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he is ill so he fells

seriously Do not/You can"t (实在想不出其他) Don"t forget How often do

My mother syill fells ill 该否定句和一般疑问句

您的单词是不是拼错了,syill 应该是still。否定句:My mother still doesn"t feel ill.一般疑问句:Does your mother still feel ill?

Now,she is felling happy与Now,she fells happy的区别?

Feel感官动词或者是系动词很奇妙 其现在进行时和一般现在时的意思差别比较小 现在进行时表示的是she当下正在做什么一般现在时用于陈述事实

everyone in my class fells happy now正确吗


the house fells cool in summer and warn in winter

cool 和worm 才是并列关系,是两个形容词,这句子里面只有feels 是动词哦


thebabyfellsleepingsoon错在哪?the baby fell 【asleep】 soon


felt吧,成分要一样的 不一定一般的前面的都用单数,如:apple trees,特殊情况要变复数,特别是man woman 如women teachers make up one‘s mind 是下定决心的意思


fells的意思是砍伐(树木);击倒,打倒(某人),是fell的第三人称单数。fell的词组:fell in排队;到期fell into掉进;变成fell in love with 爱上…fell on落到fell down倒下;感到闷闷不乐fell asleep睡着了;入睡fell off跌落fell out v. 争吵fell to the ground跌到地上fell over落在fell for爱上,倾心fell back后退fell short of没打中目标,不够长fell through未能实现fell flat卧倒;引不起兴趣;完全失败fell under归入fell的例句:1、He lost his balance and fell to the ground.他失去平衡摔倒在地上。2、He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table.他摔倒了,头碰在桌棱上。3、It is important not to let production levels fall.重要的是别让产量滑落。4、The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups.调查结果分为截然不同的两组。5、Students over 25 fall into a different category.25岁以上的学生属另一类。6、There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through.整桩买卖化为泡影的风险仍然存在。7、I have a little money in the bank to fall back on.我在银行还有一点钱,需要时可以动用。8、Prices continued to fall on the stock market today.今天股票市场价格继续下跌。9、I"m not going to fall, am I?我不会摔跤吧,对吗?10、One of the kids fell into the river.小孩中有一个掉进了河里。11、The houses fell away as we left the city.随着我们离城市越来越远,房屋也逐渐在视线中消失了。12、She fell back towards the end of the race.赛跑快结束时她落后了。13、She fell back on her usual excuse of having no time.她以她惯用的办法推说没有时间。14、They have established that his injuries were caused by a fall.他们已经证实他是摔伤的。15、September had come and the leaves were starting to fall.已到九月了,树叶开始凋落。