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联想笔记本L430Alt Gr lea PrtSc按键各是什么意思

Alt Gr 键是某些非美式键盘布局右侧的键。Alt Gr 等效于 Ctrl+Alt 组合键,可以与其他键一起输入下面键盘语言列表中显示的其他字符。Microsoft Word 可以区分左 盘Alt 键和右盘 Alt 键,这样您就可以使用 Ctrl+Alt 和 Alt Gr 组合键。

逃避问题不是一个好方法用英语怎么说lt is not a

英文原文: It is not a good way to escape a trouble. 英式音标: [u026at] [u026az] [nu0252t] [u0259; eu026a] [gu028ad] [weu026a] [tu0259; before a vowel; tu028a; stressed; tuu02d0] [u026au02c8skeu026ap; e-] [u0259; eu026a] [u02c8tru028cb(u0259)l] . 美式音标: [u026at] [u026az] [nɑt] [e] [ɡu028ad] [we] [tuu02cctu0259] [u026au02c8skep] [e] [u02c8tru028cbl] .

逃避问题不是一个好方法用英语怎么说lt is not a

it is not a good way to escape from a problem


health的读音是英[helθ],美[helθ]。1、health的释义。n:身体状况;健康;医疗,卫生;(组织或系统的)运行状况,运作状况;发达,兴旺。2、health的同近义词。n:[医]健康;卫生;保健;兴旺。fitness/hygiene/wellness。3、health的词组搭配。(1)health care:卫生保健。(2)public health:n.公共卫生;公共卫生设施。(3)mental health:心理健康。(4)national health:国民医疗服务制度。(5)human health:人类健康;人体健康。(6)health education:健康教育;卫生教育。(7)health status:健康状态,健康状况。(8)health service:公共医疗卫生服务。(9)world health organization:世界卫生组织。(10)community health:社区卫生(健康);公共卫生;社会健康。health的例句,具体如下:1、Her health degenerated quickly.她的健康状况迅速恶化。2、He"s always enjoyed good health.他一直都很健康。3、She was radiant with health.她身体健康,容光焕发。4、Her health was declining rapidly.她的健康状况迅速恶化。5、She radiates happiness and health.她浑身洋溢着快乐与健康。

health 和 wellness的区别


health 和 wellness的区别


health 和 wellness的区别

health健康 和 wellness好


wellness:读音:英 [u02c8welnu0259s]、美 [u02c8welnu0259s] 名词:健康 。例如:Music, sports, languages, cooking, personal development, health& wellness, etc. 音乐、运动、语言、烹饪、个人发展、健康等等。health:读音:英 [helθ] 、美 [hu025blθ] 名词: 卫生、保健、健康状况、昌盛、兴旺。例如:Caffeine is bad for your health. 咖啡因对人体健康有害。health 一般侧重身体方面的健康wellness 侧重于身心状态的健康


wellness:读音:英 [u02c8welnu0259s]、美 [u02c8welnu0259s] 名词:健康 。例如:Music, sports, languages, cooking, personal development, health& wellness, etc. 音乐、运动、语言、烹饪、个人发展、健康等等。health:读音:英 [helθ] 、美 [hu025blθ] 名词: 卫生、保健、健康状况、昌盛、兴旺。例如:Caffeine is bad for your health. 咖啡因对人体健康有害。health 一般侧重身体方面的健康wellness 侧重于身心状态的健康

美国大学本科专业I20上面写的是health and wellness , general

同学你申请的是健康、医疗或医疗辅助相关的学科吗?没必要去弄清楚health and wellness 的区别,它只能算一个category,一个classification。至于加上general的整句话,就代表你是往health and wellness 方向发展,但专业未定。

health 和 wellness的区别



总体来说,二者没有太大的区别. health 名词,意为“健康”,health-healthy 形容词,“健康的”. wellness 名词,意为“好(的状态)”,well 形容词,“好的、健康的”-wellness

health 和 wellness的区别

health = 健康状况,卫生,good health = 身体健康 health 可能是指本身的健康状况(主要是指内在的条件)wellness = 应该是形容词well的名词化,well的意思:健康的,良好的.那么名词的意思大概可以翻译成:安逸,安康wellness 可能是指生活条件良好(主要是指外在的条件)


wellness:读音:英 [u02c8welnu0259s]、美 [u02c8welnu0259s] 名词:健康 。例如:Music, sports, languages, cooking, personal development, health& wellness, etc. 音乐、运动、语言、烹饪、个人发展、健康等等。health:读音:英 [helθ] 、美 [hu025blθ] 名词: 卫生、保健、健康状况、昌盛、兴旺。例如:Caffeine is bad for your health. 咖啡因对人体健康有害。

x档案中skinner walter 是不是有一段床戏?在哪一集?

3x21 Avatar


penalty原来就是有罪的意思,然后在法律领域解释为罚款。fine和penalty相似,但是更侧重指代的是罚款时候的那个钱,所以是罚金。此外,fine也有pay the fine的用法,指的就是付罚金。如果是翻译的话,要看你做什么翻译的。如果是学生作业,大可不必纠结。如果是法律文献的话,还是注意一点比较妥当。谢谢





工艺仪表图中LT LRA表示什么意思?




Molten 篮球怎么辨别真假

可以通过以下方法鉴别摩腾篮球的真假:1. 摸:真的摩腾篮球外表有层磨砂,且在每个接缝处都又凸起的部分,比较有质感。假的摩腾篮球光滑,没有凸起,且球体外表没有磨砂。2. 看:真的摩腾篮球在球的针线活上比假的要细很多,且球的重量也要重一些。3. 拍:真的摩腾篮球在拍打时,球体外表的弹性层会有一个下陷的弧形,假的则没有。4. 试:真的摩腾篮球在打了一阵后,会慢慢失去气,且外表的弹性层会出现细小的裂痕,假的则没有。以上是鉴别摩腾篮球真假的方法,希望对您有所帮助。



篮球 molten GL7和GG7哪个更好


Molten 篮球怎么辨别真假


请问打过的人,Molten GG7的评价怎么样?



摩腾篮球根据产地分为泰国产与中国产。 以7号球为例: 泰国产 从高到底型号分别是GL>GG>GF>GM>B7T5>GC>GS>GD>GZ>GR>B7R; 其中GL、GG、GF、GM、B7T5都是FIBA认证的比赛球, GL是奥运和世锦赛比赛球,GG、GF、GM是中国全国等级的比赛球。 其中GL是天然牛皮材料,GG、GF、B7T5是最高档PU,GM是高档PU。 GC、GS是高档PU的;GD、GZ是普通PU的;GR是橡胶的。 中国产 从高到低型号分为GK>GA>GP>GW>GT>GY>WX>YX; 其中GK、GA、GP用的是高档PU;GW、WX用的是普通PU;GT、GY、YX用的是PVC材料。 整体看,泰国产要比中国产要高一档次。5号、6号球的分类也可以参考以上型号。 摩腾篮球其实手感很好,不过用惯斯伯丁的人可能一开始会觉得摩腾的球小,会有点不适应所以建议多打一打。PU材料的球室内室外都适合,橡胶的耐磨更适合外场。希望采纳







quattro ultra正常情况几驱

quattro ultra是智能四驱系统,正常情况四驱。奥迪quattro是世界上最著名的汽车四驱系统之一,quattro采用了纯机械形式的四驱系统,在性能和可靠性上都比许多电控的四驱系统更加优秀。搭载quattro的车型在行驶稳定性、操控性和安全性上都会提升不少。奥迪四驱quattro优缺点1、优点对于轿车而言搭载quattro系统能有效提升车辆行驶的稳定性、操控性和安全性,而越野车上搭载quattro系统还能增加车辆的越野性能。其次相比起其它四驱系统,quattro由于是纯机械结构,在耐用性上会更加优秀,这是quattro系统纯机械结构的先天优势,托森差速器的应用令quattro扬名世界。2、缺点uattro系统会导致车辆的油耗有一定程度上的增加,早在2017年的时候,它推出的奥迪A4这款车就已经取消了托森差速器。这也就意味着,这套系统已经不适合追求燃油经济性的现在使用。其次quattro系统的造价比较昂贵。

quattro ultra正常情况几驱

quattro ultra是智能四驱系统,正常情况四驱。奥迪quattro是世界上最著名的汽车四驱系统之一,quattro采用了纯机械形式的四驱系统,在性能和可靠性上都比许多电控的四驱系统更加优秀。搭载quattro的车型在行驶稳定性、操控性和安全性上都会提升不少。奥迪四驱quattro优缺点1、优点对于轿车而言搭载quattro系统能有效提升车辆行驶的稳定性、操控性和安全性,而越野车上搭载quattro系统还能增加车辆的越野性能。其次相比起其它四驱系统,quattro由于是纯机械结构,在耐用性上会更加优秀,这是quattro系统纯机械结构的先天优势,托森差速器的应用令quattro扬名世界。2、缺点uattro系统会导致车辆的油耗有一定程度上的增加,早在2017年的时候,它推出的奥迪A4这款车就已经取消了托森差速器。这也就意味着,这套系统已经不适合追求燃油经济性的现在使用。其次quattro系统的造价比较昂贵。

2,3-BPG支路(2,3-BPGalternative pathway)


quattro ultra正常情况几驱

quattro ultra是智能四驱系统,正常情况四驱。奥迪quattro是世界上最著名的汽车四驱系统之一,quattro采用了纯机械形式的四驱系统,在性能和可靠性上都比许多电控的四驱系统更加优秀。搭载quattro的车型在行驶稳定性、操控性和安全性上都会提升不少。奥迪四驱quattro优缺点1、优点对于轿车而言搭载quattro系统能有效提升车辆行驶的稳定性、操控性和安全性,而越野车上搭载quattro系统还能增加车辆的越野性能。其次相比起其它四驱系统,quattro由于是纯机械结构,在耐用性上会更加优秀,这是quattro系统纯机械结构的先天优势,托森差速器的应用令quattro扬名世界。2、缺点uattro系统会导致车辆的油耗有一定程度上的增加,早在2017年的时候,它推出的奥迪A4这款车就已经取消了托森差速器。这也就意味着,这套系统已经不适合追求燃油经济性的现在使用。其次quattro系统的造价比较昂贵。



和child teenager,adult ,toddler同类的单词以p开头

3 其他3个都是表示某一年龄层次的人,3是辈分的词 4 其他3个都是形容词,4是名词

entropic penalty如何翻译


Penalty Interest什么意思



NON-END/PENALTY APPLS 不得签转/处罚事项20K意思是20公斤,等于40斤

record of penalty charges是什么意思

record of penalty charges罚款记录双语例句 1.The fees and penalty charges ballooned. 花费和罚款费用一路激增。2.In addition, the thesis lists 68 death penalty charges prescribed in present "Criminal Law", which is extremely important in the analysis of death penalty issue. 此外本文列举出我国现行刑法规定最新的68个死刑罪名,填补了当前我国死刑问题研究的一个空白。

gap opening penalty 是什么意思

Gap opening penalty:空格罚分设置,增加一个空格就罚相应的分值,增加这一分值会降低空格出现的频率。一般扣5-10分

non Compliance Penalty 在合同中的条款,怎样翻译更精确


帮忙修改这句英语的语法错误:The penalty for him running the red


without penalty是什么意思

without penalty没有处罚请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

thermodynamic penalty是什么意思

thermodynamic penalty adj.热力学的,使用热动力的例句:1. To maintain clarity and simplicity, we leave all thermodynamic considerations aside.为了作到简单明白, 我们暂不考虑热力学问题.2. This quantity is identical to the negative of the thermodynamic pressure.这个量等于热动力压力的负值.3. The tephigram is a thermodynamic particularly suitable for representing atmospheric processes.温熵图是一种热力学图,特别适合于描述大气过程.

penalty area 18 yord bx是什么意思?

你好!penalty area 18 yord bx禁区18码bx


其含义为:1、NON-END:不得签转  各航空公司不得签转的定义有所区别:  中国国际航空公司 签转变更规定:正常票不限制,60折(含)以上第一次均可免费更改,80折至95折第二次更改收票面价5%手续费,60折至75折第二次更改收10%手续费,60折以下不得改签。   中国东方航空 签转变更规定:正常票不限制,80折以上舱位可以变更一次,80折以下必须升舱至80折(含)以上舱位,且须到东航办理。 2、NON-RER:不得改变航程,不能变更飞机始发地和终点地。3、PENALTY APPLS:适用罚则指的适用机票16项罚则。



penalty,punishment 有什么区别?

penalty多是依据规定进行的罚款行为.例如--The penalty for spitting is US$10.随地吐痰罚款十美金。punishment就是对某种行为的处罚,不一定是罚款.例如--My punishment for littering was several hours of picking up trash.我因乱扔杂物而受到的处罚是捡几小时垃圾。


名词讲时都有罚款的意思,penalty更侧重不好的后果 fine n. 罚款, 罚金 penalty n. 处罚, 刑罚, 罚款, 罚球, 报应, 不利结果, 妨碍





penalty shoot-out是什么意思

你好!penalty shoot out点球出局

abaqus中penalty为0与 frictionless区别




penalty shootout是什么意思


shot the penalty是什么意思?

shot the penalty射点球您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!

请高人解释英语penalty 和sanction的不同~ rt 可是sanction也有制裁的意思啊

一个是惩罚,一个是批准 sanction(迫使某国服从国际法的)处罚措施,制裁.penalty更具有一般意义:1.punishment for breaking a law,rule or contract刑罚; 处罚; 惩罚,如there is a penalty for late delivery(有延...


plt是什么意思介绍如下:PLT 是血小板(blood platelet)的简称。血小板(blood platelet)是哺乳动物血液中的有形成分之一。形状不规则,比红细胞和白细胞小得多,无细胞核,成年人血液中血小板数量为125~350×1000000000个/L,它有质膜,没有细胞核结构,一般呈圆形,体积小于红细胞和白细胞。血小板在长期内被看作是血液中的无功能的细胞碎片。直到1882年意大利医师J.B.比佐泽罗发现它们在血管损伤后的止血过程中起着重要作用,才首次提出血小板的命名。概念直到1882年意大利医师J.B.比佐泽罗发现它们在血管损伤后的止血过程中起着重要作用,才首次提出血小板的命名。低等脊椎动物圆口纲有纺锤细胞起凝血作用,鱼纲开始有特定的血栓细胞。两栖、爬行和鸟纲动物血液中都有血栓细胞,血栓细胞是有细胞核的梭形或椭圆形细胞,功能与血小板相似。无脊椎动物没有专一的血栓细胞,如软体动物的变形细胞兼有防御和创伤治愈作用。甲壳动物只有一种血细胞,兼有凝血作用。血小板为圆盘形,直径1~4微米到7~8微米不等,且个体差异很大(5~12立方微米)。血小板因能运动和变形,故用一般方法观察时表现为多形态。血小板结构复杂,简言之,由外向内为3层结构,即由外膜、单元膜及膜下微丝结构组成的外围为第1层;第2层为凝胶层,电镜下见到与周围平行的微丝及微管构造;第3层为微器官层,有线粒体、致密小体、残核等结构。血小板正常值:(100到300)×10^9个/L。


Multisim中功率因数用功率计(瓦特表,Wattmeter)测量——Power factor。

Katie always felt there had to be something more to life than just partying,为开头的阅读理解,

不知道是不是下面这个:Katie always felt there had to be something more to life than just partying, buying clothes and driving a cool car. She finally discovered what she was missing out on when she traveled halfway around the world to help poor kids.When she was 14, she discovered a club at school called Operation Smile, an organization that supports free operation for facially deformed kids in developing countries. At that time, she joined Operation Smile just to satisfy her school"s community service requirement.After working with Operation Smile for a while, she learned different countries have different deformities (畸形). The more she learned about what affects kids around the world, the more she wanted to go abroad with Operation Smile.At 15, she was chosen to go abroad. She was so happy – even though she didn"t realize what she w as getting herself into. Before her trip, she attended a weekend "mission training". That"s when she was told she"d be going to the Philippines. Although she was excited, one night during training, she broke down in tears. She didn"t know if she was prepared to see all these unfortunate kids. She was put to work three days after her arrival in the Philippines. Her first day was at the hospital, where she met those kids waiting for operation, and they were running around and happy, it seemed normal. Her job was to play with the kids before their operation to help them feel more at ease. She also went to nearby schools to hand out toothbrushes and teach students how to brush their teeth.When their operation was over, the kids were always overjoyed, but their parents were blown away. Sometimes they couldn"t even recognize their kids because their appearances had improved so much. They"d cry and hug the doctors and nurses and give them presents--they were so grateful.64. Why did the author join the Operation Smile? A. To help poor kids in developing countries, B. To satisfy her own curiosity.C. To do what was required by the school. D. To operate on those unfortunate kids.65. According to the passage, Operation Smile ____.A. is a club popular with students B. is an organization founded by studentsC. helps those unfortunate kids learn how to smileD. offers operation for those unfortunate kids free of charge66. Why did the author play with those kids in hospital?A. To make them happy. B. To learn more shout them.C. To teach them how to brush their teeth. D. To make them feel relaxed about the operation.67. After the operation, parents felt surprised for their kids" had improved so much.A. health condition B. looks C. smile D. mood【解析】64. C 推理判断题,根据第二段At that time, she joined Operation Smile just to satisfy her school"s community service requirement.可知答案。65. D细节理解,根据第二段an organization that supports free operation for facially deformed kids in developing countries.可知答案。66. D 推理判断题。根据Her job was to play with the kids before their operation to help them feel more at ease.可知答案。67. B细节理解,根据Sometimes they couldn"t even recognize their kids because their appearances had improved so much.可知答案。

哪位大神能给我解释一下Robert B. Kaplan的"Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education"


System has been restored to its default settings


All settings were reset to default values. The previous overclock settings have failed,system h


although the cause of cancer ___ , we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. a,are being

这句话是说,尽管癌症的原因已经慢慢被揭示出来,然而我们还没有什么有效的方式去阻止它的发生。或者说,尽管癌症的病因正在被一点一点地揭开,但现在我们没有可以预防它的实用方法。 这道题目其实可以用排除法,因为uncover是个及物动词,表示揭示,那么这里说癌症的原因,显然是被揭示,要用被动,而BCD全部都是主动,只能用A选项。致癌原因正被揭开,故选进行时的被动语态。

三星Galaxy S2 lte连不上数据网络,没有显示E,但显示R



tr 是一行,td是列,th是加重




Is her quilt blue and white?肯定回答 Yes,it is.否定回答 No,it isn"t.一般疑问句直接在is提到句子开头

求高手 filter:alpha(opacity=20);

filter:alpha(opacity=20); /* IE 浏览器支持 */ ;-moz-opacity:0.4; /* 遨游浏览器 火狐浏览器 支持 */ ;opacity: 0.4; /* 支持CSS3的浏览器(FF 1.5也支持)*/”>



CSS 透明度怎么设置。 filter:alpha(opacity=10); 我这句话在IE中有效 在其它的浏览器中就没效(Opera)

filter:alpha(opacity=0);moz-opacity: 0;-khtml-opacity: 0;opacity:0;


这一条代码是为了IE浏览器实现不透明度为80% 因为如果用 opacity:0.8; IE会不支持的 我也有个这模板后面有注释/*proprietary IE code */

Altium designer 09库都是英文标注,怎么知道那个元件在那个库里面,怎么常规的二极管三极管都没见

楼主,附件是一些常用元件库。其中Miscellaneous Devices就是最常用的元件库。

佳能eos rebelt5好还是70d好?



revoltvi. 反抗;反叛;反感,厌恶vt. 使反感;使恶心rebelvi. 造反;反叛;反抗revolt有及物动词和不及物动词而rebel只有不及物动词


灰黑是一种环保材料吧 瑜伽垫就是用这种材料做的 TPE: 热塑性磷酸三苯酯常用化工英文缩写与中文名对照(二) TPA 对苯二甲酸 TPE

msp430: MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO~800kHz是什么意思? ACLK与TACLK有什么区别?


Casualties of War 歌词

歌曲名:Casualties of War歌手:Gossip专辑:A Joyful NoiseCasualties Of WarGossipWhen I opened my eyes I didn"t seeFalling from the skies in front of meNot quite but closeAs though I"d seen a ghostWas it too much to feel the touchOf someone there you couldnt loveCause someone there comes and goesSo how are you I"m doing wellI"m fighting tears you couldnt tellI"m not as strong as you thought I wasWhen you fall down do you hear the soundOf broken dreamsHiting the groundBaby please the casualties of warYou lost the fight I heard it was a good fightThe kind that no one wins and no one′s rightI could′ve walked awayI should′ve walked awayYou always had that habit of keeping scoreYou might have wone the battle but not the warWhat goes around comes aroundSo how are you, I"m doing wellI"m fighting tears you couldnt tellI"m not as strong as you thought I wasWhen you fall down do you hear the soundOf broken dreamsHiting the groundBaby please the casualties of warSo how are you, I"m doing wellI"m fighting tears you couldnt tellI"m not as strong as you thought I wasWhen you fall down do you hear the soundOf broken dreamsHiting the groundBaby please the casualties of warWhen you fall down do you hear the soundOf broken dreamsHiting the groundBaby please the casualties of war


specified source device context into a destination device context.SyntaxParametershdcDest [in]A handle to the destination device context.nXDest [in]The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.nYDest [in]The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.nWidth [in]The width, in logical units, of the source and destination rectangles.nHeight [in]The height, in logical units, of the source and the destination rectangles.hdcSrc [in]A handle to the source device context.nXSrc [in]The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle.nYSrc [in]The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle.dwRop [in]A raster-operation code. These codes define how the color data for the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data for the destination rectangle to achieve the final color. The following list shows some common raster operation codes.Value MeaningBLACKNESSCAPTUREBLTDSTINVERTMERGECOPYMERGEPAINTNOMIRRORBITMAPNOTSRCCOPYNOTSRCERASEPATCOPYPATINVERTPATPAINTSRCANDSRCCOPYSRCERASESRCINVERTSRCPAINTWHITENESSReturn valueIf the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.RemarksBitBlt only does clipping on the destination DC. If a rotation or shear transformation is in effect in the source device context, BitBlt returns an error. If other transformations exist in the source device context (and a matching transformation is not in effect in the destination device context), the rectangle in the destination device context is stretched, compressed, or rotated, as necessary. If the color formats of the source and destination device contexts do not match, the BitBlt function converts the source color format to match the destination format. When an enhanced metafile is being recorded, an error occurs if the source device context identifies an enhanced-metafile device context. Not all devices support the BitBlt function. For more information, see the RC_BITBLT raster capability entry in the GetDeviceCaps function as well as the following functions: MaskBlt, PlgBlt, and StretchBlt. BitBlt returns an error if the source and destination device contexts represent different devices. To transfer data between DCs for different devices, convert the memory bitmap to a DIB by calling GetDIBits. To display the DIB to the second device, call SetDIBits or StretchDIBits. ICM: No color management is performed when blits occur.ExamplesFor an example, see Capturing an Image.RequirementsMinimum supported client Windows 2000 ProfessionalMinimum supported server Windows 2000 ServerHeader Wingdi.h (include Windows.h)Library Gdi32.libDLL Gdi32.dllSee alsoBitmaps Overview Bitmap Functions GetDeviceCaps GetDIBits MaskBlt PlgBlt SetDIBits StretchBlt StretchDIBits


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