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Which satement about Franklin is not true?



1979年,创始人Guy Azoulay以50年代美国空军服为设计灵感,以驾驶四引擎的空军机师Charles Chevignon的名字为品牌名称创立了Chevignon.Chevignon以战后50年代“美国梦想”为背景,以美国重建的传奇故事为依归。在当时美国物资缺乏的情况下,西部寻金热盛行,在大量涌现的市集上有各种不同的店铺给人们寄卖物品。Guy Azoulay于是引入Trading Post的概念——以物换物,并将此概念建立了第一间店铺,里面有各种时尚生活用品,甚至包括象防护头盔这样的非主流潮流物,感觉好象是一个真正的美国艺术装置博物馆。 近30年来,Chevignon带着其倡导的独特自由生活方式,以及法国人演绎的美国风格,从法国Etienne Marcel Street的第一家旗舰店越洋过海到纽约、东京和香港开设形象店,如今再到中国大陆全速发展,Chevignon的服装、配饰乃至品牌的Logo渐渐深入人心,成为年轻个性一族追逐的多元化生活时尚品牌。 Chevignon与生俱来的自由浪漫气息,通过品牌标志传达了高贵与优雅的现代融合。高贵的灰色混合着宇宙蓝的Logo,预示在宽广大气的时尚空间中存在的永恒现代个性价值。作为血统纯正的法国品牌,在其产品开发中致力捕捉个性细节,张扬不羁的年轻风采。不论是牛仔裤的剪裁、撞钉或车线,还是创立品牌时的标志性代表——皮衣,在满足怀旧复古又时尚前卫的风格需求时,还透露出Chevignon对完美细节的执着追求,和将审美与实用结合的周全意识。求采纳


赫伯特·C·胡弗 Herbert Hoover (1929—1933)志大才疏,精力旺盛, 却劳而无功,未能兑现其 竞选承诺。 富兰克林·罗斯福 Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933—1945)无论从人格、谋略或 政治遗产等各方面加以考 量,此公均无愧于“伟大” 一词。其魅力与成就足以 令20世纪的其余历任总统 黯然失色。 哈里·S·杜鲁门 Harry S. Truman (1945—1953)强硬而不失可敬。 事实上,正是他使美国 远离了和平与繁荣,其 本人最终为选民们所抛 弃。 德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔 Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953—1961)使美国维持了长达八 年的和平与繁荣期,冷战 危机有所缓解并得到了控 制。性格刚烈,但勇于承 担责任。 约翰·F·肯尼迪 John F. Kennedy (1961—1963) 极擅作秀,却华而不实。 林登·B·约翰逊 Lyndon B. Johnson (1963—1969)甚至远不如肯尼迪, 他对美国所造成的破坏远 甚于同时代或任何时代的 其他总统。 理查德·M·尼克松 Richard M. Nixon (1969—1974) 是非功过,惟应五五开。 杰拉尔德·R·福特 Gerald R. Ford (1974—1977)一位温和、平凡的 领导者,使整个国家恢 复常态。 吉米·卡特 Jimmy Carter (1977—1981) 本该成为一名传教士。 罗纳德·里根 Ronald Reagan (1981—1989)有不少失误,但他使 美国维持了长达八年的和 平与繁荣期;恢复了国人 的乐观主义情绪,其技巧 毫不逊于富兰克林·罗斯福。 乔治·布什 George Bush (1989—1993)系官僚、党徒及 公司雇员,惟独不是 完美的政治家。 比尔·克林顿 Bill Clinton (1993-2001)因险遭国会弹劾而使 声望受损,其政绩亦乏善 可陈。尽管如此,其治下 长时期的和平与繁荣堪与 里根时代相媲美。 乔治·W·布什 Bush W. George (2001-现在) 富兰克林·罗斯福 Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933—1945)无论从人格、谋略或 政治遗产等各方面加以考 量,此公均无愧于“伟大” 一词。其魅力与成就足以 令20世纪的其余历任总统 黯然失色。 身残志坚爱国救民乐观自信改革创新 他 富兰克林·罗斯福 Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933—1945) 驴象之争 如果竞选成功,我保证将为美国人民实行新政! 胡佛 罗斯福 最好的经济是完全自由的市场经济,最好的 *** 是不干预经济的 *** 。 2280万票 :472票:1475万票 59票 新政 4项措施 2个阶段 “3R”工程 归类 具体 整顿银行 与金融业 复兴工业 调整农业 社会福利 复兴 (Recover) 救济 (Relief) 改革 (Reform) 第二阶段 1935 1939 第一阶段 1933 1935 生产恢复柱状图Manufacturing Production(1929--1945) From 1932 to 1945 we expanded 4.25 times! 1933 失业率下降 The Unemployment Rate The peak was 30%! 1933罗斯福执政的12年间,工业指数到1937年,已超过1929年的3.4。国有企业资本1939年比1929年增加近一倍。美国工业产量占资本主义世界工业的比重,由1929年的48.5%上升到1945年的60%。到1940年,美国基本实现现代化,居世界首位。 * * 乔治·华盛顿 George Washington(1789—1797)绝对的“不可或缺 之人”,其卸任演讲稿 堪称美国史上迄今最伟 大的官方文件。 约翰·亚当斯 John Adams(1797—1801)作为一名爱国者、 外交官和政治家,此公 在众多开国元勋当中占 有重要的位置,而作为 华盛顿总统的继任者,却使他相形见绌。 托马斯·杰弗逊 Thomas Jefferson (1801—1809)早在18世纪90年代 就是雄辩而激进的理论 家富兰克林·d.罗斯福简介,任职期内更是表现 出高超的政治技巧,开 创了两党制先河,并始 终关注国家而不是派系 的利益。 詹姆斯·麦迪逊 James Madison(1809—1817)浩瀚如银河的政治 家中最耀眼的明星。但 与杰斐逊相比,他却显 得软弱和优柔寡断。 詹姆斯·门罗 James Monroe(1817—1825)一位蛰伏的“民意” 总统,有一个出色的内 阁,1823年的“门罗宣 言”则是美外交谋略的 蓝本。 约翰·昆西·亚当斯 John Quincy Adams(1825—1829)作为美国史上最伟 大的国务卿,此公经由 分歧严重的众议院选为 总统,其政绩乏善可陈, 最终黯然去职。 安德鲁·杰克逊 Andrew Jackson(1829—1837)俨如蔑视权威、无所 忌惮的斗士,创立了现代 国家政党制度。 马丁·范布伦 Martin Van Buren(1837—1841)政党老手,曾协助 杰克逊建立国家政党, 其任期内一无所成,惟 一留下的就是那句俚语 “OK”。 威廉·亨利·哈里森 William H. Harrison(1841)这位蒂帕卡怒战役 中的英雄上任后仅一个 月即因病逝世。 约翰·泰勒 John Tyler(1841—1845)因哈里逊病故而继任 总统,成为了首位“意外 总统”,旋即在国会引起 轩然 *** 。 詹姆斯·K·波尔克 James K. Polk(1845—1849)美国历史上除了华盛 顿以外最伟大的征服者, 恪守诺言,任职一届即退。 扎卡里·泰勒 Zachary Taylor(1949—1850)从军时曾为英雄,入 主白宫后却不思进取。上 任仅18个月后即病逝。 米勒德·菲尔莫尔 Millard Fillmore(1850—1853)在很多人眼里形同 虚设,为人清白,终生 未娶。是另一位“意外 总统”。 富兰克林·皮尔斯 Franklin Pierce(1853—1857)不是失败者,但不曾 有任何作为。因为在19世 纪50年代的美国,恰逢经 济繁荣。 詹姆斯·布坎南 James Buchanan(1857—1861)作为惟一来自宾夕 法尼亚州的美国总统, 此公意欲有所作为,力 图保留联邦的完整性, 却以失败告终。 亚伯拉罕·林肯 Abraham Lincoln(1861—1865)在独立战争中的卓越 领导才能,以及重建南方 的宏图大略,堪称伟大。 安德鲁·约翰逊 Andrew Johnson(1865—1869)险遭弹劾和判决, 最终侥幸逃脱。 尤利塞斯·S·格兰特 Ulysses S. Grant(1869—1877)任期内鲜有亮点,却 是劣迹斑斑(丑闻不断、 1873年后经济衰退、与印 第安人陷入苦战)。 拉瑟福德·B·海斯 Rutherford B. Hayes(1877—1881)1876年的总统大选波 谲云诡、难分胜负,经秘 密协商后,方才胜出,却 始终不能握有实权。 詹姆斯·A·加菲尔德 James A. Garfield(1881)为人正派,上任数 月后遇刺身亡。 切斯特·A·阿瑟 Chester A. Arthur(1881—1885) 意外接任富兰克林·d.罗斯福简介,平庸之辈。 格罗弗·克利夫兰 Grover Cleveland(1885—1889)堪称坚守道义的 君子,接近伟大。 本杰明·哈里森 Benjamin Harrison(1889—1893)印第安纳州的“大老 粗”,却受益于传统选民 和少数派的投票而入主 白宫。执政期间赋税过 重,紧缩银根的政策导 致民怨沸腾。 格罗弗·克利夫兰 Grover Cleveland(1893—1897) 时隔四年,再次当选。 威廉·麦金莱 William McKinley (1897—1901)因任期内爆发1898 年美西战争并夺取了大 块殖民地而被视为令人 敬畏的“硬汉”总统。 西奥多·罗斯福 Theodore Roosevelt (1901—1909)惟一一位执政水平高 于“中上”(仅次于“伟大”) 的“意外总统”,从各种意 义或各个领域而言,他都 不失为杰出的领导者。 威廉·H·塔夫脱 William H. Taft (1909—1913)担任最高法院大法官 的表现堪称出色,而作为 总统却几近失败,很大原 因在于未能借鉴前人的经 验。 伍德罗·威尔逊 Woodrow Wilson (1913—1921)因被很多人视作 “伟大”而成为最受争 议的总统。 沃伦·G·哈定 Warren G. Harding (1921—1923) 为人谦卑,但胸无大略。 卡尔文·柯立芝 Calvin Coolidge (1923—1929)主政期间,美国正处于 20世纪20年代的太平盛世, 其本人堪称“无为而治”的 典范。 * *


英文文章wikipedia找的,汉语翻译纯手工.不知道文章够不够长,词汇都很简单了,没有特别难的.FRANKLIN`S FAMOUS KITE EXPERIMENTBenjamin Franklin"s kite experiment has grown into an American legend.Almost everyo...



牛津英语9b课文翻译chapter3 Benjamin Franklin







《Benjamin Franklin》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Benjamin Franklin》(Franklin, Benjamin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: kzbc书名:Benjamin Franklin作者:Franklin, Benjamin出版年份:2011-1页数:230内容简介:Printer and publisher, author and educator, scientist and inventor, statesman and philanthropist, Benjamin Franklin was the very embodiment of the American type of self-made man. In 1771, at the age of 65, he sat down to write his autobiography, "having emerged from the poverty and obscurity in which I was born and bred to a state of affluence and some degree of reputation in the world, and having gone so far through life with a considerable share of felicity." The result is a classic of American literature. On the eve of the tercentenary of Franklin"s birth, the university he founded has selected the Autobiography for the Penn Reading Project. Each year, for the past fifteen years, the University of Pennsylvania has chosen a single work that the entire incoming class, and a large segment of the faculty and staff, read and discuss together. For this occasion the University of Pennsylvania Press will publish a special edition of Franklin"s Autobiography, including a new preface by University president Amy Gutmann and an introduction by distinguished scholar Peter Conn. The volume will also include four short essays by noted Penn professors as well as a chronology of Franklin"s life and the text of Franklin"s Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania, a document resulting in the establishment of an institution of higher education that ultimately became the University of Pennsylvania. No area of human endeavor escaped Franklin"s keen attentions. His ideas and values, as Amy Gutmann notes in her remarks, have shaped the modern University of Pennsylvania profoundly, "more profoundly than have the founders of any other major university of college in the United States." Franklin believed that he had been born too soon. Readers will recognize that his spirit lives on at Penn today. Essay contributors: Richard R. Beeman, Paul Guyer, Michael Weisberg, and Michael Zuckerman.


英文文章wikipedia找的,汉语翻译纯手工。不知道文章够不够长,词汇都很简单了,没有特别难的。FRANKLIN`S FAMOUS KITE EXPERIMENT Benjamin Franklin"s kite experiment has grown into an American legend. Almost everyone has heard of Franklin"s famous experiment, but few of us actually understand how the experiment worked. When a storm cloud passed over Franklin"s kite the negative charges in the cloud leaked onto his kite, his kite string, his key, and a Leyden jar attached to the key by a thin metal wire. Franklin however, was unaffected by the negative charges because he was holding a dry silk string which insulated him from the charges on the key. When Franklin reached out his knuckle to touch the key he received a shock, because the negative charges in the key were so strongly attracted to the positive charges in his body that a spark jumped from the key to his hand. Franklin"s experiment successfully showed that lightning was actually static electricity. 本杰明富兰克林的风筝实验已成为美国的一个传奇。几乎每个人都有听说过富兰克林著名的实验,但很少有人了解实验是如何工作的。当风暴云掠过富兰克林的风筝时,云中的负电荷转移到他的风筝上,他的风筝的线,他的钥匙,还有一个莱顿瓶通过一个细金属丝连接到钥匙上。然而富兰克林没有受到负电荷的影响因为他握着一根干燥的丝线,这根丝线让他与钥匙保持绝缘。当富兰克林用指头的关节触碰钥匙时,他被了电一下,因为在钥匙上的负电荷很强,受到他的身上的正电荷的吸引,由此产生了火花。

franklin D.Roosevelt是第几任美国总统


请用英语把Benjamin Franklin的风筝实验过程简述一遍

简述:Almost everyone has heard of Franklin"s famous experiment,but few of us actually understand how the experiment worked.On a stormy day,Benjamin Franklin went outside with a kite in his hand.When ...

Benjamin Franklin放风筝的故事

Franklin"s KiteProbably the most famous experiment to do with lightning is that of Benjamin Franklin and his famous kite.What Franklin was investigating was whether or not lightning was an electric phenomenon. This seems fairly obvious to most of us today, but we must remember that in Franklin"s day the largest sparks they could make were under an inch long! Since lightning is several miles long it is not so obvious that they can be the same.The question often arises whether or not Franklin actually did this experiment, and the answer is we do not know for sure. One thing, however, is certain: if he did do an experiment like this, he did not do it the way it is often shown. That is, he didn"t tie a key to the kite string, fly it in a thunderstorm, and wait for it to be struck by lightning! Such an experiment would be very dramatic--and quite fatal.There are safe ways to do similar things, however, and Franklin, in his various writtings, shows that he was quite aware of both the dangers and the alternatives.Franklin realized that if lightning was electricity, then it must be an awful lot of the stuff, and that it must take a long time to amass in the storm. Therefore, he suggested, fly the kite early in the storm before the lightning comes near you.He had several variations on how to show electricity was present--you could draw sparks from a key tied to the string, or you could attach the string to a Leyden Jar, which is a device for collecting electricity (a capacitor). If the jar was empty before flying the kite and full afterwards then that is good evidence that thunderclouds contain electricity. In our demonstration the kite is suspended from a plastic rod (since there is no wind). The string goes down into a jar (not a Leyden Jar) where it is attached to a key. Below the key is a gap of 1-2 inches before a grounded metal ball.Notice in the picture on the left (which was taken with the machine running, but not strongly enough to make sparks) that the kite"s tail is being pulled towards the dome of the machine. This is a big example of static cling--the same thing that sticks your clothes together in a clothes drier. Notice also that there is a spark jumping between the key and the ball inside the jar. There is one other effect that we demonstrate using our kite, but it is too faint to photograph easily. It is called Saint Elmo"s Fire, or, to scientists, corona. It shows up as a faint purple glow around the edges of the kite, and would have been seen in the rigging and masts by sailors on the old wooden sailing ships.To the sailors, who named it after their patron saint, it was a sign of protection, but you can see in this picture how little it protects the kite! In fact it is a sign of great danger. So how did the sailors get it wrong?The reason is probably that all sailors in thunderstorms saw coronas, but only those whose ships were not struck and destroyed made it back to tell anyone about it!




是姓. His name was Benjamin Franklin. 他的名字叫本杰明·富兰克林. This is Mr.Franklin,room 888. 我是法兰克林先生,888号房.

初二英语,完型中的2空理由,单项选择Franklin told them all______to be in Bratain again

您好,很高兴为您解答:1. 见第一段开始“a careless driver threw a lighted cigarette out of his car 【ten miles west of the town】”,可知是在镇x西边,所以消防员从镇上向西赶2. 应该选【B】,宾语从句。宾语从句关系词在从句句首,其语序为陈述语序。故选B。3. I don"t hope so 我不希望这样 否定的是hope I hope not 我希望不会 否定的前述动作,此处是否定rainbreak through 词组 “突破 突围”,没有break across/round用法-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------



如何看待Franklin余衍林和AC雷曦的关系? ,,


美国总统Benjamin Franklin和放风筝的科学家富兰克林是同一个人吗

美国历史上一位伟大的富兰克林,本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)(1706-1790)——资本主义精神最完美的代表,十八世纪美国最伟大的科学家和发明家,著名的政治家、外交家、哲学家、文学家和航海家以及美国独立战争的伟大领袖。他一生最真实的写照是他自己所说过的一句话“诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。”传说他曾经用风筝引下雷电,并储存起来,关于这个“天电”实验一直存在质疑,富兰克林本人也从未正式承认做过这个实验,尽管对富兰克林是否做过风筝实验存在争议,但他是在1750年第一个提出用实验来证明天空中的闪电就是电的科学家。后来他发明了避雷针。

franklin 是属于美国的哪个州,哪属于东岸还是西岸?





14.Franklin Pierce 富兰克林·皮尔斯: 1853-1857 32.Franklin D. Roosevelt 富兰克林·罗斯福: 1933-1945以下是全部的美国总统名单:1.George Washington 乔治·华盛顿: 1789-1797 2.John Adams 约翰·亚当斯: 1797-1801 3.Thomas Jefferson托马斯·杰斐逊 : 1801-1809 4.James Madison 詹姆斯·麦迪逊: 1809-1817 5.James Monroe 詹姆斯·门罗: 1817-1825 6.John Quincy Adams约翰·昆西·亚当斯 : 1825-1829 7.Andrew Jackson 安德鲁·杰克逊: 1829-1837 8.Martin van Buren 马丁·范布伦: 1837-1841 9.William Henry Harrison 威廉亨利·哈里森: 1841-1841 10.John Tyler 约翰·泰勒: 1841-1845 11.James K. Polk 詹姆斯·波尔克: 1845-1849 12.Zachary Taylor 扎卡里·泰勒: 1849-1850 13.Millard Fillmore 米勒德·菲尔莫尔: 1850-1853 14.Franklin Pierce 富兰克林·皮尔斯: 1853-1857 15.James Buchanan 詹姆斯·布坎南: 1857-1861 16.Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕·林肯: 1861-1865 17.Andrew Johnson 安德鲁·约翰逊: 1865-1869 18.Ulysses S. Grant 尤利塞斯·格兰特: 1869-1877 19.Rutherford B. Hayes 拉塞福德·海斯: 1877-1881 20.James A. Garfield 詹姆斯·加菲尔德: 1881-1881 21.Chester A. Arthur 切斯特·阿瑟: 1881-1885 22.Grover Cleveland 格罗弗·克利夫兰: 1885-1889 23.Benjamin Harrison 本杰明·哈里森: 1889-1893 24.Grover Cleveland 格罗弗·克利夫兰: 1893-1897 25.William McKinley 威廉·麦金利 : 1897-1901 26.Theodore Roosevelt 西奥多·罗斯福: 1901-1909 27.William H. Taft 威廉·塔夫脱: 1909-1913 28.Woodrow Wilson 伍德罗·威尔逊: 1913-1921 29.Warren G. Harding 沃伦·哈定: 1921-1923 30.Calvin Coolidge 卡尔文·柯立芝: 1923-1929 31.Herbert C. Hoover 赫泊特·胡佛: 1929-1933 32.Franklin D. Roosevelt 富兰克林·罗斯福: 1933-1945 33.Harry S. Truman 哈里·杜鲁门: 1945-1953 34.Dwight D. Eisenhower德怀特·艾森豪威尔: 1953-1961 35.John F. Kennedy 约翰·肯尼迪: 1961-1963 36.Lyndon B. Johnson 林顿·约翰逊: 1963-1969 37.Richard M. Nixon 理查德·尼克松: 1969-1974 38.Gerald Ford 杰拉尔德·福特: 1974-1977 39.Jimmy Carter 小詹姆斯·卡特: 1977-1981 40.Ronald Reagan 罗纳德·里根 : 1981-1989 41.George Bush 乔治·布什: 1989-1993 42.Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿 : 1993-2001 43.George W. Bush 乔治·W·布什: 2001-






请问Franklin 这个英文名



春林和franklin是好朋友,franklin做过春林的伴舞。余衍林(Franklin Yu),1995年9月25日出生于美国,美籍华裔男舞者、编舞师,街舞真人秀《这!就是街舞第二季》亚军。现任KINJAZ Dojo舞室导师,2018央视春晚的编舞师之一,曾为《这!就是街舞》、《热血街舞团》编舞,合作明星包括易烊千玺、鹿晗、王嘉尔等。1995年9月25日Franklin出生于美国加利福尼亚州Diamond Bar。5岁时,他被父母送去学钢琴,钢琴老师说,这孩子是天生有绝对音感的人。此后是四年钢琴,四年大提琴,再到如今是吉他。高一开始学习街舞,高四成为Diamond Bar高中街舞社团团长。



franklin p.jones是谁

Franklin P. Jones (1908 - 1980) was a Philadelphia reporter, public relations executive and humorist. He wrote quips and quotes that entertained readers of major publications for years. Mr. Jones was known nationally during the 1940s and 50s for his column "Put it this Way" in the Saturday Evening Post. "Put it this Way" set a record as the longest continuously published feature in the Saturday Evening Post. He was an accomplished "paragrapher" - a writer who condenses humorous or thought provoking ideas into paragraph form. His quips and quotes were published (often anonymously) in numerous publications, including Reader"s Digest, the Wall Street Journal, Changing Times and Quote magazine. Born in Saratoga, NY, he moved to Philadelphia, PA at an early age. He graduated from Haverford College in 1933 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He began his writing career at the Philadelphia Record in 1934 as a police reporter and rose through the ranks working as a general assignment reporter, rewrite man and features writer. He was on the editorial board when the paper ceased publication in 1946. From 1941 through 1946, he was also a Philadelphia correspondent for the now defunct New York newspaper PM. In 1947, he joined Gray and Rogers Advertising Agency, one of Philadelphia"s largest advertising and public relations firms as director of publicity and became a partner in 1954. He created ad programs for major clients and headed the 40-man public relations staff until he sold his interest in the firm and retired in 1960 to work full-time as a humor writer. Mr. Jones continued his freelance writing, producing more than 35,000 paragraphs, epigrams, anecdotes, gag lines and definitions in the years before his death. He was a member of The Committee of 70, Philadelphia Public Relations Association and the Pen and Pencil Club. Franklin P. Jones died December 29th, 1980 of cancer in his home in Wayne, PA. He was 72. Some additional quotes: "The only thing that will really prevent baldness is hair." "The best way to keep a man is in doubt." "The only problem with having nothing to do is you can"t stop and rest."

介绍Franklin D.Roosevelt的英语正文

Franklin D.Roosevelt Assuming the Presidency at the depth of the Great Depression,Franklin D.Roosevelt helped the American people regain faith in themselves.He brought hope as he promised prompt,vigorous action,and asserted in his Inaugural Address,"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Born in 1882 at Hyde Park,New York--now a national historic site--he attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School.On St.Patrick"s Day,1905,he married Eleanor Roosevelt. Following the example of his fifth cousin,President Theodore Roosevelt,whom he greatly admired,Franklin D.Roosevelt entered public service through politics,but as a Democrat.He won election to the New York Senate in 1910.President Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navy,and he was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1920. In the summer of 1921,when he was 39,disaster hit-he was stricken with poliomyelitis.Demonstrating indomitable courage,he fought to regain the use of his legs,particularly through swimming.At the 1924 Democratic Convention he dramatically appeared on crutches to nominate Alfred E.Smith as "the Happy Warrior." In 1928 Roosevelt became Governor of New York. He was elected President in November 1932,to the first of four terms.By March there were 13,000,000 unemployed,and almost every bank was closed.In his first "hundred days," he proposed,and Congress enacted,a sweeping program to bring recovery to business and agriculture,relief to the unemployed and to those in danger of losing farms and homes,and reform,especially through the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority. By 1935 the Nation had achieved some measure of recovery,but businessmen and bankers were turning more and more against Roosevelt"s New Deal program.They feared his experiments,were appalled because he had taken the Nation off the gold standard and allowed deficits in the budget,and disliked the concessions to labor.Roosevelt responded with a new program of reform:Social Security,heavier taxes on the wealthy,new controls over banks and public utilities,and an enormous work relief program for the unemployed. In 1936 he was re-elected by a top-heavy margin.Feeling he was armed with a popular mandate,he sought legislation to enlarge the Supreme Court,which had been invalidating key New Deal measures.Roosevelt lost the Supreme Court battle,but a revolution in constitutional law took place.Thereafter the Government could legally regulate the economy. Roosevelt had pledged the United States to the "good neighbor" policy,transforming the Monroe Doctrine from a unilateral American manifesto into arrangements for mutual action against aggressors.He also sought through neutrality legislation to keep the United States out of the war in Europe,yet at the same time to strengthen nations threatened or attacked.When France fell and England came under siege in 1940,he began to send Great Britain all possible aid short of actual military involvement. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941,Roosevelt directed organization of the Nation"s manpower and resources for global war. Feeling that the future peace of the world would depend upon relations between the United States and Russia,he devoted much thought to the planning of a United Nations,in which,he hoped,international difficulties could be settled. As the war drew to a close,Roosevelt"s health deteriorated,and on April 12,1945,while at Warm Springs,Georgia,he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Aretha Franklin的《Call Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Call Me歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:30 Greatest HitsCall MeAretha FranklinI love youI love youI love you tooBaby will you call methe momentyou get thereBaby... hmm....I love youI love you tooAnd I love youBaby will you call methe momentyou get thereyeah... baby...My dearestMy dearest of all darlingI know, I know, I knowI know we"ve got to departBaby, baby, baby, baby, babythere"s one thing that you should know.You can call me, baby, if you ever change your mind.Believe me when I say to you, anytime will be alright.You can call me. Only seven numbers on the phone.Maybe we can talk things over.You"re never that far from home. Oh no, no, woo, wooYou can call me, baby, if you ever change your mind.Believe me when I say to you, anytime will be alright.You can call me. Only seven numbers on the phone.Maybe we can talk things over.You"re never that far from home. Oh no, no, woo, wooYou can call me, baby, if you ever change your mind.

Aretha Franklin的《Respect》 歌词

歌曲名:Respect歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:Respect / Dr. Feelgood [Digital 45]Artist: Aretha FranklinTitle: R E S P E C TWhat you want (oo)Baby, I got(oo)What you need(oo)Do you know I got it?(oo)All I"m askin"(oo)Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)I ain"t gonna do you wrong while you"re goneAin"t gonna do you wrong (oo) "cause I don"t wanna (oo)All I"m askin" (oo)Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)Yeah (just a little bit)I"m about to give you all of my moneyAnd all I"m askin" in return, honeyIs to give me my profitsWhen you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)When you get home (just a little bit)Yeah (just a little bit)------ instrumental break ------Ooo, your kisses (oo)Sweeter than honey (oo)And guess what? (oo)So is my money (oo)All I want you to do (oo) for meIs give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)When you get home, now (just a little bit)R-E-S-P-E-C-TFind out what it means to meR-E-S-P-E-C-TTake care, TCBOh (sock it to me, sock it to me,sock it to me, sock it to me)A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,sock it to me, sock it to me)Whoa, babe (just a little bit)A little respect (just a little bit)I get tired (just a little bit)Keep on tryin" (just a little bit)You"re runnin" out of foolin" (just a little bit)And I ain"t lyin" (just a little bit)(re, re, re, re) "spectWhen you come home (re, re, re ,re)Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)And find out I"m gone (just a little bit)I got to have (just a little bit)A little respect (just a little bit)

求Aretha Franklin的Angle的歌词

spend all your time waitingfor that second chancefor a break that would make it okaythere"s always one reasonto feel not good enoughand it"s hard at the end of the dayi need some distractionoh beautiful releasememory seeps from my veinslet me be emptyand weightless and maybei"ll find some peace tonightin the arms of an angelfly away from herefrom this dark cold hotel roomand the endlessness that you fearyou are pulled from the wreckageof your silent reverieyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you findsome comfort there(music)so tired of the straight lineand everywhere you turnthere"s vultures and thieves at your backand the storm keeps on twistingyou keep on building the liethat you make up for all that you lackit don"t make no differenceescaping one last timeit"s easier to believe in this sweet madness ohthis glorious sadness that brings me to my kneesin the arms of an angelfly away from herefrom this dark cold hotel roomand the endlessness that you fearyou are pulled from the wreckageof your silent reverieyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you findsome comfort thereyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you findsome comfort here

Aretha Franklin的《Pitiful》 歌词

《Pitiful》歌手:Aretha Franklin所属专辑:《The Queen Of Soul》唱片公司:Rhino Entertainment Company发行时间:1991年06月11日歌词:Oh pitiful, pitifulI feel so sorry for mePitiful, it"s pitifulFeel so sorry for meThough you don"t love meYou sayBut still you won"t set me freeOh set me freeI wonder whyI wonder whyI wonder why you do me like you doOh yes I doI wonder, I wonder, I wonderI wonder, I wonder whyWhy you do me like you doOh yeahWhen you know that I love you babyAnd you know I wouldn"t do it to youNo noIt looks like it makes you happyJust to see me cryPlease have mercy onThis aching heart of mineLooks like you"re trying to seeJust how mean you can beWell listen I wouldn"t do my dogThe way you do meOh pitiful, pitifulFeel sorry for myselfPitiful oh pitifulFeel sorry for myselfWhen you know that you don"t want me babyBut you ain"t gonna let me have nobody elseCome on and tell me the truth nowYeah I go onI"m so pitifulYeah pitiful, pitifulFeeling sorry, feeling sorry for myselfBut tell me the truth now babe...

Aretha Franklin的《My Guy》 歌词

歌曲名:My Guy歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:So Damn Happy/Les IndispensablesMy Guy (My God)Performed by Deloris & The SistersHail girlsHail Mary, what"s upWell, Juism"s become a real dragEverybody hates meNah-ah, not that Guy over thereWho HimThey all say He"s differentThey say He"s really weirdWe don"t care what people sayTo us He"s always thereReallyNothing you could sayCould tear me awayFrom my God (my God)Nothing you could doCause I"m stuck like glue toMy God (my God, my God)I"m sticking to my GodLike a stamp to a letterLike birds of a featherWe stick togetherI"m tellin" you from the startI can"t be torn apart from my GodNothing you could doCould make me untrue to my God (my God)Nothing you could buyCould make me tell a lieTo my God (my God, my God)I gave my God my word of honorTo be faithful and I"m gonnaYou best be believingI won"t be deceiving my GodAs a matter of opinion I think he"s topsMy opinion is he"s the cream of the cropAs a matter of taste to be exactHe"s my ideal as a matter of factNo muscle bound manCould take my handFrom my God (my God)No handsome faceCould ever take the placeOf my God (my God, my God)He may not be a movie starBut when it comes to bein" happyWe areThere"s not a man todayWho could take me away from my God(Cool it down now, ladies)There"s not a man todayWho could take me away from my God(Give them some of that deep shoulder action)There"s not a man todayWho could take me away from my God

Aretha Franklin的《You And Me》 歌词

歌曲名:You And Me歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:Original Album SeriesYou And MeSolid BaseThis is what I want what I really really wantThis is what I want now party everyoneThis is what I want what I really really wantThis is what I want now party everyoneHappy party peopleHappy party peopleTogether we have fun everyoneHappy party peopleCome join us all around to the sunHappy party peopleTogether on the way to the sunHappy party peopleIt"s always on the run having funRAP:You and meWe are always on the run having funKnowing meKnowing youIt"s the best we can doYou and meWe are always on the run having funKnowing meKnowing youIt"s the best we can doHappy party peopleTogether we have fun everyoneHappy party peopleCome join us all around to the sunHappy party peopleTogether on the way to the sunHappy party peopleIt"s always on the run having funRAP:You and meWe are always on the run having funKnowing meKnowing youIt"s the best we can doYou and meWe are always on the run having funKnowing meKnowing youIt"s the best we can doHappy party peopleTogether we have fun everyoneHappy party peopleCome join us all around to the sunHappy party peopleTogether on the way to the sunHappy party peopleIt"s always on the run having funThis is what I want what I really really wantThis is what I want now party everyoneThis is what I want what I really really wantThis is what I want now party everyoneHappy party peopleThis is what I want what I really really wantThis is what I want now party everyoneThis is what I want what I really really wantThis is what I want now party everyoneHappy party peopleTogether we have fun everyoneHappy party peopleCome join us all around to the sunHappy party peopleTogether on the way to the sunHappy party peopleIt"s always on the run having funHappy party people


歌曲名:Respect歌手:ARETHA FRANKLIN专辑:Don"t Fight the FeelingArtist: Aretha FranklinTitle: R E S P E C TWhat you want (oo)Baby, I got(oo)What you need(oo)Do you know I got it?(oo)All I"m askin"(oo)Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)I ain"t gonna do you wrong while you"re goneAin"t gonna do you wrong (oo) "cause I don"t wanna (oo)All I"m askin" (oo)Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)Yeah (just a little bit)I"m about to give you all of my moneyAnd all I"m askin" in return, honeyIs to give me my profitsWhen you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)When you get home (just a little bit)Yeah (just a little bit)------ instrumental break ------Ooo, your kisses (oo)Sweeter than honey (oo)And guess what? (oo)So is my money (oo)All I want you to do (oo) for meIs give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)When you get home, now (just a little bit)R-E-S-P-E-C-TFind out what it means to meR-E-S-P-E-C-TTake care, TCBOh (sock it to me, sock it to me,sock it to me, sock it to me)A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,sock it to me, sock it to me)Whoa, babe (just a little bit)A little respect (just a little bit)I get tired (just a little bit)Keep on tryin" (just a little bit)You"re runnin" out of foolin" (just a little bit)And I ain"t lyin" (just a little bit)(re, re, re, re) "spectWhen you come home (re, re, re ,re)Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)And find out I"m gone (just a little bit)I got to have (just a little bit)A little respect (just a little bit)



已故的本杰明·富兰克林(The Late Benjamin Franklin)

《已故的本杰明·富兰克林》是一则马克·吐温以18世纪美国最伟大的科学家和发明家本杰明.富兰克林简介,同时也是著名的政治家、外交家、哲学家、文学家的本杰明·富兰克林为原型创作的幽默小品文。作者融幽默与讽刺一体,既富于独特的个人机智与妙语,又不乏深刻的社会洞察与剖析,揭示了为世人所推崇的伟大的本杰明·富兰克林所谓的楷模作用对青少年健康成长的毒害作用,发人深省。 《已故的本杰明·富兰克林》是一则以18世纪美国最伟大的科学家和发明家的本杰明·富兰克林为原型创作的幽默小品文,揭示了为世人所推崇的伟大的本杰明·富兰克林所谓的楷模作用对青少年健康成长的毒害作用,颠覆性的讽刺发人深省。 马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日—1910年4月21日),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) 是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。世界著名的短篇小说大师。 Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835—April 21, 1910), better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. He was lauded as the "greatest American humorist of his age," and William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature." He is also a master of short story. 这篇传记的主人公品性不良,很早就滥用自己的才能创造出了一堆格言警句,算计着让以后世世代代成长起来的子孙们遭受痛苦。 揣着史上无人能及的坏心眼,他白天整天工作,晚上又继续熬夜,装模作样地就着昏暗的炉火学习代数,这就让所有其他男孩也不得不这样做,不然人们就会把本杰明·富兰克林搬出来教育他们。 The subject of this memoir was of a vicious disposition, and early prostituted his talents to the invention of maxims and aphori *** s calculated to inflict suffering upon the rising generation of all subsequent ages. With a malevolence which is without parallel in history, he would work all day, and then sit up nights, and let on to be studying algebra by the light of a *** oldering fire, so that all other boys might have to do that also, or else have Benjamin Franklin thrown up to them. 他总能让你在夸张和离奇的故事中感受他对当时社会的批判和严肃的创作目的。夸张幽默中见严肃。作为一个语言大师,马克·吐温用语鲜活、生动。融幽默与讽刺一体,用语机智独特,同时对社会有着深刻地洞察与剖析,既幽默辛辣,又严肃,真是十分聪明! 海伦·凯勒曾言:“我喜欢马克·吐温——谁会不喜欢他呢?即使是上帝,亦会钟爱他,赋予其智慧,并于其心灵里绘画出一道爱与信仰的彩虹。” 威廉·福克纳称他为“第一位真正的美国作家,我们都是继承他而来”。 一个优秀的作家,一个优秀的演说家。近代幽默文学的泰斗! 代表美国文学的世界一流作家! 他是怀有赤子之心的顽童本杰明.富兰克林简介,亦是仗义执剑的骑士! 有个关于马克·吐温的书库。 美国文学中的林肯。 His clear, distinct, resolute voice is filled with a liveliness... in a reading to be enjoyed by all ages." —VOYA, February 2009

越狱中的 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 最后结局怎么样啊??


benjamin franklin的英文生平介绍

Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 [O.S. January 6, 1705] – April 17, 1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and a musical instrument. He formed both the first public lending library in America and first fire department in Pennsylvania. He was an early proponent of colonial unity and as a political writer and activist he, more than anyone, invented the idea of an American nation[1] and as a diplomat during the American Revolution, he secured the French alliance that helped to make independence possible.Franklin is credited as being foundational to the roots of American values and character, a marriage of the practical and democratic Puritan values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment. In the words of Henry Steele Commager, "In Franklin could be merged the virtues of Puritanism without its defects, the illumination of the Enlightenment without its heat."[2] To Walter Isaacson, this makes Franklin, "the most accomplished American of his age and the most influential in inventing the type of society America would become."[3]Franklin became a newspaper editor, printer, and merchant in Philadelphia, becoming very wealthy, writing and publishing Poor Richard"s Almanack and the Pennsylvania Gazette. Franklin was interested in science and technology, and gained international renown for his famous experiments. He played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania and Franklin & Marshall College and was elected the first president of the American Philosophical Society. Franklin became a national hero in America when he spearheaded the effort to have Parliament repeal the unpopular Stamp Act. An accomplished diplomat, he was widely admired among the French as American minister to Paris and was a major figure in the development of positive Franco-American relations. From 1775 to 1776, Franklin was Postmaster General under the Continental Congress and from 1785 to 1788 was President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania. Toward the end of his life, he became one of the most prominent abolitionists.Franklin"s colorful life and legacy of scientific and political achievement, and status as one of America"s most influential Founding Fathers, has seen Franklin honored on coinage and money; warships; the names of many towns, counties, educational institutions, namesakes, and companies; and more than two centuries after his death, countless cultural references.

Benjamin Franklin 是谁?(美国科学家,18世纪的)

富兰克林(1706~1790)Franklin,Benjamin 美国物理学家,发明家,政治家,社会活动家。1706年1月17日生于波士顿,1790年4月17日卒于费城。父母都是英国移民,以制造蜡烛和肥皂为业。他于12岁到印刷所里当学徒,从那时起,长期未脱离印刷工作。1727年富兰克林组织一个社团,这是1743年创立的美利坚哲学会的前身。1731年他在费城创办了北美第一个公共图书馆。1737~1753年任费城邮政局长。约在1744年开始从事电学的研究。1751年创办了费城学院(后来的宾夕法尼亚大学)。1753年,获科普利奖章。同年,他还 获得 哈佛 大学、耶鲁大学 的荣誉学位 。 1756年当选为英国皇家学会会员,1769年当选为美利坚哲学会会长。1772年他还当选为法兰西科学院的外国院士。 他是美利坚合众国的创始人之一。在美国独立战争中他积极参加反英斗争。当选为第二届大陆会议代表,并参加起草了《独立宣言》。1776~1785年出使法国,促成了美、法同盟的建立。1787年当选为制宪会议的代表,参加起草了美国宪法。他积极主张废除奴隶制度。 富兰克林是第一个在纯科学领域中享有国际声誉的美国科学家,是美国电学研究的先驱者。他对电学的研究结果统一了当时混乱的电学知识。他最主要的贡献就是对说明各种电现象的理论(如电荷的产生、电荷的移转、静电感应等)作了比较系统的阐述。最初,他热衷于发明设计小器件,这给他以后的电学实验研究打下坚实的基础。1745年起他在不到10年的时间内,利用一些简单的工具、器械进行了各种大胆的新的电学实验。通过实验,富兰克林首先提出电学史上一项重要的假说:电的单流质理论。富兰克林第一次用数学上的正负概念来表示两种电荷的性质;同时还发现了尖端放电现象。更重要的是,富兰克林提出了电的转移理论。以后,这个理论发展为电荷守恒定律,这是自然界最基本的定律之一。1747年,富兰克林对莱顿瓶进行了研究,阐明了电容器的原理。在1749~1751年间,富兰克林仔细观察和研究了雷、闪电和云的形成,提出了云中的闪电和富兰克林的风筝实验摩擦所产生的电性质相同的推测。1750年提出了关于避雷针的建议。这一建议首先于1852年在法国马利大学得到应用 。1752年他在费城进行了震动世界的电风筝实验,证明了他的“闪电和静电的同一性”设想。富兰克林还研究了带电体之间的相互吸引和排斥;不规则带电导体中的电荷分布;感应起电现象等。富兰克林创造了许多电学方面的专门名词。富兰克林相当广泛地研究和观察自然现象。他还阐述了热传导理论;研究过利用蒸发取得低温的方法;近代通风的方法 ;各种植物的移植;传染病的防治;墨西哥湾流速和温度的测量以及北美洲风暴运动的方向等等。富兰克林著名的发明有摇椅、双焦距眼镜、宾夕法尼亚火炉、高架取书架等等。 富兰克林在哲学上拥护自然神论,承认自然界的存在及其客观性。他也是最先有意识地用劳动时间来确定生产价值的人。富兰克林预言美国人口是按几何级数增加的,平均每25年增长 1 倍。这预言已为美国政府在上一世纪的人口普查所证实。富兰克林电学著作和论文有:《电的实验与观测》、《对于导电物质的性质与效应的见解和推测》、《在美国费城所进行的关于电的实验与观测》、《论闪电与静电的同一性》等。本杰明·富兰克林(Dr. Benjamin Franklin,1706年1月17日-1790年4月17日)美国著名的政治家与科学家。他同时亦是出版商、印刷商、记者、作家、慈善家;更是杰出的外交家及发明家。他是美国革命时重要的领导人之一,参与了多项重要文件的草拟,并曾出任美国驻法国大使,成功取得法国支持美国独立。富兰克林曾经进行多项关於电的实验,并且发明了避雷针。其他由他发明的事物包括有双焦点眼镜,蛙鞋等等。富兰克林是共济会的成员,被选为英国皇家学会院士。他亦是美国首任邮政总长(Postmaster General)。 目录 1 先祖 2 早年 3 中年 4 晚年 5 逝世后 先祖 本杰明·富兰克林的父亲若西亚·富兰克林(Josiah Franklin)生於1657年,是英格兰北安普顿郡的一个铁匠家庭之子。母亲艾比亚·富尔家(Abiah Folger)则是在1667年时出生於一麻萨诸塞州波士顿的学校教师家庭。若西亚·富兰克林於1677年年在英格兰首次结婚,生下数名儿女后,在1683年举家离开英格兰移居波士顿,以售卖杂货为生。之后他首任妻子去世,再娶的妻子艾比亚在波士顿生下本杰明·富兰克林。 早年 本杰明是他父亲十七名子女中最小的儿子。他上学至十岁,十二岁时在他兄长的出版社当学徒。十七岁时出走到费城,数月后到伦敦,在一家印刷厂内工作。后来在一名商人帮助下回到费城,成立了他自己的印刷公司,出版报纸,并且发表自己的文章,在当地的社会中得到相当的尊重。之后他出版的一本箴言书籍,令他大受欢迎。 1731年富兰克林与其他人合力组建了费城的第一家公共图书馆。图书馆收藏的书籍包括神学、历史、文学、科学等;之后北美各城市亦效法建立;对北美各地人民的启蒙起了不少作用。 1736年富兰克林组建了北美第一队志愿消防队。 中年 富兰克林1743年开始筹备一家学院,八年后学院成立,即为宾夕凡尼亚大学的前身。与此同时,他开始研究电及其他科学题目。 富兰克林发表关於龙卷风的论文内的插图 1748年,富兰克林退出了他的印刷生意,不过他仍然能从他的合夥人手中分得印刷店可观的利润,亦因此有时间进行他各样发明和研究,当中包括了他对电的研究。他发现电荷分为「正」、「负」,而且两者的数量是守恒的。1752年,富兰克林进行了一项著名的实验:在雷暴下放风筝,示范证明「雷电」是由电力造成。这是一项非常危险的试验,事实上,同时期有其他科学家进行类似的实验时被电殛死亡。至今不少人对於富兰克林当年是否真的进行了这样的实验,或实验到底是如何进行,仍然表示有怀疑。但没有疑问的是富兰克林发明了避雷针;英国皇家科学院亦为表扬富兰克林对电的研究,在1753年选他为院士。 除了研究电以外,富兰克林对气象学亦有所贡献。为了替他的报章寻找新闻,他经常到农夫市场去收集消息。他发现风暴经常在某地出现,然后在别的地方亦有风暴。他相信两者可能其实是同一个风暴,因此提出风暴会移动,最后衍生了日后出现的天气分析、天气图,改变了单纯依靠一地预报的方法。 1751年富兰克林在宾夕凡尼亚成立了一家医院。这医院日后成为全美国的首家医院。 富兰克林同时是一名出色的公职人员。不过他亦因为曾以权力替亲人谋求进升,使他的公务生涯蒙上污点。他最重要的政治成就包括改革北美的邮政系统,以及出任外交职位,分别代表北美殖民地与宗主国英国打交道,以及之后出使法国。 1754年,他率领宾夕凡尼亚州代表参家在纽约州阿尔巴尼举行的殖民地大会,提出各殖民联合的计划。虽然当时计划没有被接纳,但当中的不少内容之后被放进了美国的宪法内。1757年,他代表宾夕凡尼亚州人到英国向英王陈述,居住了五年,期间向英国人民及政府官员阐述了殖民地的状况和意见。牛津大学因为他在科学的成就,在这段时间颁赠他荣誉博士学位。他亦是在这段时间为他的私生子奔走,使他成功当上新泽西州的州长。 晚年 1764年富兰克林再度代表宾夕凡尼亚州到英格兰。在伦敦时他力主反对1765年的印捐法案。但是富兰克林同时为他的私交朋友取得美洲印捐代理人的职位,令他的诚信及民众支持度大为受损。一般相信这次利益冲突事件令富兰克林在日后再没有当上更高民选职位。纵使他成功令这法案得到取消,公众对他的支持已不再复返。但他仍然为美洲殖民地效力,在美国革命前替殖民地向英国陈情。这亦导致了富兰克林和他效忠英王的私生儿子之间的决裂。 1767年,富兰克林到法国,受到法国人的热烈欢迎。回到费城以后,他获选为大陆国会的成员,协助起草美国独立宣言。1776年,富兰克林被派到法国任代表美国的专员,一直至1785年。其间他很受法国社会各阶层的欢迎,有些富有的法国家族甚至流行以他的画像装饰画廊。富兰克林出使法国十分成功,取得对初生美国非常重要的法、美军事同盟,以及谈判签订了1783年的巴黎条约。当富兰克林在1785年回到美国时,他对美国独立作出的贡献只在华盛顿之下。 富兰克林亦是反对蓄奴的先驱。他从法国回国不久后即成为一个反对奴隶制,寻求释放被非法禁锢的黑人的组织主席。 1787年,已经退休的富兰克林出席了修改美国宪法的会议,成为唯一同时签署美国三项最重要法案文件的建国先贤。这三份文件分别是:独立宣言,1783年巴黎条约,以及1787年的美国宪法。 较少人知道的是,虽然富兰克林是著名的美国建国元勋,但在美国革命开始以前,他主要是作为外交人员,亦曾经强烈反对革命。只有在英国不可能在美洲殖民地维持统治的时候,他才成为独立运动的热切支持者。直至1780年,他仍然考虑愿意容许英国保持对美洲的主权,以换取殖民地的高度自治。 逝世后 富兰克林在1790年4月17日逝世,埋葬在费城一家教堂的墓地。 富兰克林的样子为世界各地不少人所熟悉:因为他是美元钞票中面额最高的一百美元纸币上的人像。在美国,俚语中一百美元纸币亦称为「富兰克林」。富兰克林的画像曾经还在半美元硬币、旧五十美元上出现。从1914年起,他便是部分百元美钞上的人像,1928年以后每张百元美钞上都印有他的样子。

名词解释benjamin franklin

本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin),男,1706年1月17日出生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,美国政治家、物理学家、共济会会员,大陆会议代表及《独立宣言》起草和签署人之一,美国制宪会议代表及《美利坚合众国宪法》签署人之一,美国开国元勋之一。同时也是出版商、印刷商、记者、作家、慈善家;更是杰出的外交家及发明家。他是美国独立战争时重要的领导人之一,参与了多项重要文件的草拟,并曾出任美国驻法国大使,成功取得法国支持美国独立。曾经进行多项关于电的实验,并且发明了避雷针,最早提出电荷守恒定律。还发明了双焦点眼镜,蛙鞋等等。1790年4月17日去世。本杰明·富兰克林被美国权威期刊《大西洋月刊》评为影响美国的100位人物第6名。

Teen Spirit The joyful noise of “Glee.” by Nancy Franklin (May 10, 2010)谁知道这文章的全部翻译?
