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glisten, glimmer, flicker,glitter,sparkle,twinkle主要是区别.不要单单是意思

具体用法如下(包括其他发光词):1. dazzle: If a very bright light dazzles you, itstops you from seeing properly for a short time. 例:a deer dazzled by the headlights Dazzle是"刺眼、晃眼"的意思,特别当光线照得人短时间看不清物体时使用,与下文其他的"刺眼"选手颇有区别。2. flash: to shine suddenly and brightly for a shorttime, or to make something shine in this way; If alight flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with asudden bright light, especially as quick, regularflashes of light. 例:Lightning flashed overhead. Flash是快速地发出强光,意为"闪光",是闪光一族的普通意义,后文还有多个闪光词汇。3. flicker: to burn or shine with an unsteady lightthat goes on and off quickly; If a light or flameflickers, it shines unsteadily. 例:The overhead lights flickered momentarily. Flicker也是闪光,但是与flash闪得不同。Flash是闪出强光,闪一下马上消失,再接着闪出强光,比如打雷之前的闪电就是典型的flash;flicker也是"闪光门"高手,可是它只能闪出不太强的光,并且极不稳定,闪光时忽明忽暗,译为"闪烁、摇曳",这个词很浪漫,总令人想到Casablanca中迷人的汽车旅馆和那对恋人一起试过的那个long, hot summer"s night.4. glare: to shine with a very strong bright lightwhich hurts your eyes; If the sun or a light glares, itshines with a very bright light which is difficult tolook at; 例:The sun glared down on us. 这个已经不是闪光门弟子了,这是发出非常耀眼的光芒,让眼睛产生不适,且不适效果大大高于dazzle,有可能出现较长时间的失明。比如氧焊时,如果不戴眼罩看了那种强烈的白光后,好一会儿看不见东西,那就是一种glaring light, 比dazzlinglight历害多了。5. gleam: to shine softly [= glimmer]; If an object or asurface gleams, it reflects light because it is shinyand clean. 例:His teeth gleamed under his moustache;Blue-white moonlight gleamed through the window,throwing the shadows of the bars across the floor. 淡蓝色的月光透过窗户照进房来,窗条的影子斜斜地映在地板上。 Gleam是"发出微光",其微弱程度与下文要提及的glimmer相同,似乎在写作中二者完全可以互换使用,不过“柯林斯”字典告诉我们,glimmer的光有点unsteady,类似于flicker。gleam是稳定的光线,不会晃动。6. glimmer: If something glimmers, it produces orreflects a faint, gentle, often unsteady light; to shinewith a light that is not very bright [= gleam]: a weak,glimmering light 朗文字典认为glimmer等于gleam,但是柯林斯和牛津皆认为glimmer含有unsteady之意,是to shine with a faintunsteady light,因此一定要与gleam区别开来。glimmer与flicker相近,也有“光线晃动”之意,但是没有flicker那么"摇曳"得历害:A beam of gleaming light 一道微弱的光线A beam of glimmering light 一束昏暗、摇曳的光线7. glint: if a shiny surface glints, it gives out smallflashes of light [= sparkle]; If something glints, itproduces or reflects a quick flash of light. (WRITTEN);= glisten; to produce small bright flashes of light: 例:The sea glinted in the moonlight;The sun glinted on thewindows;The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in thesun. 该词使用场景描述:一群孩子在草丛中玩耍时,突然一个小孩惊叫起来,"看呀,前边草丛里有东西在发亮"。众人走近一看,原来是一只银戒指;夏日某夜,有淡淡的月光,四周万籁俱寂,我心事重重,独自来到沙滩上,看着黑黝黝的海水,听着潮涨潮落出神。月亮渐升渐高,月入中天之时,月光不如先前一样昏暗,海面一下子亮了起来,我看见涨潮的时候,海边奔涌着浅灰色的浪花。 以上两个场景是我臆想的,都适用glint这个词。Glint的关键点是"闪(泛)着微光",并且光线在变幻,我想到了李莫愁的"冰魄银针"在阳光下发出幽蓝幽蓝的光芒,煞是瘆人,这就是glinting的光;小龙女的"玉蜂针"一定不是这种光,而是一种明亮得多的光,可用glowing或者glittering。突发奇想,glint是否有消极、否定之意呢?比如李莫愁是坏人,她的暗器就发glinting的光,而小龙女是好人,并且这么多人喜爱她,因此她的暗器就不会发出glinting的光。呵呵,这纯属子虚乌有,又是我胡思乱想罢了。8. glitter: to shine brightly with flashing points oflight [= sparkle];to shine brightly with little flashesof light, like a diamond SYN sparkle 例:The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold;The riverglittered in the sunlight. Glitter一听就比glint, gleam, glimmer等感觉要好,“阳气”要大得多,是积极的、明亮的,正大光明的。其发光比较亮丽,常用于阳光照射下物体反光9. glisten: to shine and look wet or oily; Ifsomething glistens, it shines, usually because it is wetor oily 例:Her eyes were glistening with tears; Sweat glistened on his forehead.;The road glistened wetafter the rain;The boy"s back was glistening with sweat;glistening black hair 这个词非常浪漫,非常美,往往与水、油等有关。发出的光令人感觉到湿漉漉的或者油亮油亮的。第1个例句非常棒,女孩珠泪莹然,楚楚动人的样子真的令英雄魂断,还有美女出浴之后,头发湿湿的,在灯光下就是glistening的感觉,这也令男人意乱情迷。此处glistened with tears就是那种"闪着眼泪花的感觉";后句"他的额头渗出了汗珠",下一句是"雨后路面湿得发亮"。想像一下,夏天雨过天晴之后,柏油路在阳光下湿湿的,亮亮的,空气是如此清新,真想在路上小跑一阵,贪婪地呼吸泥土和草地醉人的芬芳。10. glister: (literary) to shine brightly with littleflashes of light, like a diamond SYN glitter 这是一个文气词,常用在文学作品中,与glitter一样,都是指"闪着明亮的光"。11. glow: to produce or reflect a soft steadylight [= shine];(especially of sth hot or warm) toproduce a dull, steady light: 例:The fireplace was still glowing with the remains of last night"s fire;The red tip of his cigarette was glowing in the dark;Thestrap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark. Glow是指发出或者反射出一种柔和的光,一般都有强烈或者微弱的热量发出,例句中烟头在暗处发出的光,壁炉中燃烧的火发出的光,背包肩带上涂有荧光粉,在黑暗中发出的光,都是用glow。12. beam: to send out a line of light, heat, energy etc;to produce a stream of light and/or heat 例:The morning sun beamed down on us; Light beamed through a hole inthe curtain;The sun beamed through the clouds. 这个词只当发光讲,没有任何限制或者修饰意义,是最普通的发光。13. shimmer: to shine with a soft light that looks asif it shakes slightly; to shine with a soft light thatseems to move slightly 例:The sea was shimmering in the sunlight; The lake shimmered in the moonlight. 这个词超级浪漫,其浪漫程度与glisten有过之而无不及。它特指在光线的照耀下物体感觉在轻微晃动,如:月光下湖面平滑如镜,微风吹过,湖面荡起一阵涟漪,远远望去,整个湖水都在月光中摇曳起来,这就是shimmering的效果,多么迷人啊,真想躺在天鹅绒一样光滑的湖面上,跟着月光一起摇动,然后进入梦乡。14. shine: to produce bright light; to produce orreflect light; to be bright: 例:The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky;The dark polished wood shone like glass;The sun was shining;The moon shone brightly inthe sky. 这个词有时可与beam换用,但beam还可指发热、传导能量、无线电波等,而shine永远只能是发光,并且多为比较明亮的光。15. sparkle: to shine in small bright flashes; toshine brightly with small flashes of light;If somethingsparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lotof very small points of light.例:sparkling eyes;Her jewellery sparkled in the candle light;The sea sparkled in the sun;The crystal chandelier sparkled. 这是"发火花, 闪耀"之意,特指星星点点的闪光,比如春节放烟火时,夜空中盛开的各式烟火图案就可以称作sparklingfireworks patterns,区别于glow, glitter等,特指"数量多"。16. twinkle: if a star or light twinkles, it shines inthe dark with an unsteady light; to shine with a lightthat keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again例:Stars twinkled in the sky.; twinkling lights in thedistance "天上的星星不说话,地上的娃娃想妈妈,天上的星星眨呀眨,妈妈的心呀鲁冰花" 小时候听过这首歌,因此对于星星眨眼睛印象特别深刻。这个眨眼睛就一定是twinkle了,不过人眨眼睛时可以说wink,星星就不可以。远处的灯光忽明忽暗,也说twinkle。比如农村人迷信,说看到了"鬼火"一闪一闪的(那其实是死人骨头中的磷遇空气中的氧而自燃,有动物衔着骨头走动因此看起来是一闪一闪的)。哎呀,赶紧打住,现在已经23:41了,半夜了可不敢再说"鬼火",好怕怕。17. wink: to shine with a light that flashes on and off[= blink]: to shine with an unsteady light; to flash onand off SYN blink: 例:We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance. Wink是人眨眼睛,也可指光线一闪一闪的,与blink相同,可是眨眼的含义还是有细微区别。Wink时有“暗示什么东东”之意,而blink只是普通的眨眼。比如,你和朋友约定一件事不能穿帮,朋友说到此事时你立即大眨其眼,暗示他不可点破,此处用wink而不用blink。表示光线一闪一闪时二者可以换用。





Gimme Gimme Gimme 歌词

歌曲名:Gimme Gimme Gimme歌手:Beseech专辑:Souls HighwayBeseech: Gimme Gimme Gimme金属和弦Half past twelveAnd I"m watching the late show in my flat all aloneHow I hate to spend the evening on my ownAutumn windsBlowing outside my window as I look around the roomAnd it makes me so depressed to see the gloomThere"s not a soul out thereNo one to hear my prayerGimme gimme gimme a man after midnightWon"t somebody help me chase the shadows awayGimme gimme gimme a man after midnightTake me through the darkness to the break of the dayMovie starsFind the end of the rainbow, with a fortune to winIt"s so different from the world I"m living inTired of T.V.I open the window and I gaze into the nightBut there"s nothing there to see, no one in sightThere"s not a soul out thereNo one to hear my prayerGimme gimme gimme a man after midnightWon"t somebody help me chase the shadows awayGimme gimme gimme a man after midnightTake me through the darkness to the break of the dayGimme gimme gimme a man after midnightWon"t somebody help me chase the shadows awayGimme gimme gimme a man after midnightTake me through the darkness to the break of the dayGimme gimme gimme a man after midnightWon"t somebody help me chase the shadows awayGimme gimme gimmeNo one to hear my prayer

那位大虾帮我把beseech - gimme gimme gimme的歌词找到






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教父中的吉米坎Jimmy Caan 是谁?

教父 I ◎译 名 教父 I ◎片 名 The Godfather I ◎年 代 1972 ◎国 家 美国 ◎类 别 犯罪/剧情 ◎IMDB评分9.1/10 ( 330780票)Top250:#2 ◎IMDB链接 ◎导 演 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola ◎主 演 马龙·白兰度 Marlon Brando .... Don Vito Corleone 阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino .... Michael Corleone 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall .... Tom Hagen 黛安娜·基顿 Diane Keaton .... Kay Adams 詹姆斯·凯恩 James Caan .... Sonny Corleone 约翰·凯泽尔 John Cazale .... Fredo 索菲娅·科波拉 Sofia Coppola .... Michael Francis Rizzi (uncredited) 斯特林·海登 Sterling Hayden .... Capt. McCluskey 塔里亚·希雷 Talia Shire .... Connie 阿贝·维高达 Abe Vigoda .... Sal Tessio Richard Conte .... Barzini Ron Gilbert .... Usher in bridal party (uncredited) Rudy Bond .... Cuneo 理查德·布赖特 Richard Bright .... Al Neri 理查德·卡斯特尔诺 Richard S. Castellano .... Clemenza ◎剧情简介 1945年夏天,美国本部黑手党柯里昂家族首领,“教父”维托·唐·柯里昂为小女儿康妮举行了盛大的婚礼。“教父”有三个儿子:好色的长子桑尼,懦弱的次子弗雷德和刚从二战战场回来的小儿子迈克。其中桑尼是“教父”的得力助手;而迈克虽然精明能干,却对家族的“事业”没什么兴趣。 “教父”是黑手党首领,常干违法的勾当。但同时他也是许多弱小平民的保护神,深得人们爱戴。他还有一个准则就是决不贩毒害人。为此他拒绝了毒枭索洛佐的要求,并因此激化了与纽约其它几个黑手党家族的矛盾。圣诞前夕,索洛佐劫持了“教父”的养子、家族参谋顾问汤姆, 并派人暗杀“教父”。 “教父”中枪入院。索洛佐要汤姆设法使桑尼同意毒品买卖,重新谈判。桑尼有勇无谋,他发誓报仇,却无计可施。迈克去医院探望父亲,他发现保镖已被收买,而警方亦和索洛佐串通一气。各家族间的火并一触即发。迈克制定了一个计策诱使索洛佐和警长前来谈判。在一家小餐馆内,迈克用事先藏在厕所内的手枪击毙了索洛佐和警长。 迈克逃到了西西里,在那里他娶了美丽的阿波萝妮亚为妻,过着田园诗般的生活。而此时,纽约各个黑手党家族间的仇杀却越来越激烈。桑尼也被康妮的丈夫卡洛出卖,被人打得千疮百孔。“教父”伤愈复出,安排各家族间的和解。听到噩耗的迈克也受到了袭击。被收买的保镖法布里奇奥在迈克的车上装了炸弹。迈克虽幸免于难,却痛失爱妻。迈克于1951年回到了纽约,并和前女友凯结了婚。 日益衰老的“教父”将家族首领的位置传给了迈克。在“教父”病故之后,迈克开始了酝酿已久的复仇。他派人刺杀了另两个敌对家族的首领,并亲自杀死了谋害他前妻的法布里奇奥。同时他也命人杀死了卡洛,为桑尼报了仇。仇敌尽数剪除。康妮因为丈夫被杀而冲进了家门,疯狂地撕打迈克。迈克冷峻地命人把康妮送进了疯人院。他已经成了新一代的“教父”——迈克·唐·柯里昂 。 教父精彩对白 “永远别让别人知道你想什么” “永远别恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力”。 “我们开出的条件你是无法拒绝的,要么是你的签字,要么是把你的手指留下。” “我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件。”“我费了一生的精力,试图不让自己变得十分粗心。女人和小孩子们可以很粗心, 但男人不会。” “总有一天--也许这一天永远也不会到来,我会让你为我做件事情。但在那一天到来之前,请在我女儿的婚礼上接受正义, 这也算是我送给你的一件礼物!”教父 II ◎译 名 教父 II ◎片 名 The Godfather II ◎年 代 1974 ◎国 家 美国 ◎类 别 犯罪/剧情 ◎IMDB评分9.0/10(127.813)Top250:#3 ◎IMDB链接 ◎导 演 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola ◎主 演 罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro .... Vito Corleone 阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino .... Don Michael Corleone 罗杰·考曼 Roger Corman .... Senator #2 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall .... Tom Hagen 黛安娜·基顿 Diane Keaton .... Kay Corleone 丹尼·艾洛 Danny Aiello .... Tony Rosato Kathleen Beller .... Girl in "Senza Mamma" 詹姆斯·凯恩 James Caan .... Sonny Corleone (uncredited) 约翰·凯泽尔 John Cazale .... Fredo Corleone 索菲娅·科波拉 Sofia Coppola .... Child on steamship in N.Y. harbor (uncredited) Troy Donahue .... Merle Johnson 塔里亚·希雷 Talia Shire .... Connie Corleone-Rizzi 哈利·戴恩·斯坦通 Harry Dean Stanton .... FBI Man #1 阿贝·维高达 Abe Vigoda .... Sal Tessio Tito Alba .... Cuban Pres. Fulgencio Batista ◎剧情简介 在西西里,少年时代的维托为报父仇,袭击了当地黑手党首领唐·乔奇。在母亲的掩护下,维托得以逃脱,并来到了美国。这已经是1901年的事了,第二代教父回忆起父亲的青年时代,不由得深深感到了创业的艰辛。 迈克和妻子凯为儿子托尼举行了圣餐仪式和庆祝活动。但就在当夜,迈克遭到了袭击,凯受了伤。面对接管家族后所遇到的种种困难,迈克又回忆起了父亲唐·维托到美国后的“奋斗”历程。 迈克一步步进行着复仇。同时他也在不断拓展家族的势力。通过与吉尔参议员勾心斗角的明争暗斗,迈克终于又控制住了一家大饭店,并开展了赌博生意。就在迈克尔扩大家族的势力时,一名叫罗斯的黑道人物又闯了进来,企图占领迈克的地盘。双方在暗地里展开了较量。迈克尔不满足于在国内已有的势力,他的手又伸到了古巴。然而革命的爆发却使他的计划受到了严重的挫折。 罗斯收买了迈克尔的哥哥弗雷多为他提供情报,企图暗杀迈克。但迈克也已对罗斯采取了暗杀行动。迈克尔含泪处置了弗雷多,却不禁回忆起当年父子兄弟间其乐融融的情景。 迈克的不法行为终究为他招来了麻烦。政府展开了对他的调查。迈克受到了一系列的指控。然而借助权术,迈克又一次转危为安,逃脱了法律的制裁。 迈克成功地对付了政府的调查,但他的妻子凯却再也受不了这种充满了暴力、暗杀和罪恶的生活。她去做了人工流产,含泪离开了迈克。 亲人的离去和兄长的背叛使迈克深受打击。金钱和权势并未给迈克带来幸福。他孤独地坐在湖边的住宅外,茫然地望着远方……教父 III ◎译 名 教父 III ◎片 名 The Godfather III ◎年 代 1990 ◎国 家 美国 ◎类 别 犯罪/剧情 ◎IMDB评分7.5/10(43.710votes) ◎IMDB链接 ◎导 演 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola ◎主 演 阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino .... Don Michael Corleone 布里奇特·方达 Bridget Fonda .... Grace Hamilton 安迪·加西亚 Andy Garcia .... Don Vincent "Vinnie" Mancini-Corleone 黛安娜·基顿 Diane Keaton .... Kay Adams Mitchelson Helmut Berger .... Frederick Keinszig 詹姆斯·凯恩 James Caan .... Sonny Corleone (uncredited) (archive footage) 约翰·凯泽尔 John Cazale .... Fredo Corleone (uncredited) (archive footage) 索菲娅·科波拉 Sofia Coppola .... Mary Corleone 乔治·汉密尔顿 George Hamilton .... B.J. Harrison Joe Mantegna .... Joey Zasa 约翰·沙维奇 John Savage .... Father Andrew Hagen 塔里亚·希雷 Talia Shire .... Connie Corleone-Rizzi John Abineri .... Hamilton Banker Diane Agostini .... Woman with Child at Street Fair Vito Antuofermo .... Anthony "The Ant" Squigliaro, Joey Zaza"s Bulldog ◎剧情简介 在《教父续集》面世十六年之后,导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉逼于经济因素而拍了这部帮会电影经典的第三集,整体成绩虽不及前二作,但仍为柯里昂家族史作出了史诗式的完结篇。阿尔·帕西诺饰演的迈克此时已步入老年,他想将家族事业从黑道漂白,向欧洲的大企业和上流社会发展,并准备安享晚年,不料发现白道的斗争跟黑道一样激烈,最后仍不得不用暴力手段解决纷争。本片主要角色沿续前两集,但加入了安迪·加西亚演饰新一代接班人,导演的女儿索菲亚·科波拉也参加演出。 内容:时间已经是1979年。迈克已经年过七十。政府不断地追查他的罪状,使他萌生了弃恶从善的念头。他向家族提出停开赌场,集中一笔财富做正当生意。 迈克的儿子托尼在大学攻读法律,但他却不愿当律师,而酷爱歌剧艺术。迈克决定让大哥逊尼的私生子文森特继承家业,当第三代教父。文森特是个很有心计的人。他对迈克言听计从,因而很得他的欢心。但他也是个好色之徒。 他一面和女记者幽会, 另一面又追求教父的爱女玛丽。但迈克不允许文森和他女儿结合,因为黑手党的教规禁止自己人通婚。为此玛丽和父亲之间产生了矛盾。双方疏远了。 为了赎回灵魂,迈克晚年想把违法挣来的资产转向欧洲,使其合法化。他通过在梵蒂冈教廷的关系网来实施这一计划。当梵蒂冈银行出现巨额亏空时,迈克尔认为机会来到了。 为了清除最后几个仇敌,迈克尔派了手下到纽约和西西里各地追查。然而,当他和归来的妻子凯一起观看儿子托尼表演的歌剧时,一场血腥的残杀就发生在他身边。新教皇被刺杀。一群枪手涌入了歌剧院。在枪声大作中,迈克死里逃生,但他的爱女却为了掩护他而牺牲。权力使迈克登上了辉煌的巅峰,但权力也使迈克沉入了罪恶的深渊。他终于走上了穷途末路,在悔恨和绝望中渐渐地离开了这个繁华喧嚣的世界 。。。 幕后制作: 本片主要角色沿续前两集,并加入了安迪.加西亚演饰新一代接班人。本集被认为是三部中最弱的一环,但总体水平仍然很高,为柯里昂家族史作出了史诗式的完结篇。帕西诺的表演比以前有更丰富的层次感,人物的悲剧性得以凸现。但科波拉女儿索菲娅扮演的女儿一角却成了公认的薄弱环节。 花絮: ·索菲娅·科波拉(导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的女儿),扮演麦克·克里尼的女儿,而不是像在教父第一集(1972)中继续扮演他的外甥。薇诺娜·莱德原本出演这一角色,但她以过于疲劳为由谢绝了。 ·在最初的剧本中有汤姆·哈根在其中。因为没有和派拉蒙谈妥他的报酬,罗伯特·杜沃拒绝演出。结果是,B.J.哈里森的角色被重新修改成像哈根这样的角色。 ·罗伯特·杜沃在电影中提出,他扮演汤姆·哈根,应得的报酬是五百万美元。制片方否决了这一要求,并重新安排角色,由乔治·哈米尔顿扮演新的律师的角色B.J.哈里森。现在的台词中就有了一句:哈根已经死了好几年了。 ·教堂仪式之后,在麦克·克里尼的聚会上,由乐队演奏的第一首歌,名字是Cuban Rhapsody(古巴狂想曲),与教父第二集(1974)夜总会场景中,新年前夕晚会上的表演者Yolanda唱的歌曲的调子一样。 ·麦克的聚会上,可以在人群中看到有一对双胞胎姐妹的特写镜头,她们有着黑色的长发。教父第一集中,同样可以在唐·维托·克里尼从医院回来的场景中,看到相象的两个女孩。 ·双胞胎是桑尼的女儿。 ·索菲娅·科波拉角色中的婶婶,正是她的亲婶婶特莱·莎尔。 ·马汀·斯柯西斯的母亲是妇女中的一个,她们想让文森特停止抱怨冷漠的邻里关系。同样在《好家伙》Goodfellas (1990)可以看到。 ·在《教父》系列三部曲中,橘子的出现都暗示着一场死亡或者是结束即将来临。麦克·克里尼死在了一些橘子的旁边,当直升机撞上来的时候,有一只橘子正在桌子上滚动着。 ·弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉答应拍摄计划,一部分原因是为了解决他个人和摄影棚的资金困难。派拉蒙通过了五千六百万美元的预算,同时附加了一些严格的条件:他必须支付给作者-制片人-导演百万美元的酬金,电影的最后版本不得少于140分钟,并且电影中任何其他多余的开支都将由科波拉个人承担。 经典台词 Don"t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment. 不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。 Don"t let anybody know what you are thinking. 不要让任何人知道你在想什么。 You make the choice, and this is your price. 你做出了这个决定,这是你的代价。 Everything I do with my power, including something criminal, I just want to protect my family and my friends . 我以我的力量所做的一切事情,包括一些罪恶,只是为了保护我的家人和我的朋友。 I don"t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death. 我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有我的死亡能否定它。 I will never do anything guilty. 我永远不会做让自己内疚的事情。 So, love somebody else. 那么,去爱一些其他人吧。 Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn"t spend time with his family can never be a real man. 你经常跟家人呆在一起吗?不错。因为不经常与家人呆在一起的男人,永远也成不了真正的男人! I"m gonna make him an offer he can"t refuse. 我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件。 I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men. 我费了一生的精力,试图不让自己变得十分粗心。女人和小孩子们可以很粗心,但男人不会。 音乐曲目 1 MAIN TITLE 2 I HAVE BUT ONE HEART 3 THE PLCKUP 4 CONNIES WEDDING 5 THE HALLS OF FEAR 6 SICILIANPASTORALE 7 LOVE THEME FROM THE GODFATHER 8 THE GODFATHER WALTZ 9 APOLLONIA 10 THE NEW GODFATHER 11 THE BAPTISM 12 THE GODFATHER FINALE 《教父 I》获奖情况 美国国家电影保护局1990 国家影片登记获奖 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳电影获奖 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳男演员获奖 马龙·白兰度 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳男配角提名 詹姆斯·卡安 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳男配角提名 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳男配角提名 阿尔·帕西诺 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳导演提名 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳编剧获奖 马里奥·普佐 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳编剧获奖 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳服装设计提名 Anna Hill Johnstone 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳剪辑提名 William Reynolds 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳剪辑提名 Peter Zinner 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳音效提名 Charles Grenzbach 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳音效提名 Richard Portman 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳音效提名 Christopher Newman 奥斯卡奖1973 最佳音乐/歌曲提名 Nino Rota 金球奖1973 最佳电影(剧情类)获奖 金球奖1973 最佳男配角提名 詹姆斯·卡安 金球奖1973 最佳导演获奖 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 金球奖1973 最佳编剧获奖 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 金球奖1973 最佳编剧获奖 马里奥·普佐 金球奖1973 最佳男演员(剧情类)获奖 马龙·白兰度 金球奖1973 最佳男演员(剧情类)提名 阿尔·帕西诺 金球奖1973 最佳电影歌曲/音乐获奖 Nino Rota 英国学院奖1973 最佳男演员提名 马龙·白兰度 英国学院奖1973 最佳男配角提名 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 英国学院奖1973 最佳服装提名 Anna Hill Johnstone 英国学院奖1973 最佳新人提名 阿尔·帕西诺 英国学院奖1973 最佳音乐获奖 Nino Rota 美国影评人协会奖 1973 最佳男演员获奖 阿尔·帕西诺 纽约影评人协会奖1972 最佳男配角获奖 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 国家评论协会奖(美) 1972 最佳男配角 获奖 阿尔·帕西诺 《教父》,无疑是一部难得的上乘佳作,作为男人的奋斗史,作为理解人性的绝好之作,也作为对精湛演技的欣赏。 孔夫子说过,食色,性也。也有人说,食欲和性欲,乃人的两大基本欲望,不贪食欲,则贪性欲。食欲,直指食物,即糊口、增强体力的欲望。从单细胞时代开始,生物就牢牢记住糊口乃是维持生命存在的第一要义。几亿年过去了,生物在地球上进化,出现了动物、植物、微生物,然而每一个生命体的潜意识中,都铭刻着一个信念——吃,活下去!人类,自然毫不例外。性欲,直指异性。在生存下去的同时,生物毫无例外地盼望着延续自己的基因,繁殖后代。对人类和许多生物而言,女性占据着主导地位,生产的工具和决定权,在女性身上。看看蜜蜂的社会,可见一斑。你或许要笑,上帝说女人只是男人身上的一根肋骨罢了,那是男性群体对女性主导权的恐惧,无论男人拥有多少权利,他都不可能拥有生产的能力。 从这两个最基本的欲望上,阐发出各种欲望,如权利欲,金钱欲,其实,所有的欲望,都是为了食物和繁殖而已。我这篇,说的是男人的使命。 教父I里最为显著的有三个人物,维多·克里昂,山尼·克里昂,麦克·克里昂。角色 维多·克里昂,王者之风的老虎。 马龙·白兰度的演技,令教父不朽,这种气度,他似乎天生具备。 人格的魅力。教父是很绅士的,不轻易发怒,却自有慑人的威严,令人不敢正视。这是他人格的魅力,学是学不来的。不是么,即使麦克以凌厉强势的作风赢得了家族的中兴,但康尼生日时的盛状和人人脸上洋溢的笑容却不复存在。教父的取胜和发家之道是帮助别人,帮助弱势群体,如阳光雨露。《教父2》中,罗伯特·德尼罗饰演的年轻教父孤身从西西里逃到纽约,打工养活自己,和后来的老婆孩子。如果没有压迫所有生意人的黑手党出现,如果维多不杀了他,那么生活还会安静地继续下去。可契机偏就出现了,为民除害的同时,维多赢得了整个意大利居住区人们的爱护和尊敬,他成了及时雨和保护神。所谓得民心者得天下,是也。 影片开始时,一只虎斑小猫乖乖地卧在他身上,教父轻轻抚摸着小猫。说到重要事时,教父伸手作了个手势,手于是从猫身上拿开了。可小猫不愿意,瞄瞄叫着,伸开两只前爪去捉教父伸开的左手。教父也颇有些惊讶,低头看了它一眼,把手伸给它……他的温婉细腻,给亲人,给美好的事物。 教父和夫人感情很好,默契,相爱。夫人的脸上洋溢着健康阳光的笑容。男人和女人是一对整体,一个男人能让珍爱的妻子幸福,让家庭和美,才是终极梦想。维多年轻时,说过我心中最美丽的还是我的妻子。直到老去,去世,他们都很和睦融洽。这男人实在不简单。 山尼·克里昂,一匹热情洋溢的烈马。 山尼性格激烈,脾气火暴,对女人温婉多情,呵护有加,对家庭眷顾。妹妹康尼被打得鼻青脸肿,山尼看到了,心痛地狠狠咬住自己握紧的拳头,马上就要冲出去教训不成器的妹夫。虽然答应了康尼不打他,但还是不顾一切地,把他揍了个半死。山尼从不对女人动粗,决不允许别人呵斥自己的女人、妹妹。正是因为这些,他找情人,妻子虽然伤心不已,但并没有离他而去,也没有发脾气。很多男人都找情人,却处理不好红旗和彩旗的关系,实在是自身的不足。 山尼致命的缺点,是性情急躁,没有城府,极其容易暴露自己的想法。只是因为他的那一句话,父亲被行刺。父亲说,男人是不能粗心的,女人和孩子可以,但男人绝对不可以。山尼的早逝,完全是性格所致,令人惋惜。或许,连作者和编剧都不能原谅他这个致命缺点带给整个家族的厄运。作为一个家族的继承者,山尼是不够格的,必须要死,让更为强大的继任者崛起。 在教父3中,山尼的儿子文森特同样脾气急躁,麦克说了教父曾说给山尼的那句话:不要轻易暴露你的想法。文森特做到了,山尼没有。 麦克·克里昂,目光犀利的头狼。 多少男人女人,从这部片子,开始喜欢艾尔·帕西诺?我是的。直到现在,我只看过艾尔的两部片子,《教父》和《盗火线》,后者是和罗伯特·德尼罗一起主演。香港某个蹩脚导演曾经毫无二致地模拟了这部电影的一些经典场景(国人一向信奉天下文章一大抄,电影也如此)。看盗火线时,艾尔已经有些老相了,著名的眼袋已经松弛了,他是从眼睛开始老的,然而眼神却越发摄人。《老友记》里,祖尔曾有幸饰演艾尔·帕西诺的屁股,为了这一殊荣,这家伙兴奋不已,在摄像机前挤屁股卖弄风骚。由此,可见在美国,有多少人将他奉为上人。 麦克有过两个女人,意大利女孩是一见钟情的,另一个是相爱已久的。他一次只和一个女人生活,不和其他女人胡来。多处发散的性欲,容易影响食欲的满足。为何女人喜欢钟情的男人?因为这样的男人无论做什么事情都会更专注。这点,他和教父还是很像的。 麦克一步步被逼上绝境,父亲被刺,自己被打,兄长被扫射,全身中弹而死,老婆被信任的人炸成碎末……一个接一个的厄运袭来,克里昂家族在风雨中飘摇。男人的使命是什么? 填饱自己肚子的同时,填饱家人的肚子,让亲人们过得衣食无忧,幸福和美。当这个危机出现时,能够奋起为保护家族而战的男人,才是真正的男人。在整个生物界,都是如此,只有最优秀的雄性(有些是雌性)才能够担任这个使命。 麦克是一个优秀的家族长,在竞争惨烈,朝不保夕的时候,头狼注定要目光锐利,心狠手辣,城府极深,动作迅速。然而教父所创造的世界已是很好,要想超越他的时代很难。第一代创业者总是比较随性和轻松,第二代就负了压力。 和教父不同,麦克心狠手辣,铮铮有力,连说话都斩钉截铁,不留回旋余地。同样是劝退汤姆,教父含情脉脉,话语温婉,拉家常一般,而麦克则直接说NO。他心里是排斥这个“事业”的,志不在此,不得已而为之,所以不会像教父一样处处留心。 垃圾男人的代表 在教父2中,康尼带着她的某一任老公摩尔找麦克要钱,他们去欧洲旅游了一番,这个叫做摩尔的男人,对麦克的拒绝不理不睬,还趾高气扬地要东西喝。这个男人,无疑是败类,“不知道他靠什么维生”,连自己和老婆都养活不了,恬不知耻地向大舅子要钱才能苟活。这种男人,可耻。可惜世上很多,小白脸即是如此。 这种男人,没有任何作为男人的尊严和使命感,在铮铮铁骨的教父一家中,这个没有脊椎的男人宛若一粒老鼠屎。

in a minuter 和immediately 有什么区别

一个是很快 一个是立即



childish immature区别

childish ["tu0283aildiu0283] adj. 幼稚的,孩子气的 只能指人immature [,imu0259"tjuu0259] adj. 不成熟的;未成熟的;粗糙的 可以指植物 动物等

glisten, glimmer, flicker,glitter,sparkle,twinkle主要是区别.不要单单是意思

具体用法如下(包括其他发光词):1. dazzle: If a very bright light dazzles you, itstops you from seeing properly for a short time. 例:a deer dazzled by the headlights Dazzle是"刺眼、晃眼"的意思,特别当光线照得人短时间看不清物体时使用,与下文其他的"刺眼"选手颇有区别。2. flash: to shine suddenly and brightly for a shorttime, or to make something shine in this way; If alight flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with asudden bright light, especially as quick, regularflashes of light. 例:Lightning flashed overhead. Flash是快速地发出强光,意为"闪光",是闪光一族的普通意义,后文还有多个闪光词汇。3. flicker: to burn or shine with an unsteady lightthat goes on and off quickly; If a light or flameflickers, it shines unsteadily. 例:The overhead lights flickered momentarily. Flicker也是闪光,但是与flash闪得不同。Flash是闪出强光,闪一下马上消失,再接着闪出强光,比如打雷之前的闪电就是典型的flash;flicker也是"闪光门"高手,可是它只能闪出不太强的光,并且极不稳定,闪光时忽明忽暗,译为"闪烁、摇曳",这个词很浪漫,总令人想到Casablanca中迷人的汽车旅馆和那对恋人一起试过的那个long, hot summer"s night.4. glare: to shine with a very strong bright lightwhich hurts your eyes; If the sun or a light glares, itshines with a very bright light which is difficult tolook at; 例:The sun glared down on us. 这个已经不是闪光门弟子了,这是发出非常耀眼的光芒,让眼睛产生不适,且不适效果大大高于dazzle,有可能出现较长时间的失明。比如氧焊时,如果不戴眼罩看了那种强烈的白光后,好一会儿看不见东西,那就是一种glaring light, 比dazzlinglight历害多了。5. gleam: to shine softly [= glimmer]; If an object or asurface gleams, it reflects light because it is shinyand clean. 例:His teeth gleamed under his moustache;Blue-white moonlight gleamed through the window,throwing the shadows of the bars across the floor. 淡蓝色的月光透过窗户照进房来,窗条的影子斜斜地映在地板上。 Gleam是"发出微光",其微弱程度与下文要提及的glimmer相同,似乎在写作中二者完全可以互换使用,不过“柯林斯”字典告诉我们,glimmer的光有点unsteady,类似于flicker。gleam是稳定的光线,不会晃动。6. glimmer: If something glimmers, it produces orreflects a faint, gentle, often unsteady light; to shinewith a light that is not very bright [= gleam]: a weak,glimmering light 朗文字典认为glimmer等于gleam,但是柯林斯和牛津皆认为glimmer含有unsteady之意,是to shine with a faintunsteady light,因此一定要与gleam区别开来。glimmer与flicker相近,也有“光线晃动”之意,但是没有flicker那么"摇曳"得历害:A beam of gleaming light 一道微弱的光线A beam of glimmering light 一束昏暗、摇曳的光线7. glint: if a shiny surface glints, it gives out smallflashes of light [= sparkle]; If something glints, itproduces or reflects a quick flash of light. (WRITTEN);= glisten; to produce small bright flashes of light: 例:The sea glinted in the moonlight;The sun glinted on thewindows;The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in thesun. 该词使用场景描述:一群孩子在草丛中玩耍时,突然一个小孩惊叫起来,"看呀,前边草丛里有东西在发亮"。众人走近一看,原来是一只银戒指;夏日某夜,有淡淡的月光,四周万籁俱寂,我心事重重,独自来到沙滩上,看着黑黝黝的海水,听着潮涨潮落出神。月亮渐升渐高,月入中天之时,月光不如先前一样昏暗,海面一下子亮了起来,我看见涨潮的时候,海边奔涌着浅灰色的浪花。 以上两个场景是我臆想的,都适用glint这个词。Glint的关键点是"闪(泛)着微光",并且光线在变幻,我想到了李莫愁的"冰魄银针"在阳光下发出幽蓝幽蓝的光芒,煞是瘆人,这就是glinting的光;小龙女的"玉蜂针"一定不是这种光,而是一种明亮得多的光,可用glowing或者glittering。突发奇想,glint是否有消极、否定之意呢?比如李莫愁是坏人,她的暗器就发glinting的光,而小龙女是好人,并且这么多人喜爱她,因此她的暗器就不会发出glinting的光。呵呵,这纯属子虚乌有,又是我胡思乱想罢了。8. glitter: to shine brightly with flashing points oflight [= sparkle];to shine brightly with little flashesof light, like a diamond SYN sparkle 例:The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold;The riverglittered in the sunlight. Glitter一听就比glint, gleam, glimmer等感觉要好,“阳气”要大得多,是积极的、明亮的,正大光明的。其发光比较亮丽,常用于阳光照射下物体反光9. glisten: to shine and look wet or oily; Ifsomething glistens, it shines, usually because it is wetor oily 例:Her eyes were glistening with tears; Sweat glistened on his forehead.;The road glistened wetafter the rain;The boy"s back was glistening with sweat;glistening black hair 这个词非常浪漫,非常美,往往与水、油等有关。发出的光令人感觉到湿漉漉的或者油亮油亮的。第1个例句非常棒,女孩珠泪莹然,楚楚动人的样子真的令英雄魂断,还有美女出浴之后,头发湿湿的,在灯光下就是glistening的感觉,这也令男人意乱情迷。此处glistened with tears就是那种"闪着眼泪花的感觉";后句"他的额头渗出了汗珠",下一句是"雨后路面湿得发亮"。想像一下,夏天雨过天晴之后,柏油路在阳光下湿湿的,亮亮的,空气是如此清新,真想在路上小跑一阵,贪婪地呼吸泥土和草地醉人的芬芳。10. glister: (literary) to shine brightly with littleflashes of light, like a diamond SYN glitter 这是一个文气词,常用在文学作品中,与glitter一样,都是指"闪着明亮的光"。11. glow: to produce or reflect a soft steadylight [= shine];(especially of sth hot or warm) toproduce a dull, steady light: 例:The fireplace was still glowing with the remains of last night"s fire;The red tip of his cigarette was glowing in the dark;Thestrap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark. Glow是指发出或者反射出一种柔和的光,一般都有强烈或者微弱的热量发出,例句中烟头在暗处发出的光,壁炉中燃烧的火发出的光,背包肩带上涂有荧光粉,在黑暗中发出的光,都是用glow。12. beam: to send out a line of light, heat, energy etc;to produce a stream of light and/or heat 例:The morning sun beamed down on us; Light beamed through a hole inthe curtain;The sun beamed through the clouds. 这个词只当发光讲,没有任何限制或者修饰意义,是最普通的发光。13. shimmer: to shine with a soft light that looks asif it shakes slightly; to shine with a soft light thatseems to move slightly 例:The sea was shimmering in the sunlight; The lake shimmered in the moonlight. 这个词超级浪漫,其浪漫程度与glisten有过之而无不及。它特指在光线的照耀下物体感觉在轻微晃动,如:月光下湖面平滑如镜,微风吹过,湖面荡起一阵涟漪,远远望去,整个湖水都在月光中摇曳起来,这就是shimmering的效果,多么迷人啊,真想躺在天鹅绒一样光滑的湖面上,跟着月光一起摇动,然后进入梦乡。14. shine: to produce bright light; to produce orreflect light; to be bright: 例:The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky;The dark polished wood shone like glass;The sun was shining;The moon shone brightly inthe sky. 这个词有时可与beam换用,但beam还可指发热、传导能量、无线电波等,而shine永远只能是发光,并且多为比较明亮的光。15. sparkle: to shine in small bright flashes; toshine brightly with small flashes of light;If somethingsparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lotof very small points of light.例:sparkling eyes;Her jewellery sparkled in the candle light;The sea sparkled in the sun;The crystal chandelier sparkled. 这是"发火花, 闪耀"之意,特指星星点点的闪光,比如春节放烟火时,夜空中盛开的各式烟火图案就可以称作sparklingfireworks patterns,区别于glow, glitter等,特指"数量多"。16. twinkle: if a star or light twinkles, it shines inthe dark with an unsteady light; to shine with a lightthat keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again例:Stars twinkled in the sky.; twinkling lights in thedistance "天上的星星不说话,地上的娃娃想妈妈,天上的星星眨呀眨,妈妈的心呀鲁冰花" 小时候听过这首歌,因此对于星星眨眼睛印象特别深刻。这个眨眼睛就一定是twinkle了,不过人眨眼睛时可以说wink,星星就不可以。远处的灯光忽明忽暗,也说twinkle。比如农村人迷信,说看到了"鬼火"一闪一闪的(那其实是死人骨头中的磷遇空气中的氧而自燃,有动物衔着骨头走动因此看起来是一闪一闪的)。哎呀,赶紧打住,现在已经23:41了,半夜了可不敢再说"鬼火",好怕怕。17. wink: to shine with a light that flashes on and off[= blink]: to shine with an unsteady light; to flash onand off SYN blink: 例:We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance. Wink是人眨眼睛,也可指光线一闪一闪的,与blink相同,可是眨眼的含义还是有细微区别。Wink时有“暗示什么东东”之意,而blink只是普通的眨眼。比如,你和朋友约定一件事不能穿帮,朋友说到此事时你立即大眨其眼,暗示他不可点破,此处用wink而不用blink。表示光线一闪一闪时二者可以换用。




dilemma的意思是两难,窘境。 di-, 二。 -lemma, 拿,承载。 词源同 lemma, epilepsy。即两边考虑的,引申词义窘境,两难。

immediately是什么意思 immediately的中文解释?

1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。1、immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是立刻、马上,也可译为不一会儿,过一会儿。2、immediately常与above、under、opposite、behind等连用,意为直接(上方)。 扩展资料 1、Many areas in the country"sinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.该国内地的很多地区无法即时报告艾滋病病例。2、Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其返凯郑圣职。3、The group"s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这漏颂个组合的.首张专辑一经推出孙册便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。

Gimmewhutchagot 歌词

歌曲名:Gimmewhutchagot歌手:Kurupt专辑:KuruptionKurupt:Yo BarshawnGimmewhutchagot niggaCome and drip into the realm of the X-filesGimmewhutchagot niggaGimmewhutchagot niggaGimmewhutchagot niggaGimmewhutchagot niggaGet your position correctGet your ammunition correctThe tactful tech technician effect(Bitch!)I got a quarter-keyYou wanna to try to stick me for it?Put the loot up, the shoot up, and hit me for it?Niggaz hang for, do the same thang for itPenetrate like, uh, poor the gas, blast and then bang for itY"all supposed to be some type of raw doggs, niggaFuck around and get your shit spit like laws, niggaFantasies never formulateSo when you get the formula to formatRestructure and reshapeRelax or we take allWe make sure we shake allWe shake tame or aim or flame allA bitch tried to play me like nothing"s really realLike I ain"t really real and I ain"t really got skills(Bitch!)I make you hot like ten tons of lava rocksThe Juggernaut crackin niggas like cinder blocks, niggaChorus:Gimmewhuthcagot niggaGet blazed, get shot niggaWe make it hot nigga rawMy nigga BarshawnKurupt with the auto-metal cock and drawI ain"t got time to see what you sawBeat back mothafucka before I crack your jawThis ain"t about nothin but life and lawNiggas killin meKuruptWhat you ice-grillin me for?Barshawn:Now how you gonna let my looks deceive you?My raps is lethalI kicks shit that would amaze you, they daze youY"all think my rhymes is voodooFor the first time comin throughAin"t been a minute yetAlready, cats wanna eye-screwPlottin to pop youYou don"t know me dukeThe one that shootYou all mad cuz I"m spendin lootThat you all broke ass niggas been tryin to scoopSee I done paid my duesDon"t be fooled by the pretty boy imageCuz you"ll get blasted up in less than a minuteIt"s Barshawn and Kurupt, y"all gonna feel itCuz when I bless a track, I spit venom in itSo how you wanna do it, rappin or gun-clappinEither or, it could happenKurupt, move the glock to his mouth for they gappinI bet next time you stay in a child"s placeThis is Rome folks talkin, you don"t relateIf you can"t hold the weight, then don"t debateKurupt: Pushin crates, headed upstate with chrome plates (check it out)Chorus:Gimmewhuthcagot niggaGet blazed, get shot niggaWe make it hot nigga rawMy nigga BarshawnKurupt with the auto-metal cock and drawI ain"t got time to see what you sawBeat back mothafucka before I crack your jawThis ain"t about nothin but life and lawNiggas killin meWhat you ice-grillin me for?Barshawn:You all fiend, daydream for cream I"ve seenEyes gleam for the drop-top I be inYou wanna end my life, my niggaz ain"t seeinWhere the fuck you expect the rest at?We got that too comin through a quarter to twoBlazin they duct-tapin you and your booAll at the revenue stand, we was once a crewMad tight, but that"s lifeI learned the gameSame cats that you roll with will split your gameSee I"m in it for the cheese niggaFuck the fame (nigga, fuck the fame, mothafuck the fame)Kurupt:I play the nickel-plated position get penetratedPopes just pause, I rise with my doggsAnd collar clothes impact and enthroneGone, zone the dome and then blownI heard raw before I saw raw beforeMack milli"s, mack 11"s and four-four"sMe and my nigga ShawnWhat you got weight on your shouldersThe freons gettin colderMe and my nigga Deion"s hittin cornersI got a beam on you chest-highFuck around and get your fuckin chest rightI spreads like bad newsBitches get played like the bluesBlowin dicks like whistlesLaunch like misslesPop like pistolsAnd confuse, misuse, enthuse, abuse, buy the twosCuz I refuse to chill like EPI prefer to get high live with the DPYou ain"t raw nigga You more like subtleFuck you and your rebuttal You laid in a puddleIt"s a storm, form reform your label formKeep calm or keep drippin in the twist of the swarm(Chorus)Kurupt, young GottiWest Coast, East Coast niggaRaw doggs(Chorus)Gimmewhutchagot niggaGimmewhutchagot nigga

Futile Immigration Matter

Ms X is a 23-year-old girl from China and she currently holds a student visa. She wants to apply for a Partner of a New Zealander Work Visa. Her school recently informed her that she will be dismissed from her program because of her low attendance rate and poor academic performance, which will invalidate her current New Zealand student visa. She has lived with her New Zealander partner for three months and is pregnant with his child; however, their partnership evidence is not very sufficient to apply for a partnership-based work visa. They only have three letters sent to their joint living address, and their joint bank account has only been open for one month. Due to the bank staff"s negligence, their joint account only displays one person"s name; the bank noticed the mistake, but it was only corrected a few days ago. We informed them that their partnership evidence is weak, and the most critical evidence of their partnership is Ms X"s pregnancy. Therefore, we suggested she apply for a three-month visitor visa before applying for a partnership-based work visa so that she can accumulate more partnership evidence. However, the client insisted on applying for a work visa rather than a visitor visa. In order to avoid future disputes, we asked her to sign a risk-informed letter before we lodged her visa application. After the work visa was lodged, the applicant told us that she was considering terminating her pregnancy and asked us for our advice. We told her that it would affect the outcome of her application and sent her the following email after this meeting: ‘Dear Ms X, As per our conversation, we find that the evidence of your partnership is weak, and the most important proof of your partnership is your pregnancy. We would like to kindly notify you that if Immigration New Zealand finds out that you plan to terminate your pregnancy, your partnership-based application will be at risk. Hence, we suggest that you fully consider your decision regarding your pregnancy before acting, as it will affect the outcome of your application. Please try to prepare other partnership evidence as much as you can. The evidence and documents you can prepare include (but are not limited to) the following: □ Joint mortgage/loan documents □ Joint insurance policies □ Joint assets/liabilities □ Bank statements, utility bills or other mail received at your home address. The document must state you or your partner"s name, your home address and a date. If it is addressed to you and your partner separately, you and your partner need to provide at least one document each that you received at the same address with similar dates. □ Travel itineraries or tickets for trips you have taken together After preparing this additional evidence, please send the original copies of these documents to our company as soon as possible. Kind regards, Mutual Benefit Limited" One month later, we received a letter from her case officer and informed our client that the content of this letter was similar to the one we had sent in our risk-informed letter. Partnership concerns Living together You claim that you moved in together as of 02 March 2018; you have provided limited evidence to support this claim. Your tenancy agreement is insufficient to support the duration of living together that you have claimed. The tenancy agreements you provided seem to be written by the same hand and using the same pen. The signature on the tenancy agreement and the support letter from the landlord do not match up. Genuine partnership Your original purpose in coming to New Zealand was to study. You have not provided any information to show that you have other pathways to remain in New Zealand. You have not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that you have genuine intentions to enter into this relationship on a long term basis. You appear have met your partner only weeks before moving in together. Given the limited timeframe and opportunities to spend time with your partner; we are not satisfied your claimed relationship is credible. You have provided insufficient evidence to show that you and your partner have a ‘Shared Life" together as a couple or evidence to show that the degree of commitment of each other to a shared life on a long term basis. You have not provided evidence of you both being committed to each other both emotionally and exclusively. You and your partner have a joint bank account. You state that the bank made an error and forgot to add your name to the joint account. You have provided no evidence of this from the bank. We note that this account has not been used to pay utilities, rent or so forth which adds a concern regarding the credibility of this account. You provided evidence of a joint insurance policy update at your joint address. This is insufficient to cover the duration of living together as claimed. Stable partnership You have not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that your partnership is likely to endure. The evidence of living together you have provided only covers the duration from March 2018 to June 2018. We do not consider your period of living together is long enough to demonstrate that your claimed relationship is stable. As the issues detailed above may affect the outcome of your application, we are bringing them to your attention out of fairness to you. We have not made a decision on your application at this stage. This letter gives you the opportunity to make any comments and submit any additional evidence or information in relation to these issues. The client"s response and emotions were relatively stable after hearing the news; however, she decided to find a new lawyer to respond to this PPI letter from INZ and asked us to issue her a refund because she claimed that we did not mention the refund policy in the risk-informed letter. We explained the clause about ‘termination of service" to the client before she signed the written agreement with us, but in order to avoid future disputes, we refunded the client and terminated her contract with us. One month later, she posted on Moments (similar to Twitter) that her visa application had been declined. Upon reflection, we have learned that if there is any risk when applying for a visa, or if the application is futile, we must ensure that we have obtained the client"s written permission to lodge the application and make sure that he or she knows the associated risks and consequences. There should also be a clause regarding the refund policy of a futile case stating that if the client insists on applying for a visa, the first service fee is not refundable. We failed to explicitly mention the refund policy in this case, and we did not consider that she might seek new representation, which caused a lot of work on our part without a financial payoff. We usually charge the client at two stages: 1) after we submit the application, and 2) when a successful decision has been made, including an approved-in-principle decision. However, if the client chooses to seek new representation, we do not receive the service fee for the second stage. Therefore, we should add a clause in our agreement that if the client chooses to seek new representation, he or she will pay 50% of the second-stage service fee.


IMM(集成管理模块)IMM是新一代的服务器上集成的管理芯片,它把原有的BMC,RSA-II,显卡,远程呈现和远程硬盘等功能整合在一个单一的芯片上。用户可以从世界的任何角落对您的系统进行远程的管理、监控和排除错误。AMM 快速维护升级刀片服务器的高级管理模块

Jimmy Eat World的《Claire》 歌词

歌曲名:Claire歌手:Jimmy Eat World专辑:Static Prevails玫瑰凋谢的一瞬间留下的香气让我不解追索从前打开记忆的图片花开的季节背叛曾经上演直到这刻才发现我已经真的真的走远这属于你的香气我已不再挂念曾经爱过可惜已经找不到线索某年某月就算再让我与你擦肩而过我已不是我你触碰不了我的心中那最深的角落曾经的痛我已经让它孤单坠落时间慢慢流过让我们选择好好地过执著着什么你的香气已弥漫风中而我有云淡风清的天空muisc玫瑰凋谢的一瞬间留下的香气让我不解追索从前打开记忆的图片花开的季节背叛曾经上演直到这刻才发现我已经真的真的走远这属于你的香气我已不再挂念曾经爱过可惜已经找不到线索某年某月就算再让我与你擦肩而过我已不是我你触碰不了我的心中那最深的角落曾经的痛我已经让它孤单坠落时间慢慢流过让我们选择好好地过执著着什么你的香气已弥漫风中而我有云淡风清的天空by:糯米耒耒

Jimmy Eat World的《Clarity》 歌词

歌曲名:Clarity歌手:Jimmy Eat World专辑:ClarityJohn Mayer - ClarityI worryI weigh three times my bodyI worryI throw my fear aroundBut this morningThere"s a calm I can"t explainThe rock candy"s melted, only diamonds now remainBy the time I recognize this momentThis moment will be goneBut I will bend the light pretendingThat it somehow lingered onWell all I got"sAnd I will wait to findIf this will last foreverAnd I will wait to findIf this will last foreverAnd I will pay no mindWhen I won"t and it won"t cause it can"tIt just can"t(It"s not supposed to)Was there a second of time I looked around?Did I sail through or drop my anchor down?Was anything enough to kiss the groundAnd say I"m here nowAnd she is here nowSo much wasted in the afternoonSo much sacred in the month of JuneHow about you?And I will wait to findIf this will last foreverAnd I will wait to findThat it won"t and it won"t it won"tAnd I will pay no mindworry about the way the weatherAnd I will waste no timeRemembering our life together


直接用 汽车爆闪灯 CLEO,开启爆闪灯就车辆不坏了,没有任何问题的区别

skating 后面接on the river swimming后面接in the river boating 后面接in the river 这句话的意思是:他在河边钓鱼.

Hans Zimmer的《Despair》 歌词

歌曲名:Despair歌手:Hans Zimmer专辑:The Dark Knight Rises (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)H∧L - Despair作词∶HALNA作曲∶佐藤あつし声にならない 何も信じれないだから私は耳を塞ぐ事でしか...近すぎて疑いもしないような人にもし裏切られていたのなら伪善者が多すぎて ねぇ谁が嘘をつき缮った姿なのか见えない 解りようもない...声にならない 谁も信じれないだから私は 耳を塞ぐ事でしか...远すぎて认识できないような人がもし操っていたのなら繋がっているなんて そう谁も思わない人达がきっとどこか知らない所で繋がっている...こんな时代は 何がどうあるのかも解らないまま 今日も何かを背负っている...声にならない 谁も信じれないだから私は耳を塞ぐ事でしか声にならず 绝望を抱えてる耳を塞ぐ事でしか守れなかった...

Hans Zimmer的《The Bomber》 歌词

歌曲名:The Bomber歌手:Hans Zimmer专辑:Broken Arrow (Expanded Original Motion Picture Score)<<Tha Bomb>> by AK"SENTOhhhYea yeaAk" sizzleThe bombGet down baby downI know you love the soundWhen we do what we doWe get you in the moodPick it up pick it upI know you love the feelLet"s keep it on the realThis shit is likeSettle down yall listen to the lingoLet me show yall suckers how this thing goAk"Sent in the 6-0 or 6-4Diamond blind or platinum or white goldReally don"t give a damn no one doesn"t like youStep on my shoes i gotta go physcoShe"s little but yes she"ll fight soSmash like a car "cause it"s just a car might goHot as hell as cold as a north poleOther bitches betta jump when i come throughIt"s the princess of rap on the one twosNever seen a chick that can flip like a nigga willI make figures so i"m incredibleI eat your flow your style so edibleYou hear the sound when a Ak"Sent come aroundSo hit the ground and everybody get downGet down baby downI know you love the soundWhen we do what we doWe get you in the moodPick it up pick it upI know you love the feelLet"s keep it on the realThis shit is likeThe bombSo freshThe bombSo dopeThe bombSo deffThe bombSo coolThe bombSo fresh...

德语在线翻译 谢谢了~ Keine Angst, ich gehe noch lange nicht FC Bayern, für immer mein Verein

这应是德国 巴伐利亚足球俱乐部的人说的话.意思是:别害怕,我还不会离开FC巴伐利亚足球俱乐部,我永远站在俱乐部这边.

annals allergy asthma immunol这个杂志中文名是什么

是Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunol吧?中文是:过敏、哮喘与免疫学年刊

Alert! Unsupported memory configurantion,please populate DIMM1 开机出现这个,DELL电脑,如何解决?去这里去找高人求教

Alert! Unsupported memory configurantion,please populate DIMM1 开机出现这个,DELL电脑,如何解决?



校正批次效应 这篇说可以用combat来进行批次校正 校正批次效应 这篇说limma和combat都可以 ComBat or removebatcheffects via limma package 这里说最好不要用combat进行批次校正,应该选择limma包的removebatcheffects() 好的,那我用limma,然而新的问题又出现了: 是先组间校正还是先批次校正? 这篇好像可以回答 芯片数据的标准化方法 惊觉自己好像弄混了RNA-seq和芯片的normalization DNA微阵列(基因芯片)简介 芯片校正原理 首先按照果子老师的帖子进行批次校正,校正后聚类,因为之前上课做组间校正用了boxplot,也好奇批次校正后有什么区别暂时理解: 不知道怎么搞啊

英语nor dimmed by despair and boredom怎么翻译?

nor dimmed by despair and boredom也不因绝望和无聊而黯淡

三星 PC3-8500 DDR3 Elpida PC3-8500 SO-DIMM 400 MHz这两个内存条哪个好?


Jimmy Eat World的《dizzy》 歌词

歌曲名:dizzy歌手:Jimmy Eat World专辑:Chase This LightJimmy Eat World - DizzyYou close your eyes and kiss your handAnd you blow it.But it isn"t meant for me,And I know this.If the choice was ours alone,Then why"d we both choose letting go?Does it end like this?Time never had a chance to heal your heart.Just a number always counting down to a new start.If you always knew the truthThen the world would spin around youAre you dizzy yet?Respectfully, so honestly I"m calling outDo you hear the conversation we talk about?I"ll back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this moment,When your eyes meet mine we"ll show itAll talk and not a lot to thinkWe were living dreamsAnd shame never crept close to our naked feetIf there"s something left to lose,Then don"t let me wear out my shoesI"m still walking.I tried,But it rang and rangI called all nightOn a pay phone, remember those from another life?If everything I meant to you,You can lick and seal then fold in twoThen I"ve been so blind.Respectfully, so honestly I"m asking nowDo you hear the conversation we talk about?I"ll back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this moment,When your eyes meet mine we"ll show it.Oh, oh take it all back, take your first, your last, your only.Oh, oh take it all back, take it all back,Everything you showed me.Oh, oh, this must be how it feels when the feeling goesI told you as I hovered I"d never felt this wayYou said "I have this shot that stops my clock, baby it"s okay"You said you"d never have regretsJesus! Is there someone yet who got that wish?Did you get yours? Babe?Respectfully, so honestly i"m asking nowDo you hear the conversation we talk about?I"ll back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this moment,When your eyes meet mine we"ll show it.

imminent;eminent;eminence 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~

imminent 谐音 依咪能特eminent 谐音 埃米能特eminence 谐音 埃米能斯


eminent和imminent都是形容词,词形相似,但词义不同。eminent指“著名的”,“卓越的”,“杰出的”;imminent指“即将发生的”,“迫在眉睫的”。 eminent例句 1.The order was created in 1902 as a special distinction for eminent men and women 该勋位设立于1902年,作为一项殊荣授予杰出的男性和女性。 2.He is an eminent dancer/ doctor/ lawyer. 他是位杰出的舞蹈家/医生/律师。 3.She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument. 她援引了几位赫赫有名的学者来支持她的论点。 4.He is eminent among architects. 他在建筑师中声誉卓著。 5.He is one of the three eminent professors in the college. 他是这所大学三名杰出教授之一。



帮忙做下英语试题: Applications: 1.Put brackets around the immediate constituents in the sentence :



DIMM Dual-Inline-Memory-Modules,即双列直插式存储模块。这是在奔腾CPU推出后出现的新型内存条,DIMM提供了64位的数据通道,因此它在奔腾主板上可以单条使用。它有168条引脚,故称为168线内存条。它要比SIMM插槽要长一些,并且它也支持新型的168线EDO-DRAM存储器。就目前而言,适用DIMM的内存芯片的工作电压一般为3.3V(使用EDORAM内存芯片的168线内存条除外),适用于SIMM的内存芯片的工作电压一般为5V(使用EDORAM或FBRAM内存芯片),二者不能混合使用。 DIMM(Dual Inline Memory Module,双列直插内存模块)与SIMM相当类似,不同的只是DIMM的金手指两端不像SIMM那样是互通的,它们各自独立传输信号,因此可以满足更多数据信号的传送需要。同样采用DIMM,SDRAM 的接口与DDR内存的接口也略有不同,SDRAM DIMM为168Pin DIMM结构,金手指每面为84Pin,金手指上有两个卡口,用来避免插入插槽时,错误将内存反向插入而导致烧毁;DDR DIMM则采用184Pin DIMM结构,金手指每面有92Pin,金手指上只有一个卡口。卡口数量的不同,是二者最为明显的区别。DDR2 DIMM为240pin DIMM结构,金手指每面有120Pin,与DDR DIMM一样金手指上也只有一个卡口,但是卡口的位置与DDR DIMM稍微有一些不同,因此DDR内存是插不进DDR2 DIMM的,同理DDR2内存也是插不进DDR DIMM的,因此在一些同时具有DDR DIMM和DDR2 DIMM的主板上,不会出现将内存插错插槽的问题。 为了满足笔记本电脑对内存尺寸的要求,SO-DIMM(Small Outline DIMM Module)也开发了出来,它的尺寸比标准的DIMM要小很多,而且引脚数也不相同。同样SO-DIMM也根据SDRAM和DDR内存规格不同而不同,SDRAM的SO-DIMM只有144pin引脚,而DDR的SO-DIMM拥有200pin引脚。此外笔记本内存还有MicroDIMM和Mini Registered DIMM两种接口。MicroDIMM接口的DDR为172pin,DDR2为214pin;Mini Registered DIMM接口为244pin,主要用于DDR2内存。FB-DIMM因为目前的内存主要是采用传统的64位并行设计,即北桥芯片的内存控制器与内存模块之间均通过64位的并行总线来数据交换,但此类并行总线设计有一个最大的缺点:就是相邻线路很容易受到干扰。这是因为目前的DIMM采用一种“短线连接”(Stub-bus)的拓扑结构。 在这种结构中,每个芯片与内存控制器的数据总线都有一个短小的线路相连,这样会造成电阻抗的不连续性,从而影响信号的稳定与完整,频率越高或芯片颗粒越多,影响也就越大。这也是目前基于此类并行体系的内存如DDR频率低下的原因。

黑眼豆豆imma be中文歌词

我将会我将会会会会会会会,我将,我将会我将会引领下一波风潮我将会把贝斯震的巨响我将会和我的团队一起放松我将会完成所有你想要做的是我将会登上大屏幕翻一百个跟头,我将会喝些美酒因为我将会摆动我的臀部你将会舔你的嘴唇我将会拍些照片,看上去牛气冲天我将会成为最牛的小牛,冲上云霄我将会敞开我的双翅我将会为所欲为,(干吧干吧,OK)我将 我将会像这样摆动我将 我将 我将 我将会像这样摆动我是Fergie ferg 我将会一直流行从21世纪知道永远我将会 我将会 我将 我将 我将会我将会 我将会 我将 我将 我将会我将会 我将会 我将 我将 我将会我将会 我将会 我将 我将 我将会超有钱,宝贝,啥啥我将 我将 我将会超牛B 宝贝 快看看我我将会 我将会登上定点 用不停止会 会 我将 我将会 我将会 会 会我将 我将 我将会和他上床我将 我将 我将会 我将会 会 会 我将 我将会我将会成为新兴黑人我将会成为拥有灵魂的非洲人我将会成为世界巨星我将会去里约热内卢 再东京摇滚我将会因百万资产而闻名全球借出去十亿 能赚回来万亿我将会成为兄弟 但我不是雷曼兄弟我将会为你的银行 借给你我的“奶油”宝贝有欠债 甩给支票给他们但我真的不介意他们再和小妞胡闹我将会 我将会 我将 我将 我将会超有钱,宝贝我将会 我将会 我将我将会厌恶这种潮流 当你的目标是征服全球我将会成为未来, 我将会成为你来看表演的唯一理由当我再台上大脑特闹时你将会看见我,我将会再夜店 啥 为所欲为我将会摆脱幻想 好好地生活下去OH 让我们持续到永久 和你一起派对狂欢永远永远一直持续到永远我将会这样摇滚,啥这样这样摇滚,啥我将会这样摇滚,啥这样这样摇滚,啥

enormous 和immense的区别

enormous 重点突出数量、程度、体积;强调程度时,语意强于big 体积、数量或程度超过正常大小”, 如: an enormous nose 大鼻子。immense 指“体积、数量、程度等都极大, 一般衡量标准难以度量”, immense: immeasurable 不可测量的 enormous [i"nɔ:məs] a. 巨大的,庞大的 a. 巨大的,庞大的 Their sitting room was enormous.他们的起居室很大。 His country cottage turned out to be an enormous bungalow. 他的"乡下房子"原来是一座大平房。 immense [i"mens] a. 极广大的,无边的,非常好的 a. 极广大的,无边的,非常好的 The sea was rolling in immense surges. 海面上汹涌澎湃。 I gazed into the immense vacant space. 我凝视着无边的天空。 enormous:adj.巨大的,庞大的,极恶的,凶暴的 immense:adj.极大地,无边的 口语:非常好的

"voile scintillant shimmering body lotion"和"gel douche cristallin crystal shower gel"的意思?


christina grimmie的《Counting》 歌词

歌曲名:Counting歌手:christina grimmie专辑:Find MeChristina Grimmie - CountingAlbum:Find MeI can"t fall asleep tonightI"m not the same without youSince I"ve been gone, since I"ve been goneWhen I lay down at nightNobody"s here to catch the tears I cryCan"t wait to be home, wait to be homeA million more miles till I get to see youA thousand more minutes I know I"ll have to go throughCounting my, way back to you Back to youA hundred more thoughts of us too consumingToo many steps till you"re right in front of meCounting my, way back to you Back to youI keep good companyBut most days I"m still lonelyWithout you here, without you hereI try to do my thingBut I just might go insaneWithout you near, without you nearA million more miles till I get to see youA thousand more minutesI know I"ll have to go throughCounting my, way back to you Back to youA hundred more thoughts of us too consumingToo many steps till you"re right in front of meCounting my, way back to you Back to youIf you could travel the worldWith me I"d feel so completeWe"d have the time of our livesRight now, I keep waitingA little longer, to be by your sideA million more miles till I get to see youA thousand more minutesI know I"ll have to go throughCounting my, way back to you Back to youA hundred more thoughts of us too consumingToo many steps till you"re right in front of meCounting my, way back to you Back to youA million more miles till I get to see youA thousand more minutesI know I"ll have to go throughCounting my, way back to you Back to youA hundred more thoughts of us too consumingToo many steps till you"re right in front of meCounting my, way back to you Back to you



帮我翻译一下,拜托了:The instant will be eternal when the heart is brimming of love


请教CSIC和CCIC有什么区别 (CCIC是Certified Canandian Immigration Consultant的缩写)


英语中有哪些单词表示大的意思 比如说big ,large,immense.


英语翻译表达“巨大的”几个单词,vast immense huge gigantic enormous bulky tr

vast是指地的广大,平地或者大盆地,就是相对来说是地面的 vast valley immense一般说的是海洋,流量什么的.动态的流动的那种感觉.immense ocean,immense information flow huge是泛指的巨大,一般指东西,不大指地面,海洋这样没法简易丈量的东西,通常就是形容一些比big还大的,但仍能用肉眼简易丈量的.huge mountain,huge room.没有说huge cup的吧,因为cup那种东西太小了,用big形容就行. gigantic也是巨大的.不如huge口语常用.和huge的范畴差不多吧. enormous比较正式,书面吧.涵盖面广. bulky指体积的大. tremendous形容的是一种令人赞叹的伟大性那种大.大得让人惊奇那种.

一首英文歌,高潮是we could be immortal一直重复,求歌名


Jimmy Butler,那个硬汉,说到做到,热火迅速攀升

经历过上赛季出人意料的成功,在主力阵容没有流失的前提下,本赛季热火在赛季之初被各路人马看好。可是实际上在吉米-巴特勒1月31日全面复出之前热火仅取得6胜12负,排在东部的末游,更是经历了一波五连败。 一直以为,吉米-巴特勒都不被认可,专家们都认为他上限不高,不是巨星。即使上赛季带领热火一路打入总决赛,这种论调依然没有停息。 1月31日之前,热火已经经历了5连败,巴特勒隔离结束火线复出,复出前,硬汉在接受采访时,宣告自己回来以后回带领热火开启一波连胜,重新打入排行榜上班区,占据季后赛名额。一般我们认为这种言论为吹NB,但是硬汉即是硬汉,还是热火的队魂。在巴特勒复出之后,热火取得了15胜6负的成绩,总战绩来到了21胜18负,排名西部第4,那个硬汉他说到做到了。 本赛季目前吉米-巴特勒的各项数据较上赛季有了小幅度的提升,我们都知道,他不是个会在常规赛全力以赴的人。 联盟硬汉不多,巴特勒必须榜上有名。硬汉硬不硬,你可以去问问森林狼的管理层,森林狼队的各个天才球员。
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