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item delivered什么意思

item delivered项目的交付例句1.Was the item delivered promptly? 您要求的物品是否及时地送来?2.Article 23 Where a mail item has more than one addressee, the said mail item may be delivered to any of them.第23条各类邮件之收件人有二人以上者,得向其中任何一人投递之。3.when you receive a wrongly delivered mail item , please write " incorrect location " on the envelope.如收到错误派递的邮件,请在信封写上“地址不符”的字样。4.If an item is desired, an order would be placed, and the item could be automatically delivered directly to a person"s place of residence.如果想要一个物品,可以下订单,而且物品会直接自动递送至一个人的居住地点。5.After the saler delivered the item, go back into the shopping wedsite, and pay.卖家送货上门之后,再次进入购物网站,进行确认支付。

shipment delivered什么意思


USPS快递显示Delivered,In/At Mailbox,什么意思


请教关于PO confirmed 和delivered 区别

请教关于PO confirmed 和delivered 区别 我想请教一下,关于PO状态,confirmed 和delivered有什么区别?对CO的影响,wip


RF066278735ES成功签收 ( 17 天 )西班牙(Correo Spain)最新事件 -- 2016-01-08 00:00 Delivered目的国家发件国家 - 查询耗时:798 毫秒2016-01-08 00:00Delivered2016-01-07 00:00Delivery has been dispatched from change of destination office2016-01-07 00:00Delivery to the destination international office2016-01-02 00:00Dispatch from the point of origin international office2015-12-23 00:00Accepted


因为第一句订单是物,要用被动语态,是订单将会在今天被送出去. Your oder will be delivered today.或是we will deliver your order today.这样就是正确的. 在英文中,在没有提到人做主语的情况下,很多时候都是用背诵语态的. 你刚才的那句话是对的,


包裹有没有买Signature delivered服务?买了的话包裹是不会丢失的。但如果没买的话就不能保证包裹有没有丢失,因为没有签字确认的话,USPS的快递员也是会把包裹放apartment门口的。这样的情况下,建议先找你买东西的卖家进行沟通,让他找当地的USPS再进行确认下;或者直接打快递的客服投诉电话进行投诉。这样的结果显示只能是等待结果了。



delivered price 是什么意思?


Status: Delivered 是什么意思呢


delivered by 是什么意思?





区别如下:一、词性不同:Deliver 是动词,意为交付; 发表; 传递递送; 使分娩等,delivery是名词,是deliver的名词形式,意思是分娩;传送,投递;(正式)交付;讲演。二、用法不同:deliver 后面还需要加上名词或代词或者不定式作宾语,为动词的用法。delivery则可以用作名词短语,宾语,定语,状语等,为名词的用法。三、变形词上不同Deliver还可以做形容词,或转化成含本义的形容词,名词,过去式,过去分词,第三人称单数等形式。形容词: deliverable 名词: deliverability 过去式: delivered 过去分词: delivered现在分词: delivering 第三人称单数: deliversdelivery只有复数形式deliveries。




deliver用法如下:deliver可以用作动词:deliver的基本意思是“使自由”“使减去重负”。可指使自己摆脱了为他人所担负的事物,即“送出”;也可指将自己从必须说的或别人要自己说的事情中解脱出来,即“发言”;还可指为妇女分娩时卸去了孩子的重负,即“助产”等。deliver可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。deliver接反身代词时意为“表达”;作“助产”解时,宾语可为“母”,也可为“子”。deliver可用于被动结构:在现代美国口语中, deliver常与介词on连用表示“履行”“实行”,但在正式文章中较少使用。deliver用作动词的用法例句:The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。He delivered a long prose.他发表了一篇冗长乏味的演讲。We deliver the goods in batches.我们分批交付货物。


deliver的过去式:delivereddeliver过去分词:delivereddeliver现在分词:deliveringdeliver第三人称单数:delivers1、Will you take the goods with you or shall we deliver them to your house?你自己把这些货物带走还是由我们送到你家里去?2、I have orders to deliver it to Mr Demiris personally.我奉命要把它送给德米里斯先生本人。


V:传送;交付;发表;递送;兑现;运载;宣布;发布;履行诺言;不负所望;交出;助产;分娩;投掷;解救造句:1.We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.我们保证一周内交货。2.We"ll deliver the goods as soon as we can.我们将尽快交货。3.The US delivered an early riposte to the air attack.美国对空袭很快作出了反应。4.Of the blows delivered, barely half found their mark.仅有不到半数的出拳击中目标。5.If you can"t deliver improved sales figures, you"re fired.如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。



have them delivered

C 分 析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:你是希望自己亲自来取票还是让人把票送给你。此句考查非谓语动词担当宾语补足语。用于:have sth.done 结构中,解释为使某样东西被…。此时,费谓语动词形式 done和宾语之间存在被动关系。故选C。 考点: 考查非谓语动词


不用双写delivered重读闭音节 即辅音字母+元音+辅音 必须双写尾字母 再加ed或ing[du026a"lu026avu0259]r不发音求个好评~


提起美国各大转运公司签收人,大家都知道,有人问首次用转运,显示Delivered,但是签收人不对,想问下这是个什么情况?另外,还有人想问美国转运公司应该怎么找?你知道这是怎么回事?其实美亚物品显示到转运公司签收,可是转运公司一直没显示入库,怎么办,下面就一起来看看首次用转运,显示Delivered,但是签收人不对,想问下这是个什么情况?希望能够帮助到大家! 美国各大转运公司签收人 1、用转运,显示Delivered,但是签收人不对,想问下这是个什么情况? u2013先锋快递的客服,一到问到最关键的问题的时候就没回应了u2026其他问题倒是不管多久都会回答,我都无语了美国快递怎么签收的。 2、美国各大转运公司签收人:美国转运公司应该怎么找? 推荐“转运”,转运基本过程:用户在美国购买商品下单u2013发货到美国波特兰仓库u2013仓库打包u2013发往国内u2013清关完毕u2013转国内快递派送u2013签收完成。望采纳! 3、美亚物品显示到转运公司签收,可是转运公司一直没显示入库,怎么办 表示你选择转运公司他们美国仓库爆仓了,而且转运公司的客服都非常忙,甚至他们现在在仓库工作12小时都可能的,这时候只能耐心等待,然后通过在线客服或者的客服到底咋回事。只要不是小公司一般不会有问题的。往年黑五的货一个月才到都是很正常的。美国快递的签收过程。 4、美国各大转运公司签收人:美国转运公司哪个好?运费一般多少? wj是哪个转运签收。 5、美国各大转运公司签收人:哪家美国转运公司最快 转运公司哪家最快,这个可不好说。 DHL和UPS的时效是最快的,大概三天左右就可以到达美国了。邮寄的时候可以和转运公司,沟通后应收到立即发,这两大快递即可。 6、美国各大转运公司签收人:美国快递_快递到美国的转运公司有哪些 美国快递(吉祥邮转运公司)-知名电子商务物流服务商,专业、快捷、安全为您提供美国境内购物代收地址、转运、仓储、美国到中国快递、物流外包、配送等一站式物流服务。很多人用。中美之间的快递,还是选这个最靠谱。 7、美国各大转运公司签收人:美国转运公司哪个不容易被税? 这得看转运公司的线路要求吧,大多数有补贴的是不会中招的,最近使用较多的是中环转运和转运四方,都还挺不错的。UPS显示签收Dock是什么意思。 美亚物品显示到转运公司签收,可是转运公司一直没显示入库,怎么办 8、美国各大转运公司签收人:美国快递到中国通过EMS转运显示被人签收了是怎么回事? 有时快递公司会先代签的,我以前也遇到被代签的情况,不过还会派送的哦 以上仅供参考 9、美国各大转运公司签收人:美国转运到中国哪个转运公司比较好? 对于我自己来说的话我觉得从性价比来说我蛮喜欢用转运的不过这家是一个专门美亚的如果你更多的美国海淘的话建议选择半个月左右,价格很实惠。 10、请问美国快递转运中国用哪个转运公司的好啊?风雷、百通和全一。复制的别来! 反正千万别用飞鸽,丢了两个包裹,其中一个都显示中国人签收的,但是仓库就是显示没有,客服还爱答不理的,我用过美国爱购还行~~~目前还没出过问题。 以上就是与首次用转运,显示Delivered,但是签收人不对,想问下这是个什么情况?相关内容,是关于首次用转运,显示Delivered,但是签收人不对,想问下这是个什么情况?的分享。看完美国各大转运公司签收人后,希望这对大家有所帮助!



delivered on是什么意思

delivered on交付



英国亚马逊,Out for delivery和Delivered分别是什么意思

out for delivery的意思是货物已经在路上,前往收货地址了,delivered是已经把货物送到收货地址了



package delivered是“快递已送达”的意思,请问delivered是什么用法,这种用法怎么用?望高手回答谢谢了

deliver的过去式和过去分词+edHe delivered the line perfectly, and everybody roared with laughter. 那句台词他拿捏得恰到好处,引得众人哈哈大笑。常用的1交货delivered …duty paid纳税后交货交货送delivered 交货delivered 交货的2已传送呼叫CTI论坛: CSTA协议概要 ... Connection Cleared 连接清除 Delivered 已传送呼叫 Diverted 呼叫转移/释放.3已交货会计词汇D ... Deliver 交货,寄信 Delivered 已交货,已支付的 Delivery 交货,交付.4交货的delivered 交货delivered 交货的delivered 输送的






这里delivered有2种讲法1.-ed形式动词做形容词 作为pizza的后置定语2.have sth done的句式




首先,试着把delivered拿掉,会发现句子变得很简单,made a conscious determined effort,意思为做了一个理智的、坚定的努力然后,把delivered加上,可以看出,这里是用deliver的过去分词作形容词,一起修饰effort,表示“已经做过的”,强调意义



delivered 是表示包裹送到了还是发送了?

是指已经送到。如果你还没有收到包裹请拨打电话 0844 371 3331 查询


deliver英 [du026au02c8lu026avu0259(r)] 美 [du026au02c8lu026avu025a]vt.发表; 递送; 交付; 使分娩vi.投递; 传送过去式: delivered 过去分词: delivered 现在分词: delivering 第三人称单数: delivers派生词:deliverer 双语例句1. I have orders to deliver it to Mr Demiris personally. 我奉命要把它送给德米里斯先生本人。来自柯林斯例句2. The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia. 加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。来自柯林斯例句3. As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy. 只要我做好本职工作,我的老板就很高兴。来自柯林斯例句4. They have yet to show that they can really deliver working technologies. 他们尚未证明自己真的能够开发出实用技术。来自柯林斯例句5. The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents. 那名间谍返回来递送第二批机密文件。来自柯林斯例句




delivered 英 [diu02c8livu0259d]adj.在…交货的,包括运费在内的v.递送,交付( deliver的过去式和过去分词 ),发表,交出,发动[例句]David delivered Holly gratefully into the woman"s outstretched arms.戴维非常感激地把霍利送进那个女人张开的双臂中。


Delivered交付双语对照词典结果:delivered[英][du026a"lu026avu0259d][美][du026a"lu026avu0259d]adj.在…交货的,包括运费在内的; v.发表; 递送,交付( deliver的过去式和过去分词 ); 交出; 发动; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Nine were to be delivered next year and 16 in 2014, they said. 他们说,明年有九架客机需要交付,2014年有16架。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


音标:美[du026au02c8lu026avu0259rd]、英[du026a"lu026avu0259d]动词,递送;传送;交付;运载;发表;宣布;发布;履行诺言;不负所望;兑现例句:1、Goods are delivered not later than noon on the day after pickup.货物递送不迟于收件后的第二天中午。2、Flown by plane across the country just to deliver important news in person?乘坐飞机跨越全国只为亲自传达重要的消息?3、How do you decide on the best choice for the difficult message you"ve got to deliver?对于你要传达的艰难消息,你如何做出最佳的选择呢?4、If the investigation uncovers anything, it wouldn"t be the first time a telecom provider got into trouble over the broadband speeds it promised and delivered customers.如果该调查有所发现的话,这也不会是电信服务商第一次因为其承诺的宽带速度和实际提供给顾客的网速不一致而陷入麻烦中。5、But frequently untreated human waste harvested from lavatories is delivered to farms and spread as fertilizer.但是从厕所中收集的未处理的人类排泄物经常会被送到农场并作为肥料喷洒。


在...交货的, 包括运费在内的





Panic (Live In London, 1986) 歌词

歌曲名:Panic (Live In London, 1986)歌手:The Smiths专辑:RankPanicVenke KnutsonPanic starts too hard now once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happened this timeEverything is dark and full of hateHow can you be jealous of my faithIt"s not my decisionand can you even hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseAnd it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are...Words like this go spread throughout the crowdwe tell each other secrets, not to loudyou couldn"t keep your mouth shu againYou don"t think I"m near me like you didafraid that some one might see you it is not your decisionbut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone to farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youhit mekick methan not to even look me in the eyesYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou areyou"re just a fallen star..Panic starts too hard and once againI have gone too farI don"t know whenit ever happenedBut do you wanna hear me..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you arehaven"t had a chance to state my caseand it"d be better if youHit meKick meThan not to even look me..Hit meKick meThan not to even look me in the eyes..Look me in the eyes..Your attack has gone too farand I know just who you areYou areyou areyou"re just a fallen staryou areyou are just a fallen star

Live Messenger(MSN)共享照片四个小窍门

分享方法一:直接拖拽这是最简单的方法之一,只要把照片直接拖入MSN的好友对话框中就OK了,如果您只需要分享精选的三五张照片,这个方法还是不错的!分享方法二:图片共览凭借这个方法,笔者博得MSN上众多朋友的好评。在这里我也给大家演示一下:打开MSN好友对话窗口,点击“查看活动列表”选择“MSN图片共享”,对方好友选择“接受”,这样就可以与您的好友共享照片了。只要交换控制权,双方都可以上传照片、播放照片、保存照片,当然它是不会影响我们聊天的,我就常常这样一边给好友看照片,一边给他们讲在拍这张照片时的故事,这样的旅行实况转播是不是也很不错啊?分享方法三:共享文件夹这个方法就更方便了,我们可以无需时刻盯着MSN的各位好友是否在线,只要在好友对话窗口中点击“共享文件”选择“打开您的共享文件夹”,就会自动弹出共享文件夹窗口,现在您就可以开始往里面放文件了。(小提示:经过笔者的试用,这个共享文件夹是没有大小限制的,因为它是基于本地硬盘工作的,所以只要您的硬盘里有足够的空间,这个共享文件夹就可以想要多大就有多大。)当我们和MSN好友同时在线时,我们共享文件夹里的文件就会自动同步,这样那些照片就自动备份在好友的电脑里了,怎么样,是不是相当神奇?分享方法四:照片邮件这种方法就需要Windows Live分享工具包里的另一位Windows Live Mail来帮忙了,它是一款非常强大的邮件客户端软件,不但具有强大的邮件管理功能,更能与MSN及其它Live软件紧密结合,当然,笔者最喜欢它的原因还是因为他的照片邮件功能,绝对超赞!不信?笔者马上就给您演示一下,绝对会让您立刻就爱上它!在已经登陆了Live ID的Live Mail中新建一个照片电子邮件,当您把照片放进去时,发现有什么不同了吗?就是红色方框所在的位置,没错,您不但可以在照片邮件中设定照片的边框、布局、质量;还可以给每张照片添加相应的注释,有了这些功能我们完全可以在一封邮件中做出一个Mini照片游记,是不是觉得已经很不错了?更神奇的还在后面呢。笔者以前常常为了给朋友发更多的照片,总要对照片一压再压,甚至还要分成几个压缩包来发而犯愁。现在有了照片邮件我再也不用愁了。当好友收到我发送的照片邮件时,除了可以在邮件中看到被自动压缩的精美照片缩略图外,还可以通过互联网用幻灯片的方式浏览照片,甚至可以下载更高分辨率的照片(下载照片分辨率的大小取就决于我们照片邮件的设置)。这才是照片邮件最神奇的地方!小提示:上传照片所用空间其实和Spaces空间是共享的,总容量有500M,不仅如此,还可以免费保存30天!这么多的分享方式,您最喜欢哪一种?我可是海陆空齐上阵,能用的都用了!剩下的时间就交给大家去慢慢体验吧!

live theatrical entertainments指的是什么


谁有dead or alive这首歌的歌词,给个翻译,dj bobo唱De谢谢

Im staring at this wall and I see我盯着这堵墙,我看到Were destroying our own planet, how could this be?在毁灭我们自己的星球,这怎么可能?A nightmare, calling emergency一场噩梦,紧急呼叫We are killing our own world, its a misery我们杀害了我们自己的世界,它的痛苦Send an SOS from your heart从你的心发出求救Rise up to the sky, let us make a start升上天空,让我们开始Together, side by side, we are strong (we are strong)在一起,肩并肩,我们是强大的(我们是强大的)We got to wake up, come along我们要醒来,走吧Got to wake up, come along快起来,走吧Dead or alive死或生Dead or alive死或生Is there a chance, can we survive?有一个机会,我们能生存吗?Are we dead or alive, dead or alive?我们是死的还是活的,死的还是活的?Is there a chance, can we survive? (survive)有一个机会,我们能生存吗?(生存)Dance舞蹈Are we dead or alive? Are we dead?我们是死的还是活的?我们死了吗?Are we dead or alive?我们是死的还是活的?What happens to our planet today (today)我们的星球今天发生了什么(今天)We are closing our eyes and we fade to grey (grey)我们闭上我们的眼睛,我们渐渐变灰(灰)I shiver to the bones when I see我哆嗦的骨头,当我看到We are losing our own fate to insanity我们正在失去我们自己的命运的精神错乱Stand up, take your chance, fight your fear站起来,抓住你的机会,打你的恐惧Its easy to complain, dont you drown in tears这容易抱怨,也你淹没在眼泪Believe in yourself, make a change (make a change)相信你自己,做一个改变(改变)We got to wake up, come along我们要醒来,走吧Got to wake up, come along快起来,走吧Dead or aliveDead or alive死或生Is there a chance, can we survive?有一个机会,我们能生存吗?Are we dead or alive, dead or alive?我们是死的还是活的,死的还是活的?Is there a chance, can we survive?有一个机会,我们能生存吗?Oh, oh ,Dance哦,哦,舞蹈Are we dead or alive? Are we dead?我们是死的还是活的?我们死了吗?Yes, were dead or alive是的,我们再次是死的还是活的I wanna know, are we dead or alive?我想知道,我们是死的还是活的?I don t know, is there a chance to survive?我也知道,有一个生存的机会吗?I don t know, are we dead or alive?我也知道,我们是死的还是活的?We ve got to make a change我们必须做出改变Send an SOS from your heart从你的心发出求救Send an SOS from your soul从你的灵魂发出求救Rise up to the sky, make a start上升到天空,使一个开始I don t know if were dead or alive我也知道如果我们再次是死的还是活的Hey, hey, hey嘿,嘿,嘿Is there a chance, can we survive?有一个机会,我们能生存吗?Are we dead or alive?我们是死的还是活的?Oh, yeah, yeah哦,是啊,是啊Can we survive, survive?我们可以生存,生存?Dead or aliveDead or alive死或生Is there a chance, can we survive?有一个机会,我们能生存吗?Are we dead or alive, dead or alive?我们是死的还是活的,死的还是活的?Is there a chance, can we survive? (survive)有一个机会,我们能生存吗?(生存)Are we dead or alive?我们是死的还是活的?Yes, were dead or alive是的,我们再次是死的还是活的

Dead or alive 歌词

歌曲名:Dead or alive歌手:石原慎一专辑:仮面ライダーファイズブックCD(Take alive! It's , Take alive!Take aliveYou will survive. Remember try, you will survive.)これ以上 进めない场所で今 光感じてる1秒 迷ってるヒマなんて…open your eyesどこにも 终わらない夜はない 明日を信じるならJust right away 始めよう今ここで move to carry onWhy?グレイの空が(Take alive! It's !)Down 崩れおちて来る…その前にDead or alive 岚のような时间を駆け抜けろこの世界目覚める 鼓动がひびくDead or alive 伤だらけの状况 続いても可能性はかならず ゼロじゃないはずYou will survive…信じるなら(Take alive! It's , Take alive!Take alive!You will survive. Remember try, you will survive.)どこかにあるという明日なら きっと届くだろうjust take away 走り出す时は今 move to carry onWhy?太阳がまた(You will survive, Remember try!)down 夺われてしまう…その前にDead or alive 痛みだけの时间を巻き戻せそのために仆らは 未来を见てるDead or alive 强い风にカラダが震えても可能性はいつでも ゼロじゃないはずYou will survive…信じるならWhy?グレイの空が(Take alive! It's , Take alive!down 崩れおちて来る…その前にDead or alive 岚のような时间を駆け抜けろこの世界目覚める 鼓动がひびくDead or alive 伤だらけの状况 続いても可能性はかならず ゼロじゃないはずYou will survive…信じるなら(Take alive! It's , Take alive!(Take alive!You will survive. Remember try, you will survive.)(Take alive…You will survive!)

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2015dream concert live里《小苹果》的演唱组合T-ara中穿黑白裙子,长头发的是谁?


T-ara小苹果(little apple)(2015 dream concert live)为什么只有五个人

智妍在 海洋量子号 上面拍电影 电影名字叫 邂逅 要在船上住一个月

问:00A-nation’10 BEST HIT LIVE03DVD何时发行?以及收录的歌曲??

专辑中文名: 艾回夏日联合国精选 专辑英文名: a-nation.BEST.HIT.LIVE 歌手: 日本群星 资源格式: RMVB 版本: 03~10合集 发行时间: 2005年11月04日 地区: 日本 语言: 日语每年夏天不可缺少惯例盛会,动员20万人的超大型户外演唱会「a-nation夏日联合国」。集结日本乐坛代表性艺人包括:滨崎 步、幸田来未等巨星与首度出席的大型新人ICONIQ,来自东方神起的3子等共同出席的豪华盛宴。专辑曲目: A-NATION031. LolitA ☆ Strawberry in summer/SweetS2. because/IKUTA ☆ AIKO3. faraway / day after tomorrow4. I world ~歌颂全世界的幸福~/dream5. Together/EXILE6. COME WITH ME/幸田来未7. Shine We Are! /BoA8. NO.1/BoA9. VALENTI/BoA10. 飞天/吴汝俊11. 千夜千梦/仲田MASAE+吴汝俊12. SUMMER DAYS/Do As Infinity13. 阳光斜坡/Do As Infinity14. 今天会放晴/Do As Infinity15. fragile/Every Little Thing16. 根本的爱/Every Little Thing17. Shape of love/Every Little Thing18. BOY MEETS GIRL/TRF19. survival dAnce ~no no cry more~20. ourselves/滨崎步21. Greatful days/滨崎步22. HANABI ~episode Ⅱ~/滨崎步23. July 1st/滨崎步24. WORLD GROOVE/All CastA-NATION0401. See The Sky~1999…月球亲吻地球~02. Pure~Love Generation~Movin" on / dream03. Pretty Voice / 大冢爱04. 金鱼花火 / 大冢爱05. 今天会放晴 / 大无限乐团06. 冒险者们 / 大无限乐团07. 光芒 / Htomi08. Samurai Drive / Htomi09. Rock With You / BOA10. Shine We Are! / BOA11. Heart Of Gold / Exile12. Choo Choo Train / Exile13. Overnight Sensation~时代就交给你了~ / TRF14. Survival Dance~no no cry more~ / TRF15. 彷如相逢时 / 小事乐团16. Free Walkin" / 小事乐团17. Inspire / 滨崎步18. Hanabi / 滨崎步19. Boys & Girls / 滨崎步20. July 1st / 滨崎步A-NATION051. BLOOD on FIRE - AAA2. Deluxe Encounter - Asia Engineer3. Here alone - 安良城红4. Delightful - 铃木亚美5. 给亲爱的. - ROAD OF MAJOR6. SMILY - 大冢爱7. come again?ND AGAIN! - m-flo8. CUTIE HONEY - 幸田来未9. SUMMER DAYS - DO AS INFINITY10. Japanese Girl - hitomi11. Perseus-英仙座- - 岛谷瞳12. DO THE MOTION - BoA13. FOREVER YOURS - Every Little Thing14. Feel Like dance - globe15. BOYS MEETS GIRL - TRF16. STEP you - 滨崎步17. HANABI - 滨崎步18. flower garden~July 1st - 滨崎步A-NATION061. 铃木亚美 - Alright!2. Road of Major - 开始的地方3. AAA - 1812111217111212,12181512171113124. 东方神起 - Sky5. m-flo - Summer Time Love6. mihimaru GT - 13141818131519191218127. Rinka - XXX(Millions Kisses)8. 伴都美子 - Flower9. hitomi - Love2000 - Go My Way10. 大冢爱 - 朋友战队11. Boa - 七色の明日~Brand New Beat~12. Every Little Thing1814101314 16111612141813. 幸田来未 - 人鱼姬14. TRF - Where To Begin15. 滨崎步 - Startin"16. 滨崎步 - Evolution17. 滨崎步 - Boys & Girls18. 滨崎步 - Blue BirdOPENING ACT - ZZ , TRAX , Rin" , MAY ,中村中 , 天上智喜 , minkBACK STAGE - NIIGATA , FUKUOTA , NAGOYA , KOBE , TOKYO -A-NATION071. 铃木亚美 - Delightful2. AAA - SUNSHINE3. My Little Lover - dreamy success4. 天上智喜 - Piranha5. KEN MATSUDAIRA - 松健ParaPara~大爷游戏~6. 高杉里美 - 旅人7. COLOR -为了不让泪落下8. 木Mari - 献给你-ONE NIGHT ONLY-9. Every Little Thing - 辉煌时刻10. 东方神起 - Summer Dream11. mink - Amazing Grace12. 中村中 - 朋友之诗13. 大冢爱 - CHU-LIP14. 幸田来未 - FREAKY15. TRF - BOYSMEETSGIRL16. TRF - LEGEND OF WIND17. 滨崎步 - 1 LOVE18. 滨崎步 - fated19. 滨崎步 - glitter20. -OPENING ACT- J-Min, 光上Seara, JONTE,MAY, Lambsey, FONK, 前川弘毅21. -BACK STAGE- MIYAGI, EHIME, SHIZUOKA,HYOGO, TOKYOA-NATION08LIVE1-1 哈里路亚/AAA1-2 ONE/铃木亚美1-3 白色风筝/My Little Lover1-4 Midnight Call/COLOR1-5 LOVE 2000/hitomi1-6 为何我会喜欢上你?/东方神起1-7 Summer Dream/东方神起1-8 上等黑毛日本牛盐烤牛舌6.22美元 (2008.8.31)/大冢爱1-9 水母、流星/大冢爱1-10 今天会放晴/Do As Infinity1-11 Dear My Friend/Every Little Thing1-12 Shapes Of Love/Every Little Thing1-13 Lady Go!/幸田来未1-14 Moon Crying/幸田来未1-15 FREAKY/幸田来未1-16 Live Your Days~EZ DO DANCE 组曲/TRF1-17 Where to begin/TRF1-18 Mirrorcle World/滨崎步1-19 A Song for xx/滨崎步1-20 Greatful days/滨崎步1-21 fairyland/滨崎步1-22 HANABI/滨崎步1-23 AUDIENCE/滨崎步1-24 Boys&Girls/滨崎步1-25 July 1st/滨崎步LIVE DIGEST1 One Summer Time/BRIGHT2 夕街风/高杉里美3 Dear…/JONTE4 Stand Up People/天上智喜5 Jungle P/50506 其实/奥村初音7 Do you remember?/moumoon8 赤壁 ~心战/alan9 偶然的机率/GIRL NEXT DOOR10 Hear me/后藤真希documentary2-1 艾回夏日联合国"08 幕后花絮2-2 艾回夏日联合国 特别集锦A-NATION09【Live】01. AAA / Break Down02. 铃木亚美 /Delightful03. GIRL NEXT DOOR / Be Your wings04. Do As Infinity / 最后的GAME06. hitomi / World!Wide!Love!05. 河村隆一 / Brilliant Stars06. hitomi / World!Wide!Love!07. DA PUMP / We can"t stop the music08. LINDBERG / 现在立刻Kiss Me09. My Little Lover / blue sky10. 大冢 爱 / bye-bye11. BoA / 永远12. Every Little Thing / Dear My Friend13. globe / FACE14. 幸田来未 / ecstasy15. 东方神起 / Survivor16. TRF / 寒冷的夜...17. 滨崎步 / Rule18. 滨崎步 / A Song for XX19. 滨崎步 / BLUE BIRD20. 滨崎步 / Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~21. 滨崎步 / TO BE22. 滨崎步 / Boys & Girls23. 滨崎步 / Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~24. 滨崎步 / July 1st【a-nation"09 Live Digest】01. TRIPLANE / 爱的暗号02. JURIAN BEAT CRISIS03. moumoon / 哈里路亚04. J-Min / One05. 谷村奈南 / JUNGLE DANCE~SEXY SENORITA Medley06. May J. / Garden07. alan / 久远的河08. 后藤真希 / Candy【a-nation"09 Documentary】A-NATION1001. 幸田来未 Lollipop02. 幸田来未 UNIVERSE03. GIRL NEXT DOOR Infinity04. ICONIQ TOKYO LADY05. 铃木亚美 Delightful06. hitomi Smile World07. AAA 想见你的理由08. AAA 飓风64莉莉, 波士顿64玛丽09. Do As Infinity 今天会放晴10. Do As Infinity 时代指针11. Every Little Thing Time goes by12. 大冢爱 LUCKY☆STAR13. JUNSU 俊秀/JEJUNG 在中/YUCHUN 有天 无时无刻想见你14. JUNSU 俊秀/JEJUNG 在中/YUCHUN 有天 Long Way15. TRF One Nation16. TRF BOY MEETS GIRL feat. WISE ~reborn~17. TRF survival dAnce~no no cry more~18. 滨崎步 Microphone19. 滨崎步 Summer Medley 201020. 滨崎步 crossroad21. 滨崎步 Boys & Girls22. 滨崎步 July 1st23. a-nation"s party THX A LOT24. ACT DANCER Unite! The Night!

JYJ的thanks giving live in dome 和 a-nation 有什么联系和区别啊?


1.选择句子完成对话A:Hi,Lucy!( B:Well,I live near my school,so I get?

1.选择句子完成对话 A:Hi,Lucy!( A.What time do you usually get up on weekdays B:Well,I live near my school,so I get up at quarter to seven.I never go to school late. A:Do you have breakfast at home? B:Yes,( B.I usually have some cakes and a glass of milk ) A:When do you go to school? B:( C.Class begins at eight ),so I go to school at seven forty-five. A:( G.When do you get home B:I leave school at five past five and ( D.I get home at five-thirty ). ABCBCBBAA,2,A,B,C,G,D 1A2B3C4B5C6B7B8A9A,2,2。翻译:我有一个朋友,他的名字叫Tim,他是英国人不是美国人。他住在我家。我们在早晨7:30 去学校。我们每天下午5:15 到家。我们在晚上做家庭作业。我们在深夜10:00才去睡觉。Tim有一个手表,它是新的并且很漂亮。他很喜欢它。他把它每天晚上放在桌子上。现在他在看表。现在几点了?现在10:00了。这是我们在电视上看足球赛的时间。我们现在必须去看它。 答案: 1。A,B,C,G...,2,首先是适当形式填空、 ___Travelling___(travel)is very interesting. 另一道是选择、 when she came to school.she saw___B__new students at the,1,1.选择句子完成对话 A:Hi,Lucy!( B:Well,I live near my school,so I get up at quarter to seven.I never go to school late. A:Do you have breakfast at home? B:Yes,( ) A:When do you go to school? B:( ),so I go to school at seven forty-five. A:( B:I leave school at five past five and ( ). 从这里面选答案 A.What time do you usually get up on weekdays. B.I usually have some cakes and a glass of milk C.Class begins at eight . D.I get home at five-thirty E.When do you play gemes F.I have lunch at school G.When do you get home 2.完形填空 I have a friend.His name is Tim.He is English,not American.He lives( )my home.We go to school at 7:30 in the morning.Every day,we go home at 5:15 in the ( ).We do ( )homework in the evening.We go to bed very late ( ) night,at about 10:00.Tim has a watch.It is new and nice.He likes it very much.He ( )it on the desk in the evening.Now he looks ( ) his watch. What ( )is it It is 10:00.It is time for us ( ) watch a football geme on TV.We must go to ( )it now 1.A in B.on D.for 2.A.morning B.afernoon 3.A.we C.our D.ours 4.A.for C.on B.has C.puts D.does 6.A after D.for 7.A.color B.times B.of C.for D.about B.see C.look D look at 题有点多了,辛苦了,把句子翻译下啊




- Resume Game:回到游戏 - Home Timeout:主队暂停 - Away Timeout:客队暂停 (注意:只有在拥有球权的时候才可以叫暂停) - Substitutions:换人 - Select Controller:选择操作的队伍 - Settings:设置(包括游戏设置、战术设置、图像设置等等,我会在后面做详细的介绍) - Stats Central:统计中心(包括球员、球队等统计) - Quit Game:不用说了吧? 下面该介绍的就是Game Modes(游戏模式)了。 关于Play Online——线上游戏、Season——赛季模式、Playoffs——季候赛模式、1 on 1——1对1模式、Individual Practice——个人训练模式,着重介绍一下04最新模式Dynasty Mode,也就是NBA Live 2004的最大卖点——王朝模式。 我们点击Dynasty Mode就会出现选择画面:它会让我们选择新建、读取或离开。我们选择新建。在载入相应的数据之后,我们会进入王朝模式的主界面。 各个选项为: - NEXT GAME:进行下一场比赛 - SCHEDULE:赛程安排 - Dynasty Development:王朝发展(就是请教练、购买飞机、训练队员等内容) - Roster Management:包括球员名单、转会、修改球员等内容 - Settings:设置 - GM"s Desk:包括数据统计、各种信息 - Begin Playoffs:开始季后赛(这个选项在打完常规赛之后才会被激活) - Load/Save:读取/存档 现在我们退出王朝模式返回到主界面,进入一个以前没有的选项:My NBA Live。进入之后看到如图所示的几个选项: 进入NBA Store,会看到如图所示,其实这就是一个陈列馆,里面有一些退役的球衣、各种奖杯等东西。 按键设置 在“Options”中选择“Configure Controller”,进入按键设置。我现在对照图示翻译一下各个按键的作用: - Pass:传球 - Switch Player:切换队员 - Shoot:投篮 - Take Charge:造犯规 - Pro-Hop/Power Dribble:小跳(或者说叫垫步)/内线转身(我也不知到怎么翻译好,大家在比赛里体会一下就知道了) - Rebound/Block:抢篮板/盖帽(火锅) - Dunk/Lay-Up:扣篮/强起(大家注意,现在Shoot键已经不能扣篮了,在篮下也只能起跳投篮而已,要想扣篮必须用这个键) - Steal:抢断 - Turbo:加速 - Alley-oop:空中接力(在NBA Live 2004中的空中接力在离篮筐近的时候会扣篮,远的时候就变成了空中接力投篮) - Backdown/Protect Ball:*打(就是背向防守球员推进,看看沙克在篮下怎么打就知道了^_^) - Direct Pass:不知道怎么翻译才好……只能麻烦大家自己体会……抱歉了……(编者按:翻译成手控传球比较合适,就是按住热键后只需按照每个位置分配的键位就可以直接把球传到手里。) - Direct Switch:同上^_^ - Playcalling:同上……(编者按:就是呼叫战术,战术可以在游戏中随意切换,组合非常丰富) - Pause:暂停(不是比赛的暂停,是游戏暂停) - Crossover/Spin Move:随机假动作(应该是这么翻译~)(编者按:跨下运球/转身过人。用处不大,只有一个动作而且很傻,建议不必使用。) - Off-Ball Switch:无球……换人?跑动?大概吧~呵呵~(编者按:无球队员切换。) - Quick Plays:快速战术呼叫 - Movement:方向控制 - EA SPORTS Freestyle:从NBA Live 2003开始作为卖点的“自由控制” OPITIONS里的CONFIGURE CONTROLLERS就是设置按键 : OFFENSE/DEFENSE (进攻/防守) PASS (传球) SWITCH PLAYER(切换防守球员) SHOOT(投篮) TAKE CHARGE(制造撞人犯规) PRO-HOP/POWER DRIBBLE(带球踮步突破) REBOUND/BLOCK(篮板和盖冒) DUNK/LAY-UP(强攻,扣蓝上蓝)STEAL(偷球) TURBO(加速) TURBO(加速) ALLEY-OOP(传最*近蓝框球员/空中接力) TAKE CHARGE(制造撞人犯规) BACKDOWN/PROTECT BALL(*打) DIRECT PASS(用按键指定传球) DIRECT SWITCH(用按键直接换人) PLAYCALLING(暂停) PLAYCALLING(战术犯规) PAUSE(暂停游戏切换界面)PAUSE(暂停游戏切换界面) CROSSOVER/SPIN MOVE (假动作突破) OFF-BALL SWITCH (指定无球队员) DIRECT PASS(用按键指定传球)当按下这个键的时候,控球队员会慢慢地带球行走.而其他队员身下就会出 现一个传球的标记,比如用PG带球,当按下去后你的SG脚下会出现SHOOT,SF脚下是PASS,PF是DUNK/LAY-UP,C是PRO- HOP/POWER DRIBBLE,只要按下相应的键,就可以直接把球传到那儿。如果是其他位置的球员带球,按了指定后,PG脚下的字就是他原来那个位置的字,比如C控球,那按PRO-HOP/POWER DRIBBLE就能传给PG OFF-BALL SWITCH (指定无球队员)的使用方法和DIRECT PASS(用按键指定传球)很象,当PG控球时,按下去后,控球队员就变成了灰色,而其他队员身下就会出现一个传球的标记,SG脚下会出现SHOOT, SF脚下是PASS,PF是DUNK/LAY-UP,C是PRO-HOP/POWER DRIBBLE,只要按下相应的键,就可以看到控球队员变成了灰色,而自己选定的队员变成了蓝色,跑好位后,按一下PASS,就可以把球直接传到手上。在进攻的时候特别有用。

NBA live2004 dynasty point 怎么使用啊 怎么用才能让队员的能力提升,我经常用的时候球员能力都下降了

Dynasty development 里第二个选项,里面有消费选择整个赛季加能力 7200点 10天 1天注意加能力对位置有要求,比如盖帽能力只针对前锋,需要把后卫的primary position改成forward,后卫的盖帽能力就上去了,就能盖快攻上篮了好久不完,有些细节遗忘了。



Breakout (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Breakout (Live)歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Bon JoviBreakoutThis time girl I"ve had enoughYou"re too hot to handle with kid glovesIt"s too late I hear a knock on the doorThe game"s over baby I can"t take it no moreBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownPromises made me in the heat of the night (Whoa-oh-oh)Those words were broken under bedroom lights (Whoa-oh)Your lips they burn your body calls my name (Whoa-oh)I can feel the fire but it"s all in vain (Whoa-oh)Breakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownYou say we"ll meet around midnightYou"re gonna make me feel oh so rightI"m saying oh no not tonightYou gotta let me goBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownYou say we"ll meet around midnightYou"re gonna make me feel oh so rightI"m saying oh no not tonightYou gotta let me go


feel free to do sth.: 随心所欲地做某事;不要拘束通常用于解除对方的顾虑。这个句子主要看双方的relationship,和当时的语境了。1,普通朋友那么就是一句常规的劝解,表示观察到对方受到某种困扰,从而影响到日常的生活。简单翻译:活的自在点吧。2,特殊朋友关系亲密,双方处于有矛盾的时机,那么这就是分手宣言。简单翻译:我给你自由了。

Our lives have improved怎么划分主谓语!

应该用被动语态:Our lives have been improved.我们的生活已经得以改善。句子划分:Our lives 主语;have been improved谓语(被动语态)。

有首歌歌词是show me you love me but you live me

Love to be Loved by you - Marc Terenzi. 这个么?

Someday (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Someday (Live)歌手:Sandi Patty专辑:Sandi Patty Christmas LiveSomeday-John Legend《August Rush》As days go byand fade to nightsI still questionwhy you leftI wonder howit didn"t work outbut now you"re goneand memories all I have for nowbut no it"s not overwe"ll get older we"ll get overwe"ll live to see the day that I hope forcome back to meI still believe thatwe"ll get it right againwe"ll come back to life againwe won"t say another goodbye againyou"l live forever with mesomeday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togetherI heard somedaymight be todaymysteries of destinies theyare somehowand are somewayfor all we knowthey come tomorrowfor todaymy eyes are openmy arms are raised for your embracemy hands are here to mend what is brokento feel again to walk on the faceI believe there is more to lifeoh I love you much more than lifebe stillI believe I can change your mindrevive what is dying insideand someday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togetherwe"ll be togetherwe"ll be togethersomeday

Body And Soul (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Body And Soul (Live)歌手:Dexter Gordon专辑:The Capitol Vaults Jazz Seriesbody and souldiana krallBody and souldorothyjazz uploadMy heart is sad and lonelyFor you I sigh, for you dear onlyWhy haven"t you seen it?I"m all for you body and soulI spend my days in longingAnd wondering whyIt"s me you"re wrongingI tell you I mean itI"m all for you body and soulI can"t believe itIt"s hard to conceive itThat you"d turn away romanceAre you pretending?It looks like the endingUnless I could have one more chance to proveDear, my life"s a wreck you"re makingYou know that I"m yours for just the takingI"d gladly surrender myself to you body and soulI can"t believe itIt"s hard to conceive itThat you"d turn away romanceAre you pretending?It looks like the endingUnless I could have one more chance to proveDear, my life"s a wreck you"re makingYou know that I"m yours for just the takingI"d gladly surrender myself to you body and soul

我想问下英语里面为什么live,也就是住这个单词,为什么事不及物动词呢。 vist这个单词为什么是及物动词?


NBA LIVE 2008 里所有球员的数值


microsoft outlook 同hotmail,windowslive,msn之间有什么关系?言简意赅,谢谢!!!

outlook 是微软推出的邮件网站,取代以前的 hotmail (全称是 windows live hotmail)。 windows live 是微软一系统网络业务的统称,比如上面说到的 windows live hotmail。不过这个名称已经取消了,他下面的业务都整合到其他名称中去了。msn 是微软的聊天软件,也是 windows live 的一部分,全称是 windows live messenger。另外,微软还有一个 office outlook ,他是office 的一部分,是一个邮件客户端。


#不断打印输出最近Keepalived_vrrp日志 tail -f /var/log/messages|grep Keepalived_vrrp或者//查询最近3000行中keepalived日志 tail -3000 /var/log/messages|grep Keepalived_vrrp





instant delivery是什么意思


Do you like toliveis the city why怎么回答?

Do you like...?是一个一般疑问句,回答时一般用Yes,I do./No, I don"t.Why?是问的“为什么?”回答可以用Because+句子。在表述句子时,尽量表达正确。这样能更好的帮助到你。希望能帮助到你。望采纳谢谢!

I know that my Redeemer lives, And that , in the end , he will stand up of the Earth. And after skin

我知道我的救主活着末了必站在地上在我这皮肉灭绝之后我必在肉体之外得见神我自己要见他 亲眼要看他 并不像外人我的心肠在我里面消灭了阿门


把CAD导入草图大师 从草图里到处SKP 再导入3D里就可以了。




lacoste live 和lacoste的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同:1、lacoste live:法国鳄鱼。2、lacoste:鳄鱼。二、语法不同:1、lacoste live:Lacoste经典款的Live!系列属于稍微年轻的款式,风格,品质和裁剪风格都有自己独特的见解比正牌更加休闲的款式,合身版型,更加适合日常生活中穿着合身版型。2、lacoste:LACOSTE一直是轻松高雅的代名词。凭借其纯正的体育血统,如今的LACOSTE象征着一种舒适、优雅的生活态度,独特的设计和高品质的产品涵盖了男装、女装和童装。三、侧重点不同1、lacoste live:专注于开发一种既典雅又舒适的服装来替代传统的网球比赛衫。2、lacoste:从原材料的选择开始贯彻整个过程。棉花选择的标准以耐用性,柔软度和高精度著称。两者都非常适合20到25岁的中青年穿。


lacoste: n. 法国鳄鱼(品牌名) The launch of the new Lacoste Red! Collection. 新的红色鳄鱼仔发射!集合。 live: v. 居住;生存,活着;生活;留存,铭记;生长,栖息;以……为生;(船)未沉没;放置,搁置;享受精彩生活;经历,度过 adj. 活的;实况转播的,现场表演的;通电的;仍可爆炸的;燃烧着的;含乳酸菌的;时下重大的;有效的;(机器中轮或轴)转动的;处于比赛状态的;生动的,精力充沛的 After being diagnosed with cancer, he lived five years. 被诊断出癌症之后,他又活了五年。

lacoste live 和lacoste的区别

lacoste live 和lacoste的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、lacoste live:法国鳄鱼。2、lacoste:鳄鱼。二、语法不同1、lacoste live:Lacoste经典款的Live!系列属于稍微年轻的款式,风格,品质和裁剪风格都有自己独特的见解比正牌更加休闲的款式,合身版型,更加适合日常生活中穿着合身版型。2、lacoste:LACOSTE一直是轻松高雅的代名词。凭借其纯正的体育血统,如今的LACOSTE象征着一种舒适、优雅的生活态度,独特的设计和高品质的产品涵盖了男装、女装和童装。三、侧重点不同1、lacoste live:专注于开发一种既典雅又舒适的服装来替代传统的网球比赛衫。2、lacoste:从原材料的选择开始贯彻整个过程。棉花选择的标准以耐用性,柔软度和高精度著称。

Grapevine Fires [Live From Las Vegas At The Palms] 歌词

歌曲名:Grapevine Fires [Live From Las Vegas At The Palms]歌手:Death Cab For Cutie专辑:No SunlightDeath Cab For Cutie - Grapevine FiresWhen the wind picked upand the fire spreadand the grapevines seemed left for dead.And the northern sky, like the end of day,the end of days.A wake up call to a rancid roomSounded like an alarm of impending doom.To warn us it"s only a matter of time.Before we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burn.We bought some wine and some paper cupsnear your daughter"s school when we picked her upand drove to a cemetery on a hillon a hill.And we watched the plumes paint the sky grayand she laughed and dance through the field of graysthere i knew it would be alrightthat everything would be alright,would be alrightwould be alrightwould be alright.and the news reports on the radiosaid it was getting worseas the ocean air fanned the flame.but i couldn"t think of anywhere i would have rather beento watch it all burn burn away.the firemen worked in double shifts,with prayers for rain on their lipsand they knew it was only a matter of time.

In The Shadows (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:In The Shadows (Live)歌手:Story Of The Year专辑:Live In The LouWe both take the hardest punchesAnd collect black eyes just to prove itStill we passed by just like strangersAnd we speak just like the closet enemiesEnemiesWoah,in the shdows of our lifeWe can fall into the night unscarredWoah,in the shadows of our lifeWe can never let it go this so farSomehow my words renderd uselessStill I pull my lip down to mu chestJust to show you how my jaw isTired from waiting to say things that you should hearYou should hearWoah,in the shdows of our lifeWe can fall into the night unscarredWoah,in the shadows of our lifeWe can never let it go this so farAfter all we"re still the sameThese empty promises seem to never changeThere"s a smile on my face and it"s 2:55 a.m.This cramp in my wrist puts me back asleepTill it at comes around againWith a closed fistWith a closed fistWith a closed fistWith a closed fistWoah,in the shdows of our lifeWe can fall into the night unscarredWoah,in the shadows of our lifeWe can never let it go this so farWoah,in the shdows of our lifeWe can fall into the night unscarred

Five Years (Live) (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Five Years (Live) (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:StageFive yearsArtist:David BowiePushing thru the market square, so many mothers sighingNews had just come over, we had five years left to cry inNews guy wept and told us, earth was really dyingCried so much his face was wet, then I knew he was not lyingI heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodiesI saw boys, toys electric irons and T.V."sMy brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spareI had to cram so many things to store everything in thereAnd all the fat-skinny people, and all the tall-short peopleAnd all the nobody people, and all the somebody peopleI never thought I"d need so many peopleA girl my age went off her head, hit some tiny childrenIf the black hadn"t a-pulled her off, I think she would have killed themA soldier with a broken arm, fixed his stare to the wheels of a CadillacA cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and a queer threw up at the sight of thatI think I saw you in an ice-cream parlour, drinking milk shakes cold and longSmiling and waving and looking so fine, don"t thinkyou knew you were in this songAnd it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actorAnd I thought of Ma and I wanted to get back thereYour face, your race, the way that you talkI kiss you, you"re beautiful, I want you to walkWe"ve got five years, stuck on my eyesFive years, what a surpriseWe"ve got five years, my brain hurts a lotFive years, that"s all we"ve gotWe"ve got five years, what a surpriseFive years, stuck on my eyesWe"ve got five years, my brain hurts a lotFive years, that"s all we"ve gotWe"ve got five years, stuck on my eyesFive years, what a surpriseWe"ve got five years, my brain hurts a lotFive years, that"s all we"ve gotWe"ve got five years, what a surpriseWe"ve got five years, stuck on my eyesWe"ve got five years, my brain hurts a lotFive years, that"s all we"ve gotFive yearsFive yearsFive yearsFive years
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