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after interviewed for the job

after 是介词,介词后跟名词或者动词ing. 所以不会直接跟动词ed形式,interviewed,而是being interviewed.

he was interviewed bythe town newspaper被动改主动

1.贝尔在1876年发明了电话. 电话在1876年被贝尔发明了. 当地的报纸采访了他. 他被当地的报纸采访了. 2.这些树可能在春天被种植. 房间必须保持干净. 青少年应该被允许去挑选他们自己的衣物. 3.英语在加拿大被使用.

I"m really honored to be interviewed. Thank you very much.Wish you have a go


was interviewed by

A 考察冠词。第一空特指Talk Show,使用定冠词、第二空是抽象名词具体化,指一件成功的事情或者成功的人。

改错:The professor interviewed the applicant himself.


be interviewed in

语法方面没有错误,但我认为in recent time最好改成recently. in recent times意思是“近年来、在近代”,是固定用法. in recent time你想表达“最近一段时间”,但这个用法不常见到,为免出错,还是改为"recently"为妥.

be interviewed for a job

第1组的两个句子,个人觉得是一样的,只不过第一句中的after是连词,省略了与主句相同的主语与be动词,第二句的after是介词.两句都可以这样补充: a.After(she was) interviewed for the job,She felt disappointed. b.After being interviewed for the job,She felt disappointed. 第二组就不同了,主语不一样. a.If writing neatly,you may get a higher mark. b.Written neatly,the letter will be easier to be read.

介词后可以接过去分词吗After interviewed by some TV stations


after be interviewed


he is being interviewed now为什么有being

这句话是现在进行时的被动语态.interviewed是过去分词 be being + 动词的过去分词(is being interviewed) 意思是他正在被一位记者采访

interviewed somebody for something什么意思?


请问18题的空能填having been interviewed 或interviewed吗?

不能.前者不行 是因为having已经表达了事情前后发生的顺序,那么After就是多余的了后者不行 是因为动词的过去分词不能作主语,只有动名词才可以,所以只能填being interviewed

are being interviewed

C -那么程序是怎样的? -所有的申请人都会被面试,然后招聘者才做出最后的决定. D 是现在进行时的被动语态,所以翻译出来成了: -所有的申请人都正在被面试,然后招聘者才做出最后的决定. 显然语义不通.

After being interviewed by the manger ,the applicant was considered to be the right......

被动语态的完整用法是“be动词+动词的过去时”举个例子吧:The dress was bought for me.这个裙子是(被)买来给我的。was是BE动词的过去式,bought是buy的过去式。再回到你的句子里,明确了完整的被动语态的用法是:be+interviewed,而这里又有一个介词after,介词后面的动词都是采用—ING形式。所以应用being。至于你说的只用interviewed来表示被动的情况,只能这样来改动这个句子:Interviewed by the manager ,the applicant was considered to be the right ……也就是要同时去掉being和after.希望我有讲清楚。如果还有不明白的可以追问哈。

the manager interviewed jim himself in the mornin

这题是不是有歧义?如果反身代词是强调主语,其位置比较灵活。例如: The manager himself will interview Lucy. The manager will interview Lucy himself. 而上题中无法判断the manager 和Jim一样是否为阳性,若是男经理,那么句中的himself 也可以是强调主语the manager。以上仅代表个人观点。

was being interviewed是被动还是主动?

被动 be interviewed,was being是过去进行时


英文原文:interviewed英式音标:[ˈɪntəvjuːd] 美式音标:[ˈɪntərvjuːd]


interviewedv.访问; 面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ); 会见; (私下)提问; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then I interviewed the mother. 然后我采访了她妈妈。2.Have you interviewed anyone famous? 你有没有采访过名人?


interview 英["ɪntəvju:] 美[ˈɪntɚˌvju] n. 接见;采访;面试;会谈 vt.& vi. 面试 vt. 采访;访问;会见;(私下)提问 [例句]Say you "re at a job interview.假设你正在参加一个工作面试。


interviewedv.面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ); 访问; 会见; (私下)提问; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then I interviewed the mother. 然后我采访了她妈妈。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ),访问,会见,(私下)提问


v.面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ),访问,会见,(私下)提问

be interviewed是什么意思 再造3个句子 简单点的就行

被采访的意思He was interviewed by the president.If you want to be interviewed by this scientist, you should work hard.Be interviewed by Yan zhenning is a proud thing to her.

have interviewed是什么时态?

这是现在完成时。现在完成时跨在两个时间之上,一是过去,一是现在。它的动作发生在过去,但对现在有影响(或结果),而时这种影响(或结果)却往往是说话人的兴趣所在,所以常常后面不用时间状语。现在完成时所表的动作离说话人的说话时刻可近可远,表近距离的如:(1)The car has arrived. 车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口)(2)Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着)(3)He"s been ill. 他刚生过病。(结果:现在脸色还不好)[注]美国英语常用过去一般时代替表近距离的现在完成时,如:①What happened? 发生什么事了?(等于What"s happened?)②Who took my dictionary? 谁把我的词典拿走了?(等于Who"s taken mydictionary?)表远距离的如:(4)He has traveled over many lands. 他到过许多国家。(结果:他见识很广)(5)Have you ever seen the sea? 你看见过大海吗?(结果:如见过就告诉我海是什么样吧)(6)She has had a good education. 她受过良好教育。(结果:她的文化水平比较高)有时可以连用现在完成时去完成一个以上相互紧接的动作。如:(7)They have gone to the moon and come back to earth again.他们踏上了月球,后又返回了地球。(8)The river has been the scourge to Chins. But we have tamed it atlast. 这条河是中国的灾难。但我们终于把它驯服了。注意have been与have gone的意思不同。试比较:(9)I have been to the library. 我刚从图书馆回来。(have been意谓“去而复归”)(10)He has gone to the library. 我到图书馆去了。(have gone意谓“去而未归”)have been还可和不定式连用。如:(11)I have been to see John. 我去看过约翰了。(12)This is one of the few times he has been to shed tears.这是他难得的一次流泪。[注]在口语中,have got除具有本义“得到”外,往往等于have。如:①Have you got a light? 你有火吗?但在美国口语中,got如具有本义,则用have gotten。如:②Tom, I have gotten some very good news for you.汤姆,我得到一些对你非常好的消息。和现在一般时一样,现在完成时亦可用于死者。也有两种情况:一种是死者刚死不久,生者觉得他还似在人间。如:(13)It"s a beautiful place. Your papa has told me about it. Heloved it very much. 那可是个好地方。你爸爸生前和我说过,他非常喜欢那个地方。另一种情况是说名人。他们虽已死去,但其言行对现在仍有影响。如:(14)Shakespeare has written most of the best plays we know.在我们熟悉的最佳剧作中,大部分都是莎士比亚写的。(15)Newton has explained the movements of the moon from theattractions of the earth. 牛顿阐明了月球受到地球引力而运行的规律。现在完成时有时带有感情色彩。如:(16)What have you done! 你干了些什么!(17)Now you"ve done it! 这你可闯下祸了!在口语中,往往用“have gone(或been)and+过去分词“的形式。如:(18)You"ve gone and broken my fan. 你把我的扇子弄断了。(19)You have been and moved my papers! 你乱动我的文件啦!希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

will be interviewed

答案选A.being interviewed 因为before是介词,介词后面用ing形式,意思是,在申请这份工作之前,你必须要先参加一个语言测试.

interviewed 和interviewing的区别

首先,after是个介词,后面要接doing. 其次,be interviewed是个被动结构,意思是接收面试,而interview则是主动形式.

求详解,这两题有什么不同?为什么第一题填interviewed,而第二题填were interviewed.



interviewedv.访问; 面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ); 会见; (私下)提问; 例句:1.Then I interviewed the mother. 然后我采访了她妈妈。2.Have you interviewed anyone famous? 你有没有采访过名人?


interviewedv.面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ); 访问; 会见; (私下)提问; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then I interviewed the mother. 然后我采访了她妈妈。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


interviewedv.访问; 面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ); 会见; (私下)提问; 例句:1.Then I interviewed the mother. 然后我采访了她妈妈。2.Have you interviewed anyone famous? 你有没有采访过名人?


interviewedv.访问; 面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ); 会见; (私下)提问; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then I interviewed the mother. 然后我采访了她妈妈。2.Have you interviewed anyone famous? 你有没有采访过名人?


interviewed英 [ˈɪntəvjuːd]   美 [ˈɪntərvjuːd]  1N-VAR 面试;面谈An interview is a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a job or a course of study.When I went for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely early...在参加这份工作的初次面试时,我到得非常早。请点击输入图片描述请点击输入图片描述2VERB 对…进行面试If you are interviewed for a particular job or course of study, someone asks you questions about yourself to find out if you suitable for it.When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, and on that basis, he was hired...沃德尔参加面试的时候给人留下了深刻印象,所以基于这点,他被雇用了。3N-COUNT 采访;访谈An interview is a conversation in which a journalist puts questions to someone such as a famous person or politician.Allan gave an interview to the Chicago Tribune newspaper last month...艾伦上个月接受了《芝加哥论坛报》的采访。4VERB 采访;访谈When a journalist interviews someone such as a famous person, they ask them a series of questions.I seized the chance to interview Chris Hani about this issue.我抓住机会就这一问题采访了克里斯·哈尼。请点击输入图片描述5VERB 讯问;审讯When the police interview someone, they ask them questions about a crime that has been committed.The police interviewed the driver, but had no evidence to go on.警方讯问了司机,但是没有获得什么有用的证据


采访双语对照词典结果:interviewedv.面试( interview的过去式和过去分词 ); 访问; 会见; (私下)提问; 例句:1.Then I interviewed the mother. 然后我采访了她妈妈。2.Have you interviewed anyone famous? 你有没有采访过名人?

We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us.!!
