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filming crew 啥意思?


filming location是什么意思

filming location拍摄地点 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1It is a popular filming location and tourist destination. 它是著名的拍摄地点和旅游目的地。

shoot moviefilmingmaking movie等在意义上的区别是什么

1、To have another look 2、To shoot [make] a film (、摄影拍电影), (演电影的意思) == film (vi.) She is filming (演员的) 她正在拍电影 3、To make up one"s mind, To made a stern resolve, To have great determination4、To take one"s advice5、To infuse [make] tea6、 To witch(turn) on the TV.7、five hours later.8、What a drag! That is a bear! What a horrid nuisance. Be not it a bother!

filming underwater involves

句子大意是,在水下拍戏需要穿过厚厚的冰块,由一条绳子迁着潜水. 因为是被绑在绳子上


电影的意思。名词 n。1.胶片[U][C]I"ll buy a faster film for my camera.我要买一卷快速胶卷。2.电影[C]Who stars in that film?那部影片是谁主演的?3.薄层;薄膜,薄皮[S1][U]The mirror is covered with a film of dust.镜子蒙上了一层灰尘。4.薄雾[S]及物动词 vt.1.把...拍成电影He filmed the wedding ceremony.他将婚礼拍录下来。2.在...上覆以薄膜She filmed a slice of bread with butter.她给一片面包涂上一层薄薄的奶油。不及物动词 vi.1.生薄膜;变得朦胧Her eyes filmed over with tears.她一双眼睛因泪水而模糊不清。2.摄制电影3.适于拍成电影[Q]He films ill.