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Forever Friends 歌词

歌曲名:Forever Friends歌手:D-51专辑:Best Of D-51Forever friend 踏み出すことを恐れないで「旅立ち」それを共に祝おうこれからも心にLove & SoulForever friend 変わることを恐れないで「再会」そしてこの街がほらいつだって仆らを待ってるから肩を并べ カバン背负って3度目の春を迎えた通い惯れた この近道别れを惜しんで歩くよいつもよりも ちゃんと着けた制服に君が笑うでも気付いた その笑颜に隠れた寂しさずっと忘れないよ きっとまた会えるよ桜咲くあの丘の上いつかまた巡り会える日まで远い夏あの海の色どこまでも青く広がってた黄昏にただぼんやりと冬の足音に耳澄ました仆たちは 今日という日を知りながら永远を感じたForever friend 踏み出すことを恐れないで「旅立ち」それを共に祝おうこれからも心にLove & SoulForever friend 変わることを恐れないで「再会」そしてこの街がほらいつだって仆らを待ってるからわかってるよ 君は强く谁にも负けない人だって弱音吐かず 心配など必要ないって言うんだろう?だけどいつか 嘘に涂れ自分を见失った时はどこにいても 迷いもなくこの手を贷しに行くから春风に流れる云を授业を抜け出し眺めていた照りつける太阳の下自転车で砂浜を目指した失恋の痛みを知って夜が明けるまで语り合ってた仆たちは今日という日を知りながら永远を感じたForever friend 一人で立ち止まらないで「绊」それを共に信じよういつでも心にONE for ALLForever friend 冷たい风に负けないで「未来」胸に仆たちはほら同じ时代を歩いてるから振り返れば数々の失败真っ直ぐだけにぶつかること何回あの时の君の言叶覚えてるかい?心配げな颜で「大丈夫かい」支えてくれた わかってくれた不器用なまま受け止めてくれた出会った顷覚えてるかい?友情なんて苦手なはずなのに共に歩んできたね春夏秋冬涙も笑いも分かち合ってきた离れ离れになってもそうさ一人じゃないだろう目を闭じて 心で叫ぶのさ踏み出すことを恐れないで「旅立ち」それを共に祝おうこれからも心にLove & SoulForever friend 変わることを恐れないで「再会」そしてこの街がほらいつだって仆らを待ってるからForever friend その涙をこらえないで流れてそれがやがて光る君だけの宝石なんだからForever friend 永远なる友に歌うよ梦を掴みいつかまた会うその时互いに笑って会おうhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1624366


我个人认为是很好听的.我也很喜欢..希望你也能喜欢这首歌曲 由意大利著名作曲家乔吉奥·莫洛德尔(Giorgio Moroder,又译乔吉奥·莫若德)和中国著名钢琴家孔祥东联合创作的2008北京奥运会歌曲《Forever Friends(永远的朋友)》2007年11月29日正式对外发布。  在国家体育总局举行的新闻发布会上,创作人员悉数到场,包括作曲乔吉奥·莫洛德尔,制作人孔祥东,MV导演杨东升,以及演唱这首歌曲的著名华人歌手孙楠和李玟。  这首《Forever Friends》的创作阵容十分强大,领衔作曲——意大利著名作曲家莫洛德尔,曾先后创作了1984年洛杉矶奥运会主题曲《Reach Out(冲刺)》、1988年汉城奥运会主题曲《Hand in Hand(手拉手)》和1990年意大利世界杯主题曲《意大利之夏》;词作者为德国词作家麦克尔·昆茨(Michael Kunze),他也是著名音乐剧《猫》和《歌剧魅影》的词作者。  《Forever Friends》歌曲中文版和音乐电视已于年内制作完成并与广大观众见面。

Forever friends 的歌词

分类: 音乐 解析: Friends Forever 歌词 Just when I thought I have to make it alone You were right there by my side Making a stand, holding my hand the way you doThe tune remind me about me and you When I"m with you all my fear disappears Like if I reach I touch the sky You"ve got my back, pick up my slack when I can"t see But nothing picks me up like knowing we"ll be Friends forever, Face Whatever, Friends forever, Yay!We never can be torn apart You and me we act so oddly the same, The way we think, the way we play,(doot doot) Right from the start so off the charts about this thing,(o-ah) But we didn"t know at first that we were making, Friends forever, Bound together, Friends forever, Yeah!We"ll always be there... Oh yes there also can be times that get rough And all that can be said is "sorry" (Sorry!) But we don"t argue about the meaningless stuff And we"ll go on together Through any nasty weather, yeah Friends forever(Friends forever) Bound together(Bound together) Friends forever(Friends forever) Face Whatever(Face Whatever) Friends forever(Friends forever) Bound together(Bound together) Friends forever(Friends forever) Face Whatever(Face Whatever) Friends forever Bound together Friends forever Face Whatever

冯翠桦的forever friends歌词译文

you"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success (你尝过苦与甜,那是苦乐人生味)you want it all and you settle for nothing less(你志向万千,从未妥协丝毫)you"ve tried harder than the rest (最努力的是你)you"ve become one of the best (因而你能过人)this is the time you"ll remember for all you life(这一刻你将永远铭记于心)forever friends(永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)as the whole world joins and sees(象阳光雨露渗入我心)days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹)forever through the years (穿越永恒)we"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起)joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声在回响)we"re together here to share (此时此刻同分享)forever friends (永远的朋友)you"ll meet all races see faces you"ve never seen people from parts of the world where you never been (不同的空间,不同的面孔你不曾见过的人们,都将来团聚)and you"ll feel it in your heart (那种感受来自心)we spent too much time apart (我们已离别得太久)this is the time when all dreams of man come alive (这一刻,所有人所有梦都成真)forever friends (永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)as the whole world joins and sees (象阳光雨露渗入我心)days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹)forever through the years (穿越永恒)we"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起)joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声四处回响)we"re together here to share(此时此刻同分享)forever friends (永远的朋友)forever friends (永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)as the whole world joins and sees (象阳光雨露渗入我心)days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹)forever through the years (穿越永恒)we"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起)joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声四处回响)we"re together here to share (此时此刻同分享)one world one dream (同一个世界,同一个梦想)forever friends (永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)forever friends (永远的朋友)答案补充我认为我可以爱 你给我你的关爱 我相信我们的 我不知道,我将 如果你留在我 有时候,我失去了在深重的苦难 你会带我所有的道路,我没有自动对焦 突袭 哦,你和我,携手并进 要处处惊人 是我的朋友,哦朋友 我们永远的朋友 噢孩子,你给我所有的爱我需要 你是唯一 我认为我可以爱 你给我你的关爱 我相信我们的 你会带我所有的方式,每天 白天 哦,你和我,携手并进 要处处惊人 是我的朋友,哦朋友 我们永远的朋友 噢孩子,你给我所有的爱我需要 你是唯一 (音乐) 你会带我所有的方式,每天 白天 哦,你和我,携手并进 要处处惊人 是我的朋友,哦朋友 我们永远的朋友 噢孩子,你给我所有的爱我需要 你是唯一

forever friends 歌曲中文翻译

  Forever friends永远的朋友  曲: Giorgio Moroder莫洛德尔(意大利)  词: Michael Kunze迈克尔·昆泽(德国)  制作人:孔祥东  You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success.你已经尝过失败的痛苦和成功的甜蜜  You want it all and you settle for nothing less.你想要的莫过于此  You"ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力  You"ve become one of the best.你已经成为最好的一个  This is the time you"ll remember for all your life.这是值得你一辈子铭记的时刻  Forever friends永远的朋友  In harmony和谐无间  As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证  Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子  Forever through the years多年过后  We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩  Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦  Forever friends永远的朋友  You"ll meet all races, see faces you"ve never seen.你会遇到不同种族 各种面孔的人们  People from parts of the world where you"ve never been.它们来自世界各地 彼此素昧平生  And you"ll feel it in your heart你将用心去感受  We spent too much time apart我们已经分开的太久  This is the time when all dreams of man come alive.这是人类所有梦想成真的时刻  Forever friends永远的朋友  In harmony和谐无间  As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证  Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子  Forever through the years多年过后  We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩  Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦  Forever friends永远的朋友  No matter where we are or go无论我们身在何处前往何方  No matter what we hope for or know无论我们心怀何种梦想  No matter how we word our prayer无论我们用何种语言祈祷  There is one dream we share这是我们共同分享的梦想  Forever friends永远的朋友  In harmony和谐无间  As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证  Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子  Forever through the years多年过后  We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩  Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦  One world One Dream同一个世界 同一个梦想  Forever friends永远的朋友  In Harmony!和谐无间  Forever Friends永远的朋友  One dream we dream,One world we share.我们拥有同一个梦想,我们分享同一个世界。

冯曦妤forever friends歌词的中文意思


求forever friends英文版的中英对照歌词

主创成员作曲:乔吉奥·莫罗德尔先生,意大利著名作曲家,好莱坞著名音乐人,曾经三获奥斯卡奖、两获格莱美奖、39次获得奥斯卡提名,其代表作有1984年洛杉矶奥运会主题曲《Reach Out》、1988年汉城奥运会主题曲《手拉手》、1990年意大利足球世界杯主题歌《意大利之夏》、《壮志凌云》电影配乐。 并于1993年北京申奥时创作过《好运北京》。 作曲、制作:孔祥东先生,著名音乐家,1986年莫斯科柴可夫斯基国际钢琴大赛与1987年的西班牙桑坦德尔国际大赛中,他两度成为最年轻的获奖者,从而引起世界乐坛的注目;1988年他成为了美国吉纳·巴考尔国际比赛金奖得主;1992年他一举获得第五届悉尼国际钢琴比赛的第一名大奖以及四项特别奖。代表作有:《西藏梦》、《和谐花园》、《永远的朋友》。 作词:米歇尔·昆茨(Michael Kunze),德国词作家,代表作有:著名德语音乐剧《伊丽莎白》,《吸血鬼之舞》,《莫扎特》,《蝴蝶梦》以及音乐剧《猫》,《歌剧魅影》,《艾薇塔》,《歌舞线上》,《恐怖小店》,《拜访森林》,《蜘蛛女之吻》,《爱的观点》,《日落大道》,《钟楼怪人》,《狮子王》,《妈妈米呀》,《阿依达》和《邪恶怀女巫》的德语歌词翻译。 制作人:乔吉奥·莫罗德尔、何健民(Thomas Ho,已故)、孔祥东。 演唱:李玟小姐,著名华语歌手,首位在奥斯卡舞台上独唱表演的华人歌手,多次入选中国台湾十大偶像,并入围金曲龙虎榜。代表作:《刀马旦》、《Di Da Di》、《想你的三百六十五天》、《月光爱人》等。 演唱:孙楠先生,著名华语歌手,多次获得华语乐坛权威音乐奖项中的最佳男歌手奖、以及最受欢迎男歌手奖。代表作品:《不见不散》、《你快回来》、《风往北吹》、《拯救》。 导演:杨东升先生,中央电视台著名导演,多次担任中央电视台春节晚会等大型文艺晚会的总导演,多次获得星光奖。代表作品:《走进新时代》、《永远跟你走》、《幸福万里长》、《中国梦》等歌曲音乐电视。 中文完整翻译: 歌曲:Forever friends (In Harmony) 作曲:莫洛德尔、孔祥东 作词:Michael Kunze 演唱:李玟、孙楠 You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success.你已经尝过失败的痛苦和成功的甜蜜 You want it all and you settle for nothing less.你想要的莫过于此 You"ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力 You"ve become one of the best.你已经成为最好的一个 This is the time you"ll remember for all your life.这是值得你一辈子铭记的时刻 Forever friends永远的朋友 In harmony和谐无间 As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证 Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子 Forever through the years多年过后 We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩 Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦 Forever friends永远的朋友 You"ll meet all races, see faces you"ve never seen.你会遇到不同种族 各种面孔的人们 People from parts of the world where you"ve never been.它们来自世界各地 彼此素昧平生 And you"ll feel it in your heart你将用心去感受 We spent too much time apart我们已经分开的太久 This is the time when all dreams of man come alive.这是人类所有梦想成真的时刻 Forever friends永远的朋友 In harmony和谐无间 As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证 Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子 Forever through the years多年过后 We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩 Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦 Forever friends永远的朋友 No matter where we are or go无论我们身在何处前往何方 No matter what we hope for or know无论我们心怀何种梦想 No matter how we word our prayer无论我们用何种语言祈祷 There is one dream we share这是我们共同分享的梦想 Forever friends永远的朋友 In harmony和谐无间 As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证 Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子 Forever through the years多年过后 We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩 Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦 One world One Dream同一个世界 同一个梦想 Forever friends永远的朋友 In Harmony!和谐无间 Forever Friends永远的朋友 One dream we dream,One world we share.我们拥有同一个梦想,我们分享同一个世界。

Forever Friends 歌词

作曲:莫洛德尔作词:迈克尔昆茨演唱:李玟 孙楠You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success(你尝过苦与甜,那是苦乐人生味)You want it all and you settle for nothing less(你志向万千,从未妥协丝毫)You"ve tried harder than the rest(最努力的是你)You"ve become one of the best(因而你能过人)This is the time you"ll remember for all you life(这一刻你将永远铭记于心)Forever friends(永远的朋友)In harmony(荣辱与共)As the whole world joins and sees(象阳光雨露渗入我心)Days of unity and peace(岁月如水无痕迹)Forever through the years(穿越永恒)We"ll hear the cheers(喝彩会响起)Joy and laughter everywhere(欢笑声声在回响)We"re together here to share(此时此刻同分享)Forever friends(永远的朋友)You"ll meet all races see faces you"ve never seenPeople from parts of the world where you never been(不同的空间,不同的面孔 你不曾见过的人们,都将来团聚)And you"ll feel it in your heart(那种感受来自心)We spent too much time apart(我们已离别得太久)This is the time when all dreams of man come alive(这一刻,所有人所有梦都成真)Forever friends(永远的朋友)In harmony(荣辱与共)As the whole world joins and sees(象阳光雨露渗入我心)Days of unity and peace(岁月如水无痕迹)Forever through the years(穿越永恒)We"ll hear the cheers(喝彩会响起)Joy and laughter everywhere(欢笑声声四处回响)We"re together here to share(此时此刻同分享)Forever friends(永远的朋友)Forever friends(永远的朋友)In harmony(荣辱与共)As the whole world joins and sees(象阳光雨露渗入我心)Days of unity and peace(岁月如水无痕迹)Forever through the years(穿越永恒)We"ll hear the cheers(喝彩会响起)Joy and laughter everywhere(欢笑声声四处回响)We"re together here to share(此时此刻同分享)One world one dream(同一个世界,同一个梦想)Forever friends(永远的朋友)In harmony(荣辱与共)Forever friends(永远的朋友)http://music.baidu.com/song/59958311

Forever Friends 歌词

歌曲名:Forever Friends歌手:孙楠&李玟专辑:One World One Dream (The Official Album for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games)Forever Friends - 李玟&孙楠作曲:莫洛德尔、孔祥东 作词:Michael KunzeYou"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet successYou want it all and you settle for nothing lessYou"ve tried harder than the restYou"ve become one of the bestThis is the time you"ll remember for All your lifeForever friendsIn harmonyAs the whole world joins and seesDays of unity and peaceForever through the yearsWe"ll hear the cheersJoy and laughter everywhereWe"re together here to shareForever friendsYou"ll meet all races,see faces you"ve never seenPeople from parts of the world where you"ve never beenAnd you"ll feel it in your heartWe spent too much time apartThis is the time you"ll remember for All your lifeForever friendsIn harmonyAs the whole world joins and seesDays of unity and peaceForever through the yearsWe"ll hear the cheersJoy and laughter everywhereWe"re together here to shareForever friends(No matter where we are or go)(No matter what we hope for or know)(No matter how we word our prayer)(There is one dream we share)Forever friendsIn harmonyAs the whole world joins and seesDays of unity and peaceForever through the yearsWe"ll hear the cheersJoy and laughter everywhereWe"re together here to shareOne world One DreamForever friendsIn HarmonyForever Friends(One dream we dream) (One world we share)http://music.baidu.com/song/59591022

岩井俊二的forever friends 中文翻译

  You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success.你已经尝过失败的痛苦和成功的甜蜜   You want it all and you settle for nothing less.你想要的莫过于此   You"ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力   You"ve become one of the best.你已经成为最好的一个   This is the time you"ll remember for all your life.这是值得你一辈子铭记的时刻   Forever friends永远的朋友   In harmony和谐无间   As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证   Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子   Forever through the years多年过后   We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩   Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦   Forever friends永远的朋友   You"ll meet all races,see faces you"ve never seen.你会遇到不同种族 各种面孔的人们   People from parts of the world where you"ve never been.它们来自世界各地 彼此素昧平生   And you"ll feel it in your heart你将用心去感受   We spent too much time apart我们已经分开的太久   This is the time when all dreams of man come alive.这是人类所有梦想成真的时刻   Forever friends永远的朋友   In harmony和谐无间   As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证   Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子   Forever through the years多年过后   We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩   Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦   Forever friends永远的朋友   No matter where we are or go无论我们身在何处前往何方   No matter what we hope for or know无论我们心怀何种梦想   No matter how we word our prayer无论我们用何种语言祈祷   There is one dream we share这是我们共同分享的梦想   Forever friends永远的朋友   In harmony和谐无间   As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证   Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子   Forever through the years多年过后   We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩   Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦   One world One Dream同一个世界 同一个梦想   Forever friends永远的朋友   In Harmony!和谐无间   Forever Friends永远的朋友   One dream we dream,One world we share.我们拥有同一个梦想,我们分享同一个世界.

求《forever friends》中文版的歌词!

music......孙楠:合十的一双手紧紧贴在胸前让风儿也带走这动人的祈愿张惠妹:红白黑黄的皮肤一样相同的温度合:世界在我脚下爱种在我心田祥云浮现沐浴人间喜悦著你的喜悦呼吸著我的呼吸让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天直到永远孙楠:穿越过悲与喜站在了你的面前久久地凝望著不用任何的语言张惠妹:有梦才会有明天有爱就会再相见合:骄傲吧为了这荣耀的一瞬间祥云浮现沐浴人间为爱虔诚地许愿凝聚不朽的信念让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天直到永远(童声)风儿啊轻颂云儿祥蔚蓝的星空我的梦乡花儿吐芬芳鸟儿唱纯真的心晴朗合:祥云浮现沐浴人间喜悦著你的喜悦呼吸著我的呼吸让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天张惠妹:one world one dream孙楠:forever friends合:in harmony直到永远

forever friends 中英文歌词,最好一句一翻译,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

  Forever Friends(2008北京奥运会歌曲)   作曲:乔治奥·莫洛德尔 孔祥东 作词:迈克尔·昆茨   演唱:张惠妹 孙楠   You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success. 你已经尝过失败的痛苦和成功的甜蜜   You want it all and you settle for nothing less. 你想要的莫过于此   You"ve tried harder than the rest. 你比所有人都更努力   You"ve become one of the best. 你已经成为最好的一个   This is the time you"ll remember for all your life. 这是值得你一辈子铭记的时刻   Forever friends 永远的朋友   In harmony 和谐无间   As the whole world joins and sees 全世界都参与并见证   Days of unity and peace. 这团结和平的日子   Forever through the years 多年过后   We"ll hear the cheers. 我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩   Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share 我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦   Forever friends 永远的朋友   You"ll meet all races,see faces you"ve never seen. 你会遇到不同种族 各种面孔的人们   People from parts of the world where you"ve never been. 它们来自世界各地 彼此素昧平生   And you"ll feel it in your heart 你将用心去感受   We spent too much time apart 我们已经分开的太久   This is the time when all dreams of man come alive. 这是人类所有梦想成真的时刻   Forever friends 永远的朋友   In harmony 和谐无间   As the whole world joins and sees 全世界都参与并见证   Days of unity and peace. 这团结和平的日子   Forever through the years 多年过后   We"ll hear the cheers. 我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩   Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share 我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦   Forever friends 永远的朋友   No matter where we are or go 无论我们身在何处前往何方   No matter what we hope for or know 无论我们心怀何种梦想   No matter how we word our prayer 无论我们用何种语言祈祷   There is one dream we share 这是我们共同分享的梦想   Forever friends 永远的朋友   In harmony 和谐无间   As the whole world joins and sees 全世界都参与并见证   Days of unity and peace. 这团结和平的日子   Forever through the years 多年过后   We"ll hear the cheers. 我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩   Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share 我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦   One world One Dream 同一个世界 同一个梦想   Forever friends 永远的朋友   In Harmony! 和谐无间   Forever Friends 永远的朋友   One dream we dream,One world we share. 我们拥有同一个梦想,我们分享同一个世界。

请问拍摄于1993年的日本电影《烟花》当中的插曲“forever friend "是哪个国家的女歌首唱的啊?

Remedios。这是岩井俊二御用的电影配乐班底,由《烟花》开始,Remedios即迎合岩井的电影风格,编写出精湛的音乐,无论优美的旋律,悬疑的气氛,缤纷灿烂的情景,与细腻的感情,Remedios的音乐均具有衬托作用,能够带出相对的意境,而每一部电影亦显出Remedios对故事之深刻理解。 其中如英语歌《Forever Friends》,《Platform》的优雅,《Island》的欢快灵动,Remedios均泡制出触动心灵之感觉。

关于奥运会主题歌forever friends 问题

因为 为了被奥委会选中作为奥运歌曲啊 所有备了2份!

北京2008奥运会开幕式主题曲为什么不是《永远的朋友》[forever friends],而是?

新疆人 让他

violet evergarden什么意思


奥运歌曲Forever Friends 最终是由孙楠和李玟演唱还是孙楠和张惠妹演唱?


Friends Forever 歌词

歌曲名:Friends Forever歌手:Stefan Grossman专辑:Bottleneck SerenadeGraduation (Friends Forever)-Vitamin CSo we talked all night about the rest of our livesWhere we"re gonna be when we turn 25I keep thinking times will never change.Keep on thinking things will always be the sameBut when we leave this year we won"t be coming backNo more hanging out cause we"re on a different trackAnd if you got something that you need to sayYou better say it right now cause you don"t have another dayCause we"re moving on and we can"t slow downThese memories are playing like a film without soundAnd I keep thinking of that night in JuneI didn"t know much of love but it came too soonAnd there was me and youAnd then we got real coolStay at home talking on the telephoneWe"d get so excited, we"d get so scaredLaughing at ourselves thinking life"s not fairAnd this is how it feels...As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends foreverSo if we get the big jobsAnd we make the big moneyWhen we look back nowWill our jokes still be funny?Will we still remember everything we learned in school?Still be trying to break every single ruleWill little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?Can Heather find a job that won"t interfere with her tan?I keep, I keep thinking that it"s not goodbyeKeep on thinking it"s a time to flyAnd this is how it feels....As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends forever(la la la la la la la la……)(We will still be, friends forever)Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?Can we survive it out there?Can we make it somehow?I guess I thought that this would never endAnd suddenly it"s like we"re women and menWill the past be a shadow that will follow us "round?Will these memories fade when I leave this townI keep, I keep thinking that it"s not goodbyeKeep on thinking it"s our time to fly....As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends foreverAs we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends foreverAs we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends forever2006年就要毕业了,祝愿GANSHI 02外本1班所有同学都能找到合意的工作,也祝福去年认识的新朋友晓杰在新的一年里学习进步,快乐长伴!http://music.baidu.com/song/8588274

《A little love》 《Forever friends》 歌词翻译

You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success (你尝过苦与甜,那是苦乐人生味)You want it all and you settle for nothing less(你志向万千,从未妥协丝毫) You"ve tried harder than the rest (最努力的是你) You"ve become one of the best (因而你能过人) This is the time you"ll remember for all you life(这一刻你将永远铭记于心) Forever friends(永远的朋友) In harmony (荣辱与共) As the whole world joins and sees(象阳光雨露渗入我心) Days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹) Forever through the years (穿越永恒)We"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起) Joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声在回响) We"re together here to share (此时此刻同分享) Forever friends (永远的朋友) You"ll meet all races see faces you"ve never seen People from parts of the world where you never been (不同的空间,不同的面孔 你不曾见过的人们,都将来团聚) And you"ll feel it in your heart (那种感受来自心) We spent too much time apart (我们已离别得太久) This is the time when all dreams of man come alive (这一刻,所有人所有梦都成真) Forever friends (永远的朋友) In harmony (荣辱与共) As the whole world joins and sees (象阳光雨露渗入我心) Days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹)Forever through the years (穿越永恒) We"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起) Joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声四处回响) We"re together here to share(此时此刻同分享) Forever friends (永远的朋友) Forever friends (永远的朋友) In harmony (荣辱与共)As the whole world joins and sees (象阳光雨露渗入我心) Days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹) Forever through the years (穿越永恒) We"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起)Joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声四处回响) We"re together here to share (此时此刻同分享) One world one dream (同一个世界,同一个梦想) Forever friends (永远的朋友) In harmony (荣辱与共)Forever friends (永远的朋友)END

Forever friends是谁唱的 有歌词吗.?

是孙楠和张惠妹唱的中文版,还有一个是孙楠和李纹唱的英文版。歌词:中文&英文you"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success (你尝过苦与甜,那是苦乐人生味)you want it all and you settle for nothing less(你志向万千,从未妥协丝毫)you"ve tried harder than the rest (最努力的是你)you"ve become one of the best (因而你能过人)this is the time you"ll remember for all you life(这一刻你将永远铭记于心)forever friends(永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)as the whole world joins and sees(象阳光雨露渗入我心)days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹)forever through the years (穿越永恒)we"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起)joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声在回响)we"re together here to share (此时此刻同分享)forever friends (永远的朋友)you"ll meet all races see faces you"ve never seen people from parts of the world where you never been (不同的空间,不同的面孔你不曾见过的人们,都将来团聚)and you"ll feel it in your heart (那种感受来自心)we spent too much time apart (我们已离别得太久)this is the time when all dreams of man come alive (这一刻,所有人所有梦都成真)forever friends (永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)as the whole world joins and sees (象阳光雨露渗入我心)days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹)forever through the years (穿越永恒)we"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起)joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声四处回响)we"re together here to share(此时此刻同分享)forever friends (永远的朋友)forever friends (永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)as the whole world joins and sees (象阳光雨露渗入我心)days of unity and peace (岁月如水无痕迹)forever through the years (穿越永恒)we"ll hear the cheers (喝彩会响起)joy and laughter everywhere (欢笑声声四处回响)we"re together here to share (此时此刻同分享)one world one dream (同一个世界,同一个梦想)forever friends (永远的朋友)in harmony (荣辱与共)forever friends (永远的朋友)end

Forever Friends 歌词

Forever Friends 中英歌词歌曲:Forever friends (In Harmony)作曲:莫洛德尔、孔祥东作词:Michael Kunze演唱:李玟、孙楠You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success.你已经尝过失败的痛苦和成功的甜蜜You want it all and you settle for nothing less.你想要的莫过于此You"ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力You"ve become one of the best.你已经成为最好的一个This is the time you"ll remember for all your life.这是值得你一辈子铭记的时刻Forever friends永远的朋友In harmony和谐无间As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子Forever through the years多年过后We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦Forever friends永远的朋友You"ll meet all races, see faces you"ve never seen.你会遇到不同种族 各种面孔的人们People from parts of the world where you"ve never been.它们来自世界各地 彼此素昧平生And you"ll feel it in your heart你将用心去感受We spent too much time apart我们已经分开的太久This is the time when all dreams of man come alive.这是人类所有梦想成真的时刻Forever friends永远的朋友In harmony和谐无间As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子Forever through the years多年过后We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦Forever friends永远的朋友(No matter where we are or go)无论我们身在何处前往何方(No matter what we hope for or know)无论我们心怀何种梦想(No matter how we word our prayer)无论我们用何种语言祈祷(There is one dream we share)这是我们共同分享的梦想Forever friends永远的朋友In harmony和谐无间As the whole world joins and sees全世界都参与并见证Days of unity and peace.这团结和平的日子Forever through the years多年过后We"ll hear the cheers.我们能够听到穿越时空的欢呼喝彩Joy and laughter everywhere!We"re together here to share我们共同分享无处不在的欢笑喜悦One world One Dream同一个世界 同一个梦想Forever friends永远的朋友In Harmony!和谐无间Forever Friends永远的朋友(One dream we dream,One world we share.)我们拥有同一个梦想,我们分享同一个世界。中文版歌词永远的朋友(2008北京奥运会歌曲)作曲:乔治奥·莫洛德尔 孔祥东作词:黄小茂演唱:张惠妹 孙楠合十的一双手紧紧贴在胸前让风儿也带走这动人的祈愿红白黑黄的皮肤一样相同的温度世界在我脚下爱种在我心田祥云浮现 沐浴人间喜悦着你的喜悦呼吸着我的呼吸让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天直到永远穿越过悲与喜站在了你的面前久久的凝望着不用任何的语言有梦才会有明天有爱就会再相见骄傲吧为了这荣耀的一瞬间祥云浮现 沐浴人间为爱虔诚的许愿凝聚不朽的信念让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天直到永远【童声】(风儿啊轻颂云儿祥蔚蓝的星空我的梦乡花儿吐芬芳鸟儿唱纯真的心 晴朗)祥云浮现 沐浴人间喜悦着你的喜悦呼吸着我的呼吸让梦想成真抵达无限相聚同一个家园头顶同一片蓝天One World One DreamForever FriendsIn harmony直到永远主创成员简介:作曲:乔吉奥·莫罗德尔先生,意大利著名作曲家,好莱坞著名音乐人,曾经三获奥斯卡奖、两获格莱美奖、39次获得奥斯卡提名,其代表作有1984年洛杉矶奥运会主题曲《Reach Out》、1988年汉城奥运会主题曲《手拉手》、1990年意大利足球世界杯主题歌《意大利之夏》、《壮志凌云》电影配乐。 并于1993年北京申奥时创作过《好运北京》。作曲、制作:孔祥东先生,著名音乐家,1986年莫斯科柴可夫斯基国际钢琴大赛与1987年的西班牙桑坦德尔国际大赛中,他两度成为最年轻的获奖者,从而引起世界乐坛的注目;1988年他成为了美国吉纳·巴考尔国际比赛金奖得主;1992年他一举获得第五届悉尼国际钢琴比赛的第一名大奖以及四项特别奖。代表作有:《西藏梦》、《和谐花园》、《永远的朋友》。作词:米歇尔·昆茨(Michael Kunze),德国词作家,代表作有:著名德语音乐剧《伊丽莎白》,《吸血鬼之舞》,《莫扎特》,《蝴蝶梦》以及音乐剧《猫》,《歌剧魅影》,《艾薇塔》,《歌舞线上》,《恐怖小店》,《拜访森林》,《蜘蛛女之吻》,《爱的观点》,《日落大道》,《钟楼怪人》,《狮子王》,《妈妈米呀》,《阿依达》和《邪恶怀女巫》的德语歌词翻译。制作人:乔吉奥·莫罗德尔、何健民(Thomas Ho,已故)、孔祥东。

Forever Friends是什么意思

Forever Friends永远的朋友双语对照词典结果:网络释义百科释义1. 永远的朋友Forever friends-pakistan is a proxy for china against india and its eyes and ears in the region. 永远的朋友。巴基斯坦是中国对付印度的代理人,是中国在该地区的耳目。

英语作文 the best gift i have ever received


it flies day and night it makes honey for you and me it is busy every day


求 everything at once这首歌曲资源


Have you ever seen the man in the moon ?的意思,急急急!!!!!!马上,跪求, 十分钟内

你可曾看到了月球上的人?如果你夜晚仔细地看月亮,你可以看到在月球上有人脸。有些人说,他们可以看到一个老人携带棍棒。其他人看到一个女孩读书。这些画面是由月亮上山区和平原构成的。 很久以前,人们在英国曾经告诉自己的孩子,那是由绿色的奶酪构成的。大家都知道,这是不正确的。月亮是一个大的圆形石头。上面什么都没有。没有树木或植物在月球上。也没有河流或海洋。更没有活着的东西。没有空气。雨也永远不会出现在月球上,一切都覆盖着干的,白色的粉尘。甚至没有一个可以听到的声音 出现在月球上。 当阳光照在它的上面时,月球非常热。但是,在背面却是非常冰冷。 月亮是比地球小。它并没有地球的重量。如果你去了月球,比你现在,你就只有六分之一的体重了。即使是一个胖子在那儿,也能够跳得很高。

《Why Would I Ever》的歌词是什么意思?

Under your spell agTousher Feat. Sam Watters - Why Would I Ever (Remix)[Intro]why would i ever why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢why would i ever, why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢[1st Verse]Wait a minute baby Tell me what"s up lately I been knowin" you too long(女)等一等宝贝告诉我最近怎么了我已经认识你很久了I gotta get this out of my chestGirl I put you in a testCause I listen to these sad songs(男)我必须把这件事说出来女孩,我将你置于了一场测试因为我听到了这些悲伤的歌How could you ever think that I wouldn"t have your back It"s me and you against the world (女)你怎么可以那么想我得不到你的支持明明背对着整个世界,就只有我们紧紧相依If I told you that I love youNo matter what we doAnd promise to be my girl.........(男)如果我告诉你我爱你无论发生什么请答应做我的女孩[Chorus] We"re never stoppin like the beat of my heartNo turning back now that we came so farWhy would I ever wanna push you awayWhen the only one I"m pulling is you(男)我们的感情就像我的心跳一样未曾止息从不回头的向前,我们已经走出很远为什么我要考虑是否要将你推开其实你是我唯一想紧紧拉住的人Why would I ever think of leaving you Why would I ever think of leaving you [2nd Verse]Wait a minute hold up I said when you rolled up You was yellin" off the chain (女)等一等 保持平静当你出现在我面前失控地大叫的时候Wait a minute hold upBrush off my shouldaI was at the top of my game(男)等一等 保持平静掸去肩上的灰尘我正处在我的巅峰状态Now we been through some problems Trust me we solve them We got too much in it to lose (女)现在我们遇到了一些问题相信我 我们可以解决我们之间的问题我们曾失去的太多了Too much in it to prove there is nothingI gotta tell you somthingBaby Imma do it for you (you) for you (you) hey....(男)那些东西再多也不算什么我现在要告诉你一些事情宝贝,我做的一切都是为你[Chorus] We"re never stoppin like the beat of my heartNo turnin back now that we came so farWhy would I ever wanna push you awayWhen the only one I"m pullin is youWhy would I ever think of leaving you Why would I ever think of leaving you [3rd Verse]Tell me why did you ever question (Question everything we stand for) Between us (We got that) Have you seen us We got that love (女)告诉我为什么你总爱问问题什么都要问我们之间(我们拥有…)你难道没看见我们之间 (我们拥有爱情) 我们拥有那样的爱情[Following 3rd Verse]She tried to hold it down, I wanna hold it up And if things get too hot, then maybe I will self-destructAnd when I drop the diceIts like I"m gambling in every situation frozen, I"m feeling cold as iceBaby lets take it slow, don"t wanna crash todayCause if I take a shortcut, you know we feelin like.....(男)她试着放下,我想要抓住感情如果变得太火热,也许我将毁灭当我投掷一枚骰子我像是在冻结的环境中赌博,我感觉像冰一样寒冷宝贝让它慢一点,不想在现在坠毁因为如果我走一条捷径,你知道我们感觉像……(Ah ah)We makin it (Rock rock)We takin it (Top top)Dont makin it (Stop stop)Oh baby.....[Outro]why would i ever why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢why would i ever, why would i everwhy would i ever think of leaving you究竟为什么为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢

everything at once--Lenka歌词的中文意思是什么? 完整的中文字幕的MV有没有啊?还有没有好听的英文歌

Everything at OnceAs sly as a fox as strong as an oxAs fast as a hare as brave as a bearAs free as a bird as neat as a wordAs quiet as a mouse as big as a houseAh …… Are you wanna beAh …… Are you wanna beOhhh ah …… Are you wanna beIs everythingAs mean as a wolf as sharp as a toothAs deep as a bite as dark as the nightAs sweet as a song as right as a wrongAs long as a road as ugly as a toadAs pretty as a picture hanging from a fixtureStrong like a family strong as I wanna beBright as day as light as playAs hard as nails as grand as a whaleAh…… Are you wanna beOhhh ah …… Are you wanna beOhhh ah …… Are you wanna beIs everythingEverything at onceEverything at onceAhh everything at onceAs warm as the sun as silly as funAs cool as a tree as scary as the seaAs hot as fire cold as iceSweet as sugar and everything niceAs old as time as straight as a lineAs royal as a queen as buzzed as a beeStealth as a tiger smooth as a glidePure as a melody pure as I wanna beAh …… Are you wanna be,Ohhh ah …… Are you wanna beOhhh ah …… Are you wanna beIs everythingEverything at once(中文对照)像狐狸一样狡猾 像牛一样强壮像野兔一样快 像熊一样勇敢像鸟一样悠闲 像字一样工整像老鼠一样安静 像房子一样宽大你想要成为吗你想要成为吗啊 你想要成为吗所有的事物像狼一样卑鄙 像牙一样尖锐像伤痕一样深 像夜晚一样黑像歌曲一样甜 像对的也像错的 像路一样长 像蛤蟆一样丑像挂在夹子中的图画一样美丽像一个家族那样强大 像我想象的那样强大 像白天一样亮 像音乐一样轻快 像钉子一样坚硬 像鲸一样高贵你想要成为吗啊 你想要成为吗啊 你想要成为吗所有的事物所有的都是第一次所有的都是第一次啊 所有的都是第一次像阳光一样温暖 像愚蠢的也像有趣的像树一样凉爽 像海一样可怕像火一样热 像冰一样冷像糖一样甜蜜 什么事物都这么美好像时光一样老 像绳子一样长像女王一样华丽 像蜜蜂一样嗡嗡叫像老虎一样鬼鬼祟祟 像滑翔机一样平坦像音乐一样纯净 像我想要成为的啊 你想要成为吗啊 你想要成为吗啊 你想要成为吗是所有的事物所有的都是第一次(要说英语歌的话,我觉得《mean》比较好听~)

everything at once的歌词

Lenka - Everything At Once作曲:Lenka Kripac填词:Lenka Kripac监制:David KostenAs sly as a fox as strong as an oxAs fast as a hare as brave as a bearAs free as a bird as neat as a wordAs quite as a mouse as big as a houseAll....... I wanna beall....... I wanna beAll.......I wanna be is everythingAs mean as a wolf as sharp as a toothAs deep as a bite as dark as the nightAs sweet as a song as right as a wrongAs long as a road as ugly as a toadAs pretty as a picture hanging from a fixtureStrong like a family strong as I wanna beBright as day as light as playAs hard as nails as grand as a whaleAll....... I wanna beall....... I wanna beAll.......I wanna be is everythingEverything at onceEverything at onceEverything at onceAs warm as the the sun as silly as funAs cool as a tree as scary as the seaAs hot as fire cold as iceSweet as sugar and everything niceAs old as time as straight as a lineAs royal as a queen as buzzed as a beeStealth as a tiger smooth as a glidePure as a melody pure as I wanna beAll....... I wanna beall....... I wanna beAll.......I wanna be is everythingEverything at once




这组词的共同意思是“严格的”或“严厉的”.它们之间的区别是: 1.strict通常用于指对人的行为要求符合规范,一般译为“严格的”; severe多指由于客观需要而不能轻易改变规则和要求,含有冷酷无情之义,一般译为“严厉的”; stern则含有坚定不可动摇之义,多由人的性格所决定,一般译为“严谨的”.试比较: She was very strict on discipline. 她严格遵守纪律. She is a severe judge. 她是个严厉的法官. Father"s face wore a stern expression. 父亲面色严峻. 2.在语气上,severe最重,stern次之,strict则相对较轻.

有首歌里的部分歌词是:wherever you are i will be your shoulder....i will be there

kiss 的《I will be there》歌词:Each and every day People turn away Change the things they feel Change the things they say We can never know Where our lives will lead Wherever you go Whenever you need I will be there Wanna be there I will hear you when you call Give you anything at all I will be there Anywhere Like a father to his son You are just a child All is yet to be Growing all the while Knowing when you leave I will be there Wanna be there Only blood will run so deep Seal the promise I will keep I will be there Anywhere Like a father to his son I can swear to only one Time moves quickly as the years go by All these moments slip away When I"m gone and life will carry on You will know someway I will be there I will be there I will be there Wanna be there Only blood will run so deep Seal the promise I will keep I will be there Like a father to his son I must swear to only one

Whatever we will be

打开这部电影时,我没预料到一部动画片可以让我不寒而栗。《玛丽与马克思》,只有不同明暗度的棕色画面,黏土制作的人物场景,这不是部美丽的动画。也许刚开始看觉的索然,但请静下心,耐着性子,看下去。玛丽是一个孤单的小女孩,她的额头天生着屎黄色的胎记,妈妈常年浸泡在酒精和颓废之中,玛丽被潦草地抚养着,像所有缺爱的孩子,她自卑,敏感,心事重重,没有朋友。马克思是一个孤独的精神病大叔,他躲在自己的世界里,养着一条又一条死去的金鱼。马克思深爱着这个他不理解的世界,以别人无法理解的方式,在别人看来,他古怪,颓废,失败。 偶然的机会,玛丽写信给马克思,关于她,关于从啤酒杯里出生的小孩,关于身边的不够美好的一切,还有巧克力。马克思紧张害怕后,回信给玛丽,关于他各种各样的工作,关于他的精神病,关于隔壁有尿骚味的老女人,还有热狗。亲爱的马克思,美国的小孩是在可乐罐里出生的吗?亲爱的马克思,你被别人欺负过吗?亲爱的马克思,你知道什么是爱吗?亲爱的马克思,我知道爱情不是为我准备,我痛苦不堪,可我还是要做最后的尝试,不管它是否为我准备。8岁和44岁,灵魂的共通也许和年龄无关。马克思因为玛丽的信,开始从内心深处抽丝剥茧出他尘封的记忆,他痛苦地回忆起他平庸的工作,从未拥有过的爱情,永远中不了奖的彩票,他虚构的朋友,渐渐地,他不再像从前沉迷于虚构的世界,他慢慢打开了自己的心。玛丽长大了,她学习精神病理,她把马克思作为案例,获得了巨大的成功。她去掉了额头的胎记,她变得自信,她终于收获了爱情。她开心的写信给马克思,亲爱的马克思,我找到治你的病的方法了,我要把稿酬分你一半。可是玛丽啊,马克思把自己的全部掏出给你,并不想要你把他作为精神病人去研究,并不想要你把他的故事出版为了什么稿酬。被背叛的马克思很愤怒,他无法原谅玛丽。玛丽失去了人生中最重要的朋友,身体里的力量仿佛全被抽走,她变的消沉起来,像她的妈妈一样醉生梦死,她失去了爱人,失去了事业,失去了自己。马克思中了大奖,他买了吃不完的巧克力和全套的NOBLET,却发现他依然不快乐,终于,在一次次和自己的撕扯后,他写信给玛丽:我原谅你,因为你是不完美的。我也是。 “我年轻的时候,想变成任何一个人,除了我自己。伯纳德哈斯达夫医生说如果我生活在一个孤岛上,那么我就要适应一个人生活,只有椰子和我。他说我必须要接受我自己,我的缺点和我的全部,我们无法选择自己的缺点,它们是我们的一部分我们必须适应它们,然而我们能选择我们的朋友,我很高兴选择了你。每个人的人生就是一条很长的人行道,有的很整洁,而有的像我一样,有裂缝烟头和香蕉皮,你的人行道像我一样,但没有这么多裂缝。有朝一日,你我的人行道相交在一起,我们可以分享一罐炼乳。你是我最好的朋友,我唯一的朋友。”玛丽终于来到美国,找到马克思的住所,却发现马克思在那个早上去世了。她握着马克思的手,痛哭之时却发现满墙都是她写给马克思的信,镜子上贴着她的照片。她原来,是这样被爱着的。Whatever we will be,The future"s not ours to see,Que Sera,Sera.《Que Sera Sera》的歌声响起,影片终于结束,仿佛经历了两场漫长的人生。曾经以为救赎来自于友情,来自于爱情,来自于爱,来自于更好的成长,其实真正的救赎来自于自己,接纳自己,多么容易又困难。三毛说,“我们不肯深究自己生命本身的价值,我们过分看重他人在生命里的参与,失去他人,我们惶惶不安,痛哭流涕。”我想马克思最后一定是原谅了玛丽,原谅了自己,所以他们都得到了救赎,两个孤独又苦痛的灵魂,终于可以分享同一罐炼乳。美国著名的抑郁系动画《马男波杰克》有句台词:“你说的对,你不爱我,我也不爱你,我们不过是两个孤独的人,想少恨自己一点罢了。”有多少人,止于此。“我不明白,你自己都不爱自己,怎么能指望别人爱你呢?”玛丽和马克思得到了救赎,也许这世界上还有很多人,还要走很长的路,还要独自挣扎很久,才能心无旁骛地,心中坦荡地,习惯只有自己和那棵椰子树。有人说,玛丽和马克思是两个孤独的人,互相得到慰藉,所以他们的友情如此重要。但我们生来就是孤独,每个人都有每个人的孤独,如何感同身受,如何互相宽慰。灵魂伴侣也许不一定要完全补上心灵的缺口,他应当是一束光,让你的灵魂得以明亮坦荡。“我的天空没有太阳,总是黑夜,但并不暗,因为有东西代替了太阳。虽然没有太阳那么明亮,但对我来说已经足够。凭着这份光,我便能把黑夜当成白天。”玛丽和马克思,一定是彼此生命里的那份光。“人的生命虽然本质上是孤独的东西却不是孤独的存在。它总是在某个地方和别的生命相连。”村上春树如是说。如果你曾经失去过些什么,曾经挣扎着些什么,曾经对着自己哭喊愤怒拳打脚踢,那么,像吃一块巧克力那样,去看看玛丽和马克思的故事,也许你会想写一封信给谁。

Whatever Will Be 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever Will Be歌手:Tammin Sursok专辑:Whatever Will Betammin sursok - whatever will beSometimes I feel like I"m a bird with broken wingsAt times I dread my now and envy where I"ve been"Cause that"s when quiet wisdom takes controlAt least I"ve got a story no one"s toldI finally learned to sayWhatever will be will beI learned to takeThe good, the bad and breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedNo one knows if shooting stars will landThese days it feels naive to put your faith in hopeTo imitate a child, fall backwards on the snow"Cause that"s when fears will usually lead you blindAnd now I try to under-analyseI finally learned to sayWhatever will be will beI learned to takeThe good, the bad and breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedNo one knows if shooting stars will landIs the rope I walk wearing thin?Is the life I love caving in?Is the weight on your mindA heavy black bird caged inside?SayWhatever will be will beTakeThe good, the badJust breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedNo one knows if shooting stars will landI finally learned to sayWhatever will be will beI learned to takeThe good, the bad and breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedThing like that are never in your handsNo one knows if shooting stars will land:)http://music.baidu.com/song/26403216

Vanessa Hudgen的 "whatever will be"歌词


求Vanessa的what ever will be歌词!中英文一句一句对照啊

[ti:whatever will be] [ar:vanessa hudgens] vanessa hudgens - whatever will be album:v editor:flowerspider (qq 1878886 icq 151476238) sometimes i feel like i"m a bird with broken wings 有时,我觉得自己是断翼的飞鸟 at times i dread my now and envy where i"ve been 有时,我惧怕着现在的自己,却羡慕着当初的我. but that"s when quiet wisdom takes control 但那时只是缄默的智慧掌控着我 at least i"ve got a story no one"s told 至少我的故事未曾向人讲述 i finally learned to say (然而)最终我学会了述说 whatever will be ,will be 不管今后如何 i"ve learned to take 我已经学会承受 the good,the bad and breathe 无论好的,坏的,然后低声说着 "cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 to know what life"s got planned 了解命运的安排 no one knows if shooting stars will land 但无人知晓流星是否能落地. these days it feels naive to put your faith in hope 那些日子里,你将信念置于希望之中,是如此的天真. to imitate a child,fall backwards on the snow 像一个孩子,躺在白雪之上, "cause that"s when fears will usually lead you blind 因为那时的恐惧总是让你迷惘. but now i try to under- *** yse 但我现在努力着去深思 is the rope i walk wearing thin? 我正走着的绳索是否愈加纤细? is the life i love caving in? 我热爱的生活是否正在塌陷? is the weight on your mind 你心中的重量 a heavy black bird caged inside? 是否正像是一只大黑鸟,被牢笼囚禁? say 说出来 take 承受吧 the good,the bad 无论好的,还是坏的 just breathe 只需轻声说着 Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 了解命运的安排 No one knows if shooting stars will land 无人知晓流星是否能落地. (i finally learned to say) 最终我学会了述说 Whatever will be,will be 不管今后如何 And I learned to take 我学会了承受 The good,the bad and breathe 无论好的,还是坏的,然后轻声说着 "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 了解命运的安排 thing like that are never in your hands (但)那些事我们从不能掌握 No one knows if shooting stars will land (因为)无人知晓流星是否会落地.

Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) 歌词

歌曲名:Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)歌手:Sly & The Family Stone专辑:The Essential Sly & The Family Stone 3.0Que Sera SeraWhen I was just a little girlI asked my mother, What will I beWill I be pretty, will I be richHere"s what she said to meQue Sera SeraWhatever will be, will beThe future"s not ours to seeQue Sera Sera,what will be will beWhen I grew up and fell in loveI asked my sweetheart, What lies aheadWill we have rainbows day after dayHere"s what my sweetheart saidQue Sera SeraWhatever will be, will beThe future"s not ours to seeQue Sera Sera,what will be will beNow I have children of my ownThey ask their mother, What will I beWill I be handsome, will I be richI tell them, Wait and seeQue Sera SeraWhatever will be, will beThe future"s not ours to seeQue Sera Sera,what will be will beQue Sera Serahttp://music.baidu.com/song/7403801

whatever will be是什么意思?

whatever 是主语,意思是“无论什么会是”。

whatever will be will be 是什么歌

right here waiting 吗???

Whatever Will Be Will Be (Lp Version) 歌词

歌名:Whatever Will be Will Be - 不论未来会是怎么样歌手:Doris Day - 桃乐丝黛When I was just a little girlI asked my mother what will I beWill I be pretty, will I be richHere"s what she said to meQue sera, seraWhatever will be, will beThe future"s not ours to seeQue sera, seraWhat will be, will beWhen I grew up and fell in loveI asked my sweetheart what lies aheadWill we have rainbows day after dayHere"s what my sweetheart saidNow I have children of my ownThey asked their mother what will I beWill I be handsome, will I be richI tell them tenderlyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/805684

后会无期里whatever will be will be的中文翻译

歌词及中文翻译  whateverhappens不论发生什么  hegivesanothersmile,triestounderstandherside  他再次微笑,试图站在她的角度去理解她  toshowthathecares  来体现对她的关心  (shecan"tstayintheroom)  (她在房间里呆不下去了)  she"sconsumedwitheverythingthat"sbeengoin"on  所发生的一切另她心力交瘁  shesays  她说  [chorus]  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生什么,不要放开我的手  everythingwillbealright,heassuresher  他向她保证,一切都会好起来的  butshedoesn"thearawordthathesays  可她听不进只字片语  preoccupied,she"safraid  她一心担心  afraidthatwhatthey"redoingisnotright  担心他们在犯错  hedoesn"tknowwhattosay,soheprays  他哑口无言,于是祈祷道  whatever,whatever,whatever  不论如何,不论如何,不论如何  [chorus]  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  whateverhappens,don"tyouletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我  don"tletgoofmyhand  不要放开我的手  don"tletgoofmyhand  不要放开我的手  he"sworkingdayandnight,thinkshe"llmakeherhappy  他日夜不停地工作,以为会另她开心  forgettingallthedreamsthathehad  忘记曾经追逐的所有梦想  hedoesn"trealizeit"snottheendoftheworld  他不知晓这并不是世界的尽头  itdoesn"thavetobethatbad  这并没有那么糟  shetriestoexplain,it"syouthatmakesmehappy  她试图解释:“你是我幸福的源泉,”  whatever,whatever,whatever  不论如何,不论如何,不论如何  [chorus]  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  whateverhappens,don"tyouletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  whateverhappens,don"tyouletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我  whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手希望可以帮助你!满意的话,希望擦采纳哦,谢谢!

whatever will be意思是什么?

Whatever will be 的意思是:无论会是什么。

要vanessa hudgens的whatever will be的歌词和中文翻译

Sometimes I feel like I"m a bird with broken wings 有时候我觉得自己是断翅的小鸟At times I dread my now and envy where I"ve been 优势我害怕现在的我,羡慕自己的从前But that"s when quiet wisdom takes control 但那只是当缄默的智慧占据上峰At least I"ve got a story no one"s told 至少我的故事没有人能够讲述I finally learned to say 最后我终于能够说出Whatever will be will be 不管今后如何I"ve learned to take 我都学会承受The good, the bad and breathe 不管好的,坏的还是我的呼吸(我觉得理解为我的存在或者我的命运更好)"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落These days it feels naive to put your faith in hope 逝去的那些日子里,我觉得你把梦想当作希望是如此天真To imitate a child, fall backwards on the snow 像个孩子一样,躺倒在皑皑白雪之上"Cause that"s when fears will usually lead you blind 那是因为恐惧往往让你感到迷惘But now I try to under-analyse 但是现在我深深的思考I finally learned to say 我终于能够说出Whatever will be will be无论今后的日子如何 I"ve learned to take 我都会学着承受The good, the bad and breathe 无论好的,坏的还是我的命运"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落Is the rope I walk wearing thin? 我走过的绳索是不是越来越细了?Is the life I love caving in? 我所热爱的生活是不是沉沦了?Is the weight on your mind 你心中沉重的负担A heavy black bird caged inside? 像一只黑色的大鸟被关在囚笼里?Say 说出来Whatever will be will be 无论今后日子如何Take 承受吧The good, the bad 无论好的,坏的Just breathe 只要呼吸(好好活着)"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落(I finally learned to say) 我终于能够说出Whatever will be will be 无论今后生活如何And I learned to take 我都学着承受The good, the bad and breathe 无论好的坏的和呼吸"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排Thing like that are never in your hands 命运如何从不在你掌握No one knows if shooting stars will land

whatever will be will be 是什么歌

我第一次是从后会无期上听到的,挺好听的。whatever will be will be 歌曲名:Que Sera Sera (Whatever Will Be Will Be)歌手:Jimmie Rodgers专辑:World Cup - LosersQue Sera SeraWhen I was just a little girlI asked my mother, What will I beWill I be pretty, will I be richHere"s what she said to meQue Sera SeraWhatever will be, will beThe future"s not ours to seeQue Sera Sera,what will be will beWhen I grew up and fell in loveI asked my sweetheart, What lies aheadWill we have rainbows day after dayHere"s what my sweetheart saidQue Sera SeraWhatever will be, will beThe future"s not ours to seeQue Sera Sera,what will be will beNow I have children of my ownThey ask their mother, What will I beWill I be handsome, will I be richI tell them, Wait and seeQue Sera SeraWhatever will be, will beThe future"s not ours to seeQue Sera Sera,what will be will beQue Sera Sera

歌曲Whatever Will Be是什么意思?

Que sera, sera这句话的意思是世事不可强求,也可以翻译为顺其自然吧。《Whatever Will Be》歌曲歌词:幸福只因活得极理想理想达到因 每天旁人待我就似牧羊陪伴我去战胜雪霜 融合我像二重唱赐我伸张进步 最佳营养Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will be未管过甚N日子 我都正视Que Sera, Sera,或者你了解很多好意爱是多N深一个字愿写万次梦想 并不是自己在妄想妄想没法骄傲说出 人人亦接受我立场陪伴我去战胜雪霜 融合我像二重唱赐我伸张进步 最佳营养Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will be未管过甚N日子 我都正视Que Sera, Sera,或者你了解很多好意爱是多N深一个字愿写万次明日我不知 是否春风得意仍然在唱的嘴巴如若太少 都清澈Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will be未管过甚N日子 我都正视Que Sera, Sera或者你了解很多好意爱是多N深一个字愿写万次扩展资料:《Whatever Will Be》是郑融演唱的一首歌曲,收录于专辑《23》中,发行于2008年10月30日。碟内收录了11首精彩的歌曲和五首MV,主打歌《健康教育》由伍仲衡作曲和陈少琪填词,歌词中以学习表达爱情道路。当中两首合唱歌,包括由陈光荣作曲、黄伟文填词,Stephenie与周柏豪合唱的《一事无成》,以及庄冬昕、MC Jin作的《无谓情歌》。

Whatever will be, will be中文歌词

Sometimes I feel like I"m a bird with broken wings有时候我觉得自己是断翅的小鸟At times I dread my now and envy where I"ve been 优势我害怕现在的我,羡慕自己的从前But that"s when quiet wisdom takes control 但那只是当缄默的智慧占据上峰At least I"ve got a story no one"s told 至少我的故事没有人能够讲述I finally learned to say 最后我终于能够说出Whatever will be will be 不管今后如何I"ve learned to take 我都学会承受The good, the bad and breathe 不管好的,坏的还是我的呼吸(我觉得理解为我的存在或者我的命运更好)"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落These days it feels naive to put your faith in hope 逝去的那些日子里,我觉得你把梦想当作希望是如此天真To imitate a child, fall backwards on the snow 像个孩子一样,躺倒在皑皑白雪之上"Cause that"s when fears will usually lead you blind那是因为恐惧往往让你感到迷惘But now I try to under-analyse 但是现在我深深的思考I finally learned to say 我终于能够说出Whatever will be will be无论今后的日子如何 I"ve learned to take 我都会学着承受The good, the bad and breathe 无论好的,坏的还是我的命运"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落Is the rope I walk wearing thin? 我走过的绳索是不是越来越细了?Is the life I love caving in? 我所热爱的生活是不是沉沦了?Is the weight on your mind 你心中沉重的负担A heavy black bird caged inside? 像一只黑色的大鸟被关在囚笼里?Say 说出来Whatever will be will be 无论今后日子如何Take 承受吧The good, the bad 无论好的,坏的Just breathe 只要呼吸(好好活着)"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落(I finally learned to say) 我终于能够说出Whatever will be will be 无论今后生活如何And I learned to take 我都学着承受The good, the bad and breathe 无论好的坏的和呼吸"Cause although we like因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排Thing like that are never in your hands 命运如何从不在你掌握No one knows if shooting stars will land

whatever will be will be 是什么歌


whatever will be will be什么意思。

这是一个主语从句:Whatever will be 是主语, 意思是:无论怎么样/无论会是什么。后面的will be 是主语的谓语。Whatever will be will be.意思是:该是什么就是什么。该发生的就会发生。该来的还是要来。(根据上下文决定)。

急求一首外语歌曲,中间女的唱的有一句是what ever what ever ,请好心人告诉我这首歌的名字吧 谢谢了

what ever will be will be the future"s not …… 是这样的歌词吗

whatever will be,will be(que sera sera)吉他谱

whatever will be,will be(que sera sera)txt吉他谱前奏: A和弦 (一遍5弦空弦后勾123弦然后6弦空弦后勾123弦。节奏就是: 嘣擦擦,嘣擦擦) AWhen I was just a little girl, EI asked my mother, "What will I be?Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?" AHere"s what she said to me: D"Que sera, sera, AWhatever will be, will be; EThe future"s not ours to see. AQue sera, sera, 节奏型是: 嘣擦擦,嘣擦擦


ti:Whatever will be will be] [ar:Pink Martini] [00:01.63]Whatever Will Be, Will Be [00:04.51] [00:12.82]When I was just a little girl, [00:18.49]I asked my mother, [00:21.57]"What will I be? [00:26.91]Will I be pretty? [00:29.06]Will I be rich?" [00:31.93]Here"s what she said to me: [00:36.81]"Que sera, sera, [00:42.15]Whatever will be, will be; [00:48.21]The future"s not ours to see. [00:53.76]Que sera, sera," [00:59.73] [01:00.75]When I was just a child to school, [01:06.27]I ask my teacher, [01:09.19]"what should I try? [01:13.77]should I paint pictures? [01:16.64]should I sing songs?" [01:19.79]This was her wise reply: [01:24.87]"Que sera, sera, [01:30.07]Whatever will be, will be; [01:36.40]The future"s not ours to see. [01:41.75]Que sera, sera," [01:48.71] [02:25.67] [02:35.45]When I grew up and fell in love. [02:40.63]I asked my sweetheart, [02:44.16]"What lies ahead? [02:47.86]Will there be rainbows [02:50.92]Day after day?" [02:53.56]Here"s what my sweetheart said: [02:58.00]"Que sera, sera, [03:03.44]Whatever will be, will be; [03:09.77]The future"s not ours to see. [03:14.96]Que sera, sera, [03:19.38] [03:23.21]"Que sera, sera, [03:26.76]Whatever will be, will be; [03:32.80]The future"s not ours to see. [03:38.38]Que sera, sera, [03:44.50]What will be, will be. [03:50.08]Que Sera, Sera!" [03:58.16]

《Whatever Will Be Will Be》的歌谱和中文歌词

When I was just a little girl(boy),I asked my mother:"What will I be?Will I be pretty(handsome)?Will I be rich?"Here"s what she said to me:"Que sera, sera,Whatever will be will be;The future"s not ours to see.Que sera, sera,Whatever will be will be."When I grew up and fell in love.I asked my sweetheart:"What lies ahead?Will we have rainbows day after day?"Here"s what my sweetheart said:"Que sera, sera,Whatever will be, will be;The future"s not ours to see.Que sera, sera,Whatever will be will be."Now I have Children of my own.They ask their mother(father):"What will I be?Will I be handsome(pretty)?Will I be rich?"I tell them tenderly:"Que sera, sera,Whatever will be will be;The future"s not ours to see.Que sera, sera,Whatever will be will be.Que Sera, Sera!"当我还是个小女孩(男孩),我问妈妈,将来我会变成什么样?我会漂亮(英俊)吗?我会富有吗?妈妈对我说,让我说啊,你该怎样就怎样。没人知道将来会怎样。你该怎样就怎样。当我长大了,恋爱了,我问我的心上人,我们将来会怎样?绚丽的彩虹每天都有吗?我的爱人对我说,让我说啊,你该怎样就怎样。没人知道将来会怎样。你该怎样就怎样。现在我有了孩子,他们问我,将来我会变成什么样?我会变英俊(漂亮)吗?我会富有吗?我轻声告诉他们,让我说啊,你该怎样就怎样。没人知道将来会怎样。你该怎样就怎样。putongVideo

Whatvever Will Be 歌词

歌曲名:Whatvever Will Be歌手:Vanessa HudgensVanessa Hudgens - Whatever Will BeAlbum: VSometimes I feel like I"m a bird with broken wingsAt times I dread my now and envy where I"ve beenBut that"s when quiet wisdom takes controlAt least I"ve got a story no one"s toldI finally learned to sayWhatever will be will beI"ve learned to takeThe good, the bad and breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedNo one knows if shooting stars will landThese days it feels naive to put your faith in hopeTo imitate a child, fall backwards on the snow"Cause that"s when fears will usually lead you blindBut now I try to under-analyseI finally learned to sayWhatever will be will beI"ve learned to takeThe good, the bad and breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedNo one knows if shooting stars will landIs the rope I walk wearing thin?Is the life I love caving in?Is the weight on your mindA heavy black bird caged inside?SayWhatever will be will beTakeThe good, the badJust breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedNo one knows if shooting stars will land(I finally learned to say)Whatever will be will beAnd I learned to takeThe good, the bad and breathe"Cause although we likeTo know what life"s got plannedThing like that are never in your handsNo one knows if shooting stars will landhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5883435

whatever will be的准确翻译


一首英文歌曲 歌词里有whatever well be well be 是什么歌

应该是 whatever will be will be吧

whatever will be是什么意思

whatever will be顺其自然

Whatever will be, will be 这句话是什么意思?


whatever will be will be 是什么歌

Que sera sera歌词:中英文歌词对照: When I was just a little girl, 当我还是个小女孩, I asked my mother, 我问妈妈, "What will I be? “将来我会变成什么样子呢? Will I be pretty? 会漂亮吗? Will I be rich?" 会富有吗?” Here"s what she said to me: 她对我说: "Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求 Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。 The future"s not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。 Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求, What will be, will be." 顺其自然吧。” When I grew up and fell in love. 当我长大并恋爱了, I asked my sweetheart, 我问我的心上人, "What lies ahead? “我们将来会怎么样呢? Will we have rainbows day after day?" 生活每天都美好吗?” Here"s what my sweetheart said: 我的爱人对我说: "Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求 Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。 The future"s not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。 Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求, What will be, will be." 顺其自然吧。” Now I have Children of my own. 现在我有了自己的孩子, They ask their mother, 他们问我, "What will I be?" “将来我会变成什么样子呢? Will I be handsome? 会英俊吗? Will I be rich?" 会富有吗?” I tell them tenderly: 我轻声地回答: "Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求 Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。 The future"s not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。 Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求, What will be, will be. 顺其自然吧。 Que Sera, Sera!" 顺其自然吧。”

whatever be will be是什么意思


Whatever will be,will be中文歌词 这首歌的中文翻译

Sometimes I feel like I"m a bird with broken wings 有时候我觉得自己是断翅的小鸟 At times I dread my now and envy where I"ve been 优势我害怕现在的我,羡慕自己的从前 But that"s when quiet wisdom takes control 但那只是当缄默的智慧占据上峰 At least I"ve got a story no one"s told 至少我的故事没有人能够讲述 I finally learned to say 最后我终于能够说出 Whatever will be will be 不管今后如何 I"ve learned to take 我都学会承受 The good,the bad and breathe 不管好的,坏的还是我的呼吸(我觉得理解为我的存在或者我的命运更好) "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落 These days it feels naive to put your faith in hope 逝去的那些日子里,我觉得你把梦想当作希望是如此天真 To imitate a child,fall backwards on the snow 像个孩子一样,躺倒在皑皑白雪之上 "Cause that"s when fears will usually lead you blind 那是因为恐惧往往让你感到迷惘 But now I try to under-analyse 但是现在我深深的思考 I finally learned to say 我终于能够说出 Whatever will be will be 无论今后的日子如何 I"ve learned to take 我都会学着承受 The good,the bad and breathe 无论好的,坏的还是我的命运 "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落 Is the rope I walk wearing thin? 我走过的绳索是不是越来越细了? Is the life I love caving in? 我所热爱的生活是不是沉沦了? Is the weight on your mind 你心中沉重的负担 A heavy black bird caged inside? 像一只黑色的大鸟被关在囚笼里? Say 说出来 Whatever will be will be 无论今后日子如何 Take 承受吧 The good,the bad 无论好的,坏的 Just breathe 只要呼吸(好好活着) "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落 (I finally learned to say) 我终于能够说出 Whatever will be will be 无论今后生活如何 And I learned to take 我都学着承受 The good,the bad and breathe 无论好的坏的和呼吸 "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 Thing like that are never in your hands 命运如何从不在你掌握 No one knows if shooting stars will land

Whatever will be will be汉语什么意思

少了个逗号,whatever will be, will be 这句话意思是:不管将来会怎样,顺其自然吧!

"Whatever will be,will be?"什么意思啊?(谢谢)


whatever be will be是什么意思?


whatever will be will be是什么意思?

您好,Whatever will be will be. 的汉语意思是【无论什么都会是。】。句中 whatever will be 引导(主语从句)作主句的(主语),所以 (Whatever will be) will be. 是句子结构。这种用法类似于(I am who I am. 【我就是我。】)的用法。


中英文歌词Hey! Hey!ForeverHey! Hey!ForeverIt"s you and me这就你跟我,Moving at the speed of light into eternity在这光的速度中直到永恒Tonight is the night今晚,就是今晚To join me in the middle of ecstasy跟我一起在这陶醉的世界中Feel the melody and the rhythm of the music感受这音乐的漩律和韵律Around you, around you环绕着你,I"ma take you there, I"ma take you there我会带你去向永恒。。So don"t be scared, I"m right here, ready?不要害怕,我就在这里,准备好了吗??We can go anywhere, go anywhere我们可以去到任何But first, it"s your chance, take my hand, come with me但是,是你的抉择,拉着我的手,跟我一起走It"s like I waited my whole life for this one night这就像我等待了这一生,就为了这一晚It"s gon" be me, you and the dance floor这一切都将属于我,你还有这块舞池。"Cause we only got one night因为我们只有这一晚Double your pleasure, double your fun加倍的快乐,尽情开心!!And dance forever-ever-ever永远和你在一起跳舞Forever永远.(Forever)永远....Forever on the dance floor永远在舞池里跳着舞Feels like were on another level感觉我们的爱提升到了一个新的高度Feels like our love"s intertwined我们的爱连在了一起We can be two rebels我们可以成为两个破坏者Breaking the rules, me and you, you and I打破一切规则,就我和你,你和我All you gotta do is watch me你所需做的就是看着我Look what I can do with my feet看着随着我的脚,跳出什么舞步Baby, feel the beat inside宝贝,感受一下你的心跳I"m driving, you could take the front seat我在领着你,你可以再往前Just need you to trust me, oh oh oh只需要你信任我It"s like now就像现在It"s like I waited my whole life for this one night这就像我等待了这一生,就为了这一晚It"s gon" be me, you and the dance floor这一切都将属于我,你还有这块舞池。"Cause we only got one night因为我们只有这一晚Double your pleasure, double your fun加倍的快乐,尽情开心!!And dance forever-ever-ever永远和你翩翩起舞(Forever)永远....Forever on the dance floor永远在舞池里跳着舞It"s a long way down, we so high off the ground我们离地面是如此之高Sending for an angel to bring me your heart派出一个天使,让你的心属于我Girl, where did you come from? Got me so undone女孩,你从哪里来,让我的心这么温暖Gaze in your eyes got me saying凝视着你的眼睛,说。。。What a beautiful lady, no ifs, ands or maybes多么美的女士,没有如果,没有可能I"m releasing my heart and it"s feeling amazing我打开了我的心房,真是不可思议There"s no one else that matters, you love me没有任何问题。。你爱我And I won"t let you fall girl, let you fall girl所以我不让你陷落,宝贝I won"t let you fall, let you fall, let you fal我不会让你离开,决不让你离开Yeah yeah, yeah yeahIt"s like I waited my whole life for this one night这就像我等待了这一生,就为了这一晚It"s gon" be me, you and the dance floor这一切都将属于我,你还有这块舞池。"Cause we only got one night因为我们只有这一晚Double your pleasure, double your fun加倍的快乐,尽情开心!!And dance forever-ever-ever永远和你翩翩起舞Forever-ever-ever永远....Forever-ever-ever永远..Forever永远.

keep everyone engaged为什么engage用过去分词?

engage 是及物动词,后跟sb,在这里作keep的宾语补足语,engage 和 sb之间存在逻辑动宾关系,所以要用过去分词作 宾补。

有一首歌的歌词里有“forever,you love me!”

《Keyshia Cole - You Complete Me》LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangCan you hear me out thereHave you ever had someone who loved youNever leave your sideI know you"ll be hereBecause <STRONG class=tx_hit>you <STRONG class=tx_hit>love <STRONG class=tx_hit>me... yes you doI"m givin all my life and all my love... if you...Promise me you"ll be here <STRONG class=tx_hit>foreverI"ll give you me I"ll give you everythingIf you promise me you"ll never leave meWhat my friends say don"t matterYou"ll be right here from the startAnd I"ll get on my kneesI"ll give you all of meYou"ll never leave my sideBecause <STRONG class=tx_hit>you <STRONG class=tx_hit>love <STRONG class=tx_hit>meYou complete meYou hold my heart in your handsAnd it"s okay cause I trust thatYou"ll be the best man that you canBaby <STRONG class=tx_hit>you <STRONG class=tx_hit>love <STRONG class=tx_hit>me... oh yes you do... yea...And no matter what they ever say about youI"m gonna stay by your sidePromise me no matter what they say about meThat... you"re gon" be here til the end of timeCause you held me down when no body was aroundAnd gave <STRONG class=tx_hit>me all the <STRONG class=tx_hit>love I needSo give me more don"t you ever leaveCause you complete meI know... <STRONG class=tx_hit>you <STRONG class=tx_hit>love <STRONG class=tx_hit>meYou complete meYou hold my heart in your handsAnd it"s okay cause I trust thatYou"ll be the best man that you canCause you... give me my heart backGive <STRONG class=tx_hit>me my <STRONG class=tx_hit>love back babyI want it allBecause it"s never enoughGive me my heartGive <STRONG class=tx_hit>me my <STRONG class=tx_hit>love backI want it allBecause it"s never enough<STRONG class=tx_hit>You <STRONG class=tx_hit>love <STRONG class=tx_hit>meYou complete meYou hold my heart in your handsAnd it"s okay cause I trust thatYou"ll be the best man that you can<STRONG class=tx_hit>You <STRONG class=tx_hit>love <STRONG class=tx_hit>meYou complete meYou hold my heart in your handsAnd it"s okay cause I trust thatYou"ll be the best man that you canAnd it"s okay...I know you do you... I know you do.Yes you do... I need you too...yeaahh. I <STRONG class=tx_hit>love <STRONG class=tx_hit>you baby (ohhh)

德语das Feverwehrauto是什么意思?

你想说的应该是消防车,但是打错了das Feuerwehrfahrzeug

i will never be a star 歌词翻译


How I wish every family __ a large house with a beautiful garden!

【答案】:Bwish后面的宾语从句的谓语总是用过去时态。此题是表示与现在事实相反的愿 望,从句谓语用一般过去时。句意为:我多么希望每个家庭都有一座带漂亮花园的大房子啊!

能解释一下how i wish every family 选项 a large house with a beautiful garden . Ahas Bhad Cwill had

与一个美丽的花园的大房子。AHAS Bhad Cwill了

devils never cry 求这首歌中开头女声部分的歌词

似乎是火星文,听了半天翻译成中文拼音 a e i ce u i gi ce qi i o en a i gi ce ie(a ce i) i a e ce(ce i) i ma e i e i gia(ce i ce se i) a men me iqi(i qi) a ma o i ge i ce抱歉只能用拼音,耳朵都麻了还是同情一下我收下这答案吧。可以自己照着歌听一下,还是挺准滴。

英语Never stand still怎么翻译?

英语Never stand still的中文翻译是:永不止步。重点词汇:never读音:英 [u02c8nevu0259] 美 [u02c8nevu0259r]释义:adv.从不;从无;从未;永不;永无;决不;根本不;千万不;丝毫不;绝不可能

求Devils never cry(鬼泣3里的) 音译歌词(要字的不要罗马拼音,谢谢)

ls Never Cry You can steal a soul For a second chance你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会But you are never become a man但是你永远无法成就大业My chosen torture has me stronger我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强In life that craves the hunger然而活著就会对生存有所渴望A freedom and a quest for life我的生命为追寻向往的自由Until the end the judgment night直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Bless me with your gift of light祝福我能与你赋予的光芒同在Righteous cause on judgment night在审判之夜正义将得以伸张Feel the sorrow感到哀痛The night has swallowed夜晚已经被吞噬Feel the freedom like no tomorrow我想明天不再有任何的自由 Stepping forth the cure For soul"s demise为了治愈死亡的灵魂而勇往直前吧 Reap the tears of the victims cry拾起牺牲者的泪水Yearning more to hear the suffer我听到更多的哀嚎Of a demon as I put it under让我臣服在恶魔之下吧 Killed before, time to kill then all被杀死之前,必须先将它们消灭Passed down a righteous law通过公正的判决Serve a justice that dwells in me.这世界的正义由我主宰Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see.眼遍所及皆是满山遍野的死尸The eye can see.(*3)用双眼仔细的看著(*3) [Melody]Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree祝福我,即使树上的叶子落尽On it I"ll see The freedom rain但在树叶之上我可以看见 自由的雨滴 We are falling The night is calling,我们正在陷落 夜晚正在呼喊Tears in-side me Calm me down我的心流下眼泪 使我沉淀下来 Midnight calling Mist of resolving黑暗正在呼喊 弥漫的云雾渐渐散开Crown me, with the Pure green leaf为我加冕纯净的桂冠 Praise to my father Bless by the water将光荣献给我父 让圣水为我祝福Black night, dark sky The devils cry漆黑的夜晚,灰暗的天际 恶魔流下了眼泪(*2) [Outro verse]Life of vengeance a passive test只为复仇的人生,徒显消极无趣Until the grave I shall rest直到死亡才得以休息Engage the pressure till it crumbles在敌人毁灭之前我将继续战斗下去The existence of the lifeless black souls所以黑暗的灵魂存在著Onward to the sacred battlefield朝向神圣的战场迈进Where justification and they conquer在那里无罪的判决将公诸於世Weed out the killing of victims stalker狂怒而冰冷的武器被它们用来战争 将会被受害之人诛之 The power"s proven to end the madness我的力量应该用来终结这疯狂的一切Upon I take it to end the savage我将终结这野蛮的行径The rays of light s truth to meaning太阳的光芒,即便是真谛To my father my blood is pleading以我的鲜血为我父作辩护 A justice rage for all to feel我那傲视一切的正义With innocent cries and hatred squeals是由无瑕的泪水与愤怒的呐喊所编织而成The gore of evil seems to satisfy就在受伤之际When slayed. Maimed and pacified恶魔流出的血似乎是为了补偿 My chosen torture has me stronger我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强In life that craves the hunger然而活著就会对生存有所渴望A freedom and a quest for life我的生命为追寻向往的自由Until the end the judgment night直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Watch the footsteps but never follow看著前人遗留的足迹,不要重蹈覆辙If you want to live tomorrow如果你还想存活下去You can steel a soul for a second chance你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会But you are never become a man但是你永远无法成就大业

devils never cry 歌词

Devils Never Cry You can steal a soul For a second chance你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会But you are never become a man但是你永远无法成就大业My chosen torture has me stronger我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强In life that craves the hunger然而活著就会对生存有所渴望A freedom and a quest for life我的生命为追寻向往的自由Until the end the judgment night直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Bless me with your gift of light祝福我能与你赋予的光芒同在Righteous cause on judgment night在审判之夜正义将得以伸张Feel the sorrow感到哀痛The night has swallowed夜晚已经被吞噬Feel the freedom like no tomorrow我想明天不再有任何的自由 Stepping forth the cure For soul"s demise为了治愈死亡的灵魂而勇往直前吧 Reap the tears of the victims cry拾起牺牲者的泪水Yearning more to hear the suffer我听到更多的哀嚎Of a demon as I put it under让我臣服在恶魔之下吧 Killed before, time to kill then all被杀死之前,必须先将它们消灭Passed down a righteous law通过公正的判决Serve a justice that dwells in me.这世界的正义由我主宰Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see.眼遍所及皆是满山遍野的死尸The eye can see.(*3)用双眼仔细的看著(*3) [Melody]Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree祝福我,即使树上的叶子落尽On it I"ll see The freedom rain但在树叶之上我可以看见 自由的雨滴 We are falling The night is calling,我们正在陷落 夜晚正在呼喊Tears in-side me Calm me down我的心流下眼泪 使我沉淀下来 Midnight calling Mist of resolving黑暗正在呼喊 弥漫的云雾渐渐散开Crown me, with the Pure green leaf为我加冕纯净的桂冠 Praise to my father Bless by the water将光荣献给我父 让圣水为我祝福Black night, dark sky The devils cry漆黑的夜晚,灰暗的天际 恶魔流下了眼泪(*2) [Outro verse]Life of vengeance a passive test只为复仇的人生,徒显消极无趣Until the grave I shall rest直到死亡才得以休息Engage the pressure till it crumbles在敌人毁灭之前我将继续战斗下去The existence of the lifeless black souls所以黑暗的灵魂存在著Onward to the sacred battlefield朝向神圣的战场迈进Where justification and they conquer在那里无罪的判决将公诸於世Weed out the killing of victims stalker狂怒而冰冷的武器被它们用来战争 将会被受害之人诛之 The power"s proven to end the madness我的力量应该用来终结这疯狂的一切Upon I take it to end the savage我将终结这野蛮的行径The rays of light s truth to meaning太阳的光芒,即便是真谛To my father my blood is pleading以我的鲜血为我父作辩护 A justice rage for all to feel我那傲视一切的正义With innocent cries and hatred squeals是由无瑕的泪水与愤怒的呐喊所编织而成The gore of evil seems to satisfy就在受伤之际When slayed. Maimed and pacified恶魔流出的血似乎是为了补偿 My chosen torture has me stronger我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强In life that craves the hunger然而活著就会对生存有所渴望A freedom and a quest for life我的生命为追寻向往的自由Until the end the judgment night直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Watch the footsteps but never follow看著前人遗留的足迹,不要重蹈覆辙If you want to live tomorrow如果你还想存活下去You can steel a soul for a second chance你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会But you are never become a man但是你永远无法成就大业

求The Enormous Radio by John Cheever, Bliss by Kathenine Marifield, The Grave by Porter的中文翻译



couple作名词,对,双; 配偶,夫妻。a couple of是几个的意思,比如a couple of hundred miles几百英里;this couple译作这对情侣,这对夫妻;pair指使用时彼此不能分开的两件东西构成的物品,翻译成双,只能形容两个的;a pair of是一双的意思,比如a pair of shoes/glasses一双鞋,一副眼镜;several与前两者相近的意思是“几个的”,但是用法不同:表示几个,一些时候用法为several of,后面跟可数名词,several of apples一些苹果。

英语all or nothing,now or never怎么翻译?


ALL or Nothing NEVER or ever 正确翻译

all or nothing

“Every one,one by one,每一个人,每一条路,从东到西......”这首歌的歌名是什么,急求!!!

歌曲名:every one专辑名:2010广州亚运会新歌every one群星2010广州亚运会新歌
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