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nobel foundation是什么机构

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:nobel foundation诺贝尔基金会希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

TFS(Team Foundation Server)多维数据集(TFS_Analysis)无法更新

每当移动、还原、重命名或故障转移 Team Foundation Server (TFS) 中的数据层服务器时,都必须重新生成仓库和多维数据集才能访问高级别报告。 此外,如果移动、附加、分离或删除团队项目集合,必须重新生成仓库和多维数据集。数据仓库聚合了所有操作数据,如版本控制、工作项跟踪、生成和测试。 仓库对应于相关数据库 Tfs_Warehouse,而多维数据集对应于 SQL Server Analysis Services 数据库 Tfs_Analysis。在正常操作期间,不一定非要重新生成数据仓库。 如果要刷新数据仓库数据,你可以根据需要手动处理仓库或多维数据集。 请参阅手动处理 TFS 数据仓库和 Analysis Services 多维数据集。 根据数据仓库中的数据量,重新生成操作可能需要几个小时才能完成,在这段时间内报告不可用。要重新生成 Team Foundation 的数据仓库,必须执行此步骤顺序:验证服务和应用程序池是否正在运行,并且 SQL Server 中是否启用了 TCP/IP

Windows Workflow Foundation是什么?有什么好处

Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) 是一个可扩展框架,用于在 Windows 平台上开发工作流解决方案。作为即将问世的 Microsoft WinFX 的组成部分,Windows Workflow Foundation 同时提供了 API 和一些工具,用于开发和执行基于工作流的应用程序。Windows Workflow Foundation 提供单个统一的模型,以便创建跨越多个类别应用程序的端到端解决方案,包括人力工作流和系统工作流。Windows Workflow Foundation 是一个广泛且通用的工作流框架,并且从下到上、在每个级别都针对可扩展性进行了设计。基于 Windows Workflow Foundation 的解决方案,由得到 Microsoft .NET 代码支持且在宿主应用程序中运行的互连组件组成。就像在定制的环境中以可视方式创建 Web 页一样,您需要在可视设计器中制订特定工作流的步骤,并且添加代码隐藏工作流组件以实现规则并定义业务过程。Windows Workflow Foundation 提供一个工作流引擎、一个 .NET 托管 API、运行库服务以及与 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 集成的可视化设计器和调试器。可使用 Windows Workflow Foundation 来生成并执行同时跨越客户端和服务器的工作流,以及可在所有类型的 .NET 应用程序内部执行的工作流。工作流指的是:是以活动示意图形式定义的人力或系统过程模型。活动 是工作流中的一个步骤,并且是工作流的执行、重用和创作单位。活动示意图表达规则、操作、状态以及它们的关系。Windows Workflow Foundation 工作流通过安排活动而设计,然后它编译为 .NET 程序集,且在工作流运行库和公共语言运行库 (CLR) 中执行。好处:  1. 简化协调工作所带来的额外工作量  工作流将业务逻辑从具体的实现中剥离出来,使你能够更专注于业务逻辑的建立,而将大量繁琐的工作交给Workflow Runtme来完成。  2. 应用程序的持久化  工作流是默认持久化运行的。你不在需要大量的代码来完成以上的工作。  3. 增强程序的透明性  因为业务逻辑和具体实现的分离,那怕是一个完全不懂编程的业务分析师也能够看懂你的程序,甚至能够自己改动你的业务逻辑。

5. The couple has donated a not ___ amount of money to the foundation.

inconsiderate是“不替别人着想的、不体谅”的意思inconsiderable是“不值得考虑的、无足轻重”的意思inaccurate 是“不准确的”的意思incomparable是“无与伦比的”意思句子的意思是:这对夫妇向基金会捐了一笔不菲的款子。所以答案是A,而不是B

围绕We need set up a foundation to ameliorate our environment. 写一段话,200-300词足矣

Protecting the enviornment is a must-do task for all humanity living on the earth, not just for the current generation, but also our descendants. Our environment is getting disrupted along the time, mainly caused by pollutions and resources failure that have been driven by the breakthough of science and technology of the recent decades. The increasing number of cars on the road, oil pollution of the sea and the endless damage of natural resource are all sobering facts that tell us to take action at once. A pre-requirement of all coming actions or projects is the money pool, and so as to make our environment a better place, it is extremly necessary for people to set up a foundation to protect and ameliorate our earth and our people.都是我自己写的。拼写有错误见谅。

帮忙翻译下这首歌哈 《Little by little 》---Blue Foundation

被困在了一个地方硬在中间 走在煤 夹在洞,整理了灵魂的斯芬克司和谜一样 你看不见我一点一点波纹包围 一点一点 一点一点他是我唯一的救主 生活在一个无区 寻找答案 无论他走到扩大圈子,表面的生活,身体的镜子 骑马的胸前有甲如火,与热连接起来,我的信徒 让你的低语,把你柔软的耳畔响起 一点一点 一点一点他是我唯一的救主 住在一个无zonee 寻找答案 无论他走到 他是我唯一的救主 站在一个无区 等候回答 寒冷刺骨



Foundation和Make up base在化妆品里分别表示什么意思?


化妆品上的glo foundation是什么意思啊,是粉底液还是散粉?用的顺序是什么?

是粉饼的意思哦!MAKE UP BASE 是隔离的意思。爽肤水,隔离,粉底,散粉


founding 建立 foundation 基础


donation KK: [] DJ: [] n.[(+to)] 1. 捐献,捐赠[U][C] She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children"s Hospital. 她捐了五千美元给儿童医院。 2. 捐款;捐赠物[C] fund KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. 资金,基金,专款 They are raising funds for a new laboratory. 他们在募款建一个新的实验室。 2. (银行)存款[P] 3. 现款,财源[P] 4. 【英】国债,公债[the P] 5. (知识等的)积累,积蓄[(+of)] He has a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men. 他有一肚子关于名人的趣闻轶事。 vt. 1. 换(短期借款)为长期借款 2. 提供(事业,活动等的)资金 Who is funding the project? 谁为这一计划提供资金? 3. 积累 endowment KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. (基金、财产等的)捐赠[U] 2. 捐赠的基金、财产等[P1] That university has numerous endowments. 那所大学有许多的捐款。 3. 才能,天资[P1] His endowments are limited, and scarcely fit him for this post. 他的天资有限,不太适合担任这项职务。










  很多准备留学加拿大的家长问到了A-level与Foundation课程之间的区别,在此给大家总结一下两者之间的差异,主要体现在一下四个方面。   1, 时间长度。A-level课程是2年;Foundation课程是1年。   2, 竞争对象不同。A-level是英国正统的高中课程,中国学生选修A-level课程自然意味着主要同美国本土学生竞争,语言上肯定存在一定的劣势,而Foundation主要为国际学生开设,竞争对象则为各国学生,至少在英语水平上大家是同一个起跑线。   3, 进入门坎不同。A-level要求较高,雅思成绩一般需要5.5分,Foundation则要求雅思5.0分即可。   4, 完成课程后的学校选择不同。完成A-level可凭成绩申请加拿大、英国所有的大学,而Foundation更多是被开设Foundation的本校录取。   鉴于以上的差异,打算去加拿大读本科的学生就要结合自己的条件和目标大学来选择。加拿大大部分的学校是承认A-level课程,IB课程和AP课程的。



英国Foundation degree相当于国内什么学历

foundation就是foundation,不是degree。是高中毕业,但是先不去念本科 而念的东西,国内教育体制没这个东西,啥也不相当于。


foundation 基础; 地基将结构所承受的各种作用传递到地基上的结构组成部分。footing 基础


basementn.地下室; [建]基底,底部foundationn.地基; 基础; 基金(会); 粉底

英语词汇问题 求问.foundation fundament的区别,不要照搬书上的解释啦




在英国读foundation和a level有什么不同?

foundation 是预科的意思啦 一般来说你读foundation都有针对性的 比如是剑桥的foundation 课题 那么你读一年 不出意外就可以直接进入剑桥至于 alevel 只英联邦国家的一种考试 和中国高考类似Alevel可以自己学 然后参加考试 也就比读foundation来说省钱其次来说 alevel的成绩如果考的好可以申请到奖学金!希望对你有帮助 !



base和 foundation的区别

1.base:(基础,底部)多指露出地面的,有形的具体基础底部及支架.eg:The base of the column is quite firm.这柱子的基础是牢固的 (根本,基础) 与basis大致同义,但更具体,通常指建筑物的地基,也可引申为"根据".eg:The story has no foundation .这个故事没有根据


《Foundation》(Isaac Asimov)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:kddl书名:Foundation作者:Isaac Asimov豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:Spectra出版年份:1991-10-1页数:320内容简介:For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme. Now it is dying. But only Hari Seldon, creator of the revolutionary science of psychohistory, can see into the future -- to a dark age of ignorance, barbarism, and warfare that will last thirty thousand years. To preserve knowledge and save mankind, Seldon gathers the best minds in the Empire -- both scientists and scholars -- and brings them to a bleak planet at the edge of the Galaxy to serve as a beacon of hope for a future generations. He calls his sanctuary the Foundation.But soon the fledgling Foundation finds itself at the mercy of corrupt warlords rising in the wake of the receding Empire. Mankind"s last best hope is faced with an agonizing choice: submit to the barbarians and be overrun -- or fight them and be destroyed.

foundation degree 和 undergraduate degree的区别

foundation degree预科,就是大学基础预备课程,它是为那些不能满足直接进入大学本科学位生学位课程学习要求的国际学生设置。基于中国现行的教育体系与西方英联邦国家的教育体系的差别,中国的高中毕业生或大专院校毕业生一般不可以直接进入国外的大学一年级课程的学习,因此所有来自于中国的高中毕业生或大专院校毕业生必须先完成大学预备课程并通过考试后方可正式进入大学一年级课程的学习。undergraduate degree学士学位,是高等教育本科阶段授予的学位名称。在中国学位结构中为基础学位,由国务院授权高等学校授予。是国民教育系列的本科毕业生在所修课程平均成绩及毕业论文均达到优良,且取得省级教育部门组织或认可的外语统考合格成绩,参加学位授予单位组织的“主干课程”考试,并且成绩合格的,由学位授予单位依照《中华人民共和国学位条例》所授予的一种学位。

Foundation (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Foundation (Live)歌手:Spandau Ballet专辑:ReformationUnique - FoundationFeels like I just bought a million dollar home on the beachAnd a wave just came and washed it awayFeels like I just bought a Maybach with cream leather seatsOnly to watch another dude drive it awayIt"s like at halftime watching meJust before the buzzer goes offAnd the ref just says it don"t count at allI know it"s my faultIf I coulda rewind and do it all over againHey, you"d still be my ladyYou that real is they talk about (this is it)When you"re real youngAnd you eavesdrop on the grown folks convoYou know that regret that got me down (this is it, deal with it)Imma try but it"s hard without my shawty aroundYou are my strong foundation (yes)C.E.O. of my heart foundation (yes)Without you, don"t think I"m gon make it (yes)Here I am, here I standBaby, now I got a planJust be my strong foundation (yes)President of my heart"s foundation (yes)Without you, don"t think I"m gon make it (yes)Here I am, with these handsWanna build a strong foundationNow that you see I"m sincereBaby, will you give me a chance?(These are my true colors)(Nothing else another color)Nothing but honesty, babyThat"s what you got standing here, yeah (yes)From now on it"s 50/50 (famous keep before )Don"t gotta worry bout a thingWhen you"re with me, no (girl, just put your feet up)Cuz I, I get it nowIf I don"t put it downSome guy might come aroundAnd take my crown nowOh, I"ve tried without you but I can"t let you goI"m better off with you next to meI"m do the part of love is learning to let it goBut without you here, now all I can see isOh, oh (5x)All I can see isOh, oh (5x)Won"t you be my strong foundation (yes)(Yes) (6x)


加介词of。foundation的词缀词根: found ( = -fund- 底部 , 基础) + -ation 名词词尾。 作名词使用意思是地基;房基;基础;基本原理;根据;基金会


1.base:(基础,底部)多指露出地面的,有形的具体基础底部及支架. eg:The base of the column is quite firm. 这柱子的基础是牢固的. 2.basis (基础,根据)主要用于比喻,也制信念,议论等的根据. eg:The basis of his opinion is something he read in the paper . 他的意见的根据是从报纸上看来的. (根本,基础) 与basis大致同义,但更具体,通常指建筑物的地基,也可引申为"根据". eg:The story has no foundation . 这个故事没有根据.

base和 foundation的区别



根据我在百度翻译查询的情况:foundation[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]n.地基; 房基; 基础; 基本原理; 根据; 基金会;






foundationn.1. 建立,创办[U]The foundation of the university took place over 400 years ago.该大学于四百多年前创办。2. 基础;基本原则;根据[C][U]That rumor has no foundation in fact.那谣传没有事实根据。basen.[C]1. 基,底,基部[the S]The machine rests on a wide base of steel.这机器由一个很大的钢制底座支承。2. 基础;基料[S1]3. 基地,总部Our company"s base is in Taipei, but we have branches all over the island.我们公司的总部在台北,但是全岛都有分公司。basisn.[C]1. 基础,根据;准则[(+of/for)]The basis of her opinion is something she read in the magazine.她意见的根据是从杂志里看来的。



foundation与 fund区别

foundation n.1. 建立,设立,创立,创建,创办2. (建筑物天然的或人工的)基础,根基,地基3. (思想、学说等的)基地,基本原则;根据4. (维持医院、慈善团体或资助研究项目、教育等的)基金,捐款基金会,靠基金建立(或维持)的机构(或组织)5. (建筑物、墙等的)最下部,下部结构,底座6. 妇女紧身胸衣(= foundation garment)7. (面部化妆打底用的)粉底(霜)(= foundation cream)8. (衣服等的)衬底;贴身衣9. 【单人纸牌】底牌found v. 建立,创立, 创办vbl. (find的过去分词)找到


基础 来自百度翻译。。。。。。。。。


foundation的中文意思是基础、根本、地基、基金会、根据、创立。读音:英[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]、美[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]。一、foundation的短语搭配1、on the foundation [英国英语]领取基金会提供奖学金(或津贴)的;属于由基金维持的机构的。2、theoretical foundation 理论基础。3、solid foundation 基础雄厚;实体基础。4、foundation pit 基坑。foundation的双语例句1.The organization attracts the attention of the public since its foundation.该组织自成立以来就引起了公众的关注。2.I have laid the wealth foundation for my son.我已经为我的儿子奠定了财富基础。3.The house collapsed because of its weak foundation.房子倒塌的原因是地基薄弱。


foundation 英 [fau028an"deu026au0283(u0259)n] 美 [fau028an"deu0283u0259n] n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立






Cocoa是苹果公司为Mac OS X所创建的原生面向对象的编程环境,是Mac OS X上五大API之一(其它四个是Carbon、POSIX、X11和Java)。Cocoa 应用程序一般在苹果公司的开发工具Xcode(前身为Project Builder)和Interface Builder上用 Objective-C写成。不过,通过Java bridge、PasCocoa、PyObjC、CamelBones以及RubyCocoa等桥接技术,Java、Clozure CL、LispWorks、Object Pascal、Python、Perl、Ruby等其它工具或者语言也可以用来开发 Cocoa 应用。也有一些其它语言的Cocoa实现无须桥接,比如苹果公司开发的MacRuby和类似Lisp的Nu语言。不使用Xcode和Interface Builder,仅仅通过文本编辑器、GCC和GNU make工具也可以用Objective-C语言开发Cocoa应用。对最终用户来说,使用Cocoa编程环境开发的应用程序即为Cocoa 应用。这类应用有独特的外观,因为Cocoa编程环境让程序在多方面自动遵循苹果公司的人机界面守则。Cocoa包含两个主要的Objective-C对象库,称为“框架”。框架的功能类似于动态库,即可以在运行时动态的载入应用程序的地址空间,但框架作为一个捆绑 (计算机)而非独立文件,其中除了可执行代码外,也包含了资源,头文件和文档。“Foundation 工具包”,或简称为“Foundation”,首先出现在OpenStep中。在Mac OS X中,它是基于Core Foundation的。作为通用的面向对象的函数库,Foundation提供了字符串,数值的管理,容器及其枚举,分布式计算,事件循环,以及一些其它的与图形用户界面没有直接关系的功能。其中用于类和常数的“NS”前缀来自于Cocoa的来源,NeXTSTEP。它可以在Mac OS X和iOS中使用。 “应用程序工具包”,或称AppKit(Application Kit)是直接衍生自NeXTSTEP的AppKit的。它包含了程序与图形用户界面交互所需的代码。它是基于Foundation建立的,也使用“NS”前缀。它只能在Mac OS X中使用。 “用户界面工具包”,或称UIKit(User Interface Kit),是用于iOS的图形用户界面工具包。与AppKit不同,它使用“UI”的前缀。 Cocoa 构架的一个关键部分是其多样的视图模型。总体而言,它是基于由Quartz提供的PDF绘制模型的,该特性允许使用PostScript绘制自定义图形内容,同时也自动的支持了打印机以及类似设备。由于Cocoa框架管理了全部的绘图操作,例如裁剪,滚动,缩放等,程序员可以不再重复实现基础的功能,而可以集中于提供程序的关键功能上。

M.O.P.的《Foundation》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Foundation歌手:M.O.P.专辑:WarriorzUnique - FoundationFeels like I just bought a million dollar home on the beachAnd a wave just came and washed it awayFeels like I just bought a Maybach with cream leather seatsOnly to watch another dude drive it awayIt"s like at halftime watching meJust before the buzzer goes offAnd the ref just says it don"t count at allI know it"s my faultIf I coulda rewind and do it all over againHey, you"d still be my ladyYou that real is they talk about (this is it)When you"re real youngAnd you eavesdrop on the grown folks convoYou know that regret that got me down (this is it, deal with it)Imma try but it"s hard without my shawty aroundYou are my strong foundation (yes)C.E.O. of my heart foundation (yes)Without you, don"t think I"m gon make it (yes)Here I am, here I standBaby, now I got a planJust be my strong foundation (yes)President of my heart"s foundation (yes)Without you, don"t think I"m gon make it (yes)Here I am, with these handsWanna build a strong foundationNow that you see I"m sincereBaby, will you give me a chance?(These are my true colors)(Nothing else another color)Nothing but honesty, babyThat"s what you got standing here, yeah (yes)From now on it"s 50/50 (famous keep before )Don"t gotta worry bout a thingWhen you"re with me, no (girl, just put your feet up)Cuz I, I get it nowIf I don"t put it downSome guy might come aroundAnd take my crown nowOh, I"ve tried without you but I can"t let you goI"m better off with you next to meI"m do the part of love is learning to let it goBut without you here, now all I can see isOh, oh (5x)All I can see isOh, oh (5x)Won"t you be my strong foundation (yes)(Yes) (6x)http://music.b***.com/song/8720317





fund 和 foundation 作为基金有什么区别?

一个是基金,一个是基金会。 基金就是一种专家代客理财的方式,普通投资者老百姓不懂专业的投资知识和技巧,因此就需要委托专家代为理财。通过专业人士的投资行为,可以充分规避投资风险,使得投资收益更为稳健。基金在欧美也叫信托,顾名思义,信托就是信任托付。托付是建立在信任的基础上。但是通过信托基金代客理财的模式也存在一个致命的弱点,就是普通投资者和基金经理处在信息完全不对称的地位,基金经理完全有可能利用他们绝对的信息优势侵害投资者利益,而投资者则处于绝对的弱势地位。 因此信托基金要想长久持续的发展下去,达到各方利益共赢的局面,必然少不了严格的法律监管。没有严格的法律监管,投资者作为绝对的弱势群体,其利益无法得到保障。投资者赚不到钱,信托基金行业也就不可能长久健康发展下去。 而目前国内的基金业还很不成熟,法律监管形同虚设,侵害投资者利益的事件比比皆是,人们早已习以为常、见怪不怪了。据统计,去年国内基金业又亏损了5000多亿,仅次于2008年8000多亿的亏损额。而于此形成鲜明对比的则是,基金公司收费仍高达288亿,基金经理年薪动辄数百万。说白了投资者的钱就是让基金经理给自己理财的。国内基金经理为了自己的收入频繁跳槽,完全不顾会给自己管理的基金带来什么影响,也就是完全不顾及投资人的利益,而只知道自己的利益。这些都是由于国内政府和法律监管极度落后,金融市场完全没有形成保护投资者的法律体系。 相反你看看欧美和香港的法律监管,他们都是很重视保护投资者利益,尤其是中小投资者。不仅基金经理水平高、国际视野,而且他们有信托责任,就是因为他们的法律监管极其严格,在中国完全被忽视的每天都在发生的违规行为在香港和欧美肯定要坐牢的。所以投资者不要把自己的辛苦钱拿出来拱手相送给国内这些贪婪的鹰,去香港那种有着严格法律监管的地方,而且又是国际金融中心,有很多国际大牌的基金公司和资产管理公司,不知要放心多少倍。还记得曾荫权跟香港富豪有一点点亲近的关系就被香港立法会质询吗?还记得新鸿基地产和前政府高管被香港廉政公署拘捕的事吗?只有香港这种严格的法律才能充分保证投资者的利益,建议投资者不要再买大陆理财产品了,股市也不要碰,黑幕太多,这些都是机构投资者里的顶级机构才敢参与的,因为他们足够专业,有能力保护自己。除此之外的投资者最好直接购买香港的理财产品,香港法律会严格保护所有世界公民在香港投资的合法利益。详情可加扣要把二流依旧八五刘思详谈

foundation和base有什么区别吗?谢谢 能给几个例子吗

1.base:(基础,底部)多指露出地面的,有形的具体基础底部及支架. eg:The base of the column is quite firm. 这柱子的基础是牢固的. (根本,基础) 与basis大致同义,但更具体,通常指建筑物的地基,也可引申为"根据". eg:The story has no foundation . 这个故事没有根据

foundation 和 endowment 到底本质有何区别

foundation 英[faunu02c8deiu0283u0259n] 美[fau028anu02c8deu0283u0259n] n.地基;基础;基金(会);粉底endowment 英[u026anu02c8dau028amu0259nt] 美[u025bnu02c8dau028amu0259nt] n.捐赠;基金;天赋;养老保险endowment给出的英语解释是 money that is given to a college or hospital, order to provide it with an income,or the giving of this money也就是说,这个词只要指的是这笔捐赠的“钱”,或者“捐赠”这个行动,比如 an endowment of 3,000 dollarsfoundation 在词典里的意思是 an organization that has been established in order to provide money for a particular group of people in need of help or for a particular type of study也就是说,这个词用来指“基金会”这个组织的时候使用,比如例子 the Environmental Research Foundation---------------------------------------------------这是这两个词在一般用法上的差异.当然有些机构的名字也有使用endowment的,在google上可以查到,但这不是一般规律.

英语 为啥BASE 和 FOUNDATION 都表示“基 ”的意思(基础)









foundation_百度翻译foundation [英]faunu02c8deiu0283u0259n [美]fau028anu02c8deu0283u0259n n. 地基;基础;基金(会);粉底 [例句]u2022 Current title : ceo , clintonfoundationu2022目前头衔:克林顿基金会CEO请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


1.base:(基础,底部)多指露出地面的,有形的具体基础底部及支架.eg:The base of the column is quite firm.这柱子的基础是牢固的.2.basis (基础,根据)主要用于比喻,也制信念,议论等的根据.eg:The basis of his opinion is something he read in the paper .他的意见的根据是从报纸上看来的 (根本,基础)与basis大致同义,但更具体,通常指建筑物的地基,也可引申为"根据".eg:The story has no foundation .这个故事没有根据.






foundation的动词:fund。foundation的详细释义:n.(作为某事的)基本原则、思想或事实;基础。foundation用于具体意义时,侧重指坚固结实的建筑物的基础或地基;用作比喻意义时,与basis基本相同。相关短语:foundation stone(特指建筑物等开工典礼上放置的)基石,基础,根源;raft foundation筏基,筏式基础,满堂基础。


foundation 英[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n] 美[fau028anu02c8deu0283u0259n] n. 基础; 地基; 粉底; 基金(会) [例句]I am determined to build on this solid foundation.我决定在这个坚实的基础之上继续努力。


foundation读音是:[fau028an'deu026au0283n]重点词汇:foundation。英[fau028an'deu026au0283n]释义:n.地基,基础;基本原理,根据;基金会;建立,创办;(化妆打底用的)粉底霜。[复数:foundations]短语:Heritage Foundation传统基金会;美国传统基金会;遗产基金会;传统基金。词语辨析:base,basis,foundation,ground。这些名词均含有“基础”之意。1、base侧重指构成或支撑某一具体物体的基础,也可指军事基地或用作比喻意义。2、basis主要用作抽象或引申意义。3、foundation用于具体意义时,侧重指坚固结实的建筑物的基础或地基;用作比喻意义时,与basis基本相同。4、ground含义与basis和foundation接近。一般指某种决定、论点或关系的基础,也可指某种原因的基础。


foundation - 翻译基础常见译义美 [faʊnˈdeɪʃn]英 [faʊnˈdeɪʃn]释义:n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立


foundation的中文意思是基础、根本、地基、基金会、根据、创立。读音:英[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]、美[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]。一、foundation的短语搭配1、on the foundation [英国英语]领取基金会提供奖学金(或津贴)的;属于由基金维持的机构的。2、theoretical foundation 理论基础。3、solid foundation 基础雄厚;实体基础。4、foundation pit 基坑。foundation的双语例句1.The organization attracts the attention of the public since its foundation.该组织自成立以来就引起了公众的关注。2.I have laid the wealth foundation for my son.我已经为我的儿子奠定了财富基础。3.The house collapsed because of its weak foundation.房子倒塌的原因是地基薄弱。



heritage foundation是什么意思


ISO27001 Foundation认证含金量高吗?

含金量很高的,ISO27001对企业的好处:? 科学评估组织信息资产,提高安全工作效率,为组织商业运作提供更有效的服务; ? 保护信息不受各种威胁,建立缜密的灾难恢复计划,确保业务连续性和减少业务损失; ? 评估与安全相关的管理政策、程序、实务,形成“信息安全、人人有责”的企业文化; ? 表征组织信息安全管理能力,做好注册准备工作,获得客户充分信任。 ISO27001对个人的好处:? 在组织环境中应用 ISMS 的方针及其信息安全范围、目标和过程;? 运用风险识别、分析和评价等风险管理原则,提出适当的处置和控制,以降低信息安全风险,支持业务目标,提高信息安全水平; ? 分析和评价已部署的风险处置和控制,以评估其有效性和持续改进的机会; ? 通过内部审核和管理评审,分析和评价ISMS的有效性,以持续改进ISMS的适宜性、充分性和有效性; 想要学习的话推荐艾威培训,他们家是颁证机构APMG指定的培训机构!专业的教辅团队,帮助提升信息安全能力,业界实战派讲师授课,考试+能力提升双管齐下,实战教学源于企业真实案例,深度剖析信息安全之道!

fudament与foundation 区别

fundament 在牛津,朗文里是没有这个单词的,所以可以认为只有foundation这个词。foundation意为“地基,根据,基础”Respect provides a solid foundation for friendship.尊重给友谊提供了牢固的基础。fundmental 形容词,根本的,基本的;作名词意为“基本规律,根本法则”但是:在网络有道词典里有fundamentn. 基础;臀部;肛门Whether our country should protect homosexuality, we"ll have a conclusion from the fundamentof socialism laws. 我国是否应该保护同性恋应从我国的同性恋现况和社会主义法的本质将得出结论。但个人认为我们在做题时,基本只会涉及foundation,fundamental


第一个是形容词 第二个是名词。

fundamental 和foundational 这两词有什么区别吗?

fundamental 意思是基本的,foundational 是基础(意思是地基的意思).意思不一样.比如,this is our fundamental rights (这是我们基本的权利)vs this is a foundational class (这是基本的课程)



kaiser family foundation造句 kaiser family foundationの例文

Sharing that sentiment is Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation . It is based on information from the Kaiser Family Foundation . AIDS awareness campaigns aren"t new for the Kaiser Family Foundation . Source : Kaiser Family Foundation / Health Researc ` Ajd Educational Trust. Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org The Gathering Place is a project of the George Kaiser Family Foundation . The study was funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation . The survey that got the most attention came from the Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org/ The Kaiser Family Foundation studied how consumer-driven health plans cover pregnancy. It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 J . Kaiser Family Foundation , Lewin-VHI, Employee Benefits Research Institute. Kaiser Family Foundation : . kff . org A recent survey by the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation bears this out. The Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. A recent survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University backs him up. The Kaiser Family Foundation "s Levitt said doctors share some blame for the HMO system. The Kaiser Family Foundation said 41 percent of the panies in the survey reported tiered plans. Main source : Kaiser Family Foundation . The project was funded by the Ford Foundation and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org _ _ _= Reinhardt serves as a Commissioner for the Kaiser Family Foundation Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. In 2009, Medicare Rights and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation , among others. She is a trustee of the Capfornia Endowment and The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . The show also includes the unremarkable results of a nationwide sex survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation . NPR sponsored the survey with the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. Drew Altman, president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , called on wealthy governments to do more. The Kaiser Family Foundation and advocates for the chip said the problem was a lack of pubpc education. Talking With Kids About Tough Issues is a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation . The Post did a random survey of 1, 970 people with Harvard University and the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 She serves with the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Kaiser Family Foundation . Matt James, senior vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , said in a statement acpanying the study. Includes Kaiser Family Foundation survey from April, released this week, showing continuing strong support for protection legislation. The Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 34 percent of all schools now teach an abstinence-only message. The survey was conducted by The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. The Barbara Jordan Youth Debates, made possible by the Kaiser Family Foundation , were held for urban debaters. Foundations pke the Kaiser Family Foundation , has conducted longitudinal studies relating the media habits of children and adolescents. The poll by Harvard, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and The Washington Post shows massive role reversal. The other, by the Kaiser Family Foundation , surveyed 1, 180 *** all businesses employing 3 to 199 workers. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation , annual prescriptions per individual went from seven to almost 11 during the 1990s. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation released said that state Medicaid directors expect further cuts in benefits and epgibipty. Kaiser Family Foundation report : : / / . kff . org / content / 2002 / 6032/ With his wealth, he estabpshed the Kaiser Family Foundation , a nonprofit, non-partisan, charitable organization. In 1999, a Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 95 % of pubpc secondary schools offered sex education programs. Largely funded by the George Kaiser Family Foundation , it contains an outdoor theater, fountains and a sidewalk cafe. He made a straightforward _ and unpopular _ parenting call that The Kaiser Family Foundation wants the TV works to make. A 1999 survey of employers for the Kaiser Family Foundation said more than half would seriously consider a defined contribution approach. Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation , says the tiered approach is clearly a response to contract disputes with hospitals. The survey was a joint project of The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. About 10 % of firms offered such plans to their workers, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的



可以讲讲primer和foundation的区别吗 还有别的化妆品方面的知识..


求Blue Foundation的Equilibrium的歌词

EquilibriumCall, baby, callIt17s no fantasyYou17ve got me waiting on the cornerI can17t feel it any moreCall, baby, callIt17s no fantasyYou17ve got me waiting on the cornerYou17ve got me waitingI17m in chainsThe future remains the sameJust struggles and strainsTrying to keep the gainsWell, the strong take from the weakBut the smart take from the strongI17m your freak, I17m your songA hard rain17s gonna fallI17ll take your gloryI17ll take it allI17ll take your territoryDeliriousI17m in deliriumI17ll find that equilibrium

lay the foundation of造句两条

He laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work.He plans to lay the foundations of a new school.

妈呀,Soils and Foundations 被SCI踢了吗

是被踢了,爱思唯尔出版社旗下杂志。根据2014年发布的SCI期刊数据表,此期刊目前不被SCI检索。Soils and Foundations is your core geotechnical journal from Asia; the official journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS). The journal publishes a variety of original research paper, technical reports, technical notes, as well as the state-of-the-art reports upon invitation by the Editor, in the fields of soil and rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, and environmental geotechnics. Since the publication of Volume 1, No.1 issue in June 1960, Soils and Foundations celebrated the 50th anniversary in the year of 2010.

Education 与Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology有什么区别 英语专业的申请哪个好申







foundation英 [fau028an"deu026au0283n]     美 [fau028an"deu026au0283n]     形容词: foundational 基本释义n.根基;基础;根据;创建;基金(会)用作名词 (n.)How long will it take to finish digging the foundations? 挖地基大概需要多长时间完成呢?He laid the foundation of his success by study and hard work. 他通过学习和努力工作为成功打下了基础。


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