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《Gotham-Edwin G. Burrows》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Gotham》(Edwin G. Burrows)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 88y8书名:Gotham作者:Edwin G. Burrows出版社:Oxford University Press, USA出版年份:2000页数:1424内容简介:To European explorers, it was Eden, a paradise of waist-high grasses, towering stands of walnut, maple, chestnut, and oak, and forests that teemed with bears, wolves, racoons, beavers, otters, and foxes. Today it is the city of Broadway and Wall Street, the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty, and the home of millions of people, who have come from every corner of the nation and the globe. In "Gotham", Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace have produced a monumental work of history,on ethat ranges from the Indian tribes that settled in and around the island of Manna-hata, to the consolidation of the five boroughs into Greater New York in 1898. Readers will relive the tumultuous early years of New Amsterdam under the Dutch West India Company, Peter Stuyvesant"s despotic regime, Indian wars, slave resistance and revolt, the Revolutionary War and the defeat of Washington"s army on Brooklyn Heoghts, the destructive seven years of British occupation, New York as the nation"s first capital, the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, the Erie Canal and the coming of the railroads, the growth of the city as a port and financial centre, the infamous draft riots of the Civil War, the great flood of immigrants, the rise of mass entertainment such as vaudeville and Coney Island, the building of the Brooklyn Bridge and the birth of the skyscraper. Here too is a cast of thousands - the rebel Jacob Leisler and the reformer Joanna Bethune; Clement Moore, who saved Greenwich village from the city"s grid street plan; Herman Melville, who painted disillusioned portraits of city life; and Walt Whitman, who hapily celebrated that same life. We meet Boss Tweed and his nemesis, cartoonist Thomas Nast; Emma Goldman and Nellie Bly; Jacob Riis and Horace Greely; police commissioner Theodore Roosevelt; Colonel Waring and his "white angels"(who revolutionised the sanitation department); millionaires John Jacob Astor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, August Belmont and William Randolph Hearst; and hundreds more who left their mark on this great city. The events and people who crowd these pages guarantee that this is no mere local history. It is in fact a portrait of the heart and soul of America, and a book that will mesmerise everyone interested in the peaks and valleys of American life as found in the greatest city on earth.

gotham city是什么意思

Gotham City高谭市哥潭市; 高登市; 哥谭市双语例句 1Public safety in Gotham City is no longer a laughing matter.高谭市的治安已不再是笑柄了。2In crime ridden Gotham City, Thomas and Martha Wayne are murdered before young Bruce Wayne"s eyes. 在犯罪肆虐的哥谭镇,托马斯韦恩和玛莎韦恩夫妇在小布鲁斯韦恩的面前被杀害了。

rca信号线的选择 百通8408 和 gotham 10666选哪个,大神指点

  前市场上买的3.5mm转莲花头的连接线,一头是3.5的耳机插头,另一头是一红一白两个RCA插头,分别代表左右声道,它们的地线是公用的,也就是插头外围一圈金属圈,中间的针状是信号线。  连接线实物基本就是这样:红色RCA插头是右声道,白色RCA插头是左声道。  音频线·,就是连接音频设备的线,音频线的作用是用来传播播放设备的声音。  音频线是由俩部分组成的:音频电缆和连接头俩部分组成,音频线的连接头常见的有RCA(俗称莲花头音频线)、XLR(俗称卡农头音频线)、TRSJACKS(俗称为差笔头音频线)。  这些音频线的连接头在市场上任何一家的音响设备店都会有卖的。


《哥谭(Gotham)》哥谭还有第二季吗 第二季什么时候上映播放 肯定有的,在第一季里面Fish Mooney这个角色会在第一季就与我们告别,已经确定不会出演第二季,但她仍是第一季结局的关键,《哥谭》制作人称Fish Mooney这条故事线在结局中会有很有趣的反转,所以第一季结尾应该会留下悬念。然后哥谭第二季会解答第一季的悬念。 哥谭第二季什么时候出? 哥谭市第二季播出时间的相关信息: 中文名:哥谭第二季 制片地区:美国 导 演:丹尼·加农 / T·J·斯科特 类 型:动作 / 剧情 主 演:本杰明·麦肯锡,贾达·萍克·史密斯对白语言英语色 彩彩色 《哥谭》改编自DC漫画,讲述蝙蝠侠起源的故事,主角詹姆斯·戈登(JamesGordon)是蝙蝠侠在警届的“好友”,是罪恶都市哥谭镇上少有的正义好警察。




是纽约。纽约的别称“哥谭镇”的名字是由有着“美国第一文学家”之称的华盛顿·欧文取的,最早出现在他编的《大杂烩》杂志1807年11月11日那一期当中。 “哥谭镇”的名字是音译,原文是“Gotham”,在古盎格鲁撒克逊语中意为“Goats" Town”——“羊城”——“愚人镇”,其中原委大约是因为羊被视为一种愚蠢的动物。 按真有Gotham这么一个城镇,在英格兰西南部的诺丁汉郡,但它又是一个故事、寓言中的城镇,其镇上居民以荒唐的愚行而闻名。欧文用这个词说纽约,旨在强调曼哈顿是自以为是的愚人们居住的一座城市。 尽管这个名号是纽约最有名的作家所赐,但曼哈顿人还是不愿意接受这样一个有损形象的外号,多亏还有另外的故事为哥谭镇平反——最著名的一则说1200年代初,约翰国王经常在骑士贵妇一干扈从陪同下巡游英格兰,御足所踏之地之后都将永远成为国王的公路,一天,国王要经哥谭前往诺丁汉,派了一名先导官去镇上先行昭告,结果先导官回报说镇民因害怕失去最好的土地,故拒绝国王进入。约翰龙颜大怒,派出军队准备奋天子之威,村民于是设计保全。众骑士到达时,发现镇上居民无不疯疯癫癫,行事糊涂,有的往无底的浴缸里倒水,有的在把绿苹果给刷成红色的,有的想在一滩水里淹死一条鳝鱼,有的把车往谷堆上拉想帮树木遮阴。众武士大笑,回去向国王复命说镇民其实都是疯子,国王这才放过他们。 如此一来,“哥谭镇”居民原来是装疯卖傻,大智若愚,正如郑板桥之“难得糊涂”,莎士比亚《李尔王》云“这家伙聪明到会装傻”,或如英谚云“经过哥谭镇的笨蛋比留下来的还多”,这才让曼哈顿人把“哥谭镇”当成了一个可以接受的外号——尽管有时流行,有时又被弃之不用。 究竟哥谭镇人有何愚行?从12世纪开始就不断有流传,第一本记载此事的书是1565年的《哥谭疯人趣事集》——The Merry Tales of The Mad-men of Gotham。左右无事,试翻译之以飨诸位。


因为gotham是纽约的别名啊。。就比如广州又叫羊城,南京还叫金陵。 纽约还有个别名叫 the big apple

GOTHAM 是什么意思


gotham 第二季 急冻人谁演的

内森·达若,美国,出生于密苏里州。参演电视剧:2013年,在《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)中饰演Edward Meechum。2014年,在《哥谭》(Gotham)中饰演冷冻人Mr. Freeze。2016年,在《亿万》(Billions)中饰演Mick Danzig。

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是PS里的字体吧2000个价值$6000的字体下载包括字体@Arial Unicode MS @Batang @Mona @MS Mincho @PMingLiU @SimSun 04b03 04b03b 04b08 04b09 04b11 04b19 04b20 04b21 04b24 04b25 04b31 10 Lil" Ghosts 10 Minutes 10.15 Saturday Night (BRK) 10.15 Saturday Night [R] (BRK) 101 Puppies SW 12 to the Moon 14 minutes 1980 Portable 20th Centenary Faux 2Tech 3 Prong Tree 37 Kilobyte 3D LET (BRK) 4 my lover 4 Star Face Font 4YEO IN 4YEO OUT 4YEOstamp 80 Decibels 814yzx 8-bit Limit (BRK) 8-bit Limit O (BRK) 8-bit Limit R (BRK) 8-bit Limit RO (BRK) A.C.M.E. Secret Agent Aarvark Cafe Abaddon? Abadi MT Condensed Light Abbess Abduction Academy Engraved LET Acadian? 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HMK Hog Book - HMK HolidayPi BT Hollywood Hills Hollywood Hills Condensed Hollywood Hills Expanded Hombre hooge 05_55 HooskerDont HooskerDoo HoratioDMed Horseshoes And Lemonade Hot Pizza HotDog Humnst777 BT Humnst777 Lt BT Huxley Titling HuxleyVertical BT Hyena IglooCaps Impact Imprint MT Shadow Incised901 BT Incised901 Nd BT Informal011 Blk BT Informal011 BT Ingenius Interim InternationalDisgrace InternationalDisgrace-Maximus InternationalDisgrace-ValRe Inthacity Italianate ItalianGarmnd BT Jamiro JanieHmk JanieHmkBold Japanese Jawbox JawboxChanky Jawbreaker Jazz JellyBelly JernaBold Jessescript Jillian Gothic John Handy LET Jokerman Alts LET Jokerman LET Jungle Jungle Juice JungleFever Junior & Stinky Kaggish Kartika Kauflinn Kaufmann Bd BT KellyAnnGothic Kelt Kharon4a Bold kharon4a_mini KingTut KingTut-Too Kinkie Kis BT Kismet-Normal Kiss The Sky KlingBold Klingon KlingonBlade KlingonDagger KlingonScript KlingonStilleto KlingonTNG KoloAlternates KoloNarrow KoloRegular KoloWide Kraftwerk Kristin Kroebern kroeger 0853 kroeger0853cyr Kudasai La Bamba LET LamboHmk LamboHmkBold Lambrettista Lapidary333 Blk BT Latha Latin Wide Latin XCn BT Laundrette Lavaman Legal Tender LettrGoth12 BT Liberate Liberty Libra BT Light Limousine Lissen LooneyTunes BT LooneyTunes Tilt BT Louisville Love LTibetan Lucian BT Lucida Console Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Lucida Sans Typewriter Lucida Sans Unicode LucidaGrande Luncheonette Lydian BT Lynda Cursive Maiandra GD Mangal Manorly Mantisboy Margaret MaritaTextBookHMK MaritaTextMediumHMK Marker-Fat Marker-Icons Marker-Skinny Marlett Marriage Martina Matisse ITC Matrix McBooHmk Medium Meet John Henry Mega Mekanik LET MelodBold MelodItal Mcft Logo 95 Mcft Sans Serif Milano LET Minerva Mingle MiniSet MinstrelPosterWHG Mirror Miss Lankfort MisterEarl BT MisterFrisky Mistral Modern20 BT Mojo Mona MondoRedondo MonkeyCaughtStealing MonkeyCaughtStealing-Elong MonkeyCaughtStealing-Squat MonkeyCaughtStealing-SquatObliq Monkey-Fingers Monospac821 BT Monotype Corsiva Moonbeam Moonshine MoonshineMurky Morpheus Mr Sheffield Mr Sopkin Mrs Blackfort Mrs Saint-Delafield MS Mincho MS Outlook MS Reference Sans Serif MS Reference Specialty Mural Script Murga Muriel MV Boli Mycalc Myriad Condensed Web Myriad Pro Myriad Pro Black Myriad Pro Black Cond Myriad Pro Black SemiExt Myriad Pro Cond Myriad Pro Light Myriad Pro Light Cond Myriad Pro Light SemiExt Myriad Pro SemiExt Myriad Web NChords NeedALilly Newage News Gothic MT News Serif Niamey Nickodemus-Extremus NimbusRomD NimbusRomdBold NimbusRomdItalic NimbusSanTCon NimbusSanTConBold Noel NoelBlack Nora Casual Notes NotnorvalHmk NotnorvalHmkBold Notram November Nowdance OccidentalDismount OccidentalDismount-Halftone OccidentalDismount-Mapped OCR A Extended OCR-A BT OCR-B-10 BT Odessa LET OkrienHmk OkrienHmkBold Old Towne No.536 OldDreadfulNo7 BT Olivette One Stroke Script LET Onyx BT OpineHeavy Optimum orange Fizz orange LET orbital orbit-B BT orbusMultiserif org_v01 ornaMental OttumHmk OttumHmkBold OzHandicraft BT Palace Script MT Palatino Palatino Linotype Palent PalentItal Palton Papyrus Paris Parisian BT Park Avenue ParkAveD ParkAvenue BT Parkway-Hotel Parkway-Motel Parkway-Resortotel PegsannaHMK Penmanship: B- Penultimate PenultimateLight PenultimateLightItal Pepita MT Perpetua Perpetua Titling MT Pesto Petra Photo PhrasticMedium Pirate pixelpunch Pixies Plattmask Playbill BT PlayingCards PMingLiU Politica Politica XT Politica XT Light Politica XT Thin Pooh Pop PosterBodoni BT PosterBodoni It BT Pragmatica Present Pricedown Pristina Pump Demi Bold LET Pure-Capital Pure-CircuitCap Pure-LightCap Pure-UltraCap QUAKE QuigleyWiggly QuiverItal Quixley LET Raavi Rage Italic Rage Italic LET RansomNote Rap Raydiant Regular Remember RhubarbPie Rialto Ribjoint Rock Rockwell Rockwell Condensed Rockwell Extra Bold ROCKY AOE Roland Romulan RomulanEagle RomulanFake RomulanFalcon RomulanHawk Rondalo Rough