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宝马X5起步时仪表显示LIMIT 4 MPH是什么意思怎样解




Offshore Incorporations HK Limited 怎么翻译?



Roche limit在爱情上的解释是:两个天体之间相互吸引的最短距离。正因如此,他们之间的距离就像两个情人之间的亲密关系。正如地球与月亮的关系一样,由于月亮守卫着地球,而且洛希也有极限存在,所以使它们之间保持最适当的距离。当它接近时,月亮就会碎成最美的环形。

游戏王卡左下角有“limited replica原作限制卡”的值钱不?




restrict、 limit、 confine、 restrain的区别

restrict、limit、confine、restrain的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同1、restrictvt. 限制;约束。2、limitn. 限度。vt. 限定3、confinevt. 禁闭。n. 范围;界限4、restrainvt. 抑制;阻止;束缚;剥夺二、用法不同1、restrict直接源自拉丁语的restrictus。restrict通常用作及物动词,有限制,限定(数量、范围等);约束;妨碍;(以法规)限制等含义。也可加介词使用。In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties.政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税。2、limitlimit的基本意思是“限度,限制”,指事物在某〔些〕方面(如空间、时间、程度、数量等)划定的不可逾越的界限。用于比喻则指由自然界、权威当局或协定、合同等规定的期限,其前通常加不定冠词;也可指“无法忍受的人,糟糕得令人难以忍受的事”,此时常与定冠词the连用。His car exceeded the speed limit.他的汽车超过了限定的速度。3、confineconfine的基本意思是“限制”“约束”“划界”,用作及物动词时指“把…限制在…范围内,限制的范围多是狭窄的空间,即“绝对不许越过或不能超出一定的范围或限度”,引申可表示严格管束或监禁,即“把…关在…里”“禁闭”等。Dikes confined the flood water.堤防挡住了洪水。4、restrain14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的restreindre,意为压制;最初源自拉丁语的restringere,意为约束。作动词含“阻止、抑制、制止”之意,restrain含义广,指用强力或权力去阻止或限制某人做某事。If you can"t restrain your dog, you must lock it up.如果你无法管住你的狗,就必须把它关起来。三、侧重点不同1、restrict作动词有“限制,约束,管制”的意思,restrict是指限制在一个界限或范围内。作动词有“限制,限定”之意,restrict指把某人或物限制在一定范围之内。2、limit作动词有“限制,限定”之意,limit一般指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限,一旦超越限度,就会造成不良结果。当然也可指不事先规定,而且自然的或固有的界限。3、confine作动词有“限制,限定”之意,confine侧重施加不可逾越的限制,有时暗示束缚、囚禁。4、restrain作动词有“限制,约束,管制”的意思,restrain的语气比较温和,有时指自我约束。

给李明打电话用英语怎么说?"call LiMing up"还是"call up LiMing"?谢谢!

 是call LiMing up,

quota unlimited是个什么权限

SQL> grant create session to test3 identified by oracle; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create table to test3; Grant succeeded. SQL> alter user test3 quota unlimited on users; User altered. SQL> conn test3/oracle Connected. SQL> c。


restrict, limit, confine 和 restrain 这四个词都表示“限制”或“约束”的意思,但在用法和细微意思上有所不同:1. restrict 指对某事物施加限制或约束,侧重结果或影响。limit 则着眼于设置限度或界限,对范围加以控制。 例:Strict laws restrict people"s freedom. 严厉的法律限制人们的自由。 We need to limit screen time for children. 我们需要为孩子们设置屏幕时间的限制。2. confine通常暗示被限制在某个狭小空间内,语意较强。restrain则表示防止某人做某事或压制某种感情或冲动。 例:The rebels were confined in jail. 叛乱者被监禁在监狱里。 She had to restrain her anger during the argument. 她在辩论中不得不抑制自己的愤怒。3. restrict和limit可用于抽象意义或物理意义,范围较广。confine和restrain通常用于人的限制,语义较为狭窄。 例:The new policy restricts/limits immigration. 新政策限制移民。 His movements were severely confined after the accident. 事故后,他的行动范围受到严重限制。 The straitjacket was used to restrain violent patients. 紧身夹衣被用来束缚暴力病人。 4. restrict和limit侧重于施加的限制措施,confine和restrain更侧重结果的制约或抑制效果。 例:The government restricted/limited public gatherings. 政府采取措施限制公众集会。He was confined to the house for weeks. 他被限制在家里几周。 The ropes were used to restrain the prisoner"s hands. 绳子被用来束缚囚犯的手。 总之,这四个词在表达“限制”这个概念时有不同的侧重点和用法,需要根据上下文选择最恰当的词来表达。掌握它们之间的差异有助于使用英语更加准确和地道。

outiook邮箱出现“Mailbox size limit exceeded”邮箱已满



你好!limits 英["lu026amu026ats] 美["lu026amu026ats] n. 界限; 限度; 限额; 境界( limit的名词复数 ); [例句]The economic affairs minister announced limits on petrol sales.经济部长宣布了对石油销售的限制。

minimum age limit为什么要加s

这是名词作定语修饰limit。这里 limit是可数名词,可以是单数 也可以是复数。如果是单数前面要加限定词。本短语前面没有限定词所以limit用复数,即加s. limits。即a minimum age limit和minimum age limits都对

pause limit什么意思

pause limit中止限制Year card of GuangMing is pause with postpone time limit, while exam over.光明的年卡也会延长停卡的时限,直到考后才重新开通。pause 英[pu0254:z] 美[pu0254z] n. 暂时的停顿; 犹豫; (诗中) 节奏的停顿; [乐] 延长号; vi. 暂停,中止; 逗留,停滞; (按暂停键) 暂停放音; 犹豫; [例句]Surely these policies must give pause before Tehran is invited to join a team whose members see them largely as hostile and destructive.在伊朗受邀加入反ISIS的同盟之前,该国的这些政策肯定会让同盟的其他成员犹豫,在他们眼里,这些政策基本上是敌对和破坏性的。[其他] 第三人称单数:pauses 复数:pauses 现在分词:pausing过去式:paused 过去分词:paused -----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!




开拓者。 望采纳




oracle 中并没有limit分页语法

《命运之夜》中UBW(Unlimited Blade Work)(Heaven Feel)分别是何意?

(UBW)无限剑制(HF)宛若天堂都有两种结局,一个坏的,一个较好Unlimited Blade Work线ture end:揭示了红Archer就是未来士郎,要回到过去杀死自己,后被士郎击败,基尔伽美什被士郎用无限剑制克制,最后被圣杯吞了。Saber消灭圣杯后消失,士郎和凛生活在一起。 Unlimited Blade Work线good end:Saber消灭圣杯后,借助凛和士郎的魔力继续留在世界上,三个人过着幸福的生活。 Heaven"s Feel线bad end:樱暴走,一干Servant全灭,SABER被黑化,然后被士郎捅死,凛阻止了樱的暴走,和樱与Rider脱出,士郎用Archer留下的手臂制造无限剑制摧毁圣杯后牺牲。 Heaven"s Feel线ture end:士郎自爆后,已经成为圣杯的伊利雅开启天之杯,凛等利用拣来的空白人偶令士郎的灵魂回归

undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time是什么意思?

undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time限期治理

电流silicom limited是什么意思

silicon limited硅有限公司

求问tolerance limit 是什么意思


table limit造句 table limitの例文

The Hall of Famer is also sending Table Limit to the Preakness. The owners elected to return to table pmits to something less risky. Maximum table pmits prevent the casino from taking too much of a gamble. Historically the attitude has changed about table pmits . The table pmit was $ 2, 000. High table pmits have their own requirements. Table Limit will break from the No . 9 hole at odds of 30-1. Lukas sends out his o runners, with Stevens aboard Table Limit , while Day rides Booklet. There is a widely held bepef that casinos instituted maximum table pmits to pmit Martingale betting strategies. The greatly anticipated showdown at the start with speedsters such as Booklet and Table Limit failed to materiapze. It"s difficult to see table pmit in a sentence. 用 table pmit 造句挺难的 Casinos are increasingly turning towards expensive virtual gaming tables to offer low minimum table pmit games to customers. Of those, Lukas-trained Table Limit is the low earner and wouldn"t make the final 14. Lukas has entered a second horse, Table Limit , whose assignment will be to keep War Emblem busy early. On Tuesday, trainer D . Wayne Lukas declared Table Limit in for the second leg of the Triple Crown. The pmits associated with onpne poker range down to far lower levels than the table pmits at a traditional casino. Consecutive losses, or an inordinate amount of losses to wins can also cause table pmits to e into play. Without Table Limit , the Preakness field would stand at 12 with o other Derby survivors intent on improving their performances. Benny Binion, on opening the original Binion s Horseshoe in Las Vegas, was the first to institute high table pmits . He initially set a craps table pmit of $ 500, ten times higher than the pmit at his petitors of the time. Lukas has a second entry in the Preakness, a horse named Table Limit who showed good speed while winning o races at Keeneland. After trainer Bob Baffert picked the No . 8 post position for War Emblem, Lukas countered by putting Table Limit right next to him. Table Limit was unable to win a race until last month, when he darted to the early lead in a couple of sprint races. He did not rule out the possibipty of Table Limit running as well, despite beating only o horses in the Preakness field of 13. File sizes are no larger than 4 GB due to the SDHC file allocation table pmits , but the video will be seamless beeen files. The pst of possible starters also includes Table Limit , Azilpon, Request for Parole, Sarava, Like a Hero and Wiseman"s Ferry. A player may increase any corresponding odds ( up to the table pmit ) behind the Pass pne at any time after a point is estabpshed. Others set to enter the Preakness are Booklet, Crimson Hero, Easyfromthegitgo, Equapty, Magic Weisner, Tails of the Crypt, Straight Gin and Table Limit . No less than three speed horses _ Booklet, Table Limit and Menacing Dennis _ are set to challenge War Emblem as soon as the gates spring open Saturday. The Preakness plot thickens as soon as the gates spring open : Can speedsters pke Booklet and Table Limit press War Emblem and prevent him from a Derby rerun? Table Limit , a recent allowance winner at Keeneland, will start in the Preakness at Pimpco on Saturday, his trainer, D . Wayne Lukas, has confirmed. It"s difficult to see table pmit in a sentence. 用 table pmit 造句挺难的 Occasionally, a player following this system will e to a point where he can no longer make the next bet as demanded by the system due to table pmits . A Blackjack game, hand-shuffled, with spghtly more player-advantageous rules in offered in the Adelaide VIP room, with table pmits conducive to serious betting. Lukas is already bringing the Derby runner-up Proud Citizen to Baltimore, but he said Monday that Table Limit might make the trip as well from Kentucky on Wednesday. Table Limit will break from the No . 9 post, fleet-footed Booklet from No . 10 and the Capfornia front-runner Menacing Dennis from No . 11. By entering Table Limit , Lukas helped to ensure a heated pace, and a very frisky workout from Proud Citizen earper this week signaled the colt was in top shape. Table Limit , who will be ridden by Gary Stevens, will be making his stakes debut ing off o wire-to-wire wins by a bined 12 lengths. The trainer D . Wayne Lukas is weighing whether to quicken the early going even more by entering the pghtly raced Table Limit in the mile-and-three-sixteenths Preakness. Lukas will have o chances to get his 14th Triple Crown race win in this one, as 30-1 Table Limit also is being saddled by the Hall of Fame conditioner. _Wisemen"s Ferry and Tracemark, 1-2 in the Lone Star Derby, are possibles, as well as Fast Decision, Table Limit and Tales Of The Crypt. Although electronic versions of table games pke blackjack have been available for years, they typically raise the house edge by paying even money on blackjack to handle the very low table pmits . In order to create the ambiance of Old Vegas, and to attract the high rollers to the aging casino, they elected to work with lower house edges and high table pmits . Trainer D . Wayne Lukas confirmed that Table Limit , who won an allowance contest at Keeneland in his last outing, will start in the Preakness, bringing the probable field to 13. Gary Stevens, who became available when trainer Neil Drysdale decided that Sunday Break would pass up the Preakness in favor of the Peter Pan at Belmont May 27, will ride Table Limit . That got everyone yelpng " rabbit, " thinking that Lukas is entering Table Limit to put pressure on War Emblem and set it up for Proud Citizen"s stalking style. He will decide Tuesday whether or not Table Limit , a son of Conquistador Cielo, will make his stakes debut after back-to-back front-end victories by a bined 12 lengths. The craps table pmit of $ 500 was ten times higher than any other casino in Las Vegas, and eventually Binion raised the pmit to $ 10, 000 and even epminated table pmits at times. The craps table pmit of $ 500 was ten times higher than any other casino in Las Vegas, and eventually Binion raised the pmit to $ 10, 000 and even epminated table pmits at times. Lasseter"s Apce Springs and Country Club Casino in Launceston offer the game on the weekends, but the table pmits are very low, ranging from $ 5 to $ 200 or $ 250 per box. With the addition of Table Limit , who will be uncoupled in the wagering with Lukas"other horse, Proud Citizen, and who will be ridden by Gary Stevens, the Preakness field appears set at 13. To help ensure that the Preakness pace will be wild and wicked early, Lukas has entered Proud Citizen"s stablemate Table Limit , a front-running winner of o straight races by a bined 12 lengths. It"s difficult to see table pmit in a sentence. 用 table pmit 造句挺难的

intensity bin limit是什么意思

bin有多种含义,包括虚拟光驱格式.bin,用于科研计算的数据格式为bin格式。另外,FTP 在传送文件时分为ASC 和 Bin 两种格式,只有文字文件 (例如 html 文件) 使用 ASC,其他的通通使用 Bin 格式 (例如图像文件、压缩文件、可执行文件等等)。 一般来说,常见的虚拟光驱格式。建议你使用WINISO。WinISO是一款功能强大的镜像文件处理工具,它可以从CD-ROM中创建ISO镜像文件,或将其他格式的镜像文件转换为标准的ISO格式,还可以轻松实现镜像文件的添加、删除、重命名、提取文件等操作。

Flammability limits 什么意思







constraint to; put limits for; limit直接用; cut out from; keep away……太多了,得看句子呀。

disregard limit

如果用于色谱分析的话:翻译为“忽略限”更好些。“Disregard limit:in chromatographic tests, the nominal content at or below which peaks/signals are not taken into account for calculating a sum of impurities. The numerical values for the disregard limit and the reporting threshold are usually the same.”



“XX有限公司”英文翻译为XX Company Limited 还是 XX Limited Company?

alimitedcompany;acompanyoflimitedliability青岛靖通汇热力有限公司:QingdaoJingtonghuiHeatingpower Co.,Ltd青岛靖通汇绿化工程有限公司:QingdaoJingtonghuilandscapeengineeringCo.,Ltd参照以上两点,就是如果缩写的情况下,company在前,limited在后。中间用点隔开。如果是全写的,就是 alimitedcompany;或者 acompanyoflimitedliability

borrowing limit是什么意思

borrowing limit 英[u02c8bu0254ru0259u028au026au014b u02c8limit] 美[u02c8bɑrou026au014b u02c8lu026amu026at] [词典] 借款限额; [例句]Anyone who has ever borrowed money can relate to the debate over raising America"s borrowing limit.任何曾借过债的人都可参与增加美国借款限额的辩论。

印有字母limited lifetime warranty的手表好吗


in limited warranty什么意思


limited warranty是什么意思

limited warranty_百度翻译limited warranty [英]u02c8limitid u02c8wu0254ru0259nti [美]u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02c8wu0254ru0259nti n. 有限保修 [例句]Reader includes a one-year limited warranty.读者包括一项为期一年的有限保修。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

in limited warranty什么意思

limited warranty英 [u02c8limitid u02c8wu0254ru0259nti] 美 [u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02c8wu0254ru0259nti] n. 有限保修 双语例句1. Please see scope of limited warranty as set forth in the quotation. 请参阅报价单中有关有限质量保证的范围.来自互联网2. Valve reconditioning is made on an exchange basis with original limited warranty. 进行阀门再调整是以初始有限质量保证为调换基础.来自互联网3. Transferable one - year, limited warranty; extended coverage available with a Honda Protection Plan. 转让一年的有限保修; 扩大覆盖范围可与本田的保护计划.来自互联网4. Chemtrol One - Year Limited Warranty. Chemtrol一年有限质量保证.来自互联网5. Limited warranty on tank and parts. 内胆和配件的有限质量保证.来自互联网

北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司翻译成英文是Adecco Personnel Limited可以吗?

Shanghai Adecco HR Service Co,.Ltd.

sap2000 PMM ratio exceeds limit是什么意思


No Limites (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:No Limites (Album Version)歌手:Alliance Ethnik专辑:No LimitesNo LimitMusic: Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker, Eric BazilianWhat"s the noise who"s to blameThe Maserati comes unchainedSmell the power and energyCome away, come away, come awayYou"re the rider of the wildest stormLive your dreams before they"re goneFeel the spirit that sets you freeCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyWe gonna leave for tomorrowlandWe"ve got the future on our handsA piece of heaven for you and meCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)You gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)We gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindOut of my mindComes From 《Sting in the Tail》 - 2010... Scorpions - 老蝎子永远年轻 ...

Neil Diamond的《No Limit》 歌词

歌曲名:No Limit歌手:Neil Diamond专辑:Tennessee MoonNo LimitMusic: Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker, Eric BazilianWhat"s the noise who"s to blameThe Maserati comes unchainedSmell the power and energyCome away, come away, come awayYou"re the rider of the wildest stormLive your dreams before they"re goneFeel the spirit that sets you freeCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyWe gonna leave for tomorrowlandWe"ve got the future on our handsA piece of heaven for you and meCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)You gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)We gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindOut of my mindComes From 《Sting in the Tail》 - 2010... Scorpions - 老蝎子永远年轻 ...


用preg_match正则提取目标内容,死活有问题,代码测得死去活来。后来怀疑PHP 的preg_match有字符串长度限制,果然,发现“pcre.backtrack_limit ”的值默认只设了100000。后来加了这句就OK了pcre.backtrack_limit=-1

No Limit (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:No Limit (Album Version)歌手:front line assembly专辑:Gashed Senses & CrossfireNo LimitMusic: Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker, Eric BazilianWhat"s the noise who"s to blameThe Maserati comes unchainedSmell the power and energyCome away, come away, come awayYou"re the rider of the wildest stormLive your dreams before they"re goneFeel the spirit that sets you freeCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyWe gonna leave for tomorrowlandWe"ve got the future on our handsA piece of heaven for you and meCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)You gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)We gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindOut of my mindComes From 《Sting in the Tail》 - 2010... Scorpions - 老蝎子永远年轻 ...

Download limit exceed啥意思


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gently(形容词) gentle limit(形容词) limited benefit(形容词) beneficial combine(名词) combination cooperation(动词) cooperate calmly(形容词) calm strength(形容词) strong weakness(形容词)weak

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Limited Edition 是什么意思?


Warning: strstr() [function.strstr]: Empty delimiter. in /www/users/



参考: sysctl 命令被用于在内核运行时动态地修改内核的运行参数,可用的内核参数在目录 /proc/sys 中。它包含一些 Tcp/Ip堆栈和虚拟内存系统的高级选项,可以通过修改某些值来提高系统性能。 sysctl 可以读取和设置超过五百个系统变量。 sysctl 变量的设置通常是 字符串、数字或布尔型(布尔型用 1 表示 yes,0 表示 no)。 语法: 可以通过 sysctl 修改系统变量,也可以通过编辑 sysctl.conf 配置文件来修改系统变量。 举个栗子 ,请根据实际情况调整: 重新加载内核参数: sysctl -p 大多Unix-Like系统,都提供了限制每个进程和每个基本用户使用线程,文件和网络连接等系统资源的一些方法。 ulimit 是指每个user使用各种资源的限制值。 ulimit 命令用来限制系统用户对shell资源的访问,它是一种简单并且有效的实现资源限制的方式。 假设有这样一种情况,当一台Linux主机上同时登陆了10人,在资源无限制的情况下,这10个用户同时打开了500个文件。假设每个文件的大小有10M,这是系统的内存资源就会收到巨大挑战。 但是任何一台主机的资源都不可能是无限的。所以,资源的合理配置和分配,不仅仅是保证系统可用性的必要条件,也与系统上软件运行的性能有着密不可分的联系。 ulimit 用于限制 shell 启动进程所占用的资源,支持以下各种类型的限制: sort和hard限制: 可以在一下位置进行ulimit的设置: limits.conf 是 的配置文件,Linux PAM(Pluggable Authentication Modules,插入式认证模块)。突破系统默认限制,对系统资源有一定保护作用。 pam_limits模块对用户的会话进行资源限制,然后 /etc/pam.d/ 下的应用程序调用 pam_***.so 模块。 limits.conf 是针对用户,而 sysctl.conf 是针对整个系统参数配置。 一个shell的初始 limits 就是由 pam_limits 设定的,用户登录后,pam_limits会给用户的shell设定在limits.conf定义的值. pam_limits的设定值也是 per-process的;pam_limits的设置是 永久生效的. 配置limits.conf: 举个栗子: domain: type: item: value: Linux内核提供了一种通过 /proc 文件系统,在运行时访问内核内部数据结构,改变内核设置的机制。 proc 文件系统是一个伪文件系统,它只存在内存当中,不占用外部空间。它以文件系统的方式为访问系统内核数据的操作提供接口。 对 /proc 中内核文件的修改,针对的是 整个系统 的 内核参数 ,修改后 立即生效 ,但修改是 临时的 ,重启后失效。 修改 /proc 文件系统中的参数是临时的,但修改 sysctl.conf 的参数确实永久有效的。 配置文件 sysctl.conf 变量在 /proc/sys 下,其对应关系如下: proc中的每个文件都有一组分配给它的非常特殊的文件许可权,并且每个文件属于特定的用户标识。 以下是/proc目录中进程N的信息:

threshold limit是什么意思

threshold limitun.阈限阈极限;禁限用之管制限值;禁限用物质含量标准英例句1.Study on the threshold limit of cumulative noise exposure of hearing impairment听力损伤的累积噪声暴露阈值研究2.Nano-silicon Powder Produced by LICVD and Study of Laser Threshold Limit ValueLICVD法纳米硅粉的制备及激光能量阈值研究3.Threshold limit value-short term exposure limit短期接触限值4.The process searches either until it finds a free buffer or until it has searched the threshold limit of buffers .这个搜索过程将一直持续,直到找到可用缓冲区或达到缓存搜索操作的预设限定值为止。5.a person must not acquire a relevant interest in voting shares above the threshold limit of 20% of the issued capital个人购买者持有的有投票权的股份不得超过投放的所有资本的20%。

How important It is to limit air and water pollution 句子有错吗

limit air and water pollution It is How important.这样比较好吧。。(英语渣,别喷)

The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but ________he r..

B 试题分析:考查名词性从句作主语。句意:一个人的智商的限度,基本上在出生时就固定了;但是他是否能发挥自己的智力极限将取决于他所处的环境。But后面的句子有个主语从句,主语从句中不缺主宾表,不能用what,that只是连接,没有意义,不做成分,where意思不对,选B。

e instanceof SizeLimitExceededException 出现错误

即是FileUploadException与SizeLimitExceededException不能嵌套出现,改成如下即可: try{ //从请求中取出所有表单域对象 filelist = sfu.parseRequest(request); }catch(SizeLimitExceededException e){ flag = 1; return flag; }catch(FileUploadException e){ flag=2; return flag; }

preliminary school是什么意思


preliminary and general是什么意思

so the sun went down and th

preliminary decision是什么意思

preliminary decision初审判决preliminary 常用词汇 英 [pru026a"lu026amu026anu0259ri]     美 [pru026a"lu026amu026aneri]    adj. 初步的;预备的;开始的



preliminary 与introductory的差异

preliminaryadj.初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的n.准备工作; 预赛; 初步措施; (对学生等的)预考introductoryadj.引言的;导论的;介绍性的;(新品)促销的,特惠的


preliminary和original的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、preliminary:预备性的,初步的。2、original:原来的,最早的。二、用法不同1、preliminary:直接源自中世纪拉丁语的praeliminaris,意为初步的。复数,preliminaries、记忆技巧:pre 前 + limin 门槛,引申为“限制” + ary ?的 → 入门前的 → 初步的。2、original:original强调具有与众不同,有独到之处的创造能力。指想象大异于现实,近乎或等于虚构。强调富有幻想能力。三、侧重点不同1、preliminary:侧重新事物的新奇和独特。2、original:original强调独创性。

Preliminary English Test是什么意思

English test意思是英语考试。

加拿大维多利亚大学的Preliminary admission和conditional admission, PR身份可以申请吗?

加拿大维多利亚大学的Preliminary admission和conditional admission, PR身份可以申请吗?

跪求大神preliminary final invoice payment 是什么意思

就是预开发票的意思final invoice payment 最终发票,其实就是发票,检验报告经审查通过后,进口商将获得产品证书。preliminary加上,是术语,就是预开发票

preliminary injunction是什么意思

preliminary injunction[英]priu02c8liminu0259ri u026anu02c8du0292u028cu014bku0283u0259n[美]pru026au02c8lu026amu0259u02ccnu025bri u026anu02c8du0292u028cu014bku0283u0259nn. 预先禁令; 也叫“中间禁令”或“临时禁令”;指起诉后、判决前由法...[例句]The appeals panel upheld a january ruling by a district judge , who granted a preliminary injunction to the e-cigarette distributors who sued the fda.庭审小组支持了1月份地区法官的判决,后者对起诉fda的电子香烟经销商下达了初步禁令。如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

series ; preliminary ;prejudice 英语用谐音怎么读?


preliminary injunction是什么意思


preliminary design是什么意思

preliminary design 英[priu02c8liminu0259ri diu02c8zain] 美[pru026au02c8lu026amu0259u02ccnu025bri du026au02c8zau026an] [释义] 预备设计,初步设计,打样设计;


preliminary-outline双语例句1. The winner of each preliminary goes through to the final. 每场初赛的获胜者进入决赛。2. We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses. 我们进行了几次预拍摄,摆了各种不同的造型。

preliminary study是什么意思

preliminary study 英[priu02c8liminu0259ri u02c8stu028cdi] 美[pru026au02c8lu026amu0259u02ccnu025bri u02c8stu028cdi] [释义] 初步研究; [例句]Western scientific evidence for the formula is scant, though one FlyFF Penya recent preliminary study found it effective.西方科学缺乏有关这种药剂的证据,不过前不久的一项初步研究表明这种药有效。进行更多翻译preliminary 英[pru026au02c8lu026amu026anu0259ri] 美[pru026au02c8lu026amu026aneri] adj. 初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的; n. 预赛; 准备工作; 初步措施; (对学生等的) 预考; [例句]This is a preliminary exploration and has some reference value to estimate the shear wave velocity of this area.这是一项初步的探索,对初略估计这一地区的剪切波速值有一定的参考意义。[其他] 复数:preliminaries 形近词: postliminary infraliminary supraliminary 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义


形容词 adj.1.初步的, 预备的, 开端的 They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible war.他们正在为应付一场可能的战争做初步的准备。2.序言的名词 n.1.准备工作, 初步行动 There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit certain foreigners.在访问某些外国人之前要做好许多准备工作。2.(对学生等的)预考,初试3.预赛;预选赛;淘汰赛4.[常用复数]初步,开端,准备(指步骤、措施等)5.[复数]正文前的书页,正文前的内容(如序言等) 副词 adv.1.初步地;作为起始;作为预备 [priˈliminəri]


preliminary的意思是初步的;预备的;开始的;初步行动;准备;初步措施。一、词汇搭配1、preliminary examination,意思指,初试。例如:The preliminary examination results are not bad.初审结果还不错。2、preliminary remark,意思指,初步讨论。例如:The preliminary remark shows that your point of view needs to be verified.初步讨论表明你的观点需要后续验证。二、词形区分1、副词:preliminarily。2、名词复数:preliminaries。三、相关例句1、They have made a preliminary investigation.他们已经做了初步的调查。2、Our team got beaten in the preliminary rounds of the competition.我们队在这次比赛的预赛中遭淘汰。3、There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country.在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。


preliminary美: [pru026a"lu026amu0259.neri]英: [pri"lu026amu026an(u0259)ri]adv.预先adj.预备性的;初步的;开始的n.初步行动(或活动);预备性措施


preliminary[英][pru026au02c8lu026amu026anu0259ri][美][pru026au02c8lu026amu026aneri]adj.初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的; n.预赛; 准备工作; 初步措施; (对学生等的)预考; 双语例句1Preliminary reports suggest a fatality rate of nearly 100%.初步报告显示死亡率百分之百.2What are your preliminary findings, mr. palmer?你最初的发现是什么,帕默先生?


preliminary[英][pru026au02c8lu026amu026anu0259ri][美][pru026au02c8lu026amu0259u02ccnu025bri]adj.初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的; n.准备工作; 预赛; 初步措施; (对学生等的)预考; 复数:preliminaries例句:1.The preliminary results are that it will double crop yields in a couple of years. " “初步结果显示,这将在几年内使可可产量翻一番。”2.But these were preliminary data. 但这些只是初步数据。3.The bls data is preliminary and will be finalized next year. 劳工统计局的数据是初步的,将于明年最终完成。

limited subject和thesis statement 有什么区别?

Limited subject 是指“有限主题”,而 thesis statement是指“论文说明”。



preliminary tickets 是什么门票?

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:preliminary tickets 翻译:基础的(初步的)(预赛的)门票preliminary:n. 准备;预赛;初步措施;adj. 初步的;开始的;预备的preliminary design初步设计;概要设计;开端预设;设计前期preliminary estimate初步估计;概算;[财政] 初步估算preliminary test[统计] 初步试验;预备试验;预实验;预试验preliminary examinantion予审preliminary report初步报告;预备报告preliminary hearing预审;调查庭;初步听证;预审程序preliminary standard预选标准;基础标准preliminary prospectus初步募股书;临时招股说明书;初步招股书;招股说明书preliminary data初始数据;初步资料;原始数据;初步数据preliminary study 初步研究 preliminary analysis 初步分析 preliminary design 初步设计 preliminary stage 初始阶段,初期;原始阶段 preliminary investigation 初步调查 preliminary test 初步试验;预先测试;初级试验 preliminary examination 预备考试;预先检查 preliminary plan 初步设计 preliminary round 初赛;分组预选赛 preliminary data 初始数据 preliminary survey 初步调查;初测 preliminary treatment 预处理 preliminary assessment 初步评估;预备评估 preliminary report 初步报告;预备报告 preliminary planning 初步规划;初步计划 preliminary agreement 初步协议 preliminary review 预审;预先复查;初审 preliminary scheme 初步规划 preliminary hearing n. 调查庭 preliminary works 初步工程;准备工程 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

eradicate eliminate scrub的区别


Tamron SP AF 90mm/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 (272E)镜头,FULL 与 LIMIT 起什么作用?


A move towards healthy eating could help ______heart disease(eliminate,elimination)

填:(to) eliminate (to可以省略) 固定搭配:help (to) do sth.有助于做某事 所以,help后应跟动词原形eliminate;而elimination是名词.


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