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一个英国水手遇船难漂流到一个无人的荒岛上,在这种极度与世隔绝,又需要与大自然搏斗的情况下,他必须尽力让自己保持理智。他在岛上将一个当地土著由食人族手中救出,而当他在面对一个与自己不同种族、宗教与文化的人时,第一个反应是要取得优势地位。因此他将土著取名为星期五,而且叫他称呼自己为「主人」。星期五是被族人当成祭祀品带回到原来的部落。随著这段朝夕相处的日子,鲁宾逊因这个土著而改变了自己。也由于他们之间的友谊他才得以存活下去,不幸的是星期五最后被奴隶贩子射杀,鲁宾逊在两年的流浪生涯之后带着这段友谊的怀念及一个全新的自己回到了家乡。 我父亲原来指望我学法律,但是我却一心想去航海。有一天,我去赫尔,我的一位同伴正要坐他父亲的船到伦敦去,再没有什么比这更让我动心了,我必须跟他而去——这是1651年的8月,当时我十九岁。 船刚驶出海口,便碰到了可怕的风浪,使我感到全身说不出的难过,心里十分恐惧。我在痛苦的心情中发了誓,假如上帝在这次航行中留下我的命,我在登上陆地后,就一直回到我慈爱的父母身边,从此一定听从他们的忠告办事。 可是第二天风停了,浪也歇了。太阳西沉,继之而来的是一个美丽可爱的黄昏,这时又喝了我的同伴酿的一碗甜酒,我就把这次航行后便回家的决心丢到九霄云外去了。我的这种习性给我的一生招来了巨大的不幸——任性的行动常给我带来灾难,可我总不肯在灾难来临的时刻乘机悔改。待到危险一过去,就忘掉了所有的誓言,又不顾一切地投入了我的毫无名堂的生活。 在第一次狂风暴雨似的航行后,我又有过几次不同的冒险。在去非洲的几内亚做生意时,我被一艘土耳其的海盗船俘虏,被卖为奴隶,经过许多危险,我逃到了巴西,在那里独自经营一个甘蔗种植园,生活过得很顺心。可这时我却又成了诱惑的牺牲品。巴西因为人工不足,有几个种植园主知道我曾为做生意而到过非洲的一些奴隶市场口岸,他们竭力哄诱我作一次航行,到那一带去为他们的种植园买些黑奴回来。 听从坏主意,人就会倒霉。我们的船在南美洲北岸一个无名岛上触了礁,所有的水手及乘客全都淹死了,上帝保佑,只有我一个人被高高的海浪卷到了岸上,保住了一条命。当时我所有的只是一把刀、一只烟斗和一个盒子里装的一点儿烟草。待到我的体力恢复,可以走路了时,我就沿着海岸走去。使我大为高兴的是,我发现了淡水。喝了水后,又拿一小撮烟草放在嘴里解饿。我就在一棵树上栖身,舒舒服服地睡了一觉振作了精神,海上风平浪静。但最叫我高兴的是我看见了那艘船,待到潮水退下,看到它竟离海岸很近,我发现可以很方便地游到船上去。船上只剩下一只狗和两只猫,再没有别的生物。不过船上有大量的生活必需品,这样,我就干了起来。为了把那些东西运到这个岛的一个水湾里,我专门制造了一只木筏,还把岛上有淡水而且比较平坦的一块高地作了我的住所。面包、大米、大麦和小麦、干酪和羊肉干、糖、面粉、木板、圆木、绳子——所有这些,再加上几支滑膛枪、两支手枪、几支鸟枪、一把锤子,还有——那是最没有用的——三十六镑英币。所有这些东西我都一天又一天——在两次退潮之间一一从船上运到了岸上。到了第三十天夜里,我的搬运工作做完了,我躺下来时,虽然像平常一样害怕,但我心里对上帝也满怀感恩之情,因为我知道,我已为以后对付这个荒岛作好了准备而心里感到踏实了。 岛上有不少野果树,但这是我过了好久才发现的,我把它晒成葡萄干。岛上还有到处乱跑的山羊,但是,要不是我从船上取来了枪支弹药,它们对我又有何好处呢?因此,我有理由感谢仁慈的上帝,让船搁在海岸边,直至使我搬来了对我有用的一切东西。 要想确保我能在这个岛上生存下来,还有许多事情要做。我尽可能地相继办了几件我非办不可的事。但是我的努力并非总是交上好运道。我在第一次播下大麦和稻子的种子时,这些宝贵的存货就浪费了一半,原因是播种得不是时候。我辛辛苦苦花了几个月工夫,挖了几个地窖以备贮存淡水。花了四十二天时间,才把一棵大树砍劈成我的第一块长木板。我起劲地干了好几个星期,想制造一个捣小麦的石臼,最后却只好挖空了一大块木头。我足足花了五个月工夫,砍倒一棵大铁树,又劈又削,让它成了一只很像样的独木舟,以备用来逃离这个小岛,可结果却因为怎么也没法子使它下到海里去而不得不把它丢弃了。不过,每一桩失败的事,都教给了我以前不知道的一些知识。 至于自然环境,岛上有狂风暴雨,还有地震。我那时也对一切都适应了。我种植并收获了我的大麦和小麦;我采来野葡萄,把它们晒成了很有营养的葡萄干;我饲养温驯的山羊,然后杀了吃,又熏又腌的。由于食物这样多种多样,供应还算不差。如此过了十二个年头,其间,岛上除了我本人之外,我从来没见到过一个人迹。这样一直到了那重大的一天,我在沙滩上偶然发现了一个人的光脚印。 我当时好像挨了一个晴天霹雳。我侧耳倾听,回头四顾,可是什么也没听见,什么也没看见。我跑到海岸上,还下海去查看,可是总共就只有那么一个脚印!我惊吓到了极点,像一个被人跟踪追捕的人似地逃回到我的住处。一连三天三夜,我都不敢外出。 这是人怕人的最好说明!经过十二年的痛苦和苦干,十二年跟自然环境相抗争,竟然会因一个人的一只脚印而恐怖不安!但事情就是这样。经过观察,我了解到这是那块大陆上的那些野人吃人的一种习惯。他们把打仗时抓来的俘虏带到这个岛上我很少去的那个地方,杀死后大吃一顿。有一天早晨,我从望远镜里看见三十个野蛮人正在围着篝火跳舞。他们已煮食了一个俘虏,还有两个正准备放到火上去烤,这时我提着两支上了子弹的滑膛枪和那柄大刀往下朝他们跑了去,及时救下了他们来不及吃掉的一个俘虏。我把我救下的这个人起名为"星期五",以纪念他是在星期五这一天获救的,他讲话的声音成了我在这个岛上二十五年来第一次听到的人声。他年轻,聪明,是一个较高级的部族的野蛮人,后来在我留在岛上的那段时间,他始终是我的个可靠的伙伴。在我教了他几句英语后,星期五跟我讲了那大陆上的事。我决定离开我的岛了。我们制造了一只船,这次不是在离海岸很远的地方造。正当我们差不多已准备驾船启航时,又有二十一个野蛮人乘着三只独木船,带了三个俘虏到这个岛上来开宴会了。其中一个俘虏是个白人,这可把我气坏了。我把两支鸟枪、四支滑膛枪、两支手枪都装上双倍弹药,给了星期五一把小斧头,还给他喝了好多甘蔗酒,我自己带上了大刀,我们冲下山去,把他们全杀死了,只逃走了四个野蛮人。 俘虏中有一个是星期五的父亲。那个白人是西班牙人,是我前几年看见的那艘在我的岛上触礁的船上的一个幸存者,当时我还从那艘船上取来了一千二百多枚金币,但对这些钱我毫不看重,因为它们并不比沙滩上的那些沙子更有价值。 我给了那个西班牙人和星期五的父亲枪支和食物,叫他们乘着我新造的船去把那艘西班牙船上遇难的水手们带到我的岛上来。正在等待他们回来时,有一艘英国船因水手闹事而在我的岛附近抛了锚。我帮那位船长夺回了他的船,跟他一起回到了英国。我们走时带走了两个也想回英国去的老实的水手,而让闹事闹得最凶的一些水手留在了岛上。后来,那些西班牙人回来了,都在岛上居留了下来。开始时他们双方争吵不和,但定居后,终于建立起了一个兴旺的殖民地,过了几年,我有幸又到那个岛上去过一次。 我离开那个岛时,已在岛上呆了二十八年两个月二十九天。我总以为我一到英国就会高兴不尽,没想到我在那里却成了一个异乡人。我的父母都已去世,真太令人遗憾了,要不我现在可以孝敬地奉养他们,因为我除了从那艘西班牙船上取来的一千二百个金币之外,还有两万英镑等待着我到一个诚实的朋友那儿去领取,这位朋友是一位葡萄牙船长,在我去干那项倒霉的差事之前,我委托他经营我在巴西的庄园。正是为了去干那差事,使我在岛上住了二十八年。我见他如此诚实,十分高兴,我决定每年付给他一百葡萄牙金币,并在他死后每年付给他儿子五十葡萄牙金币,作为他们终生的津贴。 我结了婚,生了三个孩子,我除了因为要到那个上面讲的我住过的岛上去看看,又作了一次航行之外,再没作漫游了。我住在这儿,为我不配得到的享受而心怀感激,决心现在就去作一切旅行中最长的旅行。如果说我学到了什么的话,那就是要认识退休生活的价值和祈祷在平静中过完我们的余日




格列佛游记》中的讽刺是一把多刃的利剑。...斯威夫特以其特殊方式折射着他所存身的社会的两面性:既以...请它给我作证。 小人国用跳绳比赛来选拔官员在飞岛国与鬼魂谈话


格列佛游记英文讨论:I want to tread carefully here, and not because I might step on a Lilliputianand squish him. I want to explain who "Gulliver"s Travels" is for, and who it might not be for.One person it is definitely for is Gloria DeMent, the 84-year-old grandmotherwho wrote AP film critic Christy Lemire in horror after spending $96 to take four generations of her family to see "The Nutcracker in 3-D." She wrote: "It broke myheart when we left the theater that my little great-granddaughters (ages 5-13)had sad little, confused faces."Believe me, Auntie Glo, there would have been smiles on those faces afterthis movie.However, this is not really a movie for Jack Black fans - not the Jack Black of"School of Rock," for sure. They"re used to seeing Jack with his shirt off, but to seetheir bad boy getting tiny cannonballs embedded in his belly may not be what they have in mind, not even when he sticks out his gut and the cannonballs pop out again and demolish an enemy armada.


乔纳森·斯威夫特 海明威 笛福


Gulliver"s Travels recounts the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a practical-minded Englishman trained as a surgeon who takes to the seas when his business fails. In a deadpan first-person narrative that rarely shows any signs of self-reflection or deep emotional response, Gulliver narrates the adventures that befall him on these travels.Gulliver"s adventure in Lilliput begins when he wakes after his shipwreck to find himself bound by innumerable tiny threads and addressed by tiny captors who are in awe of him but fiercely protective of their kingdom. After staying in England with his wife and family for two months, Gulliver undertakes his next sea voyage, which takes him to a land of giants called Brobdingnag. Next, Gulliver sets sail again and, after an attack by pirates, ends up in Laputa, then travels to Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg and Japan.Finally, on his fourth journey, Gulliver sets out as captain of a ship. He returns to his home in England. However, he is unable to reconcile himself to living among Yahoos; he becomes a recluse, remaining in his house, largely avoiding his family and his wife, and spending several hours a day speaking with the horses in his stables. Gulliver then concludes his narrative with a claim that the lands he has visited belong by rights to England, as her colonies, even though he questions the whole idea of colonialism.


最短的:Gulliver"s Travels, Jonathan Swift"s brilliant, satirical adventure, is a must-read. It is an appealing novel containing both, whimsy and wit. Swift seamlessly blends fact with fiction in this tale of an English ship surgeon. It pokes fun at the travelogues of this time period.Lemuels Gulliver goes on four remarkable voyages across the globe and gets himself in several different situations. Symbolism, humor, and intelligence fill all three-hundred and eleven pages. The reader gets a good laugh all through the book at the expense of the main character. Gulliver has no sense of humor and adapts to every single environment that he is in. The book is well written masterpiece full of details. It is impossible to lose interest while reading each eventful chapter. The reader can never really predict what is next for the adventurous, gullible Gulliver.Gulliver"s travels is a novel that anyone who has an imagination would find entertaining and appealing. On the other hand, some members of the book club will find this book to ridiculous. This novel is not the typical satire, drama, comedy or adventure. Most books that we book worms read are serious or sometimes dark but this novel is neither. It is a fun read that doesn"t take itself too seriously.1If you come to Gulliver"s Travels only knowing it as told to children, you could be as surprised as if you mistook a grizzly bear for a teddy. Despite it"s magical narrative, Swift"s black humour and acute satire are the book"s chief pleasures.In the first voyage Gulliver is shipwrecked, waking up with his body and hair fastened to the ground. He is addressed in a strange language by a “human Creature not six inches high”, and then harmlessly attacked by a minute army. When he becomes a servant of the King of Lilliput the satire begins to bite. As we view the Lilliputians through Gulliver"s eyes, their wars and politics (which echo the events of Swift"s day) appear proportionately small-minded and vicious. Disillusioned with Lilliputian society, Gulliver soon seeks his escape.In the second voyage the situation is reversed. Fortunately, the giants of Brobdingnag are for the most part kind-hearted, and Gulliver becomes deeply attached to them. Nevertheless, he is vulnerable not just to gigantic wasps, monkeys and cow-pats, but also to criticism of his own species. After questioning Gulliver about the history of Britain, the King is wounding: “I cannot but conclude the Bulk of your Natives, to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth”.The remaining voyages progressively show humanity"s wickedness in a starker light. In the final voyage a race of super-intelligent horses debate whether to exterminate the revolting human Yahoos who blight their island. The reader"s sympathies are somewhat mixed. By this point, Gulliver"s Travels has become less a satire than a fictional polemic, a forebear of The Time Machine, Brave New World and Animal Farm. Like the authors of these novels, Swift powerfully exploits his imaginative resources to ask unsettling questions about politics, science and human nature. It may not be suitable for kids, but it is literature of the very highest order.2Lemuel Gulliver tells his story of wanderlust and the marvelous countries he visited while travelling. His travels took place in the early 1700"s when England was discovering and claiming lands around the world. Yet Gulliver did not try to claim the lands he discovered for Mother England.Gulliver visits Lilliput, where the residents are only about six inches tall. His next journey takes him to Brobdingnag, where the residents are about sixty feet tall. In each of these places he is an oddity because of his size. His ship is overtaken by pirates on his next trip and he is rescued by the people on Laputa, an island that floats in the air above the world. On his last expedition he winds up shipwrecked in Houyhnhnm, a land where the intelligent species looks like our horses. The abridged version of his travels are amazing to anyone young or old.The unabridged version of this story holds a lot of amusement for any politically savvy adult. Gulliver comments on each country"s government and how it is superior to the English and European governments. He uses these countries to highlight all the problems within his own country. His description of lawyers still fits to a tea even today. He saterizes every level of government and human failings.All too often I found myself tuning out as Gulliver continued to describe his government to another country"s leader. Of course that other leader could not understand how anyone could live the way Gulliver depicted. Other times I would be laughing at how well Swift would show ourselves to us. The research school is beyond imagination. I also know why most dramatizations stop after Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Swift uses the last two countries to poke most of his barbs. The travels drag in my opinion when he keeps going on about the govermnments or actions of men. He uses satire like a stick to beat the reader over the head.There were times I was sick of his (Gulliver"s) self righteousness. He was always unfailingly polite (except to a dwarf in the giant land) and would never presume. He would listen to reason among all rulers of lands and try to explain his own countrymen logically. Swift draws Gulliver as extremely proper. By the end of the book Gulliver has withdrawn from society. Society hasn"t lost anything by his isolation.




《格列佛游记 Gulliver s Travels 2010 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:1cd2格列佛(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 饰)是一个公司邮政室小职员,岁数也不小,可事业和爱情却都一无所成,平时唯一的爱好就是星球大战玩偶作伴。一次阴差阳错的公派任务,把他带到了百慕大群岛,不料,出海即遭遇到大风暴。待一切风平浪静之后发现自己来到了一个地图上没有的神秘小岛Lilliput,这里住着成百上千“小人”。而自己正被他们用无数根绳子“钉”在了海滩上,成为了他们俘虏。但久而久之,小人国的人民和格列佛变成了好朋友。此时公主(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt)将被下嫁到另一个国家,但她已有了青梅竹马的爱人,格列佛出面化解了两国的纠纷,还帮助公主和爱人完成终身大事。格列佛因而变成了这里的英雄人物,而这段经历也让他明白了人类的内心的强大与否无关外表。

求英语名篇的翻译!是典范英语的白牙 格列佛游记 海底两万里!

The cruel fate of so Xinong door body was unfortunate, but it can not force him to lie lie


Context Jonathan Swift, son of the English lawyer Jonathan Swift the elder, was born in Dublin, Ireland, on November 30, 1667. He grew up there in the care of his uncle before attending Trinity College at the age of fourteen, where he stayed for seven years, graduating in 1688. In that year, he became the secretary of Sir William Temple, an English politician and member of the Whig party. In 1694, he took religious orders in the Church of Ireland and then spent a year as a country parson. He then spent further time in the service of Temple before returning to Ireland to become the chaplain of the earl of Berkeley. Meanwhile, he had begun to write satires on the political and religious corruption surrounding him, working on A Tale of a Tub, which supports the position of the Anglican Church against its critics on the left and the right, and The Battle of the Books, which argues for the supremacy of the classics against modern thought and literature. He also wrote a number of political pamphlets in favor of the Whig party. In 1709 he went to London to campaign for the Irish church but was unsuccessful. After some conflicts with the Whig party, mostly because of Swift"s strong allegiance to the church, he became a member of the more conservative Tory party in 1710. Unfortunately for Swift, the Tory government fell out of power in 1714 and Swift, despite his fame for his writings, fell out of favor. Swift, who had been hoping to be assigned a position in the Church of England, instead returned to Dublin, where he became the dean of St. Patrick"s. During his brief time in England, Swift had become friends with writers such as Alexander Pope, and during a meeting of their literary club, the Martinus Scriblerus Club, they decided to write satires of modern learning. The third voyage of Gulliver"s Travels is assembled from the work Swift did during this time. However, the final work was not completed until 1726, and the narrative of the third voyage was actually the last one completed. After his return to Ireland, Swift became a staunch supporter of the Irish against English attempts to weaken their economy and political power, writing pamphlets such as the satirical A Modest Proposal, in which he suggests that the Irish problems of famine and overpopulation could be easily solved by having the babies of poor Irish subjects sold as delicacies to feed the rich. Gulliver"s Travels was a controversial work when it was first published in 1726. In fact, it was not until almost ten years after its first printing that the book appeared with the entire text that Swift had originally intended it to have. Ever since, editors have excised many of the passages, particularly the more caustic ones dealing with bodily functions. Even without those passages, however, Gulliver"s Travels serves as a biting satire, and Swift ensures that it is both humorous and critical, constantly attacking British and European society through its descriptions of imaginary countries. Late in life, Swift seemed to many observers to become even more caustic and bitter than he had been. Three years before his death, he was declared unable to care for himself, and guardians were appointed. Based on these facts and on a comparison between Swift"s fate and that of his character Gulliver, some people have concluded that he gradually became insane and that his insanity was a natural outgrowth of his indignation and outrage against humankind. However, the truth seems to be that Swift was suddenly incapacitated by a paralytic stroke late in life, and that prior to this incident his mental capacities were unimpaired. Gulliver"s Travels is about a specific set of political conflicts, but if it were nothing more than that it would long ago have been forgotten. The staying power of the work comes from its depiction of the human condition and its often despairing, but occasionally hopeful, sketch of the possibilities for humanity to rein in its baser instincts. 第一卷写的是格列佛在小人国(利立普特)的遭遇,格列佛与利立普特人的大小比例为十二比一,那里的居民身高仅6英寸,格列佛置身其中,就像一座“巨人山”。起先他被小人们捆了起来,但后来由于他表现温顺并答应接受某些条件,小人国国王同意恢复他的自由。此时,该国正遭到另一小人国(布莱夫斯库)入侵,格列佛涉过海峡把敌国舰队的大部分船只掳来,迫使敌国遣使求和。尽管格列佛立了大功,但后来因在几件事情上得罪了国王,国王决定刺瞎他的双眼,将他活活饿死。格列佛得知消息,仓皇逃向邻国,修好一只小船,起航回家。 第二卷描述格列佛在大人国的遭遇。在这一卷里,格列佛又一次出海时,遭遇风暴,船被刮至一片陌生的陆地。这陆地叫布罗卜丁奈格(大人国)。那里的居民身高有如铁塔。格列佛一到这里,由“巨人山”一下子变成了侏儒,置身大人国,自己仿佛变成了一个利立普特(小人国)人,比例倒了过来,成了一比十二。在大人国的农夫面前,格列佛像鼹鼠般大小,被农夫当作玩物带回家。为了赚钱,农夫竟把他带到市镇,让他耍把戏,供人观赏。后来他被王后买去,得以与大人国的国王相处。逐渐地,格列佛思乡之情日益浓烈,在一次随国王巡视边境时佯称有病,去海边呼吸新鲜空气。当他在岸边钻进小木箱睡觉时,一只大鹰将木箱叼走。后来木箱落入大海,被路过的船只发现,里面的格列佛获救,终于又回到英国。 第三卷写的是飞岛国。这一卷比较松散,铺得较开,写格列佛以勒皮他(飞岛)游历为中心,兼及巴尔尼巴比、拉格奈格、格勒大锥和日本四个地方的游记。 第四卷描述了格列佛在贤马国(“慧骃国”)的所见所闻。这是历来最为争议的部分。在那里,格列佛遭到智慧而理性的慧骃的放逐,满心怅惘地回到那块生他养他如今却叫他厌恶的故土,愤怒而又无可奈何地与一帮“野胡”在一起度过自己的余生。 在这些虚构的国度里可以找到当时英国社会的痕迹。作品集中反映了18世纪前半期英国社会的种种矛盾,对英国政治制度作了辛辣的讽刺。如小人国里的高跟鞋代表的是当时的辉格党,而低跟鞋代表的是托利党,关于打破鸡蛋是从大的一头打还是从小的一头打的争论反映了宗教战争。主人公格列佛勤劳、勇敢、机智、善良。作品想象丰富,构思奇特,勾画出一个五彩缤纷的神奇世界。幻想与现实的有机统一是这部作品的最大特点。首版在一周内售完,并立即被译成法文和荷兰文。18世纪末叶出现了改编的小册子。伦敦塔巴特出版社于1805年首次出版了专门的儿童版本,并附有三幅彩色铜板插画。迄今的儿童版本一般只涉及格列佛在小人国和大人国的奇遇。《格列佛游记》对英国和世界儿童文学产生过重要影响,尤其是其勾想手法、离奇描写在英国儿童文学史上有开拓意义。