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求一个the Nexus forums 账号密码

ID:3dmtes01 密码同ID(改密码的生孩子没舌头)

popular illustrator subforums是什么意思

实践能出真知!你这个问题问的很没有必要哦!告诉您!打开AI软件即可!ctrl+F 其实就是粘贴!记得要先复制ctrl+F 才有粘贴作用!多动手,不要等答案,很多时候其实很简单! 实践才是最重要的!

together forever什么意思


Jeddah Centre for Forums& Events是什么?应该怎么翻译


The Nexus Forums 账号

不问 英文不好么你

Wilders Security Forums这是一个国外的论坛,请问中文名称叫什么,在线等。。。拜托了!


discussion forums是什么意思

discussion forums论坛双语对照例句:The video was posted publicly on vimeo and shared across online discussion forums. 这段视频在vimeo公开发布,在多个在线论坛共享。




discussion forums是什么意思

discussion forums 网络 论坛; 讨论论坛; [例句]They also highlighted the need for training and for discussion forums.他们还认为需要进行培训和建立讨论论坛。

我用PW Forums5.0程序论坛,但是安装时候找不到网页???很急啊,,请各位帮帮忙

- -0,明显错了...你应该把论坛文件夹放在wwwroot的目录下- -0虽然我解释不清...因为我也不是很懂。但这是常识。而且你把论坛程序传到wwwroot目录下后,也不需要重新创建文件夹,把upload这个文件改名为BBS就可以了。那么安装地址就变为http://了。也可以再安装好后再改。



翻译Online forums are full of people posing in the gym or working on new fitness routines. F


fallout studios forums如何注册

1,首先请您打开这个网页:,2,找到并点击REGISTER(意为注册)选项,位于整个网页的右上角附近。3,点开后便进入了标题为Register a new account(建立新账号)的网页。4,填写所有需要填写的项目

code for forums什么意思



discussion forums是什么意思

  discussion forums的中文翻译  discussion forums  讨论论坛  双语例句  1  XML zone discussion forums: Participate in any of several XML-related discussions.  XML专区讨论论坛:参与多个与XML相关的讨论。  2  The online sites it referred to are discussion forums used by Chinese military enthusiasts.  该评论所指的网站是中国军事爱好者使用的论坛。  3  XML zone discussion forums: Participate in any of several XML-related discussions.  XML专区讨论论坛:参与任何一个与XML相关的讨论。

discussion forums是什么意思



data指的是数据的意思,而forums指的是论坛。根据题意来看的话这句话的意思是说 那所学校很好,而我的结论是建立在我查过的数据,以及他们所建立的论坛之上。所以答案选择C比较合适。

Addictive Keys for Mac(虚拟钢琴音源)

XLN Audio Addictive Keys Complete for Mac是一个鼓舞人心的虚拟钢琴音源插件。音色做的非常不错。这款键盘音色不光是钢琴,而且还有一些类似电钢键盘的音色,并且,每种音色都提供多种效果的预制,还有不同型号的预制等。在制作的时候可以挑选合适的音色效果直接使用,非常方便,而且,软件的界面也 是我认为比较漂亮的。


对,这两个词就相当于data 和datum,我相信你也学过这两个词,一个复数,一个单数,不用想得太麻烦了,英语学活点,呵呵!




论坛 的意思


forum的复数有两种:forums 或:fora 现在常用:forums

forum的复数形似 是 fora,不过我今天做一道题,答案却是forums,不知道什么时候用 forums 这种用法?

forum的复数有两种:forums 或: fora 现在常用:forums



harmony in diversity /harmony without uniformity是什么意思?

多元一体; 和而不同

conformity是什么意思 心理学

conformity英 [kənˈfɔ:məti] 美 [kənˈfɔ:rməti] n.符合; 一致; 遵从; 依照网络从众; 一致性; 整合复数: conformities 形近词: biformity comformity deformity uniformity difformity数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道1Assuranceof conformity activity resulting in a statement giving confidence that a product, process or service fulfils specified requirements. 符合性保证其结果是对产品,过程或服务满足规定要求的置信程度给予说明的活


unify 是统一,划一和uniform 是制服,一致uniformity

Run to run uniformity和wafer to wafer uniformity有什么区别?怎么计算?


luminance uniformity是什么意思

luminance uniformity亮度均匀性

uniformalty 什么意思

uniformity英 [ˌju:nɪ"fɔ:mətɪ] 美 [ˌju:nɪ"fɔ:mətɪ] n. 均匀性;单调,无变化;同样,一样

Run to run uniformity和wafer to wafer uniformity有什么区别?怎么计算?

半导体的种类很多,晶圆制造工序更加多样,run to run 和wafer to wafer 的分别要从芯片设计的复杂度才能定义,run to run完成基本信息后确认conformity,才进入uniformity 的考虑和计算。

uniformity coefficient是什么意思

uniformity coefficient 均匀性系数均匀度均匀系数均匀度系数不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】


uniformity 英 [ ˌju:nɪ"fɔ:mətɪ ] 美 [ ˌju:nɪ"fɔ:mətɪ ]n. 均匀性;单调,无变化;同样,一样复数:uniformities双语例句1.The pressure towards uniformity constantly threatens to erode local traditions.一体化的压力一直威胁着地方传统。2.Government inspections ensure a high degree of uniformity in the standard of service.政府检查确保了在服务标准方面的高度一致。3.We"re all getting - lashed to the great wheel of uniformity.我们都被鞭子赶着进入那个千篇一律的大论了。

uniformity of dispersion 什么意思

uniformity of dispersion分散均匀性请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

content uniformity是什么意思


uniformity coefficient是什么意思

uniformity coefficient均匀系数;均匀性系数;均匀系统不均匀系数;均匀度;均质系数例句筛选1.Influence of the Combination Distance, Work Pressure and LayoutForm of Sprinkler Head on Uniformity Coefficient in Irrigation喷头组合间距、工作压力和布置形式对喷灌均匀系数的影响2.A soil having a uniformity coefficient smaller than 2 is considereduniform.均匀系数小于2的土壤可视为均质土。

eveness 和uniformity有什么区别

eveness平坦均匀uniformity英 [juːnɪ"fɔːmɪtɪ]  美 [,jʊnə"fɔrməti] n. 均匀性;一致;同样

uniformity ; chapter ;volume 这英语用谐音怎么读?

uniformity :有内没忒chapter :拆铺特volume :我泪目


大致意思:unityn.团结, 联合, 统一, 一致unificationn.统一, 合一, 一致uniformityn.同样, 一式, 一致, 均匀联系:unification 和 uniformity 近义, 意思是统一unity 指团结, 也是近义区分:unity n 单一;一致unification n 联合uniformity n 一致性


方法一:unif=(max()-min())/2average(), 结果表示为正负百分比方法二: unif=(max()-min()/average,结果表示为百分比Excel 全称是 Microsoft Excel ,是一款电子表格制作软件,该软件可以进行批量文字数据处理,界面美观大方,日常工作中经常需要使用,是现今办公人士必备的业务处理技能。

问个弱智的问题:uniformity的 公式是什么啊?

查查资料会得到公式吧 期待中最大偏差除以两倍平均值,一楼写的没错這個問題一點都不弱智Uniformity有好幾種計算方法,主要看Sample的點數,上面樓上説到的應該是點數不超過9點的情況版主大大 能不能我们公司是韩国企业,所有资料基本上都是韩文的。所以看不懂啊就是前几楼说的算法,没错range/2/mean是方法之一;也有用均方差的(sigma),均方差的的计算公式可以从网上查到,excel的函数中也有,uniformity=sigma/mean方法一:unif=(max()-min())/2average(), 结果表示为正负百分比方法二: unif=(max()-min()/average,结果表示为百分比range/2/mean*100% spec ≤ 5 %sigma/mean*100 spec ≤ 10%两者基本等价但个人认为前一种灵敏度高些

ear; international ;uniformity 这英语用谐音怎么读??




uniformity 是什么意思?

千篇一律 (多做贬义)


uniformity[英][ˌju:nɪ"fɔ:mətɪ][美][ˌju:nɪ"fɔ:mətɪ]n.均匀性; 单调,无变化; 同样,一样; 复数:uniformities以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.That sounds like a way of imposing uniformity rather than allowing competing views toflourish. 那听起来像一个统一的方式而不是允许出现各种对立观点.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit


cures for是什么词性

没有用在句子中,cures for 既可以是名词词组,也可以是动词词组(单数第三人称现在时)。

cure for me怎么读

cure for me意思是给我治病。1、cure读音:英 [kjʊə(r)],美 [kjʊr]。 翻译:治愈,治好(病人或动物),解决(问题),矫正,改正。第三人称单数:cures。复数:cures。2、for读音:英 [fɔː(r) , fə(r)],美 [fɔːr , fər]。翻译:对于,为了,(表示对象、用途等)给,对,供,以帮助,关于,代表。3、me读音:英 [mi],美 [mi]。翻译:我。双语例句:1、给我治病的医生他是很有经验的。The doctor cure for me was quite experienced. 2、这完全不合理,因为如果我病了,你赚的那些钱都要用来给我治病。which makes no sense in the least because when I get sick you sacrificed that same moneycure for me.


wrried made forgot


fall,falls,falling,fellfeel,feels,feeling,feltfight,fights,fighting,foughtfind,finds,finding,foundfly,flies,flying,flewforget,forgets,forgeting,forgotget,gets,geting,gotgive,gives,giving,gavegrow,grows,growing,grewhang,hangs,hanging,hunghear,hears,hearing,heardhit,hits,hitting,hithold,holds,holding,heldhurt,hurts,hurting,hurt 望采纳!

arrive和get to的区别 fight的用法 in class和for class的区别

arrive是不及物动词,后面需加介词。当后面的名词是大地方(如城市,国家等)时,用in, eg.arrive in Shanghai,arrive in China.当后面是小地方(如火车站,飞机场)时,用at,eg.arrive at the railwaiy station.其他地方arrive和get to差不多,可以换用。注意:当到达家时,用get home,因为home前面不加介词to,here和there也是,用在其他词组中也不能有to.Fight的用法fight可以作动词,也可以作名词1、fight(against /with sb. /sth.)与……搏斗,打架,作战,过去式和过去分词为fought,foughtIn World War Two, Britain fought against Germany with France.在二战中,英国与法国联合抗击德国。Have you fought with your brother again? 你又和弟弟打架了吗?fight(against)poverty, oppression 与贫困,压迫作斗争2、fight(about /over sth.)因为某事而争论,争夺Don"t fight about small things. 不要为琐事争吵。The two dogs were fighting over a bone. 两只狗为一块骨头厮咬。3、fight for sth.争取获得或完成某事fight for freedom, independence, human rights争取获得自由,独立,人权等4、fight like a tiger极力攻击某人或保护自己fight a losing battle(against sth.)为获得或阻止某事物而进行的毫无成功希望的斗争She fought like a tiger to get what she wanted. 她竭力争取自己想要的东西。与 in class 相关的例句1.No talking in class. 上课中禁止讲话。2.We are in class 3. 我们在三班。3.Which class is he in? 他属哪一级别?4.Ask anyone in your class. 问问你们同班的人。5.Demeaned themselves well in class. 他们刻意使自己在班上表现良好6.Do not doze in class. 上课时别打瞌睡。7.He is in 54kg class. 他属54公斤级的。8.Put him in our class. 把他柳条筐在我们班吧。9.Ranked first in the class. 在班上名列前茅10.Was first in the class. 在班上数第一的与 for class 相关的例句It"s time for class. 上课时间到了。alternative designation for the class Lycopsida. 石松纲的另一个名称。I study to prepare for class. 我预习功课。The exploiting class lusts for riches. 剥削阶级都贪财。Went back for the class reunion. 参加同班同学会Who was named for class president? 谁被任命担任班长?Two seats for economy class and one for first class. 两个经济舱,一个头等舱。For example:class ATypeName { /* class body goes here */} 例如:classatypename{/*类主体置于这里}Gave me the devil for cutting class. 我因旷课而受到了严厉的惩罚He was expelled for smoking in class. 他因在上课时吸烟而被开除了同学您好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦




您好,领学网为您解答:(1)fight    英 [faɪt]   美 [faɪt]      vt.& vi.战斗;斗争;打架;吵架    n.战斗;打架;吵架;斗志第三人称单数: fights 现在分词: fighting 过去式: fought 过去分词: fought(2)dig    英 [dɪg]   美 [dɪɡ]      vt.(如用铲、锨或推土机等)挖掘;探究,发掘;刺,戳;喜欢,欣赏    vi.挖掘,松土;整理;〈俚〉已理解    n.一拳,一推;挖苦,讽刺;考古发掘第三人称单数: digs 现在分词: digging 过去式: dug 过去分词: dug(3)lead    英 [li:d]   美 [li:d]      vt.领导;引导;指挥    vi.导致;领导;用水砣测深    n.铅;领导;榜样;枪弹    adj.领头的;最重要的;领先的第三人称单数: leads 复数: leads 现在分词: leading 过去式: led 过去分词: led(4)wake    英 [weɪk]   美 [wek]      vi.醒,醒来;苏醒,复活;警觉;弄醒,叫醒    vt.激发,唤醒;使意识到,使警觉;为…守夜    n.守灵,守夜;(船航过时的)尾波;年度假期第三人称单数: wakes 现在分词: waking 过去式: woke 过去分词: woken(5)forget    英 [fəˈget]   美 [fərˈget]      vt.忘掉;忘记,忘却;忽略,疏忽;遗落    vi.忘记;忽视第三人称单数: forgets 现在分词: forgetting 过去式: forgot 过去分词: forgotten望采纳!


这句话的确是倒装句。表示地点的词语here(这里)被置于句首,从而引起主语和动词的倒装。正常语序应该是: Some kiwi fruits are here for you.

syntax error before "{" token 什么意思?

#include<stdio.h> int position[2][3]={{0,1,3},{4,5,6}};int adder() {int i,j,sum;sum=0;//sum要给他初始化 for(i=0;i<2;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) sum+=position[i][j]; return sum; } int main() { printf("%d ",adder()); return 0;//主函数int型的要给他弄个return的. } 我改了下,看你好像有几个问题,看我的标记

Here is some kiwifruit for you. 对吗?

对,Here is some kiwifruit (不可数名词)for you. 这是给你的一些猕猴桃。

请问 只给你的温柔 要怎么翻译成英语?my tenderness only for you 对吗?


Capture One Pro 20 for Mac(RAW图像处理软件)

Capture One Pro 20已更新,Capture One Pro 20 for Mac是一款功能强大的raw图像处理工具,支持处理颜色、曝光、镜头校正、合成、细节、局部调整、样式设置、全局自动调 整等丰富的功能,提高用户 处理照片的效率! 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 Capture One 20 版软件介绍 Capture One 20版是一款功能强大的raw图像编辑软件,可以帮助用户在电脑上处理你的图片,对于摄影师来说一张完美的图片需要使用专业的相机和专业的添加才能制作完成,你可以使用相机拍摄图片,可以使用电脑软件处理图片,通过Capture One 20软件的强大功能就可以优化你的图片效果,支持处理颜色、曝光、镜头校正、合成、细节、局部调整、样式设置、全局自动调整等丰富的功能,让用户在编辑图片的时候可以获得更多的功能! Capture One 20版功能介绍 亮度遮罩 亮度蒙版开辟了不可思议的编辑可能性,能实现选择性降噪到精确的颜色分级。 仅对图像中最暗的阴影应用阴影恢复,或增加最亮部分清晰度。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 线性渐变遮罩 Capture One 20对渐变蒙版进行了升级,造就了可编辑、可移动、可旋转,同时也是最好的非对称渐变蒙版。 Capture One采用全新的参数化蒙版引擎,可通过简单的鼠标点击和键盘敲击操作,对蒙版的尺寸、形状和对称性进行调整。这根本重塑了Capture One中线性渐变的可能性。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 径向渐变遮罩 径向蒙版使其易于塑造并转换具有柔化边缘的圆形蒙版。其可用于自定义虚光、创造性效果或增强焦点。 可调整内部或外部形状。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 界面更新 颜色、图标和总体设计都经过了优化,适合长时间的编辑会话,并使探索实验和定制化尽可能简单。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 智能调整 复制在图像之间进行复制调整时,Capture One将自动检测快速工作流的变化 。 特定的图像调整(如构图或去斑)在默认情况下会被忽略,但如果需要的话可以手动添加。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 快捷键搜索 搜索Capture One的快捷键,使您的工作流程实现质的飞跃。 Capture One快捷键扩展库现支持搜索功能 插件 为满足摄影师和创意人员在图片共享、编辑和协作上的需求,Capture One插件生态系统为强大的第三方扩展打开了大门。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 富士胶片模拟 该功能由富士开发,现在Capture One 可在选定的富士相机型号中提供相机内胶片模拟功能。使用Classic Chrome、Acros 或其他备受欢迎的富士预设功能作为编辑起点。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 目录和会话 无论您想要管理较小的日常工作,大量图像集合还是需要独立的图像编辑工具,Capture One具有适合您工作方式的强大工作流程。会话专为大多数日常工作而设计,大量图像集目录,甚至可以使用Capture One作为您独立的图像编辑工具。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 处理配方 对于大量图像导出,处理配方提供了强大的节省时间选项。使用处理配方,将图像导出为多种格式,大小和位置只需点击一下即可。选项包括- 忽略裁剪、锐化输出、条带元数据、添加水印等等。处理配方是您输出过程的重点。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 选择,评级,剔除 在数百甚至数千个图像之间选择所选图像尽可能需要无痛和快速。Capture One提供广泛的剔除工具,可以在会话或目录中对图像进行评分,颜色标记和移动图像。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 过滤器和智能相册 过滤您全部的图像或保存您的过滤器作为智能相册是广泛的标准,以最大限度地提高您的效率。在目前的图像集合中,从未如此简单地可以找到50mm镜头的每个5星,彩色标签,纵向导向的图像。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 关键字和关键字列表 通过简单的点击从多个图像中添加和删除关键字。创建多个关键字库以轻松管理不同的列表,使关键字成为您的资产管理工作流程的重要组成部分。改进psD的支持 Capture One 现在完全支持读取psD图层文件,使您可以通过Photoshop进行完美的双向转换,从而改进对图像编辑工作流程的控制。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 切换到Capture OneCapture One 允许导入其他第三方应用程序目录,使迁移比以前更容易,维护文件夹结构和对图像的大部分调整。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 联机拍摄 Capture One行业领先的联机拍摄是快速、灵活和可靠的,对于速度和准确度重要的摄影工作。直接拍摄到您的电脑几乎有即时观看体验- 有或没有即时调整。启用实时视图,以便拍摄静物摄影时更容易构图。 工作区 Capture One的设计能够配合您的工作方式,您可以自定义和构建支持您的工作流程的工作区- 工具、查看器、缩略图和图标可以隐藏,移动和调整大小,以方便您使用。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑 标记 在导入和导出工作流程中自动执行图像的目标。使用“标记”轻松提取图像元数据,例如ISO,星级或相机型号,并创建多个导出线程。加快您的工作流程根据他们的星级评分,使用“标记”将图像导出到子文件夹中,方便而有效。 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字)编辑

“Money is not a substitute for tenderness”

翻译:金钱不能代替温柔,权力不能代替温柔。我可以告诉你,我坐在这里等你快要死了,当你最需要的时候,金钱和权力都不能给你想要的感觉,不管你有多少。重点词汇释义a substitute替角儿tenderness亲切; 柔软; 温和; 心软难处理substitute for替换; 用…代替, 代替; 抵换sitting一次; 开会; 入席; 一批; 坐着的; 就座的; 在任期中的; 孵卵中的; 坐( sit的现在分词 ); 坐落; 处在; 任职dying<口>渴望,切盼; 垂死的,临终的; 会死的; 快熄灭的; “die”的现在分词neither都不的; 两者都不; 两个都不; 既不…也不; 既不; 也不nor也不; 也不是; 和 neither 或 not 连用; 去甲feeling感情; 感觉,知觉,情绪; 气氛; 富有感情的,有感觉的; 有同情心的,仁慈的; 感觉; 认为(feel的现在分词)no matter how不管如何; 哪怕much of大量,许多的


  I. OVERVIEW  Two of the more recognized areas of study within the study of social influence are the study of conformity and obedience. Each of these topics typically receives considerable attention in most General Psychology and Social Psychology textbooks. Given this level of attention, two of the psychologists associated with these areas of study (Stanley Milgram and Solomon Asch) have become two of the more recognized names in social psychology. This module will provide various content and resources to assist in preparing a classroom presentation on these topics.  Additional information, comments or questions can be obtained from the author of this module:  II. LEARNING OBJECTIVES  The primary objectives for this module include:  Defining conformity and obedience  Identifying key studies related to conformity and obedience  Identifying various factors related to conformity and obedience  Providing various activities that can be used to illustrate these concepts  Listing various resources (both print & internet) that can be used to supplement the teaching of these concepts  III. CONTENT  CONFORMITY  The tendency to change our perceptions, opinions, or behavior in ways that are consistent with group norms (Brehm, Kassin & Fein, 1999, p 213)  KEY STUDIES  Sherif (1936) - demonstrated that individual perceptions that intially varied considerably, converged once placed in a group.  Asch (1951) - arguably the classic study in this area. Using a line judgment task, the author found that when individuals wer placed in a group of confederates who made an obvious incorrect decision, they went along with the incorrect choice about 37 % of the time. This finding has been confirmed in more recent studies as well.  Fein, Goethals & Kassin (1998) - when participants were asked to view a political debate among George Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, it was found the presence of a confederate who cheered for one of the candidates influenced the participant"s evaluation of that candidate in a positive manner.  FACTORS RELATED TO CONFORMITY  Informational influence - when you conform because you believe that others are correct in their judgments. Sherif"s (1936) study illustrates this concept.  Normative influence - when you conform because you fear the possible negative social consequences of not going along. Asch"s (1951) study illustrates this concept.  Size of group - conformity tends to increase as the size of the group increases, however, there is little change in conformity once the group size reaches 4-5.  Awareness of norms - the more aware someone is of the prevailing norm, the more likely one is to conform.  Presence of an ally - Asch (1951) found that even the presence of just one confederate that goes against the majority choice can reduce conformity as much as 80%.  Age differences - there is some evidence that age may play a factor. For example, during adolescence there is an increased tendency to "conform" to peers.  Gender differences - there is some indication that there are some gender differences but the findings are not clearly established yet.  Cultural influences - many instances of cultural influences leading to differences in conformity.  OBEDIENCE  Behavior change produced by the commands of authority (Brehm, Kassin & Fein, 1999, p 232)  KEY STUDIES  Bickman (1974) - had research assistants "order" people passing by on the street to do something. When they wore security guards uniforms, almost 9 out of 10 people obeyed.  Milgram (1963) - the classic study in this area. A participant was paired with a confederate in a study of "the effects of punishment on learning." The participant served as the "teacher" and the confederate was the "learner." The teacher was to provide an progressive level of shock (though no shock was actually given) to the learner every time the learner gave an incorrect response. The question was how strong of a shock would the "teacher" provide. A group of psychiatrists estimated that only 1 % of the population would provide the maximum level of shock (450 volts) and most predicted that most participants would stop around 135 volts. Overall 65 % of the participants provided the maximum "shock" of 450 volts despite the pleas of the "learner". Though the original study consisted of all men, the study has produced similar findings with women and in other countries.  FACTORS RELATED TO OBEDIENCE  Authority figure - the prestige of the authority figure and the physical presence of the figure influence the degree of obedience. The higher the perceived prestige, the more the confomity and the physical presence of the authority figure increases the level of obedience. However, Hofling, Brotzman, Dalrymple, Graves & Pierce (1966) demostrated that powerful authority figures (in this case a physcian) can produce high levels of obedience without being physically present. The authors studied how nurses would respond to a phone request from a physician to administer an uncommon drug at a high dosage with the potential for harm to the patient. They found that 21 of 22 nurses were willing to complete these phone orders (though the nurses were stopped from actually administring the drug).  Proximity of victim - evidence indicates a person is more likely to obey an order that may produce harm if that person is physically separated from the potential victim. Milgram observed a drop to 40% full obedience when he placed both the participant and confederate in the same room and had a drop to 30% full obedience when the participant had to physically place the confederates hand on a metal shock plate.  Personal responsibility - in Milgram"s study the experimenter assumed the responsibility for any harm that could have occurred. When a person has to assume personal responsibility for any harm that can come from obedience, the level of obedience tends to drop.  Escalation of harm - Milgram"s study involved a gradual escalation of potential harm to the confederate as the "teacher" increased the levels of shock. The evidence suggests that situations that led to gradual escalation of harm tend to produce more conformity, that is, once a person starts the process it becomes more difficult to not obey.  IV. ACTIVITIES/ASSIGNMENTS  CONFORMITY  Replication of Asch"s experiment - with a little work it is possible to produce a good classroom version of Asch"s classic experiment on conformity. The details of the activity can be found in many General Psychology Instructor"s manuals [e.g., Garrison (1995) ].  The Candid Camera segment "Face the rear" - is an excellent tool for generating discussion and illustrating conformity. These classic clips from the original show consist of a group of confederates and one participant on a simulated elevator. The confederates change directions, as well remove and put on their hats on cue as the participant responds to the pressure to conform. Several different participants illustrate the differences between the ones that conform easily and at least one guy that does somewhat reluctantly. A sure hit with students and instructors. It is available from McGraw-Hill publishers on both video and CD.  The Discovering Psychology video segment (produced by Annenberg/CPB) "The Power of the Situation" includes a clip from Asch"s experiment, as well as Milgram"s obedience study, Zimbardo"s prison study, etc. This video provides an excellent tool for introducing social influence including conformity and obedience.  OBEDIENCE  The classroom authority - Hunter (1981) suggest an activity where you bring someone into your class before you arrive(e.g., another instructor) and have the students fulfill a series of requests (e.g., move them around, place hands on desk, etc.) including some "strange" requests (e.g., everyone with blond hair stand). Use your imagination. Then you can arrive at your classroom and lead a discussion on why people "obeyed" or "didn"t obey" this person"s orders. Excellent way to illustrate how easily people obey orders of an assumed "authority figure."  Student"s prediction - Just as Milgram had a group of psychiatrists predict the level of shock that participants would administer in his study before he conducted it, you can ask your students to do the same thing before you start your discussion. Bolt (1999) describes this exercise as well as provides a handout that can be used to facilitate the activity.  The film Obedience - Penn State has a 45 minute film/video available of the original Milgram study that puts the student there while the experiment is being conducted. It also includes interviews with various participants.  V. RESOURCES  References  Asch, S.E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgments. In H. Guetzkow (Ed.), Groups, leadership and men. Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Press.  Bickman, L. (1974). The social power of a uniform. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 4, 47-61.  Bolt, M. (1999). Instructor"s resources to accompany D.G. Myers, Exploring psychology (4th ed.). New York: Worth.  Brehm, S.S., Kassin, S.M. & Fein, S. (1999). Social psychology (4th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.  Fein, S., Goethals, G.R. & Kassin, S.M. (1998). Social influence and presidential debates. Manuscript under review, Williams College.  Garrison, M. (1995). Instructor"s resource manual to accompany S. Kassin Psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.  Hofling, C.K., Brotzman, E., Dalrymple, S., Graves, N. & Bierce, C. (1966). An experimental study of nurse-physician relations. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 143, 171-180.  Hunter, W.J. (1981). Obedience to authority. In L.T. Benjamin, Jr. & K.D. Lowman, Activities handbook for hte teaching of psychology. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.  Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 371-378.  Sherif, M. (1936). The psychology of social norms. New York: Harper.

SUNON、FORCECON、ADDA、Delta、Toshiba 、SPEA、Panasonic、 SEI、各个字母是那个公司?

你是做什么行业的啊?SUNON 建准FORCECON 力致ADDA 协禧Delta 台达(上面四个产品以风机风扇为主)Toshiba 东芝(不解释)SPEA这个是做电路板的Panasonic 松下(不解释)SEI是意大利SEI激光设备有限公司

A series of debates tetween the lectures was scheduled for the next week


Gone Forever 歌词

歌曲名:Gone Forever歌手:Three Days Grace专辑:One-XGone ForeverDon"t know what"s going onDon"t know what went wrongFeels like a hundred years IStill can"t believe you"re goneSo I"ll stay up all nightWith these bloodshot eyesWhile these walls surround mewith the story of our lifeI feel so much betterNow that you"re gone foreverI tell myself that I don"t miss you at allI"m not lying, denyingthat I feel so much better nowThat you"re gone foreverNow things are coming clearAnd I don"t need you hereAnd in this world around meI"m glad you disappearedSo I"ll stay out all nightGet drunk and fucking fightUntil the morning comes I"llForget about our lifeI feel so much betterNow that you"re gone foreverI tell myself that I don"t miss you at allI"m not lying, denyingthat I feel so much better nowThat you"re gone foreverFirst time you screamed at meI should have made you leaveI should have known itcould be so much betterI hope you"re missing meI hope I"ve made you seeThat I"m gone foreverAnd now it"s coming clearThat I don"t need you hereAnd in this world around meI"m glad you disappearedI feel so much betterNow that you"re gone foreverI tell myself that I don"t miss you at allI"m not lying, denyingthat I feel so much better nowThat you"re gone foreverAnd now you"re gone foreverAnd now you"re gone forever

BV测试要求提交PA Stuffed Toy Law (47.317) Tolerance document for captioned submission,这是什么东西


fis for captioned quality 是什么意思

fis for captioned qualityFIS的标题质量

请教高手, 这里的for prompt delivery 是什么意思?


为什么我注册ITUNS的时候老是Your credit card was declined please enter valid credit card inform

你填写的CREDIT CARD是不能用的卡。就是里面没钱或者银行已经注销的卡,所以不管你从哪个网页上看到的填法都是没有用的,因为你的信用卡是DECLINED。帮你注册号码的话就要用到我的信用卡, 那你就可以随意购买网上的收费游戏,我就要为你买单,您觉得有多少这样的人呀,反正我不是呢,要不你找个朋友有信用卡的吧。


窗体名称 窗体属性 属性值班

declined for publication是被拒稿了吗


poured forth意思


I poured a glass of water for you是什么句型?

I poured a glass of water for you是主谓宾句型。语法顺序为主语-谓语-宾语的结构。虽然使用主谓宾结构的语言在事实上没有使用主、宾、谓结构的。但是语言种类多,且许多克里奥尔语都使用主谓宾结构为主要语序。主谓宾结构为一种文法的语序,即语法顺序为主语-谓语-宾语的结构,像英文的"I eat apples"就是一个例子,在此范例中I为主词(主语,人),eat为动词(谓语动词),apples为名词(宾语,物)。所以也可以理解为两物(或一人一物)一动作为主谓宾结构。结构分析1、动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词或介词之后,能作宾语的有名词,代词,动名词,数词,动词不定式等。We like English.我们喜欢英语。2、有些及物动词可以带两个宾语,往往一个指人,一个指物,指人的叫间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语。

There are so many___(wolf) in the forest答案

wolves 狼的复数同类词:knife -- knivesscarf -- scarves

C语言不知哪少了个分号error C129: missing ";" before "void"


those once-deemed-unattainable tasks for one


把下列词变为比较级和最高级 early good comfortable serious smal

earlier the earliestbetter the bestmore comfortable the most comfortablemore serious the most serioussmaller the smallestfiner the finestshier(shyer) the shiest(shyest)fatter the fattestmore the mostbigger the biggest


1、品牌不同。 ForYou和Adayo是华阳旗下的两个不同的品牌 。2、产品不同。Adayo使用的产品包括:车载影音、LED照明、微型投影等。3、定位不同。FORYOU是华阳集团企业品牌,代表华阳集团整体实力形象。ADAYO 品牌是华阳倾力打造的中高端产品品牌。扩展资料:华阳集团自主品牌共2个:FORYOU和ADAYO。华阳集团从2012年7月全球范围内启动ADAYO品牌战略,未来华阳全球将统一使用ADAYO。华阳公司主要致力于车载信息娱乐系统、北斗/GPS/GLONASS (单模或双模)、车载互联系统、空调控制系统、胎压监测系统(TPMS)、车载虚拟仪表、驾驶辅助系统(全景环视、倒车影像、偏道报警等)、车载空气净化器、车身控制单元等产品的研究、开发、生产和销售。业务范围涵盖:海外OEM/ODM业务,自主品牌业务(FORYOU / ADAYO)。参考资料:官网-华阳集团参考资料:百度百科-华阳集团


  华阳旗下有两个品牌 ForYou和Adayo(大越),一般来说Adayo是高端货,Foryou是普通系列。  启ADAYO大越是惠州市华阳集团的新品牌, 根据华阳集团的发展需要,决定从2012年7月5日起正式启用。此新品牌作为集团产品品牌使用,使用的产品包括:车载影音、LED照明、微型投影等。  启动新品牌原因  1、因华阳集团自主产业这几年发展迅猛,产业涵养汽车电子、光电、精密部件等,原有品牌FORYOU在有些国家注册时遇到了新兴行业的类别被抢注等情况,从而导致FORYOU品牌不能覆盖华阳所有自主品牌;  2、如今制造业正面临产业转型阶段,而华阳集团的产业升级转型已进入第二期,下一步重要的战略规划是实现以自主品牌走向全球市场,因此推出新品牌是实现突围的必要条件,符合华阳发展需要的模式和道路;  3、国际化公司的必要条件是拥有一个可以在全球畅通无阻、受人喜爱的英文品牌标识,但原有FORYOU品牌本身就是一个英文单词,再加上各国文化风俗的不同,对FORYOU的理解也不尽相同,所以华阳势必要推出能代表公司内涵的新品牌 。
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