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世界杯 相关英语

the World Cup Final 世界杯决赛


  游乐园amusement park   ferris wheel 摩天轮   tower 塔   giant stride 旋转飞椅   monorail 单轨列车   entrance 入口   swinging boat 秋千船   money exchanger 换币处   coffee cup 咖啡杯   guide 导游   rest room 休息室   merry-go-round 旋转木马   excursion boat 观览艇   revolving boat 碰碰船   mini-train 小火车   track 铁轨   roller coaster 环滑车   go-cart 单座赛车   astrojet(proper noun) 旋转飞机   rotor 大转轮   mad-mouse (proper noun) 疯狂老鼠






1. List the top 5 countries where English is used by most people?A. United Kingdom (Britain), US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland (any of those 5 would be fine)2. Who"s the head of state of Australia?A. Queen Elizebeth !!3. Which are the major parts of the United Kingdom?A. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland4. How is the British prime minister elected?A. The leader of the majority party in the House of the Commons.5. What"s the usual orientation of maps in Australia?A. North at top, South at bottom, East on the left, West on the right.6. What"s biggest river system in Australia?A. Murray-Darling7. What are the only egg-laying mammal in the world? Where can you find them?A. platypus, Australia8. What"s the biggest mountain range in New Zealand?A. South Alps9. How is the US president elected?A. In general election held every 4 years.10. Theoretically, how many years can a US president stay in office at most?A. 10 years (2 full terms plus less than half of a full term)11. Which 4 presidents" head can be found in Mount Rushmore National Monument?A. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt12. How many states are there in US? Which is the biggest in size?A. 50, Alaska13. The 5 big lakes in North America is also known as the North American Mediterranean. Give their names.A. Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario14. Why the weather in Britain is warmer in the winter compared to other places with similar latitude?A. The Mexican Gulf Stream brings warm water.15. Which party controls the Senate and the House in US?A. Democratic controlling the Senate, Republican the House, 16. How many members are there in the Senate and the House respectively? How are they distributed among the states?A. Senate: 100, 2 from each state House: 435, based on population17. How did US get Alaska?A. bought from Russia18. Which is the city at the mouth of the Mississippi? What happened to it several years ago?A. New Orleans, flooded by the famous hurricane Katrina.19. What"s the 2nd biggest city in US?A. Los Angeles20. Who was the previous governor of California?A. Arnold Schwarzenegger


  牛排是西方国家经常吃的一种食物,那么对于牛排的英语表达方式你们都了解么?下面我为大家带来牛排的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   牛排的英语意思   beefsteak   牛排的相关英语例句   我们点了四块牛排。   We ordered four beefsteaks.   她丈夫大口大口地吃牛排。   Her husband tore into a steak.   他想再加一点胡椒粉给他的菲力牛排调味。   He wanted a little more pepper to spice up his rump steak.   纽曼曾经说道,“如果家里有了牛排,为什么要出去找汉堡?”   "Why go out for hamburger when you have steak at home?" he once remarked.   那好吧。我可以吃你的牛排吗?   Fine! So can I have your steak?   是的,是我的牛排。   Yes,it is my steak.   香肠或牛排。   Sausage or steak.   我需要四块牛排。   I need four steaks.   “我们去看你的妈妈”。他在吃晚餐的期间告诉我这件事。“什么?”我差点把嘴里的牛排喷出来了。   “We"re going to see your mother.” He said during a dinner. “What?” I nearly spat out my steak inmy mouth.   他向我展示了臀部牛排和臀部烤肉,然后给了我一块有骨头的牛腩和一把锋利的小刀。   He shows me rump roasts and rump steaks, and then gives me the bone-in sirloin and a sharpknife.   这条规则并不适用于那些确实出售牛排的黄页广告,但它仍然是所有其他广告的本质。   This rule does not apply to Yellow Pages ads, which do sell steak, but it remains the essence ofall other advertising you do.   一个可能的解决办法是捣烂食物,特别是肉类,比如说我带的牛排。   One solution might have been to pound food, especially meat — like the steak I brought.   努力想象如果这种情况无限持续下去,你再也不能够享受橘子或巧克力的香味或者品尝不出鸡肉和牛排的区别时你的生活会是什么样子。   Try to imagine your life if the problem lasted indefinitely and you could no longer enjoy the flavorof an orange or chocolate or taste the difference between chicken and steak.   如果你喜欢牛排,可以把它切成薄条搅拌再过油或切成方块做俄式烩饭。   If you enjoy steak, try cutting it into thin strips for stir fry or cubed for stroganoff.   有人发现了火 -没有人知道什么时候开始的 -然后有人把牛排和蔬菜放在火堆旁烧烤。   Someone discovered fire — no one knows exactly when — and then someone got around toputting steak and veggies on the barbeque.   他解释说,在你餐盘中摆放的牛排,不仅可能会毁了你自己的心脏,它提供的营养价值实际上也并不比炸面圈多出多少!   And he explains that the steak at the heart of your dinner plate not only may destroy your ownheart but actually offers no more nutritional value than a doughnut!   我走进一家相对昂贵的餐厅,吃了一块美味的牛排,外加番红花米饭,还喝了一瓶红酒。   I go to a relatively expensive restaurant and eat a glorious steak with saffron rice, and drink abottle of wine.   在这一步,我通常会再在牛排上涂上一层热的辣根酱,然后在面包的里面再涂上一层法式芥末酱,然后三明治的制作就完成了。   At this stage I usually smear hot horseradish on the top steak and Dijon mustard on the inside ofthe lid before fitting it back on to the loaf.   脂肪(比如说一块雪花牛排)会减缓食物通过肠道的速度,但影响程度很小。   Fat, in, say, a marbled steak, slows the passage of food through the intestine, but only to asmall extent.   你很难看到插在烤串上的一头猪后想吃它,却能很轻易地吃下现成的牛排。这是类似的道理。   It is harder to eat a pig you have seen on a spit than a store-bought steak. This is similar.   所以我可以要一份牛排,吃掉它!   So I can have my steak and eat it too!   牛排的英文例句   我要了一份牛排。   I"ve ordered a steak.   他喜欢吃煎得熟透的牛排。   He prefers his steak well-done.   我要全熟的牛排。   I want my steak well-done.   请给我来一客牛排。   I"d like to try the steak, please.   想要些牛排吗?   Would you like some beef steaks?   吃牛排之前她先剔除了牛排上的肥肉。   She trimmed the fat off her steak before eating it.   生牛排的血是从哪里来的?   Where does all the blood come from in a rare steak?   把牛排盛入微温的盘子用锡纸包好保温。   Arrange the steak to a warm plate and cover tightly with aluminum foil.   牛排的双语例句   1. The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.   牛排老得嚼不动,豌豆像子弹一样硬。   2. Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a knife.   在牛排表面轻轻打花刀。   3. I put a forkful of fillet steak in my mouth.   我叉了一块无骨牛排放进嘴里。   4. Batter the steaks flat.   把牛排捶扁。   5. Season the steaks generously with salt and pepper.   给牛排多加些盐和胡椒调味。   6. The steaks were unevenly cooked.   牛排烤得不均匀。   7. I specifically asked for this steak rare.   我明确要求把这份牛排煎得偏生一些。   8. I chomped hungrily through the large steak.   我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。   9. Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.   格蕾琴费劲地嚼着那块带软骨的牛排。   10. Waiter, I specifically asked for this steak rare.   服务员,我特别强调了这块牛排要做得嫩些。   11. I"ll have the steak and chicken combo platter.   我要牛排和鸡组合餐。   12. He prefers his steak well done.   他喜欢吃煎得熟透的牛排。   13. The steak is so delicious that he"s licking his lips.   牛排这么香,使得他垂涎欲滴了.   14. The steak was so tough that he couldn"t eat it.   那牛排硬得他没法吃.   15. I ate four steaks yesterday.   昨天我吃了四块牛排.



有关英语角的主持 活动主题:single or couple 是在光棍节的后一天,其实做主持人本来不怎么紧张

先报名 人到关键时刻会有办法的




The Yellow River is one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization,Gansu is an important birth place of the Yellow River civilization.The Majia Kiln culture is a late Neolithic culture of the upper reaches of the Yellow River.With the advancement of science and technology and the era,more and more people begin to pay attention to the Majia Kiln culture.




机场有关英语单词是Airport related。扩展知识-与机场有关联的其他英文单词:国际机场international airport;国内机场domestic airport;机场候机楼airport terminal;国际候机楼international terminal;国际航班出港international departure;国内航班出站 domestic departure;卫星楼satellite;出口exit; out; way out;进站(进港、到达)arrivals关于机场Airport的造句:1、My mother drove us to the airport.我母亲开车把我们送到了机场。2、We need tighter security at the airport.我们需要在机场实行更加严密的安全措施。3、Why don"t you have him paged at the airport?你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?4、We were bussed from the airport to our hotel.公共汽车把我们从飞机场送到旅馆。


tumble strength 还原度:reducibilty 自由膨胀系数:free swelling index 低温分解:Low-temperature disintegration 体积密度:Bulk density 煅烧系数:decreptiation index 表现密度:apparent density


  变成,呈现某种新的实质或性质。下面就由我为大家带来关于变成的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于变成的相关短语   变成 develop into;   变成沙漠 become deserts ;   我会变成 i"ll be   关于变成的相关单词   grow;   become;   make;   fall   关于变成的词语辨析   turn, get, grow, become, come, go这组词都有“变成,成为”的意思,其区别是:   turn 侧重指变得与原来截然不同,有时含贬义。   get 常指某人或某物有意无意地获得引起变化的因素,结果使变成另一状态。   grow 常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程。   become 最普通用词,作为连系动词,指从一个状态向另一个状态的变化。   come 侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况。   go 作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态。   关于变成的相关短句或解释   transform a desert into fertile farmland;   把沙漠变成良田   The backward place has changed into an industrial centre.   那落后的地方变成了工业中心。   As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one.   结果坏事变成了好事。   Her hopes [aspirations] are unrealized.   她的希望变成了泡影。   Matter can be transformed into consciousness and consciousness into matter.   物质可以变成精神, 精神可以变成物质。   The slaves of the old society have become the masters of the new society.   旧社会的奴隶变成了新社会的主人。   关于变成的相关例句   我们应该把计划变成行动。   We should translate the schemes into actions.   我们不能把贱金属变成金子。   We cannot transubstantiate base metals into gold.   他们的辩论竟变成了互相辱骂。   Their debate degenerated into an exchange of insults.   这场雨变成了冻雨。   The rain turned to sleet.   是的,这些产品把我们都变成了伪君子。   Yes, these products make hypocrites of us all.   那么,这个变成了什么呢?   And, so what does that become?   那个人,那个无家可归的人,因为一次觉醒,变成这个奢侈的人。   And that person, the homeless one, became this luxurious one because of an awakening.   所以你们认为只是加上一个所以,并不能把它变成一个论点?   So you think that by putting therefore in there it doesnt make it into an argument?   然后变成肉体理论家,假如没有灵魂存在。   And then become body theorists,if there are no souls.   那么问题就变成了“我怎么才能知道什么时候该进行重构呢?”   The question then becomes How do I know when I should refactor?   谈论的都是他们,他们的家人,以及他们的未来将会变成什么样子。   All the talk is what will become of them, and their families, in the future.   这能使女孩变成魔鬼,或者是天鹅?   It turns the girls into demons, or swans?   如果不能,那就该是你走出去并变成一个你想让世人看到的人的时候了。   If not, itu2019s time to go out and become that person you want the world to see.   我想要她离我远一些,远到她没法继续与我维系这层关系,因为她变成了纯粹的记忆,而且这么多年就是这样保持着。   I wanted her far away from me, so unattainable that she could continue as the mere memoryshe had become and remained all these years.   他很喜欢说:“我可以变成任何我想变的人。”   “I can become whatever I want, ” he liked to say.   但是,超过那个限度,它会变成毒药。   Go over that limit, however, and it turns into poison.   它将会变成你的热情。   It will become your passion.   为什么一个行动从这一刻到下一刻变成自由的仅仅是因为我们想到了它?   Why should anaction become free from one moment to the next simply because wereflect uponit?   你能把我已变成一把剑吗?   Would you make me into one as well?   我们的背景和成长的环境可能影响我们是谁,但是我们必须为我们变成谁而负责。   Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsiblefor who we become.   如果你阻止这些中子通过泄露逃跑,它们之后能够,变成在铀238里能吸收的。   And if you keep these neutrons from escaping through leakage they then become available tobecome absorbed in uranium 238.   银行必须做点什么,于是它们把迪拜变成了波斯湾地区的瑞士。   The banks needed to do something, so they turned themselves into the Switzerland of the Gulf.   以至于我们可以把求和变成积分。   That we can turn the sums into integrals.   以至于我们可以把求和变成积分。   That we can turn the sums into integrals.

要求同学们准时出席,并可向他询问有关英语学习的问题 用英语怎么说

ask the classmates to attend on time,and can consult the problem of english study from him.


1.eat 吃2.egg3.even 甚至4.ever 曾5.e-mail 电子邮件6.example 例子7.eight 八8.elephant 大象9.eleven 十一10.English 英语,英国的11.England 英国12.expensive 贵的13.early 早14.eye 眼睛15.east 东方16.evolution n.开方;(天体的)形成 17.excel vt.胜过 vi.杰出 18.except vt.把…除外,除去 19.exceptional a.例外的;优越的 20.excess n.过度行为,暴行 21..excessively ad.过分,极端地 22.exclamation n.呼喊,惊叫;感叹 23.exclusive a.除外的;孤傲的 24.excursion n.离题 25.excuse vt.与…辩解;使免除 26.execution n.实行,执行;处死刑 27.executive n.总经理,董事 28.exemplify vt.举例证明(解释) 29.exert vt.发挥(威力),施加 30.exile vt.流放 n.被流放者 31.expect vt.料想,认为 32.expedition n.探险;探险队 33.expenditure n.(时间等)支出,消费 34.expel vt.驱逐,开除;排出 35.experimentally ad.实验上,实验性地 36.experimentation n.实验,试验;实验法 37.expire vi.满期,到期;断气 38.explicit a.明晰的;直率的 39.exploration n.考察;勘探;探查 40.exposition n.说明,解释;陈列 41.extinct a.绝种的;熄灭了的 42.extinguish vt.熄灭,扑灭;消灭 43.extra n.附加物;额外的人手 44.extract vt.取出;榨取 n.摘录 45.extraction n.抽出;提取法;摘要 46.extraordinarily ad.非常地,特别地 47.extravagant a.奢侈的;过度的 48.extreme n.极端不同的性质49.electronics n.电子学 50.elegant a.(举止、服饰)雅致的 ......希望帮你


科学发展才是硬道理The scientific development is the absolute principle


电器的开和关,用英语怎么说? turn on 打开;turn off 关掉 打开和关闭用英语怎么写 窗、门等:open close 电器:turn on turn off 开跟关英文怎么说 开open关shut 开、英文怎么写、关、英文怎么写 开英文:door,关英文:close 开,关用英文怎么写 开 turn on 关 turn off ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【采纳回答】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 开和关的英文 open 打开 to close 关闭 是这个意思吗么? 打开灯和关上灯用英语怎么说 打开灯: Turn on the light或switch on the lights 关上灯: Turn off the light或The pass lights a lamp 解析: switch on ["switu0283u0254n] 接通,开启 lights [laits] n. 灯光(light的复数);(供食用的)家畜的肺脏 v. 点亮(light的三单形式) 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问请在线交谈 打开电视和关掉电视用英语怎么说? 我了


  Benefits: straw burning has three advantages:  1, we all know that a kind of convenient corn stubble!  2, increase fertilizer efficiency; after the burning of straw ash are good fertilizer, potash fertilizer is the best fertilizer on maize is not missing. What TV speaking not burning of straw is a good fertilizer,  3, no pests in the wheat crop of corn; harvest before the insect called the two generation of cotton bollworm (commonly known as good green worm {sound}). The burning of straw after these pests and eggs were burned to death. Do not burn straw land, these insects hide in the stubble below, just eat corn unearthed seedlings, pesticides due to insect hiding in the stubble below and not easy to kill.  Harm:  Hazard: air pollution environment, the harm to human health.  Data show that, when burning straw, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, respirable particulate matter pollution index reached a peak value of three, the concentration of sulfur dioxide 1 times higher than usual, the concentration of nitrogen dioxide, respirable particles 3 times higher than usual, equivalent to the average daily concentration level five. When the concentration of respirable particulate matter to a certain extent, to people"s eyes, nose and throat mucosa containing part of the stimulus is larger, it may cause coughing, chest tightness, tears, may lead to severe bronchitis.  Harm two: fire, threatening the people"s life and property safety.  The burning of straw, easily ignite surrounding combustibles, especially in the mountains nearby, once caused the fire, the consequences will be unbearable to contemplate.  Harm three: traffic accidents, road traffic and aviation safety.  There are a lot of farmland most along the highway, the burning of straw to form smog, causing air visibility, reduce the visible range, easy to cause traffic accidents.  Harm four: destroy soil structure, resulting in the decline in the quality of farmland.  The burning of straw to make a sharp rise in the surface temperature, can be directly burned, burned beneficial microorganisms in the soil, fully absorb the effect on Soil Nutrients of crops, directly affects the yield and quality of agricultural crops, affecting agricultural income.  Harm five: burning straw, billowing smoke formed patches of scorched earth, to a city image of the environment is the biggest failure.  If nothing else, is to their homes on Li Ming, prohibit open burning of straw is be imperative choice.


动词不定式的一般式是 to do然而动词不定式还有省略to的情况,以及下列形式:动词不定式的被动式:to be done动词不定式的进行式:to be doing动词不定式的完成式:to have done动词不定式的被动完成式:to have been done动词不定式的完成进行式:to have been doing


  计算机档案或称档案、电脑档案、档案,是储存在某种长期储存装置上的一段资料流。所谓“长期储存装置”一般指磁碟、光碟、磁带等。其特点是所存资讯可以长期、多次使用,不会因为断电而消失。接下来我为大家整理了,希望对你有帮助哦!   计算机档案相关英语词汇:   File 档案档案   New 开新档案 新建   Open 开启旧档 开启   Close 关闭 关闭   Save 储存档案 储存   Save As 另存新档 另存为   Save As Web page 另存成Web画面 另存为Web页   Versions 版本 版本   Web Page Preview Web画面预览 Web页预览   Page Setup 版面设定 页面设定   Print Preview 列印预览 列印预览   Print 列印 列印   Send To 传送到 传送   Properties 属性   Exit 结束 退出   计算机编辑相关英语词汇:   Undo Typing 复原键入 撤消键入   Repeat Typing 重复键入 重复键入   Cut 剪下 剪下   Copy 复制 复制   Office Clipboard   Paste 贴上 黏贴   Paste Special 选择性贴上 选择性黏贴   Clear 清除 清除   Select All 全选 全选   Find 寻找 查询   Replace 取代 替换   Go To 到 定位   Update IME Dictionary 重新组字 汉字重组   Links 连结 连结   Object... 物件 物件


如:he is good at writing,isn"t he?简单来说就是前肯后否,前否后肯(望采纳哦)


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能不能发我一套洛基国际英语的教程以及相关英语学习方法,万分感谢 我的qq邮箱是jfk234@qq.com

看看我写的诗,就知道我在上海洛基英语中的进步了:Dear rocky"s friends, How are you these days ? fast forward and on the day of Teacher"s day , I wanna you know. Winnie, You"re the best teacher I"ve ever had. Mellisa, You changed my life.i love you forever.Tony, you"re a genius, you can push me Prince let me dare to be different.Benson, I really admire you.Ben, You"re rocky English hero.Charley ,where find somebody like you? Sam your methods are usefulKatie you always help me in need anytime ,thank you.Luke, you are a great role model Cherry, Thank you for all you do for us. LIlin,You really are a talented teacher. you know ,from I come in your team you give me Enough to encourage, enough support, enough help, enough understanding, and enough tolerance all along. I feel very familiar ,the feeling ,very familiar, feel like my brother; feel like my sister;feel like my family…..And to those of you who worked so hard and never lost faith even in the toughest times, I offer you my undying gratitude.Thank you ,thank you ,thank you all ,Thanks for everything !!! Happy teachers" dayI"ll never forget you. 亲爱的洛基家人;近来好吗?时间飞逝,我们又迎来了你们的节日,在属于您们的今天,我想让你们知道….Winnie 我从来没见过您这么好的老师。Melissa 您改变了我的生活。Tony 您是一个天才Prince 我为您感到骄傲。Benson 我很是钦佩您Ben 您是洛基的英雄Charley 哪里能找到像您这样的Sam 您的方法对我们很有帮助Katie 您总是那么热心,无论什么时候都帮助我。Luck 您的教学是洛基的楷模。LIlin您是多才的老师Cherry ,武老师,周老师,黄老师 感谢你们为我做了那么多!!!我们大家都知道,从我选择来洛基学习的那一天起,你们就给了我-----足够的鼓励,足够的支持,足够的帮助,足够的体谅,足够的包容让我感觉很亲切,像我的兄弟姐妹,又好像我的家人,如此的宽容…….对于那些勤奋工作、甚至在最艰难的时期也不放弃信念的人们,我永远感谢你们。谢谢!!!谢谢!!!谢谢所有曾经真心默默帮助过我的人,我的全部进步和成绩浸满了你们的汗水…..大师们------节日快乐。。。无论我在哪里哪里哪里,你们永远在我的心底里…………..


  shopping是女生比较熟悉的一个英语单词,那么构成shopping的买与卖的英语表达方式大家也一定不陌生吧。下面我为大家带来买的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   买的英语意思   buy;   买的相关英语例句   这件衬衣是你自己做的还是买的?   Did you make this shirt or buy it?   她给我买了一本英语词典。   She bought an English dictionary for me.   我对你答应她买这么贵的衣服感到吃惊。   I wonder at your allowing her to buy the expensive clothes.   他在储蓄以便买一幢住宅供全家居住。   He is saving up to buy a home for his family.   我妻子说服我给她买一辆新车。   My wife talked me into buying her a new car.   他为我们买回了吃的,大家分摊了那笔钱。   We stood in with him who bought us the meals.   她向她母亲要了足够的钱来买这条裙子。   She asked from her mother enough money to buy the skirt.   如果你买一台电冰箱,我们免费赠送一台微波炉。   If you buy a refrigerator, we will throw in a microwave oven.   我们正在排队等候买音乐会的入场券。   We are queuing up to buy tickets for the concert.   我通常先浏览一本书然后才决定是否买它。   I usually dip into a book before deciding whether to buy it.   他的妻子诱使他给她买了一件皮大衣。   His wife charmed him into buying her a fur coat.   我明天去给她买几件新衣服。   I will buy her some new clothes tomorrow.   约翰经常买东西时当场就付现金。   John always pays cash down for anything he buys.   我给她买了一个靠小轮子行走的玩具鸭子。   I bought her a toy duck that ran upon little wheels.   我们可要动用我们储蓄的钱去买房子。   We shall have to break into our savings to buy the house.   学生们凑钱给他们的老师买了件礼物。   The students clubbed together to buy their teacher a present.   那个小男孩纠缠他妈妈给他买一个玩具狗。   The little boy kept after his mother to buy him a toy dog.   我为自己买了一辆汽车。   I bought myself a car.   如果你父亲愿意合作,你可以买那栋房子。   You can buy your house, if your father is willing to go along.   我妻子很久以来总是缠着我,要我给她买一条项链。   My wife has been at me for a long time to buy her a necklet.   我今天上午买的书还散发着油墨味。   The book which I bought this morning smelled printing ink.   他们省吃俭用有多年了,以便能节省下钱买房子。   They stinted for years to buy their own house.   如果你买家具,店家会另赠一台电视机。   If you buy the furniture,the store will fling in a television.   他到超级市场跑了一趟,买了一包香烟。   He ran over to the supermarket and bought a package of cigarettes.   这个班的男生们凑份子买了一个足球。   The boys in the class clubbed together to buy a football.   我从商贩子那里买的米,肯定被克扣了分量。   I surely got beaten when I bought rice from a monger.   幸福是金钱买不到的。   Happiness cannot be bought for money.   人们总是受广告的引诱,买一些自己并不真正需要的东西。   People are always induced by advertisements to buy things they don"t really need.   买你自己的烟,而不向我讨烟抽。   Buy your own cigarettes instead of bumming them from me!   我们买小汽车之前取出了存款。   We drew our savings out before we bought the car.   买的英文例句   这幅画被他看中了,所以他就把他买了下来。   The painting took his fancy, so he bought it.   金钱买不来幸福。   Money can"t buy happiness.   我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼。   I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan.   我昨天买了好几本书。   I bought several books yesterday.   我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。   I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.   你不能仅买一罐,这是一起出售的,要买就得买全部。   Did u buy the whole kit and caboodle from him?   人们购买当地剧院的季票时,有的人买到原价票,有人买折扣票。   Some were offered the tickets at full price and others at a discount.   我为我自己和我的妹妹和哥哥的一些玩具买了一些书。另外,我给你买了一些糖果。   I bought some books for myself and some toys for my sister and brother.   先买通过该种权利所进行的购买   A purchase made by such a right.   买的双语例句   1. If they value these data, let them pay for them.   他们要是看重这些数据,就让他们出钱买。   2. "Telmex" was bought off the government by a group of investors.   一批投资商从政府手中买下墨西哥电信公司。   3. I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent shirt.   我去布鲁克斯兄弟专卖店给自己买了一件体面的衬衫。   4. Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.   花式咖啡可在美食店和咖啡店买到。   5. Somehow, he"d managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him.   不知用了什么方法,他成功说服凯给他买了一个。   6. They"re freshly baked. I fetched them from the baker"s this morning.   它们是刚出炉的。我早上去面包房买回来的。   7. He spends most of his pocket money on PlayStation games.   他大部分零花钱都用来买PS游戏了。   8. I might buy one for a friend"s birthday as a giggle.   我可能会买一件送给朋友当生日礼物,逗他开心。   9. You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.   你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。   10. Who wants to buy a computer from a failing company?   谁愿意从一家要倒闭的公司买计算机呢?   11. Show me which one you like and I"ll buy it for you.   指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。   12. You can buy a formulation containing royal jelly, pollen and vitamin C.   可以买一种含蜂王浆、花粉和维生素C的配方产品。   13. Gerome tried to talk her into taking an apartment in Paris.   杰罗姆试图说服她在巴黎买一套公寓。   14. They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.   他们过去常买10公斤重的整块牛肉。   15. I didn"t realize how heavy that shopping was going to be.   我没想到买的东西会有多沉。

端午节英语怎么说 端午节相关英语及翻译

1、端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival。 2、端午节是中国民间的传统节日。Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. 3、端午节为每年农历五月初五。Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar every year.


  米饭的英语表达是rice,现在的少儿英语应该也有教这个词的。下面我为大家带来米饭的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   米饭的英语意思   rice   米饭的相关英语例句   你喜欢米饭还是面条?   Do you like rice or noodles?   这米饭有点夹生。   The rice is partly underdone.   她勉强吃了一碗米饭。   She choked down a bowl of cooked rice.   我们能再要一些米饭吗?   Can we have some more rice?   我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。   I would rather have noodles than rice.   米饭不应该同其它食物混合。   Rice should not be mixed with other food.   有人把它当作一道开胃菜,也有人不吃米饭,就吃担担面当正餐。   Some people have it as an appetizer, others have it during the meal instead of rice.   他们喜欢吃汉堡包,比萨饼和三明治,但是我们总是吃米饭,稀粥和面条。   They like to eat hamburgers, pizza and sandwiches but we always eat rice, congee, andnoodles.   如果你确实不能入睡,吃点面包,米饭,或是喝点牛奶.   If you really can not sleep, try some bread, rice, or milk.   一个美国人问道:你觉得你的朋友什么时候能来吃这些米饭呢?   One American asked, When do you expect your comrade to come and eat that rice?   世界上一半左右的人口每天吃米饭。   About half of the worldu2019s population eats rice daily.   我吃了点儿米饭和土豆烧肉。   I ate some rice and meat with potatoes.   切不要把筷子直插在饭碗里或其他的食品上,因为根据日本的古老风俗,这是给死者的奉献祭品,特别是米饭。   Never stick them upright into your bowl of rice or other food as this is an old Japanese customfor offering food, especially rice, to the dead.   我要喝红色的果汁,吃红色的鱼和红色的米饭。   I will have red juice, red fish and red rice.   等着平底锅里的油烧热或是等着陶碗里的米饭在烤箱中蓬松起来的时候,她常常遐想着他正在做什么。   She wondered what he was doing while she waited for the oil to heat up in the pan or for the riceto fluff in the paila.   米饭的英文例句   那男孩今天早上吃了三碗米饭。   The boy ate three bowls of rice this morning.   在米饭上撒点盐。   Sprinkle a little salt on the rice.   有咖喱的菜配米饭最妙。   Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.   晚饭时他吃了一些米饭。   He had some rice for supper.   他晚饭吃了一些什锦泡菜和米饭。   He had some mixed pickles and rice for supper.   海鲜米饭/意大利面海鲜还可以和米饭或是意大利面完美结合。   Other ways of preparing seafood are to combine them with rice or pasta.   你喜欢米饭还是面条。   Do you prefer rice or noodles?   不要把你的筷子像跟柱子一样直直地插在米饭中间。   Never stick your chopsticks straight down into your rice as a place holder.   用米饭或面食来增加剩下的食物   Used rice or pasta to extend leftover casseroles.   米饭的双语例句   1. The petals can be cooked with rice to colour it yellow.   可以把这些花瓣跟米饭一起煮,使米饭变成黄色。   2. The rice is accompanied by a soup or a soupy stew.   米饭伴以汤羹或炖菜。   3. When the rice isn"t cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey.   米饭没煮好会结块,而且软黏黏的。   4. I picked on simple things — rice and peas, meat and bread.   我选了些简单的:豌豆米饭和夹肉面包。   5. Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans.   趁热和意大利面或米饭以及四季豆一起端上桌。   6. Heat the curry thoroughly and serve it on a bed of rice.   把咖喱热透后浇在米饭上。   7. He ate a simple dinner of rice and beans.   他晚饭简单地吃了点米饭和豆子。   8. Put some rice on now.   现在煮些米饭吧。   9. Would you prefer rice or noodles?   你喜欢吃米饭还是面条?   10. Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.   有咖喱的菜配米饭最棒.   11. The southerners prefer rice and the northerners prefer food made from flour.   南方人比较喜欢吃米饭,北方人爱吃面食.   12. We had mounds of tasteless rice.   我们有成堆成堆的淡而无味的米饭.   13. The rice is under cooked.   米饭没煮透.   14. The rice is partly underdone.   这米饭有点夹生.   15. She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom.   她坐在那里一点点地吃着一小盘米饭色拉,一副可怜兮兮的模样。


1. 低碳经济,即low-carbon economy2. 碳足迹,即carbon footprint3. 低碳技术,即low-carbon technology4. 低碳发展,即low-carbon development/growth5. 低碳生活方式,即low-carbon lifestyle6.低碳社会,即low-carbon society,同理就有“低碳社区”,“低碳城市”和“低碳世界”,即low carbon community, low-carbon city和low-carbon world。


问题一:烤鸭用英语怎么说? 烤鸭: [ kǎo yā ] 1. roast duck 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他最喜欢吃的菜是烤鸭。 His favorite dish is roast duck. 2. 来吧,史密斯先生,别客气。烤鸭是要趁热吃的。 Now e, Mr Smith, just help yourself. The roast duck has to be eaten piping hot. 3. 还有,我非常想吃妈妈做的北京烤鸭和春卷。 By the way, I miss Mom"s Peking roast duck and spring roll very much! 问题二:北京烤鸭的英语怎么说 有3种:roast Be丹jing duck Peking duck fried pork stomach and chicken gizzard 问题三:北京烤鸭用英语怎么说? Bei Jing Duck 问题四:“北京烤鸭”用英语怎么说 北京烤鸭由来已久 用 Peking roast duck 问题五:急~!!!全聚德烤鸭用英语怎么说? 北京王府井全聚德烤鸭店 Beijing Wangfujing Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant 问题六:我们带足够的钱去吃了北京烤鸭 翻译英文 We took enough money and ate the Beijing roast duck.


打赢脱贫攻坚战:winning the battle against poverty 脱贫攻坚战:battle against poverty 补上“三农”领域突出短板:strengthening areas of weakness concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers 三农(农业,农村,农民):agriculture, rural areas and farmers 深度贫困地区:areas in deep poverty 防止返贫:to prevent people from returning to poverty after being lifted out of it 乡村振兴战略:rural vitalization strategies 医疗卫生服务:medical and health services 粮食安全:food security 产业集群:industrial clusters 电子商务:e-commerce 农民工:migrant workers


  闹钟和钟的英语表达是不一样的,因为它们两个的性质是不同的。下面我为大家带来闹钟的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   闹钟的英语意思   alarm clock   闹钟的相关英语例句   这孩子把闹钟弄坏了。   The child has bust up the alarm clock.   闹钟的簧断了。   The main spring of the alarm clock is broken.   这一步有点取决于闹钟的质量,也有可能不需要这么做。   This depends somewhat on the quality of the clock. and may not need to be done.   为什么我们在某些夜晚会被床单发出的沙沙声吵醒,却没有理会那些吵醒别人的闹钟声而睡过头呢?   Why does the rustle of sheets wake us up on some nights, but we sleep through the sound ofour alarm clocks going off on others?   我们可以从这幅图中推断出,这个人摆了这么多闹钟就是为了提醒自己不要轻易地放弃。   We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up.   如果你想要大幅度降低花在写文章上的时间,我建议你拿出一个煮蛋计时器或一个平常的闹钟,给每篇文章设定一个时间限制。   If you want to dramatically cut down the time you spend writing articles, I suggest you get an eggtimer or a regular clock and set a deadline for each article.   我一点都不怀疑地说任何一个人都能抛弃他们的闹钟并且学会自然地醒来。   I have no doubt in saying that anybody could ditch their alarm clock and learn to wake upnaturally.   我的动力就是去控制我的思想和情绪,在没有闹钟的情况下早起是非常有经验的并且在思想方面上控制着我。   The motivation for me was to discipline my mind and take control. getting up without an alarmclock was an experiment in mind control for me.   他指着墙上的闹钟,手指已经高出了他的小椅子。   He points high above his chair to the clock on the wall.   把你的闹钟放在离床远的地方。   Put your alarm clock far away from your bed.   把你的闹钟放在离床远的地方 。   Put your alarm clock far from you bed .   但当闹钟响起的时候,你觉得你像完全没睡过一样!   But alas when the alarm rings, you feel as if you had no sleep at all!   因为我的闹钟没有响所有今早睡过头了。   I overslept this morning because my alarm did not go off.   我的新闹钟宣布着新的早晨的突然到来。   My new alarm clock announced the abrupt arrival of morning.   如果你使用一只可以闪光的闹钟来确保自己醒过来,请把它放在一个你不能看见它确切时间的位置;   If you use an illuminated clock for a wakeup alarm, place it where you can"t keep looking at it tocheck the time.   你相信任何一个人都能把闹钟丢弃并且变成一个快乐的早起者吗?   Do you believe that anyone can ditch their alarm clock and become a happy early riser?   打定主意,第二天我房间里这个闹钟不会再响起了!你可以安心休息了。   You can rest assured that by the second day this clock would no longer function in my house!   每天早上当我的闹钟响的时候,我会把它关掉,伸一个长长的懒腰,然后坐起来。   When my alarm goes off every morning, I turn it off, stretch for a couple seconds, and sit up.   我的闹钟今天早上没响。   My alarm clock failed this morning.   这款创意闹钟用熏肉的香味吸引你起床。   Creative alarm clock that wakes you up with the smell of bacon.   闹钟的英文例句   他忘记给闹钟上弦了。   He forgot to wind up the clock.   那个时候我很困,所以以为是闹钟在响。   I was so sleepy, I thought it was my alarm clock.   当闹钟在五点钟响的时候,拉尔夫立即把它按掉。   Ralph stopped the alarm-clock at once when it went off at five o"clock.   鲍勃关掉闹钟以便早上能睡懒觉。   Bob turned off the alarm so that he could sleep late in the morning.   他把闹钟塞在枕头底下,想减低声音。   He tried to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.   他把闹钟拨到六点。   He set the alarm clock at six.   年轻人很高兴地拿了闹钟,谢了老头儿。   The young man took the clock happily and thanked the old man.   他们会像闹钟一样准时地在不同时间回来给庄稼浇水。   They will return like clockwork at different times.   闹钟大响,打断了他的梦。   The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams.   闹钟的双语例句   1. If an alarm gives you that feeling of security, then it"sworth carrying.   如果带着闹钟让你感到心里踏实,那就值得携带。   2. They slept till the alarm bleeper woke them at four.   他们一直睡到4点钟被寻呼机闹钟叫醒.   3. Will somebody for God"s sake shut that alarm off.   看在上帝的份上,谁去关掉那个闹钟吧。   4. I set my alarm clock for 4.30.   我把闹钟定在4点半。   5. Clock-radios blast away until you get up.   收音机闹钟会一直响到你起床为止。   6. I set the alarm clock for 7 o"clock.   我把闹钟定在7点钟闹响。   7. Do you know how to deactivate the alarm?   你知道如何让闹钟不响吗?   8. an alarm clock with a luminous dial   夜光闹钟   9. He tried to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.   他把闹钟塞在枕头底下,想减低声音。   10. The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams.   闹钟大响,打断了他的梦.   11. I"m sorry I"m late; I slept through the clock this morning.   对不起我迟到了, 今早我睡得太沉,没听见闹钟响.   12. I know it was my little brother"s practical joke again.   凌晨三点钟,我忽然被闹钟惊醒,我知道这又是我小弟弟的恶作剧.   13. The main spring of the alarm clock is broken.   闹钟的簧断了.   14. The alarm clock awoke me on time.   闹钟按时把我闹醒了.   15. The alarm clock was wound.   闹钟上过发条了.


  路人的英语表达方式中,复数的表达很容易被混淆。下面我为大家带来路人的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   路人的英语意思   stranger; passerby   路人的相关英语短语   路人 passer-by;   known by everybody;   路人皆知   treat sb. like a stranger   视若路人   路人的双语例句   这个过路人非常感激我们在他迷路时给他指了路。   The passerby was very grateful to us for directing him when he mistook his way.   她古怪的着装方式引起了过路人的注意。   Her queer way of dressing attracted the attention of the passerby.   他居然接受吸血鬼路人甲的帮助。   He accepts roadside assistance from vampires.   一位路人及时发现了他们,学生们无一人死亡。   A passerby spotted them in time and none died.   警察临时将两名路人找来协助指挥交通。   The police officer pressed two passersby into service to warn off traffic.   一个司机在超车时撞死了一名路人。   A driver killed a pedestrian whilst overtaking another car.   他向一个路人问时间。   He inquired the time from someone on the street.   一个路人告诉我,所有通往广场的街道都是这样的。   A passerby told me it was the same for all the streets leading to the square.   我会对着天边的彩霞微笑,也会因为路人收养了一只流浪猫咪而开心。   I would be glad because a passerby adopted a migratory cat.   路尽头有个告示,警告路人不要再往前走。   A notice at the end of the road warns people not to go any further.   路人的英语意思   1. The interior was shielded from the curious gaze of passersby.   屋子内部被挡住了,以防路人好奇地张望。   2. Parisians on the street often looked worried, hurried and unfriendly.   巴黎街上的路人往往看上去忧心忡忡、匆匆忙忙而且不太友善。   3. I went and sat in a cafe and watched the passers-by.   我走进一家咖啡馆坐下,望着来往的路人。   4. Curious pedestrians were ordered to move along.   好奇的路人被责令离开。   5. He was tripped up by a passer-by.   他被一个路人绊倒了。   6. A passer - by called the emergency services ( = the ambulance / fire / police services ).   一名 路人 拨打了紧急救险服务电话.   7. She cut me dead in the street.   她在街上见到我视同路人.   8. Even though we"re living together we walk around in this cocoon of silence.   尽管我们生活在一起,但却形同路人。   9. I spent a fruitless ten minutes walking up and down the high street, desperately avoiding eye contact with passers-by.   我在大街上一无所获来回走了10分钟,其间还要拼命地躲避路人的目光。   10. It"struck him at once that she had changed in some ill - defined way.   他们交臂而过,视同陌路人.   11. I realized that he and I belonged to different worlds.   我意识到我和他不是一路人。   12. You imperilled the lives of other road users by your driving.   你的驾驶危及了其他路人的生命安全。   13. Marsha had known Lyle since childhood, but now there was a difference.   玛莎从小就认识莱尔了, 可是现在他已形同路人.   14. There were students dishing out leaflets to passers - by .   有学生向 路人 散发传单.   15. For the next three days neither Philip nor he spoke to one another.   其后的三天,菲利浦和他都彼此视若路人.








1.国际商务师执业资格证书 国际商务师是企业外贸业务中的关键岗位,负责外贸业务的核算、风险评估等事务。 报考条件:大专毕业,从事外经贸类专业工作满5年;本科毕业,从事专业工作满4年;取得双学士学位或研究生班毕业,从事专业工作满2年;取得硕士学位,从事专业工作满1年;取得博士学位;取得外销员资格,从事专业工作满8年。 证书效用:考试合格者可获得由国家对外贸易经济合作部和人事部共同颁发的《国际商务师执业资格证书》。该证书是外贸领域中惟一的国家级执业资格证书,也是所有 外贸类资格证书中级别最高的一张“硬派司”。通过考试者同时还可获得中级职称。 2.报关员资格证书 报关员是指经海关注册,代表所属企业向海关办理进出口货物报关纳税等事务的人员。 报考条件:具有高中毕业或中专毕业及以上学历。 证书效用:考试合格者可获得国家海关总署颁发的《报关员资格证书》,该证书在全国范围内有效,有效期为3年。 3.报检员资格证书 报检员是指在外贸企业、代理报检企业等企业和机构中专业从事出入境检验检疫报检业务的人员。 报考条件:具有高中毕业或中专毕业以上学历,同时具有一定的英语基础。 证书效用:考试合格者可获得国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁发的《报检员资格证书》,该证书全国通用,是从事报检工作的上岗证明。 4.外销员从业资格证书 外销员是指在具有进出口经营权的企业从事进出口贸易活动的工作人员,是我国外贸行业的中坚力量。 报考条件:具备中专以上学历,国际商务专业中专在校生和其他专业大专、大学本科在校生也可报名。 证书效用:考试合格者可获得国家商务部和人事部联合颁发的《国际商务从业资格证书》,该证书全国通用,是外经贸从业人员上岗和从事进出口业务的必备条件。 5.国际商务单证员证书 单证员的工作就是负责国际贸易中运输、海关、商检等环节各种单证的管理和操作。 报考条件:具有高中以上学历。 证书效用:考试合格者可获得由上海市对外经济贸易教育培训中心颁发的《国际贸易单证员证书》,可作为上岗凭证。