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英语选择题。We take the pleasure of sending you our enquiry No.123 for your electronic lighters,

就看短语be interested in就可以了。亲:祝你学习进步!

write a news e-mail to the Carlton Hotel to make a booking enquiry


ansys10.0安装问题----点按钮 Perform Status Enquiry 出现

件逐还在吗,项叙收集的ANSYS CAD和机械常用软件2020版,有安装包和安装教程

ansys10.0安装问题----点按钮 Perform Status Enquiry 出现


PQ enquiry 怎么翻译

yeah, hereby it is an inquiry , so refering to your previous contact correspondence , you can know what is the PQ in short .

general enquiry是什么意思

general enquiry一般查询;一般询价;普通询价;一般询盘In a General Enquiry, a businessman states clearly all the information he needs-general information, a catalogue , or a price list , a sample or some samples , etc.在一般询价中,买方清晰地表达他想要的全部信息:商品的一般信息、目录、价格表、样品等。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

用make an enquiry for怎么造句?

We made an enquiry for the schedule to make sure when he will arrive. 我们查询时间表是为了确认他什么时间能到。

general enquiry是什么意思

general enquiry一般查询general enquiry英[u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259l inu02c8kwaiu0259ri]美[u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259l u025bnu02c8kwau026ari]释义一般询价双语例句1The stress of the journal service work should be shifted from information providing, catalogue of journals compiling, and general enquiry service to the guiding service.在现代化环境下,高校图书馆期刊服务的重点应从提供文献资源、馆藏期刊目录、一般咨询服务等转移到导向性服务上。2A general database enquiry software通用数据库查询软件

intellectual enquiry是什么意思

  intellectual enquiry  知识探索;知识探求  双语例句:  Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists.  社会科学是能力发展的一个分支,它需要研究人类和同样条件下自己的规律。系统学和使用自然物理用于自然科学家。

What is the subject of your enquiry


account enquiry是什么意思

account enquiry账户查询enquiry[英][u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a][美][u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri]n.查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处; 复数:enquiries以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The chinese embassy in london did not respond to an ft enquiry yesterday. 伦敦中国大使馆昨日未就英国《金融时报》的询问做出回应。

most subject of the enquiry think every word has just one meaning什么意思


Public enquiry 这段是什么意思?


account enquiry是什么意思

account enquiry账户查询enquiry[英][u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a][美][u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri]n.查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处; 复数:enquiries例句:1.And this is now a murder enquiry! 现在这是凶杀审问!2.Why turn a scientific enquiry into a cecil b demille film? 干嘛把科学研究搞成这种传教电影?

inquiry and enquiry 它们的用法有什么不同?


为什么make an enquiry是enquiry不是enquire




enquiry vs inquiry

enquiry or inquiry:[79] According to Fowler inquiry should be used in relation to a formal inquest and enquiry to the act of questioning. Many (though not all) British writers maintain this distinction; the OED on the other hand lists inquiry and enquiry as equal alternatives in that order. Some British dictionaries such as Chambers 21st Century Dictionary [4] present the o spellings as interchangeable variants in the general sense but prefer inquiry for the "formal inquest" sense. In the US only inquiry is monly used. In Australia inquiry and enquiry are often interchangeable but inquiry prevails in writing. Both are current in Canada where enquiry is often associated with scholarly or intellectual research. 根据本人对以上文字的理解 inquiry 是比较正规的 有礼貌的 多用于文章 书写中 而enquiry (在加拿大) 则多与学术研究有关的项目上. 简而言之 两者意思一样 都是名词 只是前者较有礼貌 例句建议查看 Dr.eye 谢谢 参考: en. *** /wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences#Different_spellings.2C_different_connotations


一般而言,用inquiry来说「调查」,enquiry说「询问」。 例如军事调查法庭,英文是court of inquiry,不宜称为court of enquiry,「协助警方调查」,英文是to help the police with their inquiries,这个inquiries也不宜改作enquiries。 而一般机构的询问处,英文是enquiry office或enquiry counter,不宜称为inquiry office或inquiry counter。说要问问汇率高低,英文是I will make enquiries about the exchange rates,这个enquiries也不宜改作inquiries。 Enquiry、inquiry这两个字的动词enquire、inquire,用法上也是有同样分别的。


enquiry (mostly used in British English)inquiry (mostly used in American English)inquiry 是近代演变来的,更随意,用得多

inquiry enquiry and quiry 有何分别

更新1: 请再问埋 点解佢enquiry同inquiry既dj同kk音标都一样 咁佢地读法系咪真系一样 inquiry (countable noun) = enquiry ( countable noun) ( They are the same.) 请再问埋 点解佢enquiry同inquiry既dj同kk音标都一样 咁佢地读法系咪真系一样 Answer: 一样 询问; 调查 different spelling same sounds to make inquiries of = to make enquiries of Example: I made inquiries/enquiries of my English teacher about my test. ________________________________________________ quiry<-------------MISTAKE! It should be " query". ( countable noun or verb) 质问 doubt or a question Example: -My teacher has a query about my honesty. = My teacher doesn"t believe me. She doesn"t think that I am honest. ( doubt) -No one queried her absence. 缺席 = No one asked about her absence.缺席 ( question) ( simple past tense) 留意佢地[用]既情况 你就看到分别 只用中文去解释佢系唔足够。 inquiry 系名词 意思系有质问的 1. 询问 打听;质询[C][U][(+about/into)] Make your inquiries at the office. 请去办公室询问。 2. 调查[C][(+into)] They held an inquiry into the incident. 他们对这一事件展开调查。 3. 探究 探索[U][C] scientific inquiry 科学探索 4. 疑问;问题[C] The bank clerk wered all my inquiries. 银行职员回答了我提出的所有问题。查问意思 enquiry 都系名词 系查问 (并无质问的意思) 询问一啲嘢啫 1. 询问;打听[(+about)] make enquiries of somebody about something 向某人询问某事 2. 调查[(+into)] An official enquiry into the incident was launched. 官方对这一事件进行了调查。 After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth. 经过几个月调查 我们最后发现了真相。 quiry 系唔系串错字呀 是否query query系偏向疑问 因为唔信任 (如果系名词) e.g. I have a query about his sincerity 我对他的诚意有怀疑。 或(用嚟提出问题都可以) 问 询问 (系动词) e.g. Query when will they carry out the project ? 请问 他们什么时候执行这一方案? The doctor queried Kate about her health. 医生问了凯特的健康状况。


| 07-10-02一般而言,用inquiry来说「调查」,enquiry说「询问」。例如军事调查法庭,英文是court of inquiry,不宜称为court of enquiry,「协助警方调查」,英文是to help the police with their inquiries,这个inquiries也不宜改作enquiries。而一般机构的询问处,英文是enquiry office或enquiry counter,不宜称为inquiry office或inquiry counter。说要问问汇率高低,英文是I will make enquiries about the exchange rates,这个enquiries也不宜改作inquiries。Enquiry、inquiry这两个字的动词enquire、inquire,用法上也是有同样分别的。


enquiry_百度翻译enquiry 英[u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a] 美[u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri] n. 查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处; [例句]She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront.她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。[其他] 复数:enquiries




enquiry的意思是:打听;询问;查问;官方调查。短语搭配enquiry agent 私人侦探造句1.I tried to inculcate in my pupils an attitude of enquiry.我努力灌输给学生积极提问的态度。2.Holding a public enquiry into the scheme was not expedient.对这个阴谋进行公开调查不合适。3.She guided the conversation into another subject to fob off my enquiry.她转换话题想把我的询问搪塞过去。

enquiry 和inquiry 区别?



enquiry (mostly used in British English)inquiry (mostly used in American English)inquiry 是近代演变来的,更随意,用得多

enquire 和enquiry 中有后缀吗? 是什么?


booking enquiry什么意思


intellectual enquiry是什么意思


what is the difference between inquiry and enquiry



the company/people sending the RFQ/inquiry/enquiry.

intellectual enquiry是什么意思

当前位置:在线翻译 > 英语翻译 > intellectual enquiry intellectual enquiry是什么意思中文翻译手机版知识探求 知识探索 intellectual: adj. 1.智力的,理智的。 2.用脑筋的,需智力的。 ... enquiry: n. =inquiry. 例句与用法1. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned , orderly , systematic , and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它致力于以自然科学家研究自然现象的同样方式,理性、有序、系统而冷静地研究人类及其行为。 2. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study huma and their endeavors in the same reasoned , orderly , systematic , and di a ioned ma er that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。



enquiry 和 offer 的区别

enquiry 和 offer 的区别:一般机构的询问处,英文是enquiry office或enquiry counter,要问问汇率高低,英文是I will make enquiries about the exchange rates。offer是英文“录取通知书”的意思。求职应聘者通过用人单位人力资源部的筛选、考察、面试等环节,最终被对方同意录用,对方便发出一份offer,表示求职者应聘成功,将在该单位得到某个工作职位。






enquire - askinquiry/enquiry - investigation, examination, exploration, probe, scrutiny query - question. inquiry 可用在很正式的场合,如司法审讯,还能表示业务方面的咨询、普通的疑问等。用作名词query 一般表示查询,质问,是名词。


enquiry is british english, inquiry is american english.




翻译如下enquiryn.查询;询问;调查;问讯处例句She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront. 她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。


1、语境不同inquiry一般指调查,enquiry一般指询问。比如court of inquiry指的是军事调查法庭,用作court of enquiry的话就不合适了。而协助警方调查表达为to help the police with their inquiries,这里的inquiries用enquiries替代也不适合。英文enquiry office或enquiry counter,一般指机构的询问处,称为inquiry office或inquiry counter的话就不合适了。问汇率高低时,例句:I will make enquiries about the exchange rates,这里的enquiries也不适合改作inquiries。2、属性不同enquiry和inquiry只是在写法上的不同,一个是英式英语,一个是美式英语,可以参考牛津第6版的字典,上面没有明说两者的区别。3、用法不同inquiry 是近代演变来的,用法比较随意,在日常生活中用得比较多,还有就是美国人拼写喜欢用i,所以在美国英语里用inquiry比较符合他们的习惯;在英国英语里,两个词不是完全同义,enquiry是指问问题,inquiry是指比较正式的调查质询,所以如果只是问问题,用enquiry比较好。


enquiry和inquiry,发音和意思都一样,如何区分呢enquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] 和 inquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] 发音一样,它们都是“询问,打听,查询”等的意思,那怎么区分它们呢?一、enquiry 作名词,意为“调查,查究;询问,打听;探究,探索”,例如:I have received an enquiry about your daughter"s situation.我收到一份关于你女儿情况的调查。She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront.她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。The truth is most unlikely to be brought to light by the promised enquiry.承诺要进行的调查极不可能揭露真相。解析:be unlikely to do sth | that … 表示不可能做某事,而且常用 more unlikely 或 most unlikely 组合,表示程度很大的不可能性。二、inquiry 作名词,跟 enquiry 的意思一样,例如:The commissioner promised to launch an inquiry into the fraud case.专员答应对这起诈骗案展开调查。The inquiry found evidence of serious misapplication of funds.调查发现了严重滥用资金的证据。A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.一个新的侦探队被请来进行新的调查。解析:短语动词 call in 意为“请来,找来”。三、两者的区别相信大家对意思一样且拼写非常接近的单词的区别已经心里有底了,类似于 airplane 和 aeroplane 的区别。在美国,enquiry 和 inquiry 是通用的,但 inquiry 更常用,因为很多美国人认为 enquiry 是拼写错误;在英国,enquiry 和 inquiry 也是通用的,但是还是有一个明显的区别:inquiry 用于正式的调查,而 enquiry 用于标准的问题。


您好,我就为大家解答关于enquiry在商务英语中怎么翻译,外贸英语中INQUIRY和ENQUIRY的具体区别是什么啊相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我... 您好,我就为大家解答关于enquiry在商务英语中怎么翻译,外贸英语中INQUIRY和ENQUIRY的具体区别是什么啊相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、外贸英语中INQUIRY和ENQUIRY这两个词是同一个意思,即“询盘,询价”,具体的区别如下:单词属地不同(1)enquiry是英式英语;(2)inquiry是美式英语。 2、2、用法不同(1)enquiry用法:常与介词about〔into〕连用。 3、作“调查”解时,通常以正式会议或其行动的方式进行。 4、(2)inquiry用法:后面介词可以使用about。 5、指“调查”时,也时可数名词,但接介词into。 6、扩展资料enquiry固定搭配enquiry agencies咨询机构2、credit enquiry信用查询 ; 资信调查3、enquiry list询价单4、enquiry position查询座席5、OFFICIAL Enquiry正式询问 ; 官方查询 ; 官方调查6、statements enquiry调查表 ; 语句查询 ; 报表查询7、Application Enquiry申请查询 ; 应用程序查询 ; 正在翻译8、Data Enquiry资料检查9、attribute enquiry属性询问 ; 属性查询参考资料来源:百度百科-enquiry百度百科-inquiry。


  enquiry的汉语意思   英 [u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a] 美 [u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri]   第三人称复数:enquiries   名词 查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处   enquiry 相关例句   名词   1. After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth.   经过几个月调查,我们最后发现了真相。   2. An official enquiry into the incident was launched.   官方对这一事件进行了调查。   3. Thank you for your enquiry / enquiries about my health.   谢谢你问候我的健康情况。   enquiry的单语例句   1. Some local authorities may prefer a categorical negative answer to any such speculative enquiry.   2. On Tuesday an enquiry was launched after hackers pirated the computer system at the French laboratory.   3. The arraigned man did not cooperate with Zhao because he was tired of enquiry procedures and showed his indifference to each question the prosecutor asked.   4. Such an enquiry has nothing to do with any " state secret ".   5. The harassed attendants behind the airport enquiry counters directed irritated passengers to the ticket sales counters.   6. Enquiry services for ticket and other information at five MTR stations will be outsourced to cope with staff shortage after the new line opens.   7. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee disclosed the figures on Wednesday, in response to a legislator"s enquiry about pickpocketing activities targeting the more valuable smart phones.   8. A good place for America"s President to begin his enquiry is with some of the editorial pages from America"s leading newspapers.   9. He asked for help from a receptionist at the enquiry desk but was told to call 999.   enquiry的双语例句   1. For more information on these or other Triton products please complete our Enquiry Form.   欲了解更多信息或其他海卫产品请填写我们的查询表格。   2. It is a counterpoised enquiry into a theory whatever conceive cannot be true, but some concord cannot be ignored.   这是对于一个从很多方面来说不能全信,但又不能被忽视的.理论的一场没有偏向的调查。   3. We hope to receive your specific enquiry at an early date.   我们希望早日收到你方的具体询价单。   4. Please let us have your specific enquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue.   我公司专营纺织品出口,很乐意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司关系。   5. We will send you our price list and samples to you as soon as we receive your specific enquiry.   一旦收到你方的具体查询,我们会尽快给你方发去价格表和样品。   6. S amples and quotations will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry.   我们坚信与贵方的贸易有广阔的发展空间。

enquiry 中文是什么意思

是一个名词。意思是:查询 询问 询问处





