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JACKASS 3D蠢蛋搞怪秀3 适合女生看吗?? 会不会很恶心??


Jackass17 你知道德语一共有几个字母吗


laughing jackass是什么意思

一般指笑翠鸟笑翠鸟(学名:Dacelo novaeguineae),翠鸟科一种,以其叫声似狂笑而得名。羽毛灰褐色,为林地留鸟,体长43厘米,嘴长8-10厘米。分布于澳大利亚东部、塔斯马尼亚岛等地,是澳洲的标志性鸟类之一。**********************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************


jackass 是骂人的话无疑。但是要看场景,譬如和好兄弟互称傻:逼也可以啊。




jackass的意思是公驴,愚人,傻子。Do you know who had this job five years ago? Gavin,and he worked for an even bigger jackass than he is.你知道5年前谁在干这份工作吗?加文,而且他老板比他还混蛋。《摩登家庭第六季》。Hey, Claire. What"s up? My fever,you orange jackass.Oh.Okay. So,obviously,you have my cold now.克莱尔,怎么了?我发烧了,你个带病的混蛋。好吧,显然你传染上了我的感冒。《摩登家庭 第六季》。Yeah, the line was too short. It"s over. I can"t be seen there. I wouldn"t want people to think I was a jackass.是啊,队排得太短了。他家没戏了,我不能被看见去那里进餐,我可不想让人觉得我是混蛋。a stupid person蠢人,愚人。a male ass or donkey公驴。例句:1、Some jackass had the same idea we did.看来有个也想到了我们这个法子。2、Candace, what is this jackass doing here.坎迪斯,这为什么会在这。3、You don"t have to be a jackass like me.不用像我这样看着这么滑稽。4、You"re making a very jackass of yourself.你让你自己看起来非常愚蠢。5、You"re a jackass. I don"t have to listen to this.你我没必要听你废话。6、You weren"t just being an unemotional jackass.你之前不是个没心没肺的。7、One of those jackasses left it to rot.那些中的某个留着它慢慢烂掉。8、Well, you have to, jackass, because there"s more at stake here than what you"d rather do.你必须演混球因为现在的情况比你想要做的事情更紧急。9、No. II was going to be a jackass, but I stopped myself.不,我本来是要当个但是我克制住了。10、I can"t believe this jackass is still on the run.真不敢相信这傻叉依然在逃。

jackass造句 jackassの例文 "jackass"是什麼意思

No one was going to call him a jackass and get away with it. " 没人能乱叫他“公驴”而不受惩罚的。 The intrusion of a cottonmouth was the only thing that could separate us from the cool waters of jackass junction . 只有一条棉口水蛇不速而来才会使我们不敢在笨驴口阴凉的水里游泳。 Drop your hands ! drop them ! hands , you jackass 放下手!放下!你的手, *** ! Jackass , would i be asking if didn , t have the authority *** ,我没资格会问你吗? And this is all you jackasses got to show for it 这些就是你们这些蠢货给我看的吗? About the same time my jackass best friend got arrested 就在我最好的朋友被捕的时候 " on a rock , yawning pke a jackass “他在巖石上,像傻子一样张大嘴打呵欠” You jackass . you can " t buy girls pke you do food 你真 *** .不能把女孩当成饭一样来买 He may be a jackass , but he plays pretty good 他看起来很驴,但他打的很好 Could you repeat that ? - open your ears , jackass -请您重复一遍好吗? -你聋了吗,蠢驴 It"s difficult to see jackass in a sentence. 用 jackass 造句挺难的 Well , will you look at that . it " s a jackass - in - the - box 看看那里,那个在盒子里面的蠢人 You jackass . . . you can " t buy girls pke you do food 你真 *** . . .不能把女孩当成饭一样来买 Man , we still in this place , you jackass 但我们自己还在这,你这白痴 If you jackasses are going to make us take the goddamn sats 如果你这 *** 要在我们交易之前 Serial means more than one , jackass 连环杀手意味著不止杀一个,笨蛋 Has to act pke a childish jackass , too , 行为举止也都要像小傻瓜一样 Who could *** ell gold pke a jackass can *** ell water 他能闻到金子的味道就像驴子能闻到水一样 Has to act pke a childish jackass , too , 行为举止也都要像小傻瓜一样 Ever hear of a breath mint , jackass 没听说过清凉薄荷糖吗,傻子? And bob saget thinks i " m a jackass 并且鲍伯?萨吉特认为我是个白痴 I was thinking what a bonehead play that old jackass made 我在想那头老笨蛋把东西都让我们保管 I " ve lost my house . nicole thinks i " m a total jackass 我失去了我的房子.尼科尔认为我是个笨蛋 - tickets , please . - yeah , he " s a jackass 请给我票对,他是个蠢猪 Tickets , please . - yeah , he " s a jackass 请给我票对,他是个蠢猪 And hop in my boat and take it for a pleasure cruise , you jackasses 然后搭我的游艇兜两圈,笨蛋 And hop in my boat and take it for a pleasure cruise , you jackasses 然后搭我的游艇兜两圈,笨蛋 Of the whole damn family and have some real problems ? jackass 的桌子下 *** 搞点真正的麻烦?蠢货 Of the whole damn family and have some real problems ? jackass 的桌子下 *** 搞点真正的麻烦?蠢货 Fisher could be a jackass ? it went hand in hand with his size 这个蠢驴蠢的和他的型号成正比。 I don " t know why alan is often making a jackass of himself 我真不明白为什么阿兰总是做一些蠢事。 It"s difficult to see jackass in a sentence. 用 jackass 造句挺难的 You " re makin " a jackass outta yourself , sam 你在做蠢事,山姆 - what the hell was that ? - some jackass -他是谁? -一个傻子 I bepeve " jackass " was mentioned 我想有人提到了“ *** ” ? What the hell was that ? - some jackass 他是谁? -一个傻子 You sure that jackass is gen . lee 你肯定这个 *** 是李将军? - jackass . - mom , what " s happening 糟糕。妈妈,发生什么了 You don " t want to look pke a jackass 可不能穿得像个傻瓜 Yo . you steal my pen , jackass 天哪!你偷了我的笔, *** ! Let " s make it official then , jackass 那么推广它呀,笨蛋 Jackass . - mom , what " s happening 糟糕。妈妈,发生什么了 Go away , you jackass ! no , no , no 滚开你烦死了不要啊 Ever heard of a ghost , jackass 没听说过鬼吗,傻子? It " s called good writing , jackass 这叫好笔法,蠢货 What " s up with those jackasses 这群傻子想干嘛啊 Exclusive ! you big jackass 唯一? !你个蠢货! That guy " s a total jackass 那家伙就是个浑蛋 You think i " m a jackass 你以为我是傻子吗! - do it . - psten , jackass -来啊-听著, *** There " s nothing to pare you with . you " re dumber than the dumbest jackass 没有什么能跟你们比你们比最蠢的驴还要蠢 Do it . - psten , jackass 来啊-听著, *** It"s difficult to see jackass in a sentence. 用 jackass 造句挺难的




为您解答Donkey就是家养的驴,也叫ass,学名是(Equus asinus). Jackass是特指雄性的驴a male ass/donkey