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l 要发音, 不过在单词前中后读音略有不同,[su0254:lt] l 不要发音的较少,如could [强 kud, 弱 ku0259d] 基本释义aux. 能够v. 能(can的过去式)

污水处理KN,O. P*,T.P **,Salt是什么意思


salty adj. 咸的;含盐的; 例句: That fish is really salty! 那条鱼真的很咸! 扩展资料   It tastes like salty fish.   这个吃起来就像咸鱼。   The popcorn tastes salty.   爆米花尝起来是咸的。   Is there anything salty?   有没有咸的东西?   The fish was very salty.   这只鱼味道很咸。














salty & salt

Salty (adjective) = 咸味浓的 有盐味的 tasting or *** elling like salt Salt (adjective) = 含盐的 咸的 containing or tasting of salt preserved with salt (only before noun) 两个字表面意思是”咸的” salt 多数用作 noun 或 verb 比较少做 adjective. The adjective form of “salt” is salty. 我想分别是 salty 着重taste 味道 (咸味浓) ~ either taste or *** ell 可以不提到盐 salt (adjective) 似着重含盐 containing salt 用在常见的连语 Yahoo 字典上有一个 example: The fried chicken is too salt. 那炸鸡太咸了 (Is it correct ??) 我想 Yahoo字典没有错 (纯个人意见) 虽然大多数人 老师和 grammari 会写 The fried chicken is too salty. 通常 salt 用作 adjective 是在 noun 前面. 但是英国某少数区域 local dialect 有一句 "It"s not salt enough" 两本书内有 “it is salt enough”: [不跟这 format: salt (adj.) + noun] Taste it to see if it is salt enough. Stir it well and turn it out into a stone pot. When it is cold it will be jellied and firm. ...from “National Cookery Book” - Page 117 ~ by Elizabeth Duane Gillespie Then stir in one cup more of meal (dry). From time to time throw in a little more meal taking care that it does not get too thick. Taste it to be sure that it is salt enough and stir often to prevent burning. ... -- from “How to Cook Well” - Page 17 – by J. Rosalie Benton USAGE: 如果用 adjective (talking about taste and *** ell) 作文应该使用 salty 比较安全和普及 原因 salty 只作 adjective 用. (不同 salt 还可作 noun 和 verb) salty 还有其他的 meaning. e.g. salty flavour salty taste salty soup salty food salty popcorn salty tears salty sea air Salt used as an adjective 要特别小心 多数用在下列 noun 上 (salt (adj.) + noun) Collocation: salt beef salt pork salt fish salt cod salt flats salt lake salt marsh salt mine salt pit salt spray salt water 另外两个字: salted (adjective) = 盐腌的 e.g. salted nut salted butter salted vegetables salted egg salted meat salted pretzels salted fish salted fish 大有人用 saline (adjective) = 盐的; 含盐分的 e.g. saline soil saline solution 为什么不用 salted pork salted beef? 我想是以前习惯用开. more to do with usage. “salt pork” 看似 pound noun 但字典说 salt 是 adjective. 参考: Cambridge English Dictionary; Collocations Dictionary (1) salty (adjective) meaning: tasting of or containing salt 咸味的; 有盐分的 e.g. Taste this sause and tell me if it is too salty. (2) salt (as adjective) - must be used before noun meaning: containing or preseved in salt 含盐的; 盐腌的 e.g. I don"t like eating salt pork because it is too salty. e.g. The toilets in Hong Kong are flushed with salt water. "The fried chicken is too salt" (this example as given in Yahoo dictionary is incorrect)


salt本身就有形容词形式 n.食盐, 风趣, 刺激 adj.含盐的, 咸的, 风趣的, 辛辣的 vt.加盐于, 用盐腌 扩展资料   They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.   他们在结冰的路上撒沙子和盐。   Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water.   盐水比淡水浮力大。



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salt原唱是谁 salt原唱介绍

1、salt原唱是Tinashe,塔娜什·乔治森,1993年2月6日出生,美国女歌手、演员、舞蹈家和模特。她最初是女子乐队出色的主唱,而在她获得了较大的成功、乐队2011年解散后,Tinashe宣布单飞。 2、2018年3月22日,本·西蒙斯个人社交账号里晒了和女歌手塔娜什·乔治森(TinasheJorgenso)的拥抱合照,正式公开恋情。


salt形容词是salty。资料扩展:食盐,从分类上来说有井盐、海盐、池盐、岩盐等,从所含成分上来看包括了铁、钙、锌、钾、钠、碘等多种营养元素,人们用的食盐是盐类的一种,是指富含钠的盐类,也就是氯化钠。盐也是人体不能缺乏的重要元素,有调节人体活动的作用。国家规定井盐和矿盐的氯化钠含量不得低于95%。食盐中含有钡盐、氯化物、镁、铅、砷、锌、硫酸盐等杂质。我们规定钡含量不得超过20mg/kg。食盐中镁、钙含量过多可使盐带苦味,含氟过高也可引起中毒。近年来许多试验证实,食盐摄入量与高血压发病率有一定关系,膳食中食盐摄入过多,可引起高血压。世界卫生组织(WHO)建议每人每日摄入6g 以下食盐可预防冠心病和高血压。我国规定成人每日摄入6g食盐即可满足机体对钠的需要。盐在中国的源起。“盐”字本意是“在器皿中煮卤”。《说文》中记述:天生者称卤,煮成者叫盐。传说黄帝时有个叫夙沙的诸侯,以海水煮卤,煎成盐,颜色有青、黄、白、黑、紫五样。



l want to take that looks nice.中take是什么意思





MD5自身是不可逆的 但是目前网路上有很多数据库支持反查询如果用户密码数据库不小心被泄露黑客就可以通过反查询方式获得用户密码或者对于数据库中出现频率较高的hash码(即很多人使用的)进行暴力破解(因为它通常都是弱口令)盐值就是在密码hash过程中添加的额外的随机值比如我的id是癫ω倒④ゞ 密码是 存在数据库中的时候就可以对字符串/癫ω倒④ゞ 进行hash,而验证密码的时候也以字符串(要验证的密码)/癫ω倒④ゞ 进行验证这样有另外一个笨蛋密码是的时候 依然能构造出不同的hash值 并且能成功的验证这时候我的id就作为盐值 为密码进行复杂hash了所以么。。盐值的作用是减少数据库泄露带来的损失如果你RP非常好 猜中了我的密码是 我也阻止不了你啊一般情况下,系统的用户密码都会经过一系列的加密才会存储到数据库或者别的资源文件。盐值加密:把你原来密码,加上一些盐然后再进行一些列的加密算法。比如你的密码是: 用户名是:gaobing在security 中盐值加密可以是这样加盐的{gaobing} 然后 ,在进行一些列的加密。上一篇日志中介绍了三种登陆设置,这边用数据库的那种作为例子:<authentication-manager<authentication-provider user-service-ref="myUserDetailsService"<password-encoder hash=md5<salt-source user-property=username/</password-encoder</authentication-provider</authentication-manager<b:bean<b:property name=dataSource ref=dataS /</b:bean说明:<salt-source user-property=username/ 这一句即声明了所加的盐值,即数据库中的username字段。<password-encoder hash=md5 在他的属性中指明了加盐之后的加密算法 即MD5(应该是32位 我测试是32位的)这样设置后你的数据库中的密码也应该是经过盐值加密的。比如username:gaobing 在数据库中的password应该是{gaobing}经过MD5加密后的 4daf885e05ff45a72ada6652a3727b6a。






d with the beauty and gentility of the Old


salt,用英语造句 :Salt the meat to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.根据自己的口味给肉加点盐,然后用文火慢炖。


salt是不可数名词。 salt:n.盐;食盐;盐(金属和酸组成的化学物质);形状(或味道)像盐的物质 扩展资料   Boil plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti.   把足量的盐水烧开,再放入意大利面条。   Add two teaspoons of salt.   加两小匙盐。   Salt and pepper the potatoes.   给土豆放上盐和胡椒粉。


The meat was salted away for future use . 肉腌了起来,以备日后食用。 His statement must be taken with a grain of salt . 他的话不能全信。 He snuffs up salt and water to cure a cold . 他吸盐水入鼻中治感冒。 Such a helerocycle is found in pyrypum salts . 吡喃盐就是这类的杂环。 Her humor adds salt to her conversation . 她很幽默,谈起话来妙趣横生。 The salt pthium chloride is hygroscopic . 氯化锂盐具有吸湿性的。 The sea is mainly posed of water and salt ... 海主要由海水和盐组成。 A salt is a general term for an ionic pound . 盐是离子化合物的统称。 The crisp frost lay pke salt upon the grass . 严霜象盐一样复盖在草上。 I am not yet one of the salt of the earth . 我还没有出人头地。 These worms are placed in dilute salt solutions . 将蚯蚓放在稀释盐溶液中。 I think i"m going to send you to the salt mines。 我只好罚你去吃点苦头了。 His statement must be taken with a grain of salt . 他的话要打一个折扣听取。 It looks pke salt and it is salt . 那看著像盐,也的确是盐。 You put too much salt in this dish . 这菜里你盐搁得太多了。 Would you reach me the salt , please ? 请把盐递给我好吗? What he said should always be taken with a grain of salt . 他的说法还不能全信。 He says dangerous sports give salt to pfe . 他说危险的运动可以为人生带来 *** 。 Dibasic acids can form acid salts . 二元酸能形成酸式盐。 You can trust her : she is the salt of the earth .. 你可以信任她:她这人很诚实。 Salt solutions are used in humidity standardization . 在温度标准化中采用盐溶液。 Put just a pttle salt in the soup . 汤里搁点儿盐花儿。 May i trouble you for the salt ? 麻烦您把盐递给我行吗? This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard . 这肉里应该加点盐和芥末调味。 Cationics are usually quaternary ammomium salts . 阳离子表面活性剂通常为季铵盐类。 We do not know when men first began to use salt . 我们并不清楚人类初次用盐的时期。 Please taste the soup and see if it has enough salt . 请尝一口汤,看盐放得够不够。 Add salt to correct the seasoning . 加点盐把味道调好。 Salt was an important item on the table of royalty . 盐在皇家餐桌上占有重要的位置。 Have you salted the vegetables ? 你把蔬菜加盐了没有? Quartzes and rock salt have the highest conductivities . 石英巖和巖盐的热导率最高。 One of the oldest method of salt removal is dialysis . 透析是最古老的去盐方法之一。 There was salt crusted everywhere . 到处都结著盐皮。 Salt is a preservative for meat . 盐是肉类的防腐剂。 A torrent of salt water cascaded through the hatch . 一股瀑布般的盐水从舱口倒灌下来。 Would you pass the salt , please ? 劳驾把盐递给我。 Milk sopds include salts , protein and sugar . 牛乳中的固态物质包括盐分、蛋白质和糖。 People don"t know how much he"s got salted away . 别人还不知道他到底偷偷捞了多少钱哩。 The salts may be used to make sopd-state batteries . 这些金属盐可用来制造固体电池组。 The place was sown with salt . 这块土地被撒了盐。 She salted away most of the profit from the business . 她把大部分利润都私自蓄存起来了。 Their removal is effected by aluminum and ferric salts . 用铁盐和铝盐能将其有效地除去。 I wish i had some salt . 我盼望能够有点儿盐呢。 Salt exists in many things . 许多东西里有盐分。 Pass me the salt , will you ? 把盐递给我好吗? Salt it for elve hours . 把它用盐腌12小时。 Would you pass me the salt ? 把盐递给我好吗? Higher salt concentrations alone may inhibit ion uptake . 单单只是盐浓度高就会阻碍离子吸收。 They would not be forced to cut back their purchase of salt . 他们不会被迫缩减对食盐的购买。





歌曲Salt(Say Cole Remix )表达了什么意思,是彻底死心吗?

歌词及翻译献上,歌曲表达的就是这个意思Oh-oh I got breaking news我有重大新闻And it"s not about you oh-oh oh-oh oh与你无关Oh-oh I"ve been breaking hearts too我也心碎难当And I learned it all from you oh-oh你让我懂得了这一切不值得I got my thigh-highs on feel like我穿上长筒袜Wonder woman就像神奇女侠That"s when you want all in but那时候你就想为我付出一切I"m not your woman而我已经不是你的女人了When my lipstick pops and I feel like Monroe当我涂上诱人的口红 我感觉自己是梦露That"s when you want me most oh-oh那时候你尤其想要得到我I"m all out of salt I"m not gonna cry我已经彻底死心了 我不会再哭泣Won"t give you what you want不会让你称心如意"Cause I look way too good tonight因为我今晚实在太美了I"m all out of salt tears are running dry我已经彻底死心了 眼泪已经哭干了Won"t give you what you want不会让你称心如意"Cause I look way too good tonight因为我今晚实在太美了Night night今晚Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohI"m all out of salt我已经彻底死心了Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohI"m all out of salt我已经彻底死心了Oh-oh when I"m "bout to celebrate当我准备庆祝的时候Push my head into the cake no more将我的脸按进蛋糕里 不再如此Oh oh ohOh-oh you"re the snake pulling my arm你就像一条毒蛇 紧紧束缚着我Like my snakeskin Saint Laurent oh-oh就像我的蛇皮圣罗兰I got my thigh-highs on feel like我穿上长筒袜Wonder woman就像神奇女侠That"s when you want all in那时候你就想为我付出一切But I"m not your woman而我已经不是你的女人了When my lipstick pops and I feel like Monroe当我涂上诱人的口红 我感觉自己是梦露That"s when you want me most oh-oh那时候你尤其想要得到我I"m all out of salt I"m not gonna cry我已经彻底死心了 我不会再哭泣Won"t give you what you want不会让你称心如意"Cause I look way too good tonight因为我今晚实在太美了I"m all out of salt tears are running dry我已经彻底死心了 眼泪已经哭干了Won"t give you what you want不会让你称心如意"Cause I look way too good tonight因为我今晚实在太美了Night night今晚Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohI"m all out of salt我已经彻底死心了Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohI"m all out of salt我已经彻底死心了Not gonna c-c-cry cry cry cry cry不会再哭泣Not gonna c-c-cry cry cry cry cry不会再哭泣Not gonna c-c-cry cry cry cry cry不会再哭泣Cry cry cry cry cry哭泣I"m all out of salt I"m not gonna cry我已经彻底死心了 我不会再哭泣Won"t give you what you want不会让你称心如意"Cause I look way too good tonight因为我今晚实在太美了I"m all out of salt tears are running dry我已经彻底死心了 眼泪已经哭干了Won"t give you what you want不会让你称心如意"Cause I look way too good tonight因为我今晚实在太美了Night night今晚Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohI"m all out of salt我已经彻底死心了Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohI"m all out of salt我已经彻底死心了


SALT是 Hilton用来追踪客人满意度的一个分数系统 /就是宾客满意度调查

salt 是什么意思?

salt[英][sɔ:lt][美][sɔlt]n.盐; 风趣; 机智,讽刺; 药用盐,泻盐; vt.撒盐; 用盐渍; 加盐以调味; 为…增加趣味; adj.含盐的; 有咸味的; 盐渍的;


salt英 [sɔ:lt] 美 [sɔlt] 第三人称单数:salts现在分词:salting过去分词:salted过去式:saltedsalt基本解释名词:盐;风趣;机智,讽刺;药用盐,泻盐及物动词:撒盐;用盐渍;加盐以调味;为…增加趣味形容词:含盐的;有咸味的;盐渍的salt同义词形容词salty名词tablesaltsalt反义词形容词sweet fresh



salt造句 saltの例文 "salt"是什麼意思

The meat was salted away for future use . 肉腌了起来,以备日后食用。 His statement must be taken with a grain of salt . 他的话不能全信。 He snuffs up salt and water to cure a cold . 他吸盐水入鼻中治感冒。 Such a helerocycle is found in pyrypum salts . 吡喃盐就是这类的杂环。 Her humor adds salt to her conversation . 她很幽默,谈起话来妙趣横生。 The salt pthium chloride is hygroscopic . 氯化锂盐具有吸湿性的。 The sea is mainly posed of water and salt ... 海主要由海水和盐组成。 A salt is a general term for an ionic pound . 盐是离子化合物的统称。 The crisp frost lay pke salt upon the grass . 严霜象盐一样复盖在草上。 I am not yet one of the salt of the earth . 我还没有出人头地。 It"s difficult to see salt in a sentence. 用 salt 造句挺难的 These worms are placed in dilute salt solutions . 将蚯蚓放在稀释盐溶液中。 I think i"m going to send you to the salt mines。 我只好罚你去吃点苦头了。 His statement must be taken with a grain of salt . 他的话要打一个折扣听取。 It looks pke salt and it is salt . 那看著像盐,也的确是盐。 You put too much salt in this dish . 这菜里你盐搁得太多了。 Would you reach me the salt , please ? 请把盐递给我好吗? What he said should always be taken with a grain of salt . 他的说法还不能全信。 He says dangerous sports give salt to pfe . 他说危险的运动可以为人生带来刺激。 Dibasic acids can form acid salts . 二元酸能形成酸式盐。 You can trust her : she is the salt of the earth .. 你可以信任她:她这人很诚实。Salt solutions are used in humidity standardization . 在温度标准化中采用盐溶液。 Put just a pttle salt in the soup . 汤里搁点儿盐花儿。 May i trouble you for the salt ? 麻烦您把盐递给我行吗? This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard . 这肉里应该加点盐和芥末调味。 Cationics are usually quaternary ammomium salts . 阳离子表面活性剂通常为季铵盐类。 We do not know when men first began to use salt . 我们并不清楚人类初次用盐的时期。 Please taste the soup and see if it has enough salt . 请尝一口汤,看盐放得够不够。 Add salt to correct the seasoning . 加点盐把味道调好。 Salt was an important item on the table of royalty . 盐在皇家餐桌上占有重要的位置。 Have you salted the vegetables ? 你把蔬菜加盐了没有? It"s difficult to see salt in a sentence. 用 salt 造句挺难的 Quartzes and rock salt have the highest conductivities . 石英巖和巖盐的热导率最高。 One of the oldest method of salt removal is dialysis . 透析是最古老的去盐方法之一。 There was salt crusted everywhere . 到处都结著盐皮。 Salt is a preservative for meat . 盐是肉类的防腐剂。 A torrent of salt water cascaded through the hatch . 一股瀑布般的盐水从舱口倒灌下来。 Would you pass the salt , please ? 劳驾把盐递给我。 Milk sopds include salts , protein and sugar . 牛乳中的固态物质包括盐分、蛋白质和糖。 People don"t know how much he"s got salted away . 别人还不知道他到底偷偷捞了多少钱哩。 The salts may be used to make sopd-state batteries . 这些金属盐可用来制造固体电池组。 The place was sown with salt . 这块土地被撒了盐。She salted away most of the profit from the business . 她把大部分利润都私自蓄存起来了。 Their removal is effected by aluminum and ferric salts . 用铁盐和铝盐能将其有效地除去。 I wish i had some salt . 我盼望能够有点儿盐呢。 Salt exists in many things . 许多东西里有盐分。 Pass me the salt , will you ? 把盐递给我好吗? Salt it for elve hours . 把它用盐腌12小时。 Would you pass me the salt ? 把盐递给我好吗? Higher salt concentrations alone may inhibit ion uptake . 单单只是盐浓度高就会阻碍离子吸收。 They would not be forced to cut back their purchase of salt . 他们不会被迫缩减对食盐的购买。 It"s difficult to find salt in a sentence. 用 salt 造句挺难的 推荐阅读: 梦见别人自杀_周公解梦梦到别人自杀是什么意思_做梦梦见别人自杀好不好 《二十四史》经典名句之:太刚则折,至察无徒


salt 英[su0254:lt] 美[su0254lt] n. 盐; 风趣; 机智,讽刺; 药用盐,泻盐; vt. 撒盐; 用盐渍; 加盐以调味; 为…增加趣味; adj. 含盐的; 有咸味的; 盐渍的; [例句]Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.根据自己的口味给原汤加点盐,然后用文火慢炖。[其他] 第三人称单数:salts 现在分词:salting 过去式:salted 过去分词:salted


  salt是不可数名词,不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西,它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a/an,若要表示它的个体意义时,一般要与一个名词短语连用,相当于中文里的数词+量词+名词,其中的量词意义依与具体的名词搭配而定。   但当不可数名词表示“一种、一场、一次”、“一番”、某种情绪的不可数名词用来指引起这种情绪的事情或某件产品、作品时,它的前面也能直接用不定冠词a/an。不可数名词uncountablenoun常用缩写为un。当不可数名词使用复数形式时,其意思会有变。如glass玻璃,glasses眼镜。或有泛指所有同类事物,如fruit水果,fruits(各种)水果。用法意思需要根据实际来看。

Some salt 中salt加不加s呢?



salt是不可数名词。 salt:n.盐;食盐;盐(金属和酸组成的化学物质);形状(或味道)像盐的物质 扩展资料   Boil plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti.   把足量的盐水烧开,再放入意大利面条。   Add two teaspoons of salt.   加两小匙盐。   Salt and pepper the potatoes.   给土豆放上盐和胡椒粉。


盐 不可数




一般情况下,salt(盐)和 rice(米)、flour(面粉)等一样,是不可数名词,没有复数。

求助salt 的 歌词谁有

SALT-- Ava maxOh-oh I got breaking news and it"s not about you oh-oh oh-oh ohOh-oh I"ve been breaking hearts too and I learned it all from you oh-ohI got my thigh-highs on feel like wonder womanThat"s when you want all in but I"m not your womanWhen my lipstick pops and I feel like MonroeThat"s when you want me most oh-ohI"m all out of salt I"m not gonna cryWon"t give you what you want"Cause I look way too good tonightI"m all out of salt tears are running dryWon"t give you what you want "Cause I look way too good tonight night nightOh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh I"m all out of saltOh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh I"m all out of saltOh oh, when I"m ‘bout to celebrate push my head into the cake, no moreOh oh, you"re the snake pulling my arm like my snakeskin saint Laurent, oh ohI got my thigh-highs on feel like wonder womanThat"s when you want all in but I"m not your womanWhen my lipstick pops and I feel like MonroeThat"s when you want me most oh-ohI"m all out of salt I"m not gonna cryWon"t give you what you want"Cause I look way too good tonightI"m all out of salt tears are running dryWon"t give you what you want "Cause I look way too good tonight night nightOh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh I"m all out of saltOh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh I"m all out of saltNot gonna c-c-cry x3I"m all out of salt I"m not gonna cryWon"t give you what you want"Cause I look way too good tonightI"m all out of salt tears are running dryWon"t give you what you want "Cause I look way too good tonight night nightI" m all out of salt. I" m all out of salt


歌曲《salt》中文翻译是:Yo, 我在这盐罐里储存了 无数梦想和秘密,怎么敢想 时间停滞不前,我在等待 那场拯救,怎么敢想 我曾经也想要放弃 但是我知道,我不能 因为我不是唯一,我是盐 我是生命的必需品,我是力量 我是一切的根基,我是必须的 我不是唯一,我是盐 我是一把钥匙,我是必须 我打开大门,我释放潜力 我比你想象得更强大,怎么敢想 我曾经也想要放弃 但是我知道,我不能 因为我不是唯一,我是盐 我是生命的必需品,我是力量 我是一切的根基,我是必须的 我不是唯一,我是盐 Yo,我感觉我就像那盐罐 准备好释放我的秘密,一旦接触就像火山喷发 他们想把我关起来,怎么敢想 但是我的盐会为我辩护,再次崛起我曾经也想要放弃 但是我知道,我不能 因为我不是唯一,我是盐 我是生命的必需品,我是力量 我是一切的根基,我是必须的 我不是唯一,我是盐

salt 的翻译

salt名词 n. 1.盐[U]2.【化】盐(类)[C]3.风趣,兴味,刺激性[U]His vivid touch added salt to the story. 他生动的笔法给故事增添了趣味。 4.谨慎态度;保留[U]形容词 a. 1.咸水的[B]2.含盐的,咸(味)的The fried chicken is too salt. 那炸鸡太咸了。 3.盐腌的[B]4.(故事、笑话等)猥亵的,下流的及物动词 vt. 1.给...加盐2.用盐腌[(+down)]I"ll have some pork salted. 我想腌些猪肉。 3.(为防止结冰)撒盐于(道路上)SALT缩写词 abbr. 1.=Strategic Arms Limitat对不起,我只是初中生,只能提供这些




SALT是希尔顿用来追踪客人满意度的一个分数系统 /就是宾客满意度调查。2019年宿州希尔顿逸林酒店在希尔顿宾客满意度和忠诚度问卷调查整体体验分数上位居亚太区第一,员工满意度连续4年居全集团前列。酒店六年来凭借着优质卓越的服务和完备的设施,赢得了来自五湖四海的宾客以及本地市民的一致好评,也得到了来自行业协会的认可与信赖。对于此次获奖,酒店总经理甘卫民先生表示:“蝉联康纳徳大奖是对宿州希尔顿逸林酒店团队六年来工作的极大肯定。非常感谢六年来每位员工兢兢业业的努力与付出,正是因为全体员工阳光般温暖热忱的服务,让酒店赢得了宾客的青睐与认可,从而蝉联康纳德奖这一荣誉。”扩展资料希尔顿创新个性服务项目希尔顿饭店集团十分注重以顾客需求为出发点,创新饭店产品与服务,从而给客人以惊喜。希尔顿在产品开发上采取诸多亲近客人的策略,针对游客离家在外的种种不习惯与不方便,希尔顿饭店特别推出了TLC房间(即旅游生活中心),以尽可能地缩小游客住宿饭店与住在家里之间的差异。保证客人能够有充足的睡眠,健康的旅游生活方式,以及帮助客人减轻外出旅游时感到的压力。1996年10月希尔顿饭店公司与国家睡眠基金会(NSF)合作推出25间SLEEP-TIGHT客房,希尔顿饭店同时推出各种特色服务项目。参考资料来源:凤凰网-“双冠王”安徽宿州希尔顿逸林酒店蝉联2019年希尔顿集团全球至高荣誉-康纳德奖参考资料来源:百度百科-希尔顿酒店


salty a. 有盐分的;咸味浓的

salt 和salty的区别?

n. adj

salt怎么读 salt意思简单介绍

1、salt,英式读音为:[su0254u02d0lt],英式读音为:[su0254u02d0lt],意思有: (1)名词:盐;食盐;盐(金属和酸组成的化学物质);形状(或味道)像盐的物质。 (2)动词:在(食物)中放盐;用盐腌制(食物);把盐撒在路面上(以使冰雪融化)。 (3)形容词:含盐的;咸的;用盐腌制的, 2、例句: (1)Add salt and pepper to taste.适量放盐和胡椒粉。 (2)Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water.盐水比淡水浮力大。 (3)Dont be too heavy-handed with the salt.别放太多的盐


salt[英][sɔ:lt] [美][sɔlt] n.盐;风趣;机智,讽刺;药用盐,泻盐vt.撒盐;用盐渍;加盐以调味;为…增加趣味adj.含盐的;有咸味的;盐渍的第三人称单数:salts过去式:salted过去分词:salted现在分词:salting



读作,美[so:lt] 英[so:lt;splt]。意思为食盐。作名词意为盐、风趣、刺激性,人名、(西)萨尔特、(英)索尔特。作形容词意为咸水的、含盐的,咸味的、盐腌的,猥亵的。作动词意为用盐腌,给什么加盐,将盐撒在道路上使冰或雪融化。The last step in making this dish is to salt it properly。做这道菜的最后一步是放适量的盐。Salt is an indispensable condiment in people"s daily life。食盐是人们日常生活中必不可少的调味品。This salt vegetable can replenish energy for the human body。这种含盐的蔬菜可以为人体补充能量。Most fast food is loaded with salt and fat。大部分快餐含盐量和含脂肪量都过高。You"ll need a little salt and pepper too。你还需要点盐和胡椒。Well that runs the risk of stroke or heart attack. Get some exercise. And watch your salt intake, as well。那就有中风或心脏病的危险了。你要做点运动,同时也要注意盐的摄入量。Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water。盐水比淡水浮力大。


两词均可作名词表示“选择”,但在意思与用法上存在着异同。(1)alternative,可数名词,它只有两个用法,一是表示“可作的选择”或“选择的余地”,也可理解为“选择的可能性”,此时,它可与choice互换使用。如:One of the alternatives open to you is to resign.You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor.Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess.二是表示这种选择是用以“替代的东西或办法”。此时须注意,其后与它搭配的介词是to。如:What was the alternative to going home?The only alternative to it are gas and candles.The alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.(2)choice除了和alternative一样表示“可作的选择”、“选择的余地”外,还可表示“选择的行为”、“选择的权利”、“选中的人或物”或“供选择的种类或范围”。如:What influenced you most in your choice of career? (选择的行为)If I had the choice, I would retire at thirty. (选择的权利)She wouldn"t be my choice as Prime Minister. (选中的人)There"s no much choice in the shops. (供选择的种类或范围)(3)除作名词外,两个词均可作形容词,alternative意为“可用以代替其它事物的”、“另一可选用的”、“其他的”。如:Have you got an alternative suggestion?The alternative book to study for the examination is “War and Peace”.choice作形容词则表示“精选的”、“高级的”。如:The shop was selling choice apples so I bought a pound.


salt 英[su0254:lt]

salt是什么意思 翻译salt的意思





so te不要卷舌

consult negotiate之间有何区别

Negotiation有商议、磋商的意思,双方都在同等的位置上协商,表达自己的观点.Consult的意思是“咨询,询问”,也带有商议的意思,不过重在询问对方的意见,或是请对方对自己的意见给予看法.两个词的意思看似一样,其实分别就在“协商”和“咨询”之间.consult[ku0259n"su028clt]vi.商议〔量〕,考虑,磋商做咨询工作【医】会诊consult about the matter商议此事consult with counsel与法律顾问商议consult for a large building firm为大型建筑公司做咨询工作negotiation[niu0375ɡu0259u∫i"ei∫u0259n]n.谈判,磋商准备,安排a point of[under] negotiation正在谈判中的问题N-for the new school are finished.新学校的筹备工作业已就绪.

consult negotiate之间有何区别?consultation negotiation之间有何区别?

Negotiation有商议、磋商的意思,双方都在同等的位置上协商,表达自己的观点。Consult的意思是“咨询,询问”,也带有商议的意思,不过重在询问对方的意见,或是请对方对自己的意见给予看法。两个词的意思看似一样,其实分别就在“协商”和“咨询”之间。consult[ku0259n"su028clt]vi.商议〔量〕, 考虑, 磋商做咨询工作【医】会诊consult about the matter商议此事consult with counsel与法律顾问商议consult for a large building firm为大型建筑公司做咨询工作negotiation[niu0375ɡu0259u∫i"ei∫u0259n]n.谈判, 磋商准备, 安排a point of[under] negotiation正在谈判中的问题N-for the new school are finished.新学校的筹备工作业已就绪。

john travolta的《Sandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Sandy歌手:john travolta专辑:GreaseSANDY(电影"油脂"插曲)Stranded at the drive inBranded a fool what will they sayMonday at schoolSandy can"t you see I"m in miseryWe made a start now we"re apartThere"s nothin" left for meLove has flown all aloneI sit and wonder why-y-y ohWhy you left me oh SandyOh Sandy maybe somedayhighschool is doneSomehow someway our two worlds will be oneIn heaven forever and everWe will be oh please say you"ll stayoh Sandy !Sandy my darlin" you hurt me real badYou know it"s trueBut baby you gotta believe me a sayWhen I say I"m helpless without youLove has flown all alone I sitI wonder why-y-y oh why you left meoh Sandy Sandy Sandy why-y-y-y oh Sandy

-Have you got your test result?





一般签证页上,在Entry一栏下面会有M或S的字样。M表示Multiple Entry,多次出入境的意思;S代表Single Entry,一次出入境的意思。

multiplas 是什么牌子注塑机?

multiplas 台湾百塑注塑机 ,百塑是亚洲区立式注塑成型设备领导者与嵌入注塑成型技术的代言人。请查看他们的官网咨询相关信息。

lthinkyoubelongtome.lhopeyouremember me.

把它们分开写你就会知道说什么了。~l think you belong to me. 我认为你是属于我的。~l hope you remember me. 我希望你记住我。

specialty 和 speciality 表示 名词 “特长,专长” 有什么区别吗?


Not Guilty (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Guilty (Medium Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Not GuiltyMandisa - Not GuiltyI stand accusedThere"s a list a mile longOf all my sinsOf everything that I"ve done wrongI"m so ashamedThere"s nowhere left for me to hideThis is the dayI must answer for my lifeMy fate is in the Judge"s handsBut then He turns to me and saysI know youI love youI gave My life to save youLove paid the price for mercyMy verdict not guiltyHow can it be?I can"t begin to comprehendWhat kind of graceWould take the place of all my sin?I stand in aweNow that I have been set freeAnd the tears well up as I look at that cross‘Cause it should have been meMy fate was in the nail scarred handsHe stretched them out for me and saidI"m falling on my knees to thank YouWith everything I am I"ll praise YouSo grateful for the words I heard You say

Aswad的《Not Guilty》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Guilty歌手:Aswad专辑:HuletMandisa - Not GuiltyI stand accusedThere"s a list a mile longOf all my sinsOf everything that I"ve done wrongI"m so ashamedThere"s nowhere left for me to hideThis is the dayI must answer for my lifeMy fate is in the Judge"s handsBut then He turns to me and saysI know youI love youI gave My life to save youLove paid the price for mercyMy verdict not guiltyHow can it be?I can"t begin to comprehendWhat kind of graceWould take the place of all my sin?I stand in aweNow that I have been set freeAnd the tears well up as I look at that cross‘Cause it should have been meMy fate was in the nail scarred handsHe stretched them out for me and saidI"m falling on my knees to thank YouWith everything I am I"ll praise YouSo grateful for the words I heard You say

Aswad的《Not Guilty》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Guilty歌手:Aswad专辑:Live & DirectMandisa - Not GuiltyI stand accusedThere"s a list a mile longOf all my sinsOf everything that I"ve done wrongI"m so ashamedThere"s nowhere left for me to hideThis is the dayI must answer for my lifeMy fate is in the Judge"s handsBut then He turns to me and saysI know youI love youI gave My life to save youLove paid the price for mercyMy verdict not guiltyHow can it be?I can"t begin to comprehendWhat kind of graceWould take the place of all my sin?I stand in aweNow that I have been set freeAnd the tears well up as I look at that cross‘Cause it should have been meMy fate was in the nail scarred handsHe stretched them out for me and saidI"m falling on my knees to thank YouWith everything I am I"ll praise YouSo grateful for the words I heard You say

Mandisa的《Not Guilty》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Guilty歌手:Mandisa专辑:FreedomMandisa - Not GuiltyI stand accusedThere"s a list a mile longOf all my sinsOf everything that I"ve done wrongI"m so ashamedThere"s nowhere left for me to hideThis is the dayI must answer for my lifeMy fate is in the Judge"s handsBut then He turns to me and saysI know youI love youI gave My life to save youLove paid the price for mercyMy verdict not guiltyHow can it be?I can"t begin to comprehendWhat kind of graceWould take the place of all my sin?I stand in aweNow that I have been set freeAnd the tears well up as I look at that cross‘Cause it should have been meMy fate was in the nail scarred handsHe stretched them out for me and saidI"m falling on my knees to thank YouWith everything I am I"ll praise YouSo grateful for the words I heard You say


  1,disadvantage,主要的意思是指不利的情况和不利的条件。  用的时候一般会有一个对比,比如advantage是什么,disadvantage是什么。这款产品的优点有XX,但是disadvantage有XX。所以disadvantage一般不会单独出现,会有对比。  2,weakness,n.弱点,缺点; 软弱,优柔寡断; 弱,衰弱,虚弱; 〈口〉偏爱,癖好。  这个比较通用,对比感不强烈。  例句:  This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage.  这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。  I would overcome any weakness, any despair, any fear.  我要克服所有的软弱、绝望和恐惧。  There is an inherent weakness in the design.  这设计本身存在弱点。  3,fault表示错误,是因为粗心大意而犯下的。  find fault固定搭配,找茬。  4,Shortcoming, 一般是指缺点, 不一定都要指人,在运用的时候shortcoming往往用复数shortcomings.

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lim(u25b3x->0) u221a(1+u25b3x)=u221a(1+0)=1


filter 英["fu026altu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026altu025a] n. 滤波器;滤光器;滤色镜;[化] 过滤器 vi. 过滤;透过;渗透 vt. 过滤;滤除 [例句]You should at least boil it or use a filter.你至少需要把水煮沸或者是过滤一下。

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Commonwealth Fund 怎么翻译~

联邦基金 . . . 英联邦基金(Commonwealth Fund)是美国基金会发展史上成立的第一批基金会。它的创立源于哈克尼斯家族所有成员的善心和努力。
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