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acquaint 和acknowledge有什莫区别

都不常用 用prove和confess就行了

kiss是venke knutson唱的 我要中英文对照歌词

kiss meout of the bearded barlynightlybeside the green green grassswing swingswing the spinning stepyou wear those shoes and i will wear that dress.ohhhhbeneath the milky twilightlead meout on the moonlit floor,lift your open handstrike up the band and make the fog lights dancesilver moon, kiss me.down by the broken treehouseswing meupon it"s hanging tire,bring bringbring your flowerhatwe"ll take the trail marked on your father"s mapyi lin" mi lin" mai lin" mocatch the tiger by its toeif you love me let me know


knockitoff的意思是:停止做;住口,别再讲下去了。knockitoff的意思是:停止做;住口,别再讲下去了。knockitoff的例句是HeblockedmeoffeachtimeItriedtoexpressmyview.每当我要陈述自己的意见时,他总是不让我讲下去。一、网络释义点此查看knockitoff的详细内容 别再讲下去了...killingone笑死某人;痛死某人knockitoff别再讲下去了Knockonwood.说话禁忌,赶紧讨个吉利.... 少来这一套意思跟"Knockitoff(少来这一套)"差不多回复:楼上的直译是不对的~正确的意思是想来一场恋爱~回复:你好:get有"达到,追求"的意思所以大概意思是追寻你... 停止...Flipout吓呆了;发疯Knockitoff停止Drivemenuts把我逼疯了...二、例句HeblockedmeoffeachtimeItriedtoexpressmyview.每当我要陈述自己的意见时,他总是不让我讲下去。LittleJeanniebegantotelltheguestssomefamilysecrets,butfatherwasabletoputheroff.小珍妮开始给客人讲一些家庭的秘密,但是父亲打岔,没能使他一门心思讲下去。Myfatherhascutoffthesupplies.父亲停止给我生活费了。Ithinkyou"dbetterlayoffalcoholforawhile.我看你最好停止饮酒一段时间。knockitoff的相关临近词knock、knockbal点此查看更多关于knockitoff的详细信息


Yes, there are many other fruits that can be found in an orchard, such as apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, apricots, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and many more depending on the location and climate.中文意思是:是的,在果园中还可以找到许多其他水果,例如苹果、梨、桃子、樱桃、李子、杏子、橙子、柠檬、葡萄柚等等,具体取决于地理位置和气候条件。


acknowledgevt.1. 承认[(+as)][+v-ing][+that][O2][O7][O8]I acknowledge that her criticism is just.我承认她的批评是公正的。2. 就...表示谢忱The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢。3. 告知收到(信件等)I acknowledged her letter at once.我马上告知收到了她的信。4. 对...打招呼Stella didn"t even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting.我向斯特拉挥手致意,可她连招呼也不打一个。


sb. be acknowledged of sth. 告知某人某事


acknowledge, admit, confess, recognize, concede这些动词均含“承认”之意。acknowledge:通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错。admit:强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。confess:语气较强,着重承认自己意识到的错误或罪行,含坦白忏悔的意味。recognize:作"承认"解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。concede:指在事实与证据面前勉强或不得不承认。


acknowledge英音:[ək"nɔlidʒ]美音:[ək"nɑlɪdʒ]及物动词 vt. 1.承认[(+as)][+v-ing][+that][O2][O7][O8]I acknowledge that her criticism is just. 我承认她的批评是公正的。 2.就...表示谢忱The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd. 候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢。 3.告知收到(信件等)I acknowledged her letter at once. 我马上告知收到了她的信。 4.对...打招呼Stella didn"t even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting. 我向斯特拉挥手致意,可她连招呼也不


acknowledge, admit, confess, recognize, concede这些动词均含“承认”之意。acknowledge:通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错。admit:强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。confess:语气较强,着重承认自己意识到的错误或罪行,含坦白忏悔的意味。recognize:作"承认"解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。concede:指在事实与证据面前勉强或不得不承认。




acknowledge,admit,concede,confess,recognize都含有一定的"承认"之意acknowledge 着重”公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,供认(事实,错误等)concede (不情愿地)承认,(在结果确定前)承认失败confess 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶recognize 指正式承认主权、权利等 1.He concededthat the statement was true in an argument.他在辩论中承认对方的说法是正确的.(有点不情愿的承认</FONT>)2.She acknowledged having been at fault.他承认自己曾犯过错误.3.The new law was generally admitted to be difficult to enforce.大家普遍认为,新的法律很难实施.(admit后面可跟名词或动名词作宾语,不根不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾补.此句中admit为被动结构,所以用to be difficult to enforce作主语补语.)4.Although they had suffered heavy losses,they refused to concede defeat.虽然他们已遭受惨重损失,但还是不肯认输.5.Finally he has to confess himself guilty.最终他不得不认罪.(confess oneself认罪)6.Mr.Zhang was recognized as the legitimate representative of the company.张先生被承认为公司的合法代表.

“I make it, I know who I am” —“女神 (Goddess)”by Joyce Cheng

Last summer when the “Goddess” by Joyce was first heard, I just thought highly of its beautiful melody and perceived a little smell of feminism from lyrics. The class and readings make me gradually sensitive to gender-related topics, and this music video of the song, which I came across again, was recommended by Louisa on her WeChat. In this essay, I would analyze the video in two perspectives: One applies Stereotypes and Beauty Myth to discern the stereotyped female images in Chinese society in order to get out of the Beauty Myth trap; One uses Visual Pleasure and Feminist Counter-Cinema to demonstrate how to refuse male gaze. All characters are females in the music video, while it can see that they are divided into 2 groups according to the manmade definition of “Beauty”. One group of 3 ladies at the very beginning ( 00:00:07, Fig. 1 ) are in conformity with the mainstream aesthetic criteria, however, others whose looks are judged too far away from the criteria would leave some undesirable impressions on the public, then the deeply-rooted stereotypes gradually produce. Below are some typical stereotypes the characters emerge in this music video, I suppose, that"s why Joyce invited them to participate in the performance where they are likely to be treated  the  same way as in their daily life. In the Chinese society, the woman who has tattoos and wears ear stretching plugs are so unique that she is likely to be considered as an extremely rebellious “Bad girl” flouting conventional moral standards. She just cares about herself and does whatever she wants regardless of the consequences, ignoring others" “well-meaning” suggestions of behaving like a“normal girl”. Such a stereotype of these kinds of females is likely to be called “bad girls”. They would be isolated by others because they are dangerous in others" mind. They have bad love affairs and bad family issues and also bad social relationship. They deem to lead a reduced life without any opportunities and chances to enjoy happiness. The director gives the “bad girl” a close shot in the music video, so that it is apparently showed that her expressions are full of lackluster, gauntness and helplessness. The camera shoots the scene when she raises her arms heavily tattooed (that is named “花臂” in Chinese, which means the woman may be involved in gangsterdom, in some conventional mind) and confusedly scaring at them. (00:01:58, Fig. 2) In effect, the masculine girl is represented in a close camera viewpoint, the first impression burst into my mind that “What a handsome boy!”. The girl  wear her black hair slicked up  and her clothing style seems to be identified with conventionally-defined men"s: Shirt matching with pants. When I realized that her gender might not be male, I cannot help myself with praising her “so cool and even more handsome than boys”. But yet, some people may discriminate her as “变态 (abnormal) and 不男不女 (not-male-not-female) etc.”. This happens in real life that one female Chinese singer star - 李宇春 (Li Yuchun), rising to fame due to winning the 2005 Super Girl Contest, a Chinese singing competition. I still remember many of the public insulted her for her neuter look and more masculine attitude, and even called her as “春哥 (BrotherChun)” on purpose then. Unlike self-assured Brother Chun on camera, the girl always bows her head, and there is a feature when she looks at the camera,  the  facial expression with a frown reveals a preoccupied her. She stands away from the other females. The close-up shot differentiates her from the two vague women distant from her, featuring her loneliness. (00:01:00, Fig. 3) It could be speculated that the woman uses gestures to express her emotion and opinions might be a dumb one. (00:00:56, Fig. 4) The society is not kind enough to the disabled, the pervasive example is that insulting languages involved in the disabled are always heard when curse “Normal” ones, like “脑残 (mentally-handicapped), 残废(the miscreated), etc.” When the unrecognized feature comes into the female, the situation would become worse, especially a disabled plump woman. The close shot tells us that this kind of women are urgent to voice while they are unable to do it with a limited number and influence of platforms. The director avoids using the close-up shot to put too much press on her, since she expresses her soreness and hopeless. In the first half, the two elderly women are quite hard to notice, they are shot in caliginous light and seem obscure, totally blending into the background. (00:01:00, Fig. 3) Here, Guerilla Girls" statements about stereotype of elderly females should be mentioned that “our (Caucasian) culture turns aging women into evil shrews instead of venerating them as wise women as in Africa, China, …”. (35) In my opinion, that"s not completely true. Although Chinese respect aged ladies more, there still exists many scrannel Chinese terms to point to them, such as “老太婆(old woman in Mandarin)”, “老太婆娘 (old woman in Wenzhouness)”. The patriarchal thoughts hiding in Chinese aresimilar with the Western that aging gradually undermines women"s value andelderly females" voice are easily neglected in real life, particularly in ruralareas. (Guerilla Girls, 35) However, the stereotypes of the females can be their true self? At the start of the music video (00:00:07, Fig. 1), the three women wear the gossamer clothing like goddess, accompanying the title of the song - “女神Goddess”. Theirslim and tall figures, full breasts and  the booty  meet the rigid and traditional aesthetic criteria, this could be watched in the MissHong Kong Contest. (00:00:00-00:00:11, Fig. 1) In many people"s eyes, they are considered“beautiful, glorious and graceful”, and other girlsfeel unconfident and depressed when encountering them, while they are stilljust close to the perfection but not the perfect. In fact, there is nothingabsolutely perfect in the world. As Wolf said, females are forced unconsciouslyto insist to throw themselves into reaching the standards designed not bythemselves but by “market forces and a multibillion-dollar advertisingindustry”, which cannot be achieved actually, and celebrities are also noexception. (2) Joyce take a close-up shot to expose their faces and bodies in moredetailed, even though the three models are within the acceptable name list,while their looking are different from each other and how to tell who is themost beautiful is very difficult. And the shot also describes the deep and realemotions behind the colorful and bright in-front-of-the-scenes images when theystart to look at, stay with and talk to themselves deeply, they feelpainstaking and one puts her head in hands, one cries silently, and one bendsher head. (00:01:41-00:01:42, Fig. 5) Joyce participates in the performance acting as the helper to assist the females who getting trapped in the male-dominant aesthetic standards. I suppose, Joyce"s experiences are known by many audience loving Hong Kong"s entrainments. She get through the hard time when she cannot acceptherself influenced by the conventionalized concept of Beauty - “Being slim isbeauty, being fat is ugliness!”. She tried her best to lose her weight, and succeed in endorsing the weight-loss products of Sau San Tong Holdings Limitedin 2003. ( However, her weight reboundvery soon and finally she failed to continue serving as the spokeswoman. Beingfat is always discriminated by the public which are guided by the industriesand the markets. Joyce herself is the distinct instance of being made use of. Afterthat, Joyce started to rethink herself. At present, we could see she hasresurrected and treated herself with confidence and talent gradually. Her songs-“ 无人完美 (Nobody"s perfect)”(2011),“ 你瘦够了吗 ? (Are You Skinny Enough?)” (2016) as well as this “ 女神 Goddess”(2016)witness Joyce growing into a uniquely charming feminist .( When Joyce appears in the screen, she is far away from the audience. The full shot shows the relationship between her and the surroundings where she is situated. She is quite insignificant, which might project the past mental state of herself, facing the flooding criticisms from the public because of her figure, her family background-being the daughter of stars seems to be “easy to be famous almost without a need to work hard. However, she is not afraid to evade but yet determinedly move forward and her image is becoming increasingly clear and then the close shot lets the audience see the adamancy, stubbornness and determination on her face that she does not want to surrender to the reality and the unreasonable tags. Mulvey  pointed out that “woman as image, man as bearer of the look” in traditional narrativecinema, (11) that is, the male audience are effortless to embody themselvesinto the male characters who can control the development of the plot andwithout any doubts get hold of the females to be watched. ( Smelik,  491-2) The “voyeuristic-scopophilic gaze and narcissistic identification”produce the visual pleasure especially for males. (Mulvey, 8-9; Smelik, 491-2) Itis not hard to find that all characters in the music video are females andthere are even no half of one male, why male gaze should be mentioned here? The screen of the standing female models isconstructed on the stage which looks like a contesting stage for Hong Kong Misses Contest. In my mind, the beauty contest is one of the productions of patriarchy where commentators are constituted of males sometimes some females who are trained by the dogma designed by males. The intro music accompanies the theme song of The Miss Hong Kong Pageant make me further confirm it is on scene exposed to the audience in a male gaze awaiting males to judge who is beautiful and who is unable to be face directly. There is no doubt that the three models belong to the definition of “Beauty” in the male gaze and they show “the beautiful poses” which males think as “beautiful”-they are not themselves. When the shot turned to the “ugly” females, including girls with ear gauges and tattoos, old ladies, physically-defective female, Tomboy, etc.,all of them feel confused, helpless, frustrated and painful and take actions like lowering head, cocking head to the side, etc., preventing them from having direct eye contacts with the shot. Therefore, the male gaze produces not only the distances of the females among the stereotyped group-for instance, Tomboy stands far away from others, but also the “ugly” ones and the three models-they do not show up in one shot before Joyce"s coming. So, there does not exist female gaze? No. Joyce invited all the female characters but no males,which is an action to counter traditional films. Compared with somemale-directed music video like Patty Berry - “Part  of Me”, the plot should be the actress behave bravely or strongly after she is betrayed by a male or something like this. Although the male is described stupid, he is still vital in the female"s life. In this video, without males, there would not exist that males drive and manipulate the process and the  evolvement of the story , that means they would lose the hold of the females, which gives females more freedom and rooms to change their fate and state status and choose who they want to be, while the males are only the passive audience unable to do nothing except for watching. In this music video, Joyce herself becomes into the central actress to help to break the plight and challenge the rigid rules. This arrangement is suitable since Joyce is the one girl who achieves to be the real herself not others. And the advent of Joyce with a box of  DIY  materials which is given a close-up shot, foreseeing a huge change would be forthcoming. (00:01:17, Fig. 6) From my view of point, all through the music video,the shot is taken almost exactly at eye level, no any low-angle shots and bird"s-eye views. This shooting technics is taken by the director just to express that all females should be treated equally and respected no matter how their bodies and faces look, no matter how old they are, whether they are physically sound or not. Especially from the gaze of males, the pro-patriarchy male audience have little opportunities to look down upon the females who break the beauty myth. And another technique Joyce uses is that the color of the whole video is set in black and white. The photo of the actresses on scene, I saw, shows so colorful clothing they wear that someone attracts the audience"s attention immediately, while others are eclipsed. (, Fig. 7 &Fig. 8) On the other hand, the  white and black imagery  brings a  solemn atmosphere  and feeling, driving the viewers to contemplate how they behave in daily life when females being judged or whether they always criticize females with bias and stereotypes. After Joyce ends the song with the lyric “人类看不起  都好看 (Even though humans look down on me, I"m always beautiful.)”, a summary sentence of the song, she turns back gracefully and walks forward without any hesitation disappearing from the screen. This could be another example using Bertolt Brecht"s notion of “Distanciation” in response to feminist counter-cinema, (Smelik, 492) and “freeing the look of the audience into dialectics and passionate detachment”. (Mulvey, 26) As beforementioned is analyzed, although males are passive watchers, they are gazing the actresses on stage through the screen. Joyce"s r

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DirectX 11 Shader 节点的属性,指定了 MayaUberShader 着色器文件。要使用该着色器,您必须在 Viewport 2.0 的 DirectX 11 环境中工作,并启用 dx11shader.mll 插件。有关详细信息。您可以在 Hypershade 创建栏中找到 DirectX 11 Shader。创建着色器后,会自动加载 MayaUberShader.fx 文件。dx11Shader.mll 插件可使您在 Maya Viewport 2.0 中加载并查看自己的 HLSL 着色器。使用 Hypershade 创建 DirectX 11 shader 时,会自动连接 MayaUberShader.fxo 文件;但是,您也可以改为加载自定义 HLSL 着色器。此外,<maya directory>presetsHLSL11examples 中提供了其他示例 HLSL 着色器。选择 DirectX 作为渲染引擎(方法 1)选择“窗口 > 设置/首选项 > 首选项 > 显示”(Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Display)并将“渲染引擎”(Rendering engine)设置为“DirectX 11”。重要信息若要使用 DirectX 渲染引擎,您必须使用 64 位的 Windows 和可兼容 DirectX 11 的显卡。在面板菜单中选择“渲染器 > Viewport 2.0”(Renderer > Viewport 2.0)将工作区切换到 Viewport 2.0。注意您的工作区平视显示仪现在应指示 Viewport 2.0 (DirectX 11)。选择“窗口 > 设置/首选项 > 插件管理器”(Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager)并加载 dx11Shader.mll 插件。选择 DirectX 作为渲染引擎(方法 2)此环境变量将覆盖交互式和批处理会话的用户首选项(“窗口 > 设置/首选项 > 首选项 > 显示”(Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Display))(使用 -hw2 选项)。将 MAYA_VP2_DEVICE_OVERRIDE 设置为 VirtualDeviceDx11 可在 Viewport 2.0 中渲染时始终使用 DirectX 11。提示将此环境变量设置为 VirtualDeviceGL 可在 Viewport 2.0 中渲染时始终使用 OpenGL。注意取消设置该环境变量可再次使用用户首选项来选择渲染引擎。创建 DirectX 着色器选择“窗口 > 渲染编辑器 > Hypershade”(Window > Rendering Editors > Hypershade),以打开“Hypershade”窗口。在“创建”(Create)栏中,选择“Maya > 曲面 > DirectX 11 Shader”(Maya > Surface > DirectX 11 Shader)。将创建 DirectX 11 Shader,同时自动加载 MayaUberShader.fx。按 6 以获得纹理模式,按 7 以使用场景照明。提示纹理和非纹理模式均受支持,且所有灯光模式(“使用所有灯光”(Use All Lights)、“使用选定灯光”(Use Selected Lights)、“不使用灯光”(Use No Lights)和“使用默认照明”(Use Default Lighting))均受支持。



请帮忙找一首女声唱的英文歌的歌文, 只记得歌词中一句大概是 "I know it

Whistle - Flo RidaWritten by:Joshua Franks/Breyan Stanley Isaac/Antonio Clarence Mobley/Marcus Killian/David Edward Glass/Arthur Scott Pingrey/Justin Franks/Joshua Ralph/Tramar DillardCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyHere we goLook I"m betting you like peopleAnd I"m betting you love freak modeAnd I"m betting you like girls that give love to girlsAnd stroke your little egoI bet you I"m guilty your honorThat"s just how we live in my genreWho in the hell done paved the road widerThere"s only one flo and one ridaI"m a damn shameOrder more champagne pull a damn hamstringTryna put it on yaBet your lips spin back around cornerSlow it down baby take a little longerCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyHere we goWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyIt"s like everywhere I goMy whistle ready to blowShawty don"t leave a noteShe can get any by the lowTold me she"s not a proIt"s okay it"s under controlShow me soprano "cause girl you can handleBaby we start snagging you come up in part clothesGirl I"m losing wing my Bugatti the same roadShow me your perfect pitch you got it my banjoTalented with your lips like you blew out a candleSo amusing now you can make a whistle with the musicHope you ain"t got no issue you can do itGive me the perfect pitch ya never lose itCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyHere we goWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyGo girl you can Twerk itLet me see you whistle while you work itI"m ma lay it back don"t stop it"Cause I love it how you drop it drop it drop it on meNow shawty let that whistle blow oh oh ohYeah baby let that whistle blow oh ohCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby whistle babyHere we goWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle babyWhistle baby whistle baby


大家好,我是燃烧。LPL冬季转会期已经过去三天了,除了FPX的牛宝和小天官宣离队之外,其他队伍还都没有任何重磅消息。目前所有的转会流言都是小道消息。大家最关注的无非是UZI能否复出,Doinb、左手、小明这些大牌选手的最终转会结果,可是冬转期的平静显然还没有被打破。 看到转会期这么多选手的合同都已经到期,LPL已经乱成一锅粥了,目前为止除了EDG保持夺冠阵容不变之外,其他的队伍都还没有确定,这可急坏了粉丝们,不过也有网友发现了LPL一个致命问题,那就是国产中单已经后继无人!转会期除了一个Knight之外,其他的中单都杳无音讯。 从S11的世界赛就能得知,现在LPL最缺的位置就是中单,世界顶级中单showmaker、faker、 Chovy、 scout、BDD、doinb几乎都是韩国人,而LPL能拿得出手的国产中单现在只剩Knight一个,唯独这一个还没有任何有说服力的冠军,更别提其他中单了,如今Knight去留未定,如果新赛季在打不出成绩,那么就是白白浪费天赋。 早在theshy来到LPL之前,所有人都觉得LPL最缺的就是顶级上单,那时候各大队伍的上单还都是以抗压为主,根本不敢操作,theshy来了之后,几乎虐遍了整个LPL上单,也是这时候开始,LPL上单开始了进化,无论是英雄选择、线上压制还是战术地位都提升了几个档次,阿bin、阿乐、369、小虎、zoom、圣枪哥一个个都站了起来,这些上单足以撑起整个LPL的上半区。 然而在LPL赢下三个冠军之后才发现,原来中单位置才是我们最薄弱的地方。特别是这次世界赛中单位置的重要性愈发凸显,而LPL明显在这个位置上吃了很大的亏,doinb和冷少发挥不好直接止步16强,rng的cryin由于英雄池问题对于队伍造成了很大的影响,一旦BP遭到针对彻底哑火,所以RNG最终只能止步八强。唯独EDG的scout一如既往的稳定,无论是英雄池还是招牌英雄的表现都是他能赢下FMVP的关键。 当国产上单崛起的时候,中单却开始拖后腿,纵观整个LPL国产中单,能叫得上名字的cryin、冷少、兮夜、香克斯、angel、fofo、forge、wuming、Knight除了黄金左右被公认是天才中单之外,其他的中单都不能和LCK赛区的中单抗衡,整个LPL 历史 上一直和LCK抗衡的国产中单也只有小虎和兮夜能排的上名。相比其他位置,LPL的中单已经成为最羸弱的位置。 英雄联盟一共五个位置,LPL从来不缺天才AD,上单位置也已经逐渐崛起有了争夺世界第一上单的实力,打野位置一直后继有人,辅助更是百花齐放,唯独中单现在已经成了不可忽视的问题。试想一下如果亚运会LOL选人,中单除了Knight之外还有其他备选吗?现在LPL强队的中单要么是外援,要么就是不靠中路carry,长此以往国产中单将彻底凉凉。 不得不说中单这个位置一直以来都被认为是LOL最难打的位置,对于选手来说,中单不仅要有深厚的英雄池,前期、后期、刺客等等都要熟练,因为中路线短,所以兵线处理,防gank能力也要顶尖,特别是现如今版本依靠中路支援的比赛越来越多,这也就意味着中单不仅仅要保持自己发育,还要照顾队友,这对于国产中单来说无疑是一个巨大考验。但是想要LPL一直保持竞争力,就必须培养属于自己的顶级中单! 最后,大家觉得国产中单除了黄金左手之外,还有谁能堪当大任?



do you know me 歌词翻译!

然后为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息 [诗歌1]自那以来我得到a新工作买自我a被除名向高处升人物thinkin"that我是 ballin"and我是确实不为什么你tryin"to制造自我 Illegitamacy不a东西情欲高潮自由是很高兴我得到我最好的祝愿(每次那个我是获胜)为什么你想要向说话向自我(那里"s一百万问题看来好像向突然出现)社交聚会你知道自我 [合唱团]社交聚会你知识自我原因我不知道你和条件你发言权你知识自我为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息 诗歌2什么时候你注意到自我四周和我从不看挫折社交聚会你思考它s原因我移动往城外那时你力量是是权利原因我的投机存在困难的处境较好者打开你的eyes你意愿从不注意到 a机会条件你不能注意到矿每一个 你确实知道自我原因我不知道你和条件你发言权你知识自我为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息 桥我从不注意到你直到我制做它地方是是你什么时候a sistawas waitin我知道我富人注意到你的朝以前的事物为什么公亩你 knockin"on我的门社交聚会你知道自我 你确实知道自我原因我不知道你和条件你发言权你知识自我为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息 桥我从不注意到你直到我制做它地方是是你什么时候a sistawas waitin我知道我富人注意到你的朝以前的事物为什么公亩你 knockin"on我的门社交聚会你知道自我 你确实知道自我原因我不知道你和条件你发言权你知识自我为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息 你确实知道自我原因我不知道你和条件你发言权你知识自我为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息 你确实知道自我原因我不知道你和条件你发言权你知识自我为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息 你确实知道自我原因我不知道你和条件你发言权你知识自我为什么我还没有听见听到来自你以前的事物鼻音化符号现在的消息

baby tonight the night let you know是什么歌,Tonight歌曲介绍

最近我在抖音里面听到了一首非常的好听的歌曲,其中歌词是:baby tonight"s the night i let you know”,抖音上很多的扭腰舞蹈中的BGM背景音乐都是用的这首歌,妖娆的舞姿搭配上这个音乐简直是完美。那么大家知道baby tonight是什么歌吗?下面就跟着我继续往下看吧。 这首歌的歌名叫做《Tonight (Best You Ever Had)》,是由Allen Arthur/Christopher Bridges/Keith Justice/Miguel/Clayton Reilly/John Legend作词作曲,John Legend (约翰•传奇)/Ludacris演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲发行于2012年1月31日。 Tonight (Best You Ever Had)歌词: ain"t this what you came for 难道你不是为此而来的吗? don"t you wish you came, oh 你不就期望这样吗? 噢 girl what you"re playing for 女孩你为何还迟疑呢 come on, come on let me kiss that 来嘛,让我给你一吻 ooh, i know you miss that 噢..我知道你是想要的 what"s wrong, let me fix that 到底怎么了,让我们一起解决吧 twist that 一起缠绵 baby, tonight"s the night i let you know 宝贝,我今晚就要让你知道 baby, tonight"s the night we lose control 宝贝,今夜无拘无束的一夜 baby, tonight you need that, tonight believe that 宝贝,今夜你会需要,今夜你会相信 tonight i"ll be the best you ever had 今夜,我将会是你拥有最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有最棒的男人 i hit you with the best flow, 为你激起最兴奋的高潮 freestlying in the restroom 在公共洗手间里自由欢爱 til you blowing cigarette smoke 直到你吹出一口烟雾 and now the bad"s gone 所有不欢快都随之而去 so what we gon" do now 现在我们要做什么 f-ck it, round two now 他妈的,再来一次 work it out, then we cool down 精疲力尽后,我们激情褪去 cool down 慢慢冷却 baby, tonight"s the night i let you know 宝贝今晚我就要让你知道 baby, tonight"s the night we lose control 宝贝,今夜无拘无束的一夜 baby, tonight you need that, tonight believe that 宝贝,今夜你会需要,今夜你会相信 tonight i"ll be the best you ever had 夜,我将会是你拥有最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人 luda, listen 露坦,听着 text you aint meeven gotta 你没必要发私信传情 knowing me and you got that mental telepathy 知道我们心心相印 me be up at the spot, i"ll be sending over the chauffeur 我随叫随到 我将由专车接送 rich ***** bread, stay popping like a toaster 丰盛的黑人面包,像吐司炉般砰砰作响 nobody come close to me and you together 没人来打扰我们 step under my umbrella, we"ll make it through any weather 步入我保护伞之内,我们能经历任何风吹雨打 except when i make it storm, *** in the greatest form 除非我引起狂风暴雨,在高潮中欢爱 and hibernate under my body 在我怀里取暖 yep i keep it warmer than a chinchilla 是的,我的怀抱比毛皮大衣还要温暖 she know i beat it up like the thriller in manila 她知道我会像马尼拉的惊悚片一样充满暴力 flying my private jet to villas in anguilla 开着我的私人飞机到安圭拉别墅 than throw you on a grill 然后把你仍在烤肉架上 cause seven days a week you"re course my 5 meal 因为七日一周里你都是我的主菜 foreal 真心实意 baby, tonight"s the night i let you know 宝贝今晚我就要让你知道 baby, tonight"s the night we lose control 宝贝,今夜无拘无束的一夜 baby, tonight you need that, tonight believe that 宝贝,今夜你会需要,今夜你会相信 tonight i"ll be the best you ever had 今夜,我将会是你拥有最棒的情人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人

you are insecure.dont know what for哪首歌里的

正好前段时间听了,歌名叫What makes you beautiful,是one direction 唱的。

It is attending courses that enables me to accumulate adequate knowledge.请问为什么enable+s?


一首英文歌,女歌手,很优美的一首歌,里面大概有句歌词“now i think i know what you try to say to me"





中文意思是: 知识能力;知识学;知识性;知能;知识丰富的。读音:[ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ];美 [ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ]短语1、knowledgeability knowledgeble 知识丰富的2、knowledgeability and specialization 博与专例句:On the Knowledgeability in Enterprise Management and Administration 翻译:论企业经营管理工作中的知识性扩展资料:近义词1、acumen:聪明,敏锐读音:英 [ˈækjəmən; əˈkjuːmən];美 [ˈækjəmən,əˈkjuːmən] 短语Acumen Fund 聪明人基金 ; 聪明人基金会 ; 纽约商机基金;business acumen 商业头脑 ; 生意头脑 ; 敏锐度 ; 商业才智例句:When you have business acumen, you realize the importance of every job at every  stage of your career. 翻译:当你拥有商业智慧的时候,你就会明白你每一个职业阶段的每一份工作的重要性。2、brightness:亮度;聪明,活泼;鲜艳;愉快读音:英 [ˈbraɪtnəs]  美 [ˈbraɪtnəs] 短语brightness constancy 亮度恒定 ; 明度恒常性 ; 明度常性 ; 亮度恒定性;brightness range 亮度范围 ; 亮度规模 ; 激光束亮度例句:Astronomers describe star brightness in terms of magnitude and luminosity. 翻译:天文学家用星等和光度来描述恒星的亮度。


knowledgeability英 [ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ] 美 [ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ] n.知识丰富的,聪明的双语例句1We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, the methods of testing a person"s knowledgeability remain as primitive as ever they were. 对各个学科所取得的进步或许会感到吃惊,测试人们知识和能力的方法仍像过去一样原始。2Secondly, it discusses the coexistence of knowledgeability and literal arts in naturalistic narratives. 其次,论述了博物叙事的知识性与文学性的共存特征。


knee的意思是名词、动词,作名词时意为“膝盖,膝,人名;作动词时意为“用膝盖碰”。短语搭配:knee boot 长统靴 ; 长靴 ; 长筒靴;knee cap 护膝 ; 膝盖骨 ; 髌骨;beam knee 梁肘板;knock knee 膝外翻 ; 膝外弯 ; 叉状的;knee warmer 膝保暖器 ; 膝裤;knee line 中档线 ; 中裆线 ; 膝线;knee choke 膝部锁喉固定 ; 膝部锁喉巩固;knee Akka 空中牛尾巴 ; 地面牛尾巴;knee splint 膝关节夹双语例句:1、Or the back of your knee?或者你的膝盖背部?I have to walk off the ache in my knee.我必 须走动走动,借以消 除膝部的疼痛。If she brushes her knee against yours, she likes you.如果她用膝盖摩擦你的膝盖,那表示她喜欢你。2、The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized — this usually means up to six weeks in plaster.膝关节和踝关节必 须加以固定——这通常意味着要打上6个星期的石膏。

英文下肢结构Hip Yaw Pitch, Hip Pitch, Hip Roll, Knee Pitch, Ankle Pitch, Ankle Roll的翻译



"knee"的音标为 /niː/,读音为 [ni:]。拓展:Shoulder(肩膀):肩膀是连接手臂和身体的部位,常用于形容肩膀的疼痛或肩膀的宽度。例如:I have a sore shoulder.(我的肩膀很疼。)His shoulders are broad.(他的肩膀很宽。)Elbow(肘部):肘部是连接手臂和前臂的部位,常用于形容肘部的疼痛或肘部的弯曲。例如:I hit my elbow on the table.(我在桌子上撞到了肘部。)He bent his elbow to lift the box.(他弯曲肘部来提起盒子。)Wrist(手腕):手腕是连接手和前臂的部位,常用于形容手腕的疼痛或手腕的灵活性。例如:I sprained my wrist.(我扭伤了手腕。)She has a flexible wrist.(她的手腕很灵活。)Hip(臀部):臀部是连接腰部和大腿的部位,常用于形容臀部的宽度或臀部的疼痛。例如:She has wide hips.(她的臀部很宽。)He injured his hip in a car accident.(他在车祸中受伤了臀部。)Ankle(脚踝):脚踝是连接脚和小腿的部位,常用于形容脚踝的疼痛或脚踝的灵活性。例如:I twisted my ankle while playing basketball.(我在打篮球时扭伤了脚踝。)She has a strong ankle.(她的脚踝很有力。)Nose(鼻子):鼻子是连接头部和呼吸器官的部位,常用于形容鼻子的大小或鼻子的感觉。例如:She has a big nose.(她的鼻子很大。)He has a sensitive nose for smells.(他对气味很敏感。)

英语翻译Dear Ms Shen,You know it’s easier to earn with Priority

Dear Ms Shen,亲爱的沉小姐, You know it"s easier to earn with Priority Club®Rewards.你知道它的更容易获得与优悦会®奖励.So you"ll be pleased to learn that it"s also really easy to redeem.所以,你一定会很高兴地得知,它也很容易挽回.There are hundreds of great choices to get you excited about selecting your first reward.有许多不错的选择数百让你选择你的第一个关于奖励兴奋.It"s so easy to redeem,yet so hard to decide!这是很容易赎回,却又如此难以决定! Check out some of your many choices now.检查你的许多选择一些了. Reward Nights.Redeem points for over 4,300 hotels worldwide with no blackout dates,and your points never expire!奖励Nights.Redeem超过4300点的酒店无日期限制的世界,和您的积分永不过期!Plus,Priority Club Rewards allows you to bine points and cash to enjoy Reward Nights even faster.此外,优悦会允许您结合点和现金奖励住宿享受,甚至更快. Airline Miles.Transfer points to miles for your favourite frequent flyer programme.航空公司Miles.Transfer点里程为您最喜爱的常旅客计划. Charitable Donations.Contribute points to support charitable organisations around the world.慈善Donations.Contribute点,支持世界各地的慈善组织. Next week:Learn how to get to Elite status fast.下周:学习如何去快速精英地位. Watch for more chances to earn an additional为赚取更多机会观赏到一个额外 400 bonus points!400积分! Sincerely,真诚的, PS [email protected] your address book now to receive special [email protected] �簿就可以享用特别优惠.

证明:nC0+1/2 nC1+1/3nC2+........+1/knC(k+1)+....+1/(n+1)nCn=1/(n+1)*(2^n+1 -1)

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我国现行路面设计规范中规定的标准轴载BZZ—100的轮载P=100/4kN, p=700kPa,用式(2-2)、式(2-3)计算,可分别得到相应的当量直径为: 302m.0D,213m.0d



NO 和KNOW的发音的区别




off的反义词是什么 do,is/am,are的过去式 I,b,t,y,write,know,there的同音词是什么

do的过去式是did,b:bee t:tea y:why,其它楼上回答正确。

写出下列单词的同音词 know i too hi u c right meet hair where 写出下列单词的对应词 that these girl


