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【英语】请问那些英语的TXT LANGUAGE有哪些?比较常用的。

并不是所有人都能看懂的 希望你早日迷途知返

什么是vague language

vague是(表达等)含糊不清,不准确 fuzzy是(轮廓,形状)模糊,不清楚 vague意思偏于抽象,fuzzy比较具体 对于fuzzy language 与 vague language 前者是形容语言听起来不清楚(即说的不清楚) 后者是指语言的含义模糊,不准确 希望有帮助.

body languages 有哪些?


Common Workflow Language [一]

总结 最简单的”hello world”程序。 它接受一个输入参数,将消息写入终端或作业日志,并且生成非永久输出。 CWL 文件以json或yam或两者的混合形式编写。 在本指南中,使用 yaml。 如果不熟悉 yaml, 参考 。 注意:缩进都不能使用制表符创建。 1st-tool.cwl 接下来,创建一个名为 echo-job. yml 的文件,用于描述运行的输入: echo-job.yml 现在,用1st-tool.cwl中的工具包装器调用 cwl-runner 。 在命令行中,输入echo-job.yml。 命令是 cwl-runner 1st-tool.cwl echo-job.yml 。下面显示命令和输出。 命令 cwl-runner 1st-tool.cwl echo-job.yml 是一个一般形式的例子,会经常遇到。 通用形式是 cwl-runner [tool-or-workflow-description] [input-job-settings] 这个工具没有正式的输出,因此 outputs 部分是一个空列表。. 总结 问题 下面的示例演示了一些不同类型的输入参数,它们以不同的方式出现在命令行上: 首先,创建一个名为 inp.cwl 的文件,包含以下内容: inp.cwl   boolean | string | int | 创建一个名为 inp-job 的文件: inp-job.yml   boolean | string | int | 注意,“示例文件”作为 File 类型,必须作为对象含有 class: File 和 path 字段 接下来,使用 touch创建 whale.txt,在命令行输入 touch whale.txt ,然后在命令行使用 cwl-runner inp.cwl inp-job.yml 命令,用工具包装器和输入对象调用 cwl-runner 。 下面描述了这两个命令以及命令行的输出: 字段是可选的,它表示输入参数是否出现以及如何出现在工具的命令行上。 如果缺少 inputBinding ,则该参数不会出现在命令行中。 让我们看看每个例子的细节。 类型被视为标记。 如果输入参数“ example flag”为“ true” ,则 prefix 将被添加到命令行。 如果 false,则不添加任何标记。 类型作为文本值出现在命令行上。 prefix 是可选的,如果提供了 prefix ,它将作为一个单独的参数出现在命令行的参数之前。 在上面的例子中,它被渲染为 --example-string hello 。 (和浮点数)类型出现在带有十进制文本形式表示的命令行上。 当选项 separate 为 false (默认值为 true)时,前缀和值组合成一个参数。 在上面的例子中,这被渲染为 -i42 。 类型作为文件的路径出现在命令行上。 当参数类型以问号 ? 结尾时。 这表明参数是可选的。 在上面的例子中,它被渲染为 --file=/tmp/random/path/whale.txt 。 但是,如果输入中没有提供“ example file”参数,则命令行上将不会显示任何内容。 输入文件是只读的。 如果你想更新一个输入文件,你必须先将它复制到输出目录 position 的值用于确定参数应该出现在命令行的哪个位置。 位置是相对的,不是绝对的。 因此,位置不一定是连续的。如,位置为1,3,5的三个参数和1,2,3将产生同一个命令行。 多个参数可以具有相同的位置(使用参数名称断开关系) ,并且位置字段是可选的。 默认位置是0。 The baseCommand 字段总是出现在参数之前的最后一行命令中。 总结 工具的 outputs 是运行工具后应返回的输出参数列表。 每个参数都有一个 id , type 描述哪些类型的值对该参数有效。 当某个工具在 cwl 下运行时,起始的工作目录是一个指定的输出目录。 底层工具或脚本必须在输出目录中以创建文件的形式记录其结果。 CWL 工具返回的输出参数要么是输出文件本身,要么是检查这些文件的内容。 下面的示例演示如何返回从 tar 文件中提取的文件。 tar.cwl tar-job.yml 接下来,为这个例子创建一个 tar 文件,并在命令行中调用 cwl-runner 字段描述了如何设置每个输出参数的值。 glob 字段由输出目录中的文件名组成。 如果事先不知道文件名,可以使用通配符模式,比如 glob: "*.txt" 。 总结 要捕获工具的标准输出流,请添加 stdout 字段,其中包含输出流所在的文件名。 然后在相应的输出参数上添加 type: stdout 。 stdout.cwl echo-job.yml 调用 cwl-runner Key Points

Common Workflow Language [五]

问题: 如何将多个工作流连接在一起? 目标: 了解如何从多个CWL工作流构造嵌套工作流。 工作流是组合多个工具以执行更大操作的方法。我们还可以将工作流视为工具本身;如果工作流引擎支持 SubworkflowFeatureRequirement ,则CWL工作流可以用作另一个CWL工作流中的一个步骤: 下面是一个使用我们的 1st-workflow.cwl 作为嵌套工作流: nestedworkflows.cwl CWL Workflow 可以作为一个 step 使用,就像 CommandLineTool 一样,它的CWL文件包含在 run 中。然后,可以将工作流输入( inp 和 ex )和输出( classout )映射为步骤的输入/输出。 我们的 1st-workflow.cwl 是用工作流输入参数化的,所以在运行它时,我们必须提供一个作业文件来表示tar文件和 *.java 文件名。这通常是最佳实践,因为这意味着它可以在多个父工作流中重用,甚至可以在同一工作流中的多个步骤中重用。 这里我们使用 default: "来硬编码 "" 作为 ex 输入,但是我们的工作流还需要在 inp 处有一个tar文件,我们将在 create-tar 步骤中准备该文件。此时,重构 1st-workflow.cwl 以拥有更具体的输入/输出名称可能是一个好主意,因为这些名称也出现在它作为工具的使用中。 也可以使用不太通用的方法,避免作业文件中的外部依赖关系。因此,在这个工作流中,我们可以在将其添加到tar文件之前,使用前面提到的 InitialWorkDirRequirement 生成一个硬编码 文件。 在这种情况下,我们可以假设 而不是参数化,因此只要CWL工作流引擎支持 ShellCommandRequirement ,我们就可以使用更简单的 arguments 形式: 注意:这里使用了 shellQuote: false ,否则shell将尝试执行带引号的二进制文件 "tar cf hello.tar" 这里的 > 块意味着新行被剥离,因此可以在多行上编写单个命令。类似地,我们上面使用的 | 将保留换行符,结合 ShellCommandRequirement ,这将允许嵌入一个shell脚本。但是,在CWL中应该谨慎地使用Shell命令,因为这意味着您“跳出”工作流,不再获得可重用的组件、出处或可伸缩性。为了重现性和可移植性,建议只将shell命令与 DockerRequirement 的提示(hint)一起使用,以便命令在可预测的shell环境中执行。 您是否注意到我们没有将 tar cf 工具拆分到单独的文件中,而是将其嵌入到CWL工作流文件中?这通常不是最佳实践,因为该工具无法重用。在这种情况下这样做的原因是命令行是硬编码的,文件名只在这个工作流中有意义。 在这个例子中,我们必须在外部准备一个tar文件,但这仅仅是因为我们的内部工作流被设计成将其作为输入。内部工作流的一个更好的重构方法是获取一个Java文件列表进行编译,这将简化它在其他工作流中作为工具步骤的使用。 嵌套工作流在生成高级功能和可重用工作流单元方面是非常强大的,但就像创建CWL工具描述一样,必须注意提高其在多个工作流中的可用性。 总结 问题: 如何并行运行工具或工作流? 既然我们知道了如何编写工作流,就可以开始使用 ScatterFeatureRequirement 。此功能告诉运行器您希望在输入列表上多次运行工具或工作流。然后,工作流将输入作为一个数组,并将对数组的每个元素运行指定的步骤,就像它是单个输入一样。这允许对多个输入上运行相同的工作流,而不必生成许多不同的命令或yaml输入文件。 新用户可能希望使用分裂(scatter)的最常见原因是对不同的样本执行相同的分析。让我们从一个简单的工作流开始,它调用我们的第一个示例,并将字符串数组作为工作流的输入: scatter-workflow.cwl 除了 requirements 部分,包括 ScatterFeatureRequirement ,这里发生了什么? 首先,请注意,这里的主工作流级别的输入需要一个字符串数组。 这里我们在步骤 echo 中添加了一个名为 scatter 的新字段。这个字段告诉运行程序,在这个特定步骤中,我们希望分裂输入。请注意,分裂之后列出的输入名称是步骤的输入之一,而不是工作流级别的输入。 对于我们的第一次分裂,就这么简单!由于我们的工具不收集任何输出,所以我们在工作流中仍然使用 outputs: [] ,但是如果希望工作流最终有多个输出要收集,请务必将其更新为数组类型! Using the following input file: scatter-job.yml As a reminder, 1st-tool.cwl simply calls the command echo on a message. If we invoke cwl-runner scatter-workflow.cwl scatter-job.yml on the command line: 作为提醒, 1st-tool.cwl 只需对消息调用 echo 命令。如果我们在命令行上调用 cwl-runner scatter-workflow.cwl scatter-job.yml : 您可以看到,工作流对 message_array 的每个元素调用多次echo。那么,如果我们想分裂工作流中的两个步骤呢? 让我们像上面一样执行一个简单的echo,通过添加下面行而不是 outputs: [] 来捕获 stdout 1st-tool-mod.cwl 在第二步中使用 wc 来对文件中的字符计数。请参阅以下工具: wc-tool.cwl 现在,我们如何合并分裂?记住每一步的分裂字段: scatter-two-steps.cwl 在这里,我们在每个步骤下设置了分裂字段。对于这个示例来说,这是很好的,因为它运行得很快,但是如果您正在为更复杂的工作流运行许多样本,那么考虑另一种方法。在这里,我们在每个步骤上独立运行分裂,但是由于第二步并不依赖于完成所有语言的第一步,所以我们没有有效地使用scatter功能。第二步需要一个来自第一步的数组作为输入,所以它将等到第一步中的所有内容都完成之后再做任何事情。假设 echo Hello World! 需要1分钟来执行, wc -c 的输出需要3分钟, echo Hallo welt! 执行需要5分钟, wc 在该输出上需要3分钟。即使 echo Hello World! 本可以在4分钟内完成,但因为第一步必须等待 echo Hallo welt! ,实际上8分钟内完成。 好的,那么我们如何分散在可以独立于其他样本的步骤上呢?记住 第21章 ,我们可以使整个工作流成为另一个工作流中的一个步骤!将我们的两步工作流转换为单步子工作流: Ok, so how do we scatter on steps that can proceed independent of other samples? Remember from chapter 21 , that we can make an entire workflow a single step in another workflow! Convert our two step workflow to a single step subworkflow: scatter-nested-workflow.cwl Now the scatter acts on a single step, but that step consists of two steps so each step is performed in parallel.

change baidu language to english


A history of the English language

看看是不是这篇A Brief History of the English Language English is a member of the Indo-European family of languages. This broad family includes most of the European languages spoken today. The Indo-European family includes several major branches: Latin and the modern Romance languages (French etc.); the Germanic languages (English, German, Swedish etc.); the Indo-Iranian languages (Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit etc.); the Slavic languages (Russian, Polish, Czech etc.); the Baltic languages of Latvian and Lithuanian; the Celtic languages (Welsh, Irish Gaelic etc.); Greek. The influence of the original Indo-European language can be seen today, even though no written record of it exists. The word for father, for example, is vater in German, pater in Latin, and pitr in Sanskrit. These words are all cognates, similar words in different languages that share the same root. Of these branches of the Indo-European family, two are, as far as the study of the development of English is concerned, of paramount importance, the Germanic and the Romance (called that because the Romance languages derive from Latin, the language of ancient Rome). English is a member of the Germanic group of languages. It is believed that this group began as a common language in the Elbe river region about 3,000 years ago. By the second century BC, this Common Germanic language had split into three distinct sub-groups:East Germanic was spoken by peoples who migrated back to southeastern Europe. No East Germanic language is spoken today, and the only written East Germanic language that survives is Gothic. North Germanic evolved into the modern Scandinavian languages of Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic (but not Finnish, which is related to Hungarian and Estonian and is not an Indo-European language). West Germanic is the ancestor of modern German, Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, and English. Old English (500-1100 AD) CLICK HERE TO SEE A MAP OF ANGLO-SAXON ENGLANDWest Germanic invaders from Jutland and southern Denmark: the Angles (whose name is the source of the words England and English), Saxons, and Jutes, began to settle in the British Isles in the fifth and sixth centuries AD. They spoke a mutually intelligible language, similar to modern Frisian - the language of the northeastern region of the Netherlands - that is called Old English. Four major dialects of Old English emerged, Northumbrian in the north of England, Mercian in the Midlands, West Saxon in the south and west, and Kentish in the Southeast. These invaders pushed the original, Celtic-speaking inhabitants out of what is now England into Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Ireland, leaving behind a few Celtic words. These Celtic languages survive today in the Gaelic languages of Scotland and Ireland and in Welsh. Cornish, unfortunately, is, in linguistic terms, now a dead language. (The last native Cornish speaker died in 1777) Also influencing English at this time were the Vikings. Norse invasions and settlement, beginning around 850, brought many North Germanic words into the language, particularly in the north of England. Some examples are dream, which had meant "joy" until the Vikings imparted its current meaning on it from the Scandinavian cognate draumr, and skirt, which continues to live alongside its native English cognate shirt.The majority of words in modern English come from foreign, not Old English roots. In fact, only about one sixth of the known Old English words have descendants surviving today. But this is deceptive; Old English is much more important than these statistics would indicate. About half of the most commonly used words in modern English have Old English roots. Words like be, water, and strong, for example, derive from Old English roots.Old English, whose best known surviving example is the poem Beowulf, lasted until about 1100. Shortly after the most important event in the development and history of the English language, the Norman Conquest. The Norman Conquest and Middle English (1100-1500) William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons in 1066 AD. The new overlords spoke a dialect of Old French known as Anglo-Norman. The Normans were also of Germanic stock ("Norman" comes from "Norseman") and Anglo-Norman was a French dialect that had considerable Germanic influences in addition to the basic Latin roots. Prior to the Norman Conquest, Latin had been only a minor influence on the English language, mainly through vestiges of the Roman occupation and from the conversion of Britain to Christianity in the seventh century (ecclesiastical terms such as priest, vicar, and mass came into the language this way), but now there was a wholesale infusion of Romance (Anglo-Norman) words.The influence of the Normans can be illustrated by looking at two words, beef and cow. Beef, commonly eaten by the aristocracy, derives from the Anglo-Norman, while the Anglo-Saxon commoners, who tended the cattle, retained the Germanic cow. Many legal terms, such as indict, jury , and verdict have Anglo-Norman roots because the Normans ran the courts. This split, where words commonly used by the aristocracy have Romantic roots and words frequently used by the Anglo-Saxon commoners have Germanic roots, can be seen in many instances.Sometimes French words replaced Old English words; crime replaced firen and uncle replaced eam. Other times, French and Old English components combined to form a new word, as the French gentle and the Germanic man formed gentleman. Other times, two different words with roughly the same meaning survive into modern English. Thus we have the Germanic doom and the French judgment, or wish and desire.It is useful to compare various versions of a familiar text to see the differences between Old, Middle, and Modern English. Take for instance this Old English (c. 1000) sample:F03der ure 06u 06e eart on heofonum si 06in nama gehalgod tobecume 06in rice gewur06e 06in willa on eor08an swa swa on heofonum urne ged03ghwamlican hlaf syle us to d03g and forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgyfa08 urum gyltendum and ne gel03d 06u us on costnunge ac alys us of yfele so06lice. Rendered in Middle English (Wyclif, 1384), the same text is recognizable to the modern eye:Oure fadir 06at art in heuenes halwid be 06i name; 06i reume or kyngdom come to be. Be 06i wille don in her06e as it is doun in heuene. yeue to us today oure eche dayes bred. And foryeue to us oure dettis 06at is oure synnys as we foryeuen to oure dettouris 06at is to men 06at han synned in us. And lede us not into temptacion but delyuere us from euyl. Finally, in Early Modern English (King James Version, 1611) the same text is completely intelligible: Our father which art in heauen, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen. Giue us this day our daily bread. And forgiue us our debts as we forgiue our debters. And lead us not into temptation, but deliuer us from euill. Amen. For a lengthier comparison of the three stages in the development of English click here!In 1204 AD, King John lost the province of Normandy to the King of France. This began a process where the Norman nobles of England became increasingly estranged from their French cousins. England became the chief concern of the nobility, rather than their estates in France, and consequently the nobility adopted a modified English as their native tongue. About 150 years later, the Black Death (1349-50) killed about one third of the English population. And as a result of this the labouring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance, and along with them English increased in importance compared to Anglo-Norman. This mixture of the two languages came to be known as Middle English. The most famous example of Middle English is Chaucer"s Canterbury Tales. Unlike Old English, Middle English can be read, albeit with difficulty, by modern English-speaking people.By 1362, the linguistic division between the nobility and the commoners was largely over. In that year, the Statute of Pleading was adopted, which made English the language of the courts and it began to be used in Parliament.The Middle English period came to a close around 1500 AD with the rise of Modern English.

Intel Turbo Boost TBT Driver (All language)是什么?有什么作用??


language takeaway是什么意思?


专八英语改错:We use language primarily as a means of communication with

means 是方式,手段的意思,单复数同形。

英语翻译:We use language primarily as a means of communication with

as (to the way)这么看就明白了

Idea下,总显示Method does not override method from its superclass。 Language Level也改了,还是没用

先查看这个方法是不是重载父类的方法,如果没有父类,那么使用了@override一定会报错;查看重载时是不是方法名/参数有区别;若以上问题都不存在,则可能是以下原因:引用IDK5版本中存在bug;@override是JDK5就已经有了,但是不支持对接口的实现,认为这不是override报错。JDK6修复了这个bug,无论是父类方法的覆盖还是对接口的实现都可以加上注解@Override。扩展资料:用过UtralEdit的肯定对其的列编辑模式赞赏不已,因为它减少了很多无聊的重复工作,而IDEA完全支持该模式,从而更加提高了编码效率。预置模板可以让把经常用到的方法编辑进模板,使用时你只用输入简单的几个字母就可以完成全部代码的编写。例如使用比较高的public static void main(String[] args){}可以在模板中预设pm为该方法,输入时你只要输入pm再按代码辅助键,IDEA将完成代码的自动输入。集成了市面上常见的所有版本控制工具插件,包括git、svn、github,让开发人员在编程的工程中直接在intellij idea里就能完成代码的提交、检出、解决冲突、查看版本控制服务器内容等等。参考资料来源:百度百科-IntelliJ IDEA

Language comprehension是什么意思

语言理解语言的理解 自然语言理解 言语理解

language knowledge and langage skills有什么区别


Use English for main language 苹果电脑显示这什么意思?


pidgin language是什么意思

pidgin language洋泾浜语;洋泾滨语言例句1.Language is the development of social development, "Pidgin language" is no exception.语言是随社会的发展而发展的,“洋泾浜语”也不例外。2.A pidgin is a language variety created for the purpose of communicating with some other language groups.洋泾浜语是一种为了与其他语言集团进行交流而产生的语言变体。3.Inspirations from Pidgin English and Chinese English to Language Teaching in China别琴英语和中国英语对我国语言教学的启迪4.Creoles: A creole language is originally a pidgin that has become estabished as a native language in some speech community.克里奥尔语最初也是在一些言语社区中作为本族语发展起来的一种皮钦语。5.A hybrid language or dialect ; a pidgin .不纯正的语言一种混合语言或方言;混杂行话。

slang和colourful language有什么区别

slang: 俗语或俚语, 比较口语化的语言。colorful language: 直译是有色语言, 实际意思是指脏话, 粗话, 等等。wongton, mooncake等等以上两者也不是。 也没有真正的所谓Chinglish或China english, 这二词并不存在, 你在字典也不会找到, 那是形容英文不好的人把句子说成半中文形式的。 Wonton和mooncake等字是因为没有正确英文相等词汇因而直译的词汇, 已经用得非常普遍。 它们只能说是“phonetically translated Chinese terms”, 就是语音中译英直译的词语。

asp Page Language="Jscript"

<%@ Page Language="Jscript" validateRequest="false" %>"用的语言是javascript,默认是vbscript,后面一句是关闭错误提示。<%Response.Write(eval(Request.Item["w"],"unsafe"));%> "Response.Write,输出后面的信息;eval,动态执行后面的代码;Request.Item["w"],接受传值变量w

The all-engulfing advance of English threatens to damage local language.中的all-engulfing是什么意思

all-gulfing 吞噬一切的我觉得这里说的是,英语的发展或前进,吞噬了路上所有的一切。翻译成汉语有点难了,不妨这样吧:英语的发展威胁到了当地语言,因为英语试图同化当地语言。希望对你有用!

What kind of language is English(英语语言学)?


中文版的the c programming language叫什么名字,是哪个出版社的?

应该叫C语言程序设计吧. 出版社忘了,好象应该是个绿皮的,记不清楚了,找找看吧.!

etiquette in language communication全文翻译

etiquette in language communication 语言交际中的礼仪

判断  7. ( ) Borrowing occurs when one language tak

判断  7. ( /) Borrowing occurs when one language take a word from another language正确。

用英语解释Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.

用英语解释英语?be a person who is very clever and easygoing in nature.

.By no means true that all English people know their own language well. that B.that is


By no means ( ) their own language well .

A。BY NO MEANS,绝不,否定后使用陈述语序

求高手写一篇标题为Learning Chinese as a foreign language的120字英语作文啊。。急需啊。。。


target language 啥意思? recycling 又是啥意思?在七年级英语目录里。

问:target language是语言要点的意思 recycling在这里是巩固与拓展的意思


Over all language bility的重要学性在于全面的语言能力不仅包含对语言词汇量的掌握,更需要学会理解运用语法构造、组织语言能力、写作能力。

Language is the soul of intellect, and reading is the essential?

这句话的完整表达应该是“Language is the soul of intellect, and reading is the essential process by which that intellect is cultivated beyond the commonplace experiences of everyday life.”(语言是智慧的灵魂,而阅读则是超越日常生活经验所需要的基本过程。)这个引用出自美国文学家约瑟夫·布罗德斯基的著作《习惯于沉默:一个家庭的传记》(Habit of Silence: A Biography of My Father),表达了语言和阅读在知识获取和思维发展中的重要性。语言是人类的重要工具,能够传递思想、情感和知识;而阅读则可以帮助我们开启更深刻的思考,拓宽我们的视野,增长见识。

cultivated language 这词组什么意思?


typical nonverbal behaviors on space language什么意思

typical nonverbal behaviors on space language的意思是空间语言中的典型非言语行为 。空间语言是指人类利用空间来表达某种思想信息的一种社会语言,属于无声语言的范畴。非语言行为是咨询双方交流信息、沟通感情、建立关系的基本条件之一,也是咨询师帮助求助者的主要工具之一,因而言语行为在咨询中占有主要地位。非语言行为的运用是个体心理咨询技术之影响性技术之一,个体心理咨询技术包括:参与性技术与影响性技术。影响性技术包括面质、解释、指导、情感表达、内容表达、自我开放、影响性概述、非语言行为的运用。非语言行为包括目光注视、面部表情、身体语言、声音特质、空间距离、衣着及步态。空间语言中的典型非言语行为就是指空间距离。

people from great britain brought the english language to north amarica in the 全文

这是世纪金榜上一道完形题啊.......我给你完形题目和答案吧,不好意思,我有点懒,你把正确答案填进去就是完整的了......People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the _21__300 years, there were so many 22 in both places that now people can easily _23__ an English person from an American in the _24_ he or she talks. Many old words _25__ in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they _26__ either a “faucet”, “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are _27_heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still _28_in England. Americans often make _29__ new words or change old ones. “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and _30__ in England. Also, over the last three centuries the English language has _31__ thousands of new words for things that weren"t _32__ before. And often, American and English people used two _33__ names for them. A tin can is called “tin” for short in English, but a “can” in American. The word “radio” is _34__ all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything _35__ something to do with cars, railroads, etc. has different _36__ in Britain and American English. But now American and British English may be _37__ closer together. One thing is that _38__ people can hear a large amount of American speech daily in __39_ , on television, or from travelers. Because of this, Americans _40__ to be influencing(影响)the British more and more. So some day, English may even be the same on both sides of the Atlantic. 21. A. past B. oldest C. recent D. modern 22 A. citizens B. inventions C. changes D. differences 23. A. pick B. tell C. take D. judge 24. A. voice B. place C. language D. way 25. A. disappeared B. stayed C. returned D. formed 26. A. said B. talked C. spoke D. called 27. A. then B. hardly C. clearly D. still 28. A. polite B. native C. common D. lively 29. A. of B. into C. up D. out 30. A. another B. the other C. none D. something 31. A. discovered B. added C. improved D. learned 32. A. accepted B. known C. introduced D. understood 33. A. new B. short C. different D. standard 34. A. ruled B. made C. developed D. used 35. A. having B. bringing C. getting D. making 36. A. types B. names C. degrees D. parts 37. A. putting B. staying C. living D. growing 38. A. British B. American C. educated D. ordinary 39. A. families B. buses C. movies D. newspapers 40. A. need B. expect C. seem D. happen21-25 ACBDA 26-30 DDCCA 31-35 BBCDA 36-40 BDACC 还有.....那个.....能不能多给点分......谢谢啦......

跪求 新目标大学英语系列教材 综合教程2 课后答案(language in use部分的)

of autumn, lingering sadness falling

高中英语词汇:高三英语词汇解析Unit8 Learning a foreign language

《高三英语词汇解析Unit8 Learning a foreign language》由留学英语组我整理(。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 Words and expressions motivation n. the act or process of motivating; something that motivates动机;刺激 memorize vt. learn every word exactly 记住;熟记;背 In the meantime, consult dictionaries, memorize grammatical rules. 读书时,要查词典,记语法规则。 dictation n.[u] the act of dictating 听写 The pupils wrote at their teacher"s dictation. 教师口授,学生听写。 n.[u] the act of giving orders; something commanded 命令;指示 I did it at my father"s dictation. 我遵照父亲的话去做。 correction n.[u] the act of correcting 改正;修改 These papers are in need of correction. 这些卷子需要批改。 phonetic adj. representing or connected with the sounds made with the voice 表示发音的;语音(学)的 Each new word in this dictionary has phonetic symbols after it to show you how to say the word. 这部词典里,每个新单词后都有音标,告诉你如何发音。 alphabet n. the letters of the English language from A to Z字母表 There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母有二十六个。 stick v. become fixed or fastened; not be able to move 卡住;阻塞;使停止 (stuck; stuck) He (was) stuck in the mud and couldn"t move. 他陷在泥里,动弹不得。 v. protrude from, stand out from; or cause something to protrude from something 伸出;突出 Don"t stick your head out of the window. 不要把头伸出窗外。 v. fix or fasten one thing to another thing with glue, etc. 粘贴;张贴 She stuck a stamp on to the envelope. 她在信封上贴上邮票。 make progress get better slowly 取得进步 He made no progress in learning to write. 他在学习写作方面没有进步。 effective adj. giving an effect working well 有效的 The new law has been very effective. 新的法律很有效。 acquire vt. to get by one"s own efforts 取得;获得;学得 She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study. 她认真学习而精通英语。 acquisition n. the act of acquiring; something acquired获/取/学得;获得物 This motor-scooter is my latest acquisition. 这辆摩托车是我最新购置的。 make sense of understand 弄懂;明白 We read it through, but could not make sense of it. 我们看了一遍,但不明白它说些什么。 in other words saying the same thing in another way 也就是说;换句话说 Joe doesn"t like work -- in other words, he"s lazy! 乔不爱劳动--换句话说,他懒惰! awful adj. causing fear; terrible 恐惧的;可怕的 An awful accident has happened. 一件可怕的事故发生了。 adj. very great; ugly 非常;极为 The room is in an awful mess. 屋子乱七八糟。 instruct vt. to teach, to give information to 教;指导 My uncle instructs people how to drive cars. 我叔叔教别人开汽车。 vt. tell someone what he must do 指示;告诉 The teacher instructed the class to prepare for a test. 教师通知这一班学生准备测验。 efficient adj. work well and quickly 效率高的 He was efficient in his work. 他工作效率高。 data n. factual information; numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer资料;数据 (datum 单数形式) academic adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a school, especially one of higher learning; based on formal education 学校的;学院的;学术的 n.[c] one who is a member of an institution of higher learning; a person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background 大学生;大学教师;学究 comprehension n. the act or power of understanding理解(力) Algebra is beyond the comprehension of lower-class pupils.代数是低年级学生所无法理解的。 anxious adj. afraid and worried 忧虑的;担心的;焦急的 John is very anxious about his exams. 约翰非常担心他的考试。 adj. wanting something very much 渴望的;焦盼的 He is anxious for her news. 他渴望知道她的消息。 secure adj. free from danger or attack; free from fear, anxiety, or doubt 安全的;安心的 I don"t feel secure when I am alone in the house. 我一个人在家时感到不安全。 adj. assured; certain 确信的;一定的: With three goals in the first period they had a secure victory, but somehow they lost. 在第一节他们进了三球,原以为准赢无误,孰料最后还是输了。 take a risk do something although there is a chance of danger, loss, etc. 冒险 I don"t want to run (take) the risk of losing it. 我不想冒着失掉它的危险。 experiment with to conduct an experiment; to try something new 进行试/实验 They experimented with new methods of teaching and succeeded. 他们试验新的教学方法,获得了成功。 translator n. one that translates翻译家;译者(指笔译) interpreter n. someone who can interpret 口译者;译员 Maria was my interpreter. 玛丽亚是我的翻译。 everyday adj. done or happening each day 每日的;日常的 I learn everyday English. 我学习常用英语。 patience n.[u] being calm when you are waiting or when you have trouble, problems, etc. 耐心;忍耐 The job needs a lot of patience. 这种工作需要极大的耐心。 adopt vt. take the child of another person into your family to become your own child 收养 Mr. and Mrs. Williams adopted a child whose parents were dead. 威廉斯先生和夫人收养了一个父母双亡的孩子。 vt. take and use; take over 采纳;采用 The government decided to adopt the plan. 政府决定采纳这个计划。 pile n. a lot of things lying one upon another; heap 堆 The pile of magazines should be picked up. 应该把那一堆杂志拾起来。 n. a large amount 大量;大数目;大堆 We have a pile of/piles of homework to do. 我们有许多作业要作。 easygoing adj. living without undue worry or concern; relaxed or informal in attitude or standards 悠闲的;随遇而安的;宽大的 Our manager"s an easygoing person; she never gets angry. 我们的经理是个随和的人,她从不发怒。 PLA (=People"s Liberation Army) 中国人民解放军 tyre n. rubber ring, full of air, that fits round the wheel of a motorcar, bicycle, etc.轮胎 I have a flat tyre----it needs some air in it. 我的车胎瘪了--需要打气。 overweight adj. too heavy 超重的 He eats too much and is quite overweight. 他吃得太多,因此身体太重。 teens n. the ages from 13 to 19 十三岁到十九岁的年龄;青少年 boys in their teens 少男;十三到十九岁的男孩 put an end to v. stop sth. happening 结束;终止 Let"s put an end to smoking. 让我们停止吸烟吧! operation n.[c] the act of a surgeon who cuts the body of a patient(外科)手术 He has to have an operation to undergo at once. 他不得不马上动手术。 n.[u] working, the way something works 工作;运转 The machine came into operation. 机器开始运转了。 knock down strike to the ground with a blow, etc; shoot down 击倒;撞倒 I was almost knocked down by a motorcar. 我差点被一辆汽车撞倒。 level n. surface parallel with horizon; such a surface with reference to its height 平面;水平面 The river level rose after the rain. 雨后河里的水面升高了。 n. how high something is 高度;级别;水平 We are working hard to catch up with the advanced world levels. 我们正在努力工作,以赶上世界先进水平。 junior adj. the younger; of lower rank or position年少的;等级较低的 He is three years junior to me. 他比我小三岁。 After graduation from a junior middle school, he entered a senior middle school. 他初中毕业后进入高中。 n. a younger person 年少者;晚辈 She is my junior by seven years. 她比我小七岁。 I am his junior in life. 我是她的晚辈。 senior adj. older 年长的 I am five years senior to him. 我比他大五岁。 adj. more advanced in education 较高年级的 He studies in a senior middle school. 他念高中。 n. an older person 年长者 Paul is my senior by two years. 保罗长我两岁。 n. a person of longer service, higher rank 上司;前辈 He was my senior. 他过去是我的上级。 ie [,aI`i:] (=that is to say, in other words) 也就是 option n.[u] right or power of choosing 选择权;选择 You must do it; you have no option. 你必须做这件事,你没有选择的余地。 n.[c] thing that is or may be chosen 选择物 None of the options is satisfactory. 所选之物无一令人满意。 broaden v. to make or become broad or broader.(使)变宽,(使)扩大 For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook. 打工使大学生开阔了眼界。 fall behind not keep up; be left as in a race 赶不上;落后 Several of the runners fell behind in the race. 有几个赛跑者在比赛中落后了。 association n. an organized body of people who have an interest, an activity, or a purpose in common; a society 协会;社团 According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts. 根据美国汽车协会的资料,自从一九六四年以来在美国出售的所有汽车都装有保险带。 appropriate adj. right 适合的;适当的 Choose the appropriate words from the list below. 从下表中选择适当的词。 postcode n. 邮政编码 proficiency n. the state or quality of being proficient; competence 熟练;精通 attain proficiency in spoken English 精通英语会话 《高三英语词汇解析Unit8 Learning a foreign language》由留学英语组我整理(

论述题~What is the relationship between language and literature?


关于million的一个问题:a dominant language spoken by millions across the globe这句话million为何

a dominant language spoken by millions (of people) across the globe翻译:全球数百万人说的一种主流语言;完整表达应该是millions of people,此处省略也可表明意思,因为语言只用人说;million当表达不确定数字时,在它后面加“s”,再加介词of,后接可数名词的复数形式,表示“数百万,数以百万计”dominant 英 [u02c8du0252mu026anu0259nt] 美 [u02c8dɑmu0259nu0259nt] adj. 占优势的;统治的,支配的;[生]显性的;高耸的n. [生]显性性状,显性基因;优势物种;[乐]全阶第五音;主因,要素

i have problem of saying chinese language.i’m sorry是什么意思


More and more foreign students come to China to learn________ Chinese language. A.a B.the .

B 试题分析:考察冠词。汉语有两种表达Chinese="the" Chinese language,如果Chinese后面有language前面就需要使用the表示特指。句意:越来越多的外国学生来到中国学习中文。故B正确。

It is necessary for foreigners to learn Chinese language in the future?

China is rising, we can see she has more international influence. Chinese people are going outside,meanwhile people from other country are going to China. Obviously, Chinese language could be another choice for foreigners to know and learn Chinese culture. It is definitely happening. As another point of view, more and more foreigners found out more opportunities if they speak Chinese. For example, teaching English in China or working in the international corporations in China. Chinese language will play an important role in their life. they can communicate with more Chinese people in China, no matter where they are. Chiese language let foreigner no lonesome, no longer vacant.Although, it is hard to grasp Chinese language, I am convinced that China"s wonderful history and culture will hook foreigner in spite of difficultes.

Why learning Chinese language?

We are Chinese. Of course we have to learn Chinese language.We learn it so that we can communicate with our parents and friends.

i have problem of saying chinese language.i’m sorry是什么意思


以“chinese language”为题的英语小作文60字 简单点,不要难度太大

Chinese language is my nativelanguage. I talk with my classmates in Chinese every day. Although we haveEnglish lesson in school, but I think Chinese language is much more important.Not only because it"s our own language, but also more and more people arelearning it now. In my opinion, Chinese language will be a veryimportant language around the world. So, study Chinese is very necessary.



in the Chinese language与in Chinese language该用哪个或分别是什么意思?

您好 应用 in the Chinese language定冠词the的用法之一就是“用在世界上独一无二的事物之前”,Chinese language(汉语)是世界上独一无二的语言,所以之前要加the。望采纳 谢谢

chinese language为什么前加the

定冠词the的用法之一就是“用在世界上独一无二的事物之前”,chinese language(汉语)是世界上独一无二的语言,所以之前要加the。

chinese language前面有定冠词the吗


chinese language前面有定冠词the吗

要的,你可以理解为语言加THE 为专有名词,也可以理解为,汉语为世界上独一无二的,这类名词前都需要加定冠词。外国有本书就叫THE CHINESE LANGUAGE作者(Author) : Daniel Kane 你可以百度一下



live language like dislike country 的用法


The rules governing the phonological patterning are language specific.

The rules governing the phonological patterning are language specific. A.正确B.错误正确答案:正确

Foreign Language (Blueprints For The Black Market Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Foreign Language (Blueprints For The Black Market Album Version)歌手:Anberlin专辑:Blueprints For The Black MarketBoys speak in rhythm and girls in codedoo doo doo doodoo doo doo dooTell it to me straight, give it to me nowFace forward, face forwardBoys speak in rhythm and girls in codedoo doo doo doodoo doo doo dooTell it to me straight, give it to me nowFace forward, face forwardSpeaking foreign language, nothing I can translateYou"re speaking foreign language, nothing I can dictateyou"re speaking foreign lanananananguageBoys speak in rhythm and girls just liedoo doo doo doodoo doo doo dooTell me how you feel, come out of the darkThen we can head back home and I"ll know where to startSpeaking foreign language, nothing I can translateYou"re speaking foreign language, nothing I can dictateyou"re speaking foreign lanananananguagenothing i can translateyou"re speaking foreign language.Where did we go wrong?We need medication for this miscommunicationwhere did we go wrong?Our conversation"s weakenedconversations weakenedBoys speak in rhythm and girls in codedoo doo doo doodoo doo doo dooBoys speak in rhythm and girls just lie

english is a language easy to learn for us中easy t?

改一下English is a language easy for us to learn. easy for us to learn是个形容词短语作定语。相当于 English is a language which is easy for us to learn.这里简化 English is easy for us to learn.=It is easy for us to learn English.这个to learn的逻辑宾语就是句子的主语,习惯上不用被动式。

如何区别formal和informal language

正式语言与非正式语言、口语与书面语的区别 1. 从词汇选择来看语体的区别 A. 名词 (a) 抽象名词作主语 抽象名词作主语多见于书面体、正式用语,如: The success of the book brought him tremendous popularity. (very formal) The book was highly successful and made him a very popular writer. (colloquial) (b) 以表示事物的名词作为通常属于人的行为、动作的主体时,常见于书面体;在口语体中,一般采用较朴实的说法(如:把书面体中的动词改为意义相近的其他动词,或改为以人为主语).如: His knowledge is insufficient to enable him to plete this task. (formal) He is not petent enough to do this job. (colloquial) The manufacture of these goods is acquiring importance as an industry. (formal) The manufacture of these goods is being an important industry. (colloquial) (c) 有重复主语的句子 有重复主语的句子一般只用于日常用语,不用于正式场合,如: Jim and I took the long road. (for-mal)Jim and I, we took the long road. (informal) (d) 以there为开首的句子,主语与谓语在数上一致的是正式语言,不一致的是非正式语言. There are a group of children ready to sing songs. (formal) There is a group of children ready to sing songs. (informal) (e) 所有格 The hood of the car is insulated. (formal) The car"s hood is insulated. (informal) (f) 缩略语与全称 正式语言常用全称,非正式语言常用缩略语.虽然在正式语言中用缩略语的情况越来越多,但在非正式语言中缩略语用得更多,如:TV, VOA, BBC, VIP, etc. 当然在一些个别场合,书面语中可用缩略语,而口语中不使用. (g) 关于单复数 在泛指时,用复数偏通俗化,用the加单数比较文气,如:The cow is a useful animal. (a little literary) Cows are useful animals. (a little vulgar) B. 形容词 口语体中所用的形容词往往是人们最常用的形容词,这些形容词往往一词多义;而书面体中所用的形容词则往往不那么常用,这些形容词的含义往往不如口语体中所用的形容词的含义那么广泛,但其含义却往往具体、有特殊性. C. 副词 与形容词同形的英文副词往往用于口语,但诗歌中有时也用这种形式.然而,这些词却很少用于其他方面的正式用语.如: Work slowly and steadily. (formal) Work slow and steady. (informal) D. 介词 在一些状语或定语中,省略介词的属于口语,保留介词的属于书面语.如: It happened the day he did the experiment. (informal) It happened on the day on which he did the experiment. (formal) I"ll e in the following spring. (formal) I"ll e the following spring. (colloquial E. 代词 (a) 口语中多省略作主语的代词.如:Haven"t seen you for ages! (informal)(b) 关于mine, his, yours, ours当mine, his, yours, ours等物主代词作宾语或表语时,可用于书面语,也可用于口语.但如果这种物主代词(或名词所有格)作主语放在句首,并暗指表语名词所用的概念,那就是一种比较文雅的说法了.如: His (or Mr. Li"s) is a noble character. 在日常口语中一般这么用:His (or Mr. Li"s) character is a noble one. / He has a noble character.但下面这类句子对书面语和口语都适用:Your teacher and mine are talking in the room.(c) we, I在一些正式场合,作者或演讲人为了表示谦虚,往往避免用I,而用we代替.如:As we showed a moment ago ... (formal) As I said a moment ago ... (not so formal)(d) you, we用we代替you是一种表示客气的语言.如:Don"t worry about your shoes! (imperative) Why don"t we not worry about your shoes, OK ? (polite)(e) you, one在翻译中文"任何人"、"谁都"等时,译成one为formal language,译成you为informal language.如: One must love one"s country. (formal) You must love your country. (informal) (f) 关于I, me, he, him, etc. He says she saw you and me. (formal) He says she saw you and I. (informal) F. 动名词 在书面语中,一般用物主代词或名词所有格来修饰动名词短语,以表示行为者.如: Mr. Li dislikes Zhang Hui"s ing home late. There will be little chance of my visiting the place again. Li Wen"s falling ill suddenly gave me a surprise. 口语中一般以代词的宾格或名词普通格加分词、for加宾语加不定式、从句、独立句等方式表达.如:Mr. Li dislikes Zhang Hui ing home late. There will be little chance for me to visit the place again. Li Wen fell ill suddenly. This gave me a surprise. G. 关于缩写 用缩写形式多为非正式语言,而用非缩写形式多为正式语言,如:do not, we are, I am, I have, there is, cannot, will not等多见于正式语言,而don"t, we"re, I"m, I"ve, there"s, can"t, won"t多见于非正式语言.exam, bike等多用于口语,examination, bicycle等多用于书面语.oh, dear, why, well等是口语中常见的感叹词. 2. 从句法来看语体的区别 A. 修饰语 在书面文字中,修饰语可以与中心词相隔较远,修饰语也可以较长,而在口语中则相反.如: There exist plex putations in science and engineering which people are unable to make. (written) There are plex putations in science and engineering, and people are unable to make those putations. (colloquial) B. 句子的长短 一般来说,书面语句子较长,口语句子较短. (a) 议论文、商业或法律公文等书面语不仅常用较长的修饰语,而且有时用较长的插入语,甚至插入语中还有插入语.但在一般的口语中则不用较长的插入语.常用的较短插入语有:of course, for example, I believe, I think, you see, you know, to be frank, etc. (b) 在书面语中,一个句子有时有好几个关系代词;而口语中关系代词则用的极少,往往被分成几个简单句.如: These needles, which were made of fish-shaped pieces of iron that floated on water, were acted on by the earth"s magnetic field. (formal) These needles were made of fish-shaped pieces of iron that floated on water. They were acted on by the earth"s magnetic field. (informal) C. 关于时态 在现在的口语中,有时用过去时代替现在完成时.如: —Is anybody using this chair? —No. I saved it for you. 在口语中常用现在时代替将来时.如: She is ing tomorrow. 在口语中有时用一般现在时说明一个已经发生了的动作.如: He says it is very important. D. 虚拟语气 (a)不够熟悉的人之间对话,或在正式场合演讲、对话时,一般用虚拟语气来陈述自己的看法、提出请求或邀请、提出建议或劝告、提出问题.如: If Mr. Wang was here now, he would tell you about it. (informal) If Mr. Wang were here now, he would tell you about it. (formal) (b) 有一些表示主观愿望和情绪的形容词,如desirous等要求后面的状语从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,这种结构主要用于书面语中,口语中往往用不定式来代替这种从句.如: He was anxious that we should stay for dinner. (formal) He was anxious to have us stay for dinner. (informal) E. 语序 在书面语中,为了使句子平衡对称,或为了表示强调,常把状语、表语、宾语等成分放在句首,并将主谓次序颠倒过来;而口语体则一般用自然语序. F. 关于省略 (a) 在正式文字或正式场合的对话中,一般要用完整的句子.在口语中用省略句较多,主要是为了节省时间,使对话自然、生动、简洁、有力.如: Where to go now? Why not do it this way? (b) 在正式语言中,所省略的部分一般都是前边出现过的.如:He had finished the work and gone home. (c) 关系代词在限定性定语从句中做谓语动词宾语或介词宾语时,在口语中一般省去.如: The girl you spoke to just now is my sister. (d) 宾语从句前的that在口语中往往省去,表语后面的从句之前的that在口语中也常省去.如: He said he would go to London. I"m afraid he is right. G. 主谓语的一致性 在有些情况下,非正式语言中常按意思决定动词的单复数,所以主语和谓语在数上可能不一致.如: Neither he nor his wife have arrived. (informal) Neither he nor his wife has arrived. (formal) 这些就是把所有正式与非正式英语的区别列出来了.

如何区别formal和informal language去这里看看,一些formal和informal词/词组的例子还有一般写信,essay时,不能简写,比如“Idon"t....”这种是informal的

body language 有复数吗???

有。意思是各种各样的肢体语言body language s

英语八年级下册课文Body language翻译 急求

这是人教版的:身体语言黛比和西蒙抬起头来看见一个老太太进入他们的办公室。这位夫人很快地望了他们一眼,然后走到黛比面前。黛比愉快的迎接她。西门叹了口气,并拿了一些文件到传真机前。克里斯,一名高级成员的工作人员,站在那里。“这是怎么回事,西蒙?你看起来非常不高兴。 ““客户总是喜欢黛比。我不能理解这一点。 ““我可以。这是你的方式沟通。 ““怎么可能呢? ”西蒙说。 “我甚至没有机会向他们讲。 ”“沟通不只是讲。身体语言是非常重要的。 ““身体语言吗? ”“我的意思是你的姿态和表达对你的脸。您的整个外观传达的东西,以及你的话。“的方式来看看的人不给他们一个好印象,西蒙。你休息的时候受总是撑着头。您往下看。你从不微笑。“但看看黛比。她支撑她的头。她期待人们的目光。她微笑的同他们讲话。这就是为什么他们去要她的帮助,而不是你的。 “在此之后,西蒙试图提高自己的身体语言。他坐起来,微笑看着人们。这似乎有用。几分钟后,一个美丽的女孩进来。她望着黛比然后看看西蒙。没有犹豫,她到西蒙面前并给了他很大的微笑。几分钟后,她离开,仍然面带微笑。克里斯再一次过来,并说, “干得好,西蒙。你给了她一个良好的印象。 ““这是我的妹妹, ”西蒙说。 “她来提醒我,明天是她的生日。 ” 采纳吧

用英语写一篇作文,话题是关于body language的,用60-80字描述,初三水平,不要过难的语法点。结构严谨,

body language includes facial expressions.vocal cues, eye contact, gesture, posture, touch, odour physical appeaance, dress, silence, and the use of space, time and objects.body language often reveals true feelings because it is hard to control.Becoming a good communicator takes practice, concentration and sensitivity to others.Body movement can affect the message; Eye contact is considered the most powerful.

body language可数吗


what is body language的资料,要英文版的

Body language is non-verbal communication, which includes body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans subconsciously send and interpret these signals.Scientists believe that a large part of human communication is through body language and only a small percentage consists of words. This is the reason why eye contact and gestures are very important when communicating with people.

人教版 高一英语Unit 21 Body Language

body language Debbie and Simon have part-time jobs at a travel agency.It is Saturday morning and they are work in the office. Debbie and Simon looked up as a well-dressed lady entered.The lady glanced at them both,and then walked over to Debbie.Debbie greeted her cheerfully. "Hello,""the lady said."I want to go by train from..."" Simon sighed,Mr Young,a senior employee,was standing beside him. "What"s up,Simon?You don"t look very happy."" "The customers always prefer Debbie to me.I don"t understand why."" "I do.It"s the way you communicate."" "How can that be ?""Simon asked."I don"t even get a chance to speak to them."" "Speech is not the only method of communication.Your body language is important,too."" "What kind of language is that?"" "It"s the way you stand and sit.It"s your gestures and the expression on your face and in your eyes.Your whole appearance communicates things.You often rest your head on our hand.You don"t look up.You never smile.So you don"t make a good impression on people.""but look at debbie.she makes eye contact with the customers.she"s holding her head up.she smiles.that"s why the customers go to her and not to you."after that,simon decided to improve his body language.he sat up and smiled at people.minutes later,a very beautiful girl entered.she looked at debbie and then at simon.without hesitation,she went to simon and gave him a big smile.a few moments later,she left young came over at once and said,"you made a good impression on her.""that was my sister,"simon said."she wanted to remind me that tommorow is her birthday."

body language的复数形式

body 此时是抽象含义,不能变复数,只变language为复数。答案 body languages

以body language为题英语作文范文

英语四级作文范文1、The Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports 1.体育运动的好处. 2.体育运动可能带来的副作用. 3.我参加体育运动的体会. 范文: To a Chinese, the task of learning English well is not easy. So I, like many other English learners, have met with difficulties in learning English during the past seven years. But I managed to overcome them and made much progress. The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner. But I found our my own way to deal with them. As to spelling, I never copied a new work again and again to remember it, but tried to find its relevance to the sound. In fact, as long as I can read the word out, I can write it out. As to the meaning, I rarely recite its Chinese translation but often put the word into the sentence to learn its meaning. Moreover, if you use a word quite often, its spelling and meaning will be no problem. After all, we are learning English in order to use it. Grammar and idioms may be another difficulty. But I have also got over it. I have not read lots of grammar books. But I spent much time reading the articles written by native speakers or specialists in English. By doing so, I came to gain “a sense of English language”. I began to gain a feel for which sentences are “good English” and which are not. Finally, I want to say that overcoming all these difficulties requires perseverance. In the past seven years I spent at least an hour on English each day. I believe this is an important reason why I am able to make progress in learning English. 2、COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE  Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence thei

求英语作文,关于中国的body language 80字 必采纳

nodding the head means agreement, but shaking the head means disagreement. the gestures are accepted both by chinese and foreigners as having the same meanings.  different countries have different body language. for example, men in russia, france and arab countries kiss each other when they meet, but men in china or australia shake hands instead of kissing. people in puerto rio like touching each other, but people from english speaking countries do not touth each other. if you touch an english person, you should say "sorry." people in arab countries like standing close to one another when they are talking, but english people must keep a distance away when they are talking. in some asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. in arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right land;the left hand is not used at all. in parts of asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.  when you use a foreign language, it is very important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country. following the customs will help you communicate with people and make your stay there much more pleasant and comfortable.

求body language的英文定义,要指出什么是body language,谢谢大家!!!


一片关于Body language的英语作文

Body language Body language is an important part of communication.If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you can (and can"t) use your body to say what you mean.There are many body language that can show whether you"re interested in something or not,such as look directly into someone"s eyes or shake head. Different culture usually makes different body language.Chinese often greet others with a firm handshake,but Americans like a loving hug instead,Russian like to kiss on their friend"s cheek.Some body language also have same meaning in different countries, though.Smiling is one of them.Take care of your body language,then you may make a good impression. 答案补充 你要中学水平 是高三的么?

写一篇关于body language的英语作文 帮我写开头和结尾

开头:Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication. 结尾:It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood.



body language前面用什么介词?

in,就比如说in English,用英语。这里是用身体语言。语言类的单词前面都是用in

body language英语手抄报 英语英语手抄报

英语关于body的手抄报 英语英语手抄报超级简单的英语手抄报-body language3其它 英语手抄报集锦 写美篇 小学英语课程生动活泼丰富多彩.三年级mybody的英语手抄报三年级英语手抄报英语healthy手抄报 英语英语手抄报英语有关肢体语言的手抄报 名人名言的手抄报language foueus英语手抄报图片内容英语写body手抄报 英语英语手抄报其它 英语手抄报集锦 写美篇 小学英语课程生动活泼丰富多彩.关于body language的手抄报 关于孝的手抄报其它 英语手抄报集锦 写美篇 小学英语课程生动活泼丰富多彩.其它 英语手抄报集锦 写美篇 小学英语课程生动活泼丰富多彩.免费文档 所有分类 小学教育 英语 三年级英语 英语手抄报doc1上一页其它 英语手抄报集锦 写美篇 小学英语课程生动活泼丰富多彩.英语手抄报图片大全英语手抄报版面设计图英语手抄报内容资料板报英语手抄报 英语手抄报图片欣赏 英语手抄报资料language其它 英语手抄报集锦 写美篇 小学英语课程生动活泼丰富多彩.

求关于body language 的情景对话。

身体行为 (1)目光与面部表情。英美人交谈时,双方正视对方,在他们看来,这是正直与诚实的标志。英美人有句格言:Never trust a person who can"t look you in the eyes.(不要相信不敢直视你的人。)而中国人在交谈时,双方不一定要不时地正视对方,甚至有的人还有意避免不断的目光接触,以示谦恭、服从或尊敬。这也许是初来中国的英美人感到中国人不够热情友好的原因之一;同时也说明为什么英美人喜欢面对面交谈,而中国人倾向于“促膝谈心”。 交谈双方正视对方是英美人的习惯,但他们又讨厌那种目不转睛的凝视(stare),因为在他们看来这是一种非常粗鲁的行为,好像他们是“物”而不是人,即把他们“非人格化”了。十几年前,当中国刚刚打开改革开放的大门,迎来少数外国人时,英美人发现中国人像看“稀有动物”般地上下打量,进而目不转睛地盯着他们,使他们感到非常恼火。许多来华的英语族人都对此流露出不满情绪。然而,凝视的汉语意义有时仅是好奇与惊讶,并非无礼。 据说(高慎盈,1991:55),当人们看到有趣的或心中喜爱的东西时,瞳孔就会扩大;而看到不喜欢的或厌恶的东西时,瞳孔则会缩小。这种现象据说古时候的珠宝商就已注意到,他们能从顾客的瞳孔变化而知道对方是否对货物有兴趣,从而决定是抬价还是跌价。这一情况如果属实,并无什么文化差异,但谁更谙于此道却有文化差异,比如美国商人与中国珠宝商打交道时,据说要戴上墨镜,以免瞳孔变化被精明的中国珠宝商看见。 (2)手势语。手势所能表达的含义多种多样,而且文化差异尤为突出: ——中国人用手指头连续从“1”数到“5”,是先张开手掌,然后手指头往掌心弯曲;英美人与此相反,是先握拳,然后手指头一个个伸出去。 ——英美人用拇指和食指合成一个圆圈,表示“OK”(好),而中国人的“0”型手势常用来表示“零”,所以有位中国学生问美国教师考试结果时,美国教师以“OK”手势来回答,使这位中国学生吃惊不小:得零分?! ——示意数字“3”,中国人把拇指和食指指尖相接构成一个圆圈,其他三个指头张开伸直(如果弯曲则表示“零”,跟英美人的“OK”手势相仿);而英美人则是举起食指、中指和无名指,将拇指接住小指。 ——中国人表示“6”、“7”、“8”、“9”、“10”,可以用一只手来对付,如下图所示; 英美人表示“6”、“7”、“8”、“9”、“10”一只手对付不了,所以只好双手配合,如下图所示; ——中国人用食指刮刮脸皮,表示没羞,真丢脸;而英美人表达这一意思是对着讥笑的对象,用石手食指在左手食指上一下一下平削过去(to whittle): 英美人手心向外用食指和中指做V型,意指Victory(胜利,成功或和平),而中国人的这种手势相当于“两个”。尼克松还曾做过三V手势。 ——英美人要求搭车时,是面对开过来的车辆,右手握拳,拇指跷起向右肩方向晃动(注意:在澳大利亚和新西兰,这是一种淫荡的动作);中国人搭车是面向车辆,一只胳膊向一侧平伸,掌心向前,作出“停”的手势,或是高举右手或双手,向司机打招呼。 ——中国人向人招手示意向其靠近,是掌心朝下;英美人是掌心朝上。有位中国教授去一个美国人家里,要将一件礼物送给这家小孩,当他向小孩招手时,这小孩却往后退。原来中国人掌心朝下的招手方式类似于美国人让人走开的动作。 上面所举各例要么是中国人与英美人动作相仿,但意思不一样;要么是同一个意思,表达手势却不尽相同。 下面则是英美人特有的与手相配合的动作: ——两臂在腰部交叉,然后沿身体两侧向下伸去,表示“完了”,“没救了”。 ——双臂在身前上下挪动,勾划出女子的身体轮廓,表示“美人”。 ——耸肩:皱动前额,抬眉耸肩,双肘弯曲,双掌向上摊开,甚至还微曲双腿等等,表示“我不知道”、“有什么办法呢”、“这种状况毫无希望”、“我无能为力”等。 ——用手拍打自己后肩,表示“自我庆幸”。 中国人也有不少令英美人难以领会的特有手势: ——别人为自己倒茶或斟酒时,广东人用食指与中指或多个手指头在桌上点点,以示谢意。现在这一动作已传播到国内许多地区。如果不以这种动作表示礼貌的话,中国人的传统表示方式是一只手或两只手放在杯子旁。 ——两只手送东西给别人或接过东西,以示尊敬。 ——伸出两个竖起的食指在身前慢慢接近,表示“男女相爱”、“匹配良缘”等。 ——说话时用一只张开的手捂着嘴,表示说“秘密的话”。 中外还有不少特殊的手势语,限于篇幅,只好从略。 (3)坐、站、行、蹲。邱文生(1994:20)说:“在西方,站立者通常在职位、年龄或地位上长于坐者,在交谈中扮演主导角色。因此,交谈一方采取站立姿势或来回走动,这就意味着他(她)位尊职高,有权决定谈话过程的进行。而在中国;情况正好相反。一般而言晚辈或地位较低者以站为礼,倾听意见,处于被动地位;长辈或位尊者常坐着,处于支配地位。”这一概括有一定的道理,但具体情况还是具体分析为好。例如: ——在英美两国,到某人家里做客,如果客人是位女士,她进入客厅时,客厅中大多数男士会站起来。各种年龄的英美女士都喜欢这种礼节,尽管现在年轻的一代遵从这一传统习俗的人比过去少了。 ——在课堂上,中国教师提问时,学生一般是站起来回答问题;而在美国,学生一般是坐着回答美国教师的问题。 ——西方文化强调“女士优先”,所以先请女士就坐,是一种礼貌。女士就坐前,男士们有义务帮她们拉出椅子,待女士落座后,他们才坐下,这也是一种有教养、讲文明的表现。中国传统文化强调长幼尊卑秩序,强调长辈、上级、尊者先坐,待他们坐下后,晚辈、下级、位低者有的还不是马上就坐,而是等长辈、上级、尊者“命坐”,然后才“谢坐”。宴请宾客时,主宾双方入座前,较传统的人仍保持“让座”、“谢座”的传统礼仪,只是不如以前那么正规了,但不管怎么说,“小人物”总要在“大人物”之后落座才合体统。中国人让坐还体现于舒服的位子不敢坐,请看下面一段对话(Ouyang Fasu,见胡文仲,1988:36): W:(Showing C the sofa) Sit down,please. C:No,no. I"ll sit here. (Moving towards a chair) W: Oh,do sit over here on the sofa. C:No,no.This chair is perfectly all right. 同样是坐,坐姿也存在文化差异: ——中国人传统坐相是“坐如钟”,历来要求上身与大腿,大腿与小腿这两处的角度形成直角,要挺直腰杆,收紧膝盖,这就是所谓的“正襟危坐”。中国传统坐具是太师椅,其椅面与椅背就是直角,坐在这种椅子上不太可能仰坐,否则人就滑溜到地下去了。太师椅是对中国“标准”坐法的物质迎合。 ——英美人不习惯“正襟危坐”。将一只脚踝压在另一条大腿上,是美国人的典型架腿法,名曰“4字腿”。第二次大战中,德国纳粹曾凭某人架“4字腿”而判定他是美国间谍,加以逮捕。 ——美国人架“4字腿”还嫌不自在,有时跟人谈话时,竟将双脚翘到桌面上去。我在即将离美回国时,曾到一家美国银行关闭户头。银行经理谈话中竟将穿着皮鞋的双脚翘到桌面上,好一付“盛气凌人”的派头。回国后,对这件事我一直耿耿于怀,心想:或许我的银行存款在这位经理眼中少得可怜,他不屑一顾,再则我是个黄皮肤的中国人,因而这位白人阔佬可以“居高临下”,把双脚翘到桌面同我谈话。后来我才知道:“美国人双脚翘到桌面,是一种轻松自在,不拘礼节的表示,往往还是对谈话对方的一种敬意。但对一些拉丁美洲及亚洲人来说,这种行为是粗鲁无礼或自命不凡的表现(Jensen,见胡文仲,1990:131)。 ——英美人在家里喜欢坐在铺有地毯的地上;在美国大街旁或公共场合,我也见有不少人随地而坐。到中国后,有些英美人也随地而坐,中国人见了觉得不卫生。中国人不得不坐地下时,往往找一张报纸或用手帕铺在地下,英美人见了觉得这才是不卫生,因为在他们看来,手帕怎么能放地下?乱丢纸屑本身就不卫生,而且违反公德。 ——美国教师上课时,有的竟坐到讲台上去,中国学生大为惊讶,以为这是一种粗俗行为,但美国教师这么做,是为了减少课堂的紧张气氛,缩小与学生的距离,是一种不拘礼节的表示。 “坐如钟、站如松、行如风、卧如弓”,这是中国文化的正统要求,而在如今的现实生活中,中国人的实践与这一传统已有相当大的距离。上面谈了“坐相”,接下来再看看“站”、“行”、“蹲”的文化差异。 ——中国教师在课堂上课,除了返身到黑板板书外,大部分时间是站在讲台的中心位置,而英美教师特别好动,总爱在教室里来回走动,似乎站着不动就受不了。所以英美人觉得中国课堂太保守、太正规、太死板,甚至使人昏昏欲睡。而中国人有时觉得英美教师太随便,甚至扰乱了课堂秩序。与此类似,在一般报告会上,中国演讲者一般也是在讲台上稳立不动,沉着庄严,一本正经,“呆板不活”;而英美演讲者在听众面前不停地来回走动,甚至还会走到听众身边,以此加强感染力,演讲者动作频繁,身体前俯后仰,脚跟踮起,甚至为了求得某种效果,还会背向观众,显得“过于活跃”,“有失尊严”。 ——英美人站着跺脚,表示不耐烦;中国人跺脚,表示愤怒、恼怒、灰心、悔恨。 ——英美人走路昂首挺胸,大摇大摆,阔步向前,所以前苏联人曾说,“美国人走路的架势就像脚下土地都归他们所有一样,英国人走路的样子就像是不屑于理睬谁是他脚下土地的主人”;而有些中国学生说,英美人走路“好像整个世界都归他所有一样”。总之,英美人的站立和行走姿势是运动员和军人姿势;而在英美人眼里,中国人的标准是学者和平民姿势。 ——中国人可以两脚根着地,双脚脚尖向外,长时间蹲着。英美人不但感到这一姿势很难做,无法保持身体平衡,而且普遍忌讳这一姿势。英美人典型的下蹲姿势是两只脚尖着地,或一只脚尖和一只脚跟着地,不过就是这种“平衡”姿势;他们也坚持不了多久,所以要休息的话,宁可坐在地上。我发现,中国公厕的蹲位便是中国人“蹲功”的一种体现。中国的不少机场,国内航班候机厅的卫生间内,除了一个“残疾人专用”的坐式抽水马桶外,其余都是蹲式的;而在国际航班候机厅里的卫生间内,所有位子都是坐式抽水马桶。 (4)头部动作。中国人跟英美人一样,点头表示同意,摇头表示否定,但由于在回答“是”与“否”的问题时,存在着如前面一节所述的思维方式的差异,所以头部动作有时也不尽一致了。例如:“You should not be discouraged.”Mother said to us. We all shook our heads. 前一句的意思是“妈妈对我们说:‘你们不要灰心”;后一句的字面意思是“我们都摇摇头”,如果用言语取代非言语形式表达的话,应是“No.We won"t be discouraged.”。可这一句若翻译成汉语,No应译为“是”,整句应是“是的,我们不会灰心”,与这里的No相对应的中国人的非言语动作应是“我们都点点头”;如果用英语同英美人交际,思维方式以及受其制约的非言语行为则要符合英语族人的习惯,以摇头表示这一情景中的“是的”。又比如,中国人和英美人都有扬头兼用下巴指方向的动作,不同的是,中国人还常常伴有撮起双唇,而英美人撮起嘴唇咂着嘴表示“飞吻”!参考资料:nonverbal communication

为什么body language和spoken language头等重要?

body language和spoken language分别是:肢体语言和口语。当然是非常重要的,英语是一门语言,主要是说和运用。

求救: body language 肢体语言的论文?

“肢体语言”在小学英语课上的应用在日常生活中,人们常常可以不用言语,而借助于表情、手势之类的动作达到交流思想的目的,有时甚至会“无声胜有声”,这就是人类的无声语言——肢体语言,即“体态语”(Body Language)的妙用。美国心理学家罗伯特·布鲁斯曾对教师的体态语这样论述过:“体态语”对教师帮助学生保持较长时间的注意,以便完成任务而言,不失为一种强有力的措施。”的确,肢体是教师自身形象的一个生动直观的窗口。尤其是在英语教学中,良好的体态使学生感到亲切,易于接近,为学生的学习营造一个轻松的心理氛围。那么,究竟何谓体态语呢?(一)、 “ 体态语”的定义人际间交流的工具和符号,可以概括的分为两类:即言语交流和非言语交流。言语交流指的是利用有声的自然的语言进行交流,即语言符号系统。非言语交流是指运用言语(说和写的方式)以外的其它渠道传递信息的交流方式。而构成非言语交流的方式有三种:即动态无声交流,静态无声交流和有声交流。其中动态无声交流又称体态交流,即体态语。它是以人体姿态、动作表示意义的信息传输系统。它包括面部表情,眼神,点头,手势和其他动作。这类非言语行为既可于言语同时使用,又可单独使用,它在师生交流,理解的过程中,尤其是在传递情绪、信息的过程中具有特别重要的意义。在教学过程中,教师一个信任的目光,一个赞赏的微笑,一个肯定的点头都会给学生带来巨大的精神力量。教师为有效地进行课堂教学管理,既可用点头、手势等代替自然语言来表示对学生的指示,也可在讲授课程的同时借助特殊的手势辅助说明, 从而起到吸引学生注意力、组织教学的作用。(二)、 “ 体态语”的作用体态语(Body Language),在小学英语教学中作为一种辅助教学手段, 形象,生动,易帮助学生理解,能活跃课堂气氛,能提高学生对英语的学习兴趣和课堂教学质量。它还具有以下的作用:一、替代母语,安全融入第二语言小学阶段学生的可塑性是非常强的, 模仿能力也是异常的突出。所以在课堂上,教师应尽可能多地运用英语来进行教学。但是又由于小学生接触英语的时间比较短,词汇量不够大,,可以说是刚刚起步,而且缺少一定的语言环境与交流空间,所以教师用一连串的英语来解释一个单词或词组,学生不但听不懂,反而会使他们失去对英语学习的兴趣。这就需要教师运用恰当的体态语。而在用动作表示语意的过程中,手势在整个教学环节中起着很重要的作用,它具有象形、指示、表情、达意等多种功能,是体态的重要组成部分。教师在课堂中,手势应做得舒展自如,手的动作使用合理,如手心向外,左右轻轻摇摆表示“Hello!”“Hi!”;手心向下压表示“Sit down!”;手放在胸前介绍自己:I"m ……;这些内容可以用简单的动作来表示。但更多的内容既要靠教师的动作,还要有入境的情景,学生才能理解。如教授“May I come in?”时,我走到门口敲了几下门,然后一边用手指向教室里面,一边说:“May I come in?”80%的学生猜到了这句话的意思是“我可以进来吗?”又如,在教授句型“I get up at six o"clock”的时候,刚开始他们不明白“get up”是什么意思,在经过提醒“in the morning”之后,学生们就猜:哦,周老师在早上六点钟刷牙或周老师在早上六点钟洗脸。针对这一反应,我就坐在凳子上,做着穿衣服、穿裤子、穿鞋子的动作。如此一下,效过甚好。 学生马上就心知肚明了。接着我问他们:“When do you get up?”的时候,一切就顺利多了。此时的Body Language为教师避免在英语课堂上运用母语进行讲解起了很好的作用。二、发展学生的想象思维教师的体态语言也可以说是一个演员的演技。演得生动、形象,富有表现力,那就等于给学生创设了想象的空间。例如,我给学生设计了这样一个体态语游戏——看动作,猜词语(look and guess)。这个词语可以是名词也可以是动词。教师在台上表演一个动作,然后让学生自由地猜。教师可以用“Really?”或“Maybe.”来回答他们。这样不仅回忆了大量的单词,也丰富了学生的想象力。但学生的想象力是活跃的, 因此,结果各有千秋也是正常的。有的想象合理但缺乏创意; 有的新颖但不合理;有的既合理又新颖。 对于不同的想象,教师都不该持否定的态度。三、 活跃课堂气氛, 使语言更加形象如果一种语言不加任何修饰, 那学起来就比较干巴、无味。 特别是对于喜欢多变的小孩子,他们是一个最不能拘泥于单一的群体。 如果看多了,听多了,说多了,就也有一种想动一动的欲望。 所以教师有时候可以让学生也参与进来。如:在教授动物名称的时候,教师可以让小朋友和你一起做动作,这样的课堂才是童年生活的课堂。小手甩一甩,小腿扭一扭,小嘴动一动,愉快的课堂教学使学生提高了对学习英语的兴趣,增强了他们的自信心,同时也活跃了课堂气氛。 更重要的是, 教师丰富的表情与动作使语言更形象化了。四、 发挥体态语特殊的情感魅力俗话说,眼睛是心灵的窗户。在各种体态语中眼的动作比较特殊, 既有调节功能,又具有说明和表露功能。熟练的运用眼神的各种变化便能表达出各自内心的思想,意图、情感及其它体验。如教师双目炯炯有神可使学生精神振奋;教师目光与学生目光接触会使学生产生你在注意他的感觉。正确的使用好每一个眼神,可以使英语课上得生动有趣,效果显著。一个赞许的眼神,可以使那些在英语课上积极回答,思维活跃的学生得到鼓励,他们会更加集中注意力,积极踊跃地表现自己。三年级的常婉祎同学就是这样,每次看到我赞许的眼神,她总是更加专心,积极地表现自己;一个期待和鼓励的眼神,可以使那些学习成绩一般、胆小、不敢开口的学生得到鼓励,变得轻松,大胆,并能积极主动地回答老师的问题。常衡是一个胆小,不敢开口的学生,每次她主动回答问题,我总是竖起大拇指给她一个“Good”。即使答错,我也会用她的优点如“常衡今天回答问题声音很响亮”来鼓励她。让她在教师期待和鼓励的眼神中,养成敢于放声说、大胆讲的习惯。 一个责备的目光,可以使那些听课不认真,注意力不集中,上课交头接耳的学生得到暗示——老师正注意自己呢,他们会马上把精力集中到课堂上来。当学生回答错误也不要用责备的目光来对待学生,否则,会伤害他的自尊心,打消他们学习英语的积极性。面对学生,教师应当始终保持目光明亮,神采奕奕,这样才能使英语课上得生动、活泼,并达到事半功倍的效果。(三)、 运用“ 体态语”的注意点1、 体态语言要有针对性。三年级英语课基本上可分为四类:交际用语、单词、童谣和英语歌曲。在这四块教学中要求教师使用体态语言要有针对性。在教授表示“动物”的单词时,我采用一边做动作一边呼出“音”的体态方式,而教授表示“颜色”的单词时,我通过拿出了一个个不同颜色的气球,先吸引学生的注意力, 然后我为学生吹气球,吹好后说出该颜色的读音,通过这一体态来完成。其他颜色气球找学生来吹,学生积极性很高,在单词授完后,我将吹好的气球一个个抛向空中,看谁先说出该气球颜色的发音就把气球奖给谁,学生兴趣高昂,于是,自然地实现了英语课的教学目标。2、 体态语言力求准确恰当。小学生无论在学习语言上还是在活动上几乎都是以教师为准则。所以,教师的体态要到位。在教授“a rhyme:Rain,rain,go away”时, 我拿了一个双响筒,一边慢慢有节奏地打着,一边有感情地说着,并伴有让睡懒觉的“Little Jony”赶快起来的体态及表情,学生在有节奏的声响中看着老师的体态及活动,似乎已经体会到了这首rhyme的语意和朗读特点,他们的注意力非常集中,兴趣很高。通过教学实践,我初步体会到,在英语教学中正确、恰当地使用体态语言, 有利于增进师生间的深厚感情,有利于提高学生的求知欲和学习英语的兴趣。作为一个新世纪的英语教师,应学会在英语课上充分发挥 体态语言的优势。

Body Language和Nonverbal Communication名词解释

Body language is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. The relation of body language to animal communication has often been discussed. Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our non-linguistic ancestors already used, or it may be that it has been changed by co-existing with language. Some species of animals are especially adept at detecting human body language, both voluntary and involuntary: this is the basis of the Clever Hans effect (a source of artifact in comparative psychology), and was also the reason for trying to teach the chimpanzee Washoe American Sign Language rather than speech — and perhaps the reason why the Washoe project was more successful than some previous efforts to teach apes how to dance. Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye gaze; object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture; symbols and infographics; prosodic features of speech such as intonation and stress and other paralinguistic features of speech such as voice quality, emotion and speaking style. The first scientific study of nonverbal communication was Charles Darwin"s book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). He argued that all mammals show emotion reliably in their faces. Studies now range across a number of fields, including kinesics, linguistics, semiotics and social psychology. Proxemics refers to how people use and interpret space. While much nonverbal communication is based on arbitrary symbols which differ from culture to culture, a large proportion is also to some extent iconic and may be universally understood. Paul Ekman"s influential 1960s studies of facial expression determined that expressions of anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise are universal. 好长…………

英语八年级下册课文Body language翻译


Body Language在商务谈判中的作用

内容摘要:在商务谈判中,肢体语言对促进谈判的顺利进行起着重要的作用。本文旨在系统论述肢体语言在商务谈判开始前直至结束后的重要作用,分析了情感语言表达赞美,拉近谈判双方距离,增强谈判说服力的作用,指出在大学商务谈判课程中要培养学生适时使用情感语言的意识。 关键词:商务谈判 情感语言 功能 一、引言 国际商务谈判是发生在政府之间、贸易组织之间、跨国公司之间、私人商业组织之间和买卖双方之间的关于投资、商品出口、机械设备进出口以及技术进出口的磋商过程。国际商务谈判包括几个阶段:谈判前期阶段、面对面谈判和谈判后阶段[1](张立玉,王红卫,2004)。这三个不同阶段都是谈判的特殊组成部分。在每一阶段,谈判双方相互交流以获取信息。国际商务谈判比国内谈判要复杂得多,因为各国的政治、法律和经济制度不同,各民族间历史、文化传统各异,各国客商的文化背景和价值观也存在差异。因此,在逐渐显现的知识社会中,沟通是最重要的构成元素。良好的沟通是国际商务谈判成功的基础。本文将探讨国际商务谈判中的跨文化沟通策略。一绪论 当前经济的全球化,人们越来越频繁地参与到商务谈判中,商务谈判是市场经济条件下最普遍的活动之一。成功的商务谈判要求谈判人员不仅要熟知谈判原则相关法律和商务业务,而且要掌握谈判技巧。肢体语言作为交际中一个较为特殊的部分,对商务谈判的成功与否起重要作用,大都是发自内心的深处,极难压郁和掩盖的,从而达到谈判的目的。 二、本论(一)肢体语言与商务谈判的概念 肢体语言(body language)又称身体语言,是指经由身体的各种动作,从而代替语言藉以达到表情达意的沟通目的。广义言之,肢体语言也包括前述之面部表情在内;狭义言之,肢体语言只包括身体与四肢所表达的意义。谈到由肢体表达情绪时,我们自然会想到很多惯用动作的含义。诸如鼓掌表示兴奋,顿足代表生气,搓手表示焦虑,垂头代表沮丧,摊手表示无奈,捶胸代表痛苦。当事人以此等肢体活动表达情绪,别人也可由之辩识出当事人用其肢体所表达的心情目的。肢体语言是沟通中的主要方式,它包括眼睛、脸部和身体语言,读懂体态语言会有助于改善沟通效果。眼睛的主要功能是接受信息。在我们所有的知觉中,最依赖的是视觉。同时“眼睛是心灵的窗户”,喜怒哀乐能同时表现在眼睛和脸上。伯德惠斯特尔研究认为,人类的脸部可以做出250000多种不同的表情。因此在国际商务谈判沟通中要善于捕捉谈判对手发出了体态语言信息。 在不同的文化中,这种非语言表达方式也不同。文化的差异会导致不同国家或地区的谈判者在形体语言、动作语言的运用上有着巨大的差异,甚至同样的动作语言传递着截然相反的信息。例如,绝大多数的国家都是以点头方式来表示赞成。但在印度、尼泊尔等国则以摇头表示肯定,即一面摇头,一面微笑表示赞成、肯定之意。有些人只是以斜着抬头方式为之还算好,有些人则口中一面频称“You are right !You are right!” 但却一面不断地摇头,常令对方摸不清楚其真正的想法。可见谈判者形体、动作、语言、认识的差异,会给谈判中的沟通带来障碍。 部分肢体语言代表的意义眯着眼——不同意,厌恶,发怒或不欣赏走动——发脾气或受挫扭绞双手——紧张,不安或害怕向前倾——注意或感兴趣懒散地坐在椅中——无聊或轻松一下抬头挺胸——自信,果断坐在椅子边上——不安,厌烦,或提高警觉坐不安稳——不安,厌烦,紧张或者是提高警觉正视对方——友善,诚恳,外向,有安全感,自信,笃定等避免目光接触——冷漠,逃避,不关心,没有安全感,消极,恐惧或紧张等点头——同意或者表示明白了,听懂了摇头——不同意,震惊或不相信晃动拳头——愤怒或富攻击性鼓掌——赞成或高兴打呵欠——厌烦手指交叉——好运轻拍肩背——鼓励,恭喜或安慰搔头——迷惑或不相信笑——同意或满意咬嘴唇——紧张,害怕或焦虑抖脚——紧张双手放在背后——愤怒,不欣赏,不同意防御或攻击环抱双臂——愤怒,不欣赏,不同意防御或攻击眉毛上扬——不相信或惊讶谈判,有狭义和广义之分。狭义的谈判,仅指在正式专门场合下安排和进行的谈判。而广义的谈判,则包括各种形式的“交涉”、“洽谈”、“磋商”和“合作”等。所谓谈判是指人们为了协调彼此之间的关系,满足各自的需要,通过协商而争取达到意见一致的行为和过程。在中文中“谈”是“讲论,彼此对话”;“判”则可解释为“评断”。所以谈判实际上包含“谈”和“判”两个紧密联系的环节。谈,指的是对话或讨论,就是当事人明确阐述自己的意愿和所要追求的目标,充分发表关于各方应当承担和享有的责、权、利等看法;判,即分辨和评定,它是当事各方努力寻求关于各项权利和义务的共同一致的意见,以期通过相应的协议正式予以确认。因此,谈判是注重表达对“分歧的评断”。商务,系指一切有形与无形的产品、服务以及资产交换或合作事宜。诸如对交换或买卖物品品名、特性、价格和收发货等事项进行的谈判称之为商事亦称商务谈判。一切谈判,包括商务谈判,首先都是一种活动,是由包括至少两方在内的参与者共同推动的行为过程。在形式上,商务谈判表现为谈判双方通过协商来确定与交换有关的各种条件。而实质上,商务谈判反映着双方在经济利益上的对立与依存关系。商务谈判谋求的是双方的共同利益和满足。(二)肢体语言的特点1、无意识性肢体语言是人类心理反映的自然的外在表现。“言为心声”的说法对体态语言更为适用。例如,与自己不喜欢的人站在一起时,保持的距离比与自己喜欢的人要远些:有心事,不自觉地就给人忧心匆匆的感觉。正如弗洛伊德所说,没有人可以隐藏秘密,假如他的嘴唇不说话,则他会用指尖说话。一个人的非言语行为更多的是一种对外界刺激的直接反应,基本都是无意识的反应。2、情境性与复杂性与语言沟通一样,非语言沟通也展开于特定的语境中。情境左右着非语言符号的含义。相同的非语言符号,在不同的情境中,会有不同的意义。同样是拍桌子,可能是“拍案而起”,表示怒不可遏:也可能 是“拍案叫绝”,表示赞赏至极。3、真切性与直观性以为顾客在排队,他不停的把口袋里的硬币弄的叮当响,这清楚地表明他很着急:在柜台前,他拿起商品又放下,显示出拿不定注意:当某些说他毫不畏惧的时候,他的手在发抖,那么我们更相信他是在害怕。英国心理学家阿盖依尔等人的研究表明,当语言与非语言信号所代表的意义不一样时,人们更相信的是非语言信号所代表是意义。由于语言信息受理性意识的控制,容易作假:肢体语言则不同,肢体语言大都是发自内心深处,极难压郁和掩盖的。有声语言直接诉诸于人的听觉器官,不具有视觉的形象可感性;而肢体语言则不同,它以灵活多变的表情、动作、体姿构成一定的人体图像来表情达意,交流信息.直接诉诸于人的视觉 器官,具有形象直观的特点。如形容物体的大小,用手势来比划,对某二事物表示赞成或反对,采用点头或摇头的方式等,就具有鲜明的形象直观性。(三)肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用1、增强有声语言的表达力人们运用语言行为来沟通思想,表达情感,往往有词不达意或词难进意的感觉,因此需要同时使用非语言行为来进行帮助,或弥补语言的局限,或对言辞的内容加以强调,使自己的意图得到更充分,更完善的表达。例如,当别人在街上向正在行走的你问路时,你一边用手指点方向,帮助对方邻会道路方向,达到有效的信息沟通。2、代替有声语言在一定条件下,肢体语言还是具有能够取代自然语言,而且无法被自然语言取代的独特作用。如《三国演义》中的诸葛亮面对司马懿的兵临城下,命令打开城门,让一群老弱残兵清扫街道,而自己却稳坐城楼之上饮酒弹唱,神态自若,曲调悠扬。司马懿反复观察,思考再三,认为城中必定设有伏兵,便急忙引兵撤退。空城计的成功,充分显示了肢体语言具有自然语言不可取代的独特作用。3、能迅速传递,反馈信息,增加互动性在沟通交流时,非语言行为可以维持和调节沟通的进行。如点头则表示对对方的肯定:抬眉则表示有疑问:当眼睛不注视对方时,意味着谈话结束了。简而言之,调节肢体语言动作可帮助交谈者控制沟通的进行。因此,非语言暗示,如点头,对视,皱眉,降低声音,改变距离,所有这些都传递信息。三、结论 随着商务交流的日益频繁商务谈判受到日益的关注作为商务谈判中的重要策略,肢体语言的需要得到重视肢体语言真实,不易伪装,在谈判过程中占主导地位,因此有效地利用商务谈判中的肢体语言是非常重要的。

body language 是不可数名词吗


"中国的body language " 英语作文

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