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求歌词。。。 谁知道Red Hot Hits 的歌词


you ,ust run the game rfom its install diretory 是什么意思

是这样的吧,意思是你必须从安装目录运行游戏。应该是你的游戏没有正确安装吧,还有可能是游戏的文件被调换位置了。可能要重装。 赞同

养老金福利担保公司(Pension Benefits Guarantee Corporation,PBGC)


歌曲its amazing 歌手jem 的歌词麻烦翻译一下谢谢

You know who you are 你知道你是谁You feel it in your heart 在心里感受它And you"re burning with ambition 你在为你的野心煎熬But first, wait 但是首先,等等Won"t get it on a plate 你不会轻易地得到它You gonna have to work for it 只能努力争取它Harder and harder更加努力 And I know 但我知道Cause I"ve been there before 因为我曾经在那里Knocking on the doors 敲击着门With rejection (rejection) 却遭到拒绝And you"ll see 之后你会看到Cause if it"s meant to be 它的意思是Nothing can compareTo deserving your dreams 没有任何东西可以和你的梦想相比CHORUS: It"s amazing 令人惊奇It"s amazing 令人惊奇All that you can do 你所做的It"s amazing 令人惊奇Makes my heart sing 让你的心灵歌唱Now it"s up to you 现在,轮到你了Patience, now 耐心些Frustration is in the air 空气中的挫折And people who don"t care 谁会在乎Well it"s gonna get you down 那么它一定让你失望And you"ll fall 你失望Cause you will hit a wall 因为你会碰了壁But get back on your feet 但是当你回来And you"ll be stronger 你将会更强壮And smarter(zuochamo) 更聪明And I know 但我知道Cause I"ve been there before 因为我曾经在那里Knocking down the doors 敲击着门Won"t take no for an answer 将不会采取任何问题的解答And you"ll see 之后你会看到Cause if it"s meant to be 它的意思是Nothing can compare To deserving your dreams 没有任何东西可以和你的梦想相比CHORUS 1x (synthesized) Don"t be embarrassed, don"t be afraid, 不要觉得困难,不要害怕don"t let your dreams slip away. 不要让你的梦溜走Don"t be scared of using your gift – everybody has a gift. 不要怕使用你的礼物,每个人都有礼物Never give up, never let it die, 不要放弃,不要让它绝望Trust your instincts, and most importantly… 相信你的直觉,最重要的是You"ve got nothing to lose, 你没有失去什么so just go for it! 所以

两条横线,填If time permits的同义词,用英文,急求急求

这个问题你会答吗? 如果你知道问题的答案,不如花几分钟帮助他~

Weather__,the sports meeting will be held next Monday. A.permits B.permiting


如果时间允许的话 用英语表达为什么用If time permits 不用?

permit ,是动词,不是形容词哦



smoking permits

C 是考被动倒装、 前面是否定的、 后面要倒装 被动倒装就是be动词提前 、 其他都不变、 如: smoking is permitted 就变成 is smoking permitted




这个是阿里云短信验证做了限制,permits:2。表示只允许发送两次。可以直接在阿里云短信服务里通用设置里设置,每个人一分钟限制条数,一小时发送条数,一天发送的条数。短信服务(Short Message Service)是阿里云为用户提供的一种通信服务的能力。支持向国内和国际快速发送验证码、短信通知和推广短信,服务范围覆盖全球200多个国家和地区。国内短信支持三网合一专属通道,与工信部携号转网平台实时互联。电信级运维保障,实时监控自动切换,到达率高达99%。完美支撑双11期间20亿短信发送,6亿用户触达。有以下功能:1,阿里云为全球企业客户提供国际/港澳台短信发送服务,通过API/SDK方式调用短信发送能力,将指定信息发送至境外手机号码。2,支持通过短信形式发送通知。3,在短信验证场景中,支持通过短信形式发送验证码。4,支持多种推广内容的短信发放,为提升企业产品增加曝光率提供帮助。



英语it permits us怎么翻译?

it permits us,这个简短的英文句子的中文翻译是:它允许我们。

it knew its place in the scheme of things的译文

你好!it knew its place in the scheme of things它知道它在事物的计划中的位置。

学校的英文成绩单模板中有Total credits in All Academic Years和Overall credit 两项,请问到底啥意思?

Total credits in All Academic Years在整个学年里总共修的学分Overall credit 计划总学分

英文的保密协议签字在哪里签,有by: 和its:;两个地方。


Every life has its roses and thorns是什么意思

  Every life has its roses and thorns的中文翻译  Every life has its roses and thorns  每一个生命都有它的玫瑰和荆棘

every life has its roses and thorns.翻译.

每种生活都有它的花和刺 Every life has its roses and thorns. 人的生活中有甜也有苦. 一种直译,二种意译

如何保持良好的饮食习惯和健康 英语作文 (Good Eating Habits and health) 100字 急啊!急啊!

Top Meal of the DayNowadays it"s common for high-school students to skip breakfast, leading to both poor school performance and damage to their health. When asked why they skip breakfast, some students say they think of breakfast as the least important meal of the day, and think it unnecessary, while others say they have too little time in the morning to have breakfast. And a third group, mostly girls, say they want to lose weight so they skip breakfast. We suggest every student have breakfast properly every day, since breakfast can provide the necessary energy that one needs every day. In addition, having breakfast can help you to concentrate in class and study more efficiently.


awaits[u0259u02c8weits]v.等候( await的第三人称单数 ); 等待; 期待; 将发生在有待;等着;正在等待你;后果等着双语例句1. A warm welcome awaits her. 热烈的欢迎等待着她.2. A warm welcome awaits all our customers. 对我们所有的顾客准备好热烈的欢迎.3. The actual cause awaits further investigation. 究系何因,尚待深查.4. Sampras awaits the results of a bone scan on a painful left shin.



Pandas are its top attraction.为什么attraction用单数?

Pandas are it"s top attraction. 熊猫是这里最具吸引力的 。attraction 是不可数名词。 用单数。1.吸引, 吸引力, 诱惑力 What"s the attraction of going on the stage?是什么吸引你登上舞台的?2.具有吸引力的事物 Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.威尼斯是世界上令人向往的旅游胜地之一。

win7下安装ANSYS unexpected error:Ans.“Core Units.UnitManager”的类型初始值设定项引发异常错


quitting bad habits有关情景对话 在线等,挺急的,简单点最好,谢谢诸位大侠了

以下是示例:A: Hi, morning. You look very good today.B:Morning. Yes. I think I have been much better recently. Because this time I have been quit my bad habit.A: What bad habits?B: Staying online at night. I like to sleep very late at night. In the middle of the night, I always go online until the early hours of the morning to go to sleep. So my spirit was always bad during the day. It looks like I didn"t wake up.A: No, it doesn"t look like it, it is really not waking up.B: Haha. Ok, that"s true. I am always sleepy during the day.A: Then how did you quit your bad habit?B: First of all, I have a fitness card. I paid a big price for this, so I will go there. I have a bloody one.A: Haha. This is true. and then?因为字数限制,剩余部分在追答中提现。



英语5-star reviews for its usability怎么翻译?


the government has its hold on the media considerably啥意思

the government has its hold on the media considerably政府对媒体有很大的把握


"biscuits" 是英语中表示"饼干"的名词。它在美式英语中也可以被称为 "cookies"。"biscuit" 在英国英语和澳大利亚英语中常常指的是伴随茶或咖啡的小点心,通常是软质的。以下是关于 "biscuits" 的一些相关信息和用法:1. 定义:- "biscuits" 是指一种脆、坚固的小点心,通常由面粉、糖和脂肪制成,并经过烘烤。- 在美国,"biscuits" 一词更常用于指代类似于英国和澳大利亚的 "scones"(松饼)的面团烘烤品,通常用作早餐食品或配菜。2. 区别:- 在英国英语中,"biscuit" 通常指的是甜点心,而 "cookie" 是指带有甜味的小型饼干。- 在美国英语中,"biscuit" 更常指的是类似于饼干的蓬松面团烘烤品,而 "cookie" 则是泛指各种甜饼。3. 类型:- "biscuits" 可以有多种口味和形状,例如传统的坚硬饼干、奶油脆饼、巧克力曲奇、椰子饼干等。- 在英国,一些常见的 "biscuits" 类型包括 Digestive(全麦消化饼干)、Shortbread(酥饼)、Custard Creams(蛋奶酥饼干)等。4. 用途:- "biscuits" 可以作为伴随咖啡或茶的小点心享用。- 它们也可以用作烘焙配方的成分,如饼干屑用于制作派壳或甜点。总结起来,"biscuits" 是表示"饼干"的名词,在美国英语中也可以称为 "cookies"。根据地域和口味不同,"biscuits" 可以指多种类型的烘焙点心,用途包括伴茶点心和烘焙配方。


大约160年前,大不列颠人驾驶一艘帆船进入法国比斯开湾。突然海面刮起了风暴,帆船在惊涛骇浪中触礁沉没。船员们漂泊到一个荒岛上。 人虽然活过来了,但是马上面临饥饿的威胁。小岛上根本没有任何可以充饥的食物。船员们有气无力地躺倒在地上休息。突然有人想到沉船上还有不少面粉,砂糖,和黄油,他们把这些东西搬下船,但是已经被海水浸透,都变成湿乎乎的浆糊了。面对浆糊,大家难以下咽,这时有一个船员想到用阳光晒大概是一个好办法,他们把湿面粉,砂糖,黄油搅拌均匀,并且捏成一个个小圆饼,放到岩石上暴晒,不过半天功夫,强烈的阳光把这些小圆饼都晒的又干又脆,船员们一个个吃的又香又甜。他们还给这种小圆饼取名叫做“比斯开小饼”。 一个月之后,一艘过往船只终于发现了他们,遇难船员就用小圆饼招待他们。从此以后,小圆饼传遍了全世界。现在英文仍然把饼干叫做“比斯开”(biscuit)。三明治的由来



on the merits of the case是什么意思

on the merits of: 根据 on the merits of the case是非曲直/在案情有利点(方面) 相关例句: 1.They asked me to pass on the merits of the case. 他们要求我评判这件事情的是非曲直。


英 ["meru026ats] 美 ["meru026ats] n.[宗教](行善得到的)功德( merit的名词复数 );功勋;长处;荣誉v.值得,应获得( merit的第三人称单数 );[宗教](因行善而)应得(善报);应受赏(或罚),应受报答;[宗教]积德

on the merits 怎么翻


on the merits是什么意思

on the merits在功德方面双语对照例句:1.That was important on the merits and vital to my ability to persuade thecongressional republicans to pay our un dues. 这是一个重要的优点,而且对我说服国会的共和党议员支付给联合国的会费这点至关重要。2.Readers must make up their own minds on the merits of the arguments thisweek. 对于本周辩论各方论点的是非曲直,读者们必须自己拿主意。3.During the debate, members present their views on the merits andprinciples of the bill and may indicate their support or otherwise. 在辩论时,议员会就法案的优劣及原则表达意见,并可表明他们是否支持法案。

on its merits是什么意思

on its merits根据事物本身的优缺点按照事情的是非曲直按实质说


indicia品牌中文名叫凯德。 indicia是长沙君尚服装有限公司旗下的服装品牌。品牌的服装主要是同色系的搭配,让整体的造型干净清爽。品牌以崇尚自由、高尚









it is next to the bookstore 它在书店的旁边it is next to the bookstore 它在书店的旁边

its useless doing还是to do

都可以呀,两个都是可以接受的说法useless to do something。 He knew it was useless to protest.useless doing something。 It"s useless worrying about it.

itsy bisty spider是什么意思?

Itsy Bitsy Spider的歌词啊 我把歌词贴这里了哈Itsy bitsy spider -elize 蜘蛛elize Itsy bitsy蜘蛛,在墙上等待 你需要警惕,或她会让你陷入 这是一

翻译Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their researches for the cure of AIDS.



sit动词原形 sits动词单三式和 sitting 现在分词 sisting是错误的。

请问合同里By: print: title: its:后面分别应该填什么?


im very keen to know its tentative to say什么意思

im very keen to know its tentative to say我非常想知道它的试探性的话tentative 英[u02c8tentu0259tu026av] 美[u02c8tu025bntu0259tu026av] adj. 试探性的; 尝试性的; 试验的; 不确定的; n. 尝试; 假设; 实验; [网络] 尝试的; 实验性; 试验; [例句]Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。[其他] 复数:tentatives 形近词: tentation

英语翻译1.Paris is the capital of France.Its subway(地铁)is also v?

1.巴黎是法国的首都,这座城市的地铁很特别,当你身处这座城市中,你可以领略它的文化魅力.首先来到地铁站,无论人们在地下人隧道还是在车站,手中都拿着书本.巴黎的地铁站不算大,但是每一个都别有一番景象.一些站点有服饰、帽子和鞋,而且每个站都有一个巨幅广告牌,但许多都是为了销售衣服和化妆品.在车站你会遇见乞丐,而乞丐们也很不同,他们通常在车上拉小提琴或他吉他.他们根本不会难为情,相反,他们认为这在自然不过.表演完后,他们就会在车中来回走,向你要钱.如果你想进一步了解巴黎,那么你得亲自去地铁站体验一下. 2.现在,是时候打包你的行囊准备好过暑假了!你知道欧洲人都是怎么度假的吗?也许会去国外旅游也许会拜访亲友.我们也做这些事.大多数欧洲人一年有3至4周假期.许多人选择在夏天更热的时候去度假.在瑞典,许多公司在七月份都停业关门,几乎所有人都去享受假期.对于许多瑞典家庭来说,呆在他们第二个家是很常见的,这个家通常居于森里中或是靠近海边.意大利人喜欢海滨或山上远足,享受特制的美食.英国人会在天气好的时候去海滨.女王的生日应该是在4月,但是她改在6月天气好的时候庆生.英国人喜欢出国旅游,阳光充足的西班牙、法国都是不错的选择.近几年来,欧洲人经常到国外度假,因为费用较低.欧盟也为欧洲人旅游提供便利,在欧洲他们不需要护照.许多欧洲人喜欢包办旅游,这意味着他们可以以很低的价格得到旅行、住宿、饮食等服务.也有许多家庭喜欢野营.(纯手工翻译,麻烦给个好评)ps请问这是初中生的作业么?,5,英语翻译 1.Paris is the capital of France.Its subway(地铁)is also very special.You can enjoy its culture when you are in this city.First you are in the subway.Whenever they are in the sub-way or at the station,there is always a book in the hand. The subway station in Paris is not big.but each of them has its special facts.Some stations have clothes,caps and shoes.And every station has a big advertisement picture.But many of them are for selling clothes and co *** et-ics(化妆品). you can meet some beggrs(乞丐)in the sub-way.But the beggrs in the Paris subway are also very special.They often play the violin or guitar in the train.They don"t feel shy at all.Instead they think it is natural.After playing,they will go around the train and ask you to give them some money. If you want to learn more about Paris,go to the subway and enjoy its culture by yourself. 2.It"s time to pack your bags and get ready to go on a summer holiday!Have you ever wondered what Europeans do for their holiday?Maybe travel to other countries or visit friends and family.Well,we do all of these! Most people in Europe get about there or four weeks of holiday time a year.Lots of people choose to take the vacation in the summer when it"s warmer. In Sweden,many panies close down for the whole of July and nearly everyone takes their holiday then!It"s mon for many Swedish (瑞典的) families to go and stay in their second home,often in a forest(森林) or by the sea.Italians like to go to the coast or walk in the hills and eat special food. Some British people go to the seaside when the weather is good.The Queen"s birthday is really in April but she celebrates it in June when the weather is better!British people often like to go to foreign countries like sunny Spain and France. Europeans often travel abroad(到国外) for their holiday now because it"s cheap.The EU(欧盟) also make it easy for Europeans to travel.They don"t need a passport(护照) to travel in Europe! Lot"s of Europeans like to buy “package holidays(包办旅游)”.This means they can get their fight,hotel and even food at a very low price.Lots of families also like to go camping,too.

英语Being jealous itself is a kind of worship








一句英语谚语 好像是什么a garden without its weeds...后面是什么

No garden without its weeds. [谚]没有不生杂草的花园。

“热门电影”翻译成英文以下三个 Big hits、Big hits Movie、Popular Movie 哪个最正确更贴近意思呀?

Popular movie

Inherits="OASys.Default" 报错未能加载类型“OASys.Default”。

_Default表示你的Default.aspx文件的Codebehind背后代码文件的类名称,你可以在Default.aspx这个文件上鼠标右键单击,在弹出的菜单中点击查看源代码(Visual Studio环境中),你看打开的源代码是不是有个Public Class _Default*****************我是分割线*******************OASys.Default表示你的这个页面在OaSys这个文件中,因为类名不能重复,所以在这个_Default上面给你添加了所在文件夹的名称,来防止重名的。。

its happy to________英语作文

happy to pet a dogThe way you pet a dog can make you his favorite person — or the human he"s always trying to avoid. Certain red-flag petting tactics send most dogs running in the other direction, while other petting strategies will have a dog tail-waggin" happy in your hands. Whether you"re petting your own dog or one you"ve just met, here are some strategies for better petting, including petting styles to avoid and those to employ.Start With a Proper GreetingThe first rule of petting is never pet a dog who doesn"t initiate contact. This is especially important to enforce with children, who will often approach a dog who is lying down, cornered in a room or actively trying to get away.Rather than reaching out and touching the dog, invite him to make the first contact by squatting down so you are closer to his level; with a reserved or fearful dog, turn your body to the side to make yourself less threatening. If you"re dealing with a confident dog, you can invite him to approach you by bending over slightly, patting your legs and backing up while coaxing with your voice.Avoid hovering over the dog when greeting him; this can be perceived as a threat. Instead, turn your body slightly to the side and make minimal eye contact at the first greeting (eye contact can also be interpreted as a threat). Instead, allow the dog to approach you first. With a shy dog, pretend to ignore him and look away for the first few moments until he discovers you"re safe to approach.Ready, Set, PetA friendly dog will approach with his ears held back slightly and his tail held out at medium height behind him, with a wide sweeping wag. When the dog sniffs your body, he is gathering information about you, not necessarily inviting you to pet him. If he backs away or acts leery or jumpy, don"t pet him. If he exhibits a loose, wiggly body posture with relaxed eyes and mouth as he moves toward you or if he initiates brief eye contact, he is most likely indicating friendliness and a desire for interaction.Once the approach has been made, pet the dog slowly in areas where he is comfortable being touched. A dog who enjoys petting will usually lean toward you or actively seek contact with you when you stop petting him. If the dog attempts to move away or displays signs of discomfort, such as licking his lips or showing the whites of his eyes, give him some space.Best Spots to PetMost dogs are comfortable being petted on the chest, the shoulders and the base of the neck. When petting these areas, reach in from the side, rather than moving your hand over the top of the dog"s head. Individual dogs also have specific spots where they like to be petted; common areas are the base of the tail, under the chin or on the back of the neck where the collar hits. Most dogs dislike being touched on top of the head and on the muzzle, ears, legs, paws and tail. Slow petting, similar to gentle massage or light scratching, can calm a dog down. Place your hand on an area where the dog enjoys being handled and gently move your hand or fingers in the same direction the fur lies. Petting should be calming and therapeutic for both dog and person, both reaping the mutual benefits of shared contact. When you pet a dog in a relaxed, slow and gentle manner, he is likely to lean in tight for more.

Flammability limits 什么意思


英语谚语:The brightest of all things, the sun, has its spots 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The brightest of all things the sun has its spots 中文意思: 金无赤足,人无完人。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A fool"s bolt may sometimes hit the mark 愚者千虑,必有一得。 A fool"s heart dances on his lips 愚人心坦荡,挂在嘴唇上。 A fox may grow grey but never good 狐狸会变,但本性难移。 A friend exaggerates a man"s virtue an enemy his crimes 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。 A friend in court is better than a penny in purse 曩中有钱,不如朝中有友。 A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难朋友才是真朋友。 A friend is a second self 朋友是另一个我。 A friend is best found in adversity 患难见真友。 A friend is never known till a man have need 不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。 A friend is not so soon gotten as lost 交友慢,失友快。 英语谚语: The brightest of all things the sun has its spots 中文意思: 金无赤足,人无完人。

the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest。理解翻译,就是不知道里面的ITS怎么直接用在最高级前


There were some ? flowers on the table. A benefits B false C unnatural D unreal


我要写一篇题目为(change my bad habits )的英语作文,60个字

change my bad habits In my life,there are a lot of bad habits.For example,smoking drinking and stay up too lete 熬夜). First,smoking costs a great deal of money.It wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world.Second,smoking does harm to the health of smokers and even the people near them.About 3 million people die of diseases caused by smoking every year. Second,drinking a lot while drving.It"s easy to happen accidents. Staying up (too late)means(equals)committing suicide

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 乔治5世 1920年的硬币,面值一元,现在价值多少?

汗!1Cent 是1分啊!英属海峡殖民地 乔治五世 1分 方形 红铜币一般品相的市价约10元。海峡1920年壹元银币的是圆形的,有汉字,市价300元以上的。

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1 CENT 1926年的硬币是哪里的?价值多少?


STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 乔治5世 1920年的银币,面值一元,现在价值多少?

这是英属海峡殖民地的1元 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS”(英属海峡殖民地意思)公元1826年,英属东印度公司将新加坡、马六甲及槟城三地合并,组成“海峡殖民地”,华人称之为“三州府”。 1858年8月2日,英国议会通过印度由英国女皇直接治理的法案,海峡殖民地移交给英政府殖民部直接管辖。1867年4月1日海峡殖民地改称为“皇家殖民地”。 英属海峡殖民地,自爱德华七世起,始铸一元银元,有大型、小型二种。大型铸于1903、1904年;小型铸于1907、1908、1909年。该币面值同为一元,但大小重量不同,经测大型直径37毫米,重26.95克;小型直径34毫米,重20.51克。而图案文字基本相同,正面中间铸英爱德华七世侧身头像,周边环写英文“EDWARD VII KING AND EMPEROR”(爱德华七世国王和皇帝),背面四个桃形图案内,上下刊写中文“壹”和“圆”字,左右为马来文,周边环写英文“SIRAITS SETTLEMENTS”(海峡殖民地),下是纪值“ONE DOLLAR”(壹圆)和铸造年份“1903或1904,或1907 1909”字样(见图)。 眼下,在市面较常见的“海峡殖民地”是1903年或1904年铸造的壹圆币,市价已由年前的每枚160元,涨至目前的每枚450元。小型银元因个小量轻,换算复杂,不受中国市场欢迎,在国内少见,市价比大型低,每枚仅150元左右。其实小型的铸数比大型少,约(大型总铸数为3537.5万枚)100:45(小型为1600.8万枚),为此笔者认为,小型银元后市应还有较大的升值空间。参考资料:


1、fruit,读音:美/fruu02d0t/;英/fruu02d0t/。 2、释义:n.水果;产物。vi.结果实。vt.使……结果实。n.(Fruit)人名;(法)弗吕;(英)弗鲁特。 3、例句:The fruit of this tree is inedible.这棵树的果实是不能吃的。


Fruits在英语中的发音是fru026atu0283s。fruit这个词的发音。在美式英语中,r的发音通常更接近于英式英语中的l,所以fruit的发音更接近于fru026atu0283。单词的结尾是s,这在美式英语中通常会发出清音的s,而在英式英语中则会发出浊音的z。但是,由于这是一个复数形式,所以在美式英语中,我们通常会发出s的音。Fruits这个词在英语中主要有两个意思。水果:这是最常见的用法,指的是那些可以直接食用的多汁果实,如苹果、香蕉、橙子、草莓等。水果富含维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,对人体健康非常有益。结果:在一些特定的语境中,fruits也可以表示结果或者成果。例如,你可以说The fruits of your labor are evident in the success you"ve achieved。你的努力成果在你的成功中可见一斑。Fruits的双语例句如下:1、Dried fruits are especially high in fibre。千水果的纤维素含量尤其高。2、Some fruits freeze better than others。有些水果比其他的适宜于冷藏。3、The book is the fruit of years of research。这本书是多年研究的成果。4、We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market。我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。

time permiting,句子是否成立 If time permits,


48._,I'II go there with you tomorrow afternoon. A time permits B if time permitting C time permitti


Weather _______, we‘ll go out for a walk.A. permitted B. permitting C. permits 这道题的做题思路

选B 独立主格结构

weather permitting等于if weatherpermits什么意思


如果时间允许是if time permits 还是用permitting


weather permitting等于if weatherpermits什么意思

weather permitting是独立主格结构,如Weather permitting, we"ll go out for a walk.天气允许的话,我们出去散散步,含义上相当于,如果天气允许,那我们就去散步,所以相当于if weather permits.

如果时间允许是if time permits 还是用permitting?为什么用?

用permits If 引导的从句,遵循“主将从现”的规则,即主句是将来时的时候,If从句 用一般现在时.所以 题干中用permits 记得给好评哦!


Alcohol 原指酒精,现在也用来泛指任何含有酒精的能醉人的饮料,像葡萄酒、啤酒、烧酒等。Drink通称包括酒的各种饮料,也可特指酒。liquor、spirit(s) ,均指非发酵的烈酒或蒸馏酒,相当于汉语的“烧酒”、“白酒”、“白干”。 Wine源自拉丁语vinum葡萄,一般指发酵过的葡萄酒等果酒。汉语的“白酒”其实是烧酒,不能译为white wine,而应译liquor或spirit 。同理“, 绍兴黄酒”也不能直接译为yellow wine ,应译作Shaoxing rice wine 。


TITS JOB :山雀的工作


tits[英]["tu026ats][美]["tu026ats]n.以牙还牙( tit的名词复数 ); <古>小马; 山雀; 奶头; 例句:1.Fat and lazy tits risk losing out on a mate, as well. 肥胖和懒惰的山雀同时也会失去配偶。2.The objects of their attention were 28 male great tits, each of which was observed atdawn three times, with 16-17 days between the observations. 他们的研究对象是28只雄性大山雀,每只鸟在黎明时都将被观察三次,时间持续16至17天。


tits 英["tu026ats] 美["tu026ats] n. 山雀; 奶头; 以牙还牙( tit的名词复数 ); <古>小马; [例句]And I didn"t even have tits then.那时我甚至还没有乳头。[其他] 原型: tit


tits[英]["tu026ats][美]["tu026ats]n.以牙还牙( tit的名词复数 ); <古>小马; 山雀; 奶头; 例句:1.Fat and lazy tits risk losing out on a mate, as well. 肥胖和懒惰的山雀同时也会失去配偶。2.The objects of their attention were 28 male great tits, each of which was observed atdawn three times, with 16-17 days between the observations. 他们的研究对象是28只雄性大山雀,每只鸟在黎明时都将被观察三次,时间持续16至17天。


tits[英]["tu026ats][美]["tu026ats]n.以牙还牙( tit的名词复数 ); <古>小马; 山雀; 奶头; 例句:1.Fat and lazy tits risk losing out on a mate, as well. 肥胖和懒惰的山雀同时也会失去配偶。2.The objects of their attention were 28 male great tits, each of which was observed atdawn three times, with 16-17 days between the observations. 他们的研究对象是28只雄性大山雀,每只鸟在黎明时都将被观察三次,时间持续16至17天。


tits[英]["tu026ats][美]["tu026ats]n.以牙还牙( tit的名词复数 ); <古>小马; 山雀; 奶头; 例句:1.Fat and lazy tits risk losing out on a mate, as well. 肥胖和懒惰的山雀同时也会失去配偶。2.The objects of their attention were 28 male great tits, each of which was observed atdawn three times, with 16-17 days between the observations. 他们的研究对象是28只雄性大山雀,每只鸟在黎明时都将被观察三次,时间持续16至17天。
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