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求刘郡格 no fear in my heart ,作曲家。MP3


求刘郡格的(No Fear in My Heart)MP3

你好! no fear in my heart 我心中没有恐惧

求 刘郡格 no fear in my heart

No Fear in My Heart (Live) - 刘郡格.mp3 我发你稍等

求刘郡格 no fear in my heart mp3

你好! no fear in my heart 我心中没有恐惧

朴树电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲No Fear In My Heart歌词

朴树电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲No Fear In My Heart歌词   《冈仁波齐》讲述了西藏腹地古村“普拉村”四个家庭、十一个藏人从家出发,磕头2500公里去冈人波齐朝圣的故事。这是张杨在一年中拍摄的第二部西藏题材的电影,谈及拍摄这两部电影的初衷,张杨说:“这是我另外一部分生活,越来越觉得那些商业的东西跟他关系不是特别大,不是喜欢的方向,然后就拒绝掉了很多作品。”   No Fear In My Heart-(电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲) - 朴树   作词:朴树   作曲:朴树   你在躲避什么   你在挽留什么   你想取悦谁呢   你曾经下跪   这冷漠的世界   何曾将你善待   所以你厌恶危险   坠入厄运深渊   输掉一切   你两手紧紧抓着   如同身处悬崖   你小心翼翼地   以为你拥有着   貌似人生圆满   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的`我   他才能够诞生   Just let time go on   Your kneeling now stand   With no fear in my heart   God comes into my mind   你也曾经追问   然后沉默   渐渐习惯谎言   并以此为荣   因为没有草原   就忘了你是马   你卑微的人生   从不曾犯错的   无聊的人生   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生   那才是我   那才是我   那个发光的   那个会飞的   Yo buddy   那个顶天立地的   那才是我   当我一微笑   所有的苦难   都灰飞烟灭   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生 ;

no fear in my heart什么意思




电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》在线试听

电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》在线试听   朴树新歌《No Fear In My Heart》是朴树为张杨导演电影《冈仁波齐》撰写的主题曲。下面我们一起来听听吧!   电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》在线试听》》》》点击试听   6月18日,《冈仁波齐》在上海举办首映礼发布会,由朴树献唱的电影主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》的MV在发布会上首次亮相。作为张杨导演多年未见的老友,朴树惊喜现身和张杨导演热情拥抱,并称赞张杨导演“很珍贵”。发布会上更播出一支特别的VCR,展现了在经过一年的朝圣之后,11个普通藏人现在的生活。和力辰光董事长李力、乐视影业CEO张昭、天空之城影业CEO路伟也在现场讲述了自己参与到电影《冈仁波齐》的缘由。   张杨放弃商业做艺术片   张杨在现场表示,在创作《冈仁波齐》之前,自己也曾有过一段时间很迷茫,他一直在寻找艺术与商业之间相互平衡的一种可能。但是后来发现,“其实这事不好平衡”,张杨觉得,真想做艺术就得往极致走,就得去做艺术片。想明白后,张杨下定决心要做自己真正喜欢的电影,于是就有了这样一部《冈仁波齐》。   电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》海报-横版   电影中讲述了十一个藏人朝圣的故事,而在电影之外,回到现实生活的藏人们又会如何?发布会现场也播放了一支VCR,展现了如今回到常规生活的他们。时过三年,十一个藏人依旧如未踏上朝圣之旅前一般,与此前他们的生活并无二致。张杨表示,其实这就是生活的常态,也是他能够预想的,“虽然这一路非常神圣,但是他们总是要回到现实里,回到世俗生活里,我们每个人也都是这样”。   朴树改新歌作为主题曲   在电影《冈仁波齐》中,张杨使用的都是有源声音,不使用任何配乐,张杨说,这是因为不希望用配乐渲染太多情绪,他更希望以一个冷静客观的`视角,讲述一个平凡而伟大的朝圣故事。而直到影片结尾,出现字幕,全片唯一的音乐——由朴树演唱的主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》,才缓缓响起。   阔别乐坛14年,朴树带着新唱片《猎户星座》于今年回归。在新专辑推出两个月之后,朴树遇见了张杨,看到了这部名为《冈仁波齐》的电影,他把新歌更名为《No Fear In My Heart》,重新编曲,重新演绎,使其成为电影《冈仁波齐》的主题曲。   从“恐惧”到“无惧”,其实也是朴树一次思想的“回归”。朴树在现场表示,其实改歌名也是自己最初的想法,“最初是因为这首歌的歌词一直写不出来,所以那时候心里全是恐惧,写一首歌怎么可能没有恐惧?”。而当“恐惧”被正视,朴树决定用“无惧”的态度来面对,“后来我觉得,这首歌就应该是没有恐惧,这是自我的规划和想法,跟有没有恐惧其实没有关系”。   谈及这首主题曲,张杨则形容朴树与自己更多是因为“一种不谋而合的东西”开始了这次合作,“我和朴树是很多年的好哥们,他的音乐我非常认同,还有包括做人的态度,我们也都是互相认同的,所以可能更是因为一种不谋而合的东西,有了这次合作”。多年未见的老友重逢,朴树欣喜之余,也不吝溢美之词称赞张杨导演“很珍贵”,“我和张杨好多年没见了,那时候我们从没有坐下来聊过文艺,不是踢球就是鬼混,我也不知道他这几年在做什么,但是我觉得他很珍贵,尤其在这年头很珍贵”。   投资人:做一部不关乎钱的电影   在谈到投资问题时,《冈仁波齐》投资人、和力辰光董事长李力表示,所有的电影项目都会经过严格漫长的审核,但是《冈仁波齐》这部电影他只用了三个小时就决定投资。李力说,这是因为他想认真做一部发自内心的,不关乎钱的电影。作为张杨多年的好友,张杨出发前李力只对他说了两点,“第一,你必须活着回来。第二,你必须让所有人都活着回来,因为我知道西藏的条件太艰苦了”。   《冈仁波齐》出品人、乐视影业CEO张昭笑称,投资《冈仁波齐》是因为“二十多年前打麻将赢了张杨的钱,二十年来的利息和投资差不多,钱必须得吐出点来”。玩笑之余,张昭坦言原因其实很简单,因为西藏是他去过之后还想再去的地方,他想让张杨再替他跑一趟,带点东西回来给他看看。   张昭认为,《冈仁波齐》是一部会带给观众全新感受的电影,它和现在的商业电影完全不同,“观众看到电影里朝圣者的生活,脑子里也会看到自身的生活”。   天空之城影业CEO路伟认为,投资这部电影更多的是一种缘分,一种看了就想参与的缘分,并表示“做商业片赚钱,但是做文艺片内心更安稳”。影片此前在全国的八城路演,收获了越来越多的支持和帮助,而这一路上看到许多喜爱文艺片的观众,路伟希望以后能有更多的途径,给文艺电影一个成长的机会。   主题艺术展延展朝圣路   6月18日,《冈仁波齐》在上海新天地开启为时8天的主题艺术展。当天,导演张杨携手天空之城影业CEO路伟、青年艺术家张弛来到活动现场,与在场的朋友们共同参观。   张杨在活动中表示,一路走来听到很多观众的声音和反馈,这让他很高兴。现在,他也在创作记载《冈仁波齐》心路历程的书,想让更多人了解到电影背后有意思的故事。此次艺术展,则希望传达给观众电影之外的,更丰富的内容和更深层的感受。   本次主题艺术展在观展的方式上,采用了选择式的观展路线,让参观者体验不一样的观展风景;通过图、文、视频、朝圣地图,将电影背后的起承转合细细梳理,将出发、途中与回望的精彩片段一一呈现。   每个人心中都有一条朝圣之路,艺术家们有着不一样的践行方式,围绕影片背后的故事,片方还特别邀请了三位青年艺术家耿雪、马兰珂和张驰参展,展现电影之外,来自艺术与文学的回声。   神秘的核心观影区,则以呈45度角悬挂的幕布围绕,半仰卧式观影坐席供观展者观影,每天下午时段,核心观影区会完整放映《冈仁波齐》全长四个小时的幕后纪录片,观众将在一个相对封闭的空间,透过呈45度角悬挂的幕布,看到更多关于电影《冈仁波齐》的幕后故事。   张杨酝酿26年的新作《冈仁波齐》将于6月20日在全国公映:藏历马年,是神山“冈仁波齐”的本命年,本片讲述西藏腹地古村“普拉村”4个家庭、11个藏人从家出发,磕头2500公里去冈仁波齐朝圣的故事,此行历经生、历经死、历经震撼的西藏四季风光,历经灾难、变故、内心的拷问成长与蜕变。 ;

如何评价朴树新歌《No fear in my heart》?有什么突破吗


电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》歌词

电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》歌词   电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》原曲名为《The Fear In My Heart》,从焦虑到平静,一部电影难为,请放下你自己,放开你自己,出发吧,和你自己!如下为励志网为大家带来的歌词,供大家参考。   电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲《No Fear In My Heart》歌词   作曲 : 朴树   作词 : 朴树   Arragement : 朴树   Drums : 德恒   Programing : 朴树 / 张亚东   Bass : Eliot James   Guitars / Keyboards &Sythn : 朴树   Recording Engineer : 泊宁   你在躲避什么   你在挽留什么   你想取悦谁呢   你曾经下跪   这冷漠的世界   何曾将你善待   所以你厌恶危险   坠入厄运深渊   输掉一切   你两手紧紧抓着   如同身处悬崖   你小心翼翼地   以为你拥有着   貌似人生圆满   能不能 彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢 这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我 来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走 让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生   Just let time go on   Your kneeling now stand   With no fear in my heart   God comes into my mind   你也曾经追问   然后沉默   渐渐习惯谎言   并以此为荣   因为没有草原   就忘了你是马   你卑微的人生   从不曾犯错的   无聊的人生   能不能 彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢 这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我 来次透彻心扉的.痛   都拿走 让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生   那才是我   那才是我   那个发光的   那个会飞的   Yo buddy   那个顶天立地的   那才是我   当我一微笑   所有的苦难   都灰飞烟灭   Yo buddy   能不能 彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢 这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我 来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走 让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生 ;

朴树的《No fear in my heart》里的歌词是什么意思?哪位仁兄能帮我细细解读一下?


电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲朴树《No Fear In My Heart》歌词

电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲朴树《No Fear In My Heart》歌词   6月18日,由张杨执导的电影《冈仁波齐》来到上海举行首映礼,主创成功、郭达明以及主题曲的演唱者朴树来到映后现场和观众见面。在商业电影流行的如今,文艺电影是否能得到市场的回馈是每个电影制作者不得不面对的问题,不过电影之前在欧美十余国展映,反响巨大,经过八个城市的首映后,导演认为每一类电影都能找到自己的`观众。   NoFearInMyHeart-(电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲) - 朴树   作词:朴树   作曲:朴树   你在躲避什么   你在挽留什么   你想取悦谁呢   你曾经下跪   这冷漠的世界   何曾将你善待   所以你厌恶危险   坠入厄运深渊   输掉一切   你两手紧紧抓着   如同身处悬崖   你小心翼翼地   以为你拥有着   貌似人生圆满   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生   Just let time go on   Your kneeling now stand   With no fear in my heart   God comes into my mind   你也曾经追问   然后沉默   渐渐习惯谎言   并以此为荣   因为没有草原   就忘了你是马   你卑微的人生   从不曾犯错的   无聊的人生   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生   那才是我   那才是我   那个发光的   那个会飞的   Yo buddy   那个顶天立地的   那才是我   当我一微笑   所有的苦难   都灰飞烟灭   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生 ;

朴树电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲No Fear In My Heart歌词

  《冈仁波齐》讲述了西藏腹地古村“普拉村”四个家庭、十一个藏人从家出发,磕头2500公里去冈人波齐朝圣的故事。这是张杨在一年中拍摄的第二部西藏题材的电影,谈及拍摄这两部电影的初衷,张杨说:“这是我另外一部分生活,越来越觉得那些商业的东西跟他关系不是特别大,不是喜欢的方向,然后就拒绝掉了很多作品。”   No Fear In My Heart-(电影《冈仁波齐》主题曲) - 朴树   作词:朴树   作曲:朴树   你在躲避什么   你在挽留什么   你想取悦谁呢   你曾经下跪   这冷漠的世界   何曾将你善待   所以你厌恶危险   坠入厄运深渊   输掉一切   你两手紧紧抓着   如同身处悬崖   你小心翼翼地   以为你拥有着   貌似人生圆满   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生   Just let time go on   Your kneeling now stand   With no fear in my heart   God comes into my mind   你也曾经追问   然后沉默   渐渐习惯谎言   并以此为荣   因为没有草原   就忘了你是马   你卑微的人生   从不曾犯错的   无聊的人生   能不能彻底地放开你的`手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生   那才是我   那才是我   那个发光的   那个会飞的   Yo buddy   那个顶天立地的   那才是我   当我一微笑   所有的苦难   都灰飞烟灭   能不能彻底地放开你的手   敢不敢这么义无反顾坠落   坠入黑暗中   坠入泥土中   的海阔天空   就让我来次透彻心扉的痛   都拿走让我再次两手空空   只有奄奄一息过   那个真正的我   他才能够诞生

no fear in my heart什么意思


no fear in my heart是什么意思?

no fear in my heart中文意思:我心中无恐惧。fearn.害怕;可能性;(对神等的)敬畏;忧虑。vt.害怕;畏惧;为…忧虑(或担心、焦虑);敬畏(神等)。vi.害怕;惧怕;忧虑;感到害怕。介绍《No Fear In My Heart》是朴树为张杨导演电影《冈仁波齐》撰写的主题曲,原曲名为《The Fear In My Heart》,从焦虑到平静,请放下你自己,放开你自己,出发吧!朴树在公众眼中似乎是一个一直叛逆,一直充满矛盾,左手抱着理想,右手抱着困惑的少年。距他上一张专辑《生如夏花》13年之后,朴树终于推出了他的新唱片《猎户星座》,专辑中有一首原名为《The Fear In My Heart》的歌就像这张难产的专辑,代表了他内心一直以来的纠结和不安。


Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won"t let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many people all around the worldTell me where do I find someone like you girlTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand before I"m oldShow me what love is haven"t got a clueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe"re only here todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what love is be my guiding starIt"s easy take me to your heartStanding on a mountain highLooking at the moon through a clear blue skyI should go and see some friendsBut they don"t really comprehendDon"t need too much talking without saying anythingAll I need is someone who makes me wanna singTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand before I"m oldShow me what love is haven"t got a clueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe"re only here todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what love is be my guiding starIt"s easy take me to your heartTake me to your heartTake me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what love is be my guiding starIt"s easy take me to your heart

Take me to your heart歌词

take me to your heartHiding from the rain and snow藏身于雨雪之中Trying to forget but I won"t let go努力忘却,但我怎能就这样离去Looking at a crowded street看着熙熙攘攘的街道Listening to my own heart beat却只能听见自己的心跳So many people all around the world在世界上 这么多的人Tell me where do I find someone like you girl告诉我在哪里可以找到 像你一样的女孩Take me to your heart让我靠近你的心Take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴Give me your hand before I"m old给我你的手 在我老去之前Show me what love is haven"t got a clue问情为何物 没有任何答案Show me that wonders can be true奇迹却一再上演They say nothing lasts forever他们说没有东西能天长地久We"re only here today唯有今天我们能彼此相守Love is now or never不论爱是此刻还是永恒Bring me far away请带我一起远去Take me to your heart让我靠近你的心Take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴Give me your hand and hold me给我你的手 拥我入怀Show me what love is be my guiding star问情为何物 让星辰为我指路It"s easy take me to your heart其实爱很简单 让我靠近你的心Standing on a mountain high站在高山之巅Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky看着月亮高挂于湛蓝的天空I should go and see some friends也许我应该去和朋友们在一起But they don"t really comprehend但他们真的不理解我此时的心情Don"t need too much talking without saying anything不需要太多繁琐的言语,甚至可以一语不发All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing我仅仅需要一个人 能让我为她深情歌唱Take me to your heart让我靠近你的心Take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴Give me your hand before I"m old给我你的手 在我老去之前Show me what love is haven"t got a clue问情为何物 没有任何答案Show me that wonders can be true奇迹却一再上演They say nothing lasts forever他们说没有东西能天长地久We"re only here today唯有今天我们能彼此相守Love is now or never不论爱是此刻还是永恒Bring me far away请带我远去Take me to your heart让我靠近你的心Take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴Give me your hand and hold me给我你的手 拥我入怀Show me what love is be my guiding star问情为何物 让星辰为我指路It"s easy take me to your heart爱很简单 让我靠近你的心Take me to your heart让我靠近你的心Take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴Give me your hand and hold me给我你的手 与我紧紧相拥Show me what love is be my guiding star问情为何物 让星辰为我指路It"s easy take me to your heart其实爱很简单 让我靠近你的心

take me to your heart 的歌词是什么?


英文歌Take me to your heart和张学友的《吻别》旋律好相近哦,是谁先出的,谁抄谁的?


《my stupid heart》歌词是什么意思?

《My Stupid Heart》歌词表达了一种深沉的悲伤和失望。歌曲中的主人公的感情被摧毁,他感到无助,只能用他愚蠢的心来发泄他的愤怒。歌词描述了主人公内心的挣扎和矛盾,他的命运似乎只能被他的愚蠢的心所控制。这首歌也提醒人们要学会面对生活中的挣扎和矛盾,不要轻易放弃和抱怨,而要用积极的态度去面对人生的挑战。

Heartbeat-Suzie McNeil lrc歌词

Anticipation, it"s killin" me And you get here I will never let you leaveThis situation is criticalAnd the symptoms I"ve enfumed from your love are physicalThe push, the pullThe pase, the pulse, the pressureKeepin" the time, I hear my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound sound, sound soundCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the..A little gift, a little takeA little rough around my heart that gonna breakI"m on fire, it"s gasolineAnd the closer that you get to me the more you feel the heatThe push, the pullThe pase, the pulse, the pressureKeepin" the time, I hear my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound sound, sound soundCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the..This love – so muchIt"s nothing like I"ve ever felt beforeYour touch, I want more and more and more and moreCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound..Keepin" the time, I keep my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inKeepin" the time, I hear my heartbeatJust like a drum under my skinAnd my temperature rise when you touch meIt"s such a rush when you come inCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the sound sound, sound soundCan you feel it pound pound, pound pound?Listen to the..Anticipation, it"s killin" meAnd you get here I will never let you leave

Jennifer Rush - Heart Over Mind歌词翻译

I"ve given my heart only to youwhile you stand there thinking about it.我只把心给了你一个人,但你却有所质疑There"s nothing more that I can dowhen you"re hiding what you feel inside.当你拒绝面对真正的感受时我无能为力The closer we get the farther you run from the voicethat speaks from the heart.我们靠的更近你却更逃避你内心的声音The higher we climb the harder we fall我们爬的越高摔得越惨So don"t leave me hanging"don"t leave me hangin" on!不要留下我一个人,一个人身单影只*Look over you shoulder then leave it behindput all the heartbreak away.省视你的肩膀把它落在后面,一切心碎都抛开We"ll start all overone step at a time我们重新开始,一次进步一点don"t let the past take my place不要让我成为过去It"s heart over mindheart over mind.感性大于理性Time after time you say:Give up你一次又一次地说放弃it"s too hard for you to give in.要你屈服很难Don"t let the hurt speak louder than love别因为受伤放弃了爱don"t live yesterday again.别再一次活在昨天Your mind"s holding back what your heart"s letting go你的理性抑制你心飞往的地方I"m fighting to help set you free.我正努力让你的心自由I"m wanting you you"re needing me我想要你,你需要我So don"t leave me hangin"don"t leave me hangin" on!(*)不要留下我一个人,一个人身单影只Time heals the wounded and I know you will survive时间把伤口愈合,我知道你会好的Let"s pick up the pieces and put them together again together again.让我们破镜重圆

My Heart Is Open 歌词

歌曲名:My Heart Is Open歌手:Keith Urban专辑:Defying GravityKeith Urban - My Heart Is OpenI thought I was doing all right being aloneI swore I"d never let somebody get close againI was never gonna let my guard down Not for anyoneBut there"s a light in your eyes and it"s got me moving" inAnd tonight these walls are all coming downAnd my heart is openI"m letting you inCause you give me a reason and the faith I"ve been needing to start againAnd your love is healingI"m finally breathingI"ve been waiting so long hoping for this momentMy heart is openThese days it seems like everybody"s just walking awayLike there"s no forever and love is just a gameBut don"t you know you can believe me when I say that I"m your manMy heart is openI"m letting you in babyCause you give me a reason and the faith I"ve been needing to start againAnd your love is healingI"m finally breathingI"ve been waiting so long hoping for this momentMy heart is openI can"t wait anymore, no noBecause I"ve got nothing left to proveAnd I"ve got so much left to useThat"s why I"m tearing out the walls and baby I"m kicking down the doorsAnd your love is healingBaby, I"m finally breathingI can hear you calling, I"m ready to fall in love againMy heart is openMy heart is openMy heart is openhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1822668

一首英文歌,女生唱的,实力很强,最后一句是to you come back to me。高潮飙音飙很高,第一句有个hearles

Cyndi Lauper 的 Until You Come Back To Me ?

请问有switch on my heart的中文谐音吗

斯威一(这两字连读)曲额on哈特(特要轻读)。Switch on My Heart --- By MionBara no youni BEAUTY SMILE (byuutii sumairu)巴拉no有你(biu无提苏买露)Mabushisugiru SUPER STAR (suupaa sutaa)马不需苏gi露(苏帕啊苏他啊)Kirameiteru SHINING FACE (shainingu feisu)Ki拉美特露(晒宁谷飞苏)Darenimo koesasenai哒乐你莫ko诶撒瑟乃Kokoro komete ANGEL KISS (enjeru kisu)Koko咯ko美特(嗯杰露ki苏)Donna tokimo PERFECT JUMP (paafekuto janpu)东那头ki莫(帕啊费酷头间普)Munasawagino SPARKLY HEART (supaakurii haato)木那撒哇gi no(苏帕阿酷里一哈啊to)GROW UP GROW UP (guro apu guro apu) eienni谷咯阿普谷咯阿普ei嗯尼Kurushin dabundake yorokobiga maateiru酷露寻打本打可哟咯ko比噶马啊忒露Jibun shinjite SWITCH ON (suwichi on)及本新尼一特苏未齐on*Ikiteru imio sagashini yukou一ki特露一米哦撒噶西你于扣Sorano hatemade FARAWAY (farawei)搜拉no哈特吗的发啦为Nayandawakeo mitsukedasou那烟打哇kei哦米醋kei打搜Ashitaha kanarazu啊西他哈卡那啦租Genkino chikara kimini ageyou跟ki no期卡拉ki米你啊给哟无Keeshite makenai FOREVER (forueba)Kei哎西特吗kei乃佛露诶吧Namidaha itsuka kawakuhazusa那米打哈一醋卡卡瓦酷哈租撒Furimuki hashinai付里木ki哈西奈Aisareteru CUTIE GIRL (kyuuti gaaru)哎撒累特露kiu无体噶啊露Demo hontouwa LONELY HEART (ronrii haato)得莫红头瓦龙里一哈啊toMitasarenai DAY BY DAY (dei bai dei)米他撒了奈得白得WHY NOT WHY NOT (wai noto wai noto) wakaranaiwhy not why not 瓦卡拉奈Kodokuna kaokakushi kokomade kitakeredoKo多酷那靠卡酷西ko ko吗得ki他kei累多Kokoro hiraite SWITCH ON (suwichi on)Ko ko咯hi来特苏未齐onDaredemo michini mayoodeiru打雷得莫米期你吗哟哦得露Tachi domaranai EVERYDAY (eburidei)他期多吗啦奈诶不理得Jibun no kawari daremoinai及本no卡瓦里打雷莫一奈Maasuguni susumou吗啊苏谷你苏苏某PRIDE (puraido) sutete ikiteyukeba普来多苏特特一ki特于kei吧PURE (pyuua) na jibunni SAY HELLO (sei haro)Piu瓦那几本你say helloHonnede hanasu nakamatonara红内得哈那苏那卡吗to那啦Iibofumi daserusa里波夫米打色露撒 差不多了,不过希望你会罗马拼音,这样唱起来比较标准,有的是在不好找中文谐音,因为总觉得差太多。

请问你有switch on my heart歌词的罗马音吗

罗马音么~Switch on My Heart --- By MionBara no youni BEAUTY SMILE (byuutii sumairu)Mabushisugiru SUPER STAR (suupaa sutaa)Kirameiteru SHINING FACE (shainingu feisu)Darenimo koesasenaiKokoro komete ANGEL KISS (enjeru kisu)Donna tokimo PERFECT JUMP (paafekuto janpu)Munasawagino SPARKLY HEART (supaakurii haato)GROW UP GROW UP (guro apu guro apu) eienni Kurushin dabundake yorokobiga maateiruJibun shinjite SWITCH ON (suwichi on)*Ikiteru imio sagashini yukouSorano hatemade FARAWAY (farawei)Nayandawakeo mitsukedasouAshitaha kanarazuGenkino chikara kimini ageyouKeeshite makenai FOREVER (forueba)Namidaha itsuka kawakuhazusaFurimuki hashinaiAisareteru CUTIE GIRL (kyuuti gaaru)Demo hontouwa LONELY HEART (ronrii haato)Mitasarenai DAY BY DAY (dei bai dei)WHY NOT WHY NOT (wai noto wai noto) wakaranaiKodokuna kaokakushi kokomade kitakeredoKokoro hiraite SWITCH ON (suwichi on)Daredemo michini mayoodeiruTachi domaranai EVERYDAY (eburidei)Jibun no kawari daremoinaiMaasuguni susumouPRIDE (puraido) sutete ikiteyukebaPURE (pyuua) na jibunni SAY HELLO (sei haro)Honnede hanasu nakamatonaraIibofumi daserusa肿么样呢?

寻一首英文歌的名字,歌词如下,just give me a reason to keep my heart beating

楼主好听力啊 勤苦了 敲了这么多字母这首歌叫 the beginning 是one ok rock乐队的歌. 虽然是英文歌, 但是是日本的乐队,还不错。

求 ToHeart2-真夜中の学校で 的罗马音和中文翻译(已有日文歌词了)...

作词:竹谷昌代 作曲:石川真也 编曲:石川真也真夜中の学校で歌:草壁优季(佐藤利奈)ToHeart2 キャラクターソングス Vol.1たったヒトツ ずっと抱(だ)いてたtatta hitotsu zutto hou ( da ) iteta远(とお)い日(ひ)の想(おも)いは そのままen ( too ) i nichi ( hi ) no sou ( omo ) iha sonomama梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)も 目(め)を覚(さ)ましてもyume ( yume ) no naka ( naka ) mo me ( me ) wo kaku ( sa ) mashitemoいつも浮(う)かぶ 幼(おさな)い笑颜(えがお)itsumo fu ( u ) kabu you ( osana ) i egao ( egao )祈(いの)ってたの 夜(よる)の片隅(かたすみ)でrei ( ino ) ttetano yoru ( yoru ) no katasumi ( katasumi ) de愿(ねが)ってたの いつか 离(はな)れた手(て)と手(て)が 届(とど)くようにgan ( nega ) ttetano itsuka ri ( hana ) reta te ( te ) to te ( te ) ga todoke ( todo ) kuyouniまわる季节(きせつ) めぐり巡(めぐ)ってmawaru kisetsu ( kisetsu ) meguri jun ( megu ) tte描(えが)いてた未来(みらい)が始(はじ)まるbyou ( ega ) iteta mirai ( mirai ) ga shi ( haji ) maru今(いま)は二人(ふたり) 繋(つな)ぐ指先(ゆびさき)ima ( ima ) ha futari ( futari ) kei ( tsuna ) gu yubisaki ( yubisaki )少(すこ)し远回(とおまわ)りしたけれど「ここにいる」shou ( suko ) shi en kai ( toomawa ) rishitakeredo ( kokoniiru )星(ほし)の光(ひかり) 消(き)えてゆくようなhoshi ( hoshi ) no hikari ( hikari ) shou ( ki ) eteyukuyouna暗(くら)い不安(ふあん)が 溢(ゆ)れた日(ひ)もan ( kura ) i fuan ( fuan ) ga itsu ( yu ) reta nichi ( hi ) moあなただけがくれた约束(やくそく)anatadakegakureta yakusoku ( yakusoku )思(おも)い出(だ)せば 前(まえ)を向(む)けたよomoi ( omo ) i shutsu ( da ) seba mae ( mae ) wo kou ( mu ) ketayo感(かん)じてたの 同(おな)じ空(そら)の下(した)kan ( kan ) jitetano dou ( ona ) ji sora ( sora ) no shita ( shita )信(しん)じてたの いつか あなたにもう一度(いちど) 出逢(であ)えるとshin ( shin ) jitetano itsuka anatanimou ichido ( ichido ) shutsu hou ( dea ) eruto揺(ゆ)れる时间(じかん) めぐり巡(めぐ)ってyou ( yu ) reru jikan ( jikan ) meguri jun ( megu ) tte见(み)つかった 探(さが)してた居场所(いばしょ)ken ( mi ) tsukatta tan ( saga ) shiteta ibasho ( ibasho )今(いま)は二人(ふたり) 想(おも)い 重(かさ)ねてima ( ima ) ha futari ( futari ) sou ( omo ) i juu ( kasa ) neteずっと いつまでも 変(か)わらない ぬくもりを...zutto itsumademo hen ( ka ) waranai nukumoriwo ...まわる季节(きせつ) めぐり巡(めぐ)ってmawaru kisetsu ( kisetsu ) meguri jun ( megu ) tte今(いま)は二人(ふたり) 繋(つな)ぐ指先(ゆびさき)ima ( ima ) ha futari ( futari ) kei ( tsuna ) gu yubisaki ( yubisaki )描(えが)いてた未来(みらい)が始(はじ)まるbyou ( ega ) iteta mirai ( mirai ) ga shi ( haji ) maru少(すこ)し远回(とおまわ)りしたけれど「そばにいる」shou ( suko ) shi en kai ( toomawa ) rishitakeredo ( sobaniiru )终わり

Heart Between The Sheets的歌词和中文翻译(马克,特伦茨唱的)

是Heat Between The Sheets哦~Marc TerenziHeat Between The SheetsHa, Ha, Ha, HaaYeah, YeahI got a girl that boy you can`t imagine我有个女孩,男孩你们很难想象的She`s spending love and giving satisfaction她给予爱情 让人满意She blows my mind, her touch is just like fire, oh yeah她让人惊喜 就像火一样She makes the rules, one kiss can take you higher她定制规则,一个吻就能让你很highCome on, Come on, Come onChorus: No mater how they try to steel it from me不管他们如何想试着从我身边偷走This fire will burn eternally这火将永恒地燃烧What any gots the lean each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsNo mater how they try to tar us apartI know they will kill the flame in her heartAnd Baby everytime we manage to meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsSome people say that flames are no solutionSo with this love they just do a revalutionYou got a fight a fire with fireSo let it burn and live for your desireCome on, Come on, Come onChorus: No mater how they try to steel it from meThis fire will burn eternallyWhat any gots the lean each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsNo mater how they try to tar us apartI know they will kill the flame in her heartAnd Baby everytime we manage to meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsI promise you heat between the sheetsOh Baby, baby when the morning comesWe step outside to watch the rising sunThen you kiss my lips and I take your handLet`s go back to bed and we"ll started againCome on, Come on, Come onChorus:No mater how they try to steel it from meThis fire will burn eternallyWhat any gots the lean each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsNo mater how they try to tar us apartI know they will kill the flame in her heartAnd Baby everytime we manage to meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsLet it burn each time that we meetIt`s gonna be heat between the sheetsI promise you heat between the sheets手动翻的 太长啦~~而且很重复的希望对你有帮助哦~

有一首女声英文慢摇歌曲歌歌词好像是 ALL LE MY ALL LE MY.... In My Hear,求歌名???t

精心整理的歌曲 每首都听过 一定要支持哦!~01.us against the world不顾一切西城男孩 02.let me show you the way natasha thomas 04i"m just a little bit shynatasha thomas 05.save your kisses for me (single version)natasha thomas 06.skin deepnatasha thomas 07.sunshine after rainnatasha thomas 08.why (does your love hurt so much)natasha thomas 09.chasing love natasha thomas 10. stairway to heavenled zeppelin 12. Con il tuo nome(顶) 13.bryan adams--here i am 14.With an Orchid和兰花在一起- 雅尼(顶) 14.诸神之诗 姬神 15.一人静 姬神 16.craigie hillcara dillon传说感动了整个爱尔兰] 17.a perfect indiansinead o"connor 18.Give Me Some Love-James Blunt 19.I Will Be Your Shelter-Rebecca Blaylock 20.Midnight Fantasy 维多利亚 21.Spanish Eyes-后街男孩 22.gone_with_the_sin 23.Fall Again glenn lewis 24.A Place Nearby-Lene Marlin 25.proud of you(挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版) 26 angel 可儿家族the corrs 27.天使消逝的地方 28.One and ever love唯一的爱gareth gates葛瑞盖斯 29.anyone of us 葛瑞盖斯 30..with you all the time 葛瑞盖斯 31.what my heart wants to say 葛瑞盖斯 32.say it isn"t so 葛瑞盖斯 33.too soon to say goodbye 葛瑞盖斯 34.fool again 西城男孩westlife 35.if i let you go西城男孩westlife 36.i lay my love on you西城男孩westlife 37.soledad 西城男孩 38.seasons in the sun 西城男孩 39.written in the stars西城男孩 40.再看我一眼westlife西城男孩 (搜狗上有) 41.I`m Not Twenty艾莉婕 42.im fed up-艾莉婕alize 43.Hey Amigo!-艾莉婕Alizee 44.contre courant 艾莉婕Alizee 45.La isla bonita艾莉婕Alizee 46.Sorry sweetbox 47. Life Is Cool sweetbox 48. Don"t push me 别碰我sweetbox 48.Human Sacrifice Sweetbox 49.And Then We Kiss 小甜甜布兰妮Britney Spears 50.Girl In The Mirror 小甜甜布兰妮Britney Spears 51. Overprotected 小甜甜布兰妮Britney Spears 52.gimme more小甜甜布兰妮Britney Spears 53. Let The Music Heal Your Soul 布兰妮 后街 西城等 54. Never Had A Dream Come True S- Club 7小龙乐队 55.Here with me蒂朵 Dido 56.thank you 蒂朵 Dido 57.white flag 蒂朵Dido 漂泊的心 58.30 minutes t.a.t.u 59.Forever at your feet Oh susanna 50.North

歌词带for ever in my heart的英文歌曲

是Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Pray For You?

中森明菜的《Heartbreak》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak歌手:中森明菜专辑:Femme Fatale「HEARTBREAK」作词∶Ryohei Matsufuji/Miran:Miran作曲∶Matthew Tishler/Deanna Dellacioppa/Rodney Alejandro/Jenny Karr歌∶中森明菜駆け引きは いらつくの気づいたわ 今欲しいものに饰ってた プライドを今すぐに 脱ぎ舍てたいの悠长な优しさに no远回し焦らされて fight强情を隠しても「it"s alright... it"s alright」「Why?」Deep Deep ただの気まぐれならもう二度と逢えない situationNo No 涙さえもう出ない音もなく崩れゆくわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK不确かな 约束転がっては すり减らしてく祈ってた 爱しさは儚く 微笑むピエロ爱情の形なんて无いそんな事わかりきってるの fight情热を燃やしても「it"s over... it"s over」「Why?」Deep Deep もしもその答えが「真実」と言えるのならYes Yes 追いかけて掴んで迷わず受け止めるわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK初めから知っていたの振り返れない鼓动舍て去った理想の影 to make everything alrightHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAKHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAKDeep Deep ただの気まぐれならもう二度と逢えない situationNo No 涙さえもう出ない音もなく崩れゆくわHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK抱きしめてHEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK高鸣る胸HEARTBREAK HEARTBREAK【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/55612902



yeah you mother fucker you heard what I just said 是什么歌

歌名Everyday Normal Guy 2everyday normal guy 2出自歌手Jon Lajoie的创作,是Jon Lajoie其中一首歌。Jon Lajoie,全名是Jonathan Lajoie,1980年8月21日出生。是来自加拿大蒙特利尔的一名(喜剧)演员、歌手、饶舌歌者、词曲创作人。因在Youtube上的个人频道“jonlajoie”发布了一系列原创恶搞歌曲而成为网络名人。



Lose My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Lose My Heart歌手:Bob Welch专辑:French Kiss"Listen To Your Heart" I know theres something in the wake of your smile. I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea. Youve built a love but that love falls apart. Your little piece of heaven turns too dark. Listen to your heart when hes calling for you. Listen to your heart theres nothing else you can do. I dont know where youre going and I dont know why, but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye. Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile. The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea. Theyre swept away and nothing is what is seems, the feeling of belonging to your dreams. And there are voices that want to be heard. So much to mention but you cant find the words.http://music.baidu.com/song/2942179

英语作文 never lose heart in face of difficulty

Several days ago, we had a monthly exam, 9 subjects included. When the exam for a subject ended, we checked the answers with each other and I found some of my answers were not the same as my classmates". Since I don"t do well in my subjects in our class, I thought they were always right and there was no doubt that I was wrong. What was worse, the maths questions were so difficult for me that I even hadn"t finished the paper. As a result, there were at least 35 points already lost, and so was the physics exam. I wasn"t good at physics all the time, so I made many mistakes. What a terrible fact! Watching the satisfied expressions on my classmates" faces, I felt extremely down. I leaned on the desk quietly. I wanted to cry but it seemed that there were not any tears. I could feel my dream, which was once around the corner, was going further away from me. I was so depressed that I almost gave up my dream. However, I could do nothing but go on with the other exams. So I shouldn"t give up. I decided to entertain myself with some music so that I could be calm and confident in the other exams. Thank goodness! The music did work! I became calm and cool-minded. And I just did normally and even much better than before. I got good marks in the other subjects. From my exams, I learnt to be confident. We must firstly have confidence in whatever we want to do, and then we should have hopes of achieving success. Confidence is the first step to success. And we must stick to our views, practice them and never give up. Then, success is just right there waiting for us

lose my heart。 是什么意思?

Lose his heart 什么意思


lose my heart

失去了我的心详细的:Lost my heart. No direction失去了自我,迷失了方向。I have lost my heart to you我已经倾心于你了。LOST HEART TO SB.是倾心于某人的意思。I have never lost my heart 我从来没有失去信心

even if i fail again,but i will not lose heart哪错

有了even if 这个关联词,就不能在有but 但是这个词,不可以并存。Even if I fail again, I will not lost heart.

she lost her heart是什么意思

如果是lose heart in sb这个意思是 对某人失望,但是 lose heart to sb这个意思就是对某人倾心,喜欢某人

lose heart 反义词

make up sb"s mind

lose hope 和 lose heart的区别


Lose heart 和lose ones heart 的区别是什么?

Lose heart 丧失勇气lose ones heart 某人失去勇气

lose dream还是lose heart

lose dream和lose heart都是对的,意思有区别,区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、lose dream:失去梦想。2、lose heart:失去信心。二、语法不同1、lose dream:lose的基本意思是“丢失”“失去”,指因事故、过失、不幸、死亡等原因失去拥有的东西等,含有不能再找回来的意思,也可指人失去了品性、信念、态度等或陷入沉思或埋头于某事物之中。2、lose heart:lose用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接双宾语,表示“使…失去”。lose是瞬间动词,通常不与表示一段时间的状语连用。三、侧重点不同1、lose dream:侧重于表示没有了未来的目标。2、lose heart:侧重于表示失去了看向未来的信心。









Lose the heart什么意思?

Lose the heart

lose heart to后跟什么

我为什么觉得是接人呢,如果是接物体不应该是lose heart for 吗?

I have lost my heart to you什么意思


划分下句子成分啊In no case will I lose heart.


Don’t lose heart! 是什么意思?

Don"t lose heart!不要灰心!

失去信心做某事用英语怎么说 就是lose heart后面加doing 还是to do

Losing confidence to do STH.

无论多么困难,我们也不能丧失信心 英语。 Lose heart?

无论多么困难,我们也不能丧失信心。英文:No matter how difficult it is, we must not lose heart.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

lose heart的近义词

用lose heart如何造句?

lose heart是灰心丧气的意思,造句可以是:He failed the test, but he didn"t lose heart.他考试失利了,但他没有灰心丧气。

lose confidence和 loso heart的区别

你好,以下是对这两个词组的释义及举例:1.lose confidence失去信心例句:He let me hold myself, not to lose confidence of future. 他让我振作起来,不要对未来失去信心。2.lose heart丧失信心,失去信心;丧失勇气例句:When you fail, you should never lose heart. 当你失败时,你不应丧失信心。建议您选择智课网在线教育平台,高品质的名师将为您全面解答、针对性教授课程,帮助您提升英语水平。

"lose heart"的 英文解释


英语:lose heart是失去信心,那么失去我们的信心应该是lose our heart还是lose

失去信心:lost confidence confidence,不可数we lost confidenceour confidence

lose heart 和lose one’s heart 名词前加了人称代词 短语意思你不一样了?

您好,lose heart 和 lost one"s heart 的确意思是不一样的:1)lose heart 是(规定搭配),译为【失去信心;丧失勇气】2)lose one"s heart 有几个不同的用法,可以译为【迷恋;十分喜;失去兴趣】,也可以译为【爱上……】,比如lose one"s heart to sth.【迷恋(某物);十分喜爱(某事物)lose one"s heart to sb. 【爱上(某人);钟情于(某人)】lose one"s heart on (doing) sth.【对(某事物)失去兴趣】




lose heart 英[lu:z hɑ:t] 美[luz hɑrt] v. 丧失勇气; 心灰意冷; 垂头丧气; [网络] 丧失勇气(或信心); 丧失勇气或信心; 泄气; [例句]He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart.他呼吁自己的同胞不要丧失信心。

lose heart是什么意思


melt my heart to stone 这首歌 的翻译

请英语老师翻译一下吧 这些歌词又不难

take me to your heart是哪年出的啊


求迈克学摇滚的Ccomplicated Heart 歌词中文翻译

MLTR Complicated Heart Don"t know what to say now 现在不知道说什么 don"t know where to start不知道从哪里开始说 I don"t know how to handle我不知道如何控制 a complicated heart这复杂的心情 You tell me you are leaving你告诉我你要走 but I just have to say但我只能说 before you throw it all away 在你丢掉所有之前 Chorus: Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路 I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你 if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你 you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你 Don"t know what you"re thinking不知道你在想什么 to me it seems quite tough对我而言太笼罩统 to hold a conversation继续对话 when words are not enough当言语不够时 so this is your decision因此这是你的决定 and there"s nothing I can do我不能做什么 I can only say to you我只能对你说 Chorus: Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路 I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你 if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你 you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你

介绍一下《take me to your heart》

这首歌来自丹麦4人组合(现在3人)Michael Learns to Rock 的第6张大碟Take Me to Your Heart。大家对Michael Learns to Rock一定不会陌生,他们的成名曲That"s Why (You Go Away)一直在到处传唱。

谁能翻译下MLTR的complicated heart的歌词~?

MLTRComplicated HeartDon"t know what to say now 现在不知道说什么don"t know where to start不知道从哪里开始说I don"t know how to handle我不知道如何控制a complicated heart这复杂的心情You tell me you are leaving你告诉我你要走but I just have to say但我只能说before you throw it all away 在你丢掉所有之前Chorus:Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你Don"t know what you"re thinking不知道你在想什么to me it seems quite tough对我而言太笼罩统to hold a conversation继续对话when words are not enough当言语不够时so this is your decision因此这是你的决定and there"s nothing I can do我不能做什么I can only say to you我只能对你说 Chorus:Even if you want to go alone即使你想单独上路I will be waiting when you"re coming home我会在家里一直等你if you need someone to ease the pain如果你想要不得别的人来安慰你you can lean on me, my love will still remain你可倚靠我,我会永远爱你

Heart Of Stone 歌词

歌曲名:Heart Of Stone歌手:Bucks Fizz专辑:Greatest HitsHeart Of Stone - Chris Knight(Heart of Stone)I grew up near what they call the flatsAint too many people knows where it"s atCan"t hear the highway can"t see a way outI guarantee it aint nothin worth cryin aboutDaddy left us all back in "91Left us all wonderin what it was we doneI"d stand in the yard and stare down the roadI guess I must have missed how I just don"t knowGot the broken promisesGot the broken homeDon"t break yourself on aHeart of stoneI married a girl I met in tennesseeThe baby didn"t make it, so neither did weI still think about her but she"s fadin fastIt don"t do no good dwellin on the pastGot the broken promisesGot the broken homeDon"t break yourself on aHeart of stoneWell I call momma every now and thenTo say I"m comin home but I don"t know whenWell I ran into daddy but it"s been so longI don"t tell momma, I don"t let onGot the broken promisesGot the broken homeDon"t break yourself on aHeart of stoneWell I got drunk with daddy just the other nightHe said "he was glad to see I turned out alright"I hear people sayin "like father like son"Don"t think about it much but I worry bout it someA heart of stoneDon"t break yourselfOn a heart of stoneDon"t break yourselfOn a heart of stonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8751325



I Heard The Sound Of Voices 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard The Sound Of Voices歌手:Robin Mark专辑:East Of The RiverI Heard the Sound of Voices Robin Mark Revival in Belfast IITitle: I Heard the Sound of VoicesArtist: Robin MarkAlbum: Revival in Belfast IIBy: RecyclerXI heard the sound of voices, from every tribe and nationAs they were walking, singing songs of deliveranceFor going on before them, a little Lamb was leadingAnd I could hear Him singing songs of deliverance.Where are the chains that bound me, the cords of my oppression?Jesus the Lamb has loosed them. He"s my deliverance.My heart cries "Abba Father". For He has led me to YouAnd I can hear You singing, songs of deliverance.For out of Egypt you have called Your sons, Your daughtersThat they might be a witness to Your saving nameSo Father I am walking, Lord can You see me walkingOh my deliverer, I am following the Lamb.Where are the chains that bound me, the cords of my oppression?Jesus the Lamb has loosed them. He"s my deliverance.My heart cries "Abba Father". For He has led me to YouAnd I can hear You singing, songs of deliverance.For out of Egypt you have called Your sons, Your daughtersThat they might be a witness to Your saving nameSo Father I am walking, Lord can You see me walkingOh my deliverer, I am following the Lamb.For out of Egypt you have called Your sons, Your daughtersThat they might be a witness to Your saving nameSo Father I am walking, Lord can You see me walkingOh my deliverer, I am following the Lamb.As for me and my house we will serve the Lord (x3)Always.(Repeat)http://music.baidu.com/song/8317599

Heart of Darkness是谁的歌?


Love Of The Heart Divine 歌词

歌名:Love of The Heart Divine歌手:Chris De BurghAnd he laid her down in a field of cornAnd the sun was on his backUp above there was, a clear blue skyShe held him by the handShe had known him since they both were youngHe"d been always in her lifeAnd the first time that he had kissed her lipsShe knew it deep inside, that this wasLove of a different worldLove of the lifeLove of the ancient onesLove of the heart divineThrough the long hot days and the summer nightsHe was always by her sideJust a boy and girl in an innocent worldBefore the Flanders tideWhen the autumn leaves had turned to goldShe would have her wedding dayAnd the people sang like an angel choirAnd everybody said that this wasLove of a different worldLove of the lifeLove of the ancient onesLove of the heart divineThen the winter came, and the winds of warWere blowing with the snowAnd he looked so fine in his uniformShe knew that he must goWhen the soldiers left on the morning trainShe was waving him goodbyeAnd as the tears rolled down, for the very first timeThe baby kicked inside, and this wasLove of a different worldLove of the lifeLove of the ancient onesLove of the heart divineLove of a different worldLove of the lifeLove of the ancient onesLove of the heart divinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/5468009

恋爱世纪中的英文插曲什么名字?(不是hear me cry)

true to your heart

有没有和Hear Me Cry一样好听的歌

你喜欢安静的啊。。那500 miles 和 and so it gose 你肯定喜欢。。不过是英文。

有首歌 英文的 歌词有旁白 旁白内容 can you hear me, can you hear me cry给找下被


和《hear me cry》感觉旋律差不多的歌曲还有哪些?

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