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是指牛津词典上的意思吗?如果是,我就搬上来了……tissue (人、动植物细胞的)组织muscle/brain/nerve,etc.tissue肌肉、大脑、神经等组织scar tissue瘢痕组织2:(尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸a box of tissues一盒手巾纸3:(tissue paper)(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,棉纸a tissue of lies一派谎言


n.组织( tissue的名词复数 ); 薄纸; 棉纸; 一套。在选择专业术语译法时,还要注意以下几个原则:1. 与翻译语境中的上下文结合的原则:有时会遇到一词多译的情况,每个译法本身都是对的,分别适合于不同的情况。此时要根据上下文选择合适的译法,不能随意任选。2. 选用权威查询资源译法的原则:优先选用权威查询资源提供的译法,客户术语表>国家术语标准文件>权威行业双语词典>专业技术人员建议>网络查询结果>自己命名。3. 大众优于小众的原则:有时一个专业术语的两个译法难以取舍时,可以利用网络搜索引擎验证哪个用的更多,采用多者优先。4. 有时,某个术语有多种译法,有通用的译法,同时在一些极窄的分支领域中有特定译法。此时,如果你确定在在该分支领域中应该使用的某特定译法,则优先选用该特定译法,否则别人会认为你不专业。但如果你利用各种方法都无法确定特定译法,就优先使用通用译法(前提是讲得通),否则就可能弄巧成拙。5. 贴近原文的原则:当遇到某个术语的两个译法都可用,依据上面的标准判断不出来哪个更好时,也可以考虑”贴近原文“的原则,选择与原文单词尽量对应的译法,这样可以降低被误解的风险。



英语he has abandonment issues怎么翻译?


Facial Tissues是面巾纸的意思吗?

上厕所用的卷纸叫做 toilet paper或叫做 Bathroom tissue 盒装的餐巾纸 叫做 Facial tissue 去餐馆吃饭 桌上的餐巾纸 叫 NAPKIN

在国外,电脑课做完一个网站后老师让我写一个ethical issues 是什么意思...求解

道德话题( ethical 道德的。伦理的 issue 话题)

facts和issues of facts有什么区别?

facts有事实之意,issue作名词有争论、问题的意思,拿放在上下文中“issues of facts”是否可以理解为“关于事实的争论”

缓解问题的英文 应该是怎么写呢? 是mitigate the issues吗?还是有什么更好的呢?


hardware scan complete with no issues.是啥意思?

hardware scan complete with no issues. 硬件扫描完成,没有问题。只能是系统,驱动或应用软件的问题戴尔笔记本 出现Hardware scan complete with no is sues刚才开机时显示电脑配置windows更新失败 等了一个多小时都没动 后面长按电源键关机了原因:hardware scan complete with no issues是开机时的系统自检信息,意思是硬件扫描完成,没有问题。若无法进入电脑系统则有多种原因,如下:1、系统文件损坏,电脑启动时无法加载系统文件,所以无法正常开机。2、系统引导项损坏,电脑开机时无法正常引导系统启动,所以无法正常开机。解决:1、系统文件损坏,需要重新安装操作系统。2、进入PE系统,修复当前电脑启动引导项即可。若修复引导项后仍无法正常启动电脑,则考虑重新安装操作系统。工具:PE启动盘;电脑;修复启动引导项操作如下:1、首先将PE启动盘插入电脑,开机时会弹出启动选项,选择“运行winPE”。2、然后进入PE系统桌面之后,点击桌面上的“修复系统引导”。3、在打开的修复页面内,选择“自动修复”,若系统安装有多个操作系统,则选择“手动修复”或者“高级”。4、点击“自动修复”之后,软件会自动重新在C盘内写入引导程序。5、待提示修复完成之后,将PE启动盘拔除,重新启动电脑就可以正常开机了。

side bitch issues歌词

I hate the world today今天 我恨这世界You"re so good to me你对我来说太美好了I know but I can"t change我知道但我无法改变Tried to tell you试着告诉你But you look at me like maybe但你低头看着我I"m an angel underneath就好像我是一个天使Innocent and sweet纯洁而甜美Yesterday I cried昨天我哭了Must have been relieved to see被宽慰的看到了The softer side柔弱的一面I can understand how you"d be so confused我能理解你为什么会如此疑惑I don"t envy you我没有羡慕你I"m a little bit of everything我是这一切中的一小部分All rolled into one被卷入了这一切[Chorus:]I"m a bitch, I"m a lover我是一个**,我是一位爱人I"m a child, I"m a mother我是一个孩子,我是一位母亲I"m a sinner, I"m a saint我是一个罪人,我是一位圣徒I do not feel ashamed我不觉得羞愧I"m your hell, I"m your dream我是你的恶梦,我是你的理想I"m nothing in between我处于两者之间You know you wouldn"t want it any other way你知道你不会再选择其他的人So take me as I am所以请接受我的全部This may mean这也许意味着You"ll have to be a stronger man你要成为一个更坚强的人Rest assured that保证支持得住When I start to make you nervous当我使你紧张的时候And I"m going to extremes当我走向极端的时候Tomorrow I will change明天我将会改变And today won"t mean a thing今天将变得意义无存I"m a bitch, I"m a lover我是一个**,我是一位爱人I"m a child, I"m a mother我是一个孩子,我是一位母亲I"m a sinner, I"m a saint我是一个罪人,我是一位圣徒I do not feel ashamed我不觉得羞愧I"m your hell, I"m your dream我是你的恶梦,我是你的理想I"m nothing in between我处于两者之间You know you wouldn"t want it any other way你知道你不会再选择其他的人Just when you think, you got me figured out当你认为,你已经弄懂我时The season"s already changing季节已经替换I think it"s cool, you do what you do我认为这很酷And don"t try to save me不要试图拯救我I"m a bitch, I"m a lover我是一个**,我是一位爱人I"m a child, I"m a mother我是一个孩子,我是一位母亲I"m a sinner, I"m a saint我是一个罪人,我是一位圣徒I do not feel ashamed我不觉得羞愧I"m your hell, I"m your dream我是你的恶梦,我是你的理想I"m nothing in between我处于两者之间You know you wouldn"t want it any other way你知道你不会再选择其他的人I"m a bitch, I"m a tease我是一个**,我是一位佳人I"m a goddess on my knees我是一位跪在地上的神When you hurt, when you suffer当你受伤,当你受苦I"m your angel undercover我会成为你治愈的天使I"ve been numb, I"m revived我曾被编号,我曾恢复生机Can"t say I"m not alive不能说我没有活着You know I wouldn"t want it any other way你知道我不需要以其他任何的方式活着(*号是脏话,百度不让上传)

Draw Something – Experiencing issues with the game? Update to the latest version

Dear Players,We"ve recently released a new version of Draw Something on both Android (v 2.400.059) and iOS (v 3.1.60). This update has an improved sign-in flow and is aimed at making the game performance better.If you have been experiencing any issues with the game or if you are unable to reset your password, please update to the latest version by clicking on the links below: iPhone/iOS App Store Android/ Google Play Please follow the below steps to request a new password for your account:1. If prompted, please enter the email address associated with the game and tap on Submit to receive a secret code to reset your password. Please note: You will receive instructions to reset your password only if you have updated to the latest version of game. If you"ve been experiencing any issues, please update the game and try again.2. Copy the secret password reset code from your email and return to the game screen. PS: If you haven"t received a code, you might still be on the old version of the game. Please update the game to the latest version and try again. 3. Use the password reset code to select a new password for Draw Something:Please contact us if you continue to experience any issues. Draw Something Support Team

equity issues是什么意思

equity issues双语例句1. The external sources of cash include the liquidation of assets and equity issues. 外部现金来源包括资产变现和发行新股票.来自互联网2. The research focuses on some issues about efficiency and equity in secondary school finance in America. 本论文试从教育财政的角度对美国中小学中的效率与公平问题进行了研究.来自互联网3. The report also pointed out that listed companies equity incentive accounting and disclosure issues more. 报告同时指出,上市公司股权激励会计和信息披露问题较多.

paymentissues 啥意思

payment issues 付款问题


1、登陆github到个人主页,点击“Repositories”,就能看到你自己创建或者“Fork”的项目。2、找到你要删除的“Repositories”(或者也可以说是项目),点击进入。3、找到该Repositories页面右下方的“Settings”,如图中标示,点击“Settings”进入(这个时候有可能会提示让你输入密码)。4、进到“Settings”之后,点选左边框中的“Options”(一般默认也是这个选项),然后拉到最下,就可以看到“Delete this repository”了。5、点击“Delete this repository”,弹出对话框,需要你填写要删除的这个“Repositories”名字,不填写的话是不能删除的,我这里的名字是“Test”,然后就可以删除整个项目了。

Identity of issues和identity the issues有什么区别呢

估计你是说:identity of issues / identify the issues. 前者为「问题的属性」後者为「找出问题」

issues close和open是什么意思

解释:“具体的意思是“后盖打开,关闭后盖1 问题原因:出现这个现象是很有可能因为中途卡纸导致的。解决方法:是关闭电源打开后盖→→按下两侧的绿色扳手→→取出卡纸→→关闭后盖→→重新开机

issues contract是什么意思


address issues是什么意思

解决问题啊 那个人的例句里面都有解决问题的意思 怎么他还写个地址问题?

shipping issues指的是什么


国外期刊中Special Issues是什么意思

Special Issues特殊问题双语对照例句:1.Seemingly every company has some special issues. 不过似乎每一家公司都存在一些特殊问题。2.Some special issues on differences between legitimate defence and urgent dangerprevention. 关于正当防卫与紧急避险相区别的几个特殊问题。3.There are two special issues to be aware of when creating counters andcategories. 创建计数器和类别时需要注意两个特殊的问题。


volume是文件集,issues 表示期刊

投稿中的journal issues是什么意思

journal issues杂志问题“journal”n. 日报,杂志;日记;分类账“issues”n. 问题;流出;期号;发行物vt. 发行,发布;发给;放出,排出vi. 发行;流出;造成…结果;传下


是any issue.any任何一个后面加单数名词

There are/is a lot of issues.是用is还是are呢?

"There"s a lot of people" isn"t really correct, as far as I know. You"re talking about more than one person, so you would use "are" instead of "is". Unless you"re talking about a physical "lot" of people, like if you have a bunch of slaves, and you group them as a "lot" that case, since they were being referred to as one "lot" or entity, you could say, "There is a lot of people up for auction," or something like that. But slavery is an ugly thing, so let"s hope that"s not what they"re talking about. 明白吗

the government issues money and stamps中issue为什么加s?

因为the government 是第三人称单数啊 issue 在这里是动词 发行的意思issue money 发行货币

英语开题报告research questions/problems/issues分别指的是什么?



问题收 收益 收据 进款

Mr G的《Issues》 歌词

歌曲名:Issues歌手:Mr G专辑:Unity - The Official Athens 2004 Olympic Games AlbumMindless Self Indulgence - IssuesBut I won"t press the issueYou know what I need is (I need, I need)And ya never gonna be it (be it)I shoulda hesitatedLimousine inebriatedSo unsophisticated (-cated)Too late to be debatedIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMake out with her friends" friendsIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMAKE OUT WITH HER FRIENDSOohh, I want a lot of profanityWith a lot of lost virginityIt"s a boy"s intuitionWith a right explanation"Cause I"m on that missionWith deducted admissionNow take my clothes offAnd show me what you"re made ofIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMake out with her friends" friendsIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMAKE OUT WITH HER FRIENDSExcuse me, do you want to screw?Excuse me, do you want to screw?I"m so amazing in the sackYes, I"m so amazing in the sackI want a lot of profanityWith a lot of lost virginityNow take those clothes offAnd show me what you"re made ofIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!


issues["iu0283ju:z] n.议题,债券,收益,发行物,子嗣 名词issue的复数形式 问题 事件 (包含分析它的意思)

请问bonus issues和rights issues分别是什么意思呀?

bonus issues奖金问题rights issuesn.增股( rights issue的名词复数 ); 人权问题.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!



Issues (Quietstorm Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Issues (Quietstorm Mix)歌手:N2U专辑:Issues (Quietstorm Mix)Mindless Self Indulgence - IssuesBut I won"t press the issueYou know what I need is (I need, I need)And ya never gonna be it (be it)I shoulda hesitatedLimousine inebriatedSo unsophisticated (-cated)Too late to be debatedIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMake out with her friends" friendsIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMAKE OUT WITH HER FRIENDSOohh, I want a lot of profanityWith a lot of lost virginityIt"s a boy"s intuitionWith a right explanation"Cause I"m on that missionWith deducted admissionNow take my clothes offAnd show me what you"re made ofIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMake out with her friends" friendsIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMAKE OUT WITH HER FRIENDSExcuse me, do you want to screw?Excuse me, do you want to screw?I"m so amazing in the sackYes, I"m so amazing in the sackI want a lot of profanityWith a lot of lost virginityNow take those clothes offAnd show me what you"re made ofIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outIt"s 3 a.m. - she won"t put outLets go make out with her friendsMake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsmake out with her friends" friendsMake out with her friendsKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

英语assigned issues怎么翻译?

该英语词组assigned issues 可以翻译为 分配的问题


issues 意思最广,表示"条目,话题"等problem一般指的是麻烦小问题等question 就是指提问的问题






issues 的读音为 /u02c8u026au0283uu02d0z/,注意到这个单词的发音中,字母 "u" 读成了长音 /uu02d0/,而不是短音 /u028c/,这一点需要注意。此外,"i" 也不是常规的短元音 /u026a/,而是略微有点倾向于长元音 /i/,尤其是在音节被重读时。因此,正确的发音是 "u02c8u026au0283uu02d0z"。issues 是 issue(单数)的复数形式,指的是一个问题、一个议题或一个争议。例如,"He raised some important issues that need to be addressed." (他提出了一些需要解决的重要问题。)在不同的上下文和语境中,issues 可以指涉到不同的话题、议题或问题。Issues 作为名词,可以用于以下几种语境和用法中:1、表示问题或议题:issues 意为 "问题" 或 "议题",常用于对一个问题或一组议题进行描述。例如:"We need to focus on the issues that are most important to our customers." (我们需要专注于对我们的客户来说最为重要的问题。)2、表示(期刊、杂志等的)刊物:issues 还可以指代出版物中的某一个问题。例如:"The latest issue of the magazine is now available at your local bookstore." (最新一期的杂志现在可以在您当地的书店购买。)3、表示后果或影响:issues 在某些语境中可以指代某一事件、行为或政策引起的各种影响或后果。例如:"The government"s decision on this issue will have far-reaching issues on our economy and society." (政府在这一问题上的决定将对我们的经济和社会产生深远的影响。)issues的出处Issues 这个单词来源于拉丁语 "issūta",意思是 "问题、议题"。它最早出现在英语中是在14世纪,起初用于描述法律和财务方面的争议和纠纷。后来随着使用范围的扩大,这个词语逐渐被应用到各个领域。今天,issues 仍然被广泛应用于政治、商业、社会和文化等方面。在政治领域,issues 通常用于描述备受关注的政策、选举或国际事件。在商业领域,issues 可以指代客户关心的问题、公司的战略决策或市场趋势等。在社会和文化领域,issues 可以用于描述社会问题、文化事件和各种社会问题的解决方案。总之,Issues 这个单词是一个非常常见的英语词汇,在日常生活和工作中倍受使用者们的青睐。

trust issues drake的 歌词谢谢啦

Drake - Trust Issues(Lyrics by MaxRNB)Call up I"m drinkin, lets call upAll I care about is money and the city that I"m fromI"ma sip until I feel it, I"ma smoke it till it"s doneAnd I don"t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I"m youngAnd I"m only getting older so somebody shoulda told yaI"m on oneYeah, f-ck it, I"m on oneYeah, I said I"m on oneF-ck it, I"m on oneA strong oneTwo white cups and I got that drinkIt could be purple, it could be pinkDepending on how you mix that shitMoney that we got, never get that shitCause I"m on oneF-ck it I"m on oneOh yeah oh yeahYou know what I"m like, oh yes, oh yeahOh yes, Oh yeahOh yes, Oh yeahYou know what I"m sippin, I teach you how to mix itBut you"re the only one, cause I don"t trust these bitchesI don"t, I don"t trust these bitchesThey might catch me slippin"So you"re the only one, cause I don"t trust these bitchesThey might, they might catch me slippin" and put in something differentSo your the only oneCause I don"t trust these bitchesI don"t, I don"t trust these bitchesThey might catch me slippin"So you"re the only oneOh Ooooh, trust issuesOh Ooooh, trust issuesOh Ooooh, trust issuesOh Oooo ooooo oohOh yeh, oh yehLets call up I"m drinkin, lets all get wastedI"m drinkin", lets all get fadedDrizzy Drake, check me outComing live from the the muthaf-cking north sideKick game, run game, run it real goodBut never ever have my bitches sittin" courtsideSame nigga that you knew way back whenYou actin" like it"s somebody you don"t knowTell me how the f-ck we supposed to stay friendsWhen you got a bunch of feelings that you don"t showI can tell, I can tell, I can tell certain people don"t like me no moreNew shit don"t excite me no moreGuess they don"t really make "em like me no moreUh, you can look me in my eyes and see I aint myselfCause if ya what I created than I hate myselfBut still, let them girls in,And tell em all leave their cell phones on the table where we see "emI"m all day with it man, AM to the PMNiggas hatin",I just wish they would say it when I see em allThats that shit that drives me crazyAnd it"s all that I"ve been gettin" latelyAnd it"s probably why I"m scared to put the time inWomen wanna f-ck t like they"re me and I"m themLooking for some things that I think I can find in you, in youOh Ooooh, trust issuesOh Ooooh, trust issuesOh Ooooh, trust issuesOh Oooo ooooo ohOh yeh, oh yehLets call up I"m drinkin, lets all get wastedI"m drinkin", lets all get fadedOh yeh, oh yehCall up I"m drinkin, lets call up