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unable to halt arm core J-link连接错误


halting climate change is no easy句中的change是名词还是动词?


It was April 29,2011____Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding

如果是强调句,那么前面应该是 It was on April 29,2011 that.....没有on,则只能用when,作定语从句解释。

电脑上出现commandline reboot half怎么解决,急

电脑上出现commandline reboot hal开机进不去了,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。

Some scientists say that 16 of these mirrors, each about a half m ile across,汉语意思


求大神帮忙好人一生平安Describe a major challenge you have faced in your life and how you overcame

For two years, I had been a student at Campbell High School. I was one of the illustrious IB breed. We were a strange bunch, making jokes about parabolas and speaking foreign languages to each other in the hallways. I had fallen in love with the program–the passionate teachers, the supportive network of students–but during my sophomore year, I realized the toll the program was taking on my parents. The school was forty-five minutes away, making extracurriculars difficult to impossible. The students were so spread out that getting together for a project was as hard as the project itself. The greatest problem though, was that I needed to help my parents pay for my college education. I transferred to my home school, Sprayberry, and found a job at a daycare.A few weeks before school started, I went in for a meeting with my new counselor. As I walked through the door she said, “Congratulations, you"re a senior!” Perplexed, I managed to utter a confused “What?” I was going into my junior year. Freshman, sophomore, junior, senior. That was the order, right? The counselor began to speak and I listened intently. She told me she had looked at my transcript and that I needed only four more credits to graduate. At first, my thoughts were those of celebration but soon I became apprehensive. Was I ready for this? After weighing the pros and cons I eventually decided to follow through. I would graduate in the spring of 2013. The decision led me to take a load of challenging AP courses and study intensely for the SAT. I had taken AP classes before but they seemed all-new at Sprayberry. My US History class in particular gave me trouble. After each quiz, the teacher would post a list announcing who had earned the top three grades. When I checked it after the first quiz and didn"t see my name, I was crushed. Anxious to claim my spot at the top, I started creating outlines and defining important terms for each chapter. I put in my best work and it showed on the next quiz; I made it to second place. I"d met my original goal but now I had caught a fever. I made flashcards to study on my phone and in any spare moment I could find–on the bus, in the car–I would pull them up and go over them. We took the next quiz and a few days later the list was posted–first place. Since then, I"ve come in first every time.With college deadlines bumped up a full year, I hurried to study for the SAT. I spent at least an hour a day on practice tests and as the test date got nearer and nearer, I began to dedicate three, even four or five hours a day to studying. I kept myself motivated by organizing study groups with friends. We took practice tests together, compared our scores, and rewarded ourselves with frozen yogurt for especially good results. The support, competition, and set scheduling of our weekly study sessions helped me tremendously. When I got my test scores back, they had risen 300 points from my first diagnostic test.A new school presented a new set of difficulties. My sudden transition from junior to senior status came with serious challenges, demanding coursework and a looming standardized test, but I refused to accept anything less than first place. After an initial struggle, I pushed myself to overcome the obstacles I faced, putting my best foot forward and facing my problems head on.根据自身水平和即使情况修改内容,希望能够帮到你!【ABC.Snap】



找Henry Hall--hush hush hush(here comes the bogey man)的英文歌词

Children, have you ever met the bogey man before?No, of course you haven"t for you"re much too good I"m sureDon"t you be afraid of him if he should visit youHe"s a great big coward so I"ll tell you what to doHush hush hush, here comes the bogey manDon"t let him come too close to you, he"ll catch you if he canJust pretend that you"re a crocodileand you will find the bogey man will run away a mileSay shoo shoo and stick him with a pinBogey man will very nearly jump out of his skinSay buzz buzz just like the wasp that stingsBogey man will think you are an elephant with wingsHush hush hush, here comes the bogey manTell him you"ve got soldiers in your bedFor he will never guess that they are only made of leadSay hush hush, he"ll think that you"re asleepIf you make a lovely snore, away he"ll softly creepSing this tune, you children, one and allBogey man will run away, he"ll think it"s Henry Hall!When the shadows of the evening creep across the skyAnd your mummy comes upstairs to sing a lullabyTell her that the bogey man no longer frightens youUncle Henry"s very kindly told you what to doHush hush hush, here comes the bogey manDon"t let him come too close to you, he"ll catch you if he canJust pretend your teddy bear"s a dogand shout out "Fetch him teddy!" and he"ll hop off like a frogSay miaoow, he"ll think that you"re a catHe"ll think you may scratch him, that will make him fall down flatJust pretend he isn"t really thereYou will find the bogey man will finish in thin airHere"s one way to catch him without failJust keep a little salt with you and pop it on his tail!

20分求问.怪物猎人2的piscine Fang 和killer beetle分别是什么?在哪里可以收集到?顺便.machalite ore 是

英文版几乎没人玩的- - 劝你还是换中文版吧....方便简单容易看 英文版咱摸都没摸过- -...

shall we have a meal at Pizza Hut this evening?

Let"s go to Pizza Hut for a dinner, will we?




dancehall不是雷鬼舞。Dancehall是牙买加街头的一个舞种。它的英文名来自DANCE(舞蹈), HALL(厅),形容跳舞的场地无论是室内或室外。Dancehall这个名字形容在1980年的牙买加出现的音乐,同时也形容在此音乐上即兴创作的舞蹈。接下来,Dancehall在牙买加发展了,同时开始扩散到安的列斯群岛(Antilles), 留尼汪岛(Reunion),毛里求斯岛 (Ile Maurice)等。1990年在法国开始出现。这个舞种原来强调胸和腰的波动,然后慢慢的融合了不同的其他元素。现在dancehall经常会融合一些和hiphop、爵士、非洲舞蹈的元素。扩展资料:雷鬼舞:雷鬼音译为Reggae,起源于60年代。B.P.M约在80-100拍。中文翻译成雷鬼(音译)。 据考证Reggae舞曲的源头是牙买加,然后才渐渐的传到世界各地。Reggae这个字是源自于「Ragged」, 代表牙买加不修边幅的舞蹈形式。Reggae较注重音乐中鼓和人声的部份,Reggae和Funk一样有明显的节奏和固定的旋律线。只是现代的Reggae混血了一些R&B和Hip-Hop的曲风,听Reggae有跳伦巴一样的起伏感,四四拍的轻重节拍(二四拍)中明显地体现Reggae热情及轻快的感觉,所以有人说Reggae是夏天的音乐。参考资料:百度百科-雷鬼舞

memcached 的flushAll,是不是不清除数据


一首英文歌,是一对情侣恶搞视频的背景音乐,歌词大概有‘the guy the girl’‘shal

she"s crazy but she"s mine

Geri Halliwell的《Look At Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Look At Me歌手:Geri Halliwell专辑:SchizophonicGeri Halliwell - Look At Meby: dalloweenGood-looking, bad-tastingFull-bodied, butt-wastingLoose-living, tight-fittingWhat you see ain"t what you are gettingBig make-up, little break-upShe wants it, he"s got itCold-blooded, hot gossipSuperficial expectationsLook at meYou can take it all because this face is freeMaybe next time use your eyes and look at meI"m a drama queen if that"s your thing babyI can even do realityFake honey, real plasticStupid cupid, fantasticQueer thinking, straight talkingWhat you see ain"t what you are gettingFast loving, slow movingNo rhythm, but I"m groovingOld feeling, new beginningSuperficial expectationsLook at meYou can take it all because this face is freeMaybe next time use your eyes and look at meI"m a drama queen if that"s your thing babyI can even do realitySometimes I don"t recognise my own faceMy little white lies tell a storyI see it all, it has no gloryHahahaLook at meYou can take it all because this face is freeMaybe next time use your eyes and look at meI"m a drama queen if that"s your thing babyI can even do realityCome and look at meThis face is freeI"m your fantasySo who do you wannabe?Not what you seeI"m a drama queen if that"s your thingCome on and look at meI"m your fantasyThis face is freeCome on and look at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3461378

Shall we go to the zoo?怎么回答?

yes, we couldno,we couldn"t

有一个短文,最后一句话是 Weleave the zoo at half past three in the afternoon.


john marshall productions 怎么回事

一个冰恋片制作商 和rainforest studio差不多



half naked 什么意思




with what shall I fill the void 这句有语病吗

这个句子没有毛病,完全正确。这里是"fill...with..."结构,“用......装满......”。上句的意思是“我用什么来填满空白?”如果不这样说,就得写成这样:“What shall I fill the void with ?",从语法上来说是没毛病的,但是,疑问词作with 的宾语,尤其是waht, 更习惯于把with等介词提前。再如:In what country were you born ? 不说”What country were you born in ?"

求《closer》The Chainsmokers/Halsey的

已经搞好了, 求采纳

I had difficulty _______ your home. It took me almost one hour and a half

选B. have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难。(in 可以省略)

I had difficulty _______ your home. It took me almost one hour and a half




bob dylan 的I Shall Be Free中文歌词

[ti:I Shall Be Free(Album Version)][ar:Bob Dylan][al:The Freewheelin" Bob Dylan][offset:0][00:11.54]Well, it took me a woman late last night昨晚我邂逅了一位女士[00:13.85]I"s three-fourths drunk she looked all right她已有七分醉意,却容光焕发[00:16.98][00:19.17]"Til she started peelin" off her onion gook她开始剥下她的衣服[00:21.37]She took off her wig, said, how do I look摘下她的假发,说,『我看起来美吗?』[00:24.00][00:24.88]I"s high flyin", bare naked out the window我赶紧光着身子飞出了高高的窗台[00:32.03][00:35.59]Well, sometimes I might get drunk有时候我会喝醉[00:38.03]Walk like a duck and smell like a skunk像鸭子般踱步,向臭鼬般散发出酒气[00:40.84]Don"t hurt me none, don"t hurt my pride但千万别伤害我,不要伤害我的自尊[00:42.89]"Cause I got my little lady right by my side因为我的小情人在我身旁[00:45.57][00:46.44]She"s a tryin" a hide pretendin" she don"t know me她努力掩饰,假装是路人[00:50.45][00:58.03]I"s out there paintin" on the old wood shed我在那边给木棚上漆,[01:00.66]When a can a black paint it fell on my head一罐黑漆砸到了我的脑袋[01:03.72][01:05.09]I went down to scrub and rub我走下梯子又挠又擦[01:07.03]But I had to sit in back off the tub,我坐在浴盆的后边,[01:09.85][01:10.47]cost a quarter, half price享受半价优惠,只用付2毛5[01:16.08][01:18.84]Well, my telephone rang it would not stop我的电话响个不停,[01:21.02]It"s President Kennedy callin" me up是肯尼迪总统打来的[01:23.65][01:25.09]He said,"My friend, Bob, what do we need他说,『鲍勃兄,[01:27.02]To make the country grow?"敢问有何强国之高见?』[01:28.09]I said,"My friend, John, Brigitte Bardot,我说,『约翰兄,碧姬·芭铎,[01:30.34]Anita Ekberg安妮塔·艾克宝,[01:34.46]Sophia Loren, country will grow”索菲娅·罗兰,放心吧,美国伟大复兴迟早会实现的。』[01:38.48][01:46.99]Well, I got a woman five feet short我约到了一个5尺高的女人[01:49.75]She yells and hollers an" squeals an" snorts她大喊大叫[01:53.18][01:53.75]She tickles my nose pats me on my head挠我的鼻子,拍我的头[01:56.31]Blows me over and kicks me out of bed制服了我,把我踢出了床[01:59.56]She"s a man eater, meat grinder, bad looser她是食人的恶魔,碾肉的机器,输不起的女人[02:06.62][02:12.31]Oh, there ain"t no use in me workin" all the time我不用辛苦的劳动[02:15.12]I got a woman who works herself blind因为我的女人会没日没夜的工作[02:17.43]Works up to her britches up to her neck我在她的屁股上脖子上做爱[02:19.69]Writes me letters and sends me checks她给我寄来信件和支票[02:22.07]She"s a humdinger folk singer她是一个极好的姑娘,一个民谣歌手[02:27.33][02:36.77]Late one day in the middle of the week昨天半夜[02:39.33]Eyes were closed I was half asleep我闭上眼睛,将要熟睡[02:41.83]I chased me a woman up the hill梦见我在山坡上追逐一个女子[02:44.27]Right in the middle of an air drill这时候恰好碰见了防空演习[02:47.37]I jumped a fallout shelter,我跳进核避难所[02:48.55][02:49.81]I jumped the string bean跳进四季豆[02:52.13]I jumped the TV dinner, I jumped the shot gun跳进冷冻快餐盒,跳进枪林弹雨[02:56.38][03:01.64]Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote这会儿,台上的这人想要我的选票,[03:03.95]He"s a runnin" for office on the ballot note他跑进计票室[03:06.45]He"s out there preaching in front of the steeple他在教堂前布道[03:08.90]Tellin" me he loves all kinds a people告诉我他爱世人[03:11.76][03:12.39]He"s eatin" bagels, he"s eatin" pizza,他在吃着面跑圈,披萨饼,[03:17.08]he"s eatin" chitins和几丁质[03:18.64][03:27.02]Oh, set me down on a television floor我在电视前的地板上坐下[03:29.84]I"ll flip the channel to number four调到第四台[03:32.34]Out of the shower comes a football man电视里一个足球运动员走出浴室[03:34.40]With a bottle of oil in his hand, greasy kid stuff拿着一瓶婴儿润肤油[03:39.54][03:42.35]What I wanna know, Mr.Football Man is我想知道,足球先生,[03:44.48]What do you do about Willy Mays你如何应对威利 梅思[03:47.29][03:48.61]Martin Luther King, Olatunji, oh马丁路德 金和欧拉屯吉[04:01.05]Well, the funniest woman I ever seen我见过最有趣的女人[04:03.50]Was the great granddaughter of Mr.Clean是克林先生的曾孙女[04:06.32][04:07.07]She takes about fifteen baths a day她明天洗15次澡[04:09.32]Wants me to grow a mustache on my face, she"s insane她想让我养胡子,简直是个疯婊砸[04:13.07][04:21.00]Well, ask me why I"m drunk all the time我经常喝酒,[04:23.75]It levels my head and eases my mind为了保持冷静,放松思绪[04:27.57][04:28.19]I just walk along and stroll and sing我一路边走边唱[04:30.76]I see better days and I do better things日子一天天好起来,做事也一点点变得顺畅[04:34.15]I catch dinosaurs make love to Elizabeth Taylor我追逐恐龙,和伊丽莎白·泰勒做爱,[04:38.80]Catch hell from Richard Burton把她从理查德·伯顿手中夺走[ti:I Shall Be Free(Album Version)][ar:Bob Dylan][al:The Freewheelin" Bob Dylan][offset:0][00:11.54]Well, it took me a woman late last night昨晚我邂逅了一位女士[00:13.85]I"s three-fourths drunk she looked all right她已有七分醉意,却容光焕发[00:16.98][00:19.17]"Til she started peelin" off her onion gook她开始剥下她的衣服[00:21.37]She took off her wig, said, how do I look摘下她的假发,说,『我看起来美吗?』[00:24.00][00:24.88]I"s high flyin", bare naked out the window我赶紧光着身子飞出了高高的窗台[00:32.03][00:35.59]Well, sometimes I might get drunk有时候我会喝醉[00:38.03]Walk like a duck and smell like a skunk像鸭子般踱步,向臭鼬般散发出酒气[00:40.84]Don"t hurt me none, don"t hurt my pride但千万别伤害我,不要伤害我的自尊[00:42.89]"Cause I got my little lady right by my side因为我的小情人在我身旁[00:45.57][00:46.44]She"s a tryin" a hide pretendin" she don"t know me她努力掩饰,假装是路人[00:50.45][00:58.03]I"s out there paintin" on the old wood shed我在那边给木棚上漆,[01:00.66]When a can a black paint it fell on my head一罐黑漆砸到了我的脑袋[01:03.72][01:05.09]I went down to scrub and rub我走下梯子又挠又擦[01:07.03]But I had to sit in back off the tub,我坐在浴盆的后边,[01:09.85][01:10.47]cost a quarter, half price享受半价优惠,只用付2毛5[01:16.08][01:18.84]Well, my telephone rang it would not stop我的电话响个不停,[01:21.02]It"s President Kennedy callin" me up是肯尼迪总统打来的[01:23.65][01:25.09]He said,"My friend, Bob, what do we need他说,『鲍勃兄,[01:27.02]To make the country grow?"敢问有何强国之高见?』[01:28.09]I said,"My friend, John, Brigitte Bardot,我说,『约翰兄,碧姬·芭铎,[01:30.34]Anita Ekberg安妮塔·艾克宝,[01:34.46]Sophia Loren, country will grow”索菲娅·罗兰,放心吧,美国伟大复兴迟早会实现的。』[01:38.48][01:46.99]Well, I got a woman five feet short我约到了一个5尺高的女人[01:49.75]She yells and hollers an" squeals an" snorts她大喊大叫[01:53.18][01:53.75]She tickles my nose pats me on my head挠我的鼻子,拍我的头[01:56.31]Blows me over and kicks me out of bed制服了我,把我踢出了床[01:59.56]She"s a man eater, meat grinder, bad looser她是食人的恶魔,碾肉的机器,输不起的女人[02:06.62][02:12.31]Oh, there ain"t no use in me workin" all the time我不用辛苦的劳动[02:15.12]I got a woman who works herself blind因为我的女人会没日没夜的工作[02:17.43]Works up to her britches up to her neck我在她的屁股上脖子上做爱[02:19.69]Writes me letters and sends me checks她给我寄来信件和支票[02:22.07]She"s a humdinger folk singer她是一个极好的姑娘,一个民谣歌手[02:27.33][02:36.77]Late one day in the middle of the week昨天半夜[02:39.33]Eyes were closed I was half asleep我闭上眼睛,将要熟睡[02:41.83]I chased me a woman up the hill梦见我在山坡上追逐一个女子[02:44.27]Right in the middle of an air drill这时候恰好碰见了防空演习[02:47.37]I jumped a fallout shelter,我跳进核避难所[02:48.55][02:49.81]I jumped the string bean跳进四季豆[02:52.13]I jumped the TV dinner, I jumped the shot gun跳进冷冻快餐盒,跳进枪林弹雨[02:56.38][03:01.64]Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote这会儿,台上的这人想要我的选票,[03:03.95]He"s a runnin" for office on the ballot note他跑进计票室[03:06.45]He"s out there preaching in front of the steeple他在教堂前布道[03:08.90]Tellin" me he loves all kinds a people告诉我他爱世人[03:11.76][03:12.39]He"s eatin" bagels, he"s eatin" pizza,他在吃着面跑圈,披萨饼,[03:17.08]he"s eatin" chitins和几丁质[03:18.64][03:27.02]Oh, set me down on a television floor我在电视前的地板上坐下[03:29.84]I"ll flip the channel to number four调到第四台[03:32.34]Out of the shower comes a football man电视里一个足球运动员走出浴室[03:34.40]With a bottle of oil in his hand, greasy kid stuff拿着一瓶婴儿润肤油[03:39.54][03:42.35]What I wanna know, Mr.Football Man is我想知道,足球先生,[03:44.48]What do you do about Willy Mays你如何应对威利 梅思[03:47.29][03:48.61]Martin Luther King, Olatunji, oh马丁路德 金和欧拉屯吉[04:01.05]Well, the funniest woman I ever seen我见过最有趣的女人[04:03.50]Was the great granddaughter of Mr.Clean是克林先生的曾孙女[04:06.32][04:07.07]She takes about fifteen baths a day她明天洗15次澡[04:09.32]Wants me to grow a mustache on my face, she"s insane她想让我养胡子,简直是个疯婊砸[04:13.07][04:21.00]Well, ask me why I"m drunk all the time我经常喝酒,[04:23.75]It levels my head and eases my mind为了保持冷静,放松思绪[04:27.57][04:28.19]I just walk along and stroll and sing我一路边走边唱[04:30.76]I see better days and I do better things日子一天天好起来,做事也一点点变得顺畅[04:34.15]I catch dinosaurs make love to Elizabeth Taylor我追逐恐龙,和伊丽莎白·泰勒做爱,[04:38.80]Catch hell from Richard Burton把她从理查德·伯顿手中夺走



急需美国版shall we dance的英语影评,一两百字~非常感谢

Richard Gere plays John Clark, not an unhappy man, in "Shall We Dance?" He loves his wife and daughter, he enjoys his job as a lawyer, and when his wife gets that funny look in her eye and asks him if everything is OK, he says sure, of course, everything is fine. But there is something missing. One night as he is returning home on the L train, he notices a woman standing alone in the window of Miss Mitzi"s Dance Studio. There is something intriguing about her solitude, her pensive attitude and, let it be said, her figure. A few days later, he gets off the train, walks into the studio and signs up for classes in ballroom dancing.Is he interested in dancing? No. Is he interested in the woman, named Paulina and played by Jennifer Lopez? Yes. Is she interested in him? No: "I prefer not to socialize with students." What does he think of the others, including the giant-sized Vern (Omar Benson Miller), the homophobic Chic (Bobby Cannavale), the would-be bombshell Bobbie (Lisa Ann Walter), the manic dynamo Link (Stanley Tucci), and of course dear Miss Mitzi (Anita Gillette)? Let us say these are not the kinds of people he usually associates with.But Paulina exudes a true fascination, especially when she personally dances the rumba with him. In talking about dance, she allows herself a feedom and sensuality she denies herself in life. Listen to her: "The rumba is the vertical expression of a horizontal wish. You have to hold her, like the skin on her thigh is your reason for living. Let her go, like your heart"s being ripped from your chest. Throw her back, like you"re going to have your way with her right here on the dance floor. And then finish, like she"s ruined you for life."And then ask her if it was as good for her as it was for you. "Shall We Dance?" is a reasonably close remake of "Dansu Wo Shimasho Ka" (aka "Shall We Dansu?"), a 1996 Japanese film that set box-office records at home and won audiences around the world. If you"ve seen it, you know precisely what happens in the Hollywood version, but the movie is a star vehicle; the plot isn"t the point, Gere and Lopez are. When they dance together, it"s a reminder that when dancing became rare in the movies, so did a lot of grace and sexiness.This is not a cutting-edge movie. The characters are broad, what happens is predictable, and of course, everything ends up in a big ballroom dancing competition, and (are you ready for this?) at the crucial moment, we get the obligatory scene where the loved one arrives in the audience, sees what is happening and understands all. I"m averaging two versions of that scene a month, most recently in "Raise Your Voice."Conventional as it may be, "Shall We Dance?" offers genuine delights. The fact that Paulina is uninterested in romance with John comes as sort of a relief, freeing the story to be about something other than the inexorable collision of their genitals. It can be about how John feels about his life, about why it might be useful for a middle-aged lawyer to jump the rails and take up ballroom dance. And about the gallery of supporting characters, who get enough screen time to become engaging.Stanley Tucci, for example, has fun with Link, who is John Clark"s mild-mannered colleague in a Loop law firm. On the dance floor, wearing a flamboyant hairpiece, he becomes a wild man. His dream: "I want to dance before the world in my own name." He fears he would lose his job if he did that, but when John joins the class, he gains courage. He"s one of the reasons John stays at Miss Mitzi"s even after it becomes clear that Paulina is not available. "Ballroom is all or nothing," Link tells him.There"s one area where the American remake is less than convincing. In the Japanese version, we believe that a faithful wife might remain at home evening after evening while her salaryman husband returned long after work. That"s part of the Japanese office culture. That an American wife would put up with it is more problematical. The Clark household, including their teenagers, is not very realistic, but then it exists only as the staging area for the last big scene. I enjoyed the Japanese version so much I invited it to my Overlooked Film Festival a few years ago, but this remake offers pleasures of its own. 李察·基尔扮演约翰克拉克,没有一个不快乐的人,“我们跳舞吗?”他很爱他的妻子和女儿,他喜欢他的工作作为一个律师,当他的妻子得到有趣的看着她的眼睛,问他是否一切都好,他说:当然,当然,一切都好。但缺少什么。一天晚上,他回到家里对我的火车,他注意到一个女人独自站在窗口米兹小姐舞蹈工作室。有一些有趣的关于她的孤独,她沉思的态度,让我们说,她的身影。几天后,他下了火车,走进工作室和报班在舞厅跳舞。他对舞蹈感兴趣?号是他感兴趣的女人,命名和由珍妮弗·洛佩兹?可以。她对他感兴趣?:“我不喜欢社交与学生。”他是怎么想的人,包括巨型韦恩(奥玛尔·本森),同性恋熙(博比·卡纳威),潜在的炸弹博比(丽莎安·),躁狂发电机连接(斯坦利图奇),当然,亲爱的米兹小姐(安妮塔吉列)?让我们说这些都不是类型的人,他通常同伙。但宝琳娜散发出真正的魅力,尤其是当她亲自与他跳伦巴。谈舞蹈,她允许自己自由和感性她否认自己在生活。听她说:“伦巴舞是一个垂直的表达水平。你要抱着她,像她大腿上的皮肤是你生存的理由。让她走,就如同你的心被撕裂你的胸膛。把她带回,你将有你与她就在这舞池。最后,如同她毁了你的生活。”然后问她如果是好,她是你的。”我们跳舞好吗?”是一个相当接近的重拍“石塑禾shimasho卡”(又名“我们石塑?”)日本电影,1996集的票房纪录,在国内赢得了全世界的观众。如果你看到它,你知道什么发生在好莱坞的版本,但电影是星车辆;情节并不重要,基尔和洛佩兹。当他们一起跳舞,这是一种提醒,当舞蹈成了罕见的电影,所以做了大量的优雅和性感。这不是一个尖端的电影。特点是广泛的,发生的事情是可以预见的,当然,一切都结束了在一个大舞厅跳舞比赛,和(你准备好了吗?)在关键时刻,我们得到的爱的人到现场观众,看到发生了什么,明白了一切。我场均2个版本的场景一个月,最近在“提高你的声音。”传统的因为它可能是,“我们跳舞吗?”提供真正的快乐。事实上,宝琳娜是不感兴趣的浪漫与约翰来作为一种解脱,让这个故事是关于其他的东西比他们的生殖器的碰撞。它能够对于如何约翰对他的生活,为什么它可能是有用的一个中年律师跳轨,以国标舞。和画廊的配角,谁获得足够的屏幕时间成为从事。斯坦利图奇,例如,有一个有趣的链接,谁是约翰克拉克的温和的同事在环法律公司。在舞池,穿着华丽的假发,他成了一个野人。他的梦想:“我想跳舞之前,世界在我自己的名字。”他担心他会失去他的工作,如果他那样做,但当约翰加入班级,他获得的勇气。他是原因之一,约翰住在米兹小姐的即使它变得清楚,宝琳娜不可用。”舞厅是一切或什么都不是,”链接,告诉他。有一个地区,美国版是不太令人信服。在日本,我们相信,忠实的妻子留在家里每晚在她丈夫很久以后工作的上班族。这是日本文化办公。一个美国老婆忍受较多。克拉克的家庭,包括他们的孩子,是不现实的,但它只是临时区域的最后一个大场景。我很喜欢日本版这么多我邀请到我忽略了电影节的前几年,但这种改造提供自有乐趣。 I don"t want to write this review because feel very generalBut then I think I spent four hours in the Japanese version and the United States edition watch again do a record dealLike the previous look" feeling of love" and" the departed".I saw all the American remake version of it in a complete mess whenFeel the United States version looks betterIn" Shell we dance".The Japanese version is too slow that I get more than two hours (136m/118m )And the Japanese edition that make me laugh jokeIs the Jennifer Lopez than the grass mowed and much more.The mouth of artistic don"t say with me. I a laity say I refined is to scold meDon"t say I was the Hollywood poisonCan be said that except HongkongOther countries and regions of the film I have seen more than a lot of people


表示一段时间用forFor one and a half hours a day.

shall we have some chicken 的同义句是什么


Vishal Malhotra是谁?谁能提供一下印度明星Vishal Malhotra 的个人简介?

Vishal Malhotra(1980年7月22日出生,孟买,马哈拉施特拉邦,印度)是印度著名的电影和电视演员以及节目主持人。马尔霍特拉于1995年首次在Doordarshan主持迪士尼小时,并于1998年在Hip Hip Hurray担任少年。他还于2004年在索尼娱乐电视台主持迪士尼时间。他也是迪士尼频道连续剧“ Vicky&Vetaal ”的一部分。他扮演Vetaal的角色。影视作品电视连续剧:迪士尼小时(1995年) - 主持人Hip Hip Hurray(1998) - 约翰Rishtey - The Love Stories(第91集 - 没有妈妈!)(1999) - RoyRishtey - The Love Stories(第120集 - Bugs Bunny)(2000) - BunnyShararat - RanjhaUlta Pulta Ek Minute(2004) - 主持人伟大的印度喜剧节目(2004-07) - 各种角色LOC - 生命失控(2005年) - Virendra MalikVicky&Vetaal(第1季)(2006) - VetaalDhoom Machaao Dhoom(2007) - Kajal父亲电台的RJ娱乐Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega(第1季)(2009) - 主持人完美新娘(2009) - 主持人Kya Mast Hai Life(第2季)(2010) - Maya MantarKuch Toh Log Kahenge(2011-13) - Ranganath博士Adaalat(2013) - RJ Swaroop(2集)Har Yug Mein Aayega Ek Arjun(2013) - 查理(第110集)印度著名Cinestars Ki Khoj(2014) - 主持人Humko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai Pyaar Kya Kare(2016) - PulkitKhatmal E Ishq(2016) - Kapil Dev Dinkar故事片:Ishq Vishk(2003) - 曼波卡尔(2005) - 维沙尔多尔(2006)Salaam-E-Ishq(2007) - JuggyNaqaab(2007) - 罗尼博尔特(2008)(印地语配音) - 博尔特Jannat(2008) - VishalKismat Konnection(2008) - Hiten PatelUgly Aur Pagli(2008) - RajEk Vivaah ... Aisa Bhi(2008) - Anuj B. ShrivastavaToh Baat Pakki(2010) - Vishal SaxenaJaane Kahan Se Aayi Hai(2010) - Kaushal Milan TiwariAnjaana Anjaani(2010) - Aakash的朋友塔拉什(2012)新年快乐(2014年) - 举办世界舞蹈锦标赛(孟买试镜和决赛)图海梅拉周日(2017年) - 多米尼克


Yeah, you could be the greatest, you can be the best是的,你可以成为最伟大的,你可以成为最好的You can be the King Kong banging on your chest你可以成为敲打着胸膛的金刚You could beat the world, you could beat the war你可以打败世界,你可以打败战争You could talk to God, go banging on His door你可以与上帝交谈,敲打他的大门You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock你可以举起双手,你可以赶上时间You can move a mountain, you can break rocks你可以移动山峰,你可以击碎岩石You could be a master, don"t wait for luck你可以成为主人,不需要等待幸运降临Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself奉献你自己,然后你便可以找到自我Standing in the hall of fame站在名人堂中And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字Cause you"re burning with the brightest flame因为你为最明亮的火焰所燃And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字And you"ll be on the walls of the hall of fame而你会位列名人堂之墙You could go the distance, you can run the mile你可以坚持到底,你可以跑到极限You can walk straight through hell with a smile你可以微笑着穿越地狱You could be the hero, you could get the gold你可以成为英雄,你可以获得金牌Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke打破所有那些别人认为牢不可破的记录Do it for your people, do it for your pride行动吧,为你的人民,为你的骄傲Never gonna know if you never even try如果不尝试就永远不会知道结果Do it for your country, do it for you name行动吧,为你的国家,为你的名誉Cause there gonna be a day因为将会有一天When you"re standing in the hall of fame当你站在名人堂中And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字Cause you"re burning with the brightest flame、因为你为最明亮的火焰所燃And the world"s gonna know your name而全世界都会知道你的名字And you"ll be on the walls of the hall of fame你会位列名人堂之墙Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion成为冠军On the walls of the hall of fame在名人堂之墙上Be students成为学生Be teachers成为导师Be politicians成为政客Be preachers成为传教士Be believers成为信徒Be leaders成为领导者Be astronauts成为航天员Be champions成为冠军Be truth seekers成为真理的探索者

Hall Of Fame是谁的歌(英文),详细的,谢谢

the script手创乐队手稿乐队(The Script)保有U2、The Cranberries的摇滚风格,散发The Corrs的流行步调、Clannad的民谣曲式,成为爱尔兰新世纪最受瞩目的接班乐团 。The Script,更结合黑人音乐风格、嘻哈+节奏蓝调的乐种概念,强势力拼Maroon5,不可思议的组合出极巨风格旋律,拓展你的视听领域。 爱尔兰摇滚近年声势比较微弱,U2退出录音室专辑已是几年前的事,The Cranberries解散,Sinead O"connor则把音乐转向了静谧的神学,老一辈的音乐人似乎都在休养生息当中。不过最近几个月一支来自都柏林的新鲜血液——The Script重新夺回了大家对爱尔兰摇滚的关注。[1] The Script是一支三人摇滚乐队,成员包括主唱Danny O"Donoghue(生于1980.10.3)、光头吉他手Mark Sheehan、鼓手Glen Power。但颇令人迷惑的是,单从曲风上来说,The Script的音乐听起来不太像爱尔兰摇滚,反而美国的味道更浓一些。原来The Script三位成员的其中两位,Mark与Danny在青少年时期就在都柏林的詹姆士街区相识,两人均对美国黑人音乐情有独钟。而且Danny O"Donoghue和Mark Sheehan在乐队还未成立之前,就由于他们在录音室出众的制作才能而被邀请到美国LA去和R%26amp;B的巨头如Rodney Jerkins、Dallas Austin等著名音乐人一起工作。在这段经历之后,The Script把R&B、Soul等黑人音乐调和到他们的音乐中,像来自LA的Maroon5那样迷上了节奏感十足、让人精神爽利的新灵魂流行摇滚,就连主唱Danny的唱腔、声线也跟Maroon 5的主唱Adam有八分相似。然而音乐的外壳只是表象,The Script与生俱来地继续了U2等老一辈爱尔兰音乐人的摇滚精神,把反战、反思批判社会弊端、宣扬人道主义、倡导爱与和平等作为音乐的内容主题,在爽朗流畅、易入耳的音乐外壳输送下,这些理念反而更轻易感染并影响乐迷,比起沉重的说教更有效果。融合Hip-Hop节拍的《We Cry》首先拉开序幕,叙述人世苦难的歌词在轻快畅达的节奏下像是连发子弹般击中听者的内心并令人动容;《Talk You Down》中Danny布满悲怆及人文关怀的演绎,听起来也有几分Bono的影子;清淡原音吉他相伴下的《I"m Yours》则缓缓渲染出深情凄美的意境。

有没有类似The Script - Hall Of Fame 风格的励志歌曲 让人听了热血沸腾 激动想哭的!求推荐!多多推荐!

The Mass (弥撒) - Era



lounge / lobby / hall 的区别

lounge休息室hall 大厅lobby两个意思都有


  春HAL 起初的治愈 到结局反转变成杯具,虐心到心碎 简直无法忍受啊!  其实开头就已经给了我们暗示,整部片子的开头部分其实也在暗示着我们:HAL是人!!!后来HAL被RYU打醒,回忆也渐渐灌进HAL的脑袋里......他意识到其实死的根本就不是他,而是KURUMI,他幻想着自己成为了Q01,自己是一个没有感觉,不知道感情为何物的机器人。他的任务就是让KURUMI恢复精神。周围的人都愿意配合他,只为了这个少年能重回自我......意识到自身的HAL陷入了痛苦与绝望,在KURUMI沉进水里的那一刻,他奋不顾身地想要就她,可是最终得救的还是他......RYU的哀求声此起彼伏......HAL重开了くも ,故事的最后,整齐的店内摆设,一张矮矮的方桌,原来笨拙的HAL学会了做菜,嘴角的笑容仿佛悲伤从未停留过,他对着只有一人份的膳食轻轻的说了一声我开动了......很好吃哦,KURUMI......看似简单易懂的故事其实不然,那个写着“希望HAL能够找到生的希望”的魔方静静地躺在衣橱里,跌宕起伏的剧情,让人意想不到的结局,无不在叫嚣着现实的残酷与金钱所带给人的伤害。但是人与人之间的联系却是极为紧密,看似无关紧要的联系却又有时发挥着无穷的力量。看《春HAL》的整个过程中我并没有流泪,只是心在一点一点的揪紧,这种感觉让我很不舒服,我宁愿放声哭出来。心口闷闷的,却又满满的,像是有什么要溢了出来。对于HAL我是很怜悯的,一个有着悲惨的童年的少年,失去了一样又一样重要的东西。这让他愿意沉浸在幻想的毒药中不愿醒来。也许是想到了那个冷漠的自己吧......因为自己的利益得到满足而沾沾自喜,直到伤害了他人才知道后悔......

catchall provisions 怎么翻译?

有多种翻译,不过意思是一样,就是总括性的条款,包含一切的条款。1)第17(d)条作为有关利益冲突的【“全能性”条款】,(“catch-all”provision),并非自我执行条款(self executing provision),亦没有禁止任何特定行为2)【兜底条款或规定】是“catch-all”provision3)【包罗条款】): [bāo luó tiáo kuǎn]. catch-all provision4)警察职权行使法第二八条第一项作为警察法上之【概括条款】

急求神谷浩史的 shall we circus 罗马音

Shall We Circus!作词:古屋真作曲:本田光史郎歌:神谷浩史语らせんなよ Baby girlkatarasen nayo Baby girlアイラビューじゃ駄目なのかairabyu^ ja dame nanokaLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Paホントの爱ならトーゼンhonto no ai nara to^zen叫ぶしかないぜオーライsakebu shika naize o^rai何で Oh No オマエは泣き止まないnande Oh No omae wa naki yamanai乙女心はビンカンotomegokoro wa binkan解りたいけどワカラナイwakaritai kedo wakaranaiLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa夕阳を见せてもバイバイyuuhi wo misete mo baibaiギターを弾いてもナイナイgita^ wo hiite mo nainai毎晩 Up↑ Down↓ オマエを见せてくれmaiban Up↑ Down↓ omae wo misete kureもっと 言叶よりmotto kotoba yoriもっと 燃えるようなmotto moeru younaもっと 恋をしようぜmotto koi wo shiyouze君のせいで 胸の中はサーカスkimi no sei de mune no naka wa sa^kasu纲渡りで 爱を探してtsunawatari de ai wo sagashiteピエロのままで 抱きしめてやるpiero no mama de dakishimete yaruいつだって 本気なんだitsudatte honki nanda泣きたいんなら Don"t mindnakitain nara Don"t mind俺も共に泣いてやる!ore mo tomo ni naite yaru !La Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa何で Oh No オマエは泣き止まないnande Oh No omae wa naki yamanai男だったら全部otoko dattara zenbu失ったって守るだけushinattatte mamoru dakeLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa楽観主义とはシンガイrakukan shugi towa shingai雰囲気作りにシッパイfun"iki tsukuri ni shippaiFriday Sunday オマエの梦を见たFriday Sunday omae no yume wo mitaずっと 前よりもzutto mae yori moずっと 热くなるzutto atsuku naruずっと キスをしようぜzutto kisu wo shiyouze谁のせいだ スリリングな サーカスdare no sei da suriringu na sa^kasu燃えさかった 涙くぐってmoe sakatta namida kugutte饲いならしたって 猛獣なのさkai narashitatte moujuu nanosa君だけは 俺のもんだkimi dake wa ore no mondaずっと 居たいのさzutto itai nosaもっと なやんでもmotto nayande moきっと 笑わせるからkitto warawaseru karaもっと 言叶よりmotto kotoba yoriもっと 燃えるようなmotto moeru younaもっと 恋をしようぜmotto koi wo shiyouze君と逢って 见つけたのさビーナスkimi to atte mitsuketa nosa bi^nasu无重力のアクロバットでmujuuryoku no akurobatto deどんなときでも 受け止めてやるdonna toki demo uke tomete yaru大丈夫さdaijoubu sa君のせいで 胸の中はサーカスkimi no sei de mune no naka wa sa^kasu纲渡りで 爱を探してtsunawatari de ai wo sagashiteピエロのままで 抱きしめてやるpiero no mama de dakishimete yaruいつだって 本気なんだitsudatte honki nanda

siti nurhaliza


half-closed lids 意思是什么?

更新1: how abt called his large eyes. 叫佢只眼?! i dun understand what this me. Lids here are the eyelids. "half-closed lids" me the eyelids are closed half way. 半闭着的眼皮。 2010-04-02 10:59:17 补充: 你摘录的不是一整句,还有下文: Clarissa called his large eyes with their half-closed lids "freak-a-delic " ..... 所以 Calrissa 不是叫他的大眼睛,而是叫他的大眼晴做 "freak-a-delic"。 freak-a-delic: a person or object that goes beyond the normal levels of psychedelic and moves into the ultra sexy realm of freakiness. 参考: myself 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运!

英语名词解释 1. Civil Rights Movement 2. Union Jack 3. Renaissance 4. September 11 5. Marshall Plan

1 movement in the United States beginning in the 1960s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights of individual Black citizens2 national flag of the United Kingdom3 the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world; a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries4 the day in 2001 when Arab suicide bombers hijacked United States airliners and used them as bombs5 a United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952); named after George Marshall


百度知道that‘s all和at all各自的意思和用法 有什么...展开贝贝爱教育把复杂的事情简单说给你听that"s all和at all的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,意思和用法如下:一、意思不同1、that"s all:没别的了。2、at all:根本,究竟。二、用法不同1、that"s all:已经完美了,还有什么要说的,反问,是的,正如你想到那样,就这些了..还有些就要看特定环境不同了。2、at all:用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话。意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不:完全不”。三、侧重点不同1、that"s all:that"all用于文章结尾。2、at all:at all常与not连用 Not at all是口语中一个十分常见的表达,由于其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远,所以许多同学常常用错。

Hurt的《Shallow》 歌词

歌曲名:Shallow歌手:Hurt专辑:Vol. 1-= Morcheeba 《 Shallow End 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Driving home nowWe got awayHere"s to our future at leastThat"s what they sayPouring rainAll through my headMakes me wonder if I"dBe better of deadI"m through the feeling deeplyLet"s dive into the shallow endIn control nowOf my defeatI"ve made mistakes that were boundTo repeatI"m through the feeling deeplyLet"s dive into the shallow end……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……You know it"s time to see things clearlyLet"s dive into the shallow endI"d love to drive ferrarisI"d love to have it allI"d love to walk the tightropeYou"d love to see the fallshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2961951


whale的a和parrot的a发音不一样whale是绝对开音节词元音字母a读字母表中的读音。parrot的a发音是短音 ae

求Night Divides the Girls——Halou的歌词翻译

夜划分的女孩这是借口,概括我的骄傲这次招标的痛苦是孤独"新娘所以,我长途跋涉的世界凡我打开了我的怀里为了迎接开放天空放弃这种泥泞的雨在我等待的嘴唇您曾经想过带我吗? 我不是建飞我并不是一个你,它一直是我很难当夜幕划分的女孩如同口红和丁香谁可以告诉我们什么是金属的?



be here half an

Be 是动词 不能没动词

Look at that blue whale.It ______ out of the water.怎么回答

is jumping


蓝鲸一般可以活50岁以上,有时候也可以活90一100岁。他它能活到一百岁 lt can live to 100 years


whale[英][weu026al][美][hwel, wel]n.[动]鲸,鲸鱼;巨大的事物v.捕鲸;击打,猛击复数: whales 第三人称单数: whales 过去式: whaled 过去分词: whaled 现在分词: whaling双语例句1.A whale is a fish. True or false?鲸鱼是鱼,对还是错?2.If you don"t eat less, you"ll end up looking like a whale!如果你不少吃些,你最终会使自己看起来像一条鲸鱼!3.The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale.渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内。4.The blue whale is the world"s largest living animal.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。5.They had a whale of a time at the funfair.他们在游乐场玩得很开心。


whale读音:whale。whale 英 [weu026al]     美 [weu026al]    n. 鲸;vi. 捕鲸;v. 打击。The whale thrashed the water with its tail.那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。The blue whale is the world"s largest living animal.蓝鲸是当今最大的动物。近义词:cetacean 英 [su026a"teu026au0283n]     美 [su026a"teu026au0283n]    n. 鲸类动物。adj. 鲸的;鲸类的。The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean .人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。

whale 英文简介


有关whale的英文单词(越多越好) 各位 帮帮小弟吧

toothed whalesperm whale killer whalepilot whalebeluga whalebaleen whalesblue whalehumpback whalebowhead whaleminke whale

The blue whale is the biggest animal in t


Bluewhale 作文

Blue whale Blue whale is the biggest animal in the world. A blue whale is bigger than a dinosaur,A blue whale can be more than thirty metres loog and weighs over 150 tons.Some whales have no teeth and eat large animals.Some whales have no teeth and eat only small fish and plants in water.A blue whale eats four tons of food each days. I like blue whale best.

blue whale 请问: blue whale的翻译是:

Blue Whale Blue Whale is the world"s largest mammals, the waters around the world"s oceans. It is up to 30 meters in length and weighing about 170 tons, a mouth can be opened to allow free access to 10 adults in width. Blue Whale my back was light blue, belly full of folds, with ocher color macula. It is a broad flat tail flat, the freedom and flexibility to be able to swing in water, is the driving force, but also plays a role in the rudder, speed of up to 27 km. Blue whale predation way as "eat-type", the main food is shrimp, jellyfish, diatoms and other plankton. It is often open Xuependakou water to shrimp and sea swallowed with the mouth, then shut up and filter out sea water, the shrimp swallowed intra-abdominal. A blue whale eat about 4 tons a day of small krill. If it"s belly in less than 2 tons of food, it will be hungry tears, it seems like never enough to eat. Therefore, it is often sneak into the depth of thirty or forty meters away, in search of food. As a long time to stay in the water, ventilation time floating in the sea, it will spray out from the nostril up to 15 meters of the water column, from afar, like Yi Gu fountain. Blue whale great effort, about the equivalent of a mid-sized locomotive pulling. It is said that there was a blue whale to a 27 meters long whaling boats dragging ran more than 70 kilometers, and there was that the speedboat to the back rows are full steam ahead.     blue whales during the winter breeding. Mother whale pregnant for one year after the health of small whales. Just the birth of whales about 7.5 meters in length, there, and weighs about 6 tons, after 24 hours of feeding, which can increase the weight of about 100 kg, with an average increase of about 75 grams per minute. Calf after 7 months of breast-feeding, the weight can reach 23 tons, body length of 16 meters, and began to learn to eat a variety of plankton mouth. Xiaolan Jing go to 5-year-old be considered an adult, and its life is about 20-30 years.     blue whale just full of treasure, it is the fat can be prepared soap; whale meat and delicious edible, nutrient-rich; whale bone glue can be extracted; whale liver contains a lot of vitamins; blood and internal organs is also high-quality fertilizer. Therefore, the blue whale repeated the wanton killing of human beings. At present, the number of blue whales are falling sharply, almost to the verge of extinction. 原文:蓝鲸蓝鲸是世界上最大的哺乳动物,遍布全球各大洋海域。它身长可达30米左右,体重约170 吨,一张嘴就可以开到容10个成年人自由进出的宽度。蓝鲸背脊呈浅蓝色,肚皮布满褶皱,带有赭石色黄斑。它的尾巴宽阔平扁,能在水中自由灵活地摆动,既是前进的动力,也起着方向舵的作用,时速可达27千米。蓝鲸捕食方式属“吞食型”,主要食物是小虾、水母、硅藻等浮游生物。它常在水面张开血盆大口,把虾和海水一起吞入口中,接着闭嘴滤出海水,把小虾吞进腹内 。一头蓝鲸每天要吃约4吨重的小磷虾 。如果它肚中的食物少于2吨,它就会饿得发慌,好像是永远吃不饱似的。所以它经常潜入水深三四十米处,搜寻食物。由于长时间待在水中,每次浮上海面换气时,会从鼻孔内喷射出高达15米左右的水柱,远远望去,宛如一股喷泉。蓝鲸的力气很大,大约相当于一台中型火车头的拉力。据说,曾有一头蓝鲸把一艘27米多长的捕鲸快艇拖着跑了70多千米,而当时那艘快艇正开足马力向后退行。  蓝鲸在冬季繁殖。母鲸怀胎一年后才生小鲸。刚产下的幼鲸体长就有7.5米左右,重约6吨,经过24小时的喂奶 ,它的体重就能增加100千克左右,平均每分钟增加约75克。幼鲸经过7个月的哺乳后 ,体重可达到23吨左右,体长约16米,并开始学着张嘴吞食各种浮游生物 。小蓝鲸要到5岁才算成年,它的寿命约为20—30年。  蓝鲸浑身是宝,它的脂肪可制肥皂;鲸肉鲜美可食,营养丰富;鲸骨可提炼胶水;鲸肝含有大量维生素;血和内脏器官又是优质肥料。因此,蓝鲸屡遭人类的肆意捕杀。目前,蓝鲸的数量正急剧下降,几乎到了濒临灭绝的境地。







The biggest whale is the blue whale. 可以替换成The biggest whale is a blue whale 吗? 为什么

不可以,换了的话意思表达不准确了,a是一个,单个例如,the blue whale表示的是blue whale这个物种,这个生物,a blue whale只是这个物种当中的一个个体。

Blue Whale音响(型号YZ-205)背后有“COM”、“70V”、“100V”,要功放吗?

Blue Whale音响是需要定压功放驱动的,普通功放不能带。除非你把它拆开,里面有个降压变压器,去掉不要了,把功放输出直接接在喇叭两端(注意两个喇叭+-极接法一致。

把“蓝鲸”(blue whale)翻译成日语

青い鲸(あおいくじらaoi kujira)

blue whale是什么牌子功放

BW-8120S 广播用合并式功放产品特征:3个话筒输入,3个辅助输入,1个辅助输出;变压器隔音100V,70V和4欧姆扬声器输出;噪声功能;独立的音量控制;高低音控制;5元素的LED电平表可提供快速简便的视觉监控;短路保护和报警功能;啸叫优先到其他输入;独立的6通道分区;24V 直流电音源;USB接口,SD卡凹槽接口;电源------------220V AC 50-60Hz/DC24V功耗------------240W输出功率--------120W信噪比----------100~16000Hz±3dB失真度----------<0.3% at 1KHz,1/3 reted output power输出------------4-16,70V,100V辅助灵敏度------250mV线输出----------700mV输入------------麦克风1,2,3:600,6mV,unbalanced 辅助1,2,3:10K,250mV,unbalancedS/N 率----------麦克风1,2,3>66dB 辅助1,2>70dB音控------------贝司:±10dB at 100Hz 高音:±10dB at 10KHz保护------------交流保险丝,直流电压.超载和短路噪声功能--------0~30dB尺寸------------130*88*360mm(W*H*D)交流电保险丝----T3.15A净重------------12.1Kg

a英语短文。 ,世界上最大的动物不是大象,而是蓝鲸(blue whale), 旅鲸生活在海

Amazing animals Elephants are not the biggest animals in the world. The world"s biggest animals are in the sea—but not fish. They"re usually 30 metres long and 1 000 kilos heavy. They"re one of the cleverest animals in the world. They can talk to each other but people don"t know what they are saying. What are they? They"re called the blue whales.





金杯毒酒poisoned chalice是什么意思,顺便求来源 是不是类似烫手山芋什么的……


阿斯顿·马丁Valhalla官图发布 纽博格林目标圈速6分30秒

易车讯 日前,阿斯顿·马丁Valhalla官图发布,新车搭载一套插电混合动力系统,由4.0升V8发动机与电动机组成,系统总输出功率699千瓦,百公里加速时间2.5秒,其纽博格林目标圈速6分30秒。传统发动机与前后轴电动机一起工作,电动机的额定功率为157千瓦,给Valhalla提供699千瓦的总输出功率和1,000牛·米的巨大扭矩。混合动力系统使阿斯顿马丁的最新超级跑车能够在2.5秒内达到62英里/小时(100 公里/小时),并且其极速达到了330公里/小时。此外,更令人印象深刻的是其纽博格林赛道的目标圈速时间仅为6分30秒。这比当前记录缩短13秒。Valhalla将使用八速双离合自动变速器,阿斯顿马丁官方表示,它是专门为该公司开发和制造的。它在后轴上配备了电子限滑差速器,并通过利用两个电动马达拥有全电动倒车模式。这样做可以通过取消传统的倒档来减轻重量。混动系统的设定主要考虑了性能,电池组只有15公里的续航。Valhalla在EV模式开启时可以用作前轮驱动车辆。官方预计每个WLTP的综合排放量将低于200克/公里,这对于真正的V8超级跑车来说是非常了不起的。<!--5f39ae17-8c62-4a45-bc43-b32064c9388a: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


在封装之前就复制的。突破HAL限制 Longhorn的启示 Windows Server 2003之前,Sysprep受到“必须源计算机与目标计算机有着相同的HAL”的限制,在HAL不相同的时候,不能正确判断计算机电源管理模式。 从2003年Windows Server 2003发布到2006年底Windows Vista的发布中的3年中,微软在研发Vista的时候,发布了以内部研发编号命名的Windows Longhorn测试版。 Windows Longhorn与以往的Windows在启动时有着一定的区别。 第一,NTLDR 有一定区别,提供了“/detecthal” 接口; 第二,BOOT.INI也支持“/detecthal”参数,以实现与NTLDR的结合; 第三,INF文件夹中有了“dtecthal.inf”, 提供各种HAL类型检测的参数说明。 有了这三个文件,可以让计算机在开机启动时即自动检测 HAL,从而可以自动判断电源管理选项。 移植Longhorn的HAL判断 现今大多数人还是以使用Windows 2000/XP为主,所以,即使Longhorn的HAL判断再怎么强悍,不能移植到2000/XP中,也就不能使用。 以下是在2000/XP总移植并使用Longhorn的HAL判断的具体方法: 1>从系统中提取相应的HAL文件包:(WIN2000在SP4.CAB、WINDOWS XP SP2在SP2.CAB中) halacpi.dll halapic.dll halmps.dll halaacpi.dll halmacpi.dll hal.dll ntkrnlmp.exe ntkrnlpa.exe ntkrpamp.exe ntoskrnl.exe 提取完毕后将hal.dll更名为halstnd.dll,ntoskrnl.exe更名为ntkrnlup.exe; 2>将上述相应的HAL文件包拷贝到准备封装的系统的%Windir%SYSTEM32下; 3>将Longhorn的“dtecthal.inf”拷贝到准备封装的系统的%Windir%INF下; 4>修改C:BOOT.INI 在准备封装的系统后面加上 /DETECTHAL参数如: [boot loader] timeout=0 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /detecthal 5>将LONGHORN版本的NTLDR拷贝到从C:,覆盖原有的NTLDR; 6>删除准备封装的系统的HAL信息,删除注册表中以下键值,如果提示权限不足不能删除,则可用setacl.exe来修改权限再删除。 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001EnumACPI_HAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001EnumRootACPI_HAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet002EnumACPI_HAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet002EnumRootACPI_HAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet003EnumACPI_HAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet003EnumRootACPI_HAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumACPI_HAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumRootACPI_HAL 至此,突破了HAL限制的系统就已经准备完毕。由于这个技术本身就出自微软,所以对电源管理的判断几乎是100%。 突破HAL限制的系统可以部署在任何HAL环境的计算机上,不再有“源计算机和目标计算机需有相同的HAL”的限制。Copy code突破S&R&S实例 (微软方法)1>收集需要的srs驱动,方便期间,直接下载DPS提供的massstorage 驱动: [url]http://www.driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/download.php?pag=m[/url] 2>解压驱动到c:drivers 。 3>编辑sysprep.ini 加入以下内容 InstallFilesPath=C:sysprepi386 然后在[SysprepMassStorage]段中添加需要的串口磁盘驱动,根据DPS驱动包的说明书,一般只集成Intel、nVIDIA、Uli、VIA、SiS、AMD的串口磁盘驱动即可,在对应的驱动包中的inf文件中,可以获得硬件的即插即用ID。 例如: [SysprepMassStorage] PCIVEN_1022&DEV_7469=c:driversmamAMDEIDE.inf PCIVEN_1002&DEV_4349=c:driversmatatiide.inf PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5215=c:driversmau1ALIIDE.INF PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5219=c:driversmau1ALIIDE.INF PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5229=c:driversmau1ALIIDE.INF PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5228=c:driversmau2m5228.INF PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5281=c:driversmau2m5281.inf PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5287=c:driversmau3ulisata.inf PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5288=c:driversmau4ULISATA.INF PCIVEN_10B9&DEV_5289=c:driversmau5ULISATA.INF PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2652&CC_0104=c:driversmin1iastor.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27C3&CC_0104=c:driversmin1iastor.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2682&CC_0104=c:driversmin1iastor.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27C6&CC_0104=c:driversmin1iastor.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2822&CC_0104=c:driversmin1iastor.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2652&CC_0106=c:driversmin1iaahci.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2653&CC_0106=c:driversmin1iaahci.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27C1&CC_0106=c:driversmin1iaahci.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27C5&CC_0106=c:driversmin1iaahci.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2681&CC_0106=c:driversmin1iaahci.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2821&CC_0106=c:driversmin1iaahci.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_24DF&CC_0104=c:driversmin1Oiastor.inf PCIVEN_8086&DEV_25B0&CC_0104=c:driversmin1Oiastor.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_008E=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_00D5=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_00EE=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_00E3=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0036=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_003E=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0054=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0055=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0266=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0267=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_036F=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_037E=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_037F=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_03F6=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_03F7=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_03E7=c:driversmNTM vatabus.inf PCIVEN_1039&DEV_0181=c:driversMSI1SISRaid1.INF PCIVEN_1039&DEV_0180=c:driversMSI2SISRaid.INF PCIVEN_1039&DEV_0182=c:driversMSI3SISRaid2.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_3349&CC_0104=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_6287&CC_0106=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_0591&CC_0104=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_3249&CC_0104=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_3149&CC_0104=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_3164&CC_0104=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_0581&CC_0104=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_7372&CC_0104=c:driversMV1VIAMRAID.INF PCIVEN_1106&DEV_4149=c:driversMV2viapide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_3149&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_0591&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_5337&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_3349&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_5287&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_3164&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_0581&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_1106&DEV_5324&CC_0101=c:driversMV3vminiide.inf PCIVEN_104B&DEV_1040=c:driversMVMvmscsi.inf 4>在c:sysprep 目录下建立 i386$oem$目录 ,在c:sysprepi386$oem$ 中建立cmdlines.txt 文件,在文件中加入 [Commands] "c:sysprepsysprep -clean" 这样就会在最小化安装的过程中禁用所有因为在目标计算机上不存在而未安装的大量存储控制器。 至此,一个突破了S&R&S限制的系统映像准备完毕。 执行sysprep进行封装,在封装的过程中,系统会自动安装 srs驱动。在最小化安装的时候会删除多余的驱动。上述的方法你掌握了,你即突破了关键性技术问题!下面老事重谈,罗嗦一遍做个总结!Copy code1、安装WindowsXP2、安装软件(可选)推荐安装OFFICE 2003中的ACCESS、EXCEL、WORD三组件的最小安装,智能ABC 5.22破解,WINRAR、WINDOWS优化大师、FLASHGET、BITCOMIT、暴风影音、ACDSEE3、保存本用户的输入法设置打开 控制面板-区域和语言选项-高级 将 “将所有设置应用于当前用户帐户和默认用户配置文件(D)” 选框选上,解决安装的输入法在系统还原后,系统托盘没显示的问题。 4、保存文件到系统目录(这里提到的DD我会提供给大家的!)解压缩AutoHAL.rar复制里面的halacpi.dll、halapic.dll、halmps.dll、halaacpi.dll、halmacpi.dll、halstnd.dll、ntkrnlmp.exe、ntkrnlpa.exe、ntkrpamp.exe、ntkrnlup.exe十个文件到WINDOWSSYSTEM32复制dtecthal.inf到WINDOWSINF复制run.bat到WINDOWS复制boot.ini、bootXP.ini、ntldr、ntldrXP到系统根目录解压缩sysprep.rar到根目录sysprep重新执行setupmgr.exe按照提示制作sysprep.inf文件(也可以沿用里面包含的sysprep.inf)5、系统减肥计划1、关闭系统还原2、关闭系统休眠3、转移虚拟内存页面文件4、清理磁盘,删除系统和IE临时文件 在“Internet选项”中删除Internet临时文件和脱机内容,删除Cookies,清除历史记录。删除 C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp 下所有文件。删除 C:Program FilesUPDATE*.*删除 C:Program FilesInstallShield Installation Information*.*删除 C:Program FilesWindowsUpdate*.*删除 C:WINDOWSTemp 下所有文件删除 C:WINDOWS 下所有以“$NtUninstall*$”为命名格式的隐藏目录删除 C:WINDOWS 下所有以KB8打头的和Q打头的.log文件删除 C:WINDOWSSoftwareDistributionDownload*.*删除 C:WINDOWSInstaller*.*删除 C:WINDOWSDownloaded Installations*.*5、移动我的文档至 D:My Documents(可选)6、删除、更改系统硬件驱动做封装所用的计算机中所使用的驱动程序,在被部署的计算机上大多数不再有用(除非都被部署在相同硬件配置的计算机上)。所以,我们要一一删除源计算机中的这些驱动,以免残留的驱动造成部署的不正常。 卸载驱动,在“设备管理器”(我的电脑,属性,硬件,设备管理器)中列出所有设备,然后一一卸载。 在设备管理器中,可以看到当前正在使用的所有硬件设备。【1、更改“IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器”为“标准双通道 PCI IDE 控制器” 2、更改计算机电源管理模式“Advanced Configuration Power Interface(ACPI)”为 “Standard PC”【1和2不懂看这里:、更改IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器点击“更新驱动程序”-“从列表或指定位置安装”-“不要搜索,我要选择自己的驱动”改成“标准的双通道PCI IDE控制器”2、再把“计算机”里的内容改为“Standard PC”点击“更新驱动程序”-“从列表或指定位置安装”-“不要搜索,我要选择自己的驱动”改成“Standard PC”】3、卸载网络适配器4、卸载通用串行总线控制器5、卸载声音、视频游戏控制器6、卸载监视器7、卸载显示卡】(注意先后顺序!)7、清理信息1、清理“事件查看器”内信息2、清理“菜单”访问记录3、清理IE缓存信息8、运行sysprepDllCacheManager.exe<在sysprep.rar里包含>备份DLL文件9、运行“磁盘碎片整理程序”10、执行sysprep.exe封装系统11、运行regedit,查找hal项,删除***_HAL<acpi_hal>注册表项。删除时,在要删除的项上点右键,然后选择“权限” ,为当前用户添加“完全控制”权限即可【11不懂看这里:删除HAL文件一项具体操作过程:1、点“开始” - “运行” - 输入“regedit”2、选中“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”3、选择“编辑” - “查找” - “查看”选项选择上“项”就可以 - “全字匹配”钩去掉 - 选“查找”4、不断的查找,一直找到含有 “***_HAL”字样的地方,一般在“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumRoot”和“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnum”中都有,大概有四个。5、项上点右键,然后选择“权限” ,为当前用户添加“完全控制”权限。6、删除有“***_HAL”字样的项,几个都删除才可以。】12、关闭系统,制作GHOST


李宁飞电challenger没有明确使用寿命,能穿多久要靠自己日常养护的。这类品牌鞋子的洗刷非常的讲究,在以往的认知里,鞋子都要使用水洗,但是现在这些鞋子,采用的都是特殊的材质,使用水洗很容易造成鞋子材质损伤,缩短鞋子使用寿命。正确的办法是不能使用水洗,不能使用强酸强碱之类的清洗剂,也不能放在太阳底下暴晒,应该使用湿抹布擦拭,喷一些舒足速乐的快速清洁喷雾,自然晾干就可以了。养护的好可以穿很多年的。鞋子介绍飞电 Challenger:跖枕科技 + 半掌异构碳板 + 全掌气垫+ GCU 全天候止滑耐磨科技 + Coolshell,单只重量:214.7g(42 1/3 码),定位:比赛竞速、竞速训练。发售价格:¥1299 RMB。作为李宁跑步旗舰款飞电 2.0 ELITE的延续,同样定位于竞速跑鞋的飞电 Challenger 外观采用相同的设计语言,速度感拉满。鞋头渐变的醒目 Logo 与中底涂装呼应,搭配后跟数码迷彩,释放出难以抗拒的活力气氛。

whale rider 的演员在剧中的名字及真实名字

演员表: Keisha Castle-Hughes..... Paikea Rawiri Paratene..... Koro Vicky Haughton..... Nanny Flowers Cliff Curtis..... Porourangi Grant Roa.... Uncle Rawiri Mana Taumaunu..... Hemi Rachel House..... Shilo Taungaroa Emile..... Willie Tammy Davis..... Dog

为什么在30 minutes is half an hour句子中要用is而不用are


鬼泣4的shall never surrender纯男音的全部歌词,共5:08


鬼泣四主题曲we shall never surrender歌词(英汉均可)!

[00:07.78]Shall Never Surrender 永不投降 [00:11.17]Dmc4-OST 鬼泣 4 原声带 [00:17.73]Lrc made by IceVong [00:22.16] [00:27.03] [00:32.96]The time has come and so have I 时机来临,该我出场了 [00:36.46]I"ll laugh last cause you came to die 我将要大笑,因为你们将自取灭亡 [00:39.53]The damage done~the pain subsides 在伤痛过去后,痛苦也随之沉没 [00:42.16]And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye. 当我看着你的眼睛时,我清楚看见了你的恐惧 [00:46.52] [00:50.54] [00:55.90] [00:58.86]I never kneel and I"ll never rest 我永不祈祷 也永不罢休 [01:02.37]You can tear the heart from my chest 虽然你可以撕裂我胸口内的心脏 [01:05.57]I"ll make you see what I do best, 我却会让你看到什么是完美 [01:08.28]I"ll succeed as you breathe your very last breathe 当我成功时,你将会呼吸你最后的一口气 [01:10.90] [01:11.68]Now I know how the angel fell ( just kneel ) 现在我终於明白天使是如何堕落的。(只需要下跪) [01:14.67]I know the tale and I know it too well ( just bow ) 我知道那个传说,而且我很了解它(只需要屈服) [01:17.82]I"ll make you wish you had a soul to sell ( soul to sell ) 你会祈求可以将你的灵魂出卖(出卖灵魂) [01:21.06]When I strike you down and send you straight to hell 那时我将你击败并送你回去地狱 [01:24.24] [01:24.56]My army comes from deep within 我的力量源自内心深处 [01:27.47]Beneath my soul--beneath my skin 存在与我的灵魂和肉体之内 [01:30.68]As you"re ending, I"m about to begin 当你面临死亡时,我才要刚开始认真 [01:33.18]My strength~His bane~and I will never give in. 我的力量、他的毁灭、而我将永不放弃 [01:37.36]I"ll tell you now I"m the one to survive 现在我告诉你,我将是唯一能生存下去的人 [01:40.54]You never break my faith or my stride 你永远无法打破我的信念或阻碍我的脚步 [01:43.75]I"ll have you choke on your own demise 我会令你窒息、然后去迎接你的死亡 [01:47.20]I make the angel scream, and the devil cry 因为我不仅能令天使惨叫,还能让恶魔哭泣 [01:50.22] [01:51.85]My honored brethren 我尊敬的教友们 [01:55.46]We come together 我们聚到一起 [01:59.22]To unite as one 团结成为一体 [02:03.66]Against those that are damned 对抗那些该打进地狱的敌人 [02:08.66]We show no mercy 我们将不会显出任何怜悯 [02:12.76]For we have none 因我们一无所有 [02:16.91]Our enemy shall fall 我们的敌人将会倒下 [02:22.40]As we apprise 就如同预料的一样 [02:27.24]To claim our fate 去宣布我们的命运 [02:31.21]Now and forever 从现在直到永远 [02:35.12]We"ll be together 我们会永远在一起 [02:38.80]In love and in hate 一起爱、一起恨 [02:41.43] [02:43.32]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [02:49.50]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [02:55.82]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [03:01.13]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [03:09.81] [03:12.21]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [03:19.07]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [03:25.44]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [03:31.16]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [03:39.05] [03:41.79]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [03:49.28]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [03:55.24]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [04:00.85]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [04:06.91] [04:11.02]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [04:17.42]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [04:24.21]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [04:30.60]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [04:38.90] [04:39.62]We shall never surrender 我们永不投降

求鬼泣4主题曲shall never surrender祈祷的歌词

The time has come and so have I   那刻来临,该我出场    Dante ,Trish and LadyI"ll laugh last cause you came to die   我将大笑,你们自取灭亡   The damage done the pain subsides   伤害逝去,痛苦沉沦   And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye.   如你眼中清晰的恐惧   I never kneel and I"ll never rest   我从不跪祷,如我从不安歇   You can tear the heart from my chest   于我胸中,你能撕开我的心脏   I"ll make you see what I do best   使你目睹我的完美所为   I"ll succeed as you breathe your very last breath   我将成功,当你呼吸着最后一次呼吸   Now I know how the angel fell [just kneel]   现在我明白天使为何堕落(跪下)   I know the tale and I know it too well [just bow]   我知道那个传说,了解的太多(屈服)   I"ll make you wish you had a soul to sell [soul to sell]   我让你祈求出卖自己的灵魂(出卖灵魂)   When I strike you down and send you straight to hell   当我将你打倒直入地狱的那刻   My army comes from deep within   我的军队来自幽暗深壑   Beneath my soul--beneath my skin   在我灵魂之下——寄寓皮肤之下   As you"re ending, I"m about to begin   当你终结,而我将开始    NeroMy strength His bane and I will never give in.   我的力量,他的毁灭,我永不屈服   I"ll tell you now I"m the one to survive   告诉你,我是最后残存的那个   You never break my faith or my stride   你无法破坏我的信仰,或是我的脚步   I"ll have you choke on your own demise   我阻你于你自身的灭亡   I make the angel scream, and the devil cry   我让天使尖叫,让恶魔哭泣后半段   My honored brethren   我亲爱的兄弟姐妹们   We come together   我们来到一起   To unite as one   为了团结一致   Against those that are damned   相对于被诅咒的那些   We show no mercy    我们不会仁慈   For we have none   因为我们一无所有   Our enemy shall fall   我们的敌人将倒下   As we apprise   当我们告知   To claim our fate   主张我们的命运时   Now and forever   从现在直到永远   We"ll be together   我们将在一起   In love and in hate   同爱,同恨They will see. We"ll fight until eternity   他们会看到,我们将战斗至永生永远。   Come with me We"ll stand and fight together   和我一起来吧,我们将并肩作战。   Through our strength we"ll make a better day   以我们的力量,可以创造更美好的明天   Tomorrow we shall never surrender   即使在将来,我们也永不投降

Halo Reach 和 gears of war 3 确切的发布时间


当做主语的名词前有all/some /most/half/the rest/a lot of时,谓语动词的数怎么定

后面接可数名词复数时,用复数谓语.ex,all of us,some students,most of us ……后接不可数名词或可数名词单数时,用单数谓语.ex,some student某个学生,half an hour……

Shall we take()rest? A a few minute B a few minutes Ca few minutes D a few minutes

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