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纠正楼上:however只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。只有whatever/whoever/whomever/whichever才可以引导让步状语从句/名词性从句。1. 答案:D.2. 翻译:据报道说,不管/无论天气有多冷,哈尔滨有许多市民还是很喜欢游泳(冬泳)。3. 解释:1)no matter引导一个让步状语从句,且从句的引导词只能是疑问词,不能用that/if/whether.也就是说no matter后面的让步状语从句是一个类似于宾语从句中“疑问词 + 陈述句”结构的句子。而且该疑问词可以和no matter一起变成一个“疑问词-ever”的单词。2) 该题中:no matter (how cold it is)= (no matter how) cold it is = however cold it is.3)该题AB项均错在it和is的顺序搞反了。“疑问词 + 陈述句”要求从句必须是“how cold it is”,而不能是“how cold is it”.4)再如:I love you no matter (how old you are).= I love you (no matter how) old you are.= I love you however old you are.I can find you no matter where you are.= I can find you wherever you are.


你好!无论他有多忙No matter how busy he is

perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their

他们的艺术的涵盖范围和严肃性无情地下降,这也许是影响最广泛的。主: The most far-reaching谓: has been宾: declineThe most far-reaching has been the decline.

k3的《superhero》 歌词

歌曲名:superhero歌手:k3专辑:de wereld rondIk vlieg als een kruisraket door de luchtpijlsnel alle boosdoeners slaan op de vluchtkijk cool iedereen staan wij staan boven en zuchtIk hou niet van vechten en niet van geweldmaar dat is nu eenmaal het lot van een heldJij gilt en ik kom je ter hulp gesneldals er iemand jou in de kou laat staanwees niet bang meer want ik kom eraan.refreinIm your superheroik sta aan je zijIm your superherojij gelooft in mijniet of niemand die jou en mij kan verslaanyeah,yeah,yeahIm your superheroik sta aan je zijIm your superherojij gelooft in mijsamen kunnen wij alle boosdoeners aanJa we komen er aan.ik spring over daken ik ren door de straatik rij met een wagen die supersnel gaatik leef iedereen die me ziet kijkt me na(iedereen kijkt me na)als er iemand jou in de kou laat staanwees niet bang meer want ik kom eraan.refreinIm your superheroik sta aan je zijIm your superherojij gelooft in mijniet of niemand die jou en mij kan verslaanyeah,yeah,yeahIm your superheroik sta aan je zijIm your superherojij gelooft in mijsamen kunnen wij alle boosdoeners aanJa we komen er aan.nananananananananananananananananananananaals er iemand jou in de kou laat staanwees niet bang meer want ik kom er aan.refreinIm your superheroik sta aan je zijIm your superherojij gelooft in mijniet of niemand die jou en mij kan verslaanyeah,yeah,yeahIm your superheroik sta aan je zijIm your superherojij gelooft in mijsamen kunnen wij alle boosdoeners aanJa we komen er aan.superhelden we komen eraansuperhelden we kunnen het aansuperhelden we komen er aansuperhelden we kunnen het aansuperhelden we komen eraansuperhelden we kunnen het aansuperhelden we komen er aansuperhelden we kunnen het aanIm your superhero ik sta aan je zijim your superhero jij gelooft in mijsamen kunnen wij alle boosdoeners aanja we komen er aan!

perhaps most seperates

A. 第一空是由what 引导的主语从句,在句中充当主要角色,意为“最能把成功人士和其他人区分开的”.类似的:what they don"t like他们不喜欢的. 后一空是由that引导的表语从句. 希望帮到你!


1、普利司通/日本、BRIDGESTONE2、米其林/法国 、MECHELIN3、固特异/美国 、GOODYEAR4、大陆/德国 continental5、倍耐力/意大利 、PIRELLI6、住友橡胶/日本 、SUMITOMO7、横滨橡胶/日本 、YOKOHAMA8、韩泰轮胎/韩国 、HANKOOK9、库珀轮胎橡胶/美国 COOPER10、锦湖/韩国 KUMHO11、东洋轮胎橡胶/日本 TOYO12、正新橡胶工业/中国台湾 Maxxis13、佳通轮胎/新加坡 GITI14、三角集团/中国 Triangle15、邓禄普 DUNLOP16、诺基亚轮胎/芬兰 Nokian17、上海回力轮胎橡胶/中国 Warriorshoes18、山东玲珑橡胶/中国 LINGLONG19、杭州中策橡胶/中国 WESTLAKE20、山东成山/中国 Chengshan21、青岛双星轮胎/中国 Double Star22、贵州轮胎/中国23、华南轮胎橡胶/中国24、广州珠江橡胶/中国25、北京首创轮胎/中国 BCT26、青岛黄海橡胶/中国27、山东中策轮胎/中国28、双钱轮胎/中国 Double coin29、辽宁轮胎集团/中国30、徐州轮胎集团/中国 31、百路驰/美国 BFGoodrich

I've been living with a shadow overhead


英语翻译I have been living with a shadow overheadI have been sle?

这是Way Back Into love 电影《K歌情人》主题曲 I have been living with a shadow overhead 我活在阴影之下 I have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed 乌云伴我共枕 I have been lonely for so long 一直孤单好久 Trapped in the past、I just can not seem to move on 困在过去,似乎就是无法往前走 I have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away 我把所有的希望和梦想藏起来 Just in case I ever need them again someday 只为了有一天可能又需要他们 I have been setting aside time 我总留些时间 To clear a little space in the corners of my mind 净化心里的小角落 All I want to do is find a way back into love 我只要重新找到爱的感觉 I can not make it through without a way back into love 若没有爱的感觉我办不到 Oh oh oh I have been watching but the stars refuse to shine 我留心观察然而繁星不愿发亮 I have been searching but I just do not see the signs 我一直搜寻但看不到任何徵兆 I know that it is out there 我知道它不在那里 There is got to be something for my soul somewhere 但一定有个为我灵魂而生的东西在某处 I have been looking for someone to shed some light 我一直寻找著让我发光的人 Not just somebody just to get me throught the night 而非只是个陪我过夜的家伙 I could use some direction 我能使用一些指示 And I am open to your suggestions 而且我可能是你的暗示 All I want to do is find a way back into love 我只要找到重新爱的感觉 I can not make it through without a way back into love 若没有爱的感觉我办不到 And if I open my heart again 若我再次敞开心房 I guess I am hoping you will be there for me in the end 我想我希望最后你会在那里等我 There are moments when I do not know if it is real 有时候我不确定它是不是真的 Or if anybody feels the way I feel 或许有人和我心有戚焉 I need inspiration 我需要妙计 Not just another negotiation 而非又一个妥协 All I want to do is find a way back into love 我只要重新找到爱的感觉 I can not make it through without a way back into love 若没有爱的感觉我办不到 And if I open my heart to you 若我为你打开心房 I am hoping you will show me what to do 希望你会告诉我该怎么做 And if you help me to start again 若你帮我重新开始 You know that I will be there for you in the end 你知道最后我会在那里等你 或者下面这个 我的生活一直被阴影笼罩 I have been living with a shadow overhead 我的床头一直有阴云缠绕 I have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed 我的孤独就一直无处可逃 I have been lonely for so long 我的过去一直把我侵扰 Trapped in the past,I just can not seem to move on 我把梦想小心翼翼地藏好 I have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away 唯愿终有一日能重修旧好 Just in case I ever need them again someday 我虽然已将时间随意抛掉 I have been setting aside time 却将希望珍藏在心灵一角 To clear a little space in the corners of my mind 重返爱情是我心灵的需要 All I want to do is find a way back into love 没有爱情我只好重重跌倒 I can not make it through without a way back into love 我仰望天空不见星辰闪耀 I have been watching but the stars refuse to shine 摸索出路却寻找不到路标 I have been searching but I just do not see the signs 路在何方我其实完全知晓 I know that it is out there 心灵之路怎么会千里迢迢 There is got to be something for my soul somewhere 给我光明的人我一直寻找 I have been looking for someone to shed some light 漫漫长夜之后却路途遥遥 Not just somebody just to get me throught the night 我需要你给我的心灵指导 I could use some direction 我愿由你做我的人生向导 And I am open to your suggestions,3,我过的影子有开销 我一直睡用云彩在我的床 我一直孤独的时间很长 被困在过去,我只是似乎不继续前进 我一直隐藏了我所有的希望和梦想走了 以防万一我还有机会需要它们吧 我一直留出时间 清理小空间处在弯道的时候我的脑海里 我所要做的就是找一回到了爱 我能在没有回到了爱 哦 我一直在观看,但星星拒绝发亮 我一直...,1,你知道最后我会在那里等你 我活在阴影之下 乌云伴我共枕 一直孤单好久 困在过去,似乎就是无法往前走 我把所有的希望和梦想藏起来 只为了有一天可能又需要他们 我总留些时间 净化心里的小角落 我只要重新找到爱的感觉 若没有爱的感觉我办不到 我留心观察然而繁星不愿发亮 我一直搜寻但看不...,0,呵呵,这是一首歌的歌词呀,找不到中文翻译么,以下是我翻译的: 我一直生活在阴影之下 我一直睡在阴云覆盖的床上 我一直孤身一人 被困在过去,我似乎无法前进 我已把所有希望和梦想深深隐藏 只是为了以防我有一天可能又需要他们 我一直在争取时间 在心中的角落清理出一个小空间 我想要做的只是找到爱的感觉 我能撑下去虽然没有了那份...,0,英语翻译 I have been living with a shadow overhead I have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed I have been lonely for so long Trapped in the past,I just can not seem to move on I have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just in case I ever need them again someday I have been setting aside time To clear a little space in the corners of my mind All I want to do is find a way back into love I can make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh I have been watching but the stars refuse to shine I have been searching but I just do not see the signs I know that it is out there There is got to be something for my soul somewhere I have been looking for someone to shed some light Not somebody just to get me throught the night I could use some direction And I am open to your suggestions All I want to do is find a way back into love I can make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart again I guess I am hoping you will be there for me in the end oh oh oh There are moments when I do not know if it is real Or if anybody feels the way I feel I need inspiration Not just another negotiation All I want to do is find a way back into love I can make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart to you I am hoping you will show me what to do And if you help me to start again You know that I will be there for you in the end




WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe) 进程是 Windows 的重要组成部分。它通常都在后台默默运行,旨在帮助你 Windows PC 上的其它应用程序来请求有关当前系统的各种信息。一般情况下,这个过程通常不会使用很多系统资源,但如果调用请求的应用、代码或脚本写得不好的话,则可能导致 WmiPrvSE.exe 占用很高的 CPU 资源。WMI 即 Windows Management Instrumentation(Windows 管理规范)的简写,是 Windows 操作系统的一项内置功能,它为软件和管理脚本提供了一种标准化方法,可以用于请求有关 Windows 操作系统状态和其它数据信息。WMI Provider 则在有相关请求时提供、返回这些信息。例如,通过软件或脚本代码可以查询有关 BitLocker 驱动器加密状态的信息、查看事件日志中的条目,或者通过 WMI Provider 调用当前系统中已安装的应用程序,等等操作。

哪里有韩剧宫里Perhaps Love歌词的音译本

=Sarangingayo=onjae-yeotdeon-geonji gieok-najin annajakku nae meoriga neoro eoji-reobdeon sijakhandu beon-ssik teo-oreudeon saenggak jakku neureogaseojogeum danghuangseu-reo-un i maeumbyeol-iri anil su itdago sasohan maeum-iragonaega naegae jakku mareur haneun gae eosaekhangeonsarang-ingayo geudae nawa gatda-myeon sijak-ingayomam-i jakku geudael saranghanaeyoon saesangi deuddorok sorichi-naeyowae ijaeya deulri-jyoseororeul mannagi wihae ijaeya sarang chajatdagojigeum nae maeumeul seo-myeongha-ryeo haedonaega naega dwae-eo mameul neukkineun bangbeobpun-indaeimi nan nae annae it-neun-geol nae anae niga ideusiurin seo-ro-aegae imi gildeulyeo-jinji mollasarang-ingayo guedae nawa gatda-myeon sijak-ingayomam-i jakku geudael saranghanaeyoon saesangi deuddorok sorichi-naeyowae ijaeya duelri-jyoseororeul mannagi wihae ijaeya sarang chajatdagosaenggakhae-bo-myeon maneun sun-gan sokae eolmana maneun seolrae-im isseot-neunjiohjogeum neujeun geumankeum na deo jarhaejurgaeyo ohhamkaehargaeyo chueoki dwael gieokman seonmulhalgaeyodasin nae gyeotaeseo teonaji mayo jjareun sun-gan-jochado bul-an-hangeolyooh~naegae meo-mulreo-jwoyo oh~geudael ireohkae manhi (itorok manhi saranghago isseoyo (geudae hanaman imi

Rick Guard的《Superhero》 歌词

歌曲名:Superhero歌手:Rick Guard专辑:Hands Of A GiantClaude Kelly - SuperheroStarted standing here aloneWasn"t sure which way to goAll I knew was some how I had toMake it on my ownStarted reaching for the starsBombs exploding in my heartWasn"t long before my journey startedNo more dancing in the darkBecause my eyes were closedNow they"re open turn aroundAnd I noticed that the spotlightWas shining on meNow I"m in the right dressAt the right timeAnd the whole worldIts all mineNow I can"t believe that ???Feeling like a superheroSo strong, and I"m on fireI"m the greatest, of all timeSo look out for meFlying up with the stars tonightFeeling like a superheroThis is so much more than IEver could"ve fantasizedSome things just happenWhen you least expect itIts not always black and whiteThat"s why I close my eyesNow they"re open turn aroundAnd I noticed that the spotlightWas shining on meIf I"m dreamingDon"t shake meDon"t try to wake meThis is gonna be the night of my life

跪求 电影《太阳旗飘扬》(Brotherhood)有源种子,谢谢各路大侠


John Dreamer - Brotherhood 求此BGM的原文件,谢谢!


Brotherhood Of Man的《This Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:This Boy歌手:Brotherhood Of Man专辑:United We StandFranz Ferdinand - This BoyIt seems this boy"s bathed in ridiculeToo forward, way too physicalIt"s time that I had anotherI"m always wanting more if there"s another oneGive me some more I"ll have another oneI"ll have a slice of your motherThis boy is so spectacularNot a boy but a wealthy bachelorI want a car I want a carI want a car I want a carI see losers losing everywhereIf I lose, I"ll only lose a careThat I might have for for anotherI am complete, invincibleIf I have one principleThen it"s to stand on You, brotherThis boy is so spectacularNot a boy but a wealthy bachelorI want a car I want a carI want a car I want a carI wanna wanna wanna...If I like cocaine I"m racing youFor organic fresh EchinaciaOne kick"s as good as anotherIf tired I"m tired of telling youI"m never tired I"m always better than youBye boy, run to your motherAnd this boy"s so spectacularNot a boy but a wealthy bachelorOh yes I am spectacularNot a boy but a wealthy bachelorI want a car I want a carI want a car I want a carI wanna wanna wanna...

Brotherhood 歌词

歌曲:BrotherLouieDear,love is a burning fire Stay,cause then the flamesgrow higher Babe,don"t let him steel your heartIt"s easy - easyGirl,this game can"t last foreverWhy we cannot live togetherTry - don"t let him takeyour love from meYou"re no goodcan"t you seebrother louie louie louieI"m in love-set you freeOh she"s only looking to meOnly lovebreaks herheart brother louie louie louieOnly love"s paradiseOh - she"s only looking to meBrother louie,louie,louieOh, let it louieShe is undercoverOh, doing what he"s doingSo, leave it louieCause i"m her loverStaycause this boywants to gamble Staylove is more thanhe can handle girlOh come on stay by meforever, everWhydoes he go on pretendingThat - his love is neverending fate Babe,

Brotherhood 歌词

歌名:Brotherhood歌手:SEAMOIt"s a party night 北国と尾张つなぐVibesIt"s a party night Respect To You(Wow wow wowSay wah say wah say wah say)离れたって(Tell me Tell me Tell me)热い気持ち重ね合わせ进もうぜ 大切なYou"re my brother!Hey brother!心の友よ お互い进む未来へのTomorrowなんでも言える间柄 たまに叱るのも褒めるのも爱だから离れてたって関系ない 大気圏内に居るなら问题ないかけがえないお前の応援歌 おれ歌います アンコール公演だ(So please)君の代わりなんて (Alright)2人といないぜ文化も言叶も微妙に 违うから面白い非常にメールうつ暇あるなら 电话する电话するなら 会って饮みに行くJust do it!……俺から君への爱は特别 いつもの天狗ステージで悩杀刻み込まれた思い出は宝 お互いにルーキーだったからそこに始まり 绊深まり いつかやろう最高の祭りアンタの为なら地の果てまでも 言ってくれたヤツなりの爱情(So please)君がピンチだったら (Alright)呼んでくれよな地球の反対に居ようと マッハでそこに行こうとも握手で始まり 握手で终わる时が経つほど 根は深くなるJust do it!……离れた君へと繋ぐ 心のキーワード集めるように 君が见た 梦の花咲き夸るようにいつまでもお互いの この命燃え尽きちゃっても俺たちは常に一绪 笑いあえる仲でいようぜ一生I Feel brother! I Feel brother!远い距离を埋めるぜ気持ちでこれがあるから音楽おもしれいIt"s a party night世界にひとり たったひとり


区别?fraternity:n.(有相同职业、爱好或信仰的)群体,同人;同好;(美国男大学生的)联谊会, 兄弟会;(团体内的)情谊,兄弟。例句:1.Bob needs the fraternity of others who share his mission.鲍勃需要与他共同肩负这项使命的其他人的友爱互助。2.One of writer"s favourite themes is the fraternity of mankind.作家最喜欢写的一个主题是人类的博爱。brotherhood:n.友谊与谅解;手足情谊;宗教(或政治等)组织;兄弟关系例句:1.People threw flowers into the river between the two countries as a symbolic act of brotherhood人们把鲜花投进两国的界河里,以象征两国人民的兄弟情谊常在。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典2.He believed in socialism and the brotherhood of man.他信仰社会主义,相信人与人之间有手足般的情谊。


看<<春风物语>> 保证帅哥多多 在百度视频上查就行了

Brotherhood-John Dreamer这首歌哪里有资源或者直接给我下载地址 跪求感激不谢


brothership brotherhood区别

意思不同。Brothership的汉语意思,兄弟情谊。brotherhood,n.手足情谊;兄弟关系;(工会等的)协会,团体,组织;(某一职业、行业等的)所有从业人员,全体同人;兄弟般的情谊;同胞之爱;博爱。brotherhood 网络解释 手足情谊:我的朋友, 你们或许会认为不属于爱及手足情谊(brotherhood)的思维就不是出自于造物者. 这是不可能的, 朋友, 所有产生的思想都是出自造物者. 所有产生的东西都出自造物者. _是所有事物, 存在所有地方, _是所有意识, 所有存在的思想;ship 意思: n. 船;舰 v. 装运;(用船)运送;上(船);乘(船) 语法: v. (动词) 1、ship用作动词的意思是“运送”,尤指通过水路或正常的商业交通渠道将重型货物发送出去,也可指空运、车运及人力等各种方式。


brother hood哥哥的兜帽


不是中式英语,很地道.印度古谚,赠人玫瑰之手,经久犹有余香   用英语说是“The rose"s in her hand,the flavor in mine.”赠人玫瑰,手有余香Roses given, fragrance in hand



Republican Motherhoodz是什么?历史课需要用的。老师讲的听不懂


Trijntje Oosterhuis的《How I Wish》 歌词

歌曲名:How I Wish歌手:Trijntje Oosterhuis专辑:See You As I DoHow I Wish作曲:朱韵诗 作词:曾曙曦编曲/监制:Ian Leung主唱:朱韵诗蒙着眼睛 你可以单靠感应一下心跳把我去辨认承诺过的 你总会可以找到方法去将任务完成潜在记忆 我希冀早已交错恋上一次一切已内定眉目发梢 印象 已这样熟悉躺沙滩 擦擦背 谈谈情于海边 数星星 多高兴巴不得 天天得 我与你 通处走即兴How I Wish How I Wish How I WishHow I Wish How I Wish How I Wish漫无目的看 难数可能性曾受创的 也可以帮我洗刷不屑一顾失去破坏力还愿意听 我倾诉工作苦况安慰我懂浪漫调情疑虑过的 也可以给我担上所有不快使我有魅力陪着我 找快乐 怀抱着驰骋躺沙滩 擦擦背 谈谈情于海边 数星星 多高兴巴不得 天天得 我与你 通处走即兴How I Wish How I Wish How I WishHow I Wish How I Wish How I Wish漫无目的看 难数可能性渐冷体温 发梦道当成真 感觉如此接近可笑是 我未曾可靠近在这一刻 我幻想变成轴心当感官通通传来震撼但还是一个 幻想太迫真躺沙滩 擦擦背 谈谈情于海边 数星星 多高兴巴不得 天天得 我与你 通处走即兴How I Wish How I Wish How I WishHow I Wish How I Wish How I Wish突然睡醒了 难找可能性

Thor (The Powerhead) 歌词

歌曲名:Thor (The Powerhead)歌手:Manowar专辑:Sign Of The HammerA black swanIs born that nightThe misty pond(Has) got a new kingGot a new kingSo what can we doWith our livesWhen it all beginsIt"s hard andIt"s cruelWill grace die in pain?Will light ever rise again?I"m trapped in darknessStill I reach out for the starsI"m moving in silenceI leave it all far behindOh at dawnI"ll face the edge of thornsOh at dawnI"ll pray at the edge of thornsOh at dawnI"ll face the edge of thornsLet us march onTo the fields of sacrifice(I"m) wondering whyI"ll carry onWill I betray myself to riseIn the silenceIt"s time to explainSearch for truth in liesUseful liesNeedless love"s damnedWhat can we do with our livesWhen it all beginsCome follow meAnd you will seeHow it will beWhen all the pain is gone awayOh at dawnI"ll pray at the edge of thornsOh at dawnI"ll face the edge of thornsOh at dawnI"ll pray at the edge of thornsOh at dawnI"ll face the edge of thornsLet us march onThough there"s no hope at our sideLet us be braveThough by glory we are deniedBut don"t you thinkIt"s time for usTo bring to an endCome play the song of deathThe wisdom in us bothWill make itSpecial guaranteedCome play the song of deathI"m lost in the depths of his eyesI can"t fleeInner pain caused insanityIt"s deep withinThe fear and the hungerEnslaved and deniedBy my love and my enemiesI"m the illgotten sonOh at dawnI"ll face the edge of thornsOh at dawnI"ll pray at the edge of thornsOh at dawnI"ll face the edge of thorns

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家庭用水价格有限责任公司,保留所有权利。是一个公司的名字PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd.是一个公司的名字


maybe与 perhaps和may be都有“可能”的意思,它们在用法上有什么不同? A: maybe和perhaps是副词,在句中作状语;maybe是美国用法,在英国多用perhaps。而may be是情态动词may + be,用作句子谓语动词。









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I don"t remember I ever promised that.我不记得我曾应诺过这件事。That"s what I was tryingto remember. 这是我当时想记起的那几句。Remember theshoe flower head, I remember mymother to theformer love.记起头上的那朵花,记起妈妈给我的那份爱。Now remember your promise.现在,牢记你的誓言。I remember thegame well.我还记得那场比赛。We remember this song. 我们记得这首歌。

那首歌里有这句歌词 superhero

something like this

Brotherhood 歌词

歌手:HOME MADE 家族作词:KURO?MICRO?U-ICHI?Mr. SWING作曲:KURO?MICRO?U-ICHI?Mr. SWINGBrother Brother Brotherhood…Da Whole Life Until We Die…1979.9.30 基准はそう血だ すごく单纯衣食住を共にし 见てきた一部始终游んだぜ四六时中 何するんでも二つで一つ刺激し合い 次第に生い立つそれは今も何も变わらず言わず语らずとも伝う必ずたった一人 たった一人 たった一人たった一人の血を分けた兄弟何处を探しても 二人といない挂け替えのない存在さ大好きな兄贵の后ろ姿见て育った俺、次男坊さいつだってそうさ 温かな优しさに包まれ俺 生きてるのさたった一人のBrotherYou And I Till Da Day We Dieたった一人の Brother血を分けた兄弟たった一人の Brotherこれからもずっとさたった一人の Brotherたとえ何があろうとも You Are Myたった一人の Brotherたった一人の たった一人のたった一人の…What We Saw, What We FeltWhat We Ate, Those Days That You Can"t TakeNo Matter What They Say, We Are Da Living ProofSo What You Call It Son? Bonds Of “Brotherhood”What We Smelled, What We Been ThroughEveryday Always That Will RemainNo One Can Take This Place, There"s Only A TruthSo What You Call This? Bonds Of “Brotherhood”※言叶に 言叶に 言叶に出来ない程 本当尊い兄64亿分の一人 この世に、やっぱ一人だからこの先もずっと一绪にまるで磁石の样にピッタリ例え生まれ变わっても ついて行くぜブラザー!それぐらい坚いんだ この绊は生みの亲似 移し镜同じ好み 泽山の证时を刻み 过ごした日々同じもの见て 感じて育ち何ものにも代え难い存在坚い绊で结ばれた兄弟俺ら最高で最强さ 间违いないDa Whole Life Until We Die!!たった一人のBrotherYou And I Till Da Day We Dieたった一人の Brother血を分けた兄弟たった一人の Brotherこれからもずっとさたった一人の Brotherたとえ何があろうとも You Are Myたった一人の Brotherたった一人の たった一人のたった一人の…この皮肤や仕草や风又は风貌と染み迂んだ家风同じ风景を见てきた二人さ风化しないずっと… Cuz We AreBrother Brother Brotherhood…Da Whole Life Until We Die…We Grew Up, Yeah!We Fought A Lot ButBecause Of LoveNo One Can Untie Da KnotYeah! We Are Da BrothersTougher Then LeatherForever And EverAnd Ever Ever C" mon!!

manufacturing overhead 是什么意思



在jQuery中,width()方法用于获得元素宽度;innerWidth()方法用于获得包括内边界(padding)的元素宽度,outerWidth()方法用于获得包括内边界(padding)和边框(border)的元素宽度,如果outerWidth()方法的参数为true则外边界(margin)也会被包括进..jQuery中的.height()、.innerHeight()和.outerHeight()和W3C的盒模型相关的几个获取元素尺寸的方法。对应的宽度获取方法分别为.width()、.innerWidth()和.outerWidth(),在此不详述。1. .height()获取匹配元素集合中的第一个元素的当前计算高度值 或 设置每一个匹配元素的高度值(带一个参数)。注意:1).css("height")和.height()之间的区别是后者返回一个没有单位的数值(例如,400),前者是返回带有完整单位的字符串(例如,400px)。2).height()总是返回内容宽度,不管CSSbox-sizing属性值。.height("value")设置的容器宽度是根据CSSbox-sizing属性来定的, 将这个属性值改成border-box,将造成这个函数改变这个容器的outerHeight,而不是原来的内容高度。2. .innerHeight()为匹配的元素集合中获取第一个元素的当前计算高度值,包括padding,但是不包括border。3. .outerHeight()获取元素集合中第一个元素的当前计算高度值,包括padding,border和选择性的margin。返回一个整数(不包含“px”)表示的值 ,或如果在一个空集合上调用该方法,则会返回 null。在.outerHeight()计算中总是包含padding-top ,padding-bottom 和 border-top,border-bottom ;如果includeMargin参数是true,那么margin (top 和 bottom)也会被包含。


summer 英[u02c8su028cmu0259(r)] 美[u02c8su028cmu025a] holiday 英[u02c8hu0252lu0259deu026a] 美[u02c8hɑ:lu0259deu026a] summer holiday暑假


This is my summer. my summer holiday of this year was very enjoyable。 i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays。 it is very beautiful there。 there are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people。 i spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there。 i wrote down what happened in my diary every day。




my summer holiday我的暑假-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮


1. 以Summer holiday 为题的作文 提供三篇2.My summer holiday My summer holiday is not very interesting.At first,I think I could read some puter book.But in fact,I play puter games everyday.I also think I can use this summer holiday to lose my weight.At last,I got 15 ponds because I eat all day.It"s a really pity holiday. My Summer HolidaySummer holiday is from July to August . It " s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of interest . And I like travelling by train . It takes me too much time , but it saves money . Sometimes I stay at home and do my homework , sometimes I help my parents do some house work . When my parents are free , we often go to the park or the zoo , and we have a good time there . I have a good summer holiday .3.My summer holidayDuring this summer holiday,I went to some famous palaces to have a goodview.The Yandang Mountain in Wenzhou leaved me a very deep impression,especially the steep mountain.In my point of view,it is turely a wonder of nature.And,I had seen the film《Harry Potter》,it"s a good film,but the pity was Black"s death.The most exciting thing is that I learned golf.Now,I go to the club every week,as a good player!The rest time of the half holiday I did a lot preparation to pass the grade 10 of violin.I have had a substantial holiday!。 2. 以《my summer holiday》为题写一篇作文 My Summer Holiday I was very happy in summer holiday.The first month of my holiday,I did my homework hard so I finished my homework little early.I read many books in my holiday,I learned a lot from the books.After I finished my homework,I went to a park with my friends.We rode bikes and played games together.I was so happy in this summer because I had an amazing summer holiday. 纯手打,选我吧! 3. 以summer holiday 为题的英语作文 My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent o weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day. Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this. 4. 以MY SUMMER HOLiday为题写一篇英语作文 The summer vacation is ing. We will have a o-month holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will visit my granparents and spend o weeks with them. I am going to help my grandparents with the housework. Of course, I am going hiking with my grandparents. Perhaps, I am going to take a short trip. My parents and I decide to go to the beach because we like swimming in the sea. Besides, I am going to visit my old friends. I think we will have a happy time together. I will be a middle school student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations. I am sure, I will have a busy holiday.。 5. 以"SummerHolidays“为题写一篇英语作文.要求:1.你平时暑假进行 In the summer,my schedule is as follows:With at least the parents go out for a trip,strive for foreign touri *** go again; at least to the relatives home 2 times,life experience,which family relatives to a grandpa,Grandpa family relatives to once every day for an hour; guarantee outdoor activity or exercise,walking,skating,looking for friends to play,to pay attention to safety; every o days at least help at home to do housework (10minutes ),wash clothes,cook,simple Zecai; one try to independent stay at home1-2day; invite friends or children in the home to play several times,and the independent hospitality; play puter games for about 2 hours a week,focus on strengthening the typing ability; try to take care of the family economy and domestic arrangements1-2day,when 1-2day parents.暑期里,我的活动安排如下:随父母至少省内出去旅游一次,争取省外旅游去一次;至少去乡下亲戚家2次,体验生活,其中爷爷家族亲戚去一次,外公家族亲戚去一次;每天保障一小时的户外活动或运动,散步、溜冰、找小朋友玩等,要注意安全;每两天至少帮家里做一件家务事(10分钟以上),洗衣服、择菜、简单做饭等;一个人尝试独立在家呆1-2天;邀请同学或者小朋友在家玩若干次,并独立招待;每周玩电脑2小时左右,重点加强打字能力的提高;尝试掌管家里经济和家务安排1-2天,当1-2天家长.。 6. 以My summer holiday 为题做作文 My Summer holiday The summer holiday is ing.In July,I am busy.I have o English class and a Maths class.I am going to finish doing my homework in July. I am going to help my parents do the housework in July.In August , my parents are going to take me to Shandong Rizhao because we all like swimming in the sea and playing with the sand.And we are going to go to Luoyang and visit my sister.Then,my sister and I are going to Beijing and climb the Great Wall with my parents.Last,I am going to read a lot of interesting books. I am sure that I am going to have ahappy summer holiday. 7. 以mysummerholiday为题的初中英语作文,60 MY holidayI was busy enough!First,I had to do my homework ,It took me 3 days.But I didn"t pare it because I learned a lot of things in my home work.And this holiday I was very excited.BecauseI went to Beijing !I saw zhe nest and Water meter!It"s so cool and beautful!I was really took pride in Beijing ,I thought Beijing is a grand city.I love Beijing !I love the Olypic Games!I love China!我的假期我非常的忙碌.首先,我必须完成作业,它花了我三天时间.但是我不觉得不值,因为我学了很多东西在做作业的过程中.而且这个假期我非常激动.因为我去了北京!我看了鸟巢了水立方!它是如此的酷和美丽!我真的对北京感到自豪,我认为北京是一个华丽的城市.我爱北京!我爱奥林匹克!我爱中国!My summer holiday I have o months summer holiday.I am very busy.I have no free.I think my summer holiday is very free ,but to my surprise,my holiday is very busy.My father everyday have many homework to me. In the morning,I must get up at 7:00.After I have to do homework for 7:30 to 12:00. In the noon,I can sleep 30 minutes,and then I wake up.I must do homework for 1:30 to 4:00. In the evening,I am very happy,because I have no homework to do.I can sleep for a long time. Every day I am very busy and tired.How I look for happy and free!我的暑假 夏季我有两个月暑假.我很忙没有让自己松弛.I我以为我的暑假会很自由,但我吃惊的是,我的假期是非常忙碌,我的父亲每天有许多功课给我.上午,我必须在7:00起床.在我做功课的7:30至12:00 .在中午12时,我可以睡30分钟,然后我醒来.I必须做功课为1:30至4:00 .晚上,我很高兴,因为我没有家庭作业.I可以睡了很长时间.我每天都很忙很疲劳,我是多么的期待快乐和自由啊。 8. 以“My summer holiday”为题写一篇英语作文 Summer holiday is from July to August . It s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of interest . And I like travelling by train . It takes me too much time , but it saves money . Sometimes I stay at home and do my homework , sometimes I help my parents do some house work . When my parents are free , we often go to the park or the zoo , and we have a good time there . I have a good summer holiday .。 9. 作文:以“Summer Holiday”为主题 In every year the end of June, it is the beginning of my precious summer holiday. Last summer, I had a great holiday. Firstly, I spent only a week to finish all my summer homework. Then I have still almost o months to do anything I wanted. Actually, I really did what I wanted to do in last summer. I traveled to Beijing with my best friend for 2 weeks. We were so happy and the trip was just perfect. In the rest of my holiday, I did not do anything even related to study. Everything is all about games. However, I will not have a chance to spend my summer holiday like the last one. There is much more homework that I have to use probably three quarters of my holiday to finish it. If there is not so much homework, I might have my ideal summer holiday in this year. My ideal holiday is that go to the beaches in México with my family. For about a whole month we can pletely relax in the beautiful beach. In the morning, after the delicious México style breakfast, we can walk along the beach while enjoy the beautiful morning sunshine. In the afternoon, we can have the freshest seafood for lunch. After lunch, take a nap in the sunshade would be the best thing to do. At dusk, there is the most geous sunset on the sea。 I love the beach, I love summer holiday.。




innerHTML是指某个网页元素内部的代码,而innerTEXT是指某个网页元素的文本内容.写个例子给你:<div name="abc"><b>测试</b></div>这样document.all("abc").innerHTML就是:<b>测试</b>而document.all("abc").innerTEXT就是:测试



memory overhead是什么意思

memory overhead内存开销双语对照词典结果:memory overhead存储开销; 例句:1.The model code was broken into two files which reduces memory overhead


  accompanying document  附件  account  账户、科目  account payable  应付账款  account title / accounting item  会计科目  accounting document/ accounting voucument  会计凭证  accounting element  会计要素  accounting entity  会计主体  accounting entries  会计分录  accounting equation / accounting identity  会计恒等式  accounting function  会计职能  accounting postulate  会计假设  accounting principle  会计原则  accounting report /accounting statement  会计报表  accounting standard  会计准则  accounting time period concept  会计分期  accounts receivable / receivables  应收账款  accrual- basis accounting  权责发生制原则  accumulated depreciation  累计折旧  amortization expense /expense not allocated  待摊费用  annual statement  年报  Arthur Andersen Worldwide  安达信全球  assets  资产  balance  余额  balance sheet  资产负债表  begainning balance/ opening balance  期初余额  capital  资本  capital expenditure  资本性支出  capital share  股本  capital surplus  资本公积  cash  现金  cash in bank  银行存款  cash journal  现金日记账  cash on hand  现金  cash system(basis)of accounting /cash-basis princi  收付实现制  certified practicing accountant  注册会计师  comparability principle  可比性原则  compound journal entry  复合分录  conservatism ( 保守 ) principle/the prudence ( 稳健 ) prin  谨慎性原则  consistency principle  一贯性原则  contingent assets  或有资产  contingent liabilities  或有负债  cost accounting  成本会计  credit balance  贷方余额  credit side  贷方  current investment  短期投资  debit balance  借方余额  debit side  借方  deferred assets  递延资产  deferred liabilities  递延负债  Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu  德勤  depreciable life  折旧年限  depreciation expense  折旧费用  depreciation rate  折旧率  descriptions  摘要  double entry  复式记账  double-entry book-keeping  复式簿记  employee benefits payable  应付福利费  ending balance  期末余额  Ernst & Young International  安永国际  estimateld scrap value  估计残值  exchange gain  汇兑收益  exchange loss  汇兑损失  expenses/charges  费用  factory overhead /manufacturing expense  制造费用  financial accounting  财务会计  financial expense  财务费用  fiscal year/ accounting periods  会计年度  fixed assets  固定资产  floating assets / current assets  流动资产  floating liabilities / current liability  流动负债  general ledger  总分类账  going-concern basis  持续经营  goodwill  商誉  historical cost  历史成本  historical cost principle  历史成本原则 :  income statement /profit and loss statement  利润表 损益表  income tax  所得税  intangible assets  无形资产  international accounting  国际会计  KPMG International  毕马威国际  liabilities  负债  liability dividend / dividend payable  应付股利  long-term investment  长期投资  long-term liabilities  长期负债  management accounting  管理会计  management expense  管理费用  matching principle  配比原则  materiality principle  重要性原则  monthly statement  月报  negative goodwill  负商誉  net assets  净资产  net cost  净成本  net income  净收益  net income apportionment  利润分配  net proceeds  净收入  net profit  净利润  non-operating gain  营业外收入  non-operating loss  营业外支出  notes payable  应付票据  notes receivable/ receivables  应收票据  objectivity (reliability) principle  客观性原则  obligee/ creditor  债权人  Obligor/ invester  债务人  operating expense  营业费用  operating revenue  营业收入  owner " s equity  所有者权益  period expense  期间费用  perpetual inventory system  永续盘存制  personal property  动产  physical inventory system  实地盘存制  posting document  记账凭证  prepayments / payment in advance  预付款项  Price Water House Coopers  普华永道  product cost / output cost  生产成本  product / finished goods  产成品  profit  利润  profit after tax  税后利润  profit before tax  税前利润  purchase  购货  purchase return and allowances  购货退回与折让  quarterly statement  季报  raw materials  原材料  real estate  不动产  relevance principle  相关性原则  reserve for bad debts / bad debts expense /provisi  坏帐准备  residual(salvage)value  折余价值 ( 残值 )  retains earning  留存收益  revenue expenditure  收益性支出  revenues  收入  sales allowances  销货折让  sales discount  销货折扣  sales invoice  销货发票  sales on account  赊销  sales return  销售退回  sales revenue  销售收入  selling cost  销售成本  selling expense  销售费用  simple ournal entry  简单分录  source document  原始凭证  stable-monetary concept  货币计量  starting-load cost / organization costs  开办费  statement of cash flow/ cash flow statement  现金流量表  stock on hand / inventory  存货  stub  存根  subsidiary accounts  明细账户  subsidiary ledger  明细分类账  surplus reserve  盈余公积  T-account/ transfer  T 字形账户  tangible assets  有形资产  taxes payable  应交税金  the understandability principle  明晰性原则  timeliness  及时性原则  transaction  交易  traveling expense  差旅费  trial balance  试算平衡  undistributed profits / undivided profits  未分配利润  unearned revenue  预收款项  unrelated business income  营业外收益  useful life  使用年限  value added tax  增值税  voucher  付款凭证  wages payable / salaries payable  应付工资  work in process / goods in process  在产品

variable overhead怎么算

variable overhead可变间接费用网络释义 变动间接费用variable labor cost变动人工成本 variable overhead变动间接费用 variable-rate bond变动利率债券 ...短语Var OH Variable Overhead 不定管理费用variable overheadvariance 变动间接费差异variable overhead quantity variance 变动制造费用数量差异

Fixed overhead cost variance 怎么算差异分析?求最简洁版本

直接用actual fixed overhead 减去budgeted fixed overhead.


国际贸易中overhead什么意思overhead 质量单位

在oracle ebs中material overhead和overhead的区别,举例说明

u2022 Material Overhead - The overhead cost of material, calculated as a percentage ofthe total cost, or as a fixed charge per item, lot, or activity. You can use materialoverhead for any costs attributed to direct material costs. If you use Work inProcess, then you can also apply material overhead at the assembly level using avariety of allocation charge methods.u2022 Overhead - The overhead cost of resource and outside processing, calculated as apercentage of the resource or outside processing cost, as a fixed amount perresource unit, or as a fixed charge per item or lot passing through an operation.Overhead is used as a means to allocate department costs or activities. For example,you can define multiple overhead subelements to cover both fixed and variableoverhead, each with its own rate. You can assign multiple overhead subelements toa single department, and vice versa.

管理会计的overhead absorption rate是什么?怎么算呢

安计量不同单位分为单位时间和单位产品Overhead absorption rate per hour = total overheads/ total hoursOverhead absorption rate per unit = total overheads/ total planned production(unit)课本上是这么写的

ACCA核心考点详解:Accounting for overhead

Accounting for overhead在ACCA(MA)科目考试中十分重要,对于Accounting for overhead 包含三个流程内容:allocation,apportionment,absorption。对此,深空网今天着重为大家详解这个核心考点内容。Q1、What is “3A”在吸收成本法中认为产品成本应该包含所有的生产成本,对于直接人工成本,直接原材料成本和直接费用可以直接计入到产品成本中,但是对于生产费用不能直接计入到铲平成本中,为了解决这个问题,我们在accounting for overhead章节中学习了“3A”法:allocation,apportionment,absorption,具体流程如下:第一步Allocation:Allocation is the process by which whole cost items are charged direct to a cost unit or cost centre.(将生产成本中的直接成本直接分派到产品上,将不能直接归属到产品上的生产费用,归属到部门上,生产部门的费用归属到生产部门上,生产车间中服务部门的费用归属到服务部门上,对于无法区分的生产费用比如水电费,生产部门和服务部门都有并且不好区分,此时就归集到general cost center)第二步apportionment:Apportionment is a procedure whereby indirect costs are spread fairly between cost centre.(将服务部门和general cost centre中的生产费用分摊给生产部门)共有两次分摊:Apportionment(一次分摊):将general cost centre中的成本分摊给生产部门和服务部门Reapportionment(二次分摊、再分摊):将服务部门中的成本分摊给生产部门。第三步absorption:Overhead absorption is the process whereby overhead costs allocated and apportioned to production cost centres are added to unit, job or batch costs.(将生产部门中的生产成本吸收到单位产品中)我们本次的重点就是Reapportionment(二次分摊、再分摊):将服务部门中的成本分摊给生产部门。Q2、The methods of reapportionment在reapportionment中涉及三类方式:Direct method,step down method,reciprocal method(对于reciprocal method交互法共包含两种方法:Repeated distribution持续分配和Algebra代数法,但是Repeated distribution在考试中不进行考察,所以这里只讲解代数法,并且当题目中指明使用交互法进行计算时,默认使用代数法)。深空网通过表格的形式进行总结并附加一道例题对于这三种方式进行讲解。今天就先讲到这里啦。




1. 定义overhead: 经常费用、日常开支operating expense:运营费用、管理费用2. 区别overhead是经常性的、周期性的开销。如水电费、房租、工资等。operating expense是指包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的大部分花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用。3. 联系 两者都是企业管理方面的费用,只是范畴不同而已。


在会计中指的是管理费用在体育是 扣杀


overhead为间接费用或称burden, indirect cost. 英国称为oncost.overhead指不与产品直接发生联系的成本。一、按不同形态可划分为:1、变动间接费用(variable overhead)随产量或销量变动而变动的间接费用;2、固定间接费用(fixed overhead)不因产量或销量变动而变动的间接费用。二、按不同的职能划分为:1、制造间接费用(manufacturing overhead)2、销售间接费用(selling overhead)3、管理间接费用(administrative overhead)4、 研发间接费用(R&D overhead)

overhead和period cost的区别概念

前面是间接费用,后者是期间成本。间接费用是指内部生产经营单位为组织和管理生产经营活动而发生的共同费用和不能直接计入产品成本的各项费用,如多种产品共同消耗的材料等,这些费用发生后应按一定标准分配计入生产经营成本。在会计上一般将其称为成本项目。生产费用按其计入产品成本的方式的不同,可以分为直接费用和间接费用。期间费用是指企业本期发生的、不能直接或间接归入营业成本,而是直接计入当期损益的各项费用。 包括销售费用、管理费用和财务费用等。 两者从定义上就可以区分。

管理会计的overhead absorption rate是什么?怎么算呢

overhead absorption rate是指经营管理成本或者制造成本。计算:期初在产品成本 + 本期发生生产费用 = 本期完工产品成本 +期末在产品成本。Overhead absorption rate per hour = total overheads/ total hours。Overhead absorption rate per unit = total overheads/ total planned production(unit)。比如有10块的overhead cost,假定这10块产生于开了10个小时的机器,那么overhead cost就是1块每小时,假如通过计算,生产的啤酒,每个啤酒要花费半个小时,那么每个啤酒上面还得加0.5的overheadcost,也就是说overhead cost最终得转接到产品上。扩展资料:生产成本是生产单位为生产产品或提供劳务而发生的各项生产费用,包括各项直接支出和制造费用。直接支出包括直接材料(原材料、辅助材料、备品备件、燃料及动力等)、直接工资(生产人员的工资、补贴)、其他直接支出(如福利费);制造费用是指企业内的分厂、车间为组织和管理生产所发生的各项费用,包括分厂、车间管理人员工资、折旧费及其他制造费用(办公费、差旅费、劳保费等)。为了核算生产成本,可设置生产成本账户进行核算,并可以分设基本生产成本和辅助生产成本账户核算。制造费用在未计入各产品成本计算对象之前,应先在制造费用账户中进行归集核算,然后再按一定标准分配计入各产品成本之中。本期发生的生产费用加上期初在产品成本,减去期末在产品成本,便能计算出本期完工产品成本。参考资料来源:百度百科-生产成本参考资料来源:百度百科-管理会计参考资料来源:百度百科-管理成本

overhead cost的定义是什么?在进行增量现金流计算的时候如何对待overhead cost?

Overhead cost是指间接费用,是不与产品直接发生联系的成本。在考虑增量现金流的时候,如果间接费用是现金流出,则考虑对现金流的影响,如果是如折旧、摊销等非现金流出,不会影响现金流(除了其对所得税的现金流影响),因此需要剔除在外。希望帮助到你。



overhead cost&indirect cost的区别

indirect cost间接成本overheads 杂项开支overhead costs 经常费用、管理费用、日常开支、营业间接成本。企业的管理费用包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用。






overhead的意思是间接费用,成本cost的一种,一般与labour和material并列考虑。overhead costs 指的是经常费用、管理费用、日常开支、营业间接成本。间接成本是不与生产过程直接发生关系、服务于生产过程的各项费用。某一时期内间接成本的总额基本上是常数,故间接成本又称为固定成本。虽然其总额在一定产量范围内基本上不随产量变化,但分摊到单位产品的间接成本随产量的增加而减小。因此间接成本常常以元/年为单位。

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