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  I like to eat at a fast food restaurant . I often have meals there .Sometimes I order........  Nowadays, fast-food restaurants have mushroomed everywhere & many people enjoy dining there. Fast-food is rapidly gainng popularity for quite a few reasons. Firstly, there is a variety of food awailable. If you are busy or tired of cooking, you may have food cooked quickly by modern techniques for a change. Secondly, fast-food satisfies people"s needs. It is convenient, nutritious & delicious with a reasonable price everybody can afford. Finally, dining out in the fast-food restaurant, you can save time & a world of trouble, such as shopping, cooking, washing dishes. Consequently, it benefits people a lot Fast food has already changed our ways of living. With the rapid development of science & technology, it will give us better service & possibly become indispensable to us.


  英语对话是高中英语教学内容中最容易被学生模仿的教学内容。我整理了关于餐馆就餐英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于餐馆就餐英语对话一   Linda:Oh, Henry. I haven"t seen you in ages. e in. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along?   Henry:Very well, thank you。   Linda:Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a minute。   Henry:Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am quite thirsty。   Linda:Here you are。   at the table   Linda:Here you go. We have your cocktail and there"s salad, fried chicken, French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Eat the chicken while it"s hot. It tastes better。   Henry:Wow! You"re right. Everything is absolutely delicious. Please pass the pepper。   Linda:Here you are. Taste the French fries。   Henry:They"re soft。   Linda:Would you like some more?   Henry:No more. Thank you。   Linda:Here"s to our friendship and health!   Henry:Bottoms up!   关于餐馆就餐英语对话二   服务生: Are you ready to order, sir?   你准备点菜吗.先生?   汤 姆: Yes. I`ll start with an appetizer of oysters. And I`m also going to have the Chef`s Salad.   好的.我先要一道生牡蛎开胃菜.也要一份大厨师特制色拉.   服务生: What kinds of dressing would you like on your salad?   你的色拉要加哪种调味汁?   汤 姆: What kinds do you have?   有哪几种?   服务生: Italian, French, and Blue Cheese.   有义大利汁.法国汁.蓝乳酪汁.   汤 姆: I`ll have Italian.   我要义大利汁.   服务生: And what would you like to have for your main course?   你的主菜要什么?   汤 姆: I think I`ll have the New York steak.   我想来一份纽约牛排吧.   关于餐馆就餐英语对话三   Mr. Lee: I know you"ve had Chinese food before, but I had to look all over town to find an authentic Chinese restaurant. I"m hoping this experience will be new and different for you.   我知道你吃过中国菜,但我还是找遍全城,终于找到这家地道的中国餐馆。我希望这次能给你新的体验。   Miss Lewis: It all looks delicious! I love the way they"ve stacked the dishes in the middle of the table. What"s the dish in the middle making all the noise?   看起来真可口! 我喜欢象这样把菜肴摆在桌子中央。桌子中间发出声响的是道什么菜?   Mr. Lee: That"s called tie ban niu rou. It"s basically strips of beef with onion, but it"s poured onto a heated iron dish, which acts as a grill. That"s why it"s sizzling; it"s literally cooking at the table.   这是铁板牛肉。用洋葱和牛肉片做的,将洋葱和牛肉丝倒在加热的铁盘上,相当于烤炉,所以会发出咝咝声。这实际上是在餐桌上把菜做出来的。   Mr. Jones: So I guess we can be sure it"s hot. What"s this dish here? Looks like a salad or something!   那样可以保证菜是热的。这道菜是什么?看起来像沙拉一类的东西。   Mr. Lee: That"s cold dish. Believe it or not, we call it “Tiger Food.” It"s green pepper, cilantro, and cucumbers. I suppose we could consider that an appetizer.   那是道冷盘。信不信由你,我们把它称作“老虎菜”,由青椒、芫荽叶和黄瓜做的。我们把它当作开胃菜。   Miss Lewis: Is it hot?   它是热的吗?   Mr. Lee: Hot? It"s cold.   热?它是凉的。   Miss Lewis: I meant spicy-hot.   我是说辣。   Mr. Lee: It"s a little hot, but not too bad. For really hot, you should try the noodle dish in front of you. It"s called “Ants Climbing a Tree.”   有点辣,但不是很辣。说到辣,你应该尝尝你跟前的粉丝,这道菜叫“蚂蚁上树”。   Mr. Jones: What a funny name! I guess those little bits of pork are the ants. So what do Chinese people eat for dessert?   名字真有趣! 我猜这些小肉丁就是蚂蚁。那么中国人的甜点是什么呢?   Mr. Lee: We don"t have dessert. We end our meal with some sort of staple food like rice or noodles. But I think if you are hungry for something sweet at the end of the meal, you can try some of these steamed buns. They"ve been fried just enough to be crispy and golden. You dip them into this sweetened condensed milk.   我们没有甜点。我们在最后吃些主食,如米饭或面条。但如果你最后想吃些甜的食品,你可以尝尝这些馒头。它们被炸得酥脆焦黄。你可以蘸上些炼乳。   Miss Lewis: This food is just great! I don"t know how you manage to maintain a healthy weight with all this good food!   这些菜真不错! 真想象不出有这么好的食物,你们是怎么控制体重的!   


  餐厅里有很多道菜,每天点一道不同的话,要几天能吃遍餐厅里所有的菜呢?下面是我给大家整理的餐馆就餐英语对话,供大家参阅!   餐馆就餐英语对话:消费者要如何确保自己的权益呢   客人:   Hey, waiter, come here.   嘿,服务员,过来。   服务员:   What is the matter,sir?   怎么了,先生?   客人:   I have a complaint. Please ask your manager here.   我要投诉,找你们经理来。   服务员:   Sir, is there anything unsatisfying?   先生,有什么地方不满意吗?   客人:   Look at the soup, there is a fly floating over it.   看这汤,上面漂着一只苍蝇。   服务员:   That is impossible, I have checked it carefully.   不可能啊,我仔细检查过了呀。   客人:   Anyway, I want to see your manager.   不管怎样,我要见你们经理。   服务员:   OK, I go to find our manager.   好,我去找经理。   客人:   I need you give me a reasonable explanation.   我需要你们给我个合理的解释。   服务员:   We will, please wait a moment.   会的,请稍等。   餐馆就餐英语对话:用餐前   客人:   No,thanks,I am waiting for a friend.   不,谢谢,我等一个朋友。   服务员:   OK,do you like something to drink?   好的,那您要来点喝的吗?   客人:   A cup of coffee,please.   一杯咖啡,谢谢。   服务员:   No problem. Sir, what kind of coffee would you like?   没问题。先生,请问您喜欢喝哪种咖啡?   客人:   Just the usual, but add plenty of sugar.   一般的就好,但是要加足糖了。   服务员:   We don"t have “the usual” here.   我们这没有“一般的咖啡”。   客人:   I"m not too bothered. What would you recommend?   我并不太介意。你有什么好的提议吗?   服务员:   Espresso, latte, mocha, cappuccino and so on- they are hot today   意大利浓咖啡,拿铁咖啡,摩卡咖啡,卡布奇诺咖啡,等等——现在都非常流行。   客人:   Fine, I"ll take the mocha.   好的,来一杯摩卡咖啡。   餐馆就餐英语对话:预约座位   Frank:   I"d like to make a reservation for tonight.A table for two,please.   我想预定今晚一张两人桌的座位。   Marry:   For what time,sir?   几点的,先生?   Frank:   Around 8∶30.   晚上8:30分左右。   Marry:   May I have your name please,sir?   你能告诉我你的名字吗?   Frank:   Mr.Frank.   弗兰克先生。   Marry:   All right.A table for two for this evening at 8∶30 .   好的。今晚8:30分一张2人桌。   Frank:   Yes.   是的。   餐馆就餐英语对话:点餐   A: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么?   B: What have you got this morning? 今天早上你们这儿有什么?   A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything.   水果汁、糕点、各种茶点等等,应有尽有。   B: Iu2019d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. 请给我来一杯西红柿汁。 A: Any cereal, sir? 要来点谷类食品吗,先生?   B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. 好的,来一份麦片粥。   A: And eggs? 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗?   B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp. 要,再来一份熏猪肉和鸡蛋,我喜欢熏猪肉松脆一点。   A: How do you want your eggs? 您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做?   B: Fried, please. 煎的。   A: Anything more, sir? 还要什么别的东西吗,先生?   B: No, thatu2019s enough. Thank you. 不要了,足够了。谢谢。   餐馆就餐英语对话:等待就座   (A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant)   (一对夫妇在拥挤的餐厅外等待就座)   A: Do you have a reservation, sir? 请问您订位了吗?先生,太太?   B: No, I am afraid we donu2019t. 没有。   A: Iu2019m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available? 很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗?   B: No,thanks. Weu2019ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two? 不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替我们预定一张二人桌,可以吗?   A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir? 当然可以。请问先生贵姓? B: Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window?   布鲁斯。顺便,我们可以要一张靠近窗口的桌子吗?   A: Weu2019ll try to arrange it but I canu2019t guarantee, sir.   我们会尽量安排,但不能保证,先生。   B: Thatu2019s fine.我们明白了。   (Half an hour later, the couple comes back.)   半小时后,布鲁斯夫妇回来了。   A: Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way.   你们的桌子已经准备好了,先生,太太。请往这边走。   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。


你好,外出“go out”,就餐,可分为“早餐/中餐/晚餐”那么“外出就餐”可以写为“go out for breakfast(早餐) /go out for lunch(中餐)/go out for dinner(晚餐)”。