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求高人翻译The Home is where the heart is ...the heartis where you are


home is where the heart is 歌词

歌曲名:home is where the heart is歌手:McFly专辑:motion in the oceanI"m a lover not a fighterHold me close and I"ll take you higher than you"ve ever beenRaise your hands and lay down your weaponsWe could turn this around in seconds flat if you believeHome is where the heart isIt"s where we startedWhere we belongSingingHome is where the heart isIt"s where we startedWhere we belongWe"ll light a fire and write a sonnetPin your hopes and your dreams upon it nowAnd come and sing with usCalling out to your children"s childrenLet there be love and let them scream it loudBefore we bite the dustSo come on, Home is where the heart isIt"s where we startedWhere we belongOh we"re singingHome is where the heart isIt"s where we startedWhere we belongIn these troubled days of angerWe"re afraid of every strangerBut today we"re changing historyIt"s okay just sing it with meNow"s your chance, think of your loversWe are all sisters and brothersNow"s your chance, think of your loversWe are all sisters and brothersHome is where the heart isIt"s where we started, where we belongHome is where the heart isIt"s where we started, where we belong (x4)Where we belonghttp://music.baidu.com/song/1316447

home is where the heart is是什么意思


Home is where the heart is.心在哪里,家在哪里。这句话末尾为什么有一个is,能否省略?





Where is our home?



Home is where you are是地点状语从句吗?


用所给的单词适当形式填空 1.where do you do _____(you) homework? -At home.


适当形式填空:1.Where _Pat_(go)yesterday 2.―_you at home yesterday?―Yes,I_(be)

1 went 2were were 3rainy twelfth 4them 5 to eat 6rainy 7 is


1. "I was at home yesterday."2. "Yesterday, I was home."3. "At home yesterday, that"s where I was."4. "I spent yesterday at my house."


EHOMEEHOME (LD)  中国 Dota EHOME战队  2007年10月份,EHOME俱乐部将国内顶尖DotA队伍HtmL战队收至麾下,成立EHOME.DotA分队。这支队伍获得了2007年国内90%的赛事冠军。其成员为:万宁"mN"、黄翔"longdd"、张文立"GK"、王晓宁"amei"、房甍"SatXIII_"、易熙文"IsuN"。在取得IEF2007网吧赛总决赛冠军后,SatXIII_离队,原IfNt核心队员胡天澍"Soulk"、原GL核心邹倚天"820"加盟。新阵容先后获得了IEF国际大师赛亚军、CDL季后赛总决赛冠军等成绩。为了追求更好的赛训成绩,俱乐部安排队员统一线下集训,因此队伍人员调整。mN、amei、IsuN暂停活动,Soulk加盟线上队伍[GOW],而原GL战队主力成员董灿"dclxjdc"、张知严 "Shasha"和原oNce战队核心伍声"2009_"加盟。新阵容在PGL2008第三赛季总决赛中从败者组中杀出以2:0翻盘获得冠军。5月份,原GL战队核心康钊"Snoy"加盟EHOME担任教练,无疑使这支队伍更让人期待。目前队伍已在2008年北京训练基地(北京中关村E空间游戏体验中心)展开集训,备战各大赛事,向世界冠军发起冲击。   主要成绩:   WGT2007中国总决赛   CNBN杯DotA联赛   AACC全国电子竞技大赛   第一届CETC电子竞技大赛   英特尔IEF2007全国网吧赛总决赛   ADC中国区   英特尔IEF2007国际大师赛   PGL2008 第三赛季DotA全明星邀请赛   WCG2008北京赛区   现役阵容:   董灿"dclxjdc"(队长)   黄翔"longdd"   张文立"GK"   张知严 "Shasha"   伍声"2009_"   康钊"Snoy"(教练)   曾效力队员:   万宁"mN"   王晓宁"amei"   房甍"SatXIII_"   易熙文"IsuN"   胡天澍"Soulk"   邹倚天"820"   张堃"xt_xxx"   陈瀚"bubble"

DOTA 曾经的EHOME战队5个人的名单

DC、SNOY、GK、Longdd、2009 08年acg得冠时的阵容 不知是不是你想知道的

Dota EHOME的主力成员是哪几个?

中国 Dota EHOME战队 2007年10月份,EHOME俱乐部将国内顶尖DotA队伍HtmL战队收至麾下,成立EHOME.DotA分队。这支队伍获得了2007年国内90%的赛事冠军。其成员为:万宁"mN"、黄翔"longdd"、张文立"GK"、王晓宁"amei"、房甍"SatXIII_"、易熙文"IsuN"。在取得IEF2007网吧赛总决赛冠军后,SatXIII_离队,原IfNt核心队员胡天澍"Soulk"、原GL核心邹倚天"820"加盟。新阵容先后获得了IEF国际大师赛亚军、CDL季后赛总决赛冠军等成绩。为了追求更好的赛训成绩,俱乐部安排队员统一线下集训,因此队伍人员调整。mN、amei、IsuN暂停活动,Soulk加盟线上队伍[GOW],而原GL战队主力成员董灿"dclxjdc"、张知严 "Shasha"和原oNce战队核心伍声"2009_"加盟。新阵容在PGL2008第三赛季总决赛中从败者组中杀出以2:0翻盘获得冠军。5月份,原GL战队核心康钊"Snoy"加盟EHOME担任教练,无疑使这支队伍更让人期待。目前队伍已在2008年北京训练基地(北京中关村E空间游戏体验中心)展开集训,备战各大赛事,向世界冠军发起冲击。


不知道你要问的是什么时候姚羿"RCC" (357) (4-5号位、support) 擅长英雄:风行 沙王 电棍雷增荣"X!!"(呆呆)(2-3号位 solo位、主gank)老外眼中最强大的中国队员,尊称:Weapon X!擅长英雄:Tinker.蓝猫.Lion Puck 发条APR“朋月月”(西南第一C)(一号位,短暂效力EHOME1个月后离队)沈佳麒"FCB"(鼠大王) (3号位 辅助gank 第一团灭发动机 霸气侧漏)擅长英雄:doom 各种辅助邹倚天"820" (9.8 宣布退役 1号位,5号位 永远的功勋队长 祝福8老板 一路走好)周扬"KingJ" (2号位-5号位 全能王)擅长英雄:Visage徐志雷"BurNIng" 中国乃至世界最强大的carry之一 同时又是全能选手 擅长英雄:各种大后期,chen,POM董英杰"77"黄翔“LDD"万宁"mN"伍声"2009_"张知严 "Shasha"王晓宁"amei"房甍"SatXIII_"易熙文"IsuN"胡天澍"Soulk"张_"xt_xxx"陈瀚"bubble"Ronaldo董灿"dclxjdc"杨苏"ThomasYS"康钊"Snoy"张文立"GK"陈旭"dgc"

my hometown写一篇英文作文。

Wuxi is a city on the Yangtze River between Suzhou and Nanjing。 It is located in the south of Jiangsu Province, half way between the cities of Shanghai and Nanjing, with Shanghai 128km to its east and Nanjing 183km to its west. To its south is Lake Taihu and to its north is Yangtse River. Wuxi is a famous cultural city with ahistory of over 3,000 years. Since about 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, theancestors have worked and lived in this rich land。There are many places of interest in our city,such as Wu Culture Park,The Second Spring,and taibo temple。 wellcome to our hometown。



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  刀友好!百度知道DOTA2团为你解答:  新年的第一天,DOTA2客户端更新了亚洲邀请赛互动指南,这份互动指南除了众多的福利外,还给很多老玩家带来了意外的惊喜。  在亚洲邀请赛亚洲赛区的参赛名单上,我们看到了一个熟悉的名字,EHOME。  EHOME传奇领队71曾在微博上组建招募新人组建新队,并在接受采访时透露EH有可能会重组,而MUSHI,Inflame,DDC等人也先后被爆料加盟新EHOME。如今,亚洲邀请赛参赛队伍上Ehome赫然在列。  新EHOME的人员由以下人员构成:  1号位:妖精  2号位:MUSHI  3号位:OHAIYO  4号位:INFLAME  5号位:DDC  Mushi原文:  感谢所有支持我的粉丝,特别是那些熬夜看比赛的人们。我们的下一站是亚洲邀请赛。依然是我们这帮人,不过会挂EHOME的队名。希望能有满意的结果。再次感谢那些不论我身在何方都一如既往支持我的朋友。我会倾尽全力!  EHOME是一家颇具历史及影响力的战队,但是迄今为止我们尚不知晓其投资人背景如何。根据坊间流传的说法,红牛曾对EHOME牌子表现过兴趣,不过被后者的开价吓退。值得一提的是,LV战队是由VG和LGD两家俱乐部共同打造,但同样可以确定,新EHOME和这两家俱乐部没有任何财务上的牵连。

by no means_____ your three-year-old son alone at home


翻译“步行回家”是walk home还是walk to home

walk home

where is your hometown?答句

My hometown is China

Jim ________ a late night film at home when,right in the middle of a thrilling scene,the ...

C 句意为:吉姆在家看一部午夜电影,看到中间一幕惊险的场景时,屏幕上突然出现一片空白。该句考查be doing...when...结构,意为“正在做……就在这时(突然)……”。从后面的动作went blank可知“看电影”发生在过去;并且是当吉姆正在看的时候,所以该题要用过去进行时态,即was watching。


home:将光标移动到行首 end:将光标移动到行尾 ctrl+home:将光标移动到文档头 ctrl+end:将光标移动到文档尾 pageup:上一屏 pagedown:下一屏 ctrl+pageup:上一页 ctrl+pagedown:下一页


home base意思是本垒,基地,基站。home base词义:名词:本垒,基地,基站。固定搭配:home base station 家用基站 ; 家庭基站。例句:1、To most people, such a home base, in the literal sense, needs more than one person for sustenance and in generational extension. 对大多数人来说,这样一个家庭基础,就其字面意义而言,需要不止一个人来维持和世代延续。2、Netball hands cast various difficult tricky problems for the ball, and it is up to you in a specified time to make the number of home base. 投球手会投出各种难度刁钻的球,看你在规定时间内能打出多少本垒。3、Trees were still our home base. 森林树木仍是我们的大本营。

My hometown关于岳阳的

My hometown is Yueyang. It"s a very beautiful city and it"s famous for the Yueyang Tower and the Junshan Island. The Yueyang Tower is an ancient building, and its history can dates back to the Three Kingdoms period. When Lu Su was sent to Yueyang to train the fleet there, in order to ease the command of ships, he constructed a tower near the strategic location where Lake Dongting joins the Yangtze River. This tower not only became a military command post, but also became the cultural symbol of Yueyang.Yueyang has a long history and profound cultural heritage. It is one of the首批国家历史文化名城,拥有许多 important cultural and historical sites, such as the Mazu Culture Site in Yueyang and the Qinhuai River Ancient City Area. These sites are not only important for their historical and cultural values, but also for their ecological and environmental values.Yueyang has a unique geographical location, sitting on the banks of the Yangtze River and facing the洞庭湖. The scenery here is beautiful, and it is one of the most important wetlands in China. The Junshan Island, which is part of the Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, is an important habitat for many rare birds and animals.Yueyang is also famous for its delicious food. The local cuisine is called "Yueyang Oyster Fish Soup", which is famous for its delicate flavor and unique texture. In addition, there are many other local specialties that are worth trying, such as the "Three Star Fish" and the "Fish Knife".In conclusion, Yueyang is a city with a rich history and culture, beautiful scenery, delicious food and a vibrant economy. It is a city that is worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.

my hometown 英语作文 写苏州的,6年级水平 80字左右 满意的追加50!!!急!急!急!急!急!急!急!急

不好写了 在线翻译么?

英语作文my hometown(弥勒)


home is in your eyes歌词

My heart beats a little bit slower   我的心跳有些慢   these nights are a little bit colder   这些夜晚有点冷   Now that you"re gone   现在你走了   my skies seem a little bit darker   我的天空看起来有点阴暗   sweet dreams gonna a little bit harder   甜蜜的梦似乎有点困难   I hate when you"re gone   我恨你离开的时候   Everyday time is passing, growing tired of all this traffic   每天时间在流逝 ,厌倦了所有的交通   take Me away to where you are   带我去你那里   I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   Just so I can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so far away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is In your eyes   因为家就在你眼中   Your heart beats a little bit faster   你的心跳有些快   there"s tears were there used to be laughter   曾经有泪水也有欢笑   now that I"m gone   现在我走了   You talk just a little bit softer   你的话语有些轻柔   things take just a little bit longer   事情需要一些时间   you hate that I"m gone   你恨我走了   Everyday time is passing   每天时间在流逝   growing tired of all this traffic   厌倦了这一切的交通   take me away To where you are   带我去你那里   I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   Just So I can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so far away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is in Your eyes   因为家就在你眼中   If I could write another ending   如果我能写下另一个结局   this wouldn"t even be our song   这也不会是我们的歌   I"d find a way that we would never ever be apart   我想找到一种方法,我们将永远不分开   right from the start   从一开始   I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   Where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   just so I Can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so farr away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is in your Eyes   因为家就在你眼中    I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing   我想在沙滩的轮胎秋千上牵着你的手   where we used to be baby you and me   曾经是孩子的你和我   I traveled a thousand miles   我旅行了一千英里   just So I can see you smile   这样我就可以看见你的微笑   feels so farr away when you cry   当你哭泣时,感觉如此遥远   cause home is in Your eyes   因为家就在你眼中

welcome home 歌词

歌曲名:welcome home歌手:Dolly Parton专辑:for god and countryWith great anticipation he waited at the doorHis only son was due from overseasFor months now he"d been waitin" since he"d gone off to warAnd his eyes were filled with tears of great reliefWelcome home, sonHis loving arms held open and his heart so full of loveWelcome home, sonI"ve been praying and been hoping and I never did give upI knew that you"d return to meThe place where you were meant to beRest now, for you"ve been gone too longI heard him say as they embraced"I"ve waited so long for this dayMy son, my very own...Welcome home."But a dreary rain was falling while another soldier fellAnd a mother wakes up cryin" in the nightShe thought she"d heard him calling in that moment she could tellHer only son had passed into the lightWelcome home, sonHis loving arms held open and his heart so full of loveWelcome home, sonAs Jesus stood there glowing, their hands reached out and touchedI knew that you"d return to meThe place that you were meant to beRest now, for you"ve been gone too longAs they embraced, I heard him say"I"ve waited so long for this dayMy son, my very own...Welcome home."Now I think of all the families that have lost a darling oneAnd I think how Jesus died for all our sinsAnd I think how much God loved us to send his only sonTo live and die, and then to live againWelcome home, sonI hear God saying when they nailed Christ to the cross that dayWelcome home, sonAnd when he sent his angels to roll that stone awayI knew that you"d return to meThe place where you were meant to beRest now, for you"ve been gone too longI hear God say as they embrace"I"ve waited so long for this dayWell done my faithful son...Welcome home."Welcome homeI hope to hear God sayin when it"s my time to goWelcome homeWhile the angel band is playin" and God comes to claim my soulThe angels will be singing and joybells will be ringingRejoicing I"ll shout and sing alongWhen there are no more wars to fightAnd we"re all children of the lightWhen the father and the Son say"Welcome home"Welcome home, welcome home, welcome homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14081093

有一道英文歌,有一句是"let me go home"是什么歌


let me go home 歌词

歌曲名:let me go home歌手:Camera Obscura专辑:underachievers please try harderhurry up, baby, "cause we"re going somewhere tonightone glass of wine and you"re mine and you know i just might...you know i just mightyou know i just mightwell the room goes boom to the sound of temptations and moretwisting and turning that girl"s looking good on the floorgood on the floorgood on the floorwell the four walls they collideuntil the blue-eyed girl decides to let me go homelet me go homehost plays a ghost in my house, gets a fist in the eyevinyl is crushed in the rush for the liquor supplythe liquor supplythe liquor supplysupremes in our dreamsdo we quit bein" obscene on the stairs(?)daylight appears through the curtains and nobody caresnobody caresnobody careswell the four walls they collideuntil the blue-eyed girl decides to let me go homelet me go homedaylight appears through the curtains and nobody caressupremes in our dreamsdo we quit bein" obscene on the stairshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14241176

Kensington的Home Again英文歌词(最好有中文翻译)

Kensington - Home AgainYou got a home stoppingYou won"t be left hereIt"s coming and it won"t be askingGot nothing when there is nobody left in your home againYou got a home stoppingAnd it won"t be askingAnd it get caught up and it don"t be askingbut don"t get caught upWith the people who won"t left you home againSo we"re running a long way homeWe"re running always homeWe"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeWe"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeYou got a home coming When you least expect itFinally can type the love you left itI loose my heart my head my homeYou got a home stoppingAnd it won"t be askingAnd it get caught up and it don"t be askingbut don"t get caught upSo we"re running a long way homeWe"re running always homeWe"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeWe"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeAnd I don"t get wast one dayNow God let it don"t waste itWe"re running alongThe last one takes us nowWe"re running alongThe ones will break usSo we"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeWe"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeWe"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeWe"re running along we areWe"re running a long way homeWe"re running a long way homeWe"re running a long way home


在windows中访问\ 用的是什么用户,这个用户名对应到linux上可以删除,新建吗?

I fell right at home already 什么意思 啊

噢,男孩,我感到如此轻松自在。feel at home释义 1. feel at home: 在家中般轻松自在 | 感觉自在 | 感觉舒适 | 感到象在家一样舒适自在。 2. feel quite at home: 感觉像在家里 3. feel at home with: 一见如故 例句 1.You must make your guests feel at home.你必须让客人觉得舒适自在。 2.With hard work, have a happy harvest, with the rush of life only feel at home.有了工作的辛苦才有收获的快乐,有了生活的奔波才有家的温馨。 3.I feel the family is the core design, I use a lot of warmth, the restaurant can feel the light feel at home.家的感觉是我设计的核心,我使用了大量的暖色,餐厅里的光更能感觉到家的温馨。



Home For The Holidays 歌词

home for christmas歌手:n"sync专辑:home for christmaswoo~crossing the ocean with my window view thinking of the times i spent with you when i close my eyesand see the family making out their wishlistall dressed up for christmas on my ownfor too many years i miss the happinessi miss the tears chorus:when i close my eyes and i"m all alone i think of all the love we shared when i need a friend or a helping hand i know that you will all be there i"ve been gone for so many holidays but you can light the fire "cuz this yeari"ll be home for christmas day i see the children playing in the snow precious memories that i used to know when i see the lovein the lovers eye always there to teach usthe real meaning of christmas on my own, for too many years i miss the happinessi miss the tears it doesn"t matterhow grown you think you are something happens to yawhen you see that shinning starhoo-hoo-hoo-ya i am coming home


第一招 弹指神功  用手指轻轻弹Home键,过了一阵儿后可能会出现白色污垢,其后再重覆“弹”,直至正常为止。第二招 软件调试法  首先,打开任意一款应用程序,按住电源开关几秒钟,直到屏幕出现滑动关机的指示。此时可以放开电源键,但不要滑动关机,同时按压Home键几秒,直到屏幕回到Springboard。这样你就已经重新调整了Home键,应该可以正常使用了。第三招 酒精大法工具:医用酒精、棉球、镊子。1、关闭手机。2、iPhone与地面呈45度角,Home键在下,听筒在上。3、用镊子取一酒精棉球按在Home键,镊子夹用力按住酒精棉,让酒精渗出,顺着Home键边缘来回擦拭。4、如此反复,待酒精挥发。第四招 外接电源法  用外接电源接上手机,按Home键,直到语音界面出现后,把外接电源拿掉。第五招 刷机升级法  不能排除的一种情况就是,Home键可能和其他的程序有所冲突造成失灵,那么这个时候,你可以尝试升级、恢复固件等常见的刷机方法来试试看。第六招 升级iOS使用手势功能  为什么说升级iOS 5,因为iOS 5固件中的Assistive Touch手势功能可以让你彻底告别Home键。所有的退出、锁屏等操作,你都可以在AssistiveTouch中完成。如果你升级为iOS 5固件,请依次打开“设置”—>“通用”—>“辅助功能”—>“AssistiveTouch”打开即可使用。(iOS 5以上版本手机请忽略,直接调出AssistiveTouch即可)第七招 拆机自修  这招不是很推荐,因为光是拆机你就会头疼的要死。当然如果你是高手,那就不用犹豫了。不过在这之前你最好先在网上购买特别的拆机工具和所要需更换的新Home键零件。第八招 送修售后  这招是没有办法的办法,只要是在保修期内,你可以打苹果客服电话来进行送修服务。

you look sad.are you home sick? not really.i__of my friends back home.

我晕倒!!!!!A 明显是个错误嘛!如果你说为啥选A,因为A应该是 was just thinking,它印错了,丢了个ing

if you not really go home是什么歌?

We Can"t Stop 歌手: Miley Cyrus专辑: 《We Can"t Stop - Single》

Not really.I just stayed at home most of the time

原句应该是:Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.翻译:不是啊。大多数时候我只是待在家里看看书放松下。如果可以,烦请点击页面右上角的 满意 按钮,谢谢!

一首前奏很像faraway from home 的英文歌,高潮歌词 every single da

Just maybe I"m crazy,The world spins round and round and roundshi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-nashi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-naI want you to want me as I danceRound and round and roundshi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-nashi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-naForever and ever go, go, go wild dancers!!Day-na-day-na Wanna be lovedDay-na Gonna take my wild chancesDay-na-day-na Freedom aboveDay-na-da-na-da I"m wild "n" dancingHey!NapevnoDaremnoBula ya nadto chemnashi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-nashi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-naI want you to want me as I danceRound and round and roundshi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-nashi-di-ri-di-duy, shi-di-ri-di-da-naForever and ever go, go, go wild dancers!!Day-na-day-na Wanna be lovedDay-na Gonna take my wild chancesDay-na-day-na Freedom aboveDay-na-da-na-da I"m wild "n" dancingHe-e-e-ey !Dance forever, come and be mine,Dance together, till the end of timeDance together go, go, go wild dancers!!Day-na-day-na Wanna be lovedDay-na Gonna take my wild chancesDay-na-day-na Freedom aboveDay-na-da-na-da I"m wild "n" dancing

为什么说home is best


The Vines的《Homesick》 歌词

歌曲名:Homesick歌手:The Vines专辑:Highly EvolvedThe Vines - HomesickAlbum:Highly EvolvedTitle:HomesickI left my homeI left my home yeah, yeahWhere I should goWhere I should go yeah, yeahNothin"s gonna save youNothin"s gonna save you out thereWent on my ownWent on my own yeah, yeahWithout my phoneWithout my phone yeah, yeahNothin"s gonna save youNothin"s gonna save you out thereNothin"s gonna save youNothin"s gonna save you or giveI can see the leaves of golden glisten in the sunMaking time for everyone is what I should have done.Blue and green with eyes between are acting all the sameYou and me are never free until we"re cast awayBut it really doesn"t mattercouldn"t change it if I triedThough it really doesn"t matterI"ll do it till I get it rightNothin"s gonna save youNothin"s gonna save you out thereNothin"s gonna save youNothin"s gonna save you out therehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2714161

this is home where we are memery never change英语歌

Foolish Games (LP Version)播放歌手:Jewel语言:英语所属专辑:Pieces Of You发行时间:1995-02-28

类比的句子求帮忙~ 1.leaving home for first time is like 2

1、Leaving home for the first time is like taking the first step in your life. You know you may fall, but nothing can stop you from movin forward. 第一次离开家就像人生中第一次走路。你知道你可能会摔倒,但是任何事都无法阻拦你的脚步。2、Dealing with failure is like fixing wounds. It"s painful but it makes you stronger. 面对失败就像处理伤口。很痛,但是能够让你变得更坚强。3、Experiencing grief is like having your heart out and dried up in the sun. You know you are alive, somehow you feel dead inside. 经历悲伤就像把你的新掏出来,并且在太阳底下晒干。你知道自己还活着,但感到到得却是死亡。这样的可以吗?如果可以,我再继续向下下面的。

be home to和be the home of有何区别?

这我最熟悉了,在英语表达中,"be home to" 和 "be the home of" 这两个短语在很多情况下可以互换使用,它们都表示某个地方是某种生物、事物或者活动的所在地。然而,在某些情境下,它们之间还是存在一些细微差别。每天都有和同学们交流,先看下面的表格1. 侧重点不同:"be home to" 更强调地点,表示一个地方容纳了某种生物、事物或者活动。例子:The Amazon rainforest is home to thousands of plant and animal species.中文翻译:亚马逊雨林是数千种植物和动物的家园。"be the home of" 更强调特定事物或活动,表示某个地方是某种生物、事物或活动的发源地或主要场所。例子:Italy is the home of pizza.中文翻译:意大利是披萨的故乡。2. 对象范围:"be home to" 更常用于描述一个地方是一群生物、事物或者活动的所在地。例子:New York City is home to people from many different cultures.中文翻译:纽约市是来自许多不同文化背景的人们的家园。"be the home of" 更常用于描述一个地方是某个特定生物、事物或活动的所在地。例子:Memphis is the home of Elvis Presley"s Graceland.中文翻译:孟菲斯是猫王普雷斯利的格蕾斯兰庄园的所在地。3. 正式程度:"be home to" 在语言表达中相对较为正式。例子:Washington D.C. is home to many important government buildings.中文翻译:华盛顿特区是许多重要政府建筑的所在地。"be the home of" 在语言表达中相对较为非正式。例子:Nashville is the home of country music.中文翻译:纳什维尔是乡村音乐的发源地。4. 数量概念:"be home to" 可用于表示一个地方拥有大量的某种生物、事物或活动。例子:The United States is home to more than 300 million people.中文翻译:美国是超过3亿人口的家园。"be the home of" 更多用于表示一个地方是某个特定生物、事物或活动的所在地,而不强调数量概念。例子:Hollywood is the home of the American film industry.中文翻译:好莱坞是美国电影产业的发源地。5. 倾向性:"be home to" 更倾向于描述一个地方容纳了某种生物、事物或者活动,不特指某个固定场所。例子:The ocean is home to a diverse range of marine life.中文翻译:海洋是丰富多样的海洋生物的家园。"be the home of" 更倾向于描述一个地方是某种生物、事物或活动的特定场所或发源地。例子:Cooperstown is the home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame.中文翻译:库珀斯敦是美国棒球名人堂的所在地。总的来说,"be home to" 和 "be the home of" 这两个短语在许多情况下可以互换使用,但它们在侧重点、对象范围、正式程度、数量概念和倾向性方面存在一些细微差别。在实际使用中,可以根据具体语境和需要来选择使用哪个短语。

he ask me to go home 的成分怎样划分

He 是主语;ask sb. to do sth.是叫某人做某人事,作为句子的谓语。home是宾语。


其中包含: /usr/X11R6 存放X window的目录 /usr/bin 众多的应用程序 /usr/sbin 超级用户的一些管理程序 /usr/doc linux文档 /usr/include linux下开发和编译应用程序所需要的头文件 /usr/lib 常用的动态链接库和软件包的配置文件 /usr/man 帮助文档 /usr/src 源代码,linux内核的源代码就放在/usr/src/linux里 /usr/local/bin 本地增加的命令 /usr/local/lib 本地增加的库 /home 用户主目录的基点,比如用户user的主目录就是/home/user,可以用~user表示 /bin 二进制可执行命令 /dev 设备特殊文件 /var 某些大文件的溢出区,比方说各种服务的日志文件 /etc 系统管理和配置文件/etc/rc.d 启动的配置文件和脚本

Bring It On Home 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It On Home歌手:George Duke专辑:Reach For ItBRING IT ON HOMEbaby, mmm baby"m gonna bring it on home to youi"ve got my ticket, i"ve got that loadgone up, go higher, all aboard"m take my seat, a-right way back, ooooh yeahwatch this train goin" down the trackgonna bring it on homebring it on home to youwatch out, watch out, man movetry to tell you babywhat you tryin" to dotryin" to love me babylove some other man toobring it on home, bring it on homewent "n a little walk downtown, a-yeahmissed "n got back latefound a note there waitingan" it said, daddy, i just can"t waitbring it on home, bring it on ho-oo-omebring it back home, bring it back home to me babytell you, pretty baby,you love to mess me "roun"i"m gonna give you lovin", babygonna move you outta townbring it on home, bring it on homesweetest little babydaddy ever sawi"m gonna keep you lovin" babyi"m gonna give you morebring it on home, bring it on homebring it on home, alrightbring it on homebring it on home to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8891562

Bring It On Home To Me 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It On Home To Me歌手:Sam Cooke专辑:HitsBring it on home to meDavid ElliotBaby if you ever change your mindAbout leaving, leaving me behindOh, bring it to meBring your sweet lovin"Bring it on home to meYeah, yeah, listenI gotta be a man to tell ya thisI"ll give you some of that money tooBut listen, oh, that ain"t allThat ain"t all I would do for youAll you gotta do is bring it to meBring that good lovin" babyBring it on home to meI gotta tell ya this cuz this is importantListen to meDon"t you know that I"ll alwaysI"ll always be your slave"Till I"m buried, buried in my graveWhile I"m living, bring it to meBring that good lovin" babyBring it on home to meOne more thing I gotta tell yaListen to me right nowYou know that I tried to treat you rightWhat did you do?Oh you stayed out, you stayed out late at nightI don"t care who you was withBring it to meBring all that good lovin" babyBring it onEverybody"s with meEverybody"s with me tonightLook, listenLet me hear ya say yeahYeah, yeah, you with me?Yeah, say yeahYeah, oh yeahOhBring it to meI better leave that aloneAnd bring it on home to meYeah, bring it on homeBring it on homeBring it on homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7888631

Bring It On Home To Me (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It On Home To Me (Lp Version)歌手:Sonny & Cher专辑:The Wonderous World Of Sonny & CherBring it on home to meDavid ElliotBaby if you ever change your mindAbout leaving, leaving me behindOh, bring it to meBring your sweet lovin"Bring it on home to meYeah, yeah, listenI gotta be a man to tell ya thisI"ll give you some of that money tooBut listen, oh, that ain"t allThat ain"t all I would do for youAll you gotta do is bring it to meBring that good lovin" babyBring it on home to meI gotta tell ya this cuz this is importantListen to meDon"t you know that I"ll alwaysI"ll always be your slave"Till I"m buried, buried in my graveWhile I"m living, bring it to meBring that good lovin" babyBring it on home to meOne more thing I gotta tell yaListen to me right nowYou know that I tried to treat you rightWhat did you do?Oh you stayed out, you stayed out late at nightI don"t care who you was withBring it to meBring all that good lovin" babyBring it onEverybody"s with meEverybody"s with me tonightLook, listenLet me hear ya say yeahYeah, yeah, you with me?Yeah, say yeahYeah, oh yeahOhBring it to meI better leave that aloneAnd bring it on home to meYeah, bring it on homeBring it on homeBring it on homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7654658

Bring It On Home 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It On Home歌手:The Edgar Broughton Band专辑:Edgar Broughton BandYou got someone here wants to make it alrightSomeone who loves you more than life right hereYou got willing arms that"ll hold you tightA hand to lead you on through the night right hereI know your heart can get all tangled up insideBut don"t you keep it to yourselfWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meYou know I know you like the back of my handBut did you know I"m gonna do all that I can right hereI"m gonna lie with you till you fall asleepWhen the morning comes I"m still gonna be right here(oh, yes I am)So take your worries and just drop them at the doorBaby leave it all behindWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meBaby let me be your safe harborDon"t let the water come and carry you awayWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meOh..., Bring it on homeYeah..., Bring it on home to meOh... Bring it on Bring it on home to meYou got someone here wants to make it alrightSomeone who loves you more than life right herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2861358

Bring It On Home 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It On Home歌手:Dread Zeppelin专辑:Un-Led-EdYou got someone here wants to make it alrightSomeone who loves you more than life right hereYou got willing arms that"ll hold you tightA hand to lead you on through the night right hereI know your heart can get all tangled up insideBut don"t you keep it to yourselfWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meYou know I know you like the back of my handBut did you know I"m gonna do all that I can right hereI"m gonna lie with you till you fall asleepWhen the morning comes I"m still gonna be right here(oh, yes I am)So take your worries and just drop them at the doorBaby leave it all behindWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meBaby let me be your safe harborDon"t let the water come and carry you awayWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meOh..., Bring it on homeYeah..., Bring it on home to meOh... Bring it on Bring it on home to meYou got someone here wants to make it alrightSomeone who loves you more than life right herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2850578

Bring It On Home 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It On Home歌手:Little Big Town专辑:The Road To HereYou got someone here wants to make it alrightSomeone who loves you more than life right hereYou got willing arms that"ll hold you tightA hand to lead you on through the night right hereI know your heart can get all tangled up insideBut don"t you keep it to yourselfWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meYou know I know you like the back of my handBut did you know I"m gonna do all that I can right hereI"m gonna lie with you till you fall asleepWhen the morning comes I"m still gonna be right here(oh, yes I am)So take your worries and just drop them at the doorBaby leave it all behindWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meBaby let me be your safe harborDon"t let the water come and carry you awayWhen your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feetThe weight of the world is on your shouldersI know what you needBring it on home to meOh..., Bring it on homeYeah..., Bring it on home to meOh... Bring it on Bring it on home to meYou got someone here wants to make it alrightSomeone who loves you more than life right herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2862141

Bring It On Home 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It On Home歌手:Kix Brooks专辑:New To This TownBRING IT ON HOMEbaby, mmm baby"m gonna bring it on home to youi"ve got my ticket, i"ve got that loadgone up, go higher, all aboard"m take my seat, a-right way back, ooooh yeahwatch this train goin" down the trackgonna bring it on homebring it on home to youwatch out, watch out, man movetry to tell you babywhat you tryin" to dotryin" to love me babylove some other man toobring it on home, bring it on homewent "n a little walk downtown, a-yeahmissed "n got back latefound a note there waitingan" it said, daddy, i just can"t waitbring it on home, bring it on ho-oo-omebring it back home, bring it back home to me babytell you, pretty baby,you love to mess me "roun"i"m gonna give you lovin", babygonna move you outta townbring it on home, bring it on homesweetest little babydaddy ever sawi"m gonna keep you lovin" babyi"m gonna give you morebring it on home, bring it on homebring it on home, alrightbring it on homebring it on home to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24520043

Bring it on home什么意思?

貌似有点像歌名了 Bring it on home to me

bring it home是宾补还是双宾?

双宾语 it是直接宾语 home是间接宾语

英语翻译Last week I visited my friend Pete in the new home where

Last week I visited my friend Pete in the new home where he lives with his wife and daughter.Pete used to spend his holidays travelling the world,visiting the Louvre in Pairs or watching animals in Africa.Nowadays he prefers to spend his holidays and weekends making his house look more beautiful.Like hundreds of thousands of other British people,he has discovered the joy of DIY (Do It Yourself),which means if there are any things that need fixing around the house,he will try to do the job himself. 上周我去我朋友彼得的新家拜访了他,他和他的妻子,女儿一起住在那里.彼得曾经用假期的时间周游世界,拜访发过的卢浮宫,在非洲看动物.现在他更喜欢用假期和周末的时间把他的家里收拾的更漂亮.就像成百上千的其他英国人一样,他已经发现了DIY(自己动手做)的乐趣,它的意思是,如果家里有任何东西需要修理,他将会自己努力去做这项工作. As he showed me the new kitchen he put together by himself and the newly painted walls,I asked Pete where he got the idea from.He told me that his favourite source of ideas was a DIY programme on TV.This got me thinking about the popularity of DIY programmes in the UK.Nearly every channel has at least one home or garden makeover show and there"s even a DIY satellite channel.I guess it is not really surprising that DIY programmes are so popular.Two mon sayings in Britain – ―an Englishman"s home is his castle‖ and ―there"s no place like home‖ – show how important our houses are to us. 当他给我看他自己搭建的新厨房和新刷的墙壁时,我问彼得从哪里来的主意.他告诉我他最喜欢的主意的来源是电视上的一档DIY的节目.这是我开始考虑DIY节目在英国的流行度.几乎每一个频道至少有一个家庭或花园是改造的,并且甚至有一个DIY卫星频道.我猜DIY节目如此的兽人欢迎并不令人感到惊奇.英国有两句谚语:英国人的家是他的城堡,没有地方可以像家一样,给我们展示我们的房子对我们有多么重要. With the recent economic downturn,many people can"t afford to buy a bigger house so they are looking at how they can make their house better without spending a lot of money.DIY is the perfect choice.But be careful!I read a report that said over 230,000 people were hurt while doing home improvements in the UK in just one year,including 41,000 who fell off steps and 5,800 who were seriously hurt by tools.I won"t be going down to the hardware store.I"d rather watch DIY on TV with a nice cup of tea! 随着近期经济的衰退,许多人们不能负担得起大的房子,所以他们正在观望如何能够不用花许多钱就能把他们的家装饰的更好.DIY是一个完美的选择.但是要小心!我读读过一篇报道,上面说在英国仅一年的时间,就有23万人在自己改造房屋的时候受伤,包括41000人从台阶上掉下来,5800人因工具使用不当而严重受伤.我不会去五金店.我宁愿在家跑商一杯好茶在电视上看DIY节目.


be动词变形。1 I (do)your homework (not watch) TV

1 I am doing your homework and am not watching TV 2 I Iike going shopping. Do you go with me? 3 David (likes) cooking . But he cat"t cook delicious food(美味的食物) 4 The linght is red .We cat"t cross the road now We must wait for the green light. 5 Ben enjoys watching Tv at home on Sundays.But sometimes he goes to see a film(电影) 6 LooK,I can climb a tree.Please don"t climb the tree.It"s too dangerous(危险的) 7I like playing vooleyball .what does liuTao like? 8 Can Tom swim very well? 10 you like reading newspapers? NO, I cannot do. 改为否定句 1、I can"t read newspapers in the library 2 He can"t swim in the lake. 3 They can"t ride a bike in the Park. 4Nick doesn"t his hmework at home. 5 Lily and Lucy don"t wash theri dishes after lunch. 6He doesn"t haven"t a nice name . 7 sPotty doesn"t have a good friend 8she doesn"t have two big eyes. 9 Mr Gao doesn"t like to tell us about hisfamily. 10 They don"t love me.麻烦采纳,谢谢!

home schooling,which is becoming popular in the US, appeals to more people than regular schools



home [hu0259um] a. 家(乡)的room [ru:m, rum] n. 房间bedroom ["bedrum, -ru:m] n. 卧室livingroom["liviu014b,ru:m]n. 客厅kitchen ["kitu0283in] n. 厨房classroom ["klɑ:srum] n. 教室school [sku:l] n. 学校park [pɑ:k] n. 公园,停车处library ["laibru0259ri] n. 图书馆postoffice[pu0259u028ast,"u0254fis] n.邮局hospital ["hu0254spitl] n. 医院

Leonard Cohen的《Going Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Going Home歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Old IdeasGoing HomeLeonard CohenI love to speak with LeonardHe"s a sportsman and a shepherdHe"s a lazy bastardLiving in a suitBut he does say what I tell himEven though it isn"t welcomeHe just doesn"t have the freedomTo refuseHe will speak these words of wisdomLike a sage, a man of visionThough he knows he"s really nothingBut the brief elaboration of a tubeGoing home Without my sorrowGoing homeSometime tomorrowGoing home To where it"s betterThan beforeGoing homeWithout my burdenGoing homeBehind the curtainGoing homeWithout the costumeThat I woreHe wants to write a love songAn anthem of forgivingA manual for living with defeatA cry above the sufferingA sacrifice recoveringBut that isn"t what I want him to completeI want to make him certainThat he doesn"t have a burdenThat he doesn"t need a visionThat he only has permissionTo do my instant biddingThat is to SAY what I have told himTo repeatGoing homeWithout my sorrowGoing homeSometime tomorrowGoing homeTo where it"s betterThan beforeGoing homeWithout my burdenGoing homeBehind the curtainGoing homeWithout the costumeThat I woreGoing homeWithout my sorrowGoing homeSometime tomorrowTo where it"s betterThan beforeGoing homeWithout my burdenGoing homeBehind the curtainGoing homeWithout the costumeThat I woreI love to speak with LeonardHe"s a sportsman and a shepherdHe"s a lazy bastardLiving in a suithttp://music.baidu.com/song/13727319

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求木山裕策-home 假名歌词,务必准确

  HOME feat.木山裕策  作词:多胡邦夫  作曲:多胡邦夫  帰えろか もう 帰ろう よ  茜 色 に 染まる 道 を  Kaerouka mou kaerou yo akae iro ni somaru miti wo  手 を 繋い で 帰えろ か 世界 に 一つ だけ my sweet home  te wo tunaei de kaerou ka sekai ni hidoti dake  my sweet home  生まれた ばかりの 君 の 写真  眺めてる かけがえない ワンシーン  umareta bakarino kimi no syasin nagameteru kakegaenai wansin-n  嬉 しくて 嬉しくて ガラ にも なく 涙 が 止まらなくて  uresikute uresikute gara nimo naku namida ga tomaranakute  初めて 家 の ベッド に 寝かして 小さな 吐息 感じて  hajimete ie no betto ni nekasite tisana toiki kanjite  柔らかい 手 に 触れて 暖めて   君 を 守る 事 改めて  誓った  yawarakai te ni sawarete atatamete kimi wo mamoru koto aratamete tikatta  気张った 颜 天使 のような 笑颜 何か 伝えたい 泣きじゃくる 颜  kibatta kao tensi noyona egao nanika tutaetai nakijyakuru kao  一日 一日 新しい 発见  あっという 间 だった 初めて の バースデイ  Itiniti yitiniti atarasii hakken tattoiu ma datta hajimete no ba-shudei  君 は きっと 覚えてない から いつか 一绪に 思い出 见ながら  kimi ha kitto oboetenai kara yituka yissyouni omouide minagara  照れくさそうな 君 と 懐かしみたいな ずっとそうやって 生きて いきたいな  terekusasouna kimi to natukasimitaina zuttosouyatte ikite ikitaina  帰えろか  もう 帰ろう よ  茜 色 に 染まる 道 を  kaerouka mou kaerou yo akae iro ni somaru miti wo  手 を 繋いで 帰えろ か  世界 に 一つ だけ my sweet home  te wo tunaeide kaerou ka sekai ni hidoti dake  my sweet home  君が いれば なん だって やれる  たくさん の 赠り物 くれる  Kimiga ireba nan datte yareru tausan no okurimono kureru  日だまり の 庭先  芝生 の 上 心に 今も 焼き付いてる 光景  hidamari on iwasaki sibahu no ue kokoroni yimamo yakituiteru koukei  初めて 歩いた 一生悬命  一歩 危なっかしい 二歩 三歩  hajimete aruita yissyoukenmei yippo abunattasii nihu sanpo  嬉し かったんだね ケラケラ 笑っていたね 自我 が 芽生えた  uresii kattandane kerakera waratteitane jiga ga mebaeta  差し伸べた 手に 向かって 胸に 向かって 飞び込んで きたね  Sasinobeta teni mukatte muneni mukatte tobikonde kitane  感动で  ママが 泣いている と 不思议 そうに 覗き込んで いたね  kandoude mamaga naiteiru to husigi souuni nozokigonde itane  こんなにも かけがえない ものだなんて 亲 に なって 初めて わかって  konanimo kakegaenai monodanante oya ni natte hajimete wakatte  たくさん の 言叶 なんて いらない 爱 が いっぱい あふれてる 未来  takusan no kotoba nante iranai ai ga yibbai ahureteru mirai  あどけない 君 の 笑颜 も 何か 企んでる 仕草も  adokenai kimi no egao mo nanika takuranderu sigusamo  そう 全部 が 宝物 だよ 世界 に 一つ だけ my sweet home  sou zenbu ga takaramono dayo sekai ni hitotu dake my sweet home  この 幸せ は 永远 だから  kono siawase ha eien dakara  この 一瞬 一瞬 を 大切 に したい と 思う 心 から  kono issyun issyun wo daisetu ni sitai to omou kokoro kara  ゆっくりで いい そば で 见てる から  yukkuride ii soba de miteru kara  その 优しい 笑颜  が 幸せ な  気持ち を いつも くれる から  sono yasasii egao ga siawase na kimoti  wo yitumo kureru kara  君  を  优しく 包む  から いつも いつの日も ありがとう  kimi  wo yasasiku tutumu  kara itumo itunohimo   arigatou  帰えろか もう 帰ろう  よ 茜 色 に 染まる  道  を  kaerouka  mou kaerou yo akae iro ni somaru miti wo  手 を 繋いで  帰えろ か  世界  に  一つ  だけ  my sweet home  te wo tunaeide kaerou ka  sekai  ni  hidoti dake  my sweet home  あどけない 君 の 笑颜 も 何か 企んでる 仕草も  adokenai kimi no egao mo nanika takuranderu sigusamo  そう 全部 が 宝物 だよ 世界 に 一つ だけ my sweet home  sou zenbu ga takaramono dayo sekai ni hitotu dake my sweet home  何时も 何时の日も ありがとう  yitumo yitunohimo arigatou

顺便拜访我家是用come over my home 还是come over to my home


my hometown 介休 写作文 英语

My hometown is Luchun County, Yunnan Province.It is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. My hometown is not only the place where I was born, but also the place I"ve never been able to leave. Two years ago, I moved to another place to begin my college life. When I left, I felt I was as a fish out of water. It has brought me lots of happiness.     I love my hometown. It is small and quiet. Every day, I live here. I could feel good when my mother held me in her arms. My hometown is very beautiful and lovely. You can see the flowers, grass and trees everywhere. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air. The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoor activities. I love the night of summer. People sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurant, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious food which is abundant in our place. I love the sunrise. The gentle breeze brings us the fragrance of the flowers. The golden sunshine makes our hair slimmer and my heart will be filled with hope and happiness!     There is a river in front of my house. The river is so clear that I can see the bottom. Every summer I and my little friends go fishing and play with water. At dusk, we usually go home with lots of fish. There are lots of bamboos in back of my house. In spring, I can see lots of birds among them. The birds are very beautiful. Their voice is very attractive. On each side of front gate are lots of gardenias which often give out fantastic fragrance.    Maybe someday I will have to leave my hometown. But no matter where I go, I"ll never forget my hometown. Everything that it has given me can be given by other places. But my love won"t be changed, because it is my hometown. I"ll love my hometown forever.

This Land Is Your Land (Best Of Homecoming 2002 Version) 歌词

歌曲名:This Land Is Your Land (Best Of Homecoming 2002 Version)歌手:Sue Dodge&Ernie Haase&Terry Blackwood&Talley Trio专辑:Bill Gaither S Best Of Homecoming 2002This land is your land(by Woody Guthrie)This land is your land,This land is my land,From CaliforniaTo the New York Island,From the redwood forest,To the Gulf stream waters,This land was made for you and me.I"ve roamed and rambledAnd I"ve followed my footstepsTo the sparkling sands of her diamond desertsAnd all around me a voice was soundingThis land was made for you and meThis land is your land,This land is my land,From CaliforniaTo the New York Island,From the redwood forest,To the Gulf stream waters,This land was made for you and me.As I was walking,That ribbon of highway,I saw above meThat endless skyway,I saw below meThat golden valley.This land was made for you and me.This land is your land,This land is my land,From CaliforniaTo the New York Island,From the redwood forest,To the Gulf stream waters,This land was made for you and me.The sun comes shiningAs I was strollingThe wheat fields wavingAnd the dust clouds rollingThe fog was lifting a voice come chantingThis land was made for you and meThis land is your land,This land is my land,From CaliforniaTo the New York Island,From the redwood forest,To the Gulf stream waters,This land was made for you and me.This land was made for you and me.http://music.baidu.com/song/2916381

A Sort Of Homecoming 歌词

歌曲名:A Sort Of Homecoming歌手:U2专辑:Unforgettable FireU2 - A Sort of HomecomingAnd you know it"s time to goThrough the sleet and driving snowAcross the fields of mourningLights in the distanceAnd you hunger for the timeTime to heal, desire, timeAnd your earth moves beneathYour own dream landscapeOh, oh, ohOn borderland, we runI"ll be thereI"ll be thereTonightA high roadA high road out from hereThe city walls are all pulled downThe dust, a smoke screen all aroundSee faces ploughed like fieldsThat once gave no resistanceAnd we live by the side of the roadOn the side of a hillAs the valleys explodeDislocated, suffocatedThe land grows weary of its ownOh come away, oh come awayOh come, oh come away, say IOh come away, oh come awayOh come, oh come away, say IOh, oh, ohOn borderland, we runAnd still we runWe run and don"t look backI"ll be thereI"ll be thereTonightTonightI"ll be there tonight, I believeI"ll be there, somehowI"ll be there, tonightTonightOh come away, I say, say oh myOh come away, I sayThe wind will crack in winter timeThis bomb-blast lightning waltzNo spoken words, just a scream, yeah, ohTonight we"ll build a bridgeAcross the sea and landSee the sky, the burning rainShe will die and live againTonightAnd your heart beats so slowThrough the rain and fallen snowAcross the fields of mourningLights in the distanceOh, don"t sorrow, no don"t weepFor tonight, at lastI am coming homeI am coming homeEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1770763

谁帮翻译下The Homecoming这首歌的歌词


The Homecoming 歌词

It"s the way of a cosmic sailor, in a boat in the nightBut the wolves are not seating him he is alrightJust the day just the day away I can feel it sometimesBut the wolves are not scaring me I long for twilightThen with the morning comesThe sun that finds them all so divides the night and they dieAnd with the morning sunA lonely teardrop falls down from my eye and I dieBut where did all the cosmic sailors come fromFar away from across the seaAnd where have all the cosmic sailors now goneAnd the night that showed them all to meOn the waves of this silver ocean for a while there he smilesAs he sails with the other ones the wind diesSo a cry so a cry is calling all the wolves among the nightAs I sail with the other ories I find them alrightThen with the morning comesThe sun that finds them all so divides the night and they dieAnd with the morning sunA lonely teardrop falls down from my eye and I dieand i die

Homecoming Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Homecoming Queen歌手:Hinder专辑:Itunes Live From Las Vegas At The PalmsIt"s been five years since I"ve seen her faceShe"s the holy ghost lost without a traceAnd now we"re left with the what ifsIt"s been five years since she left for LAShe"s an angel with a dirty faceAnd it seems to meShe"s a casuality of all the pressureThat we put on herAnd now we"ve lost her for goodIt"s such a shame shame shameThat our homecoming queenWas a lot like you and a lot like meAnd she never walked on waterGuess no one really saw herShe was so adored by everyoneWhen it came to looks she was next to noneBut loved partyin and havin too much funThen she hooked up with the wrong someoneAnd he promised everything under the sunAnd it seems to meShes a casuality of all the pressureThat he put on herAnd now weve lost her for goodIts such a shame shame shameThat our homecoming queenWas a lot like you and a lot like meAnd she never walked on waterGuess no one really saw herA shame shame shameThat our homecoming queenHad a lot to prove and so many to pleaseShe"s just somebody"s daughterJust looking for somebody to love herWell I never knew youWish I could"ve saved youFrom losers that drained youBefore you got strung outWith so much potentialHow could you let us down downIt"s such a shame shame shameThat our homecoming queenWas a lot like you and a lot like meAnd she never walked on waterGuess no one really saw herA shame shame shameThat our homecoming queenHad a lot to prove and so many to pleaseShe"s just sombody"s daughterJust looking for somebody to love herShe"s just somebody"s daughterJust looking for somebody to love herIts such a shame shame shameIts such a shame shame shameIts such a shame shame shameIts such a shame shame shameIts such a shame shame shameIts such a shame shame shameIts such a shame shame shameIts such a shame shame shamehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10251680

Homecoming Queen 歌词

歌名:《Homecoming Queen》歌手:Sheryl Crow发行时间:2013-09-17所属专辑:《Feels Like Home》发行公司:华纳音乐歌词:28, shouldn"t look this oldBut the last ten years sure took their tollOn the girl in the picture with the plastic crownThat sea queen dress wouldn"t fit her nowLike it didBefore the kidsYea she loves her husband ‘cause she said she wouldOh it ain"t so good but it ain"t so goodShe swore she wouldn"t get stuck in this townNow she"s cutting coupons two doors downFrom a mallAnd it goes onYea too bad love ain"t a local paradeIn your uncle"s Corvette on a SaturdayWith all the little girls waiting on you to waveWhen you"re 17You don"t knowThat you won"t always beHomecoming queenNewspaper clipping and a stash in a boxAre the only things that didn"t get lostShe married a guy on the real estate signAnd it"s hard to believe once upon a timeShe was royaltyThe girl we all wanted to beYea too bad love ain"t a local paradeIn your uncle"s Corvette on a SaturdayWith all the little girls waiting on you to waveWhen you"re 17You don"t knowThat you won"t always beHomecoming queenOr the captain of the teamAnd it ain"t what it seemsIt"s just a teenage dreamToo bad love ain"t a local paradeIn your uncle"s Corvette on a SaturdayWith all the little girls waiting on you to waveWhen you"re 17You don"t knowYou won"t always beYou don"t knowYou won"t always beHomecoming queen


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