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well we show up回答什么?

well we show up回答什么应该是:Will we show up?肯定回答:Yes,we will .否定回答:No, we won"t.

show up for school什么意思


1.只有六个人出席了今天的会议。(show up) 2.昨天我很忙以致于半夜才去睡觉。 (so...that)

Only six people showed up at today"s meetingI was so busy yesterday that I went to sleep at midnigh.

show up to work正确还是show up for work 正确

show up to work ,because,show STH to SB.

cheer up, show up, call up, wake up分别是什么意思

cheer up加油show up现身,出现call up召集,打电话wake up唤醒

turn up show up appear arise区别?

up调高调大声音。Show up出席出现。Appear出现,arise上升。

show up和attend的区别

show up是出席的意思attend是参加的意思

show up同义词是什么

appear才是,show up是出现的意思

show up 与attend的区别

意思不同attend英 [ə"tend] 美 [ə"tɛnd] vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾show up露面;露出;揭露


show up意思是出现,露面,表状态arrive at意思是到达,表动作

show up翻译


show up 有没有被动语态?


容祖儿的《Show Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Show Up歌手:容祖儿专辑:Show UpDieson仙境传说天天都有 不安的传闻有什么 又快要发生人人都关上了家门为什么 还是睡不稳可城市不算黑暗还有一支灯就算是坏的时辰我信你是最好的人今夜约了你 记得要show up所有的想像 等你来做证不怕上一刻 多么的若闷下一刻 也可以兴奋还没见到你 离开舍不得所有的缺乏 有你才完整不怕全世界 刹那变灰尘我一边跳舞 一边等今夜我一切 都不闻不问只知约了我的一个人Yeah……好像已经 没有了传染对什么 还是会敏感愈来愈看不见掌纹拿什么 总是拿不稳可城市不会陆沉还有欢呼声谁在喊人民必胜我找你的亲切铃声来让我 看到你的好来陪我 觉得时间少要跳舞 不要留在家里祈祷已约好 只等你来到

show up的用法总结

show up相当于appear,也可以表示“使了解真相,揭露” show up:(使)清晰,(使)显现;(使)难堪。 扩展资料   用法:   1.(使)清晰,(使)显现:You didn"t show up at the meeting.你没有来开会。   The truth began to show up.真想渐渐浮出水面。   2.(使)难堪:You"ve shown me up.你让我难堪了。

show up 是什么意思?


翻译:We do what we say we will do. We show up when we say we will show up.

我们说到做到。我们会在说定的时间准时出现。答案有帮助还望及时采纳,祝学习进步、 谢谢、

show~~~~~appear ~~show up 的区别

show演出; 表演; 节目: a TV quiz show 电视上的智力竞赛节目appear 出现; 显现; 呈现: A ship appeared on the horizon. 船出现在水平线上 show up露面 ,露出。I intend to show up this liar 我打算使这个骗子露出真面目

show up dive in stay at it 什么意思

show up是出席的意思dive in是投入进去stay at it是坚持下去连在一起翻译为:参与进来,投入进来并且坚持下去。奥巴马演讲里出现的吧嘻嘻

show up的近义词


容祖儿2003年的Show Up!演唱会 一共有几场?


show up turn


除了杰克以外所有的人都来了翻译show up

除了杰克以外所有的人都来了翻译show up---- All / everyone showed up except Jack.

"appear"和"show up "的区别?

appear: v. 出现,显得例句与用法: 1. A truck appeared over the hill. 一辆卡车在山丘上出现。 2. Mr. Green had to appear before the committee to explain his behavior . 格林先生必须在委员会上出面解释他的行为。 3. A ship appeared on the horizon. 船出现在水平线上. 4. She appears to have many friends. 她好像有很多朋友. 5. He promised to be here at four o"clock but didn"t appear until six. 他答应四点钟来, 可是六点钟才到. 6. His new book will be appearing in the spring. 他的新著将於春季问世. 7. A rash has appeared on his body. 他身上出现了丘疹. 8. Don"t make him appear a fool. 别把他弄得像个傻子似的. show up: v. 揭露, 露出, 露面例句与用法: 1. Billy had been fasting against Cooper for three days before the debtor showed up. 比利为索债在珀门前静坐绝食三天,欠债人库珀才露面。 2. His show-off only serves to show up his ignorance. 他的卖弄只不过暴露了他自己的无知。 3. Careful contrast of the two plan show up some key difference. 把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异 4. The dust on the shelf show up in the sunlight. 在阳光照射下能看见架子上有灰尘。 意思不同,见上

"appear"和"show up "的区别?


用英语单词show up 造句

show up for class tomorrow明天来上课

英语中 show up 和show around是什么意思 有什么区别

turn up是出现 show up是表现

show up的用法总结

show up的用法总结如下:1、show up相当于appear,也可以表示“使了解真相,揭露”。(1)例句:How did Marsha explain why she didn"t show up for the Denvertrip?玛莎怎么解释她没有出现在丹佛的旅行中?结构分析:How是状语,Marsha是主语,did explain是谓语,why引导宾语从句,she是主语,didn"t show up是谓语,for the Denvertrip是状语。(2)例句:The results of the study will appear in the most authoritative journals.这项研究成果将会出现在最权威的期刊上。2、take place只能用作不及物动词,不能用于被动语态形式,相当于happen。(1)例句:Where does the conversation most probably take place?(2)例句:What happens when a new technology emerges?

show up的含义~~


show up用法总结

show up相当于appear,也可以表示“使了解真相,揭露”。 show的用法: 用作名词,意为“演出;展示;展览(会)”。常见用法有:on show展出; a fashion show 时装展等。 扩展资料   用作动词,意为“给……看,出示;表明”。常见用法有:show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看;show sb. around. 带领某人参观。   up可以用作介词:   up用作介词的意思是“向…上,向〔在〕…的"顶上”。还可表示“往…的上端,向…的较高处,顺着…向上〔北〕; 往〔在〕…的上游〔发源地〕,在…”。up常指街道等长度远远超过宽度。   例句:   Please dress up before you show up.   请您务必盛装打扮出席。   I"m waiting for you to show up. Hurry up!   我在等你出现,快点出现!   It"s almost unheard of for a child to show up hungry to school.   孩子饿着肚子上学几乎是闻所未闻的。

show~~~~~appear ~~show up 的区别

Show展示给别人看,apear表现出来的样子,show up 炫耀


showup英 ["ʃəʊʌp] 美 ["ʃoʊˌʌp] n.暴露,揭发,(为识别嫌疑犯)排队成一队供识别的人


露出, 露面 ,出现。之类的意思。 和appear的意思很近 he show up in the meeting 就是出席的意思。

"show up"是什么意思


How do Chinese people greet each other? ()

How do Chinese people greet each other? () A.Where are you heading now?B.Have you eaten?C.Hot days recently, aren"t they?D.What is your father?正确答案: Have you eaten?



how to make a birthday cake 英语作文 各位 帮帮忙

Low gluten flour (120 grams) egg (4) seasoning milk (60) corn oil (60) sugar (90) light cream (250ML) almond (number of teeth) CAI (number of teeth) Bai Cu (a little) kitchen electric oven1 protein adding white vinegar to fight to the bubble three times by adding sugar until stiff peaks form.2 egg yolk with fine sugar, milk and corn oil, stirring evenly3 sieve into the low powder mixing evenly4 paste and egg yolk protein paste stir evenly until no particles.Preheat the oven to 180 degrees5 The middle, upper and lower fire, 30 minutes6 cake cool after decoration. He sent the whipping cream with cream die of flat surface. A layer of A Hua field and then used in cake surface sieve sieve. In the decorative surface nozzle piping.7 in the middle put an almond butter, put Cai middle cream, add a piece of cake decorating paper decorations8 decoration can be completed. See the cupcakes feel happy

双簧搞笑双人英语台词(要有How many,How much,How often)

bloodninja: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?BritneySpears14: Aight.bloodninja: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.bloodninja: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.BritneySpears14: Oh, I like to play dress up.bloodninja: Me too baby.BritneySpears14: I kiss you softly on your chest.bloodninja: I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.BritneySpears14: Hey...bloodninja: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 chicken of the Infinite.BritneySpears14: Funny I still don"t see it.bloodninja: I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty F*ck of the Beyondness.BritneySpears14: You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.bloodninja: Don"t f*ck with me bitch, I"m the mightiest sorcerer of the lands.bloodninja: I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid.BritneySpears14: Don"t ever message me again you piece of ****.bloodninja: Robots are trying to drill my brain but my lightning shield inflicts DOA attack, leaving the robots as flaming piles of metal.bloodninja: King Arthur congratulates me for destroying Dr. Robotnik"s evil army of Robot Socialist Republics. The cold war ends. Reagan steals my accomplishments and makes like it was cause of him.bloodninja: You still there baby? I think it"s getting hard now.bloodninja: Baby?--------------BritneySpears14: Ok, are you ready?eminemBNJA: Aight, yeah I"m ready.BritneySpears14: I like your music Em... Tee hee.eminemBNJA: huh huh, yeah, I make it for the ladies.BritneySpears14: Mmm, we like it a lot. Let me show you.BritneySpears14: I take off your pants, slowly, and massage your muscular physique.eminemBNJA: Oh I like that Baby. I put on my robe and wizard hat.BritneySpears14: What the f*ck, I told you not to message me again.eminemBNJA: Oh ****BritneySpears14: I swear if you do it one more time I"m gonna report your ISP and say you were sending me kiddie p0rn you f*ck up.eminemBNJA: Oh ****eminemBNJA: damn I gotta write down your names or somethingHow abouot this one?

What do you think of TVshow 的60词初一英语作文怎么写?

Now tv show is a part of our daily life.Whoever watches tv everyday.SO do i.I like watching news after supper for about 30 minutes,and when on weekends i"ll watch some english programs such as HOPE ENGLISH on CCTV 10 or ACTION ENGLISH on CCTV 6, they are useful for me to impove my english study.Sometmes i"ll watch some tv plays and some entertainment programs.Watching some healthy tv show is helpfulfor us.But watching too much tv show is not ok ,we must control ourselves.Anywany, tv show has its own advantages and disadvantages.

TV show 利弊英语作文

TV is vey imporrtant in our life. We can get to know all kinds of events around the world. We can know the weather,information, laws, knowledge and so on. After busy work, we can watch some funny programs to relax. TV benifits us, but sometimes it has bad influence. Some students watch TV day and night. It influences their lessons.Some programs are not good for children. So we should choose proper programs at proper time for people in different ages. Now TV has become necessary in our life. We can get all kinds of information through TV. The world is in front of us. The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happy. Although TV has some benifits, sometimes it has bad influence. Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time. And some programs are not proper for children. So we should choose some good programs to watch, especially for children.



How is it ? 什么意思,要怎么回答

这是什末 答案

Back Door Man (Live In Boston, 1970) (2Nd Show) 歌词

歌曲名:Back Door Man (Live In Boston, 1970) (2Nd Show)歌手:The Doors专辑:Live In Boston 1970Titile:Back Door ManArtist:The DoorsEdit by:Happy PiggieOh, yeah, maYeah, I"m a back door manI"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girl understandHey, all you people that tryin" to sleepI"m out to make it with my midnight dreamyeah"Cause I"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girls understandAll right, yeahYou men eat your dinnerEat your pork and beansI eat more chicken than any man ever seenyeah, yeahI"m a back door man, whaThe men don"t knowBut the little girl understandWell, i"m a back door manI"m a back door manWhoa, babyi"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girls understand

安室奈美惠的show me what you got 的歌词,最好有翻译


the show的歌词和简谱


the show歌词用中文写出来

【the show】: I"m just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右两难(进退两难) Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜 i don"t know where to go, can"t do it alone 我不知道该去哪儿 我一个人做不到 I"ve tried, and i don"t know why... 我尝试了 我不知道为什么… Slow it down, make it stop 放慢了速度 停了下来 Or else my heart is going to pop 否则我的心都要跳出来了 "Cause it"s too much, yeah it"s a lot因为这有点儿过份了 是的太过份了To be something I"m not要我成为一个不一样的(不真实的)我I"m a fool out of love 我是个失恋的大笨蛋 "Cause i just can"t get enough... 因为我无法满足 I"m just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右两难(进退两难) Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜 i don"t know where to go, can"t do it alone 我不知道该去哪儿我一个人做不到 I"ve tried, and i don"t know why 我尝试了 我不知道为什么… I"m just a little girl lost in the moment 我只是个一时很迷茫的小女孩 I"m so scared but i don"t show it 我很害怕但是我没有表现出来 I can"t figure it out, it"s bringing me down 我无法弄清楚 真把我给打倒了 I know I"ve got to let it go... 我知道我不得不放手(随它去,顺其自然) And just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 The sun is hot in the sky 天气非常热 Just like a giant spotlight 太阳就像个巨大的聚光灯 The people follow the signs 最终人们按照指引 And synchronize in time 同时按指示做 It"s a joke, nobody knows 这是个笑话 没有人知道 They"ve got a ticket to the show.... 他们有演出的门票 I"m just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右两难(进退两难) Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜 i don"t know where to go, can"t do it alone 我不知道该去哪儿 我一个人做不到 I"ve tried, and i don"t know why... 我尝试了 我不知道为什么… I"m just a little girl lost in the moment 我只是个一时很迷茫的小女孩 I"m so scared but i don"t show it 我很害怕但是我没有表现出来 I can"t figure it out, it"s bringing me down 我无法弄清楚 真把我给打倒了 I know I"ve got to let it go... 我知道我不得不放手(随它去,顺其自然) And just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧

谁有THE SHOW的歌词?带翻译更好,谢啦!

I"m just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右为难 Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是一个谜题 I don"t know where to go, can"t do it alone 我不知道该去哪儿 我一个人做不到 I"ve tried, but I don"t know why... 我尝试了 但我不知道为什么… Slow it down, make it stop 放慢了速度 停了下来 Or else my heart is going to pop 否则我的心都要跳出来了 "Cause it"s too much, yeah it"s a lot 因为这有点儿过份了 是的太过份了 To be something I"m not 要我成为一个不一样的(不真实的)我 I"m a fool out of love 我是个失恋的大笨蛋 "Cause I just can"t get enough... 因为我无法满足 I"m just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右为难 Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜 I don"t know where to go, can"t do it alone 我不知道该去哪儿我一个人做不到 I"ve tried, and I don"t know why 我尝试了 我不知道为什么… I"m just a little girl lost in themoment 我只是个一时很迷茫的小女孩 I"m so scared but I don"t show it 我很害怕但是我没有表现出来 I can"t figure it out, it"s bringing me down 我无法弄清楚 真把我给打倒了 I know I"ve got to let it go... 我知道我不得不放手(随它去,顺其自然) And just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 The sun is hot in the sky 天气非常热 Just like a giant spotlight 太阳就像个巨大的聚光灯 The people follow the signs 最终人们按照指引 And synchronize in time 同时按指示做 It"s a joke, nobody knows 这是个笑话 没有人知道 They"ve got a ticket to the show.... 他们有演出的门票 I"m just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右为难 Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是个谜 I don"t know where to go, can"t do it alone 我不知道该去哪儿 我一个人做不到 I"ve tried, and I don"t know why... 我尝试了 我不知道为什么… I"m just a little girl lost in the moment 我只是个一时很迷茫的小女孩 I"m so scared but I don"t show it 我很害怕但是我没有表现出来 I can"t figure it out, it"s bringing me down 我无法弄清楚 真把我给打倒了 I know I"ve got to let it go... 我知道我不得不放手(随它去,顺其自然) And just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 Just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 I"m just a little bit caught in the middle 我有点儿左右为难 Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生活是座迷宫 爱是一个谜题 I don"t know where to go, can"t do it alone 我不知道该去哪儿 我一个人做不到 I"ve tried, and I don"t know why... 我尝试了 我不知道为什么… I"m just a little girl lost in the moment 我只是个一时很迷茫的小女孩 I"m so scared but I don"t show it 我很害怕但是我没有表现出来 I can"t figure it out, it"s bringing me down 我无法弄清楚 真把我给打倒了 I know I"ve got to let it go... 我知道我不得不放手(随它去,顺其自然) And just enjoy the show… 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 Just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 Just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 I want my money back(重复三遍) 我想退票 Just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧 I want my money back(重复三遍) 我想退票 Just enjoy the show 好好欣赏(享受)表演吧

the show的中英歌词

I"m just a little bitcaught in the middleLife is a mazeand love is a riddleI don"t know where to goI can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whySlow it downmake it stopor else my heart is going to pop"cuz it"s too muchYeah it"s a lotto be something I"m notI"m a foolout of love"cuz I just can"t get enoughI"m just a little bitcaught in the middleLife is a mazeand love is a riddleI don"t know where to goI can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whyI am just a little girllost in the momentI"m so scaredbut don"t show itI can"t figure it outit"s bringing me downI knowI"ve got to let it goand just enjoy the showThe sun is hotin the skyjust like a giant spotlightThe people follow the signand synchronize in timeIt"s a jokeNobody knowsthey"ve got a ticket to that showYeahI"m just a little bitcaught in the middleLife is a mazeand love is a riddleI dont know where to goI can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whyI am just a little girllost in the momentI"m so scaredbut don"t show itI can"t figure it outit"s bringing me downI knowI"ve got to let it goand just enjoy the showoh ohJust enjoy the showoh ohI"m just a little bitcaught in the middlelife is a mazeand love is a riddleI dont know where to goI can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whyI am just a little girllost in the momentI"m so scaredbut I don"t show itI can"t figure it outit"s bringing me downI knowI"ve got to let it goand just enjoy the showdum de dumdudum de dumJust enjoy the showdum de dumdudum de dumJust enjoy the showI want my money backI want my money backI want my money backJust enjoy the showI want my money backI want my money backI want my money backJust enjoy the show

一个女歌手,唱的一首英文歌,记得歌词有the show,逛街时听到的


对 five minutes on foot 提问用how long还是how far?


five minutes‘ walk用什么提问 how long 还是how far

how far~~


yeahsometimes i just love to have that outjust something a girl"s gotta do, ohnever thought i"d see you like thisyou lookin" good when you"re half dressedjust let me give you one last testis that a sin, noam i too hot for you thoughdid you check out my videothere"s some things you don"t dolike thisi"ll take you to spend in my wayjust give in when you are ready to playuh, like thishere comes the showdownwhat goes around comes aroundand the crowds are waiting, oh‘cause if we break upthen we can make upshake my booty all nighthere comes the showdown, ohi don"t really wanna be a teasewould you undo my zipper, pleaseuh uh, please don"t talklisteni"ll let you touch me if you wanti see your body rise, riseand when you come, don"t get too hotbutterflyi"ll take you to spend in my wayjust give in when you are ready to playlike thishere comes the showdownwhat goes around comes aroundand the crowds are waiting, oh‘cause if we break upthen we can make upshake my booty all nighthere comes the showdown, ohlook at the tensionwhen we fightyou make it upturn down the lightit"s just a lover"s game we play, yeahafter the screaming"s at an endwhy don"t we all do it againthat"s when the fun really beginsoh, whoahere comes the showdownwhat goes around comes aroundand the crowds are waiting, oh‘cause if we break upthen we can make upshake my booty all nightyeahyeahyeahhere comes the showdownhere comes the showdown, ohwhat goes around comes aroundthe crowds are waiting, ohyeahhere comes the showdown, oh

how to spend the weekend英语作文

Well, as you know, now people have five workdays every week in china. Especially students, most students go to school on Monday through Friday, and then spent their weekend with their family. But this doesn"t work on the college students like us. there so far away form my school to my house, it probably takes couple hours if take bus or train to home. So most of the college student decided the stay in the school campus and play with their roomate and spent the weekend. But not for all of them, some students get the part-time job. they work on weekend. So that they could earn the money to buy the staff the like....----------------------------------浪费我将近十分钟 =。 =

show me your boobs lf you hate racism

答案:A. 首先明确选项中各个短语的意思,A:张贴;B:推迟;C:熄灭;D:放入; 根据语境推测句意是"你能够向我展示一下你的房间吗?我听说你在墙上贴了一张很漂亮的画.",由此判断句子中缺少短语:张贴,故答案为A.

高中高三作文600字:How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试)

作文标题: How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试) 关 键 词: 如何 考试 高中高三 600字 字 数: 600字作文 本文适合: 高中高三 作文来源: 本作文是关于高中高三600字的作文,题目为:《How to Pass an Exam(如何通过考试)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 a  good  way  to  pass  an  exam  is  to  workhard  every  day  ang  go  over  your  lessons  in  may  fail  in  the  exam  if  you  are  lazy  for  a  few  days  befre  the  get  up  and  go  to  bed  early  will  help  to  keep  you  full  of  you  would  better  not  stay  up  to  go  over  your  lessons.when  taking  the  exam,be  sure  to  read  the  paper  carefully.try  to  grasp  the  exact  meaning  ofeach  question.when  you  have  finished  the  paper,check  the  answers,correct  any  mistakesyou  can  find  and  make  surethat  you  have  not  missed  out  anything译文  如何通过考试  通过考试的一个好方法是每天努力学习并且及时复习功课.如果你一年中大部分时间都很懒惰,而只是在考试前的一段时间努力学习,那么你可能会在考试中失败.早起早睡将会有助你保持充沛的精力.所以你最好不要熬夜去复习功课.当你考试时,一定要认真地阅读试卷,努力领悟每个问题的准确意思.当你做完后,要检查答案,改正你所发现的任何错误,并且确保你没有漏掉任何东西  ps:如果有什么语法问题,请多包含

EASE 为什么不显示声压覆盖图 我已勾选 SHOW DB COV CONES

在建模的工作界面中设置好音箱的数据后,勾选 SHOW DB COV CONES,然后在任意空白处右键,选择option,然后点ITEMS,你就能看到 3,6, 9 dbCOV CONES的选项了


How are the swans?这些燕子怎么样?They are very beautiful.


试试不要传递一个常量,你可以将当前对象本身做为参数传递给处理函数.比如<LI><A href="#" title="#" onmouseover="javascript:Show(this);" onmouseout="javascript:Out(this);">#</A></LI>这样,所有的调用代码是相同的,就不必在增减时修改代码.然后你可以直接在函数里操作这个对象,或者遍历对象数组,提取当前对象在对象数组中的索引代替你原来的常量参数.


show就是展示出示,show me your id=请出示身份证, 读音是shou四声

英文歌 高潮好像是baby i can hold you baby i can show you

歌手:jamai歌名:i have a dream歌词:You ..going round in circle"s in my mindwondering where you aretonightI ..Have a dream you"re in my lifethat you"re lying hereIt"s so rightYou don"t see this nowthat"s in your eyeshow Did I get a feelingIt"s making me believingMaybe I can hold youBaby I can show youLike a river running trough your heartDon"t know where to startto find the words, to tell you that I love youbuilt my hopes around youOnly when I close my eyesDo I realisethat it"s only in my wildest dreamsHope ...Opens the door into your liveMaybe you can let me intonightYou won"t believethe joy you bring to meYou"re the sun the moon revolving round my worldTell me if it"s only made believeCould you be my destinyCould you feel the same for meMaybe I can hold youBaby I can show youLike a river running trough your heartDon"t know where to startto find the words, to tell you that I love youbuilt my hopes around youOnly when I close my eyesDo I realisethat it"s only in my wildest dreamsOnly in my wildest dreams ..Maybe I can hold youBaby I can show youLike a river running trough your heartDon"t know where to startto find the words, to tell you that I love youbuilt my hopes around youOnly when I close my eyes

求一篇约200字左右的英语作文,,题目How to choose a(your) spouse

How to Choose a SpouseCloseThis topic is very complicated and vast. Every human being has his own qualities he wants his spouse to help. A number of individuals have said the opinion of their spouse should be presentable and intelligent. But the true and adequate way of choosing a spouse is far more than that; it involves love, character, and many more. There is more to choosing a spouse than the beauty he or she possesses, it goes a long way in order to avoid not taking the wrong step. The aim of the article is to show an individual some of the yardstick that needs to be taken into consideration by choosing a spouse.It is said that love is the principle thing when choosing a spouse is taking into consideration. True love goes further than having sex, parties and many more. My own description of love is the passion an individual has for something. This means the deep attitude or impression a person feel or reaction towards something. It goes further in showing that a person should love his or her spouse for who they are and not what they possess. Majority of people around the globe love their spouse for what they are not really who they are.The worth or value a person might possess might depreciate has the year comes by, so it is not advisable for a person to love someone because of his or her financial capacity. Genuine love should be the basic to look for in knowing your spouse.Another point or yardstick that should be used in searching for the rightful spouse is behavior. I would call behavior or attitude the principal thing and love. People around the globe have different background that would be contrary to one another. It is very necessary that an individual should take the attitude of his potential into serious consideration. For instance, there are some people that love social gatherings like parties, and many more while others don"t like the idea. It is necessary that before choosing your spouse an individual should take note if he or she can allow his or her spouse to go to parties. This is very vital, if not properly taking care of it might lead to the collapse of the relationship. It is said that "prevention is cheaper and more affordable than cure".The behavioral aspect of an individual goes a long way in trying to make the relationship strong. The way and manner your spouse reacts towards issues is also vital, because it will determine if your spouse is hot and cool in temperament.In trying to know the right spouse the area of discipline should be taking into severe consideration. This is because the self control of the individual matters a lot. For instance, there are some individuals out there that cannot stay with a single partner because of their sex drive. A person looking for the right spouse has to take the self-control of his or her spouse seriously. This is because it could lead to the collapse of the relationship.Discipline covers a wide range of areas, which include emotion. Emotion revolves round sexuality, temperament, and many more. Most people around the globe cannot stand someone else talking to them rudely, without him or her reacting in a hatch and hot tune. An individual has to take all this into consideration before finalizing that he or she would be his or her life partner.In choosing a spouse an individual should know the basics given above as the fundamental that need to be taking into consideration before selecting your spouse. This is because; it would be unfair for a person to have a broken marriage after some time. The way to avoid broken marriage or separation is to carefully choose the rightful partner. Although, there is no doubt that miss-understanding might erupt, which could be stopped if there is mutual understanding.

how to choose a job听力?

how to choose a tre friend如何选择成为朋友how to choose a tre friend如何选择成为朋友

如何选择职业How to choose a career

1. Choose what you love If you"re doing a job that you like, work itself can give you a feeling of satisfaction, and your career can also be a lot of fun. Interest is the best guide and the source of the success; it"s simply logical that there is a connection between liking your job and being successful at it. When you"re own strengths and value your own interests, and you will choose a career that you will love. 2. Choose what you"re good at Any profession needs people who have mastered certain skills and possess certain qualifications. No one can master everything in just one lifetime, so when you"re choosing a career, choose what you"re good at, and you"ll benefit from bringing your strengths into full play. Think carefully about how you compare with other people, and choose a profession that doesn"t conflict with your strengths, but instead makes the best use of them. 3. Choose a career that"s in demand Society needs always evolving; old opportunities are constantly disappearing and new ones are constantly being created. Yesterday"s hot commodity might be replaced tomorrow by something that no one saw coming. So when you"re planning your career, try to figure out what society needs, and choose what"s in demand. 4. Choose what"s profitable Your ultimate goal when choosing a career is to find something that will make you happy, but your happiness will probably be influenced by your income too. A sensible choice of career orientation considers what"s valuable from society"s point of view and from your own. So when you make your choice, look for something that combines prestige and a good salary with the other variables that are important to you. That way you"ll end up with a career that"s most beneficial to you

是How to choose between A and B 还是A or B?


在使用mysql时,创建表使用desc和show create table 结果不同,求解释。

desc 是看表结构show create table 是看建表语句

Does the truth change depending on how people look at things?


求英语达人帮忙~ 【hello】ハロ/ハワユを英语で歌ってみた【how are you?】的歌词~


用how to keep good feeling写一篇作文

Each of us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here are some ways to stay healthy.我们每个人都应该保持健康,因为健康是我们活动的基础.这里有一些保持健康的方法.First, we should spend one to two hours a day in regular exercise; try to walk instead of ride. Second, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and so on. They are able to help us maintain a healthy body. When we are in trouble, try to relax our mood, listen to the soft music. It also enables us to maintain a good health. Finally there is a good sleep can also assure us a healthy body. We should sleep seven to eight hours a day to maintain adequate sleep. If we can do follow these advice, I believe we can have a healthy body, a better life.首先,我们应该花一到两个小时来做定时锻炼;尽量步行来代替乘车.第二,我们应该多吃一些健康的食品,如蔬菜,水果等.它们能够帮助我们保持健康的身体.当我们遇到麻烦时,尽量放松心情,听听柔和的音乐.这也能让我们保持良好的健康.最后,良好的睡眠也能保证我们有一个健康的身体.我们应该睡七到八小时来保持充足的睡眠.如果我们能够遵循这些建议,我相信我们能够有一个健康的身体,更好的生活.

How are you my love 是什么意思


think of youself two years ago write about how you are different now


如何成为一个好室友How to Be a Good Roommate

How to Be a Good Roommate Have you ever had to share a home with a stranger or even a close friend, only to find out you can"t live together? Living with other people can be difficult, especially when each person comes from a different background and has their own ideas about how they want to live. The following is a list of suggestions to help you share your living space harmoniously. Roommate Agreement Some people find it helpful to write up a "roommate agreement," in which you set down rules that everyone can agree to. This is a good way to make sure that everyone is clear on the rules for the apartment and their responsibilities. Have everyone sign a copy and keep it on hand. Control the amount of noise you make. Wear headphones when you listen to music, and go into another room when you"re on the phone. If you"re going to engage in a noisy activity, it"s a good idea to ask your roommate before you do it. Communicate. As in any relationship, living with someone requires a great deal of work. Communication is key in making the relationship work well long-term, or even for a short time. If a problem comes up, it"s better to talk about it right away than to try and ignore it and let it get worse. Be prepared to compromise. Not everyone has the same ideas about day to day living as you do. You can"t ask your roommate to change himself or herself if you"re not willing to change as well.

七年级下册英语Unit11《What do you think of game shows》教案

  《What do you think of game shows》教案(一)   教学目标   1、语言目标   ◆ 掌握部分有关电视节目以及表示装饰的词汇,如:soap opera, sitcom, sports show, host, super, agree, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet etc.   ◆ What do you think ofu2026? 句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式,并能简单陈述理由。   ◆ 掌握运用love, like, donu2019t like, donu2019t mind, canu2019t stand恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。   2、能力目标   ◆ 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。   ◆ 学会谈论自己的喜好。   ◆ 谈谈流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。   ◆ 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。   3、策略目标   利用不同媒体获取相关的学习资源,通过合作、探究的方式学习;学会正确评价自己的学习行为和学习效果。   4、情感目标   ◆ 学会客观地评价事物。   ◆ 正确表达自己的意见。   ◆ 正确认识流行文化。   ◆ 了解中西文化在表达自己的观点时存在很大差异——我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接一些。   教学重难点   1、重点   学习及掌握陈述自己的看法,意见及喜好的词汇和基本句型。   2、难点   正确运用What do you/does he/she think ofu2026?及I love/like/donu2019t like/donu2019t mind/canu2019t stand ... He/She loves/likes/doesnu2019t like/doesnu2019t mind/canu2019t stand ...等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。   教学工具   课件   教学过程   Step1 Warming up : Chant   What do you think of talk shows?   I donu2019t mind them.   What about game shows?   I love them.   Do you like sitcoms?   Yes, I do.   Step 2 Revision: Dialogue show time   注:1. Dialogue show后要鼓励学生给予comments。可以引导学生在以下几方面评价:   What do you think of their dialogue?   Body language   pronunciation   intonation   2.如有许多Pairs想上来show,可以用一个chant确定:   1,2,3,4 Mary is at the kitchen door.   5,6,7,8 Mary is at the garden.   Step 3 Presentation   1. Listen and do 2a, 2b.   借助Dialogue show 及过渡句“Have you seen the sitcom Dumpling King引出听力   2. 做完2a,2b后,问:   What does he think of Dumpling King?   What does he think of Er Bao   Xiao Bao ?   Sitcoms   呈现新的句型。   Step 4 Information exchange   Student A looks at one paper, student B looks at the other paper.(Donu2019t look at his/her partneru2019s paper)   运用句型结构:What does Alan/Yang Lin think of these TV shows?交流信息。   Step 5 Task(1):   Weekend Talk show   学生三人一组,分别扮演角色 host/hostress和guests,电视访谈节目的演示,谈论对不同TV shows的看法,但老师先要给予Talk show的model。   A: Welcome to 9 ou2019clock weekend Talk show.   Weu2019re talking tou2026.Welcome to the showu2026   B: Thank you.   A: Do you like to watch TV?   B:   A: What do you think of sports shows?   B:   A: How aboutu2026?   B:   A: OK! Thanks for joining us. Next, weu2019re talking tou2026   Step 6 Task (2):Survey time   列举常见TV Shows的名称,调查并统计班内同学对各种节目的观点。四人小组以统计图表的形式(学生可以creative一些,设计各种统计图表)呈现结果,再给TV station写一封调查报告,并提些建议。   统计时,增加句型:I do, too.   I donu2019t, either.   Step7 Homework   1. Finish your diagram and stick on the board.   2. Finish writing the letter to the TV station.   课后小结   学了这节课,你有什么收获?   课后习题   完成课后练习题。   板书   Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?   《What do you think of game shows》教案(二)   教学目标   1、语言目标   ◆ 掌握部分有关电视节目以及表示装饰的词汇,如:soap opera, sitcom, sports show, host, super, agree, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet etc. ◆ What do you think of,,? 句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式,并能简单陈述理由。 ◆ 掌握运用love, like, donu2019t like, donu2019t mind, canu2019t stand恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。   2、能力目标   ◆ 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。 ◆ 学会谈论自己的喜好。 ◆ 谈谈流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。 ◆ 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。   3、策略目标 利用不同媒体获取相关的学习资源,通过合作、探究的方式学习;学会正确评价自己的学习行为和学习效果。   4、情感目标 ◆ 学会客观地评价事物。 ◆ 正确表达自己的意见。 ◆ 正确认识流行文化。 ◆ 了解中西文化在表达自己的观点时存在很大差异——我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接一些。   教学重难点   1、重点 学习及掌握陈述自己的看法,意见及喜好的词汇和基本句型。   2、难点 正确运用What do you/does he/she think of,,?及I love/like/donu2019t like/donu2019t mind/canu2019t stand ... He/She loves/likes/doesnu2019t like/doesnu2019t mind/canu2019t stand ...等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。   教学工具   多媒体   教学过程   Step1 Warming up   学生观看Movie。 观看Movie,引起学生的兴趣,促 使学生尽快进入英 语状态,同时也作 为一个lead in的活动。   Step2 Presentation(1)   1,由Magic English的观看,提出“Do you like Plutou2019s music?”及” What do you think of Plutou2019s music?”引出话题。   2. 在多媒体上呈现电影“Harry Potter”等学生们熟悉的电 影Posters,谈论对这些影片的喜好,句型结构如下: What do you think of ,,? I donu2019t mind it. I donu2019t like it. I canu2019t stand it.   3. 借助2中的Posters,运用what kind of movies do you like?及What do you think of,,?练习复数状态下的结构。   话题贴近学生生 活,学生能运用已 有的知识进行交 际,并自然地运用 新的知识点交际。 导入由易而难,遵循语言习得的规 律Learning by doing第一层次的 机械操练。   Step3 Practice   在多媒体上呈现一些现象,如随地吐痰、打架、乱扔废纸、排队候车等等,进行巩固练习。 操练,同时进行了一次有效的moral education。   Step4 Presentation(2)   1,由社会现象进入周末活动的谈论,what do you usually do on weekends?当有学生谈到watch TV时,开始介绍电视节 目的种类,播放电视节目的片断或图片。表达对各种电视节目的看法,可供选择的电视节目有: Talk shows, game shows, sports shows, soap opera, sitcom   2. Do 1a and 1b   新的语言点不集中在一起呈现,把他们分散开来,有助于学生掌握。   Step5 Pair work   就电视节目谈论彼此的观点,做pair work前,老师要先给学生一两个model,然后学生有准备过程,再进行pair work show。 练习的面广,给一般的同学创造安全的课堂。   Step6 Guessing game   (可用各种不同的计时方式) 老师陈述TV shows的情景,如:   1.A man is playing basketball.(sports show)   2.A funny show. The people on TV do or say things that make TV watchers laugh.(sitcom) 调节气氛,缓和学生的视觉及听觉疲劳,培养学生的判断力和信息的捕捉能力。   Step7Task   TV shows survey 学生可以在四人小组内,也可以离开座位询问其他同学,完成表格,再进行report。   Report: My friend,,likes,,. He/She also likes,,. But he canu2019t stand,,   Step8 Homework   1,Copy the new words and new sentences.   2.Make your report better. 课堂任务活动向课外延伸,同时课外作业贴近学生生活,激活了学生的兴趣和创新精神。   3. Survey what your family think of different TV shows, and make a new dialogue about that with your partner.   课后习题   一,选择适当的单词完成句子。   with, of, for, to, about   1. My father works in the bank. How   ______ your father?   2. Thanks _____showing me your nice   photos.   3. Hello, everyone! Welcome ____ our   school.   4. What does she think ____ the new   movie?   5. Ms Chen agreed ________ what I said.   二,翻译   1. - 你认为情景喜剧怎么样?   - 我非常喜欢它们。   2. - 他认为肥皂剧怎么样?   - 他无法忍受它们。   3. 布朗夫人不介意别人对她的看法。   4. 这些女孩喜欢用英语唱这首歌。   5. 我无法忍受做饭。   板书   Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?   What do you think of talk shows?   I donu2019t mind them.   What about game shows?   I love them.   Do you like sitcoms?   Yes, I do.

how do you think technology will be different 100

how do you think technology will be different 100意思是你怎么认为科技会和100不同 different意思是不同 technology意思是科技

电影《诺丁山》插曲How Can You Mend A Broken Heart 的中文翻译 GOOGEL翻的别来

我超超超喜欢al green 唱的这个版本~觉得超正!!! I can think of younger days when living for my life年轻时当我想到我的生命生活 Was everything a man could want to do.一名男子被一切可能要做. I could never see tomorrow, but I was never told about the sorrow.明天我从来没见过,但我从来没有讲悲伤. And how can you mend a broken heart?而你怎能修补破碎的心? How can you stop the rain from falling down?你如何阻止雨水从倒塌? How can you stop the sun from shining?你怎能阻止来自太阳的光辉? What makes the world go round?更令全球杯子? How can you mend a this broken man?你怎能修补破碎了这个男人? How can a loser ever win?如何赢得有史以来输? Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.救救我修补我破碎的心,让我再活. I can still feel the breeze that rustles through the trees我仍然可以感受到微风透过树木,蔓生 And misty memories of days gone by昔日的记忆和苍茫 We could never see tomorrow, noone said a word about the sorrow.我们从来没见过明天的爵士说过一句话的悲哀. And how can you mend a broken heart?而你怎能修补破碎的心? How can you stop the rain from falling down?你如何阻止雨水从倒塌? How can you stop the sun from shining?你怎能阻止来自太阳的光辉? What makes the world go round?更令全球杯子? How can you mend this broken man?你怎能修补破坏男人? How can a loser ever win?如何赢得有史以来输? Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.救救我修补我破碎的心,让我再活

推荐几首好听的英文歌,类似于《The show》、《heartbeats》这样的

Up --Justin BieberTik tok --Avril Lavignelove the way you lietrouble is a friend

“How was ______ they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?” “Totally by chance.”

答案A为强调句的特殊疑问句形式,其相应的陈述句形式为:It was totally by chance that they discovered the entrance to the underground palace.

How sre you baby?啥意思

这英语是错误的单词不对 如何斯雷你的宝宝吗?

街头篮球中 每逢开场都会喊一句 this is time for the big show baby !


Bigbang的《How Gee》 歌词

歌曲名:How Gee歌手:Bigbang专辑:2010 Bigbang Live Concert - Big Show (Live)How GeeBig Bang one for the money, two for the showwe got the party peolple screamin" out...(hey - ho)let"s go!on and on into the breaka-dawni got a mic and i just can"t leave it alone i be the - t.o.p. aiite!i represent the big bang big thangs feel me i bring"em likedown and dirty you heard me it"s straight whoa!people gotta have it they really won"t let go, huhyo, i got it full controlindeed i"m ridin" high no need to lay lowi"m psyked i"m rippin" the show-rap- tight like kick in the doethat"s right baby zero below you know thegd got ya city throwin"em upit"s oh so - ficky ficky fresh! i give you nuttin" lessand if you aint known by now i be the bestladi dadi we came to party yes yesand while ya freakin" ya shawty let"s just...ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emall yall get"cha hands up clap nowwe gonna shake and tear the house downi know you wanna do this right nowahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon" raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin"em

关于街头篮球2010主题曲Time To The Big Show的原版问题

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