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C# chart控件 #LEGENDTEXT是什么意思?



legend: 传说传奇Are a myth and a legend the same ?一个神话和一个传奇是相同吗?

legend是什么品牌 legend是哪个品牌

1、本田“Legend”是本田旗下的一款大型豪华旗舰车型,由于并没有引入国内,所以国人多称这款车为本田“里程”。这款车的命名“Legend”的英文意思为“传说、传奇故事”,寓意着本田对这款车的期望是作为一款传说般的存在,并希望能为本田带来传奇故事。 2、第一代本田里程“Legend”于1968年推出,成为了本田轿车系列的旗帜,这款车在多方面均体现出豪华车的品质。后来这款车在1986年打入北美市场,由于当时在北美用户并不认可本田这个牌子,所以为了将这款车和本田区分开来,Legend被改为当地的豪华品牌Acura(讴歌)的旗下,换成讴歌的车标并改名为AcuraLegend。


legendn.传说; 传奇人物; 铭文; 图例


AISC-American Institute of Steel Construction inc. (美国钢结构设计协会)AISC是一家总部设在美国芝加哥的非营利性质的技术协会和贸易组织机构,其最初建立于1921年,为钢结构在建筑和其他领域的应用服务。AISC的宗旨是成为在钢结构相关领域,如规范和编码、研发、教育、技术支持、质量认证、标准化、市场开发上的首选5162AISC为钢结构工业提供及时可靠的技术信息和服务已经成为一项传统,其认证标准称为AISC标准。148应该是其中的一个规范号.©著作权标记,亦称版权标记。 表明作品受著作权保护的记号。国际上通用《世界版权公约》所规定的版权标记,即用英文版权Copyright的第一个字母加圆圈表示作品受版权保护。


意思如下:n.传奇;传说;传奇故事;(尤指某领域中的)传奇人物,地图或书中图表的图例;说明;刻印文字,铭文。[例句]Many of golf"s living legends were playing.当时有许多当世高尔夫球传奇选手在打球。[其他]复数:legends。legend英[ˈledʒənd]美[ˈledʒənd]。urban legend 都会传奇 ; 下一个就是你 ; 都市传说 ; 都市传奇。造句:1、The castle is steeped in history and legend.这座城堡充满着历史和传奇色彩。2、It is difficult to separate legend from truth.传说与事实很难分辨。3、He has become a legend in the annals of military history.他成了军事编年史上的一个传奇。


legend 元素为 fieldset 元素定义标题(caption)。例子,如下代码:<form>  <fieldset>    <legend>健康信息</legend>    身高:<input type="text" />    体重:<input type="text" />  </fieldset></form><p>如果表单周围没有边框,说明您的浏览器太老了。</p>运行效果:




名词 n. 1.传说;传奇故事;传奇文学[C][U]He is the hero of an old legend. 他是一个古老传说中的英雄。 2.传说中的人(或事),传奇人物[C]His heroic feats made him a legend in his own time. 他的英雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。 3.(硬币,奖章等上面的)铭文,刻字[C]4.(地图,图片等的)说明;图例[C]


legend的意思是传奇。读音:英[ˈledʒənd],美[ˈledʒənd]释义:n. 传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字例句:The legend artist won many prizes in the competition.这位著名的艺术家获得了很多比赛的大奖。变形:复数legends,比较级more legend,最高级most legend短语:map legend 地图符号soil legend 土的图例urban myth 都市神话近义词tale读音:英 [teɪl],美 [teɪl]    释义:n. 故事;叙述;传说v. 谈论,讲述,搬弄是非例句:This is a tale that wring the heart.这是个令人心痛的故事。短语:believe sb"s tale 相信某人的传闻absorbing tale 极有趣的故事tale about ghosts 鬼故事




1、本田“Legend”是本田旗下的一款大型豪华旗舰车型,由于并没有引入国内,所以国人多称这款车为本田“里程”。这款车的命名“Legend”的英文意思为“传说、传奇故事”,寓意着本田对这款车的期望是作为一款传说般的存在,并希望能为本田带来传奇故事。 2、第一代本田里程“Legend”于1968年推出,成为了本田轿车系列的旗帜,这款车在多方面均体现出豪华车的品质。后来这款车在1986年打入北美市场,由于当时在北美用户并不认可本田这个牌子,所以为了将这款车和本田区分开来,Legend被改为当地的豪华品牌Acura(讴歌)的旗下,换成讴歌的车标并改名为AcuraLegend。






legendn.1. 传说;传奇故事;传奇文学[C][U]He is the hero of an old legend.他是一个古老传说中的英雄。2. 传说中的人(或事),传奇人物[C]His heroic feats made him a legend in his own time.他的英雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。3. (硬币,奖章等上面的)铭文,刻字[C]4. (地图,图片等的)说明;图例[C]当"legend"作为一个公司名的时候它是联想早期的公司名因被很多地方级注册了所以改成了"lenovo"下面就是lenovo(联想)介绍1984年,在世界的东方,柳传志带领的10名中国计算机科技人员前瞻性的认识到了PC必将改变人们的工作和生活。怀揣着20万元人民币(2.5万美元)的启动资金以及将研发成果转化为成功产品的坚定决心,这11名科研人员在北京一处租来的传达室中开始创业,年轻的公司命名为“联想”(legend,英文含义为传奇)。在公司发展过程中,联想勇于创新,实现了许多重大技术突破,其中包括了研制成功可将英文操作系统翻译成中文的联想式汉卡,开发出可一键上网的个人电脑,并于2003年,推出完全创新的关联应用技术,从而确立了联想在3C时代的的重要地位。凭借这些技术领先的个人电脑产品,联想登上了中国IT业的顶峰,2004年时联想已然连续八年占据中国市场份额第一的位置。 2002年12月,首届Legend World(联想技术创新大会)在北京隆重举行,联想正式对外推出“关联应用战略”,并以此作为公司的技术愿景和布局,为新世纪联想的发展和腾飞奠定了基础。2003年7月31日联想科技巡展2003(Lenovo Tech Show)在“东方明珠”上海成功启航。巡展历经全国三十余个重点城市,将Lenovo的科技之风、创新之风传遍神州,在全国大地掀起一次关注科技、互通共享的科技风潮。联想集团不断加大对研发技术的投入和研发体系的建立。目前,已成立了以联想研究院为龙头的二级研发体系。2003财年(2003年4月1日至2004年3月31日)内,联想集团共申请国家专利480件,其中发明专利占到50%以上,2003年度获得中国专利金奖,并获得国际知识产权组织(WIPO)授予的中国杰出发明专利奖,被国家知识产权局授予全国企业技术创新和拥有知识产权最多的企业,并初步形成具有自主知识产权的核心技术体系。2002年8月27日,由联想自主研发的每秒运算速度达1.027万亿次的联想深腾1800计算机,打破国外厂商对于万亿次机的垄断;2003年,联想中标863计划国家网格主结点,成功研制出每秒运算速度超过四万亿次的“深腾6800”超级计算机,并由科技部作为国家863计划的重大专项成果对外进行发布。在2003年11月16日公布的全球超级计算机500强(TOP500)排行榜中,“深腾6800”运算速度位居全球14位,这也是迄今为止中国超级计算机在这一排名中取得的最好成绩。1994年,联想在香港证券交易所成功上市 2003年4月,联想集团在北京正式对外宣布启用集团新标识“lenovo联想”,以“lenovo”代替原有的英文标识“Legend”,并在全球范围内注册。在国内,联想将保持使用“英文+中文”的标识;在海外则单独使用英文标识 4年后,联想生产了自有品牌的第一百万台个人电脑。2003年,联想将其英文标识从“Legend”更换为“Lenovo”,其中“Le”取自原标识“Legend”,代表着秉承其一贯传统,新增加的“novo”取自拉丁词“新”,代表着联想的核心是创新精神。2004年,联想公司正式从“Legend”更名为“Lenovo”。联想将自身的使命概括为四为,即,为客户:提供信息技术、工具和服务,使人们的生活和工作更加简便、高效、丰富多彩;为员工:创造发展空间,提升员工价值,提高工作生活质量;为股东:回报股东长远利益;为社会:服务社会文明进步。


AISC-American Institute of Steel Construction inc. (美国钢结构设计协会)AISC是一家总部设在美国芝加哥的非营利性质的技术协会和贸易组织机构,其最初建立于1921年,为钢结构在建筑和其他领域的应用服务。AISC的宗旨是成为在钢结构相关领域,如规范和编码、研发、教育、技术支持、质量认证、标准化、市场开发上的首选5162AISC为钢结构工业提供及时可靠的技术信息和服务已经成为一项传统,其认证标准称为AISC标准。148应该是其中的一个规范号.&#169;著作权标记,亦称版权标记。 表明作品受著作权保护的记号。国际上通用《世界版权公约》所规定的版权标记,即用英文版权Copyright的第一个字母加圆圈表示作品受版权保护。






n. 传说; 传奇人物; 图例; 铭文




legend ["ledʒənd] n. 传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字eg:Over the centuries the truth about the King has become blurred by his legend. 几个世纪过去了,有关这位国王的真相已被其传奇所模糊。


legend:传奇,神话 disease:疾病 The holy Grail:圣杯(传说耶稣在最后晚餐中用的那个)




翻译:n. 传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字n. (Legend)人名;(西)莱亨德;(英)莱金德legend读音:英 ["ledʒ(ə)nd]  美 ["lɛdʒənd] 近义词:n.传奇;说明;[测]图例;刻印文字explanation   /   notes   /   romance   /   illustration例句:1.It figures in legend and history as a mystic land far back of beyond./在传奇和历史故事中,它被视为与外界隔绝的神秘土地。2.She is a legend./她是一个传奇。3.As a result of his historic flight he became an international hero and legend./由于他这次历史性的飞行,他成为了一个国际英雄和传奇。4.He was a legend there and had lots of admirers all over the state./在那里,他是个传奇人物,而且在全州范围内也有很多的崇拜者。5.The Silicon Valley legend will become chairman of the firm./这这位硅谷的传奇人物将会成为公司的主席。6.This often is mistaken as an urban legend but it really happened./这往往被误传为一个城市传奇,实际上是真实的存在。7.This legend still spreads abroad among the people./这个传奇故事依然在民间广泛流传。






legend意思如下:1、n.传奇,传说,传奇故事,(尤指某领域中的)传奇人物,(地图或书中图表的)图例,说明,(硬币、艺术品等上面的)刻字,铭文。2、n.(作表语用)非常有名的。urban legend都会传奇,下一个就是你,都市传说。双语例句1、She was a legend in her own lifetime.她在世的时候就是一个传奇人物。2、The castle is steeped in history and legend.这座城堡充满着历史和传奇色彩。3、He has become a legend in the annals of military history.他成了军事编年史上的一个传奇。4、Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch. 传说整座村庄遭到了巫婆的诅咒。5、The play was based on Irish legend. 这部戏取材于爱尔兰传说。




legend的意思传说。n.传说;传奇;著名人物;臭名昭著的人;铭文;传奇故事;圣贤行述;插图说明;图例。adj.十分出名的。复数:legends.网络释义:传奇。图例。传说。里程。传奇人物。诡秘怪谈。传奇故事。短语搭配:urban legend.都市传奇;都市传说;城市传说。living legend.活的传奇;活神话;当代传奇。soccer legend.足球传奇;足球巨星。双语例句:1、A picture of a tiger with the legend ‘Go ahead make my day".一幅老虎画像,上面写着“干吧,让我高兴”。2、according to legend he banished all the snakes from Ireland.传说中他将爱尔兰所有的蛇都赶走了。3、They were a legend in the world of British theatre.他们在英国戏剧界是个传奇。4、Greek legend was the staple of classical tragedy.希腊传说是古典悲剧的主要组成部分。5、He models himself on rock legend Elvis Presley.他以摇滚乐传奇人物埃尔维斯· 普雷斯利为榜样。

world famous legendary emperor是什么意思?


什么是urban legend

一部系列校园恐怖电影的名称。阿尔卑斯大学一年一度的希区克柯实验电影大赛开始了,赢得大奖就意味着拿到了好莱坞的入场券。电影系学生艾米(珍尼弗·莫里森饰)、特拉维斯(马修·戴维斯饰)和格伦汉(约瑟夫·劳伦斯饰)纷纷招募了自己的剧组,开始制作参赛影片。在派德顿大学的警卫瑞斯(《都市传奇I》中的人物)的启发下,艾米决定拍摄一部讲述都市传奇杀人事件的电影。孰料,影片刚一开镜,剧本中的死亡事件就一一变成现实,艾米意识到自己就是下一个都市传奇……幕后:承继《夺命狂呼》模式的青春恐怖片《都市传奇I》是索尼影业(哥伦比亚)公司98年五大卖座影片之一,推出续集自然在意料之中,不过这对于制作公司凤凰影业来说倒是个难题,因为都市传奇的创意在第一集中已被用尽,而在第二集中简单地进行重复显然是不明智的。这时,凤凰影业的老板麦克想出了一个高招:我们为什么不来个戏中戏,在片中安排一帮电影系的学生来上演都市传奇。而影片的两位编剧正好在南加州大学主修过影视,有过亲身经历,于是大家一拍即合,写出了这个终极版的本子。《都市传奇:终极版》是约翰·奥特曼的首部执导作品,而在此之前约翰一直是作为作曲、剪辑(《非常嫌疑犯》、《白雪公主》、《万圣节H20》)在影坛发展的,制片人迈克尔·麦克唐纳德(《非常嫌疑犯》)特别延聘约翰出任《都市传奇:终极版》的导演,是希望借助其编辑、作曲的功力提升影片的感官效果。影片的几位主演基本上都是影坛新人,其中主演珍尼弗·莫里森曾经在99年由凯文·贝肯主演的热门惊悚片《厄夜亡魂》中扮演过鬼魂的角色,戏份不多,但是留给观众的印象很深。这次弃鬼从人,珍尼弗自然要好好表现一番啰。影片于99年10月开拍,外景地选在加拿大安大略省的权特大学,这是一所60年代早期建造的大学,影片拍摄进展顺利,99年12月完成后期制作。由于哥伦比亚公司已经宣布不会再拍摄《去年夏天谁搞鬼》的续集,实际上这部《都市传奇:终极版》就是哥伦比亚影业今年青春恐怖片的重头戏了。导演:约翰·奥特曼编剧:保罗·哈里斯·博德曼斯考特·德里克森制片:迈克尔·麦克唐纳德演员:珍尼弗·莫里森 马修·戴维斯 约瑟夫·劳伦斯出品:哥伦比亚影业公司

League of Legends是什么意思


league of legends什么意思


为什么进入英雄联盟两秒钟会出现这个league of legends是什么意思?


league of legends pro league 什么意思

league of legends pro league英雄联盟职业联赛league of legends pro league英雄联盟职业联赛

league of legends 是什么意思


John Legend的《Show Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me歌手:John Legend专辑:Once AgainShow Me--john legendby ivanloveuI realized as I lay down to sleepWe haven"t spoke in weeksSo many things that I"d like to knowCome have a talk with meI need a sign, something I can seeWhy all the mystery?I try not to fall for make believeBut what is reality?Where do we go?What do we know?Life has to have a meaningShow me the lightShow me the wayShow that you"re listeningShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over meGuess it"s funny how I say thanks to youFor all you"ve given meSometimes the price of what you gave to meI can"t stop questioningO God of love, peace, and mercyWhy so much suffering?I pray for the world, it gets worse to meWonder if you"re listeningWhen people goWhy do they go?Why don"t you choose me?But someday I knowI"m gonna goI hope you"re waiting for meShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over meMaybe we"ll talkSome other nightRight now I"ll take it easyWon"t spent my timeWaiting to dieEnjoy the life I"m livingShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over meShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7397765

John Legend的《Show Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me歌手:John Legend专辑:Once Again (Special Edition)Show Me--john legendby ivanloveuI realized as I lay down to sleepWe haven"t spoke in weeksSo many things that I"d like to knowCome have a talk with meI need a sign, something I can seeWhy all the mystery?I try not to fall for make believeBut what is reality?Where do we go?What do we know?Life has to have a meaningShow me the lightShow me the wayShow that you"re listeningShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over meGuess it"s funny how I say thanks to youFor all you"ve given meSometimes the price of what you gave to meI can"t stop questioningO God of love, peace, and mercyWhy so much suffering?I pray for the world, it gets worse to meWonder if you"re listeningWhen people goWhy do they go?Why don"t you choose me?But someday I knowI"m gonna goI hope you"re waiting for meShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over meMaybe we"ll talkSome other nightRight now I"ll take it easyWon"t spent my timeWaiting to dieEnjoy the life I"m livingShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over meShow me that you love meShow me that you walk with meHopefully, just above meHeaven"s watching over mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2177705

Why League of Legends(LOL)Is Popular为什么英雄联盟如此受欢迎

Why League of Legends Is PopularRecently, there is a very popular video game named League of Legends in the whole world. League of Legends (LoL) is a 3D, third-person multiplayer online battle arena, real-time strategy video game developed and published by Riot Games, for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X (a series of Unix-based graphical interface operating systems (OS) developed and marketed by Apple Inc.). It has a wide range of players, according to relating data from Wikipedia: League of Legends was generally well received at release, and it has grown in popularity in the years since. By July 2012, League of Legends was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played. As of January 2014, over 67 million people play League of Legends per month, 27 million per day, and over 7.5 million concurrently during peak hours. It states that League of Legends is a hot trend today. Moreover, it can be discovered that more than 80% people in an Internet café are playing such popular game in China, including students from all grades of kinds of schools, workers, male, female, and other people who like playing online games. Most players have the Application (APP) of the League of Legends on their phones in order to catch the newest information in time. So why this game is so attractive is worthy being explored. And the causes maybe the product promotion and the entertainment of LOL, but the main cause must be the social interaction of LOL.     One possible cause for the popularity of LOL is the product promotion of Tencent Inc. Many online games become well-known and popular because of Tencent, as Tencent has a huge network platform. Of course, its outstanding service to the players is one of the important reasons for the success of Tencent games. And because of the Tencent"s games before, such as QQ Tang in 2004-an E-sports game, QQ YinSu in 2006, QQ SanGuo in 2007, and so on, game players like this platform very much. So when it became the agent of LOL in 2011, the LOL was known by large amount of people. However, it is not enough just relying on a game platform to make a game so popular for almost five years, because human beings are easily bored by a same thing for a long time. In addition, game players want entertainment from a game not just to play a game because of a famous platform.     Another possible cause for the popularity of LOL is the entertainment from LOL itself. Most people play computer games in order to find some way to release themselves, and LOL has such a function to let people forget the troubles in real life and focus on the victory of the game. The picture in this game is marvelous which makes people feel like in a real world, and they can enjoy themselves fully. When players are playing, they can chat with each other. The main point is that they don"t have to wear their mask what they wear on usual days, because they are strangers to each other. In addition, they can gain entertainment from the victory of the game. Mostly, the goal of online games is to make players feel happy, so is LOL. Therefore, people may find some confidence from this game which they can be proved. But, despite the superior picture quality, players can choose other similar games, such as Warcraft, another famous video game which can be found playing by others in an Internet café except the LOL in China. So entertainment may not be the key cause for the hot popularity.     The main cause for the popularity of LOL is the social interaction in this game. The truth is that LOL is a team work that a project must be achieved by a five people group, requesting close cooperation among members. This character also is the most attractive and exciting part of LOL. The achievements gained by teamwork always are more meaningful, just like what Lakshmi Jagad who is a scholar in Georgia State University states in her essay "Online Gaming and Teamwork", Pryor, Singleton, Taneja and Toombs (2002) found that job performance, company performance, product value, and customer satisfaction are improved when people in strategic business units or work teams support each other, and the emphasis is on cooperation and achievement of common goals than competition. Several friends of mine I have interviewed told me that the reason why they liked LOL is that they can cultivate relationships with old friends as most of them are not being together often. The most exciting thing is to fight together and gain a victory through a LOL, which makes them find the sweet feeling of friendship. Therefore, this game does work in social interaction. Moreover, according to the material from Wikipedia:           On February 7, 2013, Riot Games made the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) in Europe and North America. This is a league system where ten teams compete to stay in the league. A season consists of two splits, each split separated into a regular season and a playoff. The top three teams from each continent advance to the world championships. Equivalent leagues run independently of Riot also exist some other regions such as the League of Legends Pro League in China and League of Legends Champions Korea in Korea. It figures out that this game is not only a game between individuals but also between nations, which shows the further meaning of this game. Therefore, LOL is a game which can make friends close and nations close, too. This is where the real charm of LOL is.     Some people may think the popularity of LOL is a kind of addiction to network which makes it a trend. It is true that someone may be addicted to online games, but it is just because they cannot distinguish the real world and virtual world clearly, or because they want to escape from the reality. And also, if a person is rational and critical when playing online games, what he can get is fulfillment and entertainment rather than an addiction from such fantastic online game. In other words, if it is the addiction to network that makes this hot trend, it will be really a problem that so many people in this world are addicted by this online game, and how can our globe move normally? Therefore, the theory of addition is absolutely wrong, and the really contributing one is the charming features of LOL itself.     In conclusion, it is a fact that the League of Legends is a world-wide popularity, and the reason why LOL becomes a hot trend is that it can bring social interaction both among individuals and among nations, which is also a symbol of globalization on some level.
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