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Janet Jackson的《Nasty》 歌词

歌曲名:Nasty歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:Design Of A Decade 1986/1996GGimme a beat!Sittin" in the movie showThinkin" nasty thoughtsBetter be a gentlemanOr you"ll turn me offThat"s right, lemme tell itNasty, nasty boys, don"t mean a thingOh you nasty boysNasty, nasty boys, don"t ever changeOh you nasty boysI don"t like no nasty girlI don"t like nasty foodThe only nasty thing I likeIs a nasty grooveUh huh, I know... say...Will this one do?Nasty, nasty boys, don"t mean a thingOh you nasty boysNasty, nasty boys, don"t ever changeOh you nasty boysNasty, nasty boys, gimme a nasty grooveOh you nasty boysNasty, nasty boys, lemme see your nasty body moveOh you nasty boysI could learn to like this, listen up...So close the door if you want me to respondCause privacy is my middle nameMy last name is controlNo, my first name ain"t baby,It"s Janet... Ms. Jackson if you"re nastyOh you nasty boysNasty, nasty boys, don"t ever changeOh you nasty boysNasty... don"t mean a thingOh you nasty boysHey! Who"s that thinkin" nasty thoughts? Nasty boys!Who"s that in that nasty car? Nasty boys!Who"s that eatin" that nasty fruit? Nasty boys!Who"s jammin" to my nasty groove? Nasty boys!Ladies? Nasty boys don"t mean a thingOh you nasty boyshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8053626

跪求参孙 2018年由杰克逊·拉斯波恩 Jackson Rathbone主演的百度云资源

《参孙 Samson》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XvscU8on5jCV6Oq7hiiEYg 提取码: 2758《参孙 Samson》导演: Bruce McDonald、Gabriel Sabloff编剧: Jason Baumgardner、Galen Gilbert、Timothy Ratajczak、Zach Smith主演: 杰克逊·拉斯波恩、比利·赞恩、Taylor James、鲁特格尔·哈尔、Caitlin Leahy、林赛·瓦格纳、Frances Sholto-Douglas、Greg Kriek类型: 剧情、动作制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2018-02-16(美国)又名: 犹太士师参孙Follows a Jewish boxer sent to Auschwitz who is forced to fight for the entertainment of the Nazi soldiers. But if he loses, he"ll be experimented upon.


安孝燮,韩国男演员,1995年出生于韩国、歌手2015年10月安孝燮加入One O One组合,随组合发行首张EP《Love You》,正式出道[2] ;11月1随One O One组合发行第二张EP《Stunning》[3] ;12月主演奇幻独幕剧《扑通扑通LOVE》[4] 。2016年1月出演周末家庭剧《家和万事成》[5] ;2月出演爱情喜剧《再一次Happy Ending》[6] ;4月出演励志喜剧《戏子》。

《锅盖头3:绝地反击》的女主角扮演者叫萨沙·杰克逊(Sasha Jackson)对吗?

你要的基本都在 kkyybb 里了,不怕羞就去

Janet Jackson的《Pledge》 歌词

歌曲名:Pledge歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:Rhythm Nation-A&M「PLEDGE」作词∶流鬼.作曲∶the GazettE / 编曲:弦一彻歌∶the GazettE伤付けた後でしか 気付けなかった事过ちの数 君を求め见つめ合えたはずさ小さな嘘が日々を埋めていた 疑いをかわすように失う意味を心が知る 立ち尽くす二度目の冬君は见えない明日に戸惑い 声を上げ泣いていたね言叶を探す事も出来ずに落ちる涙を拾った寂しさに包まれた日々は互いを濡らし理解を求め合い 缲り返して また深く想える永远を感じたのは嘘じゃない确かに君の隣で「爱してる」なんて もういらないただ ずっと侧に居てと声を涸らし泣いていた君に壊れてゆきたい最初で最後の言叶は君へその腕を离さぬよう肩を并べた同じ梦が二人をさらう小さな嘘が形を変えて白い息に溶けてゆく失う意味を忘れぬように何度も胸に刻むよ「さよなら」はここに置いて 歩き出そうもう二度と见失う事は无い二人 爱を确かめ合うように悲しみも见てきたから明日 二人消えてしまっても もう泣かなくていいよいつか过ぎ去る季节のように変わりゆく二人がいて悲しみに立ち止まる夜が来ても忘れないで终わる事は无い深い梦の中【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/1197137


60年代中期开始爆发了众所周知的软件危机。为了克服这一危机,在1968、1969年连续召开的两次著名的NATO会议上提出了软件工程这一术语,并在以后不断发展、完善。与此同时,软件研究人员也在不断探索新的软件开发方法。至今已形成八类软件开发方法。一、1972年 Parnas方法二、1978年 SASA方法三、1975年 面向数据结构的软件开发方法(至今仍广泛使用)四、问题分析法五、面向对象的软件开发方法六、可视化开发方法一、Parnas方法最早的软件开发方法是由D.Parnas在1972年提出的。由于当时软件在可维护性和可靠性方面存在着严重问题,因此Parnas提出的方法是针对这两个问题的。首先,Parnas提出了信息隐蔽原则:在概要设计时列出将来可能发生变化的因素,并在模块划分时将这些因素放到个别模块的内部。这样,在将来由于这些因素变化而需修改软件时,只需修改这些个别的模块,其它模块不受影响。信息隐蔽技术不仅提高了软件的可维护性,而且也避免了错误的蔓延,改善了软件的可靠性。现在信息隐蔽原则已成为软件工程学中的一条重要原则。Parnas提出的第二条原则是在软件设计时应对可能发生的种种意外故障采取措施。软件是很脆弱的,很可能因为一个微小的错误而引发严重的事故,所以必须加强防范。如在分配使用设备前,应该取设备状态字,检查设备是否正常。此外,模块之间也要加强检查,防止错误蔓延。Parnas对软件开发提出了深刻的见解。遗憾的是,他没有给出明确的工作流程。所以这一方法不能独立使用,只能作为其它方法的补充。二、ue7f5SASA方法1978年,E.Yourdon和L.L.Constantine提出了结构化方法,即SASD方法,也可称为面向功能的软件开发方法或面向数据流的软件开发方法。1979年TomDeMarco对此方法作了进一步的完善。Yourdon方法是80年代使用最广泛的软件开发方法。它首先用结构化分析(SA)对软件进行需求分析,然后用结构化设计(SD)方法进行总体设计,最后是结构化编程(SP)。这一方法不仅开发步骤明确,SA、SD、SP相辅相成,一气呵成,而且给出了两类典型的软件结构(变换型和事务型),便于参照,使软件开发的成功率大大提高,从而深受软件开发人员的青睐。三、面向数据结构的软件开发方法Jackson方法1975年,M.A.Jackson提出了一类至今仍广泛使用的软件开发方法。这一方法从目标系统的输入、输出数据结构入手,导出程序框架结构,再补充其它细节,就可得到完整的程序结构图。这一方法对输入、输出数据结构明确的中小型系统特别有效,如商业应用中的文件表格处理。该方法也可与其它方法结合,用于模块的详细设计。Jackson方法有时也称为面向数据结构的软件设计方法。Warnier方法1974年,J.D.Warnier提出的软件开发方法与Jackson方法类似。差别有三点:一是它们使用的图形工具不同,分别使用Warnier图和Jackson图;另一个差别是使用的伪码不同;最主要的差别是在构造程序框架时,Warnier方法仅考虑输入数据结构,而Jackson方法不仅考虑输入数据结构,而且还考虑输出数据结构。四、问题分析法PAM问题分析法。PAM(ProblemAnalysisMethod)是80年代末由日立公司提出的一种软件开发方法。PAM方法希望能兼顾Yourdon方法、Jackson方法和自底向上的软件开发方法的优点,而避免它们的缺陷。它的基本思想是:考虑到输入、输出数据结构,指导系统的分解,在系统分析指导下逐步综合。这一方法的具体步骤是:从输入、输出数据结构导出基本处理框;分析这些处理框之间的先后关系;按先后关系逐步综合处理框,直到画出整个系统的PAD图。从上述步骤中可以看出,这一方法本质上是综合的自底向上的方法,但在逐步综合之前已进行了有目的的分解,这个目的就是充分考虑系统的输入、输出数据结构。PAM方法的另一个优点是使用PAD图。这是一种二维树形结构图,是到目前为止最好的详细设计表示方法之一,远远优于NS图和PDL语言。这一方法在日本较为流行,软件开发的成功率也很高。由于在输入、输出数据结构与整个系统之间同样存在着鸿沟,这一方法仍只适用于中小型问题。五、面向对象的软件开发方法面向对象技术是软件技术的一次革命,在软件开发史上具有里程碑的意义。随着OOP(面向对象编程)向OOD(面向对象设计)和OOA(面向对象分析)的发展,最终形成面向对象的软件开发方法OMT(LbjectModellingTechnique)。这是一种自底向上和自顶向下相结合的方法,而且它以对象建模为基础,从而不仅考虑了输入、输出数据结构,实际上也包含了所有对象的数据结构。所以OMT彻底实现了PAM没有完全实现的目标。不仅如此,OO技术在需求分析、可维护性和可靠性这三个软件开发的关键环节和质量指标上有了实质性的突破,彻底地解决了在这些方面存在的严重问题,从而宣告了软件危机末日的来临。自底向上的归纳OMT的第一步是从问题的陈述入手,构造系统模型。从真实系统导出类的体系,即对象模型包括类的属性,与子类、父类的继承关系,以及类之间的关联。类是具有相似属性和行为的一组具体实例(客观对象)的抽象,父类是若干子类的归纳。因此这是一种自底向上的归纳过程。在自底向上的归纳过程中,为使子类能更合理地继承父类的属性和行为,可能需要自顶向下的修改,从而使整个类体系更加合理。由于这种类体系的构造是从具体到抽象,再从抽象到具体,符合人类的思维规律,因此能更快、更方便地完成任务。这与自顶向下的Yourdon方法构成鲜明的对照。在Yourdon方法中构造系统模型是最困难的一步,因为自顶向下的“顶”是一个空中楼阁,缺乏坚实的基础,而且功能分解有相当大的任意性,因此需要开发人员有丰富的软件开发经验。而在OMT中这一工作可由一般开发人员较快地完成。在对象模型建立后,很容易在这一基础上再导出动态模型和功能模型。这三个模型一起构成要求解的系统模型。自顶向下的分解系统模型建立后的工作就是分解。与Yourdon方法按功能分解不同,在OMT中通常按服务(Service)来分解。服务是具有共同目标的相关功能的集合,如I/O处理、图形处理等。这一步的分解通常很明确,而这些子系统的进一步分解因有较具体的系统模型为依据,也相对容易。所以OMT也具有自顶向下方法的优点,即能有效地控制模块的复杂性,同时避免了Yourdon方法中功能分解的困难和不确定性。OMT的基础是对象模型每个对象类由数据结构(属性)和操作(行为)组成,有关的所有数据结构(包括输入、输出数据结构)都成了软件开发的依据。因此Jackson方法和PAM中输入、输出数据结构与整个系统之间的鸿沟在OMT中不再存在。OMT不仅具有Jackson方法和PAM的优点,而且可以应用于大型系统。更重要的是,在Jackson方法和PAM方法中,当它们的出发点输入、输出数据结构(即系统的边界)发生变化时,整个软件必须推倒重来。但在OMT中系统边界的改变只是增加或减少一些对象而已,整个系统改动极小。需求分析彻底需求分析不彻底是软件失败的主要原因之一。即使在目前,这一危险依然存在。传统的软件开发方法不允许在开发过程中用户的需求发生变化,从而导致种种问题。正是由于这一原因,人们提出了原型化方法,推出探索原型、实验原型和进化原型,积极鼓励用户改进需求。在每次改进需求后又形成新的进化原型供用户试用,直到用户基本满意,大大提高了软件的成功率。但是它要求软件开发人员能迅速生成这些原型,这就要求有自动生成代码的工具的支持。OMT彻底解决了这一问题。因为需求分析过程已与系统模型的形成过程一致,开发人员与用户的讨论是从用户熟悉的具体实例(实体)开始的。开发人员必须搞清现实系统才能导出系统模型,这就使用户与开发人员之间有了共同的语言,避免了传统需求分析中可能产生的种种问题。可维护性大大改善在OMT之前的软件开发方法都是基于功能分解的。尽管软件工程学在可维护方面作出了极大的努力,使软件的可维护性有较大的改进。但从本质上讲,基于功能分解的软件是不易维护的。因为功能一旦有变化都会使开发的软件系统产生较大的变化,甚至推倒重来。更严重的是,在这种软件系统中,修改是困难的。由于种种原因,即使是微小的修改也可能引入新的错误。所以传统开发方法很可能会引起软件成本增长失控、软件质量得不到保证等一系列严重问题。正是OMT才使软件的可维护性有了质的改善。OMT的基础是目标系统的对象模型,而不是功能的分解。功能是对象的使用,它依赖于应用的细节,并在开发过程中不断变化。由于对象是客观存在的,因此当需求变化时对象的性质要比对象的使用更为稳定,从而使建立在对象结构上的软件系统也更为稳定。更重要的是OMT彻底解决了软件的可维护性。在OO语言中,子类不仅可以继承父类的属性和行为,而且也可以重载父类的某个行为(虚函数)。利用这一特点,我们可以方便地进行功能修改:引入某类的一个子类,对要修改的一些行为(即虚函数或虚方法)进行重载,也就是对它们重新定义。由于不再在原来的程序模块中引入修改,所以彻底解决了软件的可修改性,从而也彻底解决了软件的可维护性。OO技术还提高了软件的可靠性和健壮性。六、可视化开发方法可视化开发是90年代软件界最大的两个热点之一。随着图形用户界面的兴起,用户界面在软件系统中所占的比例也越来越大,有的甚至高达60~70%。产生这一问题的原因是图形界面元素的生成很不方便。为此Windows提供了应用程序设计接口API(Application Programming Interface),它包含了600多个函数,极大地方便了图形用户界面的开发。但是在这批函数中,大量的函数参数和使用数量更多的有关常量,使基于Windows API的开发变得相当困难。为此Borland C++推出了Object Windows编程。它将API的各部分用对象类进行封装,提供了大量预定义的类,并为这些定义了许多成员函数。利用子类对父类的继承性,以及实例对类的函数的引用,应用程序的开发可以省却大量类的定义,省却大量成员函数的定义或只需作少量修改以定义子类。Object Windows还提供了许多标准的缺省处理,大大减少了应用程序开发的工作量。但要掌握它们,对非专业人员来说仍是一个沉重的负担。为此人们利用Windows API或Borland C++的Object Windows开发了一批可视开发工具。可视化开发就是在可视开发工具提供的图形用户界面上,通过操作界面元素,诸如菜单、按钮、对话框、编辑框、单选框、复选框、列表框和滚动条等,由可视开发工具自动生成应用软件。这类应用软件的工作方式是事件驱动。对每一事件,由系统产生相应的消息,再传递给相应的消息响应函数。这些消息响应函数是由可视开发工具在生成软件时自动装入的



哪位有《Michael Jackson - Thriller》无损音乐百度云盘下载

《Michael Jackson - Thriller》百度网盘免费下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-Ke0iJ5zuo0Bzq1u4Qyq7g 提取码: v4u3《Thriller》(中文译名为《颤栗者》),是美国著名流行音乐人、被誉为流行音乐之王的迈克尔·杰克逊于1982年发行《颤栗》专辑的主打歌曲之一。[1]由Rod Temperton作词、作曲、编曲,昆西·琼斯与迈克尔·杰克逊制作。同时还邀请到演员Vincent Price在末尾献声。

Jackson 5的《Medley》 歌词

歌曲名:Medley歌手:Jackson 5专辑:In Japan!爱你我管不了是祸未想过是为何能爱着你苦也未去躲有着我便有着你真爱是永不死穿过喜和悲跨过生和死see me flyi am singing in the sky假使我算神话因你创更愉快凭我彻底的勇气爱是最大权利不理场面不伟大我共你始终同游生死还有哪一种结尾花光一切在乎你没有想过太多我只需要你恋爱大过天想不想也日夜怀念连甜梦也不够甜怎么闪同学始终会遇见shall we talkshall we talk就当重新手拖手去上学堂我带着情意一丝丝凄怆许多说话都仍然未讲纵隔别遥远怀念对方悲伤盼换上再会祈望越问越伤心明明无余地再过问明明知道衷心一吻会有更亲厚质感我说过要你快乐让我担当失恋的主角改写了剧情无言地飘泊我想哭你可不可以暂时别要睡陪着我像最初相识我当时未怕累但如果但如果说下去或者我有说话未曾讲你这刹那在何方如何能联系上与你再相伴在旁如晨光太阳星辰即使变灰暗心中记忆一生照我心我的爱如潮水爱如潮水将我向你推紧紧跟随爱如潮水她将你我包围冷冷雨 wo...没焦点因找不到你冷冷雨低泣彷佛要等你经过答应我你从此不在深夜里徘徊不要轻易尝试放纵的滋味你可知道这样会让我心碎风继续吹不忍远离心里亦有泪不愿流泪望着你各种空虚冷冷冷吹起吹起风里梦过去的心火般灼热今天已变了冰冻来又如风离又如风或世事通通不过是场梦人在途中人在时空相识也许不过擦过梦中就算你壮阔胸膛不敌天气两鬓斑白都可认得你别离没有对错要走也解释不多现代说永远已经很傻随着那一宵去火花以消逝不可能付出一生那么多也许相爱很难就难在其实双方各有各寄望怎么办要单恋都难受太大的礼会内疚却也无力归还darling i want you你竟不知默默向风呆企去等心中戏子曾无限次欲话我知却也停止同是天涯沦落人在这伤心者通道上同行也许不必知道我是谁无谓令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你如何可以不爱她莫非生命只配有一个他到了没法相处再去记它好处凭回忆制造这自欺的笑话随时日在远飞难舍弃每次看见冷冬到访的你那年冬天两心遇上没逃避可以笑的话不会哭可相知的心哪怕追逐可惜每次遇上热爱无法使我感觉我终于遇上幸福来忘掉错对来怀念过去曾共渡患难日子总有乐趣不相信会绝望不感觉到踌躇在美梦里竞争每日拼命进取世界将我包围誓死都一齐壮观得有如悬崖的婚礼也许生于世上无重要作为仍有这种真爱会留低祈求天地放过一双恋人怕发生的永远别发生从来未顺利遇上好景降临如何能重拾信心神啊救救我吧一把年纪了一个爱人都没有孤独是可怜的如果没爱我人生是黑白的僧人都不喜爱我神你不欢喜我迫我入了魔爱侣几百万谁料我蠢得竟可重覆去犯错吻下来豁出去这吻别似覆水再来也许要天上团聚眼泪还是留给天抚慰你是前度何必听我吠别再做情人做只猫做只狗不做情人做只宠物至少可爱迷人和你不瞅不睬最终只会成为敌人好心一早放开我好心一早放开我从头努力也坎坷通通不要好过来年岁月那么多为继续而继续没有好处还是我若注定有一点苦楚不如自己亲手割破谁得到过愿放手曾精彩过愿挽留年年月月逝去越是觉得深爱你http://music.baidu.com/song/500898

Janet Jackson的《Luv》 歌词

歌曲名:Luv歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:Discipline-IslandLuv (Main) Janet JacksonI"ve been down this road beforeI know it very wellAnd I just can"t believe I"ve been struckI didn"t see ya (comin")Like I was (blindfolded)I"m caught up in (collision)And now I"m so doneYou crept up like a spiderI got caught in your webAnd there was no way to escapeI tried to switch (my lane)But then I hit (my brakes)Sparks turned into (flames)I shoulda stopped at the red light "causeNow I"m like a deer caught in headlightsUgh, he hit me with his love, love, love, love, loveHe hit me with his (love)And now I"m in love, love, love, loveGot me caught in a wreck, I"m a messGot me caught in a wreck, I"m a messGot me caught in a wreckSomebody call the paramedics "causeHe hit me with his love, love, love, loveI was grippin" the roadJust knew I had controlSo how did I end up gettin" hitI had on my (belt)I checked it (myself)So how in the (world) did I get caughtI had the right of wayThe signs you saw you disobeyed(It was your fault)I can"t believe the way you impacted my heartI think I should sue yaI shoulda stopped at the red light "causeNow I"m like a deer caught in headlightsUgh, he hit me with his love, love, love, love, loveHe hit me with his (love)And now I"m in love, love, love, loveGot me caught in a wreck, I"m a messGot me caught in a wreck, I"m a messGot me caught in a wreckSomebody call the paramedics "causeHe hit me with his love, love, love, loveYou caught me by surpriseI can"t believe that I"m falling for this guySomebody call the cops "cause I"m going flat lineYou caught me by surpriseI can"t believe that I"m falling for this guySomebody call the cops "cause I"m going flat lineI shoulda stopped at the red light "causeNow I"m like a deer caught in headlightsUgh, he hit me with his love, love, love, love, loveHe hit me with his (love)And now I"m in love, love, love, loveGot me caught in a wreck, I"m a messGot me caught in a wreck, I"m a messGot me caught in a wreckSomebody call the paramedics "causeHe hit me with his loveHe crashed into my heartHe crashed into my heartSomebody call the paramedics "causeHe hit me with his loveHe crashed into my heartHe crashed into my heartSomebody call the paramedics "causeHe hit me with his love, love, love, love, lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/487046



michael jackson30周年演唱会上戴帽子和墨镜的歌 曲是什么

是不是2个黑人啊?一个穿红色衣服哇?他还说:“MICHAEL,你是流行之王,听说这是你最喜欢的歌~……”如果我说对了的话,哈哈。那个歌的名字就是《IT WANS"T ME》SHAGGY唱的,我多喜欢的

求美国乡村歌手alan jackson所有专辑及收录歌曲

  专辑名称:A Lot About Livin"  发行时间:1992.10  1. Chattahoochee  2. She"s Got The Rhythm (And I Got The Blues)  3. Tonight I Climbed The Wall  4. I Don"t Need The Booze (To Get A Buzz On)  5. Who Says You Can"t Have It All  6. Up To My Ears In Tears  7. Tropical Depression  8. She Likes It Too  9. If It Ain"t One Thing (It"s You)  10. Mercury Blues  专辑名称:Honky Tonk Christmas  发行时间:1993.  1. Holly Jolly Christmas, A  2. I Only Want You For Christmas  3. Honky Tonk Christmas  4. Angels Cried, The  5. If We Make It Through December  6. If You Don"t Wanna See Santa Claus  7. Merry Christmas To Me  8. There"s A New Kid In Town  9. Santa"s Gonna Come In A Pickup Truck  10. Please Daddy  专辑名称: Who I Am  发行时间:1994.  专辑名称:The Greatest Hits Collection  发行时间:1995年10月24日  1. Chattahoochee - (extended mix)  2. Gone Country  3. She"s Got The Rhythm (And I Got The Blues)  4. Midnight In Montgomery  5. Tall, Tall Trees  6. Chasin" That Neon Rainbow  7. I"ll Try  8. Don"t Rock The Jukebox  9. Livin" On Love  10. Summertime Blues  11. Love"s Got A Hold On You  12. You Can"t Have It All, (Who Says)  13. Home  14. Wanted  15. I Don"t Even Know Your Name  16. Dallas  17. Here In The Real World  18. Someday  19. Mercury Blues  20. I"d Love You All Over Again  专辑名称:When Somebody Loves You  发行时间:2000.  1. Meat And Potato Man  2. When Somebody Loves You  3. The Thrill Is Back  4. www.Memory  5. Where I Come From  6. I Still Love You  7. Life Or Love  8. A Love Like That  9. It"s Alright To Be A Redneck  10. Maybe I Should Stay Here  11. Three Minute Positive Not Too Country Uptempo Love Song  专辑名称:Let It Be Christmas  发行时间:2002.11  1. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas  2. Winter Wonderland  3. O Come, All Ye Faithful  4. Santa Claus Is Comin" To Town  5. The Christmas Song  6. Silent Night  7. Let It Be Christmas  8. Jingle Bells  9. White Christmas  10. Silver Bells  11. Away In A Manger  专辑名:《Greatest Hits, Vol. 2》  发行时间:2003年8月12日  1.Little Bitty - 2:38  2.Everything I Love - 3:06  3.Who"s Cheatin" Who - 4:01  4.There Goes - 3:55  5.I"ll Go on Loving You - 3:57  6.Right on the Money - 3:49  7.Gone Crazy - 3:49  8.Little Man - 4:27  9.Pop a Top - 3:04  10.The Blues Man - 7:04  11.It Must Be Love - 2:53  12. www.memory - 2:34  13. When Somebody Loves You - 3:27  14. Where I Come from - 4:01  15. Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning) - 5:05  专辑名称:Very Best of Alan Jackson  发行时间:2004.08  0.Gone Country 1.Drive (For Daddy Gene)  2.Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)  3.www.memory  4.It"s Five O"Clock Somewhere  5.Chattahoochee [Extended Mix]  6.She"s Got the Rhythm (And I Got the Blues)  7.Midnight in Montgomery  8.Little Man  9.Pop a Top  10.Don"t Rock the Jukebox  11.Little Bitty  12.Here in the Real World  13.Livin" on Love  14.Who"s Cheatin" Who  15.Tall, Tall Trees  16.Right on the Money  17.Chasin" That Neon Rainbow  18.It Must Be Love  19.Everything I Love  专辑名称:What I Do  发行时间:2004.09  1. Too Much Of A Good Thing  2. Rainy Day In June  3. Usa Today  4. If Love Was A River  5. If French Fires Were Fat Free  6. You Don"t Have To Paint Me A Picture  7. There Ya Go  8. The Talkin" Song Repair Blues  9. Strong Enough  10. Monday Morning Church  11. Burnin" The Honky Tonks Down  12. To Do What I Do  专辑名称:Like Red On A Rose  发行时间:2006.  1. Anywhere On Earth You Are  2. Good Imitation Of The Blues  3. Like Red On A Rose  4. Nobody Said That It Would Be Easy  5. Don"t Change On Me  6. The Firefly"s Song  7. Wait A Minute  8. Had It Not Been You  9. A Woman"s Love  10. Don"t Ask Why  11. As Lovely As You  12. Where Do I Go From Here (A Trucker"s Song)  专辑名称:Precious Memories  发行时间:2006.02  1. Blessed Assurance  2. Softly And Tenderly  3. I Love To Tell The Story  4. When We All Get To Heaven  5. "tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus  6. In The Garden  7. Are You Washed In The Blood?  8. I"ll Fly Away  9. What A Friend We Have In Jesus  10. Standing On The Promises  11. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus  12. Leaning On The Everlasting Arms  13. The Old Rugged Cross  14. How Great Thou Art  15. I Want To Stroll Over Heaven With You

Milt Jackson的《Sunflower》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunflower歌手:Milt Jackson专辑:SunflowerMariah Carey - SunflowersNow you"re shining likeA sunflower up in the skyShining like a sunflower up in the skyThank you for forgivingHurtful things I"ve done as a childAdolescent or womanThank you for embracing a flaxen-haired babyAlthough I"m aware you had doubtsI guess anybody"d have had doubtsPlease be at peace fatherI"m at peace with youBitterness isn"t worth cling toAfter all the anguish we"ve all been throughThank you for the mountainsThe lake of the cloudsI"m picturing you and me there right nowAs the crystal cascades showered downStrange to feel that proud, strong manGrip tightly to my handHard to see the life insideWane as the days went byTrying to preserve each wordHe murmured in my earWatch part of my life disappearFather, thanks for reaching out and lovinglySaying that you"ve always been proud of meI needed to feel that so desperatelyYou"re always alive inside of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/615057


JacksonAllowNull <pre class="md-fences md-end-block ty-contain-cm modeLoaded" spellcheck="false" lang="java" cid="n60" mdtype="fences" style="box-sizing: border-box; overflow: visible; font-family: var(--monospace); font-size: 0.9em; display: block; break-inside: avoid; text-align: left; white-space: normal; background-image: inherit; background-size: inherit; background-attachment: inherit; background-origin: inherit; background-clip: inherit; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); position: relative !important; border: 1px solid rgb(231, 234, 237); border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; padding: 8px 4px 6px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 15px; width: inherit; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; background-position: inherit; background-repeat: inherit;">/** JacksonHttpMessageConverter <pre class="md-fences md-end-block ty-contain-cm modeLoaded" spellcheck="false" lang="java" cid="n65" mdtype="fences" style="box-sizing: border-box; overflow: visible; font-family: var(--monospace); font-size: 0.9em; display: block; break-inside: avoid; text-align: left; white-space: normal; background-image: inherit; background-size: inherit; background-attachment: inherit; background-origin: inherit; background-clip: inherit; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); position: relative !important; border: 1px solid rgb(231, 234, 237); border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; padding: 8px 4px 6px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 15px; width: inherit; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; background-position: inherit; background-repeat: inherit;">@Component public class JacksonHttpMessageConverter extends MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter { /** //解决 /instances/%5Bobject%20Object%5D/actuator/metrics // https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin/issues/1517 objectMapper.addMixIn(InstanceId.class, InstanceIdMixin.class); String[] pwdConstructor = new String[]{".*password$"}; objectMapper.registerModule(new AdminServerModule(pwdConstructor)); //解决domain.values.Registration cannot deserialize from Object SimpleModule simpleModule = new SimpleModule(); simpleModule.addSerializer(Registration.class, ToStringSerializer.instance); simpleModule.addDeserializer(Registration.class, new RegistrationDeserializer()); objectMapper.registerModule(simpleModule); } /** /** private class MyBeanSerializerModifier extends BeanSerializerModifier { @Override public List<BeanPropertyWriter> changeProperties(SerializationConfig config, BeanDescription beanDesc, List<BeanPropertyWriter> beanProperties) { for (Object beanProperty : beanProperties) { BeanPropertyWriter writer = (BeanPropertyWriter) beanProperty; / 过滤允许为null的注解 / if (ObjectUtil.isNull(writer.getAnnotation(JacksonAllowNull.class))) { if (isArrayType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullArrayJsonSerializer()); } else if (isNumberType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullNumberJsonSerializer()); } else if (isBooleanType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullBooleanJsonSerializer()); } else if (isStringType(writer)) { writer.assignNullSerializer(new NullStringJsonSerializer()); } } /* 防止Long精度丢失 */ // if(isLongType(writer)){ // writer.assignSerializer(new ToStringSerializer()); // } } return beanProperties; } private boolean isArrayType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return clazz.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isStringType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) || Character.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isNumberType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return Number.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isLongType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return Long.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } private boolean isBooleanType(BeanPropertyWriter writer) { Class<?> clazz = writer.getType().getRawClass(); return clazz.equals(Boolean.class); } } private class NullArrayJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { if (o == null) { jsonGenerator.writeStartArray(); jsonGenerator.writeEndArray(); } } } private class NullStringJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException { jsonGenerator.writeString(StringUtils.EMPTY); } } private class NullNumberJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException { jsonGenerator.writeNumber(0); } } private class NullBooleanJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { @Override public void serialize(Object o, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException { jsonGenerator.writeBoolean(false); } } }</pre> https://gitee.com/miaoyinjun/jjche-boot

Hannah Montana中Miley的哥哥Jackson和朋友Oliver原名叫什么?

Miley的哥哥真名叫 Jason Earles。Oliver的真名叫做 Mitchel Musso。呵呵,希望可以帮到你~~~~~~

Joe Jackson的《Target》 歌词

歌曲名:Target歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:La Legende Des Best SellersTargetEmbraceThis New DayYou flicker like a mile high neon signHot and cold so no one knows your mindI was gonna let you win but I won"t breakFor an hour I held the moon on a stringNow this moment left till the world beginsEverything is possible its beautifulWhen will you wake up see what"s happeningRight before your eyes noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeSo I look before I leap and I seeWolves are at the door with my enemiesI was gonna let them in but then you sayWatch the stars defeating my enemyIt"s too far for them to bring you to meAnd everything is possible it"s beautifulWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyes noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyeye Oh…h…h…If you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeI reached the waters edgeI wished that I could holdEverybody"s breath untilNo one has any leftYou take me to the edgeYou"re being called to followThe foot prints that I left behindListen up I"ll sing to you how I canOut of luck now time is all that we haveThink about yourself and you"ll kill all you loveI know our makers love all the mess the makeOut of sight behind these eyes you"ll stayWhere everything is possibleIt"s beautifulWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyeye noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyes Oh…h…h…If you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8056821

micheael jackson 到过中国哪里


Micheai Jackson原来是非洲哪里人嗄8:-I




Janet Jackson的《Truth》 歌词

歌曲名:Truth歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:All For YouHow didi I get hereThink I know what I didAlways worked real hardMaybe I missed somethingI"m not into pointing fingersShowin who"s right or wrongI just wanna keep it realCause maybe I was don"t fine on my ownListenI had a career ebfore now didn"tI had lots of friends before now didn"tAnd I had my fans before now didn"tAnd I had my family before now didn"tEndGuess without youMy little life was nothingBut don"t swaeat ifLet"s say we disagree soArguing ain"t nevessary causeWe both have our consumed with jealousyBut the trut can set you freeDon"t act like you don"t know the truthCause deep down in your heart you doLet it doOon childThings are gonna get easterOoh child things willl be bright causetruth will set you freeconversations deepWhen you talk to yourselfThere "s no way to cheatCause you know can"t be no one elseWon"t trip out disappoin thenCause failure is true just not meStill I gotta do my jowCause you know my show can"t go on without meListenIt"s hard to beleveThe love be bewteen us is overIt"s sad to thind we couldn"t work if outBut how much is enough to pay forThis mistakeHope your love was sincereDo you know the truthFeel itLive ittruth itbelieve itYou want itAnd need itTo find itEmbrace itAnd never let it gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/13968672

Janet Jackson的《Truth》 歌词

歌曲名:Truth歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:All For YouHow didi I get hereThink I know what I didAlways worked real hardMaybe I missed somethingI"m not into pointing fingersShowin who"s right or wrongI just wanna keep it realCause maybe I was don"t fine on my ownListenI had a career ebfore now didn"tI had lots of friends before now didn"tAnd I had my fans before now didn"tAnd I had my family before now didn"tEndGuess without youMy little life was nothingBut don"t swaeat ifLet"s say we disagree soArguing ain"t nevessary causeWe both have our consumed with jealousyBut the trut can set you freeDon"t act like you don"t know the truthCause deep down in your heart you doLet it doOon childThings are gonna get easterOoh child things willl be bright causetruth will set you freeconversations deepWhen you talk to yourselfThere "s no way to cheatCause you know can"t be no one elseWon"t trip out disappoin thenCause failure is true just not meStill I gotta do my jowCause you know my show can"t go on without meListenIt"s hard to beleveThe love be bewteen us is overIt"s sad to thind we couldn"t work if outBut how much is enough to pay forThis mistakeHope your love was sincereDo you know the truthFeel itLive ittruth itbelieve itYou want itAnd need itTo find itEmbrace itAnd never let it gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2682824

michael jackson的全部歌曲都哪些?大神们帮帮忙

01. Billie Jean 04:54 02. Beat it 04:18 03. Thriller 05:14 04. Smooth Criminal 04:19 05. Bad 04:10 06. Dirty Diana 04:43 07. Black or **** 04:18 08. Men in the Mirror 05:21 09. Earth Song 05:04 10. Heal the World 04:36 11. They Don"t Care About Us 04:14 12. Who is it 04:02 13. Speechless 03:21 14. the Way You Make Me Feel 05:00 15. We"ve Had Enough 05:48 16. Remember the Time 04:02 Disc2 01. Whatever Happens 04:58 02. You Are Not Alone 04:59 03. Say Say Say 03:59 04. Liberian Girl 03:50 05. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 04:22 06. Don"t Stop "til You Get Enough 04:03 07. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You 04:15 08. Give in to Me 05:32 09. Dangerous 07:02 10. Will You Be There 03:41 11. Scream 04:43 12. You Rock My World 05:09 13. Stranger in Moscow 05:24 14. Rock with You 03:25 15. Got the Hots 04:30 16. Thriller Megamix 09:15 01. Scream - Janet Jackson 02. They Don"t Care About Us 03. Stranger in Moscow 04. This Time Around 05. Earth Song 06. D.S. 07. Money 08. Come Together 09. You Are Not Alone 10. Childhood [Theme From Free Willy 2] 11. Tabloid Junkie 12. 2 Bad 13. History 14. Little Susie 15. Smile 1. I Want You Back - The Jackson 5 (1969-Motown) 2. ABC – The Jackson 5 (1970 – Motown) 3. I"ll Be There - The Jackson 5 (1970 –Motown) 4. Got To Be There (1971- Motown) 5. I Wanna Be Where You Are (1972- Motown) 6. Ben (1972- Motown) 7. Dancing Machine - The Jackson 5 (1974- Motown) 8. Enjoy Yourself - The Jacksons (single version) (1976-Phil. Int.) 9. Ease On Down The Road - Diana Ross & M.J. (The Wiz - original Soundtrack)(1978 – MCA) 10. You Can"t Win - The Wiz song (12" UK single) (1978 – Epic) 11. Shake A Body – The Jacksons (early demo) (1978 –Epic) 12. Shake Your Body - (Down To The Ground) – The Jacksons (Destiny single edit)(1978- Epic) 13. Don"t Stop "Til You Get Enough - (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1979-Epic) 14. Rock With You - (Off The Wall - Special Edition)(1979 –Epic) 15. Off The Wall – (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1980-Epic) 16. She"s Out Of My Life – (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1980 –Epic) 17. Sunset Driver - (demo)(1982) 18. Lovely One – The Jacksons (Triumph, single) (1980-Epic) 19. This Place Hotel – The Jacksons (Triumph, track) (1980 - Epic) Disc Two 1. Wanna Be Startin" Something - (Thriller –Special Edition) (1983-Epic) 2. The Girl Is Mine - M.J. & Paul McCartney (Thriller - Special Edition) (1982- Epic) 3. Thriller – (Thriller - Special Edition)(1984- Epic) 4. Beat It – (Thriller - Special Edition) (1983 – Epic) 5. Billie Jean – (Thriller - Special Edition) (1983 –Epic) 6. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - (demo) (1982 – Epic) 7. Someone In The Dark - (The E.T. Storybook) (withdrawn) (1982 MCA) 8. State of Shock – the Jacksons & Mick Jagger (Victory, single) (1984 –Epic) 9. Scared of The Moon – (demo)(1984) 10.We Are The World - (demo)(1985) 11.We Are Here To Change The World - "Captain Eo" (1986) Disc Three 1. Bad -(Bad - Special Edition) (1987 – Epic) 2. The Way You Make Me Feel – (Bad - Special Edition) (1987 – Epic) 3. Man In The Mirror - M.J. and Siedah Garrett (Bad - Special Edition) (1988- Epic) 4. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You - M.J. and Siedah Garrett (Bad - Special Edition)(1987-Epic) 5. Dirty Diana – (Bad - Special Edition) (1988-Epic) 6. Smooth Criminal- (Bad - Special Edition (1988 – Epic) 7. Cheater – (demo)(1987) 8. Dangerous – (early version) 9. Monkey Business – (track) (1989) 10. Jam – (Dangerous - Special Edition)(1992- Epic) 11. Remember The Time – (Dangerous - Special Edition)(1992- Epic) 12. Black or **** – (Dangerous - Special Edition) (1991-Epic) 13. Who Is It (IHS Mix) – (CD single, remix by Brothers) 1993 Epic) 14. Someone Put Your Hand Out (Dangerous Tour/Pepsi exclusive) (1992-Epic) Disc Four 1. You Are Not Alone – (HIStory: Past, Present and Future Book 1) (1995- Epic) 2. Stranger In Moscow – (HIStory: Past, Present and Future Book 1 (1995 –Epic) 3. Childhood - Theme from Free Willy 2 (1995 – Epic) 4. On The Line – (ltd. ed. Minimax UK CD)(1997- Epic) 5. Blood On The Dance Floor – (Blood On The Dancefloor) (1997 - Epic) 6. Fall Again – (demo) (1999) 7. In The Back (track) (2004) 8. Unbreakable – (Invincible (track) (2001 –Epic) 9. You Rock My World – (Invincible) (2001-Epic) 10. Butterflies – (Invincible) (2002-Epic) 11. Beautiful Girl (demo) (1998) 12. The Way You Love Me demo(2000) 13. We"ve Had Enough (2004) * indicates previously unissued recording. Disc Five: Michael Jackson Live In Concert In Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour (Sept. 19, 1992) Set List 1. Jam 2. Wanna Be Startin" Something 3. Human Nature 4. Smooth Criminal 5. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You 6. She"s Out Of My Life 7. I Want You Back/The Love You Save 8. I"ll Be There 9. Thriller 10. Billie Jean 11. Working Day & Night 12. Beat It 13. Will You Be There 14. Black or **** 15. Heal The World 16. Man In The Mirror

麦克尔.杰克逊和JACKSON 5乐队有什么关系?

和 阿信与信乐团的关系一样,MJ从乐队单飞



with u- janet jackson歌词的中英对照.

Janet Jackson - With U Lyrics with u- janet jackson 与你-珍妮杰克逊Strangely I feel a connection with you babe Oddly enough I crave for it to remain purely More authentic than I"ve been used to Surely this can"t be something that"s taboo cause you Got it like I like it and I feel the need to say Baby it"s forever and I really mean to Make you feel as special as I see you baby Never have I ever been around someone Who makes life so free and life so fun And as crazy as it may sound, I ain"t joking baby Cause when I"m in those arms of yours I"m so gone The things I like Can"t tell me it"s not right When I"m with you I lose myself and no one Can make me do What I can"t wait to do when I"m with you Really I get inspired off you baby Truly I feel alive from you And you"re the only No one else can duplicate you I"d leave the one I have I know It"s sad but damn you Got it like I like it and I feel the need To say baby it"s forever and I really mean to Make you feel as special as I see you baby Never have I been around someone Who makes life so free and life so fun And as crazy as it may sound I ain"t joking baby Cause when I"m in those arms of yours I"m so gone The things I like Can"t tell me it"s not right When I"m with you I lose myself and no one Can make me do What I can"t wait to do when I"m with you The times that we"ve shared together Are some of the best times of my life I wish you were the one I could be with forever Cause when I"m with you I don"t want tomorrow to come And if I had my way I"d spend every day and night in your arms So let me lay here And feel what happiness feels like And wish for it to last because Tomorrow it"s back to real life Until then I"ll just keep dreaming Cause when I"m in those arms of yours I"m so gone The things I like Can"t tell me it"s not right When I"m with you I lose myself and no one Can make me do What I can"t wait to do when I"m with you

求micheal jackson的you are my life的中文歌词


Michael Jackson的《Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Free歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Bad 25th AnniversaryFreeMichael JacksonYou"re the one,That I adoreJust kiss me once, I wanna know ya"Don"t know it.Tell me things,You ...I do.All the things I wanna saying,Tell me things you are conveying,All the lies you have to sayI do.Ooh, ooh, ooh, babe.Yesterday is when I fell downYou came my side to make senseOf what I was around....All to sayI do.That"s why I want to beFree, free like the wind blow,To fly away, just like a sparrowTo feel, letting my hair blow,To take my time wherever I go.I ....You"re the one,That I adoreJust kiss me once I wanna know ya"You feel the vibeThat I can fell in mineIf you are the one for meJust tell me twice and I will seeThe heart and soul ofAll the things I feelOoh ooh ooh oohYesterday is when I fell downI start tryin" to make senseOf what I was aroundLife is just a thing you don"t passThe way i do.Because I want to beFree, free like the wind blow,To fly away, just like a sparrowTo feel, letting my hair blow,To take my time wherever I go.I want to beFree, free like the wind blow,To fly away, just like a sparrowTo feel, letting my hair blow,To take my time wherever I go.I ...Uh uh oh yeah, yeah.Yesterday is when I fell downI start tryin" to make senseOf what I was aroundYou start tryin" to make the way to seeWhat"s this thing i do.Because I want to beFree, free like the wind blow,To fly away, just like a sparrowTo feel, letting my hair blow,To take my time wherever I go.I want to beFree, free like the wind blow,To fly away, just like a sparrowTo feel, letting my hair blow,To take my time wherever I go.I want to beFree, free like the wind blow,To fly away, just like a sparrowTo feel, letting my hair blow,To take my time wherever I go.Free, free like the wind blow,To fly away, just like a sparrowTo feel, letting my hair blow,To take my time wherever I go.Got to be free.http://music.baidu.com/song/30854296

谁有MICHAEL JACKSON的所有专辑信息?详细点!要有年份!按顺序!


关于Michael Jackson的专辑问题

专辑: 英文名称:OFF THE WALL 中文名称:(墙外)又名:疯狂 发行时间:1979年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第一张个人专辑。 专辑风格:节奏布鲁斯+舞曲 销量介绍:2000万张(7白金认证) 英文名称:THRILLER 中文名称:颤栗 发行时间:1982年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第二张个人专辑,此专辑影响巨大,奠定了MICHAEL歌王的地位,BILLIE JEAN连续数十周排行榜首,是有史以来最成功的歌曲。 专辑风格:流行 销量介绍:1.04亿 (世界单张专辑销量第一) 英文名称:BAD 中文名称:真棒 又名:飙 发行时间:1987年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第三张个人专辑,此时的MICHAEL正走在人生的巅峰时期。 专辑风格:摇滚 销量介绍:3300万张(8白金认证) 英文名称:DANGEROUS 中文名称:危险之旅 发行时间:1991年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第四张个人专辑,这张专辑的音乐创作水平堪称音乐界的极至。 专辑风格:流行+摇滚 销量介绍:3100万张(7白金认证) 英文名称:HISTORY-PAST,PRESENT AND FUTURE BOOK I 中文名称:历史-过去,现在和未来第一辑 发行时间:1995年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第五张个人专辑,共两辑,第一辑为以往专辑中的超级金曲,第二辑为新曲。此专辑的音乐超强震撼,再一次证明了歌王的地位无人能及。 专辑风格:流行+混音 销量介绍:2000万套(4000万张,7白金认证) 英文名称:BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR 中文名称:赤色风暴 又名:“血染舞池 发行时间:1997年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第六张个人专辑,第一次打破了MICHAEL每隔四年发行一张专辑的惯例。此辑前五首为新歌,后八首为历史专辑部分歌曲超级混音版。 专辑风格 :混音 销量介绍:600万张(1白金认证) 英文名称:INVINCIBLE 中文名称:万夫莫敌 发行时间:2001年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第七张个人专辑,据称,这将是MICHAEL发行的最后一张全新歌曲的正式专辑。 专辑风格:流行+摇滚+舞曲 销量介绍:1200万张(2白金认证) 英文名称:NUMBER ONES 中文名称:独一无二 发行时间:2003年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson发行的一张精选辑,其中只有一首新歌,ONE MORE CHANCE,并且这首歌也是MICHAEL很多年前创作的,其他歌曲均为以往超级金曲。 销量介绍:150万套(1白金认证)7.8亿张 英文名称:THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION 英文名称:Thriller 25th Anniversary Edition 中文名称:颤栗25周年纪念版 发行日期:2008年2月11日 专辑简介:本辑为庆祝Thriller专辑全球发行25周年CD+DVD珍藏版,CD收录5首2008年最新录音,由麦可与当前最受喜爱的音乐人共同制作专辑中经典单曲 杰克逊少儿时期jackson5组合 Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5 销量200万 杰克逊少儿时期jackson5组合1970年连发三张专辑 1970年唱片《ABC》309万、《Third Album》160万、《Christmas Album》 130万 1971年《Goin" Back To Indiana》 单曲 we are the world 总销量700万 单曲黑与白销量 300万 【世界巡回演唱会】 迈克尔杰克逊是第一个来亚洲国家开演唱会的欧美歌手。他的世界巡演是世界历史上规模最大、吸引观众最多的。 BAD真棒 世界巡回演唱会,巡演时间:1987年—1989年。 这是一场非常了不起的演唱会,也是一场举世闻名的演唱会,对世界上所有的大牌明星来说都是前所未有的,这是MJ颠峰时期的演唱会,由此而肯定了他流行歌王的地位。 “Bad” (“真棒”)世界巡演是迈克尔·杰克逊第一次个人巡回演唱会。 “Bad”巡回演唱会在全球4大洲的15个国家举行,共123场,吸引了约440万人到场观看。 迈克尔1987年—1989年 “Bad” 世界巡演是史上最大规模的巡演!它也是史上获利最丰的巡演,共赚得一亿二千五百万美元,无人能敌! Dangerous危险之旅 世界巡回演唱会,巡演时间:1992年—1993年。 由1992年6月开始1993年11月结束的危险之旅共演出69场,Dangerous巡演是Michael Jackson继Bad巡演4年之后的的第二次个人巡演,也是他与SONY唱片签下10亿美元合约之后的第一次巡演,所到之地观众总人数达350万。在其规模上,危险之旅胜过了Michael于1987年9月到1989年1月进行的真棒之旅。 History 历史世界巡回演唱会,巡演时间:1996年—1997年。 “HIStory”巡演横跨全球五大洲35个国家56座城市,共举办了82场,吸引了450万歌迷到场观看,平均每场演唱会观众人数达到54,878!

michael jackson

《You Are Not Alone》《Earth Song》 《You Are My Life》《Speechless》《Heaven Can Wait》《Fall Again》《Ben》(小时候的)《One Day in Your Life》《I"ll Be There》(小时候的歌,建议你听他长大后演唱会上唱的,更舒缓)《Childhood》《Will You Be There》《Someone In the Dark》《Cry》《Happy Birthday Lisa》《Heal The World》《We Are The World》《What More Can I Give》《The Lost Children》《I Just Can"t Stop Loving You》《Little Susie》《Liberian Girl》《She Is Out of My Life》《Smile》《Why》《On The Line》《Don"t Walk Away》《Gone Too Soon》我可是一个一个自己想的,目前只想到这些,每个人标准不一样,弄不全的,都很好听的,尽管拿去听吧,老歌迷路过

Michael jackson MJ怎么读


Michael jackson MJ怎么读


ten-years-old cody jackson,阅读答案


michael jackson 的(you are not alone )(beat it )谁会翻译歌词,正确哦


You Are Not Alone Michael Jackson的歌词+中文意思

YOU ARE NOT ALONE Another day has gone又一天过去了I"m still all alone我依旧一人How could this be这能怎么样You"re not here with me你不在这里陪伴我You never said goodbye你从未说过再见 Someone tell me why有人告诉我Did you have to go你走了么And leave my world so cold我的世界只留下了孤单Everyday I sit and ask myself每天我坐着问自己How did love slip away 爱情为什么悄悄远离Something whispers in my ear and says有什么在我耳畔低语That you are not alone你并不孤单For I am here with you 我在这里陪伴着你 Though you"re far away 尽管你在远方I am here to stay 我在这里停留But you are not alone你并不孤单For I am here with you我在这里陪伴着你Though we"re far apart尽管我们相隔千里You"re always in my heart你永远在我心里But you are not alone 你并不孤单"Lone, "lone 孤单 孤单Why, "lone 为什么孤单? Just the other night几天前的夜晚 I thought I heard you cry我听到了你的哭泣 Asking me to come让我前往 And hold you in my arms将你拥入怀 I can hear your prayers我能听到你的祈祷 Your burdens I will bear你的重负我会承担 But first I need your hand执子之手Then forever can begin与子白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself每天坐问我自己 How did love slip away 爱为什么悄悄远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 有什么在我耳畔低语 That you are not alone你并不孤单 For I am here with you 我在这里陪伴你 Though you"re far away尽管你在远方 I am here to stay我在这里停留 For you are not alone你并不孤单 For I am here with you我在这里陪伴你 Though we"re far apart尽管我们相隔千里 You"re always in my heart你永远在我心中 For you are not alone 你并不孤单 Whisper three words and I"ll come runnin说出那三个字我便会飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there女孩你知道我会在这里 I"ll be there 会在这里 You are not alone 你不孤单 For I am here with you 我在这里陪伴你 Though you"re far away 尽管你在远方 I am here to stay我在这里停留 For you are not alone你并不孤单 For I am here with you我在这里陪伴着你 Though we"re far apart尽管我们相隔千里 You"re always in my heart你永远在我心中 For you are not alone你并不孤单 For I am here with you我在这里陪伴着你 Though you"re far away尽管你在远方 I am here to stay我在这里停留 For you are not alone你并不孤单 For I am here with you我在这里陪伴你 Though we"re far apart尽管我们相隔千里 You"re always in my heart你永远在我心中 For you are not alone 你不孤单

Michael Jackson的Give In To Me被翻唱成一首中文广告歌!

你。。。。真没听错????央视几台?几点播放?我也很喜欢GIVE IN TO ME。。。。。告诉我吧。。。。。。。

Michael Jackson 的Give into me的中英文歌词


Milt Jackson的《Melancholy》 歌词

歌曲名:Melancholy歌手:Milt Jackson专辑:VibrationsChanson: Melancholy (Holy Martyr)Artiste: Iced EarthMake the sadness go awayCome back another dayFor years I"ve tried to teachBut their eyes are emptyEmpty too I have becomeFor them I must dieAn ungrateful troubled placeI see the sadness in their eyesMelancholy in their criesDevoid of all the passionThe human spirit cannot dieLook at the pain around meThis is what I cry forLook at the pain around meThis is what I"ll die forMake the sadness go awayCome back another dayThe things I"ve said and doneDon"t matter to anyoneBut still, you push me to seeSomething, I can never beWhy am I their shattered king?I don"t mean anythingI see the sadness in their eyesMelancholy in their criesDevoid of all the passionThe human spirit cannot dieLook at the pain around meThis is what I cry forLook at the pain around meThis is what I"ll die forhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10234303

u-know在x-man中跳的舞曲是什么michael jackson的歌

love u-know...^0^

The Jacksons的《Torture》 歌词

歌曲名:Torture歌手:The Jacksons专辑:Original Album ClassicsYou know, you know.You know that it"s torture.The sweetest words you whisper in my ear,Cause you know what I wanna hear.The way you hold me like it"s something real,Cause you know what I wanna feel.It takes two to lie,One to lie and one to listen,And deep promises are wearing thin.Oh, ohStop.What you"re doing to me?Stop.Like an arrow through me.Stop.This is torture to me.Cause it gotta be,All or it"s nothing at all.I"m telling you to stop.This is torture to me.You know that it"s torture.I lose control when you"re touching me,Cause you know what I really need.But I need more than physicality,So you know how it"s gotta be.It takes two to lie,One to lie but I"m done listening.If your hearts have finished,Then we"re finished.Oh, ohStop.What you"re doing to me?Stop.Like an arrow through me.Stop.This is torture to me.Cause it gotta be,All or it"s nothing at all.I"m telling you to stop.This is torture to me.You know that it"s torture.I cant keep going through this.Cant keep on leading me on.Why you being so elusive?You"re in or you"re out,There"s no middle crowd.No, no, no, noIt"s killing me. (x2)You know that it"s torture.It"s killing me (x2)You know that it"s torture.I lose control when you"re touching me.Cause you know what I really need.But I need more than physicality.(x2)Oh, ohStop.What you"re doing to me?Stop.Like an arrow through me.Stop.This is torture to me.Cause it gotta be,All or it"s nothing at all.I"m telling you to stop.It"s killing me. (x2)You know that it"s torture.It"s killing me (x2)You know that it"s torture.It"s killing me (x2)You know that its tortureIt"s killing me (x2)You know that it"s torture.http://music.baidu.com/song/9641851

You Are Not Alone Michael Jackson的歌词+中文意思



易烊千玺叫Jackson Yee吧

Janet Jackson的《Young Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Young Love歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:Janet Jackson-A&MBilly Gilman - Young Love咖啡缘圆制作Even if the pipes are knockin"and the walls are thinWe keep on rockin" like a cradle in the windWe ain"t got much money but we got enoughWe got the power of young loveWho cares if the roof is leakin"and the paint is oldThe stove is broken but we"ll never be coldRubbin" two hearts together to warm upThat"s the power of...ChorusYoung love, it"s like a runaway trainYoung blood, running through our veinsOne kiss and I feel the painAnd I love the power ofYoung loveWe grew up together in our hometownGot used to seein" each other aroundAnd then one night it happenedand it didn"t take muchThe band played just for usChorusAnd young love, it"s like a runaway trainYoung blood, running through our veinsOne kiss and I feel the painAnd I love the power ofYoung loveThe old folks complain about the kids todayBut they were us just yesterdayAll we need is the stars aboveCause we got the power of young loveChorusYoung love, it"s like a runaway trainYoung blood, running through our veinsOne kiss and I feel the painAnd I love the power ofYoung loveYoung love, it"s a burnin" flameYoung blood can"t be containedWashes over me like the falling rainAnd I love the power of young love,young love, young love咖啡缘圆制作http://music.baidu.com/song/1465758

Janet Jackson的《Feedback》 歌词

歌曲名:Feedback歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:Number Ones Disc 2Janet Jackson 珍妮杰克逊节奏天后回归 2008年第一声Feedbacklyrics编辑 : 徒有虚名--豆瓣KM小组Light Skin, Dark Skin, My Asian Persuasion,I Got them all that"s why these girls out here hatinCause I"m sexyDo you like my styleYeah that sexy sexy sexyLike I rock it downYeah that sexy sexy sexyYou can work me outYeah that sexy sexy sexyLet me show you howYeah that sexy sexy sexySo here"s my demonstrationA peep showTonight my body"s and exhibition babyThough it"s on display don"t be scared toTouch It It said soSo come and get it babeStrum me like a guitar blow out my amplifierWhen you hear some feedback keep going take it higherCrank it up give it to me come onCrank it up give it to me come onI"m gonna feedback feedback ohFeedback feedback ohCrank it up give it to me come onCrank it up give it to me come onI"m gonna feedback feedback ohFeedback feedback ohLight Skin, Dark Skin, My Asian Persuasion,I Got them all that"s why these girls out here hatinCause I"m sexyDo you like my styleYeah that sexy sexy sexyLike I rock it downYeah that sexy sexy sexyYou can work me outYeah that sexy sexy sexyLet me show you howYeah that sexy sexy sexyBefore we go any more furtherLet me put you up on this secret babeI got novelties so appeasingFeed my fetish pleaseSatisfy me babeStrum me like a guitar blow out my amplifierWhen you hear some feedback keep going take it higherCrank it up give it to me come onCrank it up give it to me come onI"m gonna feedback feedback ohFeedback feedback ohCrank it up give it to me come onCrank it up give it to me come onI"m gonna feedback feedback ohFeedback feedback ohYou like it how I work my spineGot you feeling all hypnotized (hypnotized)I gotta body like a CL5Flyer than a pelican find another chick better than I don"t see herCause my swag is seriousSomething heavy like a first day periodStrum me like a guitar blow out my amplifierWhen you hear some feedback keep going take it higherCrank it up give it to me come onCrank it up give it to me come onI"m gonna feedback feedback ohFeedback feedbackStrum me like a guitar blow out my amplifierWhen you hear some feedback keep going take it higherCrank it up give it to me come onCrank it up give it to me come onI"m gonna feedback feedback ohFeedback feedback ohCrank it up give it to me come onCrank it up give it to me come onI"m gonna feedback feedback ohFeedback feedback ohFeedback Feed back (out part)Janet Jackson 珍妮杰克逊2008年最新单曲节奏天后2008年回归第一声Feedbackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/477409

michael jackson 《i want you back》中文歌词

当我,你自己,我不想你周围的那些漂亮的面孔总是让你站出来在人群拥挤的,但有人选择你从一大堆,一一目了然,是所有了,现在的很多为时已晚,我花一秒钟哦婴儿,给我多一次机会, (显示你,我爱你)将不会请你让我回在你的心哦darlin " ,我是盲人,让您去(让你去,婴儿) ,但现在因为我"维生素E看到你,这是对(我要你回)哦,我现在(我要你回)户外户外婴儿(我要你回)是啊是啊是啊是啊(我要你回)不详不详不详不详要活而不你们的爱是一个长期嗜睡夜间让我告诉您,女孩,我知道错了,从每一个正确的步行街你,我离开催泪血迹在地面以下女孩我什至没有想靠近让我告诉亚,现在的婴儿哦,我需要的是多一次机会(显示你,我爱你)将不会请你让我回在你的心哦darlin " ,我是盲人,让您去(让你去,婴儿) ,但现在因为我见过你,这是对所有我想...所有我需要...所有我想!所有我需要哦,只是多一个机会,向大家展示你,我爱你的婴儿婴儿婴儿婴儿婴儿婴儿! (我要你回)忘记所发生的事情,然后(我要你回) ,并让我活了!哦婴儿,我是盲人,让你去,但现在因为我见过你,这是对(我要你回)备件我这个成本(我要你回)给我回什么,我失去了!哦婴儿,我需要多一次机会,河我要表明你,我爱你的婴儿,哦!婴儿,哦!婴儿,哦!我希望你回来了!我希望你回来了! [淡出]


smooth criminal?这是犯罪高手,不明白你什么意思,应该是吧..


我爱你记得你 ---- god

janet jackson 的miss you much的歌词

Shot like an arrow going through my heartThat"s the pain I feelI feel whenever we"re apartNot to say that I"m in love with youBut who"s to say that I"m notI just know that it feels wrong,When I"m away too longIt makes my body hotSo let me tell ya babyI"ll tell your mamaI"ll tell your friendsI"ll tell anyone whose heart can comprehendSend it in a letter babyTell you on the phoneI"m not the kinda girlWho likes to be aloneI miss ya much (boy-oh-I miss you much)I really miss you much (M-I-S-S you much)I miss ya much (boy-oh-I miss you much)Baby I really miss you much (M-I-S-S you much)I"m rushing homeJust as soon as I canI"m rushing home to seeYour smiling faceAnd feel your warm embraceIt makes f-feel so g-g-g goodSo I"ll tell you babyI"ll tell your mamaI"ll tell your friendsI"ll tell anyone whose heart can comprehendSend it in a letter babyTell you on the phoneI"m not the kinda girlWho likes to be aloneI miss ya much (boy-oh-I miss you much)I really miss you much (M-I-S-S you much)I miss ya much (boy-oh-I miss you much)Baby I really miss you much (M-I-S-S you much)I miss you muchI really really miss you muchI miss you muchI"m not ashamed to tell the worldI miss youI"ll tell your mamaI"ll tell your friendsI"ll tell anyone whose heart can comprehendSend it in a letter babyTell you on the phoneI"m not the kinda girlWho likes to be aloneI miss ya much (boy-oh-I miss you much)I really miss you much (M-I-S-S you much)I miss ya much (boy-oh-I miss you much)Baby I really miss you much (M-I-S-S you much)

Breaking News究竟是Michael Jackson唱的还是 Jack Savorett

是Jason Malachi啦(手动斜眼)

Michael Jackson的《My Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:My Girl歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Lost & Found: Motown Volume 7MyGirlMichael JacksonBenI"ve got sunshineOn a cloudy dayWhen it"s cold outsideI"ve got the month of MayI guess you"d sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got so much honeythe bees envy meI"ve got a sweeter song thanthe birds in the treesI guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)Hey hey heyHey hey heyI love my babyShe makes me feel proudOoooh...I climb the highest mountainand say I"m in loveI don"t need no money,fortune or fameI"ve got all the riches babyone man can claimWell I guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got sunshine On a cloudy dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8558666

Michael Jackson的 King of Pop一共有多少版本


从Salt Lake City开车到Jackson Hole大约多久

你好从Salt Lake City开车到Jackson Hole大约多久:(源于网络数据,仅供参考)从盐湖城到杰克逊霍尔,其实就是盐湖城往黄石国家公园的前面大部分路段。基本上就是走I-15北上,然后依次转US-30E、ID-34、US-89N、US-26E。如果是从盐湖城市中心开始算,那么到杰克逊霍尔,是279英里(446公里)。Google Map给出的时间是4小时41分钟。这段路大多数为山路,前面相对比较好开,后端转上ID-34之后限速较低,相对开的稍微累一点。建议在US-30转ID-34的Soda Springs(苏打泉)休息一下,必要的话补充一下燃油。山路还是比较费油的,而且山地往往没有加油站。当然,最好是在盐湖城出发的时候加足,因为按经验,Soda Springs的油会贵不少。希望对你有帮助

Imma do it big歌词Brandon T Jackson Ft. T-Pain,谁能提供完整的歌词给我咧?

  BRANDON T. JACKSON  "Imma Do It Big"  [feat. T-Pain & One Chance]  [Brandon T. Jackson:]  III remeber back in the day  Scrowny little kid  Making people laugh  And all the stuff I did  Some started to hate  But that"s always case  Same old story  Only you can change the...  They say I think big cause I reach for the stars  What they going do when I buy my avatar  How they going act when I land on mars  Even tracy chapman sad I got a fast car  I can drop a movie  Win a grammy in the same day  Academy award people"s choice and a vma  They may all laugh when I need support  But when I"m winning these awards I"ll cut my speech short  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either way you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do it big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  I"m a do it big  [T-Pain:]  Bigger than it"s ever been before (before)  I"m a get it till I can"t go get no more (no more)  When the drop top coming out of the top shop stop drop roll (let"s roll) and roll  My click bigger than big yeah we swoll we swoll  We go hard in the paint I know you feel me bro  How hard it is to keep it real bro  Make your modeo never say never  Homie I know you can do it better better  Brandon t teddy p  You no who we is  And my big momma always tell me you can do it big  So think that way if your hungry act like eat that way  Then I made it my job to go hard and eat today  But either way this is motivation for the masses  Just keep it straight you can see the future through my glasses  I mean to say what I say when I say it how I say  Man these people thinking big nowadays  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do it big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  [Charmaine Daisey Pierce:]  Charmaine dasy pierce!  Can I get a black on black  A roof detach  Me and my girls need to of that  Two to match  They going say we so sick like the flu attack  I do it big real big like...  My swag outta space I still manage to keep up  I keep this up  I see so much  Heat this  Pizza crust  I want that doe like donald trumph  Reaching up I hope I find it  Just incase they open minded  No I"m... I won"t make it  Lately I feel obligated  Just to take it to amazing  I go past what they call a norm  And blow past what ya"ll call a storm  Yea I am something new  I"ll make sure that your imformed  And now that I"m exposed  I need my talent showing  Speaking of my goals searching for my biggest moment  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either way you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  I"m a do it big

总统安德鲁杰克森(Andrew Jackson)应该被印到美元上吗?为什么? 美国历史题目


Michael Jackson的《Speechless》 歌词

歌曲名:Speechless歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:King Of PopSpeechlessmichael jacksonYour love is magical, thats how I feelBut I have not the words here to explainGone is the grace for expressions of passionBut there are worldsand worlds of ways to explainTo tell you how I feelBut I am speechless, speechlessThats how you make me feelThough I am with youI am far away and nothing is for realWhen I am with you I am lost for words,I dont know what to sayMy heads spinning like a carousel,so silently I prayHelpless and hopeless,that is how I feel inside Nothings real,but all is possible if God is on my sideWhen I am with youI am in the lightI cannot be foundIt is as though I am standing inthe place called Hallowed GroundSpeechless, speechless,that is how you make me feelThough I am with youI am far away and nothing is for realI ll go anywhere and do anythingjust to touch your faceTheres no mountain high I cannot climbI"m humbled in your graceSpeechless, speechless,thats how you make me feelThough I am with you I am lost for wordsand nothing is for realSpeechless, speechless,thats how you make me feelThough I am with you I am far away,and nothing is for realSpeechless, speechless,thats how you make me feelThough I am with you I am lost for wordsand nothing is for real SpeechlessYour love is magical, thats how I feelBut in your presence I am lost for wordsWords like,like, I love you.http://music.baidu.com/song/2191077

Michael Jackson的《Speechless》 歌词

歌曲名:Speechless歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:X2 (Off The Wall /Invincible)Speechlessmichael jacksonYour love is magical, thats how I feelBut I have not the words here to explainGone is the grace for expressions of passionBut there are worldsand worlds of ways to explainTo tell you how I feelBut I am speechless, speechlessThats how you make me feelThough I am with youI am far away and nothing is for realWhen I am with you I am lost for words,I dont know what to sayMy heads spinning like a carousel,so silently I prayHelpless and hopeless,that is how I feel inside Nothings real,but all is possible if God is on my sideWhen I am with youI am in the lightI cannot be foundIt is as though I am standing inthe place called Hallowed GroundSpeechless, speechless,that is how you make me feelThough I am with youI am far away and nothing is for realI ll go anywhere and do anythingjust to touch your faceTheres no mountain high I cannot climbI"m humbled in your graceSpeechless, speechless,thats how you make me feelThough I am with you I am lost for wordsand nothing is for realSpeechless, speechless,thats how you make me feelThough I am with you I am far away,and nothing is for realSpeechless, speechless,thats how you make me feelThough I am with you I am lost for wordsand nothing is for real SpeechlessYour love is magical, thats how I feelBut in your presence I am lost for wordsWords like,like, I love you.http://music.baidu.com/song/31349226

Michael jackson Little susie歌词

好吧,记住给分。Little Susie 小苏丝(译:Keen)Somebody killed little Susie 有人杀害了小苏丝 The girl with the tune 这个有着美妙歌喉的女孩 Who sings in the daytime at noon 她常在午时歌唱 She was there screaming 她在那儿尖叫 Beating her voice in her doom 在生死之间振喉 But nobody came to her soon... 但没有人及时赶到她的身旁… A fall down the stairs 倒在楼梯上 Her dress torn 她的衣裙破损 Oh the blood in her hair... 头发上浸染着鲜血… A mystery so sullen in air 空气中涌动着神秘 She lie there so tenderly 她单薄的身躯 Fashioned so slenderly 温软地躺在那里 Lift her with care, 小心地托起她, Oh the blood in her hair... 喔,鲜血染红了她的发丝… Everyone came to see 人人都来围观这 The girl that now is dead 现已玉陨的女孩 So blind stare the eyes in her head... 她死不瞑目…… And suddenly a voice from the crowd said 突然间人群中有声音告诉说 This girl lived in vain 这女孩一直在徒劳无助地生活 Her face bear such agony, such strain...她的脸庞忍受着那么多痛苦,那么多辛劳… But only the man from next door 但只有隔壁的邻居 Knew Little Susie and how he cried 才真正了解小苏丝,他悲痛欲绝,伤心落泪 As he reached down 他蹲下身来 To close Susie"s eyes... 为苏丝合上了的双眼… She lie there so tenderly 她单薄的身躯, Fashioned so slenderly 温软地躺在那里 Lift her with care 小心地托起她, Oh the blood in hair... 喔,鲜血染红了她的发丝…It was all for God"s sake 看在上帝的份上 For her singing the tune 看在她那么动听的歌声份上 For someone to feel her despair 看在有人想要感受她的绝望的份上 To be damned to know hoping is dead and you"re doomed 想想吧,当你该死地知道希望已经消逝你也行将灭亡 Then to scream out 尖叫出来 And nobody"s there... 却没有任何人听到…… She knew no one cared... 她知道不会有人来关怀…… Father left home, poor mother died 父亲离开了家,可怜的母亲也早早去世 Leaving Susie alone 留下苏丝单独一人 Grandfather"s soul too had flown... 爷爷的灵魂也飘向了天堂…… No one to care 没人关心 Just to love her 也没人来爱护 How much can one bear 一个人怎样能忍受 Rejecting the needs in her prayers... 抛弃自己祈祷声中的愿望…… Neglection can kill 致命的漠视 Like a knife in your soul 就像你灵魂中的匕首 Oh it will 哦,一定如此 But Susie fought so hard to live... 小苏丝是那样挣扎着 She lie there so tenderly 想要生活下去…… Fashioned so slenderly 她单薄的身躯,温软地躺在那里 Lift her with care 小心托起她, So young and so fair 还那么年轻,那么美丽……注:这首歌名,据说是杰克逊的化名。

micheal jackson的歌,越多越好

按专辑发行的顺序1. I"LL BE THERE(注意是迈扣唱的版本,小时候的冠军歌曲。不是玛丽亚凯莉的版本)2. ben (少年时期的,曾获得奥斯卡提名的歌曲)3. do"t stop "till get enough(第一次获得格莱美最佳蓝调歌曲)4. she is out my life (感人的失恋歌曲)5. rock with you (很多名人喜欢的歌曲--碧昂丝等)6. the girl is mine (和前披头士成员一起唱的,很可爱的歌!迈写的)7. thriller (这个就不用解释了~·全球最畅销专辑的同名曲)8. beat it (这个更不用说了,不可能没人听过)9. billie jean (一直被认为的和BEAT IT 一样的经典,太空步就是先出来的)10. PYT (可爱的歌)11. bad (节奏足够让人激动)12. the way you make me feel (80年代最佳追女歌曲)13. smooth criminal (MV和歌一样的酷,向前倾45°就是这里出现的)15. i just can"t stop loving you (情深的对唱歌曲)16. man in the mirror(让人热泪盈眶的,很有意义的歌)17. dirty diana (戴安娜王妃喜爱的歌)18. leave me alone (迈向小报咆哮的歌,获得格莱美的奖项)19. we are th world (世界级的公益歌曲,有很多版本)20. dangerous (不会没听过吧```)21. jam (里面的电子琴演奏很让人激动,MV和迈克尔 乔丹一起拍的)22. in the closet (迈很难得的性感歌曲,MV和黑人名模Naomi Campbell一起拍的)23. remember the time (经典啊!无论是歌还是MV!!真的错过了会后悔的)24. heal the world(仅次于WE ARE THE WORLD,很美的歌)25. who is it(虽然不是很红,但是一旦听过就不会忘记)26. will you be there (也是很美的歌)27. gone too soon(在克林顿总统任典礼上唱的歌)28. give in to me (第二首性感歌曲,电力十足!)29. black or white (用欢快的调子表达对种族歧视的反对!好听,MV是史上播放过次数最多的)30. scream (和同是美国流行巨星的妹妹JANET一起唱的,是史上最贵的MV)31. they don"t care about us (反对种族歧视的歌,调子很有感觉)32. you are not alone (天哪!神圣的歌!!你可以说不知道绝对没有人没听过)33. stranger in Moscow(一首孤单的歌)34. earth song (拥揽各项大奖的为地球呼喊的歌!深受喜爱)35. history (第四张专辑的同名歌,好听!)36. blood on the dance floor (这首歌我是很喜欢的!)37. ghost (史上最唱的MV!)38. break of dawn (美丽的爱情歌)39. heaven can wait (也是很美的爱情歌)40. butterflies (也是很美的爱情歌)41. speechless (依然很美的爱情歌,不过它很容易让那个人哭,我第一次听就哭了,很多人也一样)42. the lost children (为没有家的孩子写的歌,认为和39.41.一样美)43. whatever happens(充满爱的拉丁歌曲,吉他是美国吉他之王弹的)44. cry (公益歌曲)45. heart breaker (和the way you make me feel 感觉差不多)46. break news(新专辑的歌)47. hollywood tonight (热门歌曲,夺得了最佳舞曲奖)48. much too soon (纯爱歌曲,美啊···~~)49. hold my hand (很受喜爱的歌曲,和阿肯一起唱的)50. keep your head up (鼓舞人心的歌曲。有点earth song的影子)51. monster (Ft.50 Cent参与说唱部分)52. behind the mask (我喜欢的歌曲)53. (i like) the way you love me (美丽的爱情歌!!)54. best of joy(迈最后写的一首歌,很可爱)55. one more chance (MV是迈最后一个拍的)56. fall again (虽然歌没有录完,但是网上有)57. this is it (迈的音乐电影的同名歌)58. you are my life (爱情歌)59. the lady in my life (爱情歌,被传当时是为妻子——猫王之女,写的)60. childhood (中间掉了,迈的唯一自传歌曲)61. you rock my world (对不起,我又弄掉了的,中间的歌。MV很棒)62. soldier boy (网上流传的新歌)全部是自己刚刚打的!希望你喜欢~!! 已发



michael jackson 《 toobad》歌词原文和 翻译


History歌词 Michael Jackson

这我自己做的[ti:History][ar:Michael Jackson][al:History][by:Jasper Chao][01:04.31]He got kicked in the back[01:06.78]He say that he needed that[01:09.39]He hot willed in the face[01:11.92]Keep daring to motivate[01:14.37]He say one day you will see[01:16.99]His place in world history[01:19.52]He dares to be recognized[01:22.02]The fires deep in his eyes[01:24.27]How many victims must there be[01:29.29]Slaughtered in vain across the land[01:34.11]And how many struggles must there be[01:39.23]Before we choose to live the prophet"s plan[01:43.21]Everybody sing[01:45.30]Every day create your history[01:50.40]Every path you take you"re leaving your legacy[01:55.49]Every soldier dies in his glory[02:00.57]Every legend tells of conquest and liberty[02:20.65]Don"t let no one get you down[02:23.14]Keep movin" on higher ground[02:26.01]Keep flying until[02:28.25]You are the king of the hill[02:30.84]No force of nature can break[02:33.34]Your will to self motivate[02:35.81]She say this face that you see[02:38.40]Is destined for history[02:40.67]How many people have to cry[02:45.50]The song of pain and grief across the land[02:50.46]And how many children have to die[02:55.54]Before we stand to lend a healing hand[02:59.50]Everybody sing...[03:01.62]Every day create your history[03:06.68]Every path you take you"re leaving your legacy[03:11.81]Every soldier dies in his glory[03:16.91]Every legend tells of conquest and liberty[03:22.01]Every day create your history[03:27.08]Every page you turn you"re writing your legacy[03:32.19]Every hero dreams of chivalry[03:37.31]Every child should sing together in harmony[03:41.37]All nations sing[03:43.89]Let"s harmonize all around the world[04:07.17]How many victims must there be[04:12.30]Slaughtered in vain across the land[04:17.03]And how many children must we see[04:22.07]Before we learn to live as brothers[04:25.94]And create one family oh...[04:30.73]Every day create your history[04:35.85]Every path you take you"re leaving your legacy[04:40.93]Every soldier dies in his glory[04:46.03]Every legend tells of conquest and liberty[04:51.14]Every day create your history[04:56.19]Every page you turn you"re writing your legacy[05:01.25]Every hero dreams of chivalry[05:06.41]Every child should sing together in harmony[05:12.09][05:14.62][05:19.28]

Bruno Mars-火星哥,能不能逐渐超越已故天王,Michael Jackson呢


maven 怎么添加jackson.annotation

pom.xml 右键-->>maven-->>reimport 然后写代码就有提示了

Joe Jackson的《Discipline》 歌词

歌曲名:Discipline歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:Blaze Of GloryNine Inch Nails - DisciplineAm IAm I still tough enough?Feels like i"m wearing down, down, down, down, downIs my visciousnessLosing ground, ground, ground, ground ground?Am I taking too muchDid I cross a line, line, line?I need my role in thisVery clearly definedI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfAnd now it"s starting upFeels like i"m losing touchNothing matters to meNothing matters as muchI see you left a markUp and down my skinI don"t know where I endAnd where you beginI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfI. Can. Not. Stop. Myself.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myselfhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8249709

求Michael Jackson独唱We are the world歌词

<We Are The World (Demo)>Michael JacksonThere is a timeWhen we should hear a certain call"cause the world, it seems it"s written in these lines"cause there"s a chance for takin"In leading our own livesIt seems we need nothing at allI used to feelI should give away my heartAnd it shows that we are needed in thereThen I read the headlinesAnd it said that got in thereAnd it showed that we are - - - in thereWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the one to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meGiven your heartAnd you will see that someone cares"Cause you know that they can"t feed them allThen I read the papersAnd it said that you and IAnd it shows the - - - when we work hardWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the one to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our lifesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meNow there"s a time when we must love at allAnd it seem the life, - - - make love at allBut - - - - -And I love you more and moreIt seem you and I will make a new dayWe are the world(The world!)We are the children(Are the children!)We are the ones to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"(Let"s start givin"!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meWe are the world(Are the world!)We are the children(Are the children!)We are the one to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"(So let"s start givin"!)There"s a chance we"re takin"(Takin"!)We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meWe are the world(Sharon!)We are the children(Shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(Sharon!)So let"s start givin"("Cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me(Com"on! Yeah!)We are the world(Sharon!)We are the children(Shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(Sharon!)So let"s start givin"("Cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me(Oooooooh Yeah!)We are the world(Sharon!)We are the children(Shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(Sharon!)So let"s start givin"("Cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me

亲们 谁有michael jackson keep the faith michael带时间的标准歌词 有的话复制一下给我吧 谢谢了哈

[00:13.17]If you call out loud [00:15.65]Will it get inside [00:19.76]Through the heart of your surrender [00:25.33]To your alibis [00:26.51]And you can say the words [00:29.05]Like you understand [00:32.30]But, the power"s in believing [00:35.36]So give yourself a chance [00:38.69]"Cause you can [00:39.97]Climb the highest mountain [00:43.08]Swim the deepest sea, hee, [00:46.55]All you need is the will to want it [00:50.10]And uhh, little self-esteem [00:53.73]So keep the faith [00:57.34]Don"t let nobody turn you "round [01:00.58]You gotta know when [01:03.11]It"s good to go [01:05.18]To get your dreams [01:07.07]Up off the ground [01:08.26]Keep the faith, baby, yea [01:10.62]Because it"s just [01:12.32]A matter of time [01:14.17]Before your confidence [01:15.76]Will win out [01:17.76]Believe in yourself [01:19.55]No matter what it"s gon" take [01:21.16]You can be a winner [01:22.68]But you got to keep the faith [01:25.86]Gon" keep it brother [01:28.36]You got it [01:30.47]And when you think of trust [01:33.98]Does it lead you home [01:37.25]To a place that you [01:40.49]Only dream of [01:43.58]When you"re all alone [01:47.73]And you can go by feel [01:48.38]"Stead of circumstance [01:51.18]But the power"s in believing [01:54.27]So give yourself a chance [01:56.82]I know that you can [01:58.66]Sail across the water [02:01.80]Float across the sky, high [02:05.26]Any road that you take [02:07.82]Will get you there [02:09.15]If you only try [02:12.18]So keep the faith, ow [02:15.55]Don"t let nobody [02:18.04]Take you down, brother[02:20.12]Just keep your eyes [02:22.65]On the prize [02:24.68]And your feet [02:25.82]Flat on the ground [02:26.42]Keep the faith, baby, yea [02:27.58]Because it"s just [02:30.23]A matter of time [02:32.54]Before your confidence [02:34.81]Will win out [02:37.02]I told my brother how to [02:39.87]Do the thing right [02:40.52]Lift up your head and show [02:41.94]The world you got pride [02:43.56]Go for what you want [02:45.18]Don"t let "em get in your way [02:46.88]You can be better [02:47.99]But you got to keep the faith [02:50.54]You got it [02:52.98]I know that keepin" the faith [02:57.36]Means never givin" up on love [03:02.94]But the power that love has [03:06.77]To make it right [03:09.13]Makes it [03:10.82]Makes it right [03:12.84]Keep the faith [03:15.94]Don"t let nobody turn you "round brother [03:20.78]You got to know [03:21.78]When it"s good to go [03:23.53]To get your dreams up [03:25.44]Off the ground [03:26.38]Keep the faith [03:27.90]Baby, yea [03:29.75]Because it"s just a matter of time [03:33.64]Before your confidence [03:34.86]Will win out [03:36.91]Better stand up and act like [03:39.53]You wanna do right [03:40.62]Don"t play the fool [03:42.30]For the rest of your life [03:43.60]Work on it brother [03:45.41]And you"ll make it someday [03:46.77]Go for what you want [03:48.25]And don"t forget the faith [03:50.33]Look at yourself [03:51.44]And what you doin" right now [03:53.66]Stand back a minute [03:55.77]Just to check yourself out [03:58.37]Straighten out your life [04:00.26]And how you"re livin" each day [04:01.36]Get yourself together [04:02.45]"Cause you got to keep the faith [04:05.01]Uh, uh, uh [04:07.06]Don"t let nobody take you down, brother [04:13.94]Just keep your eyes on the prize [04:15.08]And your feet flat on the ground [04:16.40]Keep the faith, baby, yea [04:19.61]Because it"s just a matter of time [04:22.67]Before your confidence will win out [04:26.27]Lift up your mind [04:29.46]Before your mind gets blown [04:32.47]Some things in life [04:35.07]You best just leave them alone [04:35.70]Go for what you want [04:37.02]Don"t let it get in your way [04:38.04]You can make it happen [04:39.12]But ya got ta keep the faith [04:41.70]Gon" keep it brother [04:44.71]You got to keep the faith [04:49.05]Yeah keep the faith [04:49.99]Gon" keep it sister [04:51.27]You got to keep the faith [04:54.12]Now, now [04:54.84]I"ll show my brotha [04:56.20]How to do the thing right [04:57.46]Lift up your head [04:59.06]And show the world you got pride [05:00.67]Go for what you want [05:02.53]Don"t let "em get in your way [05:03.96]You can be a winner [05:05.95]If you keep the faith[05:07.91]Straighten out yourself [05:09.17]And get tour mind on track [05:10.85]Dust off your butt [05:12.58]And get your self-respect back [05:14.39]You"ve known me long enough [05:19.79]To know that I don"t play [05:20.61]Take it like you want it [05:22.03]But you got to keep the faith [05:23.46]Gon" [05:24.26]Don"t let nobody [05:25.29]Take you down [05:26.81]Just keep your eyes on the prize [05:29.47]And get your feet [05:32.30]Back on the ground [05:33.65]Keep the faith, baby, yea [05:36.76]Because it"s just [05:40.38]A matter of time [05:41.17]Before your confidence [05:42.50]Will win out [05:44.01]But till that day [05:45.68]I said you"ve got to keep the faith

求高人翻译jackson browne 的the pretender歌词

看到你提的意见了。重新修改了一下。对于FITFUL DREAMS 的理解,仍待确定。 我也不算啥高手,作为一种兴趣吧!超难译,幸好坚持下来了。不完善的地方多多包涵哈。 I"m going to rent myself a house In the shade of the freeway 我想在高速公路旁边租一间屋子 I"m going to pack my lunch in the morning 每天清晨做好午餐饭盒 And go to work each day 然后上班 And when the evening rolls around 当夜晚来临时 I"ll go on home and lay my body down 我可以回到家中躺下休息 And when the morning light comes streaming in 当晨曦初现 I"ll get up and do it again Amen Say it again Amen 我就起床,像往日那般重复生活 阿门 I want to know what became of the changes 我想知道生活会怎样变化 We waited for love to bring 我们等待爱 Were they only the fitful dreams 那些反复无常的梦想 (?) Of some greater awakening 终会被唤醒 I"ve been aware of the time going by 我清醒地感觉到时间的消逝 They say in the end it"s the wink of an eye 他们说眨眼之时便是终结之际 And when the morning light comes streaming in当晨曦出现 You"ll get up and do it again Amen 你会起床,像往日那般重复生活 阿门 Caught between the longing for love (我们)期待着爱 And the struggle for the legal tender 努力挣钱 Where the sirens sing and the church bells ring 在那塞壬歌唱,教堂钟响的地方 And the junk man pounds his fender 那没用的男人敲打着汽车挡板 Where the veterans dream of the fight 老兵们做着战争梦 Fast asleep at the traffic light 在交通灯处沉沉睡去 And the children solemnly wait For the ice cream vendor 孩子们严肃地等待着卖雪糕的小贩 (整首歌最喜欢这句了) Out into the cool of the evening Strolls the Pretender 寒冷的夜里 流浪者与伪装者找不到去处 (这一句是猜测着翻译的) He knows that all his hopes and dreams Begin and end there 他知道,所有的希望和梦想都终结了 Ah the laughter of the lovers 恋人们笑着 As they run through the night 在黑夜中奔跑 Leaving nothing for the others 什么也没有剩下 But to choose off and fight 只能停在原地,战斗 And tear at the world with all their might 用他们的想法撕裂这世界 While the ships bearing their dreams 装载着他们梦想的轮船 Sail out of sight 正在开航 I"m going to find myself a girl 我想要找一个女孩 Who can show me what laughter means 她可告诉我笑声的含义 And we"ll fill in the missing colors In each other"s paint-by-number dreams 我们将会在自己梦中的颜色里迷失 And then we"ll put our dark glasses on 然后我们会戴上墨镜 And we"ll make love until our strength is gone 我们ML,直到力气耗尽(ML这么不CJ的词大家都懂吧) And when the morning light comes streaming in 当晨曦初现 We"ll get up and do it again Get it up again 我们就起床,像往日那般重复生活 I"m going to be a happy idiot 我想当快乐的傻瓜 And struggle for the legal tender努力挣钱 Where the ads take aim and lay their claim 在ADS(美国假牙学会)声称拥有权利的地方 To the heart and the soul of the spender 直达挥霍者的灵魂与心脏 believe in whatever may lie In those things that money can buy 我相信能用金钱买到的,就是具有欺骗性的 Though true love could have been a contender虽然真爱将会胜利 Are you there Say a prayer for the Pretender 但祈祷者也是会伪装的 Who started out so young and strong Only to surrender 一开始就最坚定的也会背叛

Lil Son Jackson的《Rocky Road》 歌词

歌曲名:Rocky Road歌手:Lil Son Jackson专辑:The Complete Imperial Recordings Of Lil Son JacksonThe highway lies between usThe things we said that we mustThe raving disillusion of the thingswe almost did but like the rocky roadthat twists and turnsWhere"s endWhere is the ending of our songThe love you gave to me is so tureI hope it lasts forever dearLife is running shortDon"t waste our tearsYou are the oneI"ll love in all my yearsThe moment when I need youI think It"s time I miss youFeelings that are reside meI know I can"t live without youTake my hands and let me hold you for one more timeLet our minds fly to the ending of our timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2665147

无耻之徒第4季Sheila Jackson是谁演的


Michale Jackson_____the king of pop. A.is well-known with B.is well-known for C.is...

D 因为michael是作为king of pop 被人熟知的,A是以什么而被人熟知的,B是为了什么而被熟知的,C跟B的意思基本一样

Alan Jackson的《Little Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Little Man歌手:Alan Jackson专辑:16 Biggest HitsLittle ManAlan Jackson375931574制作I remember walk′in round the court square sidewalkLookin′ in windows at things I couldn′t wantThere′s johnson′s hardware and morgans jewelryAnd the ol′ Lee king′s apothecaryThey ware the little manThe little manI go back now and the stores are all emptyExcept for an old coke sign from 1950Boarded up like they never existedOr renovated and called historic districtsThere goes the little manThere goes the little manNow the court square′s just a set of streetsThat the people go round but they seldom thinkBout the little man that built this townBefore the big money shut em downAnd killed the little manOh the little manHe pumped your gas and he cleaned your glassAnd one cold rainy night he fixed your flatThe new stores came where you do it yourselfYou buy a lotto ticket and food off the shelfForget about the little manForget about that little manHe hung on there for a few more yearsBut he couldn′t sell slurpeesAnd he wouldn′t sell beerNow the bank rents the stationTo a down the roadAnd sell velvet Elvis andSecond-hand clothesThere goes little manThere goes another little manNow the court square′s just a set of streetsThat the people go round but they seldom thinkBout the little man that built this townBefore the big money shut em downAnd killed the little manOh the little manNow the are lined up in a concrete stripYou can buy the world with just one tripAnd save a penny cause it′s jumbo sizeThey don′t even realizeThey′er killin′ the little manOh the little manNow the court square′s just a set of streetsThat the people go round but they seldom thinkBout the little man that built this townBefore the big money shut em downAnd killed the little manOh the little manIt wasn′t long when I was a childAn old black man came with his plowHe broke the ground where we grew our gardenBack before we′d all forgotabout the little manThe little manLong live the little manGod bless the little man希望大家喜欢乡村音乐!http://music.baidu.com/song/31369227

YOU ARE NOT ALONE Michael Jackson 的歌词以及中文翻译。

You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 (你不会孤单)Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你永远在我心中 For you are not alone 因为你不会孤单 你不会孤单……


Wayne Charvel 在1975年开办了一个吉他修理商店, 他雇用了Grover Jackson, 经过了一些周折,Grover在1978年从Wayne 手里买下了Charvel这个品牌,Charvel 主要生产琴身, 大部分都是strat形状的。Eddie Van Halen在Charvel定制了一把吉他,然后录制了著名的 Eruption。 从此Charvel开始在世界上有名了。某一天一个年轻人到Charvel想定制一把吉他,这个人就是Randy Rhoads。他在Charvel工作人员的帮助下设计了自己的吉他。由于这款设计和Charvel其他量产的吉他曲别太大了(当时Charvel只生产strat型的吉他),所以Grover Jackson不希望以Charvel这个品牌来量产这一款,于是就有了Jackson。之后又有一个叫做Kelly的人来定做吉他, 他也得到了Mike Shannon (Jackson大师级木匠) 的帮助,设计了另一款外型奇怪的吉他,理所当然另一把Jackson诞生了。之后Charvel一直生产strat型的吉他. 而Jackson则生产极端外形的吉他。


1985年,Grover Jackson 决定大量生产。于是他便加入了 IMC (International Music Corporation)。在批量生产最初的时候,Charvel主要生产CH1 到 CH6 这几个型号。由于市场的原因Charvel除了生产螺丝固定的strat之外,也开始生产Randy Rhoads 及其他一体琴。同理,Jackson 业生产strat型吉他和螺丝固定的neck。1986年,Jackson的3家工厂搬到了 San Dimas,随后另外3家新工厂在Ontario建起来了,但始终没有离开Californie。但是Ontario出品的吉他挂的还是San Dimas的铁牌(neck后面的那个)。1984—1989,Grover Jackson开始在美国、韩国和日本之间往返,这样可以节约一些生产时间。1989—1990, Grover Jackson 彻底离开这两个品牌,并把他们卖到 AMIC (Akai Musical Instruments Company) 。Charvel / Jackson 这两个品牌, 在 2002 10月 被 FMIC (Fender Musical Intruments Company) 收购了,从此他们有了新的定位:Jackson:主要涉及rock及metal市场,超薄的琴颈,极端的外观:King V, Kelly,Randy Rhoads,Warrior。Charvel:还是 strat 经典的外形加上螺丝固定琴颈,而且有了一个非常个性的logo--吉他造型。2003年, USA 系列生产线搬到了Californie的Fender的工厂。至于Jakcson的办公室,则搬到了Arizona,和HQ Fender在一起。Wayne Charvel 从1978年就与 Charvel/Jackson 没有任何关系了。他试着创办了一些其他品牌,但都没有成功。Wayne Charvel 曾经和 Bernie Rico Sr(Bc Rich的创始人)合作过2次。第一次是在70年代,BC Rich将琴颈交给Charvel来做裁剪,然后再运回BC Rich做更精细的处理。第二次是在80年代, Bernie Rico想现代化他的工厂,更换切割机的时候.除此之外Wayne Charvel 和 Bernie Rico 在生活中是哥们。Wayne Charvel 在80年代初期创办了 W. Charvel Guitars,之后再80年代中期创办了 W.C. Guitars,80年代末期创办了Fritz guitars。在1985年他和Gibson有过一段合作,还曾经以W.R.C.命名一把吉他 (Wayne Richard Charvel)。 从1999开始, 他成为了Wayne"s Guitars的老板。至于Grover Jackson,在89-90年又回到了Akai。之后他为Washburn USA,MusicMan et B.C. Rich 做了顾问,现在他在Californie过着舒适的退休生活。

Michael Jackson的《We are the world》、《Heal the world》、《Earth Song》的中英文对照歌词




alan jackson的the older i get是什么意思啊?

《The Older I Get》作曲 : Adam Wright、Hailey Whitters、Sarah Turner作词 : Adam Wright、Hailey Whitters、Sarah Turner演唱:Alan Jackson歌词The older I get年纪越大The more I think我想的就越多You only get a minute, better live while you"re in i t每一分钟都值得你去认真生活"Cause it"s gone in a blink因为时间转瞬即逝And the older I get年纪越大The truer it is看的越透It"s the people you love, not the money and stuff钱财乃身外之物,你爱的人才是永恒That makes you rich这才是你真正的财富And if they found a fountain of youth即使有人找到了青春之泉I wouldn"t drink a drop and that"s the truth我一滴也不会去尝Funny how it feels I"m just getting to my best years yet有趣的是,这个年龄的我才是最好的我The older I get年纪越大The fewer friends I have我的朋友越少But you don"t need a lot when the ones that you got但是你需要帮助的时候会发现得有他们就足够了Have always got your back他们总会帮助你And the older I get我年纪越大The better I am就是更好的我At knowing when to give我知道何时奉献And when to just not give a damn何时拒绝And if they found a fountain of youth即使有人找到了青春之泉I wouldn"t drink a drop and that"s the truth我一滴也不会去尝Funny how it feels I"m just getting to my best years yet有趣的是,这个年龄的我才是最好的我The older I get年纪越大And I don"t mind all the lines我就不会介意流言蜚语From all the times I"ve laughed and cried率性而为,敢爱敢恨Souvenirs and little signs of the life I"ve lived收集我生活中的点点滴滴The older I get年纪越大The longer I pray我祈祷的时间就越长I don"t know why, I guess that I我不知道为什么,我想我Got more to say有更多的话要说And the older I get年纪越大The more thankful I feel我越觉得应当感激For the life I"ve had, and all the life I"m living still为了我曾经拥有的生活,以及我现在的生活扩展资料:歌曲《The Older I Get》收录在专辑《The Older I Get》中,专辑由唱片公司环球唱片发行,发行时间为2017年10月20日,专辑收录了1首歌曲。其他演唱版本歌曲《The Older I Get》由歌手skillet演唱,收录在专辑《comatose》中,专辑由唱片公司lava发行,发行时间为2006年10月03日,专辑收录了13首歌曲。歌曲《The Older I Get》由歌手adam harvey演唱,收录在专辑《I"m doin"alright》中,专辑由唱片公司索尼音乐发行,发行时间为2014年06月19日,专辑收录了20首歌曲。

michael jackson的歌中哪一首有My heart is broken这句歌词啊?

是Don"t walk away,爆好听的一首慢板情歌。MJ王者

Michael Jackson的音乐包含哪几种音乐类型?(如Punk,rock,R&B,Rop)

您好,michael jackson涉及的音乐风格包括R&B (节奏布鲁斯)、Hard Rock(硬摇滚) 、rap(说唱)、Soft rock(慢摇滚)、 Pop(流行)、soul(灵魂乐) 、Psychedelic soul(迷幻灵魂乐)、Blues(蓝调)、Jazz(爵士音乐)、Ballad(民谣) 、funk(放克) 、Disco(迪斯科)、Electronicmusic(电子音乐) 、hiphop(嘻哈) 、Reggae(雷鬼)、New jack swing(新杰克摇摆) 、dance(舞曲)、New Age(新世纪)、gospel(福音)、opera(歌剧)、classical music(古典音乐)等。 主要以 R&B 、 Pop 、 Rock 、 new jack swing 、 soul 、 funk 为主,望采纳!希望采纳
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