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Francesco_Napol这个歌手的 lady fantasy歌词 有没有哪个大神 知道歌词的啊


Joey Defrancesco的《Volare》 歌词

歌曲名:Volare歌手:Joey Defrancesco专辑:Goodfellasgal 在横行无忌舞池内令全场围住也应该巴不得挨埋身示爱gal 让灵魂摇荡太精彩共连场旋律化不开为何而来令我期待要接近最爱陌路人要接近也怕太亲近寂寞人每晚跳过过瘾便独自远飞就似风筝hey mr dj 要播爆这天地欣赏她肢体将水银都泻地hey mr dj 要靠你有品味想跟她高飞跟音乐赌我运气gal 在徘徊巡视你存在但行离行近再分开仿佛身影全都是爱gal 没携来同伴太悲哀令途人呆望太不该愿全场唯独我期待要接近最爱陌路人要接近也怕太亲近寂寞人每晚跳过过瘾便独自远飞就似风筝hey mr dj 要播爆这天地欣赏她肢体将水银都泻地hey mr dj 要靠你有品味想跟她高飞跟音乐赌我运气hey mr dj 到了这个境地假使她消失怎保存这胜地hey mr dj 看透我意思未请拣些恋歌使她无可退避hey mr dj 要播爆这天地欣赏她肢体将水银都泻地hey mr dj 要靠你有品味想跟她高飞跟音乐赌我运气

x-art 系列中francesca angelic 视频的背景音乐是什么啊 这首歌对我的意义远大于视频本身!!


















Francesca de Luca 我应该怎么称呼这位女士

Francesca是名字DE LUCA是姓















Francesco Petrarch 是什么的第一人


Francesca Z.的介绍

Francesca Z.于2010年6月加入安东尼亚诺([1] Antoniano)小合唱团,是全当时团中年龄最小的一个,同年12月在维罗纳举行的圣诞音乐会,领唱《加油耶稣》,获得非常好的反响,代表作有《 La preghiera》等。


A. E.曼德,全名:阿尔弗雷德·欧内斯特·曼德简历:澳大利亚,英国作家,著有著作《更清晰的思考》《每个男人(女人)的心理学》《百万的逻辑》《思考你自己:更敏锐的智慧,更清晰的推理,更好的记忆》等喜好:打高尔夫,弹琴

Francesca Z.的演艺经历

Francesca Z. ,2010年6月加入安东尼亚诺( Antoniano)小合唱团,当时刚满4岁(Francesca曾在前一年参加了小团的面试,但因年龄问题没有成功)是当时团中年龄最小的一个, 表现却十分出色,半年后成为正式团员。2010年11月,Francesca和其他小合唱团预备成员一起,在金币赛场边观看了全部比赛。出众的音乐天赋让她在观赛时便学会了当年金币赛的新歌。1个月后在维罗纳举行的圣诞音乐会,她成为同一批预备成员中唯一一个参加演出的孩子,并且领唱了《加油耶稣》,获得非常好的反响。  小Francesca音准好,学歌快,乐感非常棒,时不时有领唱机会,现在年龄还很小,可谓前途无量,绽放光芒的一天,指日可待。 Francesca,加油!2010年6月,Francesca加入Antoniano小合唱团;2010年12月,Francesca首次领唱及参加演出;2011年11月,Francesca首次参加“金币”;2011年暑假,Francesca跟随Antonaino小合唱团希腊巡游;2013年12月,Francesca首次录音棚领唱,《永恒之夜 Una notte senza età》;2015年,Fancesca参与领唱单曲《让世界不再饥饿 Togerther we feed the world》 ,这是Antoniano小合唱团为“New Holland Agriculture”制作的歌曲;2015年12月-2016年1月,Fancesca将随小团到中国上海演出



Bella是姓氏还是名字? Frances Bella是一个英文名吗?它存在吗?可以这样用吗?

Francis Mathews



Francesco Guccini的《Vorrei》 歌词

歌曲名:Vorrei歌手:Francesco Guccini专辑:The Platinum CollectionForza MilanBy EricVorreiFrancesco Guccini (中意对照)Vorrei conoscer l" odore del tuo paese, 我想要知道你故乡的味道camminare di casa nel tuo giardino, 想要在你家的花园中散步respirare nell" aria sale e maggese, 想要在田地的咸咸的空气中呼吸gli aromi della tua salvia e del rosmarino. 呼吸你的鼠尾草和迷迭香的味道Vorrei che tutti gli anziani mi salutassero 我希望所有的老人都向我打招呼parlando con me del tempo e dei giorni andati, 跟我诉说过往的日子vorrei che gli amici tuoi tutti mi parlassero, 我希望所有朋友都跟我聊着come se amici fossimo sempre stati. 就仿佛朋友我们一直都是如此Vorrei incontrare le pietre, le strade, gli usci 我想要看看石子,小道,小门e i ciuffi di parietaria attaccati ai muri, 看那一束束墙草轻抚着老墙le strisce delle lumache nei loro gusci, 看那蜗牛壳的纹路capire tutti gli sguardi dietro agli scuri 想要知道百叶窗后目光e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,一切都并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我和我的思绪独自留下,而我.....Vorrei con te da solo sempre viaggiare, 我想要单独和你一直一起旅行scoprire quello che intorno c"è da scoprire 想要去发现周围一切等待着被发现的东西per raccontarti e poi farmi raccontare 为了诉说给你听也为了你让我诉说il senso d" un rabbuiarsi e del tuo gioire; 阴郁和欣喜的意义vorrei tornare nei posti dove son stato, 我想要回到我曾经去过的地方spiegarti di quanto tutto sia poi diverso 想要告诉你过去是如何如何而如今一切都变了e per farmi da te spiegare cos"è cambiato 而你会让我告诉你到底什么变了e quale sapore nuovo abbia l" universo. 而如今世界又有何新的味道Vedere di nuovo Istanbul o Barcellona 我想要再去看看伊斯坦堡和巴塞罗那o il mare di una remota spiaggia cubana 或者是那遥远的古巴的海滩o un greppe dell" Appennino dove risuona 一个回声缭绕的亚平宁山脉fra gli alberi un" usata e semplice tramontana 在树木之间吹过的熟悉的简单的北风e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Vorrei restare per sempre in un posto solo 我希望在一个地方永远留下per ascoltare il suono del tuo parlare 为了能听你说话的声音e guardare stupito il lancio, la grazia, il volo 然后傻傻的看着天上的飞机impliciti dentro al semplice tuo camminare 一切都在包含在你简单的脚步中e restare in silenzio al suono della tua voce 而我静静的呆在你的嗓音中o parlare, parlare, parlare, parlarmi addosso 说吧,说吧,说吧,爬在我背上说吧dimenticando il tempo troppo veloce 忘记了飞逝的时光o nascondere in due sciocchezze che son commosso. 我想把自己藏在那些让我感动的蠢话中Vorrei cantare il canto delle tue mani, 想要唱一首关于你双手的歌giocare con te un eterno gioco proibito 想要跟你玩一个完全被禁止的游戏che l" oggi restasse oggi senza domani 那就是仿佛不会有明天一样去度过今天o domani potesse tendere all" infinito 或者让明天成为永远e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io...而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Sei l"unica per me,come sei sempre stata e sempre sarai2010-11-21

歌手 francese的资料,唱borrowed time的歌手

frances covered her face with a veil




































Frances set sail 这首歌的歌词翻译




let it out frances唱的歌词翻译

Little did we know at the time在时间的长河里我们知之甚少We have so much of us still to find我们之间仍有太多需要彼此去发现We are young, with innocent minds我们年少无知,天真烂漫So beautifully blind如此美丽的借口It"s a pretty rare happiess that we know我们知道,这幸福世间罕有It"s a pretty cold sadness if it goes如果它不在,我们将寒彻入骨The fear of falling too far away害怕越来越疏远So out of reach that you can"t catch me one day你如此心灰意冷,终有一天会失去我Oh, this glitter air dust哦,微若浮尘Flying round our words in our mouths口若悬河Can"t say let it out, let it out却无以言表Everything I need for nothing我别无所求I feel the tears in my eyes热泪盈眶Looking out, waiting for a chance等待时机到来To break, let it out, you let it out将这沉寂打破,让你敞开心扉, 一吐为快Everything I need for nothing我别无所求Oh ooh oh oh哦~Is it just my own heavy head只感觉头昏昏沉沉That"s making me so cold in your bed躺在你床上却依旧寒冷I used to feel like nothing could touch us曾经我觉得没有什么可以伤及我们Maybe you feel the same也许你也有同感It"s a pretty rare happiness that we know我们知道,这幸福世间罕有It"s a pretty cold sadness if it goes如果它不在,我们将寒彻入骨The longer we pretend it"s alright一直以来,我们佯装坚强We"re start exploding and但是我们终将爆发be too weak to fight无法继续斗争Oh, this little air dust哦,微若浮尘Flying round our words in our mouths口若悬河Can"t say let it out, let it out却无以言表Everything I need for nothing我别无所求I feel the tears in my eyes热泪盈眶Looking out, waiting for a chance等待时机到来To break, let it out, you let it out将这沉寂打破,让你敞开心扉, 一吐为快Everything I need for nothing我别无所求Even if you think it"s nothing即使你认为这并不重要Oh ooh oh oh哦~Oh, this little air dust哦,微若浮尘Flying round our words in our mouths口若悬河Can"t say let it out, let it out却无以言表Everything I need for nothing我别无所求I feel the tears in my eyes热泪盈眶Looking out, waiting for a chance等待时机到来To break, let it out, you let it out将这沉寂打破,让你敞开心扉, 一吐为快Everything I need for nothing我别无所求Oh ooh oh oh哦~



Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle 歌词

歌曲名:Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle歌手:Nirvana专辑:NirvanaArtist: NirvanaAlbum: In UteroTitle: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On SeattleIt"s so relievingTo know that you"re leaving as soon as you get paidIt"s so relaxingTo hear that you"re asking wherever you get your wayIt"s so soothingTo know that you"ll sue me, this is starting to sound the sameI miss the comfort in being sadI miss the comfort in being sadI miss the comfort in being sadIn her false witness, we hope you"re still with us,To see if they float or drownOur favorite patient, a display of patience,Disease-covered Puget SoundShe"ll come back as fire, to burn all the liars,And leave a blanket of ash on the groundI miss the comfort in being sadI miss the comfort in being sadI miss the comfort in being sad::..Guitar Solo..::It"s so relievingTo know that you"re leaving as soon as you get paidIt"s so relaxingTo know that you"re asking wherever you get your wayIt"s so soothingTo know that you"ll sue me, this is starting to sound the sameI miss the comfort in being sadI miss the comfort in being sadI miss the comfort in being sad




弗朗西斯 好听的

求frances的say it again的歌词

Say It Again专辑:Say It Again 歌手:FrancesWritten by:Greg Kurstin&Sophie CookeYou run with the sun in your eyes你的眼眸里闪现丝丝暖意Arms open to whatever you find无论面对什么 你都会张开双臂温柔以待Then there"s me我的出现Hopelessly trying to find a way绝望的我想法设法只为找到Of hearing three little words form your mouth聆听你亲口说出那三个字的办法And not filling this heaven with doubt而不是充斥着质疑的甜蜜天堂Humor me I know you"ve said it but迁就一下我吧 我知道你曾说过我爱你Say it again再说一遍吧I wanna know that you mean it this time我想确认这一次你是认真的Say it again再说一遍吧I know that I should believe it我知道我应该无条件相信你But I never thought someone但我从未想过会有个人Would love me like you say you do会像你说的那般爱我Say it again and I"ll say it back to you再说一遍吧 而我也会诉说对你的爱意You"re holding my heart in your hands你的双手捧着我的真心And it"s the safest feeling I"ve had而这给了我从未有过的安全感It can"t be true难以置信的美好Someone like you feels this way for me你这样的人会爱上我I hear three little words from your mouth我终于听见那三个字眼从你口中说出And my heart can"t figure it out我的心难以言喻的快乐So humor me I know you"ve said it but就迁就一下我吧 我知道你曾说过我爱你Say it again再说一遍吧I wanna know that you mean it this time我想确认这一次你是认真的Say it again再说一遍吧I know that I should believe it我知道我应该无条件相信你But I never thought someone但我从未想过会有个人Would love me like you say you do会像你说的那般爱我Say it again and I"ll say it back to you再说一遍吧 而我也会诉说对你的爱意I know you"ve said it but just我知道你曾说过我爱你Say it again再说一遍吧I wanna know that you mean it this time我想确认这一次你是认真的Say it again再说一遍吧I know that I should believe it我知道我应该无条件相信你But I never thought someone但我从未想过会有个人Would love me like you say you do会像你说的那般爱我So say it again and I"ll say it back to you就再说一遍吧 而我也会诉说对你的爱意



please tell me about (FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT )

更新1: please can u make it shorter ! that will be great! Maybe about 1 or 2 paragraph maybe 3. !!!!!!!!!!!! At least 5 sentence in a paragraph !!!!!!!!!!!!! Frances Hodgson Burt (1849-1924) was born in Manchester England on November 24 1849 as Francis Eliza Hodgson. After her father"s death the family moved to Knoxville Tennessee in 1865. Miss Hodgson began writing for magazines soon after. Her first short stories "Hearts and Diamonds" and "Miss Caruther"s Engagement" were published in Godey"s Lady"s Book in 1868. Her first widely known work was a dialect story "Surly Tim"s Trouble" which appeared in Scribner"s Magazine in 1872. Her reputation as a novelist was made with her story of Lancashire life That Lass o" Lowrie"s. A number of other works followed with Through One Administration (1883) and A Lady of Quality among the most notable. In 1886 she published Little Lord Fauntleroy Her children"s books including The Secret Garden(1888> and Sara Crew (later rewritten to bee: A Little Princess)(1909) are what she is best known for today but her romance novels were very popular during her lifetime. Frances married Dr. L. M. Burt of Washington D.C. in 1873. In 1898 she divorced Dr. Burt and married Mr. Stephen Townsend in 1900. This second marriage also came to an end in 1902. Frances became a US citizen in 1905. She died on October 29 1924. FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT Frances Hodgson Burt was born in Manchester in 1849. Some years after his farther"s death all her family moved to United States. Her reputation as a novelist was made with her story of Lancashire life That Lass o" Lowrie"s (published in 1877) Burt"s first novel which had been serialized in Scribner"s. The book already showed her talent to portray realistic working-class scenes mixed with a romantic and most improvable plot. Later on she had other novels published like Haworth"s (1879) Louisiana (1880) A Fair Barbarian (1881) and Through One Administration (1883) as well as a play E *** eralda (1881). But all these books were not to be her most successful work. In 1886 she published Little Lord Fauntleroy a children"s book which fascinated mothers for they began dressing their sons in velvet suit with lace collar like the main character of this book. Her later books include Sara Crew (1888) later rewritten as A Little Princess for drama and her marvelous Secret Garden (1909). Both were children"s books and thanks to them Burt is quite well-known now-a-days. 法兰西丝u2027霍森u2027柏纳 (Frances Hodgson Burt) 1849 年出生于英国的曼彻斯特。14岁时随同母亲移居至美国的田纳西州。17岁时为了补贴家用而尝试写 作、投稿,以《小公爵方特洛伊》一书而声名大噪,从此跻身畅销书作家。一生中著有50部小说与故事集,以及七本剧作。代表作有《秘密花园》、《小公主》、 《小公爵方特洛伊》等等。 法兰西丝擅长写作通俗的言情小说以及儿童故事。书中常常流露感伤、浪漫的色彩,再加上充满童趣的情节以及着重人性的光明与温暖,使得她的著作不但老少咸宜,并常被改编为戏剧并搬上银幕。 参考: online-literature/burt/ + ricochet-jeunes/eng/biblio/author/burrett + wisknow/version/author/us Frances Hodgson Burt (November 24 1849 - October 29 1924) was an English–American playwright and author. She is best known for her children's stories in particular The Secret Garden A Little Princess and Little Lord Fauntleroy. Life and work Born Frances Eliza Hodgson in Manchester England she emigrated to Knoxville Tennessee in the United States after the death of her father in 1864. The family lived in bad circumstances since the promised support from a maternal uncle was nonexistent. Following the death of her mother 18 year old Frances found herself the head of a family of four younger siblings. She turned to writing to support them all with a first story published in Godey's Lady's Book in 1868. Soon after she was being published regularly in Godey's Scribner's Monthly Peterson's Ladies' Magazine and Harper's Bazaar. Her main writing talent was bining realistic detail of working-class life with a romantic plot. She married Dr. Swan M. Burt of Washington D.C. in 1873. Her first novel was published in 1877; That Lass o' Lowrie's was a story of Lancashire life. After moving with her hu *** and to Washington D.C. Burt wrote the novels Haworth's (1879) Louisiana (1880) A Fair Barbarian (1881) and Through One Administration (1883) as well as a play E *** eralda (1881) written with William Gillette. In 1886 she published Little Lord Fauntleroy. It was originally intended as a children's book but had a great appeal to mothers. It created a fashion of long curls (based on her son Vivian's) and velvet suits with lace collars (based on Oscar Wilde's attire). The book sold more than half a million copies. In 1888 she won a lawsuit in England over the dramatic rights to Little Lord Fauntleroy establishing a precedent that was incorporated into British copyright law in 1911. In 1898 she divorced Dr. Burt. She later re-married this time to Stephen Townsend (1900) her business manager. Her second marriage would last less than o years ending in 1902. Her later works include Sara Crewe (1888) - later rewritten as A Little Princess (1905); The Lady of Quality (1896) - considered one of the best of her plays; and The Secret Garden (1909) the children's novel for which she is probably best known today. The Lost Prince was published in 1915. In 1893 she published a memoir of her youth The One I Knew Best of All. From the mid-1890s she lived mainly in England but in 1909 she moved back to the United States after having bee a U.S. citizen in 1905. After her first son Lionel's death of consumption in 1890 Burt delved into spirituali *** and apparently found this a great fort in dealing with her grief (she had previously dabbled in Theosophy and some of its concepts are worked into The Secret Garden where a crippled boy thinks he can heal himself through positive thinking and affirmations). During World War I Burt put her beliefs about what happens after death into writing with her novella The White People. Frances Hodgson Burt died in Plandome New York and is buried in Roslyn Cemetery nearby next to her son Vivian. A life-size effigy of Lionel stands at their feet. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Frances_Hodgson_Burt

悉尼的14 Frances St Randwick NSW 2031这个地址是什么意思啊

14是路牌号 就是Frances街14号 Frances是路名字 Randwick 是区的名字,Randwick区在悉尼南面偏东大概4公里处.新南威尔士大学就在这里. 2031是邮政编码 nsw是新南威尔士州的缩写,NSW2031对应就是Randwick区 你打算邮寄东西还是自己要去?邮寄就这么写 14 Frances StRandwick NSW2031AUSTRALIA 14号看起来是一个红色砖墙的2层建筑,不像是住宅是不是一个旅馆什么的的?看起来古香古色的感觉~~

Frances Farmer翻译用这个网址就可以了


Mary Lennox,Colin Craven,Dickon , Mrs.Medlock ,Martha ,Lord Archibald Craven ,Ben Weatherstaff ,Mary"s Mother / Lilias Craven,Betty Butterworth , Will,John ,Major Lennox , Ayah .





Frances 英国女歌手 的love me again 歌词

Paint a picture in black and whiteIf you"re night sleepDid you dream of me?Did you think of me?Show me how much I"ve changed your lifeThat you can"t ignoreKiss me like beforeWhat are you crying for?Do you need a little time?Just to understand your mindAnd will you do everything you canTo love me again?If you held my shaking handsWould it feel the sameOn the night to blameBut I can"t run awayGive me love, give me peace of mindThat you need me toHold me like you doCause I really love youBut do you need a little time?Just to understand your mindAnd will you do everything you canTo love me again?Ooh, ooh, oohOoh, love me againOoh, ooh, oohOoh, love me againOoh, ooh, ooh, oohBut do you need a little time?Just to understand your mindWill you do everything you canTo love me again?Paint a picture in black and whiteIf you"re night sleepDid you dream of me?Did you think of me?




Frances (女子名 )中文拼写:弗朗西丝这个名字来源于拉丁文,它的含义是“自由,来自法国”,大部份的人认为FRANCES是个纤弱保守的女子,善良,可爱但沉稳。 Gloria (女子名 )中文拼写:格罗里娅 这个名字来源于拉丁文,它的含义是“荣耀的,光荣的”。对大部分人来说她是美丽而气质优雅文静的金发女孩,但她也可能是备受宠爱、娇纵的豪门独生女。但另一些人则认为她是文静、快乐的中产阶级的淑女。这个名字的变体形式有Glorie,Glory等。你可以根据自己的性格特点选一个名字,这两个都不错。

frances是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉

francés, esa adj.- s.法国(Francia)的;法国人.|→ m.法语.a la ~ a 按法国方式,按法国式样,按法国习俗.despedirse<marcharse, irse> a la ~a 不辞而别.