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1,现在进行时嘛,表明他正在中国工作,前面也用了is啊。2,定从,你也可以用where ,在特定条件下,两者可以互换,就像表示地点时就可以换。3,恩,是的。,spent 后面缺宾语,which可作宾语,而where不行。4,be killed by 谁,这是个短语,记住就行了。.(by)which.the.chicks.were.killed就是.the.chicks.were.killed by which ,which 就是指那只狐狸。5,.planted.many.trees with which,with在这里表示“用”的意思,with有很多这样的用法,查一下字典就会了解更多了。

英语two of the country"s leading experts怎么翻译?


He is one of the foreign experts who___in working C.are working


Experts warn that medical waste from hospitals, if properl...

A                             试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句意:专家警告说,如果医院的医疗垃圾不能正确的处理,可能会导致疾病的蔓延。If 引导的条件句的主语是 medical waste from hospitals ,与handle之间是被动关系,故选A项。        考点 : 考查非谓语动词

求作业答案:Experts are trying t


experts were convinced that the animal was a puma.experts were convinced 是被动么?

实际上是convince sb that + clause是说服某人...的意思这里的sb是experts that 后面加从句

experts say the best way to prepare for the toef


management experts是什么意思

management experts管理专家例句筛选1.Over the past few months, we"ve interviewed managementexperts from across Asia.过去几个月来,我们采访了亚洲各地的管理专家。2.Interview of World Famous Management Experts世界著名管理大师访谈

Brush industryexperts什么意思

优择雅思为您解答:Brush industry experts的中文翻译是:毛笔/画笔产业专家

the experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma.

不是虚拟语气,就是在陈述一个客观事实:从句中的the animal是单数形式,所以后面用 was.

Experts have been warning of the health risks caused by passive smoking


英语难句翻译:Experts expect the textile industry can...


英语subject matter experts怎么翻译?


most experts

应该选A A表示正常的 You tempreture is normal. B表示正式的 The word is used in formal occasion. C表示大众化的 He has a ordinary face. D表示普遍的 Jone is a common name.

Modern experts ______healthy eating suggest we eat more vegetable . A、with B、of C、on D、about


Experts believe that language learning is a process ______ skills are more important than gramm...

D 试题分析:考查定语从句:先行词是a process,定语从句中缺少地点状语,用where或in which引导定语从句,句意:专家相信语言学习是个过程,其中技能要比语法更重要。选D。点评:定语从句的考查主要就是考查关系词的辨析,关系代词that, which, whose, whom, as, who在句中做主语,宾语,表语或者定语;where, why, when在句中做状语。要分析句子成分,看缺少什么成分,就选用相应的关系词。

experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered

Human being = Human. 这就和中文 人 和 人类 差不多吧,我也不知道中文要怎么讲,但是 Human Being 听起来更专业一点

a team of experts是什么意思


Back experts什么意思?

experts 专家

Experts have been warning ---of the helth risks caused by passive smoking

我先翻译一下这个句子吧,专家多次警告被动吸烟会引发健康危机。。。有一个单词helth是不是写错啦,应该是health吧,然后就是你的问题啦,这个句子你应该这么看,experts have been warning for some time……这个是说“专家多次警告”of在这里的用法是要说明对什么提出警告,然后就是后半句啦,health risks caused by passive smoking,字面意思“健康危机由被动吸烟引起”,排列一下就是被动吸烟引发健康危机,所以这个并不是说有这么一个 warn sb of sth 的搭配。。。这是我的理解,你能明白吗、、、

Experts think that________recently discovered painting may be________Picasso.(2011·浙江,2) A

D 句意为:专家们认为近来发现的那部绘画作品可能是毕加索的作品。句中painting前有修饰语recently discovered,所以此处的painting是特指,故其前用定冠词the;第二个空后的Picasso本来是专有名词,指“毕加索”其人,但是在本句中,它指的是“一部毕加索的作品”,所以其前用不定冠词a,这实际上是专有名词具体化的使用。

According to experts,是什么意思?

回答和翻译如下:根据专家来说。According to experts.(英语句子翻译)

Mr. Smith is one of the foreign experts who _____ in China.

D的话,have been 就对了,呵呵

students are experts at xx,我想问为什么expert后面加s,英语


Experts argue that billions of pounds of skills and experiences are being lost to the economy.

billions of pounds / of skills and experiences这里是价值数十亿英镑的技术和经验lost to the economy 是指损失到经济中去了 这应该是原意

experts suggest that speech


英语完形填空experts estimate

experts estimate专家估计Experts estimate that more than$ 200 billion per year flows through this industry.专家估计,每年通过这个系统流动的资金超过2000亿美元。

英语句子翻译 Gemmologists-diamond manufacturer-worldwide-jewellery experts


nutrition experts often怎么读



Experts say that it has a lot to do with our eating habits.译文:专家们说那和我们的饮食习惯有很大关系。





experts to do等于什么

experts to do等于be good at


1、Forensic experts searched the area for clues.法医专家勘查了这个区域,以寻找线索。2、The director said he had been vindicated by the experts "report.主任说专家们的报告证明了他是正确的。3、Experts reveal only as much as they care to.专家们只透露了他们想透露的那些。



fashion experts 什么意思


some experts even argue that there are as many




Experts believe________people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. &...

C解析 考查名词性从句。句意为:专家们相信,人们只有当有必要购物时去买东西,这样才可以少浪费食物。believe后跟宾语从句,且宾语从句不缺任何成分。故选C项。

experts suggest

B 分 析: 考查虚拟语气。本句中动词suggest表示建议的时候,后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气“(should)+动词原形”,当suggest表示“说明,暗示”的时候,使用陈述语气。句义:专家建议,年轻人一周锻炼5次,每次至少30分钟。故B正确。 考点: 考察虚拟语气

experts explain是什么意思

专家讲解,专家解释 Experts Explain

The audience of this artice is experts 还是The audience are experts?


experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma 为什么convince 前用were

experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma 为什么convince 前用were experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma convince 前用were 是因为时态和后面的was相对应,与now时间指示词无关。 意思为: 专家们现在完全肯定那个动物是一只美洲狮。 句子结构The experts were now fully convinced that the animals was a puma 从句式来看,that是个连线词。因为that前面的句子和that后面的句子合起来连不成一个句子,也没有联络。 the experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma.这是定语从句还是状语从句啊? 这是宾语从句。 因为这是一句被动句,先还原成原来的主动句吧:The fact (news) fully convinced the experts that the animal was a puma. 这样你一看就知道是宾语从句了吧。 其实被动句中,说the experts 是主语是不恰当的,应该说是宾语,主语是没有的,因为convince动作不是the experts 完成的。 英语与汉语的区别之一是被动句很多,尤其当阐述客观事实,主语不明确,或无须明确是用被动句。 The experts were now fully convinced 句中为何加were 做什么成分 【分析】were在这里是被动语态 跟convinced一起构成被动谓语 The experts from the zoo were convinced that the animal was a puma.翻译? 动物园的专家们确信这个动物是美洲狮。the animal was a puma是宾语 The experts from the zoo were convinced that the animal was a puma,but where had it e from ? had e是过去完成时,表示过去的过去发生的动作。原句中were convinced动作发生在e之后。 Were the experts sure that the animal was a puma?Why? Yes,the experts were sure that the animal was a puma. Because people"s descriptions of the puma had a lot in mon. 望采纳,特意找出NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH 3来研究了下答案,不是网上乱找来的。 PS:也提醒我该复习复习这本书。 请教一下。they were now fully convinced that the anim 没有两个动词,were convinced被说服了,只是加了副词fully修饰,被完全说服 Were she to leave right now,she would get there on Sunday. 为什么用WERE不用WAS 这句是倒装句,是虚拟语气的倒装句,所以用were,不用was,正常的语序是:If she were to leave right now, she would get there on Sunday. 假如她马上就出发,周六就会到达。 All but one were here just now. 为什么用 were 翻译过来就是除了一个人大家刚才都在这儿 主语是all 是复数

Experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate


experts say that students usually求全文


The experts present at the meeting(出席会议的)were from different parts of the world.为什么 present

这句话中present和at不是一起的,present是现在的意思,而at the meeting是开会的意思,所以前面不用be

英语翻译:experts (call )in from many parts of the worl

are calledcall in 找来,请来世界各地的专家被请来建设穹顶、装饰墙壁


第一步,要先把你想装载的EA(确认是EX4文件格式,即有.EX4的后缀名)复制,再找出你的交易软件的目录(一般是在C:Program Files),再找MT4安装文件夹并打开,找到experts目录,找到后,把这个文件拷贝进experts文件夹内,这第一步就完成了。 第二步是重新启动MT4,完成后,在“导航栏”窗口的“专家交易系统”栏就会出现你刚加载的EA名字了。 第三步,右键点击这个名字,选“添加到图表”,这个时候就会跳出一个对话框,让你设置各种参数。对这一步来说,可能有些EA要在MT4上也做些相应的设置,这个设置一般是在MT4顶部的菜单栏的“工具”--- “选项”-- “专家交易系统”里面进行设置(如果你的EA不需要启动.DLL文件的话,也可以省略这个设置)。当你的MT4图表中右上角出现EA名字的话,就可以进入使用啦。 第四步,有些时候,新加的EA不一定能工作,这可以从图表右角上的图标显示状况看出来,要是没在工作状态,它显示的是个叉,工作的时候,是个笑脸,可以通过点击菜单栏下面一个工具栏中的“智能交易”这个按钮,来开关智能交易功能(“智能交易”图标本身也通过显示红或绿的小图标来表示出)。想关闭一个品种智能交易时,可以按F7,跳出EA属性里面关闭就可当图表上智能交易显示出一个笑脸的时候,你的EA就添加成功开始工作了。


Regarding the changes of agenda in the invitation letter that I mentioned last week,I was wondering whether you have printed the updated version on the company"s notepaper and signed accordingly.

Experts(专家)say that student...


students are experts at xx,我想问为什么expert后面加s,英语

这里的experts 是名词复数,并不是动词,这里的学生们是复数,所以后面的也应该对应的是复数,所以不存在矛盾n. 专家; 行家; 能手; expert的第三人称单数和复数; college students are experts at sleeping.大学生是睡眠专家


这里主要是a panal of的用法,表示一组(可以是任何人),所以后面用了experts,表示专家组,英语常见用法。同类例子有a crew of seamen. crew本身就可以表达全体船员。


专家 的复数,原型是expert