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best friend缩写

Friends 4eva

Best Friend 歌词

歌曲名:Best Friend歌手:Kiroro专辑:キロロのいちばんイイ歌あつめましたBest Friendもう大丈夫心配ないと泣きそうな私の侧でいつも変わらない笑颜でささやいてくれたまだ まだ まだ やれるよだっていつでも辉いてる时には急ぎすぎて见失う事もあるよ仕方ないずっと见守っているからって笑颜でいつものように抱きしめたあなたの笑颜に何度助けられただろうありがとう ありがとう Best Friendこんなにたくさんの幸せ感じるときは 瞬间でここにいるすべての仲间から最高のプレゼントまだ まだ まだ やれるよだっていつでもみんな侧にいるきっと今ここでやりとげられることどんなことも力に変わるずっと见守っているからって笑颜でいつものように抱きしめたみんなの笑颜に何度助けられただろうありがとう ありがとう Best Friend时には急ぎすぎて见失う事もあるよ仕方ないずっと见守っているからって笑颜でいつものように抱きしめたあなたの笑颜に何度助けられただろうありがとう ありがとう Best Friendずっと ずっと すっとBest Friendend^_^

Best Friend 歌词

歌曲名:Best Friend歌手:Kiroro专辑:Best FriendBest Friendもう大丈夫心配ないと泣きそうな私の侧でいつも変わらない笑颜でささやいてくれたまだ まだ まだ やれるよだっていつでも辉いてる时には急ぎすぎて见失う事もあるよ仕方ないずっと见守っているからって笑颜でいつものように抱きしめたあなたの笑颜に何度助けられただろうありがとう ありがとう Best Friendこんなにたくさんの幸せ感じるときは 瞬间でここにいるすべての仲间から最高のプレゼントまだ まだ まだ やれるよだっていつでもみんな侧にいるきっと今ここでやりとげられることどんなことも力に変わるずっと见守っているからって笑颜でいつものように抱きしめたみんなの笑颜に何度助けられただろうありがとう ありがとう Best Friend时には急ぎすぎて见失う事もあるよ仕方ないずっと见守っているからって笑颜でいつものように抱きしめたあなたの笑颜に何度助けられただろうありがとう ありがとう Best Friendずっと ずっと すっとBest Friendend^_^

求 西野加奈的《Best friend》的音译中文

======【日文罗马音版】====== arigatou kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo donna toki datte itsumo waratte irareru tatoeba, hanarete itemo nannen tatte mo zutto kawaranai deshou watashitachi Best Friend suki dayo, daisuki da yo konna osoi jikan ni gomen ne hitori ja seppa tsumatte kita no kimi no koe sukoshi kike tara ganbareru nande mo uchi ake rareru mama ni mo ienai koto mo zenbu dare yori mo wakatte kureru ureshii toki wa jibun no koto mitai ni yorokonde kurete dame na toki wa chanto shikatte kureru sonzai arigatou kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo donna toki datte itsumo waratte irareru tatoeba, hanarete ite mo nannen tatte mo zutto kawaranai deshou watashitachi Best Friend suki da yo, daisuki da yo tsuyoga tte mo sugu ni bareteru hekonderu toki wa massaki ni meru kureru yasashi sani mou nando mo sukuwa rete naki tai toki wa omoikkiri nake baii soba ni iru kara tte dare yorimo tsuyoi mikata sonna kimi ni watashi wa nanika shite agerareteru kana? nanika attarasuguni ton dekukara, zettai arigatou kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo donna toki datte itsumo waratte irareru tatoeba, hanare teitemo nannen tatte mo zutto kawaranai desho watashitachi Best Friend suki dayo, daisuki dayo donna toki mo inotte iru yo sekai de ichiban ni shiawase ni natte hoshii arigatou kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo donna toki datte itsumo waratte irareru tatoeba, hanare teitemo nannen tatte mo zutto kawaranai desho watashitachi Best Friend suki dayo, daisuki dayo ======【中文翻译版】====== 谢谢有你在真好无论什麼时候都能令我微笑即使分离即使进过许多年我们都不会改变一直都是好朋友我爱你们最爱你们这麼晚打扰你真是对不起我一个人难受得不行想听听你的声音这样我就能振作起来我们无话不谈即使是不能对妈妈说的事比谁都瞭解对方把对方的快乐当做自己的快乐由衷地高兴著低落的时候也能相互鼓励谢谢有你在真好无论什麼时候都能令我微笑即使分离即使进过许多年我们都不会改变一直都是好朋友我爱你们最爱你们一旦逞强你马上就能发现难过的时候你总是最先发信息过来多少次温柔地拯救了我说著「想哭的时候就尽情哭吧我会一直陪在你身边」比谁都坚强的夥伴我能为那样的你做些什麽呢?如果有什麽事的话我绝对会立刻飞去你那边谢谢有你在真好无论什麼时候都能令我微笑即使分离即使进过许多年我们都不会改变一直都是好朋友我爱你们最爱你们我无时无刻不在祈祷希望你成为世界上最幸福的人谢谢有你在真好无论什麼时候都能令我微笑即使分离即使进过许多年我们都不会改变一直都是好朋友我爱你们最爱你们

寻求非主流歌曲--best friend 的歌词

best friend <天王星>看著哥们儿你冰冷的身体在燃烧多想陪你飞可我却做不到聼我为你祈祷这一秒下一秒I see you soul你一直在我左右仿佛当初跟你说no你却说wobut I feel you,dog在跟我握握手因为你是我最好的朋友没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白无论我身在何处你都在我身边深信你是我的守护天使落入凡间当爱变成习惯你却已经不在犯错的到底是谁我们都太傻纯真的爱却在受罚开门的瞬间期待的扑闹却只剩下一阵酸楚无奈的苦笑甚至开始怀念怀念混乱的一切都伴着音符在心里随处飘飘我要我们在一起一起散步一起啃排骨像老虎却胆小如鼠但为我你愿意全部付出只要一个微笑就可以止哭没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白角落是否太暗宝贝是否害怕有个地方叫天堂那里从来没有伤害生命没有排序my best friend相信有一天我们还能再相聚剩下自私的空间原来只是孤寂一片最忠诚的你消失不见看到太多虚伪的脸纯真的一面慢慢毁灭i"m sorry这就是你所信赖的世界baby dont golet me know何时才是尽头sit wow握手你总是那么优秀吐吐舌头just let it gooh my bestfriend you没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白

best friends 西野 歌词(注平假名)

歌曲 Best Friend 专辑 Best Friend 歌手 西野カナ 歌词 ありがとう君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよどんな时(とき)だっていつも笑(わら)っていられる例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)ってもずっと変(か)わらないでしょ私(わたし)たちBest Friend好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよこんな遅(おそ)い时间(じかん)にゴメンね一人(ひとり)じゃせっぱつまってきたの君(きみ)の声(こえ)少(すこ)し闻(き)けたらがんばれる何(なん)でも打ち明(うちあけ)けられるママにも言えないことも全部(ぜんぶ)谁(だれ)よりも分(わ)かってくれる嬉(うれ)しい时(とき)は自分(じぶん)の事(こと)みたいに喜(よろこ)んでくれてダメな时(とき)はちゃんと叱(しか)ってくれる存在(そんざい)ありがとう君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよどんな时(とき)だっていつも笑(わら)っていられる例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)ってもずっと変(か)わらないでしょ私(わたし)たちBest Friend好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ强(つよ)がってもすぐにバレてるへこんでる时(とき)は真っ先(まっさき)にメールくれる优(やさ)しさにもう何(なん)度(ど)も救(すく)われて泣(な)きたい时(とき)はおもいっきり泣(な)けばいい侧(そば)にいるからって谁(だれ)よりも强(つよ)い味方(みかた)そんな君(きみ)に私(わたし)は何(なに)かしてあげられてるかな?何(なに)かあったらすぐに飞(と)んでくから、绝対(ぜったい)ありがとう君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよどんな时(とき)だっていつも笑(わら)っていられる例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)ってもずっと変(か)わらないでしょ私(わたし)たちBest Friend好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよどんな时(とき)も祈(いの)っているよ世界(せかい)で一番(いちばん)に幸(しあわ)せになってほしいありがとう君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよどんな时(とき)だっていつも笑(わら)っていられる例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)ってもずっと変(か)わらないでしょ私(わたし)たちBest Friend好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ

Best Friends 歌词

歌曲名:Best Friends歌手:Red Rat Featuring Ghost专辑:I"M A Big Kid NowNEWS - Best Friend作词:仲村达史作曲:Marcus Dermulf/Samuel Waermo编曲:h-wonderくだらないコトで 盛り上がり /为了无聊的小事 兴奋成一团気がつけば朝まで 笑いあった /不知不觉里 已经笑闹到清晨大人になったはずなのに /我们明明已经长大何も変わってないね /却什麼都没变呢You are my Best Friend照れくさいから /因为会难为情ありがとうなんか言えない /说不出谢谢你特别な场所じゃないけど /虽然不是特别的场所ずっとここにいたいんだ /但我想一直待在这里仆らの育った街并は /我们成长的街景あの顷とは违う 姿になったね /已经变得跟当时不同めぐり来る季节越えても /纵使走过流转的四季君は変わらないで /也请你不要改变You are my Best Friend些细なことで /虽然为了些芝麻小事たまみはケンカもするさ /我们偶尔也会吵架ぶつけ合った気持ちの数だけ /但是越多的冲突分かり合える /越让我们了解彼此この先も 声に出すことはないと /相信今后 我也不会思うけど /说出口本当は 君といるときが1番 /但是真的 和你在一起心が温かいよ /内心最感觉温You are my Best Friend照れくさいから /因为会难为情ありがとうなんか言えない /说不出谢谢你特别な场所じゃないけど /虽然不是特别的场所ここにいたいんだ /但我想一直待在这里You are my Best Friendどんな时だって /无论任何时候仆たちはひとりじゃないさ /我们都不是孤独的何気ない优しさをくれる /若无其事地把温柔给了我君だけに ありがとう/我要对你说 谢谢你

英语作文:My Best Friend

导语:每个人都有自己的好朋友,没有真挚朋友的`人,是真正孤独的人。下面是yuwenmi我为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!   初二英语作文:My Best Friend I have a good friend. His name is Chin Daibe. He is 15 years old. We both want to be detectives. He is very clever. He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student. I think he is as clever as a university school student. His favorite detective is Kindalchi Hajime. He wants to be just as famous when he grows up. He is as helpful and brave as Sherlock Holmes. He is generous to his friends, too. When he has some new detective books, he always shares with me. So I am willing to lend him books, too. His favorite writers are Jinguchi Lanbu and A.E.W. Mason. His favorite book is "At the Villa Rose". I think it is a good detective book, too. I really think he will be a very good detective. He is my best friend.   【参考译文】 我有一个好朋友。他叫Chin Daibe。他15岁。我们都想成为侦探。他很聪明。他只是个中学生,但比其他任何一个学生都聪明。我认为他和一个大学学生一样聪明。他最喜欢的侦探是Kindalchi Hajime。他长大后想出名。他和夏洛克·福尔摩斯一样有帮助和勇敢。他对他的朋友也很慷慨。当他有一些侦探小说时,他总是和我分享。所以我也愿意借给他书。他最喜欢的作家是Jinguchi Lanbu和A.E.W. Mason。他最喜欢的书是《别墅玫瑰》。我认为这是一本很好的侦探书,太。我真的认为他会是一个很好的侦探。他是我最好的朋友。 标签: Friend 作文 英语

best friend歌词。

C"mon, c"mon, best friendWe all need a best friend, a best friendI remember when we was youngPlaying pool after school, keeping it coolPeople say we were the troublesome twoI know the girls like me and youI can never forget the times you"ve covered my backYou helped me out and cut me slackThere was nothin" you"d never doIt"s all about me and youYou"re my brother, you"re my sisterWe"ll stick togetherNo matter what, no matter whatBest friend, never gonna let you downBest friend, always gonna be aroundYou know, whatever life puts you throughI"ll be there for youWe all need a best friend, to understandA best friend, to take your handYou know, whatever life puts you throughI"ll be there for youYou remember the days when we wouldKick back, lay backWe"d be chillin" with the ladiesThose times were the greatestSo don"t worry about a thing my friendCos you can count on me, thick and thinCos I"ll be there right till the end, till the endYou"re my brother, you"re my sisterWe"ll stick togetherNo matter what, no matter whatBest friend, never gonna let you downBest friend, always gonna be aroundYou know, whatever life puts you throughI"ll be there for youWe all need a best friend, to understandA best friend, to take your handYou know, whatever life puts you throughI"ll be there for youCome on, come on, best friendCome on, come on, best friendCome on, come on, best friendCome on, come on, best friendYou"re my brother, you"re my sisterWe"ll stick togetherNo matter what, no matter whatYou"re my brother, you"re my sisterWe"ll stick togetherNo matter what, no matter whatBest friend, never gonna let you downBest friend, always gonna be aroundYou know, whatever life puts you throughI"ll be there for youWe all need a best friend, to understandA best friend, to take your handYou know, whatever life puts you throughI"ll be there for you

Best Friends 歌词

歌曲名:Best Friends歌手:Bratz专辑:Forever Diamondz - Collector"S Edition歌名:Best friend{feat.小不点}作词 :天王星Uranu$作曲 :天王星Uranu$编曲 :天王星Uranu$『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』●●Joe:我轻轻的唱有一点吵看著哥们儿你冰冷的身体在燃烧多想陪你飞可我却做不到聼我为你祈祷这一秒下一秒I see ya soul你一直在我左右仿佛当初跟你说no你却说wowbut I feel ya,dog在跟我握握手因为你是我最好的朋友one小不点:没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白呆寳:无论我身在何处你都在我身边深信你是我的守护天使落入凡间当爱变成习惯你却已经不在犯错的到底是谁我们都太傻纯真的爱却在受罚开门的瞬间期待的扑闹却只剩下一阵酸楚无奈的苦笑甚至开始怀念怀念混乱的一切都伴着音符在心里随处飘飘我要我们在一起一起散步一起啃排骨像老虎却胆小如鼠但为我你愿意全部付出只要一个微笑就可以止哭小不点&Garden:没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白呆寳:角落是否太暗宝贝是否害怕有个地方叫天堂那里从来没有伤害生命没有排序my best friend相信有一天我们还能再相聚剩下自私的空间原来只是孤寂一片最忠诚的你消失不见看到太多虚伪的脸纯真的一面慢慢毁灭i"m sorry这就是你所信赖的世界baby dont golet me kno何时才是尽头sit wow握手你总是那么优秀吐吐舌头just let it gooh my bestfriend yo小不点&Garden:没有你存在感觉得到你的爱最好的朋友 我等你回来没有我的爱怕你看不清未来期待的色彩却是苍白﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏

Best Friend 歌词

歌曲名:Best Friend歌手:Sterling Simms专辑:Yours, Mine & The TruthBest FriendNa na na na...He"s my best friend,best of all best friendsDo you bave s best friend too?It tickles in my tummy,he"s so yummy yummyHey,you should get a best friend too!Hello,baby,can I see a smileI"m going to a party,and it"s gonna be wildCan I come,I"m sitting aloneFriends are never aloneMaybe some pretty girls are in you worldExcuse me,I could also be your girlLately,everyone is making funNa na na na...He"s my best friend,best of all best friendsDo you bave s best friend too?It tickles in my tummy,he"s so yummy yummyHey,you should get a best friend too!My best friend!Na na na na...Aloha,baby,let"s go to ghe beachYeah,girls in bikini are waiting for meBut I was hoping for a summer-romanceSo why can"t you take a chanceMaybe some pretty girls are in you worldExcuse me,I could also be your girlLately,everyone is making funNa na na na...He"s my best friend,best of all best friendsDo you bave s best friend too?It tickles in my tummy,he"s so yummy yummyHey,you should get a best friend too!My best friend!Na na na na...Maybe some pretty girls are in you worldExcuse me,I could also be your girlLately,everyone is making funLet"s get this party onHit me with that lazer-gun!wo wooYou should get a best friend too!He"s my best friend,best of all best friendsDo you bave s best friend too?It tickles in my tummy,he"s so yummy yummyHey,you should get a best friend too!My best friend!Na na na na...


My best friendMy best friend is Kate. Were in the sameclass. She is 12 years old. She is a very beautiful girl, and alwayssmiles. She has big eyes, a small mouth and long black hair. She alwayswears T-shirt and jeans. She is good at all subjects.She is good at all subjects. She likes English and Maths very much. Herfavourite sports are basketball and running. She does well inbasketball. She likes listening to the song<< Yeaterday oncemore>>. She likes singing and watch animated cartoon, too,forexample,<<white snow princess>>. She was awarded as “Student Star ” in our school last term.Why are we best friends? Because we can play games and see the film inthe cinema together. She often teaches me on rope skipping.We feel very happy when we are together.【翻译】我最好的朋友凯特是我最好的朋友。在同一个班。她12岁了。她是个非常漂亮的女孩,总是微笑。她有一双大眼睛,小嘴巴和长长的黑头发。她总是穿着T恤和牛仔裤。她擅长所有的科目。她擅长所有的科目。她喜欢英语和数学很。她最喜欢的运动是篮球和跑步。她没有在篮球。她喜欢听的歌<昨日重现> 。她喜欢唱歌和看动画片,例如,<白雪公主>。她被评为“我们学校上学期学生之星。为什么我们是最好的朋友?因为我们可以玩游戏,一起看电影。她经常教我跳绳。我们感到非常高兴,当我们在一起的时候。

Best Friend 歌词

歌曲名:Best Friend歌手:Arker专辑:Them & IArtist:BoAAlbum:The FaceTitle:Best Friendwould you be my friend? listen…先(さき)が见えなくて挫(くじ)けそうなときいつでも君はその笑颜で勇気(ゆうき)をくれたよね辛(つら)く寂しいとき笑わせてくれる君なしじゃきっと今の私いなかったかないいときも悪いときもいつだって一绪だったね离れていても - ふたりは - 助(たす)け合(あ)えるひとりじゃないよYou are always my best friend変わらずこのまま 支(ささ)えたいよずっとI wanna be there for you泣きたい时いつだって 侧(そば)に居てくれる大切な you"re my best friend君だけが my only best friend二人で过(す)ごした思い出(で)の日々はなによりもずっと心深(ふか)く刻(きざ)まれている疑(うたが)うことすらひとつもなくてなにより固(かた)い二人の绊(きずな)で壁越(かべこ)えて行けたいいときも悪いときもいつだって一绪だったね长い夜も - ふたりなら - 大丈夫きっと set us freeYou are always my best friend辛(つら)い时目を闭(と)じて 思い出(だ)して欲しいI wanna be there for youひとりよりもきっと ふたりが强い永远に you"re my best friend君だけが my only best friend突然(とつぜん)予定(よてい)を変わってしまった日も真夜中(まよなか)3时に电话したときも怒(おこ)らなかったよね きみがいて良(よ)かったきみの优しさ忘れないよ ずっとYou are always my best friend変わらずこのまま 支(ささ)えたいよずっとI wanna be there for you泣きたい时いつだって 励(はげ)ましてくれる大切な you"re my best friendYou are always my best friend辛(つら)い时目を闭じて 思い出(だ)して欲(ほ)しいI wanna be there for youひとりよりもきっと ふたりが强い永远に you"re my best friend君だけが my only best friendby:Hmilee*欢迎重庆宝饭加入宝儿中国重庆歌迷会QQ群宝儿中国重庆歌迷会① : 47512128宝儿中国重庆歌迷会② : 20796913宝儿中国重庆歌迷会③ : 54898160

Best Friend 歌词

歌曲名:Best Friend歌手:Toni Collette&Tonya Pinkins&Various Artists专辑:The Wild PartyDo you remember when I said I"d always be there.Ever since we were ten, baby.When we were out on the playground playing pretend.I didn"t know it back then.Now I realize you were the only oneIt"s never too late to show it.Grow old together,Have feelings we had beforeBack when we were so innocentI pray for all your loveGirl our love is so unrealI just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch meThis is something like a movieAnd I dont know how it ends girlbut I fell in love with my Best FriendThrough all the dudes that came byAnd all the nights that you"d cry.I was there right by your side.How could I tell you I loved youWhen you were so happyWith some other guy?Now I realize you were the only oneIt"s never too late to show it.Grow old together,Have feelings we had beforeWhen we were so innocent.I pray for all your loveGirl our love is so unrealI just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch meThis is something like a movieAnd I dont know how it ends girlbut I fell in love with my Best FriendI know it sounds crazyThat you"d be my baby.But you mean that much to me."Cause nothing compares whenWe"re lighter than air andWe don"t wanna come back down.But I don"t wanna ruin what we haveLove is so unpredictable.But it"s the risk that I"m taking,Hoping, prayingYou"d fall in love with your best friendI pray for all your loveGirl our love is so unrealI just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch meThis is something like a movieAnd I dont know how it ends girlbut I fell in love with my Best FriendI pray for all your loveGirl our love is so unrealI just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch meThis is something like a movieAnd I dont know how it ends girlbut I fell in love with my Best FriendI remember when I said I"d always be thereEver since we were ten. baby...

R KELLY best friend 歌词

"Best Friend"(feat. Keyshia Cole, Polow Da Don)[R Kelly]What up charles, hey baby[Keysha Cole]Hey Baby[R Kelly]Girl i been missin you like crazy[Keysha Cole]Miss you To[R Kelly]These fools bout to make me loose my mind, i dont think i can do all this time[Keysha Cole]Now jus calm down dont loose it Baby[Polow Da Don]Keep yo head up man we got you[R Kelly]How is lil junior? And my beautiful daughter?[Keysha Cole]Fine they jus miss they daddy[R Kelly]Well did you get to talk to my lawyer?[Keysha Cole]Night and day, Day and night i keep callin em"[R Kelly]Yeah? well day and night, night and day jus keep callin" em"[Keysha Cole]O.K[Polow Da Don]Yo what up my nigga you straight? any thing i can get you?[R Kelly]Dis toilet paper be cuttin" my ass i need some roles of tissue... CharminNigga what happened to those squares yo ass pro..misSed me..?[Keysha Cole]Baby Charles lost his job, He"s been"[R Kelly]Yeah? is that right you lost your j..o..b how?[Polow Da Don]Man i been havin trouble wit my car, Besides it"s to far, price of gas, man it"s hard, and onDa real, shit man they be trippin up at that Wal-Mart,feel me?[R Kelly]Yeah man i feel you[Keysha Cole]Well baby i got somethin" i wanna read yaIt"s from the kid"s, they wrote this for him in school,and they wanted me to bring it here andRead it to you it says....Roses are red,Violets are blue,daddy we love you,and we miss you too[R Kelly]Awww Dats sweet but tell me why Charles is wearin" the shirt you bought me, yo bogus ass, youBeen doin" my best friend[Chorus]Tell me how could you do it to me? Hell to (hell to) the nawGot caught up doin" da bussiness now im servin" 5 to 10 A ball later he movin" in. you been doin" my best f.r.i.e.n.d Behind my back while im in da pen Screw both (screw Both) of ya"llSee ya"ll dun hooked up wit each otha Man you was like my brotherWhile im in here ya"ll undercover you been screwin"[Keysha Cole]Wait.. just dont walk away.. please let me explain...[Polow Da Don]Yeah dog it ain"t like dat[R Kelly]Don"t be playin" no damn games[Polow Da Don]Man what da fuck is wrong wit you? you crazy? Dis girl love. she even took a chance on loosin"Her job.. jus to be here fa ya[R Kelly]Yeah... well maybe im just a little paranoid..can you blame me.. just look at her, she prettyAs all outdoors..Sorry baby..[Keysha Cole]It"s O.k I understand you stressin"[R Kelly]Thanks man for briggin" her fa me[Polow Da Don]Please, my nigga don"t even sweat it[Keysha Cole]Just like you asked i got those magazines for you[R Kelly]That"s my girl[Polow Da Don]Ain"t got no squares. but i got a robe, and you some house shoes[R Kelly]My Brother[Polow Da Don]So how you holdin up?[R Kelly]Man i"m jus tryna make it work[Polow Da Don & Keysha Cole]Well i got, she got[Keysha Cole]Charles you go first[Polow Da Don]Well me and sheel,(?) we got dis crazy ass idea, she sing i rap we was thinkin" bout makin" thisShit a career[Keysha Cole]What you think about that baby? do you think it"ll work[R Kelly]Aight, dat"s it now i really gotta know baby where in the hell did he get that shirt?[Polow Da Don]Awww Here we go again. nigga what da fuck is wrong wit you[R Kelly]Yeah man ya"ll on some bull shit. what? ya"ll think i"m a god damn fool[Polow Da Don]Nigga i ain"t sayin" all dat[R Kelly]Well then ansa da question, screw all dat, GIRL ANSA IT!!![Keysha Cole]What?! who you callin" bitch? Hell naw i been here!![R Kelly]She been doin my best friend[Chorus 2x (Wit extra talkin in da back)]Tell me how could you do it to me? Hell to (hell to) the nawGot caught up doin" da bussiness now im servin" 5 to 10 A ball later he movin" in. you been doin" my best f.r.i.e.n.d Behind my back while im in da pen Screw both (screw Both) of ya"llSee ya"ll dun hooked up wit each otha Man you was like my brotherWhile im in here ya"ll undercover girl you screwin" my best friend[Keysha Cole]Baby what about the kids?? Ohhhh


[ti:Best Friend][ar:西野カナ][al:Best Friend][by:萌のMelOdy≈] [00:00.30]ありがとう[00:02.47]君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよ[00:09.43]どんな时(とき)だっていつも[00:13.57]笑(わら)っていられる[00:17.45]例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)っても[00:25.94]ずっと変(か)わらないでしょ[00:30.02]私(わたし)たちBest Friend[00:33.40]好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ[00:49.38][00:51.21]こんな遅(おそ)い时间(じかん)にゴメンね[00:55.31]一人(ひとり)じゃせっぱつまってきたの[00:59.52]君(きみ)の声(こえ)少(すこ)し闻(き)けたら[01:03.78]がんばれる[01:06.05][01:06.31]何(なん)でも打ち明(うちあけ)けられる[01:10.76]ママにも言えないことも全部(ぜんぶ)[01:16.22]谁(だれ)よりも分(わ)かってくれる[01:22.57][01:23.17]嬉(うれ)しい时(とき)は自分(じぶん)の事(こと)みたいに喜(よろこ)んでくれて[01:31.28]ダメな时(とき)はちゃんと叱(しか)ってくれる存在(そんざい)[01:38.94][01:39.45]ありがとう[01:40.98]君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよ[01:47.89]どんな时(とき)だっていつも[01:52.08]笑(わら)っていられる[01:55.97]例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)っても[02:04.29]ずっと変(か)わらないでしょ[02:08.43]私(わたし)たちBest Friend[02:11.81]好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ[02:27.84][02:29.55]强(つよ)がってもすぐにバレてる[02:33.86]へこんでる时(とき)は[02:35.59]真っ先(まっさき)にメールくれる优(やさ)しさに[02:39.35]もう何(なん)度(ど)も救(すく)われて[02:44.57][02:44.75]泣(な)きたい时(とき)はおもいっきり泣(な)けばいい[02:51.17]侧(そば)にいるからって[02:54.56]谁(だれ)よりも强(つよ)い味方(みかた)[03:01.27][03:01.50]そんな君(きみ)に私(わたし)は何(なに)かしてあげられてるかな?[03:09.71]何(なに)かあったらすぐに飞(と)んでくから、绝対(ぜったい)[03:17.45][03:17.86]ありがとう[03:19.40]君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよ[03:26.39]どんな时(とき)だっていつも[03:30.56]笑(わら)っていられる[03:34.27]例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)っても[03:42.83]ずっと変(か)わらないでしょ[03:46.89]私(わたし)たちBest Friend[03:50.32]好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ[04:06.45][04:07.45]どんな时(とき)も祈(いの)っているよ[04:15.14]世界(せかい)で一番(いちばん)に幸(しあわ)せになってほしい[04:23.38][04:23.55]ありがとう[04:24.97]君(きみ)がいてくれて本当(ほんとう)よかったよ[04:31.98]どんな时(とき)だっていつも[04:35.99]笑(わら)っていられる[04:39.91]例(たと)えば、离(はな)れていても 何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)っても[04:48.33]ずっと変(か)わらないでしょ[04:52.56]私(わたし)たちBest Friend[04:55.65]好(す)きだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ[05:07.71][05:08.59]「Best Friend」 - 西野カナ[05:09.71]DOCOMO「ガンバレ受験生"09-"10」公式ソング, [05:10.91]NTV系「音楽戦士 MUSCI FIGHTER」オープニング·テーマ[05:11.93]作词:西野カナ[05:12.95]作曲:GIORGIO CANCEMI[05:13.74][05:14.58]収録:Best Friend[05:15.46]発売日:2010/02/24[05:16.43][05:17.54]LRC by 萌のMelOdy≈┌地狱门┆歌词组┘≈[05:18.52][05:19.45]终わり[05:20.76]

best friend歌词 kat-tun

歌手:kiroro 专辑:Best Friend Best Friend もう大丈夫心配ないと 泣きそうな私の侧で いつも変わらない笑颜で ささやいてくれた まだ まだ まだ やれるよ だっていつでも辉いてる 时には急ぎすぎて 见失う事もあるよ仕方ない ずっと见守っているからって笑颜で いつものように抱きしめた あなたの笑颜に 何度助けられただろう ありがとう ありがとう Best Friend こんなにたくさんの幸せ感じるときは 瞬间で ここにいるすべての仲间から最高のプレゼント まだ まだ まだ やれるよ だっていつでもみんな侧にいる きっと今ここでやりとげられること どんなことも力に変わる ずっと见守っているからって笑颜で いつものように抱きしめた みんなの笑颜に何度助けられただろう ありがとう ありがとう Best Friend (music)时には急ぎすぎて 见失う事もあるよ仕方ない ずっと见守っているからって笑颜で いつものように抱きしめた あなたの笑颜に 何度助けられただろう ありがとう ありがとう Best Friend ずっと ずっと すっと Best Friendend^_^

Best Friend 歌词 bilal唱的


My. Best. Friend英文作文100字

1.My friend I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much. 2.My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is a quite funny outgoing guy but I am very serious. He is an athletic boy and is able to play all kinds of sports but I am only smart on study. My friend is wild and I am calm. He is tall, thin, strong,with shorthair,. And sometime he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don"t want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study. I think our friendship is beautiful.3.My best friend My best friend is Mary.She is 13 years-old. She always play jokes with me.I like to stay with her .It is because she can help me all the time. When I find her say that I am sad or happy,she always listen to me and she is very kind to me.She is very clever.She always help with my homeworks. When somebody bully me she will help me.If I have a worry and don"t know how to do she could help me. She can be a friend with everyone ,because she is kind and beautiful too是否可以解决您的问题?

“not yet”可以用来回答什么样的疑问句?比如 -do you have a boyfriend?-Not yet,这个回答对吗?

not yet表示还没,如:Have you eaten your breakfast? --Not yet.用于否定句相反是still可以作为一个句子,也可以在句子当中。 Have you finished your homework ? --Not yet. (not yet是一个省略句,I did not finish it yet.就省略为not yet)可以单独成句,已经给出例子了。也可以用在句子的中间,也有例子了。但是不一定要用来回答提问,陈述句里也可以用,用法和回答问题时放在句子中间一样


friendliness英 ["frendlu026anu0259s] 美 [ u02c8fru025bndlu026anu026as]n.友情,亲切,友善双语例句1. There was a sincere expression of friendliness on both their faces. 他们俩的脸上都流露出真挚友好的表情。2. She also loves the friendliness of the people. 她也喜欢人们的友善。3. Kenneth overflowed with friendliness and hospitality. 肯尼思满怀友善好客之情。4. Their friendliness was only pretence. 他们的友善态度只不过是装出来的。5. Behind the mask of friendliness, I know he really dislikes me. 在友善的面具后面, 我知道他其实并不喜欢我.

oath of friendship的翻译

这是我们在nfls上课时自己写的:盟誓啊! 我想要成为你永远的朋友,没有破碎,没有分歧即使天崩地裂,海枯石烂,无论是冰天雪地里的电闪雷鸣还是炎炎夏日中的风雪交加当天与地相拥之时我耶不会离开你永远,永远!这是老师给的原文:上邪! 我欲与君相知, 长命无绝衰。 山无陵, 江水为竭, 冬雷震震, 夏雨雪, 天地合, 乃敢与君绝。砸么详细啦!分分给我吧!~

BoysAndgirs,We have twonowfriendstoday.是什么意思?



一篇My unforgettable friend的80词英语作文

Hello everyone!Now i want to share my story with you about my confidant,Yoyo, the most unforgettable friend in my life,at least up to now. Today what i want to say is not the sorrow things we shared,but a small story which clings to my memories. Our close relationship becomes definite when we were at Junior3.We seem to know each other deeply. My Junior school is a broading school,so we just can go back home when weekends.Therefore, the telephone booth have seen a large number of students rushing into it to make a phone call home since after class every Fridays.One night , in order to avoid standing in a long line ,i ran into the booth slinkingly before the self-study class was over.And at last the result met my expectations,i successfully made a phone call home without anyone discovers.However,it rained cats and dogs with a sudden when i finished my call.The sudden heavy rain stopped me moving any steps towards classroom.When i was anxious about it and had no idea what to do with it,i heard a familiar sound calling me.That was Yoyo!She found i was not in the classroom for a long time and guessed maybe i go to the booth by sercet.When she saw the heavily rain outside,she took up two umbrellas to look for me at a dime.You"d never known how shocked and moved i was at that time.Thanks very much,my dear friend. Now five years are over,our tree of friendship is still growing healthily.As the old saying goes,having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life.I am so gratituded and fortunate that i have such a indeed friendTears slightly run down that night When I was so young,teachers told me that we should treasure our friends. It just occured to me that, friend is a good one.We have good relation.And that"s it. But, now I think that friend is more than that. It"s the one who will still remember us even we have little contact for a long time. It"s the one who will forgive you for thousands of time. It "s the one who know your weakness and help you to it. One night, for some reason, I and my roomate stayed in a bed and talked about sth. I was so scared that I found some reality of the life,my life has been to be too simple. and I couldn"t understand and accept. However, at first, I was calm enough as usual. I didn"t know how it came,that my roomate then said:"How poor we are to know this!But it doesn"t matter!You must know, at least, I will be always with you."I don"t know why and how,tears slightly run down on my face. Not because of the fear,the because of the helpless,but because of her words. She destroyed my selfprotection and let me know there is somebody in this world we can believe and rely on.It has been a long time for me to by myself. I never try go find protect from others. But the moment tells me how weak can one be. And thands Godness, I have my friends.

翻译:how do you last friendsship? what does the writer think a friend is


跪求snoop dogg dog的friends的歌词!!

Life is much mo" preciousThan you"ll thinkLike a game"ll make yo chips sinkIt"s so hardHard to trust a smile and faceWhen niggas got intentions already taking yo placeKeep my head up and stand tallIf I stumble, then I"ll fallWill you pick me up at all?Will you pick me up at all?I"m a keep it gangsta till my endCause some people do pretendAnd ain"t too many of us that we can call friendsThat we can call friendsOhhhhhhh[Goldie Loc]Now all I gotta do is keep my head upAnd walk a straight line when fake friends won"t mindBut I"m kind-heartedSnoop DoggAnd don"t like being stepped onIf I wasn"t real, I wouldn"t be in this positionLike that, dogg, I got a whole lot to sayI"m by myself with my rhymes when we kick it all dayLil" Jay used to say I"d never be nobodyBut you know what I never do?Smoke it off like GottiFive million dollar hits puttin in saxophonesTray Deee & Snoop, we sound good on this microphoneI never threaten nobody to make it happenLet me show you how we eat a full meal off this rappin"But if I had a chance to give it backI"d give it to the ones who helped me do thatDo that, straight from the heartEastside till I dieWe ain"t no contract friends, we doggs for life[Tray Deee]It"s a trip how we CripSuppose the enemies stillWith both sides ride causing plenty of tearsInsane"s and 20"s both from the same cityA bunch of down niggas and it ain"t that manyMe, C, and the G can think back to the startHomies chillin", getting high, shooting craps in the parkAnd having a heartHead up like G"s, take it out in the streetHold ya own was the code that I growed to viewSo I fucked with and stuck with a chosen fewBut Snoop Dogg, you can call me, whatever the caseAnd homie that ain"t nothing that the set could eraseYou put me with the homie, Goldie, though we never had spokeA Insane with a 20, now we hell of a closeAnd y"all kids, my kids, so we family nowCause I could never see you doing bad withoutAnd that"s realLife is much mo" preciousThan you"ll thinkLike a game"ll make yo chips sinkIt"s so hardHard to trust a smile and faceWhen niggas got intentions already taking yo placeKeep my head up and stand tallIf I stumble, then I"ll fallWill you pick me up at all?Will you pick me up at all?I"m a keep it gangsta till my endCause some people do pretendAnd ain"t too many of us that we can call friendsThat we can call friends...真佩服你名字都能打错

they are setting the table for their friends 对划线部分提问 their firends 是划线的

What people


Girlfriend –艾薇儿Hey Hey You You. I don"t like your girlfriend. No way No way. I think you need a new one. Hey Hey You You. I could be your girlfriend. Hey Hey You You.I know that you like me. No way No way. No, it"s not a secret. Hey Hey You You. I want to be your girlfriend. You"re so fine. I want you mine. I think about you. all the time. You are so addictive. Don"t you know. What I can do. To make you feel alright. Don"t pretend. I think you know. I"m damn precious.Hell Yeah I"m the mother princess. I can tell you like me too. And you know I"m right. She"s like so whatever. You can do so much better. I think we should get together now.Well that"s what everyone"s talking about. Hey Hey You You. I don"t like your girlfriend. No way No way. I think you need a new one.I could be your girlfriend. Hey Hey You You. I know that you like me. No way No way. No, it"s not a secret. Hey Hey You You. I want to be your girlfriend. I can see the way. See the way. You look at me. And even when you look away. I know you think of me. I know you talk about me all the time. again and again. So come over here.and tell me what I wanna hear. Better, yeah, make your girlfriend dissapear. I don"t wanna hear you say her name. ever again Cuz she"s like so whatever. You can do so much better. I think we should get together now. Well that"s what everyone"s talking about. Hey Hey You You. I don"t like your girlfriend. No way No way. I think you need a new one.Hey Hey You You. I could be your girlfriend. Hey Hey You You. I know that you like me. No way No way. No, it"s not a secret. Hey Hey You You. I want to be your girlfriend. In a second. you"ll be wrapped around my finger. ‘Cause I can. cause I can do it better. There"s no when"s it gonna sink in. She"s so stupid,. what the hell were you thinking?. In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger.‘Cause I can,. cause I can do it better. There"s no other,.so when"s it gonna sink in. She"s so stupid,. what the hell were you thinking?.Hey Hey You You. I don"t like your girlfriend. No way No way. I think you need a new one. Hey Hey You You. I could be your girlfriend. Hey Hey You You. I know that you like me. No way No way. No, it"s not a secret. Hey Hey You You. I want to be your girlfriend. Hey Hey You You.I don"t like your girlfriend ( No Way!). No way No way. I think you need a new one (Hey!). Hey Hey You You. I could be your girlfriend (No Way!). Hey Hey You You. I know that you like me (No Way!). No way No way. No, it"s not a secret (Hey!). Hey Hey You You. I want to be your girlfriend (No Way!).Hey Hey!

求一首英文歌名.男的唱的.高潮部分有句歌词是:my girl friend连续唱三次


My Girlfriend 歌词

歌曲名:My Girlfriend歌手:Sean Kingston专辑:TomorrowSean Kingston - My Girlfriend(Intro:)This the one that the DJ playAll the sexy gyal dem wah shake (x2)(Verse 1:)She walked right over to meAnd her eyes dem went right through meShe said you"re somebody I should knowAnd all the things that she was sayingHad my actions delayingBefore I knew it, we"re on the floorOh you"re slipping me your number, oh it makes me start to wonderWhat I, What I should doYour intentions are so clear so keep your body right hereDon"t you move, cus I feel it too(Chorus:)You"re dancing on me like you"re my girlfriendYou tell me u wanna be my girlfriendBut just for tonight, and I won"t regret itAnd even if we break up, no matter what, tonight you"re my girlfriendDj play the song and dedicate to me and my new girlfriendDj play the song and dedicate to me and my new...(Verse 2:)No we"re touching like we"re datingI could see that you ain"t playingI could tell you know what you"re looking forAnd I"m a mess so I gotta say itOooh, I wanna take itAnd I won"t make you wait anymoreAnd you put your hands up under so I don"t have to wonderWhat you, what you came here forCus the way you put it on me girl, I won"t leave you lonely girl,She say, I want that and more(Chorus:)You"re dancing on me like you"re my girlfriendYou tell me u wanna be my girlfriendBut just for tonight, and I won"t regret itAnd even if we break up, no matter what, tonight you"re my girlfriendDj play the song and dedicate to me and my new girlfriendDj play the song and dedicate to me and my new...(Bridge)Tonight I"m not gonna let you be aloneBaby come on, baby come on,Since you my girlfriend I want to take you homeBaby come on, baby come on(Chorus:)You"re dancing on me like you"re my girlfriendYou tell me u wanna be my girlfriendBut just for tonight, and I won"t regret itAnd even if we break up, no matter what, tonight you"re my girlfriendDj play the song and dedicate to me and my new girlfriendDj play the song and dedicate to me and my new... (x2)(Outro:)one night,one nightone night,one nightone night,one nightone night,one night

谁可以给我my girlfriend的歌词?

First time when I kissed your lips, you were a lovableIt was bright snowing day that our love began.Girl they just don"t understand, not even a clueSo girl I won"t stop. I"m the one who will be right there.Let"s stay together U are my GirlfriendIt feels like heaven. I love you. I do love you soJust walk with me until the end of times yeahSo let me be of your mine! Just let me please you!!I"m just tryin" to say how much I do love youFor just now. Sittin" here. Get relax.The day you gave me a blue tumbler like a puppy lover Yeah~with this coffee sweet imagine of our future marriageand gettin associated.So girl listen my heart won"t change.Maybe my love is bigger than Ginger bread man"s vitalityBaby~ Good Morning everyday I wake you up with the lovely call.I didn"t know how to (cook but I can make you song.)Girl they just don"t understand. Not even a clue.So girl I won"t stop. I"m the who will be right there.Everything will gonna be fine.God gave me answer of my lifeLook at my girlYou"re lovely I can tell soOne day it will come true. Baby never gonna make you cry.Let"s stay together GirlfriendHold on together everythings all rightTill the end of times babyLeave the passed behindYou always my girl friendYeah~ I do Love you so much I do babyJust walk with me follow meOf your mine just let me please youI love you baby建议用QQ音乐哦,找歌词很方便

His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.

【答案】:BB 句意为:他的新女友未把自己已婚的事实告诉他。0mit意为“未(做),没有(做)”;fail意为“遗漏,失败”,与omit意思相近;forget意为“忘记”;delete意为“删除”;leave意为“离开”.

I took up my phone,at the same time ,my friend wa

错,take up是执行、承担的意思,接电话是pick up,而你这里at the same time的连接用法错误了所以是I picked up my phone,at the same time when my friend was calling me.

my phone friend is doing 英语作文?

I have a good friend.His name is Wang weidong.He is my classmate and we often go to school together.He is tall and handsome with a pair of glasses.He is friendly and kind.He is always ready to help others.He is good at English and I am weak in English so he often helps with my English.He likes doing sports,reading and traveling.He can skate and ski very well.He is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met.

英语作文friends are like wine:the older,the better 100左右


My Funny Friend and Me 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Friend and Me歌手:Sting专辑:Nothing Like the RaritiesMy Funny Friend and meStingThe Emperor"s New Groove OSTIn the quiet time of eveningWhen the stars assume their patternsAnd the day has made his journeyAnd we wondered just what happenedTo the life we knew before the world changedWhen not a thing I held was trueBut you were kind to meand you reminded meThat the world is not my playgroundThere are other things that matterAnd when a simple needs protectingMy illusions all would shatterBut you stayed in my cornerThe only world I know was upside downAnd now the world and me,I know you carry meYou see the patterns in the big skyThose constellations look like you and IJust like the patterns in the big skyWe could be lost we could refuse to tryBut we made it through in the dark nightWould those lucky guys turn out to beBut that unusual blendof my funny friend and meI"m not as clever as I thought I wasI"m not the boy I used to be becauseYou showed me something different,You showed me something pureI always seemed so certainbut I was really never sureBut you stayed and you called my nameWhen others would have walked out on a lousy gameAnd you could"ve made it throughBut your funny friend and meYou see the patterns in the big skyThose constellations look like you and IThat tiny planet in a bigger guyI don"t know whether I should laugh or cryJust like the patterns in the big skyWe"ll be together till the end is nighDon"t know the answer or the reason whyWe"ll stick together till the day we dieIf I had to do this all a second timeI won"t complain or make a fussWhen the angels sing that that unlikely blendAre those two funny friendsThat"s us

Do you have to say _____ different if the person is a friend or a stranger? 选词填空


介绍几个可爱的英文歌和经典的DJ 像sunshine girl 、trouble is a friend一样的

magic key 是这个类型的话 把分给我 其他的传给你

有一首歌的一句歌词是“you are my only friend",请问这是哪首歌?

bohemian rhapsody

former boyfriend是什么意思


求类似于《trouble in my friend》 《啦啦啦》~这种另类的,好听的,讨我喜欢的歌~~

<love me>

英译汉 ,谢谢 Do you like to hang out with you friends at the weekend? Why or why not?


make friends with animals作文

我的回答是:make friends with animalsOver the years, many have been caught up in the debate over whether we are the masters of all animals or not. But the debate is transcended by the growing realization that animals are our friends instead of being our servants. Increasing people believe that treating animals with the utmost dignity and respect is really the “Golden Rule” of conduct toward all species. Animals are our friends, which is attributed to the fact that mankind and “creature-kind” are inextricably woven together, not separate “worlds” attempting coexistence. Since ancient times, we have been interwined together and must have failed to exist without each other. However, sticking to the foolish belief that they could make a fortune, some greedy people abuse and kill animals to pursue profits. Had we cherished the precious friendship with animals, a more harmonious society could have been built. In addition, another one reason why we should regard animals as our friends is that we learn some treasurable qualities from animals, such as loyalty, sincerity and wisdom. And in some cases, animals are more trustworthy than people. Since animals are our friends, what matters most is to guarantee their safety. It is of significant importance for the government to issue some relevant laws that prevent people from hunting and shotting animals so as to protect our loyal friends. Meanwhile, in order to established a platform for speaking out against cruel and painful treatment of animals, an essential campaign for advocating animals" rights are supposed to be launched. Only in this way could we genuinely make friends with animals

make friends延续性动词怎么变

不是延续性动词,be friends才是的

how to make friends大学英语作文

How to Make FriendsEveryone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you donu2019t agree someone, please discuss with him.Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friendu2019s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.

make friends 是延续性动词吗

不是延续性动词,be friends才是的

是make friend with 还是make friends with

跟一个交朋友用make friend with跟多个交朋友用make friends with如下:John:I only want to make friend with you. What happened. 约翰:(温柔)我只是想和你交个朋友。发生什么事了If I were a teacher, I would make friends with my students. I would respect them and understandthem. 如果我是老师,我会和学生们成为平等的好朋友,尊重他们,理解他们。

make friend with 和make friends with有什么区别

friends是正确表达,friend是错的。因为make friends就包括至少两个人——你和这个/些朋友,因此是复数。有可能有类似表达,用friend单数,可能是I wanna make her my friend,但不是这个make friends with的词组了。

take friends为什么不用make friends??

make friends 固定短语,交朋友,没有 take friends 的说法。如果是带朋友去某地,用 take my friends to ...... 单独没有take friends 的说法。



make friends with是什么意思


Make friend和make friends有区别吗

要么make a friend,要么make friends因为make friend 没有说清是单数还是复数



四年级短篇making friends 作文

How to Make FriendsEveryone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you donu2019t agree someone, please discuss with him.Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friendu2019s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.

交朋友除了make friends还有什么词组或单词?

make acquaintance

跪求一篇Making friends(交朋友)的英语作文~!

Everyone needs friends.They are a basic source of happiness and hope in our lives. However, the ability to make friends varies from person to person.To some people, making friends is easy, and to others it"s very difficult. We all have the ability to make friends.Unfortunately, many people never reach their potential (潜能).Making friends is a skill, and the first step in developing that skill is knowing how to get along with others. People who are good at getting along with others take an interest in what other people like.They learn to develop interest that make them enjoyable to be around.Therefore, the more things that your child knows how to do that involve (涉及) connecting with other kids, the more chances he or she has to make friends. If your child has trouble making friends, you can tell him or her how to do it. ★Realize your own strengths.You have skills and talents that others can enjoy.Some people don"t let others see their goodness. ★Believe that you are a good person who has something to share with others. ★Develop a sense of humor.Learn to laugh at yourself and your shortcomings.It will relieve (释放) some of the stress in your life.If you ever feel poking fun at someone, let it be you, never anyone else.Smile, smile, smile. ★Respect the rights of others.They have their opinions, you have yours.Different opinions are healthy.Learn how to listen to others without putting them down or trying to persuade them that your opinion is right. ★Be kind.Throughout your life, you will learn that if you are kind to others, they will usually be kind to you.When should you start being kind? Right now.Give someone a compliment (恭维).Open the door for someone.Wave to a friend. Encourage someone who is discouraged.Say something positive (积极的).There are hundreds of little things you can do to show kindness.

make mistakes为什么加s? 那make friends呢

make mistakes是指犯错误.而mistake是可数的且是不止一次的.所以必须要加s哟.例句:I often make mistakes in English译 我经常在英语上犯错误.make friends那就不用说了.多简单啊.例句:I want to make friends wit...


make friends withv.与…交友,与…交朋友,和睦;轧1.You make friends with people and then make unreasonable demands so that theyreject you. 你和别人交朋友,然后向人家提出无理要求,结果被人家拒绝。2.People cannot make friends with a person who is cynical about friendship. 人们无法与怀疑友谊的人交朋友。

make friends 是延续性动词吗

不是延续性动词,be friends才是的

英语用词适当形式填空I always like ______ (make) _______(friend) with o?

有like doing sth 和like to do sth 但后者表示偶尔喜欢,因为你的句子中用了 always 表示一直喜欢 所以用like doing sth 即making friends,2,like 后面跟动词时要用动词的ing形式,即:like doing something ,所以用making 后面是others,所以名词用复数,即:friends!,2,making friends make friends是固定短语,交朋友的意思,0,英语用词适当形式填空I always like ______ (make) _______(friend) with others.

be friends with 和 make friends with 的区别She


make friends(交朋友)单词怎么造句?

Better make friends than make enemies. 冤家宜解不宜结. Slow to make enemies.Quick to make friends. 交友要快,树敌要谨. Ability to make friends easily. 轻松结交朋友的能力. Do not rash to make friends. 交友莫轻率.

make friends造句

1.He can make friends with strangers easily.他很容易可以和陌生人交朋友. 2.I have to make sure the doors are locked before I leave.我出门之前要确定我锁门了. 3.I have to make up my mind on what clothes I should wear.我要决定我今天该穿哪些衣服.











make friends后面的be动词要用is

第一个是现在进行是呀!所以他就要符合现在进行时的句子结构,即be+Ving形式! 第二个是一般现在时,强调(go to school)天天发生! 现在进行时也一般现在时最大的区别就在与强调点的不同,现在进行时强调动作现在正在发生;一般现在时则表示动作或者行为是经常发生的,或者某一状态是长久存在的!

make friends with sb.对还是make a friend with sb.对?


make friends make变不变三单?


求一篇开头是Making friends is a skill.的翻译

Making friends is a skill . Like most skills , it improves with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends , you must be willing to take some action . You must first go where there are people .You won"t make friends staying home alone. 交朋友是一种技巧。最喜欢的技能,它可以改善与实践。如果你想找人交朋友,你必须愿意采取行动。你必须先去哪里人。你不会让朋友独自留在家里。Join a club or group . Taking with those who like the same thing as you do is much easier . Or join someone in some activity. 加入一个俱乐部或团体。与那些喜欢的一样,你会更容易些。或者参加一些活动。Many people are nervous when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And it"s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown. 许多人都紧张,和陌生人说话。毕竟,遇见陌生人意味着面对未知。这是人类的本性,有一点不舒服的未知。Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doublts about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us ---finding us too tall or too short , too this o r too . But don"t forget that they must be feeling the same way .Try to accept yourself as you are , and try to put the other person at ease . You"ll both feel more comfortable . 我们最担心面对新的人从doublts自己。我们想像其他人都来看我们,发现我们太高或太短了,太这太。但不要忘记,他们必须感受到同样的方式。试著去接受你自己,试着让对方放松。你会觉得更舒服。Try to act self – confident even if you don"t feel that way when you enter a room full of stranges , such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look directly at other people , and smile. 试着做自己–自信,即使你不觉得这样当你进入一个房间充满了陌生人,如一个新的教室,走挺拔,直接看着别人,和微笑。If you see someone you"d like to speak to, say something . Don"t wait for the other person to start a conversation. 如果你看到某人你想说的,说点什么。不要等到别人开始谈话。

making friends


make friends(交朋友)单词怎么造句?

I need make friends to you

以Make friends 为题写作文80词


作文How to make friend

How to make friends Everyone needs friends, so how to make true friends is of great importance to everybody. Here are some suggestions. First of all, you must be friendly to others. A smile is like a magnet(磁铁) which draws people. If you give a smile to others, you are always sure to get a smile in return. What"s more, you should do your best to make a stranger feel at home, no matter where he happens to be. Furthermore, think as you are in his position and make him feel welcome. And don"t judge a stranger only by his appearance. Apart from these, try to remember others" names, which will make them feel that they have made an impression on you. However, if you don"t agree with others on a certain matter, don"t argue but discuss with them. Besides, you should think more of others than of yourself. Whereas, don"t believe those who leave their friends when their friends are in trouble. After all, a friend in need is a friend in deed. Once you follow the above advice, I"m sure you will make true friends of your own.First, we should be friendly to others and make others feel your kindness wherever they are. Then we need to think for others and we mustn"t laugh at them. We should realize that a good person is not based on his appearance. What"s more, we had better try to remember others" names. And when we have different opinions, we should discuss and understand each other. Last but not least, we can"t believe people who leave friends when their friends are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed.We shouldn"t laugh at others. Instead, we should think for others. What"s more, we are supposed to manage to remember others" name and discuss with others if there is disagreement. Last but not least,… People all need friends because nobody wants to be lonely and a friend can help you in good and bad times. However, it takes time and efforts to make friends and keep friendship. So we should try our best to treat others very well. First, we should be kind to others. And it will make them feel warm and comfortable. So however they are, they will always remember us. Second, if we and our friends are in disagreement with each other, we should discuss with them. What"s more, we should understand others because friendship always needs nursing with understanding. Third, we can"t judge people only by their appearance. An ideal friend must have goodness rather than beautiful appearance. Forth, we should try to remember others" names. Last but least, we can"t believe the person who never spare time for us when we are in trouble. As we know, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with practice.

英语疑问 交朋友make friends,为什么要用make.

这确实是个固定结构,英语中有很多固定短语,背过即可. 不过 交朋友 这个短语,如果表状态或延续的应该用be friends,如: We have been friends for ten years.此句中不能用make friends. 我初步解释这么多,我是英语老师,如果还有疑问,请提出,我给你详细解答.希望能够帮到你.

make friends with sb.


一篇作文,,,how to make friends,,,,,,不会写唉,,,求助!!!

How to Make FriendsEveryone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you donu2019t agree someone, please discuss with him.Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friendu2019s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.
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