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  方法一:在冰箱冷藏室内后壁有个排水孔,正常停机时融化的水可以从这里排出的,使用久了被少量的杂物(或轻微)堵住了,造成水不能排出箱外,保鲜层就会结冰(漏水)。可以尝试用电线或电丝之类的的东西疏通一下,如果用东西捅不能解决的,可打开冰箱的后盖,取走等水盘,就能看到排水的管头,对着管子用力吹(或用气筒吹)就可以把杂物吹出!然后再从冰箱内的排水孔内倒些清水(加少量的洗洁净)冲几次即可!很有效果!x0dx0ax0dx0a  方法二:先拔掉冰箱自然解冻后按照脏堵的方法疏通后建议再排水孔内注入些油(黄油最好,这样可以在内壁上形成一层油膜不宜结冰),防止以后再次冰堵。x0dx0a  如果依然无法解决建议联系冰箱售后服务请求专业维修。


1. 首先,确定您的冰箱是否有温度调节器。大多数冰箱都有一个位于内部的旋钮或按钮,用于调节温度。2. 找到温度调节器后,将其调整到所需的温度。通常,冰箱的温度应该在2-5°C之间,而冷冻室的温度应该在-18°C以下。3. 如果您的冰箱没有数字显示器,则可以使用温度计来检查温度。将温度计放在冰箱内部,等待几分钟,然后读取温度。4. 如果您的冰箱温度过高或过低,可以调整温度调节器以更改温度。如果您的冰箱温度过高,可以将温度调节器向左旋转,如果温度过低,则可以将其向右旋转。5. 调整温度后,等待几小时以使温度稳定。如果您的冰箱仍然无法达到所需的温度,请检查密封件是否完好无损,是否有足够的空间让空气流通,并确保不要在冰箱内放置过多的食物。


  提起奥马电器,也许很多人不知道这个品牌,但是这个品牌的冰箱却是极为专业的,奥马电器目前在国内上市的冰箱多集中在“单门、双门、三门、多门”产品上,一般以彰显其价格实惠、品质过硬、不追求花哨的功能,加上最高可以提供6年的厂商整机质保,受到了不少追求高性价比消费者的关注。今天我们会介绍它品牌下的一款冰箱BCD-388DV,会对它的特点、外形、内部构造及市场报价进行介绍。    技术特点:  奥马冰箱BCD-388DV内部有效容积388L,其中冷藏室容量251L,冷冻室容量137L;值得一提的是,该款冰箱的冷冻室中为酷爱“冰爽”的消费者专门设计了一个大容量的扭曲制冰盒,可以达到快速、批量制作冰块。  而对称的四开门设计也让食物的存取更加方便。例如上侧的冷藏室采用对开门设计,可以方便的放下一些体积很大的食材(例如蛋糕),而底部的冷冻室采用了左右独立的布局,在开启冷冻室的时候减少冷气的流失,也让食物的存储、拿取更加灵活,对降低功耗也有正面作用。    外观:  BCD-388DV的外观采用了时尚的玻璃镜面材质,底纹选择中国消费者最钟情的“喜庆红”,雅号“靓雅红”,四门对称的设计,整体看起来非常符合中国消费者的审美观。  而在玻璃门板上具有喜庆感的花卉图案,让整个外观显得更加生动、喜庆。此外,这款冰箱的侧面和门边都采用了主流的银灰色涂装,不仅和红色的门板相得益彰,也能在厨房环境下长久的保持自身的质感和洁净度。    食物储存设计:  首先是门板内侧的置物架。一般人都会把饮品放在这个区域。最底下的置物架可以轻松的同时放下3瓶1.5L装的饮用水。而此时瓶子的顶部距离上层置物架的底部还有足够的空间,拿取或者放入的时候都不会有憋屈的感觉。  中间层的置物架,最多可以同时放置两瓶355ml的易拉罐,1L的利乐装果汁、平时常规500ml左右的饮料都可以轻松放置。  冷冻室的6个独立抽屉可以对食物进行很好的分类、例如将生食和熟食分开冷冻,避免交叉污染。这是冷冻室顶部和中间层的抽屉,平躺着可以完整的放下一整包2斤装速冻水饺,由于抽屉的高度很大,目测最多可以放入6、7包都没有问题。    参考价格:2399元  在上文中我们为大家介绍了奥马冰箱BCD-388DV这款冰箱的外形设计、技术特点、食物储存设计以及参考报价,从全文中我们可以了解到这款冰箱作为一个国产品牌,其在高质量上的追求与良好的售后服务态度早已成为人们认可的标志,这款冰箱设计也是他们品牌理念的体现,既有足够一个家庭使用的容量,又有合理的价格,对于一个需要高性价比冰箱的家庭来说,这款冰箱是一个非常好的选择。土巴兔在线免费为大家提供“各家装修报价、1-4家本地装修公司、3套装修设计方案”,还有装修避坑攻略!点击此链接:【https://www.to8to.com/yezhu/zxbj-cszy.php?to8to_from=seo_zhidao_m_jiare&wb】,就能免费领取哦~


它是国产高标准的 OEM (贴牌生产)产品,年产量5百万台,主要是欧洲市场,厂家是深圳的上市公司。

HOMA鲑鱼籽肌底液功效作用 HOMA鲑鱼籽肌底液成分表

近期一款HOMA鲑鱼籽肌底液可是甚为火爆,无论是在小红书还是美妆博主的直播间都可以见到它的身影。那么HOMA鲑鱼籽肌底液有啥功效作用,HOMA鲑鱼籽肌底液的成分都有啥?下面我就为大家一一一讲解,希望对大家有所帮助。 HOMA鲑鱼籽肌底液功效作用 1、提拉紧致 启动休眠细胞,重建肌肤屏障,修护受损细胞,补充皮肤胶原蛋白,激活细胞活力,恢复饱满活力肌肤。 2、修护肌肤 启动皮肤自身的活力,促进细胞的新陈代谢,补充肌肤脂质体,增强保护屏障功能,免受外界刺激。 3、锁水滋养 有效的补充肌肤水分营养,锁水脂质体,形成锁水网减少皮肤水分流失,提升保湿力,让营养成分层层渗透,持久养润 HOMA鲑鱼籽肌底液成分表 1、鲑鱼籽提取物 肌活细包活力,重建肌肤阻止及受损细包,回复饱满活力肌肤。 2、神经酰胺 防止过敏性皮肤并的目的和抑制黑色素褐班的效果。 3、透明质酸钠 改善营养代谢,使皮肤柔嫩、光滑、增加弹性、防止衰老。 4、生育酚(维生素E) 增加细胞的抗氧化作用,具有一定的抗老化作用,还能改善脂质代谢,防止动脉硬化,降低血脂。 什么是抗氧化 肌肤面多恶劣的内外环境(如紫外线,污染,压力)会氧化产生一种有害化合物,即自由基,它的强氧化会损害机体的组织和细包,造成胶原和弹性纤维松弛和脆裂,从而导致肌肤衰老出现皱纹等,自由基对肌肤的损害时刻在发生,这是我们肌肤衰老的根源,也是皮肤为什么要抗氧化的原因。





Billy Gilman的《Oklahoma》 歌词

歌曲名:Oklahoma歌手:Billy Gilman专辑:One VoiceBilly Gilman - OklahomaSuitcase packed with all his thingsCar pulls up the door bell ringsHe don"t wanna goHe thought he"d found his homeBut with circumstances he can"t changeWaves good-bye as they pull awayFrom the life he"s knownFor the last seven months or so.She says we found a man that looks like you.Who cried and said he never knewAbout the boy in pictures that we showed him.A rambler in his younger daysHe knew he made a few mistakesBut he swore he would have been thereHad he known it.Son we think we found your dad in Oklahoma.A million thoughts raced through his mindWhat"s his name? what"s he like?And will he be anything like the man in his dreams.She could see the questions in his eyesWispered don"t be scared my childI will let you know what we knowAbout the man who that found he looks like youWho cryed and said he never knewAbout the boy in pictures that we showed him.A rambler in his younger daysHe knew he"d made a few mistakesBut he swore he would have been thereHad he known itHe always said thatThis was something that you wanted.Son it"s time to meet your dad in OklahomaOne last turn he held his breathTill they reached the big house on the leftAnd all at once the tears came rollin inAnd as they pulled into the driveA man was waiting there outsideTo wipe the worry from his eyesSmiled and took his handAnd he saidI"m the man that looks like youThat cried because i never knewAbout the boy in pictures that they showed meA rambler in my younger daysI knew I made a few mistakesBut I swear I would have been thereHad I known itNever again will you ever be aloneSon welcome to your home in Oklahoma^i^ END ^i^http://music.baidu.com/song/31417716























"Thomas Daley"怎样读

14岁牙套男孩----跳水天才   姓名:托马斯·戴利  英文名:Thomas Daley  性别:男  年龄:14  身高(厘米/英尺): 163cm / 5"4"   体重(公斤/磅): 47 kg / 104 lbs   出生日期: 1994年5月21日   身份:中学学生  就读学校:普利茅斯洲祭中学  兴趣爱好:跳水、数学  家庭成员:父母  国籍:英国  出生地: 普利茅斯 (英国)   居住地: 普利茅斯 (英国)   运动项目: 跳水   与水结缘:3岁开始学习游泳,6岁接触跳水。编辑本段戴利的比赛成绩    2004、2005和2006年,英国跳水相应年龄组中,所有项目(1米,3米,跳台)冠军。  2005澳大利亚青少年菁英赛和搭档Blake Aldridge,双人10米跳台 冠军  2007英国锦标赛,10米跳台(青少年组) 冠军  2007ASA业余游泳协会国家锦标赛,10米跳台 冠军   2007ASA业余游泳协会国家比赛,双人10米跳台 冠军   2007ASA业余游泳协会国家比赛,10米跳台(青少年) 冠军   2007ASA业余游泳协会国家比赛,3米跳斯 (青少年) 冠军  2008欧洲锦标赛,10米跳台 冠军   2008英国锦标赛,10米跳台 冠军   2008英国锦标赛,双人10米跳台 冠军   2008FINA世界泳联世界跳水巡回赛,谢菲尔德,10米跳台 亚军   2008FINA世界泳联世界跳水巡回赛,谢菲尔德,10米双人跳台 冠军  2008年北京奥运会,10米双人跳台 第八名  2008年北京奥运会,10米跳台 第七名编辑本段戴利的比赛分数  排名 比赛项目 年份 比赛地点 成绩   大奖赛   2 双人10米跳台 2008 马德里 417.93   3 10米跳台 2008 马德里 495.45   世界系列赛   1 双人10米跳台 2008 英国谢菲尔德 429.12   2 10米跳台 2008 英国谢菲尔德 473.15   4 10米跳台 2008 中国南京 474.55   4 10米跳台 2007 英国谢菲尔德 441.25   5 10米跳台 2008 墨西哥蒂华纳 430.00   5 双人10米跳台 2008 墨西哥蒂华纳 398.52   5 双人10米跳台 2007 英国谢菲尔德 388.89   世界杯   3 双人10米跳台 2008 中国北京 446.07   7 10米跳台 2008 中国北京 480.40编辑本段戴利的赛程  2008年8月11日 14:30 跳水 男子10米双人跳台决赛 国家游泳中心   2008年8月22日 19:00 跳水 男子10米跳台预赛 国家游泳中心   早期生涯  戴利早年的跳水英雄是13岁就在1998年的英联邦大赛上夺冠的加拿大跳水运动员亚历山大.德斯帕蒂(Alexandre Despatie)和英国跳水运动员利昂.泰勒(Leon Tylor)。戴利分别在2004、2005和2006年赢得英国跳水锦标赛的1米跳板、3米跳板和13米跳台的年龄组冠军。  2004年,年仅十岁的他就在国家青少年(18岁以下)组赢得跳台赛,这使他成为该项目最年青的冠军。 2005年,他客串参加了澳大利亚国家青少年菁英赛,在14岁~15岁组中获跳台冠军和3米跳板亚军。同年,在德国亚琛(Aachen)的国际青少年赛上,他也是作为14~15岁小组的成员夺得跳台亚军和3米跳板季军。虽然他符合参加2006年英联邦大赛的自和平但是由于年龄限制,他未能代表英国参赛。 2006年12月,他在2007英国青年锦标赛中18岁以下组中夺得十米跳台亚军。





求 apology to the future 的全文 by Scott Thomas Eastham 正确给加分!

Apology to the FutureBy Scott Thomas EasthamMy Dear Unborn Grandchild:By the time you read this, I shall be dead---- and probably not from old age. You have grown to maturity now, and by rights expect very little from your forebears. This is as it should be. Nevertheless, I feel I owe you at least two things---- an apology and an explanation.The apology takes precedence. I can guess that you are living on a devastated Earth, the ruin of a garden planet, an Earth rendered well-nigh uninhabitable by forces set in motion by my generation and those that preceded us. I apologize for all of us who may be responsible. I am esp0ecially sorry because all the portents foretelling the kind of world you will inhabit are already present today. I wish I could say we don"t know any better, but we do.We know that the chemical wastes we have been dumping heedlessly for decades have probably caused irreversible damage to the human gene pool. There is undoubtedly more congenital suffering in your time, more weakness of limb and of brain, more people born then than now who might prefer to be dead. We know further that there is no safe way to dispose of or isolate the mountains of nuclear waste we are accumulating; by your day, the damage will be done. We know also that our societal addition to fossil fuels is releasing far too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We have even predicted the catastrophic results of the “greenhouse effect”: an inevitable warming and shift in the Earth"s climatic regions, melting of the polar ice caps, and thus floods, mass migrations, famines, etc. nevertheless, we scoff at alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear energy. They are costly and unrealistic, we say, and so we gouge ever more deeply into the flesh of the Earth to find and burn up more of the same.In a single century, we have turned the Earth into a sick old lady. Species are going extinct at the incredible rate of one every other day. Some of that is natural selection, of course, but the lion"s share of the damage is man"s doing. The food chain is going to collapse out from under us one day, but that"s a problem for the future to solve, or so we say. Oh yes, we can see all around us the grim beginnings of your world.It"s not just what we"re doing to the environment that speaks of the world we are creating for you, but just as evidently what human beings are doing to one another.at the latest estimate, some 50,000 people die of starvation every day---- that"s one death every other second. Instead of offering real help to theses starving millions, the superpowers sell them weapons---- meanwhile spending about a billion dollars a day on their own suicidal arms race. Most people are afraid of World War III, but don"t realize that the “Third World War” is already well underway; more people have died in the approximately 160 wars since World War II than perished in that great conflagration. Even as I write you, there are about 40 shooting wars being fought in and between so-called Third World nations, most of them like quicksand pits---- the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.The human death toll is already enormous today, even if we never use the massive thermonuclear arsenals we"ve been building up for the Big Finale---- which could come at any moment. Every city in the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. with a population of 25,000 or more is presently targeted with at least one nuclear bomb, and the computer controls are not only on hair triggers, but in addition they are notoriously unreliable. Every time lightning strikes the municipal power grid in Colorado Springs, the North American Air Defense Command computers there register a Soviet missile strike and prepare to strike back. Perhaps this is all old news to you. For you and your contemporaries, it may well be too late. Perhaps you are already living in the radioactive rubble of our nightmares; perhaps you know firsthand about genetic mutations, radiation damage, infant leukemia, shortened life expectancy, and all the other horrors we"ve been saving up for you.I fear there is an inevitability here, too. Humankind has never yet developed a weapon it did not eventually get around to using on itself. When Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866, he supposed that, with such a terrible weapon in the world"s arsenals, nobody could ever countenance waging war again. In the unclear age, that kind of innocence is lost forever. Even if you have by some incredible stroke of providence been spared an atomic Armageddon, you will see our handiwork in all the other gruesome legacies we have left you and with which you must try to live---- or should I say survive?Government is supposed to be the way we human beings handle our collective affairs, but we just can"t seem to get the hang of it. You"d be appalled at what passed for government in this, our “enlightened” modern age. In the U.S., for instance, you"d think we don"t really believe anybody knows how to run anything properly. We"ve gotten very cynical, and expect fraud, malfeasance, and liars in public places. Don"t mistake my meaning; it"s not one political party or the other that"s at fault---- it"s the system, the bureaucratic megamachine. Our entire society has been politicized, polarized, and factionalized to the extent that everybody is, in the final analysis, at odds with everybody else.In such a perverse state of affairs, affairs of state tend to undergo some rather bizarre reversals. We have a “Defense” Department that prepares for and covertly wages aggressive war. We have an “Interior” Department that sells off public lands for private profit, and uses wasteful “slash-and-burn” clearcut lumbering techniques on the lands it does retain. We have an Environmental “Protection” Agency which stymies enforcement of the meager environmental legislation we do have on the books. We have a “State” Department whose unstatesmanlike business is to meddle in the internal affairs of other states, and a “Commerce” Department which does everything in its considerable power to put up barriers to free trade between free nations. We have an “Energy” Department whose major utility is to serve as a front for nuclear weapons procurement, we have an “Education” Department whose main function appears to be to dismantle public education from the top down. The list goes on and on.For all of this, our generation owes yours an apology----but not without explanation. The explanation, however, is going to be harder for you to comprehend. I can tell you what it is , by and large, but you will probably be unable to accept it. I"m alive now, witnessing the genesis of your terrible world, and I can scarcely believe it myself. It"s all the old human follies writ large. It"s greed and stupidity and self-interest and all the banal and routine evils that go unnoticed as we single-mindedly conduct our “business-as-usual”. The religions of humankind have been warning us for two or three thousand years that we ‘d better shape up, or else, but we generally don;ttake free advice. It is no hideous horned monster that has arisen in the latter half of the 20th century. It"s just the same old vices of the squabbling, petty, self-centered, bad-tempered cantankerous human species, but the efforts have been hugely magnified by our new technologies, magnified and projected directly to you. It is not a birthright we"ve left you, it"s a “birthwrong”. You have been grievously wronged long before the day of your birth, and I am ashamed to admit that you are going to have to judge our generation by its worst and most destructive elements.You won"t see the other side of it, of course, but there is another side. It must seem incomprehensible to you that we of the 1980"s could foresee all these things, yet collectively and individually squander our last best moment to turn the world around and leave a habitable planet for our progeny. So let me tell you a little of what we might have done, had we given ourselves----and you----half a chance.After Hiroshima, we knew very well that, if humankind was to survive, we would have to find alternatives to head-on conflict----creative, constructive, dialogical ways to deal with the irreducible diversity of the human family. Peace is not just an accident, a lull between wars; peace is a hard-won achievement, a creative act, a societal work of art. It is also an imperative. Nuclear weapons leave us no choice----either we human beings learn to live with people who disagree with us, or else we all go to hell in a handbasket. For human life in its entirety to endure, we are going to have to shed some of our deeply rooted cultural biases and pretensions. We are in the midst of discovering, for example, that Western technocracy is not the only way to live a human life, and that is is plain wrongheaded to try to solve global human dilemmas from within the structures and strictures of a single civilizational model----one, be it noted, which seems increasingly prone to flirt with its own total destruction.We are also well aware that we"ve taken the Earth fro granted far too long. Things have changed rapidly for the worse on our crowded planet; we"ve worn out our welcome in the old homestead. These are the signs of our times. If the air is to be fit to breathe, if the grass and the trees are to continue to grow, if human life is to flourish along with its companion species, then we are going to have to learn----and learn damned quickly----to collaborate with the Earth, to become responsible partners with all the rhythms and dynamism of the living Cosmos. This means that we are going to have to rely less on mechanisms of force and more on the vital connections we share with the entire Creation and with one another.Along the same lines, we know also that human civilization, however high its technical or aesthetic attainments, is peculiarly vulnerable to its own garbage. Athens, medieval Europe, and Elizabethan England all succumbed to plague spawned in streets that ran with raw sewage, and our new techniques of biochemical interference are likely to be far more devastating than the occasional rat-infested ship. We rightly fear that we shall be poisoned, buried and memorialized by our own garbage.I think we do know, above all and despite all, that life is a gift, a miracle, really, that it is fitting to celebrate and pass on enhanced to our descendants. Slow as we are to acknowledge it, we know that this gift is in our hands now----for better or for worse.So what can I tell you? That in my generation, homomaniacus, the crazy fellow, is busy writing the epitaph for homo sapiens, the supposedly wise fellow with 6000 years of accumulated human experience to draw from? That all the beauty and wisdom and dignity that human life has painfully but steadily acquired over millennia will be squandered by a single, mindless generation in a wild frenzy of destruction? I don"t know.I certainly hope not, but it often seems like a hope against hope. I hope our generation can see the alternatives and make the responsible choices----livingry instead of weaponry, creation instead of destruction, life instead of death. I wish i knew the outcome, but only you can know that for sure. Only you, my unknown and nameless grandchild, can properly judge your parents and grandparents and the world they"ve handed over to you, the life they"ve passed on to you. As for me, I only wish I knew whether we are even going to allow you to exist.

thomas edison的生日


Thomas Edison英文简介

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an inventor and busines *** an who developed many important devices. "The Wizard of Menlo Park" was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production to the process of invention. In 1880 Edison founded the journal Science, which in 1900 became the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors, holding a record 1,093 patents in his name. Most of these inventions were not pletely original but improvements of earlier patents, and were actually made by his numerous employees. Edison was frequently criticized for not sharing the credits. Nevertheless, Edison received patents worldwide, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Edison started the Motion Picture Patents Company, which was a conglomerate of nine major film studios (monly known as the Edison Trust).

Thomas Edison(托马斯 爱迪生)的个人介绍


求rosie thomas的say hello 的歌词

Say Helloby Rosie Thomasalbum: (Duet)W-If I find himIf I just followWould he hold me and never let me go Would he let me borrow his wool winter coatI don"t know, I don"t KnowM-If I see her standing there aloneAt the train station, three stops from her home I have half a mind to say what I"m thinking anywayBut I don"t know, I don"t knowB-There"s an airplane in the skyWith a banner right behind"Loneliness is just a crimelook each other in the eyeAnd say hello-o-o-o-oand say hello-o-o-o-o"(spoken)M- Hey there. How you doing?W-Hi, my name is Mary.M-Hi

Say Hello -Rosie Thomas thankyou~


我想要Say Hello--Rosie Thomas的中午歌词

歌词: Say HelloRosie Thomaslyrics By Larry ChengIf I find him ...if i just followWould he hold me and never let me goWould he let me borrow his old winter coatI don"t knowI don"t knowIf I see her standing there aloneAt the train station three stops from her homeI have half a mind to say what I"m thinking anywayI don"t knowI don"t knowThere"s airplane in the skyWith a banner right behindLoneliness is just a crimeLook each other in the eyeAnd say helloOh oh oh ohAnd say helloOh oh oh oh ohHey there, how you doing?Hi, my name"s Mary!Hi!

求 some say--Rosie Thomas的 吉他谱 GTP格式的

  Say Hello吉他谱  by Rosie Thomas, 1,2,3,4  夹3品(其实无所谓,不夹也可以,加4品也可以,不同的品不同的调,看你喜欢那个了)  节奏不说了,多听几遍就知道了。、  右手是6 12 31.至于到D和旋时怎么处理,什么也不加可以,但我喜欢来个过渡就是到D接G时弹6 12 312,而且在最后312时弹得很快,同时瞬间便G,这样快就听着更流畅。中间的是扫弦,只要节奏对了扫破天也可以。IN CONCLUSION,我觉得这首歌发挥的余地很多,在很多小细节可以加上自己的特点。比如前奏和结尾pick show off下,嗯,我可懒得去弹那些花哨,我的目标是力求最简单,能多简化有多简化!还有,Bm对新手来说可能是不小的挑战,加油吧,这么好的音乐可不是年年都碰到的~  自己简单地录了一下,不是特别精彩,但是用心去做的  http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Twlph_rGWPw/  G Bm Am D(前奏x2,以后就是这个循环)  If I find him if I just to follow  Would he hold me and never let me go  Would he let me borrow his old winter coat  I don"t know  I don"t know  If I see her standing there alone  At the train station three stops from her home  I have half a mind to say what I"m thinking anyway  I don"t know  I don"t know  G Bm  There"s airplane in the sky  Am D  With a banner right behind  Loneliness is just a crime  Look each other in the eye  And say hello  Oh oh oh oh  And say hello  Oh oh oh oh oh  Hey there, how you doing?  Hi, my name"s Mary!  wow!!

关于Thomas Mann 的作品 buddenbrooks (布登勃洛克一家)的德语评论文章




Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke 每个都中文翻译一下,谢谢。

国语 粤语(香港)鲍勃 Bob 伯 Robert的简称约翰 John 尊托马斯 Thomas 汤马士 简称Tom迪伊 Dean 典保罗 Paul 保罗杰克 Jack 积布鲁克 Brooke 布陆



求Mrs Bux,ThomasPrime,CL 的 《old skool 》的歌词

old skool yoits another beautiful day out there my peopletime to get up, thats rightI keep it old skoollets do thisI remember when life was just about riding bikes.Hanging with my boys through the night understreetlights.Simple times. Simple needs. Summertime breeze.Football in the street, getting high, climbing trees.New york New york to LA I see I you cant frown on whereyou from so I dont try.C L, yeah, thinkin blue, I keep it moving.Animal guitars man we still keep it grooving.We come a long way son I wish I could stay back itspacked its a wrap, it was le sayYou know how I do keep it freesh, Old Skool, with atwisted chill vibes to keep it cool.Back on the scene, some eyes turn green, I smile its beena while man I take it to your team.sit back and relax "cuz this is the last ride keep yourarms and legs inside, at all times.Old skool thats my vibe from 86 to about 95always tell the truth my momma say dont liewith an honest days work get a piece of the pieOld skool thats my vibe from 86 to about 95always tell the truth my momma say dont liewith an honest days work get a piece of the pie

Skin deep-Natasha Thomas[娜塔莎 托马斯]中文歌词翻译

You"re telling me that I"m your queen 你告诉我,在你心中,我是女王That nothing matches me.没有什么东西能配得上我You"re making me feel like a dream 你让我犹如置身梦中The way you flatter me你对我的奉承Are you just another fake 只是假装Or something special?还是我对你是特别的?(Yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah, yeah, yeah)You"re telling me that I"m too cool 你说我很有自己的风格You say I"m beautiful你说我很漂亮I gotta tell you I"m no fool 我只想说我不是笨蛋I"m kinda cynical我有些愤世嫉俗Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式You sit me on the top of your world 你说我太高贵让你必须仰望Can"t take your eyes of me无法移开你的视线You say that I"m your candy girl 你说我是你的甜心Well that"s oh so sweet真是很好听的甜言蜜语Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Get to the beauty within了解美女的内心世界Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Got to discover me发现我的可爱之处Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Open your mind and come in全心全意Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式好多重复的,害我打字好累,自己翻译的,希望你可以满意:)
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