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中文名:梅根·妮可  外文名:Megan Nicole Flores  出生日期:1993年9月1日   星座:处女座  出生地:美国德克萨斯州休斯顿  擅长:吉他、钢琴、电子琴  喜欢的明星:Avril Lavigne、Katy Perry、Lady Gaga、Selena Gomez、 Taylor Swift等  朋友: Tiffany Alvord、 Jason Chen, Dave Days、 Boyce Avenue等Meggan Mallone  梅根·玛珑  个人档案  生日:1986年12月30日  出生地:休斯顿,德克萨斯州,美国  身高:175cm  三围:32C-26-34  Meggan Mallone 1986年12月30日出生于德克萨斯州的休斯顿


Swagga -- 摇摆Swagga like us -- 像我们一样摇摆


nigga和nigger区别:含义不同,具体如下:1、African:黑人,非洲人,非洲裔的,一般比较正式。2、black:黑人,泛指所有黑人,包括非洲,北美,拉美等地区的黑人,或者是印度人,阿拉伯人这样的黑皮肤白种人。3、nigger:黑人,俚语,一般是侮辱性词语,可以翻译成黑鬼,但是也有很多黑人自称是nigger。4、negro:黑人,一般比较中性,带着一点嘲讽味道。5、nigga:黑鬼,黑佬,是俚语,一个比nigger侮辱性稍微有点弱的词语,nigger和nigga读音相似,但是nigger最后的儿化音更明显一些,但是如果是朋友之间的调侃,可以翻译成臭小子,你这小子。nigger的由来:1、Nigger翻译过来是黑鬼,是英文中其他种族对黑色人种的蔑称。2、在英文中,与中文“黑鬼”对应的词是Nigger或Negro,Nigger比Negro更具侮辱性。3、2007年2月28日,纽约市禁止用此攻击性语言,含有此语言歌词的歌曲不予颁发格莱美奖。4、2014年11月9日,美国陆军政策文件中禁止使用“黑人”(Negro)一词,代之以“黑人”(Black)或“非洲裔美国人”(African American)。


nigga和nigger区别:含义不同,具体如下:1、African:黑人,非洲人,非洲裔的,一般比较正式。2、black:黑人,泛指所有黑人,包括非洲,北美,拉美等地区的黑人,或者是印度人,阿拉伯人这样的黑皮肤白种人。3、nigger:黑人,俚语,一般是侮辱性词语,可以翻译成黑鬼,但是也有很多黑人自称是nigger。4、negro:黑人,一般比较中性,带着一点嘲讽味道。5、nigga:黑鬼,黑佬,是俚语,一个比nigger侮辱性稍微有点弱的词语,nigger和nigga读音相似,但是nigger最后的儿化音更明显一些,但是如果是朋友之间的调侃,可以翻译成臭小子,你这小子。nigger的由来:1、Nigger翻译过来是黑鬼,是英文中其他种族对黑色人种的蔑称。2、在英文中,与中文“黑鬼”对应的词是Nigger或Negro,Nigger比Negro更具侮辱性。3、2007年2月28日,纽约市禁止用此攻击性语言,含有此语言歌词的歌曲不予颁发格莱美奖。4、2014年11月9日,美国陆军政策文件中禁止使用“黑人”(Negro)一词,代之以“黑人”(Black)或“非洲裔美国人”(African American)。

问个问题哈,How many luggage do you have?这句话为什么是错的






celine的luggage 包和boston包有什么区别


luggage后面能加s 吗


luggage bag case 有什么区别?

luggage 本意行李,一般机场,坐车,去外地或者回家所带的东西称为luggage,这里就是指装行李的皮箱木箱之类的。bags 包、袋,大小不限,软硬不限,皮质,针织,塑料的等等,应该能想象袋子是啥样子吧。。cases 盒子,箱子,一般纸箱啊,包装箱啊,公文包啊,文件包等等,貌似都是给人一种直直方方的里面放东西的感觉。。个人经验,仅供参考的说。。。

luggage 是可数,还是不可数? baggage呢? 谢谢!




“baggage 和 luggage ”有什么区别?

高中英语语法之baggage与luggage辨析:   1.baggage与luggage都可以表示“行李”,但是baggage为美国英语,luggage为英国英语,且两者都为不可数名词.   例句:She disencumbered him of his baggage.   她替他卸下身上的行李.   Their baggage was canoed across the river.   他们的行李用独木舟运过河去.   I held your luggage together with mine.   我把你的行李和我的捆在一起了.   Carry the luggage upstairs while I book the guests in.   我为客人登记,请你把行李拿到楼上去.   2.如果要表示具体数量,则可用单位词 piece (article).   例句:We allow passengers one piece of luggage each.   我们允许每位乘客携带一件行李.   3.注意hand-luggage(手提行李),left-luggage / left luggage(行李寄存)等的意思.   例句:Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage?   您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗?   What time does the left-luggage office close?   行李寄存处什么时候关门?   注意事项:luggage和baggage的区别在于:baggage一般指装满东西的箱包,luggage指空箱子.如箱包店出售的就不是baggage,而是luggage.   今天有关baggage与luggage的高中英语语法就这么多,同学们主要记住上面的例句即可.此外,文章中的注意事项,同学们也要留意一下.

soft-side luggage 是什么意思


“baggage 和 luggage ”有什么区别?

luggage和baggage的区别在于:baggage一般指装满东西的箱包,luggage指空箱子。 如箱包店出售的就不是baggage,而是luggage。 baggage与luggage都可以表示“行李”,但是baggage为美国英语,luggage为英国英语,且两者都为不可数名词。 但是baggage 有另外几个意思 : 1、[军]辎重 2、过时货 3、多余的东西 luggage 也有另外几个意思: 1、皮箱,皮包 2、红褐色 当然,实际应用中,二者差别很小。




LUGGAGE COMP OPEN行李托运开luggage[英][u02c8lu028cgu026adu0292][美][u02c8lu028cɡu026adu0292]n.<英>行李; <美>皮箱; 例句:1.My ipad and light carry-on luggage. 我的ipad和轻便手提行李。




行李的意思 不是颜色 就只是行李 皮箱的意思 就我所学过的颜色没见过这个 我也只是过了四级而已 是不是真有颜色的意思我就不知道了 后来网上查的时候也就是这个意思 貌似没有颜色的意思吧 是不是鞋标上面印错地方了

luggage 英语怎么读,谐音

単词 luggage n. 行李谐音可读:拉给者


luggage是不可数名词。主要用作名词,作名词时意为“行李;皮箱”。例句:What about our luggage?我们的行李怎么办? 双语例句 1、There"s room for one more piece of luggage. 还有地方再放一件行李。 2、Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination. 我们的行李一直被托运到最终目的地。 3、There is no help for those with lots of luggage and/ or small children. 对于行李多而且有小孩的人一点帮助都没有。 4、You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab. 你看着行李,我去找出租车。 5、Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car. 大家都帮着从汽车上卸行李。



Luggage 和 baggage有什么区别吗?





1.baggage与luggage都可以表示“行李”,但是baggage为美国英语,luggage为英国英语,且两者都为不可数名词.  例句:She disencumbered him of his baggage.  她替他卸下身上的行李.  Their baggage was canoed across the river.  他们的行李用独木舟运过河去.  I held your luggage together with mine.  我把你的行李和我的捆在一起了.  Carry the luggage upstairs while I book the guests in.  我为客人登记,请你把行李拿到楼上去.  2.如果要表示具体数量,则可用单位词 piece (article).  例句:We allow passengers one piece of luggage each.  我们允许每位乘客携带一件行李.  3.注意hand-luggage(手提行李),left-luggage / left luggage(行李寄存)等的意思.  例句:Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage?  您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗?  What time does the left-luggage office close?  行李寄存处什么时候关门?  注意事项:luggage和baggage的区别在于:baggage一般指装满东西的箱包,luggage指空箱子.如箱包店出售的就不是baggage,而是luggage.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,谢谢。


luggage和baggage的区别在于:baggage一般指装满东西的箱包,luggage指空箱子。如箱包店出售的就不是baggage,而是luggage。baggage与luggage都可以表示行李,但是baggage为美国英语,luggage为英国英语,且两者都为不可数名词。 扩展资料 luggage的.例句:Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of luggage(每位乘客可带两件30公斤的行李);baggage的例句:The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage(旅客通过入境检查后领取了自己的行李)。



“baggage 和 luggage ”有什么区别?

高中英语语法之baggage与luggage辨析:  1. baggage与luggage都可以表示“行李”,但是baggage为美国英语,luggage为英国英语,且两者都为不可数名词。  例句:She disencumbered him of his baggage.  她替他卸下身上的行李。  Their baggage was canoed across the river.  他们的行李用独木舟运过河去。  I held your luggage together with mine.  我把你的行李和我的捆在一起了。  Carry the luggage upstairs while I book the guests in.  我为客人登记,请你把行李拿到楼上去。  2. 如果要表示具体数量,则可用单位词 piece (article)。  例句:We allow passengers one piece of luggage each.  我们允许每位乘客携带一件行李。  3. 注意hand-luggage(手提行李),left-luggage / left luggage(行李寄存)等的意思。  例句:Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage?  您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗?  What time does the left-luggage office close?  行李寄存处什么时候关门?  注意事项:luggage和baggage的区别在于:baggage一般指装满东西的箱包,luggage指空箱子。如箱包店出售的就不是baggage,而是luggage。  今天有关baggage与luggage的高中英语语法就这么多,同学们主要记住上面的例句即可。此外,文章中的注意事项,同学们也要留意一下。


luggage[英][u02c8lu028cgu026adu0292][美][u02c8lu028cɡu026adu0292]n.<英>行李; <美>皮箱; Leave your luggage in the hotel. 将您的行李放在酒店。

Luggage 是什么意思

luggagen.<英>行李; <美>皮箱




luggage 英[u02c8lu028cɡidu0292] 美[u02c8lu028cɡu026adu0292] n. 1.行李 名词 n.1.行李 I"ve put your luggage on the train.我已把你的行李搬上火车了。


英语 中文 luggage音标:英 [ˈlʌgɪdʒ]美 [ˈlʌɡɪdʒ]词典释义n.<英>行李;<美>皮箱双语例句1.Leave your luggage in the hotel将您的行李放在酒店。2.Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of luggage.每位乘客可带两件30公斤的行李。3.Has the luggage been weighed?行李过磅了没有?英英释义noun1.cases used to carry belongings when travelingsynonym: baggage;






1.----备库取消归档应用ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL;2.----备库确定 lowest scncol current_scn for 99999999999999SELECT CURRENT_SCN FROM V$DATABASE;select min(fhscn) from x$kcvfh;select min(f.fhscn) from x$kcvfh f, v$datafile dwhere f.hxfil =d.file#and d.enabled != "READ ONLY" ;取上述查询中的最小值SQL> col current_scn for 999999999999999999SQL> SELECT CURRENT_SCN FROM V$DATABASE;CURRENT_SCN-------------------12611050666604SQL> select min(fhscn) from x$kcvfh;MIN(FHSCN)----------------12611050666605SQL> select min(f.fhscn) from x$kcvfh f, v$datafile dwhere f.hxfil =d.file#and d.enabled != "READ ONLY" ; 2 3MIN(F.FHSCN)----------------126110506666053.-----on primary db 端根据第2步中获取的最小scn 来进行增量备份BACKUP INCREMENTAL FROM SCN 12611050666604 DATABASE FORMAT "/lixora/ForStandby_%U" tag "FORSTANDBY";4.-----拷贝备份到 备库$scp ForStandby_07pqprm4_1_1 standby db 在备库端注册备份片,注意用户属主,权限RMAN> CATALOG START WITH "/lixora/ForStandby";6.----执行恢复RMAN> RECOVER DATABASE NOREDO;7.-----on primary db 生成新的standby 控制文件RMAN> BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE FOR STANDBY FORMAT "/lixora/ForStandbyCTRL.bck";8.----把主库端生成的standby 控制文件拷贝到备库,注意用户属主,权限RMAN> BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE FOR STANDBY FORMAT "/lixora/ForStandbyCTRL.bck";scp /lixora/ForStandbyCTRL.bck备份备库数据文件信息,用于在恢复新的standby 控制文件后比对spool datafile_names_step8.txtset lines 200col name format a60select file#, name from v$datafile order by file# ;spool off10.------on standby Db 恢复新的standby 控制文件RMAN> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE ;RMAN> STARTUP NOMOUNT;RMAN> RESTORE STANDBY CONTROLFILE FROM "/tmp/ForStandbyCTRL.bck";11.-----更新控制文件中的数据文件信息使新的standby 控制文件生效RMAN> SHUTDOWN;RMAN> STARTUP MOUNT;CATALOG START WITH "+DATA/zhglptdg/datafile/";12.------on primary db。确保在备库发生日志gap 后,主库没有添加过新的数据文件。SELECT FILE#, NAME FROM V$DATAFILE WHERE CREATION_CHANGE# > 12611050666604;如果有记录,则不能进行witch 操作,可以参考一下文档来恢复:Note 1531031.1 Steps to perform for Rolling forward a standby database using RMAN incremental backup when datafile is added to primary13.-----重命名数据文件RMAN> SWITCH DATABASE TO COPY;14.-----再次确认在恢复增量备份片后主库和备库scn 差距没有太大SQL> col current_scn for 99999999999999SELECT CURRENT_SCN FROM V$DATABASE;select min(fhscn) from x$kcvfh;select min(f.fhscn) from x$kcvfh f, v$datafile dwhere f.hxfil =d.file#and d.enabled != "READ ONLY" ;CURRENT_SCN---------------12614205662375MIN(FHSCN)----------------12614205076072MIN(F.FHSCN)----------------1261420507607215.------ On standby database, 清理standby 日志组select * from v$standby_log;SQL> ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE GROUP 1;SQL> ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE GROUP 2;SQL> ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE GROUP 3;16.------启动redo data applySQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE DISCONNECT;


歌曲名:SKINNY GUY REGGAE歌手:Sucker专辑:SKINNY GUY REGGAESkinny guy reggae脑袋放空 躺在沙发上忽然想到 该死的以后想要去找些事来做让自己心情别再沮丧但是又总是不知道不知道该做什么。。no one knows except me yeah yeah yeahi"m always so lonelyno one feels except meyeah yeah yeahi"m always so lonely现在什么话都不想说镜子里边面无表情的我想要去找些事来做让自己心情别再沮丧但是又总是不知道不知道该做什么。。no one knows except me yeah yeah yeahi"m always so lonelyno one feels except meyeah yeah yeahi"m always so lonely总是想要找些事来做让自己心情别再沮丧但是又总是不知道不知道该做什么。。no one knows except me yeah yeah yeahi"m always so lonelyno one feels except meyeah yeah yeahi"m always so lonely


Juggalo or Juggalette (the latter being feminine) is a name given to fans of Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records hip hop group. Juggalos have developed their own idioms, slang, and characteristics The term originated during a 1994 live performance by Insane Clown Posse. During the song "The Juggla", Joseph Bruce addressed the audience as Juggalos, and the positive response resulted in Bruce and Joseph Utsler using the word thereafter to refer to themselves and their friends, family, and fans, including other Psychopathic Records artists.Juggalos have compared themselves to a family. Common characteristics include drinking the inexpensive soft drink Faygo and wearing face paint.They view the lyrics of Psychopathic Records artists (which are often violent in nature) as a catharsis for aggression.简单说来就是对一类迷恋神经质说唱风格女歌迷的别称。该词源于1994年Insane Clown Posse组合的一次现场演唱会,在唱到歌曲“The Juggla"的时候,Joseph Bruce (组合中的成员)称呼观众为”Juggalos“,而此后,Bruce 和Joseph Utsler 也用”Juggalos“来指代自己,朋友们,粉丝甚至包括其他的一些有神经质演唱风格的歌手共同组成了一个大家庭--这个家庭就叫”Juggalos“, 这个群体的显著特征就是脸上涂抹油彩,喝着廉价”faygo"牌软饮料。


Clapping games。

Tangga的《Sephia》 歌词

歌曲名:Sephia歌手:Tangga专辑:UtuhSheila on 7- SephiaHey,SephiaMalam ini ku takkan datangMencoba "tuk berpaling sayangDari cintamuHey,SephiaMalam ini ku takkan pulangTak usah kau mencari aku,demi cintamuHadapilah iniKisah kita takkan abadiS"lamat tidur kekasih gelap kuS"moga cepat kau lupakan akuKekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup untuk melupakanmuS"lamat tidur kasih tak terungkapS"moga kau lupakan aku cepatKekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup untuk meninggalkanmuHey,SephiaJangan pernah panggil namakuBila kita bertemu lagiDilain hariHadapilah iniKisah kita takkan abadiS"lamat tidur kekasih gelap kuS"moga cepat kau lupakan akuKekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup untuk melupakanmuS"lamat tidur kasih tak terungkapS"moga kau lupakan aku cepatKekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup untuk meninggalkanmuS"lamat tidur kekasih gelap kuS"moga cepat kau lupakan akuKekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup untuk melupakanmuS"lamat tidur kasih tak terungkapS"moga kau lupakan aku cepatKekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup untuk meninggalkanmuCreated by Cheng The Noboby from Chinese Cari Forum


黑人 =negro


dying-gasp dying即掉死 一般指断电告警 deactivate 指线路故障 通常遇到的是环路问题 还有LOSi 这种告警通常在同一PON口下出现流氓ONU 或者是光纤的故障。支持断电、断纤和断网线告警断电告警PTN终端在检测到外部220V电源不稳或断电时,连续向局端发送断电告警(Dying Gasp)。 断纤告警 PTN终端在检测到光路接收失败时,每隔1秒向局端发送断纤告警。

收拾行李用英语怎么说 收拾行李tidy up the luggage(baggage)收拾不是“打包,装箱”?

pack up the luggage



peggable polybag是什么意思

 peggable packaging 翻译结果:peggable包装,peggable单个词属于印尼爪哇语  猜测您可能要查找:pluggable packaging 可插拔的包装

Ragga & The Jack Magic Orchestra的《Shot》 歌词

歌曲名:Shot歌手:Ragga & The Jack Magic Orchestra专辑:Ragga & The Jack Magic OrchestraThe Rasmus - ShotProducer:AQTonight we escapeJust you and meWe"ll find our peaceSomewhere across the seasEnough of the frightEnough of the fussI"ll be awake if he finds usNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI will protect youAnd I...I"ll take the shot for youI"ll be the shield for youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI"ll take the shot for youI"ll give my life for youI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shotFor youFor youTonight we"ll be freeI"ll find us a homeTonight we will beFinally on our ownEnough of the hellEnough of the painI won"t let him touch youI love youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI will defend youAnd I...I"ll take the shot for youI"ll be the shield for youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI"ll take the shot for youI"ll give my life for youI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shotFor youFor youEnough of the scarsEnough broken heartsI will protect youAnd I...I"ll take the shot for youI"ll be the shield for youNeedless to sayI"ll stand in your wayI"ll take the shot for youI"ll give my life for youI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shotI"ll take the shotI"ll make it stopI"ll make it stopI"ll take the shot


mysql吧?这是一个创建表的sql,CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tb_gonggao`如果表tb_gonggao不存在,就创建 `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,创建id字段,4位整数,不允许为空,且为自增字段`title` varchar(200) default NULL,创建title字段,200位字符串,默认值为nullPRIMARY KEY (`id`)设置主键为id字段 ENGINE=MyISAM 这表示使用MyISAM存储引擎DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1存储在数据库里的默认字符集 AUTO_INCREMENT=23 ;这个参考:



http://www.vagaa.com进来自己看看就知道详细情况了要我说就是一软件 像PP

carry-on luggage是什么意思


求niggas in pairs的中文翻译歌词


为什么香港不叫Xianggang而叫Hong Kong,而且中间有空格?

广东话香港叫“HONG KONG”,这个是外国人按广东话翻译成的英语。

luggage depository 翻译


luggage depository是什么意思

luggage depository的意思是行李寄存处。luggage是不可数名词。luggage主要用作名词,作名词时意为“行李;皮箱”。例句:What about our luggage?我们的行李怎么办?Her luggage remained unclaimed at Frankfurt Departures.她的行李仍在法兰克福机场离港大厅无人认领。luggage短语搭配有Luggage reclaim.取行李、Luggage Depository.行李存放处;行李寄存处;行李存放;行李储存安放处、luggage label.[交]行李标签;[交]行包标签、Checking Luggage.行李托运;行李检查、Left Luggage.行李寄存;失落的行李;岁月留痕;行李存放处、luggage case.一般行李箱;行李箱;个别行李箱等。luggage双语例句:1、There"s room for one more piece of luggage.还有地方再放一件行李。2、Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination.我们的行李一直被托运到最终目的地。3、There is no help for those with lots of luggage and/or small children.对于行李多而且有小孩的人一点帮助都没有。4、You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab.你看着行李,我去找出租车。5、Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car.大家都帮着从汽车上卸行李。



beggars(original mix)歌词中文翻译是什么内容啊?

Beggars(Original Mix)-Diskord&KrewellaThis one is for the fucked upchewed up spit out stepped onNo luck no fucks tough love half bloodStripped down beat down blacked-out chokingNo sound no crowd burnt up brokenWe"re always eager for so much moreCause reality is a cancerand we"ve discovered the cureThey took your moneyand your freedom and your timeThey almost took it allbut they"ll never take your mindThis one is for the beggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayTake take take take take take take takeTake take take "til we get our fucking wayGet our wayGet our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feelingGet our fucking wayThis one is for the sicknessdismissed brushed off stolenVicious fearless force-fed your slogansBlank words torturers tongues-tiedSo just shut the fuck up roll upLight you and smoke itBeggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayGet our wayGet our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feelingGet our fucking wayBeggarsThis one is for the beggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "tilwe get our fucking way

Ragga & The Jack Magic Orchestra的《Deep Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Deep Down歌手:Ragga & The Jack Magic Orchestra专辑:Ragga & The Jack Magic OrchestraCalexico - Deep Down鹰飞雁武 编辑When numbers matter more than the heartYour eyes are hollowand stiffness starts to take controlCapsize the soul, deep down you know it"s evilYou"ve always knownBe a good example show your new tricksAnd while you"re out therethey"ll make the pitchTo rally the troops and make a huge contributionTo help push this throughDeep down you know it"s evilYou"ve always known it"s evilmusic...The days here are numberedbut your record is cleanOutstretched and waiting on banks that seemTo flow and flow, a rich reward to showDuty carried out in the fieldDeep down you know it"s evilYou"ve always known it"s evilYou"ve always known.....always known...END...

为什么觉得烟鬼组合里面的安德鲁·塔格特(Andrew Taggart)更帅一点?为什么他那么容易和海尔希撕逼?



Beggars(Original Mix)-Diskord&KrewellaThis one is for the fucked upchewed up spit out stepped onNo luck no fucks tough love half bloodStripped down beat down blacked-out chokingNo sound no crowd burnt up brokenWe"re always eager for so much moreCause reality is a cancerand we"ve discovered the cureThey took your moneyand your freedom and your timeThey almost took it allbut they"ll never take your mindThis one is for the beggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayTake take take take take take take takeTake take take "til we get our fucking wayGet our wayGet our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feelingGet our fucking wayThis one is for the sicknessdismissed brushed off stolenVicious fearless force-fed your slogansBlank words torturers tongues-tiedSo just shut the fuck up roll upLight you and smoke itBeggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "til we get our fucking wayGet our wayGet our fucking wayBeggarsStand up if you"re feelingGet our fucking wayBeggarsThis one is for the beggarsStand up if you"re feeling recklessThey don"t understand that we"re heartlessWe"ll never be the sameSo we take take take "tilwe get our fucking way

请问东北方言ganggangde 怎么写?

这个...我是个东北人,但说实话很多词我们说但要写根本写不出来.你问的这个词我是自从那个赵本山演的什么电视剧之后才知道的,我们同学当时才开始说的,之前我从来没听别人这么说过,另外,我是沈阳人.可以说,在沈阳很少有这么说的,不过自从这个词出现后,我们同学就经常用了,还有一种说法是ao ao 的(不知道是不是我们同学自己发明的- -!反正当时同学经常用)不谢不谢,呵呵




ganggang意思是帮派。gang用作名词的意思是“一帮,一队”。转化为动词意思是“使结成一帮,聚集成群”。gang可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。短语搭配GANG BANG重击;暗夜枪声;街舞教学;唱片名。Verdens Gang世界之路报;世道报;自由之路;世界之路。gang related黑白道;魔警杀手;黑白无间道;正邪之间。gang mould [建]成组模;群槽模具;联模;成组模板。gang up串通;聚集;联合起来;串通起来诈骗。Gang Master帮规;把头;年。chain gang锁炼囚徒;旋转铁链;一帮匪徒。Gang scheduling组调度;群调度;组调度法。

The Ragga Twins的《The Return》 歌词

歌曲名:The Return歌手:The Ragga Twins专辑:Rinsin LyricsThe Ghost Inside - The ReturnerSearching for something that cannot be found.An end with no means to reach.Look to the light that we"ll never see.Is this life? Or some kind of dream?I am a dreamer, so blind my eyes.My absence meant more than this.All the things I"ve come to miss (and bless) are gone.I am a returner, just not tonight.





peggable packaging什么意思

  peggable packaging 翻译结果:peggable包装,peggable单个词属于印尼爪哇语  猜测您可能要查找:pluggable packaging 可插拔的包装  很高兴为您解答,希望对您有所帮助,祝学习进步,满意请采纳哦~~

谁有Niggas In Paris中文歌词

[Jay-Z]So I ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款But first ni**as gotta find me 但首先 你们得先找到我啊What"s 50 grand to a muhf*kaa like me 你觉得5W对老子来说算什么Can you please remind me? 罚款 你也得提醒我啊Ball so hard 又赚大了 This sh*t crazy 玩嗨了Ya"ll don"t know that don"t sh*t phase me 你们不是不晓得没啥玩意儿能糊弄哥The Nets could go 0-82 and I look at you like this sh*t gravy 布鲁克林篮网队即使0胜82负 而我看你象中了大奖一样+Ball so hard, 赚大了哦This sh*t weird 太不可思议了We ain"t even spose to be here, 想想我们的出身 我们不能怎样Ball so hard, Since we here 但我们一来这里 就赚大了It"s only right that we be fair 唯一正确的就是我们能成这一点很公平Psycho, I"m liable to be go Michael 我得了神经病 所以我有义务成为下一个乔丹Take your pick, Jackson, Tyson, Jordan, Game 6 你来选我当什么 迈克尔杰克逊?泰森?乔丹?(game 6是指乔丹总冠军第六场绝杀)Ball so hard 玩疯了哦Got a broke clock, Rolleys that don"t tick tok 我这不是买了个破表么 尼玛劳力士也特么不嘀嗒Audemars that losing time, Hidden behind all these big rocks 爱彼(audemas piguet世界名表)还不是看不到时间 怎么呢 因为上面都是钻石 盖住了+Ball so hard+ 好有钱啊I"m shocked+Too, I"m supposed to be locked up too 我尼玛太有钱了 自己都吓傻了 所以我应该被关起来If you escaped what I"ve escaped 要是你能象我一样越狱You"d be in Paris getting f*cked up too 那么你也可以象我一样在巴黎到处嗨+Ball so hard 好会玩啊Let"s get faded, Le Meurice for like 6 days 我们一起玩消失 一起去Le Meurice(巴黎顶级酒店)嗨一周Gold bottles, scold models, Spillin" Ace on my sick J"s 镶金的酒瓶 顶尖的模特 ace酒喝不下都倒在我的air jordan鞋上面了Ball so hard 好嗨啊+B**ch behave, Just might let you meet Ye, 你(biao)们(zi)都乖一点啊 我马上把kanye叫过来Chi towns D. Rose, I"m movin" the Nets to BK 芝加哥公牛队的D Rose 听着 我把网队弄到布鲁克林去了[Hook]Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款That sh*t crazy (x6) 好嗨啊[Kanye West]She said Ye can we get married at the mall? 我女人说 kanye啊 我们能不能就在商场里面结婚啊I said look you need to crawl "fore you ball 我回答她 你想得到我啊 那你是不是应该巴结一下我列Come and meet me in the bathroom stall 来厕所找我吧And show me why you deserve to have it all 我要让你晓得 “我,你值得拥有”That sh*t crazy, Ain"t it Jay? 我们好屌啊 是不是 朋友(JAY)What she order, fish filet 她点的啥菜啊 鱼片么"Your whip so cold", this old thing “你的坐骑好屌啊”她说的这个古董Act like you"ll ever be around muhf***as Like this again 我怎么觉得你表现得象你再也不会出现一样Bougie girl, grab her hand 富二代的姑娘 我必须抓住她的手F**k ol girl she don"t wanna dance 要是她不想跳舞 那她快点去死吧Excuse my French but I"m in France (I"m just sayin) 对不起 我的法语很水 但是我就是在法国很屌(真的)Prince William"s ain"t do it right if you ask me 我觉得威廉王子很2Cause if I was him I would have married Kate &a Ashley 因为如果我是他的话 我绝对会娶kate和AshleyWhat"s Gucci my ni**a? Gucci是啥 我的亲What"s Louie my killa? LV又是啥 我的亲What"s drugs my deala? 白面是啥 我的亲What"s that jacket, Margiela? 这屌衣服啥牌子的? 我去 马丁马吉拉的啊 好屌啊Doctors say I"m the illest 医生说我病得不轻Cause I"m suffering from realness 因为我得病叫现实症Got my niggas in Paris 我的兄弟占领了巴黎And they going gorillas, huh! 他们要轰动全城[Jay-Z]Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款[Kanye West]You are now watching the throne 你们都在盯着我的宝座Don"t let me get in my zone (x3) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们[Jay-Z]I got that hot bitch in my home 我屋里全是**[Kanye West]You know how many hot b**ches I own 你晓得的 我到底有多少**Don"t let me in my zone (x4) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们The stars is in the building 天上的星星都是我家的They hands is to the ceiling 我的人都喜欢“把手放在空中甩”I know I"m bout to kill it 我知道 我屌爆了How you know, I got that feeling 我的东西 你们都体会不了You are now watching the throne 你们就晓得盯着我的宝座Don"t let me into my zone (x2) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们[Jay-Z & Kanye West]I"m definitely in my zone 真的 我的地盘听我的

mob figgaz歌词

mob figgazUhh ... World wide mob figgaWorld wide mob figga(O-U-T-L-A-W-Z)World wide mob figgaz(For real, for real)World wide mob figgazCheck game little young punksWorld wide mob figgaz[EDI]What? Uh, uhPut your hands up, rich niggaz throw the grands upAnd what?I got a plot to get what"s mine in the nine-nineIt"s my time mother fucker try to stop me busting nine-ninesWild ridahs all I see when I open upBaby girl fucking you now, before I blow upYou know what?I seen your kind before, high saditty but really like it rawIn the closet like a ridah type of whore by the shoreNot sure, of who to trick on but I"m collectin these vicks when I put the dick on herO-U-T-L-A-W-ZFucking with a nigga living destructively, pump and pee Tuckin T"s up in ?When I jump on I"m trying to handle my business full grownJust soft niggaz, it"s getting crazy after dark, where the real thug niggaz see ya are?We world wide mob figgaz[Young Noble]We got niggaz on the front line living it upWe got ladies in the back street giving it upAin"t nothing but a thug thang (thug thang)World wide mob figga let me see a niggaz nuts hang (nutz hang)We got homies on the front line living it upWe got ladies in the back street giving it upAin"t nothing but a thug thang (thug thang)World wide mob figga let me see a niggaz nuts hang (nutz hang, nutz hang,)World wide mob figga let me see a niggaz nuts hang (nutz hang, nutz hang,)World wide mob figga let me see a niggaz nuts hang[Napoleon]Nigga duck down buck first, make "em feel somethinShouldn"t (?) if you ain"t kill nuttinYou didn"t kill me now you gotta face a young man got chrome heavily armedOutlawz did that, heavily goneSo we ride with what"s left us, the best of usPlus we wake up with our tech on usWe test yo" nuts in a heartbeat, sleep on the streetObey the rules of the ones who want beef we"ll eatY"all niggaz weak in a motherfuckin way it"s so pitifulI"ll leave you mother fuckers criticalWe heard the slick shit you said on fucking Too $hort tapeBut you only stepped your way into an early wake, early graveThat"s what you brave niggaz get for fucking with thisYou had your chance to mob first you didn"t you missedJust switched to fakeNapoleon be the mother fucker last nigga with the gat to breakThe last of fate, earthquake aftershock, is what you gotFuckin with niggaz that give a damn about hip-hopThis how it go in our familyBusting outlawz shit is what we stand for graduallyWe world wide mob figgaz[Tupac Talking]World wide mother fucking mob figgazWeed smoking, Gun toting, drinkingRiding on our mother fucking enemiesY"all know how we do itA world wide mob figure[Young Noble]I be the Young N-O to the B-L-ELast name O-U-T-L-A-W-ZM-A-R was for starters, flee the whole cartridgeYour lady blew out the squad and the whold sausage(?), hitting donuts in a sixSip Coronas when we bendin the corner, brothers hitUrban legend, dirty third still reppinStill double-S to bum rush your sessionI get as dirty as birt, you just a nigga in a skirtDrinkin Squirt, punk duck, hit the dirtSprint to the church that you got cominOutlawz on the ride picture God runninAin"t nuttin but a thug thang, bust your brainsPac passed the rock so we tucked the gameUnder our belt, we huntin the wealth, you fuckin yourself offDon"t you know not to go against the Outlawz[Chorus]World wide mob figga let me see a nigga nuts hang..World wide mob figga let me see a nigga nuts hang..[Verse Four: 2Pac]Hey watch out man, look outKnown for doin scandalous deeds, no handlin meHypnotic to drugs it"s the straight thug nigga in meI swoop down and cause havocMy rapid delivery, is automatic lettin niggaz have itI"ve been labelled as a thug niggaSince they don"t sell my shit to white folksship it to the drug dealersAnd catch a catch a nigga world wideA fuckin mob figga West coast, who-rideWhen we rob niggaz money make my squad biggerBut we ain"t sell our soulsBustin on my enemies, murder my foesAt my shows I"m a nut, lights camera time for actionNow get to clappin to my cuts, a world wide mob figga[Chorus][2Pac ad libbing]Hey yo, get that mother fucker right thereHey yo, K, pull out man, that mother fucker and blastYo Mo, get over there, get over thereHey yo Malc, getBustin them mother fuckersHey bust on them, bust on that niggaHey yo Yak, c"mon, Fatal, lets get the fuck outta hereFuck them niggazWest Coast nigga, West CoastWorld wide mother fucking mob figgaz niggaWe thug lifeNigga know what time it isGet the fuck out of hereAny day, any day nigga, come onHey come the fuck onWe out nigga, westside!!!Outlaw ridahs biatch!!!啊哈。暴民figgaz世界范围内 暴民figga世界范围内 (O-U-T-L-A-W-Z) 暴民figgaz世界范围内 (真的,因为真正的) 暴民figgaz世界范围内 有些年轻检查游戏的小混混 暴民figgaz世界范围内什么?嗯,哦 把你的手举起来,丰富了把索福这不关于东岸或是西岸 还有什么? 我得到了一个阴谋中得到什么,就是我的nine-nine 这是我的时间的母亲教会试图阻止我nine-nines于抱石区 我看到的野生ridahs当我敞开心扉 小女孩你做爱之前,现在我吹了起来 你知道吗? 我看过你的样,才、高saditty但真的喜欢它生的 在壁橱里像一ridah湖岸类型的妓女 谁不确定,但我collectin伎俩就这些vicks当我把迪克在她的身上 O-U-T-L-A-W-Z 他妈的有黑鬼生活相消,泵和尿尿Tuckin T的里? 当我跳上我想处理我的生意完整的长大 只有温柔这不关于东岸或是西岸,有点疯狂天黑之后,那里才是暴徒看丫?这不关于东岸或是西岸 我们figgaz世界范围内怪物 年轻的贵族][ 我们得到了这不关于东岸或是西岸在第一线住它 我们得到的女士们在后街上放弃它 不是也不过是个流氓thang(流氓thang) 暴民figga全世界范围内让我看这不关于东岸或是西岸坚果挂(其实打工挂) 我们得到的家在第一线住它 我们得到的女士们在后街上放弃它 不是也不过是个流氓thang(流氓thang) 暴民figga全世界范围内让我看这不关于东岸或是西岸坚果挂(其实打工挂掉了,其实打工挂掉了,) 暴民figga全世界范围内让我看这不关于东岸或是西岸坚果挂(其实打工挂掉了,其实打工挂掉了,) 暴民figga全世界范围内让我看这不关于东岸或是西岸坚果挂了黑鬼鸭毛巴克第一次,把照片感到东西 不应该(?)如果你没杀nuttin 你不杀我现在你要面对一个年轻男子登上铬全副武装的 那样的话,Outlawz严重不见了 是什么,所以我们一起坐车离开了我们,我们是最棒的 加上我们醒来时我们技术在我们身上 我们测试的坚果不费吹灰之力哟,睡在街上 遵守规则的人谁想要牛肉我们去吃 在这不关于东岸或是西岸弱偷鸡摸狗的motherfuckin好可怜 我就把你的母亲fuckers cri

跪求生活大爆炸里sheldon叫penny敲门声,还有bazingga soft kitty and so on 发到 谢谢

你好,马上生活大爆炸全五季 及其铃声等资源下载,请查收(可能在你邮箱垃圾箱里)后采纳. 我是百度的drowee,您的采纳是我继续回答的动力,感谢。请尽快下载后支持我,问题的提问者请“选我为满意答案” ,其他楼层的网友请点 “赞同”,谢谢 ,因为需要回答的网友太多,如果你在看到我这段话后30分钟内没收到,请继续追问我,我补发 注意:很多网友qq邮箱不可用,请检测自己的能用否~

求 生活大爆炸里Sheldon的敲门声,bazingga,还有soft Kitty铃声


求生活大爆炸里sheldon的各种敲门声,bazingga,还有soft kitty铃声和木哈哈~


beggars and choosers 歌词

歌曲名:beggars and choosers歌手:Soul Asylum专辑:hang timeRight before the aftermath, I saw where it would end.They said it was an accident, I guess that all dependsOn who you talk to and who you know,Soul AsylumAnd where you come from and where - where you go.In your crowd of pushers and users, takers and loosers,Beggars and beggars and beggars and choosers.Your childhood days are over as you stuff your shirt and sayMade a choice it"s wrong or right, it"s this way I will stay.You"ll sell it to your children, you"ll sell it to your wife.The vultures are all circling around youScavengers, evangalists will get to you some how.Your mother and your ex-best friend, letters that you never send.Your illegitamate children are coming for you now.They"re always dragging you down, it"s looking like a showdown,Between revenge and in the end you can"t defend.Can you try to imagine, a story that has no end?I think you better steal it while you still understand it,And sell it to one of your friends.

箱包 除 LUGGAGE ,SUITCASE,CASE 外,还能用什么英文名称报关

parcel sack inclusive


suitcase是小提箱 luggage是行李

suitcase 和luggage的区别



侧重点不同: luggage一般可以指那些不太方便随身携带的行李(拉杆箱就是luggage的音译)。所以一般需要托运的都是luggage。suitcase指的是旅行箱,手提箱。 含义不同: luggage意思是英>行李; 美>皮箱。 suitcase意思是手提箱; 衣箱。 扩展资料   例句:1、Do you have a lot of luggage?   你的行李多吗?   2、He picked up his suitcase and climbed the stairs   他拎起手提箱,爬上了楼梯。


一、详细释义: , n. , 行李,装备 [U] , 例句: ,This is my baggage.,这是我的行李。, 例句: ,Could you give me a hand with the baggage?,你能帮我拿一拿行李吗?, 精神负担,精神包袱 [U] , 例句: ,How much emotional baggage is she bringing with her into the relationship?,她正把多少感情包袱带入这个关系?, 例句: ,Work was done to reduce the burden on enterprises and free them from historical baggage.,努力减轻企业负担和历史包袱。, 二、词义辨析: , baggage,luggage ,这两个名词均可表示“行李”之意。baggage不可数名词,在英语指大而重的行李,在美国泛指一切行李。luggage多用于英语,指旅行者的行李。 bake,roast,toast这些动词均有“烘,烤”之意。bake指在烤炉里,烘烤,不与火直接接触,用持续的干热,缓慢地烘烤任何食物。roast一般指在火上烤大块的肉或整只牲畜或家禽。toast侧重通过烘烤使烘烤之物变成褐色,尤指烘面包、熏肉等。, 三、相关短语: ,baggage car,n.(铁路)行李车厢,(铁路)邮件车厢,baggage claim,领取行李, 四、参考例句: ,Our baggage has cleared customs.,我们的行李已通过海关检查。,Dart directly for baggage claim.,直接奔向行李认领处。,Mark your baggage as fragile.,把行李标记为“易碎”。,Is this the baggage inquiry area?,查询行李情况是在这里吗?,The baggage carousel has broken down .,行李传送带失灵了。,She is at the Baggage Hall.,她在行李大厅。,Their baggage was canoed across the river.,他们的行李用独木舟运过河去。,Where can I deposite my baggage?,哪里能寄存行李?,Please put my baggage in the boot.,请把行李装进车尾行李箱里。,We rafted our baggage across the river.,我们用木筏将行李运过河去。

Baggage Claim 歌词

歌曲名:Baggage Claim歌手:Miranda Lambert专辑:Baggage ClaimBaggage ClaimMiranda LambertI have been draggin" around your sensitive egoMaking sure that your bags arrive on timefor the dog and pony showLeather suitcase like a brick,it kinda makes it hard to get a good gripI drop your troubles off at the conveyor belt,I hand you a ticket to go get it yourselfAt the baggage claim, you got a lot of luggage in your nameWhen you hit the ground, check the lost and found"Cause it ain"t my problem nowI can"t carry it on, I got a lot of troubles of my ownIt"s all over the yard, in the trunk of the carI"m packin" it in so come and get itIf it ain"t obvious what has set me off todayBehind every woman scorned is a man who made her that wayGo on and take your little business tripwith that sweet little habit that you can"t kickYou better call your momma when you get to town"cause I ain"t gonna be hangin" aroundAt the baggage claim, you got a lot of luggage in your nameWhen you hit the ground, check the lost and foundBecause it ain"t my problem nowI can"t carry it on, I"ve got a lot of troubles of my ownIt"s all over the yard, in the trunk of the carAnd I"m packin" it in so come and get itCome and get itCome and pick it up, pick it upBefore I blow it up in flamesYou better pick it up, pick it upBaby, I"m leaving everythingAt the baggage claim, you got a lot of luggage in your nameAnd when you hit the ground, check the lost and foundBecause it ain"t my problem nowI can"t carry it on, I"ve got a lot of troubles of my ownIt"s all over the yard, in the trunk of the carWell, I"m packin" it in so come and get itCome and get it

baggage claim area是什么意思

baggage claim area行李认领处

baggage claim area

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