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英语翻译 请问幼儿园是kindergarden还是kindergarten?

第二个正确.这个英语词的来源是德语,所以是kindergarten. Kindergarden是错白字.


kindergarten幼儿园双语对照词典结果:kindergarten[英][u02c8ku026andu0259gɑ:tn][美][u02c8ku026andu0259rgɑ:rtn]n.幼儿园,学前班; 复数:kindergartens以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This kid has been in this program since kindergarten. 这个孩子自从幼儿园就开始上这个课程。


kindergarten 是指上小学前那段时间的大概4~6岁的小孩上的。在美国,小孩子,不同州年龄限制不同,大体来说4岁以下是daycare,4-5岁时preschool,5岁以后是kindergarten(义务教育的开始)。美国很少有听说nursery school。在英国孩子三岁就上nursery school,那就是和美国的daycare或者preschool相当。扩展资料:对学校英文的表达:小学用英语表达是:Primary school。意思是小学,初等学校。复数写作primary schools。某某小学,一般是说XXPrimary school,例如北京小学,一般说Beijing primary school。完全小学,可以说complete primary school。深圳小学,可以说SHENZHEN PRIMARY SCHOOL。中学用英语表达是:middle school。意思是中等学校,中学。复数写作middle schools。说某某中学,我们可以说某某Middle School,例如广州中学,可以说Guangzhou Middle School。


你确定你前一个词不是想拼Kindergarden么?Kindergarten是正确拼写,Kindergarden 是错误拼法。信息来源:wiktionary.orgkindergarden的词条解释Common misspelling of kindergarten.Kindergarten的常见拼写错误






kindergarten翻译中文:学前班;幼儿园1、This apple that you see here was made for you in my kindergarten year. 这里看到的是我在学前班为您做的苹果。2、Each month kindergarten parents will receive an updated monthly plan outlining any changes. 如有变动,每月学前班家长会收到一份更新后的大纲。3、Children graduate to the kindergarten, then pre-school, and then school. 孩子们先上幼儿园,然后上学前班,再接着上小学。4、She"s in kindergarten now. 她目前在上幼儿园。5、The mother dragged her son into the kindergarten. 那位母亲硬把儿子拽进了幼儿园。6、She looks after children in the kindergarten. 她在幼儿园照看孩子。


kindergarten[英][u02c8ku026andu0259gɑ:tn][美][u02c8ku026andu0259rgɑ:rtn]n.幼儿园,学前班; 复数:kindergartens以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This kid has been in this program since kindergarten. 这个孩子自从幼儿园就开始上这个课程.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


kindergarten 扩展词汇 英 ["ku026andu0259ɡɑu02d0tn]     美 ["ku026andu0259rɡɑu02d0rtn]    n.幼儿园释义常用度分布图海词统计幼儿园newkindergarten是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)幼稚园幼儿园学前班查看更多双解释义行业释义英英释义kindergarten的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)It is noisy in the kindergarten.幼儿园里很嘈杂。These children hit it off well in the kindergarten.这些小孩在幼儿园里相处得很好。The nurse walked the children out of the kindergarten.保育员把孩子们带出了幼儿园。


kindergarten 英["ku026andu0259ɡɑ:tn] 美[u02c8ku026andu025au02ccɡɑrtn, -dn]




kindergarten[英][u02c8ku026andu0259gɑ:tn][美][u02c8ku026andu0259rgɑ:rtn]n.幼儿园,学前班; 复数:kindergartens以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This kid has been in this program since kindergarten. 这个孩子自从幼儿园就开始上这个课程


英 ["ku026andu0259ɡɑ:tn] 美 [u02c8ku026andu025au02ccɡɑrtn, -dn] n. 幼儿园,学前班 网 络 幼儿园; 学前班; 幼儿园保姆; 幼稚园 复数:kindergartens 词条标签:考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词幼儿园 A kindergarten is an informal kind of school for very young children, where they learn things by playing. 【搭配模式】:also in/to/at NShe"s in kindergarten now. 她目前在上幼儿园。

以“My Kindergarten”为题的英语作文,越快越好

年的记忆(A Memory of My Childhood)第一篇:My childhood was happy with my mother"s love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind.But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn"t matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

谁给扫下盲,day care,kindergarten和preschool究竟都有什么区别?



用inkindergarten /u02c8ku026andu0259u02ccɡɑu02d0tu0259n/ CET4 TEM41.N-COUNT A kindergarten is a school or class for children aged 4 to 6 years old. It prepares them to go into the first grade. 幼儿园例:She"s in kindergarten now.她现在在上幼儿园。

麻烦解释kindergarten与nursery的差别 请指教,



kindergarten 英["ku026andu0259ɡɑ:tn] 美[u02c8ku026andu025au02ccɡɑrtn, -dn] .n. 幼儿园,学前班 名词复数:kindergartens [例句]This kid has been in this program since kindergarten.这个孩子自从幼儿园就开始上这个课程。

急求 幼儿园 的英文简写 怎么写 全称是 kindergarten


preschool和 kindergarten的区别是什么



作名词意思是:学前班,幼儿园。在英语中,名词的格有3种:主格、宾格、所有格。其中个体名词表示某类人或东西中的个体,集体名词表示若干个个体组成的集合体,物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物,抽象名词表示动作、 状态、品质、感情等抽象概念, 对于普通名词来说,可分为可数名词和不可数名词。


一、表示年龄段不同 kindergarten 是指上小学前那段时间的大概4~6岁的小孩上的。 nursery school是指更小点的3~5岁的小孩上的。 二、地区差异 在美国,小孩子,不同州年龄限制不同,大体来说4岁以下是daycare,4-5岁时preschool,5岁以后是kindergarten(义务教育的开始)。美国很少有听说nursery school。 在英国孩子三岁就上nursery school,那就是和美国的daycare或者preschool相当。 扩展资料: 对学校英文的表达: 小学用英语表达是:Primary school。英 [?praim?ri sku:l],美 [?pram?ri skul] 。意思是小学,初等学校。复数写作primary schools。 某某小学,一般是说XXPrimary school,例如北京小学,一般说Beijing primary school。完全小学,可以说complete primary school。深圳小学,可以说SHENZHEN PRIMARY SCHOOL。 中学用英语表达是:middle school。英 [?midl sku:l] ,美 [?midl skul] 。意思是中等学校,中学。复数写作middle schools。 说某某中学,我们可以说某某Middle School,例如广州中学,可以说Guangzhou Middle School。 大学用英语表达是:college。英 [?k?l?d?],美 [?kɑ:l?d?] 。大学,(英国)学院。复数写作colleges。college也可以表示中学,不过他指的是必须交费的中学,一般的中学我们还是说middle school。


kindergarten (美国的) 幼稚园【字源】kinder 是德语“小孩”的意思,相当于英语的 children。 garten 是德语“庭园”的意思,相当于英语的 garden。德国著名的教育学家佛勒贝尔(Froebel)把自己所开设的幼稚园称为 kindergarten,后来英语也使用此字。






kindergarten 英 ["ku026andu0259,gɑu02d0t(u0259)n] 美 ["ku026andu025aɡɑrtn] n. 幼儿园;幼稚园


kindergarten的意思是幼儿园,学前班。kindergarten,这个词其实来自于德语,kinder意为孩子,garten意为花园。这个词其实和世界上第一所幼儿园的成立(found)相关。1840年,弗里德里希·福禄贝尔创办了第一家幼儿园,起名为“Kindergarten”。这个词象征着福禄贝尔对幼儿教育的愿景:孩子就像小花一样,他们各自有各自的特点,需要被照顾,但每一个人都很美丽,所有人在一起时就会让世界绚丽多彩(glorious)。后来,福禄贝尔的学生在欧洲和世界各地都开办了幼儿园。美国的第一所幼儿园于1856年在威斯康辛州的沃特敦创立,直接沿用了kindergarten的名字,于是这个单词就进入了英语词汇中。例句:1、To my kindergarten.去我的幼儿园。2、The children learn singing, dancing,drawing,and the like in the kindergarten.孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。3、Most of what I really need to know about how to live,and what to do,and how to be,I learned in Kindergarten.大部分我所必须了解的那些关于如何生存、怎样规划以及如何做人的道理,它们都是从幼儿园那里学会的。


英["ku026andu0259ɡɑ:tn]美[u02c8ku026andu025au02ccɡɑrtn, -dn]n. 幼儿园,学前班名词复数:kindergartens[例句]This kid has been in this program since kindergarten.这个孩子自从幼儿园就开始上这个课程。


kindergarten 英["ku026andu0259ɡɑ:tn] 美[u02c8ku026andu025au02ccɡɑrtn, -dn] n. 幼儿园,学前班 名词复数:kindergartens [例句]This kid has been in this program since kindergarten.这个孩子自从幼儿园就开始上这个课程。更多示例用法>>

somewhat,kind of ,a little三者之间有什么区别啊?

kind of加有形容词修饰的名词 ,a little就加形容词 you are kind of good student he is a little nasty somewhat有“从某种程度上讲”稍微这个意思

kindeditor 如何实现和input的placeholder属性的效果

placeholder属性能够让你在文本框里显示提示信息,一旦你在文本框里输入了什么信息,提示信息就会隐藏。你以前可能无数次看到这种效果,但那些大部分是用JavaScript里实现的,而现在,HTML5提供了原生支持,而且效果更好!HTML代码复制代码代码如下:<input type="text" name="first_name" placeholder="你的姓名..." />你也看见了,需要做的只是在文本框的声明标签上加入placeholder属性。完全不需要JavaScript来创造这种效果。检查浏览器是否支持Placeholder属性因为placeholder是一种新属性,很有必要检查一下你的浏览器是否支持它,比如IE6、IE8肯定是不支持的:复制代码代码如下:function hasPlaceholderSupport() { var input = document.createElement("input"); return ("placeholder" in input);}如果用户的浏览器不支持placeholder特征,你需要借助MooTools, Dojo, 或其它JavaScript工具来实现它:复制代码代码如下:/* mootools ftw! */var firstNameBox = $("first_name"), message = fi rstNameBox.get("placeholder");firstNameBox.addEvents({ focus: function() { if(firstNameBox.value == message) { searchBox.value = ""; } }, blur: function() { if(firstNameBox.value == "") { searchBox.value = message; } }});用CSS美化placeholder在进一步研究时我发现了另外一个有趣的CSS功能:CSS美化INPUT placeholder效果。下面让我来用简单的CSS代码美化文本框里的placeholder文字。CSS代码火狐浏览器里的用法和谷歌浏览器里不太一样。它们的名称都很好理解:复制代码代码如下:/* all */::-webkit-input-placeholder { color:#f00; }::-moz-placeholder { color:#f00; } /* firefox 19+ */:-ms-input-placeholder { color:#f00; } /* ie */input:-moz-placeholder { color:#f00; }/* individual: webkit */#field2::-webkit-input-placeholder { color:#00f; }#field3::-webkit-input-placeholder { color:#090; background:lightgreen; text-transform:uppercase; }#field4::-webkit-input-placeholder { font-style:italic; text-decoration:overline; letter-spacing:3px; color:#999; }/* individual: mozilla */#field2::-moz-placeholder { color:#00f; }#field3::-moz-placeholder { color:#090; background:lightgreen; text-transform:uppercase; }#field4::-moz-placeholder { font-style:italic; text-decoration:overline; letter-spacing:3px; color:#999; }



Red Hot Kinda Love 歌词

歌曲名:Red Hot Kinda Love歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:Lotus(Deluxe Version)Red Hot Kinda LoveChristina AguileraLet"s love in the daywe can do this all againI"ll be there, tell me whereOh I got a crush, feeling like 15 againI won"t lie, boy I"m on fireSo can you cool me downcool me downcool me down, right now (yeah)So can you cool me downcool me downcool me down, oh baby right nowLa la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,I wasn"t tryna fall for you (no oh)La la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,you got that red hot kinda loveknow my timeI don"t know the timeit could be day it could be nightBut it"s alright, cos you"re all mineOh, I must be crazycos I only just met you babebut it feels like I, known you all my lifeSo can you cool me downcool me downcool me down, right now (yeah)So can you cool me downcool me downcool me down, oh baby right nowLa la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,I wasn"t tryna fall for you (no oh)La la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,you got that red hot kinda loveknow my timeI feel a little shycos you a hottie hottie guy (oh oh)I like ya, like yaI feel a little shyoh baby let me tell you why (oh oh)I like ya, like yaLa la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,I wasn"t tryna fall for you (no oh)La la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,you got that red hot kinda loveLa la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,I wasn"t tryna fall for you (no oh)La la la la la la laoh baby I"m burning up,you got that red hot kinda love

He is a kind-hearted and ______gentleman.

楼主,您好选D【respective 表各个的; respected 表被尊敬的;respectful表人格高尚的(不过用在这里有点不恰当)谢谢采纳!


一、移除DRM需要的2个工具如下:(均为特定软件的低版本,如已安装高版本,请先卸载)calibre v4.23:链接DeDRM_tools_6.7.0:链接二、具体操作步骤:1、安装calibre v4.23,打开“首选项”,选择“插件”2、导入插件DeDRM_tools_6.7.0,安装完成之后,选择“自定义插件”,也可以双击:3、准备填写Kindle设备的序列号,我的是Kindle Voyage,所以选择第一个。4、点击加号,填写设备序列号5、关掉calibre软件,重启启动一次。再将电子书拖入,添加至书库的过程即为移除DRM的过程。6、按需转换格式,enjoy!


方法一:利用Kindle桌面客户端去除DRM第一步:下载Kindle桌面客户端 由于我们的软件暂时没有Mac客户端,所以只要考虑Windows的情况了。 Kindle for PC下载地址: 第二步:利用桌面客户端同步购买的书籍 没下载的书,在封面上面会有一团云的标志,双击封面即可下载。在左侧导航的“下载内容”分栏可以看到已经下载好的书。第三步:下载ePubee 下载后安装软件,输入目录默认就是Kindle for PC客户端在windows下保存书籍的目录。点击“Remove DRM”即可把整个目录中的书籍一键批量去除DRM。去掉DRM之后的书保存在D:My DocumentsDecrypt OutputKindle,当然你也可以自己自定义输出目录。现在你就可以自由阅读,转换这本书了,但是切记请勿传播盗版。···············································································································方法二:利用Kindle安卓客户端去除DRM 这种方法稍嫌麻烦,但是由于Kindle for PC客户端时而抽风,所以有这个方法备用也不错。注意,只有安卓设备(手机平板均可)才行,苹果和WP都不行。 第一步:安装打过补丁的Kindle for Android客户端. 如果你已经安装了官方的Kindle for Android客户端,请先卸载掉。然后安装这个打过补丁的Kindle for Android的apk文件(点击到网盘下载)。注意:一定要是用打过补丁的,不然后面的步骤将无法继续。然后安装的时候确保你的安卓设备的系统语言是中文,不然你登录帐号是连接不了z.cn的。 第二步:通过Kindle for Android手机客户端把书同步下来 还是和PC客户端一样,点击封面即可下载,然后在“本机”栏里面可以看到已经下好的书。 第三步:查看PID 把下好的书每本都打开看一下,这样是为了生成去除Kindle DRM必备的PID。然后呼出菜单栏,选择“更多” --- “信息” --- “关于” --- “PID List” 第四步:从设备里面把书籍拷到电脑上 通过Kindle for Android客户端下载的书籍,保存在SD Card/Android/data/目录,看不懂文件名和后缀名不要紧,按文件大小排个序,一本书怎么也得有几百KB。 第五步:打开ePUBee去除DRM首先把从设备里面拷出来的书往软件里拖。然后别忙着点"Remove DRM",不做点准备工作是去不了的。之前让大家看的PID List此时就派上用场了。 点击软件上的"Setup"按钮,切换到"Kindle"选项卡,看到下面的“Use Kindle Serial Number”,在前面打勾,然后在后面的框里面填上PID List里面的PID。 注意:这么多的PID里面,不会全部都有效,也许只有1个有效,也许有几个都有效。这时我们只能一个个地试了。逗号就是每一个PID的分隔符,其他符号都属于PID的内容,同时注意大小写,区别数字0和字母O。 每填好一个PID,就点击OK,然后点击主界面"Remove DRM"按钮。直到看到"Succeeded"字样,就说明Kindle电子书的DRM被成功去除了。 没有DRM的书默认保存在D:My DocumentsDecrypt OutputKindle,大家可以自由阅读或者转换格式,但是请勿传播盗版。 ePUBee kindle DRM Removal 这款软件真正做到一键式去除Kindle DRM,只需要电脑就行,什么安卓都不需要。另外还附送Adobe DRM及Nook DRM去除功能,只不过目前国内的电子书爱好者们应该只需要用到Kindle去除功能。


方法一:利用Kindle桌面客户端去除DRM第一步:下载Kindle桌面客户端 由于我们的软件暂时没有Mac客户端,所以只要考虑Windows的情况了。 Kindle for PC下载地址: 第二步:利用桌面客户端同步购买的书籍 没下载的书,在封面上面会有一团云的标志,双击封面即可下载。在左侧导航的“下载内容”分栏可以看到已经下载好的书。第三步:下载ePubee 下载后安装软件,输入目录默认就是Kindle for PC客户端在windows下保存书籍的目录。点击“Remove DRM”即可把整个目录中的书籍一键批量去除DRM。去掉DRM之后的书保存在D:My DocumentsDecrypt OutputKindle,当然你也可以自己自定义输出目录。现在你就可以自由阅读,转换这本书了,但是切记请勿传播盗版。···············································································································方法二:利用Kindle安卓客户端去除DRM 这种方法稍嫌麻烦,但是由于Kindle for PC客户端时而抽风,所以有这个方法备用也不错。注意,只有安卓设备(手机平板均可)才行,苹果和WP都不行。 第一步:安装打过补丁的Kindle for Android客户端. 如果你已经安装了官方的Kindle for Android客户端,请先卸载掉。然后安装这个打过补丁的Kindle for Android的apk文件(点击到网盘下载)。注意:一定要是用打过补丁的,不然后面的步骤将无法继续。然后安装的时候确保你的安卓设备的系统语言是中文,不然你登录帐号是连接不了z.cn的。 第二步:通过Kindle for Android手机客户端把书同步下来 还是和PC客户端一样,点击封面即可下载,然后在“本机”栏里面可以看到已经下好的书。 第三步:查看PID 把下好的书每本都打开看一下,这样是为了生成去除Kindle DRM必备的PID。然后呼出菜单栏,选择“更多” --- “信息” --- “关于” --- “PID List” 第四步:从设备里面把书籍拷到电脑上 通过Kindle for Android客户端下载的书籍,保存在SD Card/Android/data/目录,看不懂文件名和后缀名不要紧,按文件大小排个序,一本书怎么也得有几百KB。 第五步:打开ePUBee去除DRM首先把从设备里面拷出来的书往软件里拖。然后别忙着点"Remove DRM",不做点准备工作是去不了的。之前让大家看的PID List此时就派上用场了。 点击软件上的"Setup"按钮,切换到"Kindle"选项卡,看到下面的“Use Kindle Serial Number”,在前面打勾,然后在后面的框里面填上PID List里面的PID。 注意:这么多的PID里面,不会全部都有效,也许只有1个有效,也许有几个都有效。这时我们只能一个个地试了。逗号就是每一个PID的分隔符,其他符号都属于PID的内容,同时注意大小写,区别数字0和字母O。 每填好一个PID,就点击OK,然后点击主界面"Remove DRM"按钮。直到看到"Succeeded"字样,就说明Kindle电子书的DRM被成功去除了。 没有DRM的书默认保存在D:My DocumentsDecrypt OutputKindle,大家可以自由阅读或者转换格式,但是请勿传播盗版。 ePUBee kindle DRM Removal 这款软件真正做到一键式去除Kindle DRM,只需要电脑就行,什么安卓都不需要。另外还附送Adobe DRM及Nook DRM去除功能,只不过目前国内的电子书爱好者们应该只需要用到Kindle去除功能。

United Kindom和英国是什么关系?United States和美国呢?



1.kid的读音:英[k?d];美[k?d]。 2. kid用作名词的意思是“小孩,少年”,属非正式用语,在美国俗语中也常表示“年轻人”。 3. 在口语中,the new kid有时可指新娘。 4. kid的基本意思是善意地“开玩笑”“取笑”;也可表示对容易上当者进行无恶意的欺骗;接反身代词作宾语时意为“自欺欺人”。 5. kid既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 6.用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。 7.接反身代词作宾语时还可再接一个由that引导的宾语从句,that有时可省略。 8. kid的过去式、过去分词均为kidded。




kind、kindly、benevolent、gracious这几个单词都含“善良的”、“慈善的”、“和蔼的”意思。kind 指“心地善良、真诚、有同情体贴之心的”, 如:That kind old man offered me some money.那位善良的老人给了我一些钱。kindly 语气比kind轻, 指“亲切的”、“有同情心的”, 主要指“性格善良的”, 特指“做善事的”, 如:He gave me some kindly advice.他给了我一些友善的忠告。benevolent 指“慈善的”、“仁慈的”、“施舍的”, 如:They organized a benevolent institution to help the poor and disabled.他们组织了一个慈善机构帮助穷人和残疾人。gracious 指“态度和蔼可亲的”、“彬彬有礼的”, 如:She is a gracious lady.她是位和蔼可亲的女士。

It’s kind of a tradition kind of 句子中什么意思,用法?

今天咱们要来搞定的是 kind of 的用法。一开始先给你几个例句暖暖身,看看 kind of 放在句子里的样子,例如:I am kind of angry.我有些生气。I kind of like Korean food.我算喜欢韩式料理。He is kind of a weirdo.他算是个怪胎。He was kind of like a king.他有点像是国王。今天你会依序学到 kind of 的意思,以及它的正确用法,Without further ado, let"s go!一、kind of 是什么意思?一开始,咱们先来理清 kind of 的意思,有些人知道它的中文可以是“有点”或“有些”,由于不少同学会困扰,觉得“有点”、“有些”的程度不一样,到底是哪个。所以,与其记中文而感到错乱,不如去记 kind of 这个说法会出场的时机:它是用在说话者不是很确定,或不希望语气听起来太满、太绝对的时候,大概就像这种表情:也就是说,当说话者使用 kind of 时,听起来会带有一种比较笼统、模糊的感觉。来看下面几组例句的比较,让你抓一下那个感觉吧。明确 : You"re rude.你这样很失礼。笼统 : You"re kind of rude.你这样算满失礼的。明确 : I am angry.我在生气。笼统 : I am kind of angry.我算是在生气。明确 : I like Korean food.我很喜欢韩式料理。笼统 : I kind of like Korean food.我算喜欢韩式料理。明确 : He is a weirdo.他是怪胎。笼统 : He is kind of a weirdo.他算是个怪胎。kinda 是什么?对了,如果你经常看美剧、电影或节目,一定会时不时就看到 kind of ,它大量用在非正式的口语。而本地人在念这个字时,很常念成 kinda,为什么呢 ?去这边找答案: kinda 的意思是?跟 kind of 差在哪?(含例句)那如果是英语系 ,就会改用 sort of,它跟 kind of 是一模一样的意思和用法,所以上面的句子如果换成英语系,也都可以换成 sort of 。而且也常念成 sorta,来两个例句加强印象:You"re kind of / kinda rude.I sort of / sorta like Korean food.二、kind of 正确用法kind of 最常出现的位置就是句中。基本上,看你是想修饰什幺的程度,只要在原本的写法前面,把 kind of 直接摆进去就可以了。比方说,kind of rude 是修饰 rude 的程度,kind of like it 是修饰 like 的程度,kind of a weirdo 是修饰 a weirdo 的程度。其实 kind of 的用法并不难。不过,可能因为 kind of 的用法还蛮多的,有些同学反而不大确定要怎么摆,下面就看更多例句的示范吧,底线处都是被修饰的对象。kind of 修饰形容词The new phone is kind of expensive.那支新手机算贵的。I think you"re kind of rude.我觉得你算蛮没礼貌的。kind of 修饰动词He kind of hates his new job.他不大喜欢他的新工作。So you kind of like me?.所以,你算是喜欢我的吗?kind of 修饰名词He is kind of a weirdo.他算是个怪胎。It"s kind of time to surrender.差不多是该屈服/投降的时候了。kind of 修饰“像什幺”Her boyfriend is kind of like a mama"s boy.她男友有点像是妈宝。He was kind of like a king.他有点像是国王。其实此时的用法跟上面的修饰名词差不多,只是名词的前面多了个 like。kind of 其他位置上面的例子都是 kind of 放在句子里面的位置。但刚才说了,它的用法算是很灵活,所以,kind of 也可能出现不是放在句中的可能性,如下所示,都是单独使用的情况。She hates math, kind of.讲完话后,如果想补充,kind of 也可以追加放在句子的后面喔。B: Do you know the difference between Hainan and Thailand ?B:你知道海南跟泰国的差别吗?Foreigner: Well, kind of.歪果仁:呃,大概知道吧。在对话时,kind of 可以用于传达不确定的回复。That"s it, folks!是不是觉得这一篇 kind of easy 呢?在口语聊天时,如果你能适度加上 kind of,听起来会还满道地的。

There are different kinds of animals in the zoo开头的短文填空

There are different (kinds) of animals in the zoo.We see the zoo keepers give them food to u3000u3000(eat).They donu2019t have to find food by (themselves).They just eat,walk and sleep (all) day.So many of us may think that the animals there are (happy) and lucky.But most of them are sad.Whyuff1fTheyu2019re no longer (free)!Animals like elephants,monkeys and tigers usually live freely and happily in forests or mountains.Tigers,for (example) ,run,jump,play with their children and catch small animals for food.But now they have to stay in small rooms in the zoo.Their life in the zoo is quite (different) from their life in the forests.Now many of us think more animals should go (back) to forests and mountains so that the earth will (become) better.

Kindle Edition是什么意思?


many kinds of food 与many kinds of foods的区别?

food指食品,食物,伙食,养料是不可数名词。如果是foods是指某种可吃的食物,所以不必用mang kinds of foods,因为a food指一种食物,foods是指多种食物。

what kind of food还是what kind of foods

foods 种类讲时是复数

all kinds of food还是foods

all kinds of foods:各种各样的食物说明:food既是可数名词又是不可数名词。强调食物的种类时就是可数名词。例句:There are all kinds of foods in the world.译文:世界上有各种各样的食物。

What kinds of foods would you like?这里的food要不要加s?

这里的food不需要加S在泛指“食物”或者具体指某种食品时,food作为不可数名词使用,此时不能加S 举几个例子:1,have some food ;2,Do you like Italian food 你喜欢意大利食物吗?3,frozen food 冷冻食品 4,a can of cat food 一罐猫猫食而在表述“几种食物”的语境下,可用可数名词表示,此时就要加S了.举几个例子:1,This supermarket provides a variety of foods.超市里有各式各样的食品.2,the world"s healiest foods 世界上最健康的几种食品


kind 不同,读[ai]hill, strict 是闭音节词 读[i]


strict、polite、kind中的i发音不相同。strict:英 [strikt] 美 [strɪkt] polite:英 [pəˈlait] 美 [pəˈlaɪt] kind:英 [kaind] 美 [kaɪnd] 可见strict中i的发音 [i]与后两个不同[ai]

10. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______ comfortably.

B 艰难的抉择。因为别的都太不顺眼了。

This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______ comfortably. worn B..

B 试题分析:考查主动语态表示被动含义。当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。句意:这种由经验丰富的制造商生产的眼镜带起来很舒服。本句中的动词wear与副词comfortably连用表示这种眼镜的特点。故B正确。点评:当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。在平时要注意这方面的用法的积累。

《the weary kind》的中文歌词

Your heart"s on the loose 你的心放荡不羁You rolled them seven"s with nothing lose 屡遭打击却从不低头And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂You called all your shots 你做了所有决断Shooting 8 ball at the corner truck stop 从此不再后悔Somehow this don"t feel like home anymore 不知怎么的 我觉得这里不再是家And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂And this ain"t no place to lose your mind 这里无法容你魂牵梦绕And this ain"t no place to fall behind 这里无法让你一笑而过Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try拾起你疯狂的心 再深爱他一次Your body aches... Playing your guitar and sweating out the hate 弹着吉他挥汗如雨 所以你的身体酸痛The days and the nights all feel the same 日夜已无法分辨Whiskey has been a thorn in your side and it doesn"t forget 在你眼中烈酒如鲠难以忘怀 the highway that calls for your heart inside 身未动心却已远And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂And this ain"t no place to lose your mind 这里无法容你魂牵梦绕And this ain"t no place to fall behind 这里无法让你一笑而过Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try 拾起疯狂的心 再深爱他一次Your lovers won"t kiss... 情人温柔的亲吻It"s too damn far from your fingertips 早已远离你的指尖You are the man that ruined her world 你摧毁了自己的世界Your heart"s on the loose 你的心放荡不羁You rolled them seven"s with nothing lose 屡遭打击却从不低头And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂

This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen( )comfortably.

【答案】:B考查动词的主动形式表示被动意义。当不及物动词与副词连用表示主语的性格特征时,使用主动语态表达被动含义,如The essay reads smoothly.(这篇文章读起来非常流畅)。分析选项可知,B项正确。故本题选B。句意:这种由经验丰富的工匠制作的眼镜戴起来很舒服。


I kill you with kindness意思是我用善意杀死你

How kind of you to remind me 这句的语法结构是什么


How kind of you to remind me 这句的语法结构是什么

本句是主系表结构,感叹句。省略了it is。How kind of you 是表语(it是形式主语is 是系动词)to remind me是真主语。

问首德语歌曲,是女声唱的,歌的开头是Mein Kind,后面忘记了......

歌曲名是 Mein Kind这个是一个VIDEO版本,不知道你能打开不

what kind of food do you prefer? why?

I like chinese food , and particularly fish dishes I think variety is the spice of life , and so long as the quality of the ingredients is good , and you have a balanced diet all should be fine.


这里介词短语to him表示动作的方位、朝向,属于地点状语。

Kindle3 3.3如何越狱

先问下,你是要问用那个破解文件,还是全过程?不知道你的k3是3G还是wifi版,前者是K3g,后者是K3w,3.3选3.2.1那个。具体过程如下1、首先下载越狱程序,下载 文件,并将文件解压缩,你会发现包含很多以.bin结尾的文件和一个src文件夹。将对应的update_*_install.bin文件放置到你对应型号及版本的kindle根目录中。 一般(编号含义)=序列号(serial number)=产品类型K2=B002 =Kindle 2 U.S. (Sprint) 美国版K2i=B003= Kindle 2 International (AT&T)国际版Dx=B004 =Kindle DX U.S. 美国版Dxi=B005= Kindle DX Internationa国际版lK3g=B006= Kindle 3 3GK3w=B008= Kindle 3 WiFiDxg=B009= Kindle DX Graphite 即kindle dxg.k3gb=B00A= Kindle 3 3G + WiFi Graphite (Europe)file:///D:/TEMP/TMP/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png如果文件结尾中以3.2.1 结束,意味该越狱文件仅可以用于3.2.1版以上的固件使用。 如你的kindle是kindle 2国际版,那么就应该选择update_jailbreak_0.10.N_k2i_install.bin作为升级文件。2、将升级文件拷贝到kindle后,卸载kindle,建议点击kindle所在盘符的右键,再次点击“弹出”,并将数据线拔出。3、待kindle恢复画面时,点击[HOME],再次点击 [MENU],选择 Settings ,进入到Settings目录后,按 [MENU] ,选择 Update Your Kindle,这时系统会弹出提示,问你是否升级。选择ok或者yes,开始升级。这个升级的过程很快,大约3分钟左右,此过程中禁止按压任何按键。等到屏幕显示success或者Fail,同时后面错误编号为U006时,系统会自动重启,待系统完成启动后,kindle越狱成功。


关于通讯和数码产品的解锁、越狱、破解、软解、硬解、卡贴、激活、固件、升级、恢复、更新等术语,在此不作解释了,为什么要越狱kindle?因为越狱后可以获得之前没有的很多功能,可以安装更加强大的第三方软件。kindle越狱的过程很简单,你只需执行下列步骤即可:1、下载大小113KB)2、将 Kindle 连接至电脑,拷贝kindle-jailbreak-0.10.zip解包中的update_jailbreak_0.10.N_k3w_install.bin 文件到 Kindle 根目录。3.从k3 Home 页选择 Menu → Settings → Menu → Update Your Kindle 菜单项目来更新 Kindle。4、Kindle 会弹出更新提示,确认后系统开始更新。完成后 Kindle 自动重启。越狱,就这么简单,不像《越狱》复杂得要让人等上几年。像所有的其他kindle升级程序一样,拷贝进去的越狱文件在执行update后都会自动删除,不会给系统留下垃圾。jailbreak支持多个kindle版本,本人用的kindle 3 WIFI;另外,这个kindle-jailbreak-0.10.zip包里面也提供“卸载(uninstall程序)”,对应的是update_jailbreak_0.10.N_k3w_uninstall.bin。jailbreak支持的kindle版本列表:■kindle2:Kindle 2 US■kindle2i:Kindle 2 国际版■kindlex:Kindle DX US■kindlexi:Kindle DX 国际版■kindlexg:Kindle DX Graphite■kindle3g:Kindle 3 3G US■kindle3w:Kindle 3 WiFi■kindle3gb:Kindle 3 3G UK相关推荐:亚马逊Kindle是什么?Kindle 怎么关机?Kindle 怎么待机?Kindle 怎么软重启?Kindle 怎么硬重置?kindle如何看图片?Kindle通过Wifi传送文件Kindle usbNetwork 破解Kindle怎么通过笔记本电脑无线上网如何判断是否被使用过?Kindle 如何通过发邮件转换文件格式?如何把电子书复制到kindle?Kindle 怎样升级固件?

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求girl aloud呛女生合唱团《the loving kind》的歌词的中英文对照翻译!

The loving kindsometimesi watch you when you"re sleepingi wonder what you"re feelingboth wide awake and dreamingof yesterday i want youto kiss away the tensionsthe issues never mentionedwith all the best intentionsbut you turn awayoh baby if you findi"m not the loving kindi"ll buy you flowers i"ll pour you wine do anything to change your mindi know you may be disinclinedto find the love you"ve left behindso kiss me then make up your mindi"m not the loving kindi"d do anythingsing a song that lover"s singif i could change your mindthen am i not the loving kind?i"d do anythingsing a song that lover"s singif i could change your mindthen i"m not the loving kindsomewhere on a monday morningin a rush hour of another daystanding on a crowded platformcarelessly we lost our waysometimesi watch you when you"re sleepingi wonder what you"re feelingboth wide awake and dreamingof yesterdayoh baby if you findi"m not the loving kindi"ll buy you flowers i"ll pour you winedo anything to change your mindi know you may be disinclinedto find the love you"ve left behindso kiss me then make up your mindi"m not the loving kindi"m not the loving kindi"m not the loving kindoh baby if you findi"m not the loving kindi"ll buy you flowersi"ll pour you winedo anything to change your mindi know you may be disinclinedto find the love you"ve left behindso kiss me then make up your mind i"m not the loving kindi"m not the loving kindi"m not the loving kind

Our Kind Of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Our Kind Of Love歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:Need You NowLady Antebellum - Our Kind Of LoveHere we go!You wear your smile like a summer skyJust shining down on me and youI swear your heart is a free birdOn a lazy Sunday afternoonI love the way that you were up for anythingNever worried "bout what people sayThat"s right, oh that"s rightWhat we got isJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, yeah, that"s our kind of loveMm that"s our kind of loveSkipping rocks and leaving footprintsDown along the riverbankAlways holding hands, never making plansJust living in the moment, babeYou give me life and with those funny facesYou somehow always know just what to sayThat"s right, oh that"s rightWhat we got isJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, yeah, that"s our kind of loveThat"s our kind of loveOh that"s right, baby you and IWhat we got isJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, ohJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, yeah, that"s our kind of loveOo, that"s our kind of loveOh, that"s our kind of love1,2,3, here we go!Oo, yeahThat"s our kind of love, girlDon"tcha know it

Our Kind Of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Our Kind Of Love歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Music Of Andrew Lloyd WebberLady Antebellum - Our Kind Of LoveHere we go!You wear your smile like a summer skyJust shining down on me and youI swear your heart is a free birdOn a lazy Sunday afternoonI love the way that you were up for anythingNever worried "bout what people sayThat"s right, oh that"s rightWhat we got isJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, yeah, that"s our kind of loveMm that"s our kind of loveSkipping rocks and leaving footprintsDown along the riverbankAlways holding hands, never making plansJust living in the moment, babeYou give me life and with those funny facesYou somehow always know just what to sayThat"s right, oh that"s rightWhat we got isJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, yeah, that"s our kind of loveThat"s our kind of loveOh that"s right, baby you and IWhat we got isJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, ohJust like driving on an open highwayNever knowing what we"re gonna findJust like two kids, baby, always trying to live it upWhoa, yeah, that"s our kind of loveOo, that"s our kind of loveOh, that"s our kind of love1,2,3, here we go!Oo, yeahThat"s our kind of love, girlDon"tcha know it

英语美文:善意的眼神(Eyes of Kindness)

  It was a bitter cold evening in northern Virginia many years ago. The old man"s beard was glazed by winter"s frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind.   多年前,在北弗吉尼亚的一个寒冷夜晚,一位老人正等着有人把他带过河,他的胡子已经被这冬日的严寒冻得像块玻璃了。这种等待好像遥遥无期。他的身体在这寒冷的北风中被冻得麻木而僵硬。   He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path. Anxiously, he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one passed by without any effort to get his attention, then another passed by, and another. Finally, the last rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow statue. As this one draw near, the old man caught the rider"s eye and said, “sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side? There doesn"t appear to be a passage way by foot.”   他听到了一阵模糊而又持续的、有节奏的马蹄声正从上冻的小路上缓缓传来。他焦虑地注视着几个骑马者转过路弯。当他们一个一个过去时,老人没有做任何努力来引起他们的注意。最终,最后一个骑马者驶近,老人站在那里已经成了一个雪雕。当骑手慢慢接近时,老人看到了骑马人的眼神,他说:“先生,你能把我带过河吗?这里没有可以步行的路了。”   Reining his horse, the rider replied, “sure thing. Hop aboard.” Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his destination, which was just a few miles away.   骑马人拉住缰绳,回答说:“可以,上来吧。”看到老人不能移动他冻僵的身体,骑马人下马帮老人骑上马。骑马者不但把老人带过了河,还把他送到了几英里以外的目的地。   As they neared the tiny but cozy cottage, the horseman"s curiosity caused him to inquire, “sir, I notice you let several other riders pass by without making an effort to secure a ride. Then I came up and you immediately asked me for a ride. I am curious why, on such a bitter night, you would wait and ask the last rider. What if I had refused and left you here?”   当他们接近了一个很小、但很舒适的村舍时,骑马者好奇地问老人:“先生,我注意到您让那几个骑马者过去了,却没有请他们带你过河。而我来到时,您立刻向我寻求帮助。我很好奇这是为什么,在这个寒冷的夜晚,您宁愿等待着去向最后一个寻求帮助。如果我拒绝了,把您留在那里,您怎么办?”   The old man lowered himself slowly down from the horse, looked the rider straight in the eyes, and replied, “I have been around these here parts for some time. I reckon I know people pretty good.” The old-timer continued, “I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no concern for my situation. It would have been useless even to ask them for a ride. But when I looked into your eyes, that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me assistance in my time of need.”   老人缓慢地下了马,目光直视着骑马人,回答道:“我徘徊在那里很久了。我看人是很准的。”老人又继续说道,“我望着他们的眼睛,立刻看出他们对我的处境没有丝毫关心。就算寻求他们的帮助,也只是徒劳。但望着你的眼睛,我看到了明显的善良和怜悯。当时我就知道,你仁慈的心灵会给予我所需要的帮助。”   Those heart-warming comments touched the horseman deeply. “I"m so grateful for what you have said,” he told the old man. “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.”   这些感人肺腑的话深深触动了骑马人的心。“我很感谢您所说的话。”他告诉老人,“我绝不会再因为事务繁忙而放弃给别人提供善良和怜悯的帮助。”   With that, Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back to the White House.   随即,托马斯·杰斐逊调转马头,奔向白宫。

一首韩文歌:开头是“you are are smlie .you are so so so special to me”后面是韩文.

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英语作文,what kind of job do you want to do after graduation

I"m eager to get started in foreign trade when I graduate from school.There exists several reasons for me to make this choice,wchich can be concluded as " I"m motivated,I"m qualified and I"m ready“. First of all," I"m motivated".Because foreign trade is what i am interested in,so I will have the motivation to overcome the problem in the work.Second,I am good at negotiating and have a spirit of cooperation which is very necessary in doing foreign trade,so I"m qualified.Third,I have learnt much useful knowlwdge for my future job in foreign trade. To sum up,I have the confidence that I will make success in this field and I will make effort to realize my dream.

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one of a kind的歌词

- One Of A KindOn top of the world you get nothing doneTalk is cold and burns like the sunCan"t you see these skies are breaking?Cos on top of the world is where I"m fromYour lack of class is where I wasKeeping quiet playing dumbCan"t you see these skies are breaking?Cos the back of the class is where I"m fromAnd I am oneI amI am oneI am I am I am I am I amI"m in a race that"s killing timeI don"t need yours I"ll keep it with mineCan"t you see these skies are breaking?Cos I"m in a race and I"m doing fineThank youTwo of a kind and no-one knowsI"m in a crowd and I"m still aloneCan"t you see these skies are breaking?Cos one of a kind is all I ownI am oneI amI am oneI am I am I am I am I amOut of the blue and into the voidI wanna try but I get annoyedCan"t you see these skies are breaking?So out of the blue and into the voidI am oneI amI am oneI am I am I am I amI am oneI amI am oneI am I am I am I am I amOn top of the world you get nothing done.

Because kindness keeps the wold afoat life vest

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