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triangle的读音是:英["tra???ɡl]。triangle的读音是:英["tra???ɡl]。triangle的详尽释义是n.(名词)三角关系【几何】三角形三角形物体,三角形的东西【天】三角星座三角板,三角尺【音】三角铁【军】三戟刑具【船】三圆材起重机,三角起重架三角钩三人一组。triangle【近义词】threesome三人一组。一、详尽释义点此查看triangle的详细内容n.(名词)三角关系【几何】三角形三角形物体,三角形的东西【天】三角星座三角板,三角尺【音】三角铁【军】三戟刑具【船】三圆材起重机,三角起重架三角钩三人一组adj.(形容词)三角形的二、英英释义Noun:a three-sided polygonsomething approximating the shape of a triangle;"the coastline of Chile and Argentina and Brazil forms two legs of a triangle"a small northern constellation near Perseus between Andromeda and Ariesany of various triangular drafting instruments used to draw straight lines at specified anglesa percussion instrument consisting of a metal bar bent in the shape of an open triangle三、词典解释1.三角(形);三角形物体Atriangle is an object, arrangement, or flat shape with three straight sides and three angles.e.g. This design is in pastel colours with three rectangles and threetriangles…这一设计由淡色的 3 个长方形和 3 个三角形构成。e.g. Its outline roughly forms an equilateraltriangle.它的轮廓大致形成一个等边三角形。2.三角铁(一种打击乐器)Thetriangle is a musical instrument that consists of a piece of metal shaped like a triangle. You play it by hitting it with a short metal bar.3.三角关系If you describe a group of three people as atriangle, you mean that they are all connected with each other in a particular situation, but often have different interests.triangle的解释e.g. She plays a French woman in a lovetriangle with Jonathan Pryce and Christopher Walken.她扮演一位与乔纳森·普赖斯和克里斯托弗·沃肯有三角恋关系的法国女子。e.g. …the classictriangle of husband, wife and mistress.丈夫、妻子与情妇的典型三角关系四、例句He outlined the triangle in red.他用红笔画出三角形。The angles of a triangle total 180.三角形的三角之和等于180°。The place is a cobbled triangle.这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。五、词汇搭配equilateral triangle等边三角形isosceles triangle等腰三角形love triangle三角恋爱eternal triangle三角恋爱spherical triangle球面三角形current triangle电流三角形color triangle原色三角形,原色三角...colour triangle原色三角形velocity triangle速度三角形right triangle直角三角形iron triangle铁三角triangle method三角法triangle belt三角皮带Pascal"s triangle帕斯卡耳(氏)三角形...composition triangle浓度三角形force triangle力三角形Golden Triangle金三角triangle file三角锉vector triangle矢量三角形cystohepatic triangle卡洛氏三角六、经典引文The triangle formed by three mountain peaks.出自:M. KlineA triangle of light from the streetlamp fell on my sheets.出自:AtlanticShrimps..with thin triangles of toast.出自:E. J. Howard七、词源解说☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的triangle;最初源自拉丁语的triangulum,意为三角形。triangle的相关临近词triangular、trial、triangles、triangle up、triangle arm、triangle law、Triangle Way、triangle net、triangle PCD、triangle bar、triangle tie、triangle map点此查看更多关于triangle的详细信息

Brian May的《Business》 歌词

歌曲名:Business歌手:Brian May专辑:Another WorldMarshall!Marshall!Bitches and Gentleman!It"s showtime!Hurry, hurry step right up!Introducin" the star of our show, his name is...Marshall!You wouldn"t wanna be anywhere else in the world right nowSo without futher ado, I bring to you...Marshall!Your bout to witness hip hop in itsMost pourest, most rawest form, flow almost flawlessMost hardest, most honest, known artistChip off the old block but old doc is BACK!Looks like Batman, brought his own RobinOh God, Sadam"s got his own LadenWith his own private plane, his own pilotSet to blow college dorm room doors off the hingesOranges, peach, pairs, plums, orangesMy inches away from you, here fear noneHip hop is in a state of 911, soLet"s get down to businessI don"t got no time to play around what is this?Must be a circus in town, let"s shut the shit downOn these clowns, can I get a witness?Hell Yeah!Dre gotta move fast, gotta perform miraclesGee willikers Dre, holly bat syllablesLook at all the bullshit that goes on in GothamWhen I"m gone time to get rid of these rap criminalsSo, skip to your lou, while I do what I do bestYou ain"t even impressed no more, you used to itFlows too wet, nobody close to itNobody says it was till everyone knows the shitThe most hated on outta all those who say it hate itOn an eighties songs andexaggerate it all so muchthey make it all upThere"s no such thingLike a female with good looks who cooks and cleansIt just means so much more to so much morePeople when you rappin" and you know what forThe show must go on, so I"d like to welcome ya"llTo Marshall and Andre"s carnivalC"mon! Now..It"s just like old times, the dynamic duoTwo old friends, why panic?You allready know whos capable, the two caped heroesDial straight down the center 8-0-0You can even call collect, the most feared duetSince me and Elton, play career Russian RouletteAnd never even seen me blingin" get me bustin" a sweatPeople steppin" over people just to rush to the setJust to get to see a MC who breathes so freelyEase over these beats, and be so breezyJesus, how can shit be so easyHow can one Chandra be so LevyTurn on these beats MC"s dont see meBelieve me, BET and MTVAre gonna grieve when we leave, dawg fo sheezyCan"t leave rap alone the game needs me"Til we grow beards, get weird and disappear into the mountainsNothin" but clowns down hereBut we, ain"t fuckin" around "round hereYo Dre!Has come to save the dayBack with his friend AndreAnd to remind you that bullshit does not payBecauseAnd Andre are here to stay and never go awayUntil our dying day, until we"re old and greySo until next time friendsSame blonde hair, same rap channelGoodnight everyone, thank you for comingYour host for the eveninghttp://music.baidu.com/song/3464637

电影《钢琴师》 "Pianist" 中,主角在饭馆弹的是哪首曲子




the poet and the pianist

C 选C。当and 并列的是同一事物、同一人或同一概念时,其后面的名词前不用冠词。若在pianist前加the,则是指the poet 和the pianist 两个人,而题目中的the poet and pianist 是指一个人,即这个人即是诗人又是钢琴家。

At the age of fifteen,he became a famous pianist里找出那个单词是主语,连系动词,表语

是主系表结构。http://baike.baidu.com/view/200953.htm 是系动词的介绍。At the age of fifteen, he became a famous pianist。时间状语 主语 系动词 表语。


没有为什么 这就是英语的造词法 钢琴家


pianist的意思:钢琴家。Pianist是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钢琴家;钢琴演奏者”。rehearsal pianist钢琴师。Famous pianist着名的钢琴家。portable pianist新浪潮。优秀公认的钢琴演奏者可以称为钢琴家。钢琴家可以进行独奏,或者与乐队一起协奏,或者在室内乐队中担任一个角色(例如,与小提琴家以及大提琴家组成钢琴三重奏)。钢琴家也为独唱或合唱进行伴奏。职业钢琴家往往是从很小的时候开始训练的。很多著名作曲家,如莫扎特、贝多芬、肖邦、拉赫玛尼诺夫、李斯特都是非常优秀的钢琴家。钢琴是作曲的一项基本训练。钢琴是乐器之王,因此,钢琴家比其它乐器的演奏家有更多的机会举行个人音乐会表演。在一流的演奏家里面,无疑,钢琴家是最多的。某个钢琴家往往擅长演奏某位作曲家的作品或者是某一地域作曲家的作品。比如,鲁宾斯坦就擅长演奏肖邦的作品,而布伦德尔就擅长德奥作曲家的钢琴作品。


pianist意思是:钢琴家,钢琴弹奏者。读音:英[u02c8pu026au0259nu026ast],美[u02c8piu02d0u0259nu026ast]。组词及例句:rehearsal pianist:钢琴师。Famous pianist:着名的钢琴家。portable pianist:新浪潮。Not that we could all be concert pianists just by exercising enough discipline.并不是说有了足够的专业训练,我们都可能会成为钢琴演奏家。后缀Ist的起源-ist来源于法语中的-iste和拉丁语中的-ista,表示“与...相关的人”,缀合在一般动作或名词后表示动作的实施者或相关职业者;缀合在一些学科名词后表示学科专家或学者;缀合在-ism结尾的同源词根后表示“...主义者”或“...主义的”。如soloist,独自演唱者。-ist有时有变体-ister(法语-istre),如magister、minister、chroister、barrister、register等;有时有变体-ast(法语-ast、拉丁语-asta、希腊语-astes),如dynast、enthusiast等。

pianist怎么读 pianist英语怎么读

1、读法:英[u02c8pu026au0259nu026ast] 美[u02c8piu02d0u0259nu026ast] 2、Pianist是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钢琴家;钢琴演奏者”。 3、I want to make my sister a pianist .我想使我的妹妹成为一个钢琴家。 4、She is an excellent composer and pianist.她是位杰出的作曲家和钢琴家。 5、She could have been a brilliant pianist if she put her mind to it.如果她专心致志,坚持到底,她本可以成为一个出色的钢琴家。

my dream job is pianist英语作文

my dream job a pianist When I was a kid , I had a dream that I want to to be a pianist .I love music especially since I was a baby. One day I when I was watching TV , there is a man playing the piano .I find the music was so touching that I can hardly move .So I ask my parents if I could have a piano .To my surprise , my parents finally agree to buy a piano for me ,which made me very happy . I will never forget the day that I finally have it . I can"t help leaving my eyes from my piano . I decide to work hard on it .I made my mind that I will practise some hours on playing the piano . When I grow up ,I want to be a professional pianist and play the piano for the world . I will let the music go around the world .I"d like to be a pianist ,and that is my dream job.

Were you a pianist?回答为什么用was

Were you a pianist ?肯定 回答:Yes, I was . (因为主语是I)



Lang Lang is a ______(talent)pianist.用适当的形式填空。

Lang Lang is a uff08talenteduff09pianist.


  piano-pianist 是英语的后缀变化。  英语的后缀具有很强的语法作用,加在词根上构成派生词,一般不改变词根的基本意义,而是改变词性。常用的后缀通常可以分为四个类型:  1. 名词后缀  -er/-or; -ar; -ant; -tion; -ing; -ment; -al; -ure; -ese; -ian; -ness; -ism; -ist; -y; -(i)ty; -th  (1) 动词加后缀-er; -or; -ar; -ant变为名词,表示“动作执行人”。  e.g. teach→teacher play→player dream→dreamer employ→employer visit→visitor invent→inventor direct→director translate→translator lie→liar beg→beggar assist→assistant inhabit→inhabitant apply→applicant  (2) 动词加-tion; -ing; -ment; -al; -ure 变为相应的名词形式,表示“行为的过程、结果”。  e.g. organize→organization inform→information congratulate→congratulation  greet→greeting live→living save→saving move→movement amuse→amusement entertain→entertainment arrive→arrival refuse→refusal  survive→survival fail→failure  depart→departure press→pressure  (3)名词加后缀-ese; -ian; -ist,表示“……地方的人”,“……地方的”。  e.g. China→Chinese Japan→Japanese Vietnam→Vietnamese  Australia→Australian Canada→Canadian music→musician piano→pianist violin→violinist science→scientist  (4)形容词加后缀-ness; -ism; -ist; -y; -(i)ty; -th变为名词。  e.g. sick→sickness foolish→foolishness happy→happiness  加-ism; -ist表示“……主义”“……主义者”。  material→materialism natural→naturalism material→materialist  natural→naturalist difficult→difficulty honest→honesty equal→equality  safe→safety true→truth dead→death  2. 动词后缀  -ify; -en; -ise (-ize)  (1)形容词加后缀-ify; -en; -ise (-ize)变为动词,表示“使成为……”。  e.g. simple→simplify pure→purify intense→intensify quick→quicken  wide→widen sharp→sharpen  dramatic→dramatize modern→modernize  civil→civilize  (2)名词加-ify; -en; -ise (-ize)后缀变为动词, 表示“使成为……”,“变为……状态”。  e.g. beauty→beautify class→classify sign→signify length→lengthen  strength→strengthen organ→organize  system→systemize sympathy→sympathize  3. 形容词后缀  -able; -ible; -ful; -ous; -ent; -ant; -y; -ly; -ive; -al;-an; -ern; -ish; -some  (1)动词加后缀-able; -ible; -ful; -ous; -ent; -ant; -y变为形容词,表示“可……的”,“能……的”。  e.g. move→movable suit→suitable change→changeable sense→sensible flex→flexible use→useful care→careful  envy→envious vary→various depend→dependent consist→consistent assist→assistant ascend→ascendant wind→windy snow→snowy sleep→sleepy  act→active pass→passive  (2)名词加后缀-al; -an; -ern; -ly; -ish; -some变为形容词, 表示“有某种特征的”,“属于……的”。  e.g. music→musical medicine→medical America→American Europe→European east→eastern west→western north→northern man→manly year→yearly fool→foolish Turkey→Turkish  burden→burdensome trouble→troublesome  4. 副词后缀  多数形容词加-ly变为相应的副词。  e.g. careful→carefully beautiful→beautifully real→really  一些表示方向的形容词加-wise; -ward(s)变为相应的副词。  e.g. clock→clockwise other→otherwise up→upward(s) down→downward(s) back→backward(s)  另外,还应注意几个问题:  1. 有的后缀仅仅改变词义,不改变词性  e.g. friend (朋友)→friendship (友谊) book (书)→booklet (小册子) hard (努力地)→hardly (几乎不) king (国王)→kingdom (王国)  2. 后缀-ee  后缀-ee与-er; -or虽然都是名词后缀表示“……的人”,但是-ee既可以表示被动的“动作承受者”,也可以表示主动的“动作发出者”,而-er; -or通常具有主动意义。-ee加在一些及物动词后面构成名词,表示为“动作承受者”。  e.g. trainee(接受训练者) interview-  ee(被采访者) appointee(受任命者)nominee (被提名者) payee (收款人) detainee(被拘留者) employee(雇员)  -ee加在一些不及物动词后构成名词,表示为“动作发出者”。  e.g. returnee(归国者) refugee(难民) divorcee(离婚者) escapee(逃亡者)  3. 以-ly结尾的形容词和副词  形容词加-ly构成副词是常见的构词方法,但并非所有的以-ly结尾的单词都是副词。这些词中有的是形容词,也有的既是形容词也是副词。副词中后缀-ly前面的部分也并非都是形容词。有的-ly前是名词,有的-ly前是形容词。现将这些用法归纳如下:  (1)表示人的名词加-ly构成形容词  e.g. manly (男子气的) womanly(女性的)masterly(精巧的) scholarly(学者气质的)motherly(母亲的)fatherly(父亲的)  (2)名词或形容词加-ly构成形容词  e.g. orderly (有秩序的) godly(神圣的) sickly (有病的) kindly(和善的)  (3)表示时间的名词加-ly构成形容词或副词  e.g. hourly(每小时的/每小时地)monthly(每月的/每月地) daily(每天的/每天地) minutely(详细地) yearly(每年的/每年地)timely(及时的)  下面是一些练习。  一、请用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。  1. We are all from , so we are and we speak . (Japan)  2. Two (pass by) came up to ask for help but none of us could be able to help them.  3. The students at colleges or universities are making (prepare) for the coming New Year.  4. The Nazi kept a great many (prison) of war in their concentration camps.  5. Numerous materials are available to today"s so they can always different clothes with different styles. (design)  6. The boy tried hard and there has been much in his work. (improve)  7. To make more people is an important task for every country and no country can afford to neglect (educate)  8. He has been depressed recently because he has lost his entire wage and (save) at card.  9. (happy) and (sad) are always interwoven in our life and this is what the real life is.  10. There are a lot of (refuge) wandering in the downtown of this city which really annoys the natives.  11. (selfish) is one of her many faults.  12. We are (permit) to enter the computer room to listen to the music and play games.  13. The weather here is really (change). Yesterday morning it was sunny but in the afternoon it suddenly rained and we were all soaked to the skin.  14. Mary writes slightly more (careful) than Mike.  15. To realize four (modernize) has been our goal for many years.  16. My sister or my brother is (like) to be at home.  17. What was done to the environment really (beauty) the city pretty much.  二、根据句意用适当的词填空。  1. Can you describe the car? The police need a full in order to find it.  2. His furniture design was original. Because of its , it won an award.  3. That comedian loves to exaggerate. His humor is based on of his misfortunes.  4. We can extend your time for two weeks, but no further will be allowed.  5. The Senator stated that he would not seek re-election. The newspapers printed his on the first page.  6. The boy had no friends there. His made him unhappy.  7. Students have to do eye exercises at school every day. This practice is really beneficial for them.  8. He tried hard to behave like a gentleman. But sometimes he forgot his habits.  9. Every hour in this station there is a train. So there is an train service here.  Key: 一、1. Japan; Japanese; Japanese 2. passers-by 3. preparations  - 3 -4. prisoners 5. designers design  6. improvement 7. educated; education 8. savings 9. Happiness; sadness  10. refugees 11. Selfishness  12. permitted 13. changeable  14. carefully 15. modernizations  16. likely 17. beautified  二、1. description 2. originality  3. exaggeration 4. extension  5. statement 6. friendlessness  7. daily 8. gentlemanly 9. hourly

用英语作文写一篇介绍德国音乐天才 Maximlian hecker 的作文。

Wunderkind Maxi Hecker first began playing his breathy, polyester pop to an audience at the corners of the Hackesche Markt in Berlin. The young singer/songwriter would stand there with his guitar and amp in an attempt to woo women ten years older then him with beautiful "schweinepop" or "cheap pop."Hecker began his music career as a drummer for various rock bands, but discovered that the bands would not play his songs the way he intended. He soon set out on his own as a true musician of solitude, playing all the parts himself. After giving out about 30 copies of his demo to anyone who would indulge his romanticism, Hecker scored his first official release with the song "Cold Wind Blowing" on the soundtrack Alaska.de. His full-length debut, Infinite Love Songs, followed in 2001 on Kitty-Yo. The album, more suited to California beach bunnies than the industry of Berlin, established Hecker"s position among pop Casanovas like Air and Momus. ~ Charles Spano, Rovi。Maximilian Hecker (born 26 July 1977 in Heidenheim, Germany) is a German musician known for airy pop music. After performing as a drummer in a number of small German bands, his demo tapes attracted the attention of Kitty-Yo Records, who released his debut album Infinite Love Songs in 2001. He has since done numerous European tours and released a number of albums, his latest effort being I Am Nothing But Emotion, No Human Being, No Son, Never Again Son, which has been released in May 2010.


piano的名词:pianistpiano一、含义:n. 钢琴adj. 轻柔的adv. 轻柔地二 、用法直接源自法语的piano;最初源自意大利语的piano。piano的基本意思是“钢琴”,其全称是pianoforte。piano是可数名词,表示“弹钢琴”时,须加定冠词。She is learning to play the piano.她在学弹钢琴。扩展资料:近义词:grandgrand一、含义:adj. 重大的;豪华的;宏伟的;壮丽的n. 大钢琴;一千美元二、用法grand的基本意思是“宏伟的,崇高的,庄严的”。用于山川、建筑物时,指其规模宏大,气势雄伟;用于人时,指其具有非凡的成就或品质,从而使人感到其崇高与伟大,常译成“重要的,显赫的,首要的”,一般用于修饰地位或官衔等。This is a grand occasion.这是个盛大的场面。






词形转换,一种名词转换成另一个意思不一样的名词,但两个都是同根词。同样的还有:science---scientist, art---artist希望对你有帮助


“pianist”不是“不定代词”。不定代词,简单说:不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词; 不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。常用不定代词有:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either, neither等。 一般来讲,修饰不定代词的词要置于其后。由body,one,thing构成的合成代词:somebody,anybody,everybody,nobodysomeone,anyone,everyone,no onesomething,anything,everything,nothing作代词的限定词:all,an,other,any,both,each,eitherfew,little,many,much,neither,noneother,some还有不能兼作代词的限定词(形容词)(主要是every,no)。不定代词用法:不定代词大部分可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语和状语。①作主语Both of them are teachers.他们两人都是教师。做主语时谓语动词用单数②作宾语I know nothing about this person.我对这个人一无所知。③作表语This book is too much difficult for a child.这本书对一个小孩来说太难了。④作定语There is a little water in the glass.玻璃杯里有一些水。可以在强调一下a little,little,a few,few的区别:a little通常带有肯定的意思,表示还有一点;而little带有否定的意思,只剩一点儿了。(little后通常加不可数名词)a few和few同上。(后通常加可数名词)⑤作状语I can"t find my book anywhere.我在任何地方都不能找到我的书。这一句也可以表示成:I can find my book nowhere.我在任何地方都不能找到我的书。修饰不定代词的词,一般情况下要后置。


pianist的意思:钢琴家。Pianist是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钢琴家;钢琴演奏者”。rehearsal pianist钢琴师。Famous pianist着名的钢琴家。portable pianist新浪潮。优秀公认的钢琴演奏者可以称为钢琴家。钢琴家可以进行独奏,或者与乐队一起协奏,或者在室内乐队中担任一个角色(例如,与小提琴家以及大提琴家组成钢琴三重奏)。钢琴家也为独唱或合唱进行伴奏。职业钢琴家往往是从很小的时候开始训练的。很多著名作曲家,如莫扎特、贝多芬、肖邦、拉赫玛尼诺夫、李斯特都是非常优秀的钢琴家。钢琴是作曲的一项基本训练。钢琴是乐器之王,因此,钢琴家比其它乐器的演奏家有更多的机会举行个人音乐会表演。在一流的演奏家里面,无疑,钢琴家是最多的。某个钢琴家往往擅长演奏某位作曲家的作品或者是某一地域作曲家的作品。比如,鲁宾斯坦就擅长演奏肖邦的作品,而布伦德尔就擅长德奥作曲家的钢琴作品。






第二个对 pianist钢琴家常用释义 英 [u02c8pu026au0259nu026ast] 美 [u02c8piu02d0u0259nu026ast] n.钢琴手; 钢琴家 [变形] 复数:pianists[例句]1、A Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day. 一位曾是神童的俄国钢琴家。2、A pianist with a dicky heart.一位心脏有病的钢琴家。牛津词典3、The pianist played with great facility.那个钢琴家的演奏极其娴熟流畅。牛津词典4、As a pianist he is hopeless—he doesn"t have the talent for it.他要当钢琴家是没有希望的——他没有音乐的禀赋。权威词典5、The pianist spun around on the stool and faced his audience.钢琴家在凳子上转过身,面对着他的听众。


回答和翻译如下:pianist 英 [ˈpɪənɪst] 美 [ˈpiːənɪst] n. 钢琴弹奏者;钢琴家

Layar Impian 歌词

歌曲名:Layar Impian歌手:Too Phat专辑:Urban Strike ...With EllaElla - Layar ImpianJika mimpi masa silamBisa kusimpan dalam kacaJadi perhiasanPasti aku abadikanZaman riang kanak-kanakPabila hujan mengundangSuasana bahagiaDalam hidup yang seindahMimpi yang tidak pernahMelukakan perasaan...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianTapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...http://music.baidu.com/song/2962055

Layar Impian 歌词

歌曲名:Layar Impian歌手:Ella(马来西亚)专辑:Layar ImpianElla - Layar ImpianJika mimpi masa silamBisa kusimpan dalam kacaJadi perhiasanPasti aku abadikanZaman riang kanak-kanakPabila hujan mengundangSuasana bahagiaDalam hidup yang seindahMimpi yang tidak pernahMelukakan perasaan...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...Tapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianTapi kini bila dewasaAku mula sedar betapa mimpiHanyalah suatu permainanJiwa insan dalam kesepianJika mimpi cinta kitaBisa kuzahirkanJadi lukisan yang menarikPasti aku sentosakanMalam pesta bila engkauLafazkan janji dan memelukkuSepanjang tarianHingga pipi aku terasaBasah dalam tangisanYang penuh kesyukuran...http://music.baidu.com/song/2564244

Brian Culbertson的《Dreams》 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams歌手:Brian Culbertson专辑:Dreams"Saints and Sinners" - "Dreams"Here I go againGot a broken heartThis time I"ll get strongerNo grieving "till the break of dawnAin"t falling easily no longerChorus:Dreams I dreamWill at last come trueSkies will clearLeaving me bright and blueI will raise my glass to my heart and sayHere"s to tomorrow, not yesterdayHere"s not to dreamsThat don"t come trueHere"s not to what was me and youHere"s not to all the days gone byAnd to the truth that lived a lieChorus:Dreams I dreamWill at last come trueSkies will clearLeaving me bright and blueI will raise my glass to my heart and sayHere"s to tomorrow, not yesterdayChorus:Dreams I dreamWill at last come trueSkies will clearLeaving me bright and blueI will raise my glass to my heart and sayHere"s to tomorrow, not yesterdayDreams I dreamWill at last come trueSkies will clear (Skies will clear)Leaving me bright and blue (Leaving me bright and blue)I will raise my glass to my heart and say (I will raise my glass to my heart and say)Here"s to tomorrow (morrow, morrow, morrow, morrow.....)My words are whisperI silence I shoutNo Hallmark card can spell it outDeep down insideYou know I careThere"s nothing to say "bout the love we sharedChorus:Dreams I dreamWill at last come trueSkies will clearLeaving me bright and blueI will raise my glass to my heart and sayHere"s to tomorrow, not yesterdayChorus:Dreams I dreamWill at last come trueSkies will clearLeaving me bright and blueI will raise my glass to my heart and sayHere"s to tomorrow, not yesterdayChorus:Dreams I dreamWill at last come trueSkies will clearLeaving me bright and blueI will raise my glass to my heart and sayHere"s to tomorrow, not yesterdayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15830395

rest in peace on more pian my bitch


Malaysian yellow noodles是什么东西


谁有Killian Walls《strfkr》的歌词,中英歌词

The beat drop,and i got you naked鼓点落下 我将你脱光you say you are looking for love你说你在寻找爱i think you are a fake bitch但我知道你是一个虚伪的婊子you don"t know me but you know my name,and你不知道我 只知道我的名字 而且like waht i am saying喜欢我给你说话you are on your knees and you are begging你正跪着 并乞求着oh ohOH OHi am in the spotlight我在聚光灯下you are squeezing two sides你挤在两边i see right through you我从右边看着你oh ohOH OHyou are hot just like the sun你就像火热的太阳you got me burning in love让我在爱中燃烧but i know how you to你一定也是starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓you don"t my love你不是我的爱all you after is my money and fame你追随的是我的钱和名starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓you are just another你只是另一个all you after is my ticket my name你追随的是我的票子和名字starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓starfucker fucker fucker fucker名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓starfucker fucker fucker fucker名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋we are going on but in i hate the scene我们仍在继续 但我不喜欢此时此地than you are kissing the ass like been the VIP你亲吻着屁股 我像是VIPwalking around acting proud骄傲地转着like you are a hot chick像你是一个热的小鸡now you are just one of the crowd现在你只是其中的一个oh ohOH OHi am in the spotlight我在聚光灯下you are squeezing two sides你挤在两边i see right through you我从右边看见你oh ohOH OHyou are hot just like the sun你就像火热的太阳you got me burning in love让我在爱中燃烧but i know how you to你一定也是starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓you don"t my love你不是我的爱all you after is my money and fame你追随的是我的钱和名starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓you are just another你只是另一个all you after is my ticket my name你追随的是我的票子和名字starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓starfucker fucker fucker fucker名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓starfucker fucker fucker fucker名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋i know what you are我知道你是什么go f*ck another star去操另一个i know what you are我知道你是什么go f*ck操go f*ck another star去操另一个starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓you don"t my love你不是我的爱all you after is my money and fame你追随的是我的钱和名starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓you are just another你只是另一个all you after is my ticket my name你追随的只是我的票子和名字starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓starfucker fucker fucker fucker名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋starfucker starfucker名妓 名妓starfucker fucker fucker fucker名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋i know what you are我知道你是什么starfucker fucker fucker fucker fu-uh-uh-uh-uh名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋 fu-uh-uh-uh-uhi know what you are我知道你是什么starfucker fucker fucker fucker名妓 混蛋 混蛋 混蛋

谁告诉我路绮欧全部歌曲的歌名,本人很喜欢听他的歌 我的邮箱www.weiang@qq.com.

壹、264首路绮欧原创歌曲: 歌曲名称: Ⅰ.合唱歌曲: 1.路绮欧&CC-四季 2.路绮欧&CC-我想为你唱首歌 3.路绮欧&CC-爱 叹息 4.路绮欧&嘉宝-梦见薰衣草 5.路绮欧&钟不悔-数字情歌 6.江堰&雪无影&娟娟雪儿&李不美&路绮欧-新年快乐 7.钟不悔&CC&雪无影&李不美&从飞飞&路绮欧%蓝菲雨&源泉&曲小菜&孙嘉敏&第一种蓝&娟娟雪儿-繁星满天 Ⅱ.独白系列: 8.路绮欧-你是我的天使 9.路绮欧-原谅(音乐独白)爱情是一种痴迷 10.路绮欧-续独白 Ⅲ.长篇音乐故事系列: 11.路绮欧-立春 12.路绮欧-雨水 13.路绮欧-惊蛰 Ⅳ.死寂系列: 14.路绮欧-死寂-首 15.路绮欧-死寂-完 16.路绮欧-死寂-续 Ⅴ.单曲: 17. 路绮欧- say that you love me 18. 路绮欧- 3分钟爱上你 19. 路绮欧- Amanda 20. 路绮欧- Forever 21. 路绮欧- Honey 22. 路绮欧- TheLastLove 23. 路绮欧- 一个人的情人节 24. 路绮欧- 一想到你就会哭 25. 路绮欧- 一直说永远 26. 路绮欧- 七凄 27. 路绮欧- 七十二变 28. 路绮欧- 三分之一的爱情 29. 路绮欧- 三分之一的爱情[新版] 30. 路绮欧- 三点阳光 31. 路绮欧- 不够 32. 路绮欧- 不管 33. 路绮欧- 不爱也好 34. 路绮欧- 不要让我一个人 35. 路绮欧- 不要让我一个人[新版] 36. 路绮欧- 为爱沉沦 37. 路绮欧- 为爱犯错 38. 路绮欧- 习惯 39. 路绮欧- 亲爱的你还记得我吗 40. 路绮欧- 亲爱的你都不要我了 41. 路绮欧- 人鱼传说 42. 路绮欧- 今夏去夏 43. 路绮欧- 他 44. 路绮欧- 伤城 45. 路绮欧- 你和她究竟是虾米关系 46. 路绮欧- 你是她的他 47. 路绮欧- 你是我的生命 48. 路绮欧- 你是谁的男主角 49. 路绮欧- 你的世界是我的冒险 50. 路绮欧- 你的幸福刺伤了我 51. 路绮欧- 你的爱与我无关 52. 路绮欧- 你说爱着我我相信了 53. 路绮欧- 你走进了她的房间 54. 路绮欧- 侧脸第二章 55. 路绮欧- 俘虏 56. 路绮欧- 倒春寒 57. 路绮欧- 倾听风诉 58. 路绮欧- 入戏太深 59. 路绮欧- 公主 60. 路绮欧- 其实我们都很傻 61. 路绮欧- 冬季追忆 62. 路绮欧- 冬季追忆[新版] 63. 路绮欧- 冷暖 64. 路绮欧- 分身 65. 路绮欧- 别以为 66. 路绮欧- 刺猬 67. 路绮欧- 十二点 68. 路绮欧- 单程票 69. 路绮欧- 原来 70. 路绮欧- 又见流星 71. 路绮欧- 又见空城 72. 路绮欧- 发现 73. 路绮欧- 发现[2008] 74. 路绮欧- 吃醋 75. 路绮欧- 听不到 76. 路绮欧- 听你在说谎 77. 路绮欧- 听路绮欧唱歌 78. 路绮欧- 哑巴 79. 路绮欧- 唱不完的情割伤不完的心 80. 路绮欧- 啊婆家 81. 路绮欧- 啦啦猫 82. 路绮欧- 喜欢 83. 路绮欧- 嘿宝贝 84. 路绮欧- 四季歌 85. 路绮欧- 回忆的风 86. 路绮欧- 圣诞不快乐 87. 路绮欧- 在深夜的时候为你哭了 88. 路绮欧- 夜美 89. 路绮欧- 大雨落在心碎时 90. 路绮欧- 天蓝蓝蓝 91. 路绮欧- 失恋勿语 92. 路绮欧- 好苦 93. 路绮欧- 如果世界真的忘了你 94. 路绮欧- 妃醉酒 95. 路绮欧- 学会 96. 路绮欧- 安徒生童话 97. 路绮欧- 定情信物 98. 路绮欧- 对不起我爱你 99. 路绮欧- 对不起我爱你[新版] 100. 路绮欧- 小狗 101. 路绮欧- 崩溃 102. 路绮欧- 巧克力鱼 103. 路绮欧- 带我一起去看海 104. 路绮欧- 当我发现你 105. 路绮欧- 当爱成记忆 106. 路绮欧- 很久很久 107. 路绮欧- 忘了爱忘了你 108. 路绮欧- 忘记你是谁 109. 路绮欧- 恋歌 110. 路绮欧- 恶作剧之吻 111. 路绮欧- 恶作剧之刎 112. 路绮欧- 悲伤森林 113. 路绮欧- 悲剧[怀恋之一] 114. 路绮欧- 想出嫁 115. 路绮欧- 想念 116. 路绮欧- 感觉 117. 路绮欧- 我不哭 118. 路绮欧- 我们能不能在一起 119. 路绮欧- 我和音乐谈恋爱 120. 路绮欧- 我就是喜欢 121. 路绮欧- 我爱你你爱她她爱他 122. 路绮欧- 我真的在乎你 123. 路绮欧- 我真的害怕了寂寞 124. 路绮欧- 我终于明白 125. 路绮欧- 我还依然爱着你 126. 路绮欧- 扯淡 127. 路绮欧- 把寂寞还我 128. 路绮欧- 收回孤单 129. 路绮欧- 收回孤单[新版] 130. 路绮欧- 收集 131. 路绮欧- 放逐 132. 路绮欧- 散了 133. 路绮欧- 暖心 134. 路绮欧- 最幸福 135. 路绮欧- 月光光心慌慌 136. 路绮欧- 月黑风高杀人夜 137. 路绮欧- 有一种爱情 138. 路绮欧- 等待天使 139. 路绮欧- 梦美 140. 路绮欧- 樱花樱花 141. 路绮欧- 死亡信仰 142. 路绮欧- 沉溺是伤 143. 路绮欧- 没有你 144. 路绮欧- 没有你的这些日子 145. 路绮欧- 没梦成真 146. 路绮欧- 泡沫 147. 路绮欧- 洋娃娃 148. 路绮欧- 海啸 149. 路绮欧- 深渊 150. 路绮欧- 温习 151. 路绮欧- 飘渺 152. 路绮欧- 灌溉寂寞 153. 路绮欧- 火柴 154. 路绮欧- 爱上两个人 155. 路绮欧- 爱傻了 156. 路绮欧- 爱到底 157. 路绮欧- 爱到最后都寂寞 158. 路绮欧- 爱到满身伤痕 159. 路绮欧- 爱就到这里了 160. 路绮欧- 爱情泡泡 161. 路绮欧- 爱情遗书 162. 路绮欧- 爱毒 163. 路绮欧- 爱的季节 164. 路绮欧- 爱的讯息 165. 路绮欧- 爱的香 166. 路绮欧- 爱过 167. 路绮欧- 牧羊人 168. 路绮欧- 狼狈 169. 路绮欧- 猜谜 170. 路绮欧- 玩笑 171. 路绮欧- 琥珀 172. 路绮欧- 白色圣诞节 173. 路绮欧- 白色距离 174. 路绮欧- 白色距离[新版] 175. 路绮欧- 相信我(又名:宝贝 心好痛) 176. 路绮欧- 相信我[新版](又名:宝贝 心好痛) 177. 路绮欧- 相思河畔 178. 路绮欧- 看透 179. 路绮欧- 眼泪的微笑 180. 路绮欧- 石头剪刀布 181. 路绮欧- 破晓 182. 路绮欧- 破镜重圆 183. 路绮欧- 礼物 184. 路绮欧- 祭奠岁月 185. 路绮欧- 秋 186. 路绮欧- 空城 187. 路绮欧- 空城[新版] 188. 路绮欧- 等待 189. 路绮欧- 简单浪漫 190. 路绮欧- 精灵之吻 191. 路绮欧- 给不了的 192. 路绮欧- 绝情歌 193. 路绮欧- 耳朵 194. 路绮欧- 腐烂的爱情 195. 路绮欧- 芭比娃娃 196. 路绮欧- 花刺 197. 路绮欧- 花雨伞 198. 路绮欧- 苦恋 199. 路绮欧- 草戒指 200. 路绮欧- 荼靡 201. 路绮欧- 萧邦 202. 路绮欧- 蒲公英之恋 203. 路绮欧- 蓝天 204. 路绮欧- 蔷薇开满 205. 路绮欧- 薰衣草 206. 路绮欧- 西门 207. 路绮欧- 记得 208. 路绮欧- 诡戏 209. 路绮欧- 请你byebye 210. 路绮欧- 请你不要带走我的思念 211. 路绮欧- 谁都走了我的水晶鞋 212. 路绮欧- 谁陪我看雪 213. 路绮欧- 像我一样爱你 214. 路绮欧- 踏歌而行 215. 路绮欧- 达芙妮的嫁衣 216. 路绮欧- 还好 217. 路绮欧- 还记得 218. 路绮欧- 这扇窗 219. 路绮欧- 逃避(end) 220. 路绮欧- 逃避 221. 路绮欧- 那么那么的 222. 路绮欧- 钟不悔情歌 223. 路绮欧- 钢琴别恋 224. 路绮欧- 镜子 225. 路绮欧- 青春时光 226. 路绮欧- 青色恋爱 227. 路绮欧- 静静香 228. 路绮欧- 鬼小胆 229. 路绮欧- 魍魉 230. 路绮欧- 魔咒 231. 路绮欧- 鱼缸里的鱼 232. 路绮欧- 麦田 233. 路绮欧- 安睡的宝贝 234. 路绮欧- 爱因思贪 235. 路绮欧- 爱在东海岸 236. 路绮欧- 爱在秋风蔓延时 237. 路绮欧- 漫游 238. 路绮欧- 涅槃部 239. 路绮欧- 樱花之泪 240. 路绮欧- 心声 241. 路绮欧--灰姑娘的舞会 242. 路绮欧- 错过 243. 路绮欧- 爱忆 244. 路绮欧- I don‘t know why 245. 路绮欧- MUSIC瞬间 246. 路绮欧-为我撑伞的人 247. 路绮欧-那些爱 248. 路绮欧-逃亡 249. 路绮欧-假面 250. 路绮欧-月光下 251. 路绮欧-云上的记忆 252. 路绮欧-幸福冒险记 253. 路绮欧-爱来的时候 254. 路绮欧-静静的静 255. 路绮欧-每一次期待 256. 路绮欧-进 257. 路绮欧-爱的出口 258. 路绮欧-画卷 259. 路绮欧-他真的爱我吗 260. 路绮欧-别以为我爱你 261. 路绮欧-谁说永远 262. 路绮欧-沦陷 263. 路绮欧-爱死 264. 路绮欧-路式情歌 贰、64首路绮欧翻唱歌曲: 歌曲名称: 1. 路绮欧- 剪爱 (翻唱) 2. 路绮欧- 唱歌给你听 (翻唱) 3. 路绮欧- 夏天的味道 (翻唱) 4. 路绮欧- 天天想你 (翻唱) 5. 路绮欧- 日不落 (翻唱) 6. 路绮欧- 甜蜜蜜 (翻唱) 7. 路绮欧- 祝我生日快乐 (翻唱) 8. 路绮欧- 维多利亚的秘密 (翻唱) 9. 路绮欧- 许愿树 (翻唱) 10. 路绮欧- 一个人生活 (翻唱) 11. 路绮欧- 七月 (翻唱) 12. 路绮欧- 不做你的爱人 (翻唱) 13. 路绮欧- 你别怪我 (翻唱) 14. 路绮欧- 六月雪 (翻唱) 15. 路绮欧- 别说你还爱着我 (翻唱) 16. 路绮欧- 受了点伤 (翻唱) 17. 路绮欧- 小狐仙 (翻唱) 18. 路绮欧- 小猪 (翻唱) 19. 路绮欧- 小茉莉 (翻唱) 20. 路绮欧- 我曾经深爱的男人 (翻唱) 21. 路绮欧- 我真的受伤了 (翻唱) 22. 路绮欧- 手指另一端 (翻唱) 23. 路绮欧- 氧气 (翻唱) 24. 路绮欧- 猪之爱情 (翻唱) 25. 路绮欧- 猪头哥哥 (翻唱) 26. 路绮欧- 疯了 (翻唱) 27. 路绮欧- 白狐 (翻唱) 28. 路绮欧- 过火 (翻唱) 29. 路绮欧- 颓废 (翻唱) 30. 路绮欧- 疯了女生 (翻唱) 31. 路绮欧- 想你想疯了(翻唱) 32. 路绮欧- 死性不改(翻唱) 33. 路绮欧- 手牵手(翻唱) 34. 路绮欧- 不得不爱(翻唱) 35. 路绮欧- 真爱入侵(翻唱) 36. 路绮欧- 吸血鬼(翻唱) 37. 路绮欧- 我要飞(翻唱) 38. 路绮欧- 我不是美女(翻唱) 39. 路绮欧- 脱掉(翻唱) 40. 路绮欧- 让我爱你(翻唱) 41. 路绮欧- 恋爱频率(翻唱) 42. 路绮欧- 矜持(翻唱) 43. 路绮欧- 会读书(翻唱) 44. 路绮欧- 花(翻唱) 45. 路绮欧- 候鸟(翻唱) 46. 路绮欧- 冰点与沸点(翻唱) 47. 路绮欧- 白色婚礼(翻唱) 48. 路绮欧- 爱一个人好难(翻唱) 49. 路绮欧- 爱情啊(翻唱) 50. 路绮欧- LANDY(翻唱) 51. 路绮欧-心愿(翻唱)(感谢QQ号为 372709953 的朋友提供) 52. 路绮欧-爱我的资格(翻唱) 53. 路绮欧-相亲相爱(翻唱) 54. 路绮欧-让世界充满爱(翻唱) 55. 路绮欧-爱来的时候(翻唱) 56. 路绮欧-不想看见你哭(翻唱) 57. 路绮欧-当我们都老了(翻唱) 58. 路绮欧-想念(翻唱) 59. 路绮欧-爱有双翅膀(翻唱) 60. 路绮欧-有你真好(翻唱) 61. 路绮欧-爱的代价(翻唱) 62. 路绮欧-听是谁在唱歌(翻唱) 63. 路绮欧-传奇(翻唱) 64. 路绮欧-不管有多苦(翻唱) 叁、8首路绮欧歌曲伴奏: 歌曲名称: 1. 路绮欧- 三分之一爱情 2. 路绮欧- 不够 3. 路绮欧- 入戏太深 4. 路绮欧- 发现[女版] 5. 路绮欧- 发现[男版] 6. 路绮欧- 唱不完的情割伤不完的心 7. 路绮欧- 当我发现你 8. 路绮欧- 白色距离 如需要歌曲我会发给你。 所有路绮欧音乐下载: http://u.115.com/file/f5f6005ea6 http://u.115.com/file/f53a1e0ba http://u.115.com/file/f57e23a857 http://u.115.com/file/f52644b433 http://u.115.com/file/f582e6e91a


第一个是橄榄身体去角质磨砂 成分:有机橄榄油 - 有效修护肌肤。 橄榄籽碎、糙米碎及胡桃壳碎 - 温和地去除死皮。 向日葵籽油 - 蕴含丰富脂肪酸,有助修护肌肤补湿膜,令肌肤回复滋润、幼滑及柔嫰 用法:每星期使用两至三次效果最佳。定期磨砂及...



你好周杰伦 中提到的 vivian 和 landy 是谁啊?



landy是温岚 jolin是蔡依琳 vivian是徐若宣


landy是温岚, vivian是徐若萱 jolin是蔡依林

What can we do for the Asian Games?


Olympic Games或者是Asian Games谓语用单数还是复数?


英语语法中"the Asian Games"作主语要用单数还是复数?


Guangzhou was()secondChinese city to host Asian Games.怎么填


The 16th Asian Games were held in Guangzhou ____________November, 2010.为什么填in?


英语语法中"the Asian Games"作主语要用单数还是复数?

单数,Asia games是个整体

英语作文“what can i do for the asian games”

what can i do for the Asian games?It is not a difficult question to answer.First, i think i can be a volunteer in the Asian games. There wiil be a lot of athetes who attend the game, and i can do lot of help for them. For example, i can be a interpreter during the game.Second, i could help the game be a more successful one. For example, i will ask the audience not to throw litters everywhere, in this way, the Asian games will be held in a cleaner enviroment.Next, when the Asian games is over, i can write something or draw something about it to make it more meanful.

Asian Games 是单数还是复数

亚运会 作为一个整体来讲的 单数








收lian( )












我说话中老是将“联”和“林”这两个字的读音为一样,联:林 lian

这两个字的发音是不一样的。 联: lian 林:lin



廉洁(nian lian)哪个是正确的读音


lian和nian的音怎么发 我发lian老是发成nian







Lilian Yilian Elian




分拣fēn jiǎn词语解释(1).区分。 宋 周密 《齐东野语·绍兴御府书画式》:“应搜访到书法墨迹,降付书房,先令 赵世元 定验品第,进呈讫。次令 庄宗古 分拣。”《元典章·兵部三·给驿》:“也有这般呵真底假底分拣不得。”《元典章·新集·朝纲·政务》:“设官置吏本以抚安百姓,分拣是非。”(2).加以区别,拣出归类。如:分拣邮件力求准确、迅速。加以区别,拣出归类。如:分拣邮件力求准确、迅速。

三字经中有连山 连读什么音呀?有的书上读LAN 有的读LIAN

有连山,有归藏,有周易,三易详。在这里读“lian”指的就是《连山易》《连山易》古多只称《连山》,其名初见于《周礼·春官宗伯·大卜》: “(大卜)掌三《易》之法:一曰《连山》,二曰《归藏》,三曰《周易》。但很不幸,《周礼》这部书早已为学界所证实乃汉代刘歆的伪造,是他杂取故书并参以己意作成的,里面虽用的确实是一些原始的古材料,而其虚造的成分也占了很大的比例,许多内容靠不住。其中《连山》、《归藏》这两个名目便是他虚造出来的,他伪造的依据便是《山海经》。我们看看《山海经》所记,的确是一山连一山,山山不断,是一部名副其实的“连山”之书,所以就根据此拟定了《连山》这个书名。


因为英文翻译成brother就真成兄弟情了 只能翻译成谢怜的lian





百家姓里是否有个不常见的姓读NIAN 或者LIAN的




可怜九月初三夜的怜lian lin是哪个发音













连篇累牍、连绵不断、连汤带水、连皮带骨、连畴接陇1、连篇累牍读音:lián piān lěi dú解释:累:重叠;牍:古代写字的木片。形容篇幅过多,文辞冗长。出处:宋·严羽《沧浪诗话·诗法》:其初不识好恶,连篇累牍。 白话释义:一开始不知道好坏,篇幅过多,文辞冗长。2、连绵不断读音:lián mián bù duàn解释:连绵:连续不断的样子。形容连续不止,从不中断。出处:明·朱国祯《涌幢小品》:“往余再丧妻,四丧子,复丧妹,最后丧母,连绵不绝。”白话释义:后来死了妻子和四个儿子,又死了妹妹,最后死了母亲,连续不断。3、连汤带水读音:lián tāng dài shuǐ解释:比喻全部,无遗留。出处:方之《内奸》:“甚至,他把田主任如何当上所长等等废话,都连汤带水倒了出来。”4、连皮带骨读音:lián pí dài gǔ解释:连皮肤及骨头一起。比喻全部。出处:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第57回:“我只愿这会子立刻我死了,把心迸出来你们瞧见了,然后连皮带骨一概都化成一股灰。”5、连畴接陇读音:lián chóu jiē lǒng解释:指田地连片。出处:明·徐弘祖《徐霞客游记·滇海日记八》:“莺粟花连畴接陇于黛柳镜波之间,景趣殊胜。”白话释义:莺粟花田地连片和柳树水潭向连接,景色有趣特别优美。


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