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Middelfart夏青素精华液怎么样?我觉得还可以,这种精华液效果特别好 嗯,使用效果呃蛮好的,皮肤效果反应也是很好的弹性



在概念画板中渲染楼层平面图—来自建筑师Osama Elfar的设计教程

和建筑师Osama Elfar一起学习如何在概念画板中缩放和渲染平面图。 在B站观看视频教程 。阅读下文中Osama Elfar的其他见解以及关于视频教程的更多详细信息、技巧和画笔设置。 1.你为客户制作第一版平面图的创作过程是怎样的? 一旦从客户会议或收到项目简报中获得具体要求,我立即把客户的需求转到画布上。我通过使用气泡图来开始制定平面图。这样做能帮助我了解它们之间的联系。接着仅使用线条画出大概方案,并测试所要求的长度是否合适,然后为平面图添加更多细节。一旦客户和我都认为细化后的画作无误,我下一步就到AutoCAD里完成平面图。 为平面图上色是很重要的一步。能够帮助没有建筑背景的客户了解项目。他们可以在此基础上想象空间和大小,然后选择家具放置的位置。 这一步最难的部分是客户提出调整的时候。作为设计师,你需要立刻返回办公室修改图纸,因为客户都希望能够第一时间收到调整后的高质量图纸。最好的办法是在平面图上找到快速上色的办法。有助于让客户感受到自己的项目受到充分的重视。 通常我都是导出PDF文件,因为PDF格式灵活,可以通过邮件发送、打印出来或者在屏幕上演示。 设定楼层平面图 1. 导入平面图之前先把单位设好。前往设置>单位,单位设为平面图的单位。Osama在视频中用的是英寸。 2. 导入PDF或图片格式平面图。 3. 打开精确菜单并激活直线辅助线。用两只手指把辅助线移到 已知长度 的位置上,墙或者其他部分。 4. 前往设置>画作比例,然后在第二个输入框里面填入平面图上 已知长度 。 5. 在菜单外其他位置点击返回画布。现在开始我们可以使用直线辅助线测量平面图上的任意部分,测量出的结果就是它们的现实长度。 渲染楼层平面图 注: 图层请保持为自动分成模式。这样做有助于整理画作,允许我们后面更容易对颜色、笔触粗细等进行编辑。 1. 楼层平面图导入后,使用100%平滑度的马克笔填充墙体。不同压感下马克笔画出的内容颜色有动态感,墙体效果更好看。 2. 下一步,墙体勾线。我们用100%平滑度的钢笔来完成这项工作。我们随时都可以选中钢笔笔画(或者通过图层菜单上的选取箭头选中整张图层),然后修改钢笔笔画的粗细。 3. 现在到空间设计的环节了。画好之后客户就能看到整个空间的视觉效果了。可以把素材市场或者自己设计的家具素材拖到平面图里面使用( 阅读我们的图文教程:素材和自制素材 )。 使用剪贴板: 如果想把另一幅画作中画好的素材拖到平面图上使用,先进入有素材的那张画作中,选中素材(群组起来更方便使用),然后点击选取菜单或者导入菜单上显示的回形针图标。进入新的画作(最快的办法就是通过状态栏左上角的面包屑导航切换画作),在空白的地方长按弹出粘贴功能,也可以从导入库中找到剪贴板的内容。 自制素材: 如果你拥有多个素材,使用自制素材功能创建属于自己的素材库,然后直接拖到平面图上使用。 4. 如果你已经知道家具元素的尺寸,可以把它调整到精确的长度。激活精确的测量功能,长按一个尺寸标签,然后输入所需长度。 5. 选取然后复制,进行快速安置。可以随意在画布周围移动素材,为它找到合适的位置、设计选项和房间。 6. 使用填充工具填充地板。可以对整个房间进行填充。把填充工具设到20%左右平滑度,所填内容的边会更加笔直一些。没必要一定得画的非常完美,后面我们可以把微移调试到适当大小后将填充的内容稍微往边上推一把到合适的位置。 7. 用硬角遮罩把桌子、地毯等内部空间擦出来,让它们与地板颜色形成差异。 8. 通过使用填充工具添加阴影可以给画作带入深度感。需要格外注意找准每笔开始画的位置,因为要确保最后一笔完全笔直,有助于我们把边画齐。 9. 使用文本工具给平面图添加文字。 10. 双击图层的缩略图打开可见模式(焦点模式)。可见模式(焦点模式)的优点是允许我们可以仅编辑当前图层的笔画。长按套索选取,或者在图层菜单上通过选取箭头选中整张图层,然后调整笔画粗细或颜色,为作品最终润色。 1:21 - 墙体填充:马克笔,8.08in,100%线条平滑度 2.35 - 墙体勾线:钢笔,1.77in,100%线条平滑度 6:20 - 地板:填充工具,黑色,25%不透明度 8:05 - 填充内容调整:微移 8:20 - 家具:硬角遮罩,33.2in 8:48 - 坠阴影:填充工具,黑色,25%不透明度 设计师Osama Ahmad Elfar 于1992年毕业自亚历山大大学。他是UNii Engineering Consultancy的合伙人,该公司在阿联酋、卡塔尔和埃及均设有办事处。他曾多次赢得知名设计比赛。作品横跨不同建筑领域,包括高层建筑、多功能建筑、住宅、商用和酒店业。他的项目广布世界各地,包括阿联酋、卡塔尔、埃及、沙特阿拉伯、美国、瑞士、比利时、阿曼苏丹、利比亚和日本。他同时还做设计培训,教授课程和在活动中演讲。 大家可以在 YouTube 、 Instagram 和 Facebook 上关注Osama。他的更多作品发布在 www.uniidesign.com 和 www.osamaelfar.com 。 内容制作:Osama Elfar 视频剪辑:Lasse Pekkala 文章:Erica Christensen 翻译:Beatrice Tian

通过平面图绘制轴测图—来自建筑师设计师Osama Elfar的设计教程

和建筑设计师Osama Elfar一起学习如何使用楼层平面图绘制轴测图。 请在B站观看该文章的视频教程 。阅读下文中Osama Elfar的附加见解以及视频教程相关的更多详细信息、技巧和画笔设置。 您是否能简单地为我们讲述下什么是轴测图?以及为什么使用它? 轴测图是获取3D视图的快速方法。操作相比透视图难度更低一些,因为建筑师可以直接在楼层平面图的基础上添加平行线来绘制轴测图,不必花费时间绘制透视图所需的消失点。 客户一般对您的轴测图图纸作何反应? 轴测图对说服客户有什么帮助吗? 有时候客户很难理解二维的建筑图纸。他们需要更多的图帮助他们了解建筑和建筑的外观。轴测图对于客户来说更加直观易懂。另外,轴测图对建筑师的获得设计批准也有帮助。 初步设计 1. 从相册或文件导入一张平面图(PDF或图片)。 2. 导入的图片会显示为选中状态。点击上方的两个手柄把图片拉斜成透视视图。 3. 在活动的图形图层中,点击图层缩略图来打开图层菜单。使用不透明滑条把不透明度降到50%左右。 4. 在平面图的一个角上用100%平滑度设定的铅笔画一条垂线。打开精确菜单中的网格对这一步操作可能有所帮助。 5. 选择并复制垂线,然后在分别放到平面图的每个角上。 6. 用铅笔把平面图轮廓描出来。 7. 然后选中并复制已倾斜的平面图搭建出二楼。 8. 用铅笔把平面图二楼轮廓描出来。 9. 再复制已倾斜的平面图搭建出屋顶的结构。 10. 用铅笔把屋顶轮廓描出来。 完善设计图 1. 用硬角遮罩把当前视角看不到的建筑线条擦掉。 2. 使用应用100%平滑度的钢笔画线覆盖到之前的线稿上。把建筑的结构轮廓勾画出来。 3. 用铅笔笔画出临时的垂直线使斜线居中。 4. 在画轮廓构图的同时,我们也会逐渐弄清建筑的形状。帮助你更轻松地了解细节,并画出令人信服和紧凑的设计图。 5. 一旦轮廓线画好,把素材拖到窗户上。使用控制手柄把素材拉弯到轴测图视角。 6. 使用铅笔把建筑四周景观线的底线画出来,其中包括行车道、人行道和院子,为景观细节添加参考。 7. 用钢笔加描景观细节处,包括围墙、后院和前院区域的线条。 设计图上色 1. 创建一张新图层到设计图的勾线图层下方。如果是自动分层模式,你选择填充工具之后会自动在钢笔图层下方新建一张图层。 2. 选择填充工具,并将其设定到低不透明度。这样设定的好处是我们能够多次在同一区域添加填充。上色时候需要注意光源(通常光源照亮的是建筑的正面)。正面画一层填充,辅助角度画两层填充,背光处画三层。 3. 用低不透明度黑色或灰色的填充画阴影。给大门、窗户、墙壁和屋顶都加上阴影。屋顶斜处加一层或两层阴影,还有坠到地上的阴影不要忘记画上。 4. 为窗户、人行道和水景等景观和细节上色。 5. 使用柔角遮罩把景观的四周柔化润色。 7. 从素材库导入人物和景观素材到设计图上,赋予建筑物比例感,并且给整个场景增添生气。透明PNG素材在概念画板中使用起来非常简单快捷( 学习怎么制作 )。 8. 使用硬角遮罩把覆盖线稿的元素擦掉。 9. 使用填充工具给人和景观元素都加上阴影效果。 0:36 - 软铅笔,灰色,94%不透明度 0:53 - 软铅笔,灰色,94%不透明度 2:06 - 硬角遮罩,100%不透明度 2:27 - 钢笔,黑色,100%不透明度 3:46 - 软铅笔,灰色,94%不透明度 5:23 - 软铅笔,灰色,94%不透明度 6:00 - 钢笔,黑色,100%不透明度 8:11 - 填充,红色,62%不透明度 9:08 - 填充,灰色,25%不透明度 10:23 - 填充,浅灰色,55%不透明度 10:48 - 填充,绿色,33%不透明度 11:05 - 柔角遮罩,100%不透明度 11:11 - 填充,浅蓝,33%不透明度 11:59 - 硬角遮罩,100%不透明度 12:23 - 填充,灰色,25%不透明度 12:35 - 软铅笔,灰色,94%不透明度 设计师Osama Ahmad Elfar 于1992年毕业自亚历山大大学。他是UNii Engineering Consultancy的合伙人,该公司在阿联酋、卡塔尔和埃及均设有办事处。他曾多次赢得知名设计比赛。作品横跨不同建筑领域,包括高层建筑、多功能建筑、住宅、商用和酒店业。他的项目广布世界各地,包括阿联酋、卡塔尔、埃及、沙特阿拉伯、美国、瑞士、比利时、阿曼苏丹、利比亚和日本。他同时还做设计培训,教授课程和在活动中演讲。 大家可以在 YouTube 、 Instagram 和 Facebook 上关注Osama。他的更多作品发布在 www.uniidesign.com 和 www.osamaelfar.com 。 内容制作:Osama Elfar 视频剪辑:Lasse Pekkala 文章:Erica Christensen 翻译:Beatrice Tian


self-assurance的意思是n.自信;自足;自满同义词:n.confidence,self-confidence,self-possession,poise,assurance例句1、He spoke with ease and self-assurance, and he had brought along his wife, a dignified lady who evidently wasn"t going to say anything.他说话轻松而自信。他带着他的妻子一起来,那是一位高贵的女性,显然不打算说什么。2、Even now she lacked self-assurance, but there was that in what she had already experienced which left her a little less than timid.即使现在她仍缺乏自信,只不过她已有的那点经历已使她不那么胆怯罢了。



这句话是什么意思?regarding a welfare concern of his children在句中这如何来理解

关于 他孩子的福利问题。

welfare rolls是什么


animal welfare是什么意思

animal welfare动物基金会双语对照例句:1.Now, china"s ivory consumer base appears to be expanding, says wang juan, an official in the beijing office of the international fund for animal welfare. 国际爱护动物基金会(international fund for animal welfare)北京办事处的工作人员王娟说,中国的象牙消费人群现在似乎正在扩大。2."Killing dogs is not the appropriate way to control the spread of rabies," said jeff he, a special assistant at the international fund for animal welfare in china. 国际爱护动物基金会(international fund for animal welfare)驻中国特别助理何勇(jeff he)说,杀狗并不是控制狂犬病蔓延的适当方式

public welfare activities是什么意思

公益活动例句:1.She learned latin and her to participate in every time of public welfare activities. 到她学拉丁并看她参加的每回公益活动。2.Mcdonald"s restaurant has established reputation for its management style, hourlyrates of pay, its smiling assistants and social and public welfare activities. 麦当劳餐馆以其特有的管理风格、计时制报酬、笑容可掬的服务员以及各种社会公共福利活动而享誉全球。

工资单中welfare taxable是什么意思中文翻译

工资单中welfare taxable是应税福利


a person can"t rely on the welfare system for everythingWelfare is the symbol of a country"s development,Benefits to help poor people become rich,Now that most parts of the country have become better off, the state can spare more resources to help the few poor areas develop.But lazy people on welfare become.Countries will become obsolete.People have hands and feet.People do not want to learn to move forward is not to stop light.



ministry of health and welfare是什么意思


英语作文 a effective welfare

Because of the development of society and all kinds of unfair things in the society, there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor, and mang people live in a great trouble. so an effective welfare system is important. But what should an effective welfare system be like? I think that an effective welfare system should be fair ,complete and can brings kindness to the people who really need it. In this society,mang people who are unfortunate are can"t live without other"s help, especily the help from government. So the government should establish some reasonable policies that can make sure the people who need help really get the kindness and have a happiniess life. Besides,some special equipment which can bring some convenient to them should installs in the public area. The last but not least, the government should make sure those caseworkers are honest and rich of sympathy,so those policies can work effective.




welfare n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;是不可数名词。 例句: The state is still the main provider of welfare. 政府仍然是福利的主要提供者。 I do not think he is considering Emmas welfare. 我认为他没有考虑到艾玛的幸福。 扩展资料   The children"s welfare must be seen as paramount.   孩子们的福利必须被视为是最为重要的"。   Welfare reform is a top priority for the government.   福利改革是政府的当务之急。   The court assumed responsibility for the girl"s welfare.   法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。   There were calls for major changes to the welfare system.   有人要求对福利制度进行重大改革。   The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient.   福利制度非常不公平,效率也极低。


welfaren.幸福, 福利, 康乐福利事业, (事业的)繁荣, 兴隆public welfare funds公共福利基金welfare centre福利中心[设施、机构]welfare fund福利基金

farewell 告别 welfare 福利 中英文意思 就是对不上号


welfare state是什么意思

福利国家welfare state[英][u02c8welfu025bu0259 steit][美][u02c8wu025blu02ccfu025br stet]n.福利国家;

[A] profit[B] benefit[C] success[D] welfare

【答案】:A33.A profit益处,收益;benefit益处,好处;success成功;welfare福利。 make a profit表示获利,为固定搭配。四个选项只有profit可与 make搭配。benefit表示获利时,用其固定搭配benefit from/by, success可用于固定搭配make a success of sth,表示“获取成功,取得成就”,welfare常用于welfare services表示“福利事业”。本句话意思为“这两个国家都希望能够从中获利。”故选A。




福利(corporate welfare)是员工薪酬的一个重要组成部分。近年来,越来越多的企业为员工提供良好的福利待遇,以便吸引、激励和留住优秀的员工。与之相应的,员工的福利满意度(welfare satisfaction)也会直接影响员工的工作态度以及企业经营管理的效益。在英美企业工作,员工一般都有足够的意识去努力争取自己应有的福利待遇。


翻译如下welfare一般不可以直接翻译为福利院。welfare的意思是福利;幸福;繁荣;安宁福利院:welfare house、Welfare Centre都可以


名词 n.1.健康, 幸福, 繁荣 They are concerned about my welfare.他们关心我的健康。2.福利 Patrick works for social welfare.帕特里克为社会福利工作。The company"s welfare officer deals with employee"s personal problems.公司负责福利的工作人员处理雇员的个人问题。3.〈美〉政府的福利(制度) Most of the families in this neighbourhood are on welfare.这一带的大多数家庭都接受政府的福利救济。


welfare 英 ["welfeu0259] 美 ["wu025bl"fu025br] n.福利;福利事业;幸福 [例句] Canada has a welfare state. 加拿大拥有一套福利体系。


welfare 英[u02c8welfeu0259(r)] 美[u02c8welfer] n. (个体或群体的) 幸福,安全与健康; (政府给予的) 福利; [例句]I do not think he is considering Emma"s welfare我认为他没有考虑到埃玛的幸福。


名词 1.福利2.生活福利3.禔




应该是 make yourself at home. 字面意思是像在自己家一样,即别拘束,放松些。

queen‘s university belfast 和 university of aberdeen 改选哪一个?

前面一个是电算化会计后面一个只说会计和财务看样子你还是选个明确的吧 电算化会计 现在都用电脑做账嘛

用英文详细介绍下 Cardiff Glasgow Edinburgh Belfast Swansea 这五个城市一定要准确 还有详细啊 谢谢啦

多少字算详细?这样行吗?Cardiff is the capital, largest city and most populous county of Wales. The city is Wales" chief commercial centre, the base for most national cultural and sporting institutions, the Welsh national media, and the seat of the National Assembly for Wales. According to recent estimates, the population of the unitary authority area is 324,800,[2] while the wider metropolitan area has a population of nearly 1.1 million, more than a third of the total Welsh population.[3] Cardiff is a significant tourism centre and the most popular visitor destination in Wales with 14.6 million visitors in 2009.[4]The city of Cardiff is the county town of the historic county of Glamorgan (and later South Glamorgan). Cardiff is part of the Eurocities network of the largest European cities.[5] Cardiff Urban Area covers a slightly larger area, including Dinas Powys, Penarth and Radyr. A small town until the early 19th century, its prominence as a major port for the transport of coal following the arrival of industry in the region contributed to its rise as a major city.Cardiff was made a city in 1905, and proclaimed capital of Wales in 1955. Since the 1990s Cardiff has seen significant development with a new waterfront area at Cardiff Bay which contains the new Welsh Assembly Building and the Wales Millennium Centre arts complex. The city centre is undergoing a major redevelopment. International sporting venues in the city include the Millennium Stadium (rugby union and football), SWALEC Stadium (cricket) and the newly opened Cardiff City Stadium. The city was awarded with the European City Of Sport in 2009 due to its role in hosting major international sporting events.Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and third most populous in the United Kingdom. The city is situated on the River Clyde in the country"s west central lowlands. A person from Glasgow is known as a Glaswegian, which is also a common name for the local dialect.Glasgow grew from the medieval Bishopric of Glasgow and the later establishment of the University of Glasgow in the 15th century, which subsequently became a major centre of the Scottish Enlightenment in the 18th century. From the 18th century the city also grew as one of Britain"s main hubs of transatlantic trade with British North America and the British West Indies. With the Industrial Revolution, the city and surrounding region shifted to become one of the world"s pre-eminent centres of Heavy Engineering,[3] most notably in the Shipbuilding and Marine engineering industry, which produced many innovative and famous vessels. Glasgow was known as the "Second City of the British Empire" for much of the Victorian era and Edwardian period.[4][5][6][7] Today it is one of Europe"s top twenty financial centres and is home to many of Scotland"s leading businesses.[8] Glasgow is also ranked as the 57th most liveable city in the world.[9]In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Glasgow grew to a population of over one million,[10] and was the fourth-largest city in Europe, after London, Paris and Berlin.[11] In the 1960s, large-scale relocation to new towns and peripheral suburbs, followed by successive boundary changes, have reduced the current population of the City of Glasgow unitary authority area to 580,690,[2] with 1,199,629[12] people living in the Greater Glasgow urban area. The entire region surrounding the conurbation covers approximately 2.3 million people, 41% of Scotland"s populationEdinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, the second largest city in Scotland after Glasgow and the seventh-most populous in the United Kingdom. The City of Edinburgh Council is one of Scotland"s 32 local government council areas. The council area includes urban Edinburgh and a 30-square-mile (78 km2) rural area.Located in the south-east of Scotland, Edinburgh lies on the east coast of the Central Belt, along the Firth of Forth, near the North Sea. Owing to its spectacular, rugged setting and vast collection of Medieval and Georgian architecture, including numerous stone tenements, it is often considered one of the most picturesque cities in Europe.Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. The city was one of the major centres of the Enlightenment, led by the University of Edinburgh, earning it the nickname Athens of the North. The Old Town and New Town districts of Edinburgh were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. There are over 4,500 listed buildings within the city.[1] In May 2010, it had a total of 40 conservation areas covering 23% of the building stock and 23% of the population, the highest such ratios of any major city in the UK.[2] In the 2009 mid year population estimates, Edinburgh had a total resident population of 477,660.[3] Edinburgh is well-known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, a collection of official and independent festivals held annually over about four weeks from early August. The number of visitors attracted to Edinburgh for the Festival is roughly equal to the settled population of the city. The most famous of these events are the Edinburgh Fringe (the largest performing arts festival in the world), the Edinburgh International Festival, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Other events include the Hogmanay street party (31 December), Burns Night (25 January) and the Beltane Fire Festival (30 April).The city attracts 1 million overseas visitors a year, making it the second most visited tourist destination in the United Kingdom, after London.[4] In a 2009 YouGov poll, Edinburgh was voted the "most desirable city in which to live in the UK".[5] Edinburgh was also rated The Best Place to Live in Channel 4"s 2007 4Homes survey.[6] It is ranked as a gamma- world city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network.[7]Belfast is the capital of and the largest city in Northern Ireland and the fifteenth largest city in the United Kingdom. It is the seat of devolved government and legislative Northern Ireland Assembly.[10] The city forms part of the largest urban area in Northern Ireland, and the main settlement in the province of Ulster. The city of Belfast has a population of 267,500[1] and lies at the heart of the Belfast urban area, which has a population of 483,418. The Larger Urban Zone, as defined by the European Union, has a total population 641,638. Belfast was granted city status in 1888.Historically, Belfast has been a centre for the Irish linen industry (earning the nickname "Linenopolis"), tobacco production, rope-making and shipbuilding: the city"s main shipbuilders, Harland and Wolff, which built the ill-fated RMS Titanic, propelled Belfast on to the global stage in the early 20th century as the largest and most productive shipyard in the world. Belfast played a key role in the Industrial Revolution, establishing its place as a global industrial centre until the latter half of the 20th century.Industrialisation and the inward migration it brought made Belfast, if briefly, the largest city in Ireland at the turn of the 20th century and the city"s industrial and economic success was cited by Ulster unionist opponents of Home Rule as a reason why Ireland should shun devolution and later why Ulster in particular would fight to resist it.Today, Belfast remains a centre for industry, as well as the arts, higher education and business, a legal centre, and is the economic engine of Northern Ireland. The city suffered greatly during the period of disruption, conflict, and destruction called the Troubles, but latterly has undergone a sustained period of calm, free from the intense political violence of former years, and substantial economic and commercial growth. Belfast city centre has undergone considerable expansion and regeneration in recent years, notably around Victoria Square.Belfast is served by two airports: George Best Belfast City Airport in the city, and Belfast International Airport 15 miles (24 km) west of the city.Belfast is also a major seaport, with commercial and industrial docks dominating the Belfast Lough shoreline, including the famous Harland and Wolff shipyard.Belfast is a constituent city of the Dublin-Belfast corridor, which has a population of 3 million, or half the total population of the island of Ireland.Swansea is a coastal city and county in Wales, United Kingdom. Swansea is in the historic county boundaries of Glamorgan. Situated on the sandy South West Wales coast, the county area includes the Gower Peninsula and the Lliw uplands. Swansea is the second most populous city in Wales after Cardiff and the third most populous county in Wales after Cardiff and Rhondda Cynon Taf. During its 19th century industrial heyday, Swansea was one of the key centres of the world copper industry,[1] earning the nickname "Copperopolis".[2]我只是把他们的概述截过来了,如果你还想要更详细的请在补充问题中说明



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