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计量经济学的S.E of regression怎么算

SE = [SSR/(N-K)]^(1/2)假设模型为 y = xb + u 。算出系数 b 之后,带入模型,求出 u = y - xb。其中 SSR = u"*u 也就是残差项的平方和(SSR)。 用SSR除以 (n-k) 其中 n 是样本空间,k是变量数量。最后,给 SSR/(N-K) 开平方。这个结果就是SE





SE of regression是什么意思?

SE of regression是标准误差,计算公式:RSS除以 (n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号。F = (ESS/k)/[RSS/(n-k-1)]Adjusted R-squared = 1-[RSS/(n-k-1)]/[TSS/(n-1)]R-squared 0.66325 Mean dependent var 5.123810Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var 3.694984S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion 4.505098Sum squared resid 91.95205 Schwarz criterion 4.604576Log likelihood -45.30353 F-statisticDurbin-Watson stat 0.858742 Prob(扩展资料:在实际测量中,观测次数n总是有限的,真值只能用最可信赖(最佳)值来代替。标准误差 对一组测量中的特大或特小误差反映非常敏感,所以,标准误差能够很好地反映出测量的精密度。这正是标准误差在工程测量中广泛被采用的原因。因此,标准差是用来衡量一组数自身的离散程度,而均方根误差是用来衡量观测值同真值之间的偏差,它们的研究对象和研究目的不同,但是计算过程类似。参考资料来源:百度百科-均方根误差

计量经济学的S.E of regression怎么算?

SE of regression 是标准误,其计算公式为RSS除以(n-k)(n为自由变量个数10,k为3) 再开根号.RSS是残差平方和即Sum squared resid=342.5486由此内可得标准容误为6.9954例如:R-squared 0.66325 Mean dependent var 5.123810Adjusted R-squared S.D. dependent var 3.694984S.E. of regression Akaike info criterion 4.505098Sum squared resid 91.95205 Schwarz criterion 4.604576Log likelihood -45.30353 F-statisticDurbin-Watson stat 0.858742 Prob(扩展资料:对数据标准化,即将原始数据减去相应变量的均数后再除以该变量的标准差,计算得到的回归方程称为标准化回归方程,相应得回归系数为标准化回归系数。比如说,虽然我们不能绝对地说出教育和年资在决定收入上那一个一定是重要的,但如大家的教育程度比较相似,那么在收入的决定上,工作年数就是决定因素;反之,如果工作年数没有太大区别,那么教育就成为了重要原因。这里的重要性是相对的,是根据不同情况而改变的。参考资料来源:百度百科-标准回归系数



回归标准差(S.E. of regression )怎样计算,公式是什么?

S.E.= (∑e^2∕(n-k-1) )^(1/2)∑e^2是残差平方和,n是样本总数,k是解释变量的个数。这个才是回归标准差。







regression and anova区别

regression一般是统计学的回归回归,研究一个随机变量Y对另一个(X)或一组(X1,X2,…,Xk)变量的相依关系的统计分析方法。研究一 个或多个随机变量Y1 ,Y2 ,…,Yi与另一些变量X1、X2,…,Xk之间的关系的统计方法。又称多重回归分析。通常称Y1,Y2,…,Yi为因变量,X1、X2,…,Xk为自变量。回归分析是一类数学模型,特别当因变量和自变量为线性关系时,它是一种特殊的线性模型。最简单的情形是一个自变量和一个因变量,且它们大体上有线性关系,这叫一元线性回归,即模型为Y=a+bX+ε,这里X是自变量,Y是因变量,ε是随机误差,通常假定随机误差的均值为0,方差为σ^2(σ^2大于0)σ^2与X的值无关。若进一步假定随机误差遵从正态分布,就叫做正态线性模型。一般的情形,若有k个自变量和一个因变量,因变量的值可以分解为两部分:一部分是由自变量的影响,即表示为自变量的函数,其中函数形式已知,但含一些未知参数;另一部分是由于其他未被考虑的因素和随机性的影响,即随机误差。当函数形式为未知参数的线性函数时,称线性回归分析模型;当函数形式为未知参数的非线性函数时,称为非线性回归分析模型。当自变量的个数大于1时称为多元回归,当因变量个数大于1时称为多重回归。anova是方差分析方差是各个数据与平均数之差的平方的平均数。在概率论和数理统计中,方差(英文Variance)用来度量随机变量和其数学期望(即均值)之间的偏离程度。在许多实际问题中,研究随机变量和均值之间的偏离程度有着很重要的意义。方差分析(Analysis of Variance,简称ANOVA),又称“变异数分析”或“F检验”,是R.A.Fisher发明的,用于两个及两个以上样本均数差别的显著性检验。 由于各种因素的影响,研究所得的数据呈现波动状。造成波动的原因可分成两类,一是不可控的随机因素,另一是研究中施加的对结果形成影响的可控因素。


名词 衰退


regression problem回归问题 拼音 双语对照 regression problem网络回归问题双语例句1The problem of construction of smoothing curve is actually regression problem.几何逆向工程中的光顺曲线重构问题本质上属于回归问题。


regression的意思:回归;衰退;(尤指因催眠或精神疾患,或为逃避目前忧虑)回到从前;(统计学) 回归。一、短语搭配1、regression analysis:回归分析;回归分析法;还原分析。2、linear regression:线性回归。3、regression model:回归模型;回归模式。4、logistic regression:逻辑回归;回归分析。5、regression equation:回归方程式;回归方程;回归方程公式。二、双语例句1、There was 46.7 per cent complete regression in the placebo group.服用安慰剂组中46.7%的人的症状完全消退了。2、The linear regression equation for noodle score based on peak viscosity were established.建立了面条评分依高峰粘度的回归方程。3、The statistical techniques employed included a confirmatory factor analysis, and hierarchical regression analyses.数据分析工具包括实证因子分析和逐步回归分析。

be in great hurry是什么意思


电影 相见恨晚 Brief Encounter丨1945 远大前程 Great Expectations丨1946 雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist丨1948


henry the great是什么意思


请问谁知道The green door written by O. Henry所要反映的主体思想是什么

Perhaps this is destiny.正如小说最后主人公所说的:"All the same, I believe it was the hand of Fate that doped out theway for me to find her."(“有什么分别呢,我相信这是命运之手想出这个解决问题 的办法,让我去找到她的。” )



the brilliant green的《Stand by》 歌词

歌曲名:Stand by歌手:the brilliant green专辑:The Brilliant GreenSunday she said I cannot bear to say goodbyeThen she turned away and began to cryMonday she said goodbye my love she'd made up her mindShe's down and in the darkness she sits she needs me nowEvery dream I have is realI can deliver sweet magicIt will be no trouble to help you my friendYou know I'll always stand by you whatever happensDon't worry, I will stand by you cos it's alrightGoodbye, the sun is going down in the west, are you ready?Let's go, there's something waiting for you, a brand new dayEverybody has troubles, they're wishing for peace everydayThough no one else can see me, I watch over youRemember I'll stand by you whatever happensDont worry, I'll stand by you cos it's alrightEvery dream I have is realI can deliver sweet magicIt will be no trouble to help you my friend, I'll always hereYeah, the guiding light above the roofThe shooting star that follows you roundWon't be any trouble to help you my friendYou know I'll always stand by you whatever happensDon't worry, I will stand by you cos it's alrightRemember I'll stand by you whatever happensDont worry, I'll stand by you cos it's alright

The Greenwood Boys will give five performances.They will give


the green suitcase is the heaviest of them all。 of them all 指的是什么?希望说得能让我明白.thanks


holland&barrett garcini gambogia and green coffee

holland & barrett garcinia cambogia and green coffee beanholland &巴雷特藤黄属植物藤黄和绿色咖啡豆

《helping other is great1》英语作文60词

1.Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful.But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.每个人都会被美所吸引,荚有强大的力量。但是什么是真正的美呢?或许你可以从下面的事情中得到答案。This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly.We were all very angry with the young man.To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home.We all praised the girl.今天早上我和父母一起去市场买蔬菜,路上我们都赞叹一个西装革履的正骑车经过的年轻人。但是他骑得太快了,不小心把一位老妇人撞倒在地。而他却假装没看到,飞快地骑走了。我们都生那个年轻人的气。让人欣慰的是,一个穿着朴素的女孩立刻跑过来,扶起老人并把她送回了家。我们都夸奖这个小女孩。From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance.A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.由此我们知道了,不能通过外表来判断一个人。一个身穿华服的人可能没有美好的心灵,拥有美丽灵魂的人才是真正美丽的。

non regression指的是什么

nonaggression n. 不侵略no expression n. 不侵略This technique is used to elaborate non-regression test suites that run a collection of reusabletest scripts. 这项技术常常通过运行一系列复用测试脚本来详细描述非回归测试套件。The parameter evaluating method—Jacobian matrix recursion method for solving nonlinearization regression model is discussed and applied to the study of tobacco. 讨论求解不可线性化的回归模型的参数估计方法——雅可比矩阵递推法,并把它应用于烟蚜危害研究中,同时还将它与常规做法作了比较。Non-regression tests based on data-driven testing techniques, in which a single test script isused repeatedly with varying input data, are popular in the test automation community. 非回归测试是基于数据驱动的测试技术,一个简单的测试脚本会根据输入数据的不同而反复的被使用,这在测试自动化方面是很常见的。

在英文信封上,收件人处写着 Mr.Green White C/o China national chartering corp 请问这是什么意思呢?

是 Mr.Green WhiteIn care ofChina National chartering就是他在这个地址的意思

poison -green dress 这儿poison怎么翻译?

poison-green dress : poison-ivy- green dress像毒常春藤叶的绿色衣物poison = poison-ivy 毒常春藤

Green Day的《St. Jimmy》 歌词

歌曲名:St. Jimmy歌手:Green Day专辑:American IdiotGreen Day - St. JimmySt. Jimmy"s comin" down across the alleywayUp on the boulevard like a zip code on paradeLight on the sillohetteHe"s insubordinateComing at you on account of wonder1 2 3 4My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it outSuicide comando that your momma talked aboutKing of the forty theivesAnd I"m here to representThat needle in the vein of the establishmentI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalCigarettes and ramen and a little bag to sellI am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen PoeRaised in the city in the hail of lightsBut ain"t it worth it that we"ve been victimizedI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalYou talkin" to me?I"ll give you something to cry about.ST. JIMMYMy name is St. Jimmy I"m a son of a gunI am the one that"s runaway out of town nowA teenage assasin exucuting some funIn the cult of the life of crimeI really hate to say it but I told you soSo shut your mouth before I shoot you down old boyWelcome to the club and give me some bloodAnd the resident leader at the lost and foundIt"s comedy and tragedyIt"s St. JimmyAnd that"s my nameeeeeee.... and don"t wear it out!END

Green Day的《St. Jimmy》 歌词

歌曲名:St. Jimmy歌手:Green Day专辑:American IdiotGreen Day - St. JimmySt. Jimmy"s comin" down across the alleywayUp on the boulevard like a zip code on paradeLight on the sillohetteHe"s insubordinateComing at you on account of wonder1 2 3 4My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it outSuicide comando that your momma talked aboutKing of the forty theivesAnd I"m here to representThat needle in the vein of the establishmentI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalCigarettes and ramen and a little bag to sellI am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen PoeRaised in the city in the hail of lightsBut ain"t it worth it that we"ve been victimizedI"m the patron saint of the denialWith an angel face and a taste for suicidalYou talkin" to me?I"ll give you something to cry about.ST. JIMMYMy name is St. Jimmy I"m a son of a gunI am the one that"s runaway out of town nowA teenage assasin exucuting some funIn the cult of the life of crimeI really hate to say it but I told you soSo shut your mouth before I shoot you down old boyWelcome to the club and give me some bloodAnd the resident leader at the lost and foundIt"s comedy and tragedyIt"s St. JimmyAnd that"s my nameeeeeee.... and don"t wear it out!END

develop rapidly=make rapid progress相同么?这两个词组



反义词:nonaggressive,unaggressiveaggressiveadj. 侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的aggressive [u0259"ɡresiv]同义词a. belligerent,fast-growing,strong-growing参考例句1. John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.约翰工作做得很好,他是一个很有闯劲的推销员。2. They were the most aggressive imperialists ever known to history.他们是历史上最富有侵略性的帝国主义者。3. If there are cholesterol and blood pressure problems -- as there typically are -- they need aggressive treatment with medication.如果没有胆固醇和血压的问题——事实上通常都有——他们需要积极地药物治疗。


我大概直译了一下,不懂的话可以追问~(1)第一句:no other contemporary poet"s work has such a well-earned reputation for near impenetrability,and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing。在同时代的作品里,没有一部诗歌作品可以因深不可测而拥有如此好的声望,并且也很少有作品的道德观是如此的专横。(也就是说,这首诗歌很难懂却很出名。作者的的道德理想十分的专横无情,这一点在其他作品里是少有的)。(2)第二句:Of late,however,the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn。然而对于后者而言(of late),人们对作者那种严厉无情的惧怕的态度发生了转变。(看逻辑关系就知道,第一句贬义,第二句转折,下文肯定是赞扬或者是反常。)(3)第三句:This new collection is the poet"s fourth book in six years--an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition,let alone for one of such penitential austerity over the previous 50 years.Yet for all his newfound volubility his poetry is as thorny as ever这是他六年来的第四本书。这实在是太高产了,即便对于那些天性乐观的诗人来说(也太高产了),更不要说是这个在过去50年里惜字如金的人。即便如此,他的诗歌还是难懂。全文大概就是说:这个人的诗歌难懂,并且写的东西很少。但是他突然变得高产了,即便如此,他的诗歌还是让人不懂。




rick干草堆trick 名词1. 诡计;骗局;谋略;花招 2. 恶作剧 3. 轻率愚蠢的行为.pickle 名词 1. (腌鱼,蔬菜等的)盐卤,泡菜水[U] 2. 腌渍食品;腌菜,泡菜[P] 3. (清洁金属表面用的)淡酸水;(处理皮革用的)浸酸[U]stick 名词 n.1. 枝条;柴枝[C]2. 棍,棒,杖;手杖[C]3. 棒状物[C][(+of)]tickle 及物动词 1. 呵...痒;使发痒 2. 逗...笑;使快乐 3. 【口】触;拨;弹quick形容词 a.1. 快的,迅速的 2. 敏捷的;伶俐的[F][+to-v][(+of/in/at)]sick1 性急的,易怒的 病的,有病的;病人的[R] 患...病的[(+with)] 想呕吐的,恶心的[F]little1. 小的;小巧可爱的2. 短暂的[B]3. 幼小的green 形容词1. 绿的;青葱的2. (果实等)未熟的;嫩的3. (脸色等)发青的really副词 ad.1. 真地,确实,实际上 2. 很,十分,全然 3. (用以加强语气)实在,其实another 形容词 a. 1,又一再一 2.另一。另外的

gregorian的《Sebastian》 歌词

歌曲名:Sebastian歌手:gregorian专辑:Masters of Chant Chapter - IIRadiate simplyThe candle is burningSo low for meGenerate me limplyCan"t seem to placeYour name, cheriTo rearrange all these thoughtsIn a moment is suicideCome to a strange placeWe"ll talk overOld times we never spiedSomebody called me SebastianSomebody called me SebastianWork out a rhymeToss me the timeLay me, you"re mineAnd we all know, oh yeah!SebastianGregorianMaster of Chant IYou"re not gonna run, babeWe only just begun, babe, to compromiseSlagged in a Bowery saloonLove"s a story we"ll serialisePale angel face; green eye-shadowThe glitter is out of sightNo courtesan could begin to decipherYour beam of lightSomebody called me SebastianSomebody called me SebastianDance on my heart, laugh, swoop and dartLa-di-di-da, oh yeah!




Simpsons Theme 辛普森一家的经典主题曲参考资料:Green Day Punks Up "Simpsons" Theme SongIn a new twist, the score soundtrack for the upcoming "Simpsons" movie, featuring Green Day"s rendition of the show"s famous theme, will be released simultaneously by three companies.On July 24, three days before the film opens in U.S. theaters, Warner Bros. Records will put out the Green Day single (the band also appears in the film). Fox Music will make a digital score album available through its Web site and other outlets. And Extreme Music, usually known for its vast production music library, will release 25,000 pink doughnut cases to such specialty retailers as Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-Mart and Barnes & Noble.For traditionalists, jewel-cased CDs also will be available. "We really wanted to think outside of the box," Fox Music president Robert Kraft says. ""The Simpsons Movie" was a perfect vehicle to try a new approach."The idea largely was the brainchild of Kraft and composer Hans Zimmer, who scored the film. "Hans has a great relationship with Extreme Music," Kraft says. "They are known for their creative packaging. The model of handing over a soundtrack or score to a traditional label and then hoping it does well is changing. This is a coordinated marketing effort of behalf of Extreme, the studio and Warner Bros. Records."As previously reported, Green Day recently recorded a cover of another famous tune, John Lennon"s "Working Class Hero," for the upcoming Darfur benefit "Instant Karma." The song, which the group performed on Wednesday"s "American Idol" finale, climbs 25-14 on this week"s Billboard Modern Rock chart.音乐下载地址

young funny short kind thin smart active strict quiet eggplant greenbeans 是什么意思

年轻 好玩 矮小 善良 瘦小 聪明 活泼 严肃 安静 笨蛋 绿豆

Gretchen Peters的《Idlewild》 歌词

歌曲名:Idlewild歌手:Gretchen Peters专辑:Hello Cruel WorldGretchen Peters - Idlewild..They""re in the front seat,he""s got the radio lowAnd the moon hangs over idlewildas the planes touch downHe is talking but she""s not listeningShe is thinking of her father,who died when she was young.I""m in the back seat,they think I""m sleepingBut I am listening for the cracksbetween their voices in the darkWe are a family, we are a shipwreckAnd we""re picking up my grandmawho is getting very old.And they think she""s dyingBut I think she""s laughingI think she""s riding Halley""sComet from fort Lauderdale to hereBut when I see herI""ll keep her secretWe all have our secretsthat we keep inside ourselves.They built this airport but in a few yearsThey""ll name it after Kennedy, the one who died todayAnd he will leave her, and she will sufferAnd they will never really know each other at all.They think we""re drivingBut I know we""re driftingThey think we""re off on some adventurewhere the hero saves the dayWe think we""re specialWe think we""re goldenWe think we""re walking on the moonbut we are dancing in the dark.We shoot our rockets,we shoot our presidentsWe shoot the commiesand the niggers and the VietcongEverything changes,everything stays the sameAnd the moon hangs over idlewildas the planes touch down….

Greater Omaha 歌词

歌曲名:Greater Omaha歌手:desaparecidos专辑:Read Music/Speak SpanishWell traffic is kind of badthey抮e widening easy streetto fit more suvsthey抮e planting baby treesto grow to shady peaksa little shelter from the sunor the upper tax brackethere on the cul-de-sacwe are not giving backuntil the community repentscause we can抰 afford to be generoustheres closing costs and a narrow marginso go earn your degreeand we抣l take you out to lunchyou can work for usbut you have eat em all upyeah one more mouth full and we will be happy thenyeah one more mouth full and we will be happy thenout west they"re moving dirtto make a greater omahaanother franchise soldso there are even more restaurants per capitaand they all have got a drive-thruyeah who抯 got time to dinealthough the floors are cleanand the color schemeit compliments me every timeso no one starves in this cattle townthe semis pass making squealing soundsand its all u can eatand they"ll never get enoughthey抣l be feeding usthey抣l be feeding on usjust one more mouthful and they will be happy thenyeah one more mouthfull and they will be happy thenall those golden fieldslovely empty spacethey抮e building drug stores now until non remainsI"ve been driving aroundfor 100 blockssaw 50 kum and Go抯60 parking lots.Yeah one more mouthful and they will be happy thenWhooyeah one more mouthful and they will be happy thenone moreone moreone morejust one morejust one morejust one more

i regret what i have done.中regret是什么成分?


艾薇儿的一首歌,歌词有you are so great to me


To our great j_____,our class won thefootball match again.


It is nice seeing you again这句话对么?(网上都说是对的) 但为什么it is great...


帮我翻译一下GRE 高手 HELP~~

Topic: Regarding the political leader, conceals the information to the masses not should (not to have authority) is also wise. 1) the political leader does not have the authority to conceal the information to the populace. Mr. Eg Chinese revolution pioneer Sun Yat-Sen once had said that “politics is masses" matter, the political leader is the masses elects produces, their authority is the general populace entrusts with.”Therefore in the usual situation, the government does not have the authority to conceal the information to the masses. 2) the government conceals the information to the populace is also wise, because of 1, only then maintains the information the exchange can make the correct macro-scientific policy-making. Eg US"s Prof Holland Sabine pointed out in "Political Theory History": “the political theory is the humanity to understand all sorts of attempts which consciously and the solution collective life"s difficult problem does, this process needs the faction (the masses) and the leader maintains the close relation, guarantees the information the communication and the difficult problem solution.” 2, only then maintains the information the exchange can have people"s support. can be prompt, the leader who carries on the information communication from the masses easy to gain populace"s understanding and the support frequently. On the contrary, conceals easily to the populace to cause does not trust, then loses the prestige. Eg in February, 1981, Spain had the coup d"etat, some servicemen surrounded the parliament building, detained all cabinet member, the entire city martial law, the nation was in a confusion, this was King Carlos promptly through the televised address, notified the information to the whole nation, the stable will of the people, obtained the populace to support, then the police have carried on the counter-encirclement to the coup d"etat member, soon the coup d"etat miscarried, king the prestige increased, the demcratic forces obtained strengthen. 3) indeed, in certain special emergency cases, when such concealment is for the populace benefit consideration is necessary. protects the populace safety, for instance the country military secret, divulging can create insecurely, the recrimination motion, avoids the populace encountering the retaliation .

英语作文A great day

A great day Today I had a great day at school. During the first lesson, I had physics. We went over some problems. I was doing very well in physics. Next, I had English, I had learned Lesson 5 by myself. I want to study further ahead so that I can get a good grade. During my lunch time, I did my physics and English homework. In Chinese, Mr. Wen gave us a test. I think I did a good job. After Chinese, I had Chemistry studies. I worked on my experiment in the lab. I put all the materials togeter while my other group members found pictures. I had some noodles for lunch. In PE , we went for a run. Finally, I had math.In brief, I had a great day today.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New Year"s resolutionIt is the beginning of a new year. I have made many new plans as my new year"s resolution. First of all I will study hard at school and be a diligent student. Also I am going to eat more healthy food and get more exercise to keep myself fit through the year. At home i"ll try to help out my parents and do some chores around the home which will include doing the dishes after dinner. In my spare time i"m going to read more books, and widen my knowledge. Finally i hope that i can forget all my problems from the past year, and i"ll try to find a part-time job and save some money to buy books and novels as well as gaining valuable experiences from the job. I sincerely hope that i can stick to my resolutions and have a great year.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My life styleWe believe that health care consumers should be able to make educated choices about their health, and should have the tools and resources necessary to be a full participant in their health care team. Learning to balance our physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and intellectual health and wellness needs is extremely complex in today"s social environment.Health is more important than wealth.Everyone wants to keep healthy.It is necessary for us to have a healthy lifestyle.I think I am pretty healthy.I always go to company on foot.I think walking is good exercise.I seldom eat candy.It is bad for our teeth.I usually sleep for 8 hours every night.A good sleep can keep me active during the daytime.I often eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.Eating them is good for our health.I always hve breakfast in the morning.Breakfast can give me energy.So you see, I take good care of my health.My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. This is my way to keep healthy.I hope that all people can have a healthy lifestyle like me!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My favorite TV show: So NoTORIousI have a new favorite show, So NoTORIous. Everyone who reads this should add it to your TiVo right now. RIGHT NOW! Here"s the TiVo link for remote scheduling. It"s on VH1 as part of their celebreality, but it"s not a reality show, it"s a sitcom starring Tori Spelling as herself. It"s very "inside". All other shows about the inner workings of Hollywood have died a quick death because most of America didn"t get it. I think this one will work because: (A) everyone knows Tori Spelling or at least the shows her father created (B) it"s on VH1 so there"s no huge expectation from a big broadcast network. I love it because the writing is hysterical. Here"s a sample. Tori goes to a self-help "church" not unlike the Scientologists and sits in a support group where the facilitator tells how they can achieve relavance. "Why are you not relevant?" he asks around the room. Bald gay man: "I"m a crystal meth addict." gasps.Pregant blond girl: "I"m a sex addict." more gasps.Tori: "I"m (pause) I"m Tori Spelling." big gasps. Plus her two best friends and great. There are great childhood flashbacks. Loni Anderson plays her mother and she"s great. Also, it"s single camera with no laugh track. Don"t miss this. New episodes are Sunday night but it"s on all week long including tonight at 10.

Alan Greenspan代表什么意思??


make america great again是什么意思

make america great again让美国再次伟大

bronze green是什么颜色

bronze green是青绿色又称绿蓝色,现代狭义上指介于绿色和蓝色之间的颜色,波长大约为500-485纳米。广义上则指汉语传统颜色词中,包括绿色和蓝色的颜色,有时也包括黑色。世界各地有许多语言都不区别绿色和蓝色。青绿色可以给人凉爽清新的感觉。

完美告白里的插曲里有Yesi alas degree的英文歌叫什么?

Perfect Unbosom

yesi didit was great是什么意思

是的,我很喜欢 。。???。,,,,,,??,,,?,,,,,,????

master degree是什么意思

Master Degree是硕士学位。硕士是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位(Post-Graduate),拥有硕士学位者通常象征具有基础的独立的思考能力。硕士课程主分为两种,分别是修课式和研究式。修课式的硕士课程主要有理学硕士(MasterofScience,英文短写为MSc),教育硕士(Master of E专业硕士学位证书ducation,英文短写为MEd),工程硕士(Master of Engineering,英文短写为MEng)和文学硕士(Masterof Arts,英文短写为MA)。另有工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration,英文短写为MBA)。而研究式的硕士课程有哲学硕士(Master of Philosophy,英文短写为MPhil)。

auxiliary regression是什么意思


could not dump heap,previous analysis still is in progress怎么办



两者都有材料的意思,这是乍一看的共同之处。然而,material强调的是素材之类的材,ingredient强调的是食材之类的材。material可以指用于建造的材料,或是写作的素材。ingredient 常指食品或药品的成分,或是抽象感念的各个组成部分。


美国白痴american idiots

green day 的详细资料


谁有GREEN DAY成员的详细资料啊?




feel good 和feel great差别

高兴 兴高采烈 程度不同

green day 主唱用的是什么牌的吉他?


Pat Green的《Baby Doll》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Doll歌手:Pat Green专辑:Lucky OnesBabyDollwritten,composed & arranged by:a.k.a.dRESS(ave;new)Vocal:ave;new feat.白沢理恵 Lrc:GarsiazeroIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン Baby DollIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン きっとずっとねIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン Baby DollIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン KISSして华やかな梦透明な日差しの中で触れ合うように优しく见诘め合う抱きしめるたびに爱(いと)しさの密度(みつど)が饰りをつけたみたい溢れ出してく唇(くちびる)に浮(う)かぶ永远(とわ)の愿いはいつまでも恋のMelody何度も交わした爱の言叶は変えたくないDestiny绮丽な瞳映る明日は谁よりも辉いて握り缔めた手を放さないよ眩しい笑颜みせて赈(にぎ)やかな午後少しお休みして二人幸せな窓辺の景色みて傍にいるだけで爱してるの温度が満たされていくから嬉しいんだ抱きしめた ぬくもりに感じてるさがし求めたSynergyまだ少し梦心地(ゆめこころち)の気分何だかそう、Fantasyキスで目覚める朝も一人の时も星の降るような夜もどんな瞬间(とき)も大切にしたいわかちあいたいから切ない涙に濡れる颜も不机嫌な横颜(よこがお)も気づいたらいつも隣にいた光に包(つつ)まれて

The Greatest 歌词

歌曲名:The Greatest歌手:S Club专辑:Seeing DoubleThe Greatest S Club Seeing Double The Greatest--S ClubLYR by <<Susi <Da da da daDa da daDa da da daDa da da (Oh yeah)Da da da daDa da daDa da da daDa da daHow about a cup of coffeeMe and you, we can meet at the cafeParler while sippin" cappuccinosIf that ain"t you, we can go hit a movieHere I am all jittery and nervousGot me feelin" that I"m really not good at thisIn your mind I know your thinkin" what I"m up toAll I wanna do is try to get to know youI can be the oneYou know the one you don"t know your lookin" forWe can be the sparkTo start a fire that the world"s been waitin" forThe greatest love affair started with helloThe greatest love song started with a noteAnd the Mona Lisa started with a strokeMaybe me and you could be one of thoseThe greatest idea started with a thoughtIf I think hard enough I can win your heartCause the greatest love story that was ever toldCould be me and youYou just never knowI"ve been doin" all the talkin"Whats up with you, can you tell me what you"re thinkin"Am I off baseSlow down, stop walkingTake a breath, do you come here oftenYou say you do, and tommorow is the weekendDo you bowl or are you up for rollerbladingTake my number, hit me up on my cell phoneMaybe later we can finish converstatin"YeahI can be the oneYou know the one you don"t know your lookin" forWe can be the sparkTo start a fire that the world"s been waitin" forThe greatest love affair started with helloThe greatest love song started with a noteAnd the Mona Lisa started with a strokeMaybe me and you could be one of thoseThe greatest idea started with a thoughtIf I think hard enough I can win your heartCause the greatest love story that was ever toldCould be me and youYou just never knowThe strangest things have happenedAnd I don"t even know your nameBut I"m feelin" this connectionTell me do you feel the sameIt could be bigger than both of usBut first it has to startOne day people gonna look back at us as a work of artDa da da daDa da daDa da da daDa da da (Oh yeah)Da da da daDa da daDa da da daDa da daI can be the oneTo start a fire that the world"s been waitin" forThe greatest love affair started with helloThe greatest love song started with a noteAnd the Mona Lisa started with a strokeMaybe me and you could be one of thoseThe greatest idea started with a thoughtIf I think hard enough I can win your heartCause the greatest love story that was ever toldCould be me and youYou just never knowThe greatest love affair started with helloThe greatest love song started with a noteAnd the Mona Lisa started with a strokeMaybe me and you could be one of thoseThe greatest idea started with a thoughtIf I think hard enough I can win your heartCause the greatest love story that was ever toldCould be me and youYou just never knowDa da da daDa da daDa da da daDa da daDa da da daDa da daDa da da daYou just never know

求希腊神话 Greek Myths


love the way you lie skylar grey 这个版本的歌词。。。中文版

On the first page of our storyThe future seemed so brightThen the thing turned out so evilI don"t know why I"m still surprisedEven angels have their wicked schemes,And you take that to new extremes.But you"ll always be my hero,Even though you"ve lost your mind.Just gonna stand there and watch me burnWell that"s alright because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryWell that"s alright because I love the way you lieLove the way you lieOhh, I love the way you lieNow there"s treble in our voices As they shatter from the fightIn this tug of war you"ll always winEven when I"m rightCos you feed me fables from your headWith violent words and empty threatsAnd it"s sick that all these battlesAre what keeps me satisfiedJust gonna stand there and watch me burnWell that"s alright because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryWell that"s alright because I love the way you lieLove the way you lieOhh, I love the way you lieSo maybe I"m a masochistI try to run but I don"t wanna ever beTill the walls are going downThere"s smoke with all our memoriesJust gonna stand there and watch me burnWell that"s alright because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryWell that"s alright because I love the way you lieI Love the way you lieI love the way you lieI love the way you lie我们在第一页的故事未来似乎很明亮然后事情结局很坏,所以邪恶我不知道为什么我仍会感到惊讶即使天使也心怀不平,你把这新的极端。但你永远是我的英雄,即使你已经失去了你的头脑。只是站在那儿看着我燃烧那好吧,因为我喜欢令人心痛只是站在那儿听到我哭泣那是好的,因为我爱的方式你撒谎爱的方式,你的谎言哦哦,我爱的方式你撒谎我们现在有三冠王的声音作为它们粉碎从战斗在这个拔河比赛你准会赢的甚至当我是对的,因为,你从你喂我寓言头用激烈的言辞和空洞威胁而且它是不舒服了,所有这些战斗是什么使我满意吗只是站在那儿看着我燃烧那好吧,因为我喜欢令人心痛只是站在那儿听到我哭泣那是好的,因为我爱的方式你撒谎爱的方式,你的谎言哦哦,我爱的方式你撒谎也许我是一个受虐狂我试着去跑,但是我不想永远直到城墙下去有烟和我们所有的回忆只是站在那儿看着我燃烧那好吧,因为我喜欢令人心痛只是站在那儿听到我哭泣那是好的,因为我爱的方式你撒谎我爱的方式你撒谎我爱的方式你撒谎我爱的方式你撒谎



green barley cleansing cream是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答green barley cleansing cream可翻译为:麦绿素洁面霜希望能帮到你

innisfree green tea pure cleansing cream怎么用?搓不出沫沫啊……清洁力可以吗?



在GRE考试中,GRE数学部分一共有30道题。接下来将为大家分享GRE数学典型题目,一起来了解一下:1、In the course of an experiment, 95 measurements were recorded, and all of the measurements were integers. The 95 measurements were then grouped into 7 measurement intervals. The graph above shows the frequency distribution of the 95 measurements by measurement interval.Quantity A Quantity BThe average (arithmetic The median of the 95mean) of the 95 measurementsMeasurements2、The random variable X is normally distributed. The values 650 and 850 are at the 60th and 90th percentiles of the distribution of X, respectively.Quantity A Quantity BThe value at the 75th 750percentile of thedistribution of X3、If 1+x+x2+x3=60, then the average (arithmetic mean) of x, x2, x3, andx4 is equal to which of the following?A 12xB 15xC 20xD 30xE 60x4、Let S be the set of all positive integers n such that n2 is a multiple of both24 and 108. Which of the following integers are divisors of every integer nin S ?Indicate all such integers.A 12B 24C 36D 725、Parallelogram OPQR lies in the xy-plane, as shown in the figure above. Thecoordinates of point P are (2, 4) and the coordinates of point Q are (8, 6).What are the coordinates of point R ?A (3, 2)B (3, 3)C (4, 4)D (5, 2)E (6, 2)

Grey Skies Black 歌词

歌曲名:Grey Skies Black歌手:bella morte专辑:Bleed the Grey Sky BlackIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black

GILLE的《Grenade》 歌词

歌曲名:Grenade歌手:GILLE专辑:I AM GILLE.Easy come, easy goThat"s just how you liveTake take take it off, but you never giveShould have known you was trouble from the first kissHad you eyes wide open, why were they openGave you all I had and you tossed it in the trashYou tossed it in the trash, you didTo give me all your love is all I ever asked causeWhat you don"t understand is thatI catch a grenade for you yeahThrow my hand on a blade for youI jump in front of a train for youYou know I"ll do anything for youI would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brainYes I would die for you babyBut you won"t do the same「Grenade」作词

GILLE的《Grenade》 歌词

歌曲名:Grenade歌手:GILLE专辑:ShunkashuutouEasy come, easy goThat"s just how you liveTake take take it off, but you never giveShould have known you was trouble from the first kissHad you eyes wide open, why were they openGave you all I had and you tossed it in the trashYou tossed it in the trash, you didTo give me all your love is all I ever asked causeWhat you don"t understand is thatI catch a grenade for you yeahThrow my hand on a blade for youI jump in front of a train for youYou know I"ll do anything for youI would go through all this painTake a bullet straight through my brainYes I would die for you babyBut you won"t do the same「Grenade」作词


dis stp 直接看呗。。。

什么是Greenfield investment

Greenfield investment绿地投资双语对照例句:1.Only in eastern europe have chinese firms ventured into greenfieldinvestment projects in the car, machinery, and transportationindustries. 只有在东欧,中国企业在汽车、机械及交通运输等行业涉足绿地投资项目。

gre词汇表: 同义词总结大全(121)

maverick n.独行者,想法与众不同的人 世俗的,超俗的 mundane adj.现世的,世俗的 | secular adj.世俗的、尘世的 | temporal adj.时间的,世俗的 subcelestial adj 世俗的,尘世的 | ultramundane adj.超俗的,世界之外的 otherworldly adj 超脱尘世的,超俗的 | unearthly a 非尘世的,神秘的,怪异的 暂时,暂停,间歇 interim n.中间时期、过渡时期 adj.暂时的 | provisional adj.暂时的,临时的 temporary adj.短暂的,暂时的 | tabernacle v 临时住所,暂住ue003 | temp n 临时雇员,v 临时做工ue003 acting n 演戏,行为,假装a 代理的,临时的,演出用的 | understudy n 临时替角,垫角 abeyance n.中止,暂搁 | cessation n.中止,(短暂的)停止 | halt v.暂停前进,停止 interlude n.(活动间的)暂时休息 | intermission n.暂停,间歇 intermittent adj.断断续续的,间歇的 | spasmodic adj.痉挛的,间歇性的 reprieve n.v.缓刑,暂时解救 | lull n 暂停,间歇v 使平静,哄骗 | limbo n.不稳定,中间状态 首和尾 overture n.前奏曲、序曲 | preamble n.前言,序言 | prelude n.序幕,前奏 | preface n.序言,开端 prologue n.开场白,序幕 | finale n.终曲,乐曲的最后部分 | envoy n 使者,代表,跋词,后记 tag n 结束语,终场白 ,标签 | denouement n.(小说的)结尾,结局 | epilogue n.收场白,尾声 peroration n.结尾,结论 | coda n. 终结句,乐章结尾部,完结部 装饰 adorn v.装饰 | adornment n.装饰,装饰品 | arabesque n.蔓藤图饰 baroque n. adj.(艺术、建筑等)高度装饰的,过份雕琢的 | earring n.耳环,耳饰 embellish v.装饰 润饰 | embroider v.刺绣,修饰 | embroidery n.刺绣(品),润色 GRE考试形式:中国大陆地区、香港、澳门、韩国目前执行分开考试的形式。由机考(分析性写作)和笔试(语文、数学)组成。 感谢您阅读《 同义词总结大全(121) 》一文,(我部希望本文能帮助到您。

Greenfield Investment代表什么?

Greenfield investment绿地投资例句:1.Only in eastern europe have chinese firms ventured into greenfield investment projectsin the car, machinery, and transportation industries. 只有在东欧,中国企业在汽车、机械及交通运输等行业涉足绿地投资项目。2.The second fact is that m& a activity, not greenfield investment, is by far thepredominant method by which multinationals undertake fdi. 第二个事实是,到目前为止,跨国公司开展fdi的主要方式是并购活动,而非新项目投资(greenfield investment)。

reservation agreement 什么意思

reservation agreement预订协议

----- Now that you like the portable personal computer so much, why not buy one? It is of great...

B 根据句意应选择expensive,such为形容词应表达为such a cheap computer。so为副词,所以答案B。

求DIR EN GREY《mazohyst of decadence》歌词的中文翻译

歌曲:mazohyst of decadence歌手:DIR EN GREY所属专辑:GAUZE歌词:虚有其表 至今依然玩弄著你 而你浑然不觉 冻结在零下180度下的爱情 对寡言的你 用寡言的爱情 产生无言的沉闷 对寡言的我 用寡言的爱情 填补无言的伤口 你是第十八个 没有发现我的居心 对早已结冰的爱情 付出温柔 对寂静的你 用寂静的爱 寂静的扼杀快感 对寂静的我 用寂静的爱 寂静地…… 改变不了 无法归来的 无言爱情 悄悄的 静静的 互相结合的两人 木讷的心 沉静的心 把心抵在刀锋上 木讷的心 沉静的心 玩弄别人的心也无所谓 不知从何时起 你发现事实 可是 只要能在你身边就足够了 我在最后 紧抱著你 但不知这次 真的是结局了

i met her in the street the day before yesterday and she greeted me warmly改为否定句和疑问句

I didn"t meet her in the street the day before yesterday and she didn"t greet me warmly.
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