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尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们  下午好!  今天我站在这个讲台上,很荣幸,也很激动。通过一个月的临时当选,我仍希望能继续当选英语课代表这个光荣的职位,我相信我会做得很好。  IlikeEnglishverymuch.IfIamreallyelected,Iwilltrytoserviceforyou.IcanhelpyoustudyEnglishwell  如果我真的当选了英语课代表,我将竭尽全力,为大家服务,想方设法让大家学好英语。主动帮助同学增长对英语的兴趣。也希望通过当英语课代表来锻炼、磨练自己,加强自身的学习能力。  我有能力胜任这个职位,请大家相信我,我能行!  Believeme,Icandoit!  谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。


 “我能行”是一种自信,是一种勇气,是一种动力,更是一种对自我的肯定与鼓励。  "I can" is a kind of self-confidence, is a kind of courage, is a kind of power, it is a kind of self affirmation and encouragement.  花儿之所以美丽,不仅仅在于绚烂的色彩,更在于其中蕴涵着耀眼的生命光辉;有的人之所以引人注目,不仅仅在于外貌的漂亮华贵,更在于那种发自于心灵深处的自信。  The flowers are beautiful, is not only gorgeous color, but that which contains the dazzling brilliance of life; somepeople attract sb."s attention, not only in appearance more beautiful and luxurious, is that from the heart of self-confidence.  人生的航船由每个人自己掌舵,但是在生活的航线中,不可能永远都是一帆风顺的。它时而风雨交加,时而辛酸苦辣,时而电闪雷鸣,时而波澜起伏……可不论怎样,我都会勇敢地去面对,去接受。因为我相信,不,是坚信:“我能行!”  Ship of life by everyone at the helm, but in the life course, is not always the Everything is going smoothly. It canIt"s raining and blowing hard., sometimes bitterness -- lose one"s temper, sometimes, and sometimes the ups and downs...... But no matter how, I will be brave to face, to accept. Because I believe, do not believe, is: "I can do it!"