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illegal substance违禁物品双语例句1Principals will suspend any student who possesses or uses a suspected illegal substance at school.校长会令任何在学校拥有或使用可疑违禁物品的学生停学。2Drugs again rained on the Olympics " parade as another athlete tested positive for an illegal substance.兴奋剂再次煞了奥运会的风景,又有一名运动员的违禁药物检测结果呈阳性。

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寿 兰-丰口惠美山咲美由-池泽春菜星野 绫-壹智村小真乙 幡丽-神谷浩史麻生裕也-铃村健一寿 大和-高桥广树寿 沙夜-钉宫理惠匡斗-宫田幸季黑井达树-小尾元政黑井直树-阪口大助 第1话天下第一超级辣妹!!上吧上吧!寿兰第2话涩谷哈拉哈拉大搜查线第3话女人心,紧张紧张!!红色挑染第4话有吗有吗?如何如何?男人运?第5话内心乱七八糟~跟小绫绝交!?第6话泳池雀跃雀跃!国中刑警第7话黑影紧跟不舍!!美由成了目标第8话心里的痛美由的过去第9话回忆好多好多,沙夜被绑架?!第10话裕也坐立不安!情敌登场第11话横越涩谷!紧张刺激的冠军赛第12话约定拜拜,剑道少女第13话超级千金!贤淑温柔的寿兰第14话真希,闪亮登场辣妹一年级第15话复仇,激烈的滑雪板比赛第16话洒落的阳光,闪亮的恋爱纪念日第17话心动的感觉,小绫的告白第18话冲啊,台场大决战第19话太阳底下的夏日女孩第20话真美念念不忘,初恋情人第21话必胜,冲啊冲啊运动会第22话校庆,PARAPARA明匠女王第23话撕下残酷教师的镀金外衣第24话町田猴仔要离开,达树失恋了?!第25话大和!当真认真--求婚吗?!第26话超刑警,干劲十足的寿兰第27话宝贝弟弟心花怒放,直树出场了!第28话裕也伤心伤心展现男子汉气魄第29话真美眉好爱好爱,爱上了裕也第30话池袋团团转,假发之谜第31话欢迎!兴致勃勃开店-棕榈树第32话让小兰坐立难安的新对手?第33话阿霞火冒三丈,报仇大作战第34话小绫走逃花运外加乙幡病第35话恋爱预报心乱如麻//乙幡换成了片濑!?第36话温泉霹雳叭拉//北之汤蒸气辣妹事件第37话秘密穿帮了,真美眉的危机第38话一颗心悬在半空中,乙幡的言语第39话圣诞夜叮叮当,爱情的紧急铃第40话小兰晕头转向,变成了沙夜?!第41话涩谷战士神秘兮兮,丸九月光战士第42话泰三信心满满,警官养成计划第43话纯情脸红心跳,理惠的爱情故事第44话殉职哭哭啼啼,台场鲨鱼最后的一天第45话形形色色的恋人们,情人节第46话激烈的战火熊熊,拉面战争第47话阿霞暖洋洋,梦想中的大衣第48话辣妹大战轰隆隆,真美眉心碎!?第49话伤心隐隐作痛,美由的归属第50话爱的疑惑沙沙作响,冷冷的春风第51话友情笑眯眯,心灵的ID片第52话再见兰兰,涩谷的天空依然没变 01)你系得嘅!辣妹掌门人寿兰02)涩谷大搜查线03)染红头发的少女04)男朋友运?有定系无呢?05)同阿绫绝交06)初中生刑警登场!07)黑影逼近!被袭击的美由!08)美由过去刺通的内心!09)回忆分碎!沙夜被人绑架!10)裕也的竞争对手出现!11)纵横涩谷!紧张刺激的格兰披治赛!12)剑道少女!拜拜!13)变咗乖乖女掌门人!寿兰!14)闪亮的辣妹新星!真希!15)报仇之火!滑板比赛!16)阳光普照的恋爱纪念日!17)恋爱的心!阿绫要表白?18)台场的惩罚!大决战!19)阳光普照!夏天的少女!20)麻美的初恋情人!21)必胜的咆吼!运动会!22)开放日!PARA_PARA明匠皇后!23)狠狠地揭开!老师的假面具!24)马骝要返町田!达吉失恋呀!25)大和!真系求婚呀!26)寿兰变左超级刑警!27)吉吉Brother!直吉出场!28)男人之苦!失恋系一件好痛苦的事呀!29)麻美妺妺!爱上裕也呀!30)池袋的假发之谜!31)新开张的棕梠树咖啡店!32)小兰忿怒的新敌人出现!33)月野霞的怒火!复仇大作战!34)阿绫的忧愁!乙幡病!35)恋爱预告!选择乙幡?定片濑呢?36)北方温泉!辣妹捣乱事件!37)秘密揭穿!麻美妺妺的危机!38)乙幡的提醒!片濑的真面目!39)平安夜!恋爱的紧急钟声!40)唔系呀嘛!小兰变成沙夜?41)涩谷战士!远急美少女!42)爸爸!模范的警官培训计划!43)理惠的爱情故事!44)殉职!台场大白鲨的下场!45)恋爱状况!各式各样的情人节!46)超级拉面大赛!47)月野霞!渴望得到的长楼!48)激烈的辣妺决斗!麻美的结局!49)美由被抢走的家!50)恋之疑惑!寒冷的春风!51)宝贵的友情!心中的名字牌!52)再见小兰!涩谷仲系一样的天空!

超GALS!寿兰 下载地址拜托了各位 谢谢



寿 兰 (kotobuki ran)凤南高中1年级学生,出生在警察世家,不只双亲、哥哥是警察,连小妹的志愿也是当警察。但寿兰却完全不想步家人的后尘,她的人生观就是「及时行乐」!寿兰目前是涩谷最强辣妹,也是小有名气的女高中生教祖。为人非常重视友情,性格直爽,有些迷糊,但为人正直。     星野 绫 (hoshino aya)寿兰的同学,成绩优秀又认真。为了当个乖宝宝,让她承受极大压力,以致于自暴自弃。幸好寿兰即时骂醒了她,两人也从此成为好朋友。喜欢乙幡丽,最后和丽在一起了! 山咲美由 (yamazaki miyu)凤南高中1年级学生,国中时代非常荒唐,但由于寿兰的哥哥-寿大和的帮助,而重新站起来。和寿兰从国中开始就是死党,目前跟寿大和甜蜜恋爱中(漫画版已结婚)。 黑井达树 (kuroi tatsuki)外号「町田BLACK」,偶然在涩谷与寿兰相遇,两人一拍即合,很快就发展为男女朋友,和兰的性格相似。 乙 幡丽 (otohata rei)明匠第一高中1年级学生,超级高中生选拔会第一名的无敌大帅哥,堪称辣妹界的偶像!不但个性超酷,也经常摆出一副别来烦我的表情,欣赏兰,最后和凌在一起了。 麻生裕也 (asou yuya)明匠第一高中1年级学生,超级高中生选拔会第二名的大帅哥,寿兰等人私底下称他为「第2名」。虽然很喜欢寿兰,却爱在心里口难开,最后和真美在一起了。 寿 大和 (kotobuki yamato)寿兰的哥哥,在涩谷派出所工作的警察。曾经帮助美由洗心革面,目前2人正在交往中。   寿 泰三寿兰的爸爸,目前在警视厅搜查一课活跃中。每天都为寿兰的事情烦恼。   清香寿兰的妈妈,也是个女警。是个贤妻良母,既温柔又坚强。   寿 沙夜 (kotobuki sayo)寿兰的妹妹,将来的志愿是当警察。正义感十足并以「国中刑事」自居,非常活跃。   祝 匡斗沙夜的男朋友,和沙夜一起为街坊和平而努力。   本田真美 (honda mami)出没于池袋的辣妹,虽然看起来并不起眼,其实是就读大小姐学校的超级富豪之女。对于凡事都想抢第一的真美,寿兰是她最大的劲敌!玩世不恭,最后和裕也在一起了。


寿兰-Kotobuki Ran 16岁 故事的主角,凤南高校一年的寿兰一心想成为涉谷第一,天下超级辣妹,而且常常上课迟到,不完成作业。但好胜,大胆,直接,追求时髦的她一看到不公平的事,便会热血沸腾~正义感大发。因此倍受涉谷的年轻人欢迎。 山美由-Yamazaki Miyu 16岁 寿兰的死党,同学,也是寿兰哥哥大和的女朋友。曾经是黑帮老大的她,由于寿兰和大和的感化~而变的性情温和,与寿兰一起要成为涉谷的超级辣妹。长的很可爱。 星野绫-Hoshino Aya 16岁 寿兰的死党,同学。温和,高雅,学习成绩优异的她一度迷失自己,后被寿兰感化~决心要做好自己~也要寿兰一起要成为涉谷的超级辣妹。她一直很喜欢乙幡麓,但被乙幡麓拒绝后还是努力要成为乙幡麓的女朋友。

graphis gals是什么意思



John Galsworthy约翰·高尔斯华绥Main ContentPersonal experienceRepresentative works& Writing characteristicsCharacter evaluationPersonal experienceJohn Galsworthy (1867-1933) born in a wealthy bourgeois family in Surrey Kingston hill, His father is a famous lawyer in London 。He once read law at Oxford University, and obtained lawyer qualification in 1890,but he has no interest to actively engage in legal work。 In after years。 He traveled around the world高尔斯华绥简介, partly in order to study the law of the sea, part of the reason is to receive his father"s urging, escape from a pile of inappropriate love entanglement。 During the first world war, he is old, can"t attend the service, but donated all his income to the war, and service in a hospital in France for nearly six months。Galsworthy is also a founding member of The Pen and served as the first President。In 1917, He refused jazz title awarded to him。In 1932, Galsworthy was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature because of his excellentartistic of description。The last thing he had to do is to donate the Nobel Prize to establish the Trust for PenOn January 31, 1933, he passed away at home in London Hampstead dc。 Anecdotes1895, Galsworthy returned to London, the relationship between he and Ada has made progress。 Ada and Yassa are on bad term, but she and Galsworthy was like peas and carrots。 In the Ada"s encouragement, Galsworthy decided to engage in professional writing。 His father is a moralist with Victorian features, could not tolerate something like that happened。 So before his cousin died in 1904, the relationship between Ada and Galsworthy has been hidden。 In 1905,Ada and Galsworthy married, one year ago the day they married Ada divorced Yassa。 Representative works& Writing characteristicsAt the age of 30, Galsworthy published his first book, but it didn"t cause social attention until 1904, when The Island Pharisees was published。 The Island Pharisees is the first masterpiece that truly contains Galsworthy creative idea, and was his first time to use his real name to publish work。In 1906, Galsworthy complete novel The Man of Property, it is seen as a landmark in the development of his art。 The novel shows maturity and consummate craft *** anship。 It established his place in literature as a representative of bourgeois reali *** in the 20 th -century English novelnovelsThe Forsyte SagaThe idea of creating a series of novels portraying the history of English bourgeois life occurred to Galsworthy while he was writing his next novel, In Chancery 。 The project was carried out in The Forsyte Saga , his masterpiece。 It took Galsworthy 22 years(1906-1928)to accomplish this monumental work。 The Forsyte Saga gives a profound and true-to-life picture of the English bourgeois society during a period of 40 years, beginning from the eighties of the 19 th century up to th twenties of the 20 th century。 The most important workThe title of The Forsyte Saga is generally applied to the epic of the Forsyte family in two trilogies, each consisting of three novels and two interludes。 The sequence is as follows:The Forsyte Saga (the first trilogy):The Man of Property (1906)The Indian Summer of a Forsyte(Interlude,1997)In chancery (1920)Awakening (Interlude,1921)To Let (1921)A Modern Comedy(the second trilogy):The White Monkey(1924)Asilent Wooing(Interlude,1927)The Silver Spoon(1926)Passers-By (Interlude,1927)Swan Song(1928)Galsworthy also distinguishes himself as a playwright, having written 28 plays。 In his plays he dwells upon the burning social problems of his time。 His most important plays include The Sliver Box(1906)accusing the British society for its contrasting treatment of two men, the one rich the other poor, who are guilty of the same crime, and Strife(1909), depicting the conflict between labourand capital。playsRepresentative works& Writing characteristicsDespite the fact that reali *** of Galsworthy works really represents a modern tendencies,but they still think his direct narrative have been out of date。 “The self-righteous bigot”Character evaluationVirginia Woolf:“Too late高尔斯华绥简介, has not been approved in a timely manner”The New Republic:Few deny Galsworthy"s achievements, but there are a lot of people think that it"s better if the Nobel Prize for literature can awarded him in his heyday。We cannot control lifebut we can fight with itWe cannot control lifebut we can fight with itJohn GalsworthyThanks!


egoist[英][u02c8egu0259u028au026ast][美][u02c8iɡou026ast, u02c8u025bɡo-]n.自我主义者

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Tired, miserable even bored is the way that many people feel when they wake up in the morning to get ready for work. Even the very thought of work puts some people in a bad mood. Others may not mind work but still do not look forward to going. It is a rare occasion to find someone who is completely satisfied with his or her career. However, for one man, work is bliss.Yah, we can see in "Quality" by Galsworthy , Gessler, the shoemaker, is shown to be a man of integrity and of complete dedication to his work. the story of the hopeless struggle of good craftsmanship against low-price industry. Mr. Gessler had his own shoe business where he made leather boots. His dedication is shown through the fact that, "He made only what was ordered, never taking ready-made shoes down from the shelf." He wanted each pair of boots to be a custom fit to each individual and for every pair he made, he used a pattern taken from the customer"s foot size. One day the narrator of the story walked into Mr. Galsworthy"s shop wearing a pair of boots from a big business. Mr. Gessler noticed them right away and after a short time he said, "Dey get id all, dey get id by advertisement, nod by work. Dey take it away from us, who lofe our boots."Later in the story, the reader comes to find out that Mr. Gessler is forced to sacrifice half of his shop to a big business. He continued to make his boots for the same price and with the same amount of painstaking work. He must be truly dedicated in order to love his business unconditionally.Mr. Gessler spent such an incredible amount of time preparing the shoes, never trying to forget the process, in order to make them as perfect as possible and because of this, he stood behind all of his work. The narrator, absent-minded of the fact that Mr.Gessler was so passionate about his boots once said to him, "Mr. Gessler, that last pair of boots creaked, you know." Angered by the boy"s comment, Mr. Gessler said, "Zend dem back! I will look at dem." He went on to say, "Zome boods, are bad from birdt. If I can do noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill." Not only does this show dedication, but also integrity because he was honest about his work and wanted to satisfy his customer.Near the end of the story, the narrator comes back to Mr.Gessler"s shop after a long hiatus, only to find out that Mr. Gessler was no longer alive. When he questioned the worker about his death the man said, "Slow starvation, the doctor called it. You see, he went to work in such a way!… Never gave "imself time to eat; never had a penny in the house. All went in rent and leather… He regular let his fire go out…But he made good boots." That last sentence was the meaning of the whole story. Mr. Gessler dedicated his life to making boots. No matter what he had to sacrifice, including his life, he was willing to do it for the love of his work. Even in his last few days of life, he never stopped making boots, and he even finished the narrator"s boots before he died.Mr. Gessler indeed was a man of integrity and dedication. His dedication was shown through his struggle to please every customer, and his integrity was shown through his honest way of life and his credibility in his work. In his mind, the needs of his customers more important than his own, and when he was no longer in business, he had no reason to go on living. 这篇文章主要描述了一个男人以自己所做的卑微工作为荣誉,人生意义只存在于追求质量、满足他人需求,对工作的热爱近乎于病态,离了工作就失了一切。这是篇读后感外加人物分析,希望你能满意。

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