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thought 和enough 的读音一样吗?








thought 这个英语单词发音是:

sào tê

thought 怎么读

sao t


taught 翻译为教授,训练teach的过去式和过去分词。thought 翻译为思想,思索,思考,认为think的过去式和过去分词。不是一个意思。

thought怎么读 英语单词thought的正确发音?

总之,思想是人类认识世界和反映事物的重要心理过程和能力,而thought则是英语中描述思想的常用单词之一,其正确的发音为/θɔːt/。除了作为名词使用外,thought还可以作为动词,意为“思考”、“考虑”等。例如:“I thought about it for a while and decided to go.”(我思考了一会儿,决定去。)思想(英语单词thought的正确发音)思想,是人类认识世界、反映客观事物的心理过程和能力。在英语中,思想的单词为thought,其正确的发音为/θɔːt/。该单词是一个名词,通常用于描述人们的头脑中的想法、概念、信念和观点等。


thoughts读法是[θu0254u02d0ts]。thoughts原形是thought,thought是与动词think的过去式或过去分词同形的名词,基本意思是“思索,思考”,也可指“思维能力”或“思考的过程”,还可指“(某一时期、阶级、国家等的)思想、思潮”,thought作“关心,注意,考虑”解时,常与介词for连用;作“想法,见解,观点”解时,常用于复数形式;作“意向,意图”解时,常与“of+v-ing”结构连用。thoughts例句:1、Voluptuous thoughts, caresses, smiles.性感的想法,爱抚,微笑。2、Formulate one"s thoughts carefully.仔细制定一个人的想法。3、By pushing aside unpleasant thoughts they merely repress these thoughts.抛开不愉快的思想他们只是压制这些想法。4、Thoughts change and actions change!想法和思想改变!5、To stop negative thoughts, just plant good thoughts!要停止消极的想法,就种植好思想!


thought读音:英[θɔːt] 美[θɔːt]翻译:n.想法;看法;主意;记忆;心思;思想;思考能力;思维过程;思考;思维;考虑;关心;意图;v.认为;以为;想;思考;思索;思想;琢磨;词典:think的过去分词和过去式;例句:1.The thought kept going round and round in her head.这个想法一直萦绕在她的心头。2.She asked him straight off what he thought about it all. 她率直地问他对这一切有什么想法。3.What in the world did they think they were doing? 他们到底认为自己在做什么?4.Their family has always been well thought of around here. 他们家在这一带一直颇受敬重。5.And again, we must think of the cost. 再说,我们必须考虑成本。6.I think we could all use a drink after that! 我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯。7.I think it"s time to go to bed. 我想该睡觉了。8.I think we should go back to first principles. 我认为我们应该回到基本原则上。9.I think the same as you do about this. 在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。10.I don"t think you realize how important this is to her. 我认为你没有意识到这对她是多么重要。


should have done 是翻译为本该做某事 而没做 would have filled 没有这个意思 1 Like the rules governing the use of shall and will on which they are based, the traditional rules governing the use of should and would are largely ignored in modern American practice. Either should or would can now be used in the first person to express conditional futurity: 就象作为shall 和 will 词的基础的限用的用法规则一样, 适用于should 和 would 这个词的传统使用规则在现代美国英语中也已被忽略了. 现在should 或 would 这两个词中的任何一个都可以用于第一人称,表示条件式中的将来: If I had known that, I would (or somewhat more formally, should ) have answered differently. 如果已经知道了这个情况的话,我就(或正规一点用 should ) 不会那么回答了 , 2 But in the second and third persons only would is used: 但在第二人称或第三人称中只用would : If he had known that, he would (not should ) have answered differently. 如果他知道那个情况的话,就(不能用 should ) 不会那么回答了. 3 Wouldcannot always be substituted for should, however. Should is used in all three persons in a conditional clause: 但是Would并不是总是能由 should 代替. Should 在三种人称的条件从句中都可以用: if I (or you or he ) should decide to go. 如果我(或 你 或 他 ) 决定要去. 4 Should is also used in all three persons to express duty or obligation (the equivalent of ought to ): Should用于这三种人称的表示职责和义务的句子中(相当于 ought to ): I (or you or he ) should go. 我(或者 你 或者 他 ) 应该去 . 5 On the other hand, would is used to express volition or promise: 另一方面,would 用来表达决心或保证: I agreed that I would do it. 我一定会做的. 6 Either would or should is possible as an auxiliary with like, be inclined, be glad, prefer, and related verbs: 而would 或 should 都可以作助词和 like,be inclined, be glad,prefer 及其相关词语一起使用: I would (or should ) like to call your attention to an oversight. 我想(或 should ) 请你注意一下一个疏漏之处 . 7 Here would was acceptable on all levels to a large majority of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey and is more mon in American usage than should. · Should have is sometimes incorrectly written should of by writers who have mistaken the source of the spoken contraction should"ve. See Usage Note at if, rather, shall 在此处,在一次早期的调查中对大多数各阶层的使用者来说,would 是可以接受的, 且在美国用法中比should 更为常见. 有时书写者把should have 误拼成 should of , 因为他们把口头缩略形式should"ve的来源给弄错了

大学毕业生应该创业还是就业?Should Graduates be Business or Employment

Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?,1.目前大学毕业生就业竞争非常激烈,2.有人认为去找工作不如自己创业,3.我的看法……,Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?,大学毕业生应否自己创业,With the petition in the job market being increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large.,对于大学毕业生来说,随着就业市场上的竞争日趋白热化,某些雄心勃勃的学生已开始尝试着去自己创业。在过去几年中,已出现了诸多学生创业的成功案例,因此,此类尝试理应获得学校和整个社会的鼓励与推动。,College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China"s future business leaders. Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings. Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great entrepreneurs. Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they succeed. As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a nation.,那些自己进行创业的大学生可被视为先驱,在他们之中,将会诞生中国未来的商界领袖。尽管面对着许多未知的挑战,他们仍无所畏惧地踏上一条充斥着艰难险阻的征程。与此形成对比的是,他们的大多数同龄人却作为白领,在高端写字楼里上班,拿着稳定的薪水。但是,创业的学生才是其命运真正的主人。由于接触到更多的不确定性与挫折,他们形成了锲而不舍、坚忍不拔、顽强不屈的精神,所有这些品质都是杰出企业家所不可或缺的。即使他们失败,他们不会垮掉,他们会不断探索,寻找新的商机,不知疲倦地努力,直至成功。作为一个具有远见卓识、个人进取性、领导力、创造力和创新精神的羣体,他们代表着一个国家的未来与希望。,Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial projects. To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the chari *** a to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a mon objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to pete against powerful rivals and ultimately to prevail. The essential difference beeen the students who bee civic servants in government anizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational panies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers. For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they mand our deep respect. ,并非所有的大学毕业生都适合去从事创业项目。要想创业,必须要有一个好的商业点子,一个可行的商业规划,非凡的个人魅力以形成一个有凝聚力的团队,使团队成员们步调一致地去奋力实现共同的目标,以及有效的管理才华; 尤其是,需要有敢于与最强劲对手展开竞争、并最终取得胜利的勇气。那些成为 *** 机构里的公务员的学生,或者那些成为本土大企业或跨国公司的雇员的学生,与那些自己进行创业的学生相比,最本质的差别在于,前者是温顺的追随者,而后者则是奋发进取的探路者。正是基于这一原因,创业的大学毕业生们更令人钦佩,也因而赢得了我们深深的敬意。



without the communist party thete br new china

此句是虚拟语气,暗含条件是在介词短语without the communist party of china中,表示与现在的事实相反,此时应该用should/would/might/could+do. 所以答案是B. 如回答解决了您的问题,请选为采纳,

justin bieber的that shouid be me的中英文歌词


the house is too small to live

哈哈…… The house is too small to live in只能改成The house is too small for living ! for 后面只能加名词或相当于名词的词组! for living in 显然不对!我们老师整天强调D


首先这“half”和“hour”这两个单词表达的意思不同。“half”意为: “半”、“一半”的意思,比如: “half an hour”表达的意思是:“半小时”;“hour”意为: “小时”的意思,比如:“two hours”表达的意思是:“两个小时”。



we should keep什么onthe hallway?

quiet安静的We should keep quiet on the hallway.
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