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求disadvantages of majoring in liberal arts作文

Taking liberal arts courses can be advantageous to all college students. There are some advantages about the liberal arts courses. First of all, it can teach students to think creatively and critically.Therefore, they were able to work out good ideas when stuck in trouble and finally succeeded. Last but not least, it may assist us in understanding the past which has created the present, in this way can we understand this world better. Taking liberal arts courses can benefit students in thinking creatively and critically, gaining more insight in life and society, understanding the past which has created the present and so on.

Disadvantages of majoring in liberal arts的作文

Nowadays, studying science has become the choice of most people.In my high school, there are 28 classes students studying science.while only six classes of students studying liberal arts.Then, we say the disadvantages of studying liberal arts.First of all, most of the current high-paying jobs are science students can choose.such as medicine, dentistry, engineering, etc.And liberal arts students in the future employment wage is not high is a disadvantage.Second, now college students have become very common, so their employment will become difficult, and the employment of liberal arts is narrower than that of science.Finally, the coverage of liberal arts is very wide, students can not grasp the knowledge well if they can not study deeply.Overall, fewer people now choose liberal arts.In my opinion, we have to choose liberal arts or science first according to our interests

初二英语作文the disadvantage of smoking



应该是后天可以改变的,advantage本身就是优势的意思,比如你后天学到的知识,比如书法就是你的优势——My advantage is calligraphy.是靠后天培养后形成的自身优势。

英语作文题目, The advantage and disadvantage of staying at home 关于宅在家里的...


Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of e-business.

E-business involves using the internet to integrate the vendors or traders with the consumers and suppliers. Probably the biggest advantage of conducting business online is that the firm and its products have a worldwide presence. E-business has greatly contributed to improvement in customer service。Marketing products through the web has made advertising extremely cost effective。 E-business has some very potent sectoral limitations.E-business requires substantial resources at hand for redefining product lines for online selling. There are many different benefits of E-business,but it is not without its negative sides.(2段为优点,3段为缺点)


23. There isn"t

Kingsoft KisAddin是什么?

Kingsoft这个是金山软件至于后面的那个是什么我就不知道了,你看看你自己的电脑中是否安装有金山的产品。 但是根据下面的在线扫毒的结果,该文件不是病毒 我知道是一个连词Kingsoft就像是一个商标一样标注这个程序属于金山



急需一篇英语作文有关於 the advantages of boy and disadvantages of girl

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Television Television, as a popular means of mass media, appeals to people for various reasons. First, it allows us to see as well to hear what is happening in the world. Thus, most distant events are brought right into our homes. Second, it is very convenient. All we have to do is to press the button and sit there, enjoying ourselves. " Finally, with a TV set, no matter what your interest is and what age group you belong to, you will always find programs to your taste: in short, TV has become so much part of our life that a world without TV would be unimaginable. However, as some people argue, TV has disadvantages, too. For one thing, much of our good 6me is wasted watching TV and our work and studies are neglected. Another bad effect is that television viewers have become passive and lazy because they just sit there, letting things happen to them, instead of reading and thinking for themselves. Furthermore, influenced by some bed programs, many children, have come to believe that our world is one of violence and dishonesty. They begin to imitate every action of the TV actors and as a result, the crime rate has increased in some areas. In spite of what bas been said, it should be admitted that there are more advantages over disadvantages in the use of TV. Being a modern device of communication, TV itself is certainly a good invention. As such, only when it is made use of properly, can it produce only good effects. If not, bad results will overweigh the good ones; then TV will become a bur

作文;the advantages and disadvantages of eating out.

the advantages and disadvantages of eating out. The benefits of eating: taste buds can enjoy delicious food, you can eat delicious, there are happy mood ... perhaps there are shortcomings, it is not good, not happy, unhealthy ... ... but we are in the meantime , felt the curious, so I do not control them before it! This is what I ate the advantages and disadvantages of view.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet为题60到80字的英语作文,帮我下有人吗?我加分

The Internet is wonderful. It makes ourlife nicer, easier and more interesting. The Internet can help us to do a lotof things. For example, we can do some shopping without leaving our houses, wecan study on the Internet and we can use the Internet to find jobs. When wewant to visit a new place, the Internet can help us to find the way. On theInternet, we can also enjoy many interesting songs, movies and games. But weshouldn"t spend too much time on the Internet. When the Internet brings ushappiness, will also have an impact on our. Some body will indulge inonline games, it is very dangerous, butas long as we havereasonableuse ofthenetwork, we willbenefit.



please talk about the advantages and disadvantag


the advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Olympic Games 的作文

The 2008 Olympic Games has been held in Beijing,where many sportsmen and sportswomen from the countries all over the world assembled. As everyone knows, holding the Olympic Games is more than a great honor for the country and its people. As to our China, we have tried many times to get a opportunity for hosting it, finally, we do. However, hosting the Olympic Games has not only advantages but also disadvantages . As for advantages, hosting the Olympic games will have a positive effect on the economy. With millions of foreigners coming to the country to see the Olympic Games, they will consume, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels. Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers, as Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of the gymnasiums for the sport games, so there will be more building needed. In addition, through the Olympic Games, more people around the world will know the country who hosted it. But there are still some disadvantages. As more and more people flood into the country, its environment may be damaged to some extent. Besides, confilcts may increased with so many people who have different nationalities and the colors of skin at the same time.

A balanced view of their advantages and disadvantages和 Neutral的区别是?

打个比方,你的两个朋友吵架了,Neutral是啥都不管,看着他们吵,就像二战瑞士是中立国一样。A balanced view of their advantages and disadvantages是上去欠架,还跟他们讲道理,平衡他们的对错得到他们都信服的观点,然后,他们又是朋友了。


撒打死大家哦iasdjdoiasjda isdj阿斯顿赛道就撒 iasjd赛道isad哦isdjojd 大多数得到 阿斯顿阿斯顿的


dedecms 文档 编辑的时候需要加入html标签控制格式吗??asldkfisad还是dedecms自动生成的

数据库有的 文档默认是是栏目名字的拼音全称

WhichLett isad rink 中哪个字母是一种饮料?


英语翻译:至于(as to)面试,如果她不擅长英语,她会处于劣势(at adisadvantage)

As to interviews,she will be at disadvantage if she doesn"t good at English.

disadvantages of lacking english proficiency

在lack of中,lack是名词,表示“……的缺乏” 而lacking of必然错误,如果要改,可以直接改为lacking sth,这里lack做动词,加ing表示“缺乏……(的这个现象)”

求英语作文Disadvantage of Locking English Proficiency

英语作文Disadvantage of Lacking English Proficiency.见下:Fluently speaking English is a good skill in your life.Disadvantage of lacking English proficiency is that you can"t do what you want when you deal with a foreigner. It is also difficult when you want send an email to your foreign customer.

disadvantages of lacking English proficiency的英语作文?

lacking English proficiency usually means lacking oral fluency and therefore may cause inconvenience when it comes to communicating with a English speakerin addition,to see from a more profound perspective,in the present world which focuses densely on international economy and culture,lacking of English proficiency can deprive one of better opportunities.


And in the dark

shortcoming disadvantage weakness三个词哪个可数哪个不可数,还有意思上的区别是啥?

三者都可数的disadvantage n. 不利,不利条件,损害,损失.。主要形容事shortcoming n. 短处,缺点。一般指向人。Weakness 一般都是指 某个人/某个东西 的弱点。就是指人指事都行


  1,disadvantage,主要的意思是指不利的情况和不利的条件。  用的时候一般会有一个对比,比如advantage是什么,disadvantage是什么。这款产品的优点有XX,但是disadvantage有XX。所以disadvantage一般不会单独出现,会有对比。  2,weakness,n.弱点,缺点; 软弱,优柔寡断; 弱,衰弱,虚弱; 〈口〉偏爱,癖好。  这个比较通用,对比感不强烈。  例句:  This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage.  这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。  I would overcome any weakness, any despair, any fear.  我要克服所有的软弱、绝望和恐惧。  There is an inherent weakness in the design.  这设计本身存在弱点。  3,fault表示错误,是因为粗心大意而犯下的。  find fault固定搭配,找茬。  4,Shortcoming, 一般是指缺点, 不一定都要指人,在运用的时候shortcoming往往用复数shortcomings.





shortcoming与 disadvantage的区别是什么啊?

disadvantage n.不利,不利条件,损害,损失 shortcoming n.短处,缺点 两个在意思上都有很大的区别,前者主要形容事,后者一般指向人.