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Volunteer志愿者、志愿兵、自愿,它可以分为三个音节,Vo、lun和teer,第一个音节vo,属于开音节,读作【vu0252】,第二个音节读作【lu0259n】,然后再看一下最后一个音节,【teer】属于双元音,读作【tu026au0259(r)】,重读在最后这个音节上面读作【u02ccvu0252lu0259nu02c8tu026au0259(r)】这是英式的发音,美式的发音o要读作长音,r的卷舌音要发出来【u02ccvɑu02d0lu0259nu02c8tu026ar】,volunteer作名词表示志愿者、志愿兵的意思,还可以用作形容词表示志愿的,作动词表示自愿的意思;可以作不及物动词,也可以作为及物动词来使用,Volunteer的词根为volunt,表示意愿、自由意志、自由选择的意思,eer这个后缀指某人,有自愿意志的人,这个单词怎么造句呢?我们来看一下,any volunteers?有人有意愿回答我的问题吗,还可以在这个句子上加一些形容,比如说,Are there any volunteers to help clear up?有自愿帮助打扫卫生的人吗?volunteer志愿者、志愿兵,你记住了吗?



英语教师提问用语any volunteer


volunteer 的由来

  Volunteers can be traced back to the establishment of the system of the second world war, but the welfare socialist payable to the existence of volunteers itself is since ancient times already exists, ancient donated medical spraying can be seen as a volunteer the prototype. The origin of western volunteers key concepts built on Roman times of humanity and Christian religious responsibility and redeemed concept, through voluntary work shows the love of humanity and carry forward the religion of goodness. But in recent years, the establishment of the system of volunteers, is in order to make up for the government to social support insufficiency, combine government, business and folk strength for the society has to people who need service.  Volunteer service originated in the early 19th century western religious charity service, volunteer activity in the world has the existence and the development of more than 100 years. According to Beijing university volunteer services and benefits research center (July 16, 2002 formally established, the center is the specialized in voluntary services and benefits research and training institutions. DingYuanZhu director is introduced, the earliest Chinese volunteers from the UN volunteers organization. In 1979 the first UN volunteers came to China in remote areas, engaged in environmental, health, computer and language in the fields of the service. In 1980s, the ministry of civil affairs calls for promote community volunteer service, XinXingJie haiguangsi street is typical of the early developing community services. The early 1990s, China youth volunteer association was established. Such communities volunteers and youth volunteer is currently the largest domestic two teams we volunteer team.  Volunteers have entered China not only, still have the south-north two hyphenates: north call of volunteers, The south is called a volunteer. Hong Kong, between Taiwan called volunteers, Taiwan has special "volunteers method". Many in China do volunteer activity, the volunteers and volunteer always separate and talk, have more very person thinks, the grade of the volunteers slightly higher than volunteers. Actually they are corresponding -- for a word of English.  Volunteer service in recent years more and more become a new international trend. The western scholars have specifically pointed out that "if human development before 500 years is technology revolution underpin global economic development today that man is in a crossroads, facing more and more problems. After 500 years sociology, social service will be the key to live on earth, humanity will also begin to readjust ourselves."  译文:  志愿者制度的确立可追溯至第二次世界大战后福利主义抬头,但志愿者本身的存在则自古以来已经存在,古时候的赠医施药可被视为志愿者的雏型。西方志愿者起源的重要概念建基于罗马时代的博爱精神和基督教的宗教责任及救赎观念,透过义务工作表现出人性的爱及弘扬宗教的善性。而近年志愿者制度的确立,是为了弥补政府对社会支援的不足,结合政府、商界及民间的力量为社会上有需要的人士服务。  志愿服务起源于19世纪初西方国家宗教性的慈善服务,志愿活动在世界上已经存在和发展了100 多年。据北京大学志愿服务和福利研究中心(2002 年7月16日正式成立,该中心是我国第一家专门从事志愿服务和福利研究与培训的机构。)丁元竹主任介绍,中国最早的志愿者来自联合国志愿人员组织。1979 年第一批联合国志愿者来到中国偏远地区,从事环境、卫生、计算机和语言等领域的服务。20世纪80年代中期,民政部号召推进社区志愿服务,天津和平区新兴街就是早期开展社区服务的典型。90年代初,中国青年志愿者协会成立。这样社区志愿者和青年志愿者是目前我们国内最大的两支志愿队伍。  志愿者不仅进入了中国,还有了南北两个叫法:北方称之志愿者;南方则叫义工。香港,台湾两地就叫义工,台湾设有专门的“义工法”。很多在国内从事志愿活动的人,把志愿者和义工总是分开而谈,更有甚者认为,志愿者的档次要比义工略高些。实际它们都对应一个英文单词———volunteer 。  志愿服务最近几年越来越成为一种国际潮流。西方有学者专门指出,“如果说人类发展前500 年是技术革命带动全球的经济发展,那么今天人类正处于一个十字路口,面临的问题越来越多。后500 年社会学、社会服务将成为地球上生存的重点,人类也将开始重新调整自己。”


C项中 是被动态.主语“自愿老师Volunteer teachers ”是复数,所以用are作谓语. 被动态是be动词加上动词的过去分词. need在这里作实义动词,不是一般的情态动词.所以是needed. 第二题.A指 没关系 B指 慢慢看


名词 n. [C]1.自愿参加者,志愿者[(+for)][(+to-v)]The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。 2.志愿兵,义勇兵Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side. 许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。 3.自生植物----------------------------------1。。。volunteer for sth, volunteer to do sth2;as volunteer 作为志愿者


volunteern.志愿者, 志愿兵adj.志愿的, 义务的, 无偿的v.自愿A person who performs or offers to perform a service of his or her own free will:志愿者:按他或她自己的自由意愿进行或要求进行服务的人:an information booth staffed by volunteers; hospital volunteers.志愿者任职的咨询台;医院志愿人员Law 【法律】 A person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation voluntarily.自愿者:自愿给予帮助、进行服务或履行义务的人A person who holds property under a deed made without consideration.无偿受约者:没有报酬而置其财产于一契约之下的人Botany A cultivated plant growing from self-sown or accidentally dropped seed.【植物学】 自生植物:一种由自落的或偶而落下的种子而生长出的植物adj.(形容词)Being, consisting of, or done by volunteers:志愿者的:志愿者的,由志愿者组成的,或志愿者做的:volunteer firefighters; volunteer tutoring.志愿消防员;志愿导游Botany Growing from self-sown or accidentally dropped seed. Used of a cultivated plant or crop.【植物学】 自生的:由自己落下或偶尔落下种子而长成的。用于种植物或庄稼v.(动词)vol.un.teered,,及物动词)To give or offer to give voluntarily:志愿提供:志愿地给予或要求给予:volunteered their services; volunteer to give blood.志愿提供他们的服务;自愿献血v.intr.(不及物动词)To perform or offer to perform a service of one"s own free will.志愿:由某人自己意愿进行或要求进行的服务To do charitable or helpful work without pay:义务服务:不受报酬做慈善或有益的工作:Many retirees volunteer in community service and day care centers.许多退休人员在社区服务或育婴中心做义务工作volunteer来自拉丁语 voluntarius 自愿的<voluntas 自愿<volo 我希望


名词;志愿者 动词 志愿,自愿

写一篇高二英语作文。 以volunteer为题目的英语作文。

Being a volunteer is great!  There are lots of volunteers around us now. And they don"t do it for money, they do it only for happy or others。As a young student, helping other people is a major commitment。  If I have a chance to join a volunteer club and to be a volunteer who helps others,I will try my best to help others。In my classroom ,I am good at math and science ,I can help my classmates who are in trouble if I am free.In primary school , I can help teach young students paint because I am good for drawing.And I am good at singing,so I can sing songs to cheer up the sick people in the hospital。Also,I can help the old people in the old people"s home , I can clean the floor and do chores ,because I think the old people will be very tired and hard if they do the housework by themselves.  Except these,so many things I can do . Not only I feel good about helping others , but also I do something useful . So I think I should study hard to improve my skills and I will help others in the future.


教师提问是用any volunteers。老师提问的时候一般是对着一个班多个同学提问的。所以volunteer需要用复数。复数在语言学中是词素的其中一种,常和单数相对,在没有双数概念的语言中用于标示多于一个的物件,在有双数概念的语言中则表示多于两个的名词数量。


volunteer,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词、形容词,作名词时译为“志愿者;志愿兵”,作动词时译为“自愿”,作形容词时译为“志愿的”。一、用法。作主语:Volunteer可以作主语,表示“自愿做某事”,接受宾语:Volunteer可以接受宾语,表示“自愿提供帮助”。跟从句使用:Volunteer可以跟从句使用,表示“自愿做某事”。二、词性。第三人称单数:volunteers。过去分词:volunteered。复数:volunteers。现在进行时:volunteering。过去式:volunteered。三、其他意思。1、志愿兵,即自愿参军服役的人员。2、无偿工作者,即自愿为某项社会公益事业提供服务的人员。3、自愿者,即自愿参加某项活动或事情的人员。volunteer的例句:1、Johnny decided to volunteer at the local soup kitchen to help feed the homeless.强尼决定在当地的救济厨房做志愿者,帮助养活无家可归的人。2、The organization relies on volunteers to help with the annual charity auction.该组织依靠志愿者来帮助一年一度的慈善拍卖。3、 Anda spent her summer vacation volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary, helping to care for the animals and maintain their habitat.安达在暑假里一个野生动物保护区做志愿者,帮助照顾动物并维护它们的栖息地。


volunteer的形容词是voluntary,副词是voluntarily。voluntary的读音:英 ["vu0252lu0259ntri],美 ["vɑu02d0lu0259nteri]adj.自愿的;志愿的。n.(教堂礼拜仪式前后或进行期间的)乐器独奏。 volunteer的用法 n.义务工作者; 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; 志愿兵; 义勇兵; v.自愿做; 义务做; 无偿做; 主动建议(或告诉); 自愿参军; 当志愿兵; 第三人称单数:volunteers 复数:volunteers 现在分词:volunteering 过去式:volunteered 过去分词:volunteered volunteer的中文含义及用法介绍 1、作为名词时,意为义务工作者;志愿者;自告奋勇者;主动做某事的人;志愿兵;义勇兵。 例句:Schools need volunteers to help children to read. 学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。 Are there any volunteers to help clear up? 有自愿帮助清扫的人吗? She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week... 目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天。 They fought as volunteers with the Afghan guerrillas... 他们作为志愿军和阿富汗的游击队员并肩作战。 2、作为动词时,意为自愿做;义务做;无偿做;主动建议(或告诉);自愿参军;当志愿兵。 例句:He volunteered his services as a driver. 他自愿服务充当司机。 They volunteered me for the job of interpreter. 他们擅自指定由我担任口头翻译。 Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen... 玛丽阿姨主动要求清扫厨房。 The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information... 房间很安静,无人主动提供更多的信息。 Thousands of men volunteered when the war broke out. 战争爆发时,成千上万的人当了志愿兵。


volunteer英 [,vu0252lu0259n"tu026au0259]美 [,vɑlu0259n"tu026ar]n. 志愿者;志愿兵adj. 志愿的vt. 自愿vi. 自愿Volunteer 志愿者,志愿,义工Volunteer Service 志愿服务,志愿者服务台,志愿办事A Volunteer 志愿者


volunteer既可以作名词,表示“志愿者”;也可以作动词,表示“自愿做,无偿做”等含义。当作“志愿干某事”讲时,可以是及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。 volunteer的释义 n.义务工作者; 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; 志愿兵; 义勇兵; v.自愿做; 义务做; 无偿做; 主动建议(或告诉); 自愿参军; 当志愿兵; 第三人称单数:volunteers 复数:volunteers 现在分词:volunteering 过去式:volunteered 过去分词:volunteered volunteer的用法 1.作名词,有志愿者的含义。 We need some volunteers to clean up the room. 2.作及物动词时,有“自愿说出、主动提出”等含义。 He volunteered the statement to the police. 他主动向警方供出了情况。 3.作“志愿干某事”时,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。 Volunteer one"s time to do sth. 自愿利用时间干某事。 We all volunteered our help to the homeless people. 我们都自愿帮助了无家可归的人。


volunteer,英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时译为“志愿者;志愿兵”,作动词时译为“自愿”,作形容词时译为“志愿的”。 volunteer 英:[u02ccvu0252lu0259nu02c8tu026au0259(r)];美:[u02ccvɑu02d0lu0259nu02c8tu026ar] n.义务工作者;志愿者;自告奋勇者;主动做某事的人;志愿兵;义勇兵 v.自愿做;义务做;无偿做;主动建议(或告诉);自愿参军;当志愿兵 第三人称单数:volunteers;复数:volunteers;现在分词:volunteering;过去式:volunteered;过去分词:volunteered 记忆技巧:volunt意愿+eer人(专做某种工作或从事某种职业)→自愿去做的人→志愿者 volunteer用法 volunteer可以用作动词 volunteer的基本意思是“自动提供,自愿效劳”,指自愿做某项工作或自愿尽某种责任。 volunteer可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可以引出直接引语。 volunteer用作不及物动词时,其后常跟介词for,in等。 例句 He volunteered a statement to the police.他自动向警方供出情况。 Many people volunteer to work on the farms.许多人自动到农场劳动。 They volunteer for good causes.她们自愿做好事。


volunteersn.义务工作者( volunteer的名词复数 ); 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; v.自动提供,自愿效劳( volunteer的第三人称单数 ); 主动建议(或告诉); (未经当事人同意)举荐; 自愿参军,当志愿兵; 例句:1.Scientists had 40 volunteers read various scenarios. 科学家让40个志愿者阅读各种不同的剧本。2.No laws forbid payment to volunteers. 法律没有禁止给予志愿者报酬。

volunteer志愿者 这英语单词怎么读

volunteer 英[u02ccvu0252lu0259nu02c8tu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccvɑ:lu0259nu02c8tu026ar] n. 志愿者,志愿兵; [军] 义勇军; [植] 自生植物; [林] 先锋树种; adj. 自愿的,志愿的; vt. 自愿去做; 当志愿兵[义勇军]; [例句]She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天。[其他] 第三人称单数:volunteers 复数:volunteers 现在分词:volunteering过去式:volunteered 过去分词:volunteered


volunteersn.义务工作者( volunteer的名词复数 ); 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; v.自动提供,自愿效劳( volunteer的第三人称单数 ); 主动建议(或告诉); (未经当事人同意)举荐; 自愿参军,当志愿兵; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Org matches cause-driven volunteers with organizations that need them. Volunteermatch.org专门为事业驱动型志愿者与需要他们的组织牵线搭桥


volunteer[英][u02ccvu0252lu0259n"tu026au0259(r)] [美][u02ccvɑlu0259nu02c8tu026ar] 生词本 简明释义 n.志愿者,志愿兵;[军]义勇军;[植]自生植物;[林]先锋树种 adj.自愿的,志愿的 vt.&vi.自愿去做;当志愿兵[义勇军] vi.志愿,义务服务 vt.志愿提供 复数:volunteers第三人称单数:volunteers过去式:volunteered过去分词:volunteered现在分词:volunteering 易混淆的单词:Volunteer 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词 1.N-COUNT志愿者;义务工作者;义工A volunteer is someone who does work without being paid for it,because they want to do it. She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week... 目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天.

_________ smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung. A.Was he given up B.Had he giv.

B 试题分析:考查虚拟语气的倒装:由于主句谓语是would not have got,这表明是对过去事实作出的假设,所以从句谓语应该是 had given up。当虚拟条件句中有 had should were 等词时,通常可以省略 if,并将 had should were 提前置于句首答案B。点评:在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。但注意not不能倒装,还有如果had是实意动词也不能倒装。

lunar new year怎么了?

农历新年译作“lunar new year”并不准确。lunar的意思是“月亮的”,然而农历并不是纯阴历,而是阴阳合历。施韡介绍,如今各个国家和民族采用的历法有三大类——阳历、阴历、阴阳合历。我国农历就是阴阳合历。主要靠二十四节气和置闰法则。二十四节气是农历中“阳”的部分,它们是太阳周年视运动轨迹(可以理解为地球公转轨道)上的24个等分点,与月球无关。农历新年的英文译名应该是:施韡认为可以是“chinese new year”。他解释说,东亚、东南亚有不少国家受中华文化影响,但据他了解,以农历正月初一为新年第一天的国家只有越南。如果考虑到越南人的感受,可以把越南新年称为“vietnamese new year”。而外国人向华人拜年时,完全可以说“happy chinese new year”。外国人拜年还可以说“happy spring festival”。“spring festival”是“春节”的标准英文翻译,中国天文学会天文名词审定委员会对此早有定论,相关译名收录于《英汉天文学名词》一书。

My birthday is in June.的问句是什么? I have beef for lunch.的问句是什么?


lunatica的新碟new shores歌词哪有?

Lunatica-《New Shores》1.New shoresA brand new thought is born in our minds,Growing and taking clear shapeWill you reach for our hands and believeThat we are leading you up to new shores?Caged, awakeSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingEveryone can live their own dreamsIt"s just a matter of willTake a step ahead, don"t look backMay the wind be our eternal guideSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingFollow your heart, lift your voice!Music can open a doorIt"s the oldest way of expressing our feelingsUp to new shores! We"ll go ahead2.Two DreamersYou"ve always had the gift to make people smileYou rest inside yourself so naturallyMaybe sometimes you are far too sensitive, you know?But that"s why you mean so much to meYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made for living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to sayYour eyes are curious and so is your mindYou want to understand the nature of all thingsYou"re such an artist in everything you doIt is a blessing to be loved by youYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made fir living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to say3.How Did It Come To ThisYou left me brokenTorn up insideAnd the sky has darkenedLike I"m buried aliveThis scar won"t stop to bleedBut I can"t make a soundTry to say what I feelBut nothing comes outHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamTry to reach the surfaceBut something pulls me downAnd there"s a voice withinDying to come outIn the corners of my headThe silence is so loudHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamCalling for yourBut I can"t break throughWill I be rescued?Before it"s too lateHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got no air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent scream4.The IncrediblesOnce upon a time there wasA planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things right5.My Hardest WalkMy thoughts afre bothering me,there"s no sleep this nightWill be strong enough to rule the land?After this I"ll never be the same againMy whole life I was prepared for this one dayI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightWhen the morning come I"ll be the next queenI must lead thousands to an unknown fateI know they"ll follow me wherever I may goAnd it"s pressing heavily upon my heartI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightNow the moment is hereI"m on the crucial walkA thousand eyes are followingMy steps towards the swordForged by the GodsI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryThat"s the way that I have to goI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyBecause I know there"s no timeTo take a restTo banish the eternal night6.Farewell My LoveI"ve been felling so uncertainSince the day you left my lifeNow I"m standing at the crossroadsNo direction left to goI"ve been thinking about the good timesAnd I"ve cried a lake of tearsIf loosing you is just a nightmareI hope I"ll wake up by your sideFarewell my loveForgive the things I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the lightSo many words have been left unspokenAnd some words were far too muchMaybe sometimes love is hurtingBut it"s the sweetest pain I knowFarewell my loveForgive the thins I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the light7.The Chosen OnesIn times of fear and loss, of strving and of pain,Struggling to escape from here, but trying in vainA group of the bravest men, born to change this plightAwaited but not expected, they came to turn things rightThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miseryThe seed of hope is sown, it"s time for braveryFreedom to the land shall com, and no more slaveryThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miserySeasons are changing, so is mankindFeelings unbound, setting free our mindsWhat does mankind want? What do they need?We all wan somebody to trust in.Someone to follow who leads us in hard times,who makes us believe in our strength, in ourselves.They are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the misery8.Heart Of A LionBroken heart broken dreamsNo idea of what love meansA girl on the run with much hope left insideShes alone that night but the starlight guidesHer small steps on this road leading back to youShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShes a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noNo more fear no more liesNo more tears in her eyesA new day has come with new chances in sightBack on her feet again she"s made a brand new startTo explore the whole world and the secrets withinShe"s a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noDon"t you keep waiting!You can"t hold her tightShe"s a leaf in the wind, she"s broken her chainsShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh no9.Into The DissonanceInto the dissonance I fallCarried by an instant forceCraving for harmonyBut playing the oddsI see a light in the tunnelBut I step to the leftPut my hands to my hipsAnd do the danceI can"t hear you ground controlAnd it seems they cut the ropeWeightless I seem to fallAnd it feels so goodInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceYes life was good to me i knowAnd I don"t wanna let it goI will come back soonAnd try againI"d be a raving fool to sayThat i wish it all awayYes i knew the consequencesLike i knew the gainsDo you think I"m out of tune?Or these tones don"t fit the songJust a little melodyIn a much bigger symphonyInto the dissonance I fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonantSet me free please could youExorcise me and iStart again please help meInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep it dissonant10.Winds Of HeavenThere is no place for meHere in this lunacyIts getting harder to breatheAnd hold my screamsI might"ve made it throughIf I"d just talked with youNow it"s too late to pursueOr hold this dreamOh, but I"d love to flyUp to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roarI might"ve been someoneBut I was on the runNow that it"s said and doneI"m free to stopOh, but I"d love to flyTo to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roar11.The Day The Falcon Dies100 years we are bound on this spellLovers separated in a cruel wayWhat did we do to deserve such a fate?Somebody free us before it"s too leateI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightWith first sunshine I spread my wingsWatching over you and every step you takeAt night I can"t sleep, I know you are nearI listen to your howling, my eyes filled with tearsI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightThe day the falcon dies I will be free(我找个歌词不容易,如果有人要引用请标明)

Fx的一个节目中 Victoria突然出现 成员都哭了 Sulli直接就跑过去 Luna哭的很厉害 那是什么节目?? 急啊

f(x)"s Koalar

谁有Luna Man - Luna Girl这首歌的下载地址啊?

Luna Man - Luna Girl

我的笔记本电脑新买的,预装win8系统,现在想装deepin lunix最新的32位系统组成双系统


qun chun xun gun lun kun jun hun 这些哪些是韵母un的音节?

1) qun 群 jun 军 xun 询 这几个是一个读法2) chun 春 gun 滚 lun 轮 kun 困 hun 婚 另一种读法 我是按照读音来区分的



foreo luna mini,play,和go的区别是什么?

foreo luna mini,play,和go的最大区别是定义和使用范围不同。go就是马卡龙大小。可以充电。play不好充电就是玩趣版。mini比go大,可以调节震动档位,各个颜色不分肤质,mini2有八个档位…mini1只有三个好像。go各个颜色分肤质,但是只有一个档位,背面有导入,mine背后没有导入,也是刷子。Foreo Lunamini、GO、Play三大版本全系对比如下:1、Mini版:标准版有针对不同肌肤的型号(以颜色区分),但mini迷你版适合所有肌肤。其次,标配带插头式充电器,迷你版标配USB线(自己可以插到iphone充电器插头上)。此外,迷你版比标准版略小。标准版有6个震动单位调节,而mini只有高频和低频两种模式选择,不能再微调频率等。Mini版本只是一些小功能上的放弃,相比标准版,购买mini版本的人还是很多的,因为基本还是洁面功能为主。2、Play版本:相当于缩小版的Luna Mini 2,没有充电孔,可使用大约100次。适用于所有肌肤类型,无多档可选,只有1档。共有8种颜色,分别是海军蓝、樱桃红、午夜黑、薄荷兰、粉红色、紫色、向日葵黄、海洋蓝特别版。只能用100次,用完就没用,放着当摆设了。适合买来试用,没用了就放着装饰用,反正挺漂亮的。3、Go版本:Luna go 和 Luna play 是Luna 洁面仪系列里面超小超萌的系列。Luna play 作为一个小巧的体验版,是没有充电孔的,使用寿命仅有100次。针对这个,Foreo推出了 Luna go这个带插头可充电的版本。GO系列相当于缩小版的Luna 2,可充电,充电1次使用次数大约30次。不同颜色适用于特定肤质,无多档可选,只有1档,但又双面功能:一面洁面功能,一面按摩功能,共4种颜色可选:粉色针对普通肌、紫色针对敏感肌、蓝色针对混合肌、青色针对油性肌。

求kat deluna的歌曲的mp3链接

push push_

Kat Deluna - Push Push 歌词翻译!!高手进

补全那段RAP【akon非洲裔男歌手】I like the one lotteryWhich i"m "bout to go get my claim onDam you look like a perfect picture "bout to go get my frame onLookin" like the type i"ve been searchin" for to put my last name onCome on closer with yo umbrella cause you"re "bout to get rained onClap it up baby keep on clappingBack it up by the way you"re stackingKat deluna is now the captain and akon wanna know whats cracking

I have lunch with him句子对吗?

I have lunch with him句子对意思是和他一起吃午饭。

what would you do if you were a volunteer


Lunik的《Zoom》 歌词

歌曲名:Zoom歌手:Lunik专辑:RumourLil Boosie - ZoomLil Boosie bad assYung Joc we got a hit lets go babyEveryBody likeZoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom(Zoom) They on them dubs like (zoom)Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoomI"m Boosie Bad Assand i"ll zoom right by you760 parna Crispy Cream on the tiresmoke that firepurple cush by the poundask my dog Webbiethis is how it goes downfrom my hood to yo hoodman we making moneyin the club we poppin bottlesthe room we hitting modelsrollin throught the bottemall the kids hollin "Boosie"this life a nigga livinlike im staring in a moviefresh out the jacozzia little powder on my chestgot thirth on my neckturkey mell just cut ya checknow im zoomin in my Chargeron them 24"sgot a thing about BigHead and Pimpso slow ya rollice cold from my neck to my wristwe gettin paidon my feet i got them J"splay with me i got them thingsred Gucci shadesme and Jok gettin paidnow the whole United statedtakin pictures all dayFresh pair of J"sI hit the club stuntinWith a Fresh pair of shadesMakin that moneyEveryBody gettin paidAnd everything lovelyAnd im doing my thingMy thingMy thingEveryBody likeZoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom(Zoom) We on them dubs like (zoom)Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoomWe walk off in the club likeSee the way i hustleThey think im Rick RossAs soon i fuckemtell them hoes to get losta lot of niggas madthey all pissed offIf a nigga think he badtell him "Jump" like "Chris Cross"I pop a couple tagwhat the wrist costall a nigga do isslurg and trickhelp break us offthis my nigga Bossiehe tell you what it isface card goodcuz the face card trillif you got a problemi suggest you head homeyou in the red zoneget ya head gonedont hit me on the chirpthats the fed phonetalkin bout the worknigga you dead wrongi keep them beamsfor them hoes sell em dreamsno hoes on teami like my clothes chrisp and cleani like my doe chrisp and greem64 on leanthat my niggaget that work for them fensFresh pair of J"sI hit the club stuntinWith a Fresh pair of shadesMakin that moneyEveryBody gettin paidAnd everything lovelyAnd im doing my thingMy thingMy thingEveryBody likeZoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom(Zoom) we on them dubs like (zoom)Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoomWe walk off in the club likeI be zoomin in my drop topmobbin through the cityfresh fadfresh J"swith two bad bitchesone named Saraone named Tinatogether they make weather like Katrinathey a fool shawtyred she a ruff ridershe get on back on back of that motorbikeand all you see is back on that motorbikei drive fast carthey call me Nascar(ya feel me)but im in love with that Hemiget retaredin Farriersi get loose in the coupparanoid like Pacso i keep that glockwhen i Zoom Zoomman after thatlets get a room room(i"m VIP)i need a Dime Piecea fine brezzyget on backyou can ride on the bikeor in the "Lac(hum broad)now we got everybody zoominthe lil kids zoominlook like you got a hit Boosie (yeah)Fresh pair of J"sI hit the club stuntinWith a Fresh pair of shadesMakin that moneyEveryBody gettin paidAnd everything lovelyAnd im doing my thingMy thingMy thingEveryBody likeZoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom(Zoom) we on them dubs like (zoom)Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoomWe walk off in the club likeAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH (yeah)We in here (we in here)Get off the peddle likeZoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom(Zoom) And all my gurlz like (zoom)Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom(Zoom) And all my thugs like (zoom)Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoomLook at itZoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoomLil Boosie - Zoom

求James Blunt Into the dark的歌词,谢谢!

[00:01.24]歌手:James Blunt [00:03.04]歌词制作:郑义 [00:09.21] [00:11.88]Love is madness that"s quick to burn [00:16.34]And lying in the embers is where we are [00:23.17]And if my promise is unreturned [00:28.17]Before the day is over I will depart [00:35.00]If I could choose I"d have you stay [00:40.96]But I gave my heart to you and it"s yours to break [00:46.83]Before my fears tear us apart [00:52.51]Won"t you follow me into the dark [00:58.86]Love is blindness I cannot see [01:03.62]Underneath our roots are tangled and buried deep [01:10.36]When the leaves have fallen from the trees [01:15.71]Do we grow together entirely [01:21.25] [01:22.42]If I could choose I"d have you stay [01:28.33]But I gave my heart to you and it"s yours to break [01:34.23]Before my fears tear us apart [01:39.97]Won"t you follow me into the dark [01:46.81] [01:49.05]MUSIC [01:57.85] [02:09.79]If I could choose I"d have you stay [02:15.71]But I gave my heart to you and it"s yours to break [02:21.66]Before my fears tear us apart [02:27.25]Won"t you follow me into the dark [02:33.47]Before my fears tear us apart [02:39.15]Won"t you follow me into the dark

Mr. Zhang once taught in a remote village in Anhui province as a volunteer, which was ______ on...

A 试题分析:考查形容词辨析。句意:张老师曾经作为一名志愿者,在安徽省一个偏远的村子教学,那个学校(交通不便,)只有步行才能到达。A可到达的; B可接受的;C可得到的,可使用的;D适当的,合适的。故选A。

东方绀珠传 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.的角色介绍

博丽灵梦种族:人类称号:飞翔于天空的不可思议的巫女能力:主要是在空中飞的能力大家都熟悉的巫女,博丽神社的巫女。月都使者终於正式现身。虽然不知道她们的目的,可是对完全客场作战的她而言,  肯定是许久未曾遇过的艰苦战斗。  这次被迫进行不允许任何失误的战斗。净土的士兵终於现身。完美无缺的性质拒绝了生物的生死。以能够追踪敌人的诱导弹为特征。中弹判定也稍微小一些。扩散火力:追踪护符集中火力:信仰神针符卡:灵符「梦想封印」 雾雨魔理沙种族:人类称号:普通的魔法使  能力:使用魔法的能力  居住在幻想乡的普通魔法师,有搜集癖。  因缘际会之下,偶然捡到月都的力石。  正当魔理沙开始察觉,就是这颗力石让都市传说具体化的时候,月都使者终於现身。不知何时存在的月都力石,具备扰乱幻想乡文化的力量。以低速、高速均是高火力为特征。  移动速度快,而且道具回收更加容易。  扩散火力:幻象雷射(IllusionLaser)  集中火力:魔法飞弹(MagicMissile)  符卡:恋符「MasterSpark」 东风谷早苗种族:人类称号:住在山上的奇迹现人神  能力:引发奇迹的能力  住在山上神社的巫女。  查觉到妖怪之山确实发生了异变。  可是不知道妖怪们是否看不见,居然没有任何妖怪做出反应。  感觉到诡异的她,跑去找灵梦商量。出现在妖怪之山的金属制蜘蛛,在她眼中像是火星探测器.好奇号。低速、高速都是广范围攻击。  因为低速射击自动追踪敌人,可以专心躲避。  扩散火力:地精扩散(KoboldSpread)  集中火力:飞天大蛇(Sky serpent)  符卡:蛙符「诡计蛤蟆」 铃仙·优昙华院·稻叶种族:人类①称号:地上的月兔  能力:操纵波长的能力住在永远亭的月兔。  对这次的任务感到不安。为什麼永琳师傅不只派自己,还同时委托人类呢。  难道有甚麼事物是只有人类才看得见的吗?  绀珠之药具备经验未来的能力。  只要是月都的居民,人人都知道这种秘药。只有月亮之力能对抗月亮之力,永琳的药具有体验未来的力量。低速攻击为贯通弹。  符卡是中三次子弹也没问题的高性能符卡(中弹判定会变得大一些)  (*完成一关后剩余的护罩会消失。)  扩散火力:Lunatic Gun  集中火力:Mind Wave  符卡:「障壁波动(EvilUndulation)」 ①这里应该是ZUN在编写人物设定时出现的一点小失误。在正式版中修改为月兔 1面BOSS 浅葱色的Eagle Rabbit清兰(セイラン)Seiran主题曲:兎は舞い降りた(兔子跳着舞降临)种族:月兔能力:从异次元发射子弹程度的能力名副其实的炮灰。在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队之中负责潜伏渗透这项最危险的工作。尽管工作危险,薪水却很低。月都虽然都有心灵感应能力,但从不会认真进行交谈。似乎是在休息中为伙伴捣年糕时遭到了袭击。2面BOSS 橘色的Eagle Rabbit铃瑚(りんご)Ringo主题曲:九月のパンプキン(九月的南瓜)种族:月兔能力:吃团子越多变得越强程度的能力在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队中负责情报管理这项闲职。尽管很轻松等级却很高的职位。不知是否因为一直在收集情报,她的兴趣转移到了地面。她的任务只是调查。虽然也被允许进行战斗,但并没有胜利的必要。3面/EX面道中BOSS 梦的支配者哆来咪·苏伊特(ドレミーu30fbスイート)Doremy Sweet  主题曲:永远の春梦(永远的黄粱梦)种族:獏能力:食梦、造梦程度的能力爱做白日梦的妖怪。栖息在梦中世界。一切生物所做的梦其实在根本都是相互联系的。在梦中前往不曾知晓的地点、遇到不曾相识的人、发现不为所知的BUG都是因为这个原因。她能够消灭、创造、替换这些梦境。只要擅于利用梦中世界,就可以前往任何地方,成为任何人物。她为了不让发现了这个事实的人破坏秩序,而不断地监视着。4面BOSS 招来口舌之祸的女神  稀神探女(稀神 サグメ)Kisin Sagume主题曲:逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン(逆转的命运之轮)种族:月之民  能力:从口中说出便可使事态逆转的能力  月之民。  平时,在月之民中担任高官,并不会经常在外界面前出现。  虽然算是神灵,但是其性质非鬼非神亦非精灵。  性格寡言,其理由源自能力。  对于某种事态,一旦经过自己的口中(尤其是对和事情有关的人),  这个事态就会向反方向发展。  相似的角色还有天邪鬼,但她是位居天邪鬼之上的神灵。  天邪鬼只会说自己反对的事情,但她会通过自己说的事情让世界向反方向发展。  如果她想做成什么事情,那一定悉数失败,  如果有什么坏事发生,那她的能力一定可以使事态好转。  但那并不意味着会对自己好转。  正所谓,祸从口出的神灵。  月之民的贤者们,为了防止纯狐的攻击导致的污秽侵蚀,将月都冻结了。  与此同时,他们令月之民前往梦境避难。  梦境中的都城,正如大家所想,是往日的月都。  在那里的月之民们,无一不深信着这里就是真正的都城。  然而,也不能将他们一直关在梦境之中。  长久的梦是容易侵蚀精神的。  为此,贤者们为了保险,制定了「月之都迁都计划」。  「月之都迁都计划」,旨在将幻想乡净化,在那里建造都城。  所谓净化,乃去除生死之意。  也就是说,是将所有地上的生物歼灭。  然而这并不简单。对手是住在幻想乡的妖怪们。  她觉得在幻想乡传播都市传说是一个近道。  她利用她的能力制作了秘密的力量石。  那个力量石有着可以用话语改变世界的力量。  只需要在力量石附近,就可以把不应存在的流言(都市传说)具现化,  是一个可怖的道具。  在都市传说开始具现化的时候,只要等有人传播一个著名的都市传说,  这就是她的计划。  著名的都市传说,那便是「阿波罗计划阴谋论」。  「NASA隐瞒了在月上所见的真相」,这种闲话。  也就是说,如果有人流传NASA隐瞒了在月球上所见的文明,  月之文明,也就是月都,便会在幻想乡中具现。  ……然而,这个计划仅仅是保险起见。  她也并不是真心要去实行,也根本没有月民期望迁都。  他们都想尽可能返回月球。  尽管如此,也到了无法不采取行动的地步,  纯狐的攻击就是如此令人无计可施。  就在这时,幻想乡的人类到来了。  虽然她从未想过哆来咪会让人类进入月都,  但她试验了人类的力量,知道她们很强之后便下定了决心。  在这些人类身上赌一把吧。  如果我说出了真相,事态便会以这些人类为中心逆转。  虽然自己一直以来进行的迁都作战会悉数失败,但纯狐的作战也会失败,所以是公平的。  之后不管这些人类会怎样,只要月都得救……5面BOSS 地狱的妖精  克劳恩皮丝(クラウンピース)Clownpiece主题曲:星条旗のピエロ(星条旗的小丑)种族:妖精能力:使人发狂程度的能力  地狱的妖精。  赫卡提亚的部下。  妖精存在于几乎任何场所。地狱当然也不例外。  然而,拒绝了生死的月之民会除掉妖精。  月都周边几乎没什么妖精。  她受赫卡提亚的命令,令静海充满了自己从地狱带来的妖精们。  静海因她的伙伴们变成了妖精乐园。  然后由于纯狐的能力,她们觉醒了。  她们的存在,可以说是纯粹的生命力的集合。  「只要你们一直在这里玩下去,月之民就无法动手。  只要他们没有人自愿去接受污秽,他们就会一直固守城池。」  听到这样的话语,她开始盛大地玩耍起来。  月面虽然是荒凉的世界,但和地狱比起来,是一个更美、更欢乐的世界。  妖精们盛大地嬉戏着。  这进一步将月之民束缚了起来。  而这次,虽然月都长久以来都没什么动静,  但终于有人类从月都中冲了出来。  「如果,有人从月都里出来,你做什么都好。」  想起这番话的她,真是绝佳的心情。6面/EX BOSS  纯狐Junko主题曲:ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処(Pure Furies ~ 心之所在)种族:神灵  能力:纯化程度的能力  对于月之民抱有怨恨的存在。  自身也是被怨恨纯化的灵。  她已经连自己是什么人的情报都不需要了。  她对月之民嫦娥有着强烈的怨恨。  详情与游戏的一部分结局重复,在此并不细说,  她似乎是一个每次袭击月之都,最终都被贤者镇压其愤怒的存在。  丈夫杀死了自己的儿子,这是最初的怨恨,但怨恨早已纯化,  失去了控制。  其存在只有一部分月之民知道。  因为月之民不需要有畏惧敌人的生活。  嫦娥是否知晓她的存在还尚不明确,但应该不会毫不知情吧。  嫦娥,虽然在本作中并未登场,是被幽禁在月都的月之女神。  她是月兔的支配者,也有着强大的力量,但并不会出现在外界面前。  嫦娥是使用了蓬莱之药的罪人。  这次的月都袭击计划的概要如下。  「将月的正面,用纯化了生命力的妖精充满,  将月球本身,化为生命之星。  这样一来,月都就只好逃窜了。  趁其不备,斩杀藏匿其中的嫦娥。」  厌恶地面充斥污秽(生命)而移居月球,是月都的开端。  她想让相同的事情,发生在月球。  计划十分顺利。  静海开始被生命填满。  地狱的妖精们,将月球当作了乐园。  地狱的环境便是如此严苛。  月之民,对于她的生命之星计划束手无策。  然而,纯狐却已经知道。  月之民不会就这样居住在污秽附近,他们一定会逃往梦境之类的地方。  所以,预测到这一切的她,将朋友送到了那边。  不知该说是正如所料,还是说预料之外,月之民超过半年都没什么动静。  纯狐也攻击月都攻到厌倦了。双方都无法出手,陷入了胶着状态。  逐渐,她的愤怒有所舒缓,开始考虑今后该如何行动。  就在此时,想不到人类居然出现了。  而且是污秽被净化的人类。是某种药物的影响吗。  不厌恶生命,又感受不到生命。  虽然想不到会打出如此这般牺牲人类的奇计,但她却放心了。  月之贤者所做之事超乎所料。  这是她的乐趣所在。  然后,终于,这次的复仇大戏,将要落下帷幕了。EX BOSS 地狱的女神  赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利(ヘカーティアu30fbラピスラズリ)Hecatia Lapislazuli主题曲:パンデモニックプラネット(Pandemonic Planet)种族:神明  能力:拥有三个身体程度的能力  司掌月球、地球、异界三界地狱的谜之神明。  她在三个世界同时拥有身体,可以自由地在不同的世界中来去。  另外,由于月球、地球、异界都有地狱存在,而其核心的灵魂都在地狱,  所以对敌人来说是一个无计可施的麻烦的神明。  顺便梦境就相当于异界。  她也是对嫦娥抱有怨恨的神明。  因为,嫦娥的丈夫,是击落了太阳(阿波罗)的人物。  本来,没有太阳便无法存在的地狱。  由于失去了强烈的光明,地狱的黑暗也因之减弱。  就算这样说,她憎恨嫦娥的理由,很大程度上也是受了纯狐的影响。  在纯狐的本次计划当中,需要有一个处在能自由操控妖精的立场上的人,  以及一个能自由来回梦境的人。  她正是符合需要的人物。  纯狐与她很快便意气相投。  可能是原本就好战的性格的功劳。  她将自己的部下克劳恩皮斯交给纯狐随意差遣。  月之民逃进的梦境。  她令那梦境中的伪月都的周边,也充满了生命力。  由此,月之民完全被封杀了。  最后,只剩下斩杀嫦娥了——  就在这时,纯狐却宣布自己告负。  看来,是月之民打出了超越纯狐计谋的奇计。  那就是,死亡的概念消失,被净化的人类。  将「绀珠的人类」送进月球的作战。

I volunteer to do sth 的80字英语作文?

I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now,there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend,but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo tohumans a better day,I want to be a to treat small animals around.People around me love animals,make the world better!

一篇I want to be a volunteer的80词英语作文


what could you do as a volunteer 英语作文80词左右

I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now, there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend, but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo to humans a better day, I want to be a to treat small animals around.People around me love animals, make the world better!

以 volunteers wanted为题英语作文80词

I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now, there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend, but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo to humans a better day, I want to be a to treat small animals around.People around me love animals, make the world better!

一篇I want to be a volunteer的80词英语作文

.I want to be a volunteer I want to be a volunteer, because I think it"s very happy. I"ll volunteer for children. I"ll going to teach children who have trouble in reading. And I want to be a teacher and I love children and reading, so it is important for me. And I believe everyone can happy. I will work hard for my dream. And being a volunteer is great. 这个作文字数符合,可以参考下~~~
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