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The Importance ofNameRecently, it is universally acknowledged that due attention has to be paid to the importance of name. To begin with, a large number of people assert that oneu2019s name can exert profound influence on the success of a person or institution. In addition, some even maintain that the mental health and physical fitness of a person will be influenced or even determined by his or her nameu3002On the contrary, it is the view of a great many people that oneu2019s name is of little significance. I can think of no better illustration than the following ones. “Qiu”uff0c which means “hill”uff0c is the name of Confucius, the greatest thinker, philosopher and educator throughtout history. Likewise, another case in point is Lao Zi, the founder of philosophical and religious Taoism, whose name is “er”uff0c which means “the ear”. These examples effectively clarify that oneu2019s future is only determined by his striving spirit, talent or intelligence rather than some mysterious and superstitious factors such as certain names or lucky numbersu3002As for me, significance should be attached to intelligence, persistence and diligence instead of oneu2019s name. Given all the above arguments, it is high time that we put an end to this undesirable phenomenonu3002

15. There ____ no enthusiasm shown during the class and no sadness when it was over.


Why is enthusiasm so important in our life?What can we do

拉尔夫 瓦尔多 爱默生曾经说过,“没有热情成就不了伟业”。当一切变得越来越艰难的时候,这是让你坚持下去的动力。当别人对你说你不能够做什么事情的时候,这是让你继续下去的动力,你会发自内心的说,是的,我可以。我们天生就拥有一对明亮天真的大眼,对好奇的事物充满了热情,正如婴儿听到钥匙的声音以及汽车的行驶声音会激动地睁开双眼一样。孩童般的好奇使得充满热情的人们更加年轻。不论他们到底多大。那么,你应该怎样重新激发你孩提般得热情呢?我认为答案就在激情这个单词里面。“Enthusiasm” 这个单词起源于希腊,意思是“里面有神”。什么叫里面有神呢?这是一个爱的归属感。包括爱自己和爱别人。我们不能把眼泪浪费在那些本应该发生而没有发生的事情上,我们应该将眼泪变为在追寻梦想过程中的汗水。

用Enthusiasm后缀 举例五个以上同词缀单词?

这是一个抽象名词的常用词尾,通常和主义有关。socialism社会主义capitalism 资本主义feminism女权主义Marxism马克思主义Byzantinism拜占庭风格


The suggestion at the meeting did not arouse much enthusiasm.


motivation 是指推动一个人做什么的意思 Enthusiasm 指对一个事物的积极性或者喜好这俩个字面上接近 但是含义并不一样哦


for 或 about


enthusiasm的形容词是enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的;狂热的。 例句: The winners were given an enthusiastic welcome when they arrived home. 获胜者凯旋而归时受到了热烈欢迎。 扩展资料   You don"t sound very enthusiastic.   你听起来不是很热情。   He"s always been very enthusiastic about sports.   他对体育运动一直很有热情。   Here the crowd was thickest and most enthusiastic.   这里的人群最密集,热情也最高。   Ignoring his enthusiastic description of the plot, I went on with my argument.   我不理会他对情节的热情描述,继续我的论点。


enthusiasm 名词,译为:热情,热忱enthusiastic 形容词,译为:热心的





这两个英语单词谐音怎么念? enthusiasm 和 enthusiastic


enthusiasm 与passion区别

passion 主要是指个人感情,情感方面的.enthusiasm是指对于某项研究,事业等方面的热衷.

enthusiasm 和 enthusiastic 这个很长的英语单词怎么读

enthusiasm 里面的th发音时要咬住舌尖,发出类似于"丝"的音,所以这个单词可以读作"音+siu+zi+爱怎么" 同理enthusiastic读作"音+siu+zi+爱斯蒂勒"


enthusiasm侧重指比较理智的热情,如对人对事的钦佩或为了事业或目的等所表现出的追求与忠诚。 enthusiasm in引起某人的兴趣。 enthusiasm of激发...的积极性。 enthusiasm about热衷于。 扩展资料   In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late.   我一时热情过度答应了工作到很晚。   The talk had fired her with enthusiasm for the project.   这次谈话激起了她对这个项目的"热情。   I can"t work up any enthusiasm for his idea.   我对他的想法怎么也热心不起来。


forenthusiasm for English (学)英语热enthusiasm for labour 劳动积极性习惯用语arouse enthusiasm in sb.引起某人的兴趣arouse the enthusiasm of 激发...的积极性be full of enthusiasm about 热衷于be in enthusiasm 怀有热情feel no enthusiasm for 对某事不热心[没有兴趣]feel no enthusiasm about 对某事不热心[没有兴趣]overflow with enthusiasm 热情洋溢with enthusiasm 热情[烈]地enthusiasm for ...热,...狂


enthusiasm,作名词时译为“热心,热忱,热情 ”。enthusiasm 双语例句1. enthusiasm1. Wang Jinsong is from Heilongjian and he has a northerner`s enthusiasm and warmth.王劲松是黑龙江人,带着一种东北人愉快而有点儿温情的语调。2. But Rem did not share Lang"s enthusiasm for Protoculture"s application to mechamorphosis or astrogation.但是雷没有朗那种对于史前文化在机甲形成和宇宙航行学的应用的狂热。3. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm I once had as a child.我必须清度麻醉才能重获我在孩提时代曾有过的热情。4. Jining States to Mine Machinery Co., Ltd. with full enthusiasm and the credibility of Tokujitsu, to provide you with quality products and satisfactory service!济宁国能矿山机械有限公司以饱满的热情和笃实的信誉,为您提供优质的产品和满意的服务!


enthusiasm的形容词 : enthusiastic 热情的;热心的;狂热的; enthusiasm的动词 enthuse 充满热情地说; enthusiasm n. 热心,热忱,热情 扩展资料   Find a hobby or interest which enthuses you.   培养一个自己喜欢的`爱好或兴趣。   Conference participants were clearly enthused by their presence, and the two women responded by listening intently   她们的出席令与会者明显兴奋起来,作为回应这两位女士也专心倾听起来。   Enthused by the success of the first exhibition, its organisers are hopingto repeat the experience.   由于首展告捷,组织者大受鼓舞,希望能再创佳绩。   I was immediately enthused   我立即兴奋起来。

