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shut close区别

一、表达意思不同1、shut:关闭;停业;幽禁;关上;停止营业;关闭的;围绕的2、close:紧密的;亲密的;直系的;全面细致的;势均力敌的;几近的;在即的;闷热的;类似的;危险的;吝啬的;被严守的;剪得很短的;闭塞音的;关闭;合上;封闭(洞口或开口);把各部分结合起来;停止运作;靠近;包围;接通(电路);结束讲话;(使)关门;歇业;结束;(股票)收盘;成交;结清(银行账户);使缩小;把......牢牢抓住;(计算机)关闭(文件)二、词性不同1、shut:通常在句中可以作形容词、动词、名词。2、close:通常在句中可以作形容词、动词、副词、名词。三、用法不同1、shut:表示“禁闭”,通常用 shut(不用 close)。2、close:在描述 “封闭道路、关闭机场” 的时候,只能用动词 “close”,而不能用 “shut”。


It is rude to say "shut up" to others.


shut没有比较级和最高级形式哦,形容词有比较级和最高级、比较级一般是在形容词后加-er或者-or等,特殊的就叫more而最高级就是在形容词前加the,也可以加must等来修饰。扩展:shut有关的例句:1.The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. 计算机系统周末关闭。2.They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons. 出于安全原因他们关闭了核反应堆。3.What"s the correct way to shut the machine down? 这台机器该怎么关呢?4.Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down? 你知道这台机器该怎么关吗?




两者都表示“52位粉丝1. 两者都表示“关(闭)”,在很多情况下可换用。如:Close [Shut] the door. 把门关上。He closed [shut] his eyes. 他闭上了眼睛。Shops close [shut] at 5:30. 商店 5:30 关门。粗谢谢枫华谷刚洗过徐顾兮兮咕咕咕信息工程刚才广告词晨光i几个西瓜i效果i


shut的现在分词:shutting。现在分词(又称-ing形式,现在进行时),是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词,现在分词在句子里面不能充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分(定语,表语,补语,状语),并且它们具有动词的性质,所以又是类动词的一种。 现在分词特点 1.在时间上 表示动作正在进行。例如:a developing country. 一个发展中的国家,boiling water 沸水,rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳。(试比较:a developed country 一个发达国家,boiled water沸水,risen sun升起的太阳) 2.在语态上 表示主动。例如: the ruling class 统治阶级, the exploiting class 剥削阶级。(试比较:the ruled class 被统治阶级, the exploited class被剥削阶级)


第三人称单数:shuts 过去式:shut 过去分词:shut 现在分词:shutting,1, 可乐加味精 举报 为什么过去式要加s唔? 加s的那个是第三人称单数啊 第三人称单数:shuts 过去式:shut 过去分词:shut 现在分词:shutting,过去式:shut, 过去分词:shut 现在分词:shutting,要双写末尾的t是因为shut是重度闭音节词(单词中只有一个短元音并且后面跟着一个以辅音结尾的单词),1,shut,shut,shutting,1,


shut的过去分词是shut。它的过去式、第三人称单数现在时和现在分词也都是shut。shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。shut的同义词有close, fasten, seal, secure, slam等。这些词都可以表示“关闭”或“合上”的意思,但是具体用法可能有所不同。例如,你可以说:He shut the window and turned on the heater. 他关上窗户,打开了暖气。

shut怎么读 英语shut怎么读

1、shut英[u0283u028ct]美[u0283u028ct],v.关闭; 关上; 合上; (使)停止营业,关门,打烊;adj.关闭; 合拢; 停业; 关门;n.关闭; 焊接缝; 闭锁音; 冷塞。 2、[例句]The computer system will be shut down over the weekend.计算机系统周末关闭。


1. Shut的过去式和过去分词Shut这个动词的过去式是shut,过去分词也是shut。Shut的基本意思是关闭或停止,常常用于形容门、窗、盒子等物品的关闭以及声音和行动的停止。2. Shut的正确用法Shut在口语和书面语中都被广泛使用。在日常用语中,它可以与door(门)、window(窗户)等名词搭配使用,例如:- I shut the door and turned around to leave.- He shut the windows to keep out the cold.在书面语中,shut也可以和其他动词搭配使用,例如:- The company shut down production due to financial difficulties.- He shut off the TV and got up from the sofa.3. Shut的常见误用在口语中,人们经常会把shut和close混淆使用。虽然它们在某些情况下可以替换使用,但是在其他情况下使用不当会让对方听起来不自然或者是错误的,例如:- Please shut the book. (错误,应改为close the book)- I need to shut my computer. (正确,可以改为close my computer)另外,很多人也很容易把shut和slam混淆使用。Slam的意思是猛烈地关上或砰地一声放下,与shut的轻松、慢慢地关闭的意思完全不同。因此,有时候如果使用不当,会让人感到不礼貌或者冷漠,例如:- He shut the door and left. (正确)- He slammed the door and left. (不礼貌)4. 如何正确使用Shut为了正确使用shut,你需要意识到它的含义和用法。在正式场合或者写作中,建议使用close代替shut,以避免产生意义上的混淆和语法错误。在写作中,如果你想要强调一个行动的快速、猛烈,可以使用slam。总之,在使用Shut时需要注意语境和场合,避免使用不当。正确使用Shut可以让你的英语表达更加自然地流畅。




shut的现在分词:shutting。shut,英语单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关闭”。作形容词时意为“关闭的;围绕的”。作及物动词时意为“关闭;停业;幽禁”。作不及物动词时意为“关上;停止营业”。 扩展资料 动词的"-ing形式具有动词的特征,同时又具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此它可以在句中作主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语。(又称现在分词,现在进行式,动名词)。


把某人关在门外shut the door in a person"s face使某人吃闭门羹shut a bird into a cage将一只鸟关于笼中shut him from their circle把他排斥在他们的圈外shut one"s finger in the door(关门时)把手指夹在门缝里He shut his eyes to her faults.他对她的错误装作没看见。答案补充 be shut of (sb.)[英俚]摆脱 (某人)shut away隐藏, 隔离, 禁闭shut down使关闭, 使(临时性)停工; 放下(盖子); (夜的)降临; (雾的)弥漫, 笼罩shut down on [upon]禁止; 压制shut in把...关进; 监禁; 围住, 遮住; (夜等)降临; 卧病shut off阻断; 关上; 使隔离shut out不让进来; 遮得看不见(棒球)不让得分shut to(使)关紧shut together








  shut做动词有关闭;合拢;停止等意思,那么你知道shut的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面欢迎大家跟着我一起来学习。   shut的第三人称单数:   shuts   shut的用法:   shut的用法1:shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的 方法 。引申可表示“夹住”。   shut的用法2:shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。   shut的用法3:shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut。   shut第三人称单数例句:   1. Peter starts looking through the mail as soon as the door shuts.   彼得一关上门就开始逐一查看起邮件来。   2. "Would your car be easy to steal?" — "Fat chance. I"ve got a device that shuts down the gas and ignition."   “你的汽车容易被盗吗?”——“不太可能。有个装置,可关闭油门和点火开关。”   3. A leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai -- have one"s view of the important overshadowed by the trivial.   一叶蔽目,不见泰山.   4. As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.   它一旦从外面把门打开, 便走进园子里等着关门.   5. The whole company shuts down for 3 weeks"summer holiday.   全公司在夏天都停工放假三星期.   6. A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room.   房门砰地一声关上了,窗帘被风翻卷着吹向屋内.   7. He shuts the dog in the flat when he goes to work.   他上班时把狗关在套间里.   8. Everybody shuts up like a clam as soon as you mention it.   你一提及此事,大家便都闭口不言.   9. His deafness shuts him off from the lives of others.   他耳聋阻碍了他与别人的交往.   10. The government shuts its eyes to poverty.   政府对贫穷问题置若罔闻.   11. He always shuts the door with a bang.   他关门总是砰的一声.   12. She shuts herself in her study for hours.   她一个人关在书房里一呆就是几个小时.   13. Society shuts its door in his face.   社会容不了他.   14. The school shuts down during busy farming seasons.   这所学校在农忙季节停课.   15. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.   [谚]掩耳盗铃;猫偷吃奶油的时候,总是闭着眼睛.


shut意思如下:shut的意思:关;关闭;关上;封闭;合上;安静;合拢;禁止通行;别说话。shut造句:1、They offer a virtual Internet addiction test that can help you determine whether it might be time to shut down, logoff or change your IM status to "away."该中心提供一种网络成瘾虚拟测试,这能帮你决定是否是时候来关机,登出账户或者改变即时通讯状态为“离线”。2、The ambulance"s rear door slammed shut, and the vehicle raced off to a hospital in the provincial capital of Chengdu, 50 miles away.救护车立刻关上后门,迅速驶离这里,飞奔向五十英里之外省会成都的医院。3、He shut the lid and pressed the lock, when away flew the trunk up the chimney with the merchant"s son in it, right up into the clouds.它真的飞起来了。嘘——箱子带着他从烟囱里飞出去了,高高地飞到云层里,越飞越远。4、You can"t shut it and walk away as if it had never existed.你不能关上门,然后走开,好像一切从未发生过。5、At the bakery, a heavy metal door swings open and then clangs shut quickly, and a man scurries away holding five round pieces of freshly baked bread.在一家面包店,一扇沉重的金属门突然打开,然后又很快地关上。一名男子捧着5个刚刚出炉的圆面包迅速离去。6、We were just trying to get her away because we didn"t know if they had shut the valves off to the pumps or anything.我们努力想把她救出来,因为我们不知道(工作人员)是否关闭了加油站的阀门。


1. 什么是shutShut是一个英语动词,意为“关闭、关上”。它可以用来形容关闭电脑、关闭门窗等。2. 如何正确使用shut在日常生活中,我们经常使用shut这个单词。正确使用它可以使我们的口语更加地地道。以下是一些常见的使用方式:Shut the door. (关门。)Shut down your computer. (关闭你的电脑。)Shut the windows. (关窗户。)Shut up! (闭嘴!)3. 相关词汇在使用shut的时候,还可以搭配其他相关的词汇,使句子更加地准确。以下是一些常见的搭配:Shut the door quietly. (轻轻地关门。)Shut down your computer properly.(正确地关闭你的电脑。)Shut the windows tightly. (紧紧地关窗户。)Shut up and listen to me! (闭嘴,听我说话!)4. 错误使用shut在使用shut的时候,有时候可能会出现错误的用法。以下是一些常见的错误:使用“shut down”来表示“关闭电视”是不正确的,正确的说法应该是“turn off the TV”使用“shut the computer”来表示“关闭电脑的屏幕”是不正确的,正确的说法应该是“turn off the computer screen”使用“shut up”来表示“停止说话”可能会给人带来负面的情绪,应该更加客气地表达,比如说“excuse me, may I speak now?”5. 结尾在日常生活中正确使用英语动词可以让我们的语言流利,更加地地道。同时,不要忘记了正确的语境对正确使用也是非常重要的。希望通过本文的介绍,大家可以更加准确地使用shut这个单词。


Shut是一个英语词汇,往往指关闭、关上或停止某个活动或进程。在不同的语境中,"shut"也有着不同的含义和用法。首先,在日常生活中,"shut"通常用于表示关闭或锁定某些东西。例如,我们可以用"shut the door"来指示关闭房间门。同样,我们也可以用"shut the window"来指示关闭窗户。此外,"shut"还可以用于表达关闭电源等操作。例如,我们可以说"shut off the lights"来指示关闭灯光,并且"shut down the computer"则意味着关闭电脑。此外,"shut"在职场和商业中也有广泛的应用。例如,我们可以用"shut down a business"来指示关闭一家公司或企业。同样,我们还可以使用"shut down a project"来表示停止一个项目或业务。此外,"shut"也可以用于表达禁止某些行动或活动。比如,我们可以说"shut the meeting"来指示结束会议,或者说"shut the event"来表示取消某个事件。此外,"shut"还可以作为一个动词短语的组成部分,表示使某个东西变得紧闭或结实。例如,我们可以用"shut something in"表示把某个东西关在里面,或者用"shut someone out"表示把某个人挡在门外。总的来说,"shut"这个词汇在英语中是非常常用的一个词汇,具有很多不同的含义和用法。尽管"shut"看似简单明了,但其实它有各种不同的上下文用法和语义,需要我们根据具体情境综合分析和理解。


shut 英[u0283u028ct] 美[u0283u028ct] vt. 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 打烊; adj. 关闭; 关门; 停业; 合拢; 中文读音:夏特


“Shut”是一个英语单词,意为“关闭、关上、停止、结束”。这个词的用法非常广泛,可以用于很多不同的场合和语境中。1.可以用“shut”来表示关闭或关上某个物体,比如门、窗户、书等。例如:“Please shut the door when you leave.”(请在离开时关上门。)“I shut the book and put it on the shelf.”(我合上书,放在书架上。)2.可以用“shut”来表示停止或结束某个活动或状态。例如:“The store shuts at 9pm every night.”(这家商店每天晚上9点关门。)“I need to shut down my computer and go to bed.”(我需要关掉电脑去睡觉。)3.“shut”还可以用于一些固定搭配中。例如,“shut up”表示“闭嘴”,“shut out”表示“排除、隔绝”,“shut down”表示“关闭、停止运行”。例如:“I wish he would just shut up and let me talk.”(我希望他闭嘴,让我说话。)“The company shut down its factory and laid off all its workers.”(这家公司关闭了工厂,解雇了所有工人。)4.还有一些比较特殊的用法。例如,“shut in”表示“困在室内无法出去”,“shut off”表示“切断、关闭(供水、电、气等)”,“shut away”表示“把某人或某物关起来”。例如:“I was shut in my apartment for three days because of the snowstorm.”(由于暴风雪,我被困在公寓里三天。)“The workers shut off the water supply to fix the broken pipe.”(工人们关闭了供水管道来修理破裂的管道。)总之,“shut”是一个非常常用的英语单词,可以用于很多不同的场合和语境中。在学习和使用这个单词时,需要注意它的固定搭配和特殊用法,以便更加准确地表达自己的意思。


shut的过去分词:shut;过去时:shut;第三人称单数现在时:shuts;现在分词:shutting。 基本字义 shut 英[u0283u028ct] 美[u0283u028ct] vt.关;闭;闭上;合上;使暂停营业;使打烊 vi.关上;闭上;闭上;合上;暂停营业;打烊 adj.关上的;关闭的;拴好的;闩住的;闭上的;合上的;停业的;歇业的 n.关;关闭;关闭时间;停止营业的时间;焊接缝 双语例句 1.Just make sure you shut the gate after you. 进来后务必关上大门。 2.There is a tendency to shut museums or shops at a moment"s notice. 现在博物馆或商店有一种说关就关的趋势。 3.We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth. 我们对最浅显的事实视而不见,拒绝承认真相。 4.I don"t have to tell you how important it is for you to keep your mouth shut about all this. 我不用告诉你,你自己也知道对所有这些事保密有多重要了吧。 5.If she had kept her mouth shut she would still have her job now. 如果她当时保持沉默的话,她现在工作也就不会丢。


你好!shut 英 [ʃʌt] 美 [ʃʌt] vt. 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 打烊; adj. 关闭; 关门; 停业; 合拢; [例句]Congress is being asked to investigate why it took so long for government regulators to shut the plant down.人们要求国会调查政府监管机构为何花了这么长时间才关闭该工厂。


shut[英][ʃʌt][美][ʃʌt]vt.& vi.关闭; 合上; 打烊; 闭上; adj.关闭; 停业; 合拢; 关门; 第三人称单数:shuts过去分词:shut现在进行时:shutting过去式:shut例句:1.Keep your mouth shut. 闭上你的嘴。2.You gonna shut up? 乖乖闭上你的嘴?3.Can you shut up? 你就不能闭嘴吗?4.You shut it down? 你把它关掉了?5.Are you telling me to shut up again? 你是在告诉我又该住嘴么?







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有一首歌歌词是:shut up,一句话就足够

这首歌是MISS A 组合的《bad girl good girl》歌词如下:Miss A - Bad Girl Good GirlU Don"t Know Me U Don"t Know MeU Don"t Know Me U Don"t Know MeSo Shut Up Boy So Shut Up BoySo Shut Up Boy So Shut Up Shut Upuc55euc5d0uc120 ud55cub9c8ub514ub3c4 ubabbud558ub354ub2c8ub4a4uc5d0uc120 ub0b4 uc598uae38 uc548 uc88buac8c ud574uc5b4uc774uac00 uc5c6uc5b4Hello Hello Hello ub098 uac19uc740 uc5ecuc794 ucc98uc74cuc73cub85c uc73cub85c uc73cub85cubcf8 uac83 uac19uc740ub370 uc65c ub098ub97c ud310ub2e8ud558ub2c8ub0b4uac00 ud639uc2dc ub450ub824uc6b4 uac70ub2c8uac89uc73cub860 Bad Girl uc18duc73cub860 Good Girlub098ub97c uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11cub0b4 uac89ubaa8uc2b5ub9cc ubcf4uba74uc11cud55cuc2ecud55c uc5ecuc790ub85c ubcf4ub294ub108uc758 uc2dcuc120uc774 ub09c ub108ubb34ub098 uc6c3uaca8ucda4 ucd9c ub550 Bad Girl uc0acub791uc740 Good Girlucda4ucd94ub294 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 ubcfc ub54cub294ub10buc744 ub193uace0 ubcf4uace0uc11cub294ub05dub098ub2c8 uc190uac00ub77d uc9c8ud558ub294 uadf8uc704uc120uc774 ub09c ub108ubb34ub098 uc6c3uaca8uc774ub7f0 uc637 uc774ub7f0 uba38ub9acubaa8uc591uc73cub85cuc774ub7f0 ucda4uc744 ucd94ub294 uc5ecuc790ub294 ubed4ud574ub124uac00 ub354 ubed4ud574Hello Hello Hello uc790uc2e0 uc5c6uc73cuba74 uc800ub4a4ub85c ub4a4ub85c ub4a4ub85cubb3cub7ecuc11cuba74 ub418uc9c0 uc65c uc790uafb8 ub5a0ub4dcub2c8ub124 uc18duc774 ud6e4ud788 ubcf4uc774ub294 uac74 uc544ub2c8uac89uc73cub860 Bad Girl uc18duc73cub860 Good Girlub098ub97c uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11cub0b4 uac89ubaa8uc2b5ub9cc ubcf4uba74uc11cud55cuc2ecud55c uc5ecuc790ub85c ubcf4ub294ub108uc758 uc2dcuc120uc774 ub09c ub108ubb34ub098 uc6c3uaca8ucda4 ucd9c ub550 Bad Girl uc0acub791uc740 Good Girlucda4ucd94ub294 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 ubcfc ub54cub294ub10buc744 ub193uace0 ubcf4uace0uc11cub294ub05dub098ub2c8 uc190uac00ub77d uc9c8ud558ub294 uadf8uc704uc120uc774 ub09c ub108ubb34ub098 uc6c3uaca8ub0a0 uac10ub2f9 ud560 uc218 uc788ub294ub0a8uc798 ucc3euc544uc694 uc9c4uc9dc ub0a8uc790ub97c ucc3euc544uc694ub9d0ub85cub9cc ub0a8uc790ub2e4uc6b4 ucc99 ud560 ub0a8uc790 ub9d0uace0ub0a0 ubd88uc548 ud574 ud558uc9c0 uc54auc744ub0a8uc794 uc5c6ub098uc694 uc790uc2e0uac10uc774 ub118uccd0uc11cub0b4uac00 ub098uc77c uc218 uc788uac8cuc790uc720ub86duac8c ub450uace0 uba40ub9acuc11c ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294uac89uc73cub860 Bad Girl uc18duc73cub860 Good Girlub098ub97c uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11cub0b4 uac89ubaa8uc2b5ub9cc ubcf4uba74uc11cud55cuc2ecud55c uc5ecuc790ub85c ubcf4ub294ub108uc758 uc2dcuc120uc774 ub09c ub108ubb34ub098 uc6c3uaca8ucda4 ucd9c ub550 Bad Girl uc0acub791uc740 Good Girlucda4ucd94ub294 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 ubcfc ub54cub294ub10buc744 ub193uace0 ubcf4uace0uc11cub294ub05dub098ub2c8 uc190uac00ub77duc9c8ud558ub294 uadf8uc704uc120uc774 ub09c ub108ubb34ub098 uc6c3uaca8U Don"t Know Me U Don"t Know MeU Don"t Know Me U Don"t Know MeSo Shut Up Boy So Shut Up BoySo Shut Up BoySo Shut Up Shut Up... ...不知道是不是你需要的歌曲,不过我还是发了。

Shut up是小李子哪部电影

Shut up是小李子在《边缘日记》电影中的一句台词。

翻译“地球关灯一小时”的“关灯”是用shut up还是shut down?

shut down

shut up的潘玮柏与信合唱歌曲

作词:李念和Rap词:潘玮柏作曲:李念和编曲:李念和演唱:潘玮柏&苏见信歌曲语言:国语这首歌曲收录在潘玮柏2007年《玩酷》专辑中,同时也被苏见信2007年专辑《我就是我》收录。 Shut up Shut upShut up Shut upShut up Shut upShut up Shut up我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT我要你闭上嘴 你到底听懂没我管你是何方神圣 我不管你是谁你的傲慢 让你跟着坠落下坠我的耐性 已经飙到极限崩溃边缘你不要视而不见 还在那摆个臭脸有种站在我的面前 对我说你那SHIT我不想听我不想听 我不想听我不想听SHUT YOUR MAUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP进入我的音乐世界不然闭嘴SHUT UP SHUT UP我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT NOW愤怒的拳头我早已紧握是由我选择人生不是人生选择我你不是我 你也不懂我你凭什么要我随着你的脚步跟你走我不想看到你 也不想听你说HEY我觉得你应该这样做 罗嗦你的能耐我早就看透 还敢说SHH SHH SHH SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁 SHUT UP现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁 SHUT UP

shut up 是动词短语 还是短语动词呢


shut up! 为什么一连读"t"就发成了"d"这是怎么回事?

Shu"up T消失了

请问黑眼豆豆的shut up ,where is the love的歌词

What"s wrong with the world, mama People livin" like they ain"t got no mamas I think the whole world addicted to the drama Only attracted to things that"ll bring you trauma Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin" In the USA, the big CIA The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And when you hate then you"re bound to get irate, yeah Badness is what you demonstrate And that"s exactly how a n**** works and operates N**, you gotta have love just to set it straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love, y"all, y"all People killin", people dyin" Children hurt and you hear them cryin" Can you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above ‘Cause people got me, got me questionin" me Where is the love (Love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love The love, the love It just ain"t the same, always unchanged New days are strange, is the world insane If love and peace is so strong Why are there pieces of love that don"t belong Nations droppin" bombs Chemical gasses fillin" lungs of little ones With the ongoin" sufferin" as the youth die young So ask yourself is the lovin" really gone So I could ask myself really what is goin" wrong In this world that we livin" in people keep on givin" in Makin" wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends Not respectin" each other, deny thy brother A war is goin" on but the reason"s undercover The truth is kept secret, it"s swept under the rug If you never know truth then you never know love Where"s the love, y"all, come on (I don"t know) Where"s the truth, y"all, come on (I don"t know) Where"s the love, y"all People killin", people dyin" Children hurt and you hear them cryin" Can you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above ‘Cause people got me, got me questionin" Where is the love (Love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love The love, the love I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder As I"m gettin" older, y"all, people gets colder Most of us only care about money makin" Selfishness got us followin" our own direction Wrong information always shown by the media Negative images is the main criteria Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria Kids act like what they see in the cinema Yo", whatever happened to the values of humanity Whatever happened to the fairness in equality Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity That"s the reason why sometimes I"m feelin" under That"s the reason why sometimes I"m feelin" down There"s no wonder why sometimes I"m feelin" under Gotta keep my faith alive til love is found People killin", people dyin" Children hurt and you hear them cryin" Can you practice what you preach And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above ‘Cause people got me, got me questionin" Where is the love (Love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love)

Shut Up!! -Japanese ver.- 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up!! -Japanese ver.-歌手:U-Kiss专辑:A Shared dreamShut Up!! -Japanese ver.-作词:Kim Tae-Hyun/日本语词:Kei Odate作曲:Kim Tae-Hyun歌:U-KISS濡れた瞳をミタ全てが嘘とシッタ次はどんな言い訳するの?またあの子の名前を出すの?メールも返せないような时间を共に过ごすのはどんな人?シクロ! シクロ! シクロ! シクロ!まだ知らないと思ってるの?それでも演じ続ける good girl?それが大人の爱の形なら仆は死んでも手にしないよ!シクロ! シクロ! シクロ! シクロ!Cause your life, Cause your mind振り切るのなら (もうサヨナラ)Cause your life, I"ll Just Say さぁ、実ることのない爱になんて Good Bye!君の本音をミタ 一人、孤独をシッタ何も话さないでいい 静寂だけが优しいYeah this is how it goesHere we go again Let"s do itHey yo check the way that you speakand the way you sound Being like a freak invading my soulまた始まった You"re pissin me off 仆は屈辱を味わったピカピカだった関系も 色々重ねジ

shut up是闭嘴那shit up呢


英语shut down和shut up的区别是?


blink 182的shut up歌词是什么··

Shut the fuck up she said, I"m going fucking deafYou"re always too loud, everything"s too loudNow that all my friends left, this place is fucking deadI wanna move out, when can we move out? This shit has got to stopI"ll run awayGet the fuck up, she said your life is meaninglessit"s going nowhere, you"re going nowhereyou"re just a fuck-up, she said I"ll live alone insteadshe said you don"t care, I know I don"t careI"ll never ask permission from you,fuck off I"m not listening to youI"m not coming home, I"m never going to come back homeI got too fucked up again, and passed out on the planeTried to forget you, i can"t forget youNo sleep on this flight, I"ll think about the nightswe had to get through, how did we get through?I"ll never ask permission from you,fuck off I"m not listening to youI"m not coming home, I"m never going to come back homeI"ll run awayI think it"s time that I should leaveI think it"s time that I should leaveI think it"s time that I should leaveI think it"s time that I should leaveI"ll never ask permission from you,fuck off i"m not listening to youI"m not coming home, I"m never going to come back homeI"ll run awayI think it"s time for me to leaveI think it"s time for me to leaveI think it"s time for me to leaveI think it"s time for me to leave

有人说,莫言是shut up,莫愁是don't worry 什么意思


shut up在国外禁用?

如果是口语不会的 非正式场合没有什么

求一首英文歌,结尾唱了很多遍shut up

潘玮柏的 《shut up》

英文高手帮我翻译一下Shut Up的歌词

关 窘境 [合唱] 我们可以慢慢尝试 但我们还是控制Losin 我们努力工作,使它 但仍然不是最差 我和Craaazzzy 你必须对TryinLaaadddy 我认为我疯Goin 女孩,我和你就好(你知道) 我们一起和酒 这些事情做,这样当夫妇爱情(你知道) 在海滩散步、东西(你知道) 事爱好者言行 我爱你的动作,我太爱你 我想念你有很多,我更加想念你 那你为什么飞了 当我们是在游 但有些失控 开始时,我与你的朋友Yellin 尽管我有正当的理由(牛shit) 你知道我做这些证据(牛拉屎) 我们怎能相信女孩子私生活 那你为什么不相信我的谎言 这个讲座及戒 [合唱] 他早就知道她为什么这么快行动 如果你是爱情的进展上可以使它 为什么你刚刚失去控制 每当你同意就慢难解 为何要如此强硬妈 cuz简直无法得到足够的傻瓜爱 showin他爱你是givin 你改变了不确定 为Lovintransistion 这么多的女孩说,她要你听tryin 在发现对方数成为我国传统 你叫我骂,人人破口大骂 越过了邻居Sayin街 地狱谁损害了损害. ! ? 损害损害 地狱谁? 什么地狱的下降. 太多的争吵 封杀与健康 [合唱] 少女的爱情是Dyin 为什么不能停止Tryin 我从未有Quitah 但我确实值得Betta 我相信我会做不好 让我们忘掉过去 并让这项新计划展开 为什么? cuz是老例行 然后下周一听到他们尖叫 女孩,我知道你累了的话 你妈的权利 我听到他们的理由站不住脚cuz昨天Dame 这是两回事 这不是没有 这是两回事 这不是没有 这是两回事 就是这个事妈 同样理由驴子 你没有孩子 Whhoooaaaa [合唱] 制止孩子说话 我开始走路或婴儿 是所有有[重复] 自己整理一下吧!一对一的翻译

put up or shut up是什么意思


歌词中有shut up的歌

miss a的bad girl good girl还是good girl bad girl来着

求简单计划shut up! 中文歌词 要中英对照

There you go 这就是你,You"re always so right 总是"一贯的正确"It"s all a big show 就好像你的生活就是场表演It"s all about you 就是你的个人秀You think you know 你自以为你了解What everyone needs 你身边的每个人You always take time to criticize me 你总是无时无刻得不纠正我.It seems like everyday 就好像I make mistakes 每天我都会不停的在犯错误,I just can"t get it right 每次都会把事情弄得更糟It"s like I"m the one you love to hate 好像我格外的惹你狠But not today 但是今天,你可休想.So shut up shut up shut up 闭嘴 闭嘴 闭嘴Don"t wanna hear it 我不想听,Get out get out get out 闪开 闪开 闪开Get out of my way 别挡我的路,Step up step up step up 走开 走开 走开You"ll never stop me 别想阻止我.Nothing you say today 不管你今天说什么,Is gonna bring me down 我都不会让你令我再失望了.There you go 这就是你,You never ask why 从不问我为什么,It"s all a big lie 无论你做什么,Whatever you do 根本就是谎言,You think you"re special 你自以为高人一等But I know and I know and I know 但是我知道,And we know that you"re not 你我都知道你根本就什么都不是.You"re always there to point 你总是Out my mistakes 对我吹毛求疵And shove them in my face 当面给我难堪It"s like I"m the one you love to hate 好像我格外的惹你狠But not today 但是今天,你可休想.So shut up shut up shut up 闭嘴 闭嘴 闭嘴Don"t wanna hear it 我不想听,Get out get out get out 闪开 闪开 闪开Get out of my way 别挡我的路,Step up step up step up 走开 走开 走开You"ll never stop me 别想阻止我.Nothing you say today 不管你今天说什么,Is gonna bring me down 都不会击倒我,(Shut up shut up shut up) Is gonna bring me down (Shut up shut up shut up) You"ll never bring me down Don"t tell me who I should be 不要告诉我应该成为什么 (Don"t tell me who I should be) Don"t try to tell me what"s right for me 不要告诉我什么是对的 Don"t tell me what I should do 不要告诉我应该怎么做 I don"t wanna waste my time 我不想浪费我的时间Or watch you fade away 所有你说的话都对我无关紧要 So shut up shut up shut up 所以闭嘴闭嘴闭嘴 Don"t wanna hear it 我不想听Get out get out get out 闪开 闪开 闪开Get out of my way 别挡我的路Step up step up step up 走开 走开 走开You"ll never stop me 不管你今天说什么,Nothing you say today 永远无法阻止我Is gonna me down Shut up shut up shut up 闭嘴闭嘴闭嘴 Don"t wanna hear it 我不想听Get out get out get out Get out of my way 别挡我的路Step up step up step up You"ll never stop me 你永远无法阻止我Nothing you say Is gonna bring me down 无论你说什么都不能击败我Bring me down Shut up shut up shut up 闭嘴闭嘴闭嘴 Won"t bring me down 不能击败我Bring me down Shut up shut up shut up 闭嘴闭嘴闭嘴 You won"t bring me down 你不能击败我 Shut up shut up shut up 闭嘴闭嘴闭嘴

shut 和shut up的区别?


get out shut up用中文读音怎么读

格特 凹特 学特 阿朴

shut up 是不是有生气了的意思?如果想缓和一点的让对方停止这个话题,口语应该怎么讲?

Let"s switch to another topic. 让我们换个话题。Please be quiet. 请安静一点。望采纳

[急用]shut up造句!5个以上!

I shut up aoie qwuvf sfj!you shut up shr huib ?he shut up jdeg sje .I don no shut up!Ygdj aj fggb rs shut up?Shut up, go with your bag.Shut up and do as I tell you.He shut up his shop at Christmas .He shut up his mouth.Every time we speak in class, she tells us to shut up!Nothing turns off a woman more than a man who can"t shut up.Many ancillary firms that built rigs or collected seismic data shut up shop.You can shut up an umbrella.You talk too much.shut up!Dangerous rocks shut up the passage.

Elton Adams的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:Elton Adams专辑:Elton Adams《SHUT UP》3:57作曲:Lori Fine作词:MIKA NAKASHIMA&Lori Fine演呗:中岛美嘉×森三中(中岛美嘉 - Mika Nakashima,1983年2月19日)专辑:I DON"T KNOW発売:2008年7月23日(水)Your attitude"s nothing newYou be sticking it to meSo I"m sticking it to youYeah...Your gasoline"s filling meI gotta get a grip on the wheelYeah...You are in automatic living yesterday, OKAYYou go in circles like there is no other way, OKAYMy foot is on the gasI can"t help I"m going fasterMy god I hate to hear it ? OKAY, OKAYShut up!I"m pissed offBack offDon"t be honking your head offShut up!F offMy breaks are burningWill you Shut up!I"m sick and tired of fighting that same stupid stuff soShut up!Don"t you make me feel trappedI"ll be calling our thing a wrap...Music...Your jealousy"s fueling meYou be revving it to meSo I"m revving it to youYeah...Your doubting me"s a danger zoneOur relationship has gone off the roadYeah...I see the red light but you"re driving me away, OKAYOver and over you"ve got nothing else to say, OKAYYou"re turning my ignitionWhat"s with your reckless missionMy god I hate to hear it ? OKAY, OKAYShut up!I"m pissed offBack offDon"t be honking your head offShut up!F offMy breaks are burningWill you Shut up!I"m sick and tired of fighting that same stupid stuff soShut up!Don"t you make me feel trappedI"ll be calling our thing a wrapMy engine"s hot like there"s a fire in meWhen you"re around I can"t breathe at all...NO, NO, NO, NO...There"s an explosion that is gonna take placeSo you had better get out of my face, yeahShut up!I"m pissed offBack offDon"t be honking your head offShut up!F offMy breaks are burningWill you Shut up!I"m sick and tired of fighting that same stupid stuff soShut up!Don"t you make me feel trappedI"ll be calling our thing a wrap...Music...时间:2008年7月24日 - 10:47

苏见信 潘帅的shut up 英文歌词~


shut up出处是哪儿?

小李子shut up是电影《边缘日记》里面的内容。该片讲述了高中生吉姆梦想成为篮球明星,却在经历打击后迷茫、堕落、沉沦,后在好友帮助下觉醒,开始写日记反思的故事。剧情简介吉姆·卡罗尔是高中篮球队中最强的队员之一,篮球是他生活中不可或缺的一部分。当吉姆梦想着成为篮球明星时,他最好的朋友死于白血病。高中球队的教练,青少年朦胧的性冲动,再加上海洛因等毒品的影响,让吉姆开始滑向堕落的边缘。吉姆的妈妈试图把他引入正道,他反而更加胡作非为。一名流浪者改变了他对生活的态度。

闭嘴到底是shout up 还是shut up

shut up

求Shut Up and Let Me Go的中英文歌词 要中英对照的、谢谢

oppa我非常讨厌你oppa我不想听你说话这傲慢自大的爱情 我已经受够了这毫无意义的对话 我已经受够了这不合逻辑 你一点不理会他人 只有你自己现在就停止这些无穷无尽的谎话吧STUP UP!!STUP UP!!STUP UP!!STUP UP!!你这狡猾的微笑 我已经受够了你不能理解的眼泪 我已经受够了我不会再被你甜蜜的谎话骗倒我不想再想到你说爱我了STUP UP!!STUP UP!!STUP UP!!STUP UP!!cause your life, cause your mind滚去我的视线范围(离开吧)cause your life, I"ll just say我决不会等待你所谓的改变的 good bye!oppa我非常厌恶你oppa我现在很讨厌你(讨厌)(讨厌)为什麼你总是紧紧抓住了我?为什麼眼泪总是掉下来?Rap.)Yea this is how it goes / Here we go again / Let"s do itHey yo check the way that you speak and the way you soundBeing like a freak invading my soul我现在很讨厌你 Girl you"re pissin me off因为你 我真的很累了我快崩溃 崩溃 崩溃 崩溃了 这地球快崩溃 崩溃 崩溃 崩溃了现在滚出我的视线范围 disappear 滚出我的视线范围 get away 滚出我的视线范围No more lies Get out! (shut out!) get off (shut off!) shut up!!cause your life, cause your mind滚去我的视线范围(离开吧)cause your life, I"ll just say我决不会等待你所谓的改变的 good bye!Shut up!!Shut up!!Shut up!!Shut up!!为什麼你总是紧紧抓住了我?为什麼眼泪总是掉下来?oppa我非常讨厌你oppa我讨厌坏女人

在英文里面如果不想别人说了,说shut up是不是很不礼貌的啊?


The Stranglers的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:The Stranglers专辑:The Collection潘玮柏&信 - Shut Up我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT我要你闭上嘴你到底听懂没我管你是何方神圣我不管你是谁你的傲慢让你跟着坠落下坠我的耐性已经飙到极限崩溃边缘你不要视而不见还在那摆个臭脸有种站在我的面前对我说你那SHIT我不想听我不想听我不想听我不想听SHUT YOUR MAUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SSHUT UP SHUT UP进入我的音乐世界不然闭嘴SHUT UP SHUT UP我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT NOW愤怒的拳头我早已紧握是由我选择人生不是人生选择我你不是我 你也不懂我你凭什么要我随着你的脚步跟你走我不想看到你也不想听你说HEY我觉得你应该这样做罗嗦你的能耐我早就看透还敢说SHH SHH SHH SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁 SHUT UP现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁SHUT UP ...

小李子shut up是哪个电影

小李子shut up是电影《边缘日记》里面的内容。该片讲述了高中生吉姆梦想成为篮球明星,却在经历打击后迷茫、堕落、沉沦,后在好友帮助下觉醒,开始写日记反思的故事。剧情简介吉姆·卡罗尔是高中篮球队中最强的队员之一,篮球是他生活中不可或缺的一部分。当吉姆梦想着成为篮球明星时,他最好的朋友死于白血病。高中球队的教练,青少年朦胧的性冲动,再加上海洛因等毒品的影响,让吉姆开始滑向堕落的边缘。吉姆的妈妈试图把他引入正道,他反而更加胡作非为。一名流浪者改变了他对生活的态度。

疯狂一族合唱团的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:疯狂一族合唱团专辑:Heavy Heavy HitsShut UpShut UpI"ve been lookin" for a driver who is qualifiedSo if you think that you"re the one step into my rideI"m a fine-tuned supersonic speed machineWith a sunroof top and a gangster leanSo if you feel me let me know, know, knowCome on now what you waitin" for, for, forMy engine"s ready to explode, explode, explodeSo start me up and watch me go, go, goGet you where you wanna go if you know what I meanGot a ride that"s smoother than a limousineCan you handle the curves? Can you run all the lights?If you can baby boy then we can go all nightGoes from 0 to 60 in three point fiveBaby you got the keysNow shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)Shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)I got class like a "57 CadillacGot all the drive with a whole lot of boom in the back.You look like you can handle whats under my hoodYou keep saying that you will boy I wish you wouldSo if you feel me let me know, know, knowCome on now what you waitin" for, for, forMy engine"s ready to explode, explode, explodeSo start me up and watch me go, go, go, goGet you where you wanna go if you know what I meanGot a ride that"s smoother than a limousineCan you handle the curves? Can you run all the lights?If you can baby boy then we can go all nightGoes from 0 to 60 in three point fiveBaby you got the keysNow shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)Shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)Cause" you play that game, got what I got (get it get it)Don"t Stop, It"s a sure shotAint no Ferrari, huh boy, I"m sorryI ain"t even worriedSo step inside and rideSo if you feel me let me know, know, knowCome on now what you waitin" for, for, forMy engine"s ready to explode, explode, explodeSo start me up and watch me go, go, go, goGet you where you wanna go if you know what I meanGot a ride that"s smoother than a limousineCan you handle the curves? Can you run all the lights?If you can baby boy then we can go all nightGoes from 0 to 60 in three point fiveBaby you got the keysNow shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)Shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)Shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)Shut up and drive (Drive, drive, drive)

“shut up and take my money"是表达什么意思

shut up and take my money闭嘴,拿走我的钱

有谁知道shut up除了闭嘴还有别的意思么。因为在爱丽丝梦游仙境里出现了个shut up lik


安室奈美恵的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:安室奈美恵专辑:PASTGirls, Boys Hear me upCan you receive my words & mind?Yes, It"s so hard to live freelyIs it real life? Where is your life?Ask"em, But they say nothing言叶を探しても 报われないなら いっそShut Up 谁にも頼らずShut Up 生きていけるからShut Up だからお愿い 放っておいて邪魔をしないでShut Up 确かなものなどShut Up いくつもないでしょ?Shut Up つまらない争いに巻き込まないでI understood the method of life期待はしない方が楽调子良いこと 言うだけ言ってYou hidin" 本心 ちょっと wait, waitそれって谁かの命令?何度も I"d heard aboutねえ感じ悪いんじゃない?Can"t you tryna find up 他の言い方说明する気も失せるから一つだけアドバイス 不快にさせるならShut Up 谁にも頼らずShut Up 生きていけるからShut Up だからお愿い 放っておいて邪魔をしないでShut Up 确かなものなどShut Up いくつもないでしょ?Shut Up つまらない争いに巻き込まないで悩みなさそうって pardon?なんなら変わってみる?生きたいように 生きられない谁だって感じてるstressBut that"s none of your business次から次へと 意见変えるけどそんなの自分が ないのと同じじゃない人の気持ちが分からない?それでも土足で 深入りする気ならShut Up 谁にも頼らずShut Up 生きていけるからShut Up だからお愿い 放っておいて邪魔をしないでShut Up 确かなものなどShut Up いくつもないでしょ?Shut Up つまらない争いに巻き込まないで巻き込まないで「Shut Up」作词∶Nao"ymt作曲∶Nao"ymt歌∶安室奈美恵Don"t care about meDon"t say anymore ah...Go awayShut up / Shut upShut up / I say "Shut up"素直に话しても 伝わらないなら ずっとShut Up 谁にも頼らずShut Up 生きていけるからShut Up だからお愿い 放っておいて邪魔をしないでShut Up 确かなものなどShut Up いくつもないでしょ?Shut Up つまらない争いに巻き込まないでShut Up 谁にも頼らずShut Up 生きていけるからShut Up だからお愿い 放っておいて邪魔をしないでShut Up 确かなものなどShut Up いくつもないでしょ?Shut Up つまらない争いに巻き込まないで【 おわり 】

林肯公园有一首MV非常好的歌,说唱部分是shut up, shut up。。。这首歌叫什么名字啊?

one step closer貌似是2000年的时候?

小李子shut up是什么意思?!

小李子shut up是电影《边缘日记》里面的内容。该片讲述了高中生吉姆梦想成为篮球明星,却在经历打击后迷茫、堕落、沉沦,后在好友帮助下觉醒,开始写日记反思的故事。剧情简介吉姆·卡罗尔是高中篮球队中最强的队员之一,篮球是他生活中不可或缺的一部分。当吉姆梦想着成为篮球明星时,他最好的朋友死于白血病。高中球队的教练,青少年朦胧的性冲动,再加上海洛因等毒品的影响,让吉姆开始滑向堕落的边缘。吉姆的妈妈试图把他引入正道,他反而更加胡作非为。一名流浪者改变了他对生活的态度。

shout up和shut up都有闭嘴意思,两者什么区别


潘玮柏&苏见信的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:潘玮柏&苏见信专辑:我就是我潘玮柏&信 - Shut Up我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT我要你闭上嘴你到底听懂没我管你是何方神圣我不管你是谁你的傲慢让你跟着坠落下坠我的耐性已经飙到极限崩溃边缘你不要视而不见还在那摆个臭脸有种站在我的面前对我说你那SHIT我不想听我不想听我不想听我不想听SHUT YOUR MAUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SSHUT UP SHUT UP进入我的音乐世界不然闭嘴SHUT UP SHUT UP我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT NOW愤怒的拳头我早已紧握是由我选择人生不是人生选择我你不是我 你也不懂我你凭什么要我随着你的脚步跟你走我不想看到你也不想听你说HEY我觉得你应该这样做罗嗦你的能耐我早就看透还敢说SHH SHH SHH SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁 SHUT UP现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁SHUT UP ...

小李子shut up是什么意思?

小李子shut up是电影《边缘日记》里面的内容。该片讲述了高中生吉姆梦想成为篮球明星,却在经历打击后迷茫、堕落、沉沦,后在好友帮助下觉醒,开始写日记反思的故事。剧情简介吉姆·卡罗尔是高中篮球队中最强的队员之一,篮球是他生活中不可或缺的一部分。当吉姆梦想着成为篮球明星时,他最好的朋友死于白血病。高中球队的教练,青少年朦胧的性冲动,再加上海洛因等毒品的影响,让吉姆开始滑向堕落的边缘。吉姆的妈妈试图把他引入正道,他反而更加胡作非为。一名流浪者改变了他对生活的态度。

信的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:信专辑:我就是我Shut Up - 信Shut Up Shut UpShut Up Shut UpShut Up Shut UpShut Up Shut Up我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT我要你闭上嘴你到底听懂没我管你是何方神圣我不管你是谁你的傲慢让你跟着坠落下坠我的耐性已经飙到极限崩溃边缘你不要视而不见还在那摆个臭脸有种站在我的面前对我说你那SHIT我不想听我不想听我不想听我不想听SHUT YOUR MAUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SSHUT UP SHUT UP进入我的音乐世界不然闭嘴SHUT UP SHUT UP我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT NOW愤怒的拳头我早已紧握是由我选择人生不是人生选择我你不是我 你也不懂我你凭什么要我随着你的脚步跟你走我不想看到你也不想听你说HEY我觉得你应该这样做罗嗦你的能耐我早就看透还敢说SHH SHH SHH SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁SHUT UP(现在请闭上嘴 我才不管你是我们的谁)SHUT UP(现在请闭上嘴 我才不管你是我们的谁)SHUT UP(现在请闭上嘴 我才不管你是我们的谁)SHUT UP...

shut up什么意思中文 你懂了吗

1、Shut up的意思,安静,闭嘴,关严,憋。 2、实用场景例句:For Gods sake shut up. I cant hear myself think!看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了! 3、They say Tom, shut up and I go No, you shut up他们说:“汤姆,你闭嘴!”我说:“才不呢,你们闭嘴!” 4、Would you shut up, please! Im having enough trouble with these children!请你闭嘴!这些孩子已经够我烦的了。

闭嘴的英文shut up怎么读

[u0283u028ct u028cp] 夏它啊普

黑眼豆豆Shut up 中文歌词,

  歌名:《shut up(闭嘴)》  演唱:Black Eyed Peas  作词:Adams, Curtis, Gomez, Pa  专辑:《Elephunk》  歌词:  Shut up  Just shut up  Shut up  Shut up  Shut up  Shut it up, just shut up  Shut up  Just shut up  Shut up  Shut up  Shut up  Shut it up, just shut up  We try to take it slow  But we"re still losin control  And we try to make it work  But it still isn"t the worst  And I"m craaazzzy  For tryin to be your laaadddy  I think I"m goin crazy  Girl, me and you were just fine (you know)  We wine and dine  Did them things that couples do when in love (you know)  Walks on the beach and stuff (you know)  Things that lovers say and do  I love you boo, I love you too  I miss you a lot, I miss you even more  That"s why I flew you out  When we was on tour  But then something got out of hand  You start yellin when I"m with my friends  Even though I had legitimate reasons (bull shit)  You know I have to make them evidence (bull shit)  How could you trust our private lives girl  That"s why you don"t believe my lies  And quit this lecture  Why does he know she gotta move so fast  Love is progress if you could make it last  Why is it that you just lose control  Every time you agree on takin it slow  So why does it got to be so damn tough  Cuz fools in lust could never get enough of love  Showin him the love that you be givin  Changing up your livin  For a lovin transistion  Girl lip so much she tryin to get you to listen  Few mad at each other has become our tradition  You yell, I yell, everybody yells  Got neighbors across the street sayin  ?Who the hell?!??br>Who the hell?  What the hell"s going down?  Too much of the bickering  Kill it with the sound and  Girl our love is dyin  Why can"t you stop tryin  I never been a quitah  But I do deserve betta  Believe me I will do bad  Let"s forget the past  And let"s start this new plan  Why? Cuz it"s the same old routine  And then next week I hear them scream  Girl I know you"re tired of the things they say  You"re damn right  Cuz I heard them lame dame excuses just yesterday  That was a different thing  No it ain"t  That was a different thing  No it ain"t  That was a different thing  It was the same damn thing  Same ass excuses  Boy you"re usless  Whhoooaaaa  Stop the talking baby  Or I start walking baby  Is that all there is (repeat)  中文翻译:  闭嘴  我们在慢慢的尝试  但我们还是失去了控制  我们努力的不让它失去  可我已经疯掉了  我尝试着去做你的女人,可我要疯了。  女孩,我和你就好(你知道),  我们在一起吃喝,  这些是情侣之间的(你知道)。  走在海滩上(你知道)  情侣之间说的或做的  我爱你boo,我爱你too  我好想你,我想你很多  这就是为什么我飞了  在我们旅行的时候  但有一种东西从我手中走出  你开始大叫在我和朋友在一起的时候  即使我有合法的原因(狗屁!)  你知道我需要把证据拿出来  (狗屁!)  你怎么可以信任我们的秘密女孩,和平静了这谴责  为什么他知道她这么快行动,爱情在最后还是可以有进展的  为什么你会失去控制  每次你都同意慢慢尝试  为何要如此坚强  因为傻瓜的欲望永远得不到爱  展示他这爱你曾给过的  改变你的人生  为了爱不断尝试  女孩想要你试着听她讲话  生对方的气成了我们的传统  你吵,我也吵,大家都吵  连街对面的邻居都说“谁呀,该死的!”  太多的争吵,毁掉了这一切  女孩,我们的爱正在死亡  为什么你不停止尝试  我从来没有退缩  我觉得值得  相信我会做不好  让我们忘记过去,让我们从新开始  为什么  然后下个星期我听到他们在尖叫  女孩,我知道他们说的你累了  你说对了,因为我昨天有听到他们没有站脚的理由  那是个不同的东西,不,那不是,  那是个不同的东西,不,那不是,  那是个不同的东西,那是和谴责一样的  和理由一样,男孩,你是没用的  哇 停止那孩子的话,  或者,我听他的话奏凯

请问Shut up算不算脏话?


shut up aud run是什么意思


在英文里面如果不想别人说了,说shut up是不是很不礼貌的啊?


比如shut up 闭嘴,这个英语后面的up怎么读,如果单独发音该怎么发


大家都知道 Shut up 可以表示闭嘴,当然也可以连读成“shutup”,不过英语里面“闭嘴”很多时候不用shut up。比如"shhh"(类似于中文里的"嘘"),一起来看看可以用哪些短语表示闭嘴吧!1. Put a sock in it (英式英语)例句:I"ve had enough of your moaning for one day. Why don"t you put a sock in it?这一天我都在听你抱怨,安静一点行不行啊!(注:有时候你也会听到“put a cork in it”,意思是一样的。)2. Cork it例句:Shhh, cork it and listen to him.嘘,别说了,好好听他说。(注:“put a cork in it”更常用。)3. Button it例句:Button it, ok. I"m trying to think!闭嘴好吗,我在思考呢!4. Shut your pie hole/Shut your cake hole例句:Just shut your pie hole, man.闭上你的嘴!注:这句是《阿凡达》的台词哦!有人说pie hole 多用于美式口语,其实现在pie hole。 cake hole在英式美式中都很广泛应用,比如典型的英式电影《帕丁顿熊》里的老奶奶就是用“Shut your pie hole ” 。老师也更喜欢用pie hole哦,这个说起来比cake hole 更口语化。

有一首歌歌词有很多句shut up boys

应该是miss A的Bad girl,good girl

Christina Aguilera的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:Lotus(Deluxe Version)Shut UpChristina AguileraYou"ve got some nerve, now baby don"t you I never care bout half the shit that comes out of your mouth, no I wish that I could put a swift choke-hold on you This world ain"t big enough for you and your egoSo for once why don"t you justShut up, just shut the fuck upShut up, just shut the fuck upShut up, just shut the fuck upShut up, just shut the fuck up Keep running, running, running and running your mouth Could you please Shut up, just shut the fuck upShut up, just shut the fuck upYou think you"re something special don"t you You like the sound of your voice, keep talking while I tune out (oh) And if you ever really wonder what I think about you I"ve got a million ways to show you just where you can go Kiss my ass (oh)So for once why don"t you just Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck upKeep running, running, running and running your mouth Could you please Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck upCall me a bitch whenever you wish Don"t give a shit, can you handle it Cause I flip the script, don"t seal my lips And if you don"t like it You can suck my (ugh) You can suck my (ugh) You can suck my (ugh)One, two, three, four (Hey, oh, yea yeah)Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck upKeep running, running, running and running your mouth Could you please Shut up, just shut the fuck up Shut up, just shut the fuck up

come off it 和shut up 的区别?

come off it英 [kʌm ɒf ɪt]美 [kʌm ɔːf ɪt]别这样;别吹牛了,住口come off it 常用作感叹词的意思:别傲慢自大!住口! 住手!别胡扯!别乱搞!shut up英 [ʃʌt ʌp]美 [ʃʌt ʌp]闭嘴;(使)住口;(使)闭嘴shut up用法:的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。
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