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户外裤子 excellent opacity是什么意思


词汇辨意,关于“极好的”:splendid , excellent,这2个adj.都表“极好的”请问区别和使用方式.

splendid 偏向于壮观,辉煌excellent偏向于优秀,出众



brilliant,fantastic,wonderfui,excellent的区别 要求(简洁明了)

brilliant灿烂的, 闪耀的, 有才气的 fantastic极好的,极妙的 wonderful奇妙的;极好的excellent卓越的, 极好的这是一组非常接近的词,在表示极好的,极妙的时候,它们是可以互换的,没有区别的,可以增加文章的变化性.用多种词来表达同一个意思,让别人感觉你得词汇量是丰富的,说话不呆板.

excellent 与 terrific 表示好,哪个意思更递进一些?


评价 用英语怎么说 p开头的 例:excellent——




He’s a excellent goalkeeper.这句话哪里错了?




Ellen Foley的《Come To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me歌手:Ellen Foley专辑:Another Breath (With Bonus Tracks)come to meCeline DionI will always love youno matter whatNo matter where you goor what you doAnd knowing youYou"re gonna haveto do things you"re own wayAnd that"s okaySo be free, spread your wingsAnd promise me just one thing...If you ever need a place to cryBaby, come to meCome to meI"ve always knownthat you were born to flyBut you can come to meIf the world breaks your heartNo matter where on Earth you areYou can come to meDon"t walk around with the worldon your shouldersAnd you"re highest hopeslaying on the groundI know you thinkyou"ve gotta try to be my heroBut dont you know the starsyou wish upon they fall its trueBut I still belive in youAnd though seven seas" you sailedAlthough the winding road you"re onLeave you lost and feeling all aloneLet my heart be your beacon homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7986953

谁知道Group Excellence Officer(GEO)是个什么鬼,对应的中文职位名是什么


marvelous excellent在音游的区别




excellent后面 加to do还是doing

需要在句子中才能判断。一般来说两种情况都可能出现。如加to do 可能是动词不定式作作真主语。如it is excellent to do sth.后面加doing可能 是excellent作定语修饰动名词doing。如Excellent acting(精彩表演)




词汇分析 excellent 英 [ekslnt] adj. 卓越的;极好的;杰出的.短语 ①Excellent POsts 精华 ②excellent example 典范 ; 榜样 ③excellent bond 强健。



excellent怎么读 英语excellent怎么读

1、excellent英[u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt]美[u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt],adj.杰出的; 优秀的; 极好的; (用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了。 2、[例句]He was an excellent journalist and a very fine man.他是位杰出的记者,为人也非常正派。



excellent怎么读音 英语excellent怎么读音

1、excellent 英[u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt]美[u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt],adj.杰出的; 优秀的; 极好的; (用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了。 2、[例句]We made excellent time and arrived in Spain in two days. 我们一路很顺当,两天后就到了西班牙。 3、短语搭配:Excellent POsts 精华 ; 绮惧崕;excellent example 典范 ; 榜样 ; 模范 ; 范例;Excellent plan 妙策 ; 妙计 ; 好主意。


excellent 英[ˈeksələnt] 美[ˈɛksələnt] adj. 卓越的;杰出的;优秀的;高超 [例句]Strive to live excellent today.坚持更优秀的活着。是否可以解决您的问题?


(ex + ce + lent) 三个发音读在一起,要快哦

excellent 有比较级吗





excellent所表达的意思含有“绝对无疑”的意味,一般不用比较级、最高级以及表示程度的副词修饰。 perfect是强化形容词,没有程度上的区别,因此,一般不用very等词来修饰,也不用于比较等级。 perfect作“完美的”解时,在句中可用作定语或表语;作“完全的”解时,在句中主要用作定语。 扩展资料   We made excellent time and arrived in Spain in two days.   我们一路很顺当,两天后就到了西班牙。   The house was reported as being in excellent condition.   报告说明这房子的状况极佳。   The engine is now in perfect working order.   发动机现在运转完全正常。   She hit upon the perfect title for her new novel.   她灵机一动为自己的新小说找到了一个理想的书名。




excellent 英[u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt]美[u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259nt]adj. 卓越的;杰出的;优秀的;高超[例句]Strive to live excellent today.坚持更优秀的活着。


excellent 英[u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt] 美[u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259nt] adj. 卓越的;杰出的;优秀的;高超 [例句]Strive to live excellent today.坚持更优秀的活着。望采纳,谢谢


1. 解答: excellent是英语中常用的一个形容词,表示“极好的,极为出色的”。作为形容词,它只有原级形式,但没有比较级和最高级。它的副词形式是在词尾添加后缀-ly,即excellently。这种构词法被称作派生。2. 拓展: 英语最常见的有三种构词法,分别是转化法,派生法与合成法。转化法是把一个词有一种词类转化为另一词类,比如water(名词: 水)转化water (动词:浇水,浇灌)。合成法是把两个或更多的词合而为一。比如: green(绿色)+ house(房屋)= greenhouse(温室)。这里重点来讲派生法。派生法主要是在单词词首或词尾添加词缀以构成新词的方法。添加在此首的词缀被称为前缀,添加在词尾的词缀被称为后缀。前缀大多数情况下并不造成词类的转变,而只是引起意思上的变化。后缀通常引起词类的变化。以常见的名词nation为例,来观察一下它的各种派生变化。nation - national - international ;nation - internation - internationalize - internationalization。3. 例句:后前缀法: likely - unlikely① My uncle is very likely to ring me tonight. 我叔叔很可能今天晚上给我打电话。② There is unlikely to be rain. 不太可能会下雨。后缀法: beautiful - beautifully③ What a beautiful city it is!多么美丽的一座城市呀!④ The little girl is dancing beautifully.小女孩儿跳舞跳得多出彩呀!


excellent 英[u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt] 美[u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259nt] adj. 1.优秀的, 卓越的, 杰出的 2.(用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了 3.显著的,极好的 形容词 adj.1.优秀的, 卓越的, 杰出的 Brooks is an excellent composer.布鲁克斯是一位杰出的作曲家。This is an excellent meal.这是一顿很好的饭。The student was excellent in chemistry.这个学生的化学成绩优异。It"s excellent that you are here.你在这儿太好了。I thought the answer excellent.我觉得这答案好极了。2.(用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了 3.显著的,极好的


一、详细释义: , adj. , 出色的,杰出的,优秀的,优等的 , 例句: ,Some day he will bee an excellent engineer.,有朝一日,他会成为一个杰出的工程师。, 例句: ,Your table tennis is excellent. I bow to your superior skill.,你乒乓球打得真好,我甘拜下风。, 用以表示赞同或愉快 , 例句: ,They won"t be ing then? Excellent!,那么他们不来了? 太好了!, 例句: ,That"s excellent. It"s very helpful. Thanks.,那太好了。帮大忙了。谢谢。, 二、词义辨析: , excellent,choice,splendid,select,prime,first-rate ,这些形容词均有“极好的”之意。excellent通常指事物在等级品位以及职位级别等方面的最优或接近最优。choice指通过精心挑选达到水平,尤指罕见或品质精良的商品。splendid口语常用词,指非常令人满意,显得完美无缺。select指精挑细选出来作为范例的物或人。prime常指最重要、价值最高的东西,也可以表示最佳、最典型或最高的人或物。first-rate多用于指对抽象事物的主观评估,有时含夸大、自负的意味。, 三、参考例句: ,He shows excellent judgement.,他显示了卓越的判断力。,He shows excellent judgment.,他显示了卓越的判断力。,He has excellent peration.,他有着非凡的洞察力。,The prices are excellent!,价格非常公道!,His study is excellent.,他的学习很优秀。,He has an excellent delivery.,他有极优美的演讲风格。,He is excellent in maths.,他的数学非常好。,The enterprise has excellent prospects.,这家企业的发展前景良好。,She"s an excellent linguist.,她精通数国语言。,This is an excellent meal.,这是一顿很好的饭。


参考答案:excellent[英][u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt][美][u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259nt]adj.卓越的; 杰出的; 优秀的; 高超; 例句:Strive to live excellent today. 坚持更优秀的活着。The best part is the excellent customer service video help. " 最好的是它那出色的客户服务帮助视频。”This is an excellent idea. 这是一个绝佳的想法。Its record here is excellent. 它在这儿成绩出色。Excellent execution are just as choosing which ideas to develop intomarketable products, but timing is essential as well. 卓越的执行就是确定哪个创意能变成适销产品,但同时,时机也很重要。以上答案提供参考。O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助。祝您生活愉快!






be excellent at 在...比较优秀 -- 精。锐。五角场




1、excellent怎么读。 2、countryside怎么读。 3、fed怎么读。 4、visited怎么读。1.excellent英[?eks?l?nt]美[?eks?l?nt],adj.杰出的; 优秀的; 极好的; (用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了。 2. [例句]He was an excellent journalist and a very fine man.他是位杰出的记者,为人也非常正派。




excellent[英][u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt][美][u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259nt]adj.卓越的;杰出的;优秀的;太好了双语例句1.The acoustics of the new concert hall are excellent.新音乐厅的传声效果极佳。2.The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.佳肴佐以美酒,可称完美无缺。3.The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine.这家饭店的餐厅以美味佳肴闻名遐迩。4.The book is a follow-up to her excellent television series.这本书是继她的优秀电视系列片之后的又一力作。5.The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism .这是一篇优秀的调查研究报道。


“Excellent”是一个常见的英语单词,读音为 /u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt/ 或 /u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt/. 这个词的意思是“优秀的”、“卓越的”、“出色的”,在口语和书面语中都非常常见。除了作为形容词使用之外,"excellent" 还在某些固定短语中使用,如 "excellent job" (工作出色)、 "excellent performance"(表现出色)、 "excellent result"(成绩优秀)、 "excellent choice"(选择恰当) 等等。在商业场合,"excellent" 还可以用作尊敬客户或顾客的一种方式,比如说 "excellent choice, sir!" 或是 "excellent, ma"am, we"ll make the reservation for you."。关于单词的学习,还需要注意以下几点:1. 掌握单词词典读音学习任何一种语言都需要掌握它的基础,而掌握每个单词的正确发音是建立英语语感的重要组成部分。2. 练习口语和听力在学习英语单词的同时,也要进行口语练习,加强听说能力。这有助于提高学习效果和语感。3. 扩充单词用法"Excellent" 在口语和书面语中都使用频繁,但还有其他类似的“优秀的”、“卓越的”、“出色的”等同义词,例如 "outstanding"、"remarkable"、"impressive" 等等,要进行分类学习和逐步扩展相关词汇。4. 学习固定搭配和用法除了单词的基本意思之外,学习常用固定搭配也是一项重要内容。比如 "excellent job"、"excellent performance"、"excellent result"、"excellent choice" 等等,这些都是常见的固定用法,要进行分类总结,加强记忆。

钻石切工excellent和very good哪个好点?

钻石切工excellent和very good各有其特点,具体哪个好还是需要根据每个人的审美观点来确定。理想切工(EXCELLENT):这类切工属于顶级切工,拥有这样切工的钻石自然也非常珍贵,通常只有一流的高质量钻才能达到此类标准,它几乎能将所有进入钻石的光线完美反射出来,让钻石无比璀璨,这类切工的钻石仅占比3%。非常好切工(VERY GOOD):这类切工与理想切工想必稍逊一筹,价格也相对会略低一些,但也是非常好的一类切工,它能使钻石反射出和标准等级切工的光芒,发挥出钻石的完美火彩,这类切工的钻石占比为15%。扩展资料:切工标准有国家标准与国际标准之分,根据国家标准将切工分为三个级别,分别是很好、好和一般;而国际标准则将切工等级划分的更为严格,分为五个级别:Excellent、Very Good、Good、Fair、Poor。钻石切工决定了钻石的明亮度、火彩和闪光,对于钻石外观效果有较大影响,因此在挑选钻石切工等级时,大多数人也会尽可能选择更高切工级别的钻石,比如3ex级别。但从钻石价值方面来讲,这种级别的钻石价格相对昂贵一些,因此在购买的时候可以结合个人经济状况来选择更为合适的切工级别。参考资料来源:百度百科-钻石切工


excellent:优秀的,形容词You are an excellent boy. 你是一个优秀的男孩。






excellent[英][ˈeksələnt] [美][ˈɛksələnt] 简明释义adj.卓越的;杰出的;优秀的;太好了以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.ADJ极好的;优秀的;卓越的;杰出的Something that is excellent is very good indeed.The recording quality is excellent...录音质量非常好。

Hellenic Greek区别

Hellenic adj.希腊的,希腊人的,希腊语的Greek n.希腊人;希腊语;难懂的事 adj.希腊的,希腊人的;希腊语的


incredible 不可思议的prefect 完美的excellent 优秀的 卓越的awesome 可怕的 极好的 令人敬畏的


都是正确的,发音都一样,音译都是海伦,不过我们通常比较常见的是Helen,例如我们比较熟悉的海伦·凯勒,英文就是Helen Keller。英文跟我们中文不一样,就算这个名字不是英文中的常见名字也没关系,因为他们是根据罗马拼音来读名字的发音的,就好像我们的中文名字,他们也是根据罗马拼音来的的,字母可能有点不一样,但读音听上去就和拼音差不多。






helen 的中文意思是海伦而hellen的中文意思是赫楞

excellent 与exceptional区别


请问在这句子中excellent 和 exceptional有什么区别,为何可选D而不可选C呢?谢谢

shi choose "D" and then you have right answer


英 [ˈeksələnt] 美 [ˈɛksələnt] adj.优秀的;卓越的;杰出的;太好了


excellent[英][u02c8eksu0259lu0259nt] [美][u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259nt] 生词本简明释义adj.卓越的;杰出的;优秀的;太好了以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.ADJ极好的;优秀的;卓越的;杰出的Something that is excellent is very good indeed.


excellent翻译为杰出的,卓越的。excellent是“卓越的;极好的”意思。例句1、Shewouldhavemadeanexcellentteacher.她本可以成为杰出的教师。 2、Assoonasshelearnstheofficeroutine,shewillbeanexcellentassistant.她一旦熟悉了办公室的日常事务,就会成为一名优秀的助手。3、 Hawaiiisanexcellenttouristresort.夏威夷是极好的旅游胜地。Heworkedoutanexcellentidea.他想出了一个极好的主意。

My teacher ---Hellen keller 英文原文

Helen Keller    If Helen Keller were to shake hands with you today and then meet you and shake hands again five years later, she would rememeber you.    Mark Twain once said, “The two most interesting characters of the nineteenth century are Napoleon and Helen Keller.” When Mark Twain said that, Helen Keller was only fifteen years old. Today she still remains one of the most interesting characters of the twentieth century.  Helen Keller is totally blind, yet she has read far more books than most people who can see. She has probably read a hundred times as many books as the average person, and she has written seven books herself. She made a motion picture of her own life and acted in it. She is totally deaf, yet she enjoys music far more than many people who can hear.  For nine years of her life, she was deprived of the power of speech; yet she has delivered lectures in every state in the Union, for four years, she appeared as a headliner in vaudeville; and she has traveled all over Europe.  Helen Keller was born perfectly normal. For the first year and a half of her life, she could see and hear like other children and had even begun to talk. Then suddenly she was overwhelmed by catastrophe. She was struck down by an illness which left her deaf, dumb and blind at the age of nineteen months and blighted her whole existence.  She began to grow up like a wild animal in the jungle. She smashed and destroyed every object that displeased her. She crammed her food into her mouth with both hands; and when anyone tried to correct her, she flung herself upon the floor and kicked and thrashed and tried to scream.  In utter despair, her parents sent her to the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston, pleading for a teacher. Then, like an angel of light, Anne Mansfield Sullivan came into her tragic life. Miss Sullivan was only twenty years old when she left the Perkins Institute in Boston and undertook what seemed an impossible task, the task of educating of deaf, dumb and blind child. Her own life had been filled with tragic and heart-breaking poverty.   At the age of ten, Anne Sullivan had been sent with her hide brother to live at the poorhouse in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. The poorhouse was so overcrowded that the two children slept in what was known as the “dead room” – the room where dead bodies were laid out to await burial. The little brother was sickly and after six months, he died. And Anne herself, when she was only fourteen years old, had become so nearly blind that she was sent to the Perkins Institute to learn to read with her fingers. But she did not go blind. Not then. Her sight improved. It was only a half-century later, and shortly before her death, that the darkness finally closed in upon her.  I cannot possibly make clear in a few words the miracle Anne Sullivan wrought with Helen Keller, nor how in one short month, she succeeded in communicating with a child who lived in an utter darkness nd a withering silence. That story has been told unforgettably in Helen Keller"s own book, The Story of My Life. No one who has read that book can possibly help remembering the happiness of the little deaf, dumb and blind child on the day she first realized there was such a thing as human speech. “It would have been difficult,” she says, “to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me, and for the first time, longed for a new day to come.”  When Helen Keller was twenty year old, her education had advanced so far that she evtered Radclliffe College, and her teacher went with her. By that time, she could not only read and write as well as any other student at College, but she had even regained her power of speech. The first sentence she ever learned to say was “ I am not dumb now”. She said it over and over again, thrilled, elated at the miracle --- “I am not dumb now.”  Today she speaks like a person who has a slight foreign accent, she writes her books and magazine article on a typewriter that types in Braille, or raised dots. And if she wants to make corrections in the margin, she pricks little holes in the paper with a hairpin.  She lives in Forest Hills, a part of New York City. I live only a few blocks from her home; and when I go out walking with my Bostion bull pup, I sometimes see her strolling in her garden with her shepherd dog for a companion.  I have noticed that as she walks, she often talks to herself, but she doesn"t move her lips as you and I do. She moves her fingers, and talks to herself in sign language. Her secretary told me that Miss Keller"s sense of direction is no better than yours or mine. She often loses her way in her own home, and if the furniture is moved, she is at a complete loss. Many people expect her to have a sort of uncanny sixth sense because she is blind, yet scientific tests have shown that her sense of touch and taste and smell are just about like yours.  However, her sense of touch is so acute that she can understand what her friends are saying by placing her fingers lightly over their lips, and she enjoys music by putting her hands on the wood of a piano, or a violin; she even listens to the radio by feeling the vibrations of the cabinet. She enjoys singing by putting her fingers lightly on the throat of the singer, but she herself cannot sing or carry a tune.  If Helen Keller were to shake hands with you today and then meet you and shake hands again five years latr, she would remember by your handshake whether you were angry or happy, disappointed or gay.  She rows a boat and swims and loves to gallop through the woods on horseback. She plays checkers and chess with a set made especially for her she even plays solitaire with a deck of cards that has raised figures; and on rainy days, she often spends the time knitting or crocheting.  Most of us think that about the worst affliction in the world is to become blind. Yet Helen Keller says she doesn"t mind being blind nearly so much as being deaf in the utter darkness and silence which separates her from the world, the thing which she misses most is the friendly sound of the human voice.

An Excellent Sportsperson英语作文

An Excellent Sportsperson献给优秀运动员

Comply with your wish,Princess Excellency.是什么意思啊?

遵照您的希望,公主阁下 给你个网站方便翻译 http://translate.google.com/translate_t




excellence卓越拼音双语对照excellence英[u02c8eksu0259lu0259ns]美[u02c8u025bksu0259lu0259ns]n.优点; 优秀,卓越; 美德网络完美; 出色; 卓越性复数:excellences形近词:excellency

"your excellency" 和 "your honor" 有何区别?

your excellency 用于高官比较多。。。普通的尊敬的意思,用"your honor"。。。

Your Excellency是什么意思

阁下(多用于称呼大使);阁下;阁下(多用于称呼大使);西洋人则对之通称阁下 阁下(多用于称呼大使)商务英语交际实用套语

Your Excellency是什么意思

Your Excellency阁下双语对照词典结果:Your Excellency阁下(对大使、总督的尊称,不可作为普通敬语); 麾下; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮





一首英文歌,最近Ellen在德语科维奇那期跳舞的时候用的,歌词大概是 it makes me so

Jason Derulo - "Want To Want Me"


前者只是好后者有突出的意思stand out

outstanding excellent greata 有什么不同

outstanding是指杰出的,不同寻常的, 强调和一般人 不一样,excellent是指优秀的,可以指某个人表现的优秀 great是指伟大的,可以用于伟大的领袖之类的搭配

床头灯3000 《呼啸山庄》Cathy死后Heathcliff见Ellen说的话的其中一句

"只是不要留下我独自一人在这现实中,让我无法找到你!" //这是我的译文"只要别把我撇在这个深渊里,这儿我找不到你!" //这是原著中文版的原文where代指说话人所处的环境,综合说来——这个句子没什么难度。


基本上一样,但是如果你要问很微妙的关系brilliant adj.美好的,聪明的,才华横溢的也就是说,这个词一般是对聪明绝顶的人或事儿的夸奖。比如有人解开一道所有人都解不开的数学题,用You are brilliant!比另外三个都恰当fantastic adj极好的, 极出色的, 了不起的, 很大的;大得难以置信的,不切实际的;无法实现的 也就是说,当你用中文想要说“神气的地球!”的时候,用fantastic最合适,比如有朋友搞了一个新发明,就可以夸奖Oh, that"s fantastic! 比别的三个都恰当wonderful令人高兴的,使人愉快的,令人惊奇的,令人赞叹的其实就是基本的“你太棒了” 跟别的比,算是个万用词语了excellent优秀的, 卓越的, 杰出的所以一般夸赞,较一般人或者事情而言,很好的东东比如有个孩子是英语神童,比一般同龄人都好,就说he"s excellent at English比别的三个都恰当如果还有不懂得可以找我哦~


我查了一下韦氏大辞典 wonderful的解释是extremely goodfantastic除了有wonderful这个意思以外 还有一个意思是 extremly high or good 比如在下面这个句子里就不能用wonderful而应该用fantastic The train runs at fantastic speeds.excellent的意思和wonderful就差不多了 但语境上前者稍为正式些希望我提供的信息对你有所帮助(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

water-repellent 是什么意思

water-repellent[英][u02c8wu0254:tu0259riu02ccpelu0259nt][美][u02c8wu0254tu0259ru026au02ccpu025blu0259nt, u02c8wɑtu0259-]adj.防水的,拒水的; 例句:1.Although a surface might be water-repellent, it may not be ice-or frost-repellent. 虽然表面可能是防水的,但是不能防结冰或结霜。2.They have found a novel nanopatterned silicon surface that allows almost limitless manipulation of water droplets. Droplet shapes can be tailored freely, and the nanopatterned surface can be made completely water-repellent. 他们发现硅晶体表面存在一种新的微晶布局,这种布局允许微小水滴在其表面作任意运动,水滴的形状也可以进行任意变换



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your excellency能随便用吗

Your Excellency这个称呼是敬辞,是一个对称,就是直接称呼对方时使用的称谓,所以在礼貌的称呼对方的时候才能用,不能随便使用。Your Excellency 意谓阁下(是对大使、大臣、总督、主教等的尊称),所以会是Your(您),因为说话人是直接称呼对方时用的。如果要向第三者述及有关重要人物时,则会用 His 或 Her.例如:His Exellency.所以,我们在使用这个称呼的时候,一定要考虑对方的身份。

"your excellency" 和 "your honor" 有何区别

两者都表示阁下的意思,但是excellency表示的级别要高一些,如领导等,很正式;honor是较普通的尊敬。关于尊敬的称谓:陛下Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下Your/His/Her Highness Royal Highness 阁下Your/His/Her Excellency/Hono

Your/His/Her Excellency: 阁下。为什么前边要加Your/His/Her根据什么加不同的人称代词

这个就是固定的啊·~~一般就是用在皇室活着贵族的称呼上以及对对方的极度尊重啦~~~比如和西班牙大使说话Your Excellency the Spanish ambassador.而和别人提起他就用His 另外his 和her 的差别就不用告诉你了吧?




The man is proud of his son"s excellency in study
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