t bring (nothing your love won"t bring) My life is yours alone (alone) The only love I"ve ever known Your spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through) When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do) Every night I pray (I pray) On bended knee (on my knee) That you will always be, My everything You are my everything (You are my everything) 孤单让夜变的漫长 我尽力寻找你 我曾经的愿望是去死 我流干了眼泪 然后就象太阳蒸发了 你是我的一切 不会带给你什么 我不想让你孤单 我曾经知道真爱 你使我着迷 我不知改怎么办 每晚我都祈祷着 在弯曲的膝盖上 那样你永远是我的一切 现在我所有的愿望和梦想都突然实现 你打开了我对爱的领域 真爱是真实的 这光芒永远存在 没什么可以代替它 我想爱并且永远 我希望你一直知道 你是我的一切 不会带给你什么 我不想让你孤单 我曾经知道真爱 你使我着迷 我不知改怎么办 每晚我都祈祷着 在弯曲的膝盖上 那样你永远是我的一切 你扰乱了我的一切 给了我自由 你给了我完全的自由 在所有的时刻 你是我的一切 不会带给你什么 我不想让你孤单 我曾经知道真爱 你使我着迷 我不知改怎么办 每晚我都祈祷着 在弯曲的膝盖上 那样你永远是我的一切 你是我的一切 不会带给你什么 我不想让你孤单 我曾经知道真爱 你使我着迷 我不知改怎么办 每晚我都祈祷着 在弯曲的膝盖上 那样你永远是我的一切 每晚我祈祷着,你再一次在我面前 那样你永远是 我的一切 一切..





Antrabata的《BumbleBees》 歌词

歌曲名:BumbleBees歌手:Antrabata专辑:Elephant ReveriesArtist: BambeeTitle: Bumble BeeOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oSweet little bumble beeI know what you want from meDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daSweet little bumble beeMore than just a fantasyDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daMy heart skips a beatWhen you walk in the roomI go boom, boom, boomYou go zoom, zoom, zoomYou"re my playboy, playtoyLove you, my friendI wanna be with you until the endI give my heart and my soul to youTo make you see it"s trueI"m so confused, baby, can"t you see?Please come rescue meSweet little bumble beeI know what you want from meDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daSweet little bumble beeMore than just a fantasyDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daI started to cryWhen you walked out that doorYou go bye, bye, byeI go why, why, whyI"m so lonely and onlyWaiting for youTo come back and tell meI love youI give my heart and my soul to youTo make you see it"s trueI"m so confused, baby, can"t you see?Please come rescue meSweet little bumble beeI know what you want from meDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daSweet little bumble beeMore than just a fantasyDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daSweet little bumble beeI know what you want from meDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daSweet little bumble beeMore than just a fantasyDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la daOh-o-o-oa, oh-o-o-oDup-i-dup-i-do la daDup-i-dup-i-do la da


可以例如这这样1.The chief chief chewed the cheap cheese.首席长官咀嚼着廉价的乳酪。

Jaleesa唱falling 歌词

falling歌手:Jaleesa专辑:Jaleesa歌词:i keep on fallin"... in--- love with you sometimes i love ya" sometimes you make me blue sometimes i feel good" at times i feel used lovin" you darlin"" makes me so confused i keep on fallin"" in and out of love with you i never loved someone way that i"m lovin" you oh oh" i.... never felt this way how do you give me so much pleasure" cause me so much pain" "cause when i think i"m taking more than would a fool i start fallin" back in love with you. i keep on fallin"" in and out of love with you i never loved someone the way that i"m lovin" you oh baby i"i"i"i"m fa-a-allin"i"i"i"i"m fa-a-allin" fall"fall"fa-a-a-allin"x2 i keep on fallin"" in and out of love with you i never loved someone way that i"m lovin" you fallin i"m fa-a-allin"fall"fall"fa-a-a-allin"x2 i keep on fallin"" in and out of love with you i never loved someone way that i"m lovin" you i"m fallin"" in and out of love with you i never loved someone way that i"m lovin" you loving you you you~~~~~~~~~

一个女的唱的英文歌是快歌歌词大概是the seesee your to body

lenka唱的trouble is a friend



management trainees的一些工作问题

1. 请问现在有没有大公司聘请 *** management trainees? 大公司 give only full time management trainee positions, because they intend to keep them for years as a next generation of managers. If a pany is recuriting " *** management trainees", they are just trying to fool you by giving you a cheap paid job with a beautiful job title. 2. 是否所有大公司的management trainees都需要面对通宵工作的挑战? Of coures not, many panies do not have any 通宵工作 by its business nature. So it very much depends on which pany you are applying. 3. 在接受大公司的management trainees面试时,我如果表现谦逊一些,受取录的机会会否大一些? Generally speaking, be more 谦逊 when you are dealing with a British and European pany. For American panies you need to be more aggressive and proactive, or you will be kick out of an interview within minutes. You may e across a British interviewr in an American pany. Still the pany culture is dominated, but then you will to adjust your presentative skillfully. If you are too young to judge style of the interviewer, just be yourself and you will be fine. 例如我说请给我一个受训机会 It is not a *** art discussion topic. The pany is surely offering training opportunities when they are recruiting "trainees". You should take the time to talk about how you like learning new things and working with different people from all walks of life... e 或是少说自己过去的工作经验等。 You can talk about that if those experience help to illustrate your personality and capability. You being a trainee candidate. No recruiter is expecting you to bring in a wealth of experience from previous job(s).,参考: C How advised,1. 请问现在有没有大公司聘请 *** management trainees? 大公司聘 *** management trainees 相信机会很微,小公司有可能,因为薪水较低 2. 是否所有大公司的management trainees都需要面对通宵工作的挑战? 当然不是,通宵工作可能只是某个特别行业 3. 在接受大公司的management trainees面试时,我如果表现谦逊一些,受取录的机会会否大一些? 例如我说请给我一个受训机会; 或是少说自己过去的工作经验等。 谦逊当然好,但过份谦逊就是没有自信心,切记。少说自己过去的工作经验,是一个错误,你过去的工作经验绝对代表你的exposure,任何公司不会只给薪水来训练你,你必须有贡献。 ,


1. 能不能帮忙写一段freestyle,谢谢 Freestyle is level on the surface of the water, the o arms crossed each other stretch, hold water, driver, elbow, these actions. The leg is *** all play can cross. Waist to control, not a ist ist.","Ventilation is to both sides in the mouth to breathe in, his anger on his nose. Pay attention to the points don"t choke to water。 2. 刚接触说唱 写词还有Freestyle反映能力慢 高手说不上,对于写词随便提几点建议,仅供参考,呵呵:首先要积累词汇量,看到好的句子或者自己比较生疏的词汇就记下来,没必要刻意的去翻词典什么的,平时看书啊,和别人聊天什么的多留个心眼,说白了就是多注意观察,广告词啊,歌词啊什么的. 刚开始写词的时候可能都比较迷惑,我开头则么开呢,不知道是不是写作文留下的后遗症,总是想往作文的那种模式开头开,其实刚开始写呢随便写,就当记录个小片段,先不要刻意去追求压韵,就随便写,你会发现其实很多地方自己就压上了,再修改,圆润,慢慢的就熟练了~要多练,刚开始没必要写长,写一小段一小段,写多了就越有写的了,至于freestyle只能是练习不光要自己练还要多和别人切磋,来提高自己的技术,还要会去发现和学习别人好的地方,最后祝你早日成功 3. 能不能帮忙写一段freestyle,谢谢 Freestyle is level on the surface of the water, the o arms crossed each other stretch, hold water, driver, elbow, these actions. The leg is *** all play can cross. Waist to control, not a ist ist.","Ventilation is to both sides in the mouth to breathe in, his anger on his nose. Pay attention to the points don"t choke to water。 4. 小学生介绍自己特长的英语作文 One of my favourite sports is swimming, because it is good for our health. I learned how to swim when I was only 5. My mom took me to swimming lesson. I still remember I was afraid of my coach. Now I am a good swimmer. I swim once a month in our regional swimming pool. I can do the 4 strokes, free style, butterfly, back stroke and breast stroke. Free style is my best. I can finish 50m in 45 seconds. Although I"m not a good swimmer as Michael Philps who won 8 gold medals in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, I"m still in love with swimming。 5. 写一篇小学作文 去年暑假的一天,我们几个淘气鬼打过扑克后,就到竹林里说起大话来。 比我小半岁的弟弟说他不怕老鼠;强强说他敢和山羊打架;莉莉说她是捉鸡能手。我也眯起双眼吹起牛来说:“蜂子是我的手下败将,它们从不敢蜇我。” 强强撇撇嘴:“燕燕吹牛,我才不信呢。”“不信?那你给我找个蜂窝,我要不敢,是……是小狗。” “我家房檐下有只大蜂窝,走,看你敢不敢?” 于是我们几个很快跑到强强家的后墙根。“在这儿呢。” 我顺着看去,不看还罢,一看还真把我吓一跳,这么大的蜂窝,我犹豫了。要是不捅,“小狗”这“美名”一开学准会传遍全班的。 可这么高,怎么办呢?还是强强眼尖,他看到旁边草堆边有根木棍儿,忙捡来递给我。我接过木棍儿不管三七二十一,对准蜂窝就是一阵猛捅。 “嗡嗡--”蜂子没命地到处乱飞。那几个胆小鬼早巳藏到草堆里边。 我扔掉木棍连滚带爬窜向草堆。那蜂子像长了眼似的,在我的胳膊上、脸上蜇了几下,疼得我直掉眼泪。 当时我那狼狈相,绝对赛过电视里的小丑。 唉,看来说大话是有害无益的啊。 6. 小学生写的作文,500~600字以内,写人的~~~~~ 叔叔是个乐观家 一提起我的叔叔,那可是颇负盛名。你随便拉一个我们院子里的人问一问,哪个人不知道他。上次他来我们家窜门的时候不但招来了一帮警察,还惹哭了一个小孩,又让一位老奶奶摔了一跤。究竟是怎么回事呢?且听我慢慢道来。 那天,我去火车站接叔叔。叔叔一看见我,高兴地说:“呦,长这么高了!”我刚要帮他拿行李,一群警察气势汹汹地来了,把我拉到他们的身后,小声对我说:“小朋友,以后要注意远离这些坏人!”我正纳闷不知道发生了什么事,然后一群警察就把叔叔团团围住了。叔叔一愣,随后笑眯眯地对我说:“你们家是不是有钱了,请了这么多保镖?”我差点晕倒在地,要不是后来警察弄清了叔叔的身份,我们不知道还要在派出所呆多久呢! 我和叔叔拎着沉重的行李回到我住的院子,这时,一位老奶奶推着一个小婴儿来到我们身边,我问了一声奶奶好,又继续朝家走去,走了一段路,身后就传来一阵哭闹声,我回头一看,只见叔叔把小婴儿弄哭了,我急忙跑过去,叔叔还是站在那,满脸笑容,对我说:“瞧,这小家伙哭起来多可爱!”什么?!把人家弄哭了还说他可爱,真没见过这样的人,老奶奶也不满地白了他一眼,正要去安慰小宝宝,叔叔笑着推了老奶奶一把,说:“我来就行了!”谁知他劲太大,把老奶奶推倒了,我赶紧将她扶起来,生怕出什么事,老奶奶一起来就训斥我叔叔,我叔叔还是满脸堆笑,让人哭笑不得。 一到家,我就算计着怎么让叔叔走,他待在我家我们没好日子过,他也太乐观了,遇上什么事都笑,惹得全院人都怕他。“丁冬”,糟了,不会是叔叔来了吧,我得先“闪”一步了!

怎么评价money trees

Money Trees (Feat Jay Rock)演唱:Kendrick Lamar / Jay RockUh me and my niggas trying to get it ya bishHit the house lick tell me is you with it ya bishHome invasion was persuasiveFrom nine to five I know it"s vacant ya bishDreams of living life like rappers doBack when condom wrappers wasn"t coolI fucked Sherane then went to tell my brosThen Usher Raymond Let it Burn came onHot sauce all in our Top Ramen ya bishPark the car then we start rhyming ya bishThe only thing we had to free our mindThen freeze that verse when we see dollar signsYou looking like an easy come up ya bishA silver spoon I know you come from ya bishAnd that"s a lifestyle that we never knewGo at a reverend for the revenueIt go Halle Berry or hallelujahPick your poison tell me what you doingEverybody gon" respect the shooterBut the one in front of the gun lives foreverAnd I been hustling all day this a way that a wayThrough canals and alleyways just to sayMoney trees is the perfect place for shadeAnd that"s just how I feelA dollar might just fuck your main bitchThat"s just how I feelA dollar might say fuck them niggasThat you came with that"s just how I feelA dollar might just make that lane switchThat"s just how I feelA dollar might turn to a millionAnd we all rich that"s just how I feelDreams of living life like rappers doBump that new E-40 after schoolYou know big balling with my homiesEarl Stevens had us thinking rationalBack to reality we poor ya bishAnother casualty at war ya bishTwo bullets in my Uncle Tony headHe said one day I"d be on tour ya bishThat Louis Burger never be the sameA Louis belt will never ease that painBut I"mma purchase when that day is jerkingPull off at Church"s with Pirelli"s skirtingGang signs out the window ya bishHoping all of em offend you ya bishThey say your hood is a pot of goldAnd we gone crash it when nobody"s homeIt go Halle Berry or hallelujahPick your poison tell me what you doingEverybody gon" respect the shooterBut the one in front of the gun lives foreverAnd I been hustling all day this a way that a wayThrough canals and alleyways just to sayMoney trees is the perfect place for shadeAnd that"s just how I feelA dollar might just fuck your main bitchThat"s just how I feelA dollar might say fuck them niggasThat you came with that"s just how I feelA dollar might just make that lane switchThat"s just how I feelA dollar might turn to a millionAnd we all rich that"s just how I feelBe the last one out to get this dough no wayLove one of you bucket headed hoes no wayHit the streets then we break the code no wayHit the brakes when they on patrol no wayBe the last one out to get this dough no wayLove one of you bucket headed hoes no wayHit the streets then we break the code no wayHit the brakes when they on patrol no wayImagine Rock up in the projectsWhere them niggas pick your pocketsSanta Claus don"t miss them stockingsLiquor spilling pistols poppingBaking soda YOLA whippingAin"t no turkey on ThanksgivingMy homeboy just domed a niggaI just hope the Lord forgive himPots with cocaine residue everyday I"m hustlingWhat else is a thug to doWhen you eatin" cheese from the governmentGotta provide for my daughter n"emGet the fuck up out my way bishGot that drum and got them bandsJust like a parade bishDrop that work up in the bushesHope them boys don"t see my stashIf they do tell the truthThis the last time you might see my assFrom the gardens where the grass ain"t cutThem serpents lurking bloodBitches selling pussyNiggas selling drugs but it"s all goodBroken promisesSteal your watch and tell you what time it isTake your J"s and tell you to kick itWhere a FootLocker isIn the streets with a heaterUnder my dungareesDreams of me getting shadedUnder a money treeIt go Halle Berry or hallelujahPick your poison tell me what you doingEverybody gon" respect the shooterBut the one in front of the gun lives foreverAnd I been hustling all day this a way that a wayThrough canals and alleyways just to sayMoney trees is the perfect place for shadeAnd that"s just how I feel

Canada geese are large blue and white birds .When autumn arrives ,they have to fly south where ...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:A小题4:B小题5:A 试题分析:小题1:根据When autumn arrives ,they have to fly south where the weather is warmer .当秋天到来,就是夏天之后,故选D。小题2:.结合上文第三段可知比尔对他们进行了训练,故选A。小题3:结合上文可知这些大雁需要温暖的气候,故选A。小题4:根据Bill found the geese waiting for him .Then had found the way home without him !可知这些大雁是自己返回比尔的家的,故选B,通过他们自己。小题5:.通过阅读短文我们可以知道比尔为了救助这些大雁,不但花费时间训练他们,还亲自驾驶飞机把它们送到南方温暖的佛吉尼亚,故选A,他非常喜欢这些鸟。点评:本文主人公比尔救助了16只幼年加拿大雁,为了让他们能去南方过冬亲自训练他们,并且亲自驾驶飞机送他们到南方过冬的故事。

怎么翻译Programme Committees

回答: (A) [英国英语] "Programmes Committee(s)": 节目委员会;节目小组(B) [美国英语] "Programs Committee(s)": 节目委员会;节目小组.注: (1) "Committee" 单数; "Committees" 复数.(别搞错)(2) "Programmes/Programs" 可以确定是复数.(3) Committee = 委员会;理事小组...(4) Programme = 编程;程序(computer programme); 计划;节目;规划...

secret love bee gees 歌词翻译


手边一袋咖啡粉,牌子叫:house of coffees。产地南非。想知道关于这个牌子咖啡的价格等一些信息。


above the trees are the hills

因为这里有一个主句和一个从句 主句是 Above the trees are the hills 从句是the river faithfully reflects on the surface. 而这个whose magnificence 作reflects的宾语 也就是 the river faithfully reflects whose magnificence on the surface. 也就是 the river faithfully reflects the hills"magnificence on the surface. 所以翻译为 树的上方是山 河水在表面映照出它的壮丽多姿





翻译:No less a thinker than Albert Einstein pointed out that,without bees,humanity would be dea





the first starbucks coffee shop是七年级英语阅读理解题翻译成中文: 第一个星巴克咖啡店。在1971年美国华盛顿州西雅图市中心年开业.它是一家小咖啡店,自己煮咖啡豆.咖啡店的业务表现良好,而在1981年西雅图有三家星巴克咖啡店.现在,星巴克已经有了上千家的分店,分布在全球。

canada-land of maple trees全文翻译

Canada is one of the world largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery. Canada has vast areas of wilderness, from the Arctic north, where average winter temperatures are usually minus 20 degrees centigrade, to the 8,892-kilometre-long border with the USA in the south, which is said to be the longest border in the world not defended by an army or police. On the eastern and western boundaries, the country borders the two great oceans----the Atlantic and the Pacific. Within this huge country, there are frozen wastes, vast mountain ranges, enormous open plains, countless rivers and seemingly endless forests. There are many wild animals in the forests and on the freezing, ice-covered lands in the north, and fish are abundant in the seas and rivers. For those who love outdoor activities, it is possible to hike, sail, cross-country ski or travel by snowmobile for hours----or even days----without meeting another person. Canadians, especially wildlife photographers and hunters, are quite fond of this wilderness, and you will be too! Beautiful scenery is just one of the treasures Canada has to offer. The vast majority of Canada"s population of about 30 million people is urban. You will be thrilled by Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton----all known internationally for their metropolitan lifestyle, beautiful architecture and unique culture. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, is often said to be the most multicultural city in the world. People there have ancestors from Ireland, Portugal, China, Lebanon, Italy and Vietnam, as well as from many other places. Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN tower for short. Rising 553 metres into the shy, it is the tallest tower in the world! Montreal, a port in the province of Quebec, is the second largest city in Canada, and also the second largest French-speaking city in the world, Paris being the largest. Quebec, which was originally colonized by France, was lost to the British in 1763, but its population is still over 70 per cent French. Because of this, Montreal has a wonderful mix of Old World (European) and New World (North American) architecture. There are old building, churches, narrow streets and alleys, all alongside glass and steel and concrete skyscrapers reaching upwards. As a modern city, Montreal has colourful nightlife, with many restaurants and clubs, as well as cultural and street festivals to ensure that no visitor is ever bored. Smaller in size, but equally famous, is the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia on the Pacific coast. Another multicultural city, it has one of the largest Chinese populations in North America. Vancouver has superb scenery, a beautiful harbor, and all the comforts of modern life and international cuisine, in addition to being close to the most wilderness and ski areas. Edmonton, a city in British Columbia"s neighbouring province of Alberta, is home to the West Edmonton Mall. The mall is said to be the largest pedestrian mall in the world. It is like an underground city, covering an area of more than 20 football pitches. The mall consists of eight

23 degrees and south歌词中文翻译

23 degrees and south维度23的南方Ride the river down to the mouth顺着河流一直往下This crazy life I can do without没有你在我身旁Long as you"re here with me这样疯狂的日子我也不想度过Catch a wave and ride the crest冲击着波浪,在山顶上肆意Hang ten and hook it to the west把它们都挂到西边去Sell it all til" there"s nothing left就全部都卖出去吧Long as you"re here with me只要你还在我身边就好Gonna play this old guitar再弹起那把心爱的旧吉他For beer and tips at a beachside bar在海滨的酒吧里喝着酒付着小费Little out of key, we"ll sing it loud无人注意的话我们就唱的再大声点吧Don"t need a map to get us where we"re going不必用地图指引我们去向何方Sail wherever the breeze is blowing无论何地,只要微风轻拂而过Rediscover what our love is all about在那里再次发现什么是爱You and me and 23 degrees south你与我一起去向南方Remember me,remember you记得自己,挂念着你All those crazy things we said we"d do那些我们曾夸下海口的蠢事We got so lost and out of the blue最终却迷失自己,伤痕遍体Dreams just slip away梦已不再But I"m still here and you"re my girl我仍在原地,你也还是我的爱人Still you and me against the world还是我们一起面对这世界Pack a bag and pack it light随意打包轻装上路Come on baby,we can leave tonight来吧bae我们今晚就出发了Gonna play this old guitar再拾起那把旧吉他For beer and tips at a beachside bar在海滨的酒吧里喝着酒,付着小费Little out of key,we"ll sing it loud无人注意的话我们就唱的再大声点吧Don"t need a map to get us where we"re going不必用地图指引我们去向何方Sail wherever the breeze is blowing无论何地,只要微风轻拂而过Rediscover what our love is all about在那里再次发现什么是爱You and me and 23 degrees south你与我一起去向南方Play songs on this guitar就在这旧吉他上奏起我们的曲子We"ll get back to who we are我们终会回到最初Fall like shooting stars that don"t burn out就像不会焚尽的流星Don"t need a map to get us where we"re going不必用地图指引我们去向何方Sail wherever the breeze is blowing无论何地,只要微风轻拂而过Remember what our love is all about终究能看到什么是爱情You and me and 23 degrees south那梦中的南方mmm,hmmWell,come on baby,pack it light来吧我们轻装就走mmm,hmm23 degrees south就去往那南方oh yeah

The Wild Geese(野鹅敢死队)的英文歌词

《Flight of the Wild Geese》 Sad are the eyes, yet no tears.The flight of the wild geese brings a new hope--rescue from all this.Old friends, and those that we"ve found.What chance, to make it last?When there"s fighting all around, and reason just ups and disappears.Time is running out.There is so much to be done--Tell me what more, what more, can we do?There are promises made, plans firmly laid.Now madness prevails, lives will be ended!What more can we do?What chance, to make it last?What more, can we do?

Kate Walsh的《1 Bees》 歌词

歌曲名:1 Bees歌手:Kate Walsh专辑:Light & DarkArtist: NirvanaAlbum: IncesticideTitle: BeeswaxI was a seeking out for a funnelNot only magnets but I could pry bar it shutGlueing my manhood towards a manholeLike peppy lepew the scenthey hey had lightweight clutchI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedPush the assbuttonTweeking and flexing if the wind blows just rightTacky and thumbs on polyesterHighwater jumpsuits and a raped apeI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedI don"t know whyI got a joke too silly to sayDon"t touch the ballsI got a dick, dick, hear my fucking hateI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayedVinegar and water is gaining monthlyFiberglass insulation disquised as cotton candySpawning down stream el rancho ovulateFeeding a cow hamburger and rawPeter has brought me the tiki idolBilly"s sneer reminds me of someoneHomesick, a bay aboard the love boatToni, Tenile, Sonny Bono, Charo had a nice set of lungsI got my titilate spayedI got a little tailI got my titilate spayedI got my titilate spayed

the world is flat the moon is made of cheese 是什么意思


the world is flat the moon is made of cheese 是什么意思


degrees awarded是什么意思


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"[PassionHD] Giselle Mari, Ariana Marie - Voyeur Threesome (17.07.2013)(1)"高清完整版下载地址:核实后记得采纳!!

求rap大神帮忙 diss别人的歌词 押韵的 freestyle 那种



beessentialto的例句是:Itwillbeessentialtoestablishhowthemoneyisbeingspent.搞清这笔钱是如何被花费的将至关重要。Hypnosis,yoga,Silvamind-control,religiousceremoniesandfaithhealingareallassociatedwithsuccessfulsuggestion,butnoneoftheirtechniquesseemtobeessentialtoit.催眠、瑜伽、席尔瓦精神控制、宗教仪式和信仰治疗都与成功的建议有关,但它们的技巧似乎都不是必要的。Itmaynotbeessentialtosaveanyparticularnewsmedium,includingprintednewspapers.拯救某个特定的新闻媒体(如报纸)或许不是必要的。beessentialto的例句是:Itwillbeessentialtoestablishhowthemoneyisbeingspent.搞清这笔钱是如何被花费的将至关重要。Hypnosis,yoga,Silvamind-control,religiousceremoniesandfaithhealingareallassociatedwithsuccessfulsuggestion,butnoneoftheirtechniquesseemtobeessentialtoit.催眠、瑜伽、席尔瓦精神控制、宗教仪式和信仰治疗都与成功的建议有关,但它们的技巧似乎都不是必要的。Itmaynotbeessentialtosaveanyparticularnewsmedium,includingprintednewspapers.拯救某个特定的新闻媒体(如报纸)或许不是必要的。beessentialto的意思是vt.对...必不可少的。一、网络释义点此查看beessentialto的详细内容 必不可少的...selectiverole选择作用beessentialto必不可少的,非常重要的beheldresponsiblefor被认为应该对负责,必须对负责... 本质的...beequalto相等的,同样的;胜任的,合适的beessentialto本质的,基本的,必要的beexposedto遭受... 有必要...holdpoint_保存点beessentialto_有必要GENIFIQUEREPAIR_genifique修理...二、例句Itwillbeessentialtoestablishhowthemoneyisbeingspent.搞清这笔钱是如何被花费的将至关重要。Hypnosis,yoga,Silvamind-control,religiousceremoniesandfaithhealingareallassociatedwithsuccessfulsuggestion,butnoneoftheirtechniquesseemtobeessentialtoit.催眠、瑜伽、席尔瓦精神控制、宗教仪式和信仰治疗都与成功的建议有关,但它们的技巧似乎都不是必要的。Itmaynotbeessentialtosaveanyparticularnewsmedium,includingprintednewspapers.拯救某个特定的新闻媒体(如报纸)或许不是必要的。beessentialto的相关临近词be、Beique点此查看更多关于beessentialto的详细信息

school facilitiees什么意思

school facilities学校设施例句:1.School facilities, health equipment and public cultural facilities in poor areas are also expected to be improved.2.The high school facilities were donated by the Vermilion Parish School Board to the Herod Village organization in 1996.

大学英语作文:窗外的树(The Trees Outside my Window)

  窗外的树(the trees outside my window)   from the window of my room, i could see a tall cotton-rose hibiscus. in spring, when green foliage was half hidden by mist, the tree looked very enchanting dotted with red blossom. this inspiring neighbor of mine often set my mind working. i gradually regarded it as my best friend.   nevertheless, when i opened the window one morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm ravages the night before. struck by the plight, i was seized with a sadness at the thought “all the blossom is doomed to fall”. i could not help sighing with emotion: the course of life never runs smooth, for there are so many ups and downs, twists and turns. the vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another. isnu2019t it similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?   this event faded from my memory as time went by. one day after i came home from the countryside, i found the room stuffy and casually opened the window. something outside caught my eye and dazzled me. it was a plum tree all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset. the surprise discovery overwhelmed me with pleasure. i wondered why i had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals when i was grieving for the hibiscus.   when the last withered petal dropped, all the joyful admiration for the hibiscus sank into oblivion as if nothing was left, until the landscape was again ablaze with the red plum blossom to remind people of lifeu2019s alternation and continuance. canu2019t it be said that life is actually a symphony, a harmonious




1、单押是指在歌词中单字押韵,双押是指在歌词中出现的双字押韵,两者都属于网络流行词,因《中国有嘻哈》节目而爆红网络并被大众所熟知。双押相比普通的单押更能体现rapper的创作实力,也大大提高了作品的深意和难度。 2、单押是押韵的一种,是句子与句子之间,互相有相近或者相同的韵母,通过歌手不同的排列方式,使整个段落呈现出一种韵律感,类似于数来宝的方式,每一段话的结尾都有相同的韵母,例如:人生是个局,下好你的棋;人活一张脸,树活一张皮。 3、双押是歌词押韵的一种,同单押的意思相同,也是句子与句子之间,互相有相近或者相同的韵母,但相对于单押来说更能体现出rapper的创作实力,同时也大大提高了作品的难度和深意,例如:期待下一场足够证明我的能力,那就下一场帮我对手修好坟地。


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